#kunigiri fluff
headhedgehog · 9 months
Kunigami happily accepted a cup of tea from his sister-in-law as she joined him on the couch. His husband was sprawled on the floor next to his tiny niece, watching with rapt attention as she reached for toys just out of her reach.
"Okay, kiddo, warp speed," Chigiri said to the baby, gently scooping her up and moving her closer to the toys. "Uncle Hyoma will have you running all over the place before you know it."
"Hyoma, please, I've only got so much energy," Chigiri's sister moaned from the couch. "Let her take her time to start running, okay?"
Chigiri shot her his best annoying-little-brother grin and turned his attention back to the baby.
"He's better with her than I expected," Chigiri's sister said to Kunigami. "He's never been much of a kid person. Classic youngest child, y'know?"
"She may have converted him, he talks about her all the time. He's very excited to be Bad Influence Uncle Hyoma when she's older."
"Goddamnit." She took a beat, watching her brother with a soft expression on her face. "Have you two thought about having your own?"
"What, by magic?"
"Stop it, you know there are plenty of ways for gay couples to have children."
"Now you sound like my mother." Kunigami watched his husband giggle at the baby's attempts to mimic his expressions. "I always thought I'd be a father some day, but when we got married I let it go. Hyoma told me he didn't want kids before I proposed and that's okay with me. Hyoma's enough."
The baby started to fuss, and Chigiri stood and scooped her up, snuggled her to his chest. She settled almost immediately and cuddled closer to her uncle. Within a few minutes, she was asleep.
"Sorry Hyoma, I think you might be stuck like that for a bit," his sister said.
"I don't mind, let her sleep."
Watching Chigiri sway gently with the sleeping girl, his thumb gently rubbing the back of her head, did something to Kunigami's heart. Chigiri just looked right holding a baby, in spite of his prickly, anything-but-gentle personality. Kunigami had always been the more domestic of the two, had always valued a peaceful, comfortable home life above almost all else after his turn in the Wild Card program. But even he didn't have the same ease with children that Chigiri had with his niece.
Maybe, he realized, he wasn't totally ready to give up on the idea of fatherhood.
Whether Kunigami was ready to be a father or not turned out to matter less than whether he was ready to broach the subject with his husband.
Over the following weeks, Chigiri fell into a depression that left him tired and crabby. They'd rode out several episodes like this before, and Kunigami knew from experience it was no time to ask Chigiri to think very deeply about anything. Kunigami turned his attention to making sure Chigiri ate a decent amount and drank water.
Unfortunately, a depressed Chigiri was not a chatty Chigiri, which meant Kunigami had space to spiral.
By the time he sat on the couch two weeks later, Chigiri's head on his lap, Kunigami had convinced himself that not only would his husband never want a baby, but that even suggesting a baby would be the end of their marriage.
"Okay, Hero, what's going on with you?" Chigiri asked, eyes still closed as he leaned into Kunigami's fingers scratching his scalp.
"What do you mean?"
"I'm laying right next to your stomach, babes, you've got a riot going on in there," Chigiri heaved himself up so he could look at his husband. "And usually when I'm in a funk you talk at me constantly and you've been quiet for days. What's bothering you?"
"It's nothing, just a work issue that's been stuck in my mind, nothing to worry about."
Chigiri narrowed his eyes. "A work issue? What's happening at work?"
"Argument with a player. They...are refusing to follow concussion protocol."
"You wouldn't know him."
"Ren, you're a medic for Manshine."
"I play for Manshine. I know all of the players. Nobody's been out for a concussion lately."
"It just happened...in the weight room. Yesterday."
Chigiri scooted further away to better look at Kunigami's whole body.
"Why are you lying to me, Rensuke?"
Kunigami looked away. His cheeks were hot.
"If you don't tell me what's going on right now I'm going to lose my goddamned mind."
"You look really adorable and happy with your niece and I want to talk about kids with you! But you've always said you don't want them and I'm afraid you're going to get upset!"
Chigiri blinked at him.
"You want a baby?"
"...yes. I think so. Or I want to think about it? Maybe a kid, if we adopt?"
"Didn't we decide we weren't doing the kid thing?"
"Yes, that's the point of revisiting the subject."
Chigiri blinked and sat back onto the couch. Kunigami's ears were ringing and his heart was racing. He wondered, distantly, if he was having a stroke.
"I don't hate the idea as much as I used to," Chigiri said finally.
"You're right, I've really enjoyed helping my sister with the baby. And I like watching you take care of people at work, you're really good at it. So...yeah. I don't hate the idea of having a kid as much as I used to."
"Is that a yes?"
Chigiri laughed, leaned in to kiss Kunigami's cheek. "It's a 'lets think about it.'"
Kunigami's alarm went off and he rolled over, intent on cuddling his husband for a bit before getting up. But the other side of the bed was empty, the blankets tucked tightly around his body.
Confused, he padded out to the kitchen only to be met with the adorable sight of Chigiri making breakfast while holding their baby girl on his hip, happily chatting with her as if she were responding.
"How long have you been up? I didn't even hear her cry," Kunigami said as he kissed them both.
"She didn't, I'm just on her schedule now."
Kunigami hummed and took the little girl so Chigiri could use both hands to cook. Kunigami's sister had been their surrogate, and she was Chigiri's clone with soft pink hair and eyes and features that looked angular even with her baby fat. Even so, Kunigami could see hints of his family in her expressions and height, far taller than average for her age.
She giggled and tugged at the loose ends of hair sticking out of Chigiri's bun. Kunigami grabbed her tiny hand, her fingers wrapped around his thumb. He grinned, kissed Chigiri again. He'd never been so happy.
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
Fiesty (Blue Lock)
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Heyo everyone! It's come to my attention that despite loving these boys very much, I have yet to write anything with Kunigami and Isagi. I am ashamed, and shall repent by bringing you this fic of the boys being dorks together :D I hope you like it!
Cloud 9 (Taglist Peeps):
@myreygn @cupcake-spice13 @chibsstuff @imjusthere07 @riisada @ticklish-n-stuff @intheticklecloset (I know y'all aren't on my Taglist but like-blue lock! :D)
“Whoops, my bad!” Kunigami called out as his shirt flew, landing on Isagi’s face.
Normally Isagi would brush it off with a “It’s cool, man” or something to that nature, maybe even bring it back to the self-proclaimed hero.
Today though: today he was feeling a bit feisty. So much so he balled up Kunigami’s shirt and slugged it as hard as he could towards the back of his head.
The effect was anticlimactic. The shirt unfurled halfway there. What was supposed to be a satisfying whack turned into it haphazardly landing on Kunigami’s own face, briefly blinding him.
Silence. The two boys just kinda sat there as they let what just happened sink in. Slowly, Kunigami pulled it off, turning to look at Isagi with raised brows. The brunette stiffened- an apology on his lips.
Then that feistiness came back and he opted to square his shoulders, raising his chin with a mild glare. No words though- just a glare. The silence stretched.
“...Do you wanna fight?” Kunigami blinked- his tone lacking any anger despite the words. If anything, he sounded more amused. Isagi felt his temper flair some as he glared harder- hoping the shape of his mouth was a tight lipped frown and not a pout. “Is that what we’re doing right now?”
“Y-Yeah! We’re fighting!” Isagi finally spoke, puffing up. “Let’s go, you and me! Right here, right now!”
Kunigami stared at him, unreadable. Then he grinned, standing up and rolling out his arms. “Alright. A fight it is.”
Isagi pulled up further, readying himself. It was also at this moment he realized he had no idea how to fight. He had never been in one before- he’d only seen the kids at his school get into them, and even then he stayed out of it.
Kunigami closed the gap while he realized this, and after looking into the ginger’s eyes, he realized this wasn’t the kind of fight he expected at all.
“Wait- wait I take it back! I take it ba-ahhahaack!” Isagi went to run, but Kunigami had him by the collar, pulling him into his chest. Seconds later, fingers were flying up and down his sides, making him yelp and kick. “Kuhuhuuhuhunighahahahahahmi!”
“Come on, Isagi- you don’t run from a fight you initiated!” The older boy chided gently, pulling up an arm with one hand and pinching up his ribs with the other. “That makes you look weak! When you challenge someone to a fight, you have to be prepared to go all out!”
“Buhuhuhut I dohohohon’t wahhahahanahaha fiihihihght no mohohohore!” Isagi cried through his giggles, clawing at the hand stubbornly attached to his mid-set ribs. “Iihihihih’m ahahahhall abohohohout thahahaht phahahahahcefihihihist lihihihife nohohohw!”
“Pfft- yeah, says the guy who’s not afraid to get physical on the soccer field.” Kunigami laughed good naturedly, daring to drop a hand to Isagi’s lower ribs just to hear him scream. “Where’s all that edge? That fiest? That zest of life you had five minutes ago?”
“Whahahaht the hehehehehell ahahahre yhohohohou gohohohoing on abohohohout?” Isagi snorted through his laughter, legs growing weak with each squeeze to that terrible spot. He tried to rip himself away, but a quick tug and sweep left him flat on his ass, trapped within a leg grip as Kunigami dug into his belly. “AHehahahahahahah noohoohohoho!”
“Eh, a bunch of words I heard Gagamaru say when describing dumplings. I think their lyrics to a song? You know his odd taste in music.” The hero snickered as he dug both hands in, leaving no spot on Isagi’s belly untouched as the brunette writhed about. “Hey, you’re always humming those silly anime tunes of yours- why not sing me something? Anything! Then I’ll let you win this fight.”
“LIHIHIHKE HEHEHHELL! GEHAHHAHAHHA!” Isagi all but howled at the tickles, cheeks on fire and starting to hurt from how much he was smiling. “I CHAHAHAN’T SIIIHHING FOR SHIHIHIHIHIIHIHI-EHEHEHE!”
“Who can? Well- he can.” Kunigami hummed as he moved his hands to Isagi’s armpits, making him nearly croak from silent mirth. “Well, I guess I can count this squawking of yours as music. It’s a new version of screamo, yeah?” He finally let him be, pulling his hands back and gently patting Isagi between the shoulderblades as Isagi gasped for air. “There- still want to fight?”
“Gehahah…ahahah…yohoohu’re an ahahaass.” Isagi groaned, jerking with a giggle when Kunigami pinched his sides. “Yoohohu started it- the whole fight thing!”
“I did? Oh- wait, yeah I did.” Kunigami released him fully, pulling back as Isagi turned to face him. “Sorry- I didn’t know anyone else was in the room. I should be more mindful.”
“Pfft- it’s fine, really. I don’t know what got into me.” Isagi smiled, lightly kicking him in the shin. “I threw it back pretty hard, so I’m no better.”
“That was hard?” Kunigami asked- followed quickly with them saying in unison “That’s what she said”. Isagi cackled, delighted, and Kunigami wheezed. Laughing like children on the locker room floor, they carried on changing into sweats before making their way to the main room, still laughing.
“What’s got you so giggly?” Chigiri asked, unable to fight off a grin as Kunigami sat beside him. “Bit by the tickle bug or something?”
Isagi blushed a few feet away as Kunigami laughed more. Shaking his head, he turned to Bachira- finding the other curled up half asleep against both his and Isagi’s futons. “Scoot over some.”
“Cuddles if I do?” Bachira pouted up at him, sprawling out further. Isagi snorted, nodding as he gently moved him, fitting perfectly into Bachira’s arms.
Thanks for reading!
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intheticklecloset · 5 months
Pretty (Blue Lock)
Summary: Chigiri overhears Kunigami calling him pretty, and he is surprised to find that he loves it. But asking him to say it again is absolutely out of the question. Luckily, Kunigami knows him better than he realizes.
A/N: I wrote this one especially for @giggly-squiggily, since she loves Kunigiri so much! I really subscribe to the idea that Chigiri embraces his feminine features and doesn't mind rocking them when the mood suits him, and that he doesn't mind being called pretty, among other things. Thus this fic was born! I hope you enjoy! ^^
Word Count: 1731
“You and Chigiri seem to be getting along well.”
The teasing voice belonged to one of their teammates, but Chigiri couldn’t place which one as he stopped short just outside of the door to their shared room. He hovered for a moment, thoughts warring with themselves. On the one hand, he was used to this – whoever was talking had to be addressing Kunigami. It was no secret they’d been hanging out together a lot lately, and with this group of teammates, only a matter of time before someone noticed that their chemistry was stronger than just friendship.
On the other hand, it was getting kind of tiring. Didn’t they have anything better to talk about? Well…probably not, he supposed. Being in Blue Lock meant they didn’t have access to the outside world, so what else was there to talk about except what was happening within?
Chigiri waited, suddenly curious to hear what Kunigami would have to say. After a short pause, the taller boy’s voice rumbled a response.
“Sure,” he said.
Sure? That was it?
“Come on,” the other voice said, and Chigiri strained to place it. It definitely wasn’t Bachira, surprisingly. Isagi, maybe? “I’m not going to judge you. I have no room to talk when I’m kind of in the same boat.” Yep, definitely Isagi.
“He’s cool. I like him.”
Chigiri’s heart fluttered. He felt his cheeks warming.
“Like him as a teammate, or as something more?” Isagi pressed.
Kunigami sighed, making the redhead’s chest clench. “Look, what do you want me to say? I like him. That’s it. He’s smart and pretty. What’s not to like?”
Pretty. Chigiri was certain his heart was going to burst out of his ribcage. He had to leave, walk away from this conversation before he heard anything more. He might actually die if he heard even one more compliment come out of Kunigami’s mouth. And he certainly couldn’t be caught blushing like he knew he was right now.
The replay room. He had to get there.
Hurrying back down the hall the way he’d come, Chigiri let the conversation between Isagi and Kunigami fade away behind him.
But the blonde’s words still lingered in his mind.
A couple of days later, it was still with him. That one word that made his heart flip and his stomach feel like a cage of butterflies.
He desperately wanted Kunigami to say it to his face, but he could never bring himself to admit that he’d listened in on that conversation with Isagi. He’d be teased about it for sure. He wasn’t sure he could take that.
“Hey,” Kunigami said softly to him now, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. It was only because they were in the safety of the replay room that either of them felt comfortable being so openly affectionate with each other. “What’s up?”
“Hm? Nothing,” Chigiri murmured, leaning into him even as he kept his gaze averted.
“I can tell when you’re lying. You won’t look at me.”
Chigiri sighed, pulling back and forcing himself to make eye contact. As soon as he saw Kunigami’s golden orbs, the words slipped out of him. “It’s just…what do you like about me?”
Kunigami’s eyes widened in surprise. “Where did that come from?”
“I just want to know.” The redhead wrapped his arms around himself reflexively. “We haven’t known each other very long, and I know why I like you, but I don’t know why you’d like me.”
“Why do you like me?”
“I asked you first.”
Kunigami chuckled. “All right, fair enough.” He paused for a moment, seeming to seriously consider the question. Chigiri didn’t know if that made him feel better or worse about this moment. “Well, you’re a good soccer player, for one. But you’re also smart and funny, and you smell nice.”
“I…what?” Chigiri felt his cheeks heating up. He playfully pushed Kunigami away. “Quit smelling my hair, you weirdo.”
“It’s not just your hair,” Kunigami replied in a lower voice that made the redhead’s insides flip again. “It’s you, princess.”
Chigiri closed his eyes. Princess. Pretty. Both words he never thought he’d grow to love hearing about himself. He made himself look back up at Kunigami and ask, “Is there…anything else?”
Kunigami tilted his head at him. “What’s up, Chichi? Why are you asking?”
“Nothing, it’s just…I overheard you.” The words came tumbling out before he could stop them. “The other day. Talking to Isagi. I heard you tell him you think I’m…” But that was the end of his bravery, because he found himself unable to say the word he really wanted to hear again. He bit his lip and sighed. “Never mind. It’s stupid.”
There was silence for a moment, and Chigiri couldn’t tell if it was because Kunigami was upset or because he was trying to remember what the redhead was even rambling on about. He couldn’t look at him to find out.
Then Kunigami shifted and leaned into him again, murmuring into his ear, “How bad do you want to hear it, princess?”
Chigiri snapped his eyes up to the taller boy’s in surprise, his mouth going dry when he saw the way the blonde was looking at him now. Playfully. Teasingly. He frowned at first – he didn’t want this to be used as leverage against him – but in the next moment Kunigami had pulled him in close again, and the gentlest press of fingers in his sides made the redhead’s eyes widen as a squeak was pulled from his lips.
“Wait, no,” he pleaded, trying to wiggle away, but it was too late for that now.
“You want me to tell you how pretty you are, huh?” Kuni teased, gently tickling up and down Chigiri’s sides, making the redhead squirm and giggle helplessly. “How you smell like strawberries on a summer’s day, how I lose myself in your eyes every time you look at me? Is that what you want to hear?”
“Nohohohoho,” Chigiri whined, ducking his head to try and hide his blush from the taller boy. “Dohohohohon’t!”
“Shall I wax poetic about your giggles? A single one…” Kuni dug a finger deeper into Chigiri’s ribs, making him snort on a cackle, “…could give me enough energy to take down an entire soccer team on my own.”
At this point Kunigami shifted again so he was gradually pushing Chigiri onto the floor, still softly wiggling into his torso, just enough to draw out the redhead’s giggles and squeaks. “I love the way you cling to me even when you’re asking me to stop. Your body knows it wants me~”
“Shuhuhuhuhuhut up, you jeheheheheheherk!” Chigiri cried, letting go with one hand to cover his face, increasingly flustered by the blonde’s words.
“Your blush is prettier than any canvas. Your hair shinier than any diamond~”
“Plehehehehehease, stohohohohohohohop!”
“I could write sonnets about your laughter. Shakespeare himself would be jealous of my romantic prowess!”
Chigiri couldn’t help but laugh harder at that, torn between his intense fluster and his swelling heart. He whined again and covered his face with both hands now that he was fully on his back on the ground with Kunigami gently tickling him all over from above.
“You’re so beautiful,” the blonde continued, his voice gentler now, more sincere. “You enrapture me, with your feminine features and masculine body. You drive me crazy, Chigiri. But I like you no matter how you look.”
“Plehehehehehehehease!” Chigiri begged, pushing lightly at his chest. “I cahahahahahan’t!”
“Can’t what?”
“Stohohohohohop cohohohohomplimehehenting mehehehehehehe!”
“Oh? But you wanted me to call you pretty so badly just now, didn’t you?” Kunigami smirked triumphantly down at him. “Or was I mistaken?”
Chigiri whimpered and tried to glare at him, but the effect was ruined for how frantically he was giggling by now. “Ahahahahahahasshole.”
“Ooh~” Kunigami’s grin turned wicked, and the speedy soccer star knew there was no running away from what was about to happen next.
“Wahahahahait, wait, I’m sohohohohorry!”
But it was no use. Kunigami wrapped his hands around Chigiri’s waist and dug into his hips with his fingers, leaning down to kiss along his neck when the redhead inevitably tossed his head back to screech with laughter.
“NOHOHOHOHOHO!!” Chigiri pleaded, squirming wildly but going nowhere fast thanks to Kunigami trapping him in place with his tickling. “AHAHAHAHAHAHA I’M SOHOHOHOHORRY!! PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!!”
Under any other circumstances, his brain would have short-circuited at the knowledge that Kunigami’s lips were on his neck – anywhere on his person, really – but in this moment, all he could think was that it tickled like crazy, and while he loved it, he was also desperate to make him stop by any means necessary.
“PLEHEHEHEHEHEHEASE!! HEHEHEHEHERO, PLEASE!! STAHAHAHAHAHAHAP!!” he begged, trying to kick and roll his way to safety to no avail.
Kunigami chuckled into his ear and whispered, “My pretty, pretty princess~”
Chigiri let out a single scream of laughter before falling into silent wheezing, weakly tapping Kuni’s shoulder, and it was only then that the blonde finally decided to show some mercy and let up on his attack.
In the couple of seconds it took the redhead to register that he wasn’t being tickled anymore, Kunigami snatched up his wrists and pinned them above his head, grinning at him.
“W-What…are you doing?” Chigiri gasped, eyes widening.
“This is how your book boyfriends do it, isn’t it?”
“You…you’ve been reading my books?”
“I had to know what got you going, princess.”
Chigiri blushed, but he tugged at his wrists and said, “I don’t want you to pin me down.”
Looking surprised and a little embarrassed, Kunigami immediately let his wrists go, beginning to push himself up and away – but before he could get far, the redhead wrapped his arms around his neck and pulled him down so their foreheads were touching.
“I want to be able to hold you, too,” he whispered.
Kunigami closed his eyes. “You’re so pretty, Chigiri. May I kiss you?”
Heart racing and growing three sizes, the smaller boy answered him by tilting his head up and pressing his lips to his, feeling his insides flip again as Kunigami reciprocated with a passion he hadn’t been prepared for.
Chigiri suddenly realized he didn’t care if anyone saw them. He didn’t care if they talked, asked questions, teased them. All he knew was that Kunigami liked him. He thought he was pretty.
And that was more than enough.
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Hi hello I’m In love with these two as a ship qjjznqnsnwenen Chigiri would have the cutest giggles and Kunigami would be loving it!
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redrocketpanda · 1 year
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Just The Way You Like It - Kunigiri Week 2023 - Day 1: Meeting Family/Coffee Shop/University AU
University was his chance to finally get away from all this shit, to leave behind his failed career as a football player and move on with his life. His new life. One that didn’t have any space for sports and certainly none for jocks. A deep, husky voice close to his ear interrupts thoughts.  “You my new roommate then?”  Chigiri steels himself before whipping around, bringing himself face to face with the stranger. Tall and broad, with a shock of orange hair. Warm, amber eyes peer down curiously at him. Oh no, he’s handsome .  His heart flutters in his chest like the traitor it is. 
My "little" contribution to Day 1 of Kunigiri week. I started writing, got possessed, bon appetite. Hope you like Chigiri being a particular princess, Kunigami being a big soft jock, coffee, university AU's and fluff
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distant-screaming · 11 months
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Blue Lock (Manga) Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Chigiri Hyouma/Kunigami Rensuke Characters: Chigiri Hyouma, Kunigami Rensuke Additional Tags: Domestic Fluff, Future Fic, Established Relationship, Hair Braiding Series: Part 21 of Flufftober 2023 Summary:
Eyeliner done, Chigiri leans away from the mirror. Now, the only thing left to do is his hair.
Speaking of -
(aka - a morning at the kunigiri house)
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writer-kermit · 2 years
Hello everyone! This fic is posted on Ao3! I hope you all enjoy it!
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boinin · 4 months
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Blue Lock: AO3 statistics and fanfiction meta
Blue Lock (Manga) has more than 13,000 works on AO3! 🎉 The corresponding figure for Blue Lock (Anime) is about 7,900 or so.
Just under 230 works are tagged exclusively as Blue Lock (Anime), while there are just under 5,500 works tagged exclusively as Blue Lock (Manga). As expected, around 7,700 works are tagged under both fandoms.
I'm procrastinating today, so here's a high level analysis of the Blue Lock works on the platform. Given the low number of Blue Lock (Anime) exclusive works, I excluded these and reviewed only works that included the Blue Lock (Manga) tag. I didn't exclude crossovers, due to the aforementioned dual-tagging.
Firstly, here's the lowdown on pairings:
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On the left: Works tagged under Blue Lock (Manga), without any additional filtering. NagiReo, KaiSagi and RinSagi nab the top three pairing placements, with NagiReo comfortably leading.
On the right: Same fandom tag, but inputting the search term "otp: true" into the "Search within results" field. This returns works with no more than one pairings tagged (i.e. excluding any works that have two or more pairings tagged). This includes any fics with no pairings tagged, platonic (&) or romantic/sexual (/). This filter yields approx. 8,600 works.
This doesn't affect the top three most-tagged pairings, but it reshuffles the other parings more significantly. For example: we can see that 55% of BachIsagi-tagged works feature other pairings, and it drops a ranking. KuniGiri-tagged works fare similarly, and the split is even more pronounced for RyuSae and NagiSagi.
KaiNess jump from 9th most tagged pairing overall to 5th most tagged amongst fics that only tag one pairing—lapping Kunigiri, and potentially an indicator of a recent boom in works for this pairing. The controversial RinSae goes up one place in the rankings under this filter.
The two searches show that nine pairings remain on top, regardless of whether works tag them in tandem with other pairings or tag them as solo. However, Isagi Yoichi/Everyone falls out of the rankings when the otp: true is applied. This is logical, given this pairing is frequently tagged alongside other Isagi slash tags. Filtering this way reveals that RyuRin is the tenth most tagged pairing in single-pairing works.
More discussion on pairings, ratings and tags, plus a comparison to others sports animanga under the cut!
It's also possible to use "otp: false" to show only fics with multiple (2+) relationship tags, which yields about 4,500 works. The results of this search are below:
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Here, BachiSagi just about pips KaiSagi to round out the top three—but if trends persist, the number of KaiSagi works will soon grow at a higher rate, leaving the top three ships in the manga fandom undisputed.
Meanwhile, KaiNess and RinSae drop from the top ten, displaced by Nagi&Reo and Rin&Sae (platonic pairing tags). Not too surprising for the latter—due to taboo, works featuring RinSae tend to be standalone.
With KaiNess, it's simply that the two platonic tags are used more often in multi-pairing works, which makes sense given the relative recency of Kaiser and Ness's introduction, and the fact that they're still manga-only characters. A related search revealed KaiNess would most likely be the eleventh most-tagged pairing in multi-pairing works (296), followed by Bachira&Isagi (platonic pairing).
What about ratings, and the most popular non-pairing tags?
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On the left: results for all Blue Lock (Manga) fandom works.
In the middle: results for Blue Lock (Manga) fandom works filtered by "otp: true".
On the right: results for Blue Lock (Manga) fandom works filtered by"otp: false".
To reiterate, the search feature just reports the most frequently occurring tags. Even the most common tag, Fluff, features on only around 15% of works.
There's not too much divergence caused by filtering. One observation is that filtering by "otp: true" returns a higher ratio of explicit works—this is supported by the tags that appear in that respective top ten.
Overall, the most popular tags in Blue Lock works are Fluff, Angst, "No Blue Lock" and "Canon Divergent" AUs, and Established Relationship... not to mention, good ol' reliable buttsecs.
Although not a rigorous (read: percentage tested) exercise, I compared these results to the most frequently occurring tags in other sports animanga fandoms in AO3 with the following observations:
Free! works have higher incidences of Romance, Smut, PWP and Friendship tags than Blue Lock does 🏊‍♂️
Haikyuu!! didn't have any sex-adjacent tags in its top 10, but otherwise reported similar trends to Blue Lock. One exception is a notably high incidence of the "Friends to Lovers" tag 🏐
Yuri!!! on Ice has a frequently occurring fandom specific tag ("Character's Name Spelled as Viktor"), and in additions featured "A/B/O dynamics" among its top 10 most common tags. Otherwise, it most resembles Free! in tagging trends ⛸️
SK8 the Infinity meanwhile mirrors Haikyuu!! in terms of frequently occurring tags, although with more common incidences of "Anal Sex" and "Post Canon" 🛹
In short, nearly all sports animanga including Blue Lock report high incidences of the following tags:
Fluff (and/or) Angst
Established Relationship
Alternative Universe (various)
This doesn't tell us a whole lot, given these are popular tags for nearly every fandom. However, they are trailed in popularity by the tags Getting Together, Romance, Smut, PWP, and Friends to Lovers. These are more indicative of the shipping culture in sports animanga, including the fact that character relationships in these fandoms are generally pre-established.
As for ratings, It's hard to make a judgement on whether Blue Lock (Manga) works lean more towards a universal or teen readership, or towards being more mature/explicit in nature. This is due to a high incidence of "Not rated" works. Works may be categorised as "Not rated" for any number of reasons: authors avoiding spoilers, authors relying on tags for identification, or authors not knowing how to categorise their own work, or even opting not to categorise an ongoing fic because they are yet to decide the direction of the work.
That said, filtering by "Not rated" alone didn't yield a higher incidence of explicit tags, like filtering by "otp: true" did. So there's limited evidence that "Not rated" fics trend towards mature or explicit content in excess of general trends. All the same, where in doubt, it's best to refer to a work's additional tags to assess its content, as the rating may not always make this clear.
A long read, catering to a niche audience (read: my nerdy ass) but if you've made it this far, I hope you found it of interest!
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When you are so focus with Nagi ‘I’ve only played soccer with Reo’ Seishirou. You completely forget that Nagi is also Reo’s first partner.
Reo never played soccer with anyone else like he played with Nagi. He took over the soccer club before he found Nagi, but he still never had a partner prior to meeting his treasure.
Same goes for having friends.
We have established that Reo only have ‘fake friends’ because of his money ans status. He kept people at arm’s length because of that, but he consider Nagi is first ‘Real friend’.
They adopted Santetsu together, but the friends they made on their own were the team they joined in the second selection.
I was so focus on Nagi making friends(?) in his first-day-of-kindergarten-I -don’t-know -how -to -co-habitat-with-other-organisms type of way (pulling Isagi’s hair/throwing stuffs at Barou/Tell Bachira Isagi would never pick him to play with) I completely forgot that Chigiri and Kunigami were Reo’s first genuine friends after Nagi
I love that giant fluff ball with all my heart. But Reo having Nagi as his first friend is like giving a three year old a wild coyote as his first pet.
Seeing Kunigiri being genuinely concern about Reo, hype him up, make sure he is okay, makes me very happy, felt very healing somehow.
I know Reo loves Nagi and didn’t mind all the extra steps he had to take to make their friendship work, but with all the energy he put into taking care of Nagi. I think having someone take care of him like Kunigiri did is good for him. I’m glad Reo found some friends he could turn to in times like this.
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ruiojousama · 1 year
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I'm so excited to finally release my first fancomic for Blue Lock in time for #BlushCon2023! I'm definitely down bad for kunigiri recently it drove me to create this.
The cover art is inspired by the manga "Go for it, Nakamura!" by Syundei (It's such a wholesome series you should read it!).
I'm filing this doujin under Teen Rating 'cause I made tooth-rotting fluff (and some kisses) I need to lie down every 30 minutes.
You can check more details on my page at fbdotcom/artofruizabala
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remy-roll-writes · 1 year
For the ship asks! Kunigiri, Reonagi and uhhhh I'm curious to hear about your favorite ship for either AOT/SNK or Dr Stone 💌
My first bllk ship <3 by now theyre not my favorite anymore but they still have a very special place in my heart. I love them <3
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so much angst potential, !'m in love. But I rarely actively look up content for them cuz I prefere making up my own scenarios with them
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Aot/Snk / Jeanmarco:
My babies. My sweethearts. So much angst and so much fluff in one. Have been one of my biggest comfort ships for a long time
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Dr. Stone / Sengen
Thems!! I hc them being in a qpr, theyre both on the aroace spec. I love their relationship in basically any way tho, platonic, romantic, sexual, etc.
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headhedgehog · 9 months
Heartsick (KunigamixChigiri fluff)
It started so innocently.
That's what Kunigami would tell himself later, when he'd been eliminated from Blue Lock. It wasn't like he'd meant to fall in love with his teammate. He hadn't intended to act on the unexpected jolt in his stomach when he first spotted Chigiri. He just wanted to be a good friend, and things got out of hand.
When he saw Chigiri for the first time, he felt lightheaded in the same way he had when he saw a girl he would eventually embarrass himself in front of. Kunigami did his best to shake it off, chalk it up to Chigiri's long hair and the adrenaline of the moment. He'd always loved girls with long hair, the heat of the moment did weird things to everybody...
That night he ignored the surge of panic when Chigiri drug his futon next to Kunigami's. Chigiri fell asleep almost immediately, his long hair in his face. Kunigami forced himself to stare at the ceiling.
I am not attracted to Chigiri. That's not what's happening. He just seems nice, I'm just excited to meet someone who could be a friend in this place, that's all...
Chigiri rolled over onto his side, facing Kunigami. His sleeping face was so beautiful Kunigami had to force himself not to groan.
God, what is wrong with me? He's a guy! I can't feel this way about a guy!
Kunigami forced himself to roll away from Chigiri, but even then he could feel the other boy's presence behind him. When the wake-up call came, he hadn't slept at all.
Chigiri wasn't what Kunigami expected in those early days. Those delicate features were often scowling, the boy behind them brooding and standoffish. At first Kunigami welcomed Chigiri's angst -- let him be a jerk, I can't stand jerks -- but after a few days he caught himself trying to wheedle a smile, a decently civil comment out of him. When he succeeded, Kunigami walked on air for the rest of the day. He woke up one morning to find Chigiri's arm on Kunigami's neck, flung there in his sleep; Kunigami pretended to be asleep until Chigiri woke up. When Chigiri carefully pulled his arm away, Kunigami struggled between guilt and joy for how much he'd enjoyed the touch, accidental or no.
Then Team Z's match against Team W, Kunigami found himself in a massive group jumping on Chigiri, celebrating that they hadn't been knocked out of Blue Lock. He was the last to let go, suddenly immobile at the realization that he was really holding Chigiri, that it wasn't accidental, they were hugging --
And then Chigiri pulled away, wide-eyed and red-faced. He walked away without a word. Kunigami hung back as the rest of the team went to shower. When he was sure they'd all gone back to Team Z's dorm, he went to the locker room and cried in the shower.
Chigiri was quiet that night in the dorm. He only spoke when others spoke to him, though he remained more animated and upbeat than before the match. Kunigami caught Chigiri watching him a few times, but the redhead quickly looked away when Kunigami tried to catch his eye. Miserable, Kunigami drug his futon to a far corner and pulled the covers over his head, feigning sleep in spite of the excitement around him.
The next morning Chigiri got to breakfast late and, with an air of purpose, sat right next to Kunigami. After a few minutes Chigiri dropped his napkin.
He bent to pick it up, his hair falling over his shoulder. Kunigami caught a glimpse of the nape of Chigiri's neck and his mouth went dry.
When Chigiri sat up again, he shifted almost imperceptibly. His thigh was now resting against Kunigami's.
Kunigami blushed, saw Chigiri notice out of the corner of his eye. And Chigiri grinned. For only half a second, but he grinned.
It became a pattern. One would always find the other at meals or while resting between workouts, sit just a bit too close. Nothing noticeable, but close enough that their legs and arms could touch accidentally. Be left touching purposefully.
Kunigami felt like he was going insane. Did this mean anything? It had to mean something, right? It couldn't happen that often and not be purposeful for both of them, right? Chigiri wouldn't fuck with him like that, couldn't be that oblivious, right?
The night before their match against Team V, as Team Z relaxed in the dorm, Kunigami sat down next to Chigiri and casually put his hand over the other boy's.
He felt Chigiri startle. There was a pause. And then Chigiri shifted to lace his fingers through Kunigami's.
We're holding hands!! Kunigami thought to himself. He felt giddy, lightheaded. Chigiri is holding my hand!!
After a few minutes, Chigiri stood and announced to no one in particular that he was going to watch some game footage. As he left, he quirked an eyebrow at Kunigami.
The moment he thought it wouldn't look suspicious, Kunigami slipped out into the hall and headed for the AV room.
Chigiri was sitting on a couch, watching footage from Team V's most recent match. He didn't look up when Kunigami entered, didn't react when he sat down. Testing the waters, Kunigami stretched his arm over the back of the couch, and Chigiri finally smiled and snuggled into his side.
"Is this okay?" Chigiri said, settling his head on Kunigami's chest.
"Yeah." Kunigami's voice was thick and a bit shaky.
"You've been doing it on purpose, right? Sitting next to me and everything?"
"I wanted to ask you the same thing."
Chigiri looked away, his face nearly as pink as his hair. "I like you, Kunigami. Like more than the other guys. I just didn't know if you, you know. Would be interested?"
Kunigami put his hand on Chigiri's cheek and turned his face so he could look into his eyes.
"Listen, Chigiri. I've never felt like this before. About a guy. But I can't pretend I don't like you...in that way."
Chigiri sat up and stared at him. Kunigami took a deep breath.
"I think you're the most beautiful person I've ever met. I've been trying to figure out my feelings since I first saw you and I just keep coming back to the same thing. I like you, Chigiri. A lot."
"Can I kiss you?"
Kunigami's breath caught. He nodded.
Chigiri leaned in, put his hand on Kunigami's jaw. Their lips met, Chigiri's soft and vaguely sweet-tasting against Kunigami's. Kunigami sighed, a huge weight falling off his shoulders. Chigiri's kiss was pure relief, pure joy. They broke apart, each out of breath, and immediately kissed again, all soft nips and tongues and breathy moans. Kunigami gently guided Chigiri to lay back, settled himself on top of the smaller boy. His hands ran over Chigiri's muscles, under his sweatshirt, his skin as soft as Kunigami had imagined. He carded his fingers into Chigiri's long hair and Chigiri moaned louder.
Chigiri moved his hand to the waistband of Kunigami's sweatpants, his fingers running over the skin of his hipbones.
"Can I touch you?" he panted.
Kunigami shook his head. "I want you to, just...just not yet." Chigiri nodded, took Kunigami's jaw in his hand again, and kissed him with renewed enthusiasm.
After what felt like hours, they lay on the couch, Chigiri tucked close against Kunigami's chest. Kunigami played with Chigiri's hair, wondering if they could come up with an excuse to stay there all night, when Chigiri spoke up.
"I hope I didn't make you uncomfortable earlier."
Kunigami pulled him closer. "No, no you didn't do anything wrong. I just...I haven't done anything like that before. With anyone."
"And I didn't want to make an idiot of myself, I guess."
Chigiri laughed quietly and kissed his cheek. "You aren't gonna embarrass yourself. But it's up to you. Whatever you're comfortable with."
Kunigami hugged him tighter.
They won their match against Team V. The celebration was among the most excited Kunigami had ever seen on any team he'd played for, the high carrying him for hours after the final whistle.
Team Z showered and headed for their dorm to keep celebrating, but Kunigami held back and grabbed Chigiri by the wrist as he passed.
Chigiri turned, and Kunigami caught his lips in a heated kiss. They stumbled back into the locker room, lips barely breaking apart as they found a hidden corner in the back.
Chigiri wrapped his arms around Kunigami's neck, very intentionally trying to avoid crossing any boundaries, but Kunigami ran his hands down his partner's chest and hooked his thumbs in his waistband.
"Is this okay?" Kunigami panted.
"If it is with you."
Kunigami slipped his hand into Chigiri's pants, palmed his cock over his underwear. Chigiri whimpered, his eyes screwed shut. Emboldened, Kunigami tugged Chigiri's pants and underwear down just enough to let his erection spring free, gently took it in his hand and running his thumb over the head.
"More...please, Rensuke, please..."
Hearing Chigiri use his first name made Kunigami lightheaded. He spit on his hand and brought it back to Chigiri's cock, continued kissing him desperately. He ran his tongue over Chigiri's before he started kissing his jaw, down his neck, sucked hard on the juncture of his neck and shoulder. The noises Chigiri made were heavenly and went straight to Kunigami's dick, which strained against his shorts. Chigiri seemed to notice, because he ran a hand over the bulge in Kunigami's pants.
"Can I?"
Kunigami was beyond words. He nodded, panting. With one tug Chigiri removed Kunigami's pants and underwear; he sunk to his knees, pumping Kunigami's cock as he went.
"What are you doing?"
"Making you feel good, hopefully. This okay?"
Kunigami nodded rapidly. "Please."
Chigiri pushed his hair behind his ears and took Kunigami into his mouth. Kunigami fought to keep his knees from buckling. Chigiri's mouth was so warm, his tongue cradled Kunigami's cock so perfectly...Chigiri took him deeper into his mouth and Kunigami moaned, louder and deeper than he ever had. The feeling was incomparable. He'd masturbated, sure, made out with girls who'd ground against his lap, but god, Chigiri. It only took a couple minutes before he felt an orgasm building, which only made him tug on Chigiri's hair harder.
"Hyoma...Hyoma you're gonna make me cum."
Chigiri looked up at him through his eyelashes, very pointedly not taking Kunigami's cock out of his mouth.
"I'm gonna cum in your mouth if you don't stop."
Chigiri took him even deeper into his mouth. Kunigami groaned, his head hitting the wall as he felt his orgasm come closer. Finally, he felt something in his guts release and he came, hard, into Chigiri's mouth. Chigiri swallowed and kissed Kunigami along his pelvic bones, up his torso and along his neck.
"Was that okay?" he whispered into Kunigami's ear. Kunigami kissed him, tasting his own cum on Chigiri's tongue. His hand found Chigiri's still-hard cock and jerked him off. Chigiri started making those beautiful noises again, which only became more urgent and high-pitched as he got closer to orgasm. When he finally came all over Kunigami's hand and their shirts, the two finally broke apart, panting.
"Sorry." Chigiri gestured to Kunigami's cum-splattered shirt.
"You're not looking much cleaner."
Chigiri looked at his own shirt and the cum drying on his dick. They both laughed, coming back down to earth. They went about finding clean clothes and washing off. When they got back to the dorm, everyone else was mercifully asleep.
They went on like that for weeks, sneaking off together after the others were asleep, desperately making out when Reo left their shared room during the second selection. The night before their match against Isagi's team, Reo went to bed early.
Kunigami and Chigiri went to the baths.
"Rensuke," Chigiri said as they settled in to soak. "What if we lose tomorrow?"
"We're not gonna lose."
"But just say we do. What if we get separated?"
"Then the other one of us fights like hell to get past second selection and we'll be back together. Nothing to worry about."
Chigiri knitted his brow, not reassured. Kunigami tucked him under his arm, took one of Chigiri's hands and brought it to his lips.
"I love you, Hyoma. That's not going to change if we're separated for a little while."
Chigiri turned to look at him, eyes wide. "I love you too, Rensuke."
They kissed, the heat of the bath and the emotion of their confession sending sparks through both of their bodies. Chigiri straddled Kunigami's lap; as they kissed Kunigami felt Chigiri's tears against his skin. He pulled away, held Chigiri's face in his hands so he could brush the tears away with his thumbs.
"What're the tears for, baby? We're gonna be okay, I promise."
Chigiri gave a wet laugh. "I'm just scared. I don't want to lose you."
"You're not going to lose me." Kunigami kissed Chigiri's cheeks, dispatching the fresh tears that had fallen. "We're going to be right back here tomorrow night, and we're going to laugh about how worried we were. Okay?"
Chigiri kissed him again, hungrier than before. Kunigami moaned into the kiss, felt himself getting hard as Chigiri's tongue slipped into his mouth. Chigiri ground down against Kunigami's cock, egged on by the sounds Kunigami made.
"I want you, Rensuke," he breathed into Kunigami's ear.
Kunigami stood, lifting Chigiri and holding him wrapped around his torso. He carried the redhead out of the bath and to the changing room, where there was a cushioned bench. He lay Chigiri there, admiring his gorgeous, naked body stretched out in front of him.
"Are you sure about this?" Kunigami asked as he kissed Chigiri's neck. "I don't really know what I'm doing, I don't want to hurt you..."
Chigiri kissed him again, almost harsh in his intensity. "I've never been more sure about anything."
Kunigami found a bottle of lube in a supply closet -- "They really just don't want us asking for anything," Chigiri laughed -- and brought it back to the bench.
"You'll tell me if anything hurts?" he asked, praying his voice didn't sound as shaky as he felt.
"Just start with your fingers, it'll be okay."
"Have you done this before?"
Chigiri blushed across the bridge of his nose. "No, just...just porn. And looking stuff up online."
"Braver than I am, was too embarrassed to do any of that at home."
Chigiri didn't respond but pulled him into another heated kiss. Kunigami guided him onto his back, tried not to blush as he put lube on his fingers. He wedged himself against the wall so he could lay next to Chigiri as they kissed and he timidly moved his finger's to his lover's entrance. Chigiri gave a low moan as Kunigami entered him, his breathing ragged.
"You okay?"
"Yeah, keep going."
They continued like this, kissing and testing and giggling at the awkwardness of it all. Finally, Chigiri nipped at Kunigami's ear.
"I think I'm ready."
Kunigami nodded, his heart hammering in his chest. Had he ever been this nervous? He didn't think so. He wondered vaguely if he was going to pass out as he covered his cock in lube and moved to hover over Chigiri.
"You good?" he asked, his voice audibly shaking.
"Yeah. You okay?"
Kunigami only nodded, too focused on lining himself up with Chigiri's hole. God, what if I miss somehow? Only one place it could go and can't even get that right --
His brain shut off as he pushed in, slowly, stopping at Chigiri's pained hiss.
"I'm okay, just needed a second."
Kunigami finally bottomed out and they both groaned. He kissed Chigiri's cheek, then his neck as he started to move.
"I love you, Hyoma," he breathed.
"I love you too."
The next day Reo didn't say anything as the couple stumbled into the dorm right before breakfast, chose not to comment on the fact that they held hands as they walked to the locker room. Kunigami thought he saw Reo notice the hickey Chigiri'd left on his neck, but if he did he didn't say so.
They let Reo go ahead of them as they walked into the pitch. Kunigami gave Chigiri's hand a final squeeze, wrapped an arm around his shoulders so he could kiss his temple.
"See ya in the locker room, gorgeous," he said.
Chigiri smiled, kissed his cheek. "See ya, Hero."
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giggly-squiggily · 7 months
For the Candy Hearts, how about 💚 Cutie for Kunigiri? 🥰
{Candy Heart Prompts: OFFICIALLY CLOSED!}
*running leap of joy* LETS GOOOO! It's my ship! :D I love these two so much holy- *happy sobbing*- I've gotcha covered, anon!
Cutie- "You can't hide from me, I can hear you laughing!"
“Princess…I know you’re in here.” Kunigami called as he entered the recording room. “Come on, you know I’ll find you.”
No response, but he swore he could hear the faintest of giggles.
“You can’t hide from me, I can hear you laughing!” He called, chest warming. He didn’t know what got into him, but the redhead was in a silly mood- jabbing him in the ribs before running for the hills. “This room isn’t that big- I’ll find you in no time-”
The second he stepped into the room, he was tackled. Only- instead of hitting the ground like Chigiri hoped, he stood tall. Turning a growing grin down at his wide eyed boyfriend, he gave him a little wave. “Found you, Princess.”
“...Well damn.” Chigiri tried to run, but Kunigami had him in his arms within seconds, pressing into his highest ribs. “Ahehahaha! Whahhait, wahhahait I whahahs suhuhuhupohohoosed to tiihihckle yohoohohu!”
“Aww, really? That’s what’s supposed to happen?” The ginger snickered, safely bringing them down and to the ground as he carried on drilling into Chigiri’s sides, leaving him a mess of giggles and squeaks. “A good effort before you forgot I’m sturdier than you, hehe.”
“Whohohoho are yohohohou cahhahaalling nohooht stuhuhurdy-ehehehehhehe hehehehro!” Chigiri squeaked and shoved his arms back when his armpits were poked along. “Stahhahahahap, yohoohohu jeehehherk!”
“First a hero, then a jerk- how the mighty have fallen.” The ginger moaned pathetically as he moved to his boyfriend’s hips, making him squeal and kick. “If I’m a jerk, I must be a villain! Time to enter my new era- come here!”
“Gehahahhaha, stahhahap whahahait-EHEHEHE NOHOHOHO!” Chigiri all but cackled as his good knee was grabbed, covering his face with his hands as he sank further back into Kunigami’s chest. I TAHHAKE IT BAAHHACK YOHOOHUR A HEHEHEHRO!”
“That’s right!” Kunigami stopped, laughing as his boyfriend groaned against him. “And don’t you forget it!”
“Uuhuhgh..” Was the only response he gave, smiling as Kunigami kissed his crown. “Jeheherk. I lohove you thoohugh.”
‘I love you too, princess."
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intheticklecloset · 1 month
Halftime (Blue Lock)
Summary: Chigiri always uses halftime to decompress and gear up for the rest of the game. But something is different this time, and Kunigami notices.
A/N: Short and sweet Kunigiri! This is one of the first fics I wrote for the fandom, and its time has finally come to be shared. Hope you enjoy this brief, fluffy fic!
Word Count: 848
Chigiri was decompressing. He did it a lot; his teammates had quickly come to learn that with as shy and introverted as he was, in the middle of a game that was intense and heavy on working with others, once they reached their halftime break he’d need to just zone out for a bit to continue playing effectively. He’d listen to strategies and speak up when he felt it was necessary, but mostly he just recharged himself to get through the second half.
Today, however, Kunigami knew it was more than that. The redhead had been playing hard, trying his best to get ahead of the other team they’d consistently been behind today – and with only three of them, he’d been working extra to get the job done. Chigiri was stressed, and it showed.
Which is why about halfway through halftime, after letting the speed demon get at least a bit of standard recharging in, Kunigami stood directly in front of him where he sat on the bench, towel over his head, and waited for him to look up.
“What?” Chigiri asked at last, looking weary as he met his teammate’s eyes.
Kunigami knelt down so he was relatively close to the same level, grasped his knees, pulled his legs apart, and sidled between them.
Chigiri looked alarmed by this move, falling back against the wall, towel slipping to one shoulder. “What are you—”
But then Kunigami began squeezing his knees with gentle purpose, and Chigiri’s panic about the compromising situation vanished in an instant as he realized the trouble he was really in.
“Don’t hold back. Let it all out,” Kuni teased, smirking at the way the redhead slapped a hand over his mouth.
Chigiri shook his head at first, but when Kunigami slipped one finger under his knee to dig into the underside, the redhead squeaked and finally allowed light, bubbly giggles to pour out of him as he squirmed in place, one hand gripping the bench he sat on, the other trying to hide his face. “Nohohoho! Kunigahahahami!”
“You need it.” It wasn’t a question. “Just relax. I’ll stop when you’re really done.”
The fact that Kunigami had recognized that he needed something a little more than just zoning out to recharge his internal battery made Chigiri’s heart flutter in his chest, but he wasn’t going to think about that now. The hand gripping the bench moved to his teammate’s shoulder, pushing lightly but not even close to legitimately.
Kunigami chuckled. “Don’t pretend you want to get away. You think I don’t know you love this? Gentle tickles are fun, aren’t they?”
“Stohohohop,” Chigiri whined, breathy laughter coming out of him now, his body hunching over as he tried to hide his face from him. He kicked and squirmed a little, but with the way Kuni had positioned himself, the redhead knew he wasn’t going anywhere. He kind of loved that.
“Stop what? Stop tickling?”
“Nohohohoho, stohohohop…stop teheheheasing me!”
“But I want to.” Kunigami slipped another finger around to the backside of his other knee, moving his face closer to Chigiri’s, forcing him to back up against the wall again, still trying to hide from him. “Tickle, tickle~ Let me see that cute, blushing face, Chichi~”
The nickname! Chigiri squealed and used both hands to cover up now, shaking his head, giggling hysterically as he slid down the wall, having nowhere else to go. “Plehehehehehease!”
“Show me~” Kunigami sang teasingly, one hand sliding from his knee to his calf, scribbling there. “I’ll tickle you until you do, you know~”
“Hahahahalftime will be ohohohover soon!”
“You think that’s gonna stop me? You want to go back out there and play, you’d better let me see your face, pretty boy.” Kunigami hummed in consideration, then slid both hands up to Chigiri’s waist and tickled his sides, whispering in his ear, “Princess.”
“Nohohohoho!” Chigiri squealed, both hands flying down to push at Kunigami with more intent this time, squirming and wriggling in his seat as he laughed. He knew he was blushing furiously and that the bright smile on his face probably gave away how much fun he was having, but he didn’t care. Kunigami calling him ‘princess’ was more than he could take. “Plehehehehease, stop! Kunigahahahami!”
Kuni chuckled again. “All right, all right.” He let up on his gentle attack, kissed his nose briefly, then stood up again and let him have his space. “There, you see? You look ready to go out and kick ass, Chichi.”
Chigiri glared up at him halfheartedly as the buzzer sounded, letting them know it was time to go back onto the field. He got to his feet, stretched, and followed Kunigami as he lead the team back through the tunnel for part two.
“When we win this,” Chigiri murmured under his breath, “I’m getting you back for that.”
Kunigami snorted good-naturedly. “You might be speedy, but I’m stronger than you.”
Chigiri smirked at his back, feeling a fondness rise up in him he wasn’t used to but wasn’t upset about either. “Only until I find the right spot, hero.”
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One last doodle before I head off for the day- I redrew a different doodle and figured I’d share it since it’s Kunigiri :P Audiobooks + Time to draw brings out the shipper in me :D
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redrocketpanda · 1 year
For the Shipping Bingo - Kunigiri and Bokuaka?
eeeeeee thanks! Okay so... the BKAK one was easy but the KNGR one I had to actually think about and might need to explain my working out a little bit (edit: I went on a bit of a journey with the KNGR one, excuse me)
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BKAK is my ultimate fluff ship. I adore them and literally only want good, beautiful things for them. Bokuto is my big dopey sunshine boy, and Akaashi is my beautiful "what are these things called feelings?" boy. The free space is for top 5 ships <3 and for I have yet to write a full-length BKAK fic but I have a lot of BKAK WIP ideas. One day, I will do them justice.
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Maybe unpopular opinion time but I go hard for Wildcard! Kunigami so my particular flavour of KNGR is kinda fucked. I think they start off very sweet (as we see in S1 of the anime) and then its a rapid drop off a cliff. My free space for this is, again, probs an unpopular opinion but it's "the fandom does the ship a bit of a disservice". Absolutely no shade to anyone, but I personally find KNGR's fanon depiction pretty boring. Super Masculine Top Good Boy Kunigami + Very Effeminate Pillow Princess Chigiri, and they are Good and Wholesome Together. Give me Monster Kunigami with slippery morals + Chigiri who is like gods let me make him worse. Give me Switch Kunigami who starts off trying to dom but can't withstand the force of bratty Chigiri who tops from the bottom, and so Kunigami just becomes an endearingly pathetic mess. Give me I love you, I'll follow you everywhere > I cannot follow you to the places you're going. Give me Chigiri isn't a fragile little princess in need of saving (literally guys, look at the canon: he saves himself + is literally one of the most sought after players), and give me Kunigami who stumbles his way through disaster after disaster + has to rediscover who he truly is beneath the heroic veneer.
Oops, I accidentally veered into the "I can write an essay on them" but honestly, I feel like there is so much potential in KNGR that is kinda being slept on. Guess I'll just sit here steadily working away at my 3 WC! Kunigami fics and scream about it to myself LMAO
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