#lace my beloved
capricioussun · 4 months
What job/hobby would Lace choose, if he could?
Very happy to talk abt Lace bc I've been thinking abt him a lot (valentines day is the main cause of this as it always makes me think of him <3)
Depending on when in his primary storyline, he'd probably give several different answers! Underground, he probably would've loved to work at Grillby's being one of the, uh, "servers", but unfortunately, he got roped into being in the guard before he really got the chance to consider anything else.
Post surfacing in a non-mv setting, he'd honestly feel a bit lost for a haute minute, but then he might get into something like journalism as a writer or photographer honestly! Sometimes i do wonder if he might become an accidental model, which is actually partially tied to the next answer-
While it may also eventually happen in a non-mv setting, i think it would happen for certain or more quickly in a mv surface setting, but he'd become a dancer! Though it's not something he realizes he wants to do until he’s already doing it lol, it was recommended as a sort of physical therapy type activity to help him find a healthier coping mechanism for his magic issues, and once he started, it wasn't long before he completely fell in love with it.
I say that ones partially tied to the model idea because a looong time ago, I'd had this whole little mental movie abt him getting asked to participate in a shoot/interview by a magazine guy who'd seen him dance. Since he’s generally out of the loop of mainstream media, he doesn't realize it's actually for a huge magazine, a story about monsters and how they've been finding their way settling into surface life amongst humanity.
Idrk how all that stuff works so you'll need to suspend your disbelief a little for that one, but basically just generally the idea of getting "scouted" and not really realizing it until suddenly people are calling and emailing him and asking about his "agent" and he’s like um hello??? What- but that one isn't as certain as the former two, which are definitely more solidified as part of his lore 👍
So basically that's all to say he doesn't usually pick jobs so much as fall into them lmao, he gets a little overwhelmed, but really, his heart lies in interacting with others and seeing the world. Very curious and friendly this one 💖
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new-austin · 2 years
Scout harding romance timeeee
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applestruda · 1 year
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Mother spore
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granma-sweetie · 2 years
you think i'm normal about sewing but then you look in my brain and see copious and entirely unnecessary amounts of lace
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lettucefather · 3 months
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people have been drawing Gabe in that beautiful black/gold dress (and i also intend to! someday!) but i saw this dress from Alexander McQueen's 'Dante' Collection (autumn/winter 1996) and could NOT stop myself. alt version with white helmet
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fattylime · 3 months
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Astarion & Abrielle for @/faerunprincess 💌
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peculiardollart · 2 months
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worldsunlikemyown · 17 days
I've been feeling curious about how much overlap there is between the readership of these works, because I've seen several KOTLC people posting legendarium-related things recently (and I myself suspect that some elements of KOTLC were inspired by it, and thus find these elements interesting). So, if you could humour me and answer the question below:
Read the options CAREFULLY and vote whichever option FITS YOU BEST (I think I've covered most if not all). If you're confused about the options, the relevant information is below the poll. Also, I'd love it if you could tell me what you voted in the tags!
So without further ado:
REMINDER: If you have NOT read KOTLC (Keeper of the Lost Cities), then PLEASE do not vote.
Please REBLOG for larger sample size! Because I really am quite curious :)
If you are confused about any of these options, please read the explanations below:
If you've watched AND read some of these, please don't select the watch-only option :)
The definition of READ here (for everything but HoME where a dedicated skim or half the book counts) is if you've read the text IN ITS ENTIRETY or closely enough that it may as well be so (leaving this one up to your judgement but as a rule, let's say about 80% to 90% and with skipping only non-essential bits (LOTR prologue and appendices, geography chapter etc -- again, these may seem essential to you, but these are the ones most people seem to skip/skim)).
Also, although I doubt this will actually be a cause of debate, audiobooks count. They always count.
(rest of the explanation under cut if needed)
You do not have to have read all the Great Tales either; having read only one or a few counts.
The osmosis/pop culture option is for things like 'I mean I've watched 'They're taking the hobbits to Isengard' and/or 'I have an irl friend or beloved mutual or person I follow who's read the books/watched the movies and talks about them a lot'.
For ONLY WATCHED, fan-films and fan-adaptations (such as the many Silm-related rock operas) count.
Silm refers to The Silmarillion (1977), as in the published text only.
The Great Tales refers to The Children of Húrin (2007), Beren and Lúthien (2017) and The Fall of Gondolin (2018). For the purposes of this poll it also includes The Fall of Númenor (2022)
HoME refers to The Histories of Middle-earth (1983-1996). For the purposes of this poll, it also includes Unfinished Tales of Númenor and Middle-earth (1980) and The Nature of Middle-earth (2021) and (though this one's iffy) The Letters of J. R. R. Tolkien (1981); if you've read Letters but not any of Silm/Great Tales/other HoME, just vote for the LOTR and/or Hobbit option.
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satansknitwear · 1 year
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I dont even know which blog to post to anymore ✨
✨Treat me✨
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little-lee-froggie · 6 months
I feel like people need to know I have Aled Last’s shoes :)
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They were literally the shoes I liked when I was getting new ones. They make me so happy :)
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julijbee · 2 years
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she gets her own post because i love her. thank you ms. doll.
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the-kipsabian · 5 months
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vaegonposting · 1 year
Do you have your own ideas (like designs or headcanons) on Saera's bastard children? They're among those ASOIAF characters who don't get much details in-universe so there's A LOT you can do with them
Thanks for the ask!
You're completely right, all we know for certain is that there are at least three boys and one of them looks like Jaehaerys. My personal headcanon is that Saera named each and every one of her children after herself, so say hello to Saerion, Saemond and Saehaerys
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Saerion and Grandpa:
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I headcanon that Saera had way more children than just those three, but they were the only ones old enough to attend the Council. She herself was only 34 at the time, after all.
Now if you'll excuse me, I need to compile a list of the most cursed-sounding Saera-based child names :-)
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clove-pinks · 1 year
Watch "HOW TO GET DRESSED IN A 1610S SUIT: The Modern Maker Workroom BASICS" on YouTube
Just a huge fan of this video. Mathew Gnagy begins in his underwear, which is a long shirt similar in construction to early 19th century men's shirts, but even more gigantic, and a pair of drawers which he compares to Venetians (knee breeches c. 1570-1620). He rolls up the shirt beneath the drawers to pad his hips and the effect is amazing. It really looks so good when he completes the ensemble!
I have been reading Phillis and C. Willett Cunnington's Handbook of English Costume in the 17th Century and The History of Underclothes by the same authors. They mention 17th century breeches stuffed with bombast of "horsehair, flock, wool, rags, flax, bran or cotton" to give the desirable silhouette. (Before bombast referred to an inflated vocabulary it referred to inflated pants.) Quoting Benjamin Jonson: "Stay let me see these drums, these kilderkins, these bombard slops, what is it crams them so? Nothing but hair." (The Case is Altered, 1609).
The video is a great demonstration of "trussing the points" i.e. using ribbons or tape ties to attach the breeches and doublet, which held them together and kept the breeches on. After so much lacing and lacing I couldn't help but wonder how the clothes could come off in a timely manner—but he takes the suit off and strips to his underwear to show how quick it is to undress! (Much to consider).
An illustration from Handbook of English Costume in the 17th Century shows that the basic suit-shape is the same at midcentury, but the breeches are now held up by metal rings under the doublet skirt and the ribbon bows peeking out are decorative.
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satans-knitwear · 5 months
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a quick, quiet moment ✨
Treat me ~ Tip Me ~ More of me
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satansxknitwear · 1 year
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Can i offer u some glittery tiddies in these trying times?? ✨ They sparkle.✨
~ My links ~
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