#Ingo’s getting over a cold though but it’s not too bad
waywardstation · 2 years
What’s In a Name
Akari is helping Ingo take care of Lady Sneasler’s kits while he gets over a cold, and decides all of the little sneasels need names.
After so long, I wrote a continuation to It’s Just a Cold !You don’t need to read that first to understand this fic, but it can help a lot with understanding some of the context. I wrote this after I wanted to flesh out the rest of Lady Sneasler’s kits with names of their own (which my audience helped name! Thank you everyone!), and just write something fluffy, no angst haha.
OR read it here on AO3!
“When do you think they’ll be able to leave the nest?”
“I cannot say, but I believe they will be ready for that within a few weeks to a month, if they keep on the correct track of development.”
Akari trekked up the mountainside with Ingo, the early-morning sun cold and unable to penetrate the thin veil of mist. Akari made her way ahead of the warden, having traveled up to Lady Sneasler’s den so many times now, that he no longer had to guide her up every step of the way. Though, Ingo’s lethargic pace also contributed to him taking up the back; he was still getting over a cold, and trekking up a mountainside in a thinning atmosphere wasn’t the easiest thing for him at the moment. He coughed to dislodge a tickle in his diaphragm, and readjusted the thick scarf around his neck; Calaba had given it to him to keep the frigid air from irritating his lungs too much.
Ever since Lady Sneasler’s eggs had hatched, and she presented nine new adorable babies to the world, Ingo had been doing his best to help care for them. As a solitary species where it was uncommon for mates to stay together, Lady Sneasler needed someone to care for the kits and protect them while she was out hunting - a job that had naturally fallen onto her warden, Ingo.
But seeing as how Ingo was still recovering from the nasty cold that Akari was helping him through, the teenager had insisted she come up with him to the den, so she could assist him with managing the nine growing kits. He was doing much better now compared to a week ago, but he was still sluggish, and his voice remained a bit thick with the lingering (but waning) cough that sat in his chest. He never would have explicitly asked for help, so Akari had offered her assistance instead, knowing he probably needed it. The need was smaller a week later, but she enjoyed spending time with Ingo…and she’d be lying if she said the best part of her recent days weren’t seeing the adorable little sneaslets.
With the potato-sized kits now being over a week old, they could now open their eyes on their own and crawl around on their bellies. They were still sleeping a lot, but were beginning to grow more active, having started gently playing with each other in small, short bursts of energy. Their baby teeth were quickly coming in as well, and they were starting to nibble on solid foods, which meant Lady Sneasler could be out for longer periods hunting, and Ingo and Akari could tend to their feeding times while they watched over them. Yesterday was the first time they tried berries; it had been…messy, but they digested them well, and seemed to like the fruits for the most part. Today would simply be a repeat.
“Well, when they get big enough, I want to be there with them when they come outside for the first time!” Akari called back to Ingo as she took a right turn off the mountain path into a patch of thin underbrush; they were almost to the den.
“I’m sure they’d be glad to have you there.” Ingo added as he followed after her; having come up with him to the den every day since the late hatcher had emerged from her egg, the kits had grown just as fond of her presence as they had of his own. They were very attached to Akari.
Akari pulled herself out of the foliage and onto a rocky ledge, before moving back so Ingo could make his way up. He pulled himself up a bit slower than he usually did, the residual lethargy still sitting heavy in his aching muscles, but with some effort, he finally joined her on the cliffside.
“Hey, I didn’t have to help you up this time!” Akari turned to the cavern mouth behind them, but kept her gaze on Ingo with a big smile on her face. “See, you’re getting better every day!”
“You are correct, though I do wish the tracks to recovery were a little faster.” Ingo coughed around some of the gunk in his chest as he readjusted his cap, heading into the cavern with Akari. A few more days, and he’d say he’d finally be able to shake this itch in his lungs, and recover completely. Though, his recovery had been remarkably slow compared to Akari’s; she had indeed gotten sick due to contact with him (as he worried she would), but after just a few days, she was already running around again with just as much energy as ever, acting like she hadn’t even been sick in the first place.
He was aware of how stressors strained one’s immune system, and slowed its tracks considerably. Perhaps…
“My Lady? We’ve returned, albeit a little behind schedule; I hope that is not too inconvenient!” Ingo called out to his noble in the darkness. The cavern narrowed some as they moved further in, but this was meant to deter bigger predators from entering, and discovering the spacious den that opened up in the back.
Lady Sneasler’s chirp of greeting was heard from ahead, as well as a few muffled, but excited squeaks, piping up at realizing someone was arriving. That alone was enough for Akari; with her own sound of excitement, she left Ingo to hurry ahead and meet the kits.
“Careful,” Ingo warned her, wary of the uneven cavern floor in the dim cavity; being taller than her, he had to duck slightly under sections where the ceiling bowed, and suck in his chest to compact himself and shuffle sideways where the walls narrowed, whereas Akari could hurry right through. An inconvenience, but again a protective one.
Finally the walls opened up, and Ingo made it into the warm, safe cavity of Lady Sneasler’s nest. Akari was already kneeling in the many layers of nesting materials that covered and softened the hard earthen floor. She was busy petting the tiny bundles of fur that had crawled to her, mewling happily. Lady Sneasler was beside them, but standing upright as if waiting for something.
She was waiting to leave the den and go hunting, of course.
“Good Morning, Lady Sneasler,” Ingo greeted her with a nod of his head, squinting slightly to make her out in the darkness - his eyes would adjust soon enough, though. “I once again apologize for our late arrival. You may now leave to do your hunting; we will take good care of your young until you return.”
Lady Sneasler chuffed quietly. Ingo felt the sharp blades of her paw delicately pat him on the head - she could tell he still wasn’t feeling 100% but was doing his best - before they clicked subtly against the wall as she moved for the exit; the cavern darkened even more as she momentarily blocked the light in the narrow opening, but in an instant, she was gone.
“Well, we should get to feeding them,” Ingo immediately reached into his pockets, feeling for the berries that he had packed away for the kits. “We are behind schedule, so I imagine they are hungry.”
Akari didn’t hear him over her own laughter, now lying on her back in the nesting material as the nine tiny sneaslets assaulted her face with licks and kisses from tiny tongues.
“Ow! This one keeps biting my fingers.”
“Ah, have you fed that one yet?” Ingo looked up from the two tiny sneaslets nestled in his arms, snuggled closely against him as they chewed on soft bits of pecha berries. “They’re probably just hungry.”
“Yes! I already gave him an entire oran berry!” Akari pulled her hand away to inspect the fingers and see if the plump kit in her lap had broken the skin. Luckily they hadn’t, though it did leave a red mark in the skin. “I think he just likes biting. It’s all he’s done since his baby teeth came in!”
“Perhaps he is teething, and trying to relieve some of the pressure in his gums.” Ingo hypothesized. Their tiny, needle-like baby teeth were not their permanent set, but they might still be in the process of coming in, and that could be uncomfortable.
“Maybe,” Akari muttered in an entirely unconvinced tone as she readjusted the sneaslet in her lap to keep it from biting her again.
Reaching into the nesting material scattered around them, she searched for another sneaslet to pick up and feed next. She couldn’t help but smile when she found she had uncovered the runt of the litter, the late hatcher that Ingo had personally taken care of as an egg when he was sick. She was a little partial to this one, as she had been there with Ingo when she had hatched (And she was quite timid compared to her siblings; Akari always had a soft spot for the shy ones).
Gently grasping the tiny sneaslet in her hands, Akari placed them in her lap, next to her bitey sibling. The runt mewled quietly, her warm body leaning into Akari’s gentle hands as her sibling tried to nip her feathered ear; thankfully, Akari moved her hand to protect her from the sharp teeth.
“I’ve been thinking lately,” Akari started as she reached for the pile of gathered fruit between herself and Ingo, grabbing onto a sitrus berry. “I think this one should be named Powder.”
“Hmm?” Ingo reached for a third kit from the pile to start feeding them as well, with the previous two sated in his lap. He knew his head was still a little foggy from his cold, did he hear her say something about names-?
“Powder,” Akari reiterated to clear up any potential confusion. “Like powder snow! You know, because it was snowing outside the night she hatched, and she’s really soft and white!”
“Ah, no, apologies Miss Akari,” Ingo shook his head lethargically. “I understand it, but, names…I am unsure if the kits of a noble are really fit for names-“
This was the first litter of Lady Sneasler’s that Ingo had found himself caring for. He didn’t know the proper customs of it all yet, concerning such matters; were you allowed to give names to a noble’s young? Lady Sneasler herself certainly didn’t have a nickname, and neither did the other Lords and Ladies…(did Lady Sneasler already have her own version of names for her kits, though?) Ingo had never thought to ask the other wardens, or Lady Irida. Though, the thought of naming them didn’t immediately occur to him; he didn’t give nicknames to his own team of Pokémon. He understood Akari’s incentive, though - on the contrary, she loved nicknaming her own Pokémon, and would often share what she came up with when showing him a new creature that she had caught. But he’d have to ask Irida before he could allow Akari to name his noble’s kits. If that broke a rule he was unaware of, and the Pearl Clan discovered someone had taken it upon themselves to name his noble’s kits, and he let them…oh, Sinnoh forbid Calaba have another reason to disapprove of his position as warden-
“-Well of course they need names!” Akari retorted, misunderstanding the reason for Ingo’s hesitance. “It’s about time, it’s been over a week now since they’ve hatched! There’s nine of them here, how else are we going to keep track of them all? Otherwise, they’re all just ‘the kits’ or something!”
Ingo blamed his cold-induced brain fog for stalling his mouth long enough for her to keep going.
“And I say we name this one Powder!” She gently held the fluffy runt close as she tore off a small chunk of sitrus, and held it up to her soft mouth. The kit made a sweet sound as she sunk her tiny teeth into the fruit and sucked on the juice. “It’s a good name for her, don’t you think?”
The soft, downy kit snuggled against the teenager mewled timidly around the berry in her teeth, as if agreeing she liked the name.
“It is rather fitting, I admit,” Ingo sniffed, rubbing at his nose…still sort of runny. “But Miss Akari-“
Ingo paused at the disruptive exclamation, his train of thought derailed as he quickly glanced over. Akari noticed the concern.
“Sorry, he bit me again!”
Sure enough, when Ingo looked over, he observed that the plump sneaslet had gotten greedy and latched onto Akari’s hand, in an effort to snatch away the sitrus berry from Powd- from the runt.
“Perhaps consider giving him half of another berry if he’s still hungry.” Ingo advised, derailing from the previous topic to address the current issue. He was almost ready to ask if Akari wanted to hand the bitey sneaslet to him.
“There are better ways to let me know he wants more, like saying ‘please’.” Akari half-joked as she gently coaxed the kit’s mouth from off her hand, before proceeding to feed the runt the rest of the fruit chunk that had been unsuccessfully stolen. But she did grab another berry and divided it, giving chunks from one half to Powd- to the runt to see if she’d like more, and the other half to her bitey sibling.
The runt quietly nibbled on her pieces, while her sibling snatched his up quickly between his teeth.
“We have to name this one Chomp.” Akari promptly concluded, watching him eat.
That’s two names now.
Two kits were named, and you couldn’t take back names once they were given - it was practically impossible, and he could see Akari was already set on naming them all. How could he possibly tell her she couldn’t?
“Ahem,” Ingo peeled off a chunk of pecha to feed to the third sneaslet still waiting patiently in his lap; a little lady, judging by the stunted feather. “It is difficult to say this Miss Akari, but…though I am a warden, I am new to this, well…aspect, of my position. I am unfamiliar with the customs that entail naming a noble’s young and whether it is appropriate or not, and as such, I ask that you refrain from…”
Ingo’s already-tired voice weakened even further as he watched the lighthearted joy fade from Akari’s features, a sort of seriousness replacing it as she listened to him explain himself. Did she think she was in trouble? Oh this was hard, and he didn’t know for sure if this was an issue or not. Perhaps he was just being overly cautious again…
“…letting the Pearl Clan know that they’ve been given names, until I can officially consult Lady Irida on the matter.” The warden caved as he slumped back against the cavern wall, ending the sentence with a stifled cough as the kits in his lap readjusted themselves against him.
He was unsure if he really should have said something like that, but seeing the cheeriness return to Akari’s eyes at the statement was worth it for him.
“Oh, yes! Of course! I won’t say anything!” She smiled as she handed the last chunk of sitrus to the run- to Powder, who gratefully took the soft fruit and nibbled on it, content. Chomp was staring at her the entire time with a look of envy in his big eyes.
“So if this is Powder, and this is Chomp,” Akari’s gaze drifted over to the three kits Ingo currently had nestled in his lap. “Then what would their names be..?”
She first focused on the tiny sneaslet that Ingo was currently feeding. He was holding out a chunk of pecha to the tiny bundle of fur just like he did with the others, but she didn’t seem satisfied with that; Ingo kept having to move her back onto his lap, as she was repeatedly ignoring the small piece in favor of trying to crawl to the large berry he was taking chunks from. She wanted the whole thing at once!
“That one’s Pecha!” Akari pointed at the greedy sneaslet. “Because she seems to really like pecha berries!”
“Once again, a rather fitting name, I’d say.” Ingo agreed as he handed the last fruit chunk to Pecha. She scarfed it down rather quickly, before grasping onto his sleeve with her sharp claws, and chirping as if asking for more.
“And, um,” Akari moved her focus to the two other kits resting on Ingo’s lap; they had long since finished their meals, and were now sleeping warm against the warden’s free arm, held around them to keep them from falling out of his lap. A boy and a girl, again judging by the lengths of their feathered ears. The boy was as quiet as ever, curled into a tight ball, with the girl draped a little more loosely over him.
“Maybe, uh, Balm for the boy; he’s so calm! Every time I see him, he seems to be sleeping! And the girl…”
The little lady yawned, revealing her tiny, needle-like teeth for a moment, before rubbing at her face with her small purple claws, and scratching at her short purple feather.
Lavender flashed through her mind for a moment, comparing the purple in her pelt to the shade. But ‘Lavender’ was awfully close to ‘Laventon’, and that felt a little…weird.
“…maybe Lilac? She’s got a really pretty shade of purple.”
Ingo could see why Akari liked to nickname all of her Pokémon; she was very good at it, and picked very fitting names. Perhaps she was so good at it because she nicknamed so many Pokémon.
“And now,” Akari picked up another kit, snuggled under the insulating nesting material next to her. “A name for you!”
The fluffy kit instinctively snuggled up to Powder for warmth as Akari placed them together in her lap (and away from Chomp), which made the runt squeak quietly and squirm half-heartedly, latching back onto her warmth-seeking sibling.
“Hmm,” Akari pondered as she picked up an oran berry from the pile and began to peel it. She noticed the kit was a male, judging from its longer feathered ear, but what caught her eye was that the feather seemed to be bent; it appeared almost like the leaves of a few plants she had seen on the mountain before. Perhaps the feather would correct itself with age, but for now, it was a recognizable feature.
“I think Nettle fits for you!” Akari concluded as she gently nudged an oran slice towards the kit’s mouth. He sniffed it for a moment, before nibbling on the edge, trying to grip it with his tiny claws. “Your feather looks like one.”
Quiet, but incensed yowling from her side caught Akari’s attention, and she turned to see Ingo had picked up a fourth kit to feed, except they seemed upset.
“Not every passenger is satisfied with our selection today, it seems,” Ingo retracted his hand from the kit, which had been offering her a cheri berry. The picky sneaslet continued to make sounds of displeasure, even going so far as to half-heartedly swipe at his hand. “I believe this is the kit that was rather selective with what she wanted yesterday.”
Ah yes, the picky one. Akari remembered how yesterday, all of the kits happily gobbled up all of the berries they had brought, thoroughly enjoying the new treats for the first time. All of them, that was, except for her. She had stuck her nose up at just about everything that had been handed to her. Ingo had been worried he wouldn’t be able to get her to eat anything, until she had scrambled into his coat, having caught the scent of cake lure base in his pocket, and gobbling that up.
She had a “rather refined taste”, as Akari had put it.
“Hang on, I think I still have some of my muffin from this morning,” Akari used her free hand to fish through her satchel, in search of the breakfast leftovers she hadn’t finished. She had made them for herself and Ingo that morning, but seeing as all of the ingredients were simple and organic, it should be alright for the kit to eat.
“We shouldn’t make it a habit to feed her these things,” Ingo commented. “Lest she become spoiled and influence her siblings.”
“It’s fine, it’s fine; I bet she’ll grow out of it when she’s able to have meat.” Akari brushed it off.
She successfully retrieved the half-muffin from her bag, and held a piece out to the whining kit. The sneaslet stopped yowling at the sight of the treat and sniffed the air cautiously, before accepting the piece. One hesitant bite turned into many quick ones, and Akari handed her another chunk as soon as she finished it.
“I don’t think she realizes this is basically made up of what she was just crying over.” Akari snickered at Ingo; she had baked double the berries into the muffin, just the way herself and Ingo liked it, and the kit apparently had no problem with the berries like that.
“Perhaps she prefers to simply make a fuss and be tended to.” The warden guessed, moving a hand to keep the kit in his lap; she was now unsatisfied with the small chunks, and was trying to make a grab for the rest of the muffin in Akari’s hand. In truth, when he put it like that, this kit’s behavior reminded him of Lady Sneasler, in a way. She could also be quite huffy about certain things if she didn’t get her way.
“Ok, she’s gotta be named Duchess, then!” Akari handed her the last of her muffin, before sitting back and dusting the crumbs off of herself.
“Duchess? What brought you to that stop?”
“Because you’d think she’s royalty with how high her standards are! And, she kind of reminds me of Lady Sneasler with how picky she is…she needs a title name to match!”
It seemed he wasn’t the only one who saw the comparison between her and her mother then, Ingo thought.
“It’s a suitable name for her.” Ingo agreed as Akari reached for one of the last two kits still bundled in the nesting material.
“Another girl!” Akari commented as she held the chubby kit in her hands, petting her carefully on her little head as she gave a startled chirp - she had apparently fallen asleep in the soft nest. Akari placed her in her lap between Powder and Chomp, the latter of whom immediately started biting on her playfully. The kit didn’t seem to mind, thankfully too drowsy to care.
“Hmmm…” Akari pondered as she grabbed a cheri berry and started separating a chunk of the fruit flesh for her. What would she name this one..?
The kit chirped amongst her siblings, waking up as she was handed the cheri berry to chew on. She stuffed the sweet fruit chunk into her mouth, rather than nibbling off a little at a time like the rest of her siblings.
“What do you think of the name Mochi for this one?” Akari continued to gently pet the sneaslet as it worked on the cheri chunk.
“A good name, like the rest of them,” Ingo remarked, learning forward slightly to search for the last kit hidden in the nesting material. “What supplied the inspiration for that one?”
“You!” Akari grinned with the reveal, laughing a little. “She eats the same way you eat Beni’s mochi at The Wallflower!”
Ingo’s ears warmed up at the comparison as Akari laughed; surely, that was an exaggeration. But looking at the kit as she ate the berry, she…sort of did.
“Yes, well…” Ingo cleared his throat as he resumed searching for the last kit in the nest. “Still a fitting name, all the same.”
His hands finally found the kit he had been searching for, and carefully, Ingo lifted it out of the warm material; a boy, chirping as it gripped onto Ingo’s fingers for support. Lady Sneasler had had a rather balanced litter, he thought, with four boys and five girls.
“One left, Miss Akari. Do any names come to mind for this one?” Ingo asked as he placed the kit amongst the other siblings in his lap; they all grouped together, a warm bundle against his arm.
The teenager seemed to ponder the question momentarily, before she sat up straight with a great idea, poking him in the arm. “Wait, no! You should name this one!”
“Me?” Ingo’s first instinct was to discourage it. He was not the best with names; it’s entirely why he didn’t really subject nicknames to his pokemon.
“Yes, you! I’ve named all of them so far, you’ve got to name at least one of them!” Akari urged, continuing to nudge his arm. The jostling caused some of the kits in her lap, now drowsy with their full stomachs, to shift and mewl in protest. “Come on, Ingo!”
“Well,” Ingo’s frown pulled as he looked down at the unnamed kit in his lap. He wasn’t sure he would be any good with it; he’d probably take forever to think of one, compared to Akari. “...I suppose I can try.”
“Yes!” Akari cheered; Ingo was at least grateful to know she had more faith in him, than he did himself.
Now let’s see, a name…even with his mild, cold-induced brain fog, a few words definitely came to mind when he thought about it, looking at the kit.
Caboose, Shuttle, Ballast, Signal, Trolley…
They were the names (he) always suggested whenever (Emmet) urged (him) to help name some of his newly (hatched)(joltiks), whenever his (sweet)(galvantula) presented more (eggs).
(Ugh, the memory had holes, like the rest of them…)
They were the names always suggested whenever the other urged for help naming some of his new ones, whenever it presented more…
…but, Ingo didn’t know what any of those names actually were, like much of the other strange vocabulary that floated around in his brain, words without definitions. And no matter how hard he tried to remember what those terms actually were, he couldn’t quite recall. Ever since he had fallen sick, it had become even more difficult to recall things with his lagging brain.
Ingo reached back to rub at the spot on his scalp that began to ache dully. It saddened him in a way he didn’t fully understand, but maybe it’d be better to avoid terms like that.
His thoughts then drifted to the names that Akari had already picked out; perhaps he could come up with something that matched what she was doing. Several of the names had to do with food, and one was even based off of a plant. And another two were for the kits’ colorations, weren’t they?
“Do you believe the name ‘Taro’ is suitable for this one?” Ingo proposed after his short session of contemplation; he had been peeling a pecha berry all the while, and handed a chunk to Taro, who took it quickly.
“Taro?” Akari blinked at the warden. “Where did that come from?”
Ingo was partially thankful he hadn’t gone with one of his initial, mystery terms; he wouldn’t have been able to explain if she had asked that about one of them.
“Well, taro is an edible root, and the flesh inside it white, with purple speckling - Beni’s served the root a few times at The Wallflower. It just seemed rather similar to a sneasel’s coloration.”
Once Akari understood it, she smiled and gave him a thumbs up. “Oh, that’s a perfect name! I like it!”
Ingo returned her encouragement with one of his small, thin smiles; a part of him appreciated the affirmation that he had done well with picking a name. “Good to know it’s got your approval.”
Taro squeaked with satisfaction as it finished off the last berry, and much like the rest of his siblings, he retired to snuggling against Ingo and taking a nap.
“We’ve gotta show Zisu the kits when they get big enough to leave the nest,” Akari told Ingo as she leaned against his arm to rest along with the sneaslets; they only had about an hour or so to rest before they’d wake up and demand to be fed again. “She asked about them again this morning when I left to meet up with you, and wanted to know how you were doing with your cough and everything.”
Ingo recalled how a week back, he and Akari had gone to the training grounds to let Zisu know he had been gone for the last several days due to an illness, and to apologize for leaving her with no notice, but he would need more time off.
Akari had piped up and told the captain he needed maternity leave, which immediately sent Zisu into a fit of loud, continuous laughter. With a face as red as a pop pod, Ingo had to hastily explain that Akari was thinking of paternity leave, and even then, it was just him taking care of his noble’s newly-hatched kits, part of his duty as a warden. But it was too late; Zisu would never let that go, and Ingo’s flustered explanation had made it even funnier.
“Take as long as you need,” Zisu had told him as she wiped a tear from her eye, a big smile on her face. “But I’m hoping I can see these kits soon!”
“Perhaps this next week or so, I can bring a few of them down when I resume my schedule and return to my station at the dojo.” Ingo thought out loud, repositioning himself slightly to make it more comfortable for Akari to rest against him.
Sneasels were rather energetic creatures, and they grew fast, as all Pokémon did. He suspected that within a week or so, they’d be running around on their back legs and play-fighting, no longer the sleepy, generally-calm bundles of fur they were now. And they were wild too, and meant to stay that way; Ingo at least knew you were not allowed to catch a noble or their offspring. Irida and Calaba had made that very clear to him the moment they found out he liked to utilize the ‘barbaric and cruel’ pokeballs that Jubilife Village and its inhabitants had brought with them. He wasn’t sure he’d want nine wild, uncontrolled (and venomous) sneasels running around the village, when he was trying to do his job.
Perhaps he’d start with one or two, three if Akari wanted to help.
But a part of him was excited to show them to Zisu, names and all. While he was still wary about whether or not they could actually have names, he couldn’t deny names brought character and personality.
Sure, maybe Chomp would grow out of his biting habit. Perhaps Duchess could develop to be the most humble, agreeable one. Maybe Balm would become the most energetic, wired sibling, and Pecha could outgrow her apparent love for the sweet fruit. What was in a name anyways? But Akari was right, names helped set them apart as individuals, rather than just “Lady Sneasler’s kits”.
He looked forward to when they could all meet Zisu.
Ingo coughed again into his scarf. Perhaps bringing more kits at a time would feel manageable once he got over this lingering achiness as well.
But he’d worry about that next week. For now, he settled against the cavern wall and allowed himself to rest, with Akari against his shoulder, and the five sneaslets sleeping in his lap.
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leggerefiore · 9 months
cw: chandelure ingo, fluff
Ingo sighed as you wrapped your arms around him and pulled him into a tight hug. The flames awkwardly flickered inside him as you nuzzled your face right against the translucent skin that contained them. He brought an arm to stroke your hair. The temperature had dropped, he supposed. You must have been cold. Thankfully, his inhuman body produced heat instead of chills like most of his fellow ghost contemporaries.
Autumn had truly taken over Unova. Leaves blew in the wind, sending their myriad of colours swirling within the air before decorating the ground sorrowfully. Cool temperatures consumed the forecast, with a dryer climate promised and unfortunately true. Cold and flu season began to creep in, too. Ingo sighed. He always felt a bit bad about feeding around this time of year. Everyone was out of works and exhausted.
Though, he was thankful for it to be the season where he could go out openly and express himself without desperately trying to hide his Chandelure features. It was assumed to be a costume. Children and adults alike enjoyed his apparent dedication to the spooky season. You were just happy to be able to enjoy a date without getting worried looks or second glances. You both had just visited a food truck that apparently had been selling some pumpkin bread.
Now, you sat together in the dying light of the evening in an embrace. It felt too peaceful – like something undeserved to him. That was not so, however. You would scold him for even thinking so. He allowed himself to enjoy your presence and affection now. It was something that you simply wished to dote upon him, no matter how terrifying the stories of Chandelures bringing about death could get.
“... Say, Ingo?” you asked, and he hummed an acknowledgement in return, “Do you spin?” He was confused.
“Er, how so, do you mean, dearest?” Ingo gazed at with his eerie eyes, their glow becoming more apparent in the growing darkness.
“Like, in a circle. When you're happy. I've been watching Chandelures do it when their trainers play with them,” you explained, a serious look on your face. He felt distressed.
“... I've trained myself not to do any more,” he offered a reply. Ingo had used to. It began as a Lampent and faded when he realised how odd the behaviour came across. He had also managed to get his poor twin to stop doing it, too. It made them stand out too much among the humans. The last thing he wanted was for Emmet to be found out to be an incomplete hybrid.
You pouted at him. “Why?” you questioned, “It's a natural instinct then, and it's adorable.” He sighed. You loved to see him embrace his more ghastly side. It was a strange hobby of yours.
“... I will stand out too much,” he easily explained again. You grabbed one of his fringes and tugged playfully.
“So? Who cares,” you shrugged, “You should be allowed to do simply things that make you happy.” Ingo shook his head. Your ideals were so sweet, so kind, but the reality of truth was not. Humans were quite cruel towards ghost types.
“... I'll do it around you, then,” he offered instead, “Ah, do you expect me to sing, too?” You gasped. Ingo chuckled. A nod from you, and he knew he could not escape this. Well, he supposed it would be better to indulge those instincts just a bit instead of constantly suppressing them.
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crystcrm · 2 years
A male reader blog? In this economy?!? What are the fucking odds?
Unrelated but oogh I love your formatting it's so 👌👌👌 makes my braincell very pleased
Anyways!! Please feel free to disregard this if you aren't actively taking requests, I just wanted to write this idea down before I forgot it haha. So... Ingo, right? Mr train man. The yoinky sploinky.
I'm assuming you've played PLA (if you haven't my bad) but... Perchance some headcanons of a warden ingo and a male reader. Reader is a member of the diamond clan for that sweet forbidden romance.
For specifics, Reader has a weird affinity for Pokemon and has befriended a completely feral weavile that dropped through one of the space time vortexes!! His Weavile is homies with Lady Sneasler so naturally he and Ingo have become friends.
Anyways!! General relationship headcanons between them, perhaps a little sneakiness to avoid getting caught (even if they're extremely obvious and everybody knows) both sfw and nsfw are fine, whatever u feel like doin my man
For a final note, if you do named anons, can I b Bones Anon? Because I eat bones 🦴
Thank u have a good day
hello, hello ! ♡
why, yes, i do so happen to be a male reader blog! also thank you, hehe, i didn't think much about the formatting.. i just got inspired by seeing other writer blogs and went this is my style :)
anyway, looks like not only do we have our first request and first official post, but also my first ever anon! ♡
welcome to the cozy corner, bones anon! 🦴
yes, i have played LA! i've watched some, rp'ed some, but played even fewer for pokémon— i only have shield and LA, and i'm planning to get SV soon though! i absolutely love the idea you've bestowed upon me, ingo is such a skrunkle.
so, without further ado...
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on the downlow ;; ingo x male!reader headcanons
content ;- fluff , nsfw , soft dom ingo , sub reader , anal sex , semi public sex , clothed sex , oral ( ingo receiving with implied reader receiving ) , sexy consent , creampie , cockwarming , implied aftercare , pet names ( darling )
not proofread. nsfw below the cut. minors dni.
> hailing from the diamond clan, values of time were always ingrained within you. sure, you weren't as vocal as adaman, but you held it in your heart. but as one who spends his time around pokémon, you never focused on "wasting" time, but rather "taking your time".
> no matter the type of beast you face, your patience never once ran thin, and you made tons of pokémon friends— some normal, but many out of the norm that many wouldn't ever dare approach.
> be it a raging ursaring, or curious ghosts that lurk, you always found a way to make friends. even this absolute feral weavile that everyone told you to not approach. it took way too much time, but you somehow managed to have it partner up with you.
> of course, with the help of the galaxy expedition team, you had found out that sneasel like cold places! you wanted to give your dear weavile some friends, so you decided to make a trip to the coronet highlands!
> little did you know, this little trip would sow a seed that would sprout over time. you met warden ingo, one who stayed with the pearl clan. it wasn't exactly you who initiated anything— but rather your beloved weavile had took an interest in lady sneasler.
and soon began this little relationship.
> ingo doesn't exactly have the pearl clan's ultimate belief in his heart— perhaps that is why he soon began to accept your presence around him and the pokémon he was the warden of. at first it was just idle chit chat as your weavile and lady sneasler began a friendship of their very own, but soon it grew. you'd exchange gifts and trinkets, things that reminded you of each other. it was wonderful, especially when he'd share a berry with you as he said you were as sweet as it.
> spending time out in the highlands meant it was often cold. despite your protests, claiming that you'll get used to it with "time", ingo's ragged coat would often be drapped around your shoulders. he thinks it's fitting on you, claiming that it was as though the "space" in his coat was perfect to hold someone like you.
> the protection of the ghosts you've befriended will always be something you cherish. for when night falls and you long for the other, they guide you in the darkness to meet him. he is more than happy to have you in his arms at the wee hours, and he secretly thanks the pokémon that guided you to him with little offerings.
> surely enough, some of the diamond clan would question your odd disappearances every time you went to seek him out. you'd never tell them where you went, despite them all being worried for you. after all, despite your patience with pokémon, it simply meant you were just as prone to trouble. sometimes the two of you would meet just outside jubilife, exchanging sweet affections hidden away from the gaze of your clans. nobody would be there, and it was perfect.
> by now, ingo proclaimed himself as an expert on... you. he knew you like his pokémon, the back of his hand. he knew what you'd like, where to find you... where you like to be touched, how his kisses affect you. yes... he does think he knows a lot about you.
he wants to know even more.
> nights in hisui were beautiful— the sky above was always astounding. but only one sight would maintain the spot of ingo's most preferred sight; you between his legs pleasuring him with your mouth. the same mouth that spouts flowery words as flirtacious remarks, the same mouth that peppers kisses across his cheeks. seeing you work so passionately to pleasure him makes him want to do the same to you. he will do the same to you.
> sometimes, touches go a little too far, and before you even knew it, the both of you are entangled in one another out in the open. far away from civilisation, far away from pokémon, the two of you are stuck in your own world with only each other. he holds you tightly by your waist as your legs lock around him, clothes barely tugged apart as he wanted you there and then. you couldn't complain, you wanted him too, after all.
> ingo always listens. "is this okay?" or "are you feeling good, darling?" are words you commonly hear in your ears as he gets intimate with you. holding you in an embrace so dear like no other, he makes sure you're always still there, feeling exactly what he wants you to feel. for as long as you tell him, he'd give his all to you and never less.
> you're intoxicating- addicting even. your tightness around him as him groaning in your ears and he simply wants to feel more. his hands roam all over you with a certain fervor, gripping down as he feels you up. your skin on his, you never expected that he was so close. the only sign you got was a low moan in your ears as he nuzzled in close, hips stuttering before he filled you up. you are always too good to him, and he wants to be just as good to you. he'll see to it that he'll clean up your messes, and he follows through every time.
> being a warden is hard work. it's stressful, especially when some other clan members are being nosy or bossy. when this happens, he can't help but want to seek you out. you are his saving grace, his divine angel that he wants to bask in the light of. when you finally meet him, you realise how pent up he is— but he doesn't want anything more but to feel you around him. he has you in his lap, his arms wrapped around you as he nestles himself within your warmth to stay there for as long as you both would like. the comfort of a lover has never felt better than this.
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crystcrm 2022. do not reupload or plagiarise my works.
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pokemenlovingmen · 1 year
Hello! I just read the thing I requested and I LOVE IT!!! While reading, I was thinking about how tall S/O compared to Ingo would be. I live for tall s/o fr and dw! I love it when the story is long, it just gets me motivated to read more! so while I still have the chance, can I request tall, extremely calm, and works at the subway masc s/o with Ingo and Emmet? (it can be poly, Not blank shipping ofc) - 🚆Anon
man y’all REALLY want to have a
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relationship huh?
I mean… me too though.
I love it, let’s do it!! I just think these pokeguys have had plenty of time to tower over people… if no one is cooking up big spoon reader content, then I’ll do it myself!
Thank you very much for your request, I love the train men haha. And I’m also very glad you enjoyed my previous piece I made for you!! You’re so kind. I’m still very much feeling my way around, trying to figure out what I want from this blog, and y’all have been so sweet. It’s why I feel bad not writing as frequently as I could! I love you guys, my fellow gay yearners out there, y’all are my brothers lmao. I hope you enjoy this one as much as you did the last! (And maybe one day I’ll figure out not just how long I want my actual posts to be, but these intros as well. Too much free space for me to ramble in lmfaooo.) Since you said S/O, I’m going to write this as an established relationship! Also the submas are written as autistic because I’m autistic and I make the rules. Thouuuugh this did end up a little too focused on the twins’ autism coded behavior and I apologize for that. I got a little too into it. But at the same time you can pry autistic submas out of my cold, dead autistic hands I refuse to write them as anything but
The Pillar of Calm — Ingo and Emmet (separately!) with tall, calm depot agent S/O
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⚪️ — Well, no matter what, the most important thing you need to know about him is he loves you verrrrry much!
⚪️ — You two met when you transferred to work at Gear Station after your first long-running job at the Magnet Train station in Johto. Definitely a bit of a culture shock, considering battles are a BIG no-no on those trains, but you figured things out pretty quick. One of the most important parts of adjusting to your new job was, of course, meeting the subway masters to get the proper rundown on how things worked around here, and that’s where it started.
⚪️ — Emmet is a ball of hard-to-contain energy that he constantly needs to express via stimming or just moving around, and even if words aren’t his strong suit, he has a woeful amount of things he wants to say. You being the strong silent type who can somehow keep a level head in any situation and seldom expresses anything, it seems like your personalities would clash horrifically. But when breaks were called around Gear Station, you were one of the first faces Emmet saw as he hopped off the Super Double Line, and you being your grounded self was honestly reassuring to be greeted with after all the stimulation the constant battling is. The more you hung out, the more it became apparent Emmet could just find some calm and steady his tremendous energy with you there to ground him. It ended up becoming a bit of a behind-your-back joke around Gear Station as other depot agents took bets on when one of you would finally stop dragging your feet and ask about being more than friends.
⚪️ — But that was a long time ago. This is the now!
⚪️ — In the same fashion that brought you two together in the first place, you’re one of the first depot agents Emmet sees when he hops off the train for breaks or for closing, and he’ll come bouncing up to you when he sees you. Right away you lock arms—Emmet loves all the excitement of his job, without a doubt, but sometimes he can just overload without even realizing it’s happening. But you’re so stable and your arms are so strong, kind of locking himself to you brings him back down to earth from all the battling adrenaline.
⚪️ — It’s funny watching you two walk hand-in-hand, or with locked arms. You have a very stiff and simple stride and as calm as you are, there are no points of tension or parts of your body that just need to move sometimes. Meanwhile Emmet takes those big, toy soldier-like steps with perfectly straight legs and swings his arms so much, so walking together you’re perfectly still save for whatever arm he’s swinging around with his motions. You’re never bothered, though. It’s all very cute and you don’t mind your arm getting a little sore from Emmet just being Emmet. You wouldn’t have it any other way.
⚪️ — It’s okay that he’s not great with his words or that he can’t script when apart from Ingo if he’s around you. He can talk as much as he wants with no expectations of making sense or proper sentence structure or correct tone. You’re so laid back, you don’t mind any of it. You feel pretty special for being one of the only people on earth who can make Emmet comfortable enough to stray from his usual script and just talk and talk.
⚪️ — Carry him!! If you’re strong enough, that is. When you two get home from a long day of work, you’ll often find your arms full of giggling Emmet. He actually really likes to be held, and not many people are as significantly taller than him as necessary to do that. (Part of the reason why he’s attracted to guys, to be honest. Hold him with those big strong arms!)
⚪️ — Did I mention your calmness is really grounding? Because it is. He knows there’s no judgement with you and you aren’t a struggle to read when you take so much in stride. It’s so rare and strange to say, but Emmet feels like he can make mistakes around you. And have those mistakes not be a bad thing, I mean. He’s always heard of mistakes being learning tools, but they’ve always felt so punishing to him, he never knew why anyone would want to learn through messing up. At least, not until he met you and he realized he could flub his words and commit any social faux pas when he interacts with you, because he knows you won’t judge. You’re safe. When he’s with you, the world isn’t so harsh and judgmental, it doesn’t pick him apart so severely for being “weird” and “different”. It’s so liberating, to feel so safe in making mistakes and knowing you’ll still love him at the end of the day.
⚪️ — And for your part, you struggle feeling strong feelings, especially excitement. So when good things happen, Emmet feels the excitement for the both of you, and his energy definitely seeps over to you! With him around, feelings don’t blend together and fade into each other so easily. He never expects you to change, he loves your calmness, and it only brings him even more delight when you do get excited about something, because that something really must be amazing, then!! It’s just so comforting to have Emmet there and watch him emote for the both of you.
⚪️ — Beyond the actual therapeutic, helpful little things about this behavior, it’s also just adorable. You make that well known, because Emmet likes that you think he’s adorable. Him? Really? Even if his smile is creepy and never goes away, or he’s always tense and shaking around, or his eyes seem too blank or glassy, you think he’s cute? He’s rather insecure about his appearance, actually—he’s been called creepy and weird many times before, mostly regarding his smile and his erratic movements, so hearing you like all that about him is just so, so validating!
⚪️ — You better be a good big spoon because Emmet loves snuggling up to you and being in your arms. If you’re having a bad day, though, your height difference won’t stop him from holding you! He’s lived with Ingo his whole life after all, he’s gotten pretty good at reading fairly minimal indicators of mood since he’s used to going off so little so he always knows how you’re feeling.
⚪️ — Expect a lot of quick shows of physical affection. He’ll crush you in a side-hug for exactly two seconds before running off, he’ll bounce onto his toes to kiss you on the cheek, he’ll nuzzle his head into your shoulder before it‘s about time to get off the couch and head for work, he just likes physical affection and squeezes in it whenever possible. He’s just always very busy, and that applies to just his thought process and usual way of conducting himself, too, but you never complain about his style of affection.
⚪️ — Of course you swap train stories and facts! He’s very fascinated hearing about the Magnet Train, Unova really hasn’t got around to utilizing high-speed railways yet. And if you have any questions about the Battle Subway, he’s happy to answer!
⚪️ — Emmet’s a professional, of course, so he’s not going to be all over you at work, but he doesn’t hide your relationship either. If you’re working his line and he gets off the train in time to spot you, he’ll run over and give you a quick peck before heading off to wherever he’s headed.
⚪️ — Since words aren’t his forte, he uses all these quick shows of affection as his “I love you”s. So Emmet has likely seldom or even never said a verbal “I love you” to you, but that’s okay, because you know that’s what every one of his kisses and hugs mean.
⚪️ — If he’s ever getting overstimulated or just plain riled, you give his hand a comforting squeeze that makes everything slow down a bit.
⚪️ — Ingo loves you, by the way (in a platonic sense). He’s delighted to see someone make his brother so happy, and to see Emmet has found someone he doesn’t have to mask with that’s not just him or Elesa. He would do the classic family move and warn you that you better treat Emmet right, but Ingo doesn’t find that warning necessary. He’s seen you working even before you and Emmet got together and knows you’re not at all fickle about your commitments. He’s not worried.
⚪️ — At the end of a long work day, you can expect to find you and Emmet tangled up in each other’s lanky arms and legs, surrounded by all your Pokemon both on and off the bed. And there Emmet will talk and talk, and probably make no sense while he does it, but that’s alright and he’s just happy to spill his thoughts without worrying about how he structures them. He’ll often go until he’s yawning, at which point you shush your beloved conductor and encourage him to maybe go to sleep.
⚪️ — Before burying his face into your chest or stomach, he’ll mumble out a sleepy “well, next stop: dreamland… aaaall aboooard…!” just because he knows it makes you laugh. You’re so stoic, but he absolutely can make you laugh with ease.
⚪️ — He loves that laugh of yours, because hearing it reminds him how free and happy you two are to express yourselves in the safety of one another’s company.
⚪️ — And when you both wake up in the morning and start getting ready for work all over again, Emmet always manages to find some words with so much less effort than it usually takes him as he barges into the bathroom to help you straighten your tie.
“I am Emmet. And you look verrrrry handsome today.”
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⚫️ — Everything is Emmet’s fault here. I mean… look, he knows that despite what people think, his brother can feel joy and actually feels it quite often, but it can be hard for Ingo to keep up with how upbeat Emmet is and his brother recognizes that as loud as Ingo can get, Ingo is really more built for the quiet and the calm.
⚫️ — (Most of the time. He definitely has his moments, but unlike Emmet he doesn’t have that surplus of energy to always be shaking out. Ingo is just a bit naturally more reserved. He is certainly more verbose than Emmet, but is actually less of a fan of being social than him.)
⚫️ — So knowing he was the personality Ingo spent the most time around, Emmet really got to thinking his brother needed someone who matched his energy levels better. In general, he thinks Ingo needs someone! It makes him verrrry sad, but he knows challengers approach him much more often than Ingo solely because his outward demeanor is more approachable to people. And by god, Emmet is determined to get more people as loud and proud members of the Ingo fan club.
⚫️ — Unceremoniously shoving his poor brother into you, a complete stranger who Emmet deemed to match Ingo’s “vibes”—at their workplace no less!—was probably not the ideal way to go about it, but you guys are dating now so it really is Emmet’s last laugh this time.
⚫️ — Ingo is very quiet and slow with his affection—at least, when he wants to be. There’s a time for words, definitely, but he honestly spins his wheels endlessly when he does talk and considering he has to take charge in that department for both his and Emmet’s sake, he likes being able to wind down with you.
⚫️ — (Definitely not me gay yearning looking up all different types of cuddles but) He likes to sleep in the sweetheart’s cradle position with you. Being nestled in your arms is very comforting for him, and when he can’t sleep, being so close let’s himself get lost in… well, you. He’ll trace his fingers across your skin, just focusing on the texture, listen to your heartbeat as he lays his head on your chest, or bury his head in your side and try and figure out what that body wash you used is supposed to smell like. He can be a restless sleeper, as his mind’s always buzzing every which way, but he always drifts back off eventually when he’s with you.
⚫️ — He does get a little embarrassed about how clingy he can get and how much he wants to be held, though, but you’re just there to love him even if he gets a little flustered about it.
⚫️ — Not huge on PDA because of his self conscious-ness, and NONE at all if you’re at work. This is a professional environment, after all! Of course, you’re so calm and laid back, that’s not an issue for you. Hey, whatever he wants.
⚫️ — Ingo loves his brother, he loves him more than life itself, but despite being identical twins they don’t see eye-to-eye on everything—Emmet’s excitability and energy being something Ingo doesn’t really have. He can get into those moods and does like excitement from time to time, but as much as he adores his job, the constant excitement can be a little much and he can rely on you for some quiet and calm in his life. He doesn’t need to maximize his energy and put on a show to be enough for you.
⚫️ — You’re so quiet, sometimes he worries his lack of volume control upsets you. He’s always so loud, and you’re… not. But you’re okay with him that way, you tell him you understand that’s a hard thing for him to control and the boisterous voice is something you love, anyway. It’s so uniquely him, just something you can hear and smile to yourself about as you think “yep, that’s Ingo”.
⚫️ — Also a bit nervous about publicly being in a relationship, but hey, you’re willing to take it at whatever pace he’s most comfortable with!
⚫️ — You use your height to your advantage, doing stuff that flusters him often—because you know for all his huffing about it, he loves the attention. You swipe his hat sometimes at home and tousle his hair, only to plop it back down all the way over his eyes. You put your arms around his waist when he’s not looking and lift him up, just a little bit—that move is especially useful when Ingo is overworking himself, because he’s literally powerless in that situation and will just hang there, defeated while you carry him somewhere else like you’re a child with an oversized teddy bear.
⚫️ — You and Emmet are some of the only people who can get a real smile out of him. He absolutely still enjoys himself and feels a good amount of joy daily, he just seldom smiles to express it. But you and Emmet are both capable of pushing him into such a good mood, the corners of his mouth twitch up a little bit into his unique half-smile. (Ingo is very self conscious about how unnatural it looks, but you think he’s adorable and it kills him a little every time when you compliment his smile in spite of him growing up hating it. So with how good of a mood he already has to be in in order to get that tiny smile in the first place, that mood only soars higher once you start complimenting said smile. Very pleasant situation he can get himself stuck in.)
⚫️ — Will happily invite you to join him for safety checks on his lines, and even though he’s very much a “no romantic interactions at work” kind of guy, he’s guaranteed to happily infodump about the trains if it’s just the two of you. He’s thankful you’re such a good listener.
⚫️ — One of his favorite shows of affection to you is kissing the back of your hand, especially to say goodbye whenever you need to part ways—and no, he definitely doesn’t go after your hand because he can’t reach your face.
⚫️ — I feel like both he and Emmet need regular reminders to take care of themselves, but Ingo is definitely the more stubborn one in that department, at least when it comes to the business/paperwork side of running the Battle Subway. Emmet throws every ounce of his energy into the battles he loves so much and is so tired by the end of the day, Ingo doesn’t want to make him do it! But in convincing him to step away from work, he’ll at least begrudgingly listen to you.
⚫️ — The only time Ingo’s voice is at its true quietest is at night, when you two are laying next to each other in bed. Your fingers running through his hair, his hand laced with yours, you’re used to him half-consciously mumbling about his feelings when he’s close to falling to sleep, because Ingo’s a sentimental dork and the sleepier he gets, the harder it is for him to hold back rambling like an idiot. He can’t help it! He compensates for his lack of physical emoting by always outright stating what he’s feeling and thinking—at least, most of the time—and though he’s never dishonest about how strong his feelings for you are, a tired Ingo is the sappiest Ingo.
“Mmh… I love you… so much…”
“I love you too, Ingo.”
“I’m so… lucky to have a man like you in my life…”
“You’re sweet.”
“I just love you so much…! With all of my heart…”
“I do too, Ingo. But you should go to sleep now, really.”
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egginfroggin · 1 year
Tell us more about Zisu in iced tracks sub-au
Honestly, I'm not sure how much else there is to say -- the idea was, in the first place, just a silly little thought to feed one of my favorite Pokemon ships, so it's not that developed. I did do a bit more thinking, though.
I am now incapable of deciding whether Zisu is a queen or a knight, thanks to this tag on this post:
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Come to think of it, can someone be both? What happens in all those fairy tales and stories with the princess and the knight and stuff? Is he still a knight after they get married? I have no idea, but either way, she's, uh. She's still terrifying. A knight called a queen is still a knight, I think.
You can take the title off of the knight but you can't take the knight out of the woman.
Zisu took one look at Ingo's bean-pole build and decided that he needed to know physical self-defense. The man is a twig; he needs to know how to throw hands if anything happens to disarm his powers.
(Also, bonding! Love is stored in the over-the-shoulder throws and the in the tight headlocks and the gut punches that aren't blocked)
As mentioned previously, she and Ingo cuddle. A lot. This is great in the summer, because Ingo is very cold, but in the winter? Very cold. Man has perpetually cold feet, and socks can only do so much. There are inevitably complaints.
She is very affectionate! This is just a general thought I have about her, but I like to think that she is very casually affectionate. Slaps people on the back a lot. One-armed hugs. Shoulder pats. Good, suffocating hugs and rib-breaking squeezes.
I'm not sure what Pokemon she has in the AU -- I don't think that I've actually given anyone a full team of six, come to think of it. I'm pretty sure that I want her to have her Honchkrow -- think of it as a very large carrier pigeon if she needs to send a message to anyone -- but I'm not sure what else. I see her with her Zoroark a lot, but her hair also looks quite a bit like her Lopbunny's ears, which could imply a strong bond there, too, so I'm not sure.
Zisu and Emmet... anarchy. Chaos. Sliding down the banisters -- she goes first because he couldn't hold her if she slammed into him on accident. Bringing Duckletts inside. Releasing the Joltik.
Teaming up to drag Ingo into their shenanigans, royal decorum be cursed.
("Oooooooh you wanna freeze the halls and go ice skating with us so bad, yes you do, you wanna do it so baaaaaaad --")
Just having fun. She's not as chaotic as Emmet, but I like to think that she's down for some tomfoolery.
(Yes they get Ingo on the banisters, too)
Thank you for asking! This was fun to answer. Have a good day!
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teamconductors · 2 years
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Lost Tracks of Time, Chapter 27
Summary: Giratina promises a way to send Ingo and Emmet home.
Author's Note:
Despite everything that has happened in this story, I want to give Ingo and Emmet a happy ending. I want them to be happy, even if they’re not quite the same as how they started. They just had to earn it. And they did.
Also! There’s a second Author’s Note at the end of the chapter that explains some things that a certain someone refused to elaborate on :)
Thank you @furiouskettle for designing the blorbos as Sneasels and generally providing the inspiration for this AU!
(Shippers DNI)
“This feels like a bad idea,” Sneasler said. She carried the twins in her basket as the team ventured north past Mt. Coronet. Chandelure’s fires melted the topmost snow layers and turned falling snowflakes into rain but failed to penetrate the permafrost.
“Could have said your doubts a while ago…” Eelektross said as he followed Sneasler and Chandelure.
“We are approaching Icebound Falls. There are no transfer lines or junctions to change our route,” Emmet said.
“I just don’t get how the Icebound Falls was the nearest place Giratina could meet us! I mean, they were in your water jar!” Sneasler said.
“I wonder that myself, but it would be better to ask Giratina ourselves instead of speculating without direction,” Ingo said.
Icebound Falls was a mystery dungeon marked by frozen waterfalls. An entire mountainside had numerous waterfalls stacked on top of each other, but the once-flowing water turned to solid ice long ago. It resulted in towers of ice only interrupted by an entrance into the mystery dungeon. The ice glittered in the morning sun.
“We’re here,” Sneasler said as she flipped the basket over her head, dumping out Ingo and Emmet. Since it had been a while since Sneasler last did that, the twins were not prepared and thus tumbled out like pieces of dizzy crumbled paper.
“So… where’s Giratina?” Eelektross asked.
“Right here.” Giratina in their origin forme approached from the depths of the ice. The Almighty pokemon swam around like how Eelektross once swam through the depths of Electrolyte Lake.
“Good day, Giratina!” Ingo said with a tip of his cap. “If I may ask, for what reason did we need to journey to this stop to discuss your plans?”
“Because that pot was small, and this was the largest window I could find that matched your time period.” Giratina swam forward and dove out the wall, the ice surface rippling in their wake. The eerie presence enhanced the cold weather as they towered over the team. Though they were in their origin forme in the ice, Giratina materialized in their forme with the quadrupedal anatomy. “And I wanted to see you again face-to-face.”
“You wanted to ”match our time period”?” Emmet asked.
“Right. Your realm exists in Time, but mine does not. I can see into your world through reflections, but the reflections I see are not all from this current time,” Giratina said. “For example, I saw a reflection that led to… the Hisui region, around 2 weeks after Ingo’s disappearance. And I saw another from Unova, around 1 month after Emmet’s disappearance. I personally can’t enter through the reflections into time periods that aren’t of the time Dialga calls “current”, but I can make it so you can. How does that sound to you?”
“That’s astounding!” Ingo said. “Is that how you will deliver Emmet and I to those time periods? And the Distortion World will act as a central station for us to transfer lines?”
“You got it,” Giratina said.  
“Did it have to be one month after Emmet went away…?” Eelektross asked. He recalled the house that was once his home centuries ago. The solemn air was bad enough after Arceus took Ingo, but when Emmet disappeared, it was just their pokemon left. Eelektross and Chandelure may have been the oldest members of the twins’ parties, but they were in no condition to lead the other pokemon or provide comfort. It was too quiet. It was too loud. It was too empty. It was too crowded for any of them.
“It was the closest time I could find. You should be thankful I found a portal anywhere close!” Giratina said.
“So… time travel with extra steps?” Sneasler said. “Well, if that works for you two…”
A roar bellowed from the sky. The clouds stopped moving. The wind disappeared in an instant, stilling the cold. The evergreen trees stopped shaking. Snowflakes hung in the air, and when Emmet slapped a few to see what would happen, the snow collected on his hand. The other snowflakes were completely undisturbed.
“Verrrry strange,” Emmet said.
“What… happened?” Sneasler said.
“I think… time has stopped,” Ingo said.
Giratina made a low chuckle that turned into a howling laugh. “OH, NOW THEY SHOW UP?!”
Space warped above the team and across from Giratina. Two dragon pokemon, much larger than even Eelektross, appeared from the twisted space. One was metallic, and the other resembled the figure that decorated the entrance of the Pearl Guild’s main building.
“Oh boy,” Sneasler said. She knew Dialga and Palkia when she saw them.
“This is interesting,” Emmet said, clearly about to pay special attention for the inevitable drama.
“Cleaning up your mess!” Palkia said.
“It takes 3 months to clean up ‘my mess’?!” Giratina said.
“Giratina, your attacks in the timestream caused TWO time loops,” Dialga said. “I had to stabilize the time loops or else the timeline falls apart!”
“And I had to make sure your distortions stayed contained in mystery dungeons! To say nothing of the rips in the fabric of space I had to repair!” Palkia said.
Giratina paused. “…Alright, that’s somewhat important. But did that really take 3 MONTHS?! Especially for you, O Master of Time!”
Dialga turned their gaze away from Giratina. “We… heard that Arceus sent heroes to help you. We were not needed to help you.”
“And we were afraid of getting Red Chained again,” Palkia said. Dialga glared at their counterpart
“…Are you serious?” Giratina’s voice echoed less, taking on a tone that chilled the area. “I SAVED YOU BOTH FROM CYRUS AND HIS RED CHAINS! AND YOU SHITS DON’T RETURN THE FAVOR?!”
And thus began the shouting match of the Creation Trio. Time was already frozen, but the snow fell again only to get stopped as soon as it restarted. Or the wind would kick up and stop repeatedly. The landscape would shift when Palkia took over the conversation. The snow ebbed and waved like an ocean. When Giratina wrestled power from them, all the reflections around the pokemon – in the frozen waterfalls, in icicles hanging off trees, and even the lens of Eelektross’ insomniscope – turned Distortion World blue and violet.
“The legendaries are rather screwed up, huh…?” Eelektross said.
“Somehow, I’m not surprised,” Sneasler said. Her claim was dismissive, but as she watched Giratina verbally tear into their siblings, Sneasler found hot anger climbing her up as well. Giratina was in grave danger, but no one with great power helped them. Arceus decided to send Ingo and Emmet to their time instead of dealing with it themself, and that was enough for Dialga and Palkia to ignore the problem with their sibling? The Lake Trio had an excuse, but Sneasler started to think it flimsy. How many pokemon could have stopped Team Wish? Why did it have to be her and the twins?
Why did it have to be them? Sure, she encouraged Ingo and Emmet to take on Volo when they thought it was their duty, but it was moreso about getting the twins out of their depressive funk than it was encouraging them to embrace their destiny or some crap. They took on the challenge and won, but it sucked that they had to bear the fate of a legendary pokemon on their shoulders. Why did Arceus have to steal one of the twins away for Hisui instead of both? Why did they have to remember their trauma from time travel and their horrific transformations? Why did these Almighty pokemon not give a damn about other pokemon and only pretended to be compassionate? Why did Sneasler have to be the one connected to these bastards by her divine heritage?
Sneasler took a couple steps forward toward the Almighty pokemon. “HEY!”
Dialga and Palkia turned to stare at Sneasler.
“Sneasler? What is your plan?” Ingo asked.
“I want to see where this route goes,” Emmet said.
“For being such mighty pokemon, you are giant cowards!” Sneasler felt a chill down her spine as the two pokemon stared into her soul, but she kept going. “What, you were scared of getting Chained? Yeah, so was I! And did that stop me or these guys from doing the stuff we needed to do? HELL NO! And guess who’s the ones that saved your sibling and the world?” Sneasler grabbed Ingo and Emmet by the scruff of their necks and held them up to the two Almighty pokemon. “THESE GUYS! These weird little Sneasels did it!”
“I am Emmet.” Emmet waved at the two legendary pokemon.
“G-Good day, Dialga and Palkia…” Ingo said as he tipped his cap. “My name is Ingo.”
“Greetings.” Palkia gave them a single wave. “As we said, Lady Sneasler, those two were sent by Arceus to handle the threat. What is the issue?”
“That even if it was their job to do the saving, you still coulda helped and made the job easier. If it wasn’t for the guildmasters and Team Galaxy showing up at the last second, WE WOULD HAVE LOST! Giratina would have died from absorbing all 18 Plates!” Sneasler said.
“…Alright then, Noble of the Cliffs. What do you want us to do?” Dialga asked with a sharpness in their voice.
“I don’t know! …Apologize! Say sorry to these guys and to Giratina!” Sneasler said. She gently lowered Ingo and Emmet back to the ground.
“…Sorry,” Palkia said.
“Palkia!” Dialga shouted at their counterpart.
“What?! Lady Sneasler is right!” Palkia glared at Dialga. “Or do you want to pretend that these pokemon are better than you?”
“…Fine. I am sorry as well,” Dialga said.
Giratina rolled their eyes. “Oh, sure. That was very convincing. Prove it. Help me help these two, because THEY’RE the ones that actually saved my life!” Giratina formed two sets of shadow hands to point at Ingo and Emmet.
“Ah, right. Your “plan” to circumvent my domain by using yours… it has flaws,” Dialga said. “Palkia and I can fix them.”
“Before we do that, I need to ask something: what did you do to those two?” Palkia pointed to both Ingo and Emmet. “Because two rifts formed in the space-time fabric seven days ago, and we traced back the cause to those two manifesting.”
“What.” Sneasler, who just spent a minute defending the Almighty pokemon, glared at Giratina. Chandelure joined her in glaring but coupled it with burning their flames brighter. Eelektross was too concerned about Emmet to be angry. Ingo’s heartbeat faster as he recalled Giratina needing to “reconstruct” him and Emmet. Emmet was consumed by morbid curiosity.  
Giratina felt the Pressure surrounding them. “…I suppose I’ll discuss this now… Ingo and Emmet destroyed their original bodies to save me, so I tried my hand at remaking them. But I am not of the same realm as the rest of you. My abilities are not connected to your world. I remember back when I first came to this world after my banishment, a space-time rift formed from my presence. The same thing probably happened with them.” Giratina looked at Ingo and Emmet. “Sorry. I did the best I could, but you’re not humans or Sneasels anymore.”
“…May we ask you clear the station for a moment of privacy?” Ingo asked. His voice had little inflection, like he was manually controlling his tone.
“Sure,” Giratina said. In a silent agreement, Palkia slashed at the air. A Spacial Rend formed, teleporting the Creation Trio to some unknown location.
“…I did think it was strange that Emmet and Ingo were unharmed after they freed Giratina…” Eelektross said.
“Same, but… what the hell?” Sneasler asked. “Did you two know about this?”
“We… did not know that we weren’t Sneasels anymore,” Ingo said. “I feel no difference between this body and my normal Sneasel self.”
Sneasler noticed Ingo’s pause to figure out phrasing. “…Did you know that you two basically died?”
“…Yes,” Ingo said. He saw Emmet give him a surprised and almost scared look. “While I try to keep my conduct up to reassure passengers, I do not think it will be good to continue hiding it from our friends.”
Sneasler clasped her hands together and held them in front of her mouth. “You two are going to steer me into an early grave. You literally…!” She stammered as she tried to figure out what to say, but she gave up and groaned into her hands.
Seeking some sort of comfort, Chandelure floated to Ingo and pleaded at him.
Ingo began petting Chandelure. “Please do not worry, my Chandelure. It’s just like when you met us again after we turned into Sneasels. Our engines are the same, even if the rest of the locomotive isn’t.”
“…If we are not human or Sneasels, what are we?” Emmet asked. Perhaps it was his imagination, but Emmet felt the crack remnants in the gem on his chest. He just got past the disgusting feeling of his body not being his, but now the uncertain feeling was replaced by fact.
Ingo hummed. “Let me ask you this: who are you?”
Emmet gave Ingo a perplexed expression. “I am Emmet.”
“Precisely! And I am Ingo. We are Subway Masters. We are Pokemon Rescuers. I am a Warden. You are a Pokemon Trainer. Does that make sense?”
Emmet hummed as he thought over Ingo’s words. “It makes sense.”
“You don’t sound confident…” Eelektross said.
“I just need time to think,” Emmet said. “This is… a lot.”
“I agree. But for now, do those words suffice?” Ingo asked.
“…For now, yes.” Emmet nodded and smiled. Despite the uncertainty of his words, his smile was genuine.
“We’re back,” Giratina said as they, Dialga, and Palkia reappeared from a Spacial Rend.
“As I suspected, Giratina’s method was flawed,” Dialga said. “It failed to account for how time passes in the reflections, making the seamless time travel you desire impossible.”
“And you would need to use the same reflection to arrive at the same entry point. If the source of the entry reflection is destroyed, you would be trapped in that time,” Palkia said.
“So, their idea can’t happen…?” Eelektross asked.
“Nope. These two will help me smooth out the issues,” Giratina said.
“The three of us can put part of our power into a key,” Dialga said. “It will allow you to use any reflective surface as a portal and ensure that your exit and reappearance have less than 0.01 seconds difference between each other. For the sake of timeline and spacial stability, we will split the key into two pieces, one for each of you to hold.”
Sneasler raised an eyebrow. “You’re… really going all out for these guys, huh?”
“They owed me big time,” Giratina said.
“You can decide the exact shape of your key,” Palkia said. “I recommend something portable.”
“Hm… Two keys…” Ingo hummed and grabbed the rim of his hat as he began brainstorming.
“Something portable,” Emmet said as he began pacing back and forth in a circle, his arms and legs swinging straight about. “And we hold one piece each.”
“The key acts as a link between time periods, where the Distortion World is acting as the central station,” Ingo said.
“You could probably do something like some gems or, y’know, a literal key!” Sneasler said.
“No.” Emmet stopped his pacing to point at Sneasler and the ground. “This is our choice. It can be better than simple keys.” He resumed his pacing.
“Considering the purpose is to connect time and space into a single, smooth track, what if… What if our keys took the form of something symbolic for connecting rail tracks?” Ingo asked.
“Like rail fastening?” Emmet asked.
“Yes, like rail fastening systems!”
“Like the Last Spike!”
Ingo’s eyes brightened. “Like the Last Spike! What a fantastic idea, Emmet!”
“I like that idea, too!” Emmet briefly flapped his sleeves around and turned to Dialga and Palkia. “I want my key piece to be a rail spike!”
“And I would like mine to take the form of a spike maul!” Ingo said.
“Of course… Of course that’s what you chose,” Sneasler said to herself.
“Why are you surprised? What else did you expect…?” Eelektross asked.
Dialga and Palkia shared a glance. Resigned to the fate they chose for themselves by not assisting Giratina earlier, they shrugged and poured their energy into balls of chromium blue and pearlescent pink. Giratina joined in with their own manifestation of power, formed in a ball of dulled gold energy. The orbs combined and shined white that bounced off the frozen landscape’s snow, hurting the eyes of the non-Almighty pokemon.
When the light subsided, the orb split, and the halves approached the twins. Ingo and Emmet held their light in their hand. Emmet’s light solidified into a silver-white rail spike, while Ingo’s light solidified into a spike hammer with a black handle. Blue, pink, and yellow gems decorate the hammer head and the side of the spike.
“Bravo!” Ingo said.
“Would these weaken the spike’s strength?” Emmet asked, pointing at the gems on his spike.
“Emmet, please do not be rude, and I doubt it matters,” Ingo said.
“Here is how they work: when you enter through a distorted reflection into a time period, use the keys on the reflection you came from. The keys store information about the location and time of the portal. When you’re ready to leave, use it on another reflective surface, and that reflection turns into a portal that connects to where you entered the time from. Got it?” Palkia asked.
“That makes enough sense,” Ingo said. “But are there limitations and safety rules we need to know of?”
“Absolutely, but the rules focus on time travelling specifically. The most important rule is that you do not try to change the main timeline, especially about events and facts you already know. For example, you know that trains were not prominent in Hisui or Sinnoh, so do not try to add a train system to those regions in the past,” Dialga said.
Emmet raised his hand. “Can we build a train system here?” He pointed to the ground, referring to their current time period.
“…Sure, if you would like to?” Dialga shrugged. “Well, in addition, all other persons you meet must stay in their place in time. Therefore, the Noble of the Cliffs, Chandelure, and Eelektross cannot follow you into other time periods. It is risky enough I am making an exception for you two.”
“Fiiiiine…” Sneasler said. Not that she had the desire to time travel with the twins, but she at least wanted to go with them briefly to make sure they arrived at their stops safely.
“And lastly, you must keep this power and the purpose of the spike and hammer a secret. You cannot even tell your pokemon. I do not need to explain why,” Dialga said.
“Very well. Emmet and I will be able to follow those rules with rigor,” Ingo said.
“We can follow the rules and be safe,” Emmet said. Behind him, Eelektross covered Sneasler’s mouth before she could start listing every rule they broke during their adventuring.
“And if you ever break those rules, we will know,” Dialga said.
“Have fun with your journey, Ingo and Emmet. Don’t do anything that we need to fix,” Palkia said.
Dialga and Palkia disappeared to return to their domains. The wind blew and the snow fluttered, letting Team Conductors and Giratina know that time resumed in the Icebound Falls.
“Alright. Cool. Congrats on getting stuff with the powers of the Creation Trio, guys,” Sneasler said.
Ingo inspected the spike hammer by turning it around in his hands. “For something carrying so much power, it feels light. How astounding, to be both lightweight and strong!”
Emmet also inspected his spike, noting that the blue gems outnumbered the pink and yellow ones. “I will call this the Rail Spike of Time.” He finished inspecting his spike and placed it within his coat.
“Then my tool shall be called the Spike Maul of Space!” he said as he placed the spike hammer in his coat.
“Wouldn’t they both be “of Time” and “of Space”?” Sneasler asked. Chandelure held out a flame in front of Sneasler’s face, mimicking Eelektross covering her mouth. Sneasler glared at the ghost pokemon.
“Perhaps we should give our tools a safety check before embarking on our journey?” Ingo asked Emmet.
“Oh, we’re not done here,” Giratina said. “Let’s go to the Distortion World. It will be better to explain your new bodies and their capabilities there.”
“”Their capabilities”?” Emmet asked.
“Yep. Sorry for making you into Not Pokemon anymore, but I think there will be some upsides.” Giratina flew back into the reflection of the ice, leaving ripples behind while they disappeared into the realm. “Follow me.”
Ingo approached the ice and held his hand out to touch it. He still felt the solid cold ice, but the surface rippled like liquid water. Ingo took Emmet’s hand.
“All aboard!” Ingo and Emmet jumped into the reflection portal.
“HEY!” Sneasler ran and jumped in after the twins. Eelektross and Chandelure followed suit.
Team Conductors found themselves jumping out of the waterfall yet landing on solid ground. The island supported more than enough landscape to have the six pokemon stand together. Even Eelektross and Giratina floated above rocks instead of having even part of their bodies hanging off into the Distortion World’s void.
“I was hoping to reveal the biology stuff in here, but Dialga and Palkia ruined that plan…” Giratina said. “I know that getting your bodies rebuilt by me isn’t fantastic, but there is one major benefit. All of you, close your eyes.”
“Uh, okaaay…” Sneasler glared at Giratina one more time before she covered her eyes with her hands.
Chandelure simply closed their eyes, which looked like the yellow spotlights turned off. After a moment of hesitation, Eelektross closed his eyes as well.
Ingo and Emmet were the last ones to follow Giratina’s direction, holding their hands over their eyes.
“One,” Giratina said.
Ingo’s body weakened. He stumbled forward and caught himself before falling. Emmet was overcome with wavy unsteadiness, much like standing up in a train pulling into a station.
Ingo’s nausea worsened, spreading from beyond his head and invading his body. He wanted to trust Giratina, but the image of the Deep Shadow attacking him twice made it difficult for his heart. Likewise, Emmet felt something bubble inside him as dizziness came over him in waves. He recalled Chained Giratina stretching out his body as a form of torture, though whatever they were currently doing was painless.
The dizziness vanished from the twins at once, leaving their bodies like a spirit that once possessed them. The relief was immediate.
“Open your eyes!” Giratina flourished their wings for showmanship.
“HOLY SHIT!” Sneasler said.
The first thing Ingo noticed when he opened his eyes was that he was taller, though Giratina still towered over him. The second thing he noticed was his hands. Instead of two large, curved claws, he had five fingers per hand. He noticed that more fabric covered his body; he still wore his frayed coat, but the rest of his Subway Master uniform was there as well.
“Wow,” Emmet said, prompting Ingo to look at him.
A gasp escaped from Ingo. Emmet was not a Sneasel. Emmet looked human. When Ingo realized he stood at eye level with Emmet, he felt his own face to confirm his suspicions. Ingo found no fur nor gem embedded in his head. His cap no longer bent his ear.
“We’re human again? Outstanding!” Ingo said. “Or, would it be more precise to say ‘we look human again’?”
“Yep. Since you’re part of my domain now, I can distort your appearances into human-shape and back into Sneasel-shape. But you should be able to do it by yourself eventually. Just don’t let anyone else see the transformation. It’s not pleasant to witness,” Giratina said.
“That is interesting…” Emmet said. Barely a week ago, he was so consumed by dissociation of his body and mind that he could not use attacks for a time. But now it was like he was back in his old body.
“Incredible…”Eelektross gasped. He floated around and circled Emmet. Eelektross held open his hand, and Emmet gladly placed his hand in his partner's claws. Though Eelektross got larger since he last saw Emmet as a human, his trainer's thin hand felt the same.
Chandelure made no noise, and their flames stilled as they stared at Ingo. It was surreal to see Ingo as a human, especially as his younger self. This version of Ingo still held a tiredness in his eyes, but he truly looked young again. Chandelure felt something well in the corner of their eyes.
“But there’s one other thing… THINK FAST!” Giratina formed two Aura Spheres in front of their mouth and shot them at Ingo and Emmet. Eelektross prepared to use Discharge and Chandelure prepared a Shadow Ball, but Sneasler barked at them to wait.
The twins charged into action without thinking. Poison covered Ingo’s hand as he Jabbed the sphere. Emmet, meanwhile, formed an Ice Beam in his hands and shot it at the sphere headed to him. Both spheres were destroyed, their energy grazing past Ingo’s and Emmet’s skins.
“Did… Did you just use Poison Jab and Ice Beam??” Sneasler asked.
Ingo looked at his hand as the poison slid off his fingers. “It appears so…”
“Like I said, I distorted your appearances, but you’re still Sneasel-shaped on the inside. Obviously, there’s some more rules, not just the ones from Dialga and Palkia. Don’t visit doctors, they’ll notice something weird. You probably won’t need them anyway.”
“…Did Nurse Gaeric ever say anything about my body while I was resting?” Ingo asked his team.
“He did say “we are some weird Sneasels” at one point,” Emmet said. “But that was it.”
“To continue, don’t let anyone throw a pokeball at you. You will go inside if it hits. Obviously, only use moves when human shaped if absolutely needed. And if you somehow get injured, don’t let anyone see you bleed. Your blood isn’t red,” Giratina said. “Just use common sense to hide the weirdness. Got it?”
“So, to confirm, we can transform between “human shape” and “Sneasel shape”?” Ingo asked.
“Yep. It’ll make time travelling between three times a lot easier to hide, right?” Giratina said.
“Hey, uh, aren’t you two worried about burning out?” Sneasler asked. “Because it sounds like you’ll be going back and forth a lot. I get you have duties to do, Ingo, but you’re gonna wear out your wheels at some point!”
“Nope. Their bodies have much more stamina now. In fact, they don’t age anymore. You two are technically immortal unless killed… or unless I revoke it,” Giratina said.
“This is convenient,” Emmet said.
“You sound confident… How’d you learn to do all this…?” Eelektross asked to Giratina.
Giratina snickered. “This isn’t the first time I made someone immortal. The first time was Volo.”
“Wait wait wait, what?!” Sneasler pointed at Giratina and the ground. “YOU were the one who made Volo immortal?! It wasn’t Arceus?”  
Giratina laughed. “You thought ARCEUS made Volo immortal?!” They laughed again. After regaining their breath, they said, “Why do you think they sent two humans to deal with him? Arceus didn’t want to touch that human with a lightyear-long pole! Yeah, I made Volo immortal and banished him to walk the earth. He was still human, unlike you two, but he didn’t die until a bunch of legendaries got sick of humanity’s wars and got rid of them all!”
Sneasler found herself feeling like a fool for believing the other Nobles’ assumption about Volo’s immortality. She recalled her ancestors seeing Volo in passing well beyond Hisuian times, but they had little to work off for how he stayed alive. Arceus was responsible for their condition as Nobles, so it only made sense. Sneasler still felt like an idiot, though.
“Okay, I think I covered everything, and I’m tired of my own voice. Where are we going first?” Giratina asked.
“Well, you want to see Elesa soon, correct?” Ingo asked Emmet.
“…Let us set Hisui as our destination,” Emmet said.
“Is something wrong?” Ingo asked.
“…I am not prepared to face her,” Emmet said. His smile dropped for a moment as he looked at Ingo. He needed his brother to know that he was serious.
Ingo nodded. “Very well. May we take the Hisui line then, Giratina?”
“Gladly.” Giratina flew down and set their body on the island.
Ingo and Emmet both tried to climb up Giratina but found themselves unable to grip the pokemon’s body. They both forgot that their claws were gone.
“Pffffft! Wow, do I need to teach you guys to climb all over again?” Sneasler approached the twins. Before she could grab and lift Ingo, a purple-blue aura surrounded him and lifted him onto Giratina’s back. The same aura surrounded Emmet but only managed to take off his coat and cap.
“Oh, he’s still dark-type…” Eelektross said to Chandelure, whose body glowed purple-blue. “Please put his coat back on…”
Chandelure nodded and used Psychic to put Emmet’s coat and hat back on.
“Alright, let me help you out, weirdo,” Sneasler said. She ducked and grabbed Emmet’s legs, making him yelp. “Just keep standing, I’ll give you a boost.” By using some more strength than she was used to for carrying the twins, Sneasler lifted Emmet onto her shoulders.
“Thanks,” Emmet said. Sneasler was only slightly taller than their human forms, but she provided enough height to grab onto Giratina without sliding off.
“I apologize that you cannot be passengers with us…” Ingo said.
“Just get back safely, please…” Eelektross said.
“I’ll take good care of them. I promise,” Giratina said.
“Yeahhh, can you please be less creepy when you say that?” Sneasler asked.
“No,” Giratina said.
Sneasler opened her mouth to respond, but upon finding she had no rebuttal for the Almighty pokemon, she just closed it again and facepalmed.
“Well, if Dialga and Palkia are correct, we should return with no delay or schedule change,” Ingo said. “This is not a goodbye. We will return to this station soon.” He tipped his hat to his sister and friends.
“We will be back. Later,” Emmet said.
“We’ll be waiting for you…” Eelektross said.
Giratina flapped their wings and began their take off. Eelektross had to nudge Chandelure through the ice’s reflection and out of the Distortion World. Eelektross followed after Chandelure, and it took him a few seconds to fully fly through the portal.
“Giratina, if anything happens to those two, I will find a way to kill you,” Sneasler said while pointing at the Almighty pokemon.
“I do not doubt it.” Giratina turned their head and said in a lower voice, “I envy you two.”
"Final call, I guess. Time to clear the station." Sneasler gave the twins a salute, which they returned in unison. With one last nod of confidence, she followed Chandelure and Eelektross out of the Distortion World.
“Follow the rules and drive safely! We are aiming for victory!” Emmet said.
“ALL ABAORD!” Ingo and Emmet said together as Giratina finally took off.
Giratina flew through the Distortion World. At first, the twins thought they had to hold onto Giratina’s golden armor to stay on their train as they soared past numerous floating islands. But they soon realized that Giratina had their own gravity that prevented Ingo and Emmet from falling. Even when some of the larger islands tried to pull Ingo and Emmet into their own gravity, Giratina’s power overcame theirs. Even waterfalls that Giratina flew near warped around them.
Ingo stroked his chin while thinking over what he needed to do first at Hisui. “…Oh! Emmet, does my appearance resemble yours?”
“Yes?” Emmet said. He gave Ingo a confused look. “How come?”
“If you recall, when we crossed paths in the timestream, I looked a couple years older than you due to my time in Hisui. But if I look like how I did before my departure from Unova, the others might find my altered appearance suspicious.”
“Oh, I get it.” It was painful for Emmet to remember the events of the timestream, but he was able to recall how old Ingo looked. “That would be strange.”
“You could probably brush it off as some space-time distortion nonsense, but alright. Close your eyes,” Giratina said.
Ingo and Emmet were both consumed in the nausea-inducing simultaneous transformation. Emmet noted that the wavering focused in his face. But as soon as the feeling arrived, it passed through them just as fast.
“You can open them now,” Giratina said. “You’re lucky I remembered how you looked like back then, Ingo.”
Ingo and Emmet opened their eyes. Ingo noticed that Emmet’s face had put on a few years. He even had a goatee matching his own.
“Impressive.” Emmet instantly recognized Ingo’s new appearance as how he saw him in the timestream – older face, strange pink tunic, and a notably stronger but tired posture. “Can we transform into other shapes besides human and Sneasel?”
“Do you want to?” Giratina asked.
“No, I am just curious,” Emmet said. It was bad enough when he was a Sneasel, so he did not have to deal with turning into more pokemon. It amused him, though, that the “Sneasel-shape” was his real form and that his “human-shape” was the illusion. At least his body still felt real. It certainly did to Eelektross.
“So this means that we can alter our appearance to match with our age…” Ingo hummed. “Even if our bodies will now allow us to tire from age, how long can we continue on this journey? Eelektross mentioned that they remembered our funeral.”
“Wait, really? Well, that sucks… Since your old pokemon remembered that, that means you’ll have to fake your deaths eventually,” Giratina said. “I guess this is why Dialga usually induces memory-hiding stuff in people affected by time travel. I recommend going back to the future time and live out the rest of your days as Sneasels.”
“…Hm. I’m not sure how I feel about it yet, but hopefully that destination is far, far in the horizon,” Ingo said.
“Yeah, we can deal with it later. Let’s enjoy the now,” Giratina said.
After a few more minutes, Giratina arrived at an island with a waterfall wider than those Ingo and Emmet had seen within the Distortion Realm.
Giratina floated to land onto the island. “Here’s the window into Hisui.”
In the water was an image. It depicted a snow-covered field with ice spires poking out and rising from the white. Bergmites, rocky Avaluggs, and Mamoswine were among the pokemon depicted.
“Do you recognize this stop?” Emmet asked Ingo.
“Yes. It’s the Alabaster Icelands – Avalugg’s Legacy to be specific,” Ingo said.
“Then our approaching stop is Avalugg’s Legacy,” Emmet said. “Are you ready to depart?”
Ingo stared at the image. He could see, far in the background, the tents of the Pearl Clan Settlement.
“Ingo, are you ready for departure?” Emmet asked.
“Y-Yes! I am ready.” Ingo inspected his coat and straightened his cap. He pointed forward and at the ground. “All aboard!”
With their respective tools in hand, Ingo and Emmet walked into the water.
Author’s Second Note:
Q: What are the two time loops that Dialga had to stabilize?
Time Loop #1 was caused by the first chronological attack Chained!Giratina did, which was to Emmet and the second time to Ingo. When the attack happened, Arceus changed the twins’ course from ‘going home’ to ‘rescue the Deep Shadow’, transformed them into Sneasels, and sent them forward in time to a short while before Giratina gets Chained.
But, as Team Wish mentioned, they moved on from Operation Memento (forced reincarnation to draw Volo out) to Operation Retaliate (collect the Plates to usurp Arceus) because they thought Ingo reincarnated as a Sneasel. This assumption caused Giratina to get Chained and ordered to attack all time travellers… and ensures that Ingo and Emmet are sent into the future to cause the Almighty pokemon to get Chained.
Time Loop #2 was caused by Giratina’s second attack, aka the time Ingo was nearly killed from protecting Akari. As Arceus mentioned, this attack caused Ingo to get sent further back in time, leading him to become the new Warden for Lady Sneasler and making a smoother path for Akari to Seek Out All Pokemon and defeat Volo.
AND because Volo is defeated in this timeline (and gains immortality for a couple centuries), this ensures that Team Wish is created in the far-flung future, which then ensures that Giratina becomes Chained and attacks Ingo in the timestream. This also means that Time Loop #1 is inside Time Loop #2!
This does mean that Team Wish accidentally ensured not only their defeat but also Volo’s defeat. Oops.
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Surprise Adoption - Ch 8
Ingo held the crying Dawn in his arms, considering his options. He decided right then and there. She would stay with him and Emmet for the time being.
Word Count: ~2000
It had been a month since Dawn’s arrival at the twins’ apartment, and they decided they wanted to do something to show her how much they enjoyed having her around. She had opted to stay home that day, which allowed the brothers some time at the station to prepare. They had ensured to leave Gliscor and many of the Joltik with her to ensure she didn’t get bored (though she had her team with her, so that was doubtful) as they went to work, speaking about what they could possibly do. Both brothers wanted to make sure that evening was a special one. 
The station was packed. It seemed odd to Ingo, as it was only a Thursday afternoon, but it seemed that the station was bustling with people, more so than usual. He was hardly able to weave through the crowd to ensure that the correct trains showed up at the correct times, much less ensure safe boarding. His voice was loud enough to carry over the crowd, thankfully, drowning out most other noise in order to be heard. 
Despite the odd conditions of the day, nothing stuck out extraordinarily. He spoke with Emmet, checked in with their niece at lunchtime and ensured she was alright, ran the Singles Line, and then met up with Emmet to do a few runs of the Multi Line. By the time they were prepared to head home for the night, it was already 8:15 pm. The sun had set not too long ago, the afterimage of the celestial body casting a few last-minute warm tones on the undersides of clouds as it slipped away. 
The pair stopped by a local bakery as they set off for home, also carting a little surprise. They were not the only ones who knew that today was the one-month anniversary of her arrival in Unova, after all. 
They said nothing as they stepped up to the door, Emmet bouncing excitedly on his heels and flapping his hands as Ingo placed the key in the lock, twisting the knob open and entering their apartment with a shout of, “Dawn? We have arrived!” 
“In here!” her voice called from the kitchen. Something amazing permeated Ingo’s nose as he let Emmet in, shutting the door behind them both as they quickly undressed from their uniforms. Ingo took one of the items and laid it gently in the closet, out of sight for the moment. Emmet hid another in his pocket. The last one they carried in a box into the kitchen to greet their niece. 
“Dawn!” Emmet’s voice rang out as she giggled suddenly from the other room. He must have tackled her in a hug. 
“H-hi, Uncle Emmet!”
“Hello, Dawn. Was your day eventful?” Ingo asked as he strode in, leaving the box on the counter and ruffling her hair, wondering what that fantastic smell was. 
“Not too bad. What about you guys?” She was leaning against the oven, purposefully faced so that her body covered the window and did not allow them to see inside. Ingo noted that the oven was not on. 
“It was verrry busy,” Emmet said with a sigh. 
“Indeed. It felt like there were twice the number of usual passengers today,” Ingo added. He loosened his tie and removed it, unbuttoning the top button of his shirt. Emmet did the same. 
“Well, hopefully tonight won’t be as busy,” the girl said. “I have a surprise for you guys.” 
“Oh?” Ingo asked, raising his eyebrows. Emmet’s face brightened, no longer looking as tired. His brother cocked his head. 
“We did too!” Ingo stared at him before he could say more, though his mirth never left him. 
“Yeah! Uh.” She looked around awkwardly for a second. A Joltik nudged her neck in encouragement and she ducked down, opening the cold oven and grabbing something out. “I made this for you guys because its been a full month now.” It was a batch of cupcakes, all decorated with black and white frosting in alternating colors. On the tray, they spelled out: THANK YOU <3. “I wanted to say thanks for taking me in and letting me stay with you. I know I’m not the easiest person to care for and I-”
She was cut off by a bear hug from Emmet. Ingo managed to get the pastries out of Dawn’s hands before it happened, placing them gently on the counter and hugging her, too. Emmet was vibrating. “We have things for you!” Emmet said merrily. He was grinning broadly. He sprung apart and raced to the counter, pulling out the box they had retrieved. It had a clear panel on the top and it gave view to an ornately decorated cake, which simply read, BRAVO! WE ARE SO VERRRY PROUD OF YOU. “It is pinap flavor! Your favorite,” Emmet added. 
“The cupcakes are an even split of chocolate for Uncle Ingo and coffee for you, Uncle Emmet. I think those are your favorites?” She phrased the sentence more like a question than a statement. 
Emmet set the cake back on the counter as he rejoined their hug, grinning broadly. Even Ingo had cracked a small smile. “Thank you, Dawn. It is very thoughtful of you,” Ingo said. “We have something for you from Drayden and something from Elesa, as well. They were not able to make it here for the evening, but they wished to send you something for the occasion as well.” Emmet bounced up and raced to the closet before Ingo could say anything, making him chuckle. He returned within seconds. 
“Close your eyes, Dawn!” he called out. She did as he asked. He entered the room with two wrapped items, both finished off with a ribbon. He set one of the objects into each of her hands. “Open!” Emmet clapped as Ingo stood back a little to allow her to examine the items. 
One was a rather decently-sized box. 
The other was a bright red Pokeball with a deep pink ribbon tied around it. 
Dawn looked between them, trying to decide which to open first. She picked the Pokeball. SHe gently set the box down on the ground and unraveled the ribbon softly, making sure not to rip it. Once she had, she pressed the button, aiming for an empty spot in the dining room. The beam of light emerged as the ball opened, expanding and morphing into a familiar shape to the twins. As the light faded, leaving a creature behind, it chirped at them. 
Their eyes widened. 
The little Axew took them all in with large eyes, the satin pink bow on its neck that matched the one on its ball prominent. It stood uncertainly on two wobbly hind legs. Dawn knelt down, holding out her hand as her eyes sparkled. It chirped again as it toddled forward, half-falling, half-nuzzling into her hand. Its purple eyes looked up at her as she cooed at it. “Oh my Sinnoh, she’s so cute. Her big purple eyes and she’s so small and how old is she? There’s no way she’s that old.” 
“That’s a shiny.” Emmet’s voice was flat as ever, but his face showed the pure shock he felt. Dawn paused in her petting of the infant for half a second before she resumed, a new fervor in her movements. She noted something on the bow. Her hands removed the soft fabric, carefully taking and unraveling the paper attached with one hand, using the other to heft the Axew into her lap. 
“Dear Dawn,” she read aloud, “Today marks a full month since your arrival to Nimbasa to stay with my nephews. In honor of this, I wish for you to have this infant bred recently. I have been showing Iris the joys of rearing infant Axew and this one was a special surprise that she insisted I should send. It is a shiny, with an ability known as Mold-Breaker. Raise it well, and it may be one of the most loyal companions you will ever have. 
We hope that things have been going well for you. You are always a joy to see and Iris especially talks of you all the time. We hope to come visit you all soon, but in the meantime, take care of this little one for me. Ask the twins if you have any questions. I gave them their Haxorus when she was a baby, too, so they have some experience with dragons! 
Let us know if you need anything at all. Make sure to eat regularly and battle fiercely! 
-Your Great-Uncle Drayden.” 
Her voice was choking up by the end of the letter. Axew had begun to drift off in her lap from all the excitement. Ingo and Emmet knelt beside her, each smiling in their own way, as Emmet presented the other box to her. She took it tearfully and carefully unwrapped it, untying the yellow ribbon and opening the white cardboard to peer inside. 
She lifted out a jacket. It looked exactly like the work uniforms the twins wore, except for a couple key points. The main color was gray, for one. The buttons on it were still silver. The jacket was clearly meant for a more feminine figure, as the collar was not quite as tall as the twins’ and the jacket was cut off just below the hips instead of down by the calves. She stared at it for a long moment, seeing her own name stitched into the silver lining. 
“Try it on, Dawn,” Ingo encouraged as he took the Axew into his hands, holding it gently like a human baby so that it did not wake. Dawn shakily stood up and put her arms in the coat. It fit her perfectly. The cuffs were not quite as wide as the twins’ either, though they were still round and long, showing off brown and gray stripes. Emmet adjusted the collar for her and smoothed out the jacket before stepping back, letting her feel it for herself. She stared down at it in astonishment. She noticed another piece of paper in the box. She grabbed it and read it again. 
It’s been a whole month now. I gotta say, you’re super cool to hang around and the fact that you can accomplish feats like making the twins eat more than once a day blows my mind. I wanted to send you an Emolga but I heard Drayden and Iris were already sending you a Pokemon and I didn’t wanna steal their thunder (hehe) so I decided on this. I still haven’t battled you yet, but I really want to sometime. 
The jacket is designed to retain body heat, reflect basic attacks, and is sturdy and machine washable. Just about any minor cut or scrape should be able to roll off this thing. I invented the fabric to help the twins not die on their subway, but I think it works here, too. (Still a little unsure how Ingo managed to shred it in Hisui.)
Hope to see ya around soon! 
-Aunt(!) Elesa.” 
She stared down at the coat again, feeling the cuffs and the linings. Her smile was wobbling with tears as she looked back up at the twins, her eyes dancing. Both brothers hugged her again, more tenderly. Dawn collected the sleeping Axew into her arms once again, accepting the hug. 
“I-I need to thank everyone. These are such nice gifts.” She sniffled and giggled. “Including you guys. And not just for the cake I’m going to stuff my face with later, but everything. Thank you guys so much.” 
“Of course, Dawn,” Ingo said softly, so as not to wake the Pokemon. “We are all happy you came. It is nice to have other people around.” Emmet nodded along, his smile almost blinding. “We should get the infant into a proper sleeping place before we eat our cake,” Ingo added. “I think we may have Haxorus’s old bed from when she was an Axew. She can sleep in your room, with your team. It is imperative that they bond early so she learns who her family is.” 
Dawn nuzzled the baby with her nose. “Okay. Let’s do it.” 
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ghostypetrainer · 2 years
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#asks - 2,255 posts
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My Top Posts in 2022:
wouldn’t it suck if when Ingo returned home, Arceus mentally yeeted Ingo back to the exact moment he left. it’s one thing if he physically blips out of existence and then blips right back into existence, four years older but just imagine that Arceus thinks he’s doing Ingo a solid by not only returning him to the exact time he left, but also the exact age!
(It is not, but Arceus does not know that.)
POV: You are Emmet. Your brother suddenly collapsed, but before you can call an ambulance, he’s already waking up again. You sigh in relief, but it’s short-lived because now Ingo is staring at you like you’re a stranger. He’s saying something, but you can’t understand it. It isn’t any language you know.
Something is verrry wrong.
280 notes - Posted May 11, 2022
non-serious AU where Pokemon fuckery happens while in Hisui and Ingo and Akari switch ages. they get stuck in a space time distortion and when they come out, Ingo is 15 and Akari is 29 but are otherwise mentally the same.
finally the great debate over Ingo’s actual age is settled, but not in the way everyone thought it would be. Melli is so frustrated bc he’s either forced to admit that Akari must just have really, really good genes to looks so young at 50 or that Ingo was actually a lot younger than he’d thought.
Lady Sneasler sees that her warden has gotten so much smaller and her eyes just sparkle. he is truly a little kit now. she’s going to dote on him so much.
tbf the urge to dote on teen Ingo is very strong. his glaring eyes and constant frown wrap back around into being adorable when put on a teen’s face.
Akari is having the time of her LIFE. She’s a cool adult now. Arezu I need a new cool adult hairstyle STAT.
It’s less fun when she keeps hitting her head on things bc she’s used to being short though.
kamado voice: what the fuck is this bullshit
Akari still refers to Ingo as ‘Uncle Ingo’ though, just bc old habits die hard and also it is very funny to me.
Ingo’s coat is too big for him now so he just resorts to wearing it tied around his waist instead. He begrudgingly gives his hat to Anthe to (hopefully) temporarily resize and she sneaks in a few repairs while she’s at it. maybe if this problem doesn’t resolve itself she’ll finally be given a chance to fix his damn coat. it bothers her every time she sees it.
285 notes - Posted May 4, 2022
some other fun facts:
Akari is fifteen years old when she’s dropped into Hisui. Immediately upon arrival, she’s attacked by a wild Pokemon and is badly injured. Irida is thankful that Lord Zoroark was there to find the strange girl and bring her back to the settlement- it likely saved her life. It’s a shame about her memories, however, but it is to be expected with a head injury as bad as hers.
Lord Zoroark frets over the girl the entire time. It’s kind of sweet, he seems to really care about her. Maybe this could be a good thing! This girl has nowhere else to go, and they have been looking for a Warden for him... maybe this is the solution they need.
Akari gratefully accepts the role, although she wishes it didn’t meant living in a tent on the boundary between the Icelands and the Highlands. It’s not as freezing there as the Settlement, but it’s still cold. At least Lord Zoroark will let her bury herself in his fur on the really chilly days.
Ingo does not really know what to make of his new lot in life. He supposes he’s grateful that he’s come to an understanding with the humans, but being assigned a Warden feels... strange. He’s not used to be treated like a Pokemon, as much as he’s always been one. He grew up being raised human, after all.
He does... sort of get used to it. There’s not much he can do about it. He cannot go home, and he’s unsure if it would even truly be a good idea. He regrets leaving things unresolved with Emmet, but maybe it’s better this way. Maybe this is his punishment.
He does grow very attached to his Warden, though. He sees Akari as a little sister, and helps teach her how to survive in Hisui.
A year into living in Hisui, Akari discovers Lord Zoroark can speak human language. He definitely didn’t mean for her to find out. She promises to keep it a secret, even from Irida!
Sometimes Ingo debates telling Warden Akari his name. It would be nice to hear it from someone that isn’t a Pokemon, but he decides against it. He’s gotten somewhat used to being called Lord Zoroark anyways.
It doesn’t matter anyways, because a year later Lord Braviary gets a new Warden. Sabi knows his human name somehow, but she promises she won’t tell anyone else. She also knows he can speak. When he hears she’s clairvoyant, he’s not even surprised. That makes sense.
Ingo befriends a Gligar and a Machop during his time in Hisui, and without really thinking about it, helps train them. It reminds him a bit of his old life, so he enjoys it. Akari thinks they’re his friends, and helps find the items to achieve their final evolutions. People naturally assume they’re her Pokemon.
Akari has a Mismagius and a Lucario! She doesn’t tell anyone that Lord Zoroark has been helping her train them. That would sound so silly!
The Pearl Clan grows to deeply respect their new Noble Pokemon. He is not nearly as intimidating as he first appears, and seems... strangely polite for a Pokemon, much less a Zoroark. For his part, Ingo finds it strange to be spoken to with such respect and reverence but he does get kind of used to it after awhile.
The Pearl Clan also finds out that you can summon him just by blowing three short notes into the Celestica Flute. They do not know that he’s just responding to a reasonable approximate of a train whistle.
Even after Ingo is restored to his human body and everyone returns to the present, Ingo and Akari keep calling each other ‘Warden Akari’ and ‘Lord Zoroark’ out of pure force of habit. They sort of give up on correcting it after awhile.
334 notes - Posted May 6, 2022
scenario where Ingo returns to the future but he’s still in Sinnoh and doesn’t have his memories, so he just chills there for like a year until someone finally recognizes him as the missing Subway Boss and gets into contact with Emmet.
He’s just been living in Celestic Town all this time. Most of the elderly locals just know him as the very polite young man who helps them with the upkeep of their homes and daily tasks that become more challenging as they start to get older. One of them lets him stay a spare room in their home, and they all just sort of assume (not incorrectly) that he’s a time traveler who ended up in the future and doesn’t have anywhere else to go. Cynthia visits her grandmother a couple of times during that year, but she always just misses him so they never end up meeting.
Ingo simply did not realize he’d been returned to his own time! He didn’t remember! So he just did what he did in Hisui- adjusted. At least he got to keep his Pokemon with him this time. He’s pretty sure he didn’t the last time! He’s just starting to think that this is something that just happens to him every couple of years or so. Occasionally he challenges trainers who pass through, always excited for the rare chance to battle and help these young trainers improve their technique.
377 notes - Posted May 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
akari’s arc-phone has a food delivery app. if she uses it, a tiny portal forms in front of whoever was unlucky enough to pick up her order at which point they just sort of. drop the bag through the space time hole. it’s a little jumbled up once Akari catches it, but hey!! she’s got take out now!!
(Akari places the order. Seconds later, a bag of fast food burgers drops from the sky. she catches it expertly)
Ingo, who definitely does not remember what a burger is but does know he’s been craving one: BRAVO AKARI
506 notes - Posted May 25, 2022
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This is a little out of the blue, but I'm curious if you have any headcanons about Ingo and Emmet's general state of health when he returns to Unova. I've started reading pla fics again and reunions tend to vary wildly, including if Ingo and/or Emmet have any health issues or not. Being kind of a fandom hermit, you tend to stray from the norm (in a good way! I find it very refreshing and insightful), so I thought it'd be interesting to see if you've ever given it some thought.
ACTUALLY IT REALLY DEPENDS ON THE SPECIFIC SCENARIO hskhssh but yes i have. given it Thought
i think in general ingo's sort of let his standard of self care slip in hisui bc he just... doesn't. care i mean. he's not really consistent about things like sleeping and eating, out of a combination of like... brain static and indifference. like half the time the feeling of "wow i am exhausted and my arms hurt from climbing" doesn't even make it to consciousness, and then half the remaining time he doesn't care enough to act on it. i think there's also a sort of disconnect/reluctance around meals specifically which i've like. vaguely nodded at in one or two things i think? but he has a hard time like, Sitting Down For A Meal, bc he always feels like he should be waiting for something. someone? whatever it is, it's like a kind of exec dysfunction-adjacent fuzz that makes it hard for him to like, commit to eating, so half the time the food will be cold and unappetizing by the time he manages to will himself through whateverthehell that block is anyway.
also if you like, having a human body, and radically switch up the level and type of your physical activity without any real lead-in or instruction, that's uh, not safe generally. so i feel like there are probably some stress injuries hanging around that he's just been ignoring bc sadly hisui doesn't really. do physical therapists. so i guess the tl;dr is his state is generally Bad but in sort of a lowkey way. this is not mentioning the brain stuff bc that's Definitely there but it's not really related to like, physical health
meanwhile if we are talking abt an emmet who has been in unova aware that his brother is just Gone the entire time (as opposed to one who was like, also caught in the distortion, or anything) i think he's physically fine but he's just been like. a robot. he takes fine care of himself and doesn't overwork himself to a point that anyone can call him out on, bc those things would make other people complain and be a pain in the ass and he's trying Not to make any more work for himself, but it's all like, entirely mechanical. there is zero life behind his eyes. there might be some like stress based health issues but i think he's been trying to actively counter them, under the assumption of like, he's continuing to believe that Eventually ingo will come back. and if when he does come back emmet's a wreck and gear station's in total disarray well that'll just be a whole thing on top of whatever circumstances surround his return. can't have that. gotta keep everything neat and orderly. including himself.
though semi relatedly but on the topic of like, injuries, i think if he got into a situation that was actually life threatening or whatever he would not. give a shit. he's already maxed out on things to worry about just by like existing day to day, go ahead and shoot him, that's fine, c'est la vie or whatever they say in kalos. it's actually a similar problem to ingo's general indifference but caused by almost the opposite underlying thing (Too Much going on internally instead of too little). not that i think he's routinely getting into life-threatening scenarios but like, it IS pokemon, evil teams grow like weeds over there, so who knows really. that could be a fun postcanon to explore actually, if ingo gets back memories included but in the meantime emmet's gone and decided to fight [insert bad guy here] bc they were Being A Problem so he decided to fix it and did not have the bandwidth to be impressed by any threats they threw at him. gce but in reverse kinda
this is getting long i hope any of this makes sense it's. late. i guess the last thing i would leave off on, which is kind of another tangent, is i think the one thing both of them DO have going, in terms of self maintenance, is that they both have teams! very well trained and closely bonded ones! who simply Will Not Let Them get that bad. they all Care obviously but i think chandelure and kadabra/alakazam specifically are like, trained emotional support pokemon, if maybe not like, technically service ones. but they've got like, psychic as a pressure source and to pick things up, hypnosis as a bandaid for insomnia, etc etc and also they're among the smartest of the teams in terms of human intelligence. chandelure has a very close bond with both of them and they've worked out a system over decades so it's perfectly suited to emmet. meanwhile kadabra has simply self adopted the role kind of begrudgingly after ingo gave it a vague half-remembered instruction in the concept cause otherwise its trainer will like, starve or something, which would be Annoying, cause it likes this setup. it gets soup. it will do whatever is necessary to ensure regular soup opportunities in its future.
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pokenimagines · 2 years
A/N: This might be a crack fic, but it’s one that takes itself way too seriously. Please do enjoy this more serious side of things, as well as the end of the main plot of the story. There will be more parts coming out at a later date. One of them will be outtakes that I couldn’t fit into the main snippets of the story. There will be romance in the snippets though, so just a heads up if you wanna keep it platonic then don’t read Part 6 or 7. It’s only canon in the story if you want those parts to be.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Extras: Part 6 | Part 7
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Arceus' Mistake Pt. 5
Morning After
You regretted absolutely nothing and everything all at once. Your head was ringing and the beating sun was oddly cold on your face as you tried to roll over. Whatever you were on was even colder than the wind hitting you. You groaned into the material before finally sitting up and running a hand through the tangles on top of your head.
Your vision was blurry for a moment as you blinked away the sleep. Your stomach churned uncomfortably, but you’d be damned if you let the hangover win and become sick for the entire day. You took a few deep breaths, willing the nausea away and it kind of worked. 
You then opened your eyes and noticed white…a lot of it. In fact, it surrounded you and for a moment you forgot you were in Hisui. Your heart leapt out of your chest as you realized you were in the icelands and looked down at your hands.
You had very big gloves on and some kind of coat that you knew damn well you never owned in your life. Your pants were also built to keep you nice and warm and you were so confused. Then you heard a male voice groan out and you turned to see both Emmet and Ingo. Emmet was slowly coming to, while Ingo was still lying dead on the sheet of ice you guys were on.
“Em…met?” You murmured, still coming to terms. He was in the same kind of warm attire that you adorned, as did Ingo. Only difference being they had their conductors jackets on over it, keeping them extra warm.
Emmet perked up at hearing your voice. He turned to you with a dopey smile, one side completely red from his face laying on ice all night. He waved, looking just as bad as you no doubt, but still relaxed. He always did handle the hangovers better than you and Ingo.
“Where are we?” Emmet asked and you shrugged. You looked around and noticed you guys were in a familiar looking ravine, but your clouded memory wasn’t getting you anywhere. Emmet rubbed his face and a chunk of hair that was on his chin flew away.
This gave you both pause as you watched the white tuft fly away with the wind. He had leftover fluff on his chin that he grabbed and inspected. It looked and felt just like his hair and poor Emmet panicked. He felt around his head, noticing all his hair was still attached.
“Where did this come from?” Emmet said under his breath. You guys paused again before turning to Ingo. You…you guys wouldn’t have. You both slowly walked over to him, and unshockingly enough, you guys noticed his little facial hair was missing. You looked back at Emmet with panicked eyes as you realized that at some point, Ingo’s little goatee was shaved off then glued to Emmet’s face.
“What do we do…do we wake him? Do we tell him? Or do we just let him…figure it out?” You said as you looked at poor Ingo. He did look a little better without the facial hair, you’d admit, but that was mainly because it made him look younger again. The bags under his eyes had disappeared after you and Emmet came back to his life, but the goatee was really aging him.
Ingo groaned and you both shuffled back, worried. Ingo was always calm by nature, but when he was pissed…now that was terrifying. True anger came in silence, something you had learned long ago.
Ingo immediately was clutching his aching head as he winced at the bright sun bearing down on you guys. You dropped to your knees, looking him over. It had been a while since he last drank, and this might’ve been the first hangover he can remember.
Ingo’s face went green almost instantly and you knew to back away. Ingo scrambled to the edge of the cliff you were on and you looked away and plugged your ears. Once he was done. Emmet shook your shoulder so you could look at them again.
“Ingo…you good bro?” You asked as he was wiping his mouth. He groaned, looking over at you with squinted eyes. Clearly they were still sensitive to the light as he tried to figure out what happened.
“What did we do last night?” Ingo murmured as he went to play with the tuft on his chin, only to realize it was smooth. “What did I do last night?”
“Good question, brother!” Emmet said a bit too loud and everyone winced.
“First we should figure out where we are. I know we’re in the Alabaster Icelands…” You said before a booming voice projected across the cold landscape.
“I might be able to help you with that!” You all turned to see Gaeric off in the distance, off the ice plane you three were currently on.
“Gaeric?” You called out, standing and walking over to the edge. You’d probably have to get Braviary to help you three off this ice block. That’s when the ground shook and you screeched, collapsing and sliding down the plane. Then you landed and noticed something.
Eyeballs. Two of them, spread apart. Staring up at you. 
You were on Lord Avalugg.
Recalling the Night
“So Dialga…that’s why we need you to use your powers in time to help us figure out what we did last night.” You said to the giant pokemon in front of you. You, Ingo, and Emmet had managed to sober up enough to get back to the mainland and were now in a secluded area in the Coronet Highlands.
The pokemon looked at you as though you had grown another head. You just needed to know if you guys had done anything illegal or possibly harmful to the locals. You know…before you showed your face back in Jubilife or to any of the clan members.
Gaeric had found the entire thing comical, claiming that after finding you he thought the best thing to do was have Lord Avalugg watch over you three. Which is why you three woke up on the giant lord. Poor Ingo hadn’t exactly calmed down over the thought of getting sick on one of the noble pokemon, but that was just life. Sometimes you made horrible mistakes and had to be mortified at the thought for the rest of your life. It was fine.
You could hear Dialga’s voice being projected into your mind, “You wish to revisit the night before…as a spectator to your own actions?”
“That’s exactly what I need. I did save your ass, after all. And imma be dealing with the other one pretty soon. Please? I gotta make sure.” You said, tugging at Dialga’s leg.
Dialga almost looked like is sighed, it’s entire body going slack for a moment. “If it’s what you wish, I shall grant you this one chance. However, don’t be mistaken that I shall do it every time you lose yourself to drink.”
“I promise I won’t come to expect it.” You lied, batting your eyelashes. Dialga clearly didn’t seem to believe you, but it allowed it anyway. In a mere moment, you were collapsing next to Dialga. The twins, who had only been watching the interaction from afar, went to catch you. Sadly, they too went into the same trance, being forced to watch their actions of the previous night.
The three of you all took shots, much to the horror of everyone around you. You choked a bit on the bitter taste of tequila, knowing this stuff wasn’t as filtered as the one back home. It had a stronger taste that burned your tongue and throat. Ingo had a straight face the entire time, but you could see the corner of his eyes watering.
Emmet just laughed jovially, loving the burn as he looked at you two, “Well, let’s dance!” Emmet was grabbing both your hands. 
Now the music for the festival, while good, wasn’t nearly as…club-esque as you guys were used to. You and Emmet, while being horrible dances while drunk, still knew how to pop it to the beat. When the beat was too cutesy though, or more traditional, it was hard to throw it back.
You could feel the drink setting into your bones, your movements flowing like water. You were light as you bounced around Emmet and Ingo. You were jumping around a bit, trying to get the blood flowing.
“We gotta change this music.” Emmer said, humming to himself.
“How…it’s live music?” You pointed out and Emmet smirked. He stumbled over to where the instruments were and you already knew it was gonna be bad. Emmet didn’t know how to play any instruments. Still, he had far more sake than you, and you were certain his cup was filled higher than yours with tequila.
He chuckled, starting to strum some string instrument while humming a tune that you recognized instantly. Emmet was soon switching to the drums, knowing he could at least get the beat right on those.
“Never take an L no more~” You murmured, swaying to the crude drumming. Ingo was next to you swaying as well, “Never take a damn thing slow~” You sang a bit louder.
“All I know is to chase this dough~” Emmet sang and you both were now laughing. Your hips were doing its own thing and Ingo seemed to just slow with it. You had a few people giving you odd looks, but you weren’t loud enough to draw too much attention.
“And make money~” You and Emmet sang. Soon you guys were singing along to ‘Betty’ while Ingo broke out the flute and went with your singing.
“Damn, Emmet, you so vicious! You so clean, so delicious! How come you ain't got no misses? Count the paper, count the riches!” You shouted at Emmet. You guys had gone from not being so loud to soon drawing a mini crowd. Apparently you three didn’t sound too bad as you continued belting out lyrics.
You guys had devolved into a laughing fit at that one and you noticed Ingo had stopped playing and was smiling and laughing too. His laugh almost made drunk you tear up as you walked over to him. You wrapped your arms around him and sighed into his chest, inhaling his scent.
“We gotta shave your face!” You declared and Ingo gave you a confused look.
“I am Emmet, and I agree!” Emmet said, pointing at his brother’s chin. You bit Emmet’s finger without hesitation and he yelped, curling his finger closer to his body after.
“Why?” Ingo said, pouting as he did so.
“Because now I can tell who is who without looking at your jackets and it’s weird…oh let’s get Arezu to do it!” You said, grabbing both their hands and dragging them around the village. It wasn't hard to find the redhead and you smiled over at her. “Arezu!”
Arezu turned, a small flush on her cheeks as she clearly was drinking as well. Was she as far gone as you three? Absolutely not. Was she still easily influenced by Emmet? Absolutely. 
You three soon found yourselves sitting in the closed down hair salon. You spun in one of the chairs while Ingo leaned back in the barbering chair. Arezu was lathering her hands and chatting with you three, laughing merrily at the jokes you spewed.
She had tossed the shaving cream on Ingo’s face as she got the straight razor, leaning over him. 
“Arezu, have you ever just thought of like…straddling a client while shaving their face?” You said, hiccuping at the end. Arezu started laughing, moving the sharp object away from Ingo’s face while she calmed down.
“Maybe?” She said before thinking, “There was this time that Adaman wanted to try facial hair and was letting me do it and…oh the temptation.” She admitted.
“Oh man, I get that. Adaman is so yummy.” You said as Arezu started shaving Ingo’s face. In a few precise swipes she had it done. You looked at the hair left after she wiped her razor off on a towel. You couldn’t help but pick it up and turn to Emmet.
“Emmet?” You said, getting his attention.
Emmet snapped out of his transfer, and turned to you, “I am Emmet and I wasn’t thinking about Adaman just now.” 
“You gave yourself away, babe. We can tag team him later.” Arezu snorted at your statement, “In the meantime…dude…we should glue this to your face!” You said, showing him the wet hair. Emmet grimaced and shook his head.
“No…it has shaving cream on it.” He said and you giggled.
“Ingo…will you donate some of your ponytail for Emmet’s facial hair?” You asked, shaking Ingo a bit as he started dozing off in the chair.
“I thought you wanted us to look alike again.” Ingo said, confused since he shaved his face for it.
“Ya but now I can’t tell you apart…other than your horrible posture.” You pointed out without hesitation.
Ingo was silent for a moment before nodding, “Agreed.” He said before his voice was booming, “Arezu, please cut off some of my hair and out it on Emmet’s face!”
Arezu looked between you three drunkards before she sighed.
“Alright fine…but no getting mad at me tomorrow.” She said, sitting Ingo up and grabbing her shears. After letting Ingo’s hair down she snipped off some of the ends before tying it back up. Barely fit in the hair tie and Ingo took it out, deciding it wasn’t worth it.
Arezu then looked at Emmet, who had somehow found a sticky bomb and was deconstructing it for some of the sap. They managed to glue the hair horribly and you laughed at Emmet.
“Beautiful…oh we should show someone who had beautiful facial hair as well!” You said and Ingo pointed at you.
“Then we shall go to none other than Gaeric!” Ingo shouted. You saw his finger. You zeroed in. You lunged. Sadly a swift karate chop to the top of your head stopped you and Ingo froze, his hand in midair after whacking you. 
“I am so sorry!” Ingo cried out, not knowing why he did that.
“Hahahaha!” Emmet was wheezing, “Out of all the things you could’ve unconsciously remembered with muscle memory…it was hitting them when they tried to bite you!” Emmet couldn’t stop laughing.
“Why’d you gotta remember you did that?” You shouted. Arezu, a bit shocked at the normally composed warden, coughed into her hand.
“Uh…how about we get some fresh air.” She said, finally realizing just how gone you guys were. You all stumbled out of the hair salon and looked around.
Arezu bid you guys farewell before she headed back to the party. The experience was sobering for her, and she was planning on being sober for the rest of the night in fear she might end up like you three.
You looked at the two boys before remembering what you guys were doing. “Okay…so Gaeric…we gotta be prepared for the cold then!” You huffed and looked around. Emmet’s hand landed on your head as he turned your head to the tailor shop next door.
“They ain’t there.” Emmet said and Ingo coughed.
“We can’t steal though.” Ingo reminded you two who nodded.
“It’s not stealing…we’re borrowing…we will leave a note and money. Come on.” You said, tugging them. Thankfully the door was unlocked as the lady who owned it trusted the village. She was currently enjoying the party, and wouldn’t be back for some time.
You three began shuffling through things, soon landing on matching outfits for the cold. You all but tossed your clothes off as you put it on, the twins following suit. As soon as you were all dressed, you wrote a note:
“Taylor…Trailer…TAILOR dear…
We need clothes. Money. Here. Peace.
“Perfect.” You said, tossing far too much money on the table. You three stumbled out of the shop without being seen. That’s when you left the village after using smoke bombs on the poor guards who were tasked at watching the gates during the party.
Soon you were on Braviary, flying to wherever Gaeric probably was, not remembering he had been at the party as well. 
Present Day
“So…we stole clothes…cut and shaved Ingo…and flew to the icelands where Gaeric found us on his way back from the party…?” You concluded. Ingo groaned into his hands, not liking what he was hearing.
“We should…probably apologize to a few people.” Emmet finally said.
“Probably…at least we didn’t do anything to Kamado!” You said, Unbeknownst to you, Dialga had cut out some of the night. The omnipotent being decided you didn’t need to remember certain details. Specifically, you trying to fist fight the buzzed commander who lifted you up like a bug and handed you to Ingo who took you to find Arezu.
You didn’t need to remember.
And honestly the commander would rather forget it happened as well.
Helping Volo
“So these plates…weren’t made for eating on?” You said, holding a giant stack of them in front of you. Volo and Cogita paused, looking you over and trying to see if you were serious. You were.
“No…these are ancient plates that tell the story of ancient Hisui as well as many legends.” Cogita said slowly. You and Emmet hummed, looking the plates over. You wiped off a crumb from one of them before coughing into you fist.
“Of course…so we just need to find the rest then? I assume you have leads?” You asked and Volo smiled. He placed a hand on the small of your back as Cogita explained everything. You could practically hear Emmet and Ingo’s teeth grinding at Volo touching you. It was no secret that none of you guys trusted the man, so him touching you was off limits.
Once Cogita had told you all the locations, you left the little hut and Volo was the first to speak. “So if we find all the plates…we’ll finally get to meet Arceus.” Volo hummed thoughtfully, “I have my own avenues of research I wish to pursue. You three should follow what Mistress Cogita said.”
“With pleasure!” Emmet said, already preparing to drag you away from the man.
“Arceus…the creator of Hisui…” Volo murmured, “I wonder what kind of pokemon he is.”
“One that doesn’t know how to speak normally…” You grumbled as you were then dragged away by the brothers before Volo could ask you to elaborate anything else.
Not-Dinner Plates
“We have literally captured every legend in Hisui.” You said, looking down at Regi’s pokeball. Even Ingo and Emmet hadn’t expected everything you guys had done. You guessed catching them for research wasn’t exactly going to be bad for the environment.
Your pokemon team couldn’t be sent back in time, so no doubt when you went back home the legends you captured would be released once more. Perhaps put into hibernation, or just hidden from the world. Either way, it wasn’t your problem. You’d research the pokemon you had in the meantime.
“So it looks like those were all the plates you were tasked with finding.” Ingo said, looking at the blank plate he held in his hand.
“I am Emmet and I say we have all we need!” Emmet said excitedly. It was no secret you guys had managed to capture and research all the pokemon in hisui at this point. It had been around four months since you fought Dialga and Palkia, so it was more than enough time.
“All that’s left is to summon Arceus and go home…” You said with a sigh.
Adaman looked at your group with an unreadable expression. “Are you sure you guys need to go back?” Adaman finally asked. It caused your group to pause for a moment before you sighed.
“We left without even saying goodbye to our family and friends. We just…disappeared. Just like Ingo did all those years ago.” You said, looking at said man.
“Not to mention we have…interesting friends. I wouldn’t put it past Elesa to find Arceus and also get sent here if we don’t come back.” Emmet said with a fond smile. You guys really did miss your family, as well as your pokemon team. You were certain Emmet was always thinking about his little hoard of Joltiks back home.
“I see…you guys will be returning to say goodbye before heading out, right?” Adaman asked and you smiled.
“Don’t worry, we won't leave without saying goodbye. Besides, we still need to speak with Cogita about the plates then head to the mountain.” You explained. Adaman paused as he thought over your words.
“The mountain where we went against Almighty Dialga?” He asked and you nodded.
“We’ve met Arceus before. It’s how we got sent here, after all. We had to do something for him…something we haven’t finished yet. But the mountain…Mount Coronet and the Sinnoh Temple. It’s where this all began and no doubt where we’ll have our grand finale.” You admitted. Emmet paused, knowing what that meant.
You’d have to go against that monster once more and the thought made Emmet’s blood run cold. Last time you fought him you almost perished. He hadn’t been there; once Giratina arrived it was like a portal had opened that only you could pass through. 
When you came too, you were bloodied and in the hospital with Emmet by your side. Emmet had seen the mist disappear and your body just laid there in a puddle of your own blood. He had to drag you down the mountain himself and he almost lost you.
Ingo could sense his brother’s apprehension. He knew he’d have to talk about it soon, but he didn’t know how to bring it up. Anytime this thing was mentioned, it was like a dark cloud passed over his twin.
“Well…we best be off to see Mistress Cogita then. We’ll return to the village later tonight though, don’t worry.” You assured Adaman.
“We’ll be waiting for you then.” Adaman said and you couldn’t help the chuckle. It would probably be your last night in Hisui, after all. You were so close to going home.
Sleep Over
“So that’s what happened.” Ingo said, looking serious in thought. You guys were in your home over in Jubilife, the one you and Emmet had declared your base for the time being. You all sat around the little firespit, explaining the last time you went against Giratina.
“Yup…that’s the story.” You murmured, your hand going over the scar. You were terrified of going up against this thing again…but you knew you had to. Your main concern however were the twins. No way in hell would they let you go off by yourself to fight him. The thought of them getting injured because you couldn't handle yourself made your blood run cold.
“Which is why Ingo and I will handle it.” Emmet finally said and you paused.
“Like hell you are. We do this together at the very least.” You grumbled, crossing your arms. You couldn’t believe Emmet would have the audacity to try and do this without you. Well…you were absolutely planning on doing this yourself anyway but still!
“No, you’re staying here while we do that, then when Giratina is all dealt with we’ll grab you and head off to go home.” Emmet said and you glared.
“I…have to agree with my brother. You almost died last time. We can’t have that happening again.” Ingo said, grabbing your hand and giving it a squeeze.
“Absolutely not!” You said, groaning and standing up. You looked down at the two of them before getting to go make some more tea. You guys had to come up with a plan as you mixed the herbs together.
“We just don’t want you getting hurt again.” Emmet tried to coax you but you just glared.
“The feeling is mutual.” You stated, coming over with the drinks, “I already fought Giratina. I know what to expect. You guys haven’t. If all three of us go against him, with my experience, we have a better chance.”
Ingo just rubbed his temples, not knowing what to do. Both sides had good reasons for why they wanted to take him on like this, but he couldn’t help the protective nature of himself. If he had a choice, he’d leave them both behind and take it down himself. That way neither of them got injured. Besides, they were here because of him.
The boys sipped on their tea while thinking on what to do. You leaned against the wall grumpily that they wouldn’t just listen to you when it came to this matter. Then it happened. The boys felt their eyelids getting heavier as you watched them slowly begin falling asleep.
Emmet looked at you as he realized exactly what you had done. He grimaced as he knew the call of sleep would be taking over him soon.
“You drugged us with sleep powder?” He said before just collapsing. Ingo soon fell after and you dragged them over to the one bed in the entire room (rest in pieces Emmet’s original bed that was blasted to smithereens due to an angry Luxray).
“Alright…you guys just stay here for the night. I’ll be back in the morning and I’ll take you guys home…alright.”
Fighting to the End
The entire time you traveled to the mountain peak, you felt dreadful. Knowing you drugged your two best friends would put anyone on edge, in your opinion. Still, you had to find Volo and then take care of business.
When you saw the Ginkgo guild member at the summit, you sighed. You’d probably have to fight him. 
It was a funny thing, something that you doubted Emmet would’ve picked up on since he wasn’t there. Giratina had a certain air to him at all times. Almost this foggy and murky feeling that tended to linger.
When you met Volo, you had the exact same feeling. At first you weren’t sure, but as time passed on it was clear as day. It had already been proven when Palkia possessed Irida to speak to you guys, that they could possess someone.
Volo, this entire time, hadn’t really been himself. He was under the influence of Giratina this entire time, you were certain. So when you landed your braviary and greeted him, it was suffocating. 
Volo claimed there was a lack of Giratina there, but you knew better. He lingered on the summit, his energy coming off almost everything. You swore the aura around Volo was darker than normal as well. Stronger.
“You can give it up…you know.” You said, cutting Volo off his little rant.
“Pardon?” He asked, not knowing what you were getting at.
“Giratina’s been here this entire time…right Volo? His energy is always enveloping you in the mist.” You said and Volo’s face fell. “Come on, let’s get this over with. Who do I have to fight first? You…or him?”
It ended up being Volo and the entire battle you were screaming inside. Not just because of what was to come, but the moment you saw that fucking Garchomp you almost rushed Volo and yeeted him off the mountain.
The battle was hard and by the time you finally fainted his last pokemon, your team was exhausted. You’d probably have to regroup at the end of all this before you fought Giratina.
Or so you thought. Then the world seemed to shift, your entire body going rigid once the mist settled in. It was him…and you didn't have enough pokemon healthy enough to take him on. Last time you had to just fight him. There was no Volo. Your team went into it healthy.
You saw Giratina emerging from the portal and you swallowed the lump in your throat. This was bad. This was very, very bad. Then you heard something in the distance. Your name being shouted.
You turned in time to see Emmet and Ingo rushing up to your side. You were shocked yet relieved once you knew there was still hope.
“Guys…you made it?” You asked in awe. You thought they’d still be asleep at this point, but it seemed they were too stubborn to let the sleep powder keep them out for too long.
“Yes, we made it. We will be discussing the drugging later as well.” Ingo said, glaring at you. You gave a sheepish laugh while looking away from them. That wasn’t going to be a fun conversation, you were certain.
“So it appears the future trio managed to make their way here.” Volo said, “That’s fine. Giratina will wipe you out before you even know it!”
“When did he turn into a bad guy?” Emmet said, whispering in your ear.
“Like the entire time…I thought you knew?” You said; you knew Emmet had a grudge against him from the moment you laid eyes on one another.
“Ya, because he was flirting with you.” Emmet pointed out and Ingo nodded.
“Obviously.” Ingo noted and you paused.
“I…fuck it we have more important things to attend to…like that.” You said, looking at Giratina. This would be the first time Emmet actually saw the fiend that almost killed you. He was pissed as he sent out his first pokemon. This battle was going to be intense…probably.
Final Partings
You guys had done it. Somehow, Giratina was defeated for good. You stared at the void that he fell into, and the flute in your hands. You stared off as you realized this was it…you finally got to go home. How long had you been in these lands? A year now? How many years searching for Ingo and it was coming to an end at last. You could continue living your life once again.
Volo’s shoulder grazed your own as he left the summit, leaving just the three of you on the mountain top.
“So…this is the key to getting home?” Ingo asked, looking over the flute.
“Ya…this is it. We can go home now. We’ve done everything Arceus has asked.” You said as you looked at the boys. It just felt so surreal.
“Don’t think you’re running off so fast!” A booming voice broke through the silence. You three turned and there they were. Wardens, Clan Leaders, Researchers…everyone who helped you to this point. Adaman smiled, walking over to you three.
“You said you’d say goodbye before leaving for good. After I saw you guys heading here, I gathered everyone I could.” He admitted.
“Adaman…thank you.” You said, feeling sentimental. You looked at the crowd who had all gathered there. Even Melli who was looking stubborn, and Kamado who was almost sheepish stood there. Akari and Rei looked ready to cry as they ran up to you, enveloping you in a hug.
Cyllenes walked over to you and placed a hand on your shoulder, “We can’t thank you enough for everything you’ve done since coming here. A stranger to this land.” She said and you just chuckled.
“All in a days work…right?” You asked.
You watched Irida walk up, accompanied by Lady Sneasler herself. They approached Ingo who seemed to be taking a moment to gather himself.
“Ingo…thank you as well. For all you’ve done to help the clan, and Lady Sneasler. The Pearl Clan will miss you.” Irida said and Lady Sneasler let out a cry. A small Sneasel waddled up, making a grabby motion to be picked up by Ingo.
“If Arceus allows you to take her…Lady Sneasler wants her descendants to live on.” She said and turned to you, “You said that the Hisuian Sneasels no longer existed…perhaps by taking this one it can continue to thrive?”
“If Arceus allows it, we’d love to take this little one home.” You said, looking at Ingo cradling the small pokemon.
“So this is it? The final goodbye?” Laventon said, in tears as he looked at his favorite researcher.
“Yup…we have a lot of people waiting for us. I’m sure they’ll love to hear all about you guys.” You said, scratching your head.
“I am Emmet and I will make sure to tell tales of Hisui and all its people!” Emmet announced, making everyone laugh.
“Guess there’s only one thing left to do…” You said before putting the flute up to your mouth.
Home Sweet Home
When you three came to, it was to a very familiar location. You stared off in the distance, looking over Unova from the seats of a Ferris Wheel. Ingo was clutching his head, in pain as you and Emmet swarmed in.
“Ingo, is everything okay?” You asked, frantically trying to figure out what was wrong. The basket you guys were in reached the end and one of the attendants looked at you three curiously. Before they could speak, asking when you three got on and clearly recognizing you, you were rushing off with Ingo and Emmet.
You three ended up in one of the many fields scattering Unova. Ingo was silent the entire time, making you and Emmet worried.
“Ingo?” You said softly.
“I…I’m remembering.” He said softly. The words rang through you and your heart soared. You immediately were hugging him, sobbing into his chest. “I remember you guys.”
“You remember?” Emmet asked hopefully.
“Some…not everything. It’s slowly coming back though.” Ingo said, nodding his head. You felt like you were on cloud nine right now as you held his hand.
“So…what do we do now?” You asked, turning to them.
“I think…there’s a certain blonde who will be wanting to see us. Not to mention she has out team with her.” Emmet said and you chuckled.
“Well…her house isn’t too far of a walk.” You said, helping Ingo up and watching him slouch even now. Emmet was quick to slap his brother’s back harshly, making Ingo collapse in pain.
“Emmet…what the fuck?” You asked as you began helping Ingo back up. Poor man was clutching his back that was abused by his brother.
“Now that we’re back and he remembered…his slouching really annoys me.” Emmet said and you groaned.
“Oh sweet Arc…alright. Let’s go home…and maybe find Ingo a Chiropractor.” You murmured, bumping your hip against Ingo once he was standing.
“You two are still so cruel.” Ingo murmured, making you laugh.
“Ya…but you were the one who came with us…Ingo…is Sneasel in your jacket right now?” You asked, noticing the small pokemon that was no doubt awe struck at the new world.
“We will discuss our new child later, come on; to Elesa’s!” Ingo said, brushing off your comment, “ALL ABOARD!”
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janekfan · 2 years
Neither twin would look at the other. Not directly. And definitely not in the eye having walked away from each other to opposite ends of an empty clearing.
Wild Patrats had gotten into their supplies and devoured their rations.
They blamed each other. Shouting and angry, hungry and upset.
“I am Emmet! I am going to hunt for my own food. It is going to be great!” He turned away before the hot tears of frustration could fall down his cheeks. “You will wish you could have some!”
“Well, you will be wishing for Litwick to cook it for you because you cannot even build a fire properly! Come on, Litwick. We will go berry hunting and create something delicious and not share it with irresponsible little brothers!” He wasn’t doing a very job keeping his thoughts to himself if he really was only speaking to his partner Pokemon, but then again, Emmet didn’t think he even meant to.
“You are wrong Ingo! I can make a fire all by myself!”
Several hours later saw Ingo distracted and Emmet holding one of the thieves by the tail.
Ingo began to realize early on that he didn’t know which types of berries were even safe to eat. Sure, he knew how to identify the common Oran berry but he’d only gathered a few sorry specimens. Certainly not enough for a meal. That was Emmet’s department.
Emmet couldn’t bring himself to look away from the terrified eyes of the itty bitty Patrat held firmly in his hands. The idea of– Emmet felt sick. Ingo always “took care” of it the few times they had to resort to hunting wild Pokemon. His little eyes. How did anyone do this?? Emmet was vegetarian. From this moment. He put the critter aside and didn’t even try to stop its escape. He shivered.
“Rubbing two sticks together is harder than it looks.” Tynamo nuzzled his cheek over his shoulder and while Emmet was patting him back, noticed Ingo staring at him from across the field. “It is going so great over here!” The rubbing intensified. Ingo forced down a mouthful of bitter, unripe berry.
“An actual meal!” His voice boomed; spooking some flying types out of the surrounding trees. “Too bad you are not getting any!”
“I have a Patrat! I do not need your dirty berries!” Even though he’d let the small thing go. “Yum! Yup! So delicious!”
Night fell.
Emmet shook with cold in his sleeping bag. He was verrry hungry. And itchy! From the poison ivy he’d unwittingly rolled in while wrestling the rat. Trying to stop his scratching, Emmet listened to the sounds of his brother retching, most likely sick from his “actual meal.” He could see Litwick’s tiny flame and knew at least Ingo wasn’t cold but he certainly sounded miserable.
The sky split with a bolt of lightning and thunder rocked the ground. A second flash lit up their eyes where they met across the vast distance just before the rain came sheeting down.
Emmet was up and running before the first drop hit the ground. Soaked by the time he skidded to a stop beside his pale older brother.
“Emmet.” Ingo sounded tired and shaky.
“I am Emmet.” He tugged his sleeping bag over them both, hoping the waterproof layer was enough to keep the rain off them until it passed. “I am sorry.” Ingo leaned against him, pressing his clammy face into his neck and swallowing with a soft click.
“I am sorry too. I should not have said those mean things.” Their partners huddled closer, Litwick’s little purple firelight filling up the space with gentle heat. “I do not feel well.”
“I am verrry itchy.”
“Seems we have both learned valuable lessons on our Pokemon journey.” Emmet smiled at Ingo’s attempt at a silver lining. “There is a village close by; I saw it when I was examining the map. We can start out early and get there by late morning.”
“For a giant breakfast!” Emmet’s smile grew despite Ingo’s pained whimper. “Go to sleep. You will feel better soon.”
“Nngh…” Ingo leaned more heavily, being tugged down into sleep. “Hope so. G’night, Emmet. Glad you are my brother.” Emmet pulled him closer, watching the rain pour around them, finally warm.
“G’night, Ingo."
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leggerefiore · 2 years
How thrilled do you think Emmet was to get his first shiny joltik and therefore first shiny in general during his rampant breeding hobby by accident
mmm, he's excited about it but probably disappointed it wouldn't be competitively viable
here's a scenario lol, not a reader-insert though
Ingo eyed his brother as he sat with the large pokemon egg in his lap. His right hand rested on its head while he scribbled away some report. Since they had gone on their journeys to collect the gym badges and his brother had discovered a clingy Joltik in Chargestone cave, it seemed his fate was sealed. The Joltik obsession started with that clingy little girl who was soon to become a big, beloved Galvantula and one of his favourite breeders.
He was fairly certain that she was treated better than even his battle team. The Galvantula on his team was her daughter, even. Bred Perfectly and Emmet's clear favouritism on whom to walk with. Then again, Eelektross was much too large and Archeops had a bad habit of screeching his heart out and chasing commuters. But still, the egg on his lap currently came from that beloved Galvantula. It was no doubt that a Joltik was developing along in that egg. It always was.
No matter how many times Ingo insisted Emmet go back a bit on the Joltik breeding, he never listened. More and more arachnids flooded the apartment they shared. It was clear they much preferred his room. Ingo swore every time he peered into his brother's darkened room that thousands of glowing blue eyes stared back at him.
“How long until that one hatches, brother?” he asked, finally deciding to indulge him a bit, “You have so many already… Perhaps you could start gifting them away.”
“Ingoooo, verrrry mean,” he sighed and held the egg closer to him, “Soon. I can hear their little chirps already.” Emmet lifted the egg up and rested his ear against the shell. “Such cute little squeaks, heehee.” The Joltiks did make tiny, pitchy noises when excited or happy. Emmet's pure, unbridled love for them was something else. With how he was over his spider children, Ingo feared for if he ever had any human children. They would never know peace with the cooing and cuddly man as their father.
Just as he was about to begin his pile of paperwork, a sound of cracking started. Emmet placed the egg on his desk and excitedly watched as the Joltik began to free itself from incubation. The shell was kicked and scratched until a highlighter yellow spider crawled out. Its bright purple eyes observed its surroundings before landing on Emmet, who stood there dumbfounded at the little bug-type.
A gloved hand was extended out to the spider. It eagerly crawled onto it and chirped in Emmet's face when he brought the Joltik closer to his sight. His finger rubbed its back sweetly as he hummed excitedly. “Brother, I have a rare Joltik,” he giggled.
Ingo pondered the spider for a moment. Did it look that different from the other Joltik he recalled? “They seem normal to me,” Ingo admitted, unsure of what made this little one so special. An egg move, perhaps? He was never sure with his brother.
“Shiny! He's a little shiny!” he held out his hand to Ingo, “Joltik fur is dandelion coloured. His fur is much too cold-toned for that. Not mentioning his purple eyes and feet. Ah! How cuuuute.” The poor thing was then offered a battery, which it eagerly gobbled the current from. Ingo stared at it. He supposed it did have a different colour than the rest of Emmet's hoard.
“Will he replace your Galvantula then?” Ingo asked.
“Haha, nope! His move-set sucks and judging by his nature is not timid. He would be awful for competitive,” Emmet replied, still petting and cooing over the little bug.
Ah, Ingo could never understand his brother sometimes.
As long as he was happy, he supposed.
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onestepbackwards · 2 years
I like the alpha hybrid Ingo and Emmet headcanons as much as the next anon but what if the roles were reversed?
The twins are holding onto each other for warmth as the wind blows through their thin robes, and just as they are about to be ambushed by a wild pokemon out of nowhere a giant, beautiful lady appears.
Now what hybrid you are is up to you but if i had to personally pick i would be a Gardevoir.
I'd imagine that she is very kind but is horrified to find out that she had been used as an escape goat to justify countless deaths.
She takes the boys into her home that is located in an old ruin. There are old marble pillars with images on them, broken statues of people and pokemon alike. Further in they find a pond with lily pads and water lilies scattered around here and there. And within one of the old rooms stands her home, the entrance is covered by white curtains entangled with vines and flowers with a sweet smeal emitting from them. Her room is full of soft pillows and furs from different pokemon, there is a grape vine hanging just above her bed giving her an easy axis for something sweet to bite in the morning.
Now this is just my take on it but do you have any of your own?
👀👀👀 Oh i'm interested! Lemme expand on that...
Ingo and Emmet desperately holding onto each other at the base of a tree, one that was large, and hollow. It was getting dark out, and the robes they had been given hardly protected them from the cold. A sharp, cold burst of wind blew through the trees, rattling the branches and the ornate jewelry that adorned both twins bodies. Both twins shuddered, though the cold wasn't the main thing on their minds. They had been chosen as this years sacrifice. Every year, their small town, just north of Nimbasa, had a dark, macabre tradition. Their town was in the territory of some sort of pokemon deity. One that demanded a sacrifice each year for the town's protection, lest they destroy it. Regardless if the deity was even real, it didn't escape Ingo and Emmet's notice that only certain people were picked each year. Both twins had noticed after the past few sacrifices, that the 'random' choices didn't seem too random after all. After seeing a poor journalist who had called out the Mayor on how the town was run become chosen last year, it was practically obvious the system was rigged. Both being prominent figures in the community, and incredible battlers, decided to investigate. They had a hunch you probably didn't even exist, and were just some old wives' tale from over a century ago. Regardless, they just knew something was off, but when they got too close to the prize, well... The Mayor had caught on what they were doing. Just conveniently around this years sacrifice too. Ingo had been chosen, his name chosen from the large bowl of names. It was no coincidence, he was sure. Especially with how the Mayor's eyes gleamed with glee, despite the solemn event. Emmet had screamed and cried, and tried to fight through the crowd as Ingo was taken away by guards. Ingo told him to leave him be, but then felt a chill down his spine when the Mayor spoke over the crowd. "Such insolence! Do you really think you can stop this tradition? Do you really wish to put this town at risk? For everyone and their child to die by the beast?" Despite Ingo's plea for him to stay quiet and back down, Emmet refused to do so, calling the Mayor a coward and a murderer. It obviously did not go well. The Mayor demanded that Emmet be confined. If he wished to join his brother so bad, he could join him in this year's sacrifice. "I will not have heathens like you put our town at risk for just one person!" he had cried. The townsfolk all seemed to agree with him with the threat of their homes and families at risk.
Poor, brainwashed fools, Emmet thought. So per the Mayor's orders, Emmet was dressed in robes with Ingo, and all of their belongings (and pokemon) were given to their next of kin, or in this case, closest friend, Elesa. She solemnly promised to take care of everything, her makeup running with her tears. As they were released into the forest, Ingo couldn't help but feel bitter. This had to have been planed. The Mayor knew if one twin was chosen, the other would most likely follow. He would most likely get rid of both in one fell swoop. And they couldn't do a thing. Another gust of wind rattled the trees, and the two tensed. Something was different. The wild pokemon had gone silent. No bugs buzzed, and no birds were chirping. It was dead silent. There was a power in the air that had not been there before. They then heard it, footsteps. Giant footsteps. A shadow overtook them, and both twins looked up in awe. A giant alpha hybrid loomed over them. You were gorgeous. And terrifying. This had to be the deity that the town had talked about. You may not had been a deity in the normal sense, but you were real. You existed. And you were going to kill them. Your red, glowing eyes stared them down. Not a sound was made, until Emmet decided to speak. "Wow. You are rrrreally tall." Ingo could strangle his twin. You tilted your head, almost curious. "Tell me, why are you two here, so deep in the forest all alone?" You asked. Both shared a look of confusion, before looking back at you. "We're this years sacrifice. To you." Your eyes widened in surprise. "Sacrifice? To me? I never asked for a sacrifice." You said, confusion on your features. You leaned down, and both twins watched, fascinated. "Could you please elaborate?" you gently asked. Your tall stature and red eyes didn't seem near as frightening as before. Eagerly, Emmet began to explain what had happened, with Ingo pipping in every so often. They explained the town didn't exactly worship you, but feared you. Apparently, according to the leaders of the town from around a century ago, you had become enraged the town was on your territory. To compromise, the town offered you a sacrifice each year, leaving them in the woods for you to find. Safe to say, you were horrified. You never wanted to hurt anyone! Hell, the town wasn't even on your land! Just close by! And to think, innocent people had died because of some horrible rumor that you wanted people dead... You were enraged, and disgusted. Ingo and Emmet shared a silent conversation. So you were real, but the whole business of you wanting people to kill, eat, or use was a farce. They knew they had been onto something. They quickly explained that they had been investigating this dark tradition before they were chosen for sacrifice. They felt it was odd that the poor, undesirables, and thorns in the governments sides tended to be the ones picked each year. And when they got to close to the truth, they were chosen. The horrified look on your face would be burned into their minds forever. You felt horrible for these two. If you hadn't of found them, no doubt another hybrid or wild pokemon would have killed them. That was probably the goal this 'Mayor' wanted. These two seemed honorable and kind. They didn't deserve this. Hesitently, you reached out with your hand towards the two. "Please, let me take care of you. I could not forgive myself if something happened to you two. I will not allow you two to go back and be hurt by those fools that call themselves leaders. Not without me to set things straight." Ingo and Emmet were shocked, their beautiful silver eyes widening. Ingo stood up, helping his younger brother up with him. "You will help us? Let us come with you?" You gave them both a soft smile. "Yes. I am no deity, but this land is mine, and all pokemon and hybrids respect that. They will not hurt you if you are with me. Please. Let me help you."
You promised them a home. It may not had been much, but you promised them safety. You also wanted to help them with the town. No more innocents needed to die on your behalf. Whatever you could do to help, you would be there. Emmet's face broke into a grin, and he crawled into your hand, Ingo close behind.
This day had just gone from the worst, to the best. You were absolutely beautiful. Neither twin had to say it to know the other thought so as well. Plus, with you able to hold them so easily, wanting to care for them after going through something so horrible... Emmet could feel himself falling for you hard already, and Ingo felt his heart race as you gently cooed over the two adorable humans. Today was looking up after all.
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bellafragolina · 2 years
Hello there beautiful!! I hear you're back open for business. Can I get an order of a terrible bed partner (ie hogs all the blankets, takes up the whole bed, sleep kicks/punches, etc) with Ingo Bingo, Kermet the Emmet and Colress/Maxie (I love science boys) which ever you're are more comfortable with writing for. Please and Thank you!
In all seriousness though, lovely to see you again and to read your writings! Hope you are having a grandbull day!
hello!! thank you for the compliments, and the cute pun!! i love it, so cute!! also, coming right up!! *yelling at the back like there's someone else there* YO TONY WE GOT AN ORDER OF THE BED KICKER AND COVER HOG WITH THE BOYS!!
Ingo is used to Emmet crawling into his bed at night, or vice versa, and Emmet is no better. So sadly he is used to terrible bed partners. He's a pretty light sleeper, but losing the blanket doesn't really bother him that much. He's warm with or without. But when you nudge against him and kick him in his sleep, that's another matter
When he wakes up to your sleepy flailing, he just sighs and rolls over, laying on top of you to help pin you down. You squirm a little, but usually can't do much, so he gets peace and cuddles while you stop moving. An overall win in his book.
Should you take up the whole bed, Ingo doesn't mind. He actually enjoys waking up to find you sprawled on top of him in some way. He finds it cute you sought him out in your sleep (even if that's not technically the case, don't tell him, let him feel warm and fuzzy about it). He'll carefully peel you off, kiss your face, and let you take up all the bed space as he readies for work
Emmet is a bad sleep partner. He does everything you do, so sleeping is an MMA fight most nights. Not that either of you two wake up for it. You'll wake up in the morning looking and feeling like you both had a brawl, but nah, you both just flail in your sleep
Emmet is one to get huffy over blanket hogging. He gets cold easily, so he tries to burrow up and conserve warmth how he cans. If you steal the covers in your sleep, he's yanking them off of you so he can meld himself into your skin to stop you from doing it again. He gets blankets, warmth, and cuddling, so win-win-win, and Emmet likes winning.
Should you take up the whole bed, Emmet doesn’t care. He stays right where he is, not budging for you, so you usually just end up flopping on top of him or pressing up into his side. But hey, more cuddling for Emmet, so yet another win to add to his endless repertoire, one he hopes to keep expanding
You exasperate Colress, just a little bit. The man runs cold, so he needs the blankets protection to sleep, so you stealing them is detrimental to his sleeping. He loves you so much, but he is going to drop kick you off this bed if you insist on cutely rolling yourself into a burrito with the blanket while he freezes to death next to you. He will fight your sleeping form if it comes down to it (he doesn’t win)
Your sleep flailing he cares less about. He’ll sleep through an earthquake and he’ll sleep through you somehow maneuvering yourself beneath him as you both sleep side by side. You’ll wake up in funny positions that he either blushes or teases you about, but you’ll stay lying in them for a time, sweet almost uncomfortable cuddles in the morning
Taking up the bed is a similar experience. Colress lets you do as you please, but he rolls with your insistent pressing so you can and will shove him off the bed. Colress is usually so startled though that you can get away with the crime if you act caring and cooingly enough. Sleepy Colress doesn’t think past your soothing presence and warm embrace, so you can get away with murder in the early morning
Lolol thinking about the boys with a s/o that just flails in their sleep is so funny. Arms are going everywhere. Legs too. You’re getting punched, sorry.
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feralwaff1e · 2 years
Pokerus AU 1 out of 6
So… basically I’m writing about how everyone should respective Pokémon are reacting to the pokerus transformations. First off starting with the Pearl Clan and then moving our way over to The Diamond Clan and lastly Jubilife Village. This AU belongs to @monsoon-of-art and I’ll post all parts on my AO3 when it’s finished.
First up Ingo and Lady Sneasler
The realization hit her hard and fast. Sneasler couldn’t do anything for her eldest kit, whatever was happening to him was unnatural and painful. That much she knew was true. Especially now, him laying on the cold floor of her cavern writhing in pain and mumbling words she didn’t know the meaning of.
Her newest brood didn’t know what was happening either. All they knew was that their litter mate was in pain and they too couldn’t do anything about it. At this moment she felt it was safe enough for them to pile on top of him. Though soon she feared it wouldn’t be safe for them to be even near him, herself included.
A Gliscor.
Whatever has been affecting her kit has been turning him into a Gliscor. Out of everything why a Gliscore? She’s heard the other nobles talking, and their wardens hadn’t turned into anything quite as dangerous. Well, maybe Warden Gaeric who Lord Avalug thought might have been turning into Galie. While she did feel bad about Warden Gaeric, because that would mean he would be losing limbs, she couldn’t help but feel envious on behalf of her kit.
He wasn’t super effective against his noble, but Ingo was and if he-
“Ma? E-em?”
Oh, her poor kit. He was tossing and turning in the nest now, pushing his siblings off as he tried to stand up. Though, unluckily for him she wasn’t about to let him stand up yet. Gently she grabbed his torso and laid back down in the nest.
“N-no… I’m fine this is-“ Before he couldn’t even get a word out, her eldest broke out in a sob, and she just held him closer.
“Ma?” Sneasler knew better than this, she knew her eldest was asking for his real mother. Though as he turned again, this time into her fluffy chest and passed out she hoped she could provide some comfort.
Sneasler gently started to groom him, careful to avoid any sore spots from where her kit was changing. For now, she just need to keep him comfortable, after all that was th best she could do.
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tippytopdays · 2 years
Genre: Gen
Characters: Dawn, Ingo, Adaman, Melli, Irida
Summary: Please don't cross the purple line!
Notes: another dumb idea that came in like, 10 minutes. Once again, @monsoon-of-art 's PokeRus AU strikes with stupid
Ao3 version
It was so quick he barely realized it. A movement too fast, a step too close. Something rustling through the brush beside him and stepping forth with a sound unlike any he’d heard.
His ears had shot up. Little shuffles between his feet alerted that the Gligar had heard it too. Tiny, so frail claws gripped around his shins as she leaned around to see what he couldn’t.
Too close. It was too close! They were out in the open! Blood thundered in his ears at the heavy footsteps just out of his sight as they stepped over the barrier that his tail should have provided. All at once his nerves fired.
It was nature to swing backwards, fire in his eyes and a snarl in his mouth. Hard flesh connected in a sharp crack of shell on body. Fur rustled and claws clacked as he spun around, one foot planting hard in front of the soft shelled pokemon at his feet. Something like words barked between his ears but he barely heard it under his own voice growling in his throat.
Only after the red oozed from his eyes did his vision clear. Color faded back into the land in purple and cream and green. His ears popped without the stress clogging them. Abruptly his teeth, bared and open mawed, snapped shut to silence himself. He was suddenly, shamefully, aware of his own body and place again.
And of course what he hit took full advantage of the sudden silence he’d taken to shout at the top of his lungs..
“ADAMAAAAN!!” The Skunttank howled, a paw on his cheek to lessen the sting, “THAT PEARL WEIRDO HIT ME!!”
Immediately his ears snapped back, ringing under the intensity of his fellow Warden’s voice. Claws clacked as he fiddled with them, tail curling at his shuffled feet. The embarrassment only worsened at the howling laughter the Gigar-the Dewott-Dawn who was now rolling across the ground.
Little paws grabbed at his shins to pull herself up, “H-H-He slapped you!!” Frenetic giggles broke up her words in a fit, “He punted you like you were a pokedoll!!”
“Dawn..” The mortification in his voice must have triggered another fit as she just dropped back onto the ground cackling.
Melli scowled even deeper, something that only made his already slightly pudgy face even more ridiculous as he turned towards the Clan leader, “ADAMAN!!”
The shrill in his voice still made the Gliscor slink back a bit, but not as much as the sharp realization of what he had been doing prior. What they had been doing prior; Irida was still at his side, the bitter cold biting into his back now that he no longer faced the Diamond leader. He must have turned at some point during his unruliness. The ears pulled down more, a claw reaching down to ruffle the Dewott still losing it at his feet.
Though it had been bad, it only got worse when the man-or at least the Leafeon-seemed to shrug from the corner of his eye as Dawns paws clambered against his claw, “Well, you should know better than to approach a nesting pokemon, Melli! You know how broody they get!”
If he still had blood, it was definitely coloring his ears from the sharp snort behind him.
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