#l spent more time than I am willing to admit on it
aphroditelovesu · 9 months
Yandere Roronoa Zoro Headcanons (General)
''I would sacrifice everything and everyone for you.'' — Roronoa Zoro.
❝ 👒 —  lady l: It gave me a burst of energy at 4 am and I wrote this headcanons out of nowhere, but I really like Zoro (both the anime and the live action) and I ended up having fun. I hope you like it and forgive me for any mistakes! 💚🖤
❝tw: obsessive and possessive behavior, mention of stalking, jealousy and mention of murder.
❝👒pairing: yandere!roronoa zoro x gender neutral!reader.
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Roronoa Zoro has always been indifferent to many things and people and one of those people was you, at first. When you joined the Straw Hat, he didn't think much, he just accepted you as a member of the crew and thought that his life would continue as it had always been before you. Needless to say, he was wrong.
He warmed to you slowly and gradually, in a way so subtle that even he hadn't noticed. Like sitting next to you to drink, looking at you subtly and helping you with common Going Merry tasks. All these activities became commonplace and he found himself yearning more and more for more time by your side.
The way he became uncomfortable and irritated when another Mugiwara spent too much time by your side, time that he should have spent. His gaze hardened and his grip on his swords became stronger.
Zoro had never felt like this before, this need for protection, the desire to protect what was his. He never felt this way about anyone else. He loves his friends deeply, but he didn't feel the same connection with them that he felt with you. You were more special, he just didn't know why.
He wanted to stay by your side, protect you. It was a need, an instinct that threatened to consume him from the inside out if Zoro didn't do it. You became his friend, his duty and his obsession.
Zoro is always on the lookout, watching you carefully, protecting you from a distance. He has his eye on anyone who breathes too close to you. They can be a threat, hurt you and he would rather be cursed than let that happen to you. And even with his own friends, his own Captain, he was watching.
He defends your honor fiercely and proudly, anyone who dares to say a bad thing about you will have a bad time with him. You're his, there's no way Zoro would let someone talk bad about you and get away with it. He will get into fights to the death if necessary.
You're the only one who really knows Zoro's soft side, so to speak. He comes across as serious and abrasive, often grumpy, even with his crew, but with you he's almost always smiling. He often says that your presence makes him happy when someone questions him and usually curses the person for being so nosy.
He loves you more than he loves sake and that means he really cares about you. Even if you don't like drinking alcohol, Zoro will be drinking next to you, just enjoying your company. He likes to sleep next to you too, even if it's in an innocent way. He feels more comfortable this way.
Zoro is extremely possessive of you and doesn't feel guilty about it. You are his, from his crew, so you must stay away from the others. He will never blame you for something, it's others who are to blame and Zoro is more than willing to cut them to pieces if someone crosses you, if they cross him. He will give you that person's head as a gift later.
It's not uncommon for him to be jealous, but he will never admit it. The deadly looks that are thrown when someone approaches you, the grip on the sword and eventually that person's head rolling can give some clue as to how jealous he is.
Zoro is very overprotective and this combined with his possessiveness means that you have no privacy around him. Although he's not the biggest fan of physical contact, he has no problem holding your hand or even hugging you. He loves his friends, he loves his crew but if he had to choose between you and them, Zoro would choose you without thinking twice. He would sacrifice them if you asked.
He is a pirate, a pirate hunter who has become one of the most wanted pirates in the world. Zoro has important connections and he knows how to fight very well, after all, he wants to become the greatest swordsman in the world. He knows how to get rid of the mess he's made, how to get rid of someone.
Roronoa Zoro is your protector, your friend and your obsessed stalker. Every time you arrive at a new island, he doesn't leave your side and observes the surroundings attentively, while keeping you tied to him. He can't let anything happen to you and that's why he's so overprotective. He won't lose someone he cares about, not again. He's not that bad, just be careful with other people around him and everything will be fine.
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html-nae · 1 year
42!Miles x fem!OC
Part 4 of the 42!Miles x fem!OC series
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Love, by definition, is an intense feeling of deep affection.
A strong affection for another out of kinship of personal ties.
Attraction based on sexual desire.
It could be anything or everything you hope for.
The feeling can haunt you.
Love or Lust? Is a question that the majority ask.
All of us ask.
Love is when you try to place them or it out of your mind. But you can’t. You can’t think of anyone or anything else. Just them.
If he danced, she danced. And if he didn’t
She still did.
I hope you find some peace of mind in this lifetime. Or at least something you can call your paradise. Give it a chance Morales.
That’s the same advice Harmony would give him any time he felt stressed.
Say yes to me, I’ve got my eye on you.
Harmony never said those words out loud. She refused, she valued their friendship too much.
She was willing to stay if he left, just so he would have someone to come back to if he decided to return.
He stayed in her mind.
Just like Gwen stayed in his.
Just like Harmony stayed in Miles’.
Not her Miles. The other Miles.
The Miles that knew who she was. The Miles that would burn the world down just to make her happy. The Miles that would sacrifice anyone and everyone to keep her safe. The Miles that loves her.
He’d give anything to spend a few hours with her again.
It’s been hours since she heard from Miles.
Don’t let him forget about me.
She didn’t want to relive this feeling of being alone. Harmony didn’t want to keep crying in the silk cloth of her pillow. She didn’t care how long it took.
All though she should've.
As long as she was with Miles, a smile adorned her face. He was her own personal sun. Always bubbly, but left her cold and alone at night. Just to pop back up again the next day and do it all over again.
Harmony hated to admit it, but she was scared.
It felt like he didn’t care.
Why am I still here?
She didn’t mean to be complacent with the decision he made.
But why?
Why her?
Did he think of her every night before he went to sleep or did he think of Harmony for hours on end?
It’s been hours since she heard from Miles.
A knock sounded from her window.
Maybe he didn’t forget about me.
Harmony thought while throwing back the comforter.
Not Miles.
Miles’ suit wasn’t white.
Nor did it have a hood.
Or pink.
It was Gwen.
Harmony raised a brow and opened her window, the outside air was cooler than it was inside her room. It was almost 10 at night and the city was lively.
You could hear the laughter from where they were. You could see the fluorescent lighting from the neon signs that were still lit and wouldn’t be turned off until the sun came up the next day.
It was calming.
Calming would’ve been the word to describe the music that was playing on the record player a few feet away.
It would’ve been calming if the coolness against his face wasn’t coming from a metal gauntlet that covered the hand of the other version of himself.
It would’ve been calming if he wasn’t tied on a stiff punching bag. His back was aching.
Everything was aching, like it had been for hours.
He’s been here for hours.
If he wasn’t glitching then he was begging for his escape.
Or he was taking blows.
His face was covered in dirt and more bruises.
He was exhausted.
Miles from Earth 42 didn’t bat an eye.
He was envious.
Envious of what Miles had back on Earth 1610.
He had Harmony.
He wondered if she was like his Harmony.
She shined like the patent leather on his new 11’s.
She read him like a book, like he was the Bible and she was the reverend.
Miles spent hours talking about his days as a youth to her.
Exposing all his demons and exposing the reasons he was the way he was.
While Miles was too scared to exposed himself, Harmony knew him better than he knew himself. She got him. She hugged him. Told him she missed him.
He fell in love for the first time.
And now that was all gone.
He was envious of everything that he lost.
Everything and anything he hoped for was gone.
@urmotherswhor3 @not-aya @ihavenousernamewhyy-2 @erensbbg @reneuv @notsaelty @blackwxdo @bajadotcom @delulu4yuta @soseoulol @literalawkwardsimp @m9rgaux @kimchikim @mama-2001 @shoyofroyoyoyo @littleshybunbun
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demonsandmischief · 3 years
Something Special
Marvel - Bucky Barnes Imagine
Bucky Barnes x Female Reader,
Soulmate AU
1.6k Words
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You can meet your soulmate in your dreams but you can't speak to them and you lose most memory when you wake up, but for some reason your soul mate has never met you there. You're certain they don't exist, until one day.
A/N: I imagine this taking place during TFATWS :).
"What do you mean you've never met your soulmate in your dreams?" Sam Wilson asked his friend Bucky.
"I have nightmares, Sam. That is no place for them to be," Buck argued, taking a rag to wipe the blood off of his vibranium arm.
"But they probably think you're dead."
"It's just better off that way," the stoic man finished, his steely eyes meeting Sam's.
"I don't think you're willing to admit that you are scared to try," Sam said, his voice dropping to a softer tone as he leaned forward.
Bucky sighed. "Of course I'm scared. I am not what anybody wants for a lifelong partner," he whispered, dragging his flesh hand down his face.
"Bucky, that's not your choice to make." He stood up, walking away to let him think it over.
Bucky had heard stories of how people meet their soulmate in dreamland. It was a common occurance, but when he had first tried during World War II, he never got a response. There was no way he could even have one now. He was 106 years old after all.
Yet, when he went to bed that night, he decided to push his thoughts aside and focus on calling for you.
You had been waiting for your soulmate to meet you, but it had been years and never once did you hear anything back. You just figured you didn't have one.
Until that night as you were drifting to sleep, it was like a tingling sensation that drew you in. Your eyes were closed, yet it was like following a rope deeper into the darkness of your head.
At the end, was a man. He was tall and stern, and even though you were dreaming, you could feel his presence.
His facial expression remained masked when he saw you, but even you could see his dark eyes widen slightly. You couldn't believe it, after all this time. You searched his body for any distinguishable features, but only found a blurring image. It was going too fast and you were already waking up.
Bucky couldn't believe he saw you on his first try. Plus, seeing you meant no nightmares. Instead, he had a new longing to look for you, and when he woke the following morning he scrambled to write something down before he lost it.
"Shit," he groaned miserably, only managing to write down brown eyes. Most of the population has brown eyes.
"Someone's in a mood," Sam grinned when he caught sight of Bucky's deep frown, deeper than usual that is. He took another bite of toast. "We've got to move on this next lead. Be ready in five."
"Seriously, what's up with you?" Sam asked genuinely when they both were on the plane ready for their next destination.
"I took your advice-"
"Wait, wait. You took my advice?" Sam smiled widely.
"Yeah I took your advice," Bucky said sharply. "And I saw my soulmate, but I can't remember anything about her."
"You know that's just part of the gimmick. You'll figure out a way, Buck," he said sincerely, standing up.
Bucky couldn't be sure. If he dragged this out for too long, there was a possibility that you would find out who he was and never want to meet him. He wouldn't blame you for that.
You felt like you were floating in clouds the whole day. For your entire life, you had seen people meet their person, and as you got older, you realized that the chances of you not having that were becoming greater than actually meeting them.
You didn't know what had changed, but you spent the entire day trying to come up with a plan to finally meet the handsome man you saw in your dreams.
You couldn't remember much. You tried to write or sketch him when you woke up, but all you got was blue eyes.
You wondered if you appeared to him in the same clothes you slept in, and if so, maybe you could fold a note in your pocket. You weren't sure you would even be able to remember it was there. Either way, it was worth a try.
The following night you were so excited you were certain you weren't going to be able to sleep, but you managed, and sure enough there was your broody man.
He gave a wave. His lips twitched up slightly, brightening all of his sharp features.
You reached into the pocket of your sweatshirt. You didn't know why, but you had the longing to do so, and you pulled out a small sheet of paper.
You stepped closer to the man, and placed the paper in his palm.
Y/N, Y/L/N, Your Address
Bucky didn't know how he managed to remember all of that once he woke up. He stared down at the scribbled piece of paper in wonder. Could it really be?
You were probably better off without him. He had not been a good man for most of his life, and you deserved more than him.
That's how Sam found him, sitting on the floor lost in thought, the paper scrunched in his fist.
Bucky relaxed his hand so his friend could see the writing. Sam blew out air, and sat down in front of him.
"What are you waiting for?" he asked as gently as possible.
"She deserves so much better than me."
"You can't decide that for her, Buck. You've kept her waiting long enough." Sam stood up, but spoke once more. "I'll get the plane ready if you change your mind. I think we both deserve a detour."
You were on pins and needles the whole day. You truly wondered if your man got the message or not. You could just vaguely remember holding his hand, which means you must have given the paper, but you couldn't be sure. You were just willing someone to knock on your door.
Yet, as the day passed you grew less and less confident. If he remembered the note, surely he would have tracked you down by now. Unless he didn't actually want to track you down. Your thoughts were a swirling mess.
You didn't have any dreams that night. You woke up in cold sweat, a sinking feeling forming in your stomach. You felt nauseous. Was it you who ruined everything? Maybe he knew who you were already and decided to pass.
You weren't sure you had the energy to get up and go to work, but you forced yourself to start moving. Your thoughts were only going to get worse.
The two men were quite far from the states and Bucky couldn't stop thinking as they made the long trek. For once, these thoughts were not dark flashbacks, they were a bit hopeful. What if she accepted him?
He felt bad that he couldn't sleep. He desperately wanted to see the girl of his dreams, but it just wasn't going to happen. Even Sam kept unusually quiet.
When they finally landed, it was evening, and the pair parted ways. Bucky would finish the journey alone and he was a nervous wreck, even though all of his emotions remained masked.
When he arrived at the address, he took a deep breath and knocked on the door... except there was no answer. He considered his options. He could have messed up the address, or maybe you gave him a fake one. What was he supposed to do now?
He was so lost in thought, he didn't even notice you pulling in.
Your heart fluttered in your chest as you saw the handsome man standing on your doorstep. All of the dreams you had forgotten came rushing forward.
"Hi," you greeted timidly. He was huge up close, definitely taller than you. He wore mostly black, leather gloves on his hands. His features were sharp and familiar from the dream.
He flashed a nervous smile that only lasted a second before his face went blank once more, "I was worried I had the wrong place."
"Yeah, sorry, I was at work," you said, shuffling a bit as the silence consumed you. You had dreamt of this moment, literally, yet you didn't know what to say.
"I'm Bucky," he said, his tone much softer as he looked at you, soaking you in.
"It's great to finally meet you. I'm Y/N, but you know that," you blushed. "Do you want to come in? I can make dinner or we can order something?"
"Okay," he nodded, following you inside. You realized he was very stern and very observant. Combined with your quiet and shy personality, you were quite a match.
"Do you want something to drink?" you asked from the kitchen, pulling ingredients to throw something together for you both to eat.
"No, but thanks." Bucky sat on the stool by the island unsure of what to say or do, but he enjoyed watching you. There was something very positive about you and your home. It felt good.
"Can I ask about the gloves?" you ask curiously, throwing some chicken in a hot pan.
It seemed like you didn't know who he was. He slowly pulled off his gloves, revealing his metal hand.
"Woah, cool," you said, moving closer. "Can I touch it?"
Bucky furrowed his brows, "I guess."
You couldn't help yourself. It was so smooth and shiny, and you giggled happily.
"I guess you can't feel it," you said, reaching for his flesh hand and tracing just like you were on the metal.
He couldn't have been happier to have the stupid arm at that moment. He loved hearing your laugh, and feeling your fingertips gave him goosebumps. His shadowed mind seemed almost calm in your presence, and he knew just from being around for a short time that you were going to be his addiction.
You dropped his hand, meeting his beautiful blue eyes. Your lips quirked automatically, and you were relieved to know the tension was finally broken.
A/N: aw yay I love this. Here's part 2 :))
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nessinborderland · 3 years
Sleepless Nights
Pairing: Cobra x Reader
Genre: Romance/Fluff
Word Count: 2.2k
Summary: Cobra never thought he deserved much in life. All he ever wanted was for his friends to be close and his home to be safe. He fought for it with all he had, but that was it. It almost felt like he was pushing his luck if he asked for much more than that. So he never did. Until you showed up.
Warnings: Smut, Light Angst, Miscommunication, Cobra thinks he's unworthy of love
Notes: This is officially my first High&Low fanfic! Not sure how to feel about it, but I kinda like it. More to come for sure. Tysm to everyone that has been enthusiastic about my passion for H&L lol, love y’all!
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Cobra never thought he deserved much in life. All he ever wanted was for his friends to be close and his home to be safe. He fought for it with all he had, but that was it. It almost felt like he was pushing his luck if he asked for much more than that.
So he never did.
Until you showed up. 
It was like the sun itself had entered the diner the first time he met you. You had introduced yourself as Naomi's friend from abroad, and the ease and happiness you radiated almost made him want to greet you with a smile. And then your eyes locked and you grinned at him, and his heart skipped a beat. That's when he started falling for you.
Not that he realized it at that moment.
It took him months of watching you smile and laugh with everyone around him to realize that the butterflies in his stomach meant he was attracted to you, and that the spark of annoyance he felt when he watched a guy speak to you was jealousy. He thought it was only sexual at first, but he soon realized that it was much more than that.
He was taken aback at the realization; it made no sense to him.
You barely spoke to one another. He was sure that you didn't even particularly like him if the way you acted around him was any indicator. You caught him staring once, and the only thing you did was turn your back to him and continue laughing at something Dan said. 
That hurt him more than he cared to admit.
So he tried to bury his feelings for you. Not that anyone would notice any changes in him. He mostly kept to his corner, reading a book or talking with the guys, as quiet and stoic as ever. You being there didn't change that.
Except that he couldn't stop his eyes from wandering to you, or his attention from focusing on you every time he heard you laugh. 
"When are you gonna tell her?" Noboru interrupted his thoughts with a nudge to his shoulder. 
That's when Cobra noticed that the book he was reading had been forgotten in his lap, his eyes now on you as you played darts with Tetsu and Dan. You were smiling at them like he wished you would smile at him. He felt his ears get warm at being caught, shrugging before going back to his book.
"I don't know what you're talking about," was all he said as he pretended to keep reading.
"You can fool everyone else, but I see the way you look at her," Noboru proceeded, almost making him curse his best friend's perceptiveness, "You're not as discreet as you think you are, you know?"
Cobra took a deep breath before closing the book and making a move to stand up. He wasn't in the mood to discuss his crush or to lie to his friend.
"I'm gonna go–"
"She likes you too," those words made him stop in his tracks, before looking back at Noboru. The man was looking at you with a teasing smile pulling at the corner of his lips, "Aren't you curious to know how I know that?"
Cobra glanced at you once more before going back to his seat, arms crossed as he waited for his friend to talk.
"So, I heard Naomi and her talking about you in the kitchen the other day," Noboru started, "She thinks you don't like her because you keep avoiding her, but she definitely has a crush on you."
"Are you sure?" was all Cobra was capable of asking.
"Absolutely," his friend nodded with a chuckle, "She likes your moody ass, for whatever reason."
Cobra gulped as he thought of what you having a crush on him implied. Did that mean that he now had to talk to you about it? Did that mean that you would say yes if he asked you out? What would that even entail? His encounters with women were merely ways for him to relieve stress, nothing romantic about it.
He had no idea of what to do.
So he did the opposite of what he normally did; he ran away.
"Hmm," he grunted in final acknowledgment of his friend's words before standing up, determined to leave the diner as fast as he could, "I'm leaving. There's something I need to do."
He cringed at his own lie, ignoring Noboru's calling and everyone's stare – your stare – on him as he left into the rainy night outside. 
He liked the night. He liked the rain. It allowed him to think in peace as he made his way home, mad at himself. He was a coward, nothing but a sad man undeserving of love. He didn't even know you. He knew nothing about you, and you knew nothing about him.
So why did he care so much? Why did it hearing that you liked him filled his heart with hope?
His phone ringing made him stop under the rain, checking who it was before pressing the red button. He would find a more convincing excuse for Noboru tomorrow. His phone rang again, and again, making him sigh before finally picking up the call.
"Noboru I–"
"C-Cobra?" that was not his friend. He held his breath as he recognized your voice on the other side, "Cobra, are you okay?"
"Why are you calling me?" he didn't mean for his words to sound so harsh, but hearing the worry in your voice made him act defensive – like you had no business having any feelings towards him. He regretted it almost instantly.
"I- I'm sorry," you said before he had the chance to say anything else, "I just noticed you left in a hurry, and Noboru said that I should try and talk to you so… are you okay?"
"I'm fine," he said, "I just had to leave."
"Okay," there was an awkward pause where neither of you said anything. He opened his mouth to finally say something when you said, "Can I- Can I have your number?"
"My number?" he asked, confused.
"Only if you want to!" you rushed to say. That's when he noticed the anxiety in your voice. Was he making you nervous? "You don't have to. But, you know, if you want to talk… I can talk."
He was in bed hours later after speaking with you on the phone. He hadn't been willing to say much else besides letting you have his number, and he regretted it now. He couldn't sleep, too restless to even lay still. It just wouldn't happen for him; not tonight. His head was full of thoughts of you and what-ifs.
What if this was all a misunderstanding?
What if you actually liked him?
What if he couldn't protect you?
What if he hurt you?
What if, what if, what if.
His phone buzzing broke him out of overthinking. He reached for his phone, his heart skipping a beat as he saw a message from an unknown number.
Is this Cobra?
Yes! How're you feeling?
fine. it's 3 AM
Omg, I'm so sorry! Were you asleep?
nah. can't sleep. u? 
Can't either.
He didn't know how to keep the conversation going. Did he even want to? His phone buzzed with a new message before he could think too much about it.
Can I ask you something?
Are you mad at me?
no. why do u ask?
I'm not sure, it just seems that I made you uncomfortable and I would like to apologize if I ever did something to you.
u didn't do anything. i'm just not really the approachable type 
Ahh that makes me more relaxed xD can we start over then? Friends?
Friends. Friends. You wanted to be friends. That was fine by him. He wouldn't mind being friends with you.
do u like me?
are u passing by the diner tomorrow?
I am! Wanna have lunch together? :)
sounds good
See ya tomorrow then! Goodnight <3
A heart emoji. Didn't those mean something? What did it mean? What did any of this mean? He reread your convo one, two, three times, now with one hundred percent certainty that you had asked him out for lunch.
He definitely couldn't fall asleep after that.
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He rarely ever felt as nervous as he was then, entering Itokan to be greeted by your smile. He joined you at the table, happy that it was only you two and a few other patrons that barely paid him any mind.
Except for Naomi, that sent him a knowing smile as she got your lunch orders.
"Got some sleep last night?" it was the first thing you asked him as you sat across from each other. He nodded, even though it was a complete lie, and asked you the same, "Not really," you laughed, "Had a lot on my mind."
He hummed, wondering if you were as nervous as he was to meet. If what Noboru said was true, that was definitely a possibility, wasn't it? 
You didn't look nervous at all, though. Not to him, at least. You laughed and smiled and talked like he was the most interesting company on earth, even though he barely said a thing. 
It felt comfortable, though. It felt right.
"You have a really pretty smile, you know?" your statement caught him off guard, and that's when he realized that he was full-on smiling at something you were saying. He felt his ears get red immediately, unsure if he should just accept the compliment or try to figure out what you meant by it.
"Thanks?" he said, unsure, "You're pretty too," he decided to add in a hurry, blushing all over his face at realizing what he had said. Was he ever this awkward? His gang would laugh in his face if they saw him right now.
"Thanks," you said with a laugh. Your reaction made him relax almost instantly, and you were soon back to talking and enjoying your food together.
He had to admit, he could get used to this.
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You kissed him first.
You had invited him to your home one night when neither of you could sleep. He didn't think much of it; it wasn't the first time you spent time together, just talking.
But that night was different.
It was just a push of your lips against his, but he wanted more. So he did what he had wanted to do for months and pulled your face closer, consuming your mouth with his. You moaned as he kissed you, pressing your body closer to his, making him feel like he was on fire.
It was intoxicating.
"Bedroom?" you asked once your lips parted for breath. He quickly nodded as he went back to kissing you, now with a newfound passion. 
He couldn't stop himself from kissing down your body as soon as he got you naked, wanting to taste you, to be consumed by your essence. And you let him do it like he hoped you would, moaning his name exactly like you did in his dreams when he was lonely and all he had was his hand and fantasies of you.
But you felt nothing like you did in his dreams. His hand could never compare to the warm tightness of your cunt around him, or how your body shivered and trembled at every thrust of his hips against yours.
"Please don't stop," your begging was music to his ears, "Please, I'm so close."
He did just what you desired.
He didn't stop until you came one, two, three times, cunt clenching around his cock and his name on your lips. He was almost blind from pleasure, wanting to finish but too afraid to do so. Your relationship wouldn't be the same after this, and it scared him.
He thought he passed out when he finally came, moaning and shaking as you held him in your arms. 
"Can I tell you something?" you whispered after you were both exhausted and sore, more than ready for sleep to take you. 
He grunted a yes, burying his face in your hair; he didn't want to face you when you told him you regretted this. You took a deep breath and hugged him closer, pressing your face against his chest.
"I think I'm in love with you."
He froze. He knew that was a possibility. He knew you liked him. He just never expected you to tell him that you loved him. That was… a lot. A lot of things he wasn't sure how to process.
"Are you sure?..." he settled for asking. He needed for you to be sure.
"Y-Yes I'm sure," you rushed to say, looking up at him, "I really like you."
All he could think of doing was kissing you. That was the only thing on his mind at that moment; showing you how he felt without using words he had no idea how to use. You kissed him back just as hard until you were both out of breath.
"Does this mean you like me too?" you whispered against his lips, foreheads pressed together. You giggled when he pecked your lips, hugging you closer.
"Yeah," he said, cheeks hurting from how hard he was smiling, "I like you a lot."
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New Norm Part 2
Hello!!! I’m back with the highly requested part 2 of my New Norm series. I am defiently open to a part 3 as well if people continue to enjoy it. Not too too much ‘plot’ here, just getting back to school while trying to navigate a new relationship. Some tender moments, and some very cuddly Sirius. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I did writing it!!
Part 1
Sirius Black x Reader
The last few weeks of summer we’re the longest and most brutal weeks of your life, and for the first time you felt you understood Sirius and how he became the lighthearted boy he portrayed daily at Hogwarts. When dealing with trauma, and Merlin his mother was traumatizing, people adapted in different ways. Never have you seen such polar reactions as you saw with Sirius and the dutiful Regulus. 
Sirius spent the first week you were living at Black Manor picking fight after fight with his mother. Not that she didn’t start her own plethora of ‘disagreements’. You could tell Sirius got something significant out of disobeying her and making her angry, much to your demise; as the woman began taking it out on you as well. She would nitpick you worse than your own grandmother. Sit up straight, ladies shouldn’t speak out of turn (Not that she didn’t do plenty of speaking), and most recently, a wife should know how to cook. So you spent hours of your day locked up with the awful Kreacher in the kitchen. 
After a conversation one evening in hushed voices, curled up under the covers he had apologized to you.
“I’m sorry about my mother,” 
“Sirius, it isn’t your fault,” You assured, playing with a loose string of his duvet. 
“I don’t help it,” He admitted, staring up at the ceiling. Your hands paused and you turned your head to look at him sadly. 
“Maybe not, but I can’t blame you either. She’s a witch, and I mean that as an insult. Like the Snow White kind.” Sirius turned to you making a face.
“What’s a Snow White?” You chuckled, shaking your head. 
“Oh nevermind, just.. God I know it’s easier said than done, but, try and ignore her? We’ll be back at Hogwarts in no time, away from her. And then my mother said next summer we will have our own home.” Sirius gazed at you for a moment before turning away to look at the ceiling again. He didn’t answer, though you gave him room to do so. Finally you stopped your fiddling with the string and reached over, taking his hand in yours and squeezing. 
“We’ll be alright.” You promised him as well as yourself. You had to be, you had no choice. Sirius squeezed your hand back and didn’t let it go for the rest of the night. Eventually silence ebbed into static breathing and light snores, and when the sun peeked through the window, you were still in bed, fast sleep, hands clasped. Sirius woke up first that morning and laid there for a while longer as you slept. He remembered his vows, that he would protect you, and that included from his own mother. If that meant becoming complacent in her demands for these next few weeks- that was something he was willing to do. For you. 
Finally the morning of September 11th, 1978 came, it was a cool morning for the end of summer, but sunny. You and Sirius were dropped promptly at Kings Cross station, receiving lectures on behavior. Sirius and his father shared a few words in private that left him scowling for a good majority of the morning, even after you had found Potter, Pettigrew, and Lupin in one of the train compartments. 
They eyed you funnily the entire train ride, and you did your best to ignore the gazes. Sirius had told you that he had told them about his wedding, but it was different now in person. 
“So is she going to be hanging out with us now? All the time?” James eyed you skeptically and you raised your eyes from your novel to narrow them at the boy. 
“She has ears, and is capable of responding to you herself.” Sirius glanced at you, the corner of his mouth twitching slightly. It was the closest you’d seen him to smiling since you boarded, and that fact was not lost on the other Marauders. 
“Are you going to be hanging around all the time now?” He asked, pouting slightly. James Potter could have received straight Os if being a git was a class at Hogwarts, but you knew he was also a sweet and caring boy, when he wasn’t being 17. You had a feeling he wasn’t keen on sharing his best mate, not that you blamed him. 
“James, she’s my wife now.” Sirius muttered, glancing out of the window. Potter made a face. 
“I know and it's weird.” You rolled your eyes, opening your book back up and slouching in your seat.
“And you think that is lost on us? We know it’s weird. We’re living it.” James looked ready to continue but Remus cleared his throat and gave him a warning look. A silent conversation you weren’t privy too took place between the two boys and James shrugged, going back to his Quidditch magazine. You finally reached the doors to the Great Hall hours later and Sirius turned to you.
“Sitting with us?” He asked, you looked past him to James and shook your head. 
“I think I’ve intruded on boy time quite enough for one day, I’m going to go find my dorm mates.” You admitted, James had the decency to look guiltily at his feet. 
“Alright, I’ll see you later.” You hadn’t kissed since you were pronounced man and wife, but you had taken to holding hands in rare private moments you had gotten together. He reached out to you, allowing his hand to awkwardly drop onto your shoulder. He squeezed before letting go and you offered him a smile before turning to go find your friends, you had missed them. 
That night was the first night you had not eaten together in a month, and it was weird for you. You glanced down the table a few times, making eye contact with Sirius. When your eyes would meet he’d smile at you reassuringly, and you always returned it. Meanwhile, your friends gushed about how lucky you were, married to the most gorgeous, the most wanted man at Hogwarts. You didn’t feel very lucky, nor did you think they could understand. So you smiled and nodded, and laughed, like things were how they always were. But they were not. They never would be. 
When you entered the common room that night Sirius and his crew were already sitting in their seats closest to the fire, Sirius waved you towards him, but you were in the middle of a (dull) conversation with your friends about whose bum had gotten the fittest over the summer, so you shrugged, going to sit with them. About half an hour later someone approached your group and you looked up surprised to see Sirius. 
“Y/N,” He greeted you, and you smiled. 
“Hey, what’s up?” Your friends around you tried to stifle their giggles and hid smiles behind hands, something Sirius was used to, but for some reason, in that moment it bothered him. Were they laughing at him? Had you been laughing at him? 
“Can we talk for a mo?” He asked, and for a moment he almost looked nervous, but mostly he looked slightly ticked off. You frowned. What had you done? 
“Of course,” You nodded, getting up from the armchair you had been longing in. You followed Sirius silently through the common room, aware of his friend’s eyes on you as you went. You reached the corridor and he walked you a little further before sitting in an alcove. You sat with him. 
“Are you angry with me?” He asked so suddenly it took a moment to process, your frown deepened. 
“Merlin, no, should I be?” You asked, turning to face him, with your hands rested in your lap. He shrugged and wouldn’t look at you. “Have I done something to upset you, Sirius?” You asked gently. He shook his head no before shrugging. 
“Why were your friends laughing at me? Why didn’t you sit with me?” He asked, and you sighed, taking his hand gently in yours, causing him to look at you. 
“Because they think you’re cute,” You smiled slightly, nudging him, “And they think it’s brilliant I’ve gotten to marry you when half of Hogwarts would die to get ten minutes in a broom closet with you.” He smirked slightly, which made you feel better. That was the Sirius you knew. “And I didn’t sit with you because.. Because I am trying to give you space. This is new and scary. For both of us I’m sure. I don’t want you to feel like I’m smothering you, and I can tell James isn’t too keen on me, I don’t want him thinking I’m stealing his best mate.” 
“But were different. I’m not married to James.” You laughed at that,
“I wouldn’t tell him that.” You joked and Sirius let out a small chuckle himself. 
“You’re not smothering me. I... I enjoy you being around. I would like you to know my friends, they’re my real family after all.” You squeezed his hand again and he lifted your hand to his lips, kissing the back of it. 
“I’ll sit with you lot more often then, just tell James to go easy on me. And don’t think I will be helping with any of your tomfoolery,” You chided jokingly, “My mother will have a cow,” 
“Well good thing I’m your husband, I’m in charge of you now,” He grinned and you used your free hand to whack him. 
“In charge of me?” You laughed, “Watch yourself, Black.” 
“Oh Black huh? Well you’re Mrs. Black.” You froze at that, and something truly haunting dawned on you. Tomorrow classes started. You were no longer Ms. Y/L/N... would your teachers be calling you Ms. Black? If the whole school didn’t already know by now, they certainly would tomorrow. 
“Penny for your thoughts?” He asked, resting your entwined hands in his lap. 
“I’m Mrs. Black,” You repeated, he nodded, not catching on. “Everyone will call me such.” 
“Does that upset you?” You shook your head. 
“No no, not upset. I mean, everything is just different now? Even my name.” 
“I don’t really fancy it either, don’t worry,” He joked, but you knew he was serious. “We can change it.”
“When you graduate, when we move and have jobs we can change it- to whatever you’d like.” 
“I’m not sure your mother will allow that.” Sirius shook his head defiantly. 
“Once I, well now you I suppose, graduate, I have no intention of doing anything that old bat has to say.” He puffed his chest out slightly, putting on an air of confidence. Your head swum slightly. If that were the case, wouldn’t you simply divorce? “Y/N,” He continued, voice lower and more gentle. 
“It’s going to be weird sleeping alone tonight,” He admitted sheepishly, glancing at your hands, “I’ve gotten quite used to you, I admit.” You smiled at that, leaning against him. 
“I won’t miss the snoring,” 
“Oi, I don’t snore!” He laughed and you grinned nodding your head. 
“You do, love. But I will miss it too,” 
“Come visit?” He asked wiggling his eyebrows at you again, you whacked him once more. 
“No I think I’ll let you suffer, just for that.” 
“That’s me,” Sirius stood up, bringing you with him before releasing the hand he was holding to put his arm around your shoulder. 
“Come sit with us?” He questioned, “I promise James will be good.” You nodded, leaning into the boy's touch. 
“Alright, you’ve convinced me.” You spent the rest of your night at Sirius’s side.
 James was civil but you could tell he still wasn’t fond of you or your newly added presence. From that moment forward you spent nearly all your time out of class with the group of boys. You found a friendship in Remus, he was a kind boy, with similar interests. You enjoyed studying together while the others mucked around, and you talked about literature together. Even James was coming around on you, though you two still bickered constantly. Sirius once called it “Sibling rivalry.” which made you laugh. But you could tell how fiercely James cared for Sirius, it made your heart feel warm, knowing he had people to look out for him. Even Peter wasn’t bad to be around, he was funny when he wasn’t being vulgar, though he loved making jokes about the fact that Sirius was now a married man and ‘on a leash,’. 
You didn’t feel like Sirius was on a leash, and certainly not your leash. You were married by your parents' request, not dating. If he wanted to go snog some slag he was more then welcome to. At least that was the lie you told yourself. Girls continued to throw themselves at Sirius, I guess a wedding ring didn’t mean much to them, and you were increasingly more surprised every time he politely turned them down. You began to relax more, maybe he wouldn’t? 
One evening you all sat in the boys dormitory. Peter was practicing chess, Remus was reading and taking notes. James was laying on his back at the foot of Sirius’s bed, you were sitting back against the boy’s pillows, as he was resting his head in your lap. Sirius and James were debating the validity of some prank they wanted to pull- whether they could pull it off or something like that. You weren’t paying attention, you were reading, occasionally running your fingers through the hair of the boy who was in your lap. 
“You’re making me sleepy,” He suddenly yawned, turning away from James and burying his face into your jumper. You smiled, not looking up from your reading. 
“So go to sleep,” 
“Get a room, you two.” James complained, whining from the bottom of the bed. 
“We’re in a room, you’re the one in my bed mate.” Sirius laughed, wrapping his arm around your middle and cuddling into you. As time past Sirius became more and more physically affectionate with you. Not that you minded, it was comforting having someone around whom you could simply touch. James huffed, dramatically getting off the bed, pulling the curtains shut with a great flourish. 
“Use a silencing charm for our sake!” He called.
“Piss off mate,” Sirius laughed and you chuckled slightly rolling your eyes. 
“He’s just jealous you don’t cuddle him like you used to.” James made an indignant noise from the other side of the curtain and you heard him stalk away to his own bed. You carded your fingers through Sirius’s hair for a few more moments before letting out a yawn of your own. 
“I should go to bed,” You murmured, hand stilling. Sirius let out a small whine and you smirked, gently tugging on one of his locks. 
“So go to bed,” He joked, mirroring your earlier words. You started to move and Sirius’s arms around you tightened, pulling you to him. “Here,” He asked and you sighed, patting his head. 
“And if we’re caught?” You questioned. 
“Live a little, love. Girls are always sneaking into the boys dorm for sleepovers, at least we’re married.” 
“I doubt McGonagall will care for that small difference.”
“Please?” Sirius asked, looking up at you through his lashes, batting them at you sweetly. You sighed, shaking your head. 
“Fine, you’re a bad influence one me, you know that?”
“That’s the kindest thing a woman has ever said to me,” He grinned, peeling himself from you to sit up, “I’ll get you something to sleep in.” You hummed softly. Sirius disappeared for a moment and came back with a t-shirt for you, handing it over. You watched from your position on his bed as he undressed himself, you felt your cheeks going rosy. Once Sirius was down to his boxers he crawled back into bed beside you, nudging you. “Get changed, I wanna cuddle,” He murmured to you and your blush deepened. You stood up, standing beside the bed and facing away from Sirius as you removed your jumper, pulling the shirt on over your head. It was plenty long on you. Next you removed your skirt, leaving your clothes in a pile beside his head. You turned back around and Sirius was watching you, his own small blush. “C’mere.” He offered you his hand and you took it, allowing him to pull you down to him. 
You situated the covers around you both before allowing the boy to snuggle up to your side, his head on your chest. You resumed your earlier activity of running your hands through his hair. 
“Thank you for staying,” He murmured and you smiled, dropping a kiss onto the top of his head before you could think about the action. 
“Of course.” 
“You’re welcome in my bed, anytime.” He promised and you rolled your eyes, gently tugging his hair again. 
“Don’t ruin the moment, arse.” He chuckled, tangling your legs together beneath the duvet. Sirius fell asleep to the sound of your heart beating firmly in your chest, it was the best lullaby he had ever heard. You played with his hair until his quiet snoring started before simply resting your hand on his head. It took you longer to fall asleep but you eventually did, enjoying the company of the other- you hadn’t realized how much you missed just sleeping with the boy. And this new found cuddling between the two of you really added to the whole experience. 
In the morning you were rudely awoken by James, who threw the curtain of your bed open with a scowl. 
“Are you wearing clothes?” He questioned, “I was kidding when I said to use a silencing charm, I don’t want you two shagging when I’m five feet away-”
“Mate,” Sirius groaned, rolling over, glaring at the boy, “Shut up,” James huffed, crossing his arm. 
“Y/N better get back to her dorm before all her roommates wake up and wonder where she’s been all night.” You groaned, stretching your arms over your head. 
“Thanks Jamie,”
“Don’t call me that!” He whined, shuffling away, you laughed as you untangled yourself from Sirius’s limbs, standing up. 
“Do you have to go?” He asked, frowning.
“I will see you at breakfast,” You rolled your eyes, grabbing your discarded clothes from the floor. Sirius frowned, flopping back onto the bed, crossing his arms. It made you laugh, god how he and James had grown to be alike over the years. Or maybe they found each other because they were already so alike.
 “Do you want to go on a date?” Sirius asked you one morning during breakfast, your mouth full of food. You raised an eyebrow at him as you swallowed. 
“A date, Y/N.” Like that clarified anything. 
“Is there a Hogsmeade weekend coming up?” You questioned him and he grinned, shaking his head no. 
“So what, you want to go on a date in the common room?” You laughed, shaking your head at the boy, “Don’t we do that every night?” 
“Not the common room, I want to show you something.” You eyed him suspiciously and he flushed slightly laughing, “Not that, who's got a dirty mind now?”
“Still you mate,” Remus interrupted and Sirius shot him a glare, but he quickly recovered, grinning at you again. You weren’t sure you liked that look. 
“Brilliant, be ready tonight at 8pm, in the common room.” You nodded your head, continuing to eat. Whatever he was up to, you were sure you’d be finding out soon enough.  That night you got dressed, listening to advice from all your dorm mates.
“Wear a dress!”
“Let me do your makeup please!”
“No no wear the blue skirt with the cream jumper.”
“Do you think you’ll snog?” You shrugged helplessly, ignoring all of their advice and going with your favorite pair of jeans instead and a black and white striped jumper. 
“I hardly know.”
“I think it’s weird. You’re married but you don’t snog.” 
“They cuddle, that’s for sure.” You flushed slightly, rolling your eyes.
“We sorta skipped a bunch of steps. It’s hard. Our relationship is unique.” You tried to explain to them. You and Sirius didn’t have some play book you could look to to figure what you should be doing and when. You were all on your own in this, on your own; together.  You allowed your friend to apply a small amount of makeup to you, no more than you would wear any other day. You didn’t want to seem like you were trying too hard- because you weren’t. You shouldn’t be. It’s not like you had to woo him or anything. Right?
You went down to the common room at 8 where Sirius was sitting with the boys waiting for you. 
“Y/N!” He called excitedly, jumping up from the sofa, “You ready to go?” He asked and you nodded, coming to him and accepting his outstretched hand. 
“Be good!” Remus called jokingly, waving from his spot in one of the armchairs. 
“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” James added and Sirius threw them the finger over his shoulder before leading you from the common room. 
“So,” You started, skipping slightly beside him, grinning up at the boy, “Where are we going?”
“It’s a surprise, you’ll see.” You followed Sirius up to the 7th floor corridor and were met with an expanse of blank wall, you eyes him suspiciously. 
“Very nice, Sirius.” You put the hand not holding his on your hip. 
“Just watch!” He assured you excitedly, “Me and James found this place 5th year when we were running from Filch. Suddenly it was there,” You listened intently, still staring at the blank wall. Maybe you were missing something? “So we did some experiments, and I think we figured it out. Remus read about it in a book we nicked from the restricted section. Apparently it’s called the Room of Requirements, or the Come and Go Room.” You looked away from the wall up at Sirius, blinking at him. He smiled down at you, nodding towards the wall, when you looked back there was a door and you gasped. 
“No idea,” He shrugged, “But it turns into whatever you need it to.” You looked at the door in awe. 
“Really?” You asked, shocked. 
“Yup, come on,” He tugged you forward, opening the door and ushering you in. Once you were inside you were met with a small room that closely resembled the Gryffindor common room, but maybe only one forth of the size. It had a sofa in front of a large roaring fire, there were candles lighting the rest of the room, and a few fluffy blankets sitting on the sofa. 
“This is lovely,” You breathed. He pulled you towards the sofa and you allowed him to guide you. He sat down and pulling you down beside him. You sat close to him and he placed his arm around your shoulder. You pulled one of the blankets off the back of the sofa and wrapped it around both of you, leaning into him. 
“Thank you,” He smiled, glad you liked it. It had taken him ages of brainstorming to decide what you both needed, for your first proper date. And in the end, he decided, simpler was probably better. You weren’t really one for grand gestures. 
“How are your classes,” He asked, playing with a lock of your hair, looking at you. You were warm from the fire, but your chest felt even warmer, something fire couldn’t cause. You shrugged, leaning slightly into his touch. 
“Alright, not as hard as your stuff I’m sure, but everyone’s making sure we’re preparing for the NEWTs already. It does my head in.”
“I’ve never asked you what you want to be when you graduate,” He tilted his head thoughtfully and you smiled slightly looking down. 
“I’d like to be a curse-breaker,” You admitted, Sirius nudged you until you looked at him. 
“That’s brilliant, you’ll do wonderfully.” You shrugged, flushing slightly at the complement.
“Maybe. I’m struggling with charms this year though.” 
“Is Remus helping you?” 
“Yes but still,” 
“You’re brilliant, Y/N.” He assured you, resting his forehead against yours. You smiled, leaning forward slightly to nuzzle your nose against his. “You can do anything you want to do, believe that.”
“I will try. What will you do? After you graduate.” Sirius hummed softly, and you cuddled even closer to him, practically sitting in the boys lap. 
“I want to be an Auror.” He spoke softly, “I want to save people, protect them. War is coming, Y/N. I want to make sure I am on the right side of history.” You took his free hand in yours and held it tightly. 
“That’s sweet, you’ll make a brilliant Auror.” Sirius smiled.
“James heard his parents talking about some... organization, they call themselves the Order of the Phoenix. I want to join as soon as I’ve graduated. Their goal is to be prepared for when Voldemort finally makes his move.” You nodded, trying to swallow down the worry you felt rising in your chest. You didn’t like the idea of Sirius out there battling dark powerful wizards without you there by his side. 
“Good,” You squeezed his hand tightly, “That’s good. You’re a good man.” 
“My mother will disown us, she supports those pure-blood ideologies.” He spat the words out and you flinched slightly. You didn’t want to think about what your own family thought of those horrible people. Especially not your father or your grandmother. 
“We’ll be alright.” You assured him. Sirius looked at you for a long moment and you smiled softly at him, nudging your nose against his again, “Alright?” 
“Alright.” He assured, “Y/N...” He started before trailing off. 
“May I kiss you?”
“Of course,” You whispered, blushing slightly. Sirius smiled before leaning in, he didn’t have to go far before his lips were on your lips. He kissed you softly, his hand that was playing with your hair stilled, resting on the back of your neck to keep you close. You kept one hand in his and moved the other one to his chest, placing it over his heart. He broke the kiss and pulled back just far enough to look at you before his lips were on yours again, this time with more eagerness. He kissed you, lips smashed up against yours and you kissed back, moving your hand from his chest to wrap around him, pulling him closer. He parted his lips slightly, testing the water. You allowed your own lips to open as well, inviting him in. Sirius kissed you with emotion you were surprised were capable of being put into a simple kiss. Everyday Sirius surprised you more and more, and everyday you found yourself falling more and more in love with your husband. It might not have been traditional, or even preferred. But it was working, you were going to make it work. 
You spent the rest of the night alternating between speaking to each other in soft voices and snogging. It was the best, and last first date you had ever been on. Sirius was becoming you safe haven in a confusing world. He was becoming your new norm.
Tag list :  thebrigheststarinthesky ,  all-art-is-quite-useless ,  lindatreb ,  paosesposts 
Let me know if you’d like to be tagged in a part three! 
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amajikilvr · 4 years
ugh i love your fluffy alphabet on tamaki 🥺 so if it's okay, can you do one for bakugou, too?
headcanon corner - katsuki bakugou sfw alphabet
word count 1.8k
reader type gender-neutral
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
In the beginning, Katsuki’s affection will come out quite stubbornly and will be harder to see at times. Later on, it’s obvious how much he cares for you. His heart is full of love despite his aggressive attitude. He’s not afraid to show PDA, no matter who’s watching, and you’re often the recipient of his rare compliments. Katsuki is always ready to say “I love you”.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
That’s a tricky one. Befriending people isn’t exactly on Katuski’s radar, but he’d prefer someone who could “keep up with him” if so to speak. Reliable helps too. This friendship might start with him genuinely, although reluctantly, praising your quirk or skills.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
“This is fuckin’ stupid,” He’ll mumble as he wraps his strong arms around you, but he’s loving every minute of it. Katsuki’s down to snuggle in front of everyone, but if you’re the one initiating, he’ll be a tad bit embarrassed and no one dares point it out. When you two are completely alone you’ll get to see his softer side and you might even be the big spoon for once.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He’ll want to settle down in a sense that he needs to be sure that they’re his and he’s theirs. The method of doing so will depend on what’s best for both of you, but moving in together is probably in the cards. Katsuki makes a fantastic roommate because, among his many talents, cooking is one of them. He’s also a bit of a clean fanatic and you might wake up to him vacuuming or doing the dishes at 7 AM or something.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Firstly, he would fight tooth-and-nail against whatever was threatening the relationship because he’s not letting you go easily. If it absolutely came down to ending things, Katsuki would make it straight to the point and as quick as possible. He wouldn’t be able to remain ‘just friends’ with you and would never truly move on in his heart.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quickly would they want to get married?)
Katsuki is beyond committed and he firmly believes there are several ways to show it besides putting a ring on it. If you two were to eventually get married it would be later on so your careers could be focused on. He just wants you both to succeed and achieve your dreams more than anything, but if the marriage was something you really wanted, he might consider tying the knot earlier than previously planned.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Although I think Katsuki is actually a sensitive person, he can definitely be on the rough side of things. He can read and interpret others’ emotions, but relating to them can be a challenge. I don’t believe he’d ever act maliciously towards you or anyone else he cares for. He’s got a soft touch and even the occasional kind words during the most surprising times.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Katsuki’s a bigger fan of kisses, but he does love hugs! He’s always, well, touching you. Huge bear hugs. Squeezy. Warm. The type to literally lift you off of your feet. He’ll leave little tickling kisses on your neck and shoulders while whispering words against your skin.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He’ll say the words in every possible way… besides actually saying the words. It’s like a mental block of Katsuki’s because he’s admittedly scared of proclaiming his love in such a straight-forward way. Once he gets over that first hump, it’s no problem for him. He won’t be throwing the words around like candy, but he’ll always say what’s on his mind.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Katsuki is emotional and jealousy is a familiar feeling for him. Being a bit of a hothead definitely doesn’t help either. This jealousy stems from his insecurities and can be overbearing. At the beginning of the relationship, it will probably be the cause of some arguments between you two. Later on, jealous Katsuki will just include him being extra pissy and extra cuddly.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Passionate. Always. If he’s kissing you, he’s going all the way. Even during your first kiss, he gave it his all. Sure, it was an awkward mess of spit and teeth, but he was eager and didn’t hesitate! Katsuki’s skills have improved by now and he never fails to showcase them. It doesn’t matter where, if he’s kissing you, then he’s happy. It depends on your preferences. And as for him… his neck is especially sensitive and he’ll never admit it.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
Well, after the remedial lessons episode, we know he’s not very good. At all. Despite that, I can imagine him still wanting kids eventually. An “I can’t stand any kid except my own” type.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Katsuki is your typical morning person. He’s up at the same time every day and it amazes you. Well, unless you’re a morning person yourself, that is. If you’re a heavy sleeper then waking you up on time will be his new personal mission. He’ll probably make you a nice breakfast and get as many kisses as he can in before work.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Haha! This guy goes to bed at like 9-pm. He’s got a strict schedule and if you somehow manage to get him to stay up later to watch a movie with you or something, he’s gonna fall asleep on your lap and it’s adorable. It’s the perfect opportunity to play with his soft hair without having to hear him grumble about it the entire time.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It’s going to take a while to break through his outer shell, but he’s not exactly secretive about his feelings and his past. Katsuki trusts you enough to be open with his mistakes and he won’t hide anything if you just ask.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
I think this one is a bit self-explanatory, but it’s not very often that he gets angry at you.He’s getting better at controlling his anger and you tend to bring out his gentler side too.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing or do they kind of forget everything?)
In the moment, it may seem like simply he brushes it off or doesn’t really acknowledge it, but that’s actually not the case. Katsuki always remembers and takes everything into consideration. The number of little things he keeps notes of might surprise.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
One Saturday afternoon, Katsuki decided he was going to try out a new chocolate cake recipe and you decided you’d try your hand at baking for once! He was absolutely willing to teach you and it was going well… until you somehow managed to drop an egg yolk right on Katsuki’s sock covered foot. His favorite pair of socks at that. The kitchen was quiet until he swifty flicked flour at your forehead and it was game-on from there. The next thirty minutes were filled with lots of flour and kisses.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Katsuki couldn’t be more protective of you and he’s more than willing to use his quirk if needed. He’s prepared to fight for you in the blink of an eye, no question about it. His job as a pro-hero means so much when you’re someone he has to protect, but he also knows it’s a mutual feeling. He completely believes in your own physical abilities to keep him safe and your reassuring words make him truly feel like the greatest.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He’s certainly not lazy when it comes to your relationship, but at the same time, Katsuki finds things like fancy dates and lavish gifts kinda pointless. He couldn’t care less about eating at an expensive restaurant, all that matters is that he’s with you. That’s not to say that he won’t give you nice things because he will be spoiling you, especially on anniversaries and holidays.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
His inferiority complex has always been his biggest enemy. There are times when he just can’t shut off his competitive side and it can turn things ugly when he lets his insecurities get the best of him. His temper is also something he’s struggled with and is still learning how to manage.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Katsuki really doesn’t care about that kind of thing. Of course, it does fuel his ego and boost his confidence when you compliment his looks. He considers himself to be an attractive person, but nothing too special. (You think differently)
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He likes to believe otherwise, but yeah, he really would. He couldn’t imagine a day without you. It’s just a scary thing for Katsuki to accept that he relies on someone other than himself for once.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
He’ll never admit it, but spiders really freak him out. Let’s just say he won’t argue if you offer to take one outside.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Someone who gives up easily would just kinda irritate him. Katsuki knows people struggle, hell, he’s definitely one of them, but seeing someone simply not try and throw in the towel when things don’t go their way is something that would get on his nerves.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?)
He’s somehow got a cute snore. Yup. It’s not even really a snore, more like some kind of soft breathing noise, but it’s noticeable and something you’ve grown to love. It’s also difficult for Katsuki to fall asleep in places other than his own bed.
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minart-was-taken · 4 years
Linkverse writing?? I guess??! It’s a tad simple and rough around the edges, but hey, isn’t everything if you look close enough? I’m proud enough of it to share, so that’s a win in my books!
Title: Tree Trekking Characters: Twilight, Sky, Time, and Wild No warnings for this one (Although highly vague twilight princess spoilers?) “Tags” First meetings - the start of bonding - Sky being a good boy - Time is a little bastard - Twilight is tired
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“Those look like rain clouds…” Link signed, dreading the thought.
“Ah- I think you’re right.” Feathers replied the same way.
Link winced, but gathered himself quickly after, making sure his adventure pouch was properly attached to his belt. They didn’t need a member of the group complaining AND also him having a loose adventure pouch.
...He sounded like a dork- Goddesses, he was panicking a little wasn’t he? Rain wasn’t a big problem, but on top of everything else it felt like a slap to the face.
He had been snapped to another world, teamed up with two strangers who were also him, apparently, and now it was going to rain.
The little guy had nothing to say either, but that wasn’t anything new.
Taking leading action, Link gathered himself, found his posture and signed to the Link whose Hyrule this apparently was. “Do you know anywhere we could find shelter?”
The little guy turned to look at him, with an expression that made it seem like he had insulted his entire family. “It’s just rain.”
Link sighed. “We don’t have much on us, a town with an inn and a shop to purchase a bedroll or two seems like a good idea.”
The little guy was quiet, before turning around and walking off. By this point Link knew that was his way of saying “follow me.”
He quickly checked Feathers, who with a slight stumble and a check on his items was on his way to follow as well.
With the small one in the lead, followed by Link and Feathers, the day continued like the past few had.
It had been strange, suddenly ending up here with a bunch of strangers like this. With Feathers it had been easy, the guy seemed to have a good heart. However with the little guy it was a different story. He seemed to speak the minimum possible, and didn’t especially want to stay as a group- Making it a daily battle to convince him to keep helping them navigate this hyrule.
Still, they were managing.
“We should probably try to get you a sword too.”
Feathers seemed taken back by this, before smiling awkwardly: “We’ve not run into anything, though, have we? Besides, you two seem quite used to wielding yours.”
“I don’t trust this situation.” Link confessed. “Something is bound to go wrong.”
Feathers gave him a sympathetic look.
“I’m serious.” He insisted. “The air doesn’t just crack and cause people to teleport through time and space. Something bad is in the air.”
Feathers seemed to want to say something to deny it, but couldn’t. He turned his head forwards again, facing where they were going. “I have other weapons.”
Link still felt unsure, but accepted it for now.
A bit more traveling, now down what seemed to be a dirt path, Link felt the silence beginning to grind on him. He clenched his hands to fists, and released them, repeating this action a few times to calm his nerves. When it wasn’t enough, though, he shook his head and fastened his walking pace.
This way he caught up to the small guide, and signed: “Can you share the route with me? I’d like a better understanding of what to expect.”
The kid looked annoyed again, but after a moment replied: “Kakariko is down this road, to the west until we reach a big rock, and then down the road next to it.”
“Thank you.” He said, breathing with purpose to calm himself, as he fell back behind to walk next to Feathers again.
It had been a long time since he had panicked like this last. It had been at a cell, in a strange body and shackled to the floor. It had been when Midna’s hold on his fur had weakened further as he tried to be faster despite the pain. It had…
Link sighed. He’d survived all of those, he had been hurt, but he survived. He could handle yet another journey to an unknown world. This is fine.
The little guy disappeared in that second.
Link blinked.
The kid had genuinely disappeared- One moment he was there, the next he wasn’t. 
This was not fine, actually.
“Where did he go?!” He signed frantically to Feathers.
“I don’t know!” Feathers responded, equally bewildered. “Did I see that right?! Did he-”
“Did he vanish…?” He signed as well, turning to look at the spot again.
“Maybe-” Feathers, panicking much more clearly than Link was: “Maybe he got sent to another world, like we were.”
“That beats him being dead.”
Feathers was shaken by that addition, but Link ignored it in favour of walking over to where the kid had been and looking around. It was of no use, of course, but he felt powerless and not doing anything felt wrong.
Not again- Not again-
There was a loud crack inside his ears, and the space between him and Feathers looked like it was cracked glass. This strange scene lasted as long as it took it to arrive, and in the next moment: instead of reality looking broken, there was another boy.
This new stranger took a hitched breath, taking a quick step backwards, Having immediately noticed Link. The step however lead him right into Feathers, which caused the stranger to yelp and manifest a blade twice his size from blue light.
Feathers threw his hands in the air, panic filled eyes looking between the armed boy and Link.
Link breathed in and out, as he moved to walk around the newcomer and next to Feathers, with his hands up in the air as well. He hoped that moving from behind the stranger would make him realize he didn’t care for that tactical advantage, and was looking for peace.
The stranger watched, the weapon still in hand, but took no action.
“Are you-” Link signed: “L-I-N-K?”
The stranger’s eyes grew suspicious with each letter, and Link figured he had made a mistake of some sorts.
Quickly trying to bridge the miscommunication, he added: “So are we.”
The stranger shook his head, which wasn’t ideal.
“No?” Link signed. “What do you mean no?”
To that the stranger didn’t seem to have an answer for. Simply shrugging like it was obvious.
“He’s being honest.” Feathers joined in. “We’re both Link, the hero of courage.”
After eyeing the two over like they had lost their minds, the stranger sighed. “I don’t believe you.” He signed. “But I’m also not sure where I am.”
“That’s fair.” Link supposed. “We’re willing to share our information.”
“Spill it, then.”
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After explaining their understanding of how they got here, and what they were doing, the stranger sighed and agreed that going to a town would seem smart in his eyes as well.
However he chose to walk behind Feathers and Link, which Link couldn’t blame him for. He had his own fair share of paranoia of the situation, after all.
Besides, he’d know if the kid tried to approach with a blade in hand, he was awfully good at keeping an eye on his surroundings.
Not good enough, though. Despite following the route the first angry kid had given: they somehow got lost anyway. Sure they found a big rock, but there was no path near it that led to anywhere other than more wilderness.
“Did we misunderstand?” Feathers asked him.
Link furrowed his brow, unsure of the answer. He was quite sure they had gone the exact route the kid described.
The newcomer whistled suddenly, causing the two older to turn and look at him.
He seemed annoyed, and signed: “Is this a trap?”
“I mean, if it was we wouldn’t tell you.” Feathers signed back, at which Link elbowed him.
“It’s not a trap. This is neither of our Hyrule, so we don’t know where things are. The person who gave us instructions either forgot something or we failed to follow it right.”
The stranger crossed his arms, and pouted. Suspicious.
Link, wanting to hit his head against the trees until he could disappear from this situation, tried to breathe in and out and figure this situation out before anything worse happened. “We can probably try and find it on our own.”
“Oh, true.” Feathers replied, smiling again.
“Alright.” The newcomer accepted, still tense.
“Great.” Link responded, tired. “What does everyone here know about scouting?”
Feathers looked a bit flustered, and admitted: “I spent most of my life on a single island- In the sky.”
“Ok.” was all Link could muster.
“I’m okay at it.” The newcomer said, looking a bit less confident than before. “I know what signs to keep an eye out for.”
Link nodded at this. Back in the day he could’ve asked Midna to change his form so he could simply smell the strange scent that towns had, but that stopped being an option a long time ago.
He could still manage with human senses. He had done so for the majority of his life.
So after they pooled their knowledge of what to look out for, they began trekking forwards. Although it was more the two actually experienced people describing some basic things to the one from the sky.
After one man-made path diverged into two, the tired air of the group only grew worse.
“So- Which way?” Feathers asked, trying to not cause anymore tension with the question, by smiling gently.
The newcomer lifted the strange slate he had on his belt, and used it to get a better look forward. It wasn’t enough, though: “The foliage is too thick, I can’t see where either of them leads.”
Feathers pouted.
Link, quite frustrated at this point, signed simply: “Just one thing we can do, then.” And proceeded to scan the area for the tallest tree.
Feathers looked in mild curiosity as Link walked up to an alright specimen, and proceeded to climb it with almost no trouble. Branch to branch, and a good grip on the wood while still being mindful of it’s well being.
From high up he could take a far better look around the area, and found his nerves eased as he spotted smoke from further on and down the right path, as well as the gentle breeze that flowed freely up there. He smiled, despite himself, and climbed back down.
Once he landed with a gentle thud, he let Feathers know what he had seen, before turning to look at the newcomer.
He had stayed by the path, unlike Feathers who had gone to wait for him at the trunk of the tree, and was looking at him with what Link would describe as surprise.
“I was raised on a farm.” Link stated, feeling actually a little up for joking, before he started walking down the right path.
The journey went alright, and although the smoke turned out to be from but a small cottage, it meant they weren’t entirely on the wrong track. Someone was able to live here, so it would mean a town could exist nearby as well.
The newcomer, who hadn’t said much, spoke up another few minutes into the walk, as they tried to decide between three paths this time. “I could climb this time?”
Link was a little surprised, but nodded and gave him a supportive smile. “Go for it.” It was nice seeing the hostility gone, and in its place a want to help.
What he saw then, was… Unexpected. The newcomer proceeded to pick a tree at ease, and then climb at a speed Link had never seen before. It was extremely impressive, and somewhat terrifying.
“Woah.” Said feathers.
Link nodded, slow and stunned.
When the kid returned to ground level- With a thud and an expert landing to boot -he explained that with the zoom on his slate he was able to spot a town. He wasn’t sure which path would lead to it, but if the rest were fine with just going to that general direction until they got to it, he’d be able to lead them.
Feathers and Link approved of the plan, and now followed after the newcomer who was walking forth, at times checking the slate.
Feathers began to talk to him about beacons, apparently something on the slate reminded him of his adventure. Link tuned it out due to not really getting it, and breathed in the forest air.
This was all very strange, but it was nice that no-one was being a grump for once.
At sunset they reached the town, and having moved along with the rain cloud, it only caught up to them at the village gates.
Link gave the newcomer a pat on the shoulder, which surprised him. “Good work.” He signed before heading forward to look for an inn.
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The rain only caught them when they had a roof above their heads, as they had moved in the same direction as it had been heading.
Sitting in a shared room, there was that strange snap-crack again, and the other kid was back. Strange face markings as clear on the face of annoyance as always.
The newcomer didn’t disappear, so their three person room had just become crowded.
“Oh.” The kid commented, looking at them all, including the newcomer. “You made it.”
“...Were we not supposed to?” Link asked.
“I gave you the wrong directions.”
Link blinked. He was stunned, having trouble processing the situation. Not because it was so unexpected, but because he hadn’t seen it coming despite how obvious it was this kid wouldn’t help them properly.
“I didn’t want you to find the town.”
“Again, why?”
“I don’t trust you.” The response was instant.
Link sighed, it wasn’t a reason he could exactly fight.
Giving up, he sat down on one of the beds. This was going to be a stressful adventure, wasn’t it? He lent back a bit, looking at the ceiling. He couldn’t deny the truth of that question, but a part of him wasn’t entirely bothered. It had been a while since he’d slept in a room with another living being.
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minminnie-shii · 3 years
Giving SF9 Cuddles
Hai hai!! I know i’ve been gone for a while
lets just act like that never happened
Buttt, I’m back and recently I’ve been watching the new series of Kingdom and I am so hype to see my babies sf9 
currently sobbing
also my mom was very upset when they came in last place
anyways they’re all working so hard and I’m so proud of them so I decided to write this for all the Fantasy and new Fantasy who are getting into my babies.
so here is sf9 wanting cuddles, enjoy
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~Kim Youngbin~
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this man
i love him so much i might cry
moving on
being a father of eight children is hard work
but my best baby does everything he can and is the best leader he can be for those boys
being a little is hard work and he needs to be taken care of as much as they do
insert the love of his life
thats you
youre good at telling when hes stressed and do everything you can to help him
so when he looks at you with doe eyes asking for cuddles you don’t hesitate to say yes
so now your laying on your bed youngbins head on your chest
youre running your hand through his hair softly and humming to him
he lets out a peaceful sigh and lifts hiss head looking up at you
“i love you so much” 
he looks so sleepy and you couldn’t stop yourself from cooing at him
he eventually falls asleep and you just lay there quietly admiring him
he’s the love of your life and you’ll never understand how you got so lucky to have someone like him in your life
~Kim Inseong~
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this man
he will ask for cuddles in the most dramatic way
you’re at the dorm visiting him before he starts filming for his new show
you know that you wont be able to see him for a while and youre a little sad
inseong of course knows this
so he wants to make today extra special
he surprised you with flowers and your favorite snacks 
he even bought you a penguin plushie that was almost the size of you
so now youre sitting on the couch waiting for him to come back so you could start the movie you wanted to watch
inseong was watching you from the kitchen
you were playing with the sleeves of his sweater that you were wearing staring blankly at the screen in front of you
he smiled softly to himself before skipping into the livingroom
“____, dont look so sad, cuddle me instead!”
his loud voice nearly made you jump out of your skin
he plopped onto the couch next to you and wrapped his arms tightly around you
he pulled you into his chest and slowly rocked you back and forth
a smile came to your face as you rested your head on his chest
“it wont be long, i promise ill call you everyday, okay?” 
he assured you that he’ll come see you as soon as filming was over
you knew that he would and you were more than willing to wait for him
because you love him and there was nothing that would ever change your mind
even if he is a major dork that makes you cringe more often than not
~Lee Jaeyoon~
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bias wrecker number 1
did you guys see how hard he practiced for the jealous stage on kingdom
i might cry
i hope he got enough time to rest after hurting his knee
you were at your apartment when youngbin called you letting you know that jaeyoon was on his way to the hospital
of course you were worried but he assured you that he was okay he just hurt his knee
of course you told him that you would meet him there and quickly got dressed
once you finally reached the hospital your boyfriend was staying at you found youngbin who was waiting for your outside
“is he okay? hes not too hurt is he?” 
“he’ll be okay, he just has to rest for a while, i told him you were coming”
as quickly as he could he led you into the room where jaeyoon was lying restlessly
when he heard the door open his head shot over to you and he smiled sadly
you quickly composed yourself and smiled, walking over to him
you sat in the chair next to him and the two of you talked for a while
he told you about coming in last place, feeling like he didn’t work hard enough
it hurt you to see him like that and you did everything you could to reassure him that you were proud of him and he did the best that he could
he began to grow sleepy while talking to you and you could tell
“can you spend the night here with me?” 
you almost squealed out loud as he sleepy state but you just nodded and agreed
he scooted as far as he could to the side of the bed to make room for you
you laid down next to him and he immediately wrapped his body around yours hugging you as closely as he could
he easily fell asleep to you petting his hair and whispering sweet nothings to him
i squealed
~Lee Sanghyuk~
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hes so adorable i cant handle it
he also may be my moms favorite she doesnt know yet
although he is a dork he is very serious when it comes to his relationship with you
you are the light of his life and he will treat you as such
but youre still not safe from his pranks and constant jokes
he came to your apartment in his next attempt to bug you 
but when he noticed that you weren’t your normal bubbly self he placed himself next to you on the couch
you immediately reacted and rested your body against his
he leaned back into the cushions and pulled you into his lap
he would occasionally kiss your forehead letting out small hums
he would listen intensely as you tell him about you day
you explained why you were sad and he acted as if it happened to him
giving you advice on how to deal with the situation
it was rare for you to see him so serious but you loved that he was willing to help you with whatever problem that you had
even if it was something small a small trivial matter that didnt have any meaning
once he was sure that you were okay and they two of you would joke around
being the little shit that he is he would pin you down on the couch and began to tickle you
“yah, knock it off!” 
you tried your best to push him off of you
but our man is swole and was not letting you off that easy
once he finally decides youve had enough flops down and lays on top of you
“youre lucky youre cute”
you couldn’t stop the growing smile on your face as the two of you continued to joke around
~Baek Ju Ho~
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bias wrecker number 2
hes so precious and i cant handle the cuteness
excuse me ill calm myself
the boy
whether he admits it or not
he will drop anything and run the minute you call his name
and if youre sad or if you pout
lord you better believe hes right there plotting the death of whoever made you sad
one day you and zuho are out walking around doing couple things
you know, being adorable
when all of a sudden you see a group of girls pointing and laughing
you werent sure what they found funny but you began to grow self concious
it didnt even have to be you that they were laughing at, but your mind got the best of you
zuho noticed the sudden change in behavior and immediately took your hand
he pulled you into a hug and rocked you back and forth slightly
he caressed the back of your head and whispered to you about how much he loves you and how beautiful you are
you looked up at him and smiled softly 
he chuckled to himself before placing a soft kiss to your lips
he continued to press light kisses all over your face as he hugged you tighter
you giggled and hid your face in his chest
the people that surrounded you couldn’t help but smile as they watched the two of you
even the girls who you thought were laughing at you they had large smiles on their faces as they all talked about wishing to have a boyfriend like him
~Kim Seok Woo~
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i swear i feel like he would be the best boyfriend ever
i know im not the only one who sees it
he won’t be able to live if he doesnt touch you at least once every ten minutes
ten seconds
he loves your touches 
lets be honest he loves everything about you
i am not kidding
after a stressful day of filming schedules and whatever other plans he has
his favorite thing is to come home and have you waiting for him
there were a lit of times where you would fall asleep waiting for him
he knew that it was late and you wouldnt be awake so he didnt bother to call you
he walked into his dorm tired from the long day that he had
after getting a bottle of water he walked into his room and a large smile came to his face
you were lying on his bed bundled up in his blankets sleeping peacefully
he got ready for bed as fast as he could wanted to lie next to you as fast as he could
once he was ready he carefully and quietly lifted up the blanket covering up your body
he laid down next to you and slipped one arm underneath your body
he slowly rolled you over so your body was lying on top of his
once the two of you were cozy he covered your body back up with the blanket
letting out a peaceful sigh he relaxed his body against yours closing his eyes and letting your quiet breathing quickly lulling him to sleep
you woke up a little later noticing that you werent lying in the same position you fell asleep in
your eyes fluttered open and a smile came to your face as you stared at your sleeping boyfriend
you placed a small kiss on his nose before settling back down and once again falling into your slumber
~Yoo Taeyang~
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i love him so much
literally no words can explain it
his favorite thing to do outside of his idol life
so when he FINALLY gets a day off
guess what hes doing
hanging out with the love of his life of course
he spent the night at your apartment the day before and now the two of you are lying in bed 
youre both lying on your sides just staring at each other with cute smiles on your faces
the aura around the two of you is peaceful, quiet, and intimate
to anyone looking in you could see the love pouring off of the two of you just by looking
you lifted your hand and brought it closer to taeyangs face, trailing your fingers up his jaw
you brought your hand up to his hairline and gently caressed his hair
“i love you”
a red hue came to taeyangs cheeks as he buried his face in your neck
“yah, you cant say stuff like that out of no where”
you giggle as his breath tickled your neck
you draped your arms loosely around his neck as he shifted to hover above you
“but its true”
“i love you” 
he buried his face in your neck again and attacked you with kisses
you squealed loudly and the two of you spent the rest of your day just like this
and neither of you would have it any other way
~Kim Youngkyun~
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this dood
seriously please help him
no one really knows how the two of you got together
youre both so awkward that people dont understand your relationship
but lets be honest the two of you are perfect for each other
hwiyoung is a sensitive lil gentleman and he totally understands you
buttt sometimes it doesnt come out how he wants it to
you know, him being awkward and all
he does love your affection but he just has a hard time showing it
so a lot of the time youre the one that has to initiate it
“youngie come here”
his head shot over to look at you the minute that he heard you whine
he stood on his feet and walked over to his bed where you were sitting
“are you okay? whats wrong?” 
you just smiled and grabbed his hand pulling him onto the bed
he let out an exclaim of surprise as he landed with an oof on the bed
you acted quickly and wrapped your arms around his waist
you laid half of your body on top of his and stared down at him
his face was red as he stared up at you
“i hate it when you do that”
you laughed again as you rested your chin on his chest
“you love it and you know it”
he just rolled his eyes and the two of you continued to talk to each other while lying like that
hwiyoung locked his hands around your waist while you talked about your idea of getting a new puppy
“will you name it after me?” 
you gushed at his pout and squished his cheeks together
“youre too cute”
you loved how adorable he was and you hoped that he stayed this adorable forever
~Kang Chanhee~
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fluffy fluff boy
deserves all the love in the world
supes awk
but tries to act confident around you because well
the boys make fun of him about you
our lil actor boy will be super chill about it as long as youre in the room
but the minute you leave
will whine and complain to his members
so one day when you randomly walked into the dorm and they were all there
you didnt hesitate to walk over to chani on the couch and plop down next to him 
you wrapped one arm around his waist and rested your head on his shoulder
you let out a small sigh and relaxed yourself into his body
the boys didnt say anything but they all had smiles on their faces as the two of you were in your own little world
chani slipped his hand into yours as the two of you continued to talk about your days
“when are you going to teach me your new routine?”
chani laughed and kissed the top of your head
“whenever youre ready”
he smiled when you let out a little yawn
“come on, lets go to bed”
you sat up and stood on your feet following him into his room
you plopped onto his bed and he laid down next to you
“will you sing for me?” 
he let out a tiny giggle before nodding
once the two of you were comfortable he began to sing quietly until your head lulled to the side 
once he knew you were sleeping he hugged you closer loving the fact that you were so close to him
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stxrrywildflower · 4 years
pairing - bau team x teen!reader
summary - the team meets one of the most reputable vigilantes during a case, suprisingly, it’s someone they least expect
warnings - mentions of case, cursing, past death, abuse
word count - ?
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when you were 15, your parents were shot and killed right in front of you. as cliché as it sounds, that was the start of you story.
after moving in with a relative, you started online school. from that moment on, you trained and took the law into your own hands. sure, it was partially illegal and there were a lot of questions from your family, but, you couldn’t sit around in your city and watch other people suffer just as you did. you were currently 17 and as strong as ever with no plans of slowing down. especially with the severity of the most recent crime.
your signature was a spade. whether on a card or a piece of paper, it was at ever crime scene letting the police know you had helped.
this case was like no other. one man or woman, you weren’t quite sure yet, was murdering victims of all age ranges throughout town. after the second body was found, you began your own personal investigation. the way you worked was going to crime scenes either before or after the police were there and found whatever you could. there were a ton of times you found clues and either called in an anonymous tip or wrote it down on paper.
the bau team landed down in pittsburgh after a fairly short flight. the local police department had called the team in once more victims had turned up. the victimology was all over the place and they needed to find every possible ounce of information.
“we have an anonymous tip line but our usual caller hasn’t given us anything. other than that, you can set up in the conference room and boards are in there too,” the deputy announced. hotch was the one who thanked him while the team headed into the conference room.
“usual caller?” j.j. whispered to morgan who then shrugged. “who knows. could just be some local crime fan,” the agent responded. with that, the bau team went to work.
for the next two days the team and police force worked tirelessly to find something that would help them catch the killer. but alas, absolutely nothing. no calls on the tip line and no new bodies found. that was, until they had caught you.
“some jogger just reported some suspicious activity. said they saw someone in the alley on the ground with another person standing over them. it’s a stretch but it could be something. i’ve already sent some officers out,” the deputy alerted.
“alright, keep us informed if they find anything,” hotch responded.
it was a bit unusual for hotch to not send anyone to the potential crime scene but that was just it, it was only a possible scene.
it couldn’t have been more than ten minutes later when a few cops walked in. all heads shot up for one reason. they were pushing along a teenage girl in handcuffs.
you were dressed in black jeans with a black and white plaid jacket. combat boots were your choice of shoes accompanied by a beanie on your head. you looked exactly like the rebellious teenager in some movie. your knuckles were bruised pretty badly and you had a small cut on your lip. the team was obviously shocked to see that an arrest was made, nonetheless a teenager.
“who is she?” rossi asked.
“y/n y/l/n. we found her at the crime scene with the body,” the deputy explained.
“where are her parents?”
“she lives with one of her relatives. they have been notified but are choosing to let us deal with the situation since they are on a trip.”
“and you think she did it?” hotch questioned just as you were led to one of the interrogation rooms.
“all i’m saying is that she has motive. her parents died a few years back during a home invasion. adding on the bruises and the fact that she was found with the body, it’s a possibility.”
“prentiss and rossi, head down to the crime scene and examine the body. if you don’t mind i would like to speak with her,” hotch spoke. upon seeing a nod from the deputy, he followed him back to the room you were in. the rest of the team stood outside of window, peering in to watch the interrogation that was about to go down.
meanwhile, you sat back in your chair, keeping your head low as you moved the handcuffs back and forth across the bar on the table they were attached to. the cops had already searched you for weapons, not like you had any.
when the door opened to the interrogation room, you didn’t even bother looking up all the way. out of the corner of your eye, you did see two men walking in. one was the deputy, you recognized him, but the other you had never even seen before.
a file folder with the fbi logo and bold lettering was then placed on the table. your eyes widened slightly, maybe you were in more trouble than you thought. you hadn’t intended to be caught, that was obvious, but the police arrived and reprimanded you even before you could formulate a plan.
“do you know what this is?” the deputy spoke harshly.
the still mystery man held his hand out as a way to tell the deputy to stand down. “hi y/n, i’m agent hotchner with the bau profiling team. would it be okay to ask you some questions?” hotchner asked. you nodded slightly.
“what were you doing at the crime scene?” hotch questioned outright.
“i was investigating mr. hotchner,” you answered plainly.
“you were investigating a dead body? sounds like bullshit to me,” the deputy butted in. it didn’t take a profiler to know that he was becoming restless with the case.
“don’t you want to know who i am?” you snapped.
“i know who you are y/n. you’re on the wrong side of the law and a suspect in a series of murders,” the deputy responded.
“honestly you couldn’t be more wrong dan,” you spat, using the deputy’s first name. with the limited mobility you had, you reached into your coat pocket. both of the men in the room visibly tensed. “relax, i’ve already been searched.”
you tossed the familiar spade card onto the table before sitting back and resuming your motion of staring down.
hotch looked towards the deputy who swallowed nervously and scrambled to grab the card. the fbi agent furrowed his eyebrows in confusion as he motioned for the deputy to follow him. after the door slammed shut, you were left in complete silence.
“what was that?” hotch asked the second they exited the interrogation room. the rest of the bau team had witnessed the encounter and joined the two men for answers.
“ever since a year-and-a-half ago, we’ve gotten calls and been given clues through that as well as at crime scenes. at first we thought it could be a potential signature of the criminal but after a couple cases, we realized that this person was actually helping solve these cases and finding clues we couldn’t even see. i never would have thought it would be a teenager,” the deputy responded.
“how does y/n manage to do all that?” emily spoke up. “we’re not sure. she’s always managed to be there either before we get there or even after we leave.”
“if y/n has been investigating the crime scenes, she may have seen the unsub without even realizing it,” rossi added. “that’s true, though i’m not sure she’ll be willing to talk after that.” the teams eyes all drifted to the one-way glass were you still sat, head down and running your fingers over your bruises.
you eventually lost track of the time you spent in the interrogation room. but, by your judgment, it was around three hours. a blonde woman was the first to enter the room. she sat down at the table for a moment, introduced herself, before offering you water.
“no thank you mrs. jareau,” you had replied.
the second agent to enter immediately tried to make feel more comfortable despite the situation you were in. you had to admit, the terrible jokes he told did make you smile slightly. he offered you water too. just like with j.j., you replied with “no thank you mr. morgan.”
with the responses you gave, the team decided to regroup without the pressure of the local police department. “did you notice how y/n addressed the deputy by the first name but all j.j. and morgan as mrs. and mr.?” spencer commented.
“the deputy did mention that she has a history with the police department,” hotch started before returning to morgan, “call garcia and have her fly in. y/n can relate to her the most.” morgan nodded at hotch’s request before exiting the room to call the tech genius.
you bounced your leg out of pure nervousness. a significant amount of time had gone since morgan had talked to you. just as you were starting to realize that they could only hold you for a certain amount of time, the door opened once again.
in walked another blonde woman, this time with bright clothes and accessories on. she sat down at the seat across from you and pulled a laptop out of her bag. you finally met her sympathetic gaze. “are you another fbi agent?” you asked softly.
“oh no, i wouldn’t last five minutes in the field. well my name is penelope garcia, i’m the technical analyst for the team.”
“and they called you in to talk to me? with all due respect ms. garcia, why are you here?” you responded. “okay, first things first, you can call me penelope. second, i can get those handcuffs off for you. i’m sure they’re hurting,” penelope offered.
once your wrists were released, you rubbed them as they had become red from being detained. “i know you really don’t want to talk about what happened but we do really need your help catching the criminals who did this,” penelope spoke. “like i said before, why are you here,” you added emphasis on the ‘you’.
“i have a past like you. i was my own type of vigilant after i lost my parents.”
while you knew penelope meant well with that sentence, you couldn’t help but grow angry. “you know nothing about me,” you seethed. penelope was slightly taken aback by your reaction and tone.
“my parents died because some deadbeat cops were out drinking instead of responding to my call. why do you think i do what i do?” you practically yelled, “i take the law into my own hands so people don’t have to suffer the same way i did.”
the second you were done your slight outburst, morgan walked in. you collapsed back in your chair. “derek i’m fine. you don’t need to be in here,” penelope whispered, hoping you wouldn’t hear. you did, however. “alright. i’m still going to stay in here if you don’t mind,” derek responded.
there was a slightly awkward silence that fell over the room. neither penelope or derek really knew what to say to you. they had both seen how you reacted to penelope trying to connect to you.
“it’s not like my family knows or cares. i don’t even know if i should really call them that. i was only taken in because they pretty much had too,” you grumbled.
both derek and penelope noticed you flinch at the mention of your family. and the bruises you acquired were never revealed how you got them.
“honey are they hurting you?” penelope asked softly.
tears slowly began to trickle down your cheeks. you held your hands close to your chest as the full on sobs started. in an instant, penelope was moving her chair over to sit by your side. “a group of hackers became my family after my parents died. stayed with them for awhile before i was recruited by the fbi and found such an amazing and loving team. it does get better, i promise you,” penelope offered.
you stayed like that for a few moments, just leaning into penelope’s side as she wrapped a comforting arm around you. “i’ll talk to mr. hotchner again. see if anything i concluded can help you,” you spoke.
with one final squeeze to your shoulder, penelope stood up and left the interrogation room with derek. hotch replaced the two, handing you a file for the second time that day. you took a deep breath before relaying all the information you had found out.
meanwhile, on the outside, penelope was close to tears. “her family is hurting her derek. people who are supposed to love and protect her are hurting her!” garcia exclaimed. morgan walked over and took her hands in his. “hey, baby girl. i need you to calm down. we’ll figure out a way to help her. but right now, we need your head in the case. reid and prentiss have some names for you to run. can you do that for me?” morgan asked. penelope nodded and got to work.
you were released from custody when you were done speaking with hotch.
the information provided was more then helpful. there had been a few key details that even the profilers had missed. they all wondered what you would see if another body did in fact turn up. a card with everyone’s phone numbers on it was provided to you incase you needed anything or they needed help. penelope had offered to stay with you. you had accepted, mostly because you didn’t want to be alone and she wasn’t going to take no for an answer.
when you and penelope were having breakfast the following morning, her phone had began to ring. “another one?” you questioned when she hug you.
“yeah. hotch requested your help. just as another consult,” penelope smiled slightly. you nodded as a way to agree, just because you were caught and revealed some things about yourself didn’t mean you were going to stop from doing what you always did.
morgan picked you up from your house. as you got into the back and penelope into the front seat, morgan leaned back and handed you a coat. “what’s this?” you asked. “if your going to be on the crime scene with us, you’re going to need some identification.” you simply shrugged and slipped on the jacket. big bold yellow letters spelling out ‘fbi’ were on the back making you let out a breath.
on the crime scene, you and morgan ducked under the police tape and walked over to the sheet covering the body. just as you kneeled down, the team all glanced around at each other.
never in a million years would they have thought they would be using a teenager in an fbi jacket as a consult.
you gave everything you knew to hotch before going back to the car to sit with penelope. “so, any plans for school?” she asked, trying to start a conversation. “i’m not really sure if i want to go to college. not even sure if i could get in.” penelope frowned, unsatisfied with your answer.
the unsub was caught four days later, your clues giving the final push to identify the killer. you were back at home with penelope as the team was finishing up at the police station. before departing, she would need to pack up all of her stuff.
“before i go, i want to talk to you about something. now just listen first. i’ve may have done a thing and figured out a way to get you out of this home. it’s a little confusing to explain but it’s only a fact that you can’t be here anymore,” penelope spoke.
“pen-” you started, “where am i even supposed to go?”
“that’s the best part. if you agreed, we can bring you to d.c. with us and you can be our under my care until your 18. my team travels all the time but i stay in the office to do my work. if you agree, we can get you into a good school or even just a stable job. you’re incredibly talented, i’m sure it want be a challenge.”
tears began to well up in your eyes. “you really want to take care of me?” you choked out. penelope nodded with a grin before pulling you into a tight hug. “this sounds a little suspicious,” you laughed.
“yeah well i’m a hacker. i’ll do anything to help people out,” penelope replied.
it was absolutely crazy that all it took for a teenage vigilante to find a new family was just to be caught. and honestly, it was well worth it.
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gaming-universe · 4 years
Who We Are || Russell Adler
Call of Duty Black Ops: Cold War
Summary: Betrayed and alone after surviving the events that took place on the Solovetsky Islands, Y/n ‘Bell’ L/n faces new and more dangerous threats when she learns that Perseus has other plans for his failed nuclear detonation of Europe. It was only a matter of time before Y/n came face to face with her old team. There is unfinished business between Y/n and Adler, as this operation proves to be more deadly than originally thought.
Author’s Note: So, after finishing the campaign, I needed to do Bell/Player and Adler justice. I loved this game so much, and chosing to play as the female character, I felt like there was a genuine connection between Bell and Adler throughout the game. There is a tag list open for anyone that wishes to stay up to date with the series. Simply comment below. Gif by @travelllar​
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The feeling of drowing was somethong terrifying.
Knowing that your body was completely spent, knowing that the ocean’s surface was just a swift stroke away...and that you couldn’t reach it, caused your chest to tighten out of fear. Or maybe, it was because of the lack of oxygen.
You could manage to see the tall cliff face through the jagged waves, where he no doubt still stood, waiting to see if you would resurface. But no, no one could survive a fall from that height, especially after taking a single and deadly shot to the chest.
Blood, your blood you soon realised, stained the water a haunting red as you were swept further out to sea. The waves crashing above, though muffled and far away, soothed you as if it were a sweet lullaby. A lullaby of your final moments. The harsh cold of the water finally began to set in. Icen hands seemed to wrap around your form, providing you with the small mercy of numbing the agonising pain that coursed through every fibre of your being. A small and last act of kindness to lure you into an eternal darkness.
Amongst the silence beneath the waves, you released an anguished muffled cry, breathing in water the moment you stopped. Your body convulsed involuntarily, as death itself reached out to claim you. Your vision began to fade, flashes of past memories appearing before your very eyes. Some of them you remembered, some of them you didn’t. Speaking to Hudson before going to Cuba, travelling with Arash to the airstrip, where he shot you because of your suspected betrayal.
Suspected betrayal?
Then you saw him. Adler. He stuck by your side, even after explaining what he had done to you. But now...now you were here.
 Your eyes closed, your lips parting in a silent breath as you allowed yourself to be consumed by the darkness, your built up anger suddenly vanishing and lifting from your shoulders.
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Death’s embrace seemed a lot warmer than you would have imagined.
Slowly opening your eyes, you were met with a rundown wooden interior of what appeared to be an old fishing shack. There was a small fire in the corner, opposite from where you lay on a mattress on the floor. There was no one else in sight, leaving you feeling more anxious then ever.
Where were you? What...how did you get here?
Sitting bolt upright, you winced loudly. Though your vision swayed, you looked down to examine the wound in your chest, finding that the wound had been properly treated, wrapped in gauze and bandages to prevent infection. Wrapping yourself in the blanket provided, you shivered violently, jumping slightly as the door opened to reveal the form of an older man carrying a few heavy-looking logs of wood. When his eyes met your own, the old man smiled. “You’re awake...” He spoke kindly, his Russian accent almost obscuring his words “I was worried you wouldn’t”. You watched him warily as he placed the logs in a pile beside the fireplace, stoking the flames quickly before turning around to face you. “Where am I? How did I get here?”.
“I found you when I was out on my trawler four days ago, you were half dead when I pulled you aboard, heavily armed, cut to pieces with a bullet to the chest. I’m going to assume you were apart of that raid on that Soviet base?” He questioned, raising a knowing eyebrow in your direction. You froze, your heart thundering in your chest as you pressed your lips into a thin line. Images of the air raid flashed through your mind, getting caught up in the explosion and having...having him...
“And if I was?” “Then I owe you many thanks. Those soldiers have been terrorising this town for years. Destroying that base was the best thing to happen on this Island for a while”. You nodded slowly, grimacing slightly as you moved to make your shoulder more comfortable to eleviate the pain. Your gaze fell to the floor, as a wave of emotions consumed you. Anger, sadness, betrayal was the most prominent. You tried to stop the sting of tears from your eyes, which didn’t go unnoticed by the old man before you. He tilted his head to the side, moving to sit down on a small wooden stool beside you. “Something is troubling you, my dear...” He spoke softly, “what is it? But you may share in your own time if you like, but right now, you need some rest”. You nodded slowly again, allowing your tears to cascade down your cheeks. For the first time since Cuba, since Hudson’s team had admitted what they had done to you, after Adler had...had shot you, you cried.
Despite who you might have been with Perseus, who you might have been before the CIA messed with your mind, you were still human. You had been lied to by the people you thought you could trust, who turns out you had only been introduced to a few months ago. And Adler, for some reason his betrayal hurt the most. A man you thought you had known for the longest time, a man you thought you had served with, a man who had lied to you from the very beginning. We have a job to do.
That phrase left a bitter tast in your mouth, but just thinking about that phrase caused a series of fragmented memories to resurface.
A few days before leaving for the airfield with Arash, you sent out an encrypted message to the CIA, claiming that you were willing to cooperate with any questions they may have in exchange for asylum. Your plan was to hopefully make contact with the CIA taskforce that you were informed would be there. Unfortuately, Arash must have gotten wind of your movements.
Your sobbing suddenly stopped, your eyes widening in shock and sudden realisation. You had planned on defecting? Oh god, oh god. You were going to defect from Perseus and cooperated with the CIA. Then what had happened? If Adler’s team knew that you were planning to willingly aid them in their fight against Perseus, then why go through all that trouble of the MK-Ultra program? Why go through all that trouble to fuck with your mind, implant false memories, and lie and pretend as if nothing had ever happened?
From the corner of your eye, you watched as the old man approached, carefully extending a warm ceramic mug toward you. Steam rose from the warm beverage contained within, the old man smiling kindly. “It’s just tea, I used to make it for my son all of the time”. He moved back slightly as you gingerly took the mug from his hands. You thanked him with a silent nod of your head, sipping the tea lightly as the two of you sat in silence.
In a way, you were grateful the old man allowed you to take things in your own stride, that he didn’t ask the questions he so desperately wanted answers to. “I will leave you to sleep now. If you need anything, the house is just outside. If you get too cold, there is more firewood against the wall here” The old man instructed, before standing to his feet and making his way to the door of the shack. With a mumbled ‘goodnight’, the old man disappeared outside, closing the wooden door behind him with a loud ‘thunk’.
Sighing loudly, you placed the tea aside and carefully moved to lie back down, cursing under your breath as pain exploded through your chest. Your eyes focused on the roof above, as sleep finally began to take hold of your exhausted form. Dedcending into a dreamless sleep, you allowed yourself to relax for what felt like the first time in a long, long time.
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Tag List: @pookolokon​
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cliffordchick · 3 years
Author’s Note: Wow, it’s been a long time since I’ve done this but here goes. I originally wrote this as a writing exercise with different characters in mind but decided it would be the perfect piece to test out my fic writing skills again. Please be kind but also don’t be shy with the criticism or love. 
“I never imagined myself in a wedding dress,” you say. You study your reflection for a moment in the floor-length mirror before your eyes drift towards Calum. He’s kneeling on the floor in front of you, pushpins balancing dangerously in between his lips. You can tell he’s trying not to look up at you, his eyes trained on the hem he’s working on. You stifle a sigh and push on. “I always thought if I got married, I’d just show up at the courthouse in jeans and a t-shirt. Oh! Maybe a bikini fresh from a dip in a hotel pool!”
The pushpins scatter, flying in all different directions as Calum lets out a hearty laugh. “You’re something else, you know that?” He drops the hem of the gown and runs his now free hands through his hair.
“You’d be so bored without me,” you pipe. 
Bored doesn’t even begin to describe it; he thinks as he steals a glance at you for the first time. He thinks back to the moment he first laid eyes on you, all those years ago. You guys were seven, and you were hanging upside down on the monkey bars, pigtails grazing the wood chip-covered ground in the breeze. He was drawn to you instantly, even when you let out the most menacing, Wicked Witch of the West style laugh.
Calum’s so lost in the memory he doesn’t even have time to process what you’re doing until it’s too late. You’re on your hands and knees, helping him pick up the stray pins. His heart nearly stops when the delicate lace on the bodice catches on the crystal appliqués of the floor-length mirror.
“Would you please just stand there and look pretty,” Calum hisses, shaking his head.
His words may be harsh, but you know there’s nothing but love underneath them. There’s never been anything but love underneath his words. Even that time he told you to “fuck off” when you barged into his dorm room freshman year, moments before he lost his virginity. You shake your head, willing the memory to go back into its box in the deepest, darkest corner of her mind.
You stand, looking down at Calum with a pout forming on her face. The Y/N Pout™ as Calum has come to refer to it as. “Am I not always pretty?”
Calum lets out an exasperated sigh. This is what he gets for asking you to fill in for a bride-to-be who had to cancel her fitting for a “venue emergency.” As if the wedding venue was more important than the wedding dress that cost the same as several month’s worths of rent at his shitty studio apartment.
“You’re gorgeous, Y/N; you don’t need me to tell you that.”
“Doesn’t mean I don’t like hearing it,” you say, sticking your tongue out. Truthfully, he’s the only one who has ever called you gorgeous, but you’re not about to tell him that. It’ll just make him blush. And if there’s one thing you can’t resist, it’s a blushing Calum. Instead, you make a big show of getting back onto the pedestal, picking the bottom of the gown up as if you’re an eighteenth-century Princess who has just let the love of her life walk out on her. “How does she expect to dance in this thing?”
Calum reclaims his spot, kneeling in front of you. One hand holding the delicate fabric, the other working a pushpin through it for the seamstress. “She won’t. That’s what the reception dress is for.”
“A reception dress?” you choke out. “But she spent,” you pause, looking at the receipt on the small side table. “$10,000!” You fan yourself and turn around. “Ty, I don’t think I should be wearing this dress.”
Calum grunts in response, pushpins back between his lips. If there’s anyone who should be wearing this dress, it’s you. He quickly shakes the thought away, steadying his hands as he works the pushpin through.
“What kind of monster spends $10,000 on a dress she’s not even going to wear the whole night! I think I’m going to be sick.”
“Don’t you dare,” Calum warns, working the final pushpin through the fabric, securing the hemline. He stands, wiping his hands on his pants before offering you his hand. “Come on queasy, let’s get you out of that dress before you do something stupid.”
“I don’t think anything is stupider than spending $10,000 on a wedding dress,” you say, accepting his hand. You try to ignore the static shock that jolts through your body at the contact. He’s helped you up millions of times, and this should be no different. Before you have time to dwell, you carefully make your way back to the small dressing room.
Calum cleans up as you wrestle with the gown in the dressing room. A thread of profanities falls from your lips before you emerges a moment later in a bright pair of jeans and a polka-dotted sweater. You gently hand the gown to Calum, who gingerly hangs it back up on a rack full of white dresses — none of which sparkle quite like this one.
“I feel human again!” you shout, dancing around the room. “Next time you need a fill-in bride for a fitting, do me a favor and don’t call me.”
It’s Calum’s turn to pout, brown eyes growing three times the size. “But whatever are best friends for if not for trying on ridiculously expensive wedding dresses?”
“Fine,” you say, giving in. “But I expected a proper proposal next time. None of this five am emergency text nonsense.”
Calum grabs your hand and immediately drops to his knees; a playful glint dances across his eyes. You look at him wide-eyed, lips tugging up at the corners. “Y/N Y/L/N, will you be my fake bride from now until eternity?”
You clap your free hand over your mouth. “Oh, Calum,” you say, taking on a British accent for reasons not even she knows. “It would be my honor.”
Calum laughs so hard he loses his balance, sending you both tumbling to the pearly white floor. “What was that accent?” Calum manages to get out between laughs and gasps for air.
“I don’t know!” you shout, eyes brimming with tears from laughter. “It sort of just popped out.”
“Don’t you mean it, popped out?” Calum says, delivering the last part in his own take on a terrible British accent.
You shove him away before quickly pulling him back towards you. You bury your face in the crook of his neck. “I hate you.”
“Hate you too,” he says as his smile spreads across his face revealing a dimple on his cheek.
You stay like that for a moment. A tangled web of limbs, laughing and enjoying each other’s closeness. It’s been a while since you’ve just reveled in each other’s company even though you both live in the same city. Calum’s been busy, working crazy hours to prove himself at Something Blue, the wedding gown boutique that specializes in outrageous, occasionally blue-dyed wedding gowns. And you’ve been holed up in random libraries, working on your dissertation. You do text throughout the day. You send him various gifs of a person jumping off a bridge, and Calum responds with various pictures of glorious diner food items you’d miss if you did it. And you try to FaceTime at least once a week, but it’s not the same as being in each other’s presence. When the two of you are together, it’s almost like you’re two sides of the same person. You complete each other.
Neither of you is ready to pull apart, but your stomach doesn’t get the memo, sending an echoing growl through Something Blue. You move from the crook of Calum’s neck and instead muffle your laughter in his chest. Calum does his best to keep his heartbeat under control.
“Come on. I think I owe you and your Hungry, Hungry Hippo stomach breakfast.”
“Frankie’s breakfast extravaganza?” you ask, pulling away from Calum so you can look up into his eyes. It takes all your might not to reach out and poke the dimple on his cheek.
Calum gasps dramatically, “I’m offended you have to ask!”
Just as quickly as you fell, you’re back on your feet and standing a safe distance away from each other. The loss of contact is immediately felt between both of you but neither wants to admit it, out loud or to yourselves. Calum runs a nervous hand through his hair as his cheek dimple disappears. You tug at your sweater that had ridden up before you turn towards him, smiling again.
“Shall we,” you ask, British accent back in full force.
Calum shakes his head before offering you his arm, “Lead the way, m’lady.”
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Get Down pt. 2
The final installment of Get Down.
It’s smutty! There’s smut! 18+ please! Be responsible!
bottom Geralt / top Jaskier
“What brings you to my humble estate?” Jaskier asked, taking a slow sip from his silver chalice. He didn’t fail to notice the way Geralt’s eyes were trained on his wine-red lips as he spoke. “From the way you handled yourself in the throne room I suppose you were expecting my father.”
“Yes, Milord,” Geralt nodded. “For a moment I had forgotten your full title. My apologies.”
“Nothing to apologize for, good Sir Witcher. I hope that your dinner is satisfactory.” 
The young nobleman snapped his fingers again and food appeared rather suddenly before them. Geralt’s stomach rumbled audibly when he caught a whiff of how good it smelled and he blushed furiously, embarrassed. “I’m sorry, Milord.”
When he looked up again, Jaskier’s face showed nothing but concern. His Lordly air hadn’t disappeared in the slightest but his bard-like tendencies and his protectiveness of Geralt were showing more clearly. “When was the last time you ate something?”
Geralt blushed a deeper shade of pink and looked down at his plate. “Two days ago.”
Jaskier stood suddenly and made his way to the valet nearest the door. He spoke to the young man in hushed but urgent whispers, too fast and quiet for even Geralt to understand, before taking his seat again and dipping his head in respectful apology.  “Please, let us eat.”
“Thank you, Milord, for your food and your hospitality.”
“I like the garb that Susan chose for you this evening. Blue seems to bring out your hair and your eyes; you should wear it more often.”
“Thank you, Milord. I shall try,” Geralt nodded, the apples of his cheeks going another shade darker.
Jaskier was enthralled. He’d never seen Geralt blush so frequently before; was it his status as a Lord? Was it the air of authority he’d assumed? Was it the outfit? The bard wasn’t sure exactly what had captured Geralt’s attention so thoroughly, but he was happy about the results regardless. 
They finished their meal in relative silence. Geralt was given a significantly larger second portion than Jaskier and neither of them cared to mention it aloud. That was probably why he’d talked to the servant, the Witcher figured. Best to just thank him later when we’re back on the Path and he’s acting like...himself.
“Shall we retire to the sitting room for the evening?” the young noble asked, standing from his seat. Geralt followed him dutifully, moving as silently as a cat between the dining room and the unusually cozy sitting room of Pankratz Castle. “Pardon my intimacy, Sir Witcher, but this is my family’s private sitting room. I find it easier to keep warm than the formal sitting room down the hall.”
“I am honored,” Geralt bowed his head. He wanted more than anything to hear Jaskier say his first name again. He didn’t like the way Sir Witcher sat heavy and formal on the bard’s spry tongue. He missed the happy, lilting tune of Jaskier’s giddy “Geralt!” 
Jaskier laid himself out across the chaise lounge and gestured for Geralt to take the armchair opposite him. The Witcher balanced precariously on the edge of the cushion, always ready to flee if necessary.
“So, Sir Witcher, what adventures did you have during winter?”
“Not many I’m afraid, Milord. I spent the season sequestered at Kaer Morhen with my brothers and my mentor.”
“How are your brothers faring? I think often of their health.”
“They are well, thank you.”
Geralt didn’t like having to play word games the way Jaskier did. Every sentence was carefully constructed and executed in the same way that he would consider a dangerous thrust or parry when dueling. Any sign of disrespect or any misplaced Milord could have him throne from the room (and the keep) in a second. All Jaskier would have to do was snap his fingers. 
“And you, Sir Witcher?”
“I’m afraid I have not slept as well as normal. My bed has been as empty as my heart,” the Witcher admitted. “If I may say so in polite company.”
Jaskier’s heart was fluttering in his chest, “You may.”
He stood rather suddenly from the chaise and reached out a hand for Geralt.
“I can offer you rest, sweet Sir Witcher. Come with me. There is much to discuss.”
Jaskier pulled the velvet curtains around his bed closed on either side, leaving only the firelight to illuminate them from across the room. Kneeling over him like this, with his shining chestnut hair all mussed and wild and the fire blazing behind him, the young Lord looked like some kind of avenging angel. Geralt bit his lip and did his best not to wiggle in impatience. 
“Sir Witcher,” the nobleman smirked. “I’ve often dreamed of seeing you like this; laid out before me in my bed, blushing and shy.”
“You must have known,” Jaskier chuckled lowly. He moved his hands to rest on either side of the Witcher’s head and leaned forward, close enough for his breath to tickle the skin of Geralt’s neck. “You must have known how much I wanted you. All those nights crammed together on shitty straw mattresses at podunk inns. All those baths and all those vials of chamomile oil so lovingly pressed into your tensest muscles...”
“I...I thought-”
“I’m sure you did,” Jaskier cooed. His teeth worried a mark into the skin of Geralt’s throat and the Witcher shuddered. “You can’t seem to stop thinking, is the problem. Stop letting your busy mind run away with you and just feel something for me, Geralt.”
“Finally, Jaskier,” the Witcher groaned, surging up to kiss his bard. He’d been waiting to hear the other man call him by name all night and it felt almost like a form of permission; however, Jaskier’s hand tangled in the front of Geralt’s borrowed shirt and the surprisingly strong young man slammed him back down against the soft bed cover. The Witcher made a startled noise and his eyes went wide. His white hair had formed a halo around his head at the impact and he saw lust flash clearly through Jaskier’s eyes.
“You will refer to me as Milord,” the younger man asserted. His pupils were large and dark; Geralt’s breath caught in his throat and he nodded silently in agreement. “Much better, pet.”
“Milord, please,” the Witcher gasped. Jaskier bit and sucked languidly at the skin above Geralt’s collarbone, somehow radiating a sense of laziness and ease despite the harsh movements of his tongue and teeth. The hickey was dark and throbbing when the Viscount finally pulled away. He traced his handiwork with the tip of his pointer finger and Geralt hissed at the contact. It tingled sensationally and the Witcher felt like he might vibrate out of his skin with anticipation. He wanted to be touched. He wanted to be taken. By Jaskier and only Jaskier. His bard. His little Lord. His love.
“Do you want me like this, Geralt?”
“Gods, yes!”
Jaskier waited for a beat and the Witcher realized his mistake.
“I want you, Milord. Take me, please.”
“I’m glad to hear that you feel this way because I want you, too, my darling. Probably twice as badly.”
The young Lord grabbed a fistful of Geralt’s glorious ass and squeezed, smirking like the nobility he was. “Twice.”
“Jaskier,” the Witcher whined. The bard’s mouth was suddenly making its way down towards the laces of his half-open shirt and Geralt felt his breath coming in quick little pants. He moaned quietly when those clever fingers undid the tie in his trousers and began to ease them down and off his legs. The Viscount’s lips were still plastered to his chest, biting and kissing whatever skin he could reach. “Fuck, Jaskier. C’mon.”
“Are you making demands of me, peasant?” Jaskier clucked disappointedly. “Don’t you know your place by now?”
Geralt nearly choked on his tongue. His pants were gone, his shirt had been rucked up to reveal the muscled expanse of his abdomen, and his bard was licking across his hip-bone. All he could do was whine and shudder and take it. He wanted to lay there and take whatever Jaskier was willing to give. Torture like this? Well worth it, in the Witcher’s opinion. 
“Jaskier, please.”
“Naughty Witchers don’t get what they’re after,” Jaskier shook his head. “You’ll just have to learn the hard way.”
Geralt was about to ask what exactly his bard had meant by ‘the hard way’ but every thought imaginable flew from his head as soon as Jaskier’s lips closed over the head of his recently-freed cock. “Shit!”
The noble smirked from between the Witcher’s legs and pushed himself further, taking as much of Geralt as he could back into his throat. He pressed his hands down over the Witcher’s hips, holding him flat against the mattress in an incredibly show of strength, and hummed. 
“Oh! Oh Jas- fuck Jaskier,” the man beneath him gasped. Jaskier bobbed his head a few times before pulling back with a soft pop and a grin. Geralt was trembling, his hands fisted tightly into the bedclothes. “Milord?”
“Geralt,” the bard sighed, sitting up and leaning over the Witcher once again. He ran the back of his knuckles across his companion’s lightly stubbled cheek and smiled softly. “May I take you apart, my love?”
“Of course.” Jaskier leaned down slowly, letting Geralt take a little bit of control back for himself. The Witcher breathed in once, slowly, and exhaled just as carefully. He closed the distance between them and gave his beloved bard a soft and caring embrace. Jaskier wasn’t the kind of person to tell falsehoods. Embellish the truth for a song or a good story? Of course. But outright lying? That would have infuriated the bard. 
“I love you...too.”
“Excellent. Now that we’ve settled things,” the brunette wiggled his eyebrows mischievously and Geralt watched as he turned instantly from Lord Julian Alfred Pankratz to Jaskier the Bard. He watched Jaskier’s hand as it snaked down between them and Geralt found himself awash in pleasure once again, “I’m going to ruin you, Witcher!”
Geralt groaned and tossed his head back against the pillows. 
Jaskier never lied.
“Fuck!” Jaskier thrust harder and curled his body over Geralt’s. He could feel the damp curls of his chest hair sliding against the skin of the Witcher’s back, already sweat-slick from their first round of lovemaking. 
It had been loving and tender and surprisingly gymnastic; but after a few minutes of snuggling and continued kissing in the afterglow, Geralt had levered himself onto his elbows and knees and arched his spine so fucking temptingly that Jaskier had bitten his knuckle close to bloody in an effort to keep from screaming aloud and scaring the castle guards. Again, Geralt had ordered. 
Jaskier was loath to disobey.
“Oh! Jask-Jaskier!”
“Yeah?” the bard laughed triumphantly. He snapped his hips forward again at the same angle and Geralt bowed beneath him. The Witcher had his glorious pecs buried in the mattress and his hands fisted in the sheets above his head. He looked like a godsdamned feast and Jaskier was taking his fill while he could. The Viscount pushed in again, aiming carefully, and Geralt released another shuddering moan.
“Jaskier, please can-”
“Oh, my love,” the bard moved one hand from its place at Geralt’s hip to the front side of his body. He took hold of the Witcher’s glorious cock and tugged a few times in rhythm with his thrusts. It didn’t take much to work his overstimulated lover through a second orgasm. “You feel incredible, Geralt.”
“Jaskier,” the Witcher sighed, lax and jelly-like beneath his bard. “I love you.”
“I love you too, darling. Now let’s get cleaned up and talk about how this experience has changed our relationship for the better, yeah?”
Geralt nodded, no longer scared of losing Jaskier.
Not after that. 
Not after all the love and power and self-confidence the bard had shown him here tonight; Jaskier could take care of himself. They were more than ready for this. Geralt was more than ready for this. He reached out, cupping the bard’s soft face in his large, calloused hand. “As long as you promise to stay by my side, my love, I’m ready for anything.”
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That anon gave me an idea for a request. How would The First user react of seeing his child after his s/o gave birth and how would he be with his s/o during pregnancy and then how would he be with his baby. Set in an AU where he didn't have to fight AFO also the other users are also alive and react to become uncles and aunts. Hope this isn't too much! I love ur writing! Keep it up!
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First User has a child, All One for All users alive AU
[f/n] = first name
[s/c] = skin color
[h/l] = hair length 
[h/c] = hair color
[e/c] = eye color
A/N: Just to make it easier on myself, I will be referring to the first user as Yuichi. But that is just for this request. Also side note, “Ichi” is the kanji for “one”. Second user will be called Ganji Nishizaka, “Ni” is the kanji for “two”. Third user will be called Wakaba Sans, “San” is the kanji for “three”. Sixth user will be called Okada Roku, “Roku” is the kanji for “six”. 
Possible Manga Spoilers ahead?  
To say that Shigaraki [f/n] is nervous, is an understatement. She’s only been married for nine years to her husband Shigaraki Yuichi and now she is pregnant. And someone people may say that nine years of marriage is the prefect time to be having kids. But [f/n] doesn't think so. Also having a child is a lot of responsibility that not everyone is ready for. 
“Okay little one, how am I going to tell you daddy?” [f/n] wonders to herself as she stands before the mirror of the bathroom. 
“Hey, [f/n] are you okay in there?” Asks her long time friend Shimura Nana. 
“Yeah, be out in a minute.” [f/n] says taking a deep breath. 
[f/n] steps out of the bathroom to see Nana waiting for her in the hall. Nana takes one look at [f/n] before she gasps excitedly. Quickly, [f/n] covers Nana’s mouth. 
“Not a word.” [f/n] snaps in a whisper. 
“Okay, okay.” Nana whispers softly. “How long?”
“About a week. I had been feeling sick and then I went to the doctors early this morning.”
“By yourself?” 
“How are you going to tell him?”
“Not sure yet. But just dont say anything okay.” [f/n] begs. 
“Okay.” Nana nods. 
[f/n] smiles softly as she and Nana enter the living room. Yuichi is out with the boys of their friend group; Ganji Nishizaka, Wakaba Sans, Hikage Shinomori, Banjo Daigoro, and Okada Ruko. Apparently it was Daigoro’s idea to have a “guys’ day” and let the girls have time to themselves since they are surrounded by men. And the others agreed since it sounded nice. 
“What do you think the boys are doing?” Nana asks. 
“Probably at a bar.”
“Poor Shinomori then. He’s probably being forced to pretend he’s someone’s man.” 
“You know he enjoys doing that.” [f/n] giggles. 
“Yeah but still. Eventually he’s gonna snap and someone’s going to get sent to the hospital and press charges.” 
“Doubt that. But I get what you’re saying.” 
{A few hours later}
Nana leaves a few minutes before Yuichi returns. Thankfully Yuichi isn’t drunk but there is a huge smile on his face as he sees [f/n]. He wraps his arms around her forcing her into a long hug. 
“And what has gotten into you?”
“Missed you.” He says. 
“Did you?”
“You didnt miss me?” He asks pretending to be hurt.
[f/n] rolls her [e/c] eyes and says, “Of course I did.” 
Yuichi smiles and leans in for a tender kiss. [f/n] smiles into the kiss as she relaxes into his arms. Yuichi slowly pulls away breaking the kiss and stares into [f/n]’s eyes for a moment. 
“So, how was your day with Nana?”
“It was good. We just had tea and talked. What did you boys end up doing.” 
“Daigoro thought it be fun to take us to new club that opened up. We spent about twenty minutes trying to get Roku inside because he didnt look like he was old enough to go in as far as the bouncer was concerned.” Yuichi explains getting [f/n] to laugh. 
“Oh poor Ruko.” [f/n] laughs imagining just how pissed Ruko was and Daigoro, Sans, and Nishizaka laughing their asses off.
“You never did tell me where you went earlier today.” Yuichi says becoming serious. 
“Well, I didnt want to worry you. I went to doctors to figure out what was wrong with me. I should have the tests back by the end of the week.” [f/n] lies trying not to bite her lip. 
She hates lying to her husband. But for now, until she figures out a way to tell him, she is gonna have to. 
{A few days later}
“You still haven’t told him!?” Nana demands over the phone. 
“Nana, quiet down.” [f/n] begs. “It’s not easy. I thought you of all people would understand.” 
“I do. Which is why you should just tell him. You and I both know Yuichi will be happy knowing he is going to be a father.” Nana says. 
“Yeah, yeah I know.” [f/n] sighs. 
“You could always ask Shinomori for advice. I mean that’s how I told my husband I was pregnant by going to him.” Nana explains. 
“I guess it wouldn’t hurt.” [f/n] nods. 
After ended the call with Nana, [f/n] calls Shinomori. 
“Hello?” His deep voice resonates from the other line. 
“Hey Shinomori, it’s me [f/n]. I need your advice on something.” 
“Sure. What you need?”
“Well...the thing is...”
“You’re pregnant aren’t you?”
“Yeah, been for two weeks now.”
“And you haven’t told Yuichi yet?”
“No, which is why I’m calling you. Nana told me that you helped her tell her husband.” 
“I did. With Yuichi, I think the easiest way to tell him is buy a baby outfit that looks like his favorite hero.” 
“That could work. Thanks, Shinomori.”
“No problem. Happy I could help.”
“Also, I have to know, how are you still not married yet? Seriously you’d make a great husband for someone.” 
“I am aware, but I dont think marriage is for me.”
“I understand that, but when was the last time you went on a date or got laid for that matter.”
“Oh, god now your sounding like Daigoro.”
“Hey that’s a valid question as a cornered friend who sees you as a older brother.” 
“Much appreciated and I do see you as a sister. Good luck telling Yuichi.” 
“Thanks Shinomori.” 
{The next day}
Finding the baby outfit of Yuichi’s favorite hero was easy. Now all she has to put is put in a place he’ll find it. That’s when [f/n] recalls that Yuichi has adult onesie of his favorite hero that he wears every once and while. She finds that onesie and lays it and the baby outfit on the bed. She also adds the test from the doctors to confirm it. With that done, all she needs to do now is wait. 
Yuichi comes home from work a hour later. He greets [f/n] like he normally does with a smile, a kiss, and a hug. After which he heads into the bedroom to change and get comfortable. 
Watching him head into their room, she waits for his reaction. Hearing footsteps she looks to see him come back into the kitchen holding the onesie with tears in his eyes. 
“A-A-Are we really?” 
“We are.” [f/n] nods with a smile. 
Yuichi breaks down into tears as he grabs [f/n] into a hug and swings her around. He laughs while she yelps. He plants a kiss on her lips completely overwhelmed in joy. 
{Telling the others}
“YES!” Daigoro cheers. “More children for us to spoil!” 
“About time.” Nishizaka shrugs. 
“Finally mini Yuichis!” Sans jokes. 
“What about mini [f/n]s?” Asks Roku. 
“You’ll both be great parents.” Shinomori says with a smile. 
“Agreed. Picked our the godparents yet?” Nana asks. 
“Shinomori and you for sure.” [f/n] says.
“HAHA Yes!” Nana cheers. 
“I’d be honored.” 
“Hey a kid can have more than two godparents.” Daigoro says a bit hurt he wasn't chosen. 
“You’re the fun uncle remember?” Asks Ruko.
“Oh right.” Daigoro smiles.  
{During the pregnancy}
[f/n] is surprised how much Yuichi involves himself in the pregnancy. Like, WOW, he is involved. He reads a lot of parenting books and researches tons of baby stuff. He brings up a few things he’s learned with [f/n] to see if she might be willing to try them. It’s a little endearing, but [f/n] doesn’t mind. She knows that he is just excited and nervous. 
Also Yuichi has been handling her hormones, carvings, and mood swings pretty well. Of course, [f/n] can’t help but think he might be venting to Shinomori or Nana’s husband to help get through it. And if he is, well [f/n] can’t blame him. 
There is also the fact that Yuichi has taken over getting the baby’s room ready. They still dont know the gender because they want it to be a surprise. 
“H-Hey, Yuichi can you rub my feet?” [f/n] asks as they sit on the couch. 
“Sure.” Yuichi says moving toward her feet. 
“Thank you.” [f/n] says beginning to fall asleep.
“You’re welcome my love.” Yuichi says leaning to plant a kiss on [f/n]’s cheek. 
{When the baby is born}
Needless to say, [f/n] thought she broke Yuichi’s hand during the birth. However she is pleasantly surprised to find that she didn’t. Of course Yuichi admits that her grip did hurt. Holding their, newly born son, [f/n] tries to hold the tears back. 
Their son has his father’s hair, green eyes, but your [s/c] skin and your mother’s oddly symmetrical freckles.
“What do you want to name him?” [f/n] asks Yuichi. 
“Hmm...Izuku.” Yuichi says. 
“After your grandfather?”
“Alright then. Shigaraki Izuku it is.”
Okay, so I probably should have done this headcannon style, but then I thought, why not try writing it as a short? And once I started I couldn’t stop. Also thank you Anon for this request and I hope you like it. 
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mintvender · 3 years
UTOPIA [ 5 ]
Pairing: BTS x Y/N
Synopsis: Y/N L/N, the name of the current monarch of Corea. They became the ruler after successfully ending the previous king along with the dynasty as well. In their harem, countless men are present to help balance the court’s power. However, is this truly their intentions? The palace was always a place that needs to be proceeded with caution but as time goes by, recklessness would most likely outweigh it. You found yourself unable to prosper the kingdom without being too connected to it.
Warning: Nothing
Word Count: 5k
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Blinking confusingly at the person presented in front of you, your brain seemed to have yet come to terms at the sudden event. The person — and his crew was supposed to arrive in three days but was now standing in front of you, even so triumphantly?
Guessing that your expressions have made him laugh, you presumed that he was having a little too much fun despite his rude actions.
I mean who wouldn’t be annoyed by an unexpected guest who came on short notice and appeared days before the initial expected date? Especially if that person acts as an envoy between the two nations, as well as his own business.
Regardless, despite the major annoyance that was ticking you off, you continued to wait for the commotion to go down.
With the newly arrived guest, the palace seemed to have been lit with a new fire. From the great halls to even the tightest crevices, everyone is curious of the person’s purpose of returning, especially when they have such an intimate relationship with you.
Though, you would like to admit that ‘intimate’ was a little too exaggerated and over the top.
Anyways, as expected, after sensing your unusual yet eerie silence, people began to quiet down, knowing to not piss get on your nerves and piss you off.
After everyone has calmed down and put their attention on him, the Merchant formally greeted you, the ruler.
“ Greetings to the Emperor/Empress of Corea.”
His smooth yet experienced way of taking was unmistakingly one of the reasons why you’re so intrigued with him. Everyone knows that merchants are those who make a living by haggling the best price of a product using their mouth and skill. The Merchant, in some ways resembles that stereotype, however, he is also much more.
The way that he presents himself is full of confidence, making people think of him as more of a businessman rather than a lowly and sly stealer of the streets. There is this elegant yet comforting feeling whenever the Merchant open his mouth to speak, thus gaining your interest and soon after, friendship.
“ Merchant of the South,” you looked down nochantly at his folded form, “ it has been a while.”
Gracefully brushing your hands, you motioned him to stand up.
Standing up proudly, you could tell how much the Merchant values his own self just by the confidence that is radiating off him.
Grinning at your greeting, he gracefully replied, “ Indeed, your majesty. The months that I’ve spent here in the capital went by abnormally fast that when the final date arrived, I could no longer believe it myself.”
Smirking at his flattery response, you had to make sure that he knows that you are willing to join the game. After all, it does take two to tango right?
“ The feelings are mutual,” you said, leaning against the throne to showcase your dominance, “ Since you’ve arrived in such short notice, is there a particular reason that I had yet been aware of?”
Contradicting to you wanting to follow the flow, you knew that there were more important things to talk about now. Also, you guys both have plenty of time to tease and flirt with each other so there is no worries on that part there.
Instead cowering in fear at at your sudden harsh question, the Merchant only looked at you. You also may or may not have detected a small smirk that was imprinted on his face.
Cheeky minx, he must have known that I wouldn’t be able to do anything to him.
— for many reasons of course.
Aside from his obvious confident — arrogant aura, the sight opposite of you was definitely a sight you wouldn’t expect from anyone but the Merchant.
With his infamous hobby of collecting whatever he finds interesting, it was a given he would be flaunting his newest valuable assets to the entire world. This time, also, was definitely not an exception.
From the simplest accessories that were embedded into his hair, to the silk robe he adorned in, anyone could tell that they were all made from top-quality products — probably custom made for his build.
“ Answering your majesty’s question, the purpose of this visit is similar to the last,” he started, “ However, unlike last time, I am here to act as an envoy between the Ecenyth Nation and Corea.”
Immediately after, the atmosphere became cold and tense. Your humble expression no longer being found and instead is replaced with a confused, then emotionless, and finally discontent.
Tilting your head slightly to look over at Jungkook, who also looked baffled himself at the given news. Glancing over to your attendant who also shook his head, you couldn’t help but grind your teeth in irritation.
“ Envoy, you say?” You gritted out, “ Why did I not get informed of such matters?”
Not only did the Ecenyths disrespect you as the current Emperor/Empress and your entire nation by miscalculating the arrival times, but they also dared to send an envoy without you having any say in this? And to employ the Merchant into this position, taking advantage of your friendship with him?
How daring of them!
Before the Merchant can answer your question, a servant from behind raised up from his spot and answered in his stead.
“ We apologized, your majesty. There must have been some complications during the process of delivering the message about sending over an envoy. I reassure you that we did indeed send over a message a few months ago.”
Shooting the servant who dared to talk in front of you a glare,making the servant cowered in fear at the distaste he was getting from both you and his master.
They even have the guts to let a servant retort back to me.
Biting back a sarcastic comment you didn’t want to let out to further sour the relationship between the two nations, you slammed your hand in frustration.
Flinching at the sudden noise, everyone tensed up at your precarious action knowing that you weren’t a person who would act rashly. Meaning that you must have been terribly offended that you have let your emotions win the best of you.
You must admit that connecting the two nations is what you originally wanted but why do they have to resort to this kind of method? You painfully wanted to ask but refrained, and swiftly waved your hand, dispersing the previous tense air.
It wouldn’t benefit either side if I were to act up now, especially if we were the ones asking for this alliance.
“ Forget it, it’s no use to question a bystander. General Kim, go and investigate.”
With just a mention of his name, General Kim stepped up from his spot and accepted your command.
Nodding slightly at his gesture, you set your attention back to the Merchant.
“ Since the problem is under way, don’t you think we have to celebrate successfully connecting the two nations, M— no I should say Envoy of Ecenyth?”
Noticing how the Merchant seems to wince slightly at his new title coming out of your mouth, he, nonetheless, enthusiastically nodded his head in agreement.
“ Of course, your majesty. A luxurious banquet would greatly please the imperial family.”
“ I imagine so,” pretending to take his comment in consideration, you innocently asked, “ Say, Envoy of Ecenyth, what do you think will be appropriate for this upcoming memorable day?”
Catching on to what you were doing, Jungkook couldn’t help but shook his head, knowing what you were up to. However, he couldn’t help but feel a sudden itch in his chest, particularly near his heart.
After the initial scaring last night, Jungkook did indeed become more suspicious of your actual identity. Despite his ever-lasting curious mind wanting to know everything, what worried him more was you disappearing out of thin air. To top it off, you didn’t even bother to tell him of you leaving the palace.
He gets it that you’re mysterious, but as your bodyguard, he more than thinks that he should at least be informed of your departure. How would he be able to cope at the various possibilities of you getting hurt because of him not being present? He knows that you’re strong but having him there decreases the chance of you getting injured.
As he continues to hear the witty exchanges between you and the Merchant, Jungkook’s heart clenches uncomfortably. Unconsciously placing his hand on his chest, rubbing it hurriedly, Jungkook desperately wanted to get rid of such an uncomfortable feeling.
Sweat began to accumulate on his forehead when he thought of the possibility of him getting ill. However, he was snapped out of his chain of thought with the mentioned of his name.
“ Good, good. I like your idea,” you complimented, “ Come to my private quarters tomorrow night. We will talk more about it there. Jungkook will be escorting you there when I deemed appropriate.”
While Jungkook seemed flustered by your order, the Merchant was happily nodding his head in agreement.
Similar to Jungkook’s reaction, the audience that were previously watching your interaction in curiosity, was bewildered by your sudden invitation but decided to be quiet and not question you.
“ I shall follow your majesty’s plan.”
You nodded, waving your hand to dismiss the envoy.
After they have left, you continue the audience like any other day. Before you even know it, piles of scrolls were crowding up the trays.
Sighing, you definitely couldn’t wait to start working on this new accumulated pile. However, before starting to dig through this pile, you better take a break and exercise.
☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️
Standing amidst the training ground, you stared at your opponent in silence, your right hand gripping a practice sword, ready to start attacking.
About 15 meters to your right, an eunuch was standing there, waiting for the both of you to go to your rightful place. After confirming that you were there, he shouted out a command, officially starting your duel.
Not waiting for him to react, you knew that you would have to initiate today’s fight since you have just gained a new weakness; your injured arm being of no use and even creating an opening for the opponent to aim for.
Thankfully, with all the servants present, Jungkook inevitably has to be more polite and gentler when going against you since harming you can be seen as treason; and just with his identity, treason isn’t something unexpected.
Darting towards him in swift movements, you quickly close the gap between the two of you. Swinging your blade, clashing against his own, you both continue to attack each other.
Ducking down at a slash aimed at your chest, you swing your leg in a circle, successfully bringing Jungkook to the ground. However to your dismay, Jungkook took the opportunity and brought you down with him.
Toppling on top of Jungkook, you snatched his weapon out of his grasp, Jungkook doing the same with yours, the both of you throwing your guys’ weapon in opposite directions. You both smile at each other, surprised at how synchronized you both are.
Quickly applying pressure to his shoulders to hold him down, you offered him a sly smile.
“ You’re distracted today.”
Eyes widening like a deer caught in headlights, Jungkook stared at you in disbelief. However, instead of normally finding it cute, you felt annoyance coursing through your veins.
Leaning down towards his right ear, you whispered, “ Didn’t I say that when we are outside, don’t show any unneeded emotions?”
Feeling the warm air tickle his skin, Jungkook couldn’t help but shuddered at the humidity. Feeling his face heating up at your close proximity, a flustered cloud began to corrupt his currently sobered mind.
Unconsciously licking his lips, he looked into your eyes, completely ignoring your question. You, however, were too far into your head to even noticed the gaze he was giving you.
“ Hmm? Not answering me now?”
Unconsciously tugging his lips down forming a pout, he looked at you with such a deadly gaze making you unable to continue teasing him. Feeling the need to tease him melt away, you both were now left with an awkward air of silence, with you still pinning him down.
Hastily standing up, you pulled out your arm to offer him assistance. Grabbing your hand, Jungkook quickly stood up before distancing himself from you, still flustered from what had just happened.
Stealing glances at his direction, you acknowledged how similar he is to a tomato — as crimson as anyone can get, really. You were sure that you were on that route also, but you definitely won’t let it affect you as much as Jungkook does.
Glancing over to one of the maids, you motioned them to come over. Grabbing one of the cloth that was prepared, you began to wipe your sweaty face with it before dismissing all the servants.
Finally, you can breathe normally with no potential spies.
“ I think that’s enough for today, Jungkook,’ you said, turning around you, going to get both of yours and his swords, “ Go back and rest for today.”
Shaking his head in deny, Jungkook ran up to you, “ Your majesty, who would prote—“
Despite his obvious resistance, you didn’t look over to his direction and instead walk over to the cabin nearby, “ Not you of course.”
“ But your majesty, I can continue t—“
Entering the cabin, you approached one of the nearby wooden shelves, carefully setting the swords to its original positions, “ With you being this distracted, I would die before you would even be able to unsheathe your sword.”
Turning around, you headed towards the small table while hearing all of Jungkook’s excuses. Taking a seat facing opposite of him, you gestured for him to join you. Reluctantly, Jungkook took a seat in front of you. However, before he could even open his mouth to continue his speech, you were quick to start yours.
“ So tell me, why are you so distracted today?”
Choosing to find interest in the swirls of the wooden table, Jungkook stayed silence at your questioning.
Seeing how quiet he suddenly became, you knew that something major must have happened if it would bother him this much.
“ What happened? Did someone bully you again?”
Shaking his head, Jungkook diverted his attention to the various weapons displayed in the room.
“ Then?”
Continuing to question him, you crossed your left leg over your right, leaning against the chair and patiently waited for his answer.
Soon enough, Jungkook became much more agitated, “ If I tell you the reason, you promised to not yell at me?”
“ Yell at you? Did you break something?”
“ No, no, no, that’s not what happened.”
“ Then what?”
Looking up to meet your eyes, he hesitantly answered, “ It’s about you disappearing yesterday’s night.”
“ Hmm?... you were worried about me?”
Feeling his cheeks heat up at your comment, Jungkook wanted to dig up a whole and hide there forever. Letting out a nod as a response, you smiled amusingly at his answer.
“ Don’t worry. I won’t kill myself,” you mindlessly said.
At your statement, Jungkook immediately looked at you, stunned at what you just said.
“ Kill yourself? That was a possibility? Did you get injured last night?”
“ Of course not. How would I get injured if I was going out for a walk.”
“ A walk? Outside of the palace?”
“ … Is that a problem?”
Shaking his head, “ Of course not, I wouldn’t dare… but I would have preferred to go out with you.”
Pretending to not hear what he said, you leaned closer, “ I beg your pardon? Repeat that again.”
Seeing him attempting to come up with coherent responses, you find yourself developing a need to pinch his cheeks.
Fidgeting with his fingers, he meekly rephrased his words, “ If you may, the next time you go for an outing, especially during the night, please tell me. At least I would know where you are.”
Satisfied with his reply, you reached over and gently patted his head soothingly, “ I will try.”
Even though your comment was not the best, it assured him that you will still put in the effort to tell him beforehand.
Deciding to end the conversation at that, you stood up and began to leave. Before fully stepping out of the shed, you stopped and waited for Jungkook.
Seeing that you were waiting for him, Jungkook swiftly stood up and approached you.
Staring at you, Jungkook couldn’t help but be curious of your identity before entering the palace.
Who are you?
The walk back to your courtyard was silent yet comfortable. Though, that soon got cut short the moment you entered your study.
Your attendant, Chin-Hwa, who was busily organizing your workload but immediately came to your side the moment he sensed you coming in.
“ Reporting to your majesty, the candidates for your future concubines have arrived.”
Perking in interest at the newly given information, you gaze over at the scrolls already stacked on your desk. Heading over to the desk, you sat down on the chair and began to look through the pile of scrolls, knowing that Jungkook has already dismissed himself from your presence.
Mentally sighing at the tall pile in front of you, you begrudgingly took the top one and unfolded it. Untying the knot, you skillfully unroll the scroll and examine the portrait on it. Skimming through the little synopsis at the left corner, you were quick to roll it back and put it on the side, swiftly moving on to the next one.
“ The ministers have gone through this?”
“ Yes, your majesty. The ministers wanted the absolute best for the Empress/Emperor.”
“ Tch, more like to keep a collar around my neck,” you muttered.
Continuing to go through the scrolls, one after another began to find themselves in the denied tray. Truthfully, at this point, you wouldn’t really care who entered your harem. As a result, you were just mindlessly flipping through the scrolls for show.
About half way through the pile, you find yourself staring at a particular portrait. You can still identify the brush strokes that have left a warm beige color behind. High cheekbones that perfectly compliments his bright eyes, and cherry-liked lips to highlight his beautiful features.
For the first time in the entire evening, Chin-Hwa supervised the scroll’s journey to the accepted tray, content that you have at least chosen one. This way, he, at least, doesn't have to hear the ministers complain about how the harem is so limited for a few weeks, better yet, a few months even.
The next candidate was chosen two-thirds of the way through. He was a son of a merchant that has recently entered high nobility after his debut. With both good looks and a wealthy background, he was sure a sight for the eyes.
Placing him to the still-empty tray, you tiredly rub your eyes, exhausted by today’s events.
Aimlessly thrusting your arm out, you randomly picked out a scroll and threw it over to the tray, deciding to end the day.
“ That’s enough for today,” you said, letting out a yawn.
Chin-Hwa, who was equally tired as you, sleepily nodded his head in agreement. Grabbing the trays, he began to compile them together.
“ The ones I have chosen will enter the palace as concubines.”
Chin-Hwa, who previously couldn’t keep in a yawn, stopped himself in the process when he heard your words. Running around the table to your side, he gave you a looked to help him confirm what he had just heard.
Not wanting to answer him, you just nodded, getting ready to leave your study. Unfortunately, Chin-Hwa was quick to latch onto your clothes, desperately tugging you the opposite way.
“ Your majesty, please reconsider. These candidates are sons of well known figures and nobles from foreign countries. They will act as the bridge to connect the two countries,” he pleaded, “ Making them concubines, with no official power will anger the countries.”
Looking down at the pitiful figure, you let out a sigh and tried to get him to detangle his limbs with yours but to no avail. Combined with how exhausted you were, Chin-Hwa’s stubbornness was beginning to get under your skin.
“ Chin-Hwa, if you don’t detach yourself from my leg, don’t think I wil—”
Thankfully, knowing what you were suggesting, your attendant immediately jumped away from you, almost as if he was allergic to your presence.
“ Do as I say,” you ordered, “ If any of the ministers say anything, direct them to me. I will speak with them personally if there is any problem.”
Flinching at your sudden tone, Chin-Hwa knew to not get on your nerves and followed your orders. He hurriedly grabbed the scrolls, and headed out of the room to deliver them to the department who manages the harem.
Despite how constant the minister pesters him, he nonetheless prefers their annoying whines than your simple yet chilling stare.
Seeing him step out of the study, you felt as though a ton of bricks had been lifted off your chest, breathing becoming much easier than before. Bringing your hand to the top of your nose, you tiredly rubbed them hoping to rub away some of the strain.
Stepping out of the study, you proceeded to your private chambers, ready to get some rest. However, your gut was telling you that the moment the sun rises, chaos will ensue whether you like it or not.
☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️ ☁️
Wincing at the rays of sunlight that have victoriously passed through your eyelids, you unconsciously raise your left arm to cover your eyes, leading to you letting out a silent groan. Immediately relaxing your arm, you let it drop to your side, doing the exact same move but with the only uninjured arm.
Tugging the blanket over your head, you let out a happy sigh, snuggling into the soft fabric comfortably.
Despite knowing that the sun is already on its way to the highest point, you continue to dismiss the idea and instead utilise this time to relax and stay in bed. Unfortunately, a knock had cut your time short with your blanket.
Letting out a curse, you groggily sat up, mindlessly yawning caused by your previous slumber. Mindfully stretching out your body, careful to not cause a strain to your injured arm, you looked over at the shadow glazing over the thin veils.
Leaning against the bed, you allowed the person to enter.
Gently pushing your doors open, Jungkook quickly entered, closing the doors after his entrance, eyes shaking in anxiousness.
Seeing his frantic state, you couldn’t help but be intrigued at the upcoming news.
“ What is it?”
“ I apologize for interrupting your majesty in such an early time,” Jungkook said, bowing down in greeting and apology, “ However, there is currently a turmoil — commotion within the palace.”
“ For what reason?” You asked, despite you already having a feeling of knowing the reason.
Seeing how nonchalant you are, Jungkook gulped down a mouthful of air, and hesitantly answered, “ … Reporting to your majesty, the ministers as well as the harem appeared to have contradict opinions on admitt— expanding the harem.”
Defeatedly sighing at your correct gut feeling, you no longer felt the want to relax in bed. Scooting over to the edge of the bed, you rise up to your feet before going over to the table, taking a seat facing a standing Jungkook. Pouring yourself a cup of tea to hydrate yourself while glancing over to the doors, imagining how chaotic it truly is behind those doors.
“ What do they want to achieve by knocking on by door at this time of the day?”
“ To my knowledge, many of the ministers have gathered for a personal audience with your majesty.”
“ Without notifying me beforehand?” you sarcastically said, “ How desperate… What’s the harem’s response to this?”
“ The harem has been silent about this matter but I guarantee you that none of the consorts are satisfied.”
Looking down at your cup, seeing your image reflected on the surface, you smiled, “ Satisfied? Is that really an appropriate word? Of course they wouldn’t be happy with my decision. No sane person would want to share the same spouse, especially with how similar this relationship is to a life-contract.”
Setting the cup down, you stood up and approached Jungkook, who only looked at you, stunned. Placing your right hand against his cheek, “ You must be confused. Think of this as … you applying what you have learned thus far. You might now understand what I’m doing, but when you piece these seemingly useless and reckless decisions together, I guarantee you that you will be surprised.”
Retracting your hand, you chuckle at how flustered the boy looks. Turning around, you headed to the window before pushing the doors open, bathing in the warm sunlight.
“ Sometimes, Jungkook, you have to sacrifice your personal feelings for a greater cause, a greater benefit,” you explained, admiring how bright it is, “ In these times, your personal feelings and emotions are what caused you to be vulnerable. Greedy — bad people feed off your vulnerability and benefit from your weakness.”
Feeling him approach you, you momentarily stop your speech before continuing after sensing him stand a meter away from you.
“ That’s why, in order to prevent getting used as a shield or even control, you must hide that vulnerable side,” turning around, you meet his confused gaze, “Better yet, destroy it even.”
Seeing how distracted he has become, you quickly throw your arm out, unsheathing his sword, pressing it against his skin.
Not able to react in time, Jungkook could only stand there, completely paralyzed under your deadly stance.
“ See this? I have just utilized your weakness and turned it into my killer move. If I really want you dead, your head would have been separated before you even bat an eyelash.”
Continuing to press the blade against his skin, you applied more pressure until the skin began to break and blood ooze out. Withdrawing the sword, you wiped the blood with the towel nearby before putting it back to its case.
Bringing your hand up to hold his head in place, you examined the start change that you have inflicted on him.
“ It’s just a scratch. No need for a bandage,” you said, “ I’ve just shown you a very direct example. Most of the time, it won’t be that obvious.”
Jungkook nodded, bringing his hand up, rubbing his neck sheepishly.
“ You don’t have to understand what I mean instantly. Go back today, and think about what I just told you. Questions will be answered the next time we see each other.”
At your words, Jungkook unconsciously tilted his head, “ You won’t be attending the audience today, your majesty?”
Walking back to your previous spot as you answered, “ I won’t be going. The more desperate they get, the easier they will make a major mistake…”
Grabbing a long ribbon, you began to tie up your hair, “ You’re dismissed.”
Making a final bow, Jungkook quietly exited the door, bringing your words and orders with him. He definitely has to spend some extra time today going through your previous words to try and understand what you were hinting.
Meanwhile, you mentally thanked Jungkook for taking charge of dismissing all those people, not wanting any more distractions to interrupt your day.
Going over to your wardrobe, you began to dress up for the day.
Since you have canceled today’s audience, you have adorn a more casual outfit.
Normally, you would have let the maid dress you up since that was the expected treatment of a monarch. However, with you being injured, you couldn't risk this information exiting your palace from an outsider’s mouth.
You pride yourself in admitting only trusty people or allies, but you could never be too sure. What are the chances of them switching sides for a greater benefit?
After you finished your routine, you called the maids to begin serving breakfast. Soon enough, various dishes were brought in, quickly filling up the table. After dismissing the maids — to their dismay, you quietly ate your food in silence.
After the initial scares from the maid — terrified at the thought of you getting dressed on your own, you were more than glad to finally have some peace.
After breakfast, your day seemed to pass in a blur; with you changing schedules, you were quick to find yourself back in your study, once again going through the countless documents.
Chin-Hwa, who had quickly entered after your arrival, continued to stand by your side in case of you needing any assistance. He did try to mention the matter of the harem candidates multiple times, but was quickly shut down with you interrupting the conversation about another — more important subject.
You weren’t in the mood to have someone lecture you about your harem, especially if you were bound to get told off by other people later on.
Before you knew it, you had finished going through the pile of various affairs with the accommodation of the sun reaching its highest point, signifying that it was time for a break.
Sipping on your tea, you ponder about the evening’s events as you jot down a few ideas. Now that you have finished today’s workload, you have the evening to yourself, without any work-related business to bother you. Instead of doing something productive, you ultimately decided to just go with the flow and see what the evening will present you with.
As if waiting for you to decide on that, a maid came into the study along with an unexpected announcement.
Bowing at your presence, the maid said, “ Your majesty, there is a guest wanting to meet you.”
Hearing that, you knew that this particular person wasn’t an official since they wouldn’t have the permission to even interact with Chin-Hwa with Jungkook guarding the gate. Meaning that this person must have some importance and have a close relationship with the servants.
“ Who?”
“ The Imperial Consort, your majesty.”
Smiling at the title mentioned, you set down your brush.
Fate must really enjoy playing with me.
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~MintVender ( 27/03/21 )
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imaginesandinserts · 4 years
Irreverent Pt. 13 - Better Man
Title: Irreverent Pt. 13 - Better Man Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x Reader Rating: T (Teen) Words: 2214
Irreverent Series Masterlist
You'd spent the night thinking through the end of the case and the showdown with Dawson. You'd made peace with Hotch shooting Dawson - he had been trying to manipulate you, and you had to admit that without him taking the reins on confronting Dawson, you weren't sure how it would've ended. And that thought scared you. The next morning, when you woke up, you laid in bed and debated calling out sick. Hotch would totally see through it, but considering the circumstances he might just let it slide.
But no, Strauss was meeting with your father today and she had asked you to be there as well. At least you were invited this time. As you got dressed, your entire body felt heavy and unwilling to cooperate. By the time you were ready, you were already running late.
When you entered the office, everyone else was already there. You mumbled good mornings to them and went to grab coffee before settling in. "How're you doing, Y/N?" You looked up to see Spencer peering at you from across your desks, but both Derek and Emily were also obviously.
Before you could reply, you heard Hotch's voice. "Y/N, can you please come up here?" Hotch was calling to you from his office. He had his grey suit on today that he rarely wore and a nice blue tie that you couldn't recall having seen before. I wonder if he has a date. The thought infiltrated your mind as you entered his office and saw that Rossi was there as well.
"Hey, good morning Hotch. Rossi." You nodded to them both before taking a seat in the other chair across from Hotch that Rossi wasn't already occupying. That was more words and much more polite of a greeting than either of them had been expecting from you.
Hotch cleared his throat. "Strauss is on her way up with your father, Y/N," he explained. "Before he gets here, I want you to know that I am sorry that we were unable to get more information from Dawson, but it was an inevitable outcome." His voice was calm and steady. He wanted to make sure you understood and weren't about to create a scene.
"Hotch, I know. I - I know." You let out a large sigh and slumped back into the chair, feeling defeated. "I don't blame you. You don't have to apologize. I just - wish we could've pinned him with something."
"I know." He looked truly upset about the outcome as well.
Right then there was a knock on the door announcing Strauss's arrival. You turned and saw that she didn't wait for Hotch to invite her in, but instead strolled in like she owned the place. Your father was right behind her. Based on how smug he looked, you reckoned she'd already broken the news to him.
Both Hotch and Rossi stood, forcing you to stand as well.
"Agent Hotchner, David, good to see you again. Erin here has just filled me in. Job well done it seems." He had walked in and sat on the couch and Strauss came and sat by him. "Y/N, darling, Papa missed you."
You forced your mouth to turn upwards into what you hoped was a smile but from the expression on Rossi's face you couldn't be sure.
You all sat down, your back completely straight now, and your arms crossed across your chest. Hotch and Rossi started to debrief them on the case and filled them in on the takedown with Dawson - conveniently leaving out the part where they were investigating your father as well. Your father was sat on Hotch's couch with the ease and confidence of a man who could not be touched. It was enough to infuriate anyone. The pompous, manipulative, bastard.
As your father listened to Hotch's report, you could feel his eyes examining you. You kept looking at Hotch to see if he was almost finished yet and to avoid making extended eye contact with your father.
Finally Hotch finished the retelling. You couldn't wait for this to be over, so much so that you were already poised to leap out as soon as you father and Strauss left.
"Well then, I believe congratulations are in order. You have once again rid the world of some evil."
"Thank you, sir."
You thought that would be it and he would leave but he was still sitting. Not looking as though he was about to leave anytime soon. Too relaxed. What now?
"I understand the world just has too many of them." He was speaking deliberately. He was about to make some point for sure. "These…lecherous older men…preying on young girls."
There it was. The way his eyes roamed from you to Hotch as he said lecherous older men made you see red. How dare he imply that Hotch would ever - before you could contain yourself, you'd already spoken. "Don't."
"I'm sorry, what did you say mon cheri?" You father cocked his head to look at you with a pleased glint in his eyes. As though he hadn't just blatantly accused Hotch of looking at you in that disgusting manner.
"I said, don't." You had feared your voice might tremble but you were calm and clear. ou pushed up from your chair and moved towards him as you spoke.  "Don't suggest that he looks at me that way. You have no right to say that. Not here. Not in his office. Not ever!"
Strauss looked bewildered at your behavior, but he'd been expecting it. He had been poking to see where he could push and he'd found it.
And then he ignored you.
"Erin, it appears this case has obviously had some toll on my daughter. Perhaps the two of us can discuss the next items in your office."
Before you could say anything else, he'd opened the door and was leading Strauss out.
"Y/N." Hotch was at your side, his hand on your arm turning you to face him.
"Hotch, he had no right to say that! And don't you dare tell me otherwise."
Hotch looked to Rossi, unsure of what to say or how to proceed. The two of them watched you like you were a ticking bomb. Hotch couldn't believe you'd gone off like that in front of Strauss because of something your dad had insinuated about him. Who cared what that man thought? Hell, the way he'd found himself watching you on the jet on occasion, it wasn't even too far off the mark, not that he'd tell you that.
You were fuming. He was never going to leave you alone. Not unless you went nuclear. In a moment your mind was made up and you purposefully strode to the door, yanking it open. Hotch and Rossi were  hot on your heels as you briskly left his office. The movement upstairs had caught the team's attention as well in the bullpen and they watched the three of you walk one after the other across the top floor.
You quickly walked towards Strauss's office as Hotch tried to stop you. "Y/N, you don't want to do this."
He was wrong. You'd never wanted to do anything more. You didn't even bother knocking this time, just opening the door to Strauss's office and walking in to see your father seated across from her. "Chief Strauss, may I please have a moment alone with my father."
"Agent L/N," Strauss was furious. "I have tolerated your impertinence before, however this -."
"Erin," Rossi had reached the door right behind Hotch who had respectfully stayed outside. "Why don't the two of us go to my office for a moment and let L/N work out a quick family matter?"
She almost dismissed Rossi, but was convinced when your father nodded at her. The power this man held was absolutely absurd.
Breathing hard, you shut the door behind her as Rossi led Strauss away. Hotch was standing guard outside, showing no sign of leaving.
"Y/N," your father was still seated, looking as calm as ever. "What are you doing?"
"I know. I know about Julian," you spat out. "I know what you did."
His face immediately morphed into something unreadable as he processed what you said. "What exactly do you think I did?" His voice was a cold slither that warped your intestines.
"I know you murdered him," you trembled out, tears free flowing down your face now. "I read his journal. You threatened him. You terrorized him. Why?! Because he didn't follow your carefully laid out plan? Because he dared to go against you? How could you do that?! He's your son!"
He looked thunderstruck but did not refute your accusation. You were breathing really hard now and there was no way Hotch hadn't heard that. Hell, with Spencer's lipreading ability and the blinds of Strauss's office being wide open, you wouldn't be surprised if they all knew exactly what you'd said.
You turned away to wipe your face and saw Hotch's form standing outside still. He had positioned himself sideways and was looking straight ahead so as to offer you the illusion of privacy.
"What do you want?" His awful voice was too close now as he had risen to stand right behind you.
"I want you to leave. I want you to leave me and the BAU out of whatever you're planning," you said, attempting to speak as forcefully as you could, trying to mimic the way Hotch spoke to the worst Unsubs to establish dominance.
It was silent for a moment as you waited for him to respond. "You would turn against your father, your family, for this?!" He roared in your face, finally breaking. He was too close, forcing you to back up a couple steps. You stayed quiet and maintained eye contact. "Or, would you turn against me, for him - SSA Aaron Hotchner. Don't think I didn't notice the way you looked at him." His words burned.
"Do not ever think to compare yourself to Agent Hotchner again," you gritted out, your hands clenched by your side. "He is a better man and a better father than you could ever be. There is NO comparison."
His eyes blazed red angry and his hand moved up and hit you across the face with the full brunt of the rings he wore. Before you could react or even truly feel the pain, Hotch had barged in and put himself between the two of you. "You have just assaulted one of my agents. You will leave. Now." His voice was scary and direct, his jaw clenched tight.
They seemed to be in a battle of wills as your father tried to stare Hotch down, but Hotch maintained his position.
"She'll turn on you too one day. Remember that. Her only loyalty is to herself. I should know. I raised her," he spat out, before striding out of the office.
You turned to watch him go and saw that both Emily and Derek had made it half way up the stairs at some point. As your father made his way down, they refused to move, forcing him to squeeze past them.
Hotch was leading you to sit down in the chair your father had vacated, inspecting your face. You were starting to feel the pain of being hit forcefully by metal rings and struggled to stay still as his hands cupped your face and looked it over. "You're going to have some bruising and I'll get a bandage for the cut there, but you should make a full recovery."
"Oh god!" you breathed out. "You're trying to make a joke. The world really is ending." You tried to laugh but your face still hurt and you ended up making a pained face instead.
"You didn't have to say all that." His voice was soft and patient and you felt so safe there with him. He had of course heard everything you'd said through the door, and he couldn't pretend that he hadn't.
"Of course I did." You titled your head up to look at him, and the look in his eyes made you feel so incredibly safe. "And I meant every single word." Hotch just looked at you wordlessly, contemplating what you'd said.
As the rest of the team filtered in and started flustering over you, he kept looking at you. He couldn't believe you'd gone head to head with your father like that - over him. He couldn't believe someone like you could possibly have been raised by that man. You who always listened to Reid and made him feel like someone was truly listening to everything. You who had helped JJ realize how much she truly loved Will and how important it was to him that they were married, to the point that it should be just as important to her. You who stocked your home with all of Jack's favorite foods and always had his favorite beer in the fridge, at your home.
As he watched Emily carefully clean and then place a bandage on the cut at your temple, he felt more than longing for you. Much more. His chest felt heavy and he had to force his breathing to stay regulated at the force of his realization.
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It’s All in the Past - Zuko x Reader
Part 26
Summary: University is starting in less than two weeks and Y/n is in need of a new place closer to campus. Thankfully, she learns an old friend is looking for a roommate. However, this old friend and her might have a lot more in common than she anticipated, which brings up quite a few complications...
Warnings: swearing, violence, mentions of rape
Word Count: 4k ish?
A/N: hey lovelies!! Another part of IAITP is finally here! I’m so sorry for the wait but I had a bit of writers block and this part was a doozy. I know this is technically a smau but this chapter is written out because I didn’t feel the smau format would do it justice. Anywho, I hope y’all enjoy and lmk what u think because u kno I’m a simp for your love and support🥺🥺💕💕
Zuko left the apartment at exactly 8:50pm. It was in his best interest not to take his car, and luckily for him it wouldn’t take long to walk to the location anyway. Merchant Street was about a 7 minute walk away and he knew exactly where to find the broken building; it was an old bank, abandoned about 30 years ago, although, he’s not sure why no one’s bought the land since then. He assumed the rendezvous point was the parking lot behind the building since it was secluded: perfect for an ambush.
Zuko knew this wasn’t a perfect plan... he knew that. But, he only had so many options, and right now this was the best one. Whoever had contacted him had information on him and that meant it was his problem to handle alone. He could understand why y/n was upset with him, and he knew she was only trying to help him, but he wouldn’t put her in a situation like this if he didn’t have to. If they were looking to hurt someone then it would only be him, and he was willing to go through with that if it meant keeping her out of it. Zuko knew what kinds of information they could have found, most of them he assumed were linked to his dad and the company; another reason why Azula would be the perfect person to contact if something went awry. He trusted his friends to keep an eye out for him; they were intelligent and resourceful and he knew they could handle themselves in this situation. He just hoped they would keep their promise and follow his instructions in a worst case scenario.
He came across Merchant Street and the building was in view. Here we go, he thought.
He wasn’t aware of the person trailing him.
The girls knew she was going after Zuko, but y/n didn’t tell Sokka or Aang. She couldn’t exactly trust them to keep their mouths shut if they knew she was leaving, or not to follow along as well, for that matter. Zuko was stubborn, of course, but she was too, and she wasn’t going to let him steal the title of being the strong, brave one of the group. That was her job! Toph could fight her on that title, sure, but she wouldn’t let Zuko have it, no sir! It was hers and that meant she had to follow him. Not because she cared about him obviously, it was about the glory! Okay, no it was because she cared about him. She’d admitted that to the girls and to him earlier anyway so she couldn’t lie to herself. She was worried for him.
Y/n crept out her window about a minute or two after Zuko had left, just to be sure he wouldn’t notice her. After that it was a trek to Merchant Street and to the broken building a few paces after. The night air was chilly so she was glad she’d grabbed her hoodie before climbing outside. It was October now, and even in the dying light she could see the trees start to change colours. It would have been beautiful under different circumstances. Maybe she’d ask Zuko to see it with her when this was all over.
The scenery reminded her a little of autumn with Zuko when they were kids. They’d spend the day with each other at school and then they’d go home and play games in y/n’s backyard. It was always at y/n’s house because Ursa never allowed them to play near her own. Y/n can understand why now, although she didn’t at the time; it’s probably better that she’d stayed away from Ozai as long as she did.
Zuko was a troublemaker when they were younger. But, there was one day in particular that she remembers where Zuko got himself into pretty deep shit, and he almost brought y/n down with him. The school bully had been messing around with the other kids more than usual that day. Usually, he didn’t bother with Zuko or her since Zuko was known for his fiery spirit and could easily take down anyone who tried to mess with him, and because y/n spent so much time with him no one dared to come for her out of fear of what Zuko might do. But, that day the bully was feeling particularly bold...
Zuko reached the back of the building. Across the lot he could make out four figures. As soon as they saw him approach they made their way over to meet him halfway. Once their faces became clearer, Zuko couldn’t believe what he was seeing; or rather who.
“Jet,” Zuko sneered.
“Hey pal. Long time no see.”
“What do you want?” Zuko eyed the other three cautiously. He wasn’t stupid, he knew Jet wouldn’t have brought backup if he wasn’t planning something. Though, Zuko was confident he could take them in a fight if need be.
“Touchy touchy, so eager to get to the point. That’s fine, I figured you would be,” Jet smirked. “Where’re your friends?”
“Not here.”
“Too bad. I was hoping I’d have an audience when I beat the shit out of you,” Zuko stiffened. “Well, not me exactly. My friends here were happy to take up the offer instead.”
“Why’s that? Scared I’ll break your nose a second time?”
At that, Jet growled. He looked like he was about ready to rush in a take a swing at Zuko, but stopped himself.
“Don’t you wanna know what I found?”
“I figured this meet up was more than just a friendly hello, so yeah,” Zuko never let his guard down as they spoke.
“It’s pretty well known that your dad went to prison, I’m not surprised about that. He was a bastard after all, seems to run in the family,” even though he hated his dad, the comment still made Zuko’s blood boil. There were plenty of people in his family who he loved and respected, and he wouldn’t tolerate insults toward them from anybody, let alone this asshole. “But, it looks like there was some pretty illegal shit that went down in the company before he left. The same company you recently took over, am I right?”
“Get to the point, Jet.”
“I don’t think the public would much appreciate it if they knew the kinds of things your company did while your dad was in charge.”
“Like you said, it was when my dad was in charge. Things are different now.”
“It doesn’t make any difference. People don’t care who was in charge when scandals happen, they just care that they happened, and they’ll blame you for it. It’ll ruin you, Zuko.”
“You’re insane.”
Jet laughed, “That’s true.”
“I’ll ask again, then: what do you want?”
“I want my pride back. That night you took y/n away from me hurt, pal. It’s your turn.”
Y/n reached the front of the broken building. She was so caught up in her thoughts she didn’t realize she was already there. The place already felt foreboding, and she was hoping whatever she saw behind the building wouldn’t scare her. Not that she was scared; in fact, she was gearing up to tackle anyone who would dare to hurt her man. Yes, her man. Y/n crept around the side of the building, making sure to keep her body pressed against the brick walls. She could hear the commotion before she saw it, and she poked her head around the corner to watch what was happening.
Zuko, in all his glory, was taking on three guys in a fight while a fourth stood back and watched. Most people didn’t know this about Zuko, but he’d been taking different forms of combat classes since he was little, they both had. The difference was that y/n was much more open about it. So, y/n wasn’t surprised to see Zuko handling the three men with ease, though she was still worried. One thing she had learned was that it didn’t matter how well trained you were... one slip up could be fatal. In this case, she was more angry with him than anything else. She knew it would be dangerous and she had told him that, but he didn’t listen. She just wished she had gotten here earlier so she could understand what their motive was. That’s when she began to analyze who exactly these people were to Zuko, but she immediately regretted that decision when she really looked at the face of the fourth person.
Her heart stopped and her blood ran cold when she recognized him. It was Jet. That slimy bastard was the one behind this whole thing. Of course he was! Zuko must have humiliated Jet more than he let on that night, and while that put a bit of a smile on her face, she wasn’t any more relieved about the situation. Then, her heart stopped a second time, but for a different reason.
Zuko had made a mistake.
A small stone had caught underneath Zuko’s shoe in the darkening space making him stumble just slightly, but it was enough for the other three men to take the advantage. Jet laughed loudly as his ‘friends’ began to pummel Zuko. There was a sickening gleam in his eyes and y/n almost panicked remembering it as the same look he gave her the night of his party. Zuko fell harshly to the ground as the largest of the three men struck him on the side of the head.
No, she thought, fuck fuck fuck.
“Hey!” Y/n yelled running out of her place behind the wall of the building and into the open parking lot. “Stop it!” The men stopped their assault momentarily.
“I thought you’d said none of your friends were coming, Zuko,” Jet sneered. “I’m not mad about this particular friend showing up, though. Makes things more exciting, if you know what I mean.”
Zuko didn’t move much from his position on the ground, but he flicked his eyes up to y/n’s own when he’d heard her voice. At first, there was anger in his expression, and honestly y/n wasn’t surprised to see that, but slowly it turned to worry and regret.
“Y/n what are you doing?!” Zuko’s voice gave a hint of something almost desperate, like he wanted her to leave, but she wouldn’t give him that satisfaction. Even now, she was looking for ways to frustrate the shit out of him; this seemed like the perfect opportunity!
“Well, listen, I know you said not to come with, but honestly it was a little boring without you at home so... here I am!” She gave him a half smirk, Zuko just glared back. “Besides, if I’d known it was Jet who called you here I definitely wouldn’t have let you go by yourself.”
“Trust me, if I’d known it was Jet I wouldn’t have come myself at all.”
“Awe sugar,” Jet interrupted then, directing his words toward y/n, “I love that you’re still thinking about me. Although, I’m a little hurt you chose Zuko here over me, especially considering his history.”
“I told you! I wasn’t even in charge at the ti- argh!” Zuko’s sentence was cut off by a boot to his chest. He began coughing harshly. Y/n looked menacingly at the man responsible, striding forward a few steps.
“I told you to stop,” she growled.
“Or what? What are you gonna do, huh?” the man spoke to her with a chuckle. He was quite large, broad in the shoulders, and his voice was deep. Y/n wasn’t very intimidated, if she was being honest. She was more focused on Jet than the other three; he was unpredictable.
“I don’t think you wanna find out what I’m gonna do, so I’ll tell you one last time to lay off!”
The man drew his head back in a loud laugh, his friends snickering behind him.
“Jet, do you believe this bitch?” facing Jet, who didn’t speak, but stared blankly at y/n. The man then turned back to face her himself. “Your boyfriend didn’t stand a chance against us, what makes you think you could do anything?”
Y/n didn’t say anything further to the man. She stared him down, but with a relaxed form. This somehow made him incredibly angry. With one last shove to Zuko’s side, he stalked over to y/n with his chest puffed out. Still, y/n didn’t flinch or move from her position. When he was within arms distance he reached out to grab her, only for y/n to move out of the way just slightly, taking his outstretched arm and tossing him over her shoulder. Although he was much larger than she was, it wasn’t hard to shift herself into a position where he would be at her mercy. As his body flung forward and crashed onto the ground, he stared up at her in shock. He only registered his pain when she took his arm and yanked it to the side. At this point, the other two men had taken their focus off of Zuko to help their struggling comrade. Y/n took care of them just as easily.
Although Zuko had seen y/n fight before, he didn’t realize how much she’d improved since then. It was like watching a dance; a beautifully coordinated and mesmerizing dance. Her movements flowing and graceful, despite the fact that she was taking on three men twice her size. But, Zuko still felt the need to protect her with everything he had, even if she could take these men with her eyes closed. So, he tried to stand. The first thing he noticed was the pain in his chest like a sharp knife was gnawing at his insides; he must have broken a rib or two. Not the first time it’s happened, so Zuko shook off his discomfort and deemed it unimportant for the time being. His priority was y/n.
The second thing he noticed was the pounding in his head once he got himself upright. This made it difficult for him to focus properly, which is why when a figure came up from behind him he wasn’t quick enough to react. Jet pushed Zuko back down to the ground, Zuko landing flat on his stomach, his face pressed into the cement. Jet’s foot landed squarely on Zuko’s back, eliciting a painful groan from the pressure put on his ribs. His foot stayed there, pinning Zuko to the ground and ever so slightly increasing the pressure to his chest. At some point the pressure became too much and Zuko cried out unintentionally.
Y/n whipped her head around at the sound of Zuko’s cry. The fight was basically over and it didn’t seem like these men had much else to offer her, so she knew she could take her eyes off of them for now to focus on the real problem: Jet. As it so happened, he was the cause of Zuko’s shout, his foot pressed into the center of his back keeping him pinned to the rock-hard ground.
“Jet, get off him. Now.”
“Or what, sugar-tits? You gonna punish me?”
Zuko squirmed underneath Jet’s hold, fury emitting from him at the way Jet was speaking to y/n. He would not hesitate to beat the man again if he got the chance. Y/n just rolled her eyes, she knew what Jet was trying to do.
“You sure you wanna try that? Did you even see what I just did to your friends?”
As if in response, the three men groaned from the ground behind her.
“You know,” Jet spoke, “you’re a lot more capable of handling yourself than I thought you’d be. Guess it was a good thing I’d made sure you had a little extra to drink that night. Or maybe not. Could’a been more exciting if I didn’t.”
“Shut up!” Y/n screamed, her fists clenched at her sides. She didn’t want to react, she knew Jet was trying to rile her up so she couldn’t think as clearly. But, he’d hit a nerve bringing up the night he’d almost raped her. It was a topic she was trying to avoid at this moment.
“Awe. Sorry, we’re a little touchy on that subject, huh?”
“I said SHUT UP!”
Y/n went to move toward Jet, ready for a fight, but he had other plans. His foot pressed harder into Zuko’s back, making him cry out a second time, his fingernails scraping into the ground from the pain. Y/n stopped abruptly, her eyes widening at Zuko’s slight whimper.
“Okay, okay, stop. Please. Just-“ she hesitated for a second. “What do you want?”
Jet smiled. “It’s funny since I didn’t really expect you to show up. But since you’re here now, I guess it means something. This prick isn’t worth your time, y/n. He’s weak and he doesn’t deserve you. Why don’t you come back to me? I can take care of you, we can start over. And, I’d never hurt you, not like he has.”
Y/n stopped short at his last comment. How did he know about their past? How did he know Zuko had hurt her before? Jet must have noticed her expression because he continued...
“I know a lot about Zuko here, especially about the things he’s done to people he supposedly ‘loves’. There’s a lot he hasn’t told you. His sister isn’t the only one capable of doing a little research.” At that, he glared down at Zuko, increasing the pressure to his back ever so slightly.
Zuko gasped. So, he knew. He knew about everything; about how he’d asked Azula to look into his history, about his shared past with y/n... everything.
“I’m sorry about what I did to you earlier. But, I’m willing to make it up to you if you come back to me,” Jet spoke calmly to y/n. It was almost too much. Y/n looked down at her feet, unsure of how to go on. Zuko was only watching her with pleading eyes, hoping to god she wouldn’t believe what Jet was telling her.
After a brief moment, y/n looked up determined. She’d made up her mind. She walked calmly toward the two, stopping only inches away and looked straight into Jet’s eyes. Then, she offered her hand to him.
“You’re right Jet. I’ll give you another chance.”
Zuko’s heart sunk. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. Just like that she’d left him to suffer at her feet. He was heartbroken, yes, but he supposed he deserved it. It wasn’t like he expected this to last - nothing ever did. He had hurt her too much to ever deserve her love, and y/n knew that. She could never be with him after everything he had done to her. She deserved better. She deserved someone who wasn’t weak like him, someone who could protect her. Zuko was a failure, and he should have known y/n could never love someone like him. His own father didn’t.
Jet smiled broadly, taking his foot off of Zuko’s back and grasping y/n outstretched hand. He walked a couple steps toward her, wrapping his arms around her waist, one hand travelling towards her ass.
“I knew you’d make the right choice, baby. You’re mine.”
Y/n looked him in the eyes, a small smile gracing her lips. Just as Jet was about to lean down for a kiss, y/n took that moment to strike, ramming her knee into Jet’s groin. He doubled over, wheezing, giving y/n the chance to strike his head, making him drop to the ground, his nose spurting blood down to his chin. Zuko was shocked, but immensely relieved. He felt like he could breathe again as y/n rushed over to his side.
“Are you alright? Where does it hurt?” She began asking him once she’d knelt by his side. Zuko just lay there captivated by her.
“You didn’t go with him,” he said finally.
“What? No, of course not! Zuko, I would never choose him over you... did you think I would?” She asked sadly.
“Well... yeah. I mean, kinda? I don’t know, I-“
“Zuko,” she interrupted him, “Look at me. I will always choose you. You’re important to me.”
Zuko watched her as she helped him to get on his feet, a small smile creeping onto his face. He was important to her.
The moment was interrupted by a glint in the corner of his eye just behind y/n. Without thinking, Zuko rushed to pull her behind him, shielding her from the impact of the knife which had just imbedded itself into his shoulder. Zuko yelled in pain, gripping onto y/n’s shirt while blood flowed freely down his back. Y/n was screaming. Jet backed away slowly, after having recovered from y/n’s attack and retaliating with the pocketknife he kept hidden in his shoe. He hadn’t meant for it to hit Zuko, and frankly he was surprised when it did, not fully registering the weight of his actions. He immediately turned and ran in the opposite direction leaving his comrades, as well as y/n and Zuko, on their own.
“Zuko,” y/n cried, “hey, look at me. Zuko, please-“
“Y/n, I’m fine,” Zuko forced out. “Just give me a second.”
“You’re not fine! You-“
“There they are! Guys over here!” A voice shouted suddenly. It was Sokka.
Behind Sokka was the whole group: Aang, Katara, Suki, and Toph. They all rushed to the couple, at which point Zuko began leaning heavily on y/n for support. Y/n immediately lowered the both of them to the ground, looking to her friends in desperation and placing her palm firmly over the wound. Zuko hissed. She maneuvered him into a position where his uninjured shoulder was leaning against her while they both sat on the pavement.
“What happened?” Katara questioned once they were close enough to see the damage.
Y/n looked to Zuko’s injury with regret, “Jet happened.”
“What?!” Toph yelled from behind the group.
“Guys?” Zuko spoke roughly, “What the hell? I thought I told you all not to come!”
“Zuko, I swear to god, now is not the time for this,” y/n looked to him deeply unimpressed. He glared back at her.
“So,” Suki jumped in, “is someone gonna call an ambulance or...? You know, for Zuko’s shoulder?”
“Wait, what’s wrong with his shoulder?” Toph asked, confused.
“It’s got a fucking hole in it,” Sokka put it frankly.
“What the fuck, Zuko?!”
“It’s not that bad! Seriously, it’s just my shoulder, I’ll live,” he glared at them, not wanting to make a big deal of the situation.
“You need stitches,” Katara glared back. “It won’t heal properly if you leave it.”
“Katara’s in nursing, you gotta trust her, Zuko,” Aang spoke for the first time since getting there.
Zuko looked to the ground, as if it would give him an answer to his problems. He never liked the hospital. It brought back too many memories from when he was younger. Then again, his friends were right. He needed proper care, and they weren’t even aware of the possible fractures to his rib cage.
“Fine,” Zuko relented. “But, you’re not calling an ambulance. We can just drive there.”
“Y/n, I’m serious. I just need something to bandage it and I’ll be fine until we get there.”
She said nothing, but nodded reluctantly. She looked to the rest of the group and they all seemed to be in agreement: they would drive. Y/n moved to stand, careful not to move Zuko’s shoulder the wrong way, and helped him to his feet as well. Once standing, Zuko seemed to sway a bit so y/n put her arm around his waist to steady him. She looked to him concerned, his eyes seemed unfocused and all his concentration went to making sure he didn’t fall over. Obviously, he was in a worse state than he was letting on, but he’d never tell them that. Instead, he leaned slightly onto y/n as they took a few steps forward. About a five steps in, however, his knees buckled and y/n had to jump in to catch him before he hit the ground.
“Zuko!” Y/n screeched. Sokka jumped in to help as y/n held Zuko in her arms. His eyes were shut tight, fists trembling. “Damnit, I knew it!”
“I’m fin-“
Y/n was at the end of her rope. She turned determinedly to the rest of the group, but before she could get a word out she realized she didn’t have to say much for them to get the message. Sokka and Suki were already running to grab Sokka’s car that was parked just down the road while Katara, Aang, and Toph helped in making a makeshift bandage for Zuko’s shoulder. Y/n turned back to him. His eyes were drifting and he felt limp in her hold. So much for being fine, she thought. In reality she was freaking out. She didn’t know what else to do, she wasn’t a doctor!
“Zuko...” she spoke softly but stern, cradling his cheek in her palm. He drifted his focus to her eyes, searching them, but it seemed like he was struggling. “You gotta keep your eyes open for me, ‘kay?”
“Y/n,” his words were almost like a whisper, “sorry...”
“Hey, no, don’t do that. This isn’t your fault.”
He stared into her eyes, contemplating on something. Then he spoke.
“You’re important to me too...”
“I’m- what do you mean?”
“Earlier you said I was important to you... you’re important to me too.”
He lightly grasped the hand cupping his face in his own, squeezing gently in hopes of conveying what he meant. Y/n got the message loud and clear.
“Y/n I need you to lift him up a bit for me while I wrap his shoulder,” Katara chimed in, unintentionally breaking their moment. Y/n did as she was told, lifting Zuko as much as she could while Katara fit the makeshift bandage around his shoulder and torso. Zuko groaned lightly in pain, his features twisted to try and hide how much it really hurt. Y/n did everything she could to help, even if it wasn’t much. Soon, Sokka pulled the car up next to them, Suki in the passenger seat.
“We won’t be able to fit everyone, so you guys are gonna have to decide who’s going first and I’ll pick the others up later,” Sokka stated.
“Y/n,” Aang turned to her, “you should be the one to go with him. I can stay behind.”
“I’ll stay too,” Toph said. “Katara should be in the car with you guys since she’s got the most experience medical-wise.”
Everyone nodded, Aang helping to lift Zuko into the back seat while y/n climbed in after, holding his body as close to hers as she possibly could. Katara got in on the other side of the car and they were off. Y/n never let go of Zuko the whole car ride, thinking of what he’d said to her just before. Of course he was important to her, she loved him and she would do anything for him.
She loved him.
Oh god.
They pulled up to the emergency room, rushing to get Zuko help, and the whole way, from the car, to finding help, and finally to the whole gang sitting in the guest area waiting for some sort of update on Zuko’s condition, all she could think about was that... she loved him.
AHH Okok so finally finished and I’m sorry if the chapter kinda dropped off at the end🤭😬😬 but I hope you guys enjoyed, I know it’s been a whole long ass time so this was something I was looking forward too! Again, love you guys and I’ll see you at the next chapter💕✨💖🥰
Part 25 | Part 27
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