#lafourmii writes
lafourmii20 · 3 years
Can you do prompt 50 Patching up wounds and 36 push against wall for Ironstrange please? 🥰
Thank you so much for the prompt. It's been an eternity since I received this lovely ask, but couldn't get to it sooner.
I hope you'll like what I did with those two prompts! 🥰
I can't do that
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Iron Man (Movies), Doctor Strange (2016) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange Characters: Tony Stark, Stephen Strange Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Alternate Universe - Different First Meeting, Sexfriends, Hurt, Hurt/Comfort, patching up wounds, Pining, Tumblr Prompt Series: Part 9 of Tumblr prompts and asks, Part 2 of The doctor and the genius
Coming back from Afghanistan and captivity, Tony turns to Stephen when he needs a hand.
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aelaer · 4 years
Questions for fanfic writers: 2. Why do you write fanfiction? ; 4. Are there any writers that inspire you? 💜
2. Largely for myself. I write what I want to read, and reread my own work quite frequently (especially as my interests are more niche in the MCU). When people (largely not fanfic writers) ask why I don’t just write original stuff, it’s because I’m not done playing with the worlds and characters I love and want more stories of.
4. Other fanfic writers, I presume? I was largely inspired in my younger years in the LOTR fandom when I was really still growing; Cairistiona, Shirebound, Meckinock, and canafinwe are some of many authors I remember greatly admiring. These days, I don’t want to name anyone in my current fandom as I don’t want to hurt any feelings if I miss a name. Rather I think I’ll say this: my greatest admiration goes to the fanfic authors, regardless of fandom, that *know* that their audience is very likely only going to be 1, 2, maybe 3 people due to the niche and still publish regardless of the lack of feedback. Or the authors that *don’t* know what the feedback is going to be and *don’t care* if there’s generally no audience, and continue posting anyways. It’s rough writing a character, or genre, or fandom that just doesn’t have the audience that you see in other fandoms, or in another places of a fandom.
The waning of general audience interest is something that is probably my greatest struggle as an author currently and so the writers that take the plunge without a care in the world for the stats? That can always remain upbeat and positive of just having one or two readers? Kudos to them--I want to learn how to live like that, instead of constantly competing against past numbers.
Perhaps it would also be fair to say that one of my greatest “writer” sources that inspires me is my beta, nemmy. The last two months especially she’s been a rock, and though I’ve read little of her writing (due to her lack of posting lmao), her knowledge of telling a good story and finding the ways to make a work even better is incredibly inspiring.
Thanks, lafourmii.
Ask original post link (I liked a lot of these questions, some new original ones, I remember)
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lafourmii20 · 3 years
Hello. For intimacy prompt: 59 height difference for IronStrange ❤💙
Thank you! 🦋🥰
Thank you for the ask, @just-inside-her 🥰
This prompt fits ironstrange so well! It was really fun to write ❤️
ironstrange, intimacy prompts, height difference, shibari, smut (or rather the beginning)
Stephen was taller than Tony and he was reminded of that fact every. single. day. When Stephen reached for items in the highest cupboards with ease, when he pushed him against a wall to tower over him and kiss him –okay, he didn’t mind that one so much, it was hot–, when he gloated from too high above when they had an argument and he thought he was winning –that one was absolutely infuriating.
Tony couldn’t live a day without being reminded that his boyfriend was taller than him. Damn, what was he thinking dating this impossibly tall giraffe?
And okay, maybe Tony was exaggerating a bit. It wasn’t that bad. Thor and Cap were taller than Stephen, so it could have been way worse. Vision was also taller, and he never had a problem with that. Pepper was taller than him, and Tony loved it –that woman was just so powerful, she simply ought to be taller than him (taller than everyone).
The problem wasn’t actually that Stephen was taller. It was that Tony was shorter. And if most of the time, he really couldn’t care less, sometimes it became a little bit too obvious.
That was probably why he adored this so much.
Alone, in their bedroom, in the middle of the night, away from inquisitive eyes. Dim light from a myriad of candles, soft sheets and the smell of sex hanging in the air. And most importantly, Stephen kneeling in front of him.
He looked so beautiful, at his feet. Red silky ropes crisscrossed on his milky skin, in an enticing pattern all over his body. His cock stood strong and hard between his thighs, leaking copiously and ready to burst. His mesmerizing blue-green eyes were hooded in pleasure and submission as he looked up to Tony.
Looked up. Because in that particular moment, Tony was the taller one.
And as beautiful as Stephen might be, Tony certainly got a kick just from towering over his boyfriend. It was empowering, almost magical.
Stephen was entrusting him with this power. It was heady. It was a show of trust and love. It was everything.
���You okay?” Tony asked softly.
Stephen blinked once, his silent signal for ‘yes’. Nothing restricted his mouth, not even an order from Tony. He just preferred to stay silent –except for the beautiful moans Tony was sure to get out of him later–, to stay in his own submissive headspace.
Tony just loved him even more.
His hand slowly stroked over Stephen’s beautiful features, his thumb swiping over sharp cheekbones, jaw and plump lips.
“You’re doing so good for me, sweetie.”
He could see Stephen shudder at the praise, eyelids fluttering close for just a moment, to enjoy the moment, bask in the praise for just a bit longer. Then he looked up again at Tony, eyes full of love.
Tony’s heart was racing and his cock throbbing. Stephen was so good for him.
“Open up for me, baby.”
Stephen obediently parted his lips, in an inviting motion. Really, who was Tony to resist?
Inspired by this intimacy prompt list, if anyone wants to send another one in my ask box 💜
Prompts filled: 3. touching foreheads (ironstrangefrost) 23. wearing someone’s clothing (ironstrange) 29. kissing while mad (ironstrange)
Currently working on: 30. being protective (drpepperony)
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lafourmii20 · 3 years
Prompt: 7. kissing scars
Thank you for the ask! You didn't specify any pairing, but this prompts had ironstrange written all over it (but I still tried to give it a little spin from the obvious) 😉
ironstrange, scars, slight discussion of past wounds and body shame
“You truly are a miracle,” Stephen said almost reverently.
Tony smirked, looked down at himself. He was just fresh out of the shower, a towel wrapped dangerously low on his lips. Droplets of water sprinkled his skin, and his hair was a wet mess. An artistic wet mess, but still a mess.
“Thank you,” he answered nonetheless, the widest smile on his lips.
You simply didn’t refuse a compliment.
He stepped closer to his boyfriend, ready to get the kiss that went with the compliment, but Stephen put a hand on Tony’s chest and stopped him. The sorcerer’s eyes flicked down to his sternum, and then Tony realized what had Stephen’s attention.
He felt suddenly vulnerable and utterly naked in front of his boyfriend, more than when he was really naked. Stephen was looking at his chest, at the ugliest part of him, the mess of scars on his sternum, his fake sternum that a doctor like Stephen should recognize with no problem. His biggest mistake written in ugly scars, in bold letters, right above his heart.
The arc reactor might have been gone but the mess left behind certainly wasn’t.
He squirmed a bit.
“Before I even met you, I looked at your medical records,” Stephen confessed in a hushed tone, his fingers slowly roaming over Tony’s chest. “You were a miracle, one I had hoped I could have performed. One I had hoped I could have become. What happened to you should have killed, and yet you survived. You came out from that cave stronger than ever.”
“That’s not what my cardiologist would say,” Tony scoffed.
An attempt at humor to deflect the too serious tone in Stephen’s mouth. The other man offered him a tender smile.
“I know it’s hard to see it, believe me,” Stephen said and he showed the mess of scars on his own hand as proof.
“That’s not the same,” Tony retorted immediately.
He caught Stephen’s other hand, the one not on his chest, and brought it to his lips, carefully and tenderly kissing the shaking knuckles. He kept the hand close to his face and his mouth, precious and vulnerable limb from the person he loved and cherished the most.
“Isn’t it?” Stephen whispered.
He trusted him with the ugliest and most vulnerable part of him, his weakest point. Shouldn’t Tony do the same? Probably.
So when Stephen leaned to kiss the scars on his chest, Tony let him. He repressed a shudder and fought the wave of vulnerability that threatened to drown him. Only to come stronger on the other side. Feeling closer than ever to Stephen.
The mess of scar tissue on his chest meant that Tony could not really feel Stephen’s lips on his skin, a barely there graze. But he could see it. And it was beautiful.
“Gorgeous,” Stephen whispered, an echo to Tony’s thought. “I love you.”
“Love you too.”
Thank you.
Inspired by this intimacy prompt list
Prompts filled: 3. touching foreheads (ironstrangefrost) 23. wearing someone’s clothing (ironstrange) 29. kissing while mad (ironstrange) 30. being protective (drpepperony) 59. height difference (ironstrange)
Currently working on: 54. reading a book together (ironstrangefrost)
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lafourmii20 · 3 years
My favorite pairing is probably DrPepperony if I had to choose one, and I'm a sucker for 30 (the protective one). While I tend to swerve to "people protecting Stephen", please write it however you'd like - if you're interested in this combination. :)
Thank you for the ask, @aelaer 💕
I love drpepperony and I was very happy to write this OT3 with this prompt. It's a bit longer than I thought, and maybe not exactly what you imagined. I hope you like it!
drpepperony, pre-relationship (could almost be read as gen), hurt stephen, with a bit of blood, protective pepper, protective tony, not clint friendly (sorry i had to find sort of a bad guy), post Endgame but Tony lives and Steve died
“If you’re so powerful, why couldn’t you save her?!”
Clint’s shout echoed on the lawn, all the way to the cabin. Tony instantly got to his feet.
“Stay with uncle Happy, Maguna.”
He left his drink on a table, and his daughter under Happy’s careful watch, and hurried outside. When he pushed the front door, he frowned, deeply unhappy with the scene.
“I’m sorry,” Stephen whispered in such a thin voice Tony wasn’t sure anyone heard him –not sure the guy even wanted to be heard.
“You’re sorry? Is that what you just mumbled?” Clint answered, his tone getting angrier and angrier with each word.
“I am truly deeply sorry,” Stephen articulated more clearly this time.
It did not seem to appease Clint. At all.
“Well, great! You’re sorry. But Nat is dead because of you. And your sorry ass apologies won’t do shit to bring her back!”
Clint was furious. He was grieving. But he was taking it out on the wrong guy.
“It’s all your fault!”
Stephen didn’t move, didn’t even blink when Clint lurched forward and punched him square in the face. He fell backwards and blood splattered on the ground.
“It’s all your fucking fault!” Clint bellowed as Sam and Bucky restrained him, tried to stop him from attacking again.
He almost tore free, and Tony took a step forward. He was all for letting his fellow Avengers sort things out between themselves the way they wanted to –and if they had to punch some sense into each other from time to time, well it was their business. But no one was getting beaten up, without even trying to resist, on his lawn.
But before Tony could say anything, Pepper stepped into the scene.
“What is going on here?” she asked in her no-nonsense voice. Se didn’t wait for someone to answer –as if there even was a correct way to answer when she used that voice. “No one is fighting in my home! Today, we celebrate those we brought back, and we grieve those we lost. This is not a time for fighting and I will not tolerate it. Is that clear?”
Clint might try to protest, there was no way he would sway Pepper. He was an Avenger. She was even more dangerous, Tony thought with pride. Looked like he could let his wife handle the dirty business.
He crossed the lawn, got to the poor wizard still slumped on the ground, haggard and defeated. His nose was bleeding profusely, and the corner of his eye was starting to turn purple. Tony grabbed him by the shoulder.
“Come on. Let me take care of you.”
Stephen looked up at him. There was a deep sadness, a resigned look in his eyes that broke Tony’s heart. Then Stephen got up and it was gone. They walked silently through the crowd, crossed the lawn and reached the house. Tony pushed him as carefully as he could in a bathroom.
“Here we go,” he said softly, helping Stephen sit on the edge of the tub. “Fri, where’s the first aid kit?”
“Under the sink, boss,” the AI answered immediately and Tony dived under the sink to retrieve the little box, opening it to get some cotton balls and antiseptic, though he wasn’t sure what to do with those. “May I suggest the ice pack, boss?”
“You’re the best, baby girl.”
“Of course,” she answered, and Tony chuckled.
He went back to Stephen with a slightly wet towel to wipe off the blood while he handed him the cold pack. Stephen’s fingers shook wildly when he took it and pressed it on the side of his head, with a painful wince.
“You don’t have to do all this,” the Wizard of Oz finally said. “I’m okay.”
“Yeah, look in the mirror, doc, and tell that to your face,” Tony scoffed.
He got a brief glimpse of a smile before he moved the towel over nose, lips, chin, and all the mess of blood that covered Stephen’s face.
“Why didn’t you send Clint to the Sinister Dimension or whatever the name of that hellish world is?” Tony asked, trying not to wince with Stephen every time the towel stroked over a sensitive area.
“Dark Dimension,” Stephen corrected.
A moment of silence passed. Tony took the time to rinse the blood out of the towel before applying it again. It seemed like the bleeding had stopped. That only left the big ugly contusion at the corner of Stephen’s eye. Ouch, that looked painful.
“Fri, can you scan our good doctor? Make sure there are no deeper wounds?”
“I’m fine,” Stephen protested with another wince that said otherwise.
“The good doctor is right, boss. No deeper injury.”
As Tony looked at the slumped and beaten up form in front of him, it seemed that nothing was great. If there were no physical wounds, it seemed that there was a more profound, more painful, psychological one. That man was wounded, burned out, and morally exhausted. And Tony was suddenly filled with the impulse to help him, to fix this, whatever this was.
He wanted to see the powerful and cocky sorcerer he clashed with, when they first met.
He wanted the weirdly flirty wink after great prowess of magic, and butting heads with someone that didn’t take his nonsense but actually listened to him, and compromised.
“So, why didn’t you stop him?” he asked again after a minute of almost comfortable silence.
He threw the bloody towel in the laundry basket and leaned against the sink, watching Stephen intently.
“Because he’s grieving. And he’s right,” Stephen answered in a too small voice.
Tony was not taking any of it. If Pepper had to protect Stephen from Clint, Tony would have to protect Stephen from himself, apparently. It was far from the weirdest thing he had ever done.
“Bullshit. It’s not your fault.”
Stephen arched an eyebrow behind the cold pack, before he winced and dropped it. Tony picked it up for him and, instead of giving it back to the wizard, he brought it up to Stephen’s face and gently hold it up against his temple. Stephen just sighed, closed his eyes for a second, letting Tony take care of him. The situation was slightly more intimate than Tony anticipated but it warmed his heart to see Stephen accept his help. And yeah, he could see himself get closer to the wizard in the near future.
“It’s not your fault,” he repeated.
“It kinda is. I chose this path, the one where Natasha and Steve had to die. Their deaths are on my hands.”
“That’s just pure bullshit! You didn’t push Nat on Vormir, she jumped. You didn’t put the gauntlet on Steve’s hand, he took it and snapped his own fingers knowing he would not survive it. You did not murder them. They chose to sacrifice themselves to save us all, and believe me, I would have done the same thing, without blaming you. You know what you did?”
“Wallow in self-pity, dishonoring their great sacrifice?” he whispered defeated and seemingly disgusted with himself.
“No.” Damn, that man really needed to be protected from himself. Tony knew a thing or two about blaming himself for everything, but Strange was on another level completely. “You put us on the right path, you risked your sanity to view all those possible futures and other timeline. You are a hero.”
That seemed to finally shut Stephen up. He blinked, looked up at Tony, but this time, there was something different in his eyes. A deep emotion Tony couldn’t really name. It made his heart race.
Stephen’s hand rose, lightly touched Tony’s at the side of his head. It was delicate and far more intimate than he expected. But before Tony could say anything else, the bathroom’s door opened, and Pepper stepped in.
Stephen quickly took his hand away, but Tony kept his position. There was nothing he wanted to hide from his wife. Besides, if something ever happened with the wizard, he was pretty sure Pepper would want to be included. Yep, that would be very nice actually, the three of them in the cabin. Tony could almost picture it.
Wait, he was thinking a bit ahead of himself, wasn’t he? Well, who could blame him, he was a futurist, after all.
“Are you okay, Dr. Strange?” Pepper asked.
“You can call me Stephen. And yes, I’m okay. Tony took care of me.”
Pepper looked at her husband. Tony winked, she smirked in return. His hand was still pressed against Stephen’s head –there was a cold pack between them, but did that really matter?
Pepper went to Stephen’s other side, carefully took his chin in her hand to examine him –and there was no cold pack or any medical supply to excuse the proximity. Stephen tensed for a second, then he relaxed in her grip.
“You did well,” Pepper finally concluded, with a small stroke on Stephen’s cheek. The wizard shuddered. Then she stepped back and the fluttering moment was over. “Tony, you stay with him, I’m gonna send everyone home,” she ordered more than asked.
“Yes, Ma’am,” Tony answered immediately.
“And Stephen?”
“Stay for dinner with us tonight. Please?”
A moment of hesitation, blue-green eyes jumping from Tony to Pepper, a gulp and finally.
“I will.”
Well, well, well, Tony thought. That was a very interesting turn of events. He couldn’t wait to see where all of this would lead them.
Inspired by this intimacy prompt list
Prompts filled: 3. touching foreheads (ironstrangefrost) 23. wearing someone’s clothing (ironstrange) 29. kissing while mad (ironstrange) 59. height difference (ironstrange)
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lafourmii20 · 3 years
3. touching foreheads for the intimacy prompts? 🤍 Any combination of Tony, Stephen and/or Loki you like most for it? Those prompts are so cute I almost copied the whole list in here. 😅
Thank you for your ask, @amethyst-noir 🥰 I wanted to use one of these prompts for something sweet and soft. So of course, it turned into smut and angst. It's just a little something, but I hope you like it!
strangefrost, past ironstrangefrost, a little bit of smut and angst, implied major character death 🥺
Stephen’s thighs ache, and shake, but never falter. He can’t stop. He never wants it to stop. Tony’s hands rub at the sore muscles, go up on his waist and help him go up and down, up and down. The calloused palms on his heated sensitive skin send shivers down his spine, almost better than the dick fully sheathed inside him. Almost.
He leans against Tony’s chest with his scarred trembling hands, looks into the beautifully mesmerizing brown of his lover’s eyes. So full of lust, and love, and everything.
“That’s it, sweetheart,” Tony’s voice pierces into Stephen’s hazy pleasure, guides him through it. “Take what you want, take what you need. You’re so beautiful, sweetie. So beautiful.”
His heart races, his thighs ache as he impales himself on Tony’s cock.
“Come for me.”
It’s too much.
The orgasm almost takes Stephen by surprise, punching a silent ‘oh’ from his lungs. Against his will, he closes his eyes, basks in the shivers and the sparks of pleasure. He wants to keep his eyes open, devour Tony’s face with his gaze, as his lover comes right after him, pulses inside him.
“That’s it, Stephen. Keep your eyes closed. Enjoy the moment, while it lasts.”
A grunt, between a sob and a sigh, escapes his lips. Stephen falls forward, but strong arms catch him. He presses his forehead against his lover’s.
“Tony,” he exhales. This time, it really is a sob, something deep and hurt. Why does it have to hurt so much after such a beautiful moment, after so much pleasure?
“He’s not here, love. You know it’s all just a trick, right?”
Tony’s voice fades away, gets replaced by a different, richer accent. Stephen can feel the trickle of magic underneath him. The arms that hold him get thinner but still strong, the skin gets colder.
Stephen’s eyelids flutter open, and he witnesses the last of the mirage evaporating, the green light washing over Tony’s feature and leaving Loki’s in their stead.
Forehead against forehead, he looks into blue eyes and a sad smile. He’s crying and Loki delicately wipes away the tears on his cheek. He still keeps Stephen against him, foreheads touching, bodies intertwined, still buried deep in him. He will never let him go.
“I miss him so much,” Stephen whispers.
“I know, love. I miss him too,” Loki answers in the same hushed and hurt tone. “But I’m here. And I’m never leaving you.”
Strong arms keep him close, keep him together.
They don’t indulge in their little nostalgic fantasy often. It’s too good to revive Tony’s memory through Loki’s illusion. But it’s just that: an illusion. And when the magic disappears, it hurts more than ever, reopening a wound they took years to start to heal.
It’s just the two of them now.
But they’re never letting go.
It's just a little ficlet. Maybe I'll post it on my AO3 later, maybe not.
From this prompt list, if anyone wants to send another one in my ask box 💜
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lafourmii20 · 3 years
23 for the Intimacy prompts: wearing someone’s clothing (Ironstrange) 💛
Thank you for the ask, @chocopiggy 💛 This was a really cute prompt to write. I hope you like it!
ironstrange, fluff, with just a tiny bit a smut if you're squint (because I'm still me)
It doesn’t dawn on him until the morning.
When they flirt and laugh over drinks during that stupid gala thing (okay, not a gala, it’s a celebration, the one-year anniversary after the battle against Thanos, but Tony couldn’t care less, he just wants to forget this thing forever and live in peace in his cabin by the lake. Which is not happening, anytime soon. Anyway!) When they flirt and laugh over drinks, he doesn’t realize.
When Pepper give them a very suggestive look, he doesn’t realize.
When Rhodey and Sam make fun of them and asks them to get a room, he doesn’t realize. But he does get a room (Stephen portals them into Tony’s room, and that’s kinda hot).
When they tumble on the bed, lose all their clothes (again, thanks to Stephen’s magic, and damn that’s even hotter), and make a mess of the sheets, he still doesn’t realize.
When they fill the room with grunts of desire, and messy noises of pleasure, he doesn’t realize.
When they fall asleep in each other arms, naked and satiated, he doesn’t realize.
It’s only when Stephen comes into the kitchen in the morning, hair all ruffled from sleep, a Black Sabbath t-shirt on (it’s Tony’s shirt, no doubt about that, he can see where the light of the arc reactor faded the colors at the front), and shorts that hug him in all the right places. That’s when Tony realizes. His heart makes a weird thing in his chest (usually not a good sign with his poor heart condition, but right now, he finally realizes it might be a good thing).
More importantly, he finally knows he wants Stephen in his life. Permanently.
“Morning,” Stephen mumbles.
“Good morning, sweet cheeks.”
He hands Stephen the cup of tea he poured for him, and slides closer. He wraps an arm around Stephen’s waist. Stephen just sips his tea, relaxing into Tony’s embrace.
“So, we’re wearing each other’s clothes, now?” Tony asks, maybe a bit too tenderly.
Stephen looks at the shirt, and tries to repress a smirk.
“Is that a problem, douchebag?”
“Absolutely not, asshole.”
Those nicknames truly are ridiculous when they look at each other with such sappy smiles, when Stephen is wearing Tony’s shirt, and when Tony is proudly displaying the hickey Stephen left on his neck that night.
“So, does that mean we are boyfriend and boyfriend, now?” Tony asks, pretending really hard not to care when in fact, his heart is racing.
How could he not realize sooner? That they had been basically acting like an old married couple for months now? That what he thought was a series of very good (very very good) one-night-stands with the same man, over and over again because he couldn’t stop getting back to him, was them developing this weird relationship?
How could he not realize that he wanted Stephen, not just for sex, not just for work, not just as a powerful ally, but as his boyfriend?
Maybe he’s a bit old to have a boyfriend.
“Took you long enough,” Stephen says.
This time, he’s definitely smirking.
“Oh, shut up.”
“Make me.”
And Tony does. With a kiss. On his new boyfriend’s lips.
Yeah, maybe he’s too old to have a boyfriend. But damn, this feels just right. And all thanks to a t-shirt.
From this prompt list, if anyone wants to send another one in my ask box 💜
Prompt filled: 3. touching foreheads (ironstrangefrost)
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lafourmii20 · 3 years
For the intimacy prompts: #47 cuddling under blankets for Frostironstrange? Thanks!! 💚❤️💙
Thank you so much for the ask, @hyuksgirlelf! Sorry it took me so long to answer, real life got in the way. I hope you like the little thing your lovely prompt inspired me.
ironstrangefrost, fluffy fluff, cuddling under blankets
Loki was always cold. In the coldest snow storm of winter, or in the most unbearable heatwave of summer, Loki was always cold.
It was a part of his Jotun heritage, a part of himself he didn’t know for so long. In retrospective, it explained so much. But now, it was just a fact. He was cold (freezing even) and he was used to it.
But there was a place where the ice he felt in his heart, in his very core, finally melted. It had nothing to do with the warm temperature of the room, carefully monitored and regulated by the Artificial Intelligence running the house. It had nothing to do with the soft silky sheets or the mountains of covers wrapping him up like a giant burrito.
It was all because of them.
“You’re freezing, Lokes. Get in there,” Tony whispered, wrapping his arms around Loki’s lean body and dragging him to his torso, plastering their bodies together. Immediately, warmth seeped through him and Loki started to relax a little bit.
“Don’t strangle him, Tony,” Stephen chided softly.
His shaking hands snaked under the covers to Loki’s own hands, pushed their fingers together. They couldn’t fully hold hand and intertwined their fingers because of Stephen’s injuries, but Loki loved his hands anyway. They were always just a tad bit colder than Stephen’s body. They were like Loki, in a way, and for that, he loved them (he also adored them because they were a part of Stephen, obviously).
He gripped Stephen’s arms by the wrists and pulled him closer. He sighed, basking in the sweet warmth emanating from the other’s body.
“I’m not strangling him,” Tony replied. “Look a that, our Loki loves to be a human sandwich.”
Our Loki.
More than the soft sheets and the warm covers, even more than the hot bodies pressed against him from both sides, those words warmed his heart better than anything else. Because they loved him, as unexpected as that might be, and Loki loved them back. But shush, no need to boost their oversized ego. Instead, Loki just burrowed himself deeper under the blankets and between the arms of his lovers and closed his eyes.
“I don’t mean to impose,” Loki said slowly, “but will the two of you ever shut up and let me sleep?”
Tony laughed and Stephen just snuggled closer.
“Of course, princess,” Tony answered, his voice still full of laughter. He kissed the nape of Loki’s neck sweetly.
“Yeah, love you too, Loki,” Stephen said in return.
And yep, Loki was definitely warmer now, melting even. Not that he was complaining. Or ever admitting it. He just adored his two humans too much.
Inspired by this intimacy prompt list (my ask box is still open for prompts (or anything else), just know that it might take me some time to answer prompts because I have other projects I have to focus on right now)
Prompts filled: 3. touching foreheads (ironstrangefrost) 7. kissing scars (ironstrange) 23. wearing someone’s clothing (ironstrange) 29. kissing while mad (ironstrange) 30. being protective (drpepperony) 47. cuddling under blankets (ironstrangefrost) 59. height difference (ironstrange)
Currently working on: 54. reading a book together (ironstrangefrost)
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lafourmii20 · 4 years
Valentine’s Week
Tumblr media
Be My Valentine?
Damn, his crush on Tony was getting out of hands. But could anyone really blame him for falling in love with this selfless heroic man after 14 million lifetimes by his side? Stephen blamed himself. He blamed himself for a lot of things these days.
Tony Stark/Stephen Strange
Post Endgame fluff with a side of angst and survivor guilt. A lot of mutual pining, awkward flirting, domestic fluff and not much happening 💜 TW for implied/referenced suicide and implied/referenced character death in future chapters.
Chapter 1 : Summer
Prompt: robot
Just a day of summer by the lake.
Link to AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/29291760/chapters/71931690
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lafourmii20 · 4 years
Title: Dr. Handsome
Rating: Explicit
Link: AO3
Square Filled:
MCU Kink Bingo - Character enjoys being bitten (@mcukinkbingo)
Ironstrange Bingo 2020 - Late Night (@ironstrangebingo)
Ship: Tony Stark/Stephen Strange
Tags: Different first meeting, One night stands, First time, Anal sex, Top Tony Stark, Power bottom Stephen Strange
Boring. This thing was so boring. Fake smile on his face, glass in his hand, Tony mingled with the guests, desperately trying to find even a tiny bit of interest in any one of them. But they were all so dull.
“Are you going to drink all on your own?” a deep voice asked.
Tony turned and came face to face with a drop-dead gorgeous young man.
The party just became way more interesting, suddenly.
OR: Young doctor Stephen Strange flirts shamelessly with Pre-Iron Man Tony Stark, and really, how could Tony resist?
Word Count: 3622 words
Created for @mcukinkbingo & @ironstrangebingo
https://archiveofourown.org/works/26653483 💜
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lafourmii20 · 4 years
Happy birthday, Tony 💝
It seems like today is Tony’s birthday and I couldn’t let the opportunity slide to give him a little gift (featuring DrPepperony, Pepper being an amazing wife and Stephen... well, you’ll see 😘)
(I wrote this today in something like 30 minutes, maybe next year I’ll remember the date to prepare a fic a little bit longer 😂)
“How long have you been down here?” Pepper asks from the workshop’s door.
Tony barely looks up from his screens.
“Dunno. Couple of hours probably. Don’t worry, Pep. I’ll come to bed soon.”
“I hope so. It’s your birthday and I have a surprise for you.”
Tony suddenly drops his work, looks at his beautiful wife waiting for him in a beautiful black dress and a mischievous glint in her eyes.
“It’s my birthday?”
“I knew that. Already?”
“Yeah. Isn’t that strange? It’s the same day as last year.”
Tony can’t help the smirk on his face. He gets up, crosses the lab, and joins Pepper. She takes his hand with a smile of her own, a smile he loves so much.
“Come with me. Your surprise might get impatient.”
“Impatient? What kind of surprise is that? And where’s our favorite wizard?”
“You’ll see.”
Oh… Tony is starting to think he’s going to like this surprise. And, as she opens the door to their bedroom for him, he can say for sure that he absolutely loves his surprise.
Hundred of candles light the room in a soft and warm glow. It’s cozy and sexy and just bright enough to make out the form on the bed.
“Oh my…”
Stephen kneels on the bed. Red lacy panties barely cover his firm buttocks and his erect cock pokes from the waistband. A matching red corset hugs his ribcage tightly, highlights his fit form in the best way possible. Thigh-high stockings complete the sinful attire. And if that wasn’t enough for Tony’s poor aroused cock already straining in his pants, Stephen is also tied up nicely in an intricate pattern of thin rope, shibari-style. He looks absolutely fuckable, nicely offered to him and Tony can’t wait to put his hands all over him. To trace the lacework following the line of his spine, to grope the glob of his ass clad in those sinful panties, to kiss his mouth shut by the rope. Most importantly, he wants to bend Stephen over in all the binding and stockings and pretty lingerie and fuck him senseless. And from the glint of lust in his sorcerer’s eyes, it’s clear Stephen hopes for the exact same thing.
“So?” Pepper asks, putting her chin on his shoulder to admire her work on their husband with him. “What do you think?”
“That’s what I hoped for.” She kisses his cheek. “Happy birthday.”
Tony wets his lips with his tongue and almost moans in anticipation. Happy birthday indeed.
Come leave kudos and comments on AO3 💝
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lafourmii20 · 4 years
After a hot sparring session with Thor, the couple wants him in their bedroom. The god is more than happy to participate in their new fantasy.
• Explicit • Ironstrange + Thor • IronStrange Bingo 2020, PWP, Threesome - MMM, Established Ironstrange Relationship, Open Relationships, Anal Sex, Size Kink, Top Thor (Marvel), Bottom Stephen Strange
Written for the @ironstrangebingo​ 2020, square: Thor and loosely based on prompt #629 by @ironstrangeprompts​ 💜
It all starts with an innocent training session at the Avengers Compound. Stephen has a new magical axe, found in another distant universe. He needs help training and so he asks Thor. The Asgardian God is not the best teacher but he owns Stormbreaker so he has a few tips for Stephen to use. Actually, Thor is not very good with words, he expresses himself best with his body. His big, muscular, and particularly handsome body, Stephen soon remarks, as Thor’s chest presses against his back, his arms wind around Stephen and his big hands guide his writs to wield the new axe.
After exchanging a few blows with Thor, Stephen pauses to see Tony carefully watching them from the side. There’s no jealousy in his eyes, only envy and lust. Stephen can guess what he’s thinking and the way the engineer adjusts his pants is all the evidence he needs. Stephen doesn’t say anything, just smirks before returning to his training, quite aroused by all this himself.
His excitation increases to a whole new level at the end of their training session, in the communal showers. Stephen gets a great look at Thor’s absolutely stunning body. He even sneaks a peek below the belt of pure mouth-watering abs and damn! That man isn’t a god for nothing. Huge and mighty, he is. Perfect.
And just like that, a new fantasy is born.
Tony and Stephen are in a very open and sharing relationship. For a few years now, they’ve been inviting people in their bed for very fun activities. So of course, Stephen tells Tony about what he saw. They are both very on board with the idea of Thor with them.
That night, while they make love, Tony whispers sweet dirty words to Stephen’s ear, painting a wonderful picture of the things he wishes to see them do with Thor in their bed. Stephen describes what he saw and Tony just wishes to have that huge godly thing inside of him or inside of Stephen. Tony’s not picky. He just wants to have fun.
It doesn’t take more than a week for all the Avengers to know about their new fantasy. At this point, it’s more of an obsession but who can blame them really.
Most of the Avengers had their turn in the couple’s bed and they are kind of surprised they haven’t invited Thor before. Because, well… He’s Thor. The god sould have been the first on their list.
When Thor hears about this, he just beams and agrees with an enthusiastic: “At long last!”
After several negotiation discussions, the three of them end up in a big bed, more than ready for what they hope will be a night of pure and indecent pleasure.
“Are you sure about this, friend Tony?” Thor asks.
“Yes,” he rasps, his voice hoarse with excitement.
“Wizard?” the god asks.
“Oh, yes, I assure you I want this very much.”
“Perfect. Well, then… I will just…”
Thor slides inside Stephen in one smooth glide. Stephen gasps. Tony moans and bites his lip, his tongue, his knuckles, everything, and anything to contain himself. This is so ridiculously hot and breathtakingly beautiful. He’s already rock hard and if he gets more turned on, he’s going to pass out. But boy, oh boy, Stephen and Thor paint a beautiful picture together.
Stephen leans on his knees and forearms - both Tony and Thor are very careful of his hands. He bends his heads down, his usually so well kept hair falls over his forehead and his glassy eyes. He’s a panting mess, heavy breaths and lewd moans coming from his mouth. Pink colors his cheeks and sweat gleams on his skin. He’s beautiful.
Thor towers over him, on his knees behind him, tall and broad and big and all muscles. His big hands press on Stephen’s narrow hips. He barely sweats and seems glorious. He is regal and godly when he moves back a few inches just to push back inside Stephen.
“Oh, dear god,” Stephen moans and Thor laughs quietly.
“That’s the spirit.”
He pushes back again inside of him and Stephen’s words dissolve in deliciously erotic moans. Tony’s gaze falls on Stephen’s ass and where their bodies are meeting. It’s indecent. It’s hot. It’s absolutely obscene.
Thor is huge, massively huge. His big - big, big and big, did he mention how fucking BIG - cock is wet with saliva, lube and cum. The god already came twice and he’s not showing any sign of fatigue or even slowing down. Gosh, why did they wait for so long before inviting him? He is perfect.
Probably in an attempt to break Tony’s sanity at how hot this is, Thor uses his own cum as lube to push inside Stephen. The ring of muscles stretches obscenely wide around his girth. It must hurt in all the best ways and Tony shudders at the thought. With all the prep they did, and all the lube they’re using, there’s no resistance. Thor just withdraws and goes right back inside Stephen in slow and long thrusts. Again and again. Stephen whimpers in pleasure and Tony is about to burst, just watching them.
On the bed, Tony crawls a little closer to the pair. He nudges Stephen’s elbow and maneuvers him a bit until Stephen’s red cheek falls on Tony’s thigh and his arms around his waist. His ass is still up in the air and Tony has the best view of Thor fucking into it while he gently pets Stephen’s hair.
“Tony…” Stephen’s voice rasps, wrecked from pleasure.
“I’m here sweetie, I’m here,” he whispers back.
“He is big. So big.”
“I know. That’s what we fantasized about for weeks, sweetie.”
Thor chuckles, a deep gravely sound that vibrates through his body and his cock and sends a shiver down Stephen’s spine. The poor - more like lucky, very lucky - sorcerer moans a little bit more if that’s even possible.
Tony knows the answer to his next question but he still has to ask:
“Are you okay, sweetie?” he says, carding his fingers through Stephen’s hair.
“Yes. Yes, I’m okay,” Stephen moans against Tony’s thigh.
He is drooling all over Tony’s groin, mere inches away from his hard cock. Tony aches for that slack and wet mouth around his dick but it’s all about Stephen’s enjoying Thor for the moment. Tony will get his turn.
That doesn’t mean he can’t enjoy himself too.
“How do you feel? Tell me, sweetie,” Tony coaxes.
His fingers grip Stephen’s hair, his eyes settle on his husband's ass and Thor’s massive cock.
“Because from where I’m standing, it seems pretty huge and insanely good. You know how I said you were beautiful on your hands and knees for my cock? Well, I’d like to make an amendment to that: I absolutely love seeing you with a dick up your ass. Mine, Thor’s, Scott’s, Cap’s… It doesn’t matter. You take it all so beautifully and I love it. Is that considered a fetish?”
Stephen’s weak laugh quickly turns into a moan. He’s so out of it, Tony wonders how he can keep up with the conversation. Thor still thrusts into him, relentlessly.
“He’s so big. I feel so full,” Stephen mumbles against Tony’s thighs and his arms tighten around his waist. “So good, it feels so good. Can we keep him?”
“That’s a great idea, sweetie. Terrific. But let Point Break prove he’s really worth it, first,” he taunts with a wink for the big guy.
Thor doesn’t answer with words. He pulls back and pushes back inside Stephen. And again. And again. He slowly increases his rhythm, slamming in his ass with more strength, more speed. His pelvis slaps against Stephen’s round ass cheeks, flesh against flesh. The drag of his cock against Stephen’s rim makes indecent wet noises.
Stephen is a mess of whimpers and cries of pleasure. Tony can only watch as his husband gets thoroughly fucked and stretched and wrecked by the God of Thunder himself.
“Oh dear god, you look so good like that, sweetie.” Tony grips at Stephen’s hair while his other hand goes to his own neglected cock, he can’t stop himself. “Jeez, he’s destroying you and you more than take it, you love it. You love being fucked like an animal.”
Stephen is screaming and weeping with pleasure. Thor keeps his rough pace. His hands are everywhere on Stephen’s body, crawling all over his skin, pinning him down by the nape of his neck, kneading his cheeks then parting his ass to better fuck him. A magical electric sparkle, Thor’s thunder, follows the path of his fingertips on Stephen’s skin. And the sorcerer loves it, his whole body shivering.
“You have a very good lover here, Stark. Very open and wanton,” Thor comments like he’s not fucking his Stephen like that.
Tony can only watch, mesmerized and drooling, while the god pounds into his husband. The sight is indecent and Tony is reduced to stroke himself, following Thor’s thrusts inside Stephen.
And why is it so hot to have this big beefy guy take his husband like that?
“Oh yeah, I know. Keep fucking him, big guy, he loves it. You do love it, right, sweetie? I can see it on your face, darling. You love it so much. You love being fucked by that big fat cock, don't you?”
“Yes, yes, yes!” Stephen muffles his cries against Tony’s thigh but can’t completely hide them. His arms tighten around him, in a bruising embrace. His legs shake, his body quivers. His red and neglected cock bounces with every slap of Thor’s hips against his butt. He leaks cum copiously on the mattress under him. He’s on the edge, ready to tumble over at any second and fall into an abyss of orgasmic pleasure. Tony can almost feel it.
He bites his lip. He’s so gone himself. This is so hot. Fuck.
“Oh, he is good,” Thor says, still pushing inside Stephen. “Am I allowed to come inside him?”
“Yes!” both Tony and Stephen say, desperate to see and feel that happening.
Thor’s big hands grip Stephen’s waist tighter, he thrusts faster and faster and faster until finally, he spills his pleasure inside Stephen, fills him to the brim. It’s the last push for Stephen. He strangles his moan against Tony’s leg and succumbs to his orgasm. His cum paints the sheets with white sticky strips right before he collapses on the bed.
Tony is left with an erection so hard it hurts and a craving for more.
“FRI, baby girl, I hope you recorded that because it was the hottest thing ever and I’m gonna play it every day until I’m sick of it or completely dry and empty.”
“Got it, Boss”, the AI says from the speaker in the room with a voice both smug and a little bit embarrassed.
“That’s my girl. Would you help over there, Point Break?” He directs Thor and they both lie Stephen down on clean sheets and a soft pillow. Tony stretches out next to his husband, Thor on the other side and they all cuddle in a big pile of sweaty bodies and sticky fluids. Tony is still hard, hot and bothered, properly horny - well, he’s waaaaaay past that point actually - but he has to make sure Stephen is all right before going any further.
“You okay, sweet thing?” he asks softly.
Stephen turns on his side, cuddles up to Tony, and mumbles an incoherent answer on the pillow. Thor laughs softly behind him where he’s spooning him.
“I think your wizard is done for the night.”
Tony smiles and gently strokes Stephen’s hair, letting his husband enjoy his post-orgasmic bliss yet still making sure he’s okay.
“Anything hurts, baby? Please, I need words now.”
“I’m good. It was good. So good.”
“Well you sure seems well fucked, I’ll give you that,” Tony answers with a peck to his husband’s lips.
Satisfied with Stephen’s state, Tony sits up. His eyes immediately fall on Thor’s big cock, still hard and wet with cum, resting against Stephen’s abused ass. Oh boy, they are going to have so much fun. His own erection seems to grow at the sight, is that’s even possible.
“Well, big guy,” Tony drawls, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. “You seem like you’re still up for a few more rounds. So… my turn?”
Thor’s laughter is contagious and very much enthusiastic. He gets up and over Stephen, crawls up to Tony, and cages him with his very big, very muscly body. Tony can’t complain and he is ready to be thoroughly swept off his feet like Stephen. Speaking of his husband…
“Give me a minute to catch my breath,” Stephen says, voice slurred, “and I’m up for another round too.”
Yes. They’re going to have a very very interesting night.
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lafourmii20 · 4 years
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I joined another bingo! Not sure I will be able to write for a lot of these prompts but I’m gonna try! 💜
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lafourmii20 · 5 years
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Just received my first bingo card from @ironstrangebingo
Look at all these lovely prompts 💜 I can’t wait to start writing! 💜
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lafourmii20 · 5 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Doctor Strange (2016), Ant-Man (Movies), Iron Man (Movies) Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Scott Lang/Tony Stark/Stephen Strange, Tony Stark/Stephen Strange Characters: Tony Stark, Scott Lang, Stephen Strange Additional Tags: Kinktober, Plot What Plot/Porn Without Plot, Open Relationships, Threesome - M/M/M, Double Penetration, Blow Jobs, Anal Sex, Sex Magic Series: Part 2 of Kinktober 2019 Summary:
In a very open relationship, Tony and Stephen often invite other people in their bed. When they learn Scott has a little (massive) crush on Stephen, they invite him and indulge in his fantasies.
  Kinktober 2019, day 2: Double penetration
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lafourmii20 · 4 years
Author Interview Tag
Thanks @amethyst-noir for the tag 🥰
Name: Fanny (lafourmii20 here, and LaFourmii on AO3)
Fandoms: After Harry Potter and Shadowhunters, I'm now obssessed with the MCU. Don't know when this obsession will stop with all the upcoming movies and tv shows!
Where you post: AO3 (I only use tumblr to reblog stuff I like basically) (I also have a ff.net account that I don't use anymore)
Most popular one-shot: Here to steal my date again? where Tony and Stephen hook up at a gala. It was really fun to write and I'm quite happy with the result, so I'm happy it's my one-shot with the most kudos. Strangely, my most popular one-shot by hits is Hold on just a little bit longer which is a Christine Palmer/Pepper Potts omorashi fic and I don't know why 👀
Most popular multi-chapter fic: Tu veux venir au bal avec moi? a french drarry fic I wrote a long long time ago (and it's my most popular because it's basically my only multi-chaptered fic 🤣)
Favorite story you've written so far: Scott's little crush because it turned out way sweeter than I expected
Fic you were nervous to post: From us both, the first fic I wrote in english.
How you choose your titles: Staring at the blank space for an eternity before I just give up and choose a random quote from the fic to use as a title.
Do you outline: I usually start without an outline, just an idea. And then, halfway though the fic I realize I'm stuck so I force myself to outline the rest of it and only then can I write the end. Happens almost every time... 🙄
Complete: All my stories are finished. I made the mistake (years ago) to post a wip and it took me an eternity and a half to finish it and I didn't like to leave my readers hanging. So now, I only post complete works.
In progress: I'm currently working on Mr. Regular Genius, a follow-up to Dr Handsome and I am right at that moment where I get stuck and can't seem to finish it even though I just need something like 100 words to end it.
Coming soon/not yet started: So many things! A follow-up for I'd rather just watch you for now, new fics for my For a night or more series (ironstrange+Pepper ; ironstrange+Stucky), and so many more!
Do you accept prompts: Yes but I only write the ones that really spark my imagination. It doesn't mean the prompts are not good. Just that I don't have the skills to write them well and don't want to disappoint the person who send it to me.
Upcoming story you are most excited to write: All my fills for the @mcukinkbingo 🥵
Upcoming story you are most excited about: Animal, an A/B/O ironstrange fic. It's already 14k words long and not even close to finished. I really like this story and really hope I can get to the end of it some day.
If you've read everything, thank you. This little interview thing was fun to do! 🤭
Tagging @atypical-snowman and @hogwartstoalexandria if you want to 🥰
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