#labour advocates
bmpmp3 · 2 months
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based off this video. i think teto is a union man
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bisexualseraphim · 7 months
I gotta say, I am seriously fucking concerned with the amount of people here who seem to wholeheartedly believe that the correct answer to the genocide against Palestine is ANOTHER genocide except the other way around. Please stand back for 2 minutes and seriously think about whether you think it’s ever a helpful or just cause to advocate for the deaths of millions of people, especially when plenty of said people are Jews whose families fled there after barely surviving the Holocaust because hardly anywhere else would treat them like human beings or accept them at all since the antisemitism that allowed the Holocaust to happen was not solely in Germany and didn’t magically disappear after the war ended.
Look. The situation is simple when you boil it down to this: Israel is bombing and starving Palestinians like fish in a barrel and doesn’t want to allow aid to Gaza, which consists of a population of over 50% children. Israel allowed the Nakba and displacement of Palestinians for decades and tries to hide it from public view. This is genocide. The Israeli government is at fault for this. Israel holds the power here because they have the power to bomb and starve millions of people and force them out of their homes, and Palestine certainly does not. It’s an utterly horrific, inhumane thing to do with no excuses for it and it needs to stop. This is the simple part that is glaringly obvious for everyone to see and it’s almost laughable for anyone to deny it.
Okay. You’ve successfully identified the main problem and the “bad guy,” if you want to put it in childish simplistic terms. So the question now is: what next? Say Israel agrees to an immediate ceasefire. What do you, impassioned activist on the internet, propose should be done to solve this situation after that? What should be done to free the Israeli hostages? Do you think the UK and the US, two of the most powerful countries in the world who actively help Israel commit its atrocities against Palestine, will ever do anything to help the Palestinians once Israel loses its power, even if better governments are eventually elected? How should the Palestinian land be claimed back? Where should all the Israeli citizens go? Should they all be forced out to Europe and America, even if that isn’t where they originate from, where the already-rife antisemitism has spiked even further since October 7th and Jews who live thousands of miles from Israel and have nothing to do with Israel’s actions face horrific hate crimes every day? Do Israeli children deserve that? Who’s going to pay for their travel and accommodation? Or, should they all be allowed to stay there and live side by side with the Palestinians? Do you think most Palestinians would be happy to remain neighbours with the citizens of the country that has oppressed them so fiercely for over 75 years, even if said citizens didn’t partake in it or in fact opposed it? What about the 20% of Israeli citizens who are Arab or Palestinian? Do you hold the same opinion of foreign settlers in Israel as you do its citizens whom have made a home there for many generations? How do you discern between settlers and “real” Israelis? Do you see any difference between them at all? Why? And what should be done about Hamas, the group that openly calls for the genocide of all Jews around the world and commits war crimes against Israeli citizens? How much of the history behind Israel’s occupation of Palestine are you aware of? Do you think the British government should be held accountable for splitting Palestine in the first place? How would you go about that? Would it be fair to punish the British people for their government’s actions when British citizens didn’t vote for it? How does that compare to your view of Israel and its citizens, and why?
I am absolutely NOT asking trick questions here or trying to “gotcha!” anyone. I am asking these questions precisely BECAUSE they are extremely difficult to answer, with several of them contradicting each other, and they are meant to get an emotional reaction out of you. I certainly don’t know what the “correct” answers to most of those questions are, and that’s exactly my point: there is no simple answer to a problem that has been going on for decades with such a wide, complex history. Historians and political experts who know all the facts and have studied this shit for years don’t know the answer and it’s honestly insulting to all the people suffering to log on every day and see so many people go “actually 😌 I, a random 20-30 something year old on the internet who isn’t even touched by what’s happening in Palestine, have figured it out before everyone else! Just delete an entire country and all its citizens off the map 😊 This is a moral thing to suggest! And if you disagree with me you’re promoting Zionism/terrorism 😘” There are no simple answers and if you think there is one — and especially if you think that answer is to kick citizens out of the country their family has lived in for generations — then you are both wilfully ignorant and evidently fuelled more by hatred than an actual desire for peace and an end to death and oppression and I don’t believe there is a crumb of sincerity in your activism.
Am I naive enough to think that fighting against oppression and occupation is always going to be peaceful? Obviously not. But you’ve got to think about where and when said violence is actually going to be beneficial, and where and when it’s violence purely for the sake of violence, which is NEVER justified. You can’t advocate for human rights and then turn around and say “oh, but not for you.” EVERYONE deserves food and water. EVERYONE deserves shelter. EVERYONE deserves to receive treatment for sickness or injury. NOBODY deserves cruel and unusual punishment or torture. And EVERYONE deserves to be alive. Those are essential human rights that should never, ever be denied wherever it is possible to give them, and disagreeing with that reflects extremely poorly on you and your principles. Think about what narrative you are pushing when you claim an entire people “deserves” bad things. The constant dehumanisation I see happening in online activism (and far too often in real life too) is actually terrifying and if you want to do some real good in the world, I need everyone reading this to examine their potential internal prejudices, even the ones you don’t think you have, and think about who exactly you’re helping when you express thoughts that perpetuate them, and who you may be harming in the process.
Anyway, now that I’ve gotten that out of the way…
Here are some useful resources if you want to make a difference and help people:
Standing Together (an Israeli movement advocating for ceasefire and peace between Israelis and Palestinians)
Zochrot (an Instagram page that seeks to educate the public about the Nakba)
Parents’ Circle (an organisation run by relatives of Israelis and Palestinians killed in the conflict who advocate for peace)
Operation Olive Branch (a Google Doc of Palestinian families seeking evacuation)
Mesarvot Network (an Instagram page run by young Israelis seeking to refuse the IDF draft and end military violence committed by both Hamas and the IDF)
Other Gaza aid organisations to donate to
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rincewindsapprentice · 6 months
Doctors have been 'cautioning' for slowing down trans healthcare since trans healthcare was started, but much of the gatekeeping was really built in the 1950s by John Money and his ilk at John Hopkins. The aim was always to prevent transition as much as possible, and it is so incredibly stupid that, once again, a doctor whose whole role is gatekeeping transition argues that we have to be "more careful" with it.
Like, how many years of evidence is needed for this? 50? 70? 100? We literally have 100 years of evidence supporting gender transition, and still, still, we have to be "careful" with it.
Anyways, read Jules Gill-Peterson's Histories of the Transgender Child.
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femboycharles · 23 days
Getting myself headfirst back into British politics bc the mental illness never really left me
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pinbones · 3 months
So many leftists have this singular idea of jobs where you show up and do precisely 4 hours' worth of email work stretched over however many hours the boss arbitrary allocated
Most jobs require many hours of constant labour. Checkout lanes, hospitals and care, driving jobs, these all take so many hours to do a day's work due to the timing and volume of labour and it's not easy/beneficial to change staff frequently in some of them. How are you going to squeeze a full day's shift looking after a dementia community into 4 hours? Do you know how many errors are made when staff change-overs at hospitals increase in frequency? There are always going to be 8 and 10 and 12 and 14 hour shifts, and you know what? I like doing 12 hour shifts a hell of a lot more than I like working three seperate 4 hour shifts.
It's like that discourse about shops that open late done entirely by early risers who want to stop work at 2pm. I like shopping late and sometimes need to, I don't like waking up before 10am, and I like to work 12 hours and then get two days off. I'd certainly appreciate longer than a 30-min paid and a 30-min unpaid break, tho, and I hate getting up so damn early at my current job.
People like doing things. People are diverse. The important things are pay, conditions, and having choices
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harmonyhealinghub · 10 months
Birth Doulas: Empowering Support for Expectant Families
Shaina Tranquilino
December 12, 2023
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Bringing a new life into the world is an incredible journey filled with joy, anticipation, and sometimes, uncertainty. During this transformative time, many women seek additional support to ensure a positive birth experience. Enter birth doulas – compassionate professionals who provide continuous physical, emotional, and informational assistance before, during, and after childbirth. In this blog post, we will delve into what birth doulas are and explore their invaluable role in empowering expectant mothers.
Understanding Birth Doulas: A birth doula is a trained individual who offers non-medical support to expectant mothers throughout the entire childbirth process. These dedicated individuals are typically experienced in various birthing techniques and possess extensive knowledge of the physiological and emotional aspects of labour and delivery.
Their Role: 1. Emotional Support: Birth doulas provide unwavering emotional support during pregnancy, labour, and postpartum periods. They assist expectant mothers by actively listening to their concerns, fears, hopes, and dreams surrounding childbirth. By offering empathy and reassurance, these caring professionals help alleviate anxieties while fostering confidence.
2. Continuous Physical Comfort: Doulas employ an array of comfort measures to ease discomforts associated with labour pains such as massage techniques, breathing exercises, relaxation techniques, positioning suggestions, and more. Their presence ensures that the mother's physical needs are addressed consistently throughout the birthing process.
3. Advocacy & Communication: One significant aspect of a birth doula's role is to act as an advocate for the mother's preferences and desires when communicating with healthcare providers or medical staff. This may include discussing pain management options or ensuring the mother has access to accurate information about procedures being performed.
4. Informational Support: Birth doulas empower expectant mothers by providing evidence-based information on various aspects of childbirth like different birthing positions or breastfeeding techniques. They ensure that the mother is well-informed, enabling her to make educated decisions regarding her birth plan.
5. Partner Support: Birth doulas also extend their support to partners or other family members involved in the birthing process. By guiding them on how best to assist and comfort the labouring mother, doulas help create a harmonious environment where everyone feels included and informed.
Benefits of Hiring a Birth Doula: The advantages of having a birth doula during childbirth are numerous:
1. Increased Satisfaction: Studies have shown that women who receive continuous support from a birth doula report higher levels of satisfaction with their birthing experience.
2. Reduced Interventions: Research indicates that with the presence of a doula, there is often a decrease in interventions like cesarean sections and epidurals, leading to more positive outcomes for both mother and baby.
3. Emotional Well-being: The emotional support provided by birth doulas significantly reduces stress levels for expectant mothers, promoting overall emotional well-being throughout pregnancy and beyond.
4. Lowered Risk of Postpartum Depression: Women supported by birth doulas tend to have lower rates of postpartum depression due to the consistent guidance and nurturing they receive during the vulnerable post-birth period.
Birth doulas play an essential role in ensuring positive experiences for expectant mothers during childbirth. Their unwavering support, knowledge, and advocacy empower women to navigate this transformative journey confidently. By providing physical comfort, emotional reassurance, informational assistance, and acting as an advocate, these dedicated professionals contribute significantly to creating fulfilling and empowering birthing experiences for all involved.
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cranialgames · 2 years
I’m having a baby in 3 weeks, maximum, and one of my partner’s colleagues tested positive for covid and still went to work today
And I’m lying here at almost 2am wondering why I can’t sleep lol
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akkivee · 1 year
who’s that voice i hear in my gacha action adventure mobile game????? 🤭
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advocates99 · 8 months
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some-other-number · 1 year
you have 'be gay do crime' in your bio but are you normal about poor people, especially poor people who have a different environment to you, doing things you deem unethical because that is the only available option
#redboots speaks#I feel like because 'there is no ethical consumption under capitalism' got swung around to 'therefore it's ok to buy things willy-nilly'#there's been a swing back to what the original statement was critiquing which is 'if you can't buy ethically don't buy it'#that's all well and good! until the only options you have are all unethical#and then when someone only has unethical options and says 'if this is your only option then it is ok#you won't go to hell or anything for doing something unethical'#oh no the poor person who can't avoid sweatshop labour is advocating for slavery instead of simply wearing#rags or the most boring shit from a bargain shop which is also made with sweatshop labour which is defo more ethical#not like not being able to express yourself is a form of dehumanisation. and I don't care if that sounds extreme#because whilst it usually isn't combine that with everything else a poor person might do.#tbf this situation I'm being vague about I didn't fully understand the whole situation of but my point about#people needing to be normal about poor people having to do things they don't think they should#it's like how people got all huffy about the shoplifting trend on here. yeah of course there were shitty rich people#doing it for attention but that's what rich people do. don't discourage something poor people do because of rich people doing it too#yeah I'm defo still mad about that. I know I was a bit standoffish and a dick about it at the time#I know that that was because i was tired and therefore felt provoked#and then got mad and ranted a bit at that dumbass commenter who COMPLETELY misread what I was saying#I know I went about it the wrong way but I was in the right for getting mad at how much of a 'how dare you say we piss on the poor' that wa#it's especially that commenter I'm mad about. because it was just a complete and utter refusal to accept there could be nuance to an issue
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parionstr · 1 year
Understanding the Basics: A Comprehensive Guide to Labour Law in the United States
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This comprehensive guide provides a detailed exploration of labour law in the United States, covering its historical evolution, key principles, legal framework, and various facets, including employment contracts, at-will employment, wage and hour laws, occupational health and safety, discrimination and equal employment opportunity, collective bargaining and trade unions, employee benefits and social security, termination and redundancy, contemporary labour issues, global perspectives on labour law, recent reforms, challenges, and future trends. By incorporating recent news and case laws, this article aims to offer a comprehensive understanding of labour regulations in the United States.
Labour law in the United States is a complex and multifaceted field that governs the relationship between employers and employees. It has evolved over the years to address the changing needs of the workforce and society. This comprehensive guide delves into the historical evolution of labour law, its key principles, legal framework, and various aspects, such as employment contracts, wage and hour laws, occupational health and safety, discrimination and equal employment opportunity, collective bargaining, employee benefits, termination, and more. It also explores contemporary labour issues, global perspectives on labour law, recent reforms, challenges, and future trends in labour regulation in the United States.
Read full article in detail Understanding the Basics: A Comprehensive Guide to Labour Law in the United States
Read more article from Parionstr
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Best Labour Court Advocates in Delhi
If you are looking for the best lawyers in Delhi to help with your labour law disputes, look no further than the team at Vishnu Mehra & Co. Law Offices Lawyers. We have years of experience dealing with all types of labour law cases, and we know how to get the best results for our clients. We understand that these cases can be difficult and emotional, and we will do everything we can to help you get through them as quickly and easily as possible. Contact us today at 9810221106 to learn more about our services!
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nextlegal · 2 years
Are You Looking For The Best Employment law firm In Bangalore?
Next Legal is one of the best employment law firms in Bangalore. We provide your organization with the most up-to-date legal services at an affordable price. Our dedicated team of labour and employment lawyers knows all about your organization's specifics, and will be able to provide efficient advice on all aspects of employment law, including drafting employment agreements, confidentiality agreements, non-disclosure agreements for the employees of Indian and foreign companies. Visit us today!
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advakanksha · 2 years
Labour Lawyer in Ahmedabad – Advocate Akanksha
Akanksha Tiwari is the best to handle labour law cases. She is known for her work for 5 years. She works on every case professionally.  Indian labour laws work to protect workers safety and protection. The labour lawyer law also considers workers to protect from any kind of abuse in the workplace.
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advocatemeghajha · 2 years
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