#lady sneasler has kits
waywardstation · 2 years
What’s In a Name
Akari is helping Ingo take care of Lady Sneasler’s kits while he gets over a cold, and decides all of the little sneasels need names.
After so long, I wrote a continuation to It’s Just a Cold !You don’t need to read that first to understand this fic, but it can help a lot with understanding some of the context. I wrote this after I wanted to flesh out the rest of Lady Sneasler’s kits with names of their own (which my audience helped name! Thank you everyone!), and just write something fluffy, no angst haha.
OR read it here on AO3!
“When do you think they’ll be able to leave the nest?”
“I cannot say, but I believe they will be ready for that within a few weeks to a month, if they keep on the correct track of development.”
Akari trekked up the mountainside with Ingo, the early-morning sun cold and unable to penetrate the thin veil of mist. Akari made her way ahead of the warden, having traveled up to Lady Sneasler’s den so many times now, that he no longer had to guide her up every step of the way. Though, Ingo’s lethargic pace also contributed to him taking up the back; he was still getting over a cold, and trekking up a mountainside in a thinning atmosphere wasn’t the easiest thing for him at the moment. He coughed to dislodge a tickle in his diaphragm, and readjusted the thick scarf around his neck; Calaba had given it to him to keep the frigid air from irritating his lungs too much.
Ever since Lady Sneasler’s eggs had hatched, and she presented nine new adorable babies to the world, Ingo had been doing his best to help care for them. As a solitary species where it was uncommon for mates to stay together, Lady Sneasler needed someone to care for the kits and protect them while she was out hunting - a job that had naturally fallen onto her warden, Ingo.
But seeing as how Ingo was still recovering from the nasty cold that Akari was helping him through, the teenager had insisted she come up with him to the den, so she could assist him with managing the nine growing kits. He was doing much better now compared to a week ago, but he was still sluggish, and his voice remained a bit thick with the lingering (but waning) cough that sat in his chest. He never would have explicitly asked for help, so Akari had offered her assistance instead, knowing he probably needed it. The need was smaller a week later, but she enjoyed spending time with Ingo…and she’d be lying if she said the best part of her recent days weren’t seeing the adorable little sneaslets.
With the potato-sized kits now being over a week old, they could now open their eyes on their own and crawl around on their bellies. They were still sleeping a lot, but were beginning to grow more active, having started gently playing with each other in small, short bursts of energy. Their baby teeth were quickly coming in as well, and they were starting to nibble on solid foods, which meant Lady Sneasler could be out for longer periods hunting, and Ingo and Akari could tend to their feeding times while they watched over them. Yesterday was the first time they tried berries; it had been…messy, but they digested them well, and seemed to like the fruits for the most part. Today would simply be a repeat.
“Well, when they get big enough, I want to be there with them when they come outside for the first time!” Akari called back to Ingo as she took a right turn off the mountain path into a patch of thin underbrush; they were almost to the den.
“I’m sure they’d be glad to have you there.” Ingo added as he followed after her; having come up with him to the den every day since the late hatcher had emerged from her egg, the kits had grown just as fond of her presence as they had of his own. They were very attached to Akari.
Akari pulled herself out of the foliage and onto a rocky ledge, before moving back so Ingo could make his way up. He pulled himself up a bit slower than he usually did, the residual lethargy still sitting heavy in his aching muscles, but with some effort, he finally joined her on the cliffside.
“Hey, I didn’t have to help you up this time!” Akari turned to the cavern mouth behind them, but kept her gaze on Ingo with a big smile on her face. “See, you’re getting better every day!”
“You are correct, though I do wish the tracks to recovery were a little faster.” Ingo coughed around some of the gunk in his chest as he readjusted his cap, heading into the cavern with Akari. A few more days, and he’d say he’d finally be able to shake this itch in his lungs, and recover completely. Though, his recovery had been remarkably slow compared to Akari’s; she had indeed gotten sick due to contact with him (as he worried she would), but after just a few days, she was already running around again with just as much energy as ever, acting like she hadn’t even been sick in the first place.
He was aware of how stressors strained one’s immune system, and slowed its tracks considerably. Perhaps…
“My Lady? We’ve returned, albeit a little behind schedule; I hope that is not too inconvenient!” Ingo called out to his noble in the darkness. The cavern narrowed some as they moved further in, but this was meant to deter bigger predators from entering, and discovering the spacious den that opened up in the back.
Lady Sneasler’s chirp of greeting was heard from ahead, as well as a few muffled, but excited squeaks, piping up at realizing someone was arriving. That alone was enough for Akari; with her own sound of excitement, she left Ingo to hurry ahead and meet the kits.
“Careful,” Ingo warned her, wary of the uneven cavern floor in the dim cavity; being taller than her, he had to duck slightly under sections where the ceiling bowed, and suck in his chest to compact himself and shuffle sideways where the walls narrowed, whereas Akari could hurry right through. An inconvenience, but again a protective one.
Finally the walls opened up, and Ingo made it into the warm, safe cavity of Lady Sneasler’s nest. Akari was already kneeling in the many layers of nesting materials that covered and softened the hard earthen floor. She was busy petting the tiny bundles of fur that had crawled to her, mewling happily. Lady Sneasler was beside them, but standing upright as if waiting for something.
She was waiting to leave the den and go hunting, of course.
“Good Morning, Lady Sneasler,” Ingo greeted her with a nod of his head, squinting slightly to make her out in the darkness - his eyes would adjust soon enough, though. “I once again apologize for our late arrival. You may now leave to do your hunting; we will take good care of your young until you return.”
Lady Sneasler chuffed quietly. Ingo felt the sharp blades of her paw delicately pat him on the head - she could tell he still wasn’t feeling 100% but was doing his best - before they clicked subtly against the wall as she moved for the exit; the cavern darkened even more as she momentarily blocked the light in the narrow opening, but in an instant, she was gone.
“Well, we should get to feeding them,” Ingo immediately reached into his pockets, feeling for the berries that he had packed away for the kits. “We are behind schedule, so I imagine they are hungry.”
Akari didn’t hear him over her own laughter, now lying on her back in the nesting material as the nine tiny sneaslets assaulted her face with licks and kisses from tiny tongues.
“Ow! This one keeps biting my fingers.”
“Ah, have you fed that one yet?” Ingo looked up from the two tiny sneaslets nestled in his arms, snuggled closely against him as they chewed on soft bits of pecha berries. “They’re probably just hungry.”
“Yes! I already gave him an entire oran berry!” Akari pulled her hand away to inspect the fingers and see if the plump kit in her lap had broken the skin. Luckily they hadn’t, though it did leave a red mark in the skin. “I think he just likes biting. It’s all he’s done since his baby teeth came in!”
“Perhaps he is teething, and trying to relieve some of the pressure in his gums.” Ingo hypothesized. Their tiny, needle-like baby teeth were not their permanent set, but they might still be in the process of coming in, and that could be uncomfortable.
“Maybe,” Akari muttered in an entirely unconvinced tone as she readjusted the sneaslet in her lap to keep it from biting her again.
Reaching into the nesting material scattered around them, she searched for another sneaslet to pick up and feed next. She couldn’t help but smile when she found she had uncovered the runt of the litter, the late hatcher that Ingo had personally taken care of as an egg when he was sick. She was a little partial to this one, as she had been there with Ingo when she had hatched (And she was quite timid compared to her siblings; Akari always had a soft spot for the shy ones).
Gently grasping the tiny sneaslet in her hands, Akari placed them in her lap, next to her bitey sibling. The runt mewled quietly, her warm body leaning into Akari’s gentle hands as her sibling tried to nip her feathered ear; thankfully, Akari moved her hand to protect her from the sharp teeth.
“I’ve been thinking lately,” Akari started as she reached for the pile of gathered fruit between herself and Ingo, grabbing onto a sitrus berry. “I think this one should be named Powder.”
“Hmm?” Ingo reached for a third kit from the pile to start feeding them as well, with the previous two sated in his lap. He knew his head was still a little foggy from his cold, did he hear her say something about names-?
“Powder,” Akari reiterated to clear up any potential confusion. “Like powder snow! You know, because it was snowing outside the night she hatched, and she’s really soft and white!”
“Ah, no, apologies Miss Akari,” Ingo shook his head lethargically. “I understand it, but, names…I am unsure if the kits of a noble are really fit for names-“
This was the first litter of Lady Sneasler’s that Ingo had found himself caring for. He didn’t know the proper customs of it all yet, concerning such matters; were you allowed to give names to a noble’s young? Lady Sneasler herself certainly didn’t have a nickname, and neither did the other Lords and Ladies…(did Lady Sneasler already have her own version of names for her kits, though?) Ingo had never thought to ask the other wardens, or Lady Irida. Though, the thought of naming them didn’t immediately occur to him; he didn’t give nicknames to his own team of Pokémon. He understood Akari’s incentive, though - on the contrary, she loved nicknaming her own Pokémon, and would often share what she came up with when showing him a new creature that she had caught. But he’d have to ask Irida before he could allow Akari to name his noble’s kits. If that broke a rule he was unaware of, and the Pearl Clan discovered someone had taken it upon themselves to name his noble’s kits, and he let them…oh, Sinnoh forbid Calaba have another reason to disapprove of his position as warden-
“-Well of course they need names!” Akari retorted, misunderstanding the reason for Ingo’s hesitance. “It’s about time, it’s been over a week now since they’ve hatched! There’s nine of them here, how else are we going to keep track of them all? Otherwise, they’re all just ‘the kits’ or something!”
Ingo blamed his cold-induced brain fog for stalling his mouth long enough for her to keep going.
“And I say we name this one Powder!” She gently held the fluffy runt close as she tore off a small chunk of sitrus, and held it up to her soft mouth. The kit made a sweet sound as she sunk her tiny teeth into the fruit and sucked on the juice. “It’s a good name for her, don’t you think?”
The soft, downy kit snuggled against the teenager mewled timidly around the berry in her teeth, as if agreeing she liked the name.
“It is rather fitting, I admit,” Ingo sniffed, rubbing at his nose…still sort of runny. “But Miss Akari-“
Ingo paused at the disruptive exclamation, his train of thought derailed as he quickly glanced over. Akari noticed the concern.
“Sorry, he bit me again!”
Sure enough, when Ingo looked over, he observed that the plump sneaslet had gotten greedy and latched onto Akari’s hand, in an effort to snatch away the sitrus berry from Powd- from the runt.
“Perhaps consider giving him half of another berry if he’s still hungry.” Ingo advised, derailing from the previous topic to address the current issue. He was almost ready to ask if Akari wanted to hand the bitey sneaslet to him.
“There are better ways to let me know he wants more, like saying ‘please’.” Akari half-joked as she gently coaxed the kit’s mouth from off her hand, before proceeding to feed the runt the rest of the fruit chunk that had been unsuccessfully stolen. But she did grab another berry and divided it, giving chunks from one half to Powd- to the runt to see if she’d like more, and the other half to her bitey sibling.
The runt quietly nibbled on her pieces, while her sibling snatched his up quickly between his teeth.
“We have to name this one Chomp.” Akari promptly concluded, watching him eat.
That’s two names now.
Two kits were named, and you couldn’t take back names once they were given - it was practically impossible, and he could see Akari was already set on naming them all. How could he possibly tell her she couldn’t?
“Ahem,” Ingo peeled off a chunk of pecha to feed to the third sneaslet still waiting patiently in his lap; a little lady, judging by the stunted feather. “It is difficult to say this Miss Akari, but…though I am a warden, I am new to this, well…aspect, of my position. I am unfamiliar with the customs that entail naming a noble’s young and whether it is appropriate or not, and as such, I ask that you refrain from…”
Ingo’s already-tired voice weakened even further as he watched the lighthearted joy fade from Akari’s features, a sort of seriousness replacing it as she listened to him explain himself. Did she think she was in trouble? Oh this was hard, and he didn’t know for sure if this was an issue or not. Perhaps he was just being overly cautious again…
“…letting the Pearl Clan know that they’ve been given names, until I can officially consult Lady Irida on the matter.” The warden caved as he slumped back against the cavern wall, ending the sentence with a stifled cough as the kits in his lap readjusted themselves against him.
He was unsure if he really should have said something like that, but seeing the cheeriness return to Akari’s eyes at the statement was worth it for him.
“Oh, yes! Of course! I won’t say anything!” She smiled as she handed the last chunk of sitrus to the run- to Powder, who gratefully took the soft fruit and nibbled on it, content. Chomp was staring at her the entire time with a look of envy in his big eyes.
“So if this is Powder, and this is Chomp,” Akari’s gaze drifted over to the three kits Ingo currently had nestled in his lap. “Then what would their names be..?”
She first focused on the tiny sneaslet that Ingo was currently feeding. He was holding out a chunk of pecha to the tiny bundle of fur just like he did with the others, but she didn’t seem satisfied with that; Ingo kept having to move her back onto his lap, as she was repeatedly ignoring the small piece in favor of trying to crawl to the large berry he was taking chunks from. She wanted the whole thing at once!
“That one’s Pecha!” Akari pointed at the greedy sneaslet. “Because she seems to really like pecha berries!”
“Once again, a rather fitting name, I’d say.” Ingo agreed as he handed the last fruit chunk to Pecha. She scarfed it down rather quickly, before grasping onto his sleeve with her sharp claws, and chirping as if asking for more.
“And, um,” Akari moved her focus to the two other kits resting on Ingo’s lap; they had long since finished their meals, and were now sleeping warm against the warden’s free arm, held around them to keep them from falling out of his lap. A boy and a girl, again judging by the lengths of their feathered ears. The boy was as quiet as ever, curled into a tight ball, with the girl draped a little more loosely over him.
“Maybe, uh, Balm for the boy; he’s so calm! Every time I see him, he seems to be sleeping! And the girl…”
The little lady yawned, revealing her tiny, needle-like teeth for a moment, before rubbing at her face with her small purple claws, and scratching at her short purple feather.
Lavender flashed through her mind for a moment, comparing the purple in her pelt to the shade. But ‘Lavender’ was awfully close to ‘Laventon’, and that felt a little…weird.
“…maybe Lilac? She’s got a really pretty shade of purple.”
Ingo could see why Akari liked to nickname all of her Pokémon; she was very good at it, and picked very fitting names. Perhaps she was so good at it because she nicknamed so many Pokémon.
“And now,” Akari picked up another kit, snuggled under the insulating nesting material next to her. “A name for you!”
The fluffy kit instinctively snuggled up to Powder for warmth as Akari placed them together in her lap (and away from Chomp), which made the runt squeak quietly and squirm half-heartedly, latching back onto her warmth-seeking sibling.
“Hmm,” Akari pondered as she picked up an oran berry from the pile and began to peel it. She noticed the kit was a male, judging from its longer feathered ear, but what caught her eye was that the feather seemed to be bent; it appeared almost like the leaves of a few plants she had seen on the mountain before. Perhaps the feather would correct itself with age, but for now, it was a recognizable feature.
“I think Nettle fits for you!” Akari concluded as she gently nudged an oran slice towards the kit’s mouth. He sniffed it for a moment, before nibbling on the edge, trying to grip it with his tiny claws. “Your feather looks like one.”
Quiet, but incensed yowling from her side caught Akari’s attention, and she turned to see Ingo had picked up a fourth kit to feed, except they seemed upset.
“Not every passenger is satisfied with our selection today, it seems,” Ingo retracted his hand from the kit, which had been offering her a cheri berry. The picky sneaslet continued to make sounds of displeasure, even going so far as to half-heartedly swipe at his hand. “I believe this is the kit that was rather selective with what she wanted yesterday.”
Ah yes, the picky one. Akari remembered how yesterday, all of the kits happily gobbled up all of the berries they had brought, thoroughly enjoying the new treats for the first time. All of them, that was, except for her. She had stuck her nose up at just about everything that had been handed to her. Ingo had been worried he wouldn’t be able to get her to eat anything, until she had scrambled into his coat, having caught the scent of cake lure base in his pocket, and gobbling that up.
She had a “rather refined taste”, as Akari had put it.
“Hang on, I think I still have some of my muffin from this morning,” Akari used her free hand to fish through her satchel, in search of the breakfast leftovers she hadn’t finished. She had made them for herself and Ingo that morning, but seeing as all of the ingredients were simple and organic, it should be alright for the kit to eat.
“We shouldn’t make it a habit to feed her these things,” Ingo commented. “Lest she become spoiled and influence her siblings.”
“It’s fine, it’s fine; I bet she’ll grow out of it when she’s able to have meat.” Akari brushed it off.
She successfully retrieved the half-muffin from her bag, and held a piece out to the whining kit. The sneaslet stopped yowling at the sight of the treat and sniffed the air cautiously, before accepting the piece. One hesitant bite turned into many quick ones, and Akari handed her another chunk as soon as she finished it.
“I don’t think she realizes this is basically made up of what she was just crying over.” Akari snickered at Ingo; she had baked double the berries into the muffin, just the way herself and Ingo liked it, and the kit apparently had no problem with the berries like that.
“Perhaps she prefers to simply make a fuss and be tended to.” The warden guessed, moving a hand to keep the kit in his lap; she was now unsatisfied with the small chunks, and was trying to make a grab for the rest of the muffin in Akari’s hand. In truth, when he put it like that, this kit’s behavior reminded him of Lady Sneasler, in a way. She could also be quite huffy about certain things if she didn’t get her way.
“Ok, she’s gotta be named Duchess, then!” Akari handed her the last of her muffin, before sitting back and dusting the crumbs off of herself.
“Duchess? What brought you to that stop?”
“Because you’d think she’s royalty with how high her standards are! And, she kind of reminds me of Lady Sneasler with how picky she is…she needs a title name to match!”
It seemed he wasn’t the only one who saw the comparison between her and her mother then, Ingo thought.
“It’s a suitable name for her.” Ingo agreed as Akari reached for one of the last two kits still bundled in the nesting material.
“Another girl!” Akari commented as she held the chubby kit in her hands, petting her carefully on her little head as she gave a startled chirp - she had apparently fallen asleep in the soft nest. Akari placed her in her lap between Powder and Chomp, the latter of whom immediately started biting on her playfully. The kit didn’t seem to mind, thankfully too drowsy to care.
“Hmmm…” Akari pondered as she grabbed a cheri berry and started separating a chunk of the fruit flesh for her. What would she name this one..?
The kit chirped amongst her siblings, waking up as she was handed the cheri berry to chew on. She stuffed the sweet fruit chunk into her mouth, rather than nibbling off a little at a time like the rest of her siblings.
“What do you think of the name Mochi for this one?” Akari continued to gently pet the sneaslet as it worked on the cheri chunk.
“A good name, like the rest of them,” Ingo remarked, learning forward slightly to search for the last kit hidden in the nesting material. “What supplied the inspiration for that one?”
“You!” Akari grinned with the reveal, laughing a little. “She eats the same way you eat Beni’s mochi at The Wallflower!”
Ingo’s ears warmed up at the comparison as Akari laughed; surely, that was an exaggeration. But looking at the kit as she ate the berry, she…sort of did.
“Yes, well…” Ingo cleared his throat as he resumed searching for the last kit in the nest. “Still a fitting name, all the same.”
His hands finally found the kit he had been searching for, and carefully, Ingo lifted it out of the warm material; a boy, chirping as it gripped onto Ingo’s fingers for support. Lady Sneasler had had a rather balanced litter, he thought, with four boys and five girls.
“One left, Miss Akari. Do any names come to mind for this one?” Ingo asked as he placed the kit amongst the other siblings in his lap; they all grouped together, a warm bundle against his arm.
The teenager seemed to ponder the question momentarily, before she sat up straight with a great idea, poking him in the arm. “Wait, no! You should name this one!”
“Me?” Ingo’s first instinct was to discourage it. He was not the best with names; it’s entirely why he didn’t really subject nicknames to his pokemon.
“Yes, you! I’ve named all of them so far, you’ve got to name at least one of them!” Akari urged, continuing to nudge his arm. The jostling caused some of the kits in her lap, now drowsy with their full stomachs, to shift and mewl in protest. “Come on, Ingo!”
“Well,” Ingo’s frown pulled as he looked down at the unnamed kit in his lap. He wasn’t sure he would be any good with it; he’d probably take forever to think of one, compared to Akari. “...I suppose I can try.”
“Yes!” Akari cheered; Ingo was at least grateful to know she had more faith in him, than he did himself.
Now let’s see, a name…even with his mild, cold-induced brain fog, a few words definitely came to mind when he thought about it, looking at the kit.
Caboose, Shuttle, Ballast, Signal, Trolley…
They were the names (he) always suggested whenever (Emmet) urged (him) to help name some of his newly (hatched)(joltiks), whenever his (sweet)(galvantula) presented more (eggs).
(Ugh, the memory had holes, like the rest of them…)
They were the names always suggested whenever the other urged for help naming some of his new ones, whenever it presented more…
…but, Ingo didn’t know what any of those names actually were, like much of the other strange vocabulary that floated around in his brain, words without definitions. And no matter how hard he tried to remember what those terms actually were, he couldn’t quite recall. Ever since he had fallen sick, it had become even more difficult to recall things with his lagging brain.
Ingo reached back to rub at the spot on his scalp that began to ache dully. It saddened him in a way he didn’t fully understand, but maybe it’d be better to avoid terms like that.
His thoughts then drifted to the names that Akari had already picked out; perhaps he could come up with something that matched what she was doing. Several of the names had to do with food, and one was even based off of a plant. And another two were for the kits’ colorations, weren’t they?
“Do you believe the name ‘Taro’ is suitable for this one?” Ingo proposed after his short session of contemplation; he had been peeling a pecha berry all the while, and handed a chunk to Taro, who took it quickly.
“Taro?” Akari blinked at the warden. “Where did that come from?”
Ingo was partially thankful he hadn’t gone with one of his initial, mystery terms; he wouldn’t have been able to explain if she had asked that about one of them.
“Well, taro is an edible root, and the flesh inside it white, with purple speckling - Beni’s served the root a few times at The Wallflower. It just seemed rather similar to a sneasel’s coloration.”
Once Akari understood it, she smiled and gave him a thumbs up. “Oh, that’s a perfect name! I like it!”
Ingo returned her encouragement with one of his small, thin smiles; a part of him appreciated the affirmation that he had done well with picking a name. “Good to know it’s got your approval.”
Taro squeaked with satisfaction as it finished off the last berry, and much like the rest of his siblings, he retired to snuggling against Ingo and taking a nap.
“We’ve gotta show Zisu the kits when they get big enough to leave the nest,” Akari told Ingo as she leaned against his arm to rest along with the sneaslets; they only had about an hour or so to rest before they’d wake up and demand to be fed again. “She asked about them again this morning when I left to meet up with you, and wanted to know how you were doing with your cough and everything.”
Ingo recalled how a week back, he and Akari had gone to the training grounds to let Zisu know he had been gone for the last several days due to an illness, and to apologize for leaving her with no notice, but he would need more time off.
Akari had piped up and told the captain he needed maternity leave, which immediately sent Zisu into a fit of loud, continuous laughter. With a face as red as a pop pod, Ingo had to hastily explain that Akari was thinking of paternity leave, and even then, it was just him taking care of his noble’s newly-hatched kits, part of his duty as a warden. But it was too late; Zisu would never let that go, and Ingo’s flustered explanation had made it even funnier.
“Take as long as you need,” Zisu had told him as she wiped a tear from her eye, a big smile on her face. “But I’m hoping I can see these kits soon!”
“Perhaps this next week or so, I can bring a few of them down when I resume my schedule and return to my station at the dojo.” Ingo thought out loud, repositioning himself slightly to make it more comfortable for Akari to rest against him.
Sneasels were rather energetic creatures, and they grew fast, as all Pokémon did. He suspected that within a week or so, they’d be running around on their back legs and play-fighting, no longer the sleepy, generally-calm bundles of fur they were now. And they were wild too, and meant to stay that way; Ingo at least knew you were not allowed to catch a noble or their offspring. Irida and Calaba had made that very clear to him the moment they found out he liked to utilize the ‘barbaric and cruel’ pokeballs that Jubilife Village and its inhabitants had brought with them. He wasn’t sure he’d want nine wild, uncontrolled (and venomous) sneasels running around the village, when he was trying to do his job.
Perhaps he’d start with one or two, three if Akari wanted to help.
But a part of him was excited to show them to Zisu, names and all. While he was still wary about whether or not they could actually have names, he couldn’t deny names brought character and personality.
Sure, maybe Chomp would grow out of his biting habit. Perhaps Duchess could develop to be the most humble, agreeable one. Maybe Balm would become the most energetic, wired sibling, and Pecha could outgrow her apparent love for the sweet fruit. What was in a name anyways? But Akari was right, names helped set them apart as individuals, rather than just “Lady Sneasler’s kits”.
He looked forward to when they could all meet Zisu.
Ingo coughed again into his scarf. Perhaps bringing more kits at a time would feel manageable once he got over this lingering achiness as well.
But he’d worry about that next week. For now, he settled against the cavern wall and allowed himself to rest, with Akari against his shoulder, and the five sneaslets sleeping in his lap.
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peachy-doodles · 6 months
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idc what the time is; i have been thinking about my old Sneasler Ingo nonstop for the past few weeks and HAD to revisit his design rn or id esplode 💥💥💥
the snilerrrrrs.....................
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madd-nix · 1 year
For the last option, whether you think Ingo went from morning to night person or night to morning person after Hisui, and which Emmet is in that scenario, and if he also changed sleeping patterns, please let me know in reblogs/tags or comments! I'd love to know everyone's headcanons!
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leggerefiore · 3 months
It would be funny if Lady Sneasler liked Ingo's S/o and Erin more than Ingo. She still likes Ingo but she likes his spouse and child more
She's snatching Erin regularly when she can. Her Warden's weird Sneasel is absolutely favourite thing in the whole world. Erin cannot escape being carried around by her or her protective behaviours. He almost grows to think its commonplace to have a giant cat mom that babysits you.
Sneasler probably loves having Ingo and his partner together most of all. There is something so cute to her about how they interact. It was part of why she tried putting them both in her basket at the same time. But, while Ingo clearly has duties related to managing her, his partner does not and sneaks her little treats and lets her play. She likes dumping her kits off on them because she knows they will take care of them and keep them happy.
Ingo is bewildered by all of this.
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little-0tter · 11 months
Hello! I saw that your requests were open from your Emmet & Ingo headcanons post, and I was wondering if you could write some more headcanons for Ingo, but from Legends of Arceus? Curious to hear what difference you'd think that would make ^^
~ @littlest-tortle
☁️ Warden Ingo ☁️
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☁️ While he doesn't remember what caregivers or littles are, he falls into the role of caregiver easily and naturally.
☁️ Works well with littles of all ages but has a preference for littles on the younger side.
☁️ VERRRRYYY protective! Hisui is a dangerous place, especially for a little! He's ready to fight at all times when you're around with him.
☁️ Very strict, too, especially with daytime schedules when you're little. You have to stay near him at all times, and if not with him, you're with Lady Sneasler.
☁️ You get to ride in Lady Sneasler's basket. That's right, you get basket privileges! (Or you get put in there if there's danger)
☁️ Unfortunately, there isn't a lot of little gear in Hisui, and Ingo doesn't remember a lot of the things that were used for children at that time. He might be able to talk to some parents in the Pearl Clan about any child supplies they may have or recommend.
☁️ If you are lucky, you might be able to find some things that fell through a new rift, like a teether, or a fidget or two!
☁️ Yes, he will pick you up and carry you around, and it's fairly easy for him, too! Surviving in Hisui is rough, and he adapted well.
☁️ A lot of your time when little is either spent in the walls of the Pearl Clan or in Lady Sneasler's cave.
☁️ Get in the Sneasel pile. You're one of the kits now >:3
☁️ Ingo now stocks Poison heals and such, just for you!
☁️ He carries some Berries with him as a snack for you when you guys are adventuring together.
☁️ Naptime is HUGE, especially if the kits are involved! You end up in a giant cuddle pile each time :)
☁️ Ingo is fairly low energy, but he is good at playtime and keeping up with even the most energetic littles! He is a little stiff with the more imaginative games, though, but after a few games, he gets into the roles pretty well!
☁️ Akira/Ren end up being your babysitters or older siblings when you have Ingo as a caregiver, it's near automatic.
☁️ Unfortunately, he won't allow you to wear his cap or coat. But! He'll allow you to wear his Pearl Clan tunic!
☁️ In all, Warden Ingo is a great, very protective caregiver! His main goal is to keep you safe and happy when little ^^
I hope you liked this!! Requests are still open :3
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ciderwitch · 2 years
Some SFW + NSFW 🔞 Warden Ingo x Reader HCS about being touch starved
Getting into a relationship with Warden Ingo would be realizing how terrible this man is at taking care of himself
He spends all of his time helping out around the clan, interacting with the Galaxy team or serving Lady Sneasler and her kits.
He has a yurt inherited from the previous warden, but it is in some disrepair and lacking a lot of basics.
He'd managed to get a little collection of supplies, but not nearly enough.
When you make him his first home-cooked meal in Arceus-knows-how-long, he actually cries happy tears.
You help him fix up his home, get him blankets, make it feel lived in.
He surprises you both when he remembers how to make a few Unovan dishes, though he has no what they're called.
You insist on giving him massages to help his aches and forcing him to moisturize against the cold.
He had no idea how badly he missed just being in the company of someone dear.
So, so, so very touch starved. The first time you hug him he has to stop himself from begging you to not let go.
He is surprisingly affectionate despite how intimidating he may appear. He loves holding hands, cuddling, and just generally sharing space with you.
He doesn't care who's on top or in charge as long as he gets to be intimate with you, because either way he is absolutely desperate for your touch
He asks as politely as possible, ears red and eyes turned away from your face, for permission just to hold you against him
So when you ask him if he would like more, he nearly has a heart attack before pulling his hat over his blushing face
"O-only if you want to, darling, you don't have to do that for me."
He's loud during sex, letting out praise and moans and begging oh so sweetly for you to keep going, touching him, kissing him, putting your body against his.
When you take his hands from where they are fisting the sheets and place them on your body he nearly dies on the spot. You're so soft and warm and he lets out such a deep, broken groan as he cums inside you
He looks at you like you are the most precious thing in the world
And yeah, the first few times are quick, but you know he's been pent up for so long and he's very good at making it up to you
Goes down on you like a man possessed. Seriously make sure your schedule is cleared. You're his for a week after the first time.
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
Foe the Paldea AU, consider the following: the immense comedic potential in a tense rivalry between Professor Raifort and Lady Sneasler.
Raifort knows there's something off about Akari and Ingo. Two students appearing out of thin air with an extinct pokemon they treat like royalty. Both fluent in a dead language and referencing things that where trendy about 200 years ago? She's going to get to the bottom to this no matter what.
Lady Sneasler meanwhile; being the great judge of character that she is; makes sure that Raifort can't get to the bottom of it. And makes sure to keep her hair-brain schemes in check without Ingo and Akari ever knowing about them. Can't have her Kit and Grandkit worrying after all.
This usually ends up with Lady Sneasler dragging Raifort to the nurses office poisoned, paralyzed, or asleep. And Nurse Miriam has been working with her long enough to know that whatever happened, Raifort proooobably had it coming.
Love this. Raifort trying to get to the bottom of this highly suspicious mystery and just getting thwarted every time by an overgrown Sneasel. Lady Sneasler has fun with it, it's like a game to her. Plus she and Miriam are besties now!
Ingo occasionally asking Lady Sneasler where she went off to, but far be it for him to stop his Noble Lady from doing what she wants. Meanwhile, Giacomo who has watched Lady Sneasler drag off an unconscious Raifort on at least on occasion is wondering if he should say anything or just leave well enough alone. She'll be fine, right?
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I Love the idea that the Pearl Clan just sort of adores Ingo at this point. Yeah yeah suspicious of strangers and all that, but to them Ingo isn't a stranger anymore, he's one of them. The Pearl Clan probably showed him off as their new Warden very smugly. "Oh, you have Wardens that have, like, one pokemon to their name? Well our new Warden is so fucking good with these monstrously powerful beasts that he has six, and they're all perfectly behaved and fully evolved. Our Warden is way cooler and more powerful than all of yours combined, so take that, losers. Oh and, by the way? Yeah, Almighty Sinnoh gave him to us, so clearly we have the real god. Sucks to suck."
It definitely helps that Ingo is a very nice, polite man who just wants to be helpful, in a place where help is sorely needed. His team was likely also very helpful, in terms of gathering stuff. I mean, they have their kids out there gathering stuff, and it's hard to the point of weariness; there's no way he wouldn't try to use all the tools he has to do some of the harder stuff. That must mean a lot to people who have so little and are struggling to survive that much. They showed him kindness, or at least decency, by letting him stay at first despite the fact that it very clearly would have been a strain on their limited resources, and he repaid that tenfold, not even out of obligation or because he felt he owed them but just because he's a good person who genuinely wants to help. He stopped being a stranger when he put so much work into helping them survive, despite the danger to himself and the fact he really didn't have to. And now he's the Warden to their resident supermodel, so he's kind of a local celebrity. (Perhaps in the back of his mind he's like, 'hmm, this feels familiar? But as usual, it feels hollow, like I'm missing the most important part.')
YEAH!!! ingo truly had 0 ulterior motives. he wasn't even in it to like, repay them, or get them to like him more, he was very obviously and very genuinely just like. determined to improve everyone's lives. and +++ this if you also think he was like, the first person in A While to be able to talk lady sneasler into Doing Her Job. especially b/c of the other thing i was saying abt how difficult it is to get in and out of the icelands without her help. AND +++this if you also think that right now, specifically is a very difficult time for the pearl clan, which i do. an npc in jubilife has a line about the protag like “You fall right out of nowhere and start setting things right when they’re falling apart… You’re like the hero in some sort of play!” but that really is what ingo did huh.
anyway i already said this but now i cannot stop thinking abt the idea that ingo trains misc. pokemon specifically to drop them off at the pearl clan settlement so they can help out. they can never predict what it's gonna be either. sometimes it's a gligar. sometimes it's one of lady sneasler's kits that had to be hand raised and now doesn't want to leave by itself. sometimes it's an ALPHA ELECTABUZZ. his current goal is to get them some more fire types or fire move users, so they have more than just irida's flareon and whenever palina comes up and brings growlithe, but it's so hard to find ones that can tolerate the cold well.
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Strawberry🍓, my Love (platonic).
May I please request some Warden Ingo x Cat!Reader? (And by cat I mean, y’know, neko person) Either SFW or NSFW would do.
You were found injured and unconscious by Ingo, who brought you to safety.
He doesn’t know what the heck you are. A person? A Pokémon? Even you don’t know. (People like you don’t exist in the Pokémon world. One day you just blipped into existence I guess, no memories and all.)
No one except Ingo knows of your existence. It’d be dangerous for others to find out about you (HELLO KAMADO).
So you just chill at his hut, occasionally going out to explore and bring back food and gifts, as cats do. You have several feline behaviours, although most of the time you’re oblivious to them. Ingo finds it cute and Lady Sneasler enables you.
Ear scritches, belly rubs, etc. - you want them all.
🥺 cat spouse?? With ears and tails?? And purrs?? 🥺🥺🥺
Ingo is a cat person, everyone knows it. So you are a perfect companion to him. Of course, no one else knows you’re even a thing, but people can see Ingo’s lightened demeanor even without knowing he has a new housemate. Ingo rests easier with you in the house, snuggled up to him, gently purring as he strokes along your ears and back. He’s very grateful to your companionship in the lonely mountains.
Lady Sneasler adores you as well. She’s taken to raising you like one of her kits, complete with showing you how to hunt and giving you tongue baths when you get dirty. Ingo can only laugh at the strange ways your hair sticks up afterwards, as his does the same when Sneasler tries to bathe him. Ingo takes you to the hot springs afterwards, and coaxes you into the warm waters. He bathes you gentle touches, since you’re already not happy about being wet, trying his best to make it at least a little enjoyable. You return the favor beat you can, claws pleasant along Ingo’s scalp and scarred skin.
The gifts you bring back to Ingo are appreciated, even if the warden doesn’t like how long you’re gone. He gets nervous when you’re not around either with him or in the hut. He wants to protect you from the dangers of this world, but he forces himself not to cage you, and let you be free, since you can’t see anyone besides him. You always come back, though, with something for him in your hands. Sometimes it’s a pretty stone, or one shaped like something you think he’ll like. Other times it’s pretty leaves, flowers, plants you’ve gathered for him. Sometimes it’s dead Pokémon for him to eat, but you’ve stopped bringing those as often since he always forces you to bathe afterwards
You get endless affections from the man. You’re too cute to deny. Sad eyes and wanting purrs break Ingo down far too easily for a man that prides himself as a warden and battle expert. But he can’t help it when you look so cute and lonely. Your favorite place is in his lap or lying against him, his hands brushing through your fur. It’s how you fall asleep most nights, and Ingo finds peace in the soft expression you make while slumbering. He kisses your head, and slips happily into dreamland after you, nightmares diminished in the presence of his little guardian.
It’s grating on him, though. The way you easily handle Lady Sneasler’s kits, playing with him, taking care of them, soothing their tears and lulling them to sleep with soft purrs. All Ingo can see is you with kits of your own, ones he’s given you. He wants it sorely, and the want only grows as the days creep past. Ingo worships the ground you walk on, and begs, please, have kits with him. He wants a family, he wants normalcy with you. He wants the domesticity that children bring, and he will make sure neither you nor the kids ever want for anything. He swears it
So please?
A catty lover is a good choice for Ingo, Hisui’s resident cat dad. He’s gonna get so soft over you with the kits tho
Have a good day, lovely!
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smallestapplin · 2 years
Google says weasels eat snakes, but that snakes still have good chances of winning fights against them, especially if they're venomous. Natural enemies with relatively even odds in a fight.
Snake Volo would already be predisposed to hate any warden claimed by lady Sneasler and her kits. Hybrid or no. (up to you) If the two if them were to find out they're both after the same human s/o, all bets are off.
You’re correct! Weasels and badgers are own to attack and eat snakes.(btw Volo should be warning enough, BUT-)
I wrote this mainly from Volo’s POV, so it’s kinda mean, he’s a little mad. Kinda yandere-ish. You have been warned.
Volo swore to himself he was only using you, you were nothing but a means to an end for him.
You were to collect the rest of the plates for him, then he’d get rid of you after taking them.
So why had you laughter and smile worm its way into his heart? He was furious for the longest time.
How dare you make him love you, how dare you make him feel this disgustingly warm feelings.
The end of his tail thrashes in anger.
But I’m the midst of his denial and rage, someone else had their eyes on you.
Warden Ingo, of the pearl clan, and warden do the damn Sneasler.
Volo grits his teeth thinking about it.
The other sky fallen person, the one practically adopted by that awful Sneasler, had taken an interest into you.
You may not know it yet, but you belong to Volo, and he isn’t too happy about the sudden competition.
The stupid chandelure hybrid did nothing but get in his way.
Unfortunately, sneasles and Sneaslers aren’t exactly friendly towards snakes, such as himself.
The fact that noble’s scent is all over him, tells Volo is he attacks him, there will be consequences.
And ones he doesn’t like.
For now he stalks.
Watching you and the ghost man’s interactions.
He glares, watching Ingo’s purple flames burn brighter in your presence, or how the warden gets shy as you laugh or smile at him.
Then he hears it.
A faint humming.
A humming that is driving him insane.
He hates it! He’s never heard such a pathetic melody before. Yet you seem to like it, seemingly finding the warden’s song to you quite beautiful.
The look on the hybrids face gave it all away.
Volo’s nails dig into his hands to the point of bleeding.
That bastard was singing you a courting song! This won’t do! This won’t do at all!
You’re his mate, not that bastard’s!
Yet anytime he tried to intervene, that stupid weasel would show up, hissing at him.
Volo can’t continue his plans of those claws go through him.
You still make time for Volo, of course, he’s your mate after all!
He can’t help but feel smug and puff with pride.
Especially seeing the warden’s own envious look.
“Oh sweet little hero, we have much to discuss. You’ve been spending so much time with that warden fellow, I almost have no time to speak with you.”
“Oh! I’m so sorry Volo, it’s been nice taking a break. I guess I just lost track of time.”
The blonde coos softly at you. Mainly at you flushed and bashful face.
He isn’t aware that Ingo has no idea of any of this, it’s truly a one sided rivalry.
Ingo is upset when you are hanging out with the snake hybrid, but he’s aware you can speak to who ever.
And your mission of finding away home for both of you, is important, and you won’t spend everyday with him.
It hurts, but Ingo accepts this.
You always come back home to him.
Oblivious to Sneasler’s sudden aggression towards the merchant.
Surely he’s missing something, right?
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kiyfra · 1 year
My new fic is out! Scorpio can be read here or on A03. Pokerus AU belongs to @monsoon-of-art.
“Why did you sting me, for now we both will drown?”
“I can’t help it, it’s in my nature.”
Ingo forced himself to take slow even breaths as he laid in the messy bedding of Lady Sneasler’s abandoned den. She had taken her kits and relocated the nest elsewhere in the Coronet Highlands, refusing to disclose the location to her warden.
Her decision was a sensible one, not one borne out of disdain as Mistress Calaba believed, even if her words did nothing but repeat in his head.
“He’s an outsider that doesn’t know our customs or share our values. It’s not surprising that he’s done something to offend her.”
She had always been the most critical of him since he was first offered a place within the Pearl Clan and had been one of his harshest critics since he was appointed as Lady Sneasler’s warden. Many of the more traditional members of the clan took issue with his position, but they couldn’t argue with a decision from the Lady of the Cliffs herself.
Most of the Pearl Clan was welcoming or warmed up to him quickly. They were content to think of him as rather odd with his strange mannerisms and knowing a startling amount about pokémon while lacking basic life skills such as starting a fire or food preservation.
Ingo wondered if he was imagining things when he saw Pearl folk giving him dirty looks after he was the first of the clan to show symptoms. But ever since Calaba voiced the belief that he had brought a curse upon himself and the clan, he heard people whispering about him when they believed he was out of earshot, especially after his lady’s perceived scorn.
Irida had stood up for him and had taken a stand against talk about curses or divine punishment from Sinnoh.
“Don’t pay Calaba any mind. It wouldn’t be the first time she accused a guest of bringing a curse into the settlement.”
A guest.
Her reassurances inadvertently confirmed what he had always feared, that the Pearl Clan viewed him as fundamentally other. The place he would have to live and would be his home for the rest of his life would always consider him an outsider and he could never truly belong.
Ingo supposed it didn’t really matter now.
It was a short while after his physical transformation was completed that he made the decision to leave the settlement and isolate himself on Mt. Coronet. Several times he had lapses in memory where he couldn’t recall where he was or what he had been doing, coming to with people staring at him, shocked and horrified.
Irida and his fellow wardens had similar episodes, snarling at and trying to bite or claw anyone that was close, leaving children crying and their parents looking at them with such contempt. These episode grew more frequent as time went on and Irida was giving serious consideration to sending the rest of the clan away to protect them from its wardens and leader.
She found Ingo carefully storing and removing belongings from his tent while carrying a pack containing a few days worth of food, ready to leave his home as if it was never lived in.
Irida was still wearing her traditional garb, the tails trailing behind and dragging on the ground. It was quite cumbersome and impractical with her new quadruped build, but she refused to let the gradual and painful transformation into a glaceon rob her of this sense of dignity.
“Ingo, what are you doing?”
“I am performing my safety checks.” He turned towards her. “Lady Irida, I want to thank you for everything you and the Pearl Clan have done for me. It has been an honour serving as one of its wardens.”
“Don’t talk like that. We’re not going to die,” she said sternly.
“I truly wished for a better outcome, but I can’t ask any more of you.” He bowed his head. “Goodbye, Lady Irida.”
“Where are you going? Ingo? Ingo!”
He ignored Irida’s shouts as he flew off towards the old den to wait as the rest of his humanity faded away, the clan leader tripping over her coat tails as she tried to chase after him.
Ingo spent several days in the spacious nest his lady had left behind, curled up in the bedding and trying to cry out the names of people he didn’t remember.
He could feel his mind changing and slipping away from him as his body had, all hard edges and points. Layers of soft flesh had peeled away to reveal dark purple chitin, massive pincers and a quick stinger loaded with poison. His human exterior had been stripped off and left him with the rugged body and jagged fangs of an alpha gliscor that welcomed any venom and was the bane of his lady’s kind.
The tattered wings wrapped tightly around him couldn’t replace the weight and comfort of his coat, the one he arrived in Hisui wearing and refused to part with for many years. He expected and dreaded the day that the wear and tear would eventually render the garment unusable, not expecting his body would be altered to the point clothes became untenable.
His stomach growled loudly. The rations he had brought with him ran out yesterday, but he refused to leave the den to find something to eat, even if he found himself longing for the coppery taste of blood.
To feel the satisfaction of his prey’s panicked struggling growing weaker as he drained the life from them and shearing at tender flesh. Or hearing their surprised squeals as they were abruptly snatched up and carried away; he could probably find a paras or a shinx still up and about that strayed from the careful watch of their parents, maybe a sneasle if he was lucky.
He should leave to go hunt. How could he provide for a fledgling gligar if he wouldn’t even feed himself?
She’s not your child, you fool!
A tiny blue gligar stood at the entrance to the den, dripping wet from being out in the night’s rain. He rushed over, wanting to wrap up his nestling in his wings to protect them from the dangers of the world until they were ready. Keep them safe and warm until they were a proud gliscor.
“Ingo, I need somewhere to sleep for the night. Can I stay here?”
The hazy image of a blue gligar faded from his vision and was replaced by a dewott with a red scarf and large satchel tied around its waist. Ingo blinked hard several times to try and clear his head.
“Miss Dawn? W-what are you doing here?”
“I was trying to catch Cresselia,” she admitted. “We found her at Moonview Arena, but she kept running away. I chased her all over Mt. Coronet for hours, but it started raining and I didn’t know where I was-“
He cut her off.
“Miss Dawn, I’m afraid you must remain behind the yellow line as this station is not safe to stop at. You should attempt to locate one of the Survey Corps camps. My lady would be happy to assist you.”
He wanted nothing more than to let her stay the night; sending her back out into rainstorm didn’t sit right with him. But he couldn’t trust his senses to remain intact or the nature of his delusions to remain consistent. Already his vision was distorting and showing him a shiny gligar in her place.
“I-I know you said you didn’t want me to come back here, but I’m sorry I didn’t choose to save you,” Dawn said, her voice wavering.
That’s what this was about? The warden felt the guilt over his prior behaviour worm its way back through him.
“I thought saving some researchers to help find a cure made the most sense,” she explained.
Ingo was there when she made her report after visiting the three lakes. She had announced to a room with all the clan leaders and wardens that there was a way to prevent the infected from losing their sense of self to the virus, much to everyone’s elation.
There was bad news though. Each blessing from the lake guardians could only be used on one person, meaning only three people in all of Hisui could be saved. Dawn followed that bombshell by stating that she had already made her choice and used the blessings on three members of the Survey Corps, reasoning that their scientists would need their minds intact if they wanted to find a permanent solution.
Everyone in that room was furious they weren’t even considered, Ingo included. The two of them were close, sharing a love and understanding of pokémon beyond that of their contemporaries. Dawn trusted him as a mentor and confidant as the only other person in Hisui that had been in her position and he always strove to be worthy of that trust.
To hear that she made the decision to leave him to a horrible fate so easily, he did feel angry and betrayed, even if he understood her utilitarian approach.
In retrospect, he acted shamefully, refusing to accept reality and demanding to know how she could abandon him like that. He was desperate for this child to save him, even knowing it would have been at someone else’s expense.
Dawn started to tear up.
“I still want to help you but I understand if you hate me...”
“No, no!” Ingo knelt down to place his serrated pincers over her shoulders.
“I’m the one who should be apologizing. It was never fair you were forced to make a decision like that to begin with and I’m sorry you were made to feel responsible for my problems.”
The dam broke with her shoulders trembling and tears flowed freely as she started crying. She wrapped her arms around his chest plate and buried her face against his neck.
“I’m going to fix a-all of this, I’ll find a way to turn you back to normal... A-and then I’ll bring- I’ll take you back home with me...” she struggled to get through her bawling.
Given how Ingo’s expression rarely changed and how much he relied on his words, he didn’t know what to do when words were failing him. He wanted her to understand the world’s sorrows weren’t her duty to solve or reassure her this wasn’t goodbye.
But he would not lie to her.
Instead he scooped up the girl to cradle her against his chest, mindful that his pincers could snap and sever any protruding body parts without even really trying.
With how many impossible expectations were being placed on this child by the Galaxy Team and the clans, Ingo bitterly thought about how he should never have been amongst them.
Dawn continued to sob against him and he wanted to rub her back or smooth her hair to comfort her, but couldn’t with his awkward, dangerous claws. So he remained stationary to let her cry into his shoulder for as long as she needed to.
Ingo felt overwhelmed by the depth of his feelings and he couldn’t tell if they truly came from him or if they stemmed from his delusions that he was a parent. He had always felt responsible towards her and was always proud of her. But even after she had taken to calling him ‘Uncle,’ he never felt this way before.
It wouldn’t be the first time he wondered if he had been a father before he lost his memories, though he certainly hoped not. Neither was he presumptuous enough to think he could replace the loved ones she left behind.
Whether it would have happened on its own or if vague notions were being filtered through an animal’s brain, in that moment he truly wanted to be her father.
A tuft of mussed up fur was sticking out and Ingo took note of it, wanting to lick it flat. Dawn would not appreciate such a gesture and he wasn’t that far gone yet.
“I did consider using the blessing on you,” she admitted quietly. “I don’t know if you remember, but you’ve hissed and growled at me like you didn’t recognize me. You were scaring me. Especially after what happened with Iscan.”
They had been visiting the Cobalt Coastlands and Iscan had insisted on teaching Dawn how to swim. Ingo agreed with him that it was a valuable life skill to have, so he doesn’t know what came over him when he heard the girl throwing a tantrum.
There was something about her dismayed squeaking in the hands of the man turning basculegion that caused an irrational and uncharacteristic rage to overcome him. When he regained his senses, the Diamond Clan warden was thrashing under the hold of his claws, his throat bloody and torn.
The incident had been proof that Iscan’s theory was true, that the PokéRus victims were gradually loosing their minds and succumbing to violent impulses.
It was also deeply upsetting for everyone involved, though Basculegion’s warden didn’t bear a grudge. One shudders to imagine what would have happened if Paulina hadn’t been there to pull him off of the man.
A lot of people were put off by Ingo’s constant frown, loud voice and intense silver eyes long before his metamorphosis exaggerated his frightening characteristics. He hated being thought of as intimidating or scary and put a great deal of effort into presenting himself as someone reliable and trustworthy.
Despite his haggard appearance, Ingo was one of the most warm and kind individuals Dawn knew. So to hear that the girl who felt a great sense of kinship and looked up to him as a role model was afraid of him must have been a bitter pill to swallow.
“I understand, and I’m sorry,” he said.
She had no more tears left to cry, so they continued to hold on to each other, not saying anything. Neither of them wanted to let go, understanding this would likely be the last time they could appreciate each other’s presence before they became unrecognizable to each other.
“It wouldn’t be so bad to be remembered like this,” Ingo thought.
Whatever people he left behind beyond Hisui, he hoped they remembered him fondly.
“I guess I oughta head out. Volo’s probably waiting for me,” Dawn eventually said, removing her arms from around his neck.
His blood turned to ice at the name. There were many things about the merchant that irked him; his fixation on the rift and Dawn’s possible connection to it, him giving away so much of his inventory as though he was trying to buy her loyalty, his insistence that the wardens were a danger to her and his false sense of cheer and flattery.
“Like a used car salesman,” his mind added unhelpfully.
None of these meant much on their own. Curiosity wasn’t a crime and it was hard to disagree with his assessment on the danger posed by the PokéRus victims. The man made his living as a merchant, so it made enough sense he was prone to insincere flattery. Even the gifts from his shop inventory could be explained by the gravity of their current situation. But taken together, everything about the merchant rubbed him the wrong way.
“Volo accompanied you to the highlands.” It wasn’t a question. “How did you become uncoupled from him?”
Ingo had levelled a serious look down at her and Dawn felt as if she was being interrogated.
“Well, Volo couldn’t get close to Cresselia without spooking her and he thought I’d have better luck. She still kept running away and he put more and more distance between us until I lost track of him.”
That could have been an honest mistake, but it severely bothered him that Volo had been blasé enough about her safety that Dawn got separated and lost on the mountainside during a storm at night.
If Ingo had been accompanying her, he would have insisted on a rendezvous location and urged her to drop the pursuit until morning.
Was Volo actually concerned about her well-being?
“My good friend, I certainly hope you don’t hurt anyone with those claws!”
What could have been genuine concern came across as a barbed insult with his fake cheeriness. Volo had gone on to address Dawn and speak about the warden as if he out of ear shot when he was only a few feet away.
“I just worry that Warden Ingo will snap!”
Ingo wondered if his own personal bias was colouring his perception of the events. He had no proof of wrongdoing, but he didn’t like how the merchant was driving a wedge between her and the other adults in her life. Lady Sneasler’s warden did not want Dawn seeking refuge with Volo.
The man turned gliscor spent a long minute staring into space in silence to consider his choices.
“Alright. You may remain at this station to rest your cab until morning,” he finally declared.
“Really?” She was surprised that he changed his mind so easily.
“I pride myself on my ability to get passengers safely to their destination. Rest assured, I won’t allow myself to be derailed by current events.”
He had made the decision against his better judgement, but it should be fine. It was just until morning and he could keep a hold of himself until then.
The dewott weakly kicked and squirmed in his jaws, its pained squeals little more than noiseless wheezing through its crushed windpipe. Delicious, iron infused blood seeped through its fur and he considered what good luck he had that such an easy meal would so foolishly wander into his den. It should tide him over until he could go hunting for himself and his growing gligar.
If his hatchling was awake he would have let her play with the injured critter for a bit, have some fun killing it and honing her hunting skills under his supervision. But she was sound asleep deep inside the den, unperturbed by the commotion.
He would just have to tear some strips off for her when she woke up. Maybe he could bring some other creature back for a plaything, break a few bones and sting it a couple times in case it got any ideas.
Tiny paws swatted at his face to no effect and in response he bit down harder, blood streaking down his chin. The dewott would stop struggling soon, then he could feed.
Ingo bolted awake in a panic, the sky still dark and sunrise a few hours away. He was laying on his back in the soft bedding with his wings wrapped around him and tail coiled defensively around his chest, Dawn nowhere in sight.
A sick uneasy dread filled him as he was seized by the notion that something horrible must have happened in the night, that he did something eerie and unforgivable after failing to perform his safety checks.
There was a warm weight on his stomach. Visions of violence and gore danced in his head as he unfurled his wings, fearing what he would find but needing to know what happened.
His small passenger was curled up beneath his chest piece, intact but completely still, and he tentatively lifted her chin up with the tip of his pincer.
“Miss Dawn? Dawn!”
She groggily looked up at him with heavy lidded eyes, barely awake. Relief washed over him at seeing she was unharmed.
“It’s nothing. You may go back to sleep.”
Dawn didn’t need to be told twice. Laying her head back down, she was out in a matter of seconds.
Ingo was still shaken and wouldn’t be able to return to sleep, wanting to fuss over her to soothe his nerves. Fret over the tiny creature in his care to make his heart stop pounding so loudly.
His sensitive hearing was all to keen to pick up on the dewott’s heartbeat, signaling a warm body full of blood that made him salivate at the prospect of biting down and sucking it dry.
The warden was horrified and disgusted with himself for having such thoughts. It had been two days since he had last eaten and he was starting to have tremors from the low blood sugar, but it was doubtful he’d even be able to keep anything down now. Ingo felt nauseous and wanted to retch until the phantom taste of blood left his mouth and throat.
He never thought of gliscors as monstrous, despite their fearsome appearance and morbid feeding habits. They were quite caring and nurturing towards their offspring and colonies. His own was a highly intelligent, sociable creature and a beloved companion that was deeply worried about him.
But Ingo felt like something that crawled out of a child’s nightmare. A creature made of dark chitin, creaking leathery wings and dripping fangs that would snatch up crying children to sate its hunger.
He was a fool for letting her stay when his mind was so clouded and close to slipping away entirely. First thing in the morning, he would send her away, then he could breathe easy knowing she wasn’t in any danger from him.
It would have been the most sensible to have woken her up immediately to call for his lady and take the girl to her own den, but Ingo was terrified to give himself permission to move.
Hours slowly passed by as he counted cracks in the ceiling, twigs in the bedding, anything to take his mind off of the thoughts battling against each other and to distract him from his ravenous hunger.
Sunlight eventually started to pour in, but it would be at least another hour before Dawn woke up. Her mornings were early, but they didn’t start at sunrise like Ingo’s typically did.
He suspected he wasn’t a morning person before his arrival in Hisui and his permanent eye bags were proof that he never fully adjusted. But he would sleep in till noon today after Dawn had left, given how little rest he had managed last night.
The rain had mostly subsided with on and off again showers; perfectly adequate weather for travelling. There would be nothing preventing her from heading on her way and Ingo waited anxious and impatiently for her to wake up.
She finally began to stir and stretch and he hastily unfurled his wings, unwilling to wait any longer.
“Good morning! I hope you slept well.”
Sinnoh knows he hasn’t.
Dawn remained motionless to pretend she was still asleep, but Ingo wasn’t fooled. Her heart rate had resumed its normal pace after being roused from slumber.
“I know it’s early, but it’s time to start up your engines and locate the tracks for the mountain camp.”
“Hrmmm... five more minutes,” she grumbled, curling up tighter to try and shut out his loud voice.
Ingo wasn’t having any of that. He maneuvered a pincer under her arms and placed her on her feet beside him somewhat rudely. With a nervous energy allowing him to move faster than his exhaustion would have liked, he swiftly sat upright on his haunches as Dawn was rubbing sleep out of her eyes.
He could not allow any further delays; it was already irresponsible of him to have gambled with her safety when he knew he was a danger to her.
“Please forgive my abruptness, but I must insist you remain on schedule and depart immediately.”
The girl let out a sigh, resigning herself to the fact Ingo wasn’t going to let her go back to sleep.
“Don’t you even want something to eat first?” she asked. “It’s important to ‘refuel’ and all. I’m pretty sure I still have some Jubilife muffins left over.”
Dawn turned around to look through her satchel for the pastries.
Ingo felt the prickling of sharp claws in his mind at the mention of food. They abruptly shot out and gripped his brain, squeezing and curling into him like his head was caught in the grip of a massive purugly.
He made a pained noise and tried to press his pincers against the sides of his head to relieve the pressure building up before he felt something burst in his sinus. The unknown creature that had taken residence in his head kept squeezing tighter, a warm trickle from a nosebleed dripping down his face. Searing hot talons like a branding iron burned holes into his own thoughts and Ingo gave a loud hiss as his vision blurred into a haze of red.
Dawn huffed as she turned around.
“Well, if you don’t like muffins you can just say so.”
She didn’t expect to find Ingo hunched over on all fours, eyes wild and taking on a red gleam with blood dribbling past a pained grimace.
“Uncle Ingo?” she asked tentatively, taking a step forward.
His eyes focused on her and his pupils constricted, wings flaring out as he bared his teeth. He lunged towards the girl, jaws wide as Dawn screamed.
Ingo was hit point blank with a jet of water from the fast thinking dewott, mere inches away from his target. The attack contained enough force to blister soft skin, but wouldn’t do much more than irritate the armour-like chitin of an alpha gliscor. A blast across the face and into an open mouth made Ingo gag and struggle to clear his airway, surprised by the unexpected bout of resistance.
It was first time she had managed to pressurize the attack for a proper water gun, not just a sputtering stream of bubbles. If Ingo was in a proper frame of mind he would have congratulated her for the feat, but there was no time for celebration.
His spluttering gave her just enough time to scrabble away and turn tail to run towards the cave entrance, kicking up grass and shed fur from the bedding in her mad dash. She didn’t dare check behind her as Ingo recovered from the distraction and scurried after her, an enraged shrieking only encouraging her to run faster.
A window of grey light from an overcast sky was less than a foot away, but Dawn could feel the flecks of spittle from the mad gliscor hot on her tail. The girl threw herself through the cave entrance and a pincer snapped shut where her head had been moments prior.
She landed hard on the gravelly slope outside the den and slid down several feet,  the rough terrain leaving harsh stinging scrapes all over her front and down her face. Some of the larger stones she bumped over would leave nasty bruises.
Dawn looked over her shoulder to see Ingo standing in the cave’s entrance, claws tightly gripping the edges and stinger raised threateningly.
A series of confusing and contradictory emotions flickered across his face before his posture relaxed and he vanished back into the cave, returning to his solitude.
A hallowed out feeling settled inside her chest at the sight of the man disappearing into the den, knowing it would be the last time she would get to see him as anything other than a monster.
The man that went to such great pains to be a supportive figure during such a tumultuous and uncertain time in her life and the closest she had to family, would be gone forever if she couldn’t shoulder the burdens of Hisui.
Deep inside Lady Sneasler’s abandoned nest, her warden lied curled up facing the wall, unable to stop trembling. There was only a single request on his mind, the only one he could reasonably make.
“Please stay safe.”
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waywardstation · 2 years
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Ingo just wants some sleep, he has to get up in four hours
Yesterday my discord was hyping each other up with drawing shirtless submas haha. I revised a sketch and made a contribution. Lady Sneasler did not tell Ingo her kits were teething. His shirt did not survive.
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peachy-doodles · 2 years
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oops- i turned ur mans into a half sneasler, now what’re you gonna do?
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human version:
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Like to think some of Lady Sneaslers kits imprinted on him whilst he was looking after them/they hatched in his care and so now he has his own kids :)
Peacha: Oldest (hatched first) and largest, Female. She speaks in half sentences and is very exciteable/ energetic. Very fond of fighting and battles and Ingo helps train her through play fighting. Very protective of her little brothers!
Oran: Second oldest (hatched second) and middle height, Male, Shiny. Soft spoken but very confident in himself despite being lethargic. Ingo calls him his special little boy and Sneasler teases him about it.
Chesto and Cheri: Youngest (Cheri is technically the youngest though) and quite small, Males. They’re identical twins and look to have fairer body colouration. They started hatching at the same time but Cheri took much longer to break out than his brother; worrying Ingo that he wouldnt make it. Cheri is quieter whilst Chesto is louder.
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r0-boat · 2 years
I have received permission from Strawberry 🍓. I’m going to copy and paste it so it’ll probably look a bit weird.
May I please request some Warden Ingo x Cat!Reader? (And by cat I mean, y’know, neko person)
You were found injured and unconscious by Ingo, who brought you to safety.
He doesn’t know what the heck you are. A person? A Pokémon? Even you don’t know. (People like you don’t exist in the Pokémon world. One day you just blipped into existence I guess, no memories and all.)
No one except Ingo knows of your existence. It’d be dangerous for others to find out about you (HELLO KAMADO).
So you just chill at his hut, occasionally going out to explore and bring back food and gifts, as cats do. You have several feline behaviours, although most of the time you’re oblivious to them. Ingo finds it cute and Lady Sneasler enables you.
Ear scritches, belly rubs, etc. - you want them all.
Ooh imma make headcannons if that's OK with you!!
Haha I wanted to make my own take so I tried a different approach. I apologize if you hear any repeating head cannons
You're extremely grateful to the man who took you in. Ingo understood what it felt like to be sort of an outsider... And he knows no matter how long he'll be here you'll always be seen as an outsider.
It didn't matter what you were you are human despite a few differences your pointed Meowthish ears and Purrloin like tail and you're strange ability to talk to only cat Pokemon. You were a mystery but deserve respect nonetheless.
Ingo feels sort of protective over you especially because despite you looking almost indistinguishable from humans the Pokemon instinctually believe you're one of them. You reassure him that you're fine but if anything were to happen to you he would never forgive himself.
But despite this Ingo could never keep your from having freedom. If you really do have some kind of Beast blood in you you need to let out all of your energy. So as long as you can protect yourself and hide your ears and tail from the public eye, he has no problem letting you roam at least near his cabin.
So far, this decision has not led to any significant problems. Maybe some rumors here and there about an unknown creature that saves people and Pokemon if they get stranded on the mountaintops.
However there will always be a looming Danger. Kamado would probably take interest and somebody he has never seen before in the settlements nor the Clans. And the way you act is certainly slightly different from other people. He knows you're not to be trusted... And will keep an extra eye on you. You could be a Zoroark or some devious Yokai.
The Lady has pretty much accepted you just like she with her warden. One Sniff she picked you up by the Scruff and stashed you with her kits. All those kits are now your siblings.
Ingo is fascinated with you. How big the world truly is. Could lord Sinnoh have created other planets as well? Ingo is highly respectful, fulfilling every one of your requests he could easily do, no matter how strange it might seem.
The two of you listen to each other's stories supporting each other through Ingo helps you through this new world trying to ensure your safety and secrecy.
While emotionally, you are Ingo's Rock, the crushing Boulders of loneliness no longer setting a top on his shoulders, and you're always just Within reach when he's suffering from a nightmare or a vision from his fading memories. The soft rumbling from your throat calms him down as you lay your head on his chest, Ingo holding you close.
He's only had you for half a year and he already feels like he can't be without you getting tense when he can't find you. Your presence alone just fills this empty void in his heart that he always felt and was unsure why.
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leggerefiore · 1 year
Get Off
cw: 18+ content, sexual fantasies, jacking off, hand job, small blurb of oral, PLA Ingo, smut
pairing: Ingo/Reader
Ingo would admit to feeling dirty.
Yes, certainly, after ending up in this strange place without a single memory to his name – well, barring his name – he found himself in a strange period of working himself ragged in an attempt to make up for the kindness that the Pearl Clan had shown to him. Anything and everything that was requested of him was done. Even more so when he became a Warden.
Though, becoming a Warden also led to him moving out from the village and living out in the wilds of the highlands to better attend to his Noble. Lady Sneasler was not a large fan of straying too far from her den, especially when she had kits hidden inside.
… This is to say, Ingo had become quite lonely.
He was a man, however, and could find some sort of relief to any of his building frustrations and annoyances in a certain activity.
This was fine, of course. No one would care because no one would know.
Until he met you.
You absolutely captured his mind in a way no other Hisui quite had. During these sessions alone in his cabin, he found his found turning whatever fantasy had taken over his mind, shifting into a scene with you. His hand would continue to stroke himself as he felt his gut twist in many ways at the thought of you waiting for him in nothing but an apron, or you placed between his legs and messing with the zipper on his slacks in an environment that seemed something like the Galaxy HQ.
Every time, he would cum harder than he had before. They felt so real to him.
Disgust, however, would consume his mind as he wiped away the cum from his hand. It felt wrong to view you like that without your permission or knowledge. None of his other fantasies had ever revolved around a real person around him.
Ingo swallowed a heavy drink of water as he thought about you even more.
Every battle against you, win or lose, left him wanting you more. Your attention, that burning, passionate glare. It felt like you knew something he did not.
It was after a particularly intense battle that he had shared with you – one in which you requested him to battle with only alphas. He felt breathless after you wrestled victory from his hands. The praises that fell from his mouth were only genuine. His hands clapped together in how much you had impressed him.
But you gave him a look.
A simple look of domineering prowess that struck his mind into a thought of you on top of him. Your hands pressed him against the hard plastic under him as you bounced on his cock. The room was unfamiliar with am obviously fake scene of some sort in it. You smirked at him as you cooed words that his brain could not make out.
The Warden has politely excused himself from the conversation you attempted to hold with him and rushed away back to his home in the highlands. He needed to handle his “problem” before it became a distraction.
Little, had he noticed that you trailed behind him, worried about what had led to his odd behaviour.
When Ingo had reached his home, he opened the door, took off his shoes, shut it behind him and went directly for his futon. His slacks were pulled off, alongside the underwear he had underneath. His half-hard cock sprung out as he tried to pretend his heart was racing in a strange anticipation. That thought had consumed his mind. It felt so real.
Your weight was palpable as his hand came to grip around his dick, mind racing with that fantasy more and more. He was not nude but rather in a shirt like the one he first arrived in here. Your hand locked around a blue tie hanging around his neck and pulled it tighter. His air supply was restricted slightly. The thrill went right to his cock as his hand tried to move in tandem with the fictionalised you's movements. His own hand was nothing compared to your heat.
He groaned, other arm coming to rest over his eyes as his brain soaked in the memory. The scenery was unfamiliar yet known to him, with a pole and metal rings hanging from the ceiling. Ingo felt your lips against his as you kept bouncing on him. Everything was about to become too much for him.
His hand squeezed his cock tightly as the fictional you looked down at him with a playful, teasing gaze. You opened your mouth.
“... Ingo?” Your voice was anything but a falsity.
His hand was immediately away from his member, ruining his orgasm as he tried to use his covers to block the obscene sight from your eyes. You stood in his doorway, eyes wide and mouth hanging open. This was his punishment for using your image in such a way. His face burned with immense heat. You stared at him for a moment longer before stepping in and closing the door behind you.
His breath was nearly knocked out of him when you moved the sheets away from his hidden cock. “... What were you thinking about?” you asked him with serious eyes. This felt unnecessarily cruel to him.
“You,” he admitted, “You and I… In some strange room with a mirror and plastic bench.” Perhaps if he confessed to you, you would be less upset with him.
Your face lit up, contrary to his expectations. Your hand came to play with his balls, causing him to swallow and gasp in a desperate breath. “Oh, yeah?” your voice was different from its usual lilt, “Was I on top of you?” He nodded and whined when your hand moved to instead pump his cock slowly. His eyes squeezed shut, unable to keep looking at you. A giggle came from you as you leaned in to kiss his cheek. “I insisted on going to this love hotel room I had saw online,” you continued, “You said those were dirty and a hard no, but I convinced you when I said it was themed like a subway car.”
His eyes opened to meet yours. What? You were talking like that had actually happened. There was no time to question you as your lips pressed against his, tongue meeting with his to deepen it. Thoughts were pushed out of his brain as you kept a perfectly tight grip on his dick with a pace that made his stomach twist.
You seemingly caught on as to what was about to happen as you pulled away from the kiss. Your lips came around his cock head as a loud moan ripped from his throat. The unexpected sensation and lewdness of you sucking his cock knocked him over into cumming. You easily swallowed it as he crashed against his futon with heavy, panting breaths and his entire body buzzing with electricity. You looked at him with concern.
“Hey, hey,” you cooed as you pressed a soft hand to his cheek, “You okay, sweetheart?” His heart raced in his chest as he reached out to grab you. The newly developed strength from his muscles brought you into his chest, where he just held you.
“... I apologise for using you like that,” he spoke quietly after regaining himself, “It was wrong of me.”
“It's fine,” you shook your head and locked your fingers with his, “I use you all the time. I miss seeing you in your work uniform so much.” Your hand came to feel the emblem of his Pearl Clan tunic. He cocked a brow. You obviously were much closer to him than what he first thought. “When you feel better,” your voice was back to a reading tone, “Want to actually fuck?”
He did not have the heart to turn you down.
(Especially not when he wanted you just as badly.)
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coramatus · 2 years
there were no instructions or fine print (part 7)
“To restore the lost, find my form and sacrifice yours”
That time Ingo got turned into a Sneasel because there were no instructions or fine print on the ancient mystical artifact
Based on ideas of the Transfer Error AU by @rosebloodcat on Tumblr
part one | two | three | four | five | six | seven
When Ingo wakes up, it’s to the feeling of all-encompassing warmth and safety. He sighs in contentment as he snuggles deeper into his soft burrow. Surrounded by the scent of home, his chest rumbles in purring bliss.
The sound of a snore makes his eyes flutter open. He finds that he’s not actually in a burrow, but cradled in Emmet’s arms, held snug to his chest. His brother lays sound asleep, his haggard face now resting with a small, relaxed smile gracing his lips.
With a soft trill, Ingo rubs the side of his face against Emmet’s cheek before tucking himself under his chin. For several long minutes, he lays there basking in the warmth, his battered, weary heart drinking it all in. He simply enjoys the peace that was denied to him for so long. Ingo has never felt as complete as he does now, finally finding what his soul had been missing in Hisui.
Almighty Sinnoh, he could die happy right here.
With every intention of going back to sleep, he expects to start dozing off again soon.
But it can’t have been more than a few minutes when Ingo’s eyes snap back open. There’s a fidgety energy building in him that makes his limbs itch to move, accompanied by an uncharacteristic urge to run and climb nagging at the back of his mind. The more he thinks about it, the more the idea of staying in Emmet’s hold feels a lot less comforting and much more claustrophobic.
Confused, Ingo sits up and yawns, raising a hind leg to scratch at his neck. However, the movement tugs at his still aching wounds, cutting his scratch session short as he recoils with a wince. Gingerly testing his range of motion, he finds that even though they hurt a lot, his injuries don’t hurt quite as bad as they had earlier. Which is a relief, although he’s still weirdly anxious to move. Shaking himself off, Ingo opts to just ignore it and hope it settles on its own.
His stomach then decides it’s been ignored for far too long and hits him with a sharp hunger pang. Ingo groans as he doubles over, looking down at himself as he clutches his empty belly.
Now that he thinks about it, he hasn’t eaten in a while, has he? The last ‘meal’ he could recall was back in the forest, desperately trying to make his single, shriveled berry last as long as possible by taking smaller and smaller bites. After that was the hospital, which must have given him an IV line with nutrients to sustain him until now. Which means his stomach must be on the verge of digesting itself.
Sighing, Ingo reluctantly turns to Emmet. He’s going to have to wake him up for this. Part of him tells him he ought to groom him or to give him a few play-bites. But he shakes those ideas off. With the tip of his claws, he pokes his brother’s cheek to bring him back into consciousness.
Emmet does not react, continuing to lightly snore.
Ingo pokes his face harder.
Emmet just mumbles in his sleep.
Ingo’s ears go flat in annoyance.
Were he in his proper human body, Ingo would simply let his sleeping brother be. Frankly, his tired human mind would prefer to join him and just go back to sleep too.
But as he has to face facts: he’s not.
He’s in the body of a rambunctious juvenile Sneasel.
And this body wants to engage in chaos.
He thinks back to his time with Lady Sneasler, with her kits and the nonsense they would get up to. One particular kit from her previous brood had discovered a clever trick to waking both mother and warden who made the mistake of falling asleep in his presence. Ingo wound up naming the kit Foghorn for a good reason.
Channeling a bit of Foghorn’s brand of mischief shouldn’t hurt Emmet. Much.
He takes in a deep — if pained — breath and screeches at the top of his lungs directly into Emmet’s ear.
The result is instantaneous as Ingo is squashed like a stuffed toy, Emmet unconsciously tightening his hold as he sits bolt upright with a terrified scream. Wild-eyed, Emmet scans his surroundings to find what woke him up. At least, he does until muffled Sneasel cries against his chest get his attention. Without thinking about it, he yelps and immediately lets go of his hapless brother.
Ingo groans as he flops onto Emmet’s lap in a sad heap. That… backfired spectacularly.
With his faculties returning, Emmet groans as he rubs at his ringing ears with a wince, half-certain that his eardrums are now ruptured. Glaring down at his brother, he snaps,
“What was that for?! Are you trying to make me go deaf??”
Ingo sits up and shakes himself off. He does a quick check of his bandages. Even though they ache sharply, his injuries haven’t started bleeding again. He sighs in relief and proceeds to aim his most put upon pout at Emmet, punctuating it with an indignant squeak.
“Don’t look at me like that!” Emmet protests, baring his teeth in offense, “What did I do to you?!”
For that, Ingo points a claw at Emmet, mimes a squashing motion between his paws, and then points back at himself with a huff.
His brother looks baffled as he parses through the message, “Wha-? Well, I am sorry but I didn’t do it on purpose!”
Ingo opens his mouth to chitter back a few choice insults when he is interrupted by his own stomach growling loudly, startling them both.
Oh, right.
Emmet must come to a similar conclusion as he laughs softly, “That is fair. I would scream for a refueling too if I was that hungry.”
Without another word, Emmet picks Ingo up and carries him into the kitchen. Setting his Sneaseled brother down on the counter, Emmet opens the refrigerator to check its contents.
Ingo takes a peek into the brightly lit box and is surprised to see how well-stocked it is. He doesn’t think he’s seen quite so much food in one place aside from clan gatherings. Out on the isolated Highlands, he lived quite sparingly, only ever eating simple bland meals he’d foraged or traded for. And yet somehow this sight doesn’t seem all that remarkable either, as if this is how it should be. Curious…
In the meantime, Emmet is busy looking everything over with a critical eye, nodding in appreciation at the arrangement. It’s clearly not as organized as he’d like, but most of the perishables are accounted for.
“Huh, not bad. The people food is in the right place,” he comments as he rummages through a container. When Emmet turns around, he presents a plain white chicken egg to Ingo, smiling, “Here you go!”
Ingo’s eyes widen, his ears perking straight up as he reaches out to take the offered egg. Cradling it in his claws, he can’t help drooling at the sight of it. Though Sneasels typically prey upon Pokémon eggs, any egg works just fine. Part of him wants to smash it on the countertop and lick the splattered yolk here and now, sanitation be damned. But he disregards that thought. Instead he delicately uses his fangs to crack around the top of the egg, forming a ring of little punctures. The makeshift shell cap is easily pried off with his teeth and spat out.
The second his tongue laps up his first mouthful of egg yolk, it’s like all the fat and flavor immediately overload his taste buds. He has to take a moment to process what he’s tasting before diving back in with great relish.
Sinnoh, this is the best thing he’s ever eaten, he could just about cry.
“It’s funny. If I still doubted whether you really are my brother or not, that move you just pulled would be enough to convince me,” Emmet chuckles, having watched everything with his chin in his hands, elbows propped up on the counter. “Only you would be that meticulous about eating a raw egg.”
Ingo pauses in his late breakfast to stare at Emmet. What was that supposed to mean?
Instead of being chastised, Emmet stares at him before he busts out laughing. Before Ingo knows what he’s doing, he pulls back his sleeve to aim a wrist device at him. The tinny sound of a fake shutter clicks and Ingo knows he’s been photographed. Giggling, Emmet pushes a few buttons and suddenly the device displays a floating image of a gray-eyed, purple Sneasel sitting there in confusion, his tongue sticking out, still dripping in egg yolk.
Ingo squeaks in mortification and pulls his tongue back in. But the damage has already been done as Emmet laughs so hard that he faceplants on the countertop. Though he’s tempted to lob the egg at Emmet’s head, Ingo reins in the urge, choosing to keep eating instead. He isn’t wasting the best food of his life on his dingus of a brother.
He’ll get him back for it later.
His disgruntled thoughts are interrupted when Emmet reaches out and pets him. With his head nestled in the crook of his other arm, Emmet looks at his brother with such affection that any ire on Ingo’s part instantly melts away.
“I missed having you around, Ingo…” Emmet whispers softly as his thumb strokes Ingo’s ear feather. Sniffling, his smile is teary with open relief, “I am so glad you are back in our home station.”
For what feels like an hour, they stay like that, simply enjoying the moment. Ingo feels his spirits lift as he watches his brother’s face slowly brighten with a genuine smile, chasing away any lingering shadows of exhaustion and fear.
Then Emmet seems to remember himself. With visible reluctance, he pulls away, leaving Ingo feeling strangely forlorn. However, Emmet instantly returns with a small dish.
“Here, one little egg cannot possibly be enough,” Emmet cheerfully smiles.
Ingo’s ears perk up as he peeps in joy. There in the dish wobble two more eggs waiting to be devoured.
As Ingo busies himself with his meal, he doesn’t pay much attention to Emmet shuffling away. For a while all he hears is his brother rummaging through the kitchen to organize. Only to discover that their Pokémon have some questionable ideas about where things belong…
“What the-?! Who put all the vegetables in the trash??” Emmet demands aloud as he plucks the hapless groceries from the bin. The rattle of an appliance being opened sounds, “Bread?? Bread is in the dishwasher! Is this someone’s idea of a hoarding spot?” His feet stomp to the next room and something opens, “Why is cheese in the laundry machine??” More stomping. The pantry door opens and the rustling sounds of plastic bags being combed through are heard, “Are you—?! All the Poffins and Poképuffs are missing!!” Emmet sticks his head out into the living room, aiming a furious grin at the trays of Pokéballs, “This is the last time any of you are allowed to put the groceries away!”
The guilty silence radiating from the Pokéballs is deafening.
Ingo chitters in amusement as Emmet stomps off into the living room with irate grumbling. He would help but he’s down to the dregs of his second egg and the third is calling out to him. He sets aside the empty shell, noisily licking his lips for any yolk he might have missed. Just as Ingo is about to grab the last egg, he is interrupted.
“Ingo? Be honest with me…”
With a puzzled ‘mrrrrp?’, Ingo looks up to find Emmet standing before him.
Emmet stares Ingo down with wariness, both hands raised, one holding a clean set of bandages and the other brandishing a pill bottle.
“Please tell me you will not fight me on taking your medication…” Emmet wearily begs him.
Hearing the word ‘medication’ triggers a sense of deep aggravation and a jumble of images of his Pokémon fighting him tooth and nail to escape regular check-ups and him forcing them to choke down substances they clearly hated but needed to take for their continued existence.
His human side understands the necessity and resolves to be perfectly composed about this.
His Sneasel side takes one look at this data and decides ‘nope’.
That’s the best Ingo can figure out when a freight train’s worth of pure blind panic slams into him. The next thing he knows, he’s leaping off the counter and running at full tilt from a shouting Emmet.
In the back of his mind, Ingo knows what he’s doing makes no sense; he wants to pull his brakes on himself. But the fear gripping him is so powerful that he can’t think. Not even his wounds slow him down thanks to his body’s natural adrenaline spike. He careens through the apartment on all-fours, knocking over objects, and tearing new claw-holes wherever he goes. Several times, Emmet tries to grab him but each time Ingo either squirms away or bites his hands to force his release.
Just as he leaps from the couch for the third time, there’s a flash of light and suddenly an eerie periwinkle aura seizes him, rendering motionless in mid-air. With nowhere to go, he yowls in terror as he thrashes wildly to get free even though intellectually he knows that’s not happening.
Chandelure choses this moment to float down, having popped out of their ball due to the commotion. They lift him up to their level in order to give him the most unimpressed face a ghost chandelier can muster.
“What’s gotten into you, Ingo??” Chandelure demands, sounding like a disappointed teacher speaking to an unruly student.
(Of course, Chandelure was always the only calm one during check-ups on account of being a ghost. In which case, there was another set of standards entirely for ghost ‘health’, none of which seemed half as upsetting as it was for the living.)
“I-I don’t know!! I’m freaking out! I can’t stop!” Ingo shouts, even as he flails his limbs in a feeble attempt to escape. Even now, his Sneasel instincts continue to disregard his human knowledge that this is all for his own good.
“Well, try harder! You’re bleeding again!” Chandelure scolds him, staring at his bandages with a troubled expression.
“Rrrgh! It’s not like I want to do this!” he whines, unable to help his continued wriggling despite the wet heat slowly blooming against his side, “It’s like the Sneasel part of my brain is on another set of tracks entirely!”
Chandelure is given pause. Then their blank gaze shifts to something much more perturbed, “That sounds like a serious problem. You should—”
Then Emmet comes to a screeching halt by their side. Panting and wild-eyed, he points at the ghost Pokémon,
“Chandelure, hold him tight! I think this repair job is going to get messy!”
Chandelure hops into action, giving him a sharp, determined nod and focuses their spectral grip on their unruly trainer. The soft purple-blue aura concentrates and solidifies, locking Ingo in place.
With his fate sealed, Ingo does the only thing he can and belts out what he’d once cheekily termed ‘The Sneasel Song of Sadness’.
In a very short time, their entire apartment complex becomes acquainted with it too.
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