#kyousei merch
koushirouizumi · 2 years
DigiAdvs tri Merch (Compilation)/List
Tri: - DigiFes 2016 Merch List - Artemis Kings Collab {2016} - Limited Base P'Parco {Parts 1~5} -- Official Arts -- Part 3 -- Part 4 (+Gomamon Bowl) -- Part 5 (Announcement) - Animate Cafe Kitchen Car (Drinks) -- Hoodie Set - Kiddy Land collab set{s} - Digital Monster Card Game Digimon Adventure Tri First Memorial Set (TCG) {2017} - Anime Japan Event {2017} (Agumon + Gabumon, etc) - Tri Keychains {2017} - Soushitsu Theater Goods (Various Products) {2017} - Soushitsu ×OUTDOOR PRODUCTS collaboration [2] - DigiFes 2017 Merch List -- Can Badges Set - Ani-On Station the 2nd {2017} (Announcement) [Menu] - Ani-On Station Final Party! {2018} (Announcement) -- Merch List - Megane Ichiba x Digimon Adventure Tri. Collaboration {2018} (Glasses Collaboration) {Bokura no Mirai} - Complete Selection Animation DIGIVICE tri. Memorial (+Omegamon) (relevant BNM spoiler) {You probably already know it by now...} - Tri Script Covers for all 6 Parts (Minor Spoilers)
(More to be added) [(Eternal?) Work-in-Progress] {DO NOT Copy the formatting of any of my Posts Please!} (Some links go back to my own blog, feel free to follow them to any official sources!)
[This post is marked as 'no re-blog' but I won't mind 'Likes' if you can respect my Blog rules!]
(P.S.: If anyone has spare Tri!Koushiro merch they're looking to sell, please feel free to ping me!!) (I don't have a ton of funds to spare lately, but if I can manage to indulge just a bit, I do like to collect Koushiro items where I can. My 2nd~etc. choices usually include: Hikari, Taichi (depending); then Mimi, Sora or Meiko, {in that order} also depending on how much I liked their merch/arts featured, but I usually don't go for them right away. Jou can also depend on the merch item. I usually don't go for Yamato or Takeru at all, but if they were included in a set I wouldn't complain {I really appreciate when I can buy in bulk/lots}.) (I missed out on being able to get basically any of this merch, so again, if anyone's selling, feel free to contact! Please have a link to your feedback ready/available if you do.) [This list is mainly being compiled for my own reference as I track any Koushiro relevant items as well as items of other Favorites, but I won't mind if others find it useful.]
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pasttorn · 4 years
can be used for rp & non-rp blogs to get to know a bit about the person behind the screen !
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2. STRANGE FACT ABOUT YOURSELF ⇢ i used to eat beach sand as a kid
3. TOP 3 PHYSICAL THINGS YOU FIND ATTRACTIVE ON A PERSON  ⇢  if it’s just physical, then their eyes ! ! also, if they’re comfortable wearing w/e they wanna wear, that’s hella attractive. & bc i forgot i needed three-- seeing them enjoy their favourite things. that’s always sweet & fun to see
5. A FOOD YOU HATE ⇢ tomatoes & spicy food ! also raisins
6. GUILTY PLEASURE ⇢ hugs & people enjoying random links i send them
7. WHAT DO YOU SLEEP IN ⇢ pj pants ( during winter ), a loose shirt + a loose sweater thing that i stole from my dad a couple years back
8. SERIOUS RELATIONSHIPS OR FLINGS ⇢ i’ve never done neither but i would always prefer something serious rather than a fling huirgjfdkmvc 
9. IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN THE PAST AND CHANGE ONE THING ABOUT YOUR LIFE, WOULD YOU AND WHAT WOULD IT BE ⇢ some dumb anxiety-induced mistakes i made that everyone around me has already forgotten but i still remember every once in a while 
10. ARE YOU AN AFFECTIONATE PERSON ⇢  i try to be ? i love giving hugs & i love telling my friends i adore them + how important they are so ye
11. A MOVIE YOU COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN ⇢ rise of the guardians ! also sword of the stranger & thE KIMETSU NO YAIBA MOVIE WHENEVER IT COMES OUT
12. FAVORITE BOOK ⇢ the scream street series have always been a big fave ! also alice in zombieland, the 39 clues, the haunting of gabriel ashe, the neptune conspiracy & the culling ! 
13. YOU HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO KEEP ANY ANIMAL AS A PET, WHAT DO YOU CHOOSE ⇢ oooh basICALLY ANYTHING REALLY i love animals & would love to be able to live alongside any of them. i’ve had a dog & a bunch of cats & hamsters-- but tbh i’m mostly used to hanging around cats. i do wanna have a ferret eventually though 
14. TOP FIVE FICTIONAL SHIPS [IF YOU ARE AN RP BLOG, YOU CAN USE YOUR OWN SHIPS AS WELL] ⇢ i have a shitton but the biggest / most common would be grimmulqui, akaren, kankushino, kibahina & hakukoyu !
15. PIE OR CAKE ⇢ i like both, but would side w/ cake more as long as it doesn’t have too much cream !
16. FAVORITE SCENT ⇢ freshly cut grass, chocolate, tea leaves & idr anything else rn but i will eventually huirdgjfk
17. CELEBRITY CRUSH ⇢ i don’t really know or follow any celebrities so idk what to respond
18. IF YOU COULD TRAVEL ANYWHERE, WHERE WOULD YOU GO ⇢ 100 % japan ! i wanna meet umby again & i just ! ! ! love everything about it. i would also visit chile or malaysia bc it’s been a while, but not unless i have too bc they’re so far away & just the thought of travelling there is tiring
19. INTROVERT OR EXTROVERT ⇢ introvert all the way-- i’m too nervous to be anything else ihurdgjfk
20. DO YOU SCARE EASILY ⇢ i don’t know ? maybe i do but i rly love horror & crime & mystery genres. i do get paranoid easy tho
21. IPHONE OR ANDROID ⇢ i’ve only ever used ipods & iphones !
22. DO YOU PLAY ANY VIDEO GAMES ⇢ shrugs at muse list-- yes i do ! mostly hand held games like the ds or the switch or wii tho
23. DREAM JOB ⇢ right now my goal is being a librarian-- but i’d love to work with animals at some point, even if it’s a sidejob of sorts !
24. WHAT WOULD YOU DO WITH A MILLION DOLLARS ⇢ buy a bunch of merch from independent artists & not need to care about the shipping cost ! also pay for my sis’s + my college iuhjkmshredxgfvc
25. FICTIONAL CHARACTER YOU HATE ⇢ uhhh i can’t really remember any right now
26. FANDOM THAT YOU WERE ONCE A PART OF BUT AREN’T ANY LONGER ⇢ haikyuu ! ! i used to write kuroo when i first joined tumblr, but that’s so long ago hiusrjkdfmvc otherwise, i’m basically in mostly the same fandoms bc i have such a hard time letting go of muses
Tagged by: @kleinemeine​ ( aaaahhhh thanks ! ! ! )
Tagging: @kyousei​, @mindsmelded​, @arcadiianliives​, @demonmoonrui​, @kyoanikis​, @yeonban​, @cardkissed​ & anyone else who wants to ! !
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chococustard · 5 years
Do any of the love children wear their parent’s merch? Either forced to or not.
of course! a lot pf them do! (except shinsou’s kids cause he’s an underground hero they don’t make merch of underground heroes i would assume) mostly as tiny babies/kids cause it’s probably funny
some wear it continuously just cause it the materials are comfy
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tsuki has a creatie shirt he wears at home. he sleeps in it//shot
of course deku, the absolute nerd and supportive friend he is he has most of his friend’s merch, as well as his and todo’s stuffthese 2, like their parents, are fucking nerds (baku n kiri get sent stuff by their fans of their pairing shirts with notes saying “for kyousei kun!
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suneater has little to no merch cause he gets embarrassed to sign for official stuff. so tsumugi wears a looooooot of bootleg
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chococustard · 6 years
If you can't think of any designs for another kiribaku kid, you could always make a little mini me of one of them, but have them take after their other father in personality? Like their second kid looks JUST LIKE bakugou, but he's a ray of sunshine like kirishima? Or vice versa? Or a blond kid with Kiri's original hair design, so like kinda straight and flat, and with rounder eyes like Kiri's as opposed to bakugou's more perpetually angry eyes? Just some suggestions, feel free to ignore me!!!
hhhh not just appearance wise, also story too? like, what do i do with this child//shot
also like you just literally described @gigili-jiggly ’s himari???
but uuh hey got some bakusquad v2//shot
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Ashido Kurashi
she’s excitable and easy going, wanting to be friends with everyone. she wears her heart on her sleeves and doesn’t bother with hiding anything. she’s able to read people pretty easily and get along with them. when her quirk started to show many adults became wary of her, equating her quirk to that of drugs and not want her anywhere near them or their children. rather than being disheartened she actually sees her quirk as, “real word sucks so i’ll make a world that’s way cooler.” mina and camie ended up teaching at UA, so even when she doesn’t have much friends at school she gets to hang out with the cool older kids anyway. following camie she’s more into non violent approaches. she’s also very touchy.
Sero Arashi
at 7 years old he was saved by denki during a break in after being used by a group of villains. ditching his old self he changed basically everything about himself as he can and took a new name. he and denki likes to play together, and he can often be found with hanta on top of tall buildings in tokyo. he especially admires katsuki’s no-shit-taking personality and is a big fan of his, so much so denki often whines how he has more of katsuki’s merch than his. he’s no good with dark cramp places. also he has a pretty dark sense of humor. wants to dye his hair but isn’t allowed to until he’s a bit older.
Tetsutetsu Shina
he’s pretty shy and soft spoken, especially to new people. he cares a lot about others however, especially with the nature of the mercury like substance of his quirk, he has to be mindful of keeping his body in check as to not accidentally poison people. he’s more often than not stays quite as he gets jittery and becomes scared easily, where he would melt away into a puddle and tries to run away. however he’s very stubborn and won’t stop until he achieves his goals. even tho he lives in niigata, tetsutetsu and eijirou would often meet up or have video calls so he’s pretty close to kyousei. he doesn’t look it but he’s pretty bummed for not being able to give hugs. his parents luckily are immune tho.
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