#kunikida x si
scarletta-ruan · 2 years
Are requests open? I just finished reading your Dazai and Chuuya works and I.Am.In.Love.❤️
If you aren’t taking requests, feel free to disregard this and make sure you’re taking care of yourself! (There’s a virus going around where I am, so try to avoid it if it’s also going around in your area!)
If you are, could you do a Ranpo, Dazai, Chuuya, and Fyodor x reader that’s really good at card games (especially Uno, pretending that they have the game in their world) if that’s too many characters to write, you can pick 1 or 2 from the four and go with that. I don’t want you to be overworking yourself with my request. Have a great day/afternoon/night and thank you for hearing me out!😊
WARNING: OOC, soft! characters, Uno card games mentioned here.
TYPE: Headcanon
PAIRING: Ranpo Edogawa || Osamu Dazai || Chuuya Nakahara || Fyodor Dostoevsky x fem!reader (seperately)
WORDCOUNTS: 0.8k+ words
NOTES: I don't know much about Uno or playing card games, so I asked my friend who knew how to play card games, especially Uno to write this. Sorry because it's taken me too long to write about it, maybe this one isn't good after all but I hope you like it.
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1. Ranpo Edogawa
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He always said that he was a Great Detective so no game would defeat him.
A childish person when playing card games with you. If you won the card games Ranpo would pout and say that you were lucky, but if you lost, Ranpo would proudly say that he was a Great Detective so winning just a little game was too easy for him.
“No, you are so lucky. How can you manage to win me like that, it’s not fair.”
“Yeah, I know that I am the Greatest Detective so you won’t beat me, at least you.”
Let's take Uno as an example, Ranpo always asked you to play Uno with him since he knew that you were good at playing Uno. Even when you were working on your report at the Armed Detective Agency or while you were doing some housework.
“Hey, can you play Uno with me? I’m bored.”
If you had free time to play Uno with Ranpo, he would be very happy. Because of being intelligent, Ranpo could understand the rules very fast. And he found that playing Uno with you was very fun, your skills were very good compared to him.
Maybe Ranpo would ask some of the members of the Armed Detective Agency to play Uno with you, including The President too. Whenever you finished playing and you won, Ranpo would act like a little child who was proud of their mother when she did everything perfectly.
“See, everyone. She is really talented at playing Uno right, she is my only pride, of course.”
2. Osamu Dazai
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I should say that, when Dazai knew that you were good at playing card games, especially Uno, he would have the plan to make you do anything when you lost the game.
“Fufu, if you lose this round you will have to cook curry for dinner, honey.”
Always tried to make you lose in the game because he wanted you to do his deal after you lost. Whenever you lifted your head up if someone in the Armed Detective Agency office called for you, Dazai would do something with the cards to make you lose.
Dazai was also proud of you when you could even beat all of the members of the Armed Detective Agency with all of the rounds. And if you guys bet money into this game, he would be very surprised when you even beat Kunikida just to take his money. And this man would have a chance to tease his colleague about how they managed to lose you, of course, Kunikida would yell at him.
3. Chuuya Nakahara
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He was a Port Mafia Executive so he was really busy at work, I might say. Chuuya did not have much time for playing games after all, but when he heard from the other members that you - his lover - were good at card games, he was very surprised.
And when Chuuya had a chance to look at you play with the other members of the Port Mafia like Higuchi, Tachihara, or Gin. He would look at you without taking his eyes off, and when you said that you were winning. After about 2 or 3 rounds, Chuuya finally believed that his s/o is really good at card games.
Since Chuuya knew that you were good at card games, he would ask you to teach him some skills to win this game, especially Uno. I think that Chuuya might want to play with the other members like Black Lizard when they had free time so he wanted to practice Uno with you.
Whenever you win him, you win his bet for something you like most or you wanted to do most.
“Remember that if you won my bet, I would do anything you like. The Port Mafia Executive doesn’t say two words.”
He would be proud of you when you guys had a chance to play Uno with the others. When you said that you were winning, Chuuya would chuckle and praise that you were talented in playing card games.
“See, she is really good at card games, you guys should learn from her to have more skills in playing betting games like this.”
 4. Fyodor Dostoevsky
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Fyodor was a smart man, so I might say that he was very interested in looking at you playing card games, especially Uno. 
And when he saw you playing Uno with other members of the Decay of Angel, Fyodor would stop everything he was doing just to watch you play with them. And when you won he would nod his head like he already knew that you could win them. Maybe if the game had bets and you won all of the bets Fyodor would chuckle at those who were lost and say that they should call you their master if they wanted to win you.
“Lost her again, I guess? You guys should call her your master if you want her to teach you how she manages to win you guys.”
When you two were playing Uno together, Fyodor learned to play very quickly. He even understood the rules you had just told him once. If you two played together for a very long time, sometimes you would be unable to win Fyodor because his skills developed after playing Uno with you.
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leap-loves · 3 years
The Armed Dating Agency (Kunikida x S/I, Written in the Waves)
I did not plan on writing this, but got the idea and had to take it and run. Sooo enjoy this! Pre-relationship, and Kunikida is torn between regret and gratitude :P Including an allusion to @singingdeepinme :P
Kunikida was a very predictable man. He didn’t take well to unexpected change, and had a fairly basic routine. He took the same route to and from work, unless he had errands to run, and even then he had his habits there too. He wore the same general outfit to work every day. Same pair of glasses. Everything was constant.
So Dazai was surprised when he noticed something new as Kunikida searched for something in his bag and had to set a few things on his desk, grumbling all the while. Dazai took advantage of his coworker being distracted to ‘sneak’ from his desk and peek over his shoulder at the shiny object that’s on his desk.
When he recognized the shape, Dazai could already feel a grin spreading on his face. And a quick glance to Ranpo, who was glancing over and noticed the same thing, told him that the older detective had the same conclusion.
“Ooo, what’s this~?” Dazai asked, reaching out to poke at the shell shaped charm on Kunikida’s keychain. It didn’t seem too fancy, small enough to easily be hidden in the palm of his hand, and plain silver. Shiny enough to reflect light, but not over polished to be truly reflective.
The blond clearly hadn’t been expecting to have someone right next to him, about dropping the papers he’d finally found back into his bag. “Dazai!” He scolded, trying to hide the fact he’d been startled. When Dazai reached to try and pick up the charm, Kunikida smacked his hand away.
Dazai faked a pout, moving to stand beside Kunikida’s desk. He crossed his arms on the edge of the table, leaning forward to inspect it more that way, even poking at it some. “But really, what is it? Just a little charm? It doesn’t make any sound…”
Kunikida rolled his eyes, setting his bag aside and carefully picked up the shell, opening it up with a little effort. One half of it was a bottle opener, the other half of it was solid.
“And where did you get this?” Dazai asked.
He already had his theories, considering Kunikida wouldn’t really have need of a bottle opener, and would have gone with something less bulky and simpler more than likely. And there’s only one person they know who is always drawn to the ocean.
Kunikida’s cheeks turned a light pink as he snapped the shell shut, ever careful not to damage it though, putting it back into his bag after running his thumb over the texture on top for a moment. He refused to meet his coworker’s gaze as he set his things aside to get ready to work. “It was a gift. From Andersen.”
Rolling his eyes at his stubborn insistence to use her last name even though she’s said before that they can all use her first name, Dazai just gave him a smirk, even moving around to the front of his desk to stay in Kunikida’s line of sight.
“Well that sure was sweet of her~. What’s the occasion?”
The harsh look sent his way didn’t dissuade him, just widening his smile in response.
“There is no occasion. It was just a gift. Simple as that.” The blond tried to insist, leaning forward just a bit as his way of trying to tell Dazai to back off and let him work. But he wasn’t done just yet.
“Hmmm, I guess I’ll just have to ask Christina, then.” Dazai mused, even getting his phone out. He started to text, speaking aloud as he did so. “What is the occasion for the cute shell for Kunikida? He’s all blus-”
Dazai was cut off by Kunikida snatching the phone out of his hand, holding it to the opposite side of him and checking the text, his face a bright red. Though his blush only got worse when realizing that Dazai hadn’t typed what he’d said. Instead it was a normal greeting to their friend, wishing her good luck on her job this morning.
“It sounds like Kunikida’s got a crush~” Ranpo teased from his seat, his feet propped up on his desk while munching on some chips.
“Like you’re one to talk.” Kunikida shot back, just trying to take some of the attention off of himself. It seemed to work for a moment, considering how Ranpo’s cheeks turned a light pink and he sat up more normally, pointing an accusatory finger at him.
“Hey! Don’t go turning this on me, we’re talking about you here, and your obvious crush on Christina!” Ranpo countered, his eyebrows furrowed in a pout.
Still struggling to regain some semblance of composure, Kunikida narrowed his eyes at him, still trying to keep Dazai’s phone out of his hands for the moment. “I do not.” He attempted to argue. And by the look on everyone else’s faces… it was a failed attempt.
Yosano rolled her eyes, having come up from her own office to get some coffee, and stayed once realizing the conversation. “Kunikida, please.” She sighed. “You’re so head over heels for her it’s not even funny. You make sure she doesn’t go overworking herself, which is hilarious coming from you, there’s all those little cafe dates you go on during lunch breaks, and that’s not even mentioning the goody bag you got for her for after she’s used her ability.” She listed off matter of factly, even counting off her evidence on her fingers.
Kenji piped up too, deciding to add his own two cents. “And there’s the hair thing!”
Any control he’d gotten over his blush was lost in the face of this outside perspective, and everyone’s obvious amusement at it didn’t help matters. So he just groaned and put his head in his hands, finally letting Dazai take his phone back. “I hate you all…” He mumbled, but there was no heat behind his words.
Dazai patted his shoulder sympathetically. “You love us. But you have nothing to worry about, we won’t interfere. We don’t have to.” He said, his smirk audible in his tone as he said the last line.
After a heartbeat, Kunikida glanced up at Dazai. “I don’t trust you, but what do you mean?”
Atsushi chimed in a bit hesitantly. “Well… she seems to be a lot closer to you than the rest of us…” He said, beating around the bush.
So it was Ranpo’s turn to pipe up again. “She likes you back. Big time. About as obvious as you, really.” He said simply, tossing another chip in his mouth. “Dunno how you haven’t seen it, she does a pretty bad job hiding it. Obviously.” He pointed towards Kunikida’s bag to prove his point by referencing the small charm that started this whole conversation.
Kunikida returned to hiding in his hands, sighing slowly. He was torn between wishing the conversation would just end, and asking what they suggest he do. Knowing them, it’d likely end up being wildly terrible advice… though it would likely work out in the end…
No one said anything as he seemed to debate this, finally putting his hands down, looking oddly uncertain. “So…?” He asked, knowing they’d understand the unspoken question.
Everyone in the room lit up at his accepting their help, Dazai taking his chance to chime in again first.
“Well obviously, you need to ask her out!” He announced, the others nodding. “I’d suggest going dramatic, maybe a moonlit walk after a romantic candlelit dinner~.”
Yosano hummed thoughtfully, taking a sip of her coffee. “No, Christina doesn’t seem like that kind of woman. Keep it more simple, big gestures might scare her. Invite her out for a drink? Get some liquid courage in your system.”
“Take her to her favorite restaurant!” Ranpo called, his turn punctuated by the sound of him opening his ramune. “Or make her something yourself. The quickest way to the heart is through the stomach!”
“Actually the quickest way to the heart is through the chest.” Yosano corrected, even if that wasn’t the point.
Kenji raised his hand eagerly from his desk “Oo! Back home we’d give our crushes bouquets! And we’d usually bring them something we made!”
Kunikida suddenly regretted accepting their help, pinching the bridge of his nose again. There were so many conflicting suggestions that… honestly had good points.
A romantic dinner is a classic for a reason, right? But as Yosano said, that might be too much, so something a bit more casual might be better. Though, neither of them are really drinkers… Ranpo’s suggestions so far were actually seeming the most promising, and perhaps flowers wouldn’t be a bad idea...
“We’re behind schedule.” Kunikida said after some intense thought, picking up his pen to get back to work. He was done with this conversation, and didn’t want to have to fall too far behind.
Though after everyone finally went about their days with various degrees of disappointment at the lack of obvious resolve to do something, he reached into his bag and felt the shell charm again.
Perhaps… he could stand to be more ‘go with the flow’…
He pulled his phone out of his bag, and sent a single text, trying to ignore how he felt his heart pounding.
'Are you free this Saturday?'
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goldenworldsabound · 3 years
I am also considering writing the first entry of Emma Goldman’s longfic (my BSD SI). So far I’ve thought out why she leaves America to go to Japan (though that will only be hinted at and not directly covered immediately), and how she meets the ADA gang.
Will include such gems as,
Atsushi: why are you so much nicer to Goldie-san than me. I’m technically her senior. pout
Kunikida: She’s more capable than you are, and my senior by age, and she doesn’t run off and get into trouble all the time. Also she’s pretty
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chuuyrr · 2 years
HI ATE CHU!!!! Namiss ako makipag interact sayo! i was under i think -Em💤 nun the last time nakipag interact po ako sainyo noong december yata!!! Pero how are you ate? i hope you're faring fine!
Also pwede po ba pa-request ng scarlet witch bby x bungou stray dogs kung saan nagh-help si bby sa mga works ng mga Armed Detective Agency ?? and mga shenanigans na mag e-ensue doon. Plus mga after ng mga pangyayari ay trineat nila si bby reader ng fav food niya! yun lang po thank yu te!
scarlet witch! baby fushiguro! reader helps the armed detective agency
jujutsu kaisen x reader x bungou stray dogs
masterlist of the series
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╰➤ CW(s): possible spoilers for bungou stray dogs, major themes of fluff, and mentions of blood and violence such as suicide because of dazai
╰➤ PAIRING(s): platonic! bungou stray dogs x reader
omg ka bhie. ikaw pala si emz, hello :) namiss den kita hoy!! sabi q, bat parang nawala si emz sa inbox q lately, am saur glad you're back for another request. im doing well bb, ineenjoy q summer break q hehe, hope u r doing ok too at ayorn, enjoy reading!! ancute ng request super ♡
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the armed detective agency was no place for children, yet somehow, it became a place of comfort for you. you always find yourself in this world, particularly in this very place. dazai is held responsible for you most of the time. he needs a decent excuse to get away with not doing his work, but also because he likes being around you.
the rest of the detectives had also taken a liking to you. you definitely saw fukuzawa as your grandfather-figure of sorts. he's practically the father of the armed detective agency. you like him as much as you like dazai. you often run straight into his arms, wanting an "up-up" or to be carried, and well, he often invites you to his office for rice buns and tea, as well as to chat with you or hear you ramble while he works. 
you definitely saw atsushi and kyouka as siblings, just like junichiro, naomi, kenji, and dazai; yosano as your auntie, and ranpo and kunikida as your uncles. all of them were kind of like your family in another universe. you have nicknames or some sort of endearment towards each of them, and you like bonding with them in your own way.
just like fukuzawa, kunikida likes listening to you ramble and enjoys your company, you telling him about your world and jujutsu stuff and the like. in the meantime, you and kenji are quite wholesome together. you like talking about animals and the differences between rural and urban life, and can be quite chaotic together. as for yosano, she likes shopping with you and, well, just like any single baddie aunt, she spoils you rotten, like gojo. on the other hand, atsushi and kyouka enjoy spending quality time with you. lastly, junichiro shares with you the food he cooks, and naomi, along with kirako, likes to braid your hair and talk about clothes and accessories with you.
you have grown used to how the armed detective agency works and you're well-educated on the tasks they handle. you often observe from the side when they are busy, not only because you don't want to bother them, but also because you know how important detective work is in helping people, and they don't want to involve you in it because they believe you're too young for such, or so they thought.
however, this one time in particular, the armed detective agency has caught themselves in a corner in an investigation given to them. unfortunately, ranpo was handling a case and therefore not at present. making the task at hand difficult to decipher. it was that much of a hard nut to crack open. 
"this is hopeless. we can't solve this without ranpo-san." atsushi drew out a defeated sigh as he rubbed his temples.
dazai is considered as one of the agency's sharpest detectives, but dazai being dazai, he was procrastinating and unmotivated, and what did he do? he remembered what you and ranpo like to bond over, apart from snacks and sweets that he openly shares with you, solving mystery games and novels. that's right, ranpo taught you how to deduce, and dazai knows how you're an incredibly fast learner for your age.
he taught you how to pick locks, showing you the execution once, and yet, you were able to pull it off in a short span of time, especially back at your home when you snuck into gojo's secret and locked stash of sweets and the cursed weapon warehouse.
you sat at his desk, drawing on scratch paper he gave you along with some colored pens and crayons. with open arms and a smile, the messy brown-haired man grabbed your attention, "hey, [name]-chan! can you come here for a second?" 
you got off the chair, leaving your unfinished drawing on his desk, and immediately ran up to him with an excited smile, thinking he and the others were finished with work. "what is it, dazai-nii?" you asked rather excitedly.
"oi, dazai. get back to work and leave [name] alone." kunikida groaned in annoyance, rubbing his temples. "you two can play later."
"oh, no. we aren't going to play, kunikida-kun." dazai said to kunikida before picking you up in his arms and carrying you towards the table that was littered with important documents, data and pictures.
"we're going to solve this investigation together." a smile had curved its way onto dazai's lips, earning him a series of astonished looks, including yours.
"really?" you blinked, eyes lighting up along with a grin across your face. "we are?"
now, dazai didn't just want to test his prediction, he wanted to see it for himself, your capability. if you can solve the challenging mystery novels and games you do together with ranpo, then this should be a piece of cake. you were given tips and tricks, personally taught by the world's greatest detective after all.
kenji tipped the side of his head, "eh, [name]-chan?"
"but i thought we made it clear we're not involving [name] in our works?" kunikida argued, concerned. "this isn't a child's play, dazai!"
"ah, ah! no more talking! i know what i'm doing okay?" dazai was able to convince them after arguing and being persistent.
he proceeded to let you loom and peer at the pieces of information on the table as he continued to carry you in his arms. "just think of this like the mystery novels and cases you and ranpo-kun solve for fun, except this one is real. it's not a fake. now, i want to know your take on this, [name]-chan. "
"okay!" you chimed, nodding.
within five minutes of reading through the evidence and data gathered before you, you had sent the armed detective agency a run for their money.
"this is just like the mystery novel that ranpo-nii and i read and solved together!" you softly gasped, "all eight of them are the suspects. the evidence makes it look like one person did it, but that's not it. if you look at this and that.." you proceeded to connect the dots together and point out major flaws that made perfect sense, which kunikida doubted at first, and my god. he was wrong about you.
they were able to confirm it as soon as you deduced it. dazai, kunikida, and atsushi took you with them to the station. you got the eight suspects you claimed to confess and admit, and your deduction perfectly matches what they said. the head of police was shocked to find out that you, a mere child, had solved it.
were you actually a variant of ranpo in secret?
"yipee!" you squealed, jumping up and down. "did i do good? did i go good?"
"case closed! you did well, little belladonna." dazai announced, proceeded to nuzzle his nose to your nose, eliciting a giggle from you. "i knew you'd be able to solve it without my or ranpo's help."
"[name]-chan deduced it just like ranpo-san.." atsushi inhaled sharply, staring at you in so much disbelief. "you were amazing!" he breathed out, smiling.
"my, my. it looks like the agency has another sharpest detective in the making." yosano smiled at you as she shook her head.
"good work, detective [name]-chan." fukuzawa proceeded to ruffle your hair affectionately, looking down at you proudly. "ranpo will definitely like to hear it when he comes back."
and since then, whenever the armed detective agency was in a tight spot, or simply when ranpo and dazai weren't available or cooperating, they got you to help them. you might be a toddler, but you are smart and quick-witted. your chaos magic was incredibly useful too; from reading minds to gather intel to preventing people from being hurt and apprehending the perpetrator, whether they're ability users or not.
this one time, you were with dazai, kunikida and atsushi, and the suspect had slipped from your grasp. the three of them just looked away for a split second when you disappeared from their line of sight 💀
"[name]-chan?! [name]-chan!" atsushi, of course, was panicking. "where did you go?!"
"crap, don't tell me [name] went to chase after him." kunikida then proceeded to grab dazai by the collar and nearly strangled him. "this is what i told you about bringing [name] for this one! what if [name] got hurt? what if she somehow gets overpowered? that man is an ability-user!"
dazai was unfazed and simply pointed a finger in the horizon, holding a rather funny expression. "kunikida-kun, atsushi-kun, there's our little belladonna."
the weretiger and doppo poet user both turned around in unison just as an explosion went off and screamed as they immediately ran. you were on top of a very tall building and had the suspect cornered by the edge. as the man proceeded to jump off, you did too, but your red psionics levitated you along with the man you constricted using your powers. you fell into atsushi's arms safely and kunikida couldn't help but give the culprit a good smack on the head and a literal scolding for making you chase after him and, well, giving them all a heart-attack except dazai. he genuinely thought it was funny to see kunikida and atsushi panic.
"are you okay, [name]-chan? you're not hurt anywhere, are you?" atsushi patted you all over.
"how did you find him, [name]-chan?" dazai raised a brow, folding his arms across his chest as he sauntered towards you.
"his thoughts were all over the place and i found him because of it." you explained, pointing at your head, indicating your mind-reading ability. "it was a fun game of tag! he runs fast!"
"yes, a game of tag.. of course.." atsushi sweatdropped.
sometimes, you don't have to deduce anything. you simply accompany one or two of them to important places or just help them around in the office. even though they insisted it was fine, you insisted on assisting them, no matter how big or small. atsushi, kyouka, junichiro, naomi, kenji, yosano, and kunikida definitely give you easier tasks, while dazai and ranpo give you whole ass investigations to work on for fun, and you honestly prefer the solving stuff.
whether you help them with something big or small, the armed detective agency rewards you every single time, but even if you're just there in the office, they flat out spoil you either way.
"good work today, [name]-chan!" dazai picked you up in his arms, smothering you in affection just like how your dad, gojo, would whenever he praises you or just wants to baby you. "you know what this calls for?"
"what? what?" you asked rather excitedly.
"a reward for helping us out!" atsushi clasped his hands together, smiling at you.
"really?" you squeaked, eyes widening.
after a long day of helping the armed detective agency, they took you to your favorite restaurant here in the city and rewarded you with [favorite food], a dish you like to eat and order back at home. yokohama, or this world, makes your [favorite food] more differently and thus yummier.
"ah! [favorite food]!" you gasped, clapping your hands. "i haven't had [favorite food] for so long!"
"eat as much as you like, [name]-chan. you deserve it." fukuzawa placed a hand on the top of your head, ruffling your hair affectionately, staring at you with a proud smile. "you're part of the armed detective agency after all," he said.
"thank you uncle fukuzawa, and everyone!" you cried out happily, smiling ever so brightly.
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bonus scene:
"[name]-chan.. i can't seem to solve this one.."
you were at the armed detective agency office once again. you were playing with kenji and kyouka since they weren't really busy when dazai called out your attention. he was slumped on his desk, groaning and unmotivated, while atsushi sweatdropped as he typed away his report.
"oi! dazai, leave [name] alone and do your work for once. stop making a child do it for you!" kunikida proceeded to smack dazai in the head as he gritted out.
"but i really can't.." dazai proceeded to whine, dramatically draping an arm over his forehead. of course he could do it, but he was procrastinating and he wanted to see your smart little self in action. "[name]-chan! help me out hereee.."
"but uncle kunikida said not to." you answered in response, pouting a little.
"i'll treat you [favorite food]. i'll get you [favorite drink] and kikufuku too! how about it, [name]-chan? we'll play all day long too!" dazai exclaimed.
"really?!" you disappeared into a red mist and appeared right beside dazai instantly.
"mhm! you heard that right, [name]-chan!" dazai stated rather proudly, pinching your cheek with a closed-eye smile before grinning devilishly at the blonde. "and we'll be putting it on your uncle kunikida's tab."
"yay!" you clapped your hands, and jumped up and down with excitement. "uncle kunikida you're the best!"
you ended up helping dazai out in his work despite kunikida's protest, and true to his words, he treated you [favorite food], [favorite drink] and kikufuku, but the two of you had to make a run for it from kunikida, him carrying you in his arms as he dashed out of the restaurant.
"GET BACK HERE!" an angry kunikida screamed.
"dazai-nii! uncle kunikida is chasing after us!" you tugged at dazai's collar, pointing at the person behind you two.
dazai exclaimed with a mischievous smile, "he's playing a game of tag with us! i think this calls for your wiggly-woos magic to teleport us!"
with that, the two of you began to glow red, along with your [color] eyes. it was a good thing your chaos magic cancels out dazai's no longer human ability with ease since it is chaos magic, a power that breaks law and order, true to its name and nature.
"[NAME]! DON'T!" kunikida's eyes widened.
you waved at him as dazai turned around to him, sticking his tongue out before the two of you disappeared from his sight. shenanigans always ensue whenever you and dazai were together, and let's just say, you ended up taking him somewhere unexpected.
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simpforchuchu · 3 years
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Dad hcs
with  s/o who is studying physiotherapy
with s/o who learns about his past and who he really is
finds out reader has a crush on them
with s/o who is struggling financially
with abused reader
with  s/o who is terrified of the darkness
with s/o who is being stalked
with s/o who has Eating Disorder
with reader who has been kiddnapped
Readers bday
with s/o who is a digital artist
with s/o who cries easily
With s/o who is Mori's daughter
With s/o who is stressed with Universtiy
With reader who is Ryu's big sis
With reader who seems good but a traitor
with s/o who is tolerant of spicy food
with s/o who is actually Mori's daughter
with s/o who is scared of needles
What would happen if they accidentally walked into your room while you were getting dressed?
with reader seems cold but not
finds out reader has a crush on them
with abused reader
with s/o who is cutting herself in the bathtub
with s/o who is tolerant of spicy food
What would happen if they accidentally walked into your room while you were getting dressed?
finds out reader has a crush on them
with s/o who flinched cause she thought he will hit her
Readers bday
with s/o who is tolerant of spicy food
What would happen if they accidentally walked into your room while you were getting dressed?
With a s/o who is realized she is bisexual
with a fem! teen! reader
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with a s/o who is insecure about her weight and body
with s/o who is struggling financially
Forbidden Love
Part 1
Part 2 
Part 3
Part 4
Chuuya with s/o during an argument
with s/o who is Fyodor's little sister and a traitor
Dad hcs
finds out reader has a crush on them
with s/o who is terrified of the darkness
with s/o who is being stalked
with s/o who has Eating Disorder
with reader x their baby who is trying to feed on them
with reader who seems strong and confident but actually not
with reader who gets red easily when she is drunk
with kind Russian reader
with reader who has been kiddnapped
with reader who has panic attacks
Readers bday
with s/o who is a digital artist
with s/o who is on her period
with s/o who flinches during an argument
with s/o who has been secretly self harming
with s/o who is whiny when she is drunk
with s/o who cries easily
With s/o who wants to stay at his place
With s/o who is clingy
With s/o who is Mori's daughter
With s/o who is stressed with Universtiy
With reader who has suicidal thoughts
With reader who is usually shy but not when she is drunk
with s/o who is actually Mori's daughter
with s/o who is scared of needles
What would happen if they accidentally walked into your room while you were getting dressed?
with reader seems cold but not
with reader who is Dazai's lil sis
With reader : aftercare hcs
with s/o who is Fyodor's little sister and a traitor
with s/o who is Fyodor's little sister and a traitor
finds out reader has a crush on them
with reader x their baby who is trying to feed on them
with s/o who gets pregnant despite being told she is infertile
Readers bday
with s/o who was bullied
with reader who can sing
What would happen if they accidentally walked into your room while you were getting dressed?
with reader seems cold but not
With a s/o who is realized she is bisexual
with reader who seems strong and confident but actually not
Readers bday
with s/o who flinches during an argument
with s/o who has been secretly self harming
with s/o who is whiny when she is drunk
With reader who has suicidal thoughts
with s/o who is scared of needles
With reader : aftercare hcs
with a fem! teen! reader
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with s/o who has crush for them
with s/o who was bullied
with reader who can sing
with s/o who has crush for them
with s/o who was bullied
with reader who can sing
-Nathaniel Hawthorne 
with His Fiancee
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servbanai · 2 years
¡Bien! Ya que estamos... Dazai x Lectora. Ambos haciendo algo juntos, él irrumpiendo en tu casa porque... se sentía solo, aunque esto último no lo admita y se invente cualquier otra excusa como que tu casa estaba más cerca. Tenga o no las llaves ya lo dejo a tu disposición☆ ¡Gracias!
Oh qué emoción bienvenida/o es un placer en conocerte eres el primer comentario en estar en mi página con gusto lo haré y si quieres más de ésto no te olvides en ponerlo en los comentarios ^^ espero que te guste me esforzaré capaz le cambié unas cositas si no te molesta.
Osamu dazai x lectora
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Narra kyubi ( yo ) :
Dazai estaba aburrido ya que hoy en día no lo mandaron a aser una misión sea de hoy a si que dazai se preguntó ¿ Por qué no molestar a mi hermosa flor de loto ? Asi que dazai decidido fue a la casa de su amada. Pero el se acordó que no tenía las llaves de la casa de su amada .
Narra Osamu dazai :
Aah~ que ganas de estar con mi hermosa flor de loto su suave cabello (largo de cabello, estilo ,color de cabello ) y sus hermosos ojos ( color de ojos ) y su hermosa piel suave color ( tés de piel ) AAH~ como la amó demasiado es la chica perfecta para mi suicidio doble ,¿ Quién no la va a querer ? Es un hermoso ángel que ilumina mis días tristes .........¡¡AH ME OLVIDÉ QUE YO NO TENGO SUS LLAVES TODAVÍA !!. Bueno no queda más de otra que ir por la ventana .
Narra kyubi :
Dazai como lo e dicho , nuestro querido desperdicio de vendas fue por la ventana de nuestra querida y/n además ¿que tan malo puede pasar ?.
Narra y/n :
Aah me duele la espalda trabajar como ( elige tu trabajo ) es muy pero muy pesado, y además ase mucho frío creo que ( bebida caliente que te gusta ) estaría bien acompañada con ( tú comida favorita para combinar tu bebida ) je ojalá las cosas fueran fáciles en mi vida más que estoy en la agencia armada de detectives es mucho trabajo bueno todo eso lo hago por mi ( tú mascota de preferencia ) es muy pequeño y además pago mucho por los impuestos ,
Ya estoy llegando a mi casa Alfin .... Espera¿ por qué mi ventana está abierta ? Mejor sacó mi pistola , cuando entre a mí casa con cuidado de que no me escuchen y cuando entre me encontré con ..¿¡¡DAZAI , POR QUÉ EL ESTA EN MI CASA !!?
Narra Osamu dazai :
Cuando entre la casa de y/n estaba muy silenciosa su hogar pero ( nombre de tu mascota ) está en su cama dormido je se vé tan tierno/a dormida/o le voy a sacar una foto
Listó ya tengo la foto y ahora que hago ? Mejor me quedo sentado en el sofá mientras estaba sentado en el sofá esche unos pasos y me levanté y vi a y/n y tiene el arma que le regalé awww que tierna .
Narra kyubi :
Y/n se quedo congelada ¿por que dazai estaba en su casa ? ¿ Y por qué no utilizó las llaves que le dió un día en una misión ? ...
Narra y/n :
Y/n : oye Dazai que ¿ases en mi casa?, Si yo te di las llaves cuándo estábamos en una misión ? No me digas las perdiste¿ o no ? - le pregunté con el seño fruncido -
Dazai : haver déjame buscar las - el recibo en sus bolsillos si estaba las llaves y adivinen que si sí estaban en su bolsillo -
Y/n: bueno dazai no quieres pasar a tomar ( bebida caliente ) acompañados de ( cosa que querés acompañar ) ya que ase frío .
Dazai : okey ^^
Narra kyubi :
Y así y/n y dazai estuviera calentitos y comieron unas deliciosas ( comida preferida ) y lo que no sabía Dazai es que si tenía una misión que aser pero mañana se las verá con kunikida quien sabe capaz ese día Dazai se quedé sordo ese día .
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drangues · 3 years
NOOO I NEED THEM ILL TRY TO STOP SPARE ME. Anyways, THATS A LOT OF DRAWINGS WOW,, Cannt say you aren’t dedicated, haha. As for prompts,,, hm. Hm. Hhhmmm. HHHMMM. I think it depends on what kinda prompts you’re looking for? Though you seem to prefer fluffier stuff (which, fair, I also like fluff), so... Hm. Valentines is coming up- Maybe something for that??? Like one giving the the other flowers or chocolates or a stuffed animal... Maybe both of them at the same time? (Nyanon, 1/4)
And both of them being flustered because we Know Dazai can’t handle being gifted stuff, and Atsushi is the type to get flustered when you show him affection? Sorry, that’s the best I can come up with off the top of my head,, And big sis Yosano,,, Thats definitely an Aesthetic that I can get behind. Someone makes fun of Atsushi and she’s just. Looming, threateningly, with a chainsaw or something. That would be something Fukuzawa would do. (Nyanon, 2/4)
Kunikida probably thinks it’s some Super Serious Team Building Exercise, so of course someone (Dazai) has to fuck with him and make it go off the rails. Ten bucks says that Kunikida is technically the one to land the first blow in retaliation. But! Moving on to another Concept: Do you think Atsushi would grow his hair out as he gets older? Don’t get me wrong, his little choppy uneven cut right now is adorable! But I could also see him growing it out with time? (Nyanon, 3/4)
Both because I imagine he’d want to indulge in Kyouka’s whims to play with it and braid it, and also because... Well, I just feel like it’d be cute if he grew it out because he looks up to Fukuzawa and wants to be a bit like him, haha. Also the idea of Atsushi with longer hair is a really pretty one, not gonna lie. (Nyanon, 4/4)
man i am very dedicated too bad i cant draw right now because i have S I X assignments to do in ONE subject (cause i got an F on it so to get an E on the whole subject i gotta do these six assignments) and then other class stuff on top of that, and then i have a math test coming up this tuesday a- *PUNCHES WALL* I WANNA DRAW DAZATSU AND BOYS IN SKIRTS MAN 
also O H O i didnt even think of doing something for valentines day but a thought of redrawing the flower gifting scene in bsd wan is Certainly on my To Draw list sO,,,ill definitely use That.
kunikida definitely is the one that lands the first punch and dazai calls on the president like a kid snitching to their parent
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kurenailukia · 7 years
Crescent Moon [Summary]
Kunikida best husbando
Kunikida best profesor
Pero Kunikida not so best senpai (?)
He estado escribiendo esto desde el año pasado, y la verdad ya me imagino que no recibirá mucha atención.
Kunikida Doppo x OC (De nuevo, narrado en segunda persona porque si)
"Después de todo, no importa cuánto lo desees, ¡No puedes vivir de ideales!" -Doppo Kunikida. [Carne y patatas]
La luna creciente le roba el sueño al idealista, lo espía desde el cielo y le recuerda los errores que cometió en el pasado. Ilumina su cuerpo que intenta ser tragado por la obscuridad de la noche, sonríe a medias mientras lo observa revolverse entre pesadillas y memorias de una época en donde él hundió en las profundidades de la desesperación a alguien inocente por cometer un error.
La luna creciente se oculta detrás del rostro de la chica que ahora lo observa con una sonrisa resignada, caminando con el peso de los sueños destrozados en la espalda, la responsabilidad de una vida que apenas comienza en los brazos, con los grilletes de la soledad y la exclusión en las piernas y la condena de un futuro negro al frente...
El idealista, a pesar de haberle robado una parte a la luna, a pesar de que sabe el error que cometió, por alguna razón sigue siendo iluminado por su amorosa luz.
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ff85yg · 7 years
Day 2: Spring
Soukoku Week 2017
Fandom: Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairing: Soukoku [Dazai Osamu x Chuuya Nakahara]
Si te dijera que un día de pronto vi nacer la primavera en tu sonrisa, que aspiré el aroma de las camelias rojas en al aire a tu alrededor, que vi florecer el universo a tus espaldas, que vi brillar el cielo despejado resplandeciente en tu mirada, y que eso hizo que me enamorara de ti… estaría mintiendo de forma vil, cruel y descarada.
Aun en este efímero espacio de quietud que conseguimos cada tanto, de aparente normalidad, teniendo una mañana compartida sin preocupaciones, sin nadie queriendo hacer explotar Yokohama; no puedo relacionar los poemas cursis y repletos de rimas azucaradas con lo que siento por ti. Pretender hacerlo es como querer maquillar una realidad que es perfecta en su peculiaridad, negar que sus diferencias —sin brillos ni pétalos— son parte del por qué estamos aquí, compartiendo un pastel de la tienda de conveniencia por mero antojo, abrazados en el sillón, viendo Esposas Desesperadas.
Tú bebes un vino caro y me das una cucharada de pastel. Yo como una cereza y te doy una cucharada de pastel. Comparo a Kunikida-kun con Bree y te partes de la risa con mi imitación. Y esa risa que viene, no de la luz, sino que es un rayo grisáceo proveniente de la oscuridad en la que crecimos juntos, me seduce y me hace besarte.
Dices un insulto, o tal vez veinte, uno pierde la cuenta al acostumbrase, y me devuelves el beso.
No hay destellos, no hay chispas que broten y borren la maldad con la magia del amor. No. Este no es un amor de fantasía, de primaveras eternas o cuentos pastel. Este es un amor crudo y real, que convive con sus fantasmas, con sus demonios, con la sangre y los casquillos, con la tortura y las peleas callejeras. Es un amor que nació donde no debía, en tierra árida de tenebrosas criaturas, de dolor y tristeza, de abandono, de muerte. En ello yace su belleza.
Este amor no es primavera, porque en nuestro mundo nunca existió ni existirá esa época. ¿Qué si lo digo por pesimista resignación?, todo lo contrario, lo digo con la absoluta convicción esperanzada de un hombre enamorado, que sabe que para mantenerse con vida, y más importante, para mantenerte a ti a mi lado y bien, necesito tener ambos pies firmes sin ensoñaciones vanas.
¿Quieres que te diga qué me enamoró de ti, sin ser un vil, cruel y descarado mentiroso?
Me enamoró tu fuerza, la manera bruta y directa con que te mueves en la batalla, aplastando a tus enemigos, fiel y leal a tus compañeros y objetivos. Amo como eres capaz de compaginar el deber con la preocupación a los tuyos, consiguiendo ganarte, pese a tu carácter volátil, a subordinados y pares. Caí rendido a tu hechizo de sinceridad oculta en un sonrojo tenue, y a ese pase que realizan tus dedos nerviosos entorno a un cigarro aparentando calma.
En la despiadada realidad que compartimos, más parecida al invierno de cantares funestos, renunciar a las ilusiones de una imaginación drogada de empalagamientos, por proteger nuestras manos unidas, es mi elección, mi prueba de amor.
Por conservar este amor sacrificaría lo que fuera. Sacrificaría incluso los brotes de los que nace la primavera, en nombre de la sonrisa que me muestras comiendo pastel de una tienda de conveniencia, y por proteger el brío de tu presencia, con que, en remolinos de muerte, encandilas mis deseos suicidas.
Inmolaría a la primavera, y con gusto le daría un beso al invierno sin fin, si él me asegura el quedarme a tu lado para siempre.
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Wattpad: https://www.wattpad.com/story/114067115-a-normal-life-a-normal-love-soukokuweek
Fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12547844/1/A-normal-Life-a-normal-Love
Imagen Original: DES [Id Pixiv: 2787420]
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ol-razzle-dazazzle · 7 years
You want to write you shall write! Hcs for Chuuya, Yosano, Dazai, Kouyou and Kunikida with a 16y.o lil sis with he ability to, uhhh... Stop time? Let's say that for every 5 seconds she stops time she has to wait another 10 before she can use is again (time spent stopped x 2 = recovery time?) Idk man go wild.
Sorry it's a bit late! Also the pronouns were confusing because idk her name so that's why she's called 'you'Chuuya-totally braids hair together. Teaches you how to kick ass in a minimal amount of time-you both end up half-dead because of trying to push each other's limits.-'if I manipulate space, and you time, could we make black holes and temporal rips in the universe'-really, really not a good idea-the two stayed in recovery together after dazai nullified them back in old times times. -the two and soukoku work amazingly well together, but after dazai left they became a lot more distanced-then after an overworked incident putting out of commission for a few days you two slowly went back to collaborating-chuuya reasons that since you stop time you're already of age to drink, and you two drink together and are buds. Yosano-is actually pretty protective of you and your ability, because exhaustion and internal injuries are things she can't heal-apart from that she always tries to check up on you, making sure you're getting sleep and eating okay-to punish you she'll draw on you with marker. Rip. -sometimes she dresses you up though-no matter how much you stop time you can't avoid her treatments, ripKunikida-initially he tried to get you to help him out with his schedule, but realised the toll it takes when he was older and felt bad about it-actually pretty helpful, always reminds you of things you need to get done that you forgot or slept during-he'll still lecture you, and tries to give you a notebook so you can help pay attention more. (It doesn't work)-nonetheless despite your complete lack of organisation he cares about you and supports you.-also numerous moral debate on time powers. Dazai-thinks his sister's ability is amazing, ever since the two were younger-due to its nature of lengthy time, he tries to nullify it whenever possible-because of his ability causing him to not get frozen the two get in tons of mischief when they're younger-they don't do so as much anymore, but the two are close due to them having their own suspended space to talk to each other-is somewhat really grateful because she's saved him from a few 'attempts'-always gets her watches and clocks, because she muddled up what time it is. Kouyou-kouyou would absolutely love having a younger sister, the gal hanging out- buying clothes, shopping, learning how to slice someone's organs out of their body-due to such a convenient ability, mori tends to overwork her, causing kouyou to totally try to shut that down and back you up before you collapse-kinda gives you petty whims to do, giving her umbrellas before it gets rainy and whatnot, but let's herself be a personal pillow when you recover
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elliotthezubat · 7 years
reblog this with your bungou stray dogs rare pairs!
here be mine
Elise X Q
Poe X Louisa
Sasaki X Kunikida
Dazai X Kirako
Kenji X Ruthie (steinbeck’s sis)
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ao3feed-skk · 6 years
by chloecantsleep
[...] Voltò il biglietto e dall’altro lato trovò un’immagine della band che, solo ora, si rese conto di aver visto spesso sulle locandine in giro per Yokohama. Un giovane eccentrico dai capelli lunghi e rossi, quello che probabilmente era il leader, prevaleva sugli altri membri della band, tutti posizionati in secondo piano rispetto a lui. Dazai dovette ammettere che il leader sembrava davvero un bel ragazzo, ma un bel viso non sarebbe bastato se il suo compito era cantare. Nonostante non fosse ferrato nel campo musicale, sapeva riconoscere un musicista o cantante talentuoso, ma riteneva fosse raro trovarne uno oggi – non che Dazai si preoccupasse di tenersi aggiornato –. Tuttavia non era da lui partire prevenuto, né fare di tutta l’erba un fascio, perciò si rassegnò all’idea di dover andare a quel concerto e si sforzò di pensare che magari poteva piacergli, ma senza riuscire a convincersene davvero.
Words: 2464, Chapters: 1/?, Language: Italiano
Fandoms: 文豪ストレイドッグス | Bungou Stray Dogs
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Dazai Osamu (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Tachihara Michizou (Bungou Stray Dogs), Higuchi Ichiyou (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Ryuunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Gin, Oda Sakunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakajima Atsushi (Bungou Stray Dogs), Edogawa Ranpo (Bungou Stray Dogs), Kunikida Doppo (Bungou Stray Dogs), Ozaki Kouyou (Bungou Stray Dogs), Lucy Maud Montgomery (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Relationships: Dazai Osamu/Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu & Nakahara Chuuya (Bungou Stray Dogs), Nakahara Chuuya/Tachihara Michizou (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Gin/Tachihara Michizou (Bungou Stray Dogs), Akutagawa Gin/Higuchi Ichiyou, Akutagawa Ryuunosuke/Higuchi Ichiyou (Bungou Stray Dogs), Dazai Osamu/Oda Sakunosuke (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Additional Tags: Rockband AU, Dazai Osamu - Freeform, Nakahara Chuuya - Freeform, osamu dazai - Freeform, Chuuya Nakahara - Freeform, Nakajima Atsushi - Freeform, Atsushi Nakajima - Freeform, bungou stray dogs - Freeform, another universe, Soukoku, Higugin - Freeform, GinHigu, TachiGin, AkuHigu, Odazai, Chuuya x Dazai - Freeform, Dazai x Chuuya, Bungou Mayoi
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goldenworldsabound · 3 years
often when I’m typing brain goes faster than hands and I combine two words together
combined that and was to get “twas”. Which like. Actually works. But also. Amuses me deeply.
yes I’m trying out some Si x Kunikida fic 👉👈
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simpforchuchu · 2 years
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Kissing hcs
with s/o with Proriasis
with reader who left them because she lost her leg
with reader who is Dazais Counterpart
forgetting their s/o's bday
how they react to learning their sis is a high ranking member of the 7th Agency
Female version
How would they react when they find out you are pregnant
With a diabetic reader
With reader who likes to be organized
Kissing hcs
How would Atsushi and Ranpo react to a person who wants to be a writer or a journalist
their s/o makes them their lunch
How would Atsushi and Ranpo react to a person who wants to be a writer or a journalist
Atsushi's lover finds out he is a weretiger
With his old friend
with reader | back to the orphanage
Female version
trying to kiss you
Reader who kisses him out of the
their s/o makes them their lunch
Atsushi being suprised by his s/o on his birthday
Atsushi x his s/o who feels lonely
their s/o makes them their lunch
With reader who likes to be organized
Drop the gun!
Some cute fanboy hcs
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with reader who left them because she lost her leg
with s/o with a hypnic jerk
with s/o who hanged their pic on wall
with reader who is afraid to show her emotions
with reader who is afraid of yelling
with reader who is Dazais Counterpart
forgetting their s/o's bday
how they react to learning their sis is a high ranking member of the 7th Agency
Female version
Big Bro Chuu and teenage reader
Big Bro Chuu and kid reader
Chuuya comforting his daughter who is insecure
How would they react when they find out you are pregnant
Chuuya x s/o who is obsessed with Sanrio Plushies
With a secretary s/o
Taking care of his sick lover
Stay by my side
Kissing hcs
how they react to learning their sis is a high ranking member of the 7th Agency
Female version
Trans Male BF who thinks he is shitty person
with daughter who is 15 and looks like Dazai
with reader who calls him Rintarou
with reader who he is struggling to confess to
General dating hcs
with teenage girl/boy
with reader who left them because she lost her leg
with reader who is struggling with selfharm
with s/o who wants to do make up to him
with reader who is Dazais Counterpart
With writer reader
With a reader who has the same ability with Poe
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