#lady dimitrescu domestic life
House Dimitrescu: Lady Dimitrescu- Bloody Good
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Pairing: Lady Alcina Dimitrescu x Fem!Reader
Pov: Reader
Warnings: Bloodthirst, fluff, a little bit of angst, vampires, indulging, gluttony, anger, (Talk of Heisenberg for like a second because he pisses off Dimitrescu on purpose), injury for the reader, mentions of Bela, Casandera, and Daniela, hurt reader,
Summary: When her blood thirst is on high alert. The reader offers to help Alcina but things can get out of control quickly especially when Alcina is indulging herself.
A/n- Firefly-graphics for dividers
WC- 1.6k
Resident Evil 8 Master List // House Dimitrescu Master List
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The closer the wine gets to being out the closer Alcina is starting to loose her cool. Just last week she came back from a family meeting, she was seething. Her eyes were red and she was more then okay with tearing through the castle before I was able to hear her slam her bedroom door. 
Her daughters watched from the balancys in the main hall. Bela, Cassandra, and Daniela. Before they could even get to talk about why their mother was so pissed I looked up from the stairs. “Don’t you three worry about your mother. She’s got a few bones to pick with that Heisenberg boy is all.” I said trying to distract them from their mothers outrageous behaviour. 
The girls didn’t know and would probably would never know that the wine was dwindling down. Faster then Alcina could keep up. Their mothers rage was coming from that exact reason. She was worrying more then she would ever let on that her blood intake was starting to cause her to morph into the monster she knew that she would turn into. I shook that panic off my shoulders and walked out of the main hall after sooshing the girls back into their rooms. “You girls go chase the servants or something. Let me go to your mother.” I said.
Promises that their mother will be back to her excellent and loving self. That’s all I was doing in reality. Promises three young girls that they once again would have their loving mother back, telling them what a joy each of them was. I shook the anxiety from my bones as I walked out of the main hall towards the dining room, seeing that the door leading out towards the courtyard wasn’t closed I let the cool breeze of the mountains.
I crossed my arms and walked rather quickly over to her doors. I pushed them open and could hear the absolute rage that was pumping through the building. “For the love of FUCKING HELL. WHAT HAS THAT ABSOLUTE BAMBOO DONE?” Alcina was screaming, her voice seemed hoarse and the more she screamed the more things went flying through the air. 
Landing sharply on the floor. I walked up the steps careful to avoid the damages she had left behind. “Alcina?” I said quietly almost hoping that she would stop at my voice, but I was wrong. It didn’t stop not even when I stood in her doorway. The last thing I truly remembered was seeing her vanity go flying right where I was standing. Then a sheirk. 
When I awake Alcina was on her kness sitting next to her all to small couch. My head rested on the arm of the couch, and she had covered me with a quilted blanket. “Love? How are you feeling?” She asked me. Concerned was etched into her face, and her voice was the same. “Well I am okay. I was more worried about you.” I said even through the sun that was shining through the windows was hurting my eyes, and there was an ache in my bones I felt just fine. 
That was before I planned on moving. “Worried about me?” She asked me like she hadn’t been having a tantrum just a few moments ago. “Yes baby. Worried about you. You’ve been raging and throwing things for many days now. The girls are starting to worry about you as well.” I said softly as I tried to get up from the position on the couch. My arm ached out in pain. I looked down as the pain and noticed that the nice white quilt was turned a deep shade of red. “Fuck that hurts.” I mumbled out. “I can’t be here right now.” Alciana said, getting up floor. 
“Wait.. No where are you going?” I asked, begging. Wanting to know, “I just can’t… I’ll get a maid to come up her and help you dearie.” She said, but before she was out of my reach and pushing throug the pain I reached my arm out and grabbed onto her wrist. My blood printing onto her proleain skin. “Y/n, why’d you do that.” She asked anger was starting to boil again. I know why Alcina getting like this. 
So, I can fix it. “I want to help you. Will you let me help for once please?” I begged her. Not yet letting go of her wrist. My grasps was starting to yes fail but that didn’t mean I had to stop looking straight at those beauitful yellow eyes. They always gave her away, gave her true thoughts away. “Please Alcina.” I begged once more. Alcina looked down at my hand wrapped around her wrist. Chewing at her lip, “If you’re thinking what I think you are. You’ve got no idea how dangerous that can get love.” She said softer this time. “I don’t care.” I said plainly. 
Alcina shook her head. “You do understand right?” She questioned me. I only shook my head. “I want you to use me. To curve that urge, to curve all that pent up anger you’ve got growing. I want my loving Alcina back.” I said calmly. I let go of her wirst in my hand and got up even with the pain shooting up through my body. Alcina looks over at me, “Alright let’s move you huh?” She says softly. She picks me up with ease, instead of moving to sit on the couch along with me she walks us towards her en-suite. She looks once at me when towards her very large clawed foot tub. When I give her a strange look she answers it with resolve. ‘For the mess darling.” It’s simply and enough for me. My heart is pumping as I felt Alcina slip the both of us into the tub. 
Alcina laid me down on her chest with my back facing her. She moved my hair out of the way. Her fingers are freezing. “You’re freezing Alcina.” I say quietly. She’s quick to console me comment. “Oh Dearie. Let’s just get comfortable.” She whispered into my ear. I shivered at the cold hands and intimate whispers. The thoughts of how it would feel didn’t even make it out of my mouth. Alcina was sinking her teeth into my neck and in the best of terms sucking the life from me. 
And in the oddest of ways, I felt more relaxed than ever before. The moans that slipped from my mouth didn’t go unnoticed. “Do you enjoy this Y/n?” She asked smugly. Alcina was taunting me, then her lips were back around my neck and shoulder. The arm that wasn’t aching came up to cup the side of Alcina’s face. I was enjoying this more than I thought I was supposed to. “Y/n you taste so fucking good.” She whispered into my skin. The harder and more Alcina sucked at my skin the further I fell into a deep and dark spell. “Alcina, you. You’re so good to me.” I mumbled.
As she sucked, her hands roamed around my waist and chest. Her hands were so much larger than mine, but so was most of her. The longer her lips stayed attached to my neck the longer I got the feeling of being dizzy. “You’re better than the wine I have at dinner baby. I think you might just have to feed me for the rest of my life.” Alcina said as she licked at the wound she had created. Her tongue sent tingles down my shiver and gave me a whole new world of sensations.
“Alcian, baby. I need a second I…” But she was already lost in the scent of my blood. It clouded her thoughts and ears from my words. I tried once more, “Please, you’ve got to… you’ve got to give me a second love.” I whimpered. But still more words went unheard until I tried to pull away. My head was dizzy and the more I moved the more I pleaded for my life. The harder my heart pumped in my chest, give all the wrong signals. “AlCain!  Please.” I cried out trying desperately to get away from my lover. She was only taken out of her blood-soaked daze when the tears from my cries came falling down on her tight grasp. “Y/n? Baby?” She asked into the cold air. I turned and the tears didn’t stop. 
Her mouth and chin were covered in my deep red shade of blood. She looked so wild, so improper. She was the exact opposite, her hair had come out of its curls. Her lips were more crimson than ever before. “I asked you… I asked you to stop and you just…” I was mumbling. Desperately trying to get out of the tub. Aches poured through my body. “Oh, Angel. I’m sorry” She said softly as she tried to reach out to me. I just needed a second. “Don’t touch me right now,” I said trying to catch a bated breath. Alcina looked hurt but I was one that was aching and blooding.
The silence was more than uncomfortable, it stayed this way for far too long. “Y/n, I’m sorry.” She said at first her words soft and quiet. “I… I didn’t mean to take advantage. You’re just amazing, and even so, you taste wonderful.” Alcain said softly as she reached out for me. My head rested on my arm over the edge of the tub. I closed my eyes and let her reach out for me. “I’m truly sorry. How about we get you fixed up and cuddle later?” She suggested and even though I was hurt. I couldn’t say no to her. I smiled, “There you are my love. There’s that beautiful smile I love.” She said.
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Completed on: 02/20/23
Posted on:02/21/23
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glitterhammies · 3 days
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 Alcina Dimitrescu x reader
A night spent with Alcina caring for you when your feeling bad. 
Your lady was your greatest concern of a evening, when you first arrived at the castle you were one of the scullery maids, nothing more than the lowest of the low. But now you were her lover, her personal maid also. everything you do was for your Lady. Even though Alcina loved to look after you and make sure you didn't have to lift a finger but you couldn't help continue you maid duties. 
You knocked on her bedroom door eagerly awaiting her voice, "come in" she called. You slowly opened the door and stuck your head round the corner. she was facing her dresser putting her hair in little rollers, you loved seeing her like this. Everyone sees the grand lady Dimitrescu who shows no emotion and instils fear in all who speak to her. But this is your favourite Alcina is your favourite, the wish of living a domestic life with her. 
she saw your reflection in the vanity mirror " My darling" she grinned at you " come help me finish this off" she said pointing to her hair. You shuffled over taking her gorgeous midnight locks into your hands. No matter how long you have been together she still takes your breath away every time your close to her. " 
" How was your day Darling" she whispered into your hands as you moved them to gather more hair. " It was okay, I've missed you though. spent most of today in the library" you replied. Now you were no longer Alicnas maid you spend your days anywhere other then the wings that lead to the dungeons. you have seen you fair amount of maids go down there and never return and the screams are enough to keep you awake at night. You were lost in your own thought brushing your hands through her hair humming to yourself. You felt Alcinas large hands over yours, she was looking at you in the mirror with concern " My love, tell me, what is bothering you" 
you sigh looking down at the floor. Alcina notices your sadness and turns round so she's facing you, even with er sat down and you standing she was still a head taller than you. she lifted your chin up with her fingers. " I just never see you anymore" you whisper trying to hold back tears "Your always in meetings with Mother Miranda or dealing with business for the wine, which is good I'm happy your doing business but I just miss seeing you I get lonely being here by myself" you were battling with tears that feared escaping from your eyes as you spoke " I just feel like you don't want me around anymore"
You look into Alcinas eyes you could see the sorrow forming " oh my Darling don't think that, I'm sorry I haven't been spending as much time with you but with the wine and Mother Miranda i don't have much time during the day and when I get back here I see you sleeping so peacefully i don't dare wake you" 
"Here let me make it up to you" she picked you up bridal style carrying you to the bed something she enjoyed way too much considering your height difference. she set you down on the edge of the bed and started slowly removing your dressing gown. she kissed a trail down your neck as she removed the fabric replacing the silk with her lips. you moaned slightly into her touch enjoying the closeness. Once she got down to your belt she pulled it off and slowly let the fabric fall onto the bed. You were wearing a black lace underwear set, something Alcina has specifically tailored for you.
She looked down at your figure on the bed and brought her lips to yours, you took her mouth in yours and enjoyed the moment, you brought your hands to her waist and took off the belt that surrounded her waist, pulling the fabric back over her shoulders and onto the floor. she released your lips and pulled back so you could see what she was wearing, a Blood red lingerie set accented with black lace. It complemented your set perfectly. you licked your lips at her.
You scooted back onto the bed giving her indication to join you, Alcina crawled up the bed towards you. you could see her animalistic side coming out. She kissed you again this time with more passion, grabbing hold of your waist and pushing you into the bed. She enjoyed how soft you were under her fingers, she loved your curves and the plumpness of your body, letting you know about it every time you were together " you look gorgeous my darling" she said into your lips not letting you go. "I could say the same about you" you giggled pulling back and biting her bottom lip. 
There you stayed for a while cuddling with each other, talking about simple things like what dates you want to go on and rearrangements of the never-ending pile of books in the library. 
Looking into your ladys eyes you noticed them looking darker then usual. " Are you okay my love" you ask a bit concerned. Alcina looked down at you " would you mind if I got up to get some wine" she asked with genuine concern in her voice. " of course go, go" you chimed shooing her away. Alcina got up and slid back into her robe swaying her hips as she walked to the wine cellar. 
You didn't mind about Alcinas constant drinking, you knew she needed the Blood to keep her mutation under control, and if you had to admit you found it incredibly sexy seeing how animalistic she got over it. 
After a few minutes she returned, ducking her way under the door bottle and glass in hand. She sat down on the spot she had just been in before. you taking the bottle and pouring her a glass. She sipped back the first mouth full and you could see her visibly relax. " Darling, you look so beautiful when you drink that" you say to her. you couldn't help yourself you loved to see the stain of red around her lips and smell the wine on her breath. you didn't care what she had to do to get the wine as long as it meant she could stay with you, you didn't mind. 
You had a idea watching Alcina taking the last swigs of her glass. she positioned the glass towards you so you will be able to fill it up again but instead you brought the bottle to your lips letting the liquid fill your mouth. Alcina looked confused " my love what are yo-" 
You pulled Alcinas face close and put your lips around hers pushing the liquid into her mouth. you felt her ease into your grip and drink down the liquid. parts dripping out of your mouth and down your chest. Alcina pulled back, a slight moan leaving her lips admiring your blood stained mouth. 
"oh darling, you have no idea what you have just done" she grabbed you and slammed you back onto the pillows. Passionately kissing you for the rest of he night. 
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ghost-with-a-teacup · 3 years
Snowdrops - Alcina Dimitrescu x Reader
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Summary: It's the time of year when everything gets a little distant, the world a little colder. And sitting in your room, you get to witness the first snow with Alcina by your side.
Word Count: 1,370
Warnings: None! Unless fluff isn't something you're into I suppose, :))
Type: Fluff. Literally just pure fluff, because Alcina definitely deserves the world and then some. Also, you're married ♥ Decided this fic would be the first I would transfer because of the namesake. You can read it on AO3 here.
Additional Notes: For context, this is after the events of a longer fic I wrote on AO3, but it can be read on its own. Reader has powers similar to the Dimitrescu daughters, except with fiery butterflies.
Today was a quiet one. The mid-afternoon sun streamed through the large windows and the sounds of the castle had settled down to a softer noise in the background after the hecticness that comes with any morning. Glancing up, you look towards one of the windows of Castle Dimitrescu and see the vast expanse of Village is spread out before you, but something else catches your eye.
Standing up from the large chaise you had been sitting on, with soft steps you pad over to get a closer look. It was a bit chilly, warm breath sure to make wisps in the cold winter air, and in awe, you watch as the first snowfall of the season plays out before your very eyes. Cold weather wasn't anything new in the country of Romania, and yet after all this time, this was still a view you'd never get sick of.
You adjust your robe slightly, pulling it around more tightly around you for warmth, not that you needed to though. It was more of a comfort than anything else. Your body hardly got cold anymore, not when you yourself were made of fire, a result of the attack all those years past... Sometimes you still felt the lingering ache of being the cadou implantation, the old scars forever a reminder despite your miraculous healing abilities.
Regardless, you were here now and that's all that matters.
"Darling? Are you in here?" A voice called out just past the door of the room. It was just a courtesy though, you knew Alcina could hear the steady thump of your heart for miles with her supernatural hearing and all.
"Yes, dearest," you call out softly, turning around to look towards your lover as she crouched through the small door. With fluid steps, she's in front of you in seconds, a relaxed smile on her face. She too donned a robe, a rich burgundy colour that matched the golden hue of her eyes perfectly. Despite her relaxed demeanour she still exuded that sort of etherealness you can't find anywhere else on earth, still oozed the authority that comes with being a woman in her position.
And she was all yours.
For a moment you glance down at the shining ring on your left hand before looking up at Alcina, a grin meeting your lips as you will your body to float upwards to match her height, an easy feat when you were made of butterflies you supposed.
"Is this where you've been hiding away, dearest?" she says, an amused look on her face, "I've hardly seen you all day." Lifting her hand she runs it over your cheek gently, her lips upturned in a grin.
That was the thing with Alcina. Despite her stature and strength, she was nothing but gentle with you (well, unless the situation called for... otherwise), as if you were made of ice, delicate. Her little snowdrop, she would call you. It was ironic really, since you were essentially the opposite of snow.
You had asked about it one day, maybe a year after you had gotten your powers, why she still called you that.
You and Alcina were sitting in bed, finally getting a moment of repose after a chaotic day of planning for the upcoming winter solstice festival in the village. You sat in Alcina's lap, your head lying on her chest as you both read the book she held in her hands.
Eventually, the weariness of the day caught up to you, and you yawned loudly. Glancing down at you overtop her reading glasses, Alcina wordlessly closes the book and places it down beside her.
"Are you tired, my little snowdrop?" she asks, running a hand through your hair, the action soothing you so much that you yawn once more.
"Why do you still call me that, Alci?" you ask, wiping away the tears that had formed from repeatedly yawning.
"Whatever do you mean?" she asks, looking down at you with a confused look on her face.
"'My little snowdrop', why do you still call me that? I mean, it doesn't really make sense, not when I'm made of these now," you say, lifting a hand. On it, a little red butterfly fluttered its wings, little wisps of fire left behind in its wake.
"Hm," she pauses momentarily, "well, it's because I think of you as my snowdrop, snowdrop," she says with a chuckle, which makes you snort.
"I think it makes sense though, regardless of your butterflies. Snowdrops are small, delicate, beautiful. Everything that embodies you, my darling," she says, pressing a kiss to the back of your head. Turning around slightly, you look up at her and are met with golden eyes filled with nothing but affection.
"But even more so," she continues, "the word snowdrop... snow. There's a sort of strength to snow, isn't there? It's an ethereal thing, stunning to look at as each snowflake falls to the floor, individualistic in its own right. From afar it's easy to enjoy, but the moment you step outdoors you're met with the freezing cold that nips any skin left uncovered. Stay out too long and you begin to freeze slowly but in a way, it's also fast, so fast that you don't even notice you're freezing until you're already halfway gone. That in itself is strength isn't it?" You pause for a moment, rendered speechless. Alcina really had a way with words, and it caught you off-guard at times. You soak in her words, tilting your head in contemplation before nodding wordlessly.
"And you're just like that, snowdrop. An ethereal being, easily admired from afar, but step closer and you will see that you're not just beautiful, but full of strength as well, not something so easily stepped on." Alcina finishes with a smile. At her words your cheeks flush with embarrassment, but regardless your heart still fills with warmth.
"I... didn't know you thought of me like that Alcina," you say, albeit a bit embarrassedly.
"Well, I do. Every word I spoke I think to be true, you're stronger than you know," Alcina says, the slightest tint of red on her cheeks at her honesty.
"Well, then I like the name then, darling," you say with a smile.
"I'm glad you do, my little snowdrop," Alcina says, her lips upturning into a smile that matches your own.
Snapping back to the present, you smile a bit at the memory before responding to Alcina.
"It felt like a bit of an antisocial sort of day, darling. I'm sorry," you say, glancing off to the side. Alcina takes one of your hands into her own with a sigh, pressing a kiss onto your palm.
"There's no need to be sorry, my love, how many times must I tell you that. I understand things get overwhelming at times, it's quite alright", she says, which makes you look back up at her fondly.
"Thank you for always being so understanding Alcina, I don't know what I'd do without you," you say before leaning forward and pressing a kiss to her lips. The feeling never changed, her full soft lips on yours as your heart filled a bit more with love for this woman. You feel her smile into the kiss before pulling away slightly.
"It's the least I could do, darling," she says before pecking your lips once more. Then her gaze is pulled from your own to the one behind you and she lets out a soft gasp.
"My, it's snowing already?" she asked, more to herself if anything. Her eyes are filled with an almost childlike glimmer, the view before you so pure it made your heart soar with affection. Alcina had always told you winter was her favourite season. It really suited her.
"It is, darling. I noticed it just before you came in," you say.
"Perhaps we should go on a stroll then, my little snowdrop. The first snow is always the most beautiful."
"I'd fit right in then, wouldn't I?" you say with a giggle, making Alcina chuckle before grabbing your waist and pulling you close.
"I would say yes, but you stand out amongst the crowd, my love. My pretty little snowdrop," Alcina says, kissing you once more.
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"Alci? Please?"
You questioned, gazing up at her with the biggest puppy-dog eyes she'd ever seen yet. With a soft sigh, she leans back slightly in her chair to make herself more comfortable, waving you over with a smile.
"Of course, darling... You can feel her."
You smile broadly, moving to her side, your hands coming to rest on the swell of her belly, feeling for the life that moved within.
When the babe finally kicks, you can't contain your excitement, the smile stretching across your face as you glance between Alcina and her belly, your hands moving slightly to meet the next kicks as they come.
Alcina chuckles, her own hand coming to rest over yours, keeping it pressed against her belly as she smiles down at you.
"It won't be long now... She'll be here soon enough, my love." She hums, tipping your chin up so that you're looking at her. "I can't wait to see the two of you bond."
"I'm so excited, sotia mea... I never thought this would be possible... But here we are." You smile and she reciprocates, her thumb gently brushing over the fabric of her dress.
"What shall we name her, dearest?"
You mulled her question over, brows knitted together in thought, before finally looking up to meet her gaze.
"Elena... Elena Dimitrescu."
"A fine name... I love it."
She breathes, settling against the back of her chair once more.
"Dearest, would you stoke the fire please?"
"Of course, love... Would you like some fresh blood as well?"
She looks to you then with a devilish smile, her hand now encircling your arm, fingers brushing against your skin.
"You do have the sweetest blood, my love..."
She purrs, drawing a deep blush that stretches from your cheeks down to your chest, which earns a pleasant laugh from the countess.
"I'm teasing, darling. No need to look so flushed." She chuckles, cupping your chin in her hand. "That is, unless you'd allow me to have just a little taste."
You nod your head, your ears now bathed in scarlet, earning another chuckle from your wife.
"As long as you're willing, draga mea."
"Alci, we're married... What's mine is yours and whats yours is mine." You grin, meeting her gaze once more. "I'm always willing to spare a little blood just for you."
"Good girl... I'll hold you to that."
You grin like a schoolgirl, moving from her touch in order to reignite the fire in the hearth before returning to her side once more.
With tender hands, she pulls you up onto her lap, making sure you're comfortable, before gently running her canines over your skin, teasing you until you protest. It is only then when she plunges her canines into the space between your neck and shoulder, taking her fill until you tell her to stop.
She pulls back from your skin, grabbing her handkerchief and dabbing at her lips, she leaned down and pressed a kiss to the back of your head, pulling you as close to her as she could.
"Rest now, draga mea..." She breathed, brushing her fingers through your hair. "Rest and dream..."
You allow your eyes to close as she cradles you against her body, both of you relaxing in the warmth of the room and the warmth of being in each other's arms.
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darling-i-read-it · 3 years
Karl Heisenberg x reader, Ethan Winters and the other Lords x platonic!reader
Word Count: 2.5k
Warnings: SPOILERS FOR RE8!!, insinuations to smut, talks about having children
Author’s Note: this is so wacky and i just now finished it. Its just for fun and an excuse to write domestic resident evil 8 characters. I had a blast doing it. Also it was loosely influenced by @/nerdymixedpan on tiktok who makes this kind of AU stuff! Highly recommend their tiktoks
Summary: An AU where Ethan didn’t kill any of the Lords and was convinced to stay, leave Mia (the crazy chick who tried to kill him and also worked for a sketchy company prior to that) and raise Rose with the Lords and the reader.
Genre: fluff
I don’t own these characters. They belong to author/director/creator
(not my gif)
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You were walking around Dimitrescu castle, as you often did. You hopped between places when you could. You always went to sleep at the Heisenberg factory but you did get along well with the other Lords and liked to pay them a visit when you could.
It was actually Cassandra who asked for your presence. You had heard of course that the village was being attacked but you didn’t mind too much about that at the moment. Cassandra wanted you over at the castle, to try and talk some sense into Ethan Winters.
You had heard of Ethan at that point, of course. Everyone had. The father of the infamous Rose. But you didn’t think you would get to meet him.
So you came over there and knocked on Alcinas bedroom door. She swung it open, gazing down at you. She was no longer surprised when she came over and usually was quite pleased to have someone to talk to. Rarely did she speak to people outside her daughters and Mother Miranda and she had a responsibility to those people. She didn’t have a responsibility to you.
“What brings you along here? We’re a bit busy. I assume you’ve heard Ethan WInters has escaped Heisenbergs grasp.” You let out a huff of air and nodded.
“Yes, he was not pleased when he came back home. Cassandra called, said I should try and talk to him.”
“Cassandra wants him murdered.”
“Maybe she has some sympathy because of the baby,” you suggested. You gestured to the large castle. “Any idea where I can find him?” She shook her head, exasperated.
“If I had any idea, don’t you think I would have gone to find him already?” You nodded stiffly.
“I will look for him myself then. If you find a short person not in robes, double check to make sure it’s not me before you claw them,” you told her. She gave you a small smirk before you turned around and started back down the stairs.
You had free reign of the castle and had learned its insides and outs at this point. On occasion the girls asked you to stay over and hang out for a little while longer so you had slept there as well.
You started to check a couple of the rooms, walking around haphazardly. It was when you came to a room on the main floor that you found the Duke. He sat there and raised his eyebrows at the sight of you.
“You aren’t Ethan Winters,” he said.
“Ah so you’ve seen him. Care to point me in the right direction?” Duke shrugged a bit.
“He’ll be here eventually if you care to wait.” You let out a sigh. You could go searching but it was a sure bet that he will return to this spot. You pulled up a chair from the table there.
“Alright then. You selling any good food?”
Ethan came running into the room as you were enjoying a nice dish. You stood up quickly, putting your dish down on the table. He had his gun up but dropped it at the sight of you.
“Are you a villager? Do you need help getting out?” he asked, clearly out of breath. You scoffed and shook your head.
“No, no. I’m here to talk to you Ethan.” He was still clearly frazzled. You grabbed your dish and held it up to him. “Care for some food?” you asked, hopefully as a peacemaker. He looked between you and the food and saw that you at least looked human.
He put his gun in his holster and took the food from you.
“Alright. What do you want to talk to me about?” he asked, sitting down at the table. “Who are you anyway?”
“This is Karl Heisenberg's pet,” said the Duke. You scoffed.
“Shush up, you’re not helping.” You sat beside Ethan. “Ethan, I know where Rose is.”
“You know where Rose is?! Where is she?!”
“Shush, let me finish.” You cleared your throat. “This whole thing, all of it, is about Mother Miranda. She took the place of Mia to try and take Rose away. She believes Rose will be a good vessel. Ethan, Lady Dimitrescu, Karl, none of the Lords are your enemy. It’s just Mother Miranda.”
“Well it looks like everyone is trying to kill me.” You shook your head.
“If you helped them kill Mother Miranda, they will let you keep Rose. In fact, I have it on good authority that most of them would love to help take care of her.” Ethan stared at you for a minute and leaned back. He had some food on his chin. You handed him a napkin and he took it gratefully. “And Ethan...Mia told Mother Miranda that you...you’re not exactly human.”
His eyes went wide.
“I’m sorry?”
“You’re mold Ethan.” He was silent for a very long time. Everything raced through his head. Why would he want to stay here? Granted the castle was nice...and these people did know how to save Rose...it would protect him from anything else Chris had planned that he didn’t know about.
And apparently, Mia had been keeping this secret for God knows how long.
It all seemed like too much for him.
“Take a second to take that in. I don’t want to rush you but I have to talk to the daughters about it.”
“You swear they’ll help me with Rose?”
“No one wants her to die, Ethan. We want Mother Miranda gone.” He leaned back in his chair.
“Why should I trust you?”
“I’m human. I’m not mold, I’m not an experiment. Just human. If I could live a happy life here, why can’t you and Rose?”
That made sense. If anything made sense, that did. Ethan took a deep breath.
“Fine. What do you need me to do?”
Some Time After The Death of Mother Miranda
“Have you seen Rose? She’s getting bigger everyday.” Karl was speaking when he walked into your room. You were sitting on the bed, flipping through a book. You looked up at him, a teasing smile on your face.
“What, now that you’ve killed Mother Miranda you’ve moved on to caring about the village baby?” you questioned, putting your hand in your palm. He gave you a look but you ignored him.
“You act as though you don’t want a baby every time you see her,” he commented. You scoffed.
“And it always ends up being pretty pleasurable for you doesn’t it?” You grabbed his hand and pushed him down on the bed so that he was sitting on the edge. You wrapped your arms around him from behind.
“You’re damn right.” He brought your hand up to kiss it. “Ethan’s going to Moreaus today, to swim around with Rose. He invited you,” Karl said. You raised an eyebrow.
“Did he invite me or do you want a nice night again?” He kissed your hand again and then kissed your wrist.
“You won’t know until you get there.”
“Fair point my love, fair point.” You kissed his cheek and got up. “I have lunch with Donna but I’ll try and catch up with Ethan afterwards. I may make it, I may not.” You slid off the bed. “Guess you’ll just have to wait to find out.”
He wanted to get up and drag you back but you were already walking out the door.
Ethan was by the water, holding Rose in his lap. She was truly getting bigger every day. Moreau was standing beside them, dry now. Ethan’s hair was damp. They must have just gotten done swimming.
“Good of you to join us,” Ethan said as you walked over.
“Salvatore, Ethan…” You leaned over Ethan to look Rose in the eyes. “Little Rosey. How was swimming you guys? Sorry it took so long, I was with Donna and lunch went overtime.” You sat down beside them.
“Rose was perfect,” Moreau said. “She’s a quick learner!” You nodded, looking over at her. You brought your finger up to her and she latched onto it.
“I believe it,” you said. Ethan locked eyes with you.
“I wanted you to come because I heard that Chris was trying to get into the factory.” You raised an eyebrow. You wrapped your arms around your knees and leaned against them.
“He’s still trying to get in here? I thought once Miranda was killed he would leave us alone.” Ethan shook his head.
“Apparently he wants Rose because she’s an asset now,” he muttered but he was looking down at his daughter who was reaching up to his face. He sighed. “She’s getting hungry.”
“You should probably take her back to the castle then.” That was where Ethan usually slept with her. He figured it would be easiest to keep Rose safe with four vampires around at all time that adored her.
“Yes my sister will be wondering where you are,” Moreau said. You nodded in agreement.
“I’ll tell Karl about Chris although I don’t think he’ll get past the Lycans. Then he has to worry about the machines that Karl makes and those are a hassle too. Not the brightest, but a hassle,” you admitted, standing. “I’ll walk you back.” Ethan nodded. You turned to Moreau. “I’ll see you later as well. Try to catch up on the TV show we were watching, I don’t wanna miss anything.”
“I will, of course!” he exclaimed. You smiled and then turned back to walk with Ethan and Rose back up to the Castle. You got into the boat.
“Can you hold her while I steer?” Ethan asked. You nodded and took Rose from him, cradling her in your arms. She was looking around, ever the well behaved child. Ethan started the boat and then you were off.
There was a few minutes of silence as he started to catch his bearings and you played with Rose. You and Ethan had grown close over the weeks he had lived there. He rarely knew peace and didn’t trust it that much but you always assured him that it would be alright.
“I was thinking of maybe starting to rebuild the village,” you said, looking up at him. He raised an eyebrow.
“By yourself?” You scoffed.
“No, obviously not. I’d get the help of everyone. Donna and Angie already wanna pitch in and I figure I could guilt trip Karl into helping, with his whole telepathy thing. I think it could be a fun project. Plus if you accidentally lose a hand you can put it right back on.”
He nudged you, laughing.
“I don’t think it’s a bad plan but who will live there?”
“Us maybe. Separate housing of course but it could be a home away from the Lords. And any villagers left stragglers around.”
“I don’t think there are any left,” he told you.
“Well have you checked?” He was silent. “Exactly. Rose may want a place for herself one day, who knows.” You looked back down at her. She was reaching up to play with your ear.
“She’ll need friends her own age one day,” he said, solemnly.
“We’ll see to that when it comes.” He looked back at you.
“Have you and Heisenberg ever talked about kids?” he teased. You laughed.
“We have our hands full with Rose and the thousands of metal children he makes on the daily,” you admitted. You glanced down at Rose again. “But maybe one day. He seems to be hinting at it and I don’t know...maybe it’s not such a bad idea.”
Ethan glanced back at you and then quickly looked away. You looked happy, curious, wondering.
“If it’s any help...I’m glad I had her. Even if she got me into this whole mess,” he said laughing a bit. You smiled up at him as he pulled into the dock.
“You want a little Heisenberg running around?” Ethan scoffed.
“I wouldn’t mind a little you. Rose could have a friend.” He got out of the boat and you handed him Rose. You got out as well.
“We’ll see. Karl may be banking on it.” You both started to walk back into town. At the castle entrance you had to part.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, if your legs still work.” You gasped, shoving him.
“You have a mouth on you Ethan Winters for living in a house with four other grown women,” you said. He laughed and went into the gate without saying anything else.
The walk back to the factory was a pleasant one. The sun was setting and the breeze was nice. Not too hot, not too cold.
You made it back to Karl in record timing. He wasn’t in the room so you went looking for him. He was in one of the work rooms, leaning over one of his new inventions. You walked up behind him and leaned over the head of the machinery.
“Hey there kitten! Back up, it might come alive at any second,” he muttered, moving you back. You nodded, stepping away from the table. He turned off his recording and turned around to look at you.
“Well how was swimming with Moreau?”
“And Rose and Ethan. I caught the tail end. She had fun though. You’re right, she is growing everyday.”
“I take it by you referencing our earlier conversation you remember how it ended.”
“I’m not doing it if this machine will come alive half way through and kill us.” Karl scoffed and took your hand.
“Up to the bedroom it is kitten!” You scoffed but let him drag you along, giggling the whole way up.
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imtherain · 3 years
Did I post two stories today? Yes. I also have no idea what’s going on.
This is a Karl Heisenberg fic, so that’s a warning all on it’s own. I love my hobo metal daddy.
More warnings: unconventional relationship, maybe dubcon (she was kinda a slave/pet?) he calls her Pup if that weirds you out, oral (both ways baby), unprotected sex, bruises, mild domestic violence? Yelling, controlling behavior? idk if you’re weird about hobo man things, please proceed carefully or don’t read. If something else should be warned, let me know.
Here you go ya filthy mongrels (specifically @amethystmoonprincess because she introduced me to Daddy in the first place)
Karl Heisenberg had won you in a bet with his sister, Lady Dimitrescu. You had been held captive there as a maid to the Lady and her daughters and had lived a fairly decent life considering most everyone else in the Village had lost life or limb to Mother Miranda and her Family. Honestly, you were quite lucky, and thought of yourself as such.
Moving into the Factory with Heisenberg had been an...adjustment. He was clear that he expected you to keep his bed warm and to keep him entertained as he required. At first, this frightened you, but he turned out to be a rather good host. He made sure you were fed well, clothed, comfortable, and most nights he worked too late to ask you for sex. Even when he did require sex from you, it was surprisingly good. He took what he wanted, sure, but he also made sure you got off at least once, which was more than you could say about previous partners. So as time went on, you found yourself fond of the metal worker, to the point you even looked forward to the nights he asked for your attentions, wondering if there was something more you could do for him to show him you enjoyed him.
A few weeks into your time with Heisenberg he gave you a rough collar made of thick metal. He put it on you, locking it in place with his powers. This means you are mine, he had said. No one else is to touch you but me. You’d be lying if the words hadn’t sent a sharp jolt of pleasure through your entire body. The edges rubbed a bit, but you knew he’d made it with his own hands, and you, you found yourself touching it whenever you were alone, wondering when next you’d see him.
One day you came up with a plan.
You’d been trying to think of ways to do something for Karl, knowing there wasn’t much you could do outside of the bedroom. He didn’t let you roam the Factory, as it was dangerous without him. He didn’t let you go outside where you could easily be picked up by the lycans. For the most part you stayed in the chambers of his bedroom, and waited for him. However, you’d discovered, if you were careful, you could still sneak out to get a little sunshine during the day, and even walk into the village if you were quick to return before dark. The next chance you got, you found yourself in a place you thought you’d never return to.
“Y/N,” It was Bela who found you in the grand hall of Castle Dimitrescu. “I thought you belonged to that manthing now,” 
“I do, I...um… need to ask a favor,” You said, feeling nervous now to be at the mercy of the vampires again. Bela raised an eyebrow at you, but smiled.
“Anything for you, sweet one,” Her grin was hungry. “We’ll ask Mother,” She took your arm and pulled you deeper into the Castle. 
Soon enough you found yourself before your old Mistress and once she heard your request, all she could do was laugh.
But she agreed, nonetheless.
You waited nervously for Karl to come to bed for the night. You were dressed in your new lingerie that Lady Dimitrescu has so graciously helped you procure. It was a black one piece, with the sides cut away, accented with a bit of lace and leather straps that circled each arm and each thigh. It fit you perfectly by some astonishing stroke of luck. You were glad that it was never cold in the Factory, as your new get up did nothing against the temperature of the air.
After what seemed like hours, you finally heard Karl enter the bedroom. A clank and a thud signaled he locked the door for the night. You waited, bouncing from foot to foot, as he took his time heading to the part of the chambers that held the bed, the place you currently stood, tingling with anticipation. Would he like the lingerie? Would he praise you? Would he ignore you and go straight to bed?
“And where did you get that, Pup?” Karl’s voice was low and gravely. You felt your skin getting warm under his gaze as he carefully removed his glasses and stowed them in the pocket of his coat. He came closer, carefully removing his hat as his eyes devoured you.
“I asked my old Mistress for a favor,” You admitted happily. “She happened to have this laying around and let me take it. She even gave me some scraps of silk to wrap my collar in so that it doesn’t chafe as much.” You smiled up at him. 
“You went to that bitch?” Just so quickly, the hungry gaze froze over and everything was wrong. “I thought I told you to never leave this place?”
“I...I wanted to surprise you,” You stammer, taking a step back and bumping into the vanity that he’d made for you. There was a clamor of items falling over as you found yourself with nowhere to go. Karl’s hand cracked across your cheek. A mix of surprise and hurt knocked you to the ground, tears springing to your eyes.
“Never, and I mean never, go to her again. For any reason.” He snapped, looming over your form on the floor. You nodded. “I can’t hear you, mutt,” 
“I won’t, I promise,” You replied, trying to hide the tears in your voice. How had it gone so wrong? You thought he’d like the surprise. That he’d praise you for your ingenuity. That he’d kiss you and take you to bed and fuck you like he had so many nights before…
“Good,” He turned away from you and went back to the other room where he banged around. You hurried to the bathroom to hide your shame and change out of the stupid outfit you’d gotten from Lady Dimitrescu.
When you returned to the bedroom, Karl was back, frowning as he watched you step out from the bathroom. 
“On the bed,” He commanded and you did so, head down. You were wearing only a tshirt, one of Karl's old ones, over your underwear. Your normal attire for bed. You sat far enough onto the bed that you were able to sit cross legged. You didn’t look at him as he joined you.
One of Karl’s large hands gripped your chin and pointed your face up, but your eyes darted past his and to the ceiling. He huffed once and undid the collar from your throat. Your eyes snapped to his face, panic setting in as he removed the item that was his claim to you. Had you made him so angry that he didn’t want you anymore? How would you ever make it up to him? 
“Just for tonight, no collar,” He muttered. “Don’t get used to it.” He set the collar on the bed next to him and picked up a small pot of something. He dipped one finger into it before taking your chin again, moving you so that he could apply the balm to the chafed areas on your neck. Mostly it hadn’t been bothering you, but now that the collar was gone, the skin remembered it was injured.
His hands were rough with callouses but gentle as he massaged the balm into your skin. It felt nice on the angry skin. You hummed slightly before you could stop yourself. When Karl was done, he held onto your chin for a long time, just looking into your face. You wanted to look away, look anywhere but into his eyes, but somehow he held your gaze. His eyes traced the lines of your face until they stilled at your lips. He sighed heavily.
“If you want something foolish, like new underwear or something, ask me about it next time, hey?” He said. You nodded.
“I will,” Your voice was small. 
“Good girl,” Karl said softly. He stood and tossed the open collar onto the vanity along with the ointment he’d used on your neck, then went about getting himself ready for the night. You crawled into the bed and waited for him, wondering where the two of you stood. Surely he’d still use you in the normal ways? Or would he take his anger out on you? Or worse yet, maybe he’d ignore you completely…
Heisenberg got into the bed with a groan, surely tired and sore from another long day in the Factory. You waited for him to make a move, but he didn't. You watched him with baited breath, wondering if you should say something, but you don't want to anger him again.
“What are you looking at, Pup?” He finally asked, turning his face towards you. There was a ghost of humor in his voice.
“Nothing, sorry,” You hurried to get comfortable, turning your back to your Master. He huffed again, not quite content with this answer. He groaned and rolled onto his stomach, jostling you in the process.
“Be a doll and rub these old shoulders would ya?” He asked, though you knew it wasn’t really a request. You sat up and leaned over him, running your hands over the broad plane of his bare back. You resisted the urge to trace the scars that littered his skin.
He hummed as you pressed the pads of your fingers into his skin and you felt sound race through your fingers and into the center of your chest. You were glad to have made him feel something good, especially after how your previous plan had played out.
After a moment Karl spoke again.
“Don’t half-ass it,” He grunted. You lean harder into your hands and work at the tightness that was perpetually in his shoulders and he groaned as the tension finally eased. “There you go, Pup, just like that,” 
After a few more minutes of rubbing his shoulders, your hands stilled on his back. He was warm to the touch. He was always so warm.
“Anything else?” You asked, voice small. You moved away from him, but he moved to pin you beneath him, spreading your legs with his own so he could settle against you. You froze, unsure of what his intentions were. He just stared at you for a long moment before touching you cheek, which had a slight bruise from where he’d smacked you before. His eyes focused on the darker patch of your skin for a long moment before he spoke.
“Tell me, pet, what is your favorite thing I’ve done to you?” He watched your face as you thought, likely seeing the surprise as it danced through your eyes. He never asked such a thing before, and while he was always sure that you enjoyed yourself to some extent, he’d never been overly concerned with your feelings during sex. “Don’t be shy,”
“Umm,” Your face grew warm as your brain scattered through the million different feelings that were overwhelming you. The pressure of him over you made your mind spiral off into thoughts of sordid affairs, and his question brought up questions of his feelings towards you, yours towards him and, of course, an answer to the question. “I like it when you...when you use your tongue,” You squeezed your eyes shut while he chuckled, leaning down to lick his way carefully to your ear.
“And where do you like me to use my tongue, Pup?” He whispered, his voice a deep growl against the shell of your ear. You shivered and he surely felt it.
“When you’re between my legs,” You squeak out, eyes still screwed shut. You felt his teeth tease the lobe of your ear as he moved his hips against you slowly. You let out a strangled cry as pleasure shot through you at the sensation.
“When I eat your pussy?” He chuckled again as you nodded against the pillow. “Say it,” 
“I like it when you eat my...my…” You weren’t used to using such coarse language yourself, only hearing it when he was carried away with fucking you.
“Pussy,” Karl filled in. “Say it for me, baby, I need to hear you say it.” You opened your eyes and looked up at him. He was grinning, but there was a seriousness to his eyes.
“I like it when you eat my pussy,” You whispered. His grin got wider and he laughed.
“There you go!” He leaned down and covered your mouth with his, surprising you. You had no idea what he was on about, but it didn’t seem he was so mad anymore, so that was good at least. You melted into his kiss, hands balling against the hair on his chest. He grinned into your mouth and plunged his tongue in to take dominance of the kiss. 
You couldn’t help but arch up into him as the kiss continued. You were trying to make up for your mistake. You let out an unhappy whine when he pulled away.
“Easy Pup,” Karl warned, moving to run his mouth down your neck. You arched for him again. “Needy tonight, aren’t you?” He sounded so pleased. He made his way down until his face stilled at your thighs.
His broad hands ran their way up and down your thighs, pressing them apart and teasing you in one motion. Your eyes were wide, was he really going to pleasure you like you’d mentioned? Your core tingled with excitement at the thought. He pushed your shirt up to expose your underwear, taking his time to trace the band before slipping his fingers under it and pulling down the fabric that was between him and his favorite part of you.
“Are you wet already, Pup?” He tsked. It was true, as soon as he’d pinned you, you’d found yourself aroused. “Such a good girl for me,” You held your breath as he fought the fabric the rest of the way down your legs, struggling a bit since he was on top of you. He cursed mildly as he finally freed the plain garment and tossed it across the room. 
“You...you don’t have to,” You stammered, trying to give him an out. You were still feeling guilty for making him so angry.
“I don’t recall asking your permission,” Karl smirked, leaning down and taking a long lick directly up your folds. You gasped at the sensation as though someone had run ice up your spine. “Besides, I enjoy this,” He leaned back in and held you still with his strong hands on your thighs. The calluses on his fingers dragged across the soft flesh there and sent sparks to your center. His mouth covered your slit and his tongue dove in, teasing your clit as you writhed beneath him. Your hands found their way into his wavy hair and wound themselves tightly into the length. If he noticed, he didn’t mind, making no move to remove your fingers.
When he stuck his tongue into your waiting hole, your hips jerked upwards towards him, he chuckled as he adjusted his grip and went back for more.
“Oh fuck,” You mumbled. 
“What? Do you enjoy this?” He mocked. You just nodded your head feverantly and pulled his head back towards your center. His chuckle vibrated your nerves just right as he pulled your bud into his mouth, sucking on it, hard. 
"More, please more," You begged, breathing fast. The man between your legs grinned, moving so that he could stick two of his fingers in his mouth before sliding them into your waiting wetness. You moaned loudly at the sensation of his thick digits stretching you. Karl had eaten you out before, sure, but this was different. And so good.
“Cum for me, Pup,” He murmured against your thigh, looking up at you with lust blown eyes. You’d never seen him like this before and it made your stomach flutter in a whole new way. When he mouth connected with your clit again, it was mere moments before you came undone on his face.
He pushed you through the orgasm until you were a stuttering, shivering mess. He kissed the inside of your thigh and pulled himself up over you again. You could feel his waiting bulge press itself against you and you moaned, arching your hips into him. He chuckled and leaned down to kiss you, the flavor of your arousal mixing with the flavor of his tongue. 
When Heisenberg pulled away with eyes still fiery with desire. You couldn’t help but smile up at him, pushing on his shoulders to make him lay flat on his back. He let you take control enough to do so, but you could tell by the look in his eyes that you were on thin ice. 
“I...I want to return the favor,” You managed. Karl’s face softened slightly before he nodded.
“Get to it then,” He settled himself more comfortably against the pillows and crossed his arms behind his head. You worked his belt open and he lifted his hips so you could pull his pants down his legs, discarding the fabric on the floor behind you.
You looked up at him for another moment before dipping your head to kiss his chest, hands ghosting across his ribs as you made your way down to his hips. He hummed, pleased with this turn of events.
You took a moment to kiss each of his sturdy hips, dancing your nose through the trail of fur that lined his stomach as you passed from one hip to the other. Then you took his cock, already hard and weeping, in your hand, angling it up so you could run your tongue along the bottom of it before sliding his girth into your warm mouth.
Karl groaned as you hollowed your cheeks around him, pumping your head and hand in time so ensure his entire length was worshiped. 
“That’s it, take it nice and deep,” Karl growled as you worked him. He grew restless quickly though, his hand coming to grip the back of your hair, urging you to take him deeper into your throat. You sputtered as his tip activated your gag reflex. He chuckled. “Too much for you, Pup?” 
You closed your eyes and focused on not gagging again as he let you draw back before he pushed back in. The next time he let you pull back, you let him slide out of your mouth so you could catch your breath. He allowed it. You wiped your face on the back of your hand as you looked up at him. He held your eyes for a long moment before he huffed and motioned for you move.
“Now you’re gonna ride me, got it?” He said and you nodded happily. You’d never gotten to be on top before and it excited you, sending heat back to your core. You moved to straddle him, using your hand to guide him into your waiting center.
You both groaned as you became fully seated against Karl. His hands quickly found your hips and he guided you as you began to move against him, bracing your hands on his chest for better leverage. 
“Fuck,” He growled as you moved against him. “Just like that, fuck, you’re so tight,” He bucked his hips up into you as if to prove his point. You whined, wanting more. He chuckled beneath you, pulling you harder onto his cock. You’d have bruises on your hips, you were sure, but that was nothing new, and nothing you didn’t enjoy.
“Hnng, please, I can’t…” You weren’t used to this angle, and it sent you into a spiral of need and confusion. It felt good, but you wanted more, you wanted him pounding you into the mattress, leaving no room between the two of you as he mercilessly took what he wanted. What you now willingly gave.
“Aww, not used to having to do the work, huh? Poor baby,” Karl mocked. You leaned back, trying to find a better angle and found it, letting out a cry of surprise as his cock stroked your gspot just right. He jerked your hips towards him, meeting you with a thrust of his hips until you were right at the edge of another orgasm.
“I’m close,” You cried out, not sure what you expected him to do with that information. He normally didn’t care that much about you. But tonight had been different.
“Cum for me, Pup, ride me through your high,” Karl groaned, not letting up on his assault on your center. Just like that, the coil of pleasure in your stomach snapped and you came, crying out his name. As the high faded you felt your limbs turn to jelly, but Karl wasn’t done with you yet.
Before you could collapse against him, he flipped you over and pulled your legs around his waist, burying himself as deep into you as he could go, while your overstimulated core pulsed around him. You were going to protest, but his mouth crashed into yours and you got lost in the sensation of his tongue against yours. 
His hips stuttered as he came inside you with a loud growl against your neck.
For a moment you both stayed like that, still connected while you caught your collective breath. Eventually, Karl noticed he was still atop you and moved away with a grunt. You laid there for a moment and watched him look around, presumably for his pants. He gave up quickly and headed into the bathroom. You watched his naked backside and scarred back disappear into the other room.
You brought a hand up to your face and couldn’t help but grin. What had started out as a disaster had turned out rather well for you, considering. 
“What are you grinning about?” Karl’s voice pulled you back from your blissed out haze.
“That was...really nice,” You said, face warming under his gaze. As soon as it left your mouth you realized it sounded silly. He nodded.
“It was,” He agreed. “Go get cleaned up,” He commanded with a nod of his head towards the bathroom. You hurried to do as he asked.
When you were clean and back in your nighttime attire once more, you joined Karl in the bed. He reached over and pulled you flush with his chest, his long, work strengthened arms, closing around you. You stiffened, unsure of what he was doing. He normally wasn’t one to cuddle, unless he’d had a nightmare and didn’t think you were awake anyway.
“I don’t want you to go up to that damned castle again, ya hear me?” He said. You nodded. “You shouldn’t be leaving the Factory at all,” He added.
“I like to get some sunshine sometimes,” You said. Maybe the evening’s events had emboldened you, but it also terrified you that you would be confined to the metal walls of the Factory, never having hope of seeing the sun again. Karl growled, dipping his face so his nose was in your hair.
“I don’t like you wandering around out there,” He said. “Not alone anyway,” 
“I could take one of the Lycans with me,” You offered, knowing they were wild but did listen to him. He scoffed.
“Those beasts would rather eat you than play guard dog,” He thought for a moment before he sighed. “You wanna go outside, you come ask me. If I’m not too busy, I’ll take you myself.” You didn’t say anything, surprise stopping your brain from forming a reply. Was he...was he being nice to you?
“Oh...ok.” You murmured. He adjusted himself behind you and let out a long breath. 
“Now, go to sleep,” he said.
“Goodnight,” You said. He grunted vaguely in response, and honestly, that was good enough for you.
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minsyal · 3 years
The Fugitive: Finding Home, Pt. 8
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Karl Heisenberg x Reader
Warnings: strong language, Resident Evil-esque violence and descriptions of gore, and dark/sexual themes, brief mention of suicide
Summary: A once-in-a-lifetime trip turned dark. You’re quickly exposed to the sinister and mysterious world of a cursed village under the control of dark leaders. How long will you last and will you ever return home in one piece?
The Fugitive: Finding Home Masterlist
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Months passed in the factory.
The unusual summer weather swiftly dwindled into an oppressively cool winter. Your days continued on living with Karl. The two of you moved in unison, flowing throughout the factory as you worked on his metal army. Numbers grew into the hundreds, the process amplified with two sets of working hands.
“Look, Y/n.” He drawled, wiping an already filthy towel across his grimy arms. “This project… this… our army is going to be our ticket to freedom.”
“What do you mean?”
“You know I’m not fond of my siblings.” His hand disappeared into the laundry hamper, reappearing with a clean towel that was offered to you. “I’m even less fond of my lovely mother. Miranda’ll pay for this,” a piece of metal landed in the photo of Miranda that hung on the wall, “for everything.”
“So, your plan is to kill Miranda?”
“Our plan is to kill Miranda and gain our freedom.”
To think, in July, you were traveling with Jezebel. At a time when families gather to hold backyard barbecues, you were experiencing a height of physical pain that most can only imagine. From bullets to bite marks, you’d experienced it all while running on little to no sleep. By August, you were dealing with snuffy maids in what was essentially a blood farm. Lady Dimitrescu had offered you the choice of becoming an experiment or her next glass of wine while students were preparing for the school year. In September, you fell into the arms of another, more flirtatious, Lord. He’d held you indoors until October when you were finally allowed to go outside and see the Duke. When people back in the states were setting out carved pumpkins and dressing up in vibrant costumes, you were being berated by the tired man who professed his feelings in unusual ways. He kissed you.
The village was slowly growing harder and harder to see, even from the tallest watchtower that was rarely utilized. Snow blanketed the land, cornfields dried out, and the ever-present stench of death lurked. The Reservoir’s coasts became icy, the frigid waters rimmed with white frost. You’d become useful to Karl. Not only could you trail behind him, carrying whatever he needed while he worked, you also became a sort of companion.
Your relationship was still murky. Despite endless nights of gentle bliss, curled into one another like a couple of love-struck teens, you’d never given one another titles. There was no “boyfriend,” or “girlfriend,” not even “domestic partner,” or “love interest.” It was just you and Karl, Karl and you. But right now, you were okay with that. There was an unspoken bond between the two of you. In spite of the lack of a title, he was yours and you, his. There were still many things he kept to himself and others that you failed to tell him. The villages secrets were eventually going to be useless. He’d be sure of it. You’d lost hope of returning to a normal life beyond the vast mountain ranges that held the village together. No word had come from the outside world of your parents seeking you. At least, Karl hadn’t found anything in the few resources he possessed.
The fleeting image of Jess faded from your mind as each day passed with the rising and falling of the blazing sun. She’d probably long since forgotten about you after the incident.
Family meetings became sparse as Miranda began traveling outside of the village more. It was appalling, her behavior. She forbade everyone, villagers, Lords, hell...even the livestock, from leaving the village grounds yet she, in all her fading glory, was allowed to come and go as she pleased. She was the exception to her pathetic rule, and everyone was just okay with it. It was how things were around here. Karl spent more time at the factory, and on certain nights he’d take you to walk around the large arena-like field behind it. When the Duke came with deliveries, he’d sometimes let you go alone to retrieve it, always reminding you that he would know if you ventured past the factory grounds. The metaphorical chain was loosening as he grew more comfortable. Miranda hadn’t found you thus far.
The apartment grew homier and homier by the day. At some point, Karl had finally gotten a real bed for the two of you. Blackened metal bars served as the frame, welded and bent to form a rather humble-looking place to rest. You were just happy to no longer sleep on the floor with the roaches. With all the space the queen bed provided, the two of you continually only utilized one side or the other. He insisted you sleep on his side, persistent in the fact that the mattress was just a little fluffier and that it was far warmer than your own. You could have easily had a twin delivered instead.
After nagging, he’d given in on a little decor. The apartment was too drab, too dark and dim. It only brought the two of you down, coming back to a cluttered room of greys and browns. He returned from a quick trip to the village with multiple vases of various sizes and shapes as well as curtains for the windows to replace the ugly paper-thin blinds.
“This is fuckin’ stupid.” He groaned as he set them on the table for your choosing.
“You’re fucking stupid.” The retort elicited a snort from him as he rolled his eyes and tilted his cap.
“Where are ya’ even gonna’ get the flowers from anyway?”
“I’ll figure it out.”
Flowers perked the place up a bit. Bundles of lilac and dried dog roses were scattered about, bringing a freshness that he wasn’t aware existed to his living quarters. It smelled nice, but he wouldn’t admit that to you.
All the piles of wood in the entry room were transported down below by haulers, of whom you still didn’t like being around, to continue the steady stream of heat that powered the factory’s core. Old tires were disposed of...the same way the garbage in the kitchen was.
“Moreau likes tires.” Karl would say as he tossed more over the side of the bridge. Some bounced off of the supporting beams of the bridge, others went straight down into the water with a splash. “Trust me. They’re his favorite.”
You smiled, knowing that was a dirty lie.
Living together had given a new depth to your relationship. You worked like a well-oiled machine. Each mistake he made was counterbalanced by something you did, and vice versa. You were two peas in a pod.
“Tell me.” He implored. “What was your life like before this?”
The topic was never really brought up.
“Typical American suburbia, I suppose.” Your fingers tangled together as you looked up to the flashing stars painted into the night sky. There was so much more to the sky in the isolated village. You’d seen the galaxy for the first time, the cosmos swirled and spiraled together in a spectacular performance of ethereal wonder outlined by the swaying of the lively treetops.
“I went to college, lived paycheck to paycheck, but that’s just kind of how it is.”
“No boyfriend or girlfriend?” His palm pressed into yours, “Husband or wife?”
“If I was in a relationship, do you truly think I’d be shacking up here with you?”
“I don’t know how much spice you like in your life.” He shrugged as you began swinging your arms together in a playful manner. “And, of course, I am quite the catch.”
It was one of those nights. One when Miranda was out of the village, leaving you and Karl to walk freely outside in the crisp air. It felt euphoric, like nothing could hurt you. Nights like these left you on top of the world. He relaxed a little, shed his curt outer shell, and lived in the moment.
“If I did, would that make you jealous?” You teased, enjoying the look of disapproval he shot in your direction.
“You don’t want to see me when I’m jealous, sweetheart.”
“I kinda do.”
“Do you, really?” The tug of his arm had you crashing into his chest, your free hand came to rest against his forearm.
“I think it’s cute.” Your hand grazed his bicep. “You gettin’ possessive and all. But for your information, I didn’t have anyone back home.”
“Good.” A soft grumble escaped. “I’m not possessive.” An ungloved finger swiped across your bottom lip as he brought his hand to cup the curvature of your cheek. “I just know what I want.”
“And what do you want?”
The corners of his mouth quirked upward as the hand that was grasped around your arm snaked around your waist. “More of this would be fucking nice.”
You’d kissed before, many times, in fact. But this one was different. The typical fervent anxiousness that came with roaring passion was subdued and tame. He was gentle, savoring each moment as if it would be the last. Your lips moved in unison like the synchronized bows of a live orchestra, neither one fighting for dominance, neither one submitting.
Waves of electricity washed through your body. Signals went off in your fingers and toes, each tingling more and more with each desperate push and pull. The night sky felt infinite in this moment. The moon, with all its imperfect craters, smiled upon you. A soft glow shadowed your faces, strengthening the fragile intensity of the moment.
“I must admit,” you sighed contently, resting your head against his beating heart, “that was pretty nice.”
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“What are you doing?”
The dark rims of his glasses hung from the tip of your nose.
“I wanted to know what all the fuss was about.”
“With?” He raised a brow.
“You wear these nonstop. I think they make it hard to see. It’s already dark enough in the factory, and these make it even darker.”
“Here, try this on f’er size.” The weight of his hat pushed your hair flat against your head. “Just like a mini me.”
He stood back, leaning against the counter top, watching amusedly as you puffed your chest out and pretended to smoke an invisible cigar.
“Look at me, I’m the big guy.” You lowered your voice to a comical level. “Karl Heisenberg, engineer extraordinaire. I build shit in my factory and I keep girls locked in my apartment for months.”
“Girl.” He corrected, folding his arms over his chest.
“I don’t think that makes the statement any better.”
“Probably not…Here.” You felt his coat drape over your shoulders. “Now y’er lookin’ like the stud I know I am.”
“Oh, whatever.” You sassed. “Big man wears big jacket, which…” The distinct smell of odor wafted upward from the material. You pinched your nose. “When was this last washed?”
“When was the last time you did laundry?”
“Karl, you nasty son of a bitch.”
“You’ve got one part of that right.”
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It was another one of those nights. A night where Karl had to descend the manufactured staircase to attend a family meeting. You’d bid him farewell, deciding to forego any exploration of the factory in favor of a quiet evening in.
Miranda said it was “urgent,” but there was likely little truth in her statement given the fact that all the meetings were labeled in similar manners. They were all over the same claptrap. Another sacrifice or traveler that somebody had bestowed upon Miranda would be set before the Lords. Karl and Alcina would bicker. Moreau would fawn over Miranda. Angie would run her mouth and Donna would sit quietly. It was rare for any truly pertinent information to be shared at meetings.
“I’ll be leaving the village until further notice.” Miranda announced to the table of three, four if you include Angie. The dinner had gone well considering the circumstances. From what Karl gathered, Moreau was left out in an attempt to not flood his mental stimulation with useless knowledge. He could fix that, Karl pondered, surely some sort of technical device could be implanted to increase brain function. But it wasn’t worth it. Moreau was essentially a mindless blob, intent on following Miranda to the bitter end with no work to show. His heart was in the right place, but he was too eager to please, and that often led to him appearing weak.
The three waited, watching as Miranda indulged herself in the Sanguis Virginis that made Karl gag. The vicarious fluid sloshed around in the flute, coating the sides with a dark residue.
“It’ll be a month.” She contemplated, swirling the crimson liquid around the curvature of the glass. “Maybe less.”
“May I be so bold as to ask,” Alcina finished her cigarette, putting it out in a porcelain ash tray, “what is it that you’ll be doing?”
Miranda smoothed her greased hair back with her hands, closing her eyes for a moment. “I’ve found the perfect vessel for my Eva.” She gave an uncharacteristically motherly smile. “I’ll return with the child.”
“And at that point?” Karl piped up, sitting a bit straighter than before.
“At that point,” Miranda stood, “we’ll have no further use for these pests.” She spat, venom seething from her words. “We can start new.”
“But Mother, what of everything we’ve here?” Alcina was more concerned about her food supply than her position at the hilt of the hierarchy. “My daughters and I need the villagers.”
“Guess you’ll have to go on a diet.” Karl snickered. “You could use it.”
“Or we’ll just have to utilize the supply we have.” She retorted, “I wonder if all that oil changes the flavor.”
“Oh, shut the fuck up. You wish.” He relaxed into his chair and tilted his chin up to peer at her under the rims of his glasses. “I open a window and your kids’ll be dust.”
“Don’t you dare speak of my daughters in such a manner!” The force of her quick movement had the chair behind her clattering to the ground. She towered over the table, eyes shooting perilous daggers at the uncaring man.
“You’re just jealous that they happen to like me more.”
“They loathe you nearly as much as I do. They are as much, if not more, family than you’ll ever be, you wretched fool.”
“Yeah, yeah, my daughters.” He mocked in a trivial manner. “God forbid anyone else here have a differing opinion.”
“I regret to inform you that your opinion doesn’t hold any grounds here.”
“And yours does?”
“It is my castle!”
“Oh yeah? Take a walk outside and see how nobody out there cares either!”
The two stopped their bickering.
“You will fulfill your duties as caretakers to this land.” Miranda pushed her chair out from the table. “I will call for you when I return.”
She was gone before either of them could say another word.
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“That’s why you’re in a good mood?”
Your fingers traced over the frayed seams of his shirt, sending euphoric chills running up and down his back.
He had returned just as you prepared for bed. Drooping eyes and tired yawns came in stark contrast to the excited tone and chip he held upon his shoulder. Bounding into bed after freeing himself of his outer ware, he beckoned you over and positioned you as you laid every night.
“Why would her snatching someone’s kid make you happy?” A thoughtful tug of your lip spurred another comment. “Isn’t that a felony? How do laws work over here?”
His chest rumbled beneath your ear, the deep sound reverberating through his ribs. “It probably is, but she’ll have no use for you anymore.”
“Use for me?” A lump formed in your throat, coaxing you to sit up. Your hand planted firmly on the mattress next to Karl’s chest. He circled his fingers around your wrist, urging you back down. “What do you mean?”
“I thought we talked about this before.” He continued tugging your arm. “You were meant to be an experiment.”
“Yeah, an experiment. I didn’t know I was going to be used as a shell for her musty kid. I thought she was going to strap me to a table and cut out my guts or some shit.”
“Or some shit.” He repeated in an entertained fashion.
In all honesty, you’d figured she’d try to infect you with the Cadou that Karl spoke infrequently of. You’d not seen it before, but from the way he described it, you didn’t want to. Supposedly, all the Lords and lycans had the substance implanted somewhere in their bodies.
“Why didn’t you ever tell me?”
A pensive moment passed. His gaze remained locked onto the ceiling, the hand beneath his head scratched at his salt and pepper hair. The one wrapped around you clutched a bit tighter. He was going to tell you… eventually… possibly. Truthfully, he didn’t want to scare you more than what you had already endured. To most, the experiences you have had would be enough to send them into a tailspin. You were lucky that you still had most of your wits about you.
“I would have eventually.”
You sat back up, unbothered by the tightening of his hand around your waist. “I wish you’d just explain what’s going on here. Karl, I don’t like being left in the dark.”
“You want to know everything?” Sitting up, he released you.
“I do.”
The bed creaked as he put himself in reverse, shimmying toward the top of the bed to rest his back against the headboard. His legs parted slightly, bent at the knee. “Then c’mere.”
For someone who spent the majority of his life alone, he liked affection. Perhaps it was the absence of it that made the longing grow stronger. Perhaps it was just your magnetic pull to his electrified body. You settled between his legs, sitting with your back to his chest as he encased you in his embrace. His chin rested on your shoulder.
“Miranda wants to bring her dead kid back.” He started with a heavy sigh. “We were supposed to be vessels for the child – Alcina, Donna, Moreau, and I.” Your fingers interlocked. “We weren’t good enough, she wanted more. You were another option.”
“But how did she find out I even existed?”
“Y/n, there’s some really fucking bad people out there. Y’know?” He shifted his hands. His palms pressed to the back of your hands as his fingers moved between yours. “Somewhere along the way you must have come into contact with the wrong people and word got passed t’ Miranda.”
“But she… How would she know I was going to be in Europe?”
“I don’t know.”
“Okay, so I’m a vessel… I guess. You, Donna, Alcina, and Moreau are Lords.” He nodded, grinding his chin into your shoulder. “Miranda is the leader of…everything here. Alcina eats people. Moreau is in the Reservoir. Where is Donna?”
“To the north of here, in the mountainside past the forest.”
“Then where does Miranda stay?”
“Mostly in her lab near the megamycete.”
“The mega who now?”
The tilt of his head allowed him to see the draw of your brows.
“Big nasty mold. I’m not too fond of it, myself.
Hours later, he’d relayed most things to you regarding Miranda or the village. A few blurred details were missed here and there. He left out most of his younger years either from embarrassment or from the fading shreds of the memories he did hold. It was something he wanted to leave behind, his past. The future that once was shaded so heavily by the shadow of a psychotic woman was now bright. The light at the end of the tunnel shone brilliantly against the narrowing halls. He could see an optimistic future.
Every picture, every thought, every scenario of what was to come had you in it. The feelings he attempted to dissuade came crashing back into him like pounding waves upon the shoreline. Each crumbling wall of his hardened exterior was caving in on itself. He hated the vulnerability it caused. His deepest thoughts could be coaxed from his lips without second thought at your request. You were simply entertainment to start with. A foreigner dragged into this village by Miranda to be used as a vessel. You were meant to prove your strength in the castle under Alcina’s watchful eye. You were mere fun for him.
Watching you write under his stare was initially just for reactions. Your skin would crawl as he appeared throughout the castle. He loved that. But it grew, the interactions became frequent. He actively took time away from his projects to see how you were doing. Every waking moment of his day revolved around when he’d see you next.
He was a cynical, evil man.
But things changed. You changed him.
The feeling, the one he pushed down for so long, that twisted his stomach. The one that plunged his shoulders when he’d thought you died. The feeling he felt when you returned to the factory with him so many months ago. It was the same sensation that shot through his body when he kissed you for the first time.
He knew what it was.
It was love.
Part 9 - Loose Screws and Tightened Bolts
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cowboy-bumblebee · 3 years
The Will of Mother
Chapter 4 - Never Felt Better
Warnings: a little flirtin’ and some cuddling action
Reader is AFAB, but gender neutral pronouns are used
Summary: After loosening up with a couple glasses of wine, Lady Dimitrescu experiences the most domestic bliss she’s felt in a long time. Only to further bury herself in the hole Mother Miranda warned her to stay away from
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Though Lady Dimitrescu talked, and I responded every now and then, my mind really was elsewhere. The wine had really allowed me to relax, to feel that little buzzed feeling. And when it did, I couldn't keep my mind off of Mom and Dad. Ethan. Joanna and Markus. The lycans. Or the thought of Lady Dimitrescu draining me.
It felt too surreal, like a dream. In less than 24 hours I went from cowering in a storage room to being spoiled and given the finest wine I'd ever tasted. And not to mention being treated like this by one of the Lords of the village, no less. Even if she has some ulterior motive of feasting on me!
Maybe I was dreaming, sound asleep behind the counter at the Inn. That's what it must be. I fell asleep working. There's no monsters, only wolves eating livestock. The Lords aren't these terrifying beings of supernatural quality. They’re the normal humans I remember them to be when Mother Miranda had first introduced them to us.
"Pet, I'm not sure how much you can drink without being affected, but I'm growing impatient with your mental absence. I do enjoy a conversation with a responsive person more than I do with one who looks catatonic." Lady Dimitrescu cautioned, pouring herself more wine.
"I'm sorry Lady Dimitrescu."
She nodded at my apology, studying me before standing up and walking to the piano. She sat down and began to play a very melancholic piece. It felt slow, remorseful even.
Standing up, I walked to the piano and stood nearby it. Her hands moved expertly over the keys, like she had been doing this her entire life. She had the piece memorized by heart too, there was no music sheet for her to look at.
"Why are you playing music that sounds so sad?" I asked, leaning against the piano.
“Because you looked sad, I'm just matching your mood. And besides, I like piano music that sounds a little more sad, or even angry. The emotion behind it feels better to me than those of the happy pieces." She explained, looking to me before looking back at the piano keys.
I stayed by the piano as she continued to play it, watching her fingers dance across the keys for what felt like years. The more of the wine I had, the more mesmerizing it was to watch her play. It was like a sirens song, I could hardly step away.
Somehow, my eyes had travelled up her arms and to her face. Serene and peaceful, the only thing that seemed to exist to her was the piano. Not me, not Mother Miranda and her rules, not the daughters she loved. Just her and the piano. I studied her every feature, feeling my stomach flutter suddenly as she turned to meet my gaze.
"Pet? I don't mean to alarm you but you have been staring for quite a while." Lady Dimitrescu said as she slowed the pace of the music, a smug look hiding behind her eyes.
My hands tightened on the stem of my now empty wine glass as my face heated up. Right about now I was really wishing she had just locked me in some cell. I opened my mouth then closed it, failing to come up with an appropriate response. My entire being froze and as she held back a smirk, taking her hands away from the keys completely.
"Oh my, Pet, are you feeling alright? You must be warm." Lady Dimitrescu teased as she placed the back of her hand against my forehead.
I coughed awkwardly, looking away from her completely before muttering, "No, I feel fantastic.”
Lady Dimitrescu let out a satisfied 'hmph' before picking the pace of the music back up to where it was. Taking my now red-faced self back to the couch, I sat back down after setting the wine glass down. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to recover. My cheeks were still flushed, I could feel it.
Lady Dimitrescu finished the music, standing and returning to her seat across from me. I fumbled with my fingers, trying to avoid her gaze. She stared into my very soul every time she looked at me. It felt like she knew everything about me without even having to ask.
“Pet, come here.”
“I didn’t do something wrong, did I?”
“No, you didn’t do anything. Just come here.”
Taking another deep breath, I got up and approached her. She swung one leg up onto the couch so she sat sideways, patting the seat in front of her.
I looked from her to where she had patted the couch, hesitantly climbing up. Before I even had time to sit down fully, she had grabbed me and sat me down. My back was against her chest, both of us facing the fireplace. I could feel her breathing. No heartbeat.
We sat like that for a while. My back to her chest, neither of us saying a word. To be perfectly honest, I was terrified. But I also couldn’t help the butterflies I felt in the pit of my stomach. I wasn’t sure what this woman did to me, but I knew for sure I liked the way it felt. Even if I was going to die, I decided to enjoy however much time I had left. Closing my eyes, I tried to relax into her further and let the world around us disappear.
Alcina looked away from the fire and down at her Pet as their breathing slowed, almost like they were sleeping. Leaning their head ever so slightly, she realized that they indeed were asleep. Maneuvering herself away from her Pet, Alcina stood and stretched before letting out a soft sigh. Picking up the comparatively small human, Alcina carried them out of the room. Through the seemingly empty halls until she reached her own room, laying down her Pets sleeping body down in the bed and tucking them under the covers.
Alcina stopped for a moment, studying the way that her Pets chest moved up and down. The way their eyes flitted back and forth beneath their eyelids. Part of her, deep down, felt a sort of envy towards her Pet. Her Pet was still human. They were still so fragile, unlike Alcina herself and her "siblings." Alcina didn't necessarily need anything but blood, the rest being as optional as she wanted.
Her Pet had no choice really. But even to be human again for just a day… well Alcina would trade a thousand lives for that.
The phone rang distantly and Alcina left her Pets side, ducking through the doorway and out of the room. That shrill ringing echoed through the halls as Alcina made her way there.
Picking up the phone, Alcina had no time to even properly answer before Mother Miranda was speaking on the other end.
“Ethan's gotten away from Heisenberg, I suspect he's attempting to make his way into your castle."
“Don't worry, Mother Miranda. My daughters and I can handle him, more than that idiot Heisenberg ever could." Alcina reassured, remembering Heisenbergs statements about her daughters. That idiot of a man made her blood boil.
“Good. Now have you made a decision about the human you have?"
“No, I haven't. But-"
"I don't want excuses, I want your decision. They either die or receive the Cadou and we see what happens to them. Everyone else has already done away with who they chose, why haven’t you." Mother Miranda questioned, forcing Alcina to confront the realization that she had no clue why she hadn’t killed her Pet yet. Alcina sighed and closed her eyes.
“Mother Miranda, if I implant the Cadou in them so soon then I lose all they have to offer. Even if they take to the Cadou well, I lose it all." Alcina tried to reason with Mother Miranda, getting nowhere.
“I warned you, Alcina. I told you that you couldn’t get attached to the human that ‘smelled so amazing.’ You know the consequences and yet-”
“I’m not attached to this human, Mother Miranda. I just need more time. I need to drain them at least once for their blood.”
“Sacrifices must be made, Alcina. You have mere hours to decide before I decide for you. And you know it won’t be pretty if I have to decide.” Mother Miranda hung up right after that. Alcina gripped the phone in her hand tightly, contemplating breaking it. That wouldn't do anything, Mother Miranda would still get ahold of her.
Slamming the phone back down on its hook, Alcina retreated back to her room where she had set her Pet. Still fast asleep. Taking a seat in the chair near the bed. Picking up her book, Alcina continued reading from where she had left off.
For a while, that's how it was. Faint breathing from the sleeping person in the room, the crackle of the fireplace, and the occasional flip of a page. Quite peaceful. But despite the calm, Alcina had a storm brewing inside.
Sure, she could handle finding Ethan and killing him once she had him. But with Mother Miranda pressuring her to do something with her Pet, it seemed difficult to balance both the task of finding Ethan and the task of draining her pet before Mother Miranda went and killed them herself. Regardless of all that was going through her mind, Alcina found it in herself to still enjoy the book in her hands and the glass of wine on the table next to her.
She looked up at the sound of the blankets shifting, finding her Pet now awake and sitting up. She smiled softly at them, looking back to her book.
“Did you sleep well, Pet? How do you feel?”
“It was a nice little nap. All things considered, I’ve never felt better.”
Alcina nodded, her mind returning to her book. She paid no mind to her Pet as they watched her. She could hear their heartbeat speed up as she looked up and locked eyes with them.
“Yes, Pet?”
“Can you come sit with me?” They blurted out, face growing red at their own request. Alcina was at a loss, and so was her Pet apparently.
One moment of silence later and Alcina had stood up, going and sitting next to her Pet. They sat up completely, scooting ever so slightly to be closer to her.
They sat like that in silence, her Pet relaxed against her side as Alcina read. It felt right. It made her feel warm. She didn’t want to say she loved her Pet, it was too soon for that. She didn’t feel like she could say she had feelings for her Pet either.
Regrettably, Alcina knew that Mother Miranda was right. She was attached to this human, her Pet. She couldn’t deny it. How was she supposed to kill someone she was becoming attached to? Especially when that person provided sustenance that both smelled and tasted irresistible.
“Lady Dimitrescu?” Her Pet’s voice interrupted her thoughts as she glanced down at them.
“You can be less formal, Pet. You can call me Alcina.” Alcina regretted her decision as soon as her Pet repeated her name. It sounded just right coming from them. And now she had mere hours to kill them.
“Alcina. I just wanted to know about when you were planning on… draining me. As morbid as it is to want to know when I’ll die, I’d just like a general idea.” Her Pet requested, watching as Alcina set the book aside.
“Pet, I have to drain you now. I did want to push it until the last minute, but Mother Miranda’s grown impatient with my lack of action regarding you.” Alcina sighed. Her Pet simply nodded, swallowing hard and trying to blink away tears. They weren’t expecting it to happen so soon.
Using her finger to lift their chin, Alcina made them look up at her. Her Pet froze, eyes rapidly going back and forth over her face.
“This isn’t going to be what kills you, Pet. We can talk about that after.” Alcina reassured as she placed a single, delicate kiss on their forehead.
Her Pet nodded, no longer focusing on reading along to themselves as Alcina read. Instead they looked up at her, admiring her as she read silently. Alcina knew, she could feel their eyes. But she didn’t mind when they stared.
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novawrights · 4 years
When Home Finds You
Plot- Reader remembers a darker time in her life before coming to Lady Dimitrescu's castle, Lady Dimitrescu shows her the home she's been searching for.
I sat in the library looking at the calendar on the wall. You would think a timeless vampire wouldn't need one but from what her daughters said, it was a recent thing when you had arrived a few months ago because they hadn't seen one before. So you took advantage of keeping track of each important date. Birthdays, special things they celebrated or treasured, even your birthday, all written in with flowing cursive writing. But one specific day was just a dot. They all shrugged when they saw it thinking it meant nothing but to you, it meant everything. My thumb subconsciously stroked my upper left thigh where thin scars crisscrossed across the fair skin. Most of my life I have felt alone, an apartment in the States that only held the essentials like clothes; basically a place to eat and sleep while I went to my job as a waitress and came home with no one to tell my day to, gossip with or have girls or friends nights. Early on I drifted apart from friends and the moment my so called accepting  family figured out I was were more into women they swiftly and cruelly disowned me. That's when I became best friends with a silver razor blade. Four years of cutting any piece of skin that could be hidden, becoming an expert in covering and tending to wounds, but three years ago, I forced myself to stop. I was then pulled from my thoughts when the big, oak doors opened and revealed Lady Dimitrescu. Or as I somehow got away with calling her, Alcina. Neither of you knew how it started or why she let's it be when the first moment a maid says it, her golden eyes flash with the fury of lightening in a thunderstorm.
"What are you doing in here all by your lonesome?" She asked, voice laced with concern that her eyes mirrored. I shrugged not taking my eyes off the calendar with today's date being the anniversary when you stopped cutting.
"Thinking about how I got here." I murmured. It wasn't a lie. Had I been left to my thoughts any longer I would have eventually made it to the day I showed up on her doorstep soaking wet and damn near hypothermic. She hummed as she sat in the chair next to me and placed a tray with two tea cups on it. Probably the one drink I had ever seen her drink without any blood in it.
"A strange day indeed. My daughter's usually devour any intruders immediately but for some reason they were definitely part of the argument to keep you alive." Her voice smooth with agreement with a hint of a smile and I chuckled in response.
"Oh yeah?" I teased as I looked over in her direction. While she was this tall, incredible and powerful woman, the soft spot she only had for her daughters, now extended to me. She met my gaze, golden irises meeting my steel gray with the softness only so few saw.
"I'm not one to believe in fate. I've lived far too long to really give it credit should anything good, or bad, come my way. But you took that belief and stomped all over it." She sighed as she turned her gaze into the fire I had long forgotten I lit. "Now I know I promised to give you privacy with your thoughts, but something is bothering you enough I can feel the storm cloud from my chambers across the castle." I sighed knowing she wasn't going to let this go. It was weird she had offered me who ended up agreeing to be a maid, privacy. Especially so soon.
"Several years ago things kind of fell apart. Family disowned me and friends drifted apart so I was literally coming home to an empty apartment every day after work." I started as I took the teacup from her hand and took a sip, letting the apple cinnamon flavor warm me. I could feel her eyes fall on me as she mirrored my action with her own tea. "When you get lonely, you don't always have the best coping mechanisms. Mine, was self destructive. Easy to conceal and no one would know since I never wore shorts or went out to the beach or wore dresses when I went to a club." I snorted before taking another sip. "Extremely glad I hadn't known you or the girls then." I added as a whisper as I turned my gaze to her. Her eyes darted across my face as if she was trying find the answer without me saying it. It was only until her eyes widened a moment later that I knew she figured it out. "You would have eaten me alive." She coughed. Not the best time to throw a suggestive joke like that but the line we danced across between attraction and a degree of softness reserved for lovers, was always front and center of my mind.
"We would have." She agreed softly. I looked at the calendar and gestured with my chin.
"That dot next to today's date, is the day I forced myself not to cut myself anymore. The day I threw out my razor blades."
"How long?"
"Three years self harm free." She didn't say anything and I heard the rustle of her white dress as she moved. I felt a twinge of fear squeeze my heart. Would she kick me out? Mock me? Strip me of my clothes and humiliate me that I wasn't strong enough? But to my surprise, a black glove and white sleeve entered my peripheral vision. I looked up and blinked away the tears that I hadn't realize were popping up.
"Come, my dear." She whispered. I wiped my eyes and took her hand as she led me from the library. It didn't take me long to realize she was leading me to her chambers.
"Al..." I murmured. She sent me a small smile as she opened the doors to her room, before leading me to the room where her bath was held. It always reminded me of a in ground pool for how big it was but also since it was indeed, in the ground surrounded by black tile.
"Get in." She gestured. I looked and saw it was already filled, the room smelled of lavender and the water still warm by the steam rising from it. I was thankful she turned away so I could have some modesty left since this was a boundary we hadn't come close to breaching. I stepped into the water and nearly moaned at the warm feel of it on my skin. When I got completely in I sat on the little ledge as she walked towards it.
"Tonight is about you. Because not only am I glad you had some impulse to travel, and travel here of all places and your car to break down in the middle of a storm, I'm also glad you've gotten over whatever life has thrown you. Even if there were a couple roadblocks in the way." I nearly teared up as she knelt on the tile and grabbed a purple bottle. She tapped my head as a non verbal cue to wet my hair, which I complied with, before resurfacing where my head my her hands with shampoo already lathered and ready to be coaxed into my brown hair. My eyes fluttered shut and a moan escaped me as I let myself relax and surrender to her fingers. Even when I felt like it was enough, she kept going.
"Times like this I wish I had my music. Even if you guy don't have electronics, most of my bands do vinyls still so a turntable would work." I sighed.
"I'll see what I can do, my sweet." The pet names were becoming more frequent these days, not that I was complaining. Another tap a few moments later for me to rinse out my hair of the sweet smelling shampoo and I couldn't help but enjoy the domestic intimacy between us. After rinsing my hair and feeling more relaxed than I had that day, I felt like my head was a little clearer and the storm cloud had gone away. She reached around and stroked my cheek.
"Dry off and meet me in my room." She whispered. I blinked as she practically glided out of the room before standing. I took one of the big fluffy towels she used and towel dried my hair as much as I could, and dried my body off. I noticed a pair of my old running shorts and a tank top waiting for me to change into. I ignored the blush creeping up my neck seeing a pair of underwear laying with it.
After changing I walked out of the room to see her in front of her fireplace with a silver goblet with her blood laced wine with another with plain red wine that I liked. I took a seat on the sinfully comfortable, crimson red couch next to her.
"I've felt this draw to you since you arrived. It's why the tasks I gave you kept you closer to me and report to me instead of anyone else. It's why I've done so much more for you as a maid compared to everyone else that has walked through these halls." She started. "If my instincts are correct, you feel the same or follow the same trail of thouught." Lady Alcina, the one who seems impossible to fluster or look unsure, cast this vulnerable air around her; and it surprised me. I swallowed knowing there was no way out of this conversation.
"I-I-I do." I stammered. I looked up at her and met teary eyes filled with love, adoration, compassion and genuine happiness.
"Fate does seem to come into play sometimes." She murmured before she leaned in where her wine red lips met mine. I'm not one to use cheesy movie clichés, but this kiss felt like I was home and complete in a way I thought was just a cruel joke for me. I felt her hand softly touch my thigh where the spandex had ridden up and a few scars where revealed. Pale lines that were almost invisible gleamed in the fire light. When she pulled away from the gentle kiss, her eyes flickered toward them, almost as if she knew my panicked trail of thought was going.
"You are so beautiful, my love. No scar, bruise, wound or anything will ever make me think otherwise." She assured me as her thumb caressed them much like mine had done just a while ago.
"But most of all," she continued, "You're home.
With me and my daughters. " I hadn't realized how much her words would mean to me until I felt tears falling in rapid succession that she brushed them away before pulling me towards her chest. There was one thing I had been hoping to find and I found it in the arms of Lady Alcina.
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Is it just me thinking that Alcina Dimitrescu would TOTALLY have a garden….. Like she wouldn’t mind getting her hand dirty to plant fresh veggies and even flower around the garden and to have them around the castle…..
Just me cool…
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uniquevocashark · 4 years
A Good Servant Part 3
Content Warnings for:
murder, blood, slut shaming, implied/referenced mutilation (nonconsensual glossectomy), smoking, mentioned domestic abuse
The blood on your shoulder starts to itch by the time the cousin is gone, and Lady Dimitrescu finally deigns to acknowledge either you or her pet. Daniela has long since disappeared in a cloud of buzzing insects and you’ve kept your hands busy by doting on the Lady as she sees fit. It doesn’t help, and her odd silence annoys you.
She lounges comfortably on a chaise lounge, mulling over a single bottle of wine, a book she isn’t reading propped up on a lectern before her. The room is hazy with cigarette smoke, muting the redness of the walls and blurring them into a dark maroon. She points at you with her chin, and you clean away the stain at the corner of her mouth.
Lady Dimitrescu tilts her pet’s head up by the chin too gently than she usually does in front of an audience and her tone is thick and syrupy in the cold silence, “Where were you, pet?”
Her pet doesn’t speak.
“You want me to believe you were attacked,” Lady Dimitrescu muses, and you take the cup from her, “You want me to believe you weren’t down there for a reason. You want me to believe you didn’t have a secret room. So many wants but you won’t speak. What rules are you breaking, pet?”
Lady Dimitrescu had postponed dinner, which meant that you had to hole Rachel up in the communal bedroom rather than bring her out immediately, so now you were understaffed. You suppose, technically, that they are the Lady’s staff and if she wishes to have less staff members she is entitled to do so. You just wish it wasn’t so bloody inconvenient.
Lady Dimitrescu leans forward, cupping her ear as if she was straining to hear something, “Speak up, dear. I can’t hear you.”
Her pet still doesn’t speak.
The Lady sighs and she has you hold her wineglass as she drinks. An action she only lets her pets do. She closes her eyes for a second after you pull the glass away, and her pet cringes back a step.
Lady Dimitrescu extends her claws and sends you from the room without a word.
Dinner is served at 12:30 in the morning and Lady Dimitrescu still has not spoken to you.
The only food that could be properly warmed in time, by sheer coincidence, is the broth you had insisted upon. The Lady’s pet, you’re surprised to find, is still alive but Lady Dimitrescu has never been one to kill her pets on purpose. For as long as you have worked for her, at least. The only caveat is that Mihaela has to spoon feed her carefully and her bloody drool and tears must be wiped away after each spoonful. Her pet has already ruined the front of her new dress.
You positioned Rachel nearest to the Lady and she practically vibrates with nerves while she fills Lady Dimitrescu’s wine flute. She isn’t as nervous as you think she should be. She doesn’t know that her husband is currently with Miss Daniela, though. Or that the Lady knows of her extra martial activities. The stringent adherence to the supposed sanctity of marriage is the only hold over from her protestant upbringing.
Other than the broth, there are a series of rainbow-coloured jellies shaped like butterflies and flowers, arrayed together on their plates to form a meadow. There are a range of cakes; cheesecakes and pound cakes, red velvet and the ever-present chocolate cake that Miss Bela has already smeared all over her sleeves. Miss Daniela’s favourite, pineapple cake, remains untouched near the candelabra.
It isn’t until two in the morning, once the main course is served, that you bring Rachel’s husband into the dining room and Daniela forces the gardener next to her mother. Lady Dimitrescu kept intensive records on all families under her duty of care; she knew the time and date of all births, deaths and marriages of her subjects. She knew when they ate well and when they starved, she knew when they prayed and to whom, she knew when their children came of age and when their adults reached old age.
The Bradley’s were what she had deemed a trial group. Given special privileges to inspire a new flavour. But that was rather tangential. What mattered was that Lady Dimitrescu found their taste unsuited for any palate; Rachel’s indiscretion was merely the icing on the cake.
Lady Dimitrescu rubs the drool off her pet’s chin, “Mr. Bradley.”
Rachel’s husband has a voice that sounds strange with how quietly he talks, his accent slurring the ends of words with the start of the next, “Yes, my Lady?”
She smiles, her teeth stained pinkish. She pulls Rachel’s corpse forward with a finger hooked around the collar of her dress, and it falls forward and splatters a bowl of broth over him. Her throat is a mess of bitten out tendons and mangled vocal cords. You are impressed, as always, that Lady Dimitrescu has not one drop of blood on her dress. “I believe you lost this.”
He breathes through his nose, “Rachel.”
She drags her finger through the weeping hole and licks a drop from her finger.
“Why?” He asks with an emotion you can't identify. He doesn’t try to run, or freak out, or even go for the steak knife sitting pleasantly on the table next to his plate.
“She was an unfaithful whore,” Lady Dimitrescu sneers, “You didn’t beat her hard enough.”
He doesn’t blink, “That’s barbaric.”
“Don’t lie to me, Mr. Bradley. Your face isn’t suited for it.”
A muscle feathers in his cheek when she looks away from him. He isn’t old, but he isn’t young either and he’s missing fingers from frostbite. He has a ruddy complexion, but you suppose he’s handsome. In the way that stuffed elk heads are handsome.
Daniela, blissfully unaware, picks up her blood covered cake. “Oh, I love pineapple cake!”
“You were nervous earlier,” Lady Dimitrescu says, after the table has cleared, “Why was that?”
“It’s already been corrected.” You reply.
She sighs out a long string of smoke, “Has it?” You don’t answer and she laughs, a quiet chuckle that’s more a sigh than anything. She flicked the ash from the end of her cigarette. “Mother Miranda wanted to speak to you. A call will be coming through later.”
You nod. “Very well, Madame.”
Lady Dimitrescu looks at you, and you look at her. She blows smoke in your face and you squint against it. It means you don’t see her hand as it comes to stroke idly at your cheek, or the way her pet looks at you from under the table.
You frown at her, “You’re upset with me.”
She doesn’t answer.
You lean into her hand a little and she twirls a strand of your hair around a finger, pursing her lips. “I can’t fix it if I don’t know what’s wrong.”
“There’s nothing wrong,” She mumbles, and you lean towards her to catch her next words, “I just hate not knowing things.”
You step away from her and head towards the door. “Don’t look at me like that. I told you to get used to it.”
She doesn’t speak again, the usual banter she responds with lost in the vague expression of disdain on her face.
The phone rings late the next day, while you’re busy scrubbing at the dishes to help keep everything running on schedule. You end up taking the call while folding the loose clothing that hadn’t been folded in a week.
“Dimitrescu residence.”
“Finally,” Mother Miranda sighed through the phone.
“Mother Miranda.”
“Wesker.” She replied.
You pause, wrestling down a sudden lump in your throat and settling the phone between your ear and your shoulder. “Hello.” You say unevenly.
Mother Miranda’s laugh is no less lovely through the speaker than it is in real life, “You’ve been well, I take it?”
“Very well, Mother Miranda,” You flex your free fingers, then grab another pair of stockings, “You wished to speak with me?”
“I did. Have you had any relapses?”
“No, Mother Miranda.”
“You're healing properly?”
“Yes, Mother Miranda.”
“Excellent. Vanessa wanted me to inform you that she’ll be there on the morrow.”
You drop the shift you were folding. “Excuse me?”
“Did Alcina not tell you?”
“It must have slipped her mind.” You say lightly, placing the shift back into the basket.
“Vanessa will collect more data, but your condition is promising. I’ll call again in a week with the results.”
“Thank you, Mother Miranda.”
She laughs again and you can imagine her clearly. The dark red velvet of her armchair, the hewn strength of her face, the glimmer of her dark eyes. “Take care.” She cooed and hung up.
You place the phone down gently and stand there in silence until Mihaela calls you to the Lady’s room.
You try to keep your temper in check when Mihaela leaves but struggle with it to a point that you have to look at her pet instead. Even that doesn’t help, because her pet has dropped all pretence of being meek and glares at you from her spot. She isn’t near the Lady, curled instead behind the bed with a glare towards you.
She should be grateful that she only lost her tongue.
It takes you a moment to realise that you’ve let the silence drag on too long to be polite and that Lady Dimitrescu has abandoned her own charade of being engrossed in a book of poetry she hasn’t touched in years. You flex your fingers.
“Madame.” You say but forgo a bow.
“You’re upset.” She observes mildly.
“God forbid I have a temper.”
The room goes silent again, but you aren’t in a hurry to smooth it over, cataloguing the shock that twists her face. Her eyes are wide, and her smile shows too many teeth, but you’ve never been one to shy away because of a few fangs. She rises from her chair, stepping over the bloody stain in the carpet as she looms over you.
“I beg your pardon.”
“I could ask the same.” You snap.
She raises a brow.
“How dare you,” You snarl, jabbing a finger up at her, and you struggle with your words, “How fucking dare you!”
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highlifeboat · 3 years
A short little one-shot I don't have a tittle for, because I suck at tittles.
Alcina cuddles her sleeping wife. Some wholesome Miacina content
Lady Dimitrescu let out a quiet hum as she lay in bed, wide awake and eyes trained on the dying fire. The night was passing rather slowly with nothing to do. Sleep was less a necessity for her and more a luxury she indulged in whenever she was left particularly exhausted, and there was so little one could do from the bed besides admire the room they were in. Any other night she would be working, or watching over Rose, but as the body on top of her shifted she was reminded of why she was laying there in the first place.
Her gaze turned from the fire to the brunette woman with her head on Alcina’s chest. Mia gave a small sigh when the matriarch brushed the hair from her face to check if she was still asleep. The poor woman had suffered a terrible nightmare earlier in the night, and while she had not asked Alcina to stay, the vampire refused to leave her darling wife alone while she was in such a state. They had cuddled in a comfortable silence, Alcina gently rubbing her back while Mia kept her face tucked into the crook of her wife’s neck. There was no escaping once Mia had fallen back asleep. To move her now would only disturb her, and Alcina didn’t want her to lose any more rest than she already had.
At some point Mia had moved from having her face in Alcina’s neck to laying her head on her chest, and it gave the older woman the perfect view of her face. There was a sense of peace she hadn’t felt in a long time as she mindlessly played with Mia’s soft hair, listening to her breathe. When was the last time she’d simply shared a bed with a lover? Time had become so irrelevant to her she wasn’t sure anymore, but it must have been nearly a century at this point. Not since her daughters were children and the idea of two women laying together was deemed unholy. Up until now she hadn’t realized how lonely she had gotten. How much she longed to have a partner in her life again. There was something incredibly comforting about just cuddling with someone she loved, knowing she had someone in her life she could turn to. Someone besides her daughters that caused nothing but chaos and the maidens who were more-or-less afraid of her.
Mia gave a small whine in her sleep, drawing Alcina out of her thoughts and to her love’s furrowed face. She gently kissed the younger woman’s forehead, once again brushing her hand through the mess of long hair. “I wish I knew what was troubling you, my dear….” She muttered quietly, watching Mia nuzzle against her. “I would do my very best to end it….” There was another quiet whine, though Alcina wasn’t sure if it was a result of the dream her wife was having or an unconscious response to her statement. She rubbed the smaller woman’s back with her other hand, and planted a second kiss on the top of her head.
It had felt odd at first, being in such a domestic relationship again. To have someone come up behind her while she was working, only to gently put their arms around her shoulders, and kiss her on the cheek. A person that could make her day just by smiling. Someone who was happy to indulge in her new found need for physical affection, and laughed at her damatics. Who would listen to her rant about Mother Miranda and provide her with comfort in the form of kisses and “I love you”s. Who could make her laugh without trying. Everything about it was just so… human.
Alcina looked back to the glowing embers of the fire, eyes half closed. She wasn’t sure if it was the boredom, if she was more drained than she’d realized, or if it was just how comfortable she felt in her position, but she found herself growing tired. With one arm wrapped around her waist and the other still tangled in her hair, Alcina held her wife close as she let herself settle in the warmth of the covers and close her eyes completely.
She hadn’t felt this human in a very long time.
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sebastianshaw · 3 years
Welcome to Munday! For new followers, on Munday sometimes I just post a bunch of personal things about myself and my life on Mun Monday like this, since it’s an appropriate day for it. I tag it “munday” and “mun monday” if you want to skip it! - I am honestly so in love with D’artagnan, I’m so glad I got him. He’s in my lap cuddling while I write this. -  People are always talking about how everything in Australia wants to kill you because all they know is the spiders and snakes and sharks and saltwater crocs but there is also a TON of cute small animals no one talks about! Pademelons don’t want to kill you! Bilbys don’t want to kill you! Potoroos don’t want to kill you! Numbats don’t want to kill you! Bettongs don’t want to kill you! The abundant species of possums don’t want to kill you! Quolls would probably want to kill you but they’re not big enough so they don’t. - I saw someone post that there’s a big difference in how LGBT fans thirst for Lady Dimitrescu vs how straight fans do, how straight fans are all “mmm big tiddy mommy milkers step on me” and LGBT fans are all “I will love and cherish this woman and help raise her daughters”. . . . bruh, bullshit. I’m a full-ass homosexual woman and I want her to fucking sit on me with her massive dumper and choke me out like any pervy dude. And a lot of people in the notes, I am satisfied to say, was saying the same. Seriously, I get that LGBT people were misrepresented purely as perverts for so long, and often still are, but that doesn’t mean we’re all these wholesome pure angels devoid of carnality, sheesh. Whether or not you’re a nasty little sub like me thirsty for a mommy dom has nothing to do with orientation, and when you say “LGBT people aren’t like THAT” it’s honestly kinda damaging to those of us who ARE. Like, I’m not about to take it all personal-like, but there’s a lot of younger people already struggling with accepting their sexuality, now they’re hearing it’s wrong for an LGBT person to have kinks or overtly sexual feelings, come on. I don’t think this ONE POST is going to damage anyone on it’s own, but it’s part of this overall culture on Tumblr I see that says that “only gross dirty nasty cishets care about SEX ew not like the pure uwu queers who love on a deep ethereal level beyond the mere flesh” and like. . . yeah way to make teens struggling with sexual feelings feel even more isolated and weird and bad there. Let people be shamelessly thirsty for giant vampire mommy dommes, sheesh. - I’m watching this Turkish drama and I mentioned it to my mom, and she started talking about how there was a movie made “about a contemporary of mine” a young man from New York who went to Turkey and stole something from a mosque and got imprisoned with a life sentence and he met a Swedish boy in the jail and they become lovers and he escaped and I was just like WAIT WHOA WHOA YOU KNEW THIS GUY and she was like “well no but I felt like I knew him” when she watched the movie and they apparently like. . . .lived or went to school in the same area once. Mom. Mom that is NOT what a “contemporary” means, omfg.  - The reason I’m watching a domestic drama, which is usually not my speed at all, is that I’m really into learning about different cultures, and for the past few years my focus has been Central Asia, Turkey, and Iran. I’ve always done this via academic-style research, articles and videos as well as reading firsthand accounts, such as Reddit AMAs, of people who live in those countries. But I read about this one, “Ethos”And while I’m sure a Turkish drama is no more realistic than an American one, I do think “Ethos” was a good one to pick because it focuses on people from MULTIPLE parts of Turkish society, from urban educated professionals to traditional rural poor people, a holy man and a woman vehemently opposed to headscarfs, a very rich playboy and a family struggling to get by, a woman dealing with severe mental illness, and apparently we’re going to get a closeted lesbian and a Kurdish family later too. So there’s a lot of diversity, not necessarily in the ethnic sense like you might look for in a US series but in terms of getting multiple perspectives of very different people in very different social strata that’s nonetheless all in or around Istanbul. -Also, I had been meaning to look up Azerbaijan for awhile, since like I said I’m focusing on that area of the world right now, and I finally got around to it yesterday. I learned about mud volcanoes, and that women got the right to vote there before they did in the United States! - I ran across this CLIP FROM FAMILY GUY and I was like “ha ha me” and then was like. . ..wait, that actually was me. I had to have a parapro with me at all times when I was in middle and high school due to my mental issues, and there was a period where my self-harming was so bad they had to go to the bathroom with me. And like. . ..holy shit, I’m doing so much better now. Took like 15 years but damn. I generally DON’T remember most of my pre-college life and I TRY NOT TO for obvious reasons, but in a weird way it was kind of HEARTENING to remember this to be like, wow, it did get better, I did get better. I really hope anyone reading this who is struggling with severe mental issues like I did, knows it can. And I know you don’t believe it right now because I didn’t, I know it’s impossible to convince you, I still kind of can’t believe it, but it CAN. 
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