soutakuphi · 3 months
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Making way to the next generation
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zincbot · 1 year
i wish sakura wore the flak jacket more she looks so good
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just-jae · 2 months
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A bit sloppy, but I like!
Here’s some redesign sketches for Kiba Inuzuka (IP of Masashi Kishimoto)
As I’ve mentioned before, I really enjoyed the idea of a dog-themed character, but to me Kiba didn’t really fit into the ninja world as itsdesigned to be.
And I, frankly like that. So here’s the juice:
Kiba Inuzuka is from a more indigenous clan of hunters whom, more or less formed a treaty with Konoha to stay out of eachother’s hair. However, Konoha‘s officials are still opportunists, and still keep their military programs open even for allied outsiders, granted they pledge allegiance to Konoha over their clan and become a citizen.
In Kiba’s case, he just didn’t fit in and was something of an outcast for his quiet and aloof demeanor. As a teenager he was starting to get in trouble and his shyness started to turn into antisocial tendancies as he clashed more with his peers and elders and became more hardheaded about his own choices— basically he was anticipating being rejected by the Clan and starting to self-fullfill the prophecy.
So— the Konoha recruitment program reaches out and offers to give Kiba a place in their ninja program. His parents were more against it, but Kiba agrees in a moody fit just to get away from the tensions, being added to a specialized reconnaissance team (With Hinata and Shino).
Generally he’s a lurker; quiet, watchful, but also avoidant and aloof. At first, he runs into the same problems with wandering off, being suspicious of his peers (where one is a Hyuuga and the other’s… well Shino) and having terrible communication skills (not to mention particularly tense interactions with Naruto). Hinata’s kindness and Shino’s reliability bring him out of his shell. He learns to trust them, but also to care about and relate to them.
Team 8 becomes his found family, whom he’s incredibly protective of.
Eventually he does start to miss home, especially as he matures and reflects on situation he left.
His relationship with Kuranai is feels strange just bc she reminds him of his mom and Aunts, but is very obviously not an Inuzuka. They have similar demeanors and temperments, so Kuranai acts as an accidental role model for a healthier way to express himself and maintain his boundaries and relationships at the same time.
His skills primarily lie in tracking, nonvisual detection, and guarding, but he’s also the team’s heavy hitter when they’re facing a group of enemies, especially when they’re protecting an asset or client. He’s also the quickest on foot, and the the most durable. Also, while Akamaru is small, he tends to train with him by literally throwing him around. Akamaru basically uses Kiba as a trampoline and is an expert hole-hopping troll.
Overall, for the design I mostly just like how the hood and facepaint turned out, the rest of his clothes are still a mystery in my mind. I was going for something tribal looking, but for now that’s a future me endeavor.
Hope yall enjoyed!
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hellcifrogs · 11 months
I see your sannin swap and I raise you: sanin taught team Kuranai
I'm gonna say something very mean... but I don't think Orochimaru would want any of them ; u;) It would be nice to see more of the konoha kids interact and train with Tsunade or Jiraya though~
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Gai: bottoms up!
Kakashi: *absently stands up*
The whole bar: wow…I know laughing out loud would get my chest caved in as my spine does it’s best Lightning rod imitation but just know on the inside this made me die of laughter.
Kuranai, looking at a shirtless kakashi: Where’s your top
Kakashi: fire and wind natured studen-
Genma, already halfway out the window and preparing to run for his life: Guy is out on a mission
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nanathott · 2 months
nana babes-
what are your thoughts on naruto characters
me personally....
real shit i was down ATROCIOUS for the teachers-
kakashi might be the poster boy for it but...
i love yamato so so so much- even if he kinda reminds me of a frog. thats my guy right there
and asuma and kuranai could BOTH get it fr fr 😭
also i had a MASSIVE thing for zabuza tbh 🗿
super unpopular opinion but i did not like naruto… i tried to watch it MULTIPLE times over the years and ik it gets better the longer u watch it but i truly couldn’t hold out….
kakashi is a cutie though, that’s all i know
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chaotikaz64 · 9 months
(open rp request)
Kazato had spent a lot of time winning card and online versions of Chaotic and had eventually gotten a code for his scanner. He used it before getting ready for bed so he's not like Tom who was in heart boxers at the time he got his code and once he laid down the perspective changes to the Kazato in chaotic. He was relatively speechless at the beautiful zone of the chaotic hub zone known as the port court and wandered around until he was flagged over by a bot butler who led him to the Krellin drome.
Floating logo thing i don't have a gif of yet: Welcome user Kazato Kuranai, chaotic code name ChaotiKaz64. Your first challenger is (your character name and chaotic code name). Dock your scanners for a 1 on 1 starter match.
Kazato did as told and soon he picked Rothar and a piece of battle gear and 10 locations for his randomizer.
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nejitenfanfiction · 4 years
Since Spring
By NessiGG
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Rated T
Angst and Romance
6k words and 1 chapter
“Neji is driven to the brink of his sanity when his teammate disappears and is given an option. 'I can use a technique that will allow you to forget every memory you have of Tenten.'”
This is so good! The mental strain Neji has because of Tenten’s situation is so good.
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tora-the-cat · 5 years
Rin Nohara Headcannons
real quick, some love for this beautiful girl!!
-like all of team Minato, she is trans.
-She loves Skirts so much, but only with leggings because she has to always be able to kick a fucker in the face
-She died thinking she was gay as fuck, but, given time and a slightly better world, she would have fallen in love with both of her boys
-Her first date was with Ayame (the ramen girl). She’s like 10 and it doesn’t work out, but they’re still really good friends.
-She gets a free bowl of ramen every time she goes to Ichiraku’s, and refuses to tell anyone why.
-The Nohara Clan is a clan of Empaths from Uzushiogakure. The purple patches are Uzumaki seals; they dull the strongest Nohara’s empathic abilities, as in the strongest cases Nohara’s have gone mad at the constant influx of emotions from everyone.
-Rin is one of the strongest empath’s born in generations, and has a heart condition after almost having multiple heart attacks when she was little, brought on by the shock and pain of being a powerful empath born durning a war
-Rin doesn’t usually have to brush her hair. She’s just lucky like that; her hair is so straight that, unless she’s actively doing something, it’ll just stay that way. Worst case scenario she has to put it in a ponytail.
-Kushina was teaching her Uzumaki seals, eager to pass down the information, especially to another Uzushiogakure clan. She’s great with seals actually, but in an Uzu way and not a Normal way, so it frustrated Minato that he can’t really teach her much.
-Rin went to the gates of Uzushio once and cried, because even decades later the place felt like fear and sadness and anger. She almost had a heart attack.
-Nohara Rin was a master of The Silent Treatment. If you pissed her off, she would just ignore you until you apologized or admitted you were wrong, one way or another.
-(She had lots of practice, being friends with Obito for a decade)
-Kakashi, the first time he pissed her off, tried to out-stubborn her. They didn’t talk for three months, before Minato badgered Kakashi into apologizing because it was effecting missions.
-Rin is Hard of Hearing! She mostly doesn’t think about it because she fixes it with chakra these days, but she was born HoH and knows sign language.
-She can’t do make up or paint nails for shit. She just doesn’t have the artistic flare or care. Kakashi does all of her make up, when she needs it. She is sworn to secrecy about this.
-She also can’t do anything with hair, mostly because she doesn’t really need to. Obito is Amazing at hair, and LOVES doing hers! He misses having long hair a little, but he can do whatever he wants to Rin’s, really.
-After Kanabi Bridge, she studied Genjutsu’s until her eyes bled, determined to never put her team at risk again.
-She and Kuranai actually had a short fling where they kind of dated, but mostly just nerded out over Genjutsu. Rin was a prodigy, but lowkey had flashbacks and a general Bad Time whenever she casted one so she never really persued that.
-(Rin taught Kuranai dozens of Genjutsu she still uses. Kuranai tries not to think about it.)
-Rin dabbled in posions for, like, 2 seconds because she saw Shizune at a festival and wanted to impress her. She got a shy kiss on the cheek for her efforts, and then counted that as a win and stopped caring immediately.
-She met Itachi Uchiha exactly once. He was 4, crying like a silent statue after his father had taken him to a battlefield to see the carnage. She comforted the crying child, wiped away his tears, and whispered that War never got better. He said that he was a prodigy, that he had to be a ninja, he already had his sharringan, and Rin smirked and said ‘With chakra control like that, you should be a medic.’
-(Itachi ripped through Medical textbooks eagarly, excited at the prospect of healing instead of hurting for once. By the time he was 7, his father deemed it a waste of time and forbid the study. Shisui still snuck him notes and theory during lunch, and Itachi practiced healing Shisui’s cuts and bruises after practice. He could have been great.)
-Kakashi didn’t tak Rin seriously until he watched her walk up to an Iwa Guard that had caught Obito and tap him on the neck, and he dropped to the floor convulsing. She had overloaded his heart with chakra forign to his system, and he had a fatal heart attack that left no trace of her presence.
-Rin Nohara is the reason Kakashi is afraid of Medics. He was in ANBU, and some of the shit she pulled as a tweenager still gives him nightmares.
-Speaking of ANBU, Rin was aiming to be ANBU Commander to Obito’s Hokage. She was subtly nudging Kakashi towards Jonnin Commander. whenever Shizune The Cute Girl came back, she would get the hospital. Kuranai was gonna get T&I. she had it all Planned Out, ok-
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soutakuphi · 5 months
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new Yugioh oc for the Stars thing and hes third member of the crew and the third 'protag' after the other two.
Kenta Kuranai is his name, and he's not from a rich family as Jun, or as friendly and sociable as Yuji. He's had a rocky road in his career to be the best duelist ever, and in his quest to do so has taken a vow to 'never take shortcuts,' to someone in his past.
He assumed being accepting into Duel Academy would allow him to improve more but well, some bumps in the road and his misgivings with the attitudes of the campus might cause some trouble, but he won't let that bring him down. He made a vow and he won't let them ruin his future. This attitude has backfired on him somewhat, with him often skipping classes and being a general 'delinquent' has caused him to stay in Remedial. Not that he cares.
Serious, snarky, and focused, he's seen as the best duelist out of the Remedial group (Jun not dueling normally, nor having done so in front of him pre-main story helping this view). Starting out as a lone wolf, he slowly warms up to the rest of the group, but he won't admit that without some pushing.
He is very adamant in the fact that duel monsters shouldn't be a weird mystical or chaos inducing phenomenon. its just a card game, come on now.
His deck changes tactics depending on the duelist he's fighting, but often he tries to shutdown a reoccurring tactic/combo/card his opponent favors, then swarm them with his cards. His deck is a Beast/Warriors hybrid themed after creatures combined with mythological figures and heroes, "Chimera Mythos"
The main trio is done for the Stars gang, will try to add more including the rest of the remedial group and faculity and main rivals.
i really need to draw their duel disks one day.
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adhd-sakura · 5 years
There is a general ‘common curtousy’ rule about not going into other squad’s tents when you’re teaming up with them, but, with Team 8 (and team 7 but we aren’t talking about them right now) it becomes law. They are three autistic nightmares that refuse to budge from the routine they’ve built around each other since they were 12, someone better be fucking dying if you’re thinking about coming within a meter’s radius of their tent. 
One time an ambush happened in the morning and it was by 10 of Iwa-jonnin against their 6 chunnin and one jonnin (they were still chunnin. Yes the Jonnin heard rumours of, feared, and respected their routine rule) and the Jonnin is plotting out some diverson to sacrifice themselves and let the Chunnin escape when one of the attacking jonnin goes after the tents to ransack them-
not expecting to find any oposition from a few chunnin, in one, but Boy Was He Wrong. And dead. He was dead now. a hole was blown cleanly through his neck and there was a spider in his mouth. 
Suddenly, with no more warning or prompt or hesitation, team 8 sprung into action, taking out three jonnin each with the rage and passion they’ve always wanted to express at their routine being interuppted. It’s cathartic, to release up all that build up tension.
it’s fucking terryfying for everyone else though.
Kuranai is so proud- it still sends her into fits of laighter everytime someone is surprised that her kids are little monsters. 
Team 8′s tent is not fucked with, and any green chunnin that questions why gets silently handed a copy of the Jonnin’s report from that mission.
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kisshu97 · 5 years
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Eden’s Zero - Ch. 50
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deerself · 4 years
what if you and kakashi start a book club? lol just kidding... unless?
oh HELL YEA i love this!!!
📚 kakashis mostly into his... raunchy icha icha books but he does love to read a lot of other stuff!!! action and adventure are his favourites, dramatic and tense stories that keep you on your edge. he usually needs some sort of romance in his books to keep him fully entertained but he’ll read stuff without it
📚 its probably neither me or kakashi that originally suggested the book club but one of my teammates, probably sora as shes the most social out of all of us!! kakashi reluctantly agrees and we invite all of our friends and its FUN!!!
📚 we read books together and argue about the story and whats going to happen next and despite being fairly laidback kakashi can get REALLY into discussions on the plot, the characters, the conflicts. he just has a lot to say and its really cute watching him actually get animated when he talks
📚 rei likes to purposely say incorrect theories about whats going to happen just to rile kakashi up a bit. “No! That’s not what’ll happen at all! How do you believe that Tamaka of all people will be the one to get the ancient sword!?” its really funny and always makes me laugh and kakashi realizes afterwards that he has been made a Fool but its ok because it made me laugh and he loves that
📚 this is honestly such a sweet prompt just..... chill fun times where we talk about books and everyones happy... 🥺🥺🥺
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Mirai is so cute!
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opel1995 · 3 years
Another crossover of eldarya and naruto/boruto series
Otsutsuki's God in that cace is a goddess
here she is corrupted
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her before the coruption
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Ten Ten
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Hinata from naruto the last movie i know that she isnt exatly like that its more calouful and some of the componets im missing.i was trying to recreate that outfit where she is about to marry Toneri
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boruto sexy jutsu
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sokumotanaka · 3 years
Man if I were on a team with kuranai, I'd be...behaved enough
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