#kurt and elliott are friends to lovers
porcelainvino · 4 months
i think i hate kurt x adam out of all of the kurt ships because you can’t even make up silly things about them together like that guy has NO PERSONALITY… I HATE THAT MAN OMFG—
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deancasforcutie · 9 months
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While we’re I’llJustWaitHereThen.mp3 for Act Two of The Winchesters -or rather thee reboot, which should be known for the extra high bar it’s gained this year- I’d like us to round off 2023 considering a song choice from the finale I haven’t seen discussed, but illuminates Dean’s path going forward.
The moment Dean, Jack, Bobby, and Baby disappear, “One of These Things First” by Nick Drake plays. For the curious, Nick Drake is ingrained in the cultural consciousness as a precursor to the likes of Kurt Cobain and Elliott Smith for his musical talent, melancholic lyrics drawn from a troubled life, and (at 26, one year too young for the original 27 Club of Jimi Janis Jim Morrison) untimely tragic death.
Such allusions seem all too pertinent to our not-so-Mystery Man who’d also sooner burn out than fade away, huh? But first and foremost, “One of These Things First” here evokes the multiverse reveal - playing over scenes of Lata helping restore Ada’s soul and Mary and Samuel parting. The characters could be any number of things, but as Mary says of her possible alternate selves, “I’m gonna make my own”; with the meta knowledge that Dean is “picking the music” non-diegetically, this track’s relevance to his own life (and death) becomes apparent.
I could have been a sailor, could have been a cook A real live lover, could have been a book
From the start we see well-chosen lyrics for thee episode of Dean “Hello Sailor” Winchester; it goes without saying, here and in the series’ deafeningly loud negative space, how Dean’s desire to be “a real live lover” drives his search for happy endings in this Supernatural Romance. Genius.com notes that “a book” in Nick Drake’s metaphor means “someone who spent their time gaining knowledge about the world”; leaving them his own book, evidently a record of Supernatural’s main events and likely intended as a setup for revelations about his postseries shenanigans, Dean becomes their absent guide opposite John’s original series role through his journal.
I could have been a signpost, could have been a clock As simple as a kettle, steady as a rock
Following lyrics about metaphorical objects also evoke Dean’s role as a guide - but given his view that “I think I did” find a model for his found family’s happiness in them, it goes both ways (and so does he).
I could be here and now I would be, I should be, but how?
These last few lyrics played in the episode call to mind the final undying core of Dean’s self-doubt: his inability to move on, like so many restless spirits parallel him. Dean’s sensation that he is not “here and now,” being unstuck in time and lamenting that he’s “already dead,” highlights his distance from the lead characters and their sense of closure - as does his use of the James Hetfield alias as a false name, dodging the central question of Who You Are. For all his heroism, Dean’s role as the central mystery never fully solved implicates him as the haunting force derailing another story into his own as much as any reality-warping trauma parasites.
Minding all these exhortations to mind the gap, it’s absolutely relevant that the episode omits a second verse centering on romantic longings. (It wouldn’t be the first time - “So on your woman and your child/You release your bitterness,” anyone?)
I could have been your pillar, could have been your door I could have stayed beside you, could have stayed for more I could have been your statue, could have been your friend A whole long lifetime could have been the end
Mary and Samuel’s exchange (“Be safe out there” “I love you too, kiddo”) continues the theme of Just Saying It before any goodbye - acknowledging you can say “I love you” without saying it and be understood. But apropos of everything, the romantic pair never exchanges what they promise they will on reuniting - at once begging the same question as Dean’s aborted love confession(s) to Cas (indicting the heteronormative double standard that makes the answer “obvious” here) and keeping their promise of no goodbyes, meaning “Ramble On” with its tale of a romantic reunion can only refer to one yet to come.
So with Dean left to learn that death is no goodbye for him either, The Winchesters reaffirms Supernatural’s humanistic heart: the conviction that -whether for great artists we romanticize or fictional characters representing our values- we need not mythologize and bemoan death as “robbing” the world of someone’s promise at the expense of affirming the intrinsically worthy human life as they are now and forever (we will all live forever no matter how dead we may sometimes seem to be). A life cut tragically short was still a life worth living, and its legacy one worth carrying on. And I can think of no truth more apt from the series cut short at 13 traxx we will nevertheless replay and remix and resonate with for years to come.
As we ramble on to future installments, I reiterate: “If you had the chance to do it all over again, would you?” “I followed my heart. I don’t think that’s ever a mistake.”
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klaineccfanficlibrary · 8 months
Hello To All!
Hope you all are enjoying your weekend! I read on my phone and I’m not able to find stories. If there’s a way, please tell me how.
Please suggest adult stories for me with a great/happy ending. I prefer chapter stories of adult Klaine. Any suggestions are welcome. Need something to read tonight. Thank you for all you do!
Hello, when I search from my phone, I go onto our libary blog and into the "magnifying glass/search" at the top. I type in a particular word like "adult" or "enemies to lovers" and then a whole lot of previously recommended fics appear. Alternatively download A03 app, and you can search and filter on it.
Also on AO3 check out our 2023 Klainebingo which has 191 tagged stories written 2016-23 that fandom have recommended - not all adult klaine, but definitely worth looking at.
What I've done is made a list of recommendations here of some of Klaine fics I've enjoyed, where they are adults, or mostly post college age. Some newer, some older. ~ Jen
Seven by @scatterthestars
How far would you go for someone you love? For Kurt, that means doing the unimaginable. But if it means saving his dad, he's willing to take that risk. A risk that has him leaving his home to go states away to spend a week with the last person he ever expected to meet. Over the course of the next seven days, things don't go as planned, or thought.
Can seven days change everything?
Feel my heart's intention by @kurtsascot
Blaine started to hate Kurt on his first day. And it was a shame, really, because they could have been cute together. 
Falling for You By @caramelcoffeeaddict Coffeeaddict80
A fic written based off a mash-up of these two prompts from the @gleepotluckbigbang prompt page -- Prompt1: During rehearsal I tripped and fell into the orchestra pit and landed on you Prompt2: I have to share a dressing room with the most obnoxious, self-centered jerk; and when you sent flowers to our dressing room, they took them assuming they were for them but they were really for me Featuring: Broadway!Kurt, PianoPlayer!Blaine, Obnoxious!Broadway!Sebastian
Rock, paper, scissors by @gleefulpoppet
Kurt and his seven-year-old daughter are moving from the hustle and bustle of New York to the Rocky Mountains for a fresh start. On a connecting flight from Atlanta, they meet a warmhearted man who captures their attention with his enthusiasm. Will they ever see him again? And even if they do, how will he fit into their new life?
Nashville! by @hkvoyage
Kurt lands the lead role in a new musical, but it flops during the previews. However, his performance captivates Nashville’s newest country music sensation. They share an instant connection and it grows deeper as they get to know each other. Will Kurt be able to save the musical and keep the man of his dreams? An AU meeting featuring country singer!Blaine and Broadway!Kurt.
Made to keep your body warm by @quizasvivamos
Blaine is a meteorologist who works as a weatherman for a local New York news station where he's especially well-known for predicting storms. But, when a huge nor'easter blows in and the news crew is trapped at the station for three days by snow, can he predict what happens when he meets a young new intern?
If music be by @blurglesmurfklaine
Kurt’s just trying to survive his last semester of college, which means making it through student teaching in one piece.
In my place by @heartsmadeofbooks
Blaine has always been shy and introverted, so after his father dies, he looks for comfort into his childhood dream - owning a bookstore. But then Kurt Hummel walks into his life, turning his dream into a complicated affair.
These inconvenient fireworks by @redheadgleek
After an unexpected Tony award, Kurt Hummel is Broadway's hottest up and coming star, which comes with expectations and some admirers that won't take a hint. When his best friend Elliott Gilbert suggests that they pretend to date to get the leeches to back off, Kurt takes him up on the idea. It's all working out great - until Kurt starts to fall hard for the dark-haired music director of his latest musical.
Scenes from December by @spaceorphan18
An exploration of Kurt's life throughout various Decembers. The story of family and how the definition of family changes over time.
Home away from home by @lilyvandersteen
Cooper buys a hotel sight unseen and asks Blaine to run it for him over the summer. Only, the hotel is a health and safety hazard and Inspectors Hummel and Abrams are hell-bent on closing it down. Can Blaine spruce the hotel up in time and save Cooper's investment?
Living Haphazard by anna_timberlake @shame-is-a-wasted-emotion
Have you ever thought of getting cheated by a house broker and getting to know that you had to stay with another stranger who was also cheated? What if you are getting stuck up with the stranger in the apartment due to unavoidable circumstances? What if you hate him as well as have a crush on him? What if you had to fight your inner self and the stranger? What if he agreed on helping you which can only happen in dreams? This is a real living haphazard, isn't it?
~~~~ Someone like you by @iconicklaine
Kurt and Blaine keep up their very own version of "When Harry Met Sally" for years, a friendship fraught with sexual tension and longing, until the agendas of Adele (yes, THE Adele), a bored NY socialite and a super-sweet hetero couple bring our boys together. The only problem is... they're both in committed relationships.
Note: This story is AU after "Sexy" and assumes Kurt and Blaine graduate from Dalton in the same year. In this future fic, set in 2025, Blaine is based off of Season 2 Blaine. Originally posted on LJ and S&C.
The Journeying By @flowerfan2
Freshly graduated from music school, Blaine is thrilled when he is chosen to stay in the cast when the production of Into the Woods he was lucky enough to be part of in Boston moves to Broadway. He knows it’s going to be hard returning to New York City – the scene of his epic breakup with his fiancé and the emotional meltdown which cost him his place at NYADA. But he’s determined that this time, everything will be different. Little does Blaine know that out of thousands of potential castmates, his director has chosen none other than Kurt Hummel to play the part of Jack. Blaine has worked hard to recover from their breakup three years ago, and struggles to find a new way to relate to Kurt and simultaneously protect himself, especially when tragedy strikes.
This story looks at what would have happened if Kurt and Blaine had reacted differently to the break up in 6x01 than they did in canon; if events hadn’t brought them back together as soon, and if forgiveness hadn’t come so easily.
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antisocialmastermind · 2 months
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Chapter 4
Day 4: RKDSNEA = darkens, ranked, reds
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 on Ao3
Kurt’s going to miss his own damned artists’ reception. Because of Serena Mbali, whose work he totally admires. But that doesn’t give her the right to ruin his life. Goddammit.
The reception had been scheduled for a Saturday evening in May. All the artists had enthusiastically committed, ready to celebrate the opening and each other and perhaps influence a few sales. Kurt always, always works at the restaurant on Saturday nights – Saturdays mean big tips. But he’s also worked hard on these pieces and on helping to get the gallery ready for opening. He wants to be there. So he grovels and begs and manages to convince Leslie to trade shifts with him. It means working a double on Friday, which well and truly sucks. But he’ll be able to sleep it off on Saturday and attend the reception in the evening.
Until Serena, who has been ranked a “must-see” artist by the New York Times Arts section, calls Elliott in a panic with barely a week to go. She’s had a scheduling snafu and wants to know if it's possible to move the reception to Friday night so she can make a flight to London on Saturday. Serena Mbali is far more of a draw than Kurt Hummel. Elliott wants her – needs her – at this reception. So he checks with the other artists and dashes out updated publicity. 
Groveling and begging don’t work this time. As prettily as Kurt pleads, he can’t find anyone to take his Friday night shift. And, honest to god, can something go his way? Just one time? He’s beyond disappointed, but it is what it is. He’ll miss the reception.
A few days before the gallery’s opening, Kurt delivers his pieces to Muse. He hangs and labels and adjusts them. Checks the lighting. Does what he can to make his work sing from its place on the gallery wall. He has a good variety, an illustration of the breadth of his work, each piece unique, contrasting, but there’s a cohesiveness to the grouping that’s pleasing. 
He walks through the space, viewing work by all of the contributors. He considers Serena’s pieces. They’re striking abstract works and she has a way of layering and texturing paint that makes Kurt want to stroke his fingers over her canvases – as if her work is meant to be experienced by his hands as well as his eyes. She’s good, and Kurt understands why Elliott wants her present for the opening.
He lets time seep away as he stands in front of Elliott’s work. Most of Elliott’s pieces are depictions of Kurt and seeing himself in Elliott’s galaxy of materials and styles and colors is dazzling. He remembers the first time Elliott asked him to sit for a painting. The result of that first collaboration hangs in front of Kurt now, an austere oil portrait that recalls Sargent. Kurt had asked Elliott why on earth he’d want to paint him, and he thinks of Elliott’s answer now.
“I just really know you Kurt. You play everything so close to the vest, but there’s so much going on with you all the time, right under the surface and I notice it, because I know you. But most people don’t. And I just want to see if I can catch that. Like, make all of you visible. Does that make sense?”
Kurt smiles. It does. 
It’s been a painful month of letting go of his crush on Elliott. He’s spent more time out of the apartment than he used to, and has worked hard to understand both Elliott and himself more clearly. Thinking now of Elliott’s words, he realizes how lucky he is to have a friendship so deep. Elliott’s a beautiful guy and he’s been a huge part of Kurt’s life since they met. 
But Elliott doesn’t bank his passion. He spends it. Everything with Elliott is just out there for everyone to see. All the time. And Kurt thinks that’s a great quality in a best friend. 
But in a lover, Kurt reasons – or maybe even a boyfriend one of these days – he’d like someone who banks a little passion. Who saves some just for Kurt. Who feels more passionate about Kurt than he does about the mailman or a new tattoo. Kurt deeply loves that Elliot’s so passionate about everything.
“But he’s not the guy for me,” he mumbles under his breath as he stares at all of Elliott’s ways of seeing him. Each of Elliott’s canvases has captured a little whisper of secret Kurt. Each of them is beautiful in its way. But not one of them feels intimate, or besotted or infatuated. None of them feels like love.
And, just like that, Kurt realizes that he’s over Elliott Gilbert.
Kurt doesn’t have time to even poke his head into the gallery on opening day. He’s working a double and he oversleeps and he really needs to spend some time on his latest piece. Elliott’s long gone by the time he’s awake and functional, so he takes advantage of the quiet, empty apartment. He throws a piece of dyed leather into the bathtub and sets it to soaking, then grabs a hand-etched stamp and some weights and drags them out to the fire escape.
He has to throw the scrap of hide into a pot to carry it outside; It’s heavy and he doesn’t want it to drip all through the apartment. On the fire escape, he shakes and smooths the leather and looks it over. He’d endured Elliott’s wrath about the stains in the bathtub to get the colors he wants, but it’s worth it. The leather’s soft. Its gradient starts with a deep, rosy magenta and darkens to an intense, rich plum. It’s perfect. He stretches it through a frame and lays it atop the stamp, covering it with a layer of thin cotton and pressing the weights on top. It should be dry and ready by tomorrow.
He needs to get moving if he doesn’t want to be late for his shift, so he grabs his bag and keys and phone and bustles out of the apartment. He texts Elliott, Good luck *please* let me know how everything goes! and runs for the train.
Of course Kurt’s working a double on the busiest day in the history of restaurants. He doesn’t sit for almost twelve hours, and he only manages a few bites of a beet and goat cheese salad when he ducks into the wait station for silverware or a cruet of olive oil. By 10:30 he’s grouchy and starving and his feet are going to fall off, and he almost cries with relief when Kevin offers to do his closing side work so Kurt can go. He hugs Kevin and grabs his things before he can change his mind. 
He’s slipping out the back door of the restaurant when his phone buzzes with a text from Elliott: Debriefing at the up and up get there. Kurt sighs. He’s really too tired for this. But he missed the opening and he should at least make an appearance and he can sleep tomorrow. He texts back, omw order me a charc board and a parisian night suit, and heads for MacDougal Street.
By the time Kurt flings himself into their usual corner spot at The Up and Up, his charcuterie board and fancy cocktail are waiting for him. Elliot’s smart enough that there’s separate food for the rest of the group. No one likes hangry Kurt. He reads the room, tiredly looking at each of them in turn. Elliot’s grinning and even Sebastian looks pleased, but Chandler seems like he’s just waiting for permission before he literally explodes. Kurt gratefully shoves a manchego-topped cracker into his mouth and picks up his drink.
“Okay,” he prods, “how’d it go?”
“It was—” Elliott begins, but Chandler’s gushing over him.
“Kurt,” he squeals, “Rachel Berry was there!”
For a second, Kurt thinks he’s just tired and must have misheard. He blurts out, “What?” 
Rachel Berry is the hottest Broadway starlet around right now, and her appearance at the Muse opening will undoubtedly be all over the art and gossip sections over the next few days. It’s amazing publicity and Kurt is stunned. He might be her biggest fan and oh my god, Rachel Berry has seen his artwork. 
“How?” he stutters, “Why?”
Elliott’s grin nearly splits his face in two. “Serena,” he responds. “They know each other, and Serena felt so bad for asking me to move the reception, she convinced Rachel to make an appearance. Free publicity for days, baby!”
He laughs giddily and Kurt shoves his charcuterie to one side so he can bang his forehead onto the table. “I can’t believe I missed it,” he groans. 
“I’m sorry, Kurt,” Elliott says sweetly. “But thank you for taking one for the team.”
Kurt helps himself to a handful of Elliott’s truffle-rosemary popcorn and sighs. “Okay,” he says. “What else? Anyone else good? Sell anything?”
“Well, you did,” Elliott says. “The silk and wool piece with the fiery reds.”
“Oh, wow,” Kurt beams. He’ll take it.
“And, of course, Serena sold a couple,” Elliott continues. 
He’s about to go on when Chandler interjects, “Oh! Elliott made himself a new fan.” 
“Oh, my,” Kurt replies. “Do tell,” He waggles his eyebrows for effect. Elliott looks pleased and maybe a little embarrassed.
“We think he’s one of Seb’s,” Elliott says, and Kurt looks at Sebastian, who just shrugs.
“No clue,” Seb rejoins. “I left those damn fliers all over West Street. Not sure why they insist he’s mine.”
“Because that was a Dior suit, Sebastian. Easily cost the guy four grand,” Chandler snaps, and Kurt feels his eyes widen as he turns back to Elliott.
“No idea.” It’s Elliott’s turn to shrug. “I missed him. I was talking to Rachel Berry and by the time Chandler told me, he was long gone.”
“He was only there for about half an hour,” Chandler nods. “But he spent the whole time sitting in front of Elliott’s stuff, just, like, studying it. He smelled divine. I wanted to lick him. Ooooo! I wonder if he’s a critic!”
“Did he buy anything?” Kurt queries, and Elliott looks embarrassed again.
“He did. Window.”
Window is the blue and yellow, vaguely Van Gogh-esque piece that Elliott finished recently. It’s a large canvas, and a sale like this is amazing good fortune for the gallery and for Elliot as an artist.
“That’s amazing,” Kurt breathes. “You do have a fan!”
“I guess I do,” Elliott shrugs. “But so do you. It was Rachel Berry who bought your piece.”
Kurt’s scream turns several heads. Elliott and Chandler are giggling madly as Kurt whacks Elliott on the shoulder and Sebastian rolls his eyes like this is all so far beneath him.
“You ass!” Kurt yells. “Why didn’t you lead with that?”
Kurt buys the next round.
Chapter 5
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rockitmans · 2 years
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Klaine Prompt Reverse Bang Fic:  Witch Wanted
Author: @rockitmans
Artist: @justgleekout
Prompt Provided by: @justgleekout
Pairing(s): Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel
Rating: Teenage/Mature
Word Count: 23,899
Characters: Blaine, Kurt, Rachel, Santana, Elliott, Sam, Tina, Cooper
Witch Wanted
For CURSE BREAKING and REVENGE Can pay in lasagna or favors (nothing weird)
Blaine is cursed to not touch anyone, Kurt is the grumpy neighborhood witch. They each have something the other other needs (the thing is love)
Genre/Tropes: Modern Cosy Witch AU, Co-Workers, Strangers to Friends to Lovers, Witch!Kurt, Cursed!Blaine
Warnings: Discussions of death of a parent, allusions to smut
Notes: Written for @the-lima-bean reverse bang. Many thanks to @justgleekout for her gorgeous and inspiring witchy Kurt art! Reblog the original art here.
Read the story here
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klaine-a03-feed · 11 months
The Witches of Lilibury
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/p32thHc by sarkyblueeyes Kurt Hummel is in a rut. Having inherited the role of coven leader from his mother earlier than planned, he struggles to find balance between his responsibilities as a witch, and his personal life, in the small town of Lilibury, New England. Then Blaine Anderson moves in across the street. Between planning the annual Halloween Festival, running the family-owned apothecary, and seeing to the needs of the coven, is there room in his life for love? Words: 7736, Chapters: 2/26, Language: English Fandoms: Glee Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Santana Lopez, Mercedes Jones, Brittany S. Pierce, Elliott "Starchild" Gilbert, Jeff (Glee), Sugar Motta, Lauren Zizes, Kitty Wilde, Burt Hummel, Sebastian Smythe, Carole Hudson-Hummel, Finn Hudson, Artie Abrams, Sue Sylvester, Quinn Fabray, Original Characters Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel Additional Tags: Friends to Lovers, klaine AU, Klaine, Fantasy, Witchcraft, Mystery, Comedy, oblivious idiots, witch! Kurt, bumbling flirting, Misunderstandings, mentions of grief, coven leader Kurt, Halloween, Mutual Pining, witch klaine, Magic, Angst, Neighbors! Klaine, witchcraft! Klaine, magic! Klaine
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forabeatofadrum · 2 years
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Klaine 3-2-1 Prompt Bang Fic: Reprise
Author: @calliopemelpomene
Artist: @forabeatofadrum
Prompt Provided by: @redheadgleek
Pairing(s): Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel/Carole Hudson Hummel, Elliott Gilbert/OMC, Warbler Nick/Warbler Jeff
Rating: T
Word Count: 27,466
Characters: Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson, Burt Hummel, Carole Hudson Hummel, Elliott Gilbert, Nick Duval, Jeff Sterling, OMCs, OFCs
Summary: During Kurt's senior year at NYADA, a life-changing event causes him to take a leave of absence and what was supposed to be a short stay turns into years. His life certainly isn't what he expected, but he's not exactly unhappy. His name is not lit up in lights on Broadway, but he's involved in community theater and LGBTQ groups in Columbus and has friends who love him and casual lovers.
But turning 35 has made him restless and he's longing for the life he had before. Burt talks him into taking some classes at Ohio State University to finish his degree and start focusing on himself again. What Kurt finds on the OSU campus is much more than he bargained for.
Genre/Tropes: Reunion after breakup, au, canon-divergent, angst, drama
Warnings: None
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gleefulpoppet · 2 years
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Klaine 3-2-1 Prompt Bang Fic: Perfectly Imperfect
Author: @gleefuldarrencrissfan
Artist: @gleefulpoppet
Prompt Provided by: @nineofhearts4
Pairing(s): Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson, Jeff Sterling/Nick Duval
Rating: Mature
Word Count: 47,813
Characters: Blaine Anderson, Kurt Hummel, Nick Duval, Elliott Gilbert, Santana Lopez, Rachel Berry, Tina cohen-Chang, Wes Montgomery, Jeff Sterling, George Anderson (Blaine's father)
Summary: Blaine is the head jingle writer for the fashion department and son of George Anderson, CEO and founder of Anderson Advertising. Their department head, Wes Montgomery, has hired a new ad writer for their department. Kurt Hummel. Blaine is immediately smitten. Too bad that his dad has forbidden romance between team members. It's fine though. Nothing will happen at the office. Work trips, on the other hand, are another story entirely.
Genre/Tropes: Friends to Lovers, Co-workers, Alternate Universe, Canon-divergence, Alternative Meeting, Businessmen Kurt, Musician Blaine, Writer Kurt, Fashion Designer Kurt, Slow Burn, Forbidden Romance, friends with Benefits-kinda, angst
Warnings: Profanity; A few homophobic words; anal sex, angst, blow jobs, mentions of other sex acts
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honeysucklepink · 3 years
Anyway, Here's Wonderwall (1/?)
Inspired by the story of the Oasis cover band and pub goers who got stranded, with a blink-and-you’ll-miss nod to Ted Lasso. (also on AO3)
Day 1: Silence
In retrospect, hosting a “Battle of the Bands” during a freak winter snowstorm wasn’t the best idea.
When Adam Crawford’s grandmother had decided to leave the pub business and spend her retirement travelling the world, she gave him the first choice of which of her two pubs he would inherit. The Crown and Anchor was right in the middle of town, and had stood firm as the home pub for A.F.C. Richmond fans. Football didn’t really appeal to Adam, however, and he didn’t want to take an institution away from that community (the three stooges that came with the place would have had something to say about that). So instead he took the other pub located a few miles out in the countryside, the Blithe Spirit Inn, and revamped it as a music venue. It had taken a while to catch on, but they now had a steady flow of traveling musicians from the U.K., Ireland, and other parts of Europe...even a few American groups. Mostly cover bands, but also some folk fusion, traditional music, even a hip hop group.
Two of the American acts, One Three Hill and The Warblers, had made it to the finals of his first “Great British Band-Off” (the irony wasn’t lost on him). The eliminated bands had gotten on the road long ago, and it was truly a coincidence that the remaining finalists also had roots in NYADA, his old college across the pond. One of the members of One Three Hill in particular, Kurt Hummel, was actually his ex. But it had been an amicable split, a case of “better as friends than lovers,” and Kurt was happy to help Adam out and bring his friends and bandmates, Elliott and Dani, to perform.
The other band, the Warblers, Adam was a little less familiar with. He only knew of the lead singer, Blaine Anderson, from online chats with Kurt, who had nothing but complaints about him. Apparently Blaine had come to NYADA after Adam graduated and returned to England, a year behind Kurt. Kurt made it seem in his chats that Blaine was completely full of himself and marched the halls like he owned the place.To be honest, after meeting Blaine this week, he didn’t get that impression at all. He did, however, sense the tension between the two.
It was why here he stood, on top of the actual bar, Kurt and Blaine loudly arguing in the middle of the room while Elliott and Dani were nursing pints alongside the Warblers, and the remaining pub patrons were buzzing with worry about the weather.
“Maybe if you didn’t insist on full vocal warm-ups, Hummel, we could have wrapped up this so-called competition and beaten the snow storm.”
“My voice and body work in symphony with my bandmates; if we don’t properly warm up, we don’t rise.”
“Only thing rising here besides the snow level is your ego.”
“You’re one to talk! At least we’re a fully integrated group, not Blaine and the Pips…”
“SILENCE!” Adam finally screamed in frustration. Everyone looked at him, startled. “Thank you. Now look, I don’t know when the plows are going to get here, but the roads are closed, your vehicles are buried under snow drifts, and we’re just going to have to sit tight and get along for now.”
“How long?” Kurt sneered, his eyes locked on Blaine.
Adam looked out the windows of the pub, as heavy wet flakes continued to fly past and stick to every surface. He was afraid to say the truth...that he honestly didn’t know.
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redheadgleekfic · 3 years
these inconvenient fireworks - chapter 5
Title: these inconvenient fireworks Fandom: glee Link: FF.net (T rated version). AO3. Warnings: None apply. Rating: Mature to explicit. Pairings: Kurt Hummel/Blaine Anderson, very slight Kurt/Adam at the beginning.
Thanks to @snarkyhag, @wowbright, and @slowcookedwriting for their handholding, cheerleading, and betaing of this fic. This fic really did require a village.
Written for the @fandomtrumpshate 2020 charity auction for @sunshineoptimismandangels. Completed as part of the @wipbigbang project.
Summary: After an unexpected Tony award, Kurt Hummel is Broadway's hottest up and coming star, which comes with expectations and some admirers that won't take a hint. When his best friend Elliott Gilbert suggests that they pretend to fake-date to get the leeches to back off, Kurt takes him up on the idea. It's all working out great - until Kurt starts to fall hard for dark-haired music director of his latest musical.
Read the fifth chapter on AO3, the completed (but censored) fic on FF.net, or click below to continue reading on tumblr.
“Hello, lover boy!” Elliott croons as Kurt pushes the backstage door open.
“Hey. Thanks for waiting. I just need to grab my— Oof!” He squeaks as Elliott engulfs Kurt in a hug, picking him up off the ground and swinging him around in a circle.
Kurt smacks his arm. “Stop that! Put me down, you goose.”
Elliott does, grinning broadly. “What, I couldn’t resist hugging my gorgeous, talented, sexy lover boy, now could I?”
Kurt rolls his eyes at his friend. “We’re supposed to be making this believable.”
“What? I’m totally believable.” He slings his arm around Kurt's shoulder, batting his eyes and making smooching noises.
Kurt can’t help but laugh at his friend’s antics. “Oh yes, very believable.”
“I may not be a tony award winning Broadway actor, but I’ve got skills.”
“Sure you do.”
Elliott keeps his arm around Kurt as they make their way backstage. “So what’s the game plan?”
“I don’t know. Keep it simple? I’ll introduce you to any cast and crew that are still around and then we walk out together.”
“I don’t get to kiss you?”
“Absolutely not.” Kurt shudders. “No PDA.”
“But, Butt—" Elliott starts to pout.
“You should be able to kiss your boyfriend!” A squeaky voice interrupts from behind and both Kurt and Elliott jump. Kurt looks at Chandler a little alarmed. How much had he heard? “This is the 21st century and you shouldn’t have to suppress your feelings because there are homophobes.”
Kurt gives a small sigh of relief. “I have no problems kissing my boyfriend. It’s the public aspect that I find tacky.”
“Oh, yeah, okay, I get that, I guess.” Chandler answers, “I didn’t mean to overhear, I do butt in sometimes, but you should be able to be with the one that you love. Even if it’s this guy.” He wrinkles his nose.
Kurt suppresses a giggle. “Elliott, this is Chandler. Chandler is one of our crew.” Elliott sticks out his hand for Chandler to shake and Chandler pointedly ignores it.
“Just sets, but I hope to make a break like Kurt someday. I’ll never be as good of course. You must be so proud of Kurt.” He stares at Elliott. “He is so amazing at every role and, gosh, getting to see him now in rehearsals…. It’s like magic.”
Apparently, finding out that his crush is unattainable isn’t a deterrent to Chandler. Elliott looks amused. “Magic, you say?”
“Yes. Kurt deserves somebody who supports him and thinks he’s amazing and—"
“And I have somebody who does.” Kurt interrupts and takes Elliott’s hand. “We have to be going. Have a good night, Chandler.”
“Bye, Kurt! And Kurt’s boyfriend, I suppose.” He grumbles as he backs away.
Kurt tugs on Elliott’s hand. “My dressing room is just back here.”
“He seems sweet.” Elliott murmurs as they move away. Luckily, the backstage is empty; only a single person greets Kurt as they maneuver down the hallway cluttered with set pieces. “A little much, but sweet,”
Kurt stares. “Much is an understatement. It’s a lot much at times and I don’t want to encourage him.”
“I don’t think my presence is going to stop him.”
“Probably not, but maybe it’ll be a little bit of a reality check. Before he goes full on stalker.” He unlocks his dressing room door and ushers Elliott inside.
“Maybe. Nice digs.”
“One of the few perks of being the star. You can sit there. It’ll just be a moment.”
Elliott plops himself on the sofa, sprawling his long legs over the side as Kurt grabs his wallet from the small safe. Wait, where are his keys? He pats himself down and digs through the dresser drawers.
“Seriously, though, Butt,” Elliott continues, staring at the ceiling. “What is it that you are wanting from me for this boyfriend gig?”
“I thought we just discussed this.” Kurt says, rifling through the clothes on the counter. “Simple and forgettable. Enough that they know your name, but won’t be too shocked when you fade away.”
“But for how long? Am I to be your plus one at parties? Do I get red carpet benefits?”
“I thought you were in it for guitar strings. Do you want red carpet benefits?”
“Wouldn’t hurt to practice. One Three Hill is about to make it big.” He hums. “Does Rachel know about this fake dating thing? Or what should we be telling your friends?”
Kurt stops pawing through the drawers, his thoughts crashing around in his head as reality sets in. “I hadn’t thought of that. Oh god. You’re right. This is stupid and ridiculous. I’m in my thirties, what on earth am I doing?” Unexpected tears spring to his eyes and he breathes in deeply, staring up at the ceiling, willing them not to fall.
Elliott scrambles to his feet. “Whoa, hey, no, it’s okay. I’m just teasing you. I don’t mind. If it makes your life easier, I’m here for you. I was just surprised. I mean, you seem to be handling Chandler well.”
“It’s not just Chandler. It’s Chandler and Adam and the endless gossip. Broadway Direct posted some speculation last week that I was dating Aaron Treivit because we had dinner last week.”
“Me being your boyfriend isn’t going to stop that gossip.” Elliott points out.
“No, but it’ll stop me from being the most eligible gay bachelor or asking in round about ways if I’ve got a favorite gay bar. I’m either adorably single or I’m a slut and there’s no in between. It’s just… it’s getting old, but I should be able to deal with it, right? This is what I wanted.”
Elliott drags him back over to the sofa, forcing him to sit down. He grabs both of his hands. “Deep breath. In through your nose and out through your mouth. And in … out. That’s it. I don’t mean to give you a panic attack, I was just figuring out logistics. If this will give you space, I’m here for you.”
Kurt slows his breathing to match Elliott’s, letting the panic ebb. “Thanks.”
“If you think about it, it’s my fault that you’re in this position.”
“What?” Kurt looks up at Elliott, puzzled by the frown on his face. “What do you mean?”
“If we hadn’t broken up—"
Kurt shakes his head firmly. “Ell, that was years ago. We make better friends and occasional band mates than we ever did lovers.”
They had dated briefly, shortly after they had met and formed their band, tumbling into bed for some steamy but casual sex over the course of a month. Their break up had been amicable: Kurt had realized that he craved a more committed relationship and Elliott knew he didn’t. As his first break up, Kurt had expected drama but, like everything else, Elliott had been calm and level headed, encouraging Kurt to follow his heart. The irony that years later, it was Elliott who was in a committed-but-open partnership with Chaz and Kurt who didn’t date anybody longer than two months wasn’t lost on him. Still. Elliott never brought up their past fling, ever, and Kurt had never had any suspicion that Elliott was harboring guilt a decade later.
He pauses and stares at his friend in suspicion. “Wait a minute. Did you just pull the old ‘distract Kurt so he forgets why he’s upset in the first place’ routine?”
Elliott laughs. “Maybe. I do know you, after all. Come here.” He pulls Kurt close to him and hugs him to his side. “It’s going to be fine. You’ve got this, Kurt, and me and your friends are here to support you. Now, get your cell out. We’re going to take some photos to put up on Facebook.”
Kurt smiles. “Have. I told you recently that I love you?” He tilts his head towards Elliott and stretches his arms out to fit them in the frame.
“I love you too, dumbass,” Elliott replies and kisses his cheek as Kurt snaps the picture.
The door opens. “Kurt are you still— Oh. I, I hadn’t thought that you would be engaged. My apologies for the interruption.”
Kurt wills himself to not blush. “Not at all. Adam, this is my boyfriend, Elliott. Adam’s my co-star.”
Elliott stands and shakes his hand. “Hi there.”
“My pleasure.” Adam’s face betrays no emotion.
“We were just leaving. What was it that you were asking me about?” Kurt says smoothly.
“Oh, I wondered if you want to go over that new scene first thing in the morning or stick with the lines from Act Two. Unique says that it’s up to us.”
“Have we gotten any music yet?”
“None of the solos. Two group numbers, but the music director wants to work with the chorus first.”
Kurt sighs in frustration. “This is the second week of rehearsals and they keep making edits to the script and we still don’t have the music.” He explains to Elliott. “It’s getting ridiculous.”
Adam waits patiently at the door for an answer.
“New material. It’ll keep me from flying to L.A. and demanding that Mr. Durphy take this seriously. I’ll read over the script this evening.”
“Delightful. I’ll inform Unique. Have a pleasant evening and I will see you first thing.”
“First thing,” Kurt agrees.
“Good night.” Adam bids and nods his head briefly in Elliott’s direction before closing the door.
Elliott waits until the door is fully closed and Adam’s footsteps have faded away before bursting into laughter.
“What?” Kurt questions.
“Oh, honey. Is he that prim in bed too? ‘May I engage in fellatio, darling?’”
“He’s not that bad. I really dug his accent at one time. But… yes. Yes, he was.”
“I’m seeing now why you need a fake boyfriend. Never fear, Star Child is here to rescue you.”
Kurt snags his keys from the sofa where they had been partially hidden. “Oh god. What am I getting myself into? Come on, we’re getting Thai. I deserve noodles tonight.”
Kurt raps briskly on the door frame and plasters on a smile to the woman inside. Roz is a formidable woman, but he’s out of patience. A little sweetness never hurt though. “Good morning, Ms. Washington. Your blouse is exquisite.”
“And your attempts at flattery aren’t. The songs aren’t ready yet.”
Kurt drops the smile. “Still? We should have had all of the songs a month before rehearsals started.”
“Mr. Durphy believes that the pressure of time produces diamonds and all of his productions are diamonds.”
“Oh come on, at this rate, we’re not even creating cubic zirconium here!” Kurt protests.
“The songs are being workshopped.”
“I was there for the workshop! I read and sang for the workshop and that was months ago.” Kurt argues back.
“They weren’t up to Mr. Durphy’s standards and had to be redone.”
Kurt throws his hands up. “I can’t rehearse if I don’t know what songs I’ll be singing.”
“Sure ya can.” She sniffs, completely unimpressed. “You’ve got lines to learn.”
“They only make sense if you know the context that the lyrics provide. That’s what makes it a musical and not a karaoke event.”
“Well,” she purses her lips and looks him up and down. “I suggest you use the time to practice dancing. I’ve seen you, Hummel, on that stage, and for a gay man, you ain’t light on those twinkle toes.”
He bites back the sharp retort. He and Roz have similar snarky humor and he knows that she’s just goading him into a fight, His issue isn’t with her, and he’s long learned to control his temper and direct his wrath towards those who deserve it. “It’s been two weeks,” he snaps instead, “two weeks of being told daily that the songs were almost ready and to just be patient a little longer.”
“And yet, here you are, at my door, just to hear again, that the songs are almost ready and just be patient.” She smirks.
“We don’t operate on LA time here. Broadway is a professional environment with deadlines.”
“I’ll be sure to let Mr. Durphy know your opinions on how he should be running his show.” Roz gives him an unimpressed look before firmly turning back to her phone, tapping a message with her manicured nails.
Kurt grunts in frustration. Roz blithely ignores him. He turns, seething, and stalks down the hallway. Reasons for staying with this production were becoming less obvious with each passing day. He pulls out his phone to send an enraged text to his friends. Suddenly, he slams into a compact body, his chin smacking firmly with a head, sending his phone to the ground, along with a flurry of papers.
“Sorry! I wasn’t watching.” Kurt says, automatically reaching out to stabilize the obstacle. He can’t help smiling a little more authentically when he sees that his collider is the cute, dark haired musician, Blaine. They’ve chatted briefly at lunch, and Blaine always has a bright smile that radiates kindness and old-fashioned charm, endearing him to all of the cast and crew. Kurt hasn’t been an exception.
“Pardon me. I’m so sorry.” Blaine says with concern. “Are you alright? We hit pretty hard.”
“You mean, I hit you hard. I’m fine.” Kurt says, more breathlessly than he had intended. All of these years and cute boys were still his weakness. He shakes his head. “Really, I’m fine. I should be asking about that head of yours. My dad says I’m so stubborn that my strong chin is made of steel.”
Blaine huffs a laugh. “I’ve never heard that saying before.”
“It’s a Burt Hummel original.”
“Burt’s your father?”
“I would have thought that Wikipedia would have that info.”
Blaine’s face falls. “I, uh, I’m not that kind of fan. I hope you know that.”
“Relax,” Kurt squeezes his arm reassuringly—his surprisingly well sculptured arm. “It's common knowledge, really, what with him being a congressman and all.”
“Good, good. I hope I wasn’t giving off stalker vibes.”
“Not you. I’ve already got one of those.” At Blaine’s raised eyebrow, he leans in and confides in a whisper. “Chandler? Do you know him? He works on sets.”
“I think I met him at lunch, maybe.”
“He’s been my ‘number one’ fan for years and is always at every stage door. It’s sweet, but um—"
“Verging on creepy?” Blaine fills in.
“Yes. I’m sure he’s harmless—”
“But nobody wants to find out that they’ve attracted a John Hinckley.”
“Exactly!” Kurt grins at him.
Blaine bends down to pick up the papers that he dropped and Kurt curses himself at his lack of manners and stoops down to pick some up as well.
“Oh, you don’t have to,” Blaine protests.
“It’s not a big deal. I definitely wasn’t watching where I was going. I mean, running into you is a delight, I just hadn’t intended on it being literal.” He winks at Blaine, as he shifts the papers—sheet music from his glance—into a tidier pile. “It’s probably all out of order now.”
“It’s no big deal.”
“Wait.” Kurt looks closer. “Is this the new music?”
“Oh no.” Blaine stammers, his cheeks flushing, “No, I was just going to ask Roz if she’s heard of an update.”
“I’ll save you that visit. No. A very definitive no. With no answer whatsoever when it will be available.”
“That’s disappointing. But I’m sure they are working hard on it.”
Kurt stares in suspicion. Nobody has that kind of guileless optimism. “I’m sure. But this,” he waves the sheet music, “What is it? It’s not what the chorus has been rehearsing.”
“No, I, it’s just some scribbles that I put down. I read through the full script last weekend and I just thought that I’d, um, I’d put some of it to music. Since we were still waiting and all.”
“You compose, too?” Kurt scans through the top sheet.
Blaine shakes his head. “Only if you consider limericks poetry. I dabble. I took some composition courses with my graduate degree and I like to play around with it now and then.”
“Did you write this for me? For my character?” It’s in his voice range, he notices.
Blaine scratches the back of his neck. “That first part? Where Brian first brings up surrogacy? I know it’s not how it’s written, but it seemed like the perfect place for a song. Brian has so many desires and fears about being a father that he’s hiding from David, you know, and what better way to express them than in a solo?”
Kurt reads through, hearing the melody in his head. “Even my atrocious sight-reading can tell that this is much better than a limerick. It’s excellent.”
Blaine flushes red down his neck at Kurt’s praise. “I… you’re too kind.”
“I’m really not.” Kurt hands the sheets of paper back. “Are you planning on showing this to Ryan?”
All of the blood drains from Blaine’s face. “No! Oh god no, this is just idle doodling. He didn’t hire a nobody like me to have the audacity of asking him to add his music.”
Kurt frowns. “You’re not a nobody.”
“I am. Mediocre composers aren’t even worth a dime and that’s all I am at best. That’s okay. He’s got a team of talented people who will write beautiful songs and I will help direct those songs because it’s my job and I am good at that.”
Kurt reluctantly backs off. “It’s your music. But seriously, Blaine, you should look into getting an agent. And write more. You’re clearly gifted.”
“I’ll, I’ll do that. Thanks.”
“Any time.” He smiles and tilts his head in contemplation. “Actually, what would you think—”
“Kurt Hummel, why is your ass not on my stage? You’re ten minutes late and nobody’s late on Unique’s stage.
Kurt turns guiltily to their stage director. Unique’s hands are on her hips and although she is several inches shorter, she still makes Kurt feel like she is staring him down.
“I was just asking Roz—”
“You weren’t just doing nothing. Unique will tell you when the music is ready and when we’re ready to work on your singing. But right now, Unique needs you to walk that pasty white ass back to that stage and finally learn how to open that mouth and fucking emote.”
“I emote just fine.” He hates that he sounds petulant.
She sniffs. “I’m the judge of that. The world outside may think you’re hot stuff but, in here, you belong to me and right now, you’re wasting my time.”
Kurt throws Blaine an apologetic look. Blaine paints on a look of such wide-eyed innocence that Kurt has to hide his chuckle in a cough. “I’ll see you later, Blaine.”
“Much later and maybe from inside your coffin if you keep dawdling.” Unique pushes between his shoulders. “Boys, I swear. Now scooch.”
Last Chapter | Next Chapter
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Perfectly Imperfect
Author:  @gleefuldarrencrissfan
Rating:  M
Status:  Completed in May 2022
Word Count:  47,813
Summary:  Blaine is the head jingle writer for the fashion department and son of George Anderson, CEO and founder of Anderson Advertising. Their department head, Wes Montgomery, has hired a new ad writer for their department. Kurt Hummel. Blaine is immediately smitten. Too bad that his dad has forbidden romance between team members. It's fine though. Nothing will happen at the office. Work trips, on the other hand, are another story entirely.
Tropes/Genre:  coworkers!Klaine, alternate meeting, writer!Kurt, musician!Blaine, friends to lovers, slow build, angst, humor
Lynne’s review:  Loved it! Just enough angst to keep it real, but nothing will keep our boys apart! Great humor provided by Elliott and Santana.
Read at:  AO3
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icedteaandoldlace · 3 years
for the prompt ask <3 if I may request either kelliott “I think I’m in love with you and I’m terrified.”, or kadam “We’re in the middle of a thunderstorm and you wanna stop and feel the rain?” ?
Ta-da! At long last, they are finally finished!
Now they are, of course, too long to be considered true drabbles, but they're shorter than my fics usually are, and it was still a challenge creating a story in such limited space.
Thanks a bunch both for the prompts and for your patience as I've gotten them finished for you. I hope you enjoy them.
Prompt 1 - As Frightened As You
(on AO3 or FFN)
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Glee Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Elliott "Starchild" Gilbert/Kurt Hummel Characters: Kurt Hummel, Elliott "Starchild" Gilbert Additional Tags: Fluff and Angst, Friends to Lovers, Love Confessions, First Kiss, New Year's Kiss, Fluff, Angst, Asexual Character, Ace Elliott, Not Blaine or Klaine Friendly, Referenced Aphobia, referenced past sexual coercion/harassment, yes the title comes from Being Alive, New Year's Resolutions, Tumblr Prompt, Prompt Fill, One Shot, Ficlet Words: 2,162
What do you do when you've fallen for your best friend and you're afraid of scaring them off? If you're Kurt Hummel, you avoid talking about it with them until you're left with no other choice.
Prompt 2 - Alive Again
(on AO3 or FFN)
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Glee Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationship: Adam Crawford/Kurt Hummel Characters: Kurt Hummel, Adam Crawford Additional Tags: Fix-It, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Season 6 doesn't exist, Not Blaine or Klaine Friendly, Not New Directions Friendly, Tumblr Prompt, Prompt Fill, Fluff, rainy day, One Shot, Ficlet, pre-Kadam, Kurt is free Words: 1,462
After the dissolution of his engagement with Blaine, an old friend and a buried childhood impulse help Kurt start to get back on his feet.
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klaine-a03-feed · 7 months
Life Is...
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/2lTVLPU by soggy_peppers Blaine Anderson discovers he can reverse time. He also reunites with his former best friend, Kurt Hummel, who's trying to find his missing friend, and tries to heal their broken relationship. Or: what if Life is Strange had Klaine in it? Words: 24440, Chapters: 1/5, Language: English Fandoms: Glee Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: M/M Characters: Blaine Anderson, Sebastian Smythe, Kurt Hummel, Will Schuester, Principal Figgins, Quinn Fabray, Sam Evans (Glee), Mike Chang, Tina Cohen-Chang, Santana Lopez, Kitty Wilde, Brittany S. Pierce, Noah Puckerman Relationships: Blaine Anderson/Kurt Hummel, Blaine Anderson & Sam Evans, Blaine Anderson & Quinn Fabray, Blaine Anderson & Mike Chang, Blaine Anderson & Tina Cohen-Chang, Minor or Background Relationship(s), Mike Chang/Tina Cohen-Chang, Santana Lopez/Brittany S. Pierce, Elliott "Starchild" Gilbert & Kurt Hummel, Elliott "Starchild" Gilbert/Kurt Hummel Additional Tags: Inspired by Life is Strange, College, Alternate Universe - College/University, Time Travel, Friends to Lovers, Childhood Friends, Alternate Universe - Childhood Friends, Gun Violence, Missing Persons, Fights, Visions, Prophetic Visions, Storms, Snow
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mrthomasdoherty · 3 years
hi! i know you’re a chris/kurt stan, but i was wondering if you have any favorite blaine moments or blaine episodes? (also, i just wanted to say thank you for defending blaine/klaine so hard. so many kurt stans are so anti blaine and it really bothers me, so thank you for understanding where blaine is coming from too)
Hello there! General Kenobi.
Listen, I will defend Blaine Anderson on my death bed. The amount of shit people choose to hate him for is ridiculous and is more telling of them. Because there's enjoyment of enemies to lovers and then there's just extreme out of character "development" to make your enemies to lover ship seem like the better choice to canon because "omg abuse". Not here for it. Just enjoy your ship but keep the slander and hatred for Blaine Anderson out of it, wow so simple. Amazing.
Okay anyway. Favorite moments and episodes of one Blaine Anderson.
10. Never Been Kissed. I love his introduction. He grabs a strange dudes hand to take a shortcut, then pulls a fast one by being all "oh and by the way I'm a warbler so lemme serenade you real quick strange dude". WHO DOES THAT? It's ridiculous, it's perfect, and it's nice that he's introduced as someone who has also been through the hell of being bullied for something that defines him as a person, but still being the bigger person in the end and coming out stronger. He's there at the right time, the right place, and it's because of him that Kurt remembers he has a voice.
9. In season 6, watching him regain that confidence and stride that he had in season 2? Love it. It's nice to see that he went to therapy, stepped outside his box, and took a chance on something unexpected for himself (even if who he dates is stupid, and it makes me nauseous - I blame the writers for this stupidity and not the character. The character is just their pawn to get the viewers reaction). I like that he fights for Jane, I like how he confronts Rachel and Kurt and doesn't go easy on them in regards to the competition, and I like that even through the bullshit HE is put through he still doesn't let it consume him and make him into a bitter person. Plus, again, HE WENT TO THERAPY! I love that!
8. Dynamic Duets. Seeing Blaine take control of the school without anyone questioning him?! Amazing leadership. We see him being a great leader in other episodes, before and after this one, but this one really hits it on the head. He gets everyone to dress up as superheroes to help boost everyone's confidence, express themselves, and just get out of their box in such a creative and fun way. We see him struggling still with feeling like he fits at McKinley because the reason he transferred is gone and no longer his boyfriend. I like that we can see the struggle! He's lonely. He's depressed. He's trying so hard to be better at getting by, but we see the struggle emotionally and mentally. He almost transfers to Dalton again because he thinks it would be better for everyone. He has Sam now, and that's it (which, bleck blam, but it's still important this episode so whatever). We see how self-destructive he is but still comes out on top by doing something great for the community. I like seeing character development. I like seeing the tidbits of character thought process, because like Blaine I've been there. Wanting to feel apart of something where you feel WANTED not just accepted. — also this episode he shames Mr.Schue for not even noticing the trophy is gone which DRAG HIM ANDERSON!!! That hint of sass! LOVE IT. Also Nightbird as a whole? Yes. Good.
7. Puppet Master. I like seeing what would go on in Blaine's brain on drugs - is that weird? It's an interesting view into his subconscious. He doesn't handle things like everyone else with their fantasy world them being hot and desirable. Nope! Blaine wants to feel validated, appreciated, and interact with felt-people because real people have hurt him - but felt-people can't. Felt-people can be tossed aside without causing them harm. Felt-friends compliment his body. Felt-fiancé's do whatever you want (kinky - what were you going to do with Kurt puppet that night you tried to take him back from Sylvester, Blaine? Cheeky). I like this quirk. I just don't like the ending song, that's it.
6. I love his moments where he performs by himself or for Kurt specifically. There's something different about how he performs if Kurt is watching (Cough Syrup, Teenage Dream (acoustic & original), All of Me, Beauty School Dropout, Barely Breathing (though that's just a figment), It's Not Right) vs. when he's in a group number. He's good in every song he does, and maybe I just think he performs differently because I'm a sucker for the angst majority of those songs being but whatever. I like it.
5. Love the Blaine being dramatic as a whole. Remember his reaction to seeing Tina and Sam making out and then running down the hall? And how MUCH HE LOVES BUMPER BOWLING?! I do. It's amazing.
4. THE WHOLE THING WITH ELLIOTT!!! Why did they only have one scene together?! Elliott being so understanding, and supportive, and not at all thinking Blaine is this weirdo for just BARGING into his apartment the way he does. He just HANDS HIM A GUITAR and Blaine takes it and it WORKS. He lets Blaine vent, he doesn't take it personal, and then Blaine calms down and apologizes. AND THEN THEY JAM. The best thing. That friendship would've been god tier.
3. Also that sass. "Huh, that's so unlike you." "I would say bye, but I wouldn't want to make you angry." "Well, he's not coming out anytime soon." "Why dont YOU put it back because it's YOUR apartment?"
2. I also LOVE that he isn't perfect. I love that we see him struggle. It makes him more realistic. Seeing his body issues in season 5, the depression, the self-destruction, the people pleasing perfectionist, the meltdowns, the struggle - because we see him struggle and overcome it in the end. Despite everything he struggled with, he got his happy ending with his soulmate AND A CHILD. He's succeeding in life with a family!
1. Tested. The whole episode. His traumatic response to Kurt's traumatic response. His body and self-confidence struggles. His defensive attitude and self-destructing basically, before snapping that built-up wall and finally communicating with Kurt about what the underlying problem actually is. IT IS MY FAVORITE EPISODE FOR A REASON! For Blaine, for Kurt, for both of them. Because not everyone reacts to trauma the same! It isn't going to be pretty! It isn't rainbows and puppy dogs dancing on clouds. It's crumbling in silence, and trying to be stronger than you are, and shutting down, and not having processed something completely because life still goes on like the trauma never happened all around you. It doesn't stop. So you find ways to cope. Like eating too many cronuts that you gain more weight and start to slip down a self-loathing hill to the point where you make things up in your head because you're overthinking and not wanting to burden anyone, especially the person you admire and care for the most because then they'll be disappointed in you and that has to be one of the worst feelings. BUT IT ALL COMES TO A HEAD, and ugh. Love it. Dont care. I like the realism about it, angst and all.
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backslashdelta · 3 years
Becky <3, may I ask for songs you associate with kelliott?
Myle <3, yes you may!
I actually didn't have any off the top of my head. So, I went to find some for you :)
Tiny Love - MIKA. My favourite thing about Kelliott is that they seem incredibly realistic. And what I mean by that is I think their relationship would be mature, kind of simple, and kind of understated. Which sounds funny when you think about both Kurt and Elliott as individuals, but I think they would both be confident in each other's feeling's, and by the time they get together they wouldn't feel the need for grand romantic gestures. They show each other their love in little, everyday ways, and I think this song is the perfect reflection of that.
Begin Again - Taylor Swift. Calling back to that mature aspect of their relationship, I think this song suits them well because it's about finding love with someone new after a previous relationship, finding the things you didn't have and didn't even necessarily realize you were missing before, realizing how this new person is perfect for you in ways that you never really thought you needed, but now that you have it you have an appreciation for it.
Sweet Child O' Mine - Guns N' Roses. This just feels like such a pure love song? I think that there two would work well together because they would make each other feel safe and comfortable, and I feel like this song really captures that essence.
Ease My Mind - Ben Platt. I think these two would do a great job of keeping each other grounded, and talking each other down when they get upset about things. I think they have a similar outlook on the world, and so are really well equipped to help put things in perspective for one another when it's necessary. How they relate to each other in that way, to me, is a fundamental part of what their relationship would be, because it's not only about calming each other down and making them feel better, but it's about really having that deep understanding of one another. And I think this song really captures that.
Nowhere With You - Joel Plaskett. This is a friends!Kelliott song (before they start dating of course, because obviously they're endgame). But just the idea that they don't want to go anywhere in particular, just want to go there together and spend time together, being in each other's company, wanting to see each other smile. Their romance is a slow burn friends to lovers and this is just such a good friends song with a little bit of a flirtatious vibe ("hey good lookin'") and I think it's a good fit.
Alright I just spent like 2 hours on this, so I'm going to call it quits. I hope you like these!
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fruitysoupy · 3 years
holy trinity of kurt ships: kurtbastian, kelliott, and hevans
What made me ship it?
That juicy juicy delicious chemistry between those two ✨👌
Just wonderful, loving that enemies to lovers vibe
Favorite thing about this ship
The chemistry, and in fanfics the way they flirt
Like they're insulting each other but in a very gay enemies to lovers kinda way 👀
Unpopular opinion
I don't think I have any for this one tbh
What made me ship it?
They look great together, they sound great together, they're great friends, they're just lovely all around
Favorite thing about this ship
Healthy communication!!!!!! Elliott called Kurt out no problem, no one got mad, both were very mature and understanding about it. They talked it out and moved on
Icon behavior 👏👏👏👏✨💖✨💖✨💖💖
Unpopular opinion
Idk if this is unpopular but I think they'd be a great healthy endgame 💖✨
What made me ship it?
You 💖✨ you're so passionate about it I couldn't help but start loving it too bestie
Favorite thing about this ship
They're so soft 😭😭✨💖💖✨💖✨💖✨
Kurt and his big jock boyfie 💖
Sam is so sweet and dorky and respectful and cute and hhh 😭😭😭😭💖✨💖✨💖✨💖💖💖✨✨💖✨💖✨✨💖✨✨
Unpopular opinion
I don't think it's unpopular but I don't wanna have this blank so; they're a nice healthy midgame, grow apart but remain good friends
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