waterdropsfall · 4 months
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Was listening to the deltarune soundtrack & was hit by inspiration
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mha-quotes-and-such · 10 months
Shigaraki: The best way to gain someone's undying loyalty is by saving their life Kuroguri: So you're going to wait until the League are in danger and save them? Shigaraki: No I'm going to create a situation that puts them in danger and then save them Kurogiri: Im sure there are easier ways of gaining their loyalty Shigaraki: Nah it has to be this
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dark-elf-writes · 10 months
Imagine Kurogiri feeling a pull and not knowing why, confused about the need to see someone… he doesn’t know who… but he feels it.
Tensei bursts into the staff room, confused but he needs to be there. The story being told and his bitterness over it.
The other staff reacting. They aren’t guardians but they are family. And they are enraged.
Tensei carefully making his way to Shouta, taking his rightful place in their group as his storm, and reaching out to rest a hand on his friend’s knee, so careful not to dislodge the grip Shouta has on his kids. He feels that anger, that rage, that he has bitten back for so long rise to the surface. Feels it burning under his skin as his friend tells his story, as the born haired kid fills in the gaps on the flame side of things. As Tenya’s little friend fills in yet more gaps on the man that had hurt his friend and the war two hundred years in the making. And he realizes that he needs to find a way to fight again.
The realization of who Kuroguri is hitting so much harder. Shouta and Hizashi clinging to each other’s hands hard enough to leave bruises as the fog pulls back and they see Oboro looking back at him. Shouta forgetting how to breathe for a moment as he looks at the face of his sun turned into something unrecognizable. Them leaving the prison only to see a wild eyed Tsuna waiting for them clearly having been moments away from trying to break in and get to them, reacting to Shouta’s distress.
AfO not realizing how badly he fucked up by fucking with those three specific skies and the hell they and their families (both bonded and extended) will rain down upon him to get their revenge. Tsuna and his family in particular are rather unimpressed with his shows of power and all the quirks he has collected. He’s pretty sure one of the kids actually scoffs at him.
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cerise-lockwood · 1 year
The League Of Villians Is The Forbidden Child Protective Services
Shigiraki be like: You abandon a child and I will disintegrate you right here right now.
Dabi be like: You beat a child and you're dead.
Toga be like: You oppress a child and I won't even drink your blood after killing you
Twice be like: And you better give a child emotional support or it's Sad Man's Parade!
And you know Spinner, Kuroguri, and Mr. Compress gonna be backing them up.
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frogzzai · 1 year
Ranking MHA villains because I've ran out of ideas
Send in requests I have no motivation :'( (I write for MHA, Creepypasta, Slashers, Demon Slayer, JJK, Harry Potter, Rick and Morty, Fantastic Beasts, Winx) Any underage characters are not permitted unless it's platonic
Characters included: Shigaraki, Dabi, Toga, Twice, Mr. Compress, Spinner, Big Sis Mange, All For One, Overhaul, Gentle Criminal, Mr. Smiley, La Brava, Nine, Slice, Doctor, Mummy, Chimera, Mustard, Moonfish, Muscular, Kuroguri, Geten, Skeptic, Trumpet, Lady Nagant
Multi-Masterlist! Back to Masterlist!
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I love Shigaraki, he's pretty cool. He babbles though, that's why some of his victims get away. HE TALKS. I guess all the villains do that but even so. For that reason I'm gonna give him an 8/10.
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Dabi is cool, I like his backstory although I think he's a tad overrated (don't come at me)
A bit like Shigaraki, but not quite as bad, the reason he doesn't reach his full potential as a villain is because he talks. To be honest, if the villains didn't do that the whole anime/ manga would be over in one episode/ book.
I do like his character design though (emos>)
I'll give him a 7.5/10.
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Classic yandere villain trope. Who doesn't love them? I love her character design and I also love how, even as a villain, she has empathy and isn't completely cold.
She's one of the strongest villains in the league physically even though her quirk isn't.
I feel like she has much more potential so I'll give her an 8.5/10.
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I like the way Twice was written, his backstory is pretty origional.
Definitely had a massive upgrade in his character when he broke through all that trauma in season 5.
One of the more humane and compassionate villains.
Mr. Compress
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Where do I start? Sure, I love Mr. Compress but he would be so much better if he could just keep his mouth shut! He would've gotten away with both Bakugou and Tokoyami if he were able to stfu :(
His ego is a lil too big for my liking <3
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Spinner deserves more love!
His quirk is a little underwhelming, all those looks and he can only stick to walls.
One of the more rational members of the LoV.
Good morals.
The reason for Deku surviving, he saved him from Mange.
7/10, Stain dupe.
Big Sis Mange
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Chill ig, not my favourite but not my least.
Not much to say actually, she didn't last long.
6/10 had more potential.
All for One
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Fuck you.
Younger him was hot.
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Fuck you.
I hate him but he's hot.
1.5/10. Justice for Eri, extra 0.5 because he's hot and he had a cool quirk
Gentle Criminal
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One of my favourite villains!
Shares my love of tea.
Deserves justice.
Mr Smiley
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Another one of my favourites!
One of the best character developments. Fight me.
La Brava
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Most underrated.
She deserves better.
She has the best character design.
Literally fight me if you disagree. La Brava solos your favourites. Definitely best as a vigilante.
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Hot and powerful.
Proudly holds one of the best fight arcs.
8/10, not liking the fact he went after that kid, don't care bout your needs, leave the kid alone.
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Also one of my favourite character designs.
Her few minutes of screen time were the highlight of the movie.
Marry me
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Hope your nomus eat you x
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He had so much potential!
I loved his quirk, he was definitely fit for a bigger group than the one he was in. Would give the LoV a run for their money.
I wish he had more screen time.
All the villains in 'Heros Rising' are better than the main ones in the series.
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He was pretty cool.
His quirk was powerful, would like to see him fight Tamaki.
Not much to say about him.
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Do better.
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Another of my favourite villains!
One of my favourite quirks despite it being kinda freaky.
Justice for his poor teeth.
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I don't like his quirk it freaks me out in a bad way.
Leave the child alone you prick. Hope someone throws salt at you whilst your muscles come out x
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He's chill
I know he's a main villain but he just doesn't feel like one.
Smash 🤷‍♀️
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His character design is sick.
His fight scene was cool.
Has so much potential.
I want him and Todoroki to fight.
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Greasy electronic guy??
Sign me up.
He looking for a table? I'll bend over for him..
Definitely has skilled fingers.
10/10 would let him use me as a puppet.
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How have people missed his beauty??
I love him. Marry me 🙏🙏🙏.
10/10 for his beauty.
Lady Nangant
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She was hot.
An icon.
She deserved better :(
I hate All for One.
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Cw: mildly dubious consent (because he’s wearing a disguise but reader is hella into him). Also I guess this is technically monster fucking so if you aren’t into that… 🤷🏽‍♀️
SpinnerxReader, college AU
Ao3 link if anyone wants that
“Why me!?” Shuichi basically whined.
“Because everyone else’s skills will be better utilized in other locations,” Kurogiri explained with his characteristic detached formality.
“In other words you’re useless and we need you out of the way.” Dabi laughed cruelly.
Kurogiri sighed heavily at the interruption, “He is not useless. You are the best fit for this assignment.”
“He means you’re the most expendable.” God that guy was such a jerk.
“No.” The second in command sent Dabi a warning glance, “Your quirk will make sneaking on the campus possible.”
“What? Can’t you just warp me wherever I need to go like we always do?” This was sounding more and more unpleasant.
“No, I, as I said, will be needed elsewhere.”
“Fine, but don’t you think that my quirk also makes me a little conspicuous? Not a lot of lizards walking around the dorm rooms I’m guessing.”
“All For One has provided us with a quirk to temporarily alter your outward appearance. Once disguised, you should have no trouble infiltrating the school during the event”. The pink-haired villain’s skeptical look did not move. Kuroguri tried one more time. “You’re basically the same age as the UA students, it’ll be easiest for you to blend in.”
“So is Dabi! So is Shigiraki!!” Shuichi knew he was grasping at straws but at this point, he was a bit desperate. This job sounded like a literal nightmare. What? Did he have to take a math test that he hadn’t studied for too?
At the mention of his name their leader finally chimed in, “Take your assignment and stop bitching.”
And that was the end of the discussion.
Shuichi shifted uncomfortably, looking this way and that in the mirror taking in his new appearance. He was… “normal”, his red eyes the only thing recognizable on his now perfectly average face. Shuichi examined his pink lips and soft but defined jawline - the only things visible under the maroon bauta-style mask he had been given to pair with a sharp grey suit. He looked…
Toga poked his now smooth cheek. “Is this what Spinner would have looked like if he was human?”
“I am human you bitch!”
“Yeeeeaaaaa, but you know what I mean.”
“I can’t be certain, but I believe so.” Kurogiri looked almost proud.
“Huh,” she lifted his mask to examine the rest of his altered features, “I kinda thought you would be hott.” She let the mask snap back onto his new nose. “Oh well.”
Why did he hang out with these assholes…
Shuichi took one last look in the mirror. He looked stupid. This sucked.
Shuichi stood stiffly by a wall, watching the event from the sidelines. People were talking in small groups around the room and there were numerous couples dancing. It reminded him of an American-style prom like he had seen in movies.
He didn’t belong here. It was obvious he wasn’t like these normie jerks smiling and laughing together like idiots. Kurogiri was fucking stupid if he truly thought that he could “blend in” with these future fakes.
“These things are so awkward, huh?” You asked with a poorly feigned nonchalance.
“Like forced fun activities. Does anyone actually enjoy these things?” You giggled.
Who were you? You had just appeared next to him and now you were talking. You were right. This was awkward.
You wore a white dress with delicate flame designs embroidered in red and a matching half-mask. You must have a fire quirk. He rolled his eyes at your lack of originality. He didn’t say anything but you inched a little closer and continued your inane chattering. “Have we met before?”
“No.” You looked a little taken aback by his abruptness. He sighed, he was supposed to be gathering information from the students. You were a student. He wasn’t going to get a better opportunity.
“I mean, maybe? I haven’t really met a lot of people yet and I can’t tell who you are either.”
“Oh yea,” you giggled, touching your mask, “I forgot. This is such a weird party. What kind of school has a masquerade ball as a welcoming event? UA has too much money.”
He shrugged. “Not like it was my choice to be here.”
“Oh yeah? Your advisor make you come? Extra credit or something?”
“Something like that.”
“I’m not from around here.” You said confusingly; what did that have to do with anything? “So I don’t know anyone. Like at all…” you continued with a nervous laugh when he didn’t reply, “so I thought, you know, here’s your chance [Y/n], get out there! You can do this!” You offered him your hand with a shaky smile. “I’m [y/n] by the way. Nice to meet you. If, you know, we haven’t already met.”
He eyed you incredulously. A handshake? You must not be Japanese. Still, it was clear you meant the gesture to be polite. He wasn’t used to that kind of consideration. It was weird.
He grabbed your hand cautiously. “Um, Iguchi.” Don’t lie any more than is necessary, right?
“Nice to meet you, Iguchi!” You beamed. Your smile was … nice. People didn’t usually smile at him. And he hadn’t realized how much he missed being called by his actual name. He was pretty sure that the rest of the League didn’t even know what it was. Shuichi glanced down at where you were touching him again, your soft hand enveloping his… oh… right. The glamour quirk. That’s why you were treating him like this. He looked “normal”.
He snatched his hand back but you recovered quickly, flashing him that smile again.
“So, what’s your quirk?”
What the fuck? Was this a polite question to ask a stranger? It felt really personal but Shuichi really wasn’t sure. He hadn’t had a lot of polite conversations in his life. Also, most people didn’t bother to ask him since they could just tell by looking at him. “Um, I have a … gecko quirk,” he watched your eyes search for the outward signs of his mutation that you wouldn’t see right now.
“You don’t look particularly reptilian,” you giggled. Pfft if only you knew.
He shrugged noncommittally.
“Not that I have anything against people with mutation quirks of course!” You added quickly, a slight note of panic in your voice.
Yea. Sure. Of course, you don’t. You would totally have come up to him like this if he had his usual face.
You shifted uncomfortably, you could obviously tell you’d offended him, though you probably didn’t understand how. It was kinda fun to watch you squirm but he decided to show you some mercy. “Flame quirk?”
He gestured at your dress.
“Oh! No,” you giggled. Why were you always giggling? It was weird. “I just like fire.” You smiled, almost maliciously. Oh. He wasn’t expecting that.
You beamed at him and held your hand up dramatically, giving your wrist a sharp graceful flick, a dagger appearing in your palm. You drew the blade slowly across your tongue and winked at him before you broke out into another fit of giggles. Wow. Ok. He *really* hadn’t been expecting that.
“Oh no. That’s it!” You gasped as you held your sides, “I’m officially drunk. That was so weird. I am so sorry.” Your laughter was almost contagious, Shuichi caught himself smiling at your wheezed apology.
You were… different from anyone he’d ever met.
Or maybe you weren’t, he thought bitterly, maybe this was just what life was like when you weren’t a freak. Maybe pretty girls in pretty dresses with nice smiles and a laugh like music aren’t afraid of or disgusted by you. Maybe they come up to you at parties and flirt with you. Maybe this isn’t a miracle. Maybe it’s just a glamour.
“What the fuck was that? You just carry knives around? Not in the hero course I’m guessing.” He huffed, he had meant it to sound more like a causal joke, but he had pissed himself off and it came out in his voice.
Your face twitched slightly at the sudden venom in his voice but you plastered your smile back on quickly, “Rude!” You stuck your tongue out at him. Pfft childish. “It’s my quirk.” You flicked your wrist again, a delicate blade appearing in your hand. Shuichi looked at it, his impassive face apparently not the reaction you were looking for.
“What are you one of those assholes that think that a person’s quirk is what makes them a hero or a villain? Because my entrance essay was about how that’s bullshit and I will totally go get it and make you read it right now.” You were still smiling stiffly but the way your eyes blazed let him know you were serious.
“That seems to be the majority opinion.” He shrugged, a little uncomfortable for a reason he couldn’t quite name.
“Well, the majority is wrong.”
Both of your moods had soured considerably. You seemed to have just noticed, you took a deep breath and smiled weakly at him. Why were you trying so hard?
“Sorry. I’m a little, uh, sensitive on the topic. It’s hard being judged by your quirk all the time, you know? Well, I guess you wouldn’t, would you?” You gave a little sad awkward half-laugh that pissed him off for some reason.
“What is that supposed to mean?” He practically spat.
He expected you to shrink back from his anger like you had previously but this time you got defensive right away, “You’re just, like, a hot guy; with an, I imagine, very versatile and completely neutral quirk. Not everyone has that luxury!’
“Who the fuck are you?! You don’t know anything about me!”
“I can tell enough about you from the fact that I can fucking see you. Do you have any idea how many people have to hide their quirks just to live?”
“Society demands that freaks hide away.”
You looked at him like he had just punched you in the face. “That’s disgusting!” You were nearly in tears. “What if you had scales or something would you want to have to hide that?!
“People would prefer that I did.”
“Well fuck those people!!”
Shuichi was physically taken aback by the passion of your answer. He scoffed, in an attempt to hide how much you’ve shaken him. “‘Those people’ make the rules,” he continued in a softer voice, but he couldn’t remove the edge completely, “you can cry about it all you want but that’s the world we live in.”
You deflated, all the fight knocked out of you now that you weren’t on the defensive. Shuichi cursed himself, resisting against himself not to reach for you. He agreed with you, why was he fighting you so hard?
“Hero society is … broken,” you pressed on in a quiet but determined voice, “No one should have to hide who they are. There is no such thing as a ‘villain quirk’. Everyone deserves the chance to be happy. Don’t you believe that?” You asked him so earnestly, like whatever he said would determine your whole worldview.
Shuichi nodded mutely. He would have agreed to anything in that moment to get rid of the pain in your eyes. Fuck, what had you done to him? He didn’t even know you. He didn’t care about anyone’s opinion but Stain’s. But… you look like you might cry, and if you did it would be his fault, and if he made you cry he…
Shuichi watched as you suddenly walked away without a word. Yea, that was much more familiar. At least this time it was actually his fault that you left - sliver linings, he laughed bitterly to himself. He was just about to leave to try to map out the campus like he was actually supposed to be doing when you reappeared. As suddenly and silently as the first time, here you were again at his side, this time you held a cup in each hand.
“An apology,” you handed him one of the cups sheepishly, “for getting so… political.” What were you stupid? Why were you apologizing to him? “… and personal. You’re right. I don’t know you and I shouldn’t have just attacked you like that.”
He murmured something about it being fine and accepted the cup. It held a reddish liquid that smelled like rubbing alcohol. Big juice. UA was a college after all. He took a few tentative sips. It tasted like a strawberry fart and burned in his stomach. But you visibly relaxed when he drank it so it wasn’t really that bad.
“I mean, it’s not like you were wrong. You’re just really passionate about… equality? I guess.”
“Exactly! I am!” You beamed, leaning into him and grabbing his arm in your enthusiasm, “That’s why I’m in the business course. I’m going to revolutionize how the public sees quirks, just wait!”
Your touch was so gentle and he could feel your warmth even through his suit jacket. You wer-
“You said you were in the hero course.”
“No, I didn't. I just said it was wrong of you to assume that I couldn’t be a hero.”
Fuck. If you aren’t in the hero course he shouldn’t even be talking to you. Well… to be fair you were the one that started the conversation. And he may be in the League of Villains but he still had manners. He should at least finish the drink you gave him right?
You continued to talk about quirk rights and hero society. This time a lot more calmly. It was … nice. Really nice. You were so smart and your level of compassion startled him each time he saw a new glimpse of it. Shuichi was sure his first assessment had been correct; you were different.
Every time his cup was empty you would flit off and every time he was surprised when you came back, a new peace offering in your hand. He was on his fourth “apology” when you suddenly turned and grinned at him sheepishly.
“I wasn’t kidding about my entrance essay, just, by the way. If, like, you wanted to read it…. I could show it to you?”
Shuichi shot you an incredulous look. You’d been talking about quirk theory for hours what could you possibly say in this essay that you hadn’t already said? And why were you blushing?
“You know… in my room?”
Oh my god!
Shuichi was sure that there was NO WAY you meant what those words were implying. But your scarlet cheeks left little room for doubt, and they were only getting redder the longer he took to answer.
“I mean, if you don’t want to that’s ok. We ca-“
“No! I want to!” He interrupted embarrassingly quickly.
You blushed harder but beamed, “ok.”
You grabbed his hand and began leading him out of the crowded ballroom. Everyone there could see that you were leaving together. You didn’t seem to notice the giggles and knowing glances of your schoolmates. It was like you weren’t ashamed to be seen with him.
You slammed his body against your door as soon as you had dragged him into the room. You acted like you wanted him so much. Shuichi tried desperately to find the angle you were playing to explain your behavior but your lips were making him dizzy. God, they were so soft. Kissing was… fuck… really good. He felt like he was melting under your touch.
You giggled and clumsily removed your mask after the third time they scraped uncomfortably against each other. You were beautiful. Your cheeks redden as he stared at you panting slightly through his parted kiss-swollen lips.
“Um… now you?” You giggled nervously and reached tentatively towards his face when he didn’t. He didn’t move and you took that as an okay, lifting his mask and tossing it in the corner with yours. You caressed his face as you studied it, admiring “his” features. Would you look at him like this if you saw what he actually looked like? You smiled wolfishly before drowning him in your kiss again. Shuichi let himself believe that you would.
You clawed at his jacket, releasing an adorable little growl of frustration into his mouth when your uncoordinated hands got tangled in his sleeves. He shrugged it off and began shucking off his buttons. A task you eagerly joined in on the second you were freed.
The glamour had only been applied to his top half as it would last longer if concentrated more. Your eyes danced over the transition down his abdomen from smooth skin to green scales, your fingers tracing lightly along the path of your gaze. Shuichi shivered at your touch. It’s not like he had absolutely no experience, but truth be told he didn’t have much. And he’d never been touched like this. You looked… you looked really fucking horny. You legitimately wanted this. Shuichi let himself believe that just maybe it wasn’t just because you were drunk. You kissed down his chest. His whole body felt like it was melting. “Beautiful.” You hummed to yourself as you admired his green scales.
The glamour had only been applied to his top half!!
He had to stop you.
God your hands were soft.
You were not going to like what you found.
Shit, when did you drop to your knees? He had to stop you.
Fuck, you were kissing along his hip. When had you unbuttoned his pants?
Don’t stop.
Your sharp intake of breath was like a knife in his heart. He had let you get too far and now you would finally give him that look of disgust he was so used to.
But your glazed eyes didn’t hold disgust; your blown-out pupils burned into his soul. You…. You meant this… there was no denying you wanted him.
His cocks were… well, his cockS. They were conical, thick and heavy at the bases and narrowing to a flared tip. You tentatively wrapped your hands around him and stroked him experimentally. His entire body shuddered and your eyes lit up like a kid in a candy store. You played with him gleefully, gaining confidence in your touch with each breathy moan you managed to draw from him. Switching up your technique, speed, and attention with every stroke, you tried to figure out the best way to please him. He couldn’t cum without a steady rhythm but the way you were keeping him on edge had him seeing stars.
You eyed him hungrily, licking a fat stripe up the underside of his manhood choked by your right hand. He shuddered and bit back the trembling chirps he sometimes made when he was very happy. Shuichi looked down at you, practically drooling for him on your knees and he knew if he wanted any chance of being able to fuck you he had to stop you right now cause he wouldn’t last 20 seconds in your mouth.
He pulled you to your feet, almost losing his resolve when you let out a disappointed little whine. “I wanna see you.” He whined back, pulling at your dress pitifully while he attacked the junction of your neck with his tongue and teeth.
You turned around, breathlessly asking him to unzip your dress. He let his fingers trail over your exposed shoulders. Every part of you was so… erotic. Your every move was seductive. He dragged the zipper down as slowly as he could manage, wanting to savor the unveiling of your bare skin. You let the dress drop when he reached the end of it, bunching at your feet, and revealing that you had worn absolutely nothing under it.
He moaned as he nuzzled at the back of your neck, you smelled so good, your body felt so good against his. He knew he should be embarrassed but he couldn’t bring himself to even try to stop his desperate little humps against you. You tried to turn around to face him but he kept you in place with a strong grip on your hips.
“Someone’s an ass man, huh?” You breathed. He groaned as he rolled his hips against your perfect backside in answer.
He felt another rumbling in his chest, expecting another groan of pleasure, however, the noise he made instead was a loud croak. He froze. He had never made that sound before! What the fuck was that!
“What the fuck was that?” You giggled.
His sharp embarrassed retort died in his throat as you ground yourself back harder on his lengths.
“Do it again.” God, you sounded so needy.
Without thinking he bite down hard on that beautiful neck of yours and shoved himself into you. You howled at the sudden overload of sensation, only one of his cocks having made it inside you on the first thrust, the other sliding against your clit instead.
This was pure ecstasy. Shuichi let his instincts guide him; wrapping his arms around you, trying to get as close to you as possible. You felt so good. So warm and wet and tight around his long-neglected sex. He fucked you hard and slow, grinding his hips into yours, trying to explore every inch of your insides with both of his members, alternating the cock he fucked you with with each stroke.
You whimpered, your legs losing strength the harder he rutted into you, but his strong jaw’s hold on the nape of your neck not allowing you to move. Shuichi felt for you but he no longer possessed the ability to be separated from you. He compromised by sinking to his knees with you, allowing you to fall forward into a more sustainable mating position. He draped his full body over your trembling form; you shook on your hands and knees but you accepted his weight, pushing your ass back into him as hard as you could with your limited mobility.
He used the helplessness of this new position to explore your body further. You really were breathtaking. He kept one hand clamped firmly on your hip, his body desperate to keep you close. He let the other trace along your curves, settling on the swell of your breast. His experimental groping growing bolder with each high-pitched whine he was able to draw out of you with each pinch or roll of your hardened nipple.
“Both?” You hiccuped through needy moans. He pulled your head back with a firm grip in your hair and asked you to repeat yourself. “Fu..ck me wi…th both your cocks, Igu…chi I need you. P-pl…ease.”
Shuichi slowed his movements, switching from fucking into you to deep grinds. His cocks weren’t massive but the fact that there were two of them was kind of… a lot to handle. He wanted to do it but he also didn’t want to hurt you. He tried to explain this to you but you whined and moaned and ground yourself against him until his resolve broke. He bit back down on the back of your neck; this time a sharp fang pressed into your pulse point. The resulting jerk of your body arching your back and throwing your ass hard up into him, the tapers of his flared cock heads sliding past the minimal resistance at your entrance and sheathed him fully in your pussy all at once.
You screamed as you came, the stretch hurtling you over the edge in one swift move. Your already tight cunt spasmed sporadically around him, pulling him right over the edge with you.
When Shuichi could breathe again, he gave you one last look, trying to burn the sight into his memory, so perfect and beautiful beneath him. He sighed and rolled off of your body, collecting his clothes silently.
You looked at him dreamily, reaching your hand out to stroke his leg. “Stay the night.”
God, he would have given anything to say yes to you.
“I can’t.” He gave you an apologetic look at your small sound of disappointment. “I want to. I just… can’t.”
You gave him one last pleading puppy-dog pout before smiling gently and walking him to your door.
“Text me,” you said with a happy wink, as you handed him back his phone. When had you taken that?! He sighed softly and tried not to look as desperate as he felt. He knew he would never see you again. At least not in a way that either of you wanted. He could already picture the look of betrayal you’d give him when the League attacked the school in a few weeks. For the first time in his life, Shuichi truly felt like a villain.
“I’ll see you again soon?” You whispered in his ear, kissing his cheek, before giving him a hopeful shy smile.
“Yea, you will.” At least he wasn’t a liar.
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laters-gatorz · 2 years
Starting a ‘My Hero Academia’ group chat roleplay on discord. Please text me if you would like to join. Available Characters include:
Tenya Iida
Momo Yaoyorozu - TAKEN
Izuku Midoriya - TAKEN
Ochaco Uraraka
Katsuki Bakugo - TAKEN
Yuga Aoyama
Mina Ashido - TAKEN
Tsuyu Asui
Mashirao Ojiro
Denki Kaminari - TAKEN
Eijiro Kirishima - TAKEN
Koji Koda
Rikido Sato
Mezo Shoji
Kyoka Jiro - TAKEN
Hanta Sero - TAKEN
Fumikage Tokoyami - TAKEN
Shoto Todoroki - TAKEN
Toru Hagakure
Minoru Mineta
Shota Aizawa
Hitoshi Shinso - TAKEN
Hizashi Yamada
Himiko Toga- TAKEN
Dabi - TAKEN
Shigaraki - TAKEN
Hawks - TAKEN
All Might
Pls message me for my discord info.
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Oooh the courts are fun! I have Momo as my fae representative. Fae princess who has a propensity for Glamour.
Now ideas!
Kuroguri could be a Revenant? Or maybe he's an actual Onryō? But he didn't die in a way that he would want vengeance for it. Maybe a Wraith?
Spinner as a lizardfolk kinda makes sense here. But it seems a tad obvious.
Twice could be a mythological Doppelganger? Though that seems too close to changling so maybe not. That's what I have for him but my focus isn't the fae. Maybe a shapeshifter like your Himiko, but without the vampirism.
Mr. Compress is a witch focusing on curses and hexes for mine. Maybe that works for you?
Magne is also a witch but focuses on metal magic for me. I tried looking for something interesting but I couldn't find anything.
I think I also came up with a weird one for Stain? A redcap is goblin who is known for soaking his cap in the blood of his victims? Replace cap with mask and it's kinda perfect. Dunno how you would put that into the story though so...
Oh! My Momo is actually a form of Selkie(yes I do know there's a canon character with that as a Hero Name he'll probably /actually/ be a Selkie in the AU too but that's a ways off). Though the creature is most often heard of as a Seal, they can be any animal. I haven't quite decided on Momo's animal?
As for the LoV ideas!
Kurogiri is interesting because i have to also focus on Oboro since ya know. That's A Whole Thing™. He might genuinely be some kind of Undead as of the current events, but what he was before and how that plays into his undeath is on the table. Even so, his death isn't exactly something that would lead to a vengeful spirit.
Spinner as a lizardfolk does seem kinda obvious lmao. I want to add to him in some way other than him being basically the same as Canon.
Twice is kinda funky. I get where you're going with the doppleganger thing, but I think that ties into more with the Changelings or just trickster spirits in general.
Mr. Compress does have a kind of magician vibe to him, though I'm trying not to lean into too many basic Witches. Same with Magne. I think it's more likely that those two I'll have to make their Monster Species more 'what do they vibe as' instead of trying to translate their Quirk to a Monster (this happens with a few characters whose Canon Quirks don't vibe well).
Don't know how to feel about the redcap thing because I kinda want a vibe that like. While they're Monsters and all, they're not 'malicious by default'.
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dadzawa-adopt-dabi · 2 years
Do you have any more headcanons for the Bought Dabihawks au ?? absolutely love that post of yours and I’m wondering if you have more to share ��👈
I have a lot more ideas for it!! I have zero idea if this was also meant to be Omegaverse or not.
Dabi is the only one who goes with a romantic partner. Mostly due to Hawks status. There is ALOT Keigo could get away with there, Dabi knows exactly how much.
Shigaraki goes with Toshinori. This one may have to be it's own side series because I really want Shigaraki to point out Toshinori's flaws. His lack of leadership skills and complacency with abusing Villians until it's someone related to Nana. I want Toshinori to be confronted just as hard as Tomura must be that the only thing that humanized Shigarki to him; is a dead women he never knew.
I don't want Jin to be jailed. I dont want him to have to spearhead a villian recovery system either. I think he needs help, but the help he needs and is best for him is his friends and general acceptance from others.
Shuichis problems are also not solved by having a mentor. I think his redemption would be a very long very hard one. That ultimately would fail I believe.
Toga I have so many headcanons about her! Getting blood regularly would help curb the blood thirst! So I think if she had been placed with people who understood her, who supported her as she is, she would be on a very different path. I love her dearly as a villian but something about the idea of her in Aizawa's hands or Midnights is good to me. Her parents refuse to take her back. They attempt to have her institutionalized and she does the parental divorce thing.
Magne; really its self defense when she kills people and shes awesome. I think if she was around midnight more she would have a blast! Still a villian, cuz people are assholes but she has fun and gets a friend!
Sako and Kuroguri are on house arrest. Partly because they dont get mentors. But Shigarki demanded that he be able to see them. As well as the brain wash thing. Sako... the guards have given up on trying to keep him in a cell when he just goes to Kuroguri anyways!
Dabi I want to have to confront that Hawks, despite all the facts his brain gives him, is not out to harm him. Keigo i want to confront how twisted it is, that he just bought a person by saying he was owed them. And what that means about the ground their relationship has been built on.
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I didn’t expect to you really buy it… I WANT TO SEE IT WHEN U GET IT OKAY. AND WTF YOUR MOM SAYS YES THAT EASILY? Jealous…
anyways. I have Bakugou, Kirishima, Jiro, Mina, Todoroki, fatgum and hawks.
So you can choose any other. (I won’t buy it if it’s like 200€. Like dabi and Iida. (crying bc i want dabi😭))
I'm a man of my word, anon
Mmmk, ur options are:
Kuroguri (male wife), tokoyami, or Shigaraki
Thought I'd give you choices just in case
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Knowing in this timeline Oboto and Kuroguri are one in the same hurts.....a lot
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ayyeeequality · 3 years
It’s pride month so I would like to say
Magne is canonically trans!
Toga is canonically bi!
Dabi is demiromantic, bisexual, & non-binary!
Shigaraki is demisexual, gay, & trans!
Dabi and Shigaraki are an old married couple!
Spinner is demiromantic, ace, & GAAAY GAY AS HELL FOR SHIGARAKI!
Kurogiri has collected the three a’s: asexual, aromantic, & agender!
Mr compress is pansexual & genderfluid!
Twice is bi!
Lady nagant is bi!
Giran is gay!
So in conclusion... the league of villains?
Note: Hawks is trans & bi, Aizawa is trans & gay, Yamada is gay, Yamada and Aizawa are married
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omgisometimesdraw · 3 years
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im not sure if i like it but here it is
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kermitthekrog-blog · 3 years
Question: couldn't Kurogiri just have left Tartarus? Warped outta there? Genuinely don't know the answer to this one.
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strawberry-milk-box · 3 years
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I did not do the line art in the right pen for water color rip
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delilole · 4 years
Gif photos from @crystalsdoodles I just colored them follow them please(they traced it idk the original artist of the base but there probably incredible at there art")
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