#laika's piano :)
namari-hime-moved · 9 months
namari hime is so cool man...... like WHAT DO YOU MEAN every single character has unique instrumentation and the duets are combinations of those!!!!! LIKE THATS SO COOL!!!!!!
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johaerys-writes · 7 months
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Ch. 18: Instant Crush
Read on AO3 | Read from the beginning
The last day of field work before leaving for Athens is strange. Not nostalgic exactly, because Patroclus doesn’t think he'll miss it. But when he's handed his pay for the day and slips it in his pocket, there's an odd feeling of loss that fills him, a desolation that’s only made more prominent by his exhaustion.
He will probably never work those fields again.
He comes back home with the setting of the sun. Peleus is in the living room with Laika curled at his feet, his newspaper open on his lap. 
"Ah, there you are, lad," he tells Patroclus warmly when he sees him walking through the door. "Dinner's ready. Why don't you go fetch Achilles while I set the table." 
Patroclus nods, hopping up the steps to the upper floors. Achilles isn’t in his room, nor in Patroclus'. He goes back down and searches the playroom and the old and dusty piano room, and it's only when he closes the door to the empty library that he hears Achilles' voice coming from Peleus' study. 
Patroclus doesn’t open the door. He only stands outside it for a minute, listening. There is only one person Achilles talks on the phone with, in Peleus’ office no less; the unmistakable lilt of his Russian accent leaves no room for doubt.
Thetis doesn't call very often, she never did, but there’s always been a sort of routine to her calls. It's always at the weekend, and always in the morning, and always two or three weeks apart; to hear Achilles speaking with her again so soon after the last phone call last week is a surprise. And while it's been long enough since she was in Phthia, since… everything happened, Patroclus still can’t help the ill feeling whenever Thetis is concerned.
He steps away quietly, returning to the kitchen to help Peleus serve the food. 
Achilles joins them not very long after. He doesn’t talk much, listening instead as Peleus and Patroclus talk about the weather and the football game the previous night. After they're done with dinner, Peleus retreats to his office and Patroclus and Achilles tidy up the kitchen. They wash the dishes in silence, Patroclus rinsing them and Achilles drying them off with a dish towel. 
The silence between them should have made him uneasy, but Patroclus is almost used to it now. Since his birthday, Achilles has been thoughtful and silent, and Patroclus has been too busy and too often away from the house to address it. Besides, Achilles hasn’t been all too eager to address it himself; he hasn't mentioned the night at the shed at all. It’s like it never happened, and perhaps it’s better this way. Patroclus doesn’t feel it is appropriate to press him on it. Achilles also hasn't tried to kiss Patroclus or even to touch him; technically Patroclus should be relieved —he did ask Achilles not to do it, after all. But that strange desolation is back whenever he thinks about it, cold and spreading and bleeding him dry. 
"I heard you talking on the phone earlier," Patroclus says.
"Oh. Yeah."
"She okay?"
"Yeah." Achilles wipes a glass down and places it on the rack. "She wanted to congratulate me. For getting into Architecture School. I told her you got into Literature and Theatre Studies. She was quite happy about that."
Patroclus is more than content with his decision to apply for the program he did, and he was elated when his acceptance was confirmed, but the comment still rankles. Of course Thetis would be happy knowing they won't be studying together. Isn’t this what she would have wanted after all? To make sure Achilles and he spend as little time together as possible. He suddenly doesn’t want to know anything about what Achilles and his mother talked about at all. 
"She said she's planning to fly back to Greece, to see me, but she doesn't know when that will be exactly. Apparently she and my father… they’ve been talking about the divorce again. It’s probably going to be finalised within the year."
Achilles' gaze is distant as he talks, as if he isn’t really there. He idly fingers the chain of his cross with wet fingers, the dish towel forgotten in his hand. 
"She said there are many places in Athens she'd like to show me. She gave me a list of places to visit, and a list of things I'll need to do for the move, and—" He shakes his head. "There’s so much to do before we leave as well. So much to plan and organise." 
"I could help with that," Patroclus says. "If you'd like me to. I could help you pack, or… anything. Anything you want." 
Achilles smiles warmly at him at that; he lets his chain go to accept the dripping bowl Patroclus gives him, leaving a damp mark on the collar of his shirt. They don’t speak anymore as they wash the rest of the dishes, until the sink is empty and sparkling clean.
“You should think about what clothes you want to bring with you,” Patroclus says. “And books. I’m only taking a handful, but if you want more then you should tell Peleus to fetch you some more boxes from the supermarket when he goes tomorrow morning.” 
Achilles wipes his hands dry, but doesn’t follow Patroclus when he heads towards the stairs. "Actually, I… I think I'll go for a walk first. Feeling a little jittery or something, I don’t know."
"Want me to come with you?"
He shakes his head. "No, that's okay. I'll take Laika with me. Want to come for a walk, girl?" 
Laika, who had been dozing on the living room couch, perks up instantly and rushes into the kitchen, barking and jumping around Achilles as he reaches for her leash hanging by the door. 
"You should go ahead and pack," Achilles calls over his shoulder before walking out. “Don't wait up.”
Patroclus stays at the stair landing for a long moment, staring after them. 
Two days later, Peleus is driving them all the way to the capital in his jeep that he only takes out of the garage a few times a year. Patroclus only took one suitcase with him; he doesn’t have much in the way of belongings, and those he needs for his new home aren’t that many anyway. Achilles, on the other hand, simply had to take his guitar and his favourite blanket and all of his sneakers, even those he doesn’t wear all that much anymore, as well as a suitcase filled with books and other trinkets he absolutely couldn’t leave behind.
“You don’t have to take all your life with you,” Patroclus told him while helping him pack the last of his things. “Phthia is only three hours away by train, it’s not like we’re moving to the end of the world.”
Achilles had thoroughly ignored his advice, shoving yet another pack of dusty books and photo albums in his already overstuffed suitcase.
Read the rest on AO3
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leahsfiction · 11 months
ENVOY: a game of Like Skyscrapers Blotting Out the Sun - bandcamp playlist
An interdimensional portal has connected Demesne Cuzorn of the Five Rivers continent with Spindleshim Station in Sequential space, opening up new opportunities for trade, advances in science and sorcery, and cultural exchange. This last has brought literatus Funeste Étoile-Filante to Spindleshim, with station citizen Valeur True-Signal Mercy-of-Harmony assigned as an attaché.
full listing (w/ additional YT tracks):
War Begins - Brian Tyler (Children of Dune but REALLY someone's fanmix for Sabriel i found on? LJ? forever ago) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-dS_14mbXUk
Just Give It Some Thought - Jack de Quidt (Twilight Mirage) https://notquitereal.bandcamp.com/track/just-give-it-some-thought
Entering - Anna von Hausswolff (All Thoughts Fly) https://annavonhausswolffsl.bandcamp.com/track/entering
Fallen - Cinder Well (No Summer) https://cinderwell.bandcamp.com/track/fallen-2
Quinta del Sordo - Dear Laika (Pluperfect Mind) https://dearlaika.bandcamp.com/track/quinta-del-sordo
Dave Malloy, Original Broadway Cast - Prologue (Natasha, Pierre & The Great Comet of 1812) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STzIIYf3iS0
Marrow in the Bone - Jack de Quidt (Sangfielle) https://notquitereal.bandcamp.com/track/marrow-in-the-bone
Arrakis - Dave Matthews (Dune) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RnrWNdCQwQY
Adagio - Jack de Quidt (PALISADE) https://notquitereal.bandcamp.com/track/adagio
Petit Piano - Flore Laurentienne https://florelaurentienne.bandcamp.com/track/petit-piano
(as our game is not yet finished, i'm not sure this playlist is either. but i wanted to post it lol)
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spacefinch · 9 months
More Magic School Bus headcanons!
Here’s my headcanons for what each kid does when they grow up!
(They’re all scientists!)
Arnold: Geologist. I also think it’d be neat if he’s a geology teacher as well. Instead of apples, his students bring him cool rocks. (This headcanon was inspired by students bringing my geology/oceanography teacher rocks.)
Phoebe: I got a few options for her: ornithologist (bird scientist), lepidopterist (butterfly and moth scientist) or botanist (plant scientist). Whatever she does end up doing, she’s sure to put her whole heart and soul into it.
Keesha: Microbiologist. (Yes, this is because of the pickle episode.) For non-science careers, she’s probably a dancer or does work in the movie industry.
Ralphie: Chiropterologist, or a scientist who studies bats. In the chapter books, he really likes bats. In the show, he’s a bit slower to warm up to them, but he learns to like them.
Tim: Marine biologist or ornithologist (if Phoebe decides she doesn’t want to study birds professionally). He’s also a well-known illustrator and nature photographer.
Wanda: Herpetologist (scientist who studies reptiles and amphibians). She prefers a hands-on approach to her research, and everyone agrees she takes after her mother.
Carlos: Paleontologist. His favorite dinosaurs are Velociraptor and Archaeopteryx, if you’re not counting modern-day birds (which he loves too).
Dorothy Ann: Astronomer or astrophysicist. She specializes in deep-space objects such as stars, black holes, and faraway nebulas.
Mikey: probably a computer programmer or engineer of sorts. Very hands-on with his work. He might also help make improvements to his friends’ science equipment.
Janet: Paleontologist— and Carlos’s rival, at that. The two of them are always going off at each other via research papers.
D.A. and Carlos have named things they’ve discovered after each other. Carlos named a feathered dinosaur after D.A. Meanwhile, D.A. named a star cluster after Carlos.
Ralphie has a doctorate (everyone here does because they are that hardworking and ambitious); however, he’s probably the most chill about it.
Someone: Hey, Dr. Tennelli!
Ralphie: Oh, no, no, no. Dr. Tennelli is my mom. Please, Call me Ralphie.
A look at Carlos and Janet’s intellectual arguments:
“A Theory About Dinosaurs,” by Ramon, et al.
“A Conflicting Theory About the Same Dinosaurs,” by Perlstein, et al.
“Dr. Perlstein (the Paleontologist, not the Geologist) Was Wrong and Here’s Why,” by Ramon, et al.
This continues for several more research papers, eventually ending in a temporary truce:
“If We Knew What We Were Doing, It Would Not Be Called Research, Would It?” by Perlstein, Ramon, et al.
(And of course Tim does illustrations for both papers.)
Dorothy Ann still has her parrot named Dinah, but she also has some new pets too. First is a dog named Laika, after the first dog in outer space. Second is a cat named Asimov.
Phoebe’s house is full of plants, both outside and inside. Everywhere you look: plants. The outside plants are all species that are native to where Phoebe lives, and they attract lots of birds and insects. Phoebe keeps her more exotic plants indoors, and likes to propagate them to give to friends.
Mikey plays the piano as a hobby. He has a service dog, though I’m not sure what breed. And he’s very passionate about disability rights and accessibility.
The whole gang lives near one another. Options: Same neighborhood, different houses. Same apartment, different rooms. Or everyone lives in one big house.
About the last bullet point: yes, the former students of Ms. Frizzle’s class (plus one sibling and one cousin) live in a sitcom.
Never though I’d bring MSB Rides Again into this discussion, but hear me out. Jyoti is part of the Science Gang. I personally think that she and Mikey would do engineering stuff together.
They all enjoy hanging out together and watching Star Trek!
Ralphie attempted to build another robot to do everyone’s chores. It did not go well. Hopefully he as learned his lesson and will leave the robot-building to the coding and engineering experts.
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the-cloudy-dreamer · 1 year
About me (II) @mathomhouse-e tagged me and since we all at the Dreamling Nation server are getting to know each other I’m happy to share over here 🖤
Nickname: My name doesn’t lend itself for nicknaming BUT I use Meiga as my artist/illustrator name and Cloudy is more than fine too specially in fandom/tumblr context.
Sign: Capricorn ☀️ Gemini 🌙 Aquarius ⬆️
Height: 1.60 cm
Last thing I googled: Ferdinand Kingsley + Tudors ( since me and @quillingwords were having a conversation about historical dramas it seemed pertinent!)
Song stuck in my head: Ziggy Stardust- David Bowie and Frankenstein- Rina Sawayana ( I have @virgo-dream to thank for the last one 😂)
Number of followers: Somehow 247 —I’ve gotten some followers after all my silly Sandman posts
Amount of sleep: 4 or 5 hours? chronic back pain is the worst specially now that is winter and it’s cold—it’s hard to sleep right now for me.
Dream job: I’m an illustrator and my dream job would be doing editorial work specially if it was for publications and authors that I admire.
Wearing: Right now—dark grey baggy sweat pants, an attack on Titan graphic t-shirt and a loose fluffy black sweater.
Movies/books that summarize you: Too many to name! but my favorite genre is fantasy and horror so you get the idea.
Favorite song: Too many to name again! But I’ll go with Rock&Roll Suicide-David Bowie because I was just hearing The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the spiders from Mars.
Favorite instrument: Probably plain old human voice —perhaps piano and violin?
Aesthetic: My general aesthetic is black on black on black—some people find it depressing I find that black is my happy colour I always feel comfy wearing it.
Favorite authors: Too many to name again! I’ll mention Alejandra Pizarnik because I was just revising her diaries and I’m always reading her poetry. Sylvia Plath, Mariana Enriquez, Banana Yoshimoto are some amazing woman authors that I love.
And of course I have to mention Neil Gaiman here because I just adore his books 🖤
Random fun fact: Years and years ago before there was an actual Coraline movie I worked for months in a small Mexican animation studio doing some character design for a Coraline 2D project—but LAIKA studios started working on the movie that we all know and love and the project I was working on got shut down 🤷🏻‍♀️ which was a pity because we were doing some amazing work! ( an as a side note I never got paid for the work I did on that 😂)
I think just about everyone was tagged for this but I’ll tag some of you guys again @sonata-ix @littledreamling @wintersmitth @firemandeanbuck @ghostboyjules @runningheadless @hopefulpenance @aquilathefighter
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Aaahhhhhh thank you for tagging me @riddle-me-ri 🥺🧡
Are you named after someone?
When was the last time you cried?
This morning, I got emotional about the passage of time, because I saw a video about like 2000s nostalgia and I was like fuck man.
Do you have kids?
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Do you use sarcasm a lot?
I definitely use it, I was gonna say that I'm not sure if I use it a lot, but at least once a day I use it so....I guess I do use it a lot??? Idk it's pretty common in my family.
What's the first thing you notice about people?
Uuuhhhhh I guess their voice?? I'm pretty akward when I first meet people and I don't really look directly at them, I mostly listen to their voice, their mannerisms when speaking and stuff.
What's your eye color?
Scary movie or a happy ending?
When I was younger I was all about happy endings, if stories didn't have happy endings then what was the point??? I suppose that changed when I grew up, I still like happy endings tho, but I'd say scary movie (love scary movies).
Any special talents?
Uhm, I think it would be that I have a good ear for languages and music?? When I was still learning english my teacher would say that I have a very good ear and could catch and understand very quickly what was being said, and my piano teacher once told me that, again, I have a good ear because I could listen to a song and quickly figure out the melody and the pacing, the tempo, to play it myself, so I guess??? that would be it???
Where were you born?
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What are your hobbies?
Video games, reading, building puzzles, painting, listening to music, watching tv shows or movies, learning things, sulking, making my friends happy, being dumb on the internet, space.
Do you have any pets?
No :(
What sports do you play/have played?
I used to do swimming when I was younger, competitive swimming I mean, I still love swimming so much, I love being around water, but it's been a while, I should pick it up again some day.
How tall are you?
This is the hardest question for me, why you ask?? Because I know that I'm 1 meter 70 centimetres, BUT I'm still not entirely sure if that's 5 ft 6 or 5 ft 7, because I've searched but I find different answers everywhere, I think I'll die not knowing. Why do you do this to me americans ??????
Favorite subject in school?
History, Literature, Psychology, Art and English!
Dream job?
Working in a stop motion animation project. That's my dream, I would peak there. If I ever get the opportunity to work for Laika or Guillermo del Toro ever does another animated movie in stop motion and I get to work in it, that's it. That would be the happiest I'll ever be.
Ok so I'm gonna tag the usual victims @jervis-tetch-my-beloved and @freya-faust (there's no pressure to do this of course, you don't have to if you don't wanna 🧡) And whoever else wants to can do it too!
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minilpark · 2 years
Hi there!! I was wondering if I could make a Top Gun ship request? (Hope I read your pinned post right and they’re still open whoops)
My name is Robin (any pronouns), and I’m terrible at describing myself but I’ll give it a go! I’d say I’m pretty outgoing, I really like talking to people and getting to know them. I’ve been told I seem like I know a lot of people, but I’m basically just friendly to everyone while only really having a handful of solid friends. I hope that makes sense ahsgdg. I used to be painfully shy but I’ve turned it around the past few years and learned to just go for it, it’s done wonders for my confidence. I love trying to make people laugh, my sense of humour is some mix of 12 year old boy and weird old woman. I’m from Scotland but I live in America, so my accent and tendency to swear too much stems mostly from my family and watching too much Billy Connolly as a kid lmao. Probably why I hate the heat as well. I’m constantly taking pictures and videos whenever I’m with friends, and I keep things like movie tickets in a sort of makeshift journal/sketchbook. I think I’ve got a fear of forgetting people and experiences, so I like documenting small moments. Apart from that I like anything storytelling based, so I’m into writing when I actually take the time to quit daydreaming. I love ‘kid’s’ media that have a darker slant to them, namely The Owl House, Over the Garden Wall, and Laika Studios movies. My hyperfixations change but right now I’m into Stranger Things, Top Gun, and Wes Anderson. As for hobbies, I’ve been playing bass for about 6 years, and I’ve been doing kickboxing and mma for almost a year. Music-wise I mostly like rock and punk leaning bands like Pinkshift and MCR (try before you deny), although I have a soft spot for Taylor Swift and ABBA in particular. My ideal date is probably something fun like a concert that we’d both enjoy, or going to see a late showing of some shitty movie and then making fun of it while walking back. Uhh my favourite colour is purple, favourite character in media is a tie between Kate Bishop and Inej Ghafa, and my favourite season is Autumn! Thanks for reading this (hope it wasn’t too ramble-y), hope you’re having a great day >:D
don't worry Robin, i really appreciate all the information you sent! it helps me narrow down the list of people i think you'd get along with a lot! also i totally relate to you on so many things it's crazy, you seem so cool!
anyways, i would ship you with rooster!
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i think bradley would adore you, your confidence, your sense of humour, and the music taste (yes he would learn your fave songs on the piano to play for you). going into more detail, i think rooster would love the concept of making a scrapbook or something of sorts to document memories together. he would also be so interested in your hobbies and would want to do them with you (i vividly imagined you knocking rooster on his ass while sparring sorry). also, the thought of you two going to a concert together is so cool, he would def be the type to pick you up on his shoulders so you can get a better view and take pics if you want! in conclusion, yall would be an adorable couple i'd love to see it.
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swampgallows · 2 years
stolen from @omnifariousness​ because im bored
Last song I listened to: ive had a constant undercurrent of different versions of james brown is dead (/is still alive/dad is brown/numerous remixes) stuck in my head for several weeks now, the worst of which being a godawful electroswing type remix my brain conjured up that is so obnoxious and formulaic in nature i imagine it must actually exist out there somewhere. (searching on youtube only brought forth a psytrance remix. good god) 
last song i actually listened to with my ears and not in my head would be queen of mean while walking my dog, and the last record i put on was foreign affair, the b-track of the b-side of Hey! i’d never let it play out after LOVE (which is def the better track) but it’s an all right tune. the pianos are good and it chugs right along. doesn’t really have the momentum or energy that hey! or LOVE do.
Last movie I watched: tried to watch the bobs burgers movie cause daygo wanted to watch it but i refused to watch a cam rip. two seconds in and the echo from the audio was like petting a cat wrong. so we watched kubo & the two strings instead. i hadnt watched it since it came out, and it was better than i remember but slower in some parts (exposition of monkey and beetle bonding felt a bit too hackneyed to me). i also wish we saw more of the sisters since i feel like their screentime was pretty short, but maybe it was considered “too scary” for kids. (couldnt have been any scarier than coraline though lmfao). and damn that enormous skeleton puppet is still just as impressive. i think the reason people dont appreciate laika films is because they think theyre just watching another churned out cgi cartoon. not that animation doesnt take its own effort but. stop motion. my god
Book I’m currently reading: ordinary love & good will by jane smiley, via @nelfs recommendation (good will in particular). i was reading ordinary love aloud trying to practice my cold reading and diction but it got to a part where i felt like i needed to take a break. it’s an interesting enough story but feels very tense, and the tension makes hard to concentrate on for a while. maybe i just relate too much to dissociation being within arm’s reach and that feeling of palpably strained family relationships. lmfao. i know im not obligated to finish ordinary love  and can just ditch it to start good will but i get too invested. i dont know what will happen with the twins and if the mom will get a grip.
do it if you wanna
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tempi-dispari · 6 months
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New Post has been published on https://www.tempi-dispari.it/2023/12/07/i-migliori-dischi-del-2023/
I migliori dischi del 2023:
Ed ecco la nostra classifica per le migliori uscite dell’anno in scadenza.
Da premettere, scegliere è stato difficilissimo. Non dico che tutti i dischi che abbiamo recensito sono sullo stesso piano, ma ognuno ha un suo perché. Soprattutto per la scelta editoriale di pubblicare solo quello che ci convince.
Ma bando alle ciance e passiamo ai fatti.
Ecco le nostre scelte per categoria:
Miglior disco rock: Urlo eretico di Andrea Ra (recensione) e l’omonimo dei Fiesta Alba (recensione) Miglior debutto: Isometry con Break the Loop (recensione) Loyal Cheaters con Long run…all dead! (recensione) Miglior disco di cantautorato: Claudio Orfei con My Wonderland (recensione) Miglior disco metal: Interlude of Clarity con Reflections (recensione) e Wiked Asylum con Kintsugi (recensione) Miglior disco Indie: Wedding Kollektiv con 2084 (recensione) e April’s Fools con At the edge of shadow (recensione) Miglior disco prog: Silver Nightmares con Apocalypsis (recensione) Miglior disco post punk: Demikhov con Chemical bath (recensione) e Dipso con Desire (recensione) Miglior disco alternative: Laika nello spazio con Macerie (recensione) Miglior disco darkwave: Les long adieux con Piccolo dizionario di parole fraintese (recensione) Miglior disco stoner: Signs Preyer (recensione) con III e Gorilla pulp con Mask off (recensione)
Certo, mancano delle categorie, ma non vogliamo svelare tutti i nostri segreti in un sol colpo.
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bluestar99 · 5 years
whenever I listen to norman at the piano from the paranorman soundtrack (by jon brion) I just think about the fact that the song title confirms norman plays piano which itself is a good concept but then I make it sad thinking him playing that song to drown out the sound of his parents fighting because of him. also his grandma was definitely his piano teacher
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loganlynn · 5 years
#Repost: @pdxpod / @pdxpodcast ・・・ @loganlynnofficial chats with us about his new double-LP "My Movie Star" (co-produced with @jaymohr37) today on the podcast with Herb Alpert. Link in profile. . . . . #thedandywarhols @thedandywarhols @laikastudios #laika #piano @spotify #spotify #elliotsmith #tiffany #lgbt #mtv #vh1 #spiketv @portugaltheman #portugaltheman #portland #pianist #pop #indiepop #tiffany #jaymohr @madisoncmontgomery @chicksings #broadway @logotv @newnownext @xopublicity @marmosetmusic #electropop #alternative #grammys #pianopop (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/BuSkApOBKyD/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=13byc42lefs38
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aquiethello · 6 years
An animation i made for my Summer class :)
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laikachi · 3 years
I’m just really proud of how this cover came out!
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taggerbug · 6 years
why is coraline the only laika movie to not have the soundtrack on spotify
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seafleece · 4 years
counter/weight music is gonna be the death of me, it’s this perpetual melancholy and occasional, timid happiness that’s slowly washed out by rigour’s motif.
aria and jacqui make a song about june and explosions, and both the songs that play while they’re talking are delicate blues piano. the blues motifs are only in the songs about aria, so the actual flourishes and syncopation feel really. precious? they’re little bursts of expression and emphasis, and even from someone like aria, on rigour’s scale, they’re blips. a song about june and explosions, and there’s so much it’s pushing against that it can only sound bittersweet.
cassander timaeus berenice ends abruptly, not at the peak of the song but right after, where there’s a moment where the piano and rigour’s screech are reduced to the most quiet, simple version of themselves. there’s this graphic novel about the space dog laika— her capsule overheats at the end, and she envisions herself drifting into the sun. it’s this slightly too-long, lonely wait for something awful, a climb towards heat and exhaustion and fear, and the ending isn’t an explosion, it’s just. when a light has been flickering and it stops. there’s a pause, and then you realize it’s not coming back on.
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fateology · 3 years
the poem you wrote for Laika made me cry really hard, and I don't want you taking that as a bad thing. im very empathetic to the point it's bad for me sometimes, and the pictures you posted of her and your dog reminded me of mine exactly. she had cocked ears and ate bees she found in the yard. it's both so sad but respectful; the poem you wrote. it helps me remember her again.
hello and thank u for this msg i think about you and your dog a lot now..she sounds like she was lovely! i’m happy to hear the poem conveyed right because it’s been a couple years since i wrote it actually. as for the pictures of mine i WAS kinda astounded comparing her as a younger dog to laika because they looked so much alike! now that she’s older it’s not evident, but i like to think that if laika herself had had the years for her fur to go white, she might maybe look just like my dog now..ghost of a special astronaut is stored in the modern day canine
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here’s even more because Look At Her. from left to right: her requesting her court muses to play her a tune on the piano/her begging for food/her in my lap
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