#lady demeter🌾
odetothetheoi · 1 year
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Of Diô, divine mother of all, divinity with many names, Holy Dîmítîr, nurturer of children, bestower of bliss, Oh divine one, who cultivates the grain, who apportions all good things, You who rejoice in peace and our difficult labors, Presiding over seeds, bequeathing abundant grain, thresher, producing the green fruit, You dwell in the hallowed valley of Ælefsís. Oh charming, lovely one, you give nourishment to all the mortals; You were the first to yoke the ploughing oxen, And you produce a lovely and abundant life for mortals; You promote growth, familial companion of Vrómios, splendidly honored, Torch-bearing, holy one, you rejoice in the summer's fruit of the sickle. You are from the earth, you appear, you are gentle to all. You bless us with progeny, oh lover of children, holy one, maiden who nurtures the young, You yoke dragons to your chariot with a bridle, Whirling and circling about your throne as you cry out in ecstasy. Only-begotten, Goddess bearing many children, mighty queen of mortals, Creator of many things, you bloom with flowers, blooming with holiness; Come, happy one, pure one, heavy with the fruits of summer, Bring down peace and lovely order to our world, With riches and blessings and a life governed by good health.
a small devotional offering for Adeia (learn more here)
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Artemis + her relationships with other Theoi 🌙🏹🦌
One of the amazing things about Lady Artemis is how versatile her domain is. Here are just some of the prominent theoi she is connected to.
Artemis + Ares 💥
- These two were celebrated together during Kharisteria/Charisteria ('thanksgiving'), which took place on the sixth day of Boedromion.
- Goats were sacrificed jointly to Artemis and Ares for their roles in battle and war.
- Even though Artemis is not technically a 'goddess of war', her role as the (sometimes brutal) hunter gave her an association with battle and death. They were also both patron deities of the Amazons.
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Diana of Versailles (original attributed to Leochares)
Artemis + Apollon 🎼
- Perhaps her most famous connection is to that of her twin brother. They are opposites but are also, in a certain sense, two sides of the same coin.
- Apollon is the warmth of the sun, Artemis is the light of the moon. (They also shared the epithet 'light-bringer') They compliment each other while contrasting.
- They are day and night, city and country. They complete a cycle, making them almost inextricably interconnected in myth. Yet they also share domain over hunting, healing, death, and even music.
- The muses, who were led by Apollon, were often seen accompanying Artemis and her nymphs as she danced through the forest. Dance and music were also vitally important in her rituals.
Artemis Hymnia=Of the Hymns
Artemis Hegemone=Leader of Dance/Choir
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Diana awakening Apollo (Carl Bertling)
Artemis + Dionysus 🐆
- Artemis and Dionysus are both deities of the thin line between us and animals/'beasts.' They symbolize our own wild nature and what it means to succumb to it.
- They historically shared in rituals of 'frenzy', release, and estastic dance. Both are deities of revolutionary liberation and freedom.
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Artemis as 'Potnia Theron' on the François Vase
Artemis + Hekate 🔥
- These two goddesses are so heavily connected that many conflate/synchronize them. They are both deities associated with the night, the moon, and for their roles in protecting the young/children.
- The Roman goddess Diana Trivia is sometimes thought to be a syncretism of Luna/Selene, Artemis/Diana, and Hekate/Trivia.
- They were both known to hold torches and snakes, and some say that it was Artemis instead of Hekate who used her light to guide Demeter to Persephone during her search. Although most still contribute this part of the story to Hekate, it shows how conflated the two goddesses are.
- In some versions of their stories, Iphigenia was 'turned into' Hekate by Artemis. In others, Artemis 'became' Hekate as a companion of Persephone after her descent into the Underworld. Variations of Hekate's name were also epithets of Artemis.
Artemis Hekatê/Hekate = Far-Shooting, Shooter from Afar, or Worker from Afar
Artemis Hekatêbolos/Hecatebolus = Far-Shooting, Far-Darting, or Hundred-Shots
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Artemis, Hekate, and Leto from the Pergamon Altar
Artemis + Persephone 🥀
- It is said that these two were raised together, perhaps with Athena, prior to her descent into the Underworld. They also share domain over nature and vegetation.
- In the Homeric Hymn II to Demeter, (and many other sources) it is said that Artemis and Persephone were picking flowers (sometimes with Athena) when she was taken.
- When Persephone returns from the Underworld, we can only assume that the two sisters and childhood friends are reunited just as she is reunited with Demeter.
- Hekate is also considered to be Persephone's companion in the Underworld. So if one syncretises the two, Artemis-Hekate would be her companion year round!
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Diana's Bath (Louis Devedeux)
Artemis + Demeter 🌾
- As well as being deities of vegetation, Artemis is connected to both Persephone and Demeter in their roles in the Eleusinian Mysteries (Hekate also had a prominent role in this tradition).
- The mysterious goddess Despoine, also central to the Eleusinian Mysteries, is thought to be Persephone, Hekate, Artemis, or some syncretism of them.
- The sanctuary of Despoine, which was vital to the tradition of the Eleusinian Mysteries, was in Arcadia. At this sanctuary, Pausanias stated that multiple representations of Artemis could be found; including a 'six foot tall bronze statue' which stood guardian in front of the entrance to the mystery cult.
- A theory states that Demeter is actually the mother of Artemis, while Leto is her 'sister' or 'nurse.' Pausanias claims that "Artemis was the daughter, not of Leto but of Demeter, which is the Egyptian account."
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Artemis with a Dog (Munich)
Artemis + Selene 🌕
- It is traditionly stated that Selene is the personification of the moon itself while Artemis is a goddess of the moon.
- At some point, the two were congealed/synchronized as Artemis became more and more heavily associated with the moon. The Roman goddess Diana almost certainly involved syncretism between the two.
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Diana and Endymion (Jérôme-Martin Langlois)
Artemis + Pan 🌿
- Artemis and Pan are both deities of the wild, pastures, woodland, animals, and the country. Rural deities with connections to dance and music, these two have a similar untamed persona.
- Pan gave Artemis a pack of seven hunting dogs as a gift, showing their companionship. Pan also famously had a love affair with Selene, so syncretism between Artemis and Selene also connects her to Pan.
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Diana the Huntress (Gaston Casimir Saint-Pierre)
Artemis + Zeus ⛈️
- Artemis has always been a favored daughter of her father. Perhaps their most famous interaction occurs from Callimachus when Artemis, still a child, presents Zeus with a list of requests - including her 'eternal virginity'.
- Zeus is happy to oblige and gives her all that she desired and more. This unconditional love and acceptance illustrates Zeus' affection for his feral daugher of the forest.
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Diana the Huntress by Guilluame Seignac
Artemis + Athena 🦉
- Artemis and Athena share many similar qualities, including their 'chasity' and their choice to remain 'virgins' (in the historical sense of the word).
- As mentioned above, Persephone, Athena, and Artemis are said to have grown up together and were seen picking flowers together.
- As with Artemis' connection to Ares, Athena's domain of war, battle, and death are also connected to Artemis. Their sterness, intensity, and ability to commit violence when deemed necessary connect the two deities.
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Diana as Huntress by Bernardino Cametti
Artemis + Hera 👑
- While these two were often in conflict with each other in myth, they still share connections. In historical celebration and ritual, women/girls progressing to adulthood and/or entering into marriage were ceremoniously passed from Artemis' protection to Hera's. They shared space in the context of transitions.
- In addition, Artemis has been heavily conflated with Eileithyia, a goddess of childbirth and daugher of Hera. 'Eileithyia' has even served as an epithet of Artemis.
(From The Theoi Project - theoi.com)
(From She Who Hunts: Artemis: The Goddess Who Changed the World by Carla Ionescu)
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homeric-hymnist · 8 months
How to incorporate the Demeter aesthetic into your daily life
wear a black veil 🖤
drink kykeon seated on a sheepskin 😃
disguise yourself as an old lady! 👵🏼
try to make a mortal child immortal to defy death itself 👶
form intense homoerotic bonds with goddesses who support you causing the apocalypse 👭
be better than everyone else at your job 💯🌾
plot to kill God 💣🏛
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boymanmaletheshequel · 2 months
Hello fellow Hellenic and green witches! I’ve been feeling very drawn to Demeter this summer, (I am a Virgo after all) especially with autumn and harvest season on its way, and have recently gone ahead and started an altar for her! So far I have a porcelain bowl with crops painted on it, as well as some pollen, Grain, Blueberries, mint, Lemonbalm, and some bumblebee jasper. What things do you find lady Demeter likes? I forage quite a bit and am a gardener at heart so I’m pretty good as far as devotional acts go, but how might you recommend I connect with her further? I hear she’s one of the more intimidating gods, (although I already work with Artemis and Poseidon so it’s not like I’m going in blind lol) but I was wondering if there are any things to avoid upsetting her as well. Looking forward to getting to know her better and learn her history some more, especially as autumn creeps in! Let me know any tips you have for me :) - Isaac
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aceofcupsbiggestfan · 3 months
~ 12-14 Skiraphorion ~
The last Grain Festival of the year, Skira/Skiraphoria had two main focuses in celebration. These two focuses go hand-in-hand. One being Athena's triumph over Poseidon as the patron of Athens, and the second being Demeter's mystics regarding the harvest.
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Skiron held major signficance as not only a precinct, but a place for Athena Skiras, Poseidon Pater, Demeter and Kore. Women were known during this festival to parade the streets, the only time of the year they were allowed to gather together in public. They ate garlic to ward of men (and husbands) as this day was one withheld from intimacy.
Because of this, Skira is regarded mainly as a festival for women. Women also were the ones to gather what was cast into chasms at Thesmophoria, which had since decayed. This cycle can be tied to the Grain part of the festival. Even as the year was coming to a close, the women were the ones to ensure the cycle begun properly once again in the next year to come.
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Priests and priestesses engaged in mystics at the previously mentioned precinct. Plutarch mentions this as a "sacred plowing". This could be read placing significance on thanksgivings over a feast or a blessing of the last harvest of the year. Many read it as both.
With this ritual one to Athena as the patroness of Athens was said. Her victory over Poseidon for the city was acknowledged. A priest of Helios also attended, suggesting a blessing for good weather for the crops was also said at the sacred site.
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Young men also participated in the festival in celebration. It is said races occurred to a shrine of Dionysus. The winner would partake in a wine-like mixture of wine, honey, olive oil, cheese and grain. Athena Skira was asked to bless this mixture.
It is during this time that we Modern Hellenes might take place a feast of grain, meat and dairy. Acknowledgement of Lady Athena's victory should be celebrated, bringing in the good harvest for her patron city with a prayer to Lord Helios, Lady Demeter and Lady Kore.
Traditional Offerings:
Hymns to Athena
Hymns to Demeter
Hymns to Kore
Hymns to Helios
Bread/Grain product
Mixture from Thesmophoria
Traditional Acts:
Prayers to Athena, Demeter, Kore and Helios
Blessings of crops/meal
Races of young men
Gathering of Women
Disregard of intimacy
Khaire Athena! Khaire Demeter! Khaire Helios! 🦉🌾☀️
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aphroditelovesu · 2 years
A Flower in the Winter
❝🌾 — lady l: I wrote this as a preview of that headcanon I did of Demeter a while ago, you can read it by clicking here. I decided to delve into that and how Demeter felt before meeting the reader. I hope you like it! ❤️
❝tw: mention of parental neglect.
❝word count: 772.
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The goddess of agriculture watched the beautiful snowy fields with a deep sense of melancholy. Her shoulders were slumped and her normally stern expression was sad and her gaze filled with unshed tears. It was like another one of her days away from her beloved daughter, she became just a dust than she used to be when Persephone was with her. She just felt empty and aimless.
She needed her beloved daughter with her. She was desperate and would do anything to have her loving daughter with her at all times. Anything.
Demeter missed her daughter very much and even the most terrible winters and the suffering of humanity with it did not help her feel better. Maybe nothing would make her feel she could never replace her beloved daughter and it's not like she wants to. She just wants to have Persephone back with her again, like they were before that bastard Hades kidnapped her.
Unfortunately none of that was possible.
Demeter took a deep breath, enjoying the cold winter breeze. It had been about two months since her daughter returned to the Underworld and again the goddess found herself alone. She doesn't remember how lonely she would be after the blessed six months had passed. With the departure of her beloved daughter, sadness completely consumed her and all the plantations were facing a harsh winter. It was a vicious and unbreakable cycle.
A loud wail was present near where the goddess was sitting and she looked towards the noise, but her eyes did not catch anything. Shrugging, she went back to focusing on her feelings, but the noise was heard again but closer. Demeter looked over her shoulder suspiciously and without much interest, but her eyes nearly popped out of her orbs after she glanced at a child, a girl she thought looked a lot like someone she detested.
This child was practically identical to the God of the Underworld. Identical to Hades.
For a few moments the goddess didn't know what to do, she was beyond confused and distraught. She was completely distraught. Just a few glances at the child in front of her was enough for her to figure out who she was.
The goddess of agriculture always knew she had a granddaughter but she never thought much about it. She never bothered to meet her despite being asked several times by Persephone, she didn't want to have to deal with yet another proof that her daughter really had been taken from her. Demeter wanted nothing to do with her, and a small part of her felt resentful of a child she'd never seen in her life because of everything that had happened. She knows it's irrational but she doesn't care.
But now looking at the tiny, frail, crying figure of the child, she didn't know what to do. Why was she there? How did she get out of the Underworld? Did she run away or did Persephone send her daughter to go comfort her mother?
She honestly couldn't say, but just contented herself with watching the child who also didn't take her teary eyes away from the goddess. The two stared at each other for a while, until the girl decided to break the silence, ''Grandma?'' The voice was low and uncertain, but Demeter heard it loud and clear.
Demeter was silent, she felt strange being called that. The girl didn't even wait to hear an answer and ran to where the goddess was sitting. Demeter shuddered as she felt small arms hugging her tightly and with a certain desperation. Not knowing what to do, she hesitantly returned the hug which grew warmer the longer it lasted.
This isn't so bad, she thought. How long has it been since I received such a warm hug?
She finally understood what had happened to her granddaughter after hearing the hurried words come out of her little mouth. Demeter felt sulky and she saw herself in that child, she had been neglected by her parents and that's why she decided to flee to the surface. And she felt a satisfaction in discovering that she was the one her granddaughter was looking for.
Maybe it's not such a bad thing to take care of a child again. It's not so bad having a granddaughter to love and care for.
Demeter decided to take in her granddaughter. She saw in her a second chance to have what had been taken from her but this time the goddess knew she wouldn't make the same mistake twice. Nobody would take her granddaughter away from her, she won't let that happen again.
It's not so bad having a granddaughter to love and care for.
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swallowtail-lotus · 1 month
🌾Blooming Tears of a Mother🌾
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My version of the hymn of Demeter. Not too accurate, and I tried. It is told in the form of a short story.
Told mostly through Demeter's pov
This is kinda bad, but I tried to do Demeter justice. I really did.
I never wanted any of this.
My trust in Zeus dwindled the moment he forced himself on me. I never asked for it, yet he persisted. Soon after, I bore him a daughter, who I named Kore. She was the greatest gift given to me. Precious to me.
As any loving mother, I cared for her. Loved her. I let Kore grow up with me in the fields. Her joyous laughter filled my ears every day, filling me with joy. Such a wonderful sight to see her smiles, to engage in fun activities with her.
Until... That day.
I was tending to the wheat I had planted, and... It all fell silent. No sound of her voice, no sound of her running around, enjoying the nature. I looked around, no sign of her anywhere. I felt my heart drop into my stomach.
"Kore?" My voice was but a mere whisper of disbelief. I searched more for my sweet daughter, but still no sign of her anywhere.
"Kore!" I shouted, hoping for a sign of my daughter but still none. I searched endlessly for nine days, with no Nectar or Ambrosia and with no bathing. Even when I caused snow to fall, the breeze to blow unbearably cold, I still searched for Kore.
I was slowly losing hope when on the tenth day, I had met a child of Asteria and Perse, Hekate. She had told me she had heard the cries of my daughter, but did not know who carried her off. She advised we should find Helios, and so we did. Helios informed us that my brother, Hades, god of the dead, had taken Kore with the permission of Zeus.
No words could describe how angry I felt from the news. How dare they take my pride and joy away from me?!
I avoided Olympus and dwelt upon Earth with mortals. I conferred gifts and blessing when any gave me kindness, and severely punished those who repulsed me so or if they didn't receive my gifts with proper reverence. I came to Celeus at Eleusis. But still in anger, I brought famine from not allowing anything to grow.
I was met with Iris, goddess of the rainbow and attendant of my brother, who tried to induce me to return Olympus.
"Lady Demeter, please return to Olympus. The crops of the Earth will not grow without your hand." She spoke to me. I told her I will not do such and sent her on her way. Soon, I was met with others who tried to conciliate with me by gifting me with entreaties and presents, but I still refused.
"Do not persuade me with useless things. I will not restore the fertility of the earth, nor will I return to Olympus, less I see my daughter again!" I proclaimed to each and every god that approach me in my anger.
Third person (short)~
Zeus rubbed the sides of his face with my fingers as he listen to the many he sent to try convince his sister Demeter to come back that she refuses to not do anything unless her daughter is returned.
"Hermes!" Zeus called out to his son, who was in front of him in an instant and waited for his word.
"Demeter is still not convinced. I need you to fetch Kore from Erebus for Demeter." Zeus instructed. Hermes had hurried off to do his task.
Hermes had arrived to Erebus, telling Hades that Kore has to return to her mother. Hades consented, sending them on their way and gave Hermes permission to use his chariot to do so. The young goddess, who has been missing her mother, gladly followed him and told him that she ate a part of a pomegranate, which she now won't always remain with her mother. Hermes guided the goddess to the chariot and went off.
Back to Demeter~
Hekate consoled me as best as she can as I cried profusely for my daughter's return. My tears fell on my clothing, but I cared less for I wanted to see my beautiful daughter again.
"Mother!" I heard a familiar voice. I could never forget the voice of Kore. The sound of a chariot also caught my attention and I looked to where I had heard it, seeing Hermes riding Hades' chariot with Kore.
My heart fluttered with absolute joy and I couldn't wait any longer. I raced over to the chariot, where I felt the arms of my daughter bring me in for a hug, a hug I craved for. I heard the chariot leave, but I could care less.
"Thank goodness! I thought I'd never see you again!" Kore said to me. Her voice was what I wanted to hear again. I left a kiss on her forehead, giving her a sign that I missed her as well.
"I missed you too." That was all I could muster out, despite having thousands of words to tell how much I missed her. I felt a hand on my shoulder, seeing Hekate still by our side.
"I am glad to see the two of you reunited. I shall remain as Kore's attendant." Hekate told us and strolled back to the underworld. I looked back at Kore.
"Let's return home." I said to her, seeing her joyful faces always brought happiness to me and we went back to our home. My sweet Kore told me she had consumed some food down there by accident so she was bound to the underworld. I was rightfully angry at Hades for doing such a deceiving thing to Kore, but I couldn't do anything about it.
Some time later, while I was tending to my crops, I saw my mother Rhea approach me with her two lions at her sides.
"My dearest daughter. I received word of what had happened. I am so sorry." She said to me and gave me a hug.
"Do not fret, mother. I am glad Kore has returned." I spoke to my mother. Mother slowly pulled away, giving me one of her smiles.
"Come, my daughter. Your brother Zeus calls for you to join the families of the gods, and promises to give you which rights you prefer amongst deathless gods. He has agreed to let Kore spend a third of each year down in the Underworld, and to stay with you for the remainder of each year. So come, my child, and be not too angry at the dark clouded brother of yours, but rather increase forthwith for mankind the fruit that gives them life." Mother spoke to me with her gentle tone. I did not speak any further and simply nodded. I did not want to disappoint mother. I watched as she seemed relieved of my answer and left me be, her two lions following after her.
I had brought back the fruit and vegetation after my mother's words, all while thinking of Kore. The lands are laden with leaves and flowers once again.
I am not satisfied with the outcome, but as long as I get to see my beloved daughter again, I am fine. If anyone dares to harm Kore, I will not hold myself back.
She is my daughter, and it is my duty as her mother to love her and protect her when necessary.
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milanvenuss · 2 months
Demeter 🌾
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Started to draw in the middle of classes and then colored it once home...remind me to use references for anatomy next time
Poppy frame goes hard, I'm gonna be thinking of Lady Deo a lot for this semester, given I'm at an agriculture related class rn...
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templeof-demeter · 23 days
Hail to lady Demeter, the lady of bounty, mistress in Eleusis and revealer of divine law! I may my respects to this temple and the goddess that dwells here
Thank you, and may your plates be full friend! 🤍🌾
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styx-naiad · 2 months
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Here is this year’s Lughnasadh altar. 🌾🌽
I offered some street corn, and lit a candle that smells like bread baking. 🍞
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I asked Lady Demeter for her wisdom, and drew the Ace of Swords, which i interpret as a good omen.
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goldenhornss · 11 months
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An e-offering to Lady Demeter🌾🫐
**all pictures taken from Pixabay
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thefakegeekg1rl · 1 year
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At long last, springtime is in bloom! Luxuriate in the blossoming of life at Respect Your Mother: A Burlesque Soirée of Earthly Delights! 🌎 Crescent Moon Nerdlesque and friends are trimming their hedges and shimmying their environmentitties for the best rite of spring in town: a night of rich burlesque, earthy drag, and tree-mendous variety! From plants to animals, fierce nature goddesses to sweet lady Mary Jane, heroes of environmentalism to the humble bumblebee, we’re celebrating all our Mother Earth has to offer. Featuring performances from: 🌾 @allie_dente as DEMETER 🌎 @beeferikson as CAPTAIN PLANET 🐝 @cloudcatchercos aka HIGH-CHU as THE BUMBLEBEE 🪴@juju.valentine.burlesque as AUDREY II from LITTLE SHOP OF HORRORS 🌸 @kid_a_icarus as PERSEPHONE 🦩 @lottiealawest as THE FLAMINGO 🐚 @your.matt.adore as THE SEA SIREN 🍆 @poppyseedburly as THE EGGPLANT EMOJI and @risque.noir as RICK JAMES’ 420! 🌳 Your host, MINNIE BARRE @thefakegeekg1rl, will usher you between our worldly wonders with prop tart @lacey_arsenic who will help conserve our stage environment and collect tips when you make it rain on us like Mother Nature! No ifs, ands, or buds, you’ve gotta get to our RESPECT YOUR MOTHER soirée - It would mean 🌎the world🌎 to us! In our commitment to accessibility, this is a hybrid live AND virtual show, so you can enjoy our treasures from your home, or grace us with your presents 😉 LIVE AND IN-PERSON! VIP Tickets Include: - guaranteed table seating - a post-show photo with the cast (shared on our social media channels as patrons desire) - and an environmentally-conscious gift to take home with you! VIP+ tickets include all of the above PLUS: - reserved front row seating - and a complimentary drink ticket redeemable at The Newport Theater bar NOTE: VIP tickets are for in-person attendees only. Respect Your Mother is a burlesque show and contains adult content. This show is 21+ T 1 x @ https://rb.gy/122w . . . #springtime #cmnerdlesque #spring #sprung #SaveTheEarth #MotherEarth #dance #drag #cabaret #VarietyShow #Chicago #Wrigleyville #April #burlesque #nerdtastic #crescentmoonnerdlesque #chicagotheatre #chicagodrag
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soladelaluna · 3 years
Sun Sprites of the 3rd Eon: among the very first protoplanets born under Queen Sol, and tasked with the duty of protecting the inner Gold Kingdom from Jupiter's onslaught.
🌈 Psyche, and the Tessen of the Rainbow Moon, whose soul would be reborn in the heart of the Quicksilver Moon-knight.
💓 Eros, and the Flag of the Pink Moon, whose soul will live on in the heart of the Lady of Love.
🏹 Tellus, and the Bow of the Hunters Moon, whose soul will live on in the heart of Mother Earth.
🐚 Pallas, and the Spear of the Blue Moon, whose soul would be passed down in the heart of the Pale Moon-knight.
🛡 Athena, and the Shield of the Blood Moon, whose soul will live on in the heart of the Brother of War.
🌾 Demeter, and the Scythe of the Harvest Moon, whose soul would continue living into the 4th era.
🌼 Juno, and the Wand of the Flower Moon, who would be assigned the task of holding the Star Key to the Gold Kingdom.
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Things I do to Honor Lady Demeter 💚
- Grow and harvest my own berries and herbs such as strawberries, raspberries, balm, and basil.
- celebrate autumn with decorations and fall festivities
- go out and forage for wild foods and grains
- wear gemstone jewelry that reminds me of her (Jade, Pyrite, Peridot, Bumblebee jasper, ECT)
- indulge in quality, organic food.
- Buy eggs and other farmed ingredients from local farmers or farmers markets
- Consider farmers in elections and decisions
- honor my ancestry in farming on my mothers side.
What do YOU do to honor lady Demeter?
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aphroditelovesu · 2 years
Hello! Your writing is really good! can I request yandere platonic Hades and Persephone with a daughter reader who had escaped for being ignored and lives with her grandmother demeter(platonic yandere) who gives her all the necessary love and teaches her to use her powers that are the same as persephone's but her appearance is that of her father.
Perhaps, they want their daughter back who she doesn't want to leave and just before taking her away, demeter prevents them saying that zeus allows her granddaughter to stay with her and be her apprentice
I don't know if it could be possible
"My consolation of sadness is you, little seed." - Demeter.
❝🌾— lady l: Okay, here it is, anon. I was in doubt whether to make an imagine or an hc, but I ended up making it in the form of hc's, I hope it's fine :) this is basically a yandere grandmother who has become as obsessed with her granddaughter as she was with her beloved daughter, but perhaps her obsession with the reader is even stronger… Ah, and thanks for the compliment, I really appreciate <3
❝🌾 tw: yandere themes in general, such as murder, mention of murder, implicit torture, obsessive and possessive behavior, unhealthy platonic relationships and mention of blood.
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When you were born, Demeter didn't think much about it. If anything, it's the fury she still felt at having her beloved daughter taken from her, then she held a strong grudge against you, even though she hasn't met you yet. Your birth was just a constant reminder of what had been taken from her.
So she remained distant for many years, not only because of her resentment towards you, but the fact that you lived in the underworld with your parents made it difficult for her to get close to you.
But everything changed one day, when you, tired of being neglected by your parents, found a way to escape the underworld when you were still just a small child. Nobody is quite sure how you managed to get out of there, maybe Cerberus helped you or Charon, but none of that really mattered, you just wanted to get out of that place and you did.
Demeter was seeding a small field when, coincidentally or not, that's where you showed up. It's an understatement to say she was transfixed when she finally recognized you, she had never seen you in her life but she knew who you were. Your pale appearance was identical to her most hated god, Hades. And you were his daughter, with her beloved daughter Persephone.
She wasn't quite sure how to react to your sudden appearance. The goddess for many years denied your existence and even hated you and yet, there you were, young and helpless. She felt she had to do something, no, she knew she had to do something. And she had two options: take you back to your parents or take care of you.
Demeter is the very definition of a loving and protective grandmother. When she took you with her, it didn't take long for her to develop affections for you that turned into an unhealthy obsession, you were her dear and beloved granddaughter. She would deny any rumor or claim that she hated you or denied you, none of that was true anymore, because now, the goddess loved you so deeply.
She hates to see traces of Hades in you. She hates how you look like your father. Demeter will do everything in her power to ensure that you grow up to be lovely and gentle, unlike your father. She doesn't want a mini Hades, so you can be sure that the only thing you'll have in common with him will just be his looks because the rest, depending on your grandmother, will be either identical or based on Persephone.
She loves you, perhaps even more than she ever loved her daughter, you are her dear and favorite granddaughter. You can ask Demeter for anything and she will grant your wishes, she wants you smiling all the time and if the best way to get that is by pampering you immensely so be it.
Demeter will teach you everything she knows, even if you don't like or aren't interested in agriculture, she will still be inflexible about wanting you to learn about what she does. She doesn't want you to be too different from her, so she will force her interests on you. You'll end up liking it, she's sure of it.
When you developed your powers, she was delighted to realize that you had the exact powers of Persephone. You were just perfect, weren't you? Except for the fact that you were equal to Hades in appearance, the rest of you reminded you of Persephone. Her personality, her kind gaze and now her powers. It was like she was getting a second chance, a second chance to raise a perfect ''daughter'', but this time, Demeter won't let anyone take you away from her. She won't make the same mistake twice.
You get all of Demeter's love and devotion, she loves you deeply, to the point of possessiveness. You are not allowed to walk away from her, if you walk away from her even for just a few minutes, she will panic. The thought that you might have gotten lost or someone kidnapped you sends her into a frenzy. When you are back in the safe and possessive arms of the goddess, she will scold you and drown you in hugs. You should never walk away from her, what if something or some bad person wants to hurt you or take you away from her? She can't have that happen, she won't let that happen.
Now, if Hades and Persephone want you back, we're in trouble. Demeter doesn't want to and won't give you back to them, and honestly, why should she do that? They just neglected you, that's what made you go to your beloved grandmother, and you were happy and being well taken care of by Demeter, so again, why should she give you back to your parents?
She would ignore all the demands of her daughter and son-in-law. She doesn't care about they words, nothing mattered more to her than you. But if things got more and more complicated, Demeter would go to Zeus. She would convince your brother that you should be with her, it's what she wants and what you want and Zeus is likely to give in to her. No one can contradict the King of Olympus, not even Hades.
Hades and Persephone can and probably will still want you back for them, but they will be ignored by Demeter. It had already been decided, you would stay with her forever. You would be pampered, cared for and loved by your grandmother and Demeter will never let you leave her.
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styx-naiad · 2 years
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This year’s altar feels a bit humble, tbh. I wish I could’ve bought more decorations.
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But, I baked cornbread for Lady Demeter, and bought Her some fresh blackberries.
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At least I had this bread-scented candle….and I decorated with all the appropriate crystals I had. There ^ is tiger’s eye, citrine, and pyrite.
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Plus carnelian, more tiger’s eye, and peach moonstone.
Happy Lammas/Lughnasadh. 🌾🍞🌽🌻🍺☀️
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