#la liga standings
judes-hoe · 8 months
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La liga can suck my dick
I stand with Jude Bellingham
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pedripics · 1 year
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LA LIGA | FC BARCELONA v SEVILLA september 29, 2023
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44hive · 1 year
vini doesn’t have to be mature about the racial abuse he faces. he doesn’t have to be strong about being a constant victim of racism. vinicius doesn’t owe shit to nobody when he’s being hurt and abused every single day. enough with the “vini has to-“ he doesn’t!
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garciapimienta · 1 year
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narryleomessi · 1 year
have any of you ever hated a player so much that you don't want your team to win any trophies or leagues for as long as that motherfucker plays in your team???
Like you love your team so much, been supporting that club for 15+ years/since childhood because it's your dad and granddad's club, you love the other players immensely, but this one player grates on your nerves so much, like you fucking hate his guts, so now you don't want your team to win in the upcoming season because you don't want that one guy you despise to lift the trophy, get a medal, celebrate happily, or be on a winners bus parade ever.
I know this is soooooo irrational and ridiculous, i'm fully aware this is such a shitty thought, like why don't you want your childhood club and 25 other good players to win but you can't stop your brain from having this negative thought and intense hatred. The manager is stupid af too so they are going to lose on their own accord.
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b14augrana · 22 days
You meet Kika for the first time
Kika Nazareth x teen!reader
Part of the Scrubber universe
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GIF credits: @a-lexia11
Warnings: ✖️
A/N: i love kika so much 🥹 her good vibes are off the charts and because of that i really think she’d get on with scrubber well so here’s a blurb of those two
for the sake of my own happiness lucy is still thriving in sunny cataluña.
You sat up rapidly as you heard Aitana speak, and the foam roller slipped out from beneath your leg and rolled away slowly. You looked around curiously, and everyone was spread out yet bunched together as they swarmed the three new additions to the team. You were just barely familiar with Ellie Roebuck from following each other on Instagram and you were more than familiar with Ewa Pajor through your mutual ties with her that existed through Frido and Ingrid. However, the girl that Aitana had beelined to, you hadn’t ever met her or known of her. A hand belonging to Mapi tugged you up from the ground and dragged you along to meet the new transfers, and you happily did so.
“You’ve grown so much from the last time I saw you!” Ewa gushed, smiling fondly at you to which you returned the gesture. The last time you had seen Ewa was during the 2023 Champions League final, when you weren’t a main player in the team but merely a reserve. It was an experience either way and Ewa was right — you had grown, physically and as a player. Throughout your entire little conversations with Ewa and Ellie, you could only think about meeting the unfamiliar one. You slunk away from the conversations with the Englishwoman and the striker before approaching Aitana and the final transfer.
“…miss Benfica a lot, actually, because this is my first time playing away from home,” she said to Aitana, who nodded along understandingly as you spoke, until you appeared by her side and her face lit up.
“Kika, I need to introduce you to (Y/N), mi pequeñita,” Aitana exclaimed, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. You smiled at the woman across from you, who grinned back. “Hola! I’m Kika,” she introduced herself. You already liked her; just the way she spoke and smiled at you gave the impression that she’d fit right into the team, and most importantly, get along with everyone. “I’m (Y/N),” you responded, but before you could continue and say anything else, you were engulfed in a warm hug by the Portuguese woman. It was yet another reason for you to like her, so you gratefully accepted the hug.
“I’ve watched you before, and all I can say is, I’m glad we’re on the same team,” Kika laughed, making your cheeks swell up with a rosy tint. Aitana nodded and squeezed your arm affectionately, “That means you’re already Barça. We feel like that everyday, ask Caroline.” She giggled and looked at Caro standing a little to the side of her, rolling her eyes with a smile.
“I’m alright…” you mumbled, shuffling around nervously with an awkward smile. To this day, you still weren’t the best at compliment-taking — especially from people way better and experienced than you — despite the amount of compliments you received often. It was still insane to you that the likes of Mapi and Irene complimented you on your defending, when they were the ones that deserved all the lauding more than anything.
“You’re more than alright, pequeñita,” Aitana scoffed, nudging you softly, “Te lo juro, Kika, sin ella no tendríamos la tercera Liga de Campeones.”
“Aitana, do you forget that you scored a goal in that final as well?” you laughed, and she shook her head earnestly. “No, and I definitely don’t forget who assisted me,” she responded with a light elbow to your side, which made you laugh even more. Kika joined in on the giggles until it all died down, and you invited them both back to your pre-workout stretches station. There, you three sat down and continued the conversation, until Aitana got up to do a workout with Fridolina and the weighted ball, leaving just you and Kika.
“You came from Benfica, right? Unless I’ve been hearing things,” you asked her, feeling relieved when she nodded. “Yeah, I’ve been there my entire career. It’s been a bit tough, adapting to Spain when I’ve lived in Portugal my whole life, but I love it here. What about you?” she explained.
You placed the foam roller back underneath your legs as you spoke, “I’ve more or less lived in Barna my entire life. I was in France for a couple years but I hated it so I kinda block it out from my memory. It sucked.” Kika laughed at your statement, inciting a smile from you. “Can you speak any French?” she asked, and you shook your head.
“Besides bonjour, au revoir, si vous plait and je suis (Y/N), I’m hopeless. If you ever want lessons, go to Lucy,” you replied, glancing at Lucy before nodding your head in her direction. Kika smiled and looked at Lucy as well, shooting her a charming grin before gazing back at you.
You liked her, a lot. She was nice and easy to get along with, she wasn’t super serious which was a big thing for you and she didn’t baby you any more than the others which was an even bigger thing. Kika was a very smart transfer for the club to have made, and you could see her becoming part of the family very soon. Her being close with Aitana was already a good start to that pursuit, and you knew it wouldn’t be long before the others warmed up to her.
“Are you any good at Catalan?” she asked you, and you hesitated before nodding, “I think so.” She sighed a breath of relief and lunged over to grab her own foam roller, placing it beneath her calf as she spoke, “Good, because I need a teacher for that. I’m not terrible, but I’m definitely not fluent yet. I tried to get Aitana to teach me but she talks too fast, it’s hard to keep up!”
With a lighthearted giggle, you nodded, moving the foam roller from your left leg to your right one. Kika continued rolling her left calf, bracing the floor for leverage and balance as she did so.
“How old are you, (Y/N)? Aita’s told me in the past but I can’t remember at all. You’re around my age, sí? 20, maybe 21 like me,” Kika spoke, shaking her head briefly at her own forgetfulness. You shrugged it off lightly, “Don’t worry about it. I’m– um, I’m actually 16,” you said nervously, smiling at the shocked expression on the woman’s face when you revealed your age.
“16 years old? Dios mío, and you’re a defender? What do they feed the kids at this club, gosh…” she muttered. Your cheeks flushed pink and your smile widened, tugging at your cheeks as you gazed down shyly, not a word coming out but your reaction spoke for itself. “Wait, so, where do you live? Do you go to school?” she questioned, intrigue capturing her facials expressions as she looked at you eagerly.
“My family don’t live in Barna, not anymore. I live with Irene most of the time but I just bounce around between apartments, and I attend classes at the academy,” you explained. “Oh, and I don’t think you’ll fully settle into the city unless you go to one of the cafés downtown. My favourite one is 5 minutes down the road, maybe we could go there after this?”
Kika was on board before you had even finished proposing your idea. After training, you pulled your hoodie over the top of your kit and left the grounds with your new friend, saying goodbye to everyone and explaining to them that you were steering her away from ‘guiri’ accusation territory.
You two walked down the streets, admiring the shops and cafés that were full of people, and on occasion, pointing out the Barça crests and flags displayed in the windows of buildings. You didn’t have a car yet, let alone a license, so you normally caught a ride with someone else, but it was nice to stroll down the streets of the city with Kika and introduce her to the place you called home. Eventually, your adventure came to a close when you found yourselves outside your favourite café of all time, before you walked into the entrance and took a seat right by the window.
The café was furnished with two-seat tables all around and a large display of everything you could imagine, from sandwiches, quiches and savoury muffins to decadent cakes and pastries. The comforting aroma of tea and other brews wafted through the air and only added to the warm atmosphere emitted from every corner of the room. You placed your bag down beside your chair, resting your hands on your thighs as Kika did a similar thing and relaxed her hands on the table. She looked around with an admiring gleam in her eyes before meeting your watchful gaze with an appreciative smile. “This is a lovely café, I can see why it’s your favourite.”
“Wait until you try the food, it’s even better,” you responded with a cheeky grin of your own, making the pair of you laugh simultaneously. “Do you want to go up and order first? I’ll stay here and watch our stuff and then I’ll order,” you said, gesturing for her to go up to the counter. She agreed, and you waited for a couple minutes until the woman returned to your table with her food; an iced tea, chocolate muffin and an apple danish. “I was going to order something healthy but I do not feel like vegetables right now,” she grimaced, placing her food down on the table slowly.
“I’ll be quick,” you said as you stood up and made your own way to the counter, ordering your own choice of food. You settled on an almond and icing sugar dusted croissant along with a cup of tea and a platter of mini donut bites. Once you received your order, you balanced your meal on your hands and carefully walked back to the table, talking slow steps until you reached Kika and placed it all down hurriedly, sinking into your seat once again. “Oh, yum,” she remarked, eyeing up your food before teasing you, “You’re making me regret getting this.”
You didn’t respond, because you knew from the moment she sunk her teeth into the chocolate muffin, her mind would change immediately, and you were correct — her eyes widened once she got a taste of the rich chocolatey goodness she possessed, and then they closed for a good minute as she savoured the taste. “Nevermind,” she mumbled between her mouthful, “You can keep it. This is th’ best thing ever!”
You looked at her with an ‘I knew it’ expression, which made her smile as she swallowed her bite and placed the muffin down atop its paper bag. You took a sip of your tea and then threw a donut bite in your mouth, offering one to Kika as you did so, who took one and thanked you with a nod of her head.
“So, you said you go to school at the academy. How is that?” she enquired. Unlike other teenagers who probably got sick and tired of being asked about how school is going, you actually didn’t mind. School was rarely a subject of interest for people when it came to your life, so it was kinda nice to know that someone was making the effort to know you outside of football. “It’s alright. Since the Champions League they’ve been letting me off easy with homework and stuff, so that’s pretty nice,” you answered with a shrug, “Some of the classes suck, like maths, but other than that it’s not too bad.”
“Any friends?” Kika continued, to which you nodded. “Well, I wouldn’t consider them friends, because I don’t talk to them outside of class since we’re all busy with our teams, but I’m okay with most of the people I take classes with. Some of them that play for the men’s first team, I’d call them my friends, but that’s it. I just hang out with the girls in our team,” you explained, “I love them all though, they’re the only friends I need.” Kika made an ‘oh’ expression to signify her understanding, and she nodded to further stress that.
“Yeah, I went to a regular school when I was still in school, and it’s much easier to take your classes in an academy like La Masia where everyone understands that your priorities are in football,” Kika said, taking another bite of her muffin. She paused for a minute to chew, and then she spoke again once she had swallowed it, “When you have friends that are always upset over you not having time to hang out because of football, it becomes a pain in the ass.”
You took a sip of your tea, wincing slightly as you adjusted to the piping hot temperature. “Yeah, I get that. I think we’re gonna get along really well, Kika,” you smiled warmly, invoking one on her own face. She was glad to have made a significant first impression, especially with you, the baby of the team. They undoubtedly loved you, and she was already on the path to joining them, enamoured with how friendly you were to her straight away.
The conversation strayed into talks about Portugal, and what it was like for Kika when she lived there. She told you about Benfica, her favourite restaurants in her hometown of Lisbon, her family and what made her want to play for Barça. You learnt a lot about her during that short café date, and in exchange, you told her more about your personal life and what you loved most; Vidić, slide tackles, your big sisters and Barcelona (the club and city). There were also the trivial things you loved that you decided to save for another day, like your love for Hay Day that she was sure to discover sooner or later.
You two shared the rest of the donut bites after you finished your muffin and croissant. She split her apple danish with you, which you gracefully accepted and thanked her for, and the conversation continued up until the last of the donut bites was gone and you were both stuffed.
“See why it’s my favourite café?” you said to the woman, and she nodded. “I’m definitely coming back, that chocolate muffin was delicious,” she groaned, scrunching her paper bag up. You both stood and grabbed your training bags, slinging them over your shoulders, and on the way out you tossed your rubbish into the bins, thanking the café owner. The pair of you strolled to Kika’s new apartment, and you learned that she was barely 5 minutes away from Irene’s home that was situated just around the corner: “That’s great!” she exclaimed happily as you two neared her home, “That means café dates can happen more often.”
Walking Kika up to the front door of her apartment, you peered inside and got a look of the cozy area. You were surprised at how furnished it was, because you were under the impression that she had only recently arrived in the city, but it didn’t seem that way anymore. “Your apartment is so nice…” you whispered, looking around a little bit more before pulling your head out, “I’ll see you tomorrow, thanks for coming with me!”
She embraced you in another warm hug before you left, smiling widely as she spoke, “I should be thanking you! It’ll be much easier at training tomorrow, knowing two people instead of just one.”
You waved goodbye to her and she returned the gesture before she shut the door. It didn’t take long you to be standing on Irene’s doorstep, unlocking the door with your key and slipping inside. She had known about your plans to go to the café with Kika, so she wasn’t alarmed when you came home particularly late, and instead she asked you about it.
“I love her, she’s great!” you lauded, flopping down beside her on the sofa, “I think we get along really well, and I can’t wait for her to meet Clau and Patri.”
“Oh no,” Irene groaned, shaking her head. “Do not introduce her into your trio of tontos,” she exclaimed. You shrugged, leaning back on the sofa, “I won’t, but the other two will probably do it on their own.”
She let out an exasperated sigh, looking at you with an eyebrow raised.
“Please don’t ban us from seeing each other again,” you begged, looking at her with a grimace. She shook her head, dismissing the idea. “No, because the last time we tried that, you three rode those jet skis at the Barceloneta.”
“Okay, that was not my idea, and you should blame Claudia for that… but it was really fun and it would be nice if you let us go again,” you said quietly, looking at her with an indicative expression.
“…Fine. I guess it would be okay, only if the rest of us come and we make it a beach day.”
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leilakisakabiri · 1 year
heyy, can u write one where gavi is obsessed by reader's smell?
Surprise (Gavi)
Summary: You and Gavi are in a long-distance relationship and you go to his game to surprise him, but he catches you.
Warning(s): None
Requested: Yes
A/N: Hey anon! Thank you so much for the request and thanks for being patient. Hopefully, I did the prompt justice! Not proofread.
Word Count: [1666]
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You had reached out to Pedri a week ago asking him to help you surprise Gavi at the final La Liga game.
You were in university studying in America, and the two of you had been doing long distance since last summer. It was now early May and you had finished your exams just in time to be in Barcelona for the final game.
You had lied and told Gavi you wouldn’t be done for another week, before wishing him the best and making yourself scarce, telling him you were busy studying.
In the meantime, you had set up a plan to surprise him with Pedri and booked your tickets.
Once you landed in Barcelona, Pedri came to pick you up. You both smiled at each other warmly, telling each other about your lives since you’d been apart.
“I haven’t seen you since December. How have you been hermana?” Pedri questioned.
You laughed, telling him about your school and all the things you and your friends got up to.
“That sounds so fun. Now I’m jealous I never got to go to school in America!” He exclaimed.
“Mm. It’s probably not as fun as being a famous footballer.” You shrugged playfully.
“Yah I guess that’s cool too.” He remarked.
Before you knew it, you were pulling up to the stadium, and the nerves were beginning to set it in. You hadn’t seen Gavi in almost six months and you were a little nervous to see him again. Did he look the same? Would he be excited to see you?
Pedri could tell that you were getting in your head, and he placed a comforting hand on your shoulder.
“Don’t overthink it, he’ll be happy to see you. He was so sad you couldn’t be here.”
You looked up at him, “Really?”
He nodded affirmatively and you felt yourself loosen up, “Thanks Pedri.”
He gave you a smile, ushering you out of the car and into the stadium.
“Ok so we only have a few minutes before the rest of the team gets here so we have to be quick.” Pedri spoke leading you into the locker room.
The plan was that you would leave a note in Gavi’s locker telling him to look up into the family section of the stands, and he would glance up before the game and see you standing there wearing his jersey, cheering him on.
You didn’t want to mess up the before-game ritual, or the meeting with his team, so you opted for seeing him after the game as opposed to before.
You had just placed the note in his locker when you heard the locker room door open, male voices filling the air.
You looked up at Pedri in horror, his facial expression mirroring yours, as you both froze.
He snapped out of it first and pushed you towards the showers, “Oh shit, go hide!”
You had just snapped the shower curtain closed when you heard a voice, “Pedri, hey man. Why are you here so early?”
You heard Pedri let out an awkward laugh, and you cringed, poor boy was never a good liar, “Oh hey Ansu. Uhm- y’know just like to be early.”
A new voice responded, “Really since when?”
You breath caught in your throat, it was Gavi.
It had been so long since you heard his voice in person, it sounded so real, and so close. You felt a wave of emotions hit you. Hearing his voice made it ten times harder to keep yourself hidden, and only amplified how much you missed him.
“Ehh big game so wanted to start now.”
The boys seemed to accept his answer, continuing their conversation.
You silently prayed that they would move toward the other end of the locker room so that you could make a quick escape.
But it seemed like luck was not on your side today.
Gavi was in the middle of a sentence when he abruptly cut himself off.
“Do you smell that?” He asked, pausing to inhale.
“Did you just sniff the air?” Pedri asked him, trying to hold back his laughter.
“Shut up, it smells like Y/n.”
You felt your blood run cold. Oh shit. You had totally forgot about your perfume.
You had bought the perfume months ago, back when you were still with Gavi in Barcelona last summer. You had been looking for something that smelled like warm summer nights and when you found it you bought it instantly. However, it wasn’t just you who loved the smell as just twenty minutes after you wore it for the first time Gavi had you spread out on the couch, lips planting kisses all over you, hands exploring every inch of your body.
“You smell so good.” He groaned, kissing the column of your neck.
Your breathing was unsteady, and you found it hard to concentrate, “Thanks, I just bought it. It’s supposed to smell like summer."
“Well whatever it is, I love it.” Gavi murmured, his words caught between his mouth and your skin.
Since then, it had become your everyday perfume, and you spent the rest of summer wearing it and driving Gavi crazy.
He said it smelled exactly how he imagined you to be. Sweet and intoxicating.
Now you were wearing the same exact perfume, having forgotten about Gavi’s obsession with it.
You were scared that you had just outed yourself, but you were also impressed that the perfume had lingered for that long.
Guess it was a good buy.
“What?” Pedri asked him pretending to be confused, his voice pulling you out of your thoughts.
“She always smells like coconut and jasmine, and the locker room smells exactly like that.”
“I think the dirty socks are getting to your head. Go get ready.” Pedri retorted, trying to steer the conversation away from you.
Gavi shook his head, “Pedri I swear. Am I going crazy?”
Ansu spoke, “Nah bro I smell it too.”
That was all the confirmation Gavi needed, “Where is it coming from?” He asked as he set his bag down beginning to move around the room.
You could hear Pedri shuffling as well, presumably following the boy, “C’mon this is stupid. Let’s focus on the game. The rest of the team will be here any minute.”
Gavi sighed, “Ok yah.” He resigned, moving to go change into his uniform.
“Be honest Pedri, did you have a girl in here?” Ansu asked playfully.
You heard Pedri sputter, and you let out a small gasp, not being able to hold back your laughter.
“What was that?”
“What?” Pedri asked, his voice rising unintentionally.
“Swear I heard something over there.” Ansu stated.
You bit your lip, moving back into the shower, cursing yourself for making noise.
It was quiet for a moment, and then a second later you felt the shower curtain being ripped open.
You were greeted by a very stressed-out Pedri and a confused Ansu.
“What the fu-“ You desperately held up a finger to your mouth, pleading with him to be silent.
“What?” Gavi asked coming over.
Ansu quickly shut the curtain again, “Oh nothing. Just thought I saw a spider.”
They all moved away from the showers, and you let out a breathe. You couldn’t believe how close you were to being caught.
All you had wanted to do was surprise your boyfriend, but that was turning out to be much harder than you thought.
You heard more voices begin to fill the locker room, and you wondered if Pedri was going to come and get you or if you were on your own.
A moment later, the shower curtain slowly opened and Pedri popped his head inside.
“That was so close!” He whispered.
You stepped out of the shower, “I know! Now get me out of here.”
“Ok, most of the guys are in the main changing area, waiting for coach. We’re going the other way, so just walk in front of me and we’ll be good.”
You nodded, feeling Pedri walk behind you as you took a left out of the shower area.
You had your sights fixed on the door and were just steps away when a voice interrupted. “Pedri, do you know anything about this no-“ You heard Gavi ask before his voice faltered,
“Who’s that?”
You squeezed your eyes shut, knowing your cover had officially been blown.
You felt Pedri freeze behind you. He began to speak without turning around, scrambling to come up with something.
You cut him off, turning around and finally revealing yourself, “Surprise!”
Gavi stood there in shock staring at you for about five seconds, unmoving, before his body caught up to his brain and then he was colliding into you, arms wrapping around you and pulling you into a tight hug.
“Holy shit. Y/n? What are you doing here bebe?” He asked his voice rising in excitement.
You giggled as he picked you up, spinning you around.
You looked up at him once he put you down, reaching up to caress his cheek, “I wanted to surprise you! But you kind of ruined it for yourself.” You admitted.
“I don’t even care. I’m so happy you’re here.” He spoke, grabbing your hand and intertwining your fingers.
You smiled, kissing his cheek as you promised you’d find him after the game.
He walked you to the door, as you basked in each other’s presence.
You gave him one last kiss before pulling away.
“I knew I smelled you!” he exclaimed.
You giggled, “Yah I forgot about that. Can’t believe you sniffed me out.” You teased while ruffling his hair.
He gave you a playful glare before fixing his hair, “Oh c’mon you know I love it.”
You smiled, “I know.”
You gave him one last wave before turning and walking through the tunnels towards the seats.
You heard him yell after you, “Nice jersey!”
You turned around, a grin on your face, “Thanks. It’s my boyfriend’s.”
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maikissed · 5 months
and the day after that, and day after that part 3
jude bellingham x reader in honor of this a-hole for scoring tonight and winning la liga (scandalous, cuz i'm a barca fan, don't jump at me) i'm turning sloppy with these continuations, not a fan of this one tbh. but i hope you'd like it a bit sorry for typos
! sexy times here
Blissful, sharply clutching at your heart but making you light in your limbs, almost tingling at the skin of your neck and your chest as you focused on it. But when you lingered there, trying to catch it to correctly define it, it stumbled you over, crushed everything in it’s path, like a sudden wave sinking you down, with the great power to swallow you whole. Something so gentle and delicate turning into a potent and striking feeling of absolute infirmity. The funniest and trickiest thing about these sensations was that they turned, switching places, changing their courses, making you fall and fall all over again. Like at the end of it, at the moment when the sweet feeling was supposed to end for the other, the more prominent one, to take place, you took a minuscule step and stumble. Fell into it. An elation. That how you’d call it, you realised, as you noticed your chest rising sharply under your sight. Your eyes on him this whole time, innocently observing him making a simple conversation with his friends just few meters away. He smiled at something and it took you a short moment to realise that the corner of your mouth rose a little too at the sight. That’s when he looked back at you, his bright smile turning into a more tender one when he caught your eyes. And those mad stirs fumbling inside of you turned violent so unexpectedly, tickling, no, hitting you in your gut, making you almost stop breathing.
He winked at you then. And your smiled turned bigger. You reached for your phone.
still can’t wink, mate
You watched his expression change as he read your message. A smirk slowly appearing on his face.
Yeah? Can see you blush from here
You chuckled to yourself, biting your lip as you typed a response. Placing your phone back on your thigh you waited.
take me home?
It didn’t take him long to approach you, of course. His hand extended to you to help you stand.
There were boundaries set at the very beginning of the new course you decided to take your relationship on. You had been indisputably terrified of many repercussions that might came if you made a mistake. Still not many knew, it was just Mia, really, but your trip to Madrid has already spoke volumes. At least you suspected it has. Wanting to take it as slow as you can you put the boy in a constant state of suffering, denying him too much physical contact in these last few months. You perceived it wise, he considered you cruel.
“Want something to drink?” Jude asked as you entered the saloon.
“I’d love some lemon water” you answered softly, taking your shoes off “Iced, if you please”
“Yes ma’am”
You sent him a playful smile, heading to the balcony. Of course one fell quickly in love with the pleasant weather in this country. Though the midday heat was a lot for you, you enjoyed the still lukewarm, now almost refreshing breeze coating you after the sunset. You hummed at the contact of your bare feet with the still warm tiles, resting on one of the chairs.
“Don’t rock on your chair” you could hear Jude’s voice when he joined you, your head thrown back as you succumbed to a peaceful night coating you soothingly.
You smiled at his reprimand. Then you heard him placing your glasses on the table, and then you loosed your balance. A sharp yelp left your throat at the feeling of falling, but when you opened your eyes you spotted Jude’s wide, playful smile centimetres from your face, his hand at the back of your chair. You gasped quickly realising he tricked you, pulling the chair further back. And of course it wasn’t the first time you let him fool yourself like that.
“You prat!” you swat at his hand and he just laughed at your reaction.
“Oh is it so funny?” you jumped from your sit to throw more punches his way.
“Yeah, your little squeak was ridiculous” your eyes widened at his comment.
You swung your hand with intention to hit his bicep once again but he blocked it before you could reach it, grasping your wrist in is grip. Being stupid enough you brought your other hand to action but he captured it too, stopping your attack altogether. When your heart slowed down a little you just huffed, feeling laughter filling your lungs as well. This time you didn’t stop to consider, simply leaning in to kiss him on the lips sweetly, your hands still in his hold, close to your head. But you had no intention to continue, pulling away from him when he begun to chase you.
“What?” he laughed and you beamed at the joyful glint in his eyes “You consider this a payback?”
“Yes, I always win, Bellingham”
“Oh, we’ll see about that” he lowered your hands but still kept his fingers wrapped around your wrists.
With a gentle push he forced you to step back and a chuckle left your lips uncontrollably when your back collided with the railing behind you.
“What are you doing? You’re not getting a kiss this way or another” you said feeling him stepping into you, the closeness fogging your brain just a tad.
“I’ll take it different way then” he bit back with a smirk and you hummed with a sneer.
You flinched and giggled when he started peppering barely there kisses on the skin of your neck. And when you curled your neck to make this task difficult for him, and because of the reason that his nose quickly following the trace of his lips on your skin made you incredibly ticklish, he let go of your left hand, using his fingers to remove one of the straps of the dress you were wearing. So when he reached your collarbone he slowed down, using his tongue at the swell of your breast that appeared after the top of your clothing slipped lower. He took his time, you realised with a deep breath, moving to the other side. The feeling of a scrape of his teeth on your shoulder surprised you, so you looked down to spot him biting on the material of the other strap of your dress, slowly dragging it down your arm. You giggled.
“I’m happy to keep you entertained” he murmured between kisses he caressed your skin with on his way up.
“Oh, I love watching your attempts” you bickered.
A bright blink in his even darker eyes made you shiver and you were mesmerized. Your eyes glued to his beautiful face, full lips just slightly parted, all his attention on you.
“Oh yeah?” he smirked “You look a little breathless, love”
Something in your chest squished at the way he accented the sweet little name he called you and you swore to hell you blushed right now. You could feel your cheeks heating up. What were you? Twelve? Maddening, at this point.
And any words you wanted to voice out, you didn’t even remember them, died at your tongue as you realised his hands were lower now, slowly grabbing another fold of your long summer dress to reach your skin underneath. You anticipated, focusing on the sensation of light air kissing another part of your legs as the material rose up with another grasp of his hands. You blinked, keeping your eyes keen and hard in contact with his when his fingers reached the delicate skin on your thighs. He hummed, content with the feeling, bringing his attention back to your neck and chest.
“Suddenly so quiet now” he muttered into your skin.
“’m waiting for something interesting” breathless, indeed.
That’s when his hands glided up to sharply grab your bum, pressing you tight against him, the feeling of his hard on prominent on your stomach. And the movement met with the lick of his tongue in the valley between the top of your breast. You moaned grabbing the railing behind you with one hand, the other placed on the crook of his neck. So when he kissed your throat you opened your mouth for him, ready, wanton for him to kiss you now. He did, and it was rough and forceful and you loved it. With a quick grip on your thigh he hiked up your leg to rest highly on his hip, the skin uncovered now. You rose slightly on your left feet, searching for him, yearning for the right contact. He groaned into your mouth when you pressed against him, using your pelvis and your right leg now, almost wrapped around him. You worried for a moment that someone could see you this unveiled since you were out in the open. The property was well separated, but there still were neighbours in some distance and even worse, Denise on the other side of he villa.
“Ah, fuck” he sighted against your lips “Aren’t you a delight?”
You would answer to that, but he didn’t let you, using his hand placed on your lower back to press on you harder, grinding against you, and you whined pitifully, closing your eyes in the meantime. Chasing the pleasant feeling to wash over you. Your hands started wandering, slipping under his shirt, desperate to feel his skin, his muscles hard under your touch.
“Will you let me tonight? Will you let me fuck you tonight?” he mumbled when you pressed your chest against him, your lips centimetres away.
Your eyes opened, a little smirk dancing on your lips when your fingers grazed delicately his skin, just above the button of his pants.
“Take me to bed, Jude”
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footballfanficwriter · 4 months
Hiii, I love your writing, can I request a Jude x reader where they do celebrity gogglebox and they watch Jude’s champions league final at Wembley where he proposed to her & she told him she’s pregnant, and they watch everyone’s reaction at Wembley when it’s happening ( his teammates, family & fans)
A/n: I was so excited to write this I just had to get started immediately,cause I hadn't gotten a request in such a long time,thank you so much for this and I hope you enjoy please comment and like at the end I'd really love some feed back as to how my writing is and where I need to improve
Looking Back
Hi I'm Jude Bellingham"
"And I'm Y/n Bellingham and welcome to our Google box interview"
"It's not an interview"
"Then what is it?"
(Color bars)
"Hi I'm Jude(Laughs)
"Why are you laughing?"
(Color Bars)
"Ok we gotta be serious this time"
"Hi I'm Jude Bellingham"
"And I'm Y/n Bellingham"
"And today we're doing a Google box, about our story and how we got to this moment in our lives together and my first of the season"
"Bit of a mouth full innit"
"Whatever, just press play"
He pulls me closer, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and kisses my forehead I lay my head on his chest , then he takes some popcorn from the bowl on my lap
I press play and the first thing that appears is Jude's first day in Madrid when he signed his Real Madrid contract
"This day was a big one you know, new place for us, new language and Culture, just everything"
"Luckily we had so many people that were willing to help and make our adjustment as easy as possible"
"Actually I remember something from that day"
"You nearly tripped and fell"
I give him an eyebrow raise
"Yes you did, I remember you nearly fell and I caught you, I'm surprised they didn't get that on camera"
"No I didn't Jude, you're lying"
"No I'm not, I vividly remember holding your heels after the pictures cause you'd given up on them after you used my shoulder to help you take them off"
"I don't remember that"
"I even told you that morning before we left the hotel that you should get a comfortable shoe then you said no and I put your shoes in the car before we left"
"I still don't remember"
"The gaslighting is crazy"
"Let's continue" I say remembering the moment he's talking about
The video cuts and this time it's Jude's first Real Madrid game
"I remember that game, when we were in America during the preseason games and we played against Milan"
"I remember being in the stands and just being so nervous"
The video cuts and shows Jude waving to someone in the crowd after the game
"Mhhhm I wonder who you're waving too"
"Same" he says
The video cuts again but this time it's  Jude's first La Liga game where he scored his first La Liga goal and celebrates in front of the Bilbao fans and all of them showing him the finger
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"The amount of hate that came from those fans you'd swear I'd  just killed someone"
I laugh at his his comment
"No but on a serious note though that was just iconic"
"And you know what I loved about it?"
"What?" He asks
"It never discouraged you, instead you continued playing at your best"
"Yeah it didn't discourage me but I for sure thought I would be the most hated player of the season and actually right after that moment I remember looking for you in the stands and you had made a heart with your fingers"
"I mean, I needed you to know that even if the whole world hates you I'll still love you"
"And I'll love you more"
The video cuts and it's Jude's first El classico where he scored two goals
"Ah I remember that game, it was my first El classico"
"I remember going home after that game and we were just in disbelief"
"Yeah, I just couldn't believe it, you know and I was so nervous the night before, remember?"
"Yeah I remember, you were pacing around the room and the whole time and I was just there trying to calm you down"
"I was nervous"
"I know you were my love, but the next day you scored 2 goals and won the match so there was no need to be nervous"
The video cuts again and shows Jude's Goal against Girona and his injury, how he was on the floor and the medical team icing his ankle
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then the camera panned to me where I looked with a concerned expression on my face and glistening eyes
"I was so worried in that moment" I said looking at the screen
"So was I, I just heard my ankle pop and i knew something was wrong"
"We didn't get home the until the early hours of the morning"
He turned to the camera and said
"She stayed by my side the whole night despite me telling her to go home and rest and the whole time she held my hand while my ankle was being examined and I'm not gonna lie I was grateful that she didn't listen to me because that was very painfull and having her by my side just served as comfort"
"I couldn't leave you there, I would've been restless at home not knowing what was happening" I say smiling up at him
"Well I'm glad you stayed"
"You're welcome"
"Ok next"
The camera cuts to the Ballon d'or ceremony and Jude Winning the Kopa award where he does his speech
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"Thank you everyone for all the wonderful support and the messages, two days ago I won my first El classico so this is just a cherry on top, thank you to the fans and the supports and my Family as well  I am grateful and I am appreciative,thank you"
"Wow, you really do have a way with words don't you?"
"What can I say, This was my First time going to the Ballon d'or ceremony and just being there with so many other great Footballers and Football legends was so surreal it felt amazing
I remember meeting R9 for the first time and you were by my side holding my hand and the whole time as we're talking to him I was holding onto your hand for dear life"
"I actually thought you were gonna break my hand I'm surprised I still have it"
"I'm sorry"
"It's fine I'm just glad i was there with you" I say
"He kisses my forehead and looks towards the screen again
The screen transitions to Jude's first Champions League game for Madrid
"That game was another for the books, first UCL game and I had scored the only and the winning goal"
"Yeah I was really proud to say the least ,aww look at that that, he's pointing to me" I say
"You wish"  he says jokingly
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"One day , maybe not today or Tomorrow but one day you'll get a taste of your own medicine" I say
"Oh my gosh shiver me timbers I'm so scared"
"You will be" I say and lean back onto his chest and he kisses my head and I smile
The screen transitions to Jude's Golden boy ceremony
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"Incredible moment" he said
"Yeah I just remember watching you with awe and I just thought about everything that happened to get to that moment and get that award"
"Yeah the plane ride to Italy was cool and calm but that's because we knew what to expect and what was going to happen I think it was when we got there that it actually dawned on us that I had just won the award"
The screen transitions again and this time
It's Jude Celebrating the supa copa de espane
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"First trophy of the season and for Real Madrid" he says
"Unfortunately I wasn't there but you called me immediately after you got into the dressing room and the whole time, vini and cama were just interrupting us and asking to talk to me"
"I'm not gonna lie that did annoy me and I couldn't get a word in they kept stealing my phone as if they don't have their own girlfriends"
"I'm not your girlfriend, I'm your wife"
"At the time you were my girlfriend"
"I actually preferred talking to them"
"Of course you did" he says rolling his eyes
The screen transitions to the game where Jude received a red Card and got a two game ban as a punishment
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"I don't wanna talk about this game, I might just get into trouble"
"But I won't"
"I don't know...
"Let's all be honest here that ref was unfair and he knows it he blew the whistle while the ball was in the air and in my opinion that red card shouldn't have even been pulled out, it was a natural reaction to what had just happened at the time"
"Ok Mrs. Bellingham, not you defending your Husband"
"I mean my husband is always protecting me so it's only right"
"I'm blessed to have you in my life"
"As am I" I say and smile as I look up at him and he pecks my lips
"Ok next one"
The screen transitions to the match where Jude was a spectator at a Real Madrid game after the red card he got
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"I loved that game you know, the love and the support of the fans was one of the things that kept me going, and just let me know that they were behind me and that was really heart warming"
"The Madridistas are very much loved"
"That is not a lie"
Now we're watching Jude accepting his Lauresports award
"I was just tired that day, exhausted could even describe it"
"I actually opted to accept the award on your behalf so you could rest and take a break for a little bit,but him being stubborn he refused"
"It wouldn't have been ok, even though I was tired I needed to be there"
"I don't know when you'll realize that you're only human"
"I know I am"
"Mhmmm, whatever you say"
Next we see the La Liga title race parade and Jude lifting the trophy
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"That day was amazing" he says, ,"the atmosphere the fans, you"
"I loved the outfit mostly, you looked  Handsome more than anything"
"Oh really?"
"Yeah, I can't explain it but damn, that day I learned to appreciate what I have" I say
He laughs and I join him in laughing
"You're so weird you know that"
"I'm just telling the truth"
He continues laughing and the screen changes again but this time a picture of Jude stating that he was the player of the season
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"The day of the award show, I was getting ready for the champions league Final, so we couldn't attend and to be honest it was worth it because if I had attended I would have gotten what I received that day"
"And what's that?" I ask as I look at him hoping he'll mention our special moment
"Winning the Champions league"
I roll my eyes at him and watch the screen changed as he laughs at his stupid Joke
The screen changes to the Champions league Final against Dortmund
Showing highlights of the game and the team
Then the moment Real Madrid won the Champions league and the Celebrations
The camera then pans to Jude to where he's having his post match interview
"Jude, well done on your win, how long have you dreamed of this moment"
"Ages hey, a long time"
"What does it mean to win the champions league"
"It means the world to me, I've dreamed about this for a long time, it's every footballers dream"
"How do you plan on Celebrating such a moment"
"With my teammates and my Family, I've actually got a very important person here that hopefully I won't only be celebrating a champions league trophy with but much more as well
"Well congratulations Jude"
"Thank you, I need to go do something important, please excuse me"
"Of course"
"Here we go" Jude says as we watch the screen
He walks to the stands and walks to where I'm standing and helps me get down the stairs and leads me to the middle of the pitch
"Where are we going?" Can be mouth read as Jude  walks me to the pitch
"Just trust me" he replies
We reach the middle of the pitch when all of a sudden Jude Goes down on one knee and gives and inaudible speech that can't be heard because it was covered by the cheers and screams of the fans watching the interaction happen
"We couldn't even hear eachother in that moment" I say watching the screeen
All they see is me nodding my head and mouthing yes
Jude gets up and slips the engagement ring on and he hugs me tightly, then I swiftly pull away and look him in the eye
And mouth something that can't he heard or mouth read
Jude's eyes go bigger and on shock
"Are you serious?"
Is faintly heard and I nod and the fans continue cheering with Jude hugging me and spinning me around in the middle of the pitch
The video then shows the reactions of Jude's teammates, who rush over to congratulate us. The camera captures the joyous expressions of our family in the stands, and the fans are going wild with excitement.
Jude's teammates run to where we are
"Juuuuuude" they chant
Cama and Tchomeni  come and give me hugs
"Back off Cama that's my Future wife right there" Jude says
Cama rolls his eyes and just continues hugging me
"Thank you"
Back on the couch, Jude and I look at each other with smiles.
Jude looks to the camera and says
"Now you're probably wondering what she told, that made me react like that, truth is she told me that she was pregnant and that I was going to be a father and honestly, a three in one that night was amazing"
"I don't way that it was the best day of my life, but at the moment it is, but that will probably change when we get married or when we have our baby" he continues
"That moment changed everything," Jude says softly. "Winning the Champions League was amazing, but proposing to you and finding out we were expecting... that was the best moment of my life."
"Mine too," you say, leaning into him. "And now, here we are, sharing our story with everyone."
"Yeah, it's been an incredible journey," Jude agrees. "And I can't wait to see what the future holds for us toether. With us planning a wedding and expecting our first child together it's bound to be a rollercoaster"
"I've been Jude Bellingham and Joined by my Future wife Y/n Bellingham and thank you for watching
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Synopsis: To keep it short, the grid’s reaction of you dating Jude
young female mercedes driver reader x 2024 F1 grid
A/N: technically, this is a part 2 to “don’t expect the expected” and while you could probably read this as a stand-alone, it’s recommended to read pt1 🫶
. so
. the drivers on the grid kind of had an idea you were dating jude before the rest of the world did
. you were suddenly spending most of your free time in madrid
. you expressed a lot more interest in la liga than they would’ve expected
. they saw your recent instagram posts
. and after your first few posts about seeing real madrid games, it wasn’t hard to narrow it down to who you might be dating
. also, watching jude walk through the paddock with you and sit in the mercedes garage was all they needed as confirmation
. carlos is the most excited about your relationship
. he’s been a real madrid fan for forever
. he thinks jude’s a really good addition to the team
. and carlos just likes the guy in general
. he’s the first driver on the grid to welcome and befriend jude
. he helps set an example of how the other drivers should treat him
. because the grid isn’t used to having a boyfriend around instead of a wag
. they didn’t really know how to act
. as your teammate and one of your closest friends on the grid, george goes kind of “big brother” on him
. he acts friendly and everything, but he makes sure jude is treating you right
. “are you okay?” “yeah, why?” “oh, well I just saw jude storm out of your driver’s room, I wanted to make sure everything was okay between you two”
. “y/n, you said jude met your family over winter break, how’d it go?” “everyone liked him! they said he was very nice and they thought he was good for me” “good, i’m think he’s good for you too. not that you need my permission or anything I just-“ “I get it george, thank you”
. lando forms an almost sibling-like bond with jude
. because even though lando’s 4 years older than him, they’re at the same level matutrity wise
. this could include teaming up with him to make fun of you
. “stealing” jude away and wondering off in the paddock
. and accompanying you to real madrid games when he’s in spain
. the two of them become goods friends in a short period of time and even though they’re pretty chaotic together, you’re happy they’re getting along
. charles befriends jude surprisingly quickly
. at first, he gets to know your boyfriend because of how much he’s with carlos
. but eventually their own friendship forms
. it mostly consisting of jude teasing charles about his unimpressive football skills
. and charles’ jokes about jude being a terrible driver
. you know they have plans to teach each other their professions at some point
. and you can’t wait to watch and laugh at them
. you expected nothing less of daniel to get along with jude faster than everybody else
. jude told you multiple times how excited he was to meet danny
. and likewise for daniel
. they get along super well, they have similar senses of humor and clicked very quickly
. danny also has too much fun teasing you two all the time
. “oh look, the lovebirds are here”
. “jude, your girl just got a podium, how are you gonna spoil her?”
. “y/n come get your boyfriend he’s been so depressed without you”
. anyway
. the point is
. unless the guy gives them something to be upset about
. everyone likes jude
something short and sweet for now. i have so many ideas that i cannot wait to write and i’m so excited for you all to see them
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wosorabbitholes · 9 months
Ok, can someone please write this fic? I tried but I'm awful at it.
Reader just got a new job as a referee in Spain not knowing anything about Liga F or the players, and trying to keep it that way because she wanted to be biased. All her friends from back home kept mentioning their favorite players, but she turned a deaf ear. The day that she was going to arbitrate her first game, she decides to stop at a nearby coffee shop before getting to the Johan Cruyff. She orders and gets her coffee but gets distracted by a call bumps into a blonde literally spilling her whole coffee on the (extremely attractive) blonde. She swears at reader in Spanish and even when reader tries to apologize and offers to pay for her order, the spaniard completely ignores her and flicks her off. Reader forgets about the coffee and leaves. She gets to the stadium, pissed off, but excited to run for 90 minutes to sweat the anger off. Gets ready in the referee locker room and heads to the tunnel without looking at any of the players. Once on the field, when it's time for the coin toss, you go to shake both captains' hands and that's when it hits both, you and the Barça captain, at the same time, shocked, pissed and a little intrigued. She was the blonde from the coffee shop. And that is how it all starts, from anger and hate to getting a little flirty on the field, to a drunk one night stand, to falling for la Reina, Alexia Putellas.
I literally have the whole idea on my head but don't know how to word/assemble it. It can literally be so so so many parts. There can be parts on jealousy, smuts, angst, fluff, etc.
Can someone bring my vision to life? 🥴🫠
Oh and this is what inspired the whole thing:
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copper-16 · 1 year
You Can't Talk No Sh*t Without Penalties (Misa Rodriguez x Marta Cardona)
A/N: I had a request to upload this on here from ao3 and thought why not...so here it is!
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To the rest of the world, Misa is absolutely terrifying.
Marta doesn’t really get it.
Until suddenly, she gets it.
That one trope where the intimidating person is soft but only for the sunshiny person.
Marta was making her rounds after the first international friendly that Spain played when it happened. The team had won their first game of the break against Sweden, 2-1. Marta hadn’t played much, only the last twenty minutes of the game, but she made sure to make her way around the stadium as thoroughly as she could, trying to sign every jersey and take every picture asked of her by the fans. 
She’s just reached a young girl, maybe around 10 or 11, who looks up at her with big, anxious eyes. She’s trying to say something to the winger, and Marta leans down so that she can hear the girl over the roar of the crowd. 
“Uhm…could you…uh, well I was just hoping that…” The girl trails off, her face red and her nerves clear. Marta looks her over carefully, noticing the goalkeeper gloves in her hands. The winger looks up and back over at the group of her teammates standing on the sidelines, where the girl is looking. 
The Real Madrid goalie is standing there speaking to Alexia and Irene, and Marta smiles without even really thinking about it or realizing it.
“Misa? Were you trying to get her attention?” Marta asks gently, her voice soft.
“Uh, I was wondering if you could call her over?” The girl asks bashfully, and Marta’s smile only grows, her eyebrows furrowing just slightly in confusion. 
“Why don’t you call her over yourself?” Marta questioned, knowing that Misa was close enough to hear the girl if she had called her name out at a normal volume. The girl flushes, ducking her head for a moment before she answers. 
“Well it’s just…she’s quite scary!” The girl stammers out, and Marta takes the opportunity to look the goalkeeper over. She was currently talking to Irene, and Marta supposes that objectively she could look a little bit intimidating. The Spaniard stood tall in the white goalkeeper kit she had on, her arms crossed over her chest as she appeared deep in discussion. Her lips were set in a thin line, her eyebrows furrowed in what some would perceive as a scowl, but Marta knew was simply the Spaniard conveying her focus. Her biceps bulged against the sleeves of her top as she shifted to the other foot, and Marta could feel a flush coming over her own cheeks as she averted her eyes, looking back to the girl as she swallowed roughly. 
“She’s really not, I promise,” Marta conveyed, but she raised her arm and called for Misa regardless, wanting her to meet the sweet young girl. 
Misa had been in the middle of an intense discussion with Irene about the La Liga strike when she heard her name, and suddenly, just like that, her attention was shifted to the call that she knew had come from Marta. The goalkeeper's head immediately swiveled to find her, her conversation with Irene completely forgotten. Irene rolled her eyes as a smile spread on Misa’s face, her whole expression softening at the sight of the winger, who was looking at her with an open expression, clearly trying to call Misa over. 
All of the girls knew better than to try to hold Misa’s attention whenever Marta was around. The brunette had a unique ability to melt the usually terrifying and harsh Misa down into someone of incredible softness. 
It was almost sickening, considering that neither one seemed to get the hint that they were both in love with the other, instead doing this strange dance around one another where neither admitted their true feelings. 
“Sorry, I just–” Misa stammered out, a half excuse on her lips as she’s already moving toward the brunette, but Irene just shooed her away and toward the shorter woman, knowing that she had lost the Spaniard’s attention the minute Marta opened her mouth. 
Misa made her way over to Marta quickly, her heart squeezing when she saw that the winger was speaking to a young girl, who was looking between Marta and Misa with a nervous expression. 
Marta smiled at the goalkeeper as she drew near, and Misa knew she should be looking at the young fan but she really only had eyes for the brunette. She would give anything to just stare at Marta for hours and have it be considered societally appropriate, to memorize the curve of her jaw and the lift of her cheekbones, every fleck of green in her hazel eyes, every freckle that dusted over her face. 
But Marta wasn’t hers, and the brunette had never shown Misa in any way that she had interest in being more than friends, so the goalkeeper pined after her silently, and (if you were to ask her teammates), quite obviously. 
“Yes?” Misa answers softly, finally forcing her eyes away from Marta and to the young girl she’s with. 
“This is Anna, she’s 10 and from Malaga,” Marta explained, and the little girl, Anna, nodded carefully as she listened to the brunette’s words, looking back at Misa with hopeful eyes. 
Misa smiled at the kindness in Marta’s words, nodding along as she looked between the two. 
“Well it’s lovely to meet you Anna,” Misa exclaimed, delighting in the way that the little girl smiled brightly back at her, clearly thrilled at Misa’s words. 
“It’s really nice to meet you too! I was wondering if you could maybe sign my gloves?” Anna asked, holding up the little goalie gloves she had, along with a pen. Misa happily took them, signing them with her loopy signature before she looked behind the girl, to see her mother watching the interaction with a smile. 
“How about a picture too?” Misa suggested, and the girl’s mouth dropped open, surprise taking over her whole face. 
“Really?” She asked, awe in her voice and Misa nodded once, letting the girl turn and wrapping her arm around the girl’s shoulders. 
Once the picture had been taken and they had said goodbye, Misa walked back toward the group shoulder to shoulder with Marta. The winger shook her head slightly, looking over at Misa with a grin on her face. 
“You’re always so sweet with the kids,” Marta commented, and Misa had to fight to keep a stupidly big smile off her face at the compliment. She shakes her head slightly, looking over at Marta, her smile full of mirth. 
“I’m nothing like you. You’d make time for every person in here if they asked,” Misa acknowledged, her heart skipping a beat at the blush that twinged Marta’s ear as the goalkeeper looked down at her. The winger knocked her shoulder into Misa's arm affectionately, and the Spaniard blushed at the action, a light flush covering her cheeks. 
Irene and Esther watched the exchange with unimpressed expressions painted across their respective faces. 
“I’m giving it a month,” Esther announced suddenly, and Irene scoffed beside her. 
“Please, a month? At this rate I’m giving it a week,” Irene exclaimed with an eye roll, and Esther couldn’t help but laugh as she headed for the tunnel to go shower and change. 
Marta walked out of the locker room alone, after Misa got called away to discuss something with the trainer. She fell into step with Lola, who waited for her teammate so they could head to the bus together. 
“This little girl I talked to today was so scared of Misa she made me call her over for her! Isn’t that crazy?” Marta observed with a laugh, and Lola looked over at her with a brow raised, clearly confused at Marta’s words. 
“Marta, I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but Misa is objectively quite an intimidating person. To people who don’t know her she’s definitely scary,” Lola explained gently, but Marta looked over at the goalkeeper with clear confusion on her face. 
“What are you talking about? It’s Misa, she’s not like that at all!” Marta exclaimed, but her teammate just let out a chuckle at the pure cluelessness that Marta had. 
“Marta, I don’t know if you’ve noticed but you’re the only one she’s like that around. You’re the only one that she lets drag her around to fans or who talks her into stuff she doesn’t want to do. You’re the only one who can calm her down when she gets really upset, you are the one she wants to be close to all of the time. She’s not like that with anyone else,” Lola pointed out, and Marta was completely dumbfounded that the goalkeeper told her exactly what she had wanted to hear, in such concrete terms. The winger is quiet for a moment, opening and closing her mouth several times before she finally speaks. 
“I…why do you think she’s like that?” Marta asks with carefully constructed uncertainty, almost afraid that Lola won’t answer in the way that Marta thinks she will. 
She just needs one person to say it. One person to point it out to her, for her to maybe believe what she so hopes is true. Lola groans next to her, slapping a hand over her face with frustration. 
“Marta,” Lola groans, and suddenly like an arrow it hits the brunette straight in the chest, nearly knocking the wind out of her lungs. 
“Oh…OH,” Marta stutters after a second, her eyebrows nearly disappearing into her hairline when she realizes that Lola means exactly what she thinks Lola means. 
“Yeah…” Lola replies, and she can’t help but feel slightly relieved that Marta finally sees what’s right in front of her face this whole damn time. “Do you think you might feel the same?” 
Marta thinks about Lola’s question for a second before she answers, her voice holding more uncertainty than anything else. She doesn’t want to answer completely honestly, give anyone more of a reason to tease her than necessary. 
“I don’t…maybe? I’m not sure, I hadn’t really thought about it,” Marta lies, and Lola seems to accept the answer easily, not pressing the issue further. 
When Marta finally tucks herself into bed later that night, her mind is filled with nothing except for Misa. She had known that she liked Misa months ago, and for months she’s simply sat on that information, never planning to act on it. 
It had never occurred to her that perhaps Misa felt exactly the same way that she did about her. 
Marta isn’t really sure what to do with that information, so she decides to do what she does best, and investigate this potential hypothesis. 
Marta wakes up the next morning with a mission. 
She has one thing on the agenda (aside from the very real, actual things she has for her camp schedule). 
And that one thing: watch Misa and see if Lola is telling the truth. Not that Marta inherently thinks her friend is lying, quite the contrary really, but she just isn’t sure. 
She’s curious, that’s all. And she isn’t about to walk up to Misa and profess her feelings for the goalkeeper with absolutely no concrete evidence that the goalkeeper at least might feel the same way. 
So she walks into the locker room with her head on a swivel, looking for the Spaniard as soon as she walks in the door. And luckily for her, Misa looks up to nod her greeting to Mapi, who had walked in before her, before she sees Marta, and a smile breaks onto the goalkeeper's face as she greets the brunette. 
“Morning!” Misa calls cheerfully, and Marta can’t help but reply with her own smile, her heart surging at the difference in greeting from her to Mapi. 
Hm…strike one, Marta thinks, realizing that this was just the kind of thing she was looking for. It’s not enough on its own, but perhaps if there are other signs, she can really be sure. 
And as they’re getting ready, Marta realizes the more she watches Misa, the more she understands how the goalkeeper could be perceived as scary. She doesn’t speak a lot, her resting face isn’t exactly one filled with kindness, and while she’s not exactly the tallest person in the world, her height combined with the sheer amount of muscle mass she holds makes her very presence more intimidating than most. 
Marta looks down at her lithe, short body and then back up at Misa, swallowing as she realizes just how much she dwarfs the goalkeeper, both in muscle and size, considering that Misa is a good half foot taller than she is. 
She doesn’t let herself think about it any longer, all but running out of the room and heading for the film room, which is where the team will start their day. 
The winger is one of the first in the room, and she settles in a chair near the middle, waiting for her teammates to file in. Everyone walks in, taking their usual spots. Alexia is sat up front with Jenni, the couple looking at one another with sickeningly in love expressions, while Aitana and Ona both head for the back, and still the winger waits for Misa to come in. 
The goalkeeper trails in after Sandra, her eyes already gazing around the room, clearly looking for someone. When she spots Marta her face softens into a half-smile, and she quickly steps over to sit down next to the winger, who is looking at her with big eyes. 
“Hey, did I miss anything?” Misa asks quietly before she actually looks over at the brunette, and she takes in her surprised expression. “Everything okay?” Misa asks, her eyebrows furrowing together in clear concern. 
“Fine!” Marta squeaks, and Misa’s eyes narrow at the high pitch of her friend’s tone, but she chooses not to comment on it as Marta’s eyes almost plead with her not to. 
“Totally fine…cool, great, good, yeah,” Marta continues, the words simply tumbling out of her mouth with little thought behind them. Misa looks the winger up and down with a raised brow before she nods slowly, letting Marta get away with her strange response. 
As they turn toward the front to start the film session, Marta only has one thought pinging through her mind. 
Strike two. 
Strike three happens when they all least expect it to. 
Honestly Marta wasn’t even looking for a third strike, she was simply sitting with the information that there might be a chance her feelings aren’t as unrequited as she had always assumed that they were. 
The team had gone out to scrimmage at the end of practice after doing some light strength training. It had taken everything in Marta to not stare at Misa as she lifted with the other goalkeepers, but if she had taken the time to at least look in the Spaniard’s direction she would have found a pair of russet brown eyes intently on her the majority of the time. 
But she didn’t, and still Misa didn’t say a thing, and instead they all headed out to scrimmage. 
Misa wasn’t even playing when it happened. She was on the sidelines watching the teams, with Sandra in goal for one and Lola in goal for the other. Marta was on Sandra’s team, playing up front with Aitana and Lucia. 
The brunette had just gotten the ball from Alexia when it happened. She shifts her body around to turn toward the goal, but not fast enough. Not fast enough to register that Athenea is going in for a tackle, and an incredibly poorly timed one at that. 
And just like that the winger is down on the ground, the ball completely forgotten as she clutches at her ankle hopelessly, a yelp of pain escaping her lips at the crunching tackle. 
She can do nothing but breathe for a second as the pain shoots up and through her leg, and she tries to catch the breath she had lost in the fall. She can feel someone crouch beside her, but she can’t quite tell who it is. 
“Marta? Marta, tell me where it hurts.” 
The winger recognizes that voice. She can’t reply, the words won’t leave her throat, but she does manage to tip herself over, falling to the side and looking up at Misa. Misa, who had been on the opposite side of the pitch from her just a second ago. The goalkeeper is at her side, looking down at the winger with panic in her eyes, her hands on the brunette’s arm and side. 
“Ankle,” Marta manages to huff out, and Misa’s eyes widen as she looks down at the appendage, before she looks back up at the winger’s eyes, clocking the tear that had begun to gently fall down her cheek. 
Misa brings one of her hands up to cradle Marta’s cheek, brushing the lone tear away before she leaned back, straightening herself slightly and calling out for the medic. 
“Misa…” Marta cries gently, and suddenly the goalkeeper goes from looking absolutely lethal to the gentle person that Marta knew her to be, her whole face softened into one of concern as she looks the winger up and down once more, her hands placed steadily and comfortingly at Marta’s side. The winger tries to focus on the warmth radiating from Misa’s hand, the scent of vanilla from Misa’s perfume rather than the pain in her ankle. 
“Hey, hey, I’m right here. You’re gonna be fine,” Misa promises, and Marta nods as she shoves the tears away. The pain is starting to fade from her ankle, and she moves to sit up, an action that Misa is quick to support, her hand comfortingly on the brunette’s back as she watches her closely. 
“Sorry, can you move out of the way?” One of the medics asks Misa as they run over to help Marta, and the look on the Spaniard’s face can only be described as murderous at the audacity of this person to ask her to leave. 
“I’m not going anywhere,” Misa growled, and Marta can’t help the slight surprise she feels at hearing Misa’s tone, low and threatening. The medic cowers back slightly, clearly more than a little afraid of the woman. 
“No…I mean I just…uh we need…space to work and all,” the medic stammers out, and Marta places her hand on Misa’s knee with a tight smile. 
“It’s okay Mi, let them work, it's alright,” Marta hums out as she tries to keep the pain out of her voice, and Misa’s eyes rove over the wingers face for a long moment before she nods, standing and moving out of the way, but only moving to stand behind the brunette and next to Esther, who has also been there since Marta went down. 
“Yeah down girl!” Esther jokes from beside the goalkeeper, but she’s quickly silenced with a punishing look from the Spaniard. 
“Sheesh, someone can’t take a joke today,” Esther mutters, but Misa hardly even hears her, too focused on Marta to care what anyone else said or thought. 
Marta looks back up at Misa, at the way she’s looking over at Athenea, her arms crossed over her chest and a harsh expression on her face. It’s perhaps one of the first time’s she’s really registered the ‘intimidating’ person that Lola had referenced before. Even when they’d first met, Misa had never been anything but kind to Marta. 
But now, with Misa standing over her like a guard dog, protecting her from what exactly, Marta isn’t really sure, but she might be starting to get the goalkeeper’s reputation. 
She tries to ignore the fact that Misa’s scowl is insanely attractive, and the way she glances down at Marta every few seconds with a protective glint in her eyes makes the wingers heart stutter in her chest. 
The medics rotate her ankle for a few minutes, but despite the initial sharp pain, the discomfort in her foot is subsiding quickly enough that Marta isn’t particularly concerned. She lets them work though, not wanting to brush it off too quickly and risk reinjury. 
“Okay, it looks mostly okay, it’s probably just a sprain, but we want to take you back to the med room to check just in case,” the medic explained, and Marta nodded as she started to push herself to stand. 
As if on cue, the goalkeeper who's been watching her like a hawk is there with her hand under Marta’s arm to support her. The winger isn’t entirely sure she even needs the help, but she’s not going to turn it down, not when it’s from Misa. 
The Spaniard helps to wrap Marta’s arm over her shoulder before she loops her arm around the winger’s waist, helping her walk toward the med room.
And for once Marta, who is arguably one of the more chatty people on the team, is completely silent. Misa’s body is pressed up against hers, the warmth from her side seeping into Marta as they walk toward the room quietly, with Misa shouldering a fair amount of her weight. 
“Are you sure you can walk?” Misa asks after they are off the field, and Marta’s stomach swirls with unhelpful but not entirely unwanted thoughts as she imagines Misa’s strong arms around her, carrying her somewhere…anywhere. 
She shakes her head slightly, both as an answer and to ward off the thought. 
“Yeah, yeah. I’m fine Misa, you should get back to practice,” Marta insisted, and despite everything screaming in her not to, she gently pushes the goalkeeper's body away from hers. 
Misa looks down at her with nothing but concern and worry written in her expression, clearly not convinced. 
“Are you sure? I can come with you–” Misa starts, but Marta interrupts her with a hand on her arm. The winger tries her absolute hardest to ignore the hard muscles of Misa’s bicep she can feel under her fingertips, the way that she can feel Misa relax under her touch. 
“Mi, I’m okay, I promise,” Marta assures, and Misa’s eyes rove over the brunette’s face once more before she nods curtly, her jaw set in a tight line. She checks to make sure that the medics are next to Marta before she steps away, heading regrettably back toward the field. The goalkeeper only glances back once, her heart clenching at the sight of Marta slightly limping down the tunnel. 
But Marta told her to go, and if there’s one thing Misa will do, it’s follow Marta’s instructions. So she returns to practice, even if her mind stays down the hallway, where half of her heart remains in the med room. 
Misa is the second member of the team on the bus, having practically ran there after the medics had told her that Marta was already on the bus. 
The winger is sitting in the middle of the bus, looking at something on her phone. 
“Hey,” Misa announces her presence breathlessly, and Marta looks up at her with a wide smile, taking in the flushed cheeks and sloppy bun that sat atop the Spaniard’s head. 
“Hey you,” Marta answered easily, patting the space next to her for Misa to join her, if she would like. The goalkeeper takes the offered spot, shifting to look Marta over wholly. 
“How's your ankle?” Misa asks carefully, hoping only for good news. But Marta seems perfectly relaxed, picking up her foot and twirling it around carefully. 
“It’s alright, I just twisted it a bit. I’ll do light work tomorrow and I should be back fully the day after next. Not as bad as it seems or felt on the field,” Marta explained, and Misa’s body relaxes next to her, a rush of gratitude flooding her chest that it’s not a more serious injury. 
“That’s good, I’m really glad,” Misa replies happily, and Marta just smiles at her before turning back to her phone. Misa settles in next to her, and she ends up falling asleep by the time the bus leaves. 
They’re only five minutes into their journey when Misa shifts in her sleep, her head tipping over to Marta’s shoulder as her body snuggles into the wingers smaller one. It’s amazing to Marta how the large goalie can make herself so small to tuck herself into Marta’s body, but she would never dare complain. 
Strike three, Marta thinks as Misa’s nose brushes against her throat, sending a shiver down the winger’s back at the tiny gesture. 
Marta carefully looks down to check that Misa is asleep before she unlocks her phone, opening her messages. She carefully types out a message to Lola before she presses send on it, despite the hesitance she feels. 
Marta Cardona: Do you really think it’s possible that Misa likes me? As more than a friend?
Marta clocks movement from above her screen, and she looks up to see both Lola and Mapi rise out of their seats like cartoon characters they’re so in sync. The duo is sitting two rows in front of her, and they turned around in their seats to look back at her. The goalkeeper's expression is unimpressed, and she raises her eyebrow as though to say really? Mapi lets out a silent laugh when she looks over at Lola, rolling her eyes at the brunette for good measure. 
The defender looks between Marta and Misa with big eyes, gesturing between the two of them. Marta rolls her eyes before she types out another message, pressing send more forcefully than she needs to. 
Marta Cardona: Okay, okay, I get it! But seriously you two, I need you to tell me that I’m not just being delusional. 
Lola Gallardo: You aren’t being delusional - Lola and Mapi <3
Marta Cardona: How are you so sure? Did she tell you? 
Lola Gallardo: She didn’t have to. She talks about you all the time, she constantly seeks you out, and she looks at you like you single handedly make the sun come up each morning. You make her happy Marta, I can promise you that it’s you she wants. Nobody else. 
Marta Cardona: Why hasn’t she ever said anything? 
Lola Gallardo: I’m pretty positive that she’s not sure you feel the same way. 
Marta Cardona: Oh…
Lola Gallardo: Nothing a single conversation can’t fix. Sooner rather than later please, because I might have to rip off my own ears if I have to listen to her pine after you one more time. 
Marta Cardona: Oh can it Gallardo, we all know you’re ten times worse when you talk about Cristina. 
Lola Gallardo: No comment. 
Marta can’t help but let out a snort of laughter at the text, and Misa shifts under her but doesn’t wake up, instead simply pressing more into the brunette’s body. Marta snuggles down into the feeling, completely content to let the goalie sleep against her for the rest of the journey back to the hotel. 
Marta stands outside of Misa’s hotel room, shifting her weight nervously from foot to foot as she works up the courage to knock on the goalkeeper's door. She’s suddenly grateful they all have their own room this camp, because then she’d have to deal with not only her romantic declaration, but also getting Misa by herself to tell her said feelings. 
Marta had been hyping herself up for the last hour to do this, and her stomach is nothing but twists of nervous knots. She knows that no matter what, whether this goes well or badly, at the end of the line this conversation will likely change their relationship. 
She can only hope that it isn’t going to go horribly, because she isn’t sure she’d be able to handle the embarrassment of rejection in a graceful manner. 
All she can think in her head is of the possibility for error here, all the possible ways that Misa could reject her. There seem to be a million different bad scenarios, the possibilities are really endless. 
So despite the fact that she is standing here at Misa’s door, she can’t quite bring herself to lift her hand and knock, even though she knows that she needs to. 
But she also knows that she can’t go back to her hotel room, back to this holding pattern that she and Misa have. Someone needs to address this, and apparently it isn’t going to be Misa. 
The winger lifts her right arm, knocking sharply three times against the wood door before she steps back, letting out a rattling breath. 
It takes just a few seconds before the door flies open, revealing Misa in the doorway of her hotel room. She has on shorts and a t-shirt, her hair still drawn up lazily in a bun atop her head, a few strands of hair coming loose, falling down and framing her face. 
She looks down at Marta with a soft smile, her head cocked to the side in a silent question. She’s clearly more than a little surprised to see the winger on her doorstep later at night, though Marta could never possibly be unwelcome in her space. 
“Hey,” Misa greeted, a half smile pulling at her lips as she watched the winger stand at her doorstep. Marta looked visibly nervous, and she swallowed roughly as she looked past Misa, over her shoulder and into the Spaniard’s room. 
“Hey, could I come in?” Marta asks, and she’s hardly finished her sentence before Misa is nodding, stepping back to allow Marta to step past her and into the room. 
The winger stands facing away from Misa for a moment, wringing her hands together before she turns back to Misa, who is still standing by the now closed door, her confusion evident in her expression. 
“Everything okay?” Misa inquires softly, her concern clear in her tone. Marta softens at the words, and she’s opening her mouth to assure Misa that everything is fine. 
Except, that isn’t what ends up coming out of her mouth. 
“You’re a really scary person,” Marta blurts out, her own eyes widening when she realizes what she said, and Misa’s confusion grows at the winger’s words, her eyebrows furrowing further. 
“Uh…thank you?” Misa answered, unsure of what Marta was really getting at. The goalkeeper was more than aware that some people found her intimidating, but she wasn’t sure what that had to do with Marta. Marta shook her head gently, cursing herself at having managed to fuck this up straight from the get go. 
“No, no, that’s not what I mean…I mean you’re really scary, but not to me you aren’t. Like everyone else is really intimidated by you but I’ve never thought of you that way,” Marta explained, and Misa’s eyebrows rose in surprise as she nodded slowly, still not really following Marta’s train of thought. 
“Oh…well that’s good. I don’t want you to think of me that way,” Misa replied slowly, and Marta wants to groan, because the goalkeeper is clearly not getting what she is saying. 
“No Misa I’m trying to–I like you!” Marta huffs out, and Misa freezes, her whole body tensing as she stares at Marta. 
“You…do?” Misa asks gently, and Marta nods, bringing her hand up to chew on her thumbnail nervously. 
“Yeah, like…as more than just a friend…you know like in a uh…romantic way. And if you don’t feel the same way that’s fine but I just wanted you to know so that we were on the same page and well I didn’t want to just be dishonest about my feelings cause that isn’t fai–” Marta rambles, and Misa carefully cuts her off after a moment, her own cheeks twinged pink. 
“I like you too,” Misa admits, and Marta’s rambling comes to an abrupt stop. The winger can do nothing but blink for a few seconds, not quite processing Misa’s words. 
“You…you do?” Marta questions after a second, and Misa nods easily, a small smile tugging on her lips. 
“Oh…well that makes things a lot easier than I thought it would be,” Marta offers with a weak chuckle, and Misa’s head tips back in laughter at the clear surprise that is laced in the brunette’s tone. 
“Did you expect me not to say that? Cause if so, I’ve done a bad job of making it incredibly clear that I’m a little obsessed with you,” Misa teased lightly. 
“Just a little?” Marta volleyed back, and Misa could only smirk in response, delighting in the way that Marta’s face instantly flushed red, the winger ducking her head as she bit her lip. 
Oh god, the things Misa would do to feel those lips on hers. 
Marta looks back up at Misa after a second, at the distance between the two. She’s only a few paces into the room, but the goalkeeper is still standing back at the door, unmoving. 
“Well…what should we do now?” Marta asks, swallowing roughly as Misa’s gaze roves over her, down her figure and back up again, her intent quite clear. 
“I could think of a few things…” Misa drawls, and Marta’s lips quirk up in a smirk as she saunters forward, her steps agonizingly slow. 
She walks right into Misa’s personal space, forcing the taller woman to step backward until her back hits the door, and she lets out a breath at the feeling. Misa’s eyes jump from the brunette’s eyes to her lips and back again, and Marta smiles as she presses up on her tiptoes. 
She stops just before her lips are on Misa’s, close enough that their breath mingles, and when she speaks, her lips just barely brush against the goalkeepers, teasing. 
“Oh really? And what would that be?” Marta asks, and just like that the last of Misa’s self restraint snaps at the brunette’s words, and the goalie  crashes her lips against Marta’s. 
Despite the fact that she knew she was egging Misa on, the brunette can’t help but gasp into the kiss, surprised by Misa’s eagerness. 
Her lips are soft against Martas, and she tastes like peppermint chapstick and a hint of chocolate as she insistently presses her lips to the winger’s. Marta wraps her arms up and around Misa’s neck, pulling the goalkeeper into her even further. 
Marta teases her tongue at the entrance of Misa’s mouth, and the goalkeeper is more than happy to allow her entrance, her throat making a desperate noise when Marta’s tongue swipes along the roof of her mouth. 
Misa takes advantage of the fact that she has her hands at Marta’s hips, and she’s stepping forward and all but shoving the smaller brunette against the door with a huff. When she looks down, Marta is looking at her with hooded eyes and swollen lips and want buries itself deep in Misa’s pelvis, something hot and needy swirling around in her stomach. 
Misa bends down just slightly, wrapping her arms wholly around Marta’s abdomen and lifting slightly. The winger understands her action almost as though she could hear Misa’s thoughts, wrapping her legs around Misa’s waist as the goalkeeper's arms anchor themselves on the brunette’s ass. 
Marta has her arms still woven around Misa’s neck, and she brings her hand up to the bun sitting atop Misa’s head. Marta works her delicate, nimble fingers around the hair tie, removing it and smoothing Misa’s hair down with a smile on her lips. 
The goalkeeper is struggling to control her breathing at the sight, and her breath hitches in her throat as Marta tugs at her scalp dully, anchoring herself in the dark strands of Misa’s hair as she reattaches her lips to Misa’s mouth. 
Marta’s lips on hers are bruising and insistent, and their kisses have descended into something sloppy and hot and wonderful. A haze has settled over Misa, and all she feels is Marta around her, the feeling of the brunette in her arms. Marta weighs almost nothing, and suddenly all of those extra gym sessions feel as though they’ve paid off as the winger arches into the goalkeeper when Misa’s hands gently knead at her ass. 
Marta’s head is thrown back slightly at the action as she lets out a whimper, and the creamy, soft skin of her neck is just staring Misa right in the eye. Misa can suddenly think of all the times that she found herself staring at Marta’s neck in the same exact way, whether it be during practice, or while they’re eating, or when they’re lifting. 
The only difference is that now Misa can do something about it, and so she wastes absolutely no time in leaning forward to attach her lips to the delicate skin there. Her heart skips a beat at the soft, surprised whine that leaves Marta’s lips at the action, and she simply doubles down on her efforts. 
Misa nips and sucks her way along Marta’s neck as she turns them around, heading blindly for the bed. She only pulls back when she feels the bedframe pressing against her knees, and she places a final open mouth kiss to the brunette’s rather sensitive neck before she carefully places her down on the bed, immediately coming to crawl up and over her. 
The breath feels like it’s been stolen from Misa’s lungs as she looks at Marta, her hair fanned out on the pillow and looking up at the goalkeeper with hooded eyes, her pupils blown and a damn smirk across her lips. 
Misa can’t help but crash her lips back against Marta’s, relishing in the way that suddenly Marta’s hands are everywhere. The brunette runs her hands over the goalkeeper's broad shoulders, then down her front, before she slips them under the taller woman’s shirt, running them up along Misa’s abs. The goalkeeper sucks in a breath at the feeling, her body shuddering more involuntarily than anything, and she can feel how Marta smiles into the kiss as a result. 
Misa simply leans back, ripping her shirt up and off of herself as Marta leans up to do the same. Neither of the women are wearing a bra, and for a second Misa can only stare at the winger’s body, nothing in her brain except for how insanely attractive the winger is. Marta might be tiny compared to her, but that didn’t mean that the brunette was any less fit, her body lithe and completely toned. 
Misa is so distracted by the line of muscles that are littered down the curves of Marta’s body that she doesn’t realize what is happening until she’s on her back, the winger looking down at her with a smirk after she had flipped them.  
Marta leans in slowly, until her lips are resting gently on the shell of Misa’s ear, their chests pressed together. 
“Much better,” Marta husks, and Misa’s back arches into the brunette’s chest as she lets out a groan, one that has Marta’s smile growing. The winger attaches her lips to the column of Misa’s throat, sucking deeply at the skin behind her ear that has Misa a whimpering mess under her. 
Marta works down the goalkeeper's throat, sucking at her collarbone and down to her chest. Misa can hardly breathe she’s so overcome with pleasure, and she doesn’t even bother to be embarrassed at how loud she’s being when Marta wraps her lips around her nipple, her other hand coming to play with the other side of her chest. 
Marta flattens her tongue against Misa’s peaked nipple as the goalkeeper arches into the feeling, keening whines and groans tumbling from her lips at the brunette’s careful ministrations. Misa has one hand fisted in the sheets and the other holding the back of Marta’s head, keeping her pressed to her chest as her head is thrown back in pleasure. 
Marta works her way down, sucking deep red marks into the underside of Misa’s chest before she lets herself work even further downward, running her tongue along the lines of the goalkeeper's abs, which ripple under her touch. 
“God, I’ve thought about doing this an unhealthy amount,” Marta breathes out as she splays her hands along the tanned, muscled skin of Misa’s stomach as she scratches down her abs, and the corresponding moan that Misa releases is music to the brunette’s ears. 
Marta presses a kiss to each individual ab before she continues even further south, stopping when she reaches the goalkeeper's waistband, a silent question on her face. 
Misa doesn’t even bother answering with words, she simply lifts her hips off the bed with urgency, allowing for Marta to pull her shorts and underwear off quickly, leaving the dark haired woman completely bare on the bed. Marta takes the chance to rid herself of her own pants and underwear as well before she turns her attention back to Misa. 
The brunette brings her lips to the inside of Misa’s thigh, pressing a kiss to the skin on the inside of her knee before she works her way up, her breath ghosting right over where Misa wanted her the most before she repeated the action on the other leg. 
Misa is practically vibrating under her as Marta fans out, kissing up and over the goalkeeper's hip bone as Misa lets out a frustrated groan, her hips canting up as her grip on the sheets tighten. 
“Please,” Misa urged, and Marta decides to take pity on her, quitting her teasing. 
The first run of Marta’s tongue through Misa has both women letting out a moan, Misa of relief and Marta of want. Marta brings her tongue back to the apex of Misa’s thighs as the goalkeeper's hips roll down to meet her mouth. 
Marta is as precise in bed as she is on the football pitch, and it hardly takes her any time at all to work Misa up, the goalkeeper a bumbling mess under her careful ministrations. 
Marta circles her tongue over Misa’s clit with a smooth rhythm, letting the Spaniard’s hips roll down into her as her breath comes out in gasps. It’s when she’s close that Marta finally inserts not one but two fingers into Misa, smiling as the goalkeeper lets out an unabashedly loud moan that sounds suspiciously like Marta’s name. 
It only takes a few more minutes of both Marta’s mouth and fingers, quirked in just the right way, for Misa to be screaming out her name, her whole body going rigid against Marta. Misa lets out a guttural groan as her thighs tighten around the brunette’s head and hand, holding her in place as her eyes stay squeezed shut and her body shudders through orgasm. 
It takes her a few moments, but after a small period of time Misa’s whole body relaxes back into the mattress as she lets out a deep sigh, releasing Marta from the grip she’s had on her. 
The brunette brings her fingers up to her mouth, swirling her tongue around to clean them before she releases them with a pop, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand. Marta leans in cheekily, kissing her way back up Misa’s body, all the way to her throat before she shifts to the side, collapsing on her back on the mattress next to Misa. She has absolutely no expectation of the goalkeeper returning the favor, she’s enjoyed getting to have Misa under her finally far too much, but it seems that the prospect of having her way with Marta is actually the only thing on Misa’s mind. 
“Oh no you don’t,” the goalkeeper husks as she wraps her arm around the winger’s waist, pulling her back up and settling the brunette against her lower abdomen, right above her hip bone. 
Marta lets out an involuntary harsh breath as her bare center settles against Misa’s abs, and her breath stutters in her chest at both the display of strength that Misa could pull her up here so easily, and at the smirk that Misa currently has painted on her lips. 
“You’re wet,” Misa observes as Marta shifts above her, and it’s the wingers turn to smirk as she nods coyly, a wry smile on her face. 
“Only for you,” Marta promises quietly, and Misa lets out a harsh breath as she grips the brunette’s waist just a hair too tightly, pulling the winger forward and rocking her hips against Misa. Marta sighed in relief as she rocked her hips back and forward against Misa’s abs, understanding what the goalkeeper was trying to get her to do. It becomes easier for her to rock back and forth as her wetness coats Misa’s abs, giving her a slick surface to slide against as Misa’s hands help keep her movement steady.  
The goalkeeper tightens the muscles in her abdomen with ease, giving Marta a harder surface to grind down against. The pressure isn’t enough to fully get her off, it’s not specific enough, but it still sends waves of pleasure down her spine with each rock of her hips, each brush of her clit against the hard ridges of Misa’s abs. 
Especially as Misa watches her, her pupils blown and her cheeks flushed as she stares at the brunette unabashedly, her eyes dark and filled with want. Marta’s hair flows down her back, her chest arched up as she grinds her hips down again and again and again until Misa’s stomach is a complete mess, not that she gave a flying fuck. The air is thick with sex and sweat and the winger’s hips are jumping erratically as she presses even further into Misa, and the goalkeeper can tell that the brunette is starting to grow frustrated, her breathing becoming more labored as she gets more and more worked up, unable to actually finish. 
Misa removes her dominant hand from Marta’s hips as her nondominant hand slows the rocking of Marta’s hips. The brunette’s head snaps to Misa, only for her to understand when she feels Misa’s hand tease at her center. Marta has her knees on either side of Misa, and she rises up so that Misa can snake her hand between the wingers legs. 
Misa runs her fingers through Marta once experimentally, her fingers sliding easily through the brunette, who lets out a ragged sigh at the feeling.
But Misa isn’t cruel, and as soon as she’s done that does she slips a finger inside of the winger as Marta’s hips rut down at the feeling, a whine tumbling from her lips. Misa smiles to herself as she curls her finger deep in the winger. 
“Misa please – oh fuck!” Marta cries out as the goalkeeper quietly adds a second finger, and the brunette’s hips roll down on it with reckless abandon, chasing the high that she can feel curling in her lower stomach already. 
The brunette is barely saying anything coherent as she chases her orgasm, and she’s all but chanting Misa’s name as the goalkeeper's fingers curl inside of her, the rhythm demanding and everything that Marta needs right now. 
The thing that finally pushes Marta over the edge is when she opens her eyes, tipping toward as she presses a hand onto Misa’s sternum, and the change in angle of her hip pushes the goalkeepers fingers inside of her even further as her eyes rove over that gorgeous fucking smirk that tugs at Misa’s lips. 
The coil deep within Marta snaps, and her hips push down harshly as she shudders, her body taught as her eyes slam shut and her head snaps back, a moan wrenching itself out from deep within her chest. 
Marta can hardly breathe from the strength of her orgasm as it rips through her, and if it wasn’t for Misa’s hands that brought her down gently she probably would have simply flopped down onto the goalkeeper, her limbs suddenly feeling like jelly. But Misa would never let that happen, simply tucking the brunette into her neck as she wrapped her arms around her back, their bodies relaxing into one another. 
Misa peppers kisses to the crown of Marta’s head as the winger catches her breath slowly, and it’s a few minutes before the brunette can pull her head back to look at Misa properly. The taller woman brings her fingers up to tuck a stray strand of hair that fell into her face behind her ear, and Marta leans easily into the action with a tiny smile. 
The winger simply tucks herself back into Misa’s neck with a happy sigh, leaning forward to press a kiss to the smooth, sweaty skin she finds there. Misa simply rubs her hand up and down Marta’s back, tracing small shapes into the warm expanse of her back with the pads of her fingers. 
“Shower?” Misa asks softly, and Marta nods but makes no move to go anywhere. After a few moments Misa shifts under her, but the brunette simply grips onto Misa more tightly, refusing to let go of the goalkeeper. 
“Mmm…don’t wanna leave you,” Marta mumbles into Misa’s neck, and she relishes in the soft rumble of laughter that Misa lets out, a noise that the winger both hears and feels from the goalkeeper's chest, her whole body still pressed against Misa. 
“Well luckily for you, I have a solution,” Misa whispers with amusement, engaging her core as she sits up, adjusting Marta in her arms before she stands, the brunette held in her arms bridal style. Misa couldn’t wipe the grin off her face for anything when Marta squeals happily at the action, her arms wrapping around Misa’s neck as she laughs lightly, a huge smile on her face. 
One of Marta’s hands slides around to gently cup Misa’s cheek in her hand, her thumb brushing up and down the soft skin of Misa’s cheek, and she watches as the taller woman’s eyes flutter shut, a soft puff of air leaving her chest at the feeling as she presses her forehead against Misa’s. 
When she finally opens her eyes, Marta is looking at her with nothing but deep adoration in her eyes, clearly completely enamored with the goalkeeper, same as she always has been.
Misa can do nothing in return but lean forward to press her lips against Marta’s, soft and secure and everything she could have ever hoped for it to be.
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milawritesstuff · 1 year
Girl we are campeones of la Liga 🏆 I’m coming your way with some pedri x gf!reader smut…she comes to watch the game with his brother & sexts pedri during halftime bc he turns her on when he’s on the field (who doesn’t get turned on by our pedri potter) so once the game is over they’re both rushing to see each other that he ditches part of the celebration bc he knows the locker rooms at camp nou will be empty so they take advantage *insert smut* (you can take it on from there)
Ok I just finished this one and your request came up. It’s a little different but this is in honor of being LA LIGA CAMPEONES!!!
You turned quickly to your side, your worried eyes making contact with his brother. -Fer!- you said in a scared voice.
The smiles and laughter of seeing Pedri and the rest of the team celebrate the league title was soon clouded by a few fans of the opposing team running onto the field. Your heart dropped as you saw a sea of yellow shirts run towards the tunnel, your boyfriend included.
-It’s fine, he’s going to be okay.- Said Fer standing next to you. He offered you a reassuring smile as you turned to look back at the guards with Espanyol fans on the floor.
Minutes later as you along with Pedri’s brother, cousin, and dad made your way out of the stadium you finally got a message from him. He asked you to go home instead of going to wait for him back at ciudad esportiva. He just wanted you to be safe. The other three dropped you off at the home you and Pedri shared as you smiled and waved them goodbye.
You sat on the couch waiting for Pedri while you scrolled through social media. A smile plastered on your face as you saw everyone celebrating the league title. Eventually you fell asleep only to be awakened by a familiar scent that intoxicated your lungs and a warm kiss on your forehead.
-Amor.- He whispered as he put his arms around your body trying to lift you up. You took a few seconds to open your eyes but when you did you met him with a smile. Your arms around his neck. -Mi campeon.- You whispered. He smiled at the sight beneath him, you had fallen asleep with his Jersey on and nothing but your black panties. Your wavy brown hair beautifully framing your face.
He lifted you into his arms as you wrapped your legs around his body and rested your head on his shoulder. -I’m sorry I took forever.- He said as you smiled. -Esta bien, Pedri. All that matters is that you’re home and you’re safe.-
He placed you down on the floor when you entered your bedroom. You kept your gaze on the beautiful boy who was wearing the team’s light brown kit with the navy, La Liga és nostra, shirt on. His eyes on your ass as he licked his lips. You giggled which took him out of trance and he looked over at you with red cheeks. He pouted at you. -What?- He asked. You shook your head and rolled your eyes at him.
You walked over to him as he stood nervously close to the edge of the bed. You grabbed the collar of the jacket he was wearing and stared into his eyes. -I think I owe you something.- he looked at you with wide opened eyes. -You said if I scored.- He smiled.
You began to go down his body as you landed on your knees in front of him. From this view you could see how his breathing began to accelerate as his chest moved up and down faster. You grabbed the hem of his shorts and began to pull them down as he stared at you. -I said an assist would also count.- You said as you licked your lips and left him naked from the waist down. He smiled at the sight in front of him, his jersey on your barely covering your ass as you kneeled imagine front of him.
Without saying another word you grabbed his dick in your hands and began to massage it. His breathing accelerated even more. In a split second you leaned in and began to lick it, making sounds every time your lips parted with it. Your eyes never leaving his. -Joder.- He said.
Soon you had him all in your mouth as you continued to move your hand around it. You felt as Pedri’s hand held on to the back of your head and helped you move around him. You looked up at him through your lashes, a view that sent him in overdrive. You smiled as you continued to take him in your mouth, feeling as if you owed this to him for winning that title for your team.
You looked up as Pedri threw his head back closing his eyes and scrunching his face. Small moans coming out of his half parted lips. Small beads of sweat on his forehead and a hint of red on his cheeks.
He surprised you when he grabbed you and tried to pull you up. -Ven aqui.- Come here. He said. -Me voy a correr y tu tambien te mereces celebrar este titulo.- I’m going to come and you also deserve to celebrate this title.
You landed on the bed with him on top of you. He raised one of your legs over his hip and began to leave a trail of kisses down from your jaw to your neck. You were still wearing his jersey but somehow that excited him even more. After leaving a few short kisses on your lips he turned you over as he lined himself up with your entrance. You let out a moan as you felt him enter you slowly. -Fuck.- He said followed by a moan. You felt his hard grip on your hips, sure that you would find bruises there tomorrow.
Pedri held on to your hips as he leaned back and slammed back into you. With each thrust you could feel him touching you deeper and deeper. Your ass bouncing off of him with every movement he did. Seeing his jersey in front of him on your body was pushing him into pure bliss. He smiled at the way you proudly wore it, letting everyone know you were his girl, that he was the only one who could take you like this and the only one who could pleasure you the way he did. Hearing your moans in between movements as you pleaded him not to stop, to continue because he was hitting your spot. The way you squirmed I’m front of him and yelled out his name. Almost as beautiful as winning the league title.
You felt his movements get sloppy as his moans increased. -Vamos, papi.- you encouraged him in between moans while you held on to the bedsheet. Pedri’s hands caring your ass.
It was then that Pedri came as you yelled out his name and he did his best to continue his movement to bring you to your own high. When you finally came he was sure even the neighbors had heard you scream out his name.
After a few seconds you felt him pull out of you. His breathing had calmed down and he threw himself next to you on the bed. You were still face down trying to regain composure. You smiled and turned your head over to look at him. He smiled and moved a few strands of hair out of your face. -Te amo.- He said.
-Mi campeon.- You said as you placed a small kiss on his cheek and placed your head on his chest. His heartbeat putting you to sleep.
@cinderellawithashoe @httpswiftie @simpingmyassoff @bubblebeep69 @fictional-l0v3r @httpspedri26 @0alanasworld0 @l0verl4ne @gaviypedrisbride @footballerficsposts @fashphotolife @beaschampagneproblems @jvsgnjrtpdar5stkd-tv-m @ikkehehe @jjishotasf @quemirasboboandapaya @maricciardo @gaviswh0re @pedriwifefrfr @dustell @elijahslover @formula1mount @iloveyourmom17 @amour88 @footballfan3108
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redhairedwolfwitch · 1 year
Away From Her Goalie - Clàudia Pina x Reader
A/n: next part in the Score A Goalie universe... enjoy! next one will take a while, it requires research:)
The UWCL final in Eindhoven was here. Barcelona versus Wolfsburg. Clàudia on the pitch, you watching from the stands. You hadn’t felt so anxious about a match since the Copa De La Reina final, Atleti against Real Madrid, a match that went from 2-0 up to Real Madrid to Atleti bringing it to 2-2, through extra time and into penalties. Atleti came out on top and you were unashamed to admit that you had shed tears of joy over Atleti’s victory.
You had spent your time after the league finished organising the stuff you had brought to Barcelona back in January, trying to fit what you needed for your plans after the final.
Both sets of plans, as Clàudia planned to help you with your move, before the two of you went on a small holiday to serve as a break for you before you were thrown into training for the NWSL with NJ/NY Gotham FC, a club in need of a strong goalie to maintain their position at number 1 in the table.
It was hard, but you no longer had your apartment in Madrid, moving your things into storage that you did want to keep, but selling a lot. Clàudia was keeping some of your stuff for your return to Barcelona, the plans being after the NWSL season was done in November, you would be able to visit whilst Atleti and Gotham sorted out the post-NWSL training you could do before the winter transfer window in January.
But your career wasn’t the focus right now, as you sat in the stands of the Philips Stadium, in Eindhoven, waiting. Pina was on the bench but the stadium energy was electric.
Wolfsburg may have scored two goals first, but you couldn’t help but think about the Copa De La Reina final, Atleti were two goals down before bringing it up to 2-2, taking it to penalties after extra time where Atleti won.
You did not want it to go to penalties.
The second half was different and you could feel it, Patri sending the ball into the net to take it to 2-1, then two minutes later, Patri sent the ball in again, the score going to 2-2. Rolfö eventually making it 3-2 but later shots were going wide.
Pina was finally subbed on for Mariona in the 79th minute, while Ana was subbed on for Caro at the same time.
You grimaced as Wilms fouled Pina, but it wasn’t long after that Wilms was subbed off. A clash between Bronze and Popp had all the attention on the sidelines however, as Ingrid and Alexia prepared to be subbed onto the pitch at the 89th minute. 7 minutes of stoppage time were added, your stomach twisting as you leaned forwards in your seat, watching carefully.
Popp and Paredes ended up with yellow cards after a collision almost looked like it would turn into a fight on the pitch, Alexia and Ingrid having been subbed on minutes before the seven minutes of stoppage time arrived. Tackles flew in with players dropping like flies and you couldn’t stop grimacing.
Eventually the minutes ran out, Barcelona being crowned champions of Europe as Queen’s We Are The Champions played across the stadium, the team swaying and Pina rocking the trophy like it was a baby.
She spotted you in the stands, grinning and waving as you waved back, jumping up and down in celebration.
The UWCL final was a flashbulb memory in your mind, and your fiancee’s as you sorted out your suitcases, the flight across the Atlantic amounting to more than 8 hours in the air, with Patri driving you two to the Barcelona airport.
“I will miss you, but I will miss your pancakes more.” Patri declared as she watched you travel with double the amount of suitcases as Pina, but the reasoning made sense.
You were moving countries for your career, your fiancee was helping you settle in first, but you were allowed a break before going head on into the NWSL.
A break that you were spending with Pina, visiting someone you hadn’t seen in almost a year. Jenni Hermoso, who currently resides in Mexico to play for Pachuca in the Liga MX Femenil.
Arriving at JFK airport, Pina pulled up her hood, whilst you dug through your backpack, eventually finding a pair of sunglasses and putting them on to obscure your face.
“Where do we go?”
“I was emailed instructions… we need to get the subway to…” you paused, looking between your suitcases, to your large backpack balanced on one of them, to Pina’s luggage, “we’re taking suitcases on the subway… great start.”
“So we go from central station and get a connecting train to New Jersey…” You went over the instructions, passing Pina your sunglasses as you found your hat, almost amused at the Atleti logo on it but you were pretty sure someone had recognised you both whilst on the subway already.
“This should be it. The club arranged something close to the subway so I could get around without a car.” You explained, putting the key in the lock and almost celebrating when it turned and opened the door.
Wheeling all the suitcases inside, you headed over to the windows as you heard your fiancee speak, “es pequeño,” as she locked the door behind you both.
“Un poco,” agreeing with her, but it was a studio apartment with a tiny kitchen and windows that let in a lot of natural light, the view of the city presenting the hustle and bustle of New Jersey as you gazed out at the busy road full of cars.
“It feels very… New York, New Jersey… I don’t see a bat signal though.” You joked, peeking through the blinds like you were looking for a way to summon Batman.
“Gotham.” Pina rolled her eyes playfully as she snickered at your joke, walking over to the window to have a look.
“Suppose I should unpack something. Can’t leave it all until I’m back from Mexico and you’re on a flight… back to Barcelona.” Meeting your fiancee’s sad gaze, you held back your emotions as she reached for your hand.
“What am I doing? Moving nearly forty thousand miles away from you for a few months in the hopes my goalkeeper career isn’t just sitting on a bench until I retire then get stuck trying to become a goalkeeper coach? I’m sorry, you deserve better.”
“No. I deserve you. We deserve each other, and we both deserve play time, but I want you too.” Pina declared, her hand cupping your cheek as your face softened from where it was scrunched up in sadness, trying to hold the tears back.
“I want you too, and I want to play minutes. You are the only person who has put me first in a long time. You’re it for me, mi vida, our souls are together, even when our bodies are so far apart. I want to come back to you, marry you, and never leave you again, unless you don’t want that-”
“I choose you, remember? And our bodies are not apart yet.” Pina smirked, leaning in to press her lips against yours, before pulling away as you smiled.
“You’re right. In fact, I think our bodies could be a little closer.”
It took a little while to get your stuff unpacked, the two of you heading back out to travel from Hoboken and ending up in Greenwich Village, Lower Manhattan.
“I’m sorry you’re missing Ibiza this year.” You apologised over dinner/lunch (the timezone difference threw you two off), but your fiancee shook her head, pointing out that she was getting to spend time with her fiancee, in a new city before heading to another new city for a few days and seeing Jenni again after so long.
“I missed you in New York last winter.” Pina rationalised, smiling at you, before avoiding eye contact with whoever was behind you as the two of you were recognised.
“When do Atleti and Gotham announce your loan? People are recognising us from Barcelona.”
The flight to Mexico was nowhere near as long as the Transatlantic flight from Barcelona, the two of you bringing a lot less luggage too as you both looked to find Jenni and whoever she had brought with her to pick you both up from arrivals.
“¡Hola mis bebés!” Jenni cheered, pulling you both into a hug when she spotted the two of you approaching.
Your time in Mexico came and went, revealing the engagement to Jenni and how you were going to be on loan to NJ/NY Gotham until the end of the 2023 NWSL season. Jenni’s reaction included how you did not ask for her blessing, before she was congratulating you both and hugging you for taking a big step in your goalkeeping career.
Now you were staring out of your tiny studio apartment’s windows, watching the sun rise and trying to hype yourself up on your first day with Gotham.
Atleti and Gotham posted their posts first. Atleti revealed you had been sent on loan to NJ/NY Gotham for the rest of the 2023 NWSL season with good luck.
Gotham was a little more excited for you, using a photo array of shadows to tease your arrival, the shadows even resembled Batman before the final reveal of you in the Gotham goalie kit, the shadows made to look like the Bat Signal through the use of the spotlights during the photography session.
You were the next one to post, announcing your loan with a repost of the photo of you in the Gotham kit, with Bat Signal shining onto the dark background behind you, followed by photos of New York and New Jersey you had saved from when you and Pina were exploring around the two states.
Your previous posts consisted of photos of you and Pina hanging out with Jenni in Mexico, throwing people off online who thought everyone would be going to Ibiza, whilst leaving fans speculating as your engagement rings were spotted in one of the photos.
‘Sorry I’m not Batman, but I’m here to protect Gotham.’ Your caption was cheesy, especially with the bat emojis that Pina copied into her comment, along with a heart and flame emoji reminding you of the early days in your relationship.
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findingnemosworld · 1 year
𝐦𝐲 𝐧𝐮𝐦𝐛𝐞𝐫 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐟𝐚𝐧 - 𝐜𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐨 𝐫𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐝𝐨.
・𝐫𝐞𝐪𝐮𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐝 𝐛𝐲: 𝐚𝐧𝐨𝐧𝐲𝐦𝐨𝐮𝐬.
( 𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐈 𝐠𝐞𝐭 𝐚 𝐂𝐫𝐢𝐬𝐭𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐨 𝐑𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐝𝐨 𝐟𝐢𝐜 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐫𝐞 𝐡𝐞 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐬 𝐚 𝐟𝐚𝐧𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 ? 𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐢𝐝 𝐢𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐨 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐦𝐞𝐭 𝐡𝐞 𝐡𝐚𝐝 𝐧𝐨 𝐜𝐥𝐮𝐞 𝐛𝐮𝐭 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐮𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐚𝐬 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐝𝐚𝐭𝐞, 𝐢𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐮𝐭. 𝐒𝐡𝐞 𝐟𝐢𝐧𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐟𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐡𝐮𝐠𝐞 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐨𝐧 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐭𝐢𝐦𝐞 𝐛𝐞𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐲 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐦𝐞𝐭. )
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: 𝐢𝐧 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬 𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐰𝐞 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐟𝐨𝐫 𝐰𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐨𝐩𝐥𝐞 𝐰𝐚𝐧𝐭, 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐰𝐡𝐢𝐥𝐞 𝐈 𝐜𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐜𝐥𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐟𝐲 𝐡𝐢𝐦 𝐚𝐬 𝐚 𝐟𝐚𝐯𝐞, 𝐡𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐟𝐮𝐥𝐥𝐲 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐠𝐮𝐲𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐥𝐥 𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐬.
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If there's one thing Y/N disliked with passion, it was interviews, any kind of interviews.
Being hailed as one of the top ballerinas was an honor, she never took it for granted and always strived to better herself with every show she performed in - the world loved her and she loved to give back through the art of performing, and it was because that, she had met the love of her life ... Cristiano Ronaldo, the Portuguese star of Real Madrid.
It's one thing to find love, yet it's an entirely other thing if it was the person you had an affinity for most of your life.
Y/N was a die hard fan of Los Blancos - however, she'd worked so hard to conceal that so as to not appear weird in front of others, all the while she made sure to attend every match, be it for la liga or the champions league.
It never occurred her that the man she adored so much admired her dancing yet according to him, he admired how hardworking she was and how it reminded him of himself, small dinner dates here and there lead to a beautiful relationship forming a year later.
Contrast to the misconception people had of him, Cristiano had been nothing but sweet and attentive for her, and while she too had recieved a substantial amount of hate with some claiming that she's using him for fame and wealth, it seemed to not affect him seeing as he had told her that he knew her, the real her.
Nearing their two year anniversary, Cristiano was invited to be on the cover of GQ magazine and had worked his way into it becoming a joint cover for the two of them, along with an interview which would help. set the record straight in regards to their relationship.
The questions were fairy typical and tame, how do they go about with their routines? why they chose their respective careers? and what do they hope to accomplish in the near future, Y/N was visibly nervous however Cristiano had tried his best to silently reassure her by grabbing her hand and squeezing it gently while he continued to answer questions, and as they neared halfway through their interview, the questions had shifted into another direction.
" Y/N, have you always known the magnitude of Cristiano's fame? and how well known he was as a football player? "
Y/N smiled, then nodded before giggling. " Well, no one is blind to how impactful he's been as a Real Madrid player and a player for his national team? to me, that's one of the many things I admire about him, he's passionate about football, the same way I'm passionate about ballet "
" Did he turn you into a football fan? "
Y/N's face grows warm, " I am actually a football fan way before I met him "
" Really! " Cristiano raised a brow.
" Listen, I've kept this hidden so as to not appear weird but I am obsessed with football, I mean I'm Spanish and I was raised in a football loving household, so it wasn't hard not to fall in love with the sport and what it stands for " Y/N giggles.
" How come you've never told me that? " Cristiano wonders.
" It never came up " Y/N shrugs.
A few more questions later, and another question pops up that definitely embarrassed her.
" Y/N, who's your celebrity crush? "
Y/N hides her face which made Cristiano chuckle, " It's ok, I won't be mad "
" That's the thing " Y/N laughs softly, " My celebrity crush is the man I'm in love with "
Cristiano laughs, " Is that so? "
" Yes, I'm a fan after all " Y/N shrugs with a grin.
Once the interview wrapped up, they return home to rest before stepping out for dinner and that's when Cristiano asked her, " You had a crush on me huh? " he wraps his arms around her from behind.
Y/N smiles, " A big crush, that's why it was hard for me to be outspoken around you "
" Well to be fair " Cristiano chuckles, " I had a big crush on you as well, and here we are "
" I love you " Y/N smiles.
" I love you too " Cristiano kisses her cheek.
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leilakisakabiri · 1 year
Spanish Boy (Gavi)
Summary: You and Gavi attend a Chelsea game and he think’s you’re a little too into the game, or more specifically number 11.
Warning(s): None
A/N: Please send in requests if you have any! Guys I wanted to make this angsty but it just ended up being fluff like usual. Oh well. 
Word Count: [1735]
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“Ahh I’m so excited I can’t believe I finally get to see them play.”
Gavi grinned in the seat beside you, bumping your shoulder. 
“I’m glad you get to see them, but to be honest they’re shit this season.” 
You gasped offended, “Ok Gavi not everyone has to win La Liga to be considered good.” 
“They don’t even play in that league!” He argued. 
You rolled your eyes, “Whatever, UEFA, basically the same thing, just different clubs.” 
He narrowed his eyes at you, “You sure you’re a Chelsea fan, or are you just going to see who I think you wanna see?” 
The two of you were currently driving to the Chelsea game happening in London. You had surprised Gavi with tickets last week and while at first he was just as excited as you, his excitement had quickly turned to annoyance once he realized just exactly why you were so intent on going to the game. 
He was sure you didn’t even care about Chelsea, more interested in supporting the player with the number 11 stitched on his jersey. 
He had walked in on you and your friend talking about said player just a few days ago.
Your friend had been saying how you were so lucky, and how hot he was, and you had just been giggling along. 
Gavi had backed out slowly from the kitchen once he heard your conversation, not wanting to intrude, and honestly a little hurt. 
Since then, his excitement had diminished immensely and now he was hating himself for scheduling a private tour of the stadium before the game started. 
“We’re here.” You said excitedly, looking out the window to see the large stadium come into view. 
Although you had traveled quite a bit to support Gavi at his games, the sheer size of some of the stadiums still took your breath away. You couldn’t believe that something that big was made for people. 
The driver took you to the underground entrance to give you some privacy from the fans that had already started congregating at the stadium entrance, counting down the minutes till the gates opened. 
“Ok we have two hours before the game starts. Let’s go get the tour.” Gavi said once the two of you had gotten out of the car, walking towards the entrance. 
You pulled his hand as he walked forward, stopping him, “Thank you Gavi. Really. This means a lot.” You said sincerely. 
The boy smiled at you, “No problem.” 
Once you walked into the building you were even more awestruck, the fangirl side of you taking over. 
You had grown up in a football household, meaning that every Saturday morning your TV would be playing various matches happening around the country. 
You had seen this stadium so many times on the TV when you were little, but now standing inside it, the Chelease logo apparent in everything, it was so surreal. 
You were pulled out of your thoughts when you heard Gavi greet someone, “Enzo how have you been?” 
You had to physically stop your mouth from dropping open. 
Enzo Fernandez was standing in front of you, and apparently Gavi knew him. 
You finally found your voice, “You guys know each other?” 
Enzo nodded, “Yah we met each other back at the World Cup.” 
Gavi nodded affirmatively.  
“Anyways let me show you guys around real quick.” Enzo spoke, gesturing for the two of you to follow him. 
“Ok, but don’t you have to get ready?” You asked him. 
He shrugged his shoulders, giving you a grin, “Eh, 20 minutes won’t hurt anyone.” 
You laughed at his answer, wishing you could take pictures of everything as he showed the two of you around. 
You finally got to the tunnels, and he pointed to just around the corner, “Over there is the locker rooms. I would show you, but the guys will probably be here soon.” 
“Oh, don’t worry about. No problem at all. We should probably get out there anyway.” You reassured him, waiting as Gavi said goodbye. 
You had just turned around you when you felt a body collide with yours. Hands reached out to grab you, stopping your fall. You looked up once the world stopped spinning, coming face to face with a very apologetic player. 
“Eu sinto muito linda.” He spoke, reaching up to pull off his headphones, eyes focused on you. (I’m so sorry beautiful)
“Sem problemas.” You said softly, still trying to gather your bearings. (No problem)
You saw his eyes light up, “You speak Portuguese?”
You were about to respond when you heard someone clear their throat behind you. 
You mentally hit yourself. 
You looked over your shoulder to see Gavi come to stand beside you. 
“Joao.” Gavi spoke, his voice coming out harsher than needed. 
“Gavi.” Joao replied, voice taking on a similar tone. 
You looked between the boys. It was no surprise that they weren’t exactly friends. Joao used to play for Atletico Madrid, one of Barca’s biggest rivals. The two had problems on the field long before you, and whatever stand off they where having now. 
“Well enjoy the game.” Joao finally said, moving past you. 
You gave Gavi a look telling him to play nice as well. 
His lips remained in a firm line but he let out a small, “Thanks.” 
You had just started walking again when you heard Joao call out, “What’s your name?” 
You turned back, puzzled if he was talking to you, but by the way he was making direct eye contact with you, you guessed he was, “Y/n?” You said, but it came out more as a question. 
He nodded, a smile playing on his lips, “I’ll remember that.” 
You felt Gavi stiffen next to you but he didn’t say anything. You could see the veins on his arm jut out as he balled his hand into a fist. 
You were both silent as you walked to your seats. 
Finally, you couldn’t take it anymore. You tried to break the silence with a lame joke, “So that was kinda intense back there huh?” 
You saw Gavi give you a glare before he turned back, focusing his attention on the field. 
“Oh c’mon now you’re ignoring me?” You asked. 
He didn’t answer. 
“The games not even going on. You’re literally staring at grass.” You huffed, trying to get him to break. 
He hummed in response, but still no words. 
“Did I do something?” 
Again nothing.
“Ok so I did do something?” You questioned. 
“Ok I’m taking your silence as a yes.” You continued. 
“Bro I really feel like this is one sided.” You muttered. 
“Did you just call me bro?” Gavi questioned finally breaking his silence. 
You let out a cheer, lifting your arms in the air, “Hooray, he’s finally talking to me, and it only took me calling him bro to respond. How sweet is he?” 
He glared at you again not appreciating your sarcasm, “You know why I’m mad.” 
“But I don’t. So if you could just tell me.” You dragged out, leaning your head on his shoulder. 
He turned to look at you and suddenly your faces were centimeters apart. You couldn’t focus on what he was saying too consumed memorizing the pattern of the freckles that were scattered across his nose, so light that if you weren’t standing close enough you would miss them. 
“Are you even listening to me?” He asked getting frustrated again. 
You chastised yourself, you really needed to start paying more attention. 
“Sorry I got distracted.” 
“Oh let me guess. Did Joao just walk onto the field?” He asked bitterly. 
Now you were confused. 
“Wait what? Joao? Why would I care about him?” 
He looked at you with the blankest stare, “So you’re going to sit here and tell me you weren’t flirting with him in the hallway?” 
“Flirting? What no way! We just bumped into each other!” You defended. 
“Right. Well in that case let me just go bump into Rosalia.” He muttered. 
“Gavi!” You smacked him on his arm, fighting back a laugh. 
That was the thing about you and Gavi, you could never stay serious for long. Even when something was bothering the other person, yes you would talk about it, but a few jokes would still be made, giving your relationship the air of lightness and security that you loved. Your relationship made you want to fly with Gavi, not drag him down with your baggage. 
“I’m sorry if it looked like that, but honestly, I only like you.” You said, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder.
“Someone tell that to Joao.” He joked.
You grinned at him, “I will. After the match if you want.”
He grabbed your wrists, trapping you beside him, leaning in, “You. You stay away from him.”
You were centimeters away from him again and this time you couldn’t help it. You leaned in closing the distance between you.
You kissed him sweetly, pouring all the emotions you felt for him, all the love, all the things you wanted to say to him but were too shy to. 
Your hands traveled from his shoulders up to his annoyingly soft hair, one hand getting tangled in his locks, while the other went around his neck, bringing him closer to you.
Damn you really needed to steal his hair care routine. Shit was so soft. 
He bit on your lower lip playfully and you felt a shiver run through you.
You both pulled away after a bit, out of breath. Chests heaving as you looked at each other with glazed over eyes and lazy smiles.
“Hope no one saw that.” You whispered not willing to move away. 
“Hope Joao saw it.” He whispered back, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
You both didn’t say much after that, watching as the match started.
The game ended up going well with Chelsea winning 2-0.
You both cheered once the final whistle blew, happy that the team you had come to support had won.
The team came over to the fans’ side of the stadium, celebrating their win.
You cheered along with everyone, “Hey Siri play London Boy.” You joked.
Gavi heard you, giving you the dirtiest glare.
“Kidding!” You laughed.
“He’s not even British! He’s Portuguese!” Gavi exclaimed.
You wrapped your arms around him, “It doesn’t even matter, cause I love my Spanish boy more.”
You felt Gavi cringe beside you, “Yah that doesn’t sound as good.”
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