#lance forever teases her for it but both hunk and shiro think it's sweet and adorable respectively
v-tired-queer · 9 months
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Not shown are their matching internal monologs of "Holy fuck holy fuck h o l y FUCK she's so cute shit shit shit--"
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 184 prt 2
Keith knew he was totally dobbing Lance in. His ego wanted to be doing more for Lance, who did so much for him
“He sleeps more than he’s awake. He still drinks his blood, but I’m worried. I don’t know if he’s trying to catch up on sleep he missed when I was in a coma, or if there’s something I’m not doing for him”
Coran chuckled
“He slept plenty by your side. I have a number of cute photos of the pair of you... Has he been having fresh blood?”
And Keith felt slightly violated. He was in a coma, what possibly possessed Coran to find anything cute about that?
“I didn’t think about that... I don’t think so”
“Try get some fresh blood into him. I’m sure he’ll perk back up in no time”
“Alright. Um... Thanks for listening”
“Anytime. And you come back to work when you’re ready. My door’s always open”
“I know. I think I’m going to have Matt train with me... but I do want to come back”
“I know, my boy, I know. Take care of yourself”
“Will do. You too”
Keith didn’t know how to go about getting Lance fresh blood. His boyfriend would never ask for it, let alone ask for it from Hunk and Pidge. That was a conversation for another time, for now he had to start looking up face masks and other nice things he could do for Lance. It felt to him like his ego was a dick for putting him in this situation. Naturally he wanted to spoil Lance, even before he’d turned, now he’d be spoiling Lance both because he wanted to and had to.
Keith had only started logging in when heard Lance calling his name. Rushing out the office, he tripped up the stairs in his hurry, not completely sure why he’d bolted to be by Lance’s side when all Lance had done was call his name.
Stumbling into their room, Lance was still asleep. Keith’s damn heart racing for nothing. Shifting in his sleep, Lance huffed out his name again. How cute could one man be? Honestly. It really wasn’t fair. Lance was so soft and sweet to him. He was so good to him. And he didn’t do much to show his gratitude. He really needed to do more. Maybe he got Hunk to go food shopping for them? If he had Coran transfer money into Lance’s account, he could see it backfiring and Lance angrily telling him he could take care of his own finances, or likening himself to a whore
“Nnnngh... I don’t want the purple duck... smells”
Whatever Lance was dreaming about, it couldn’t be too terrible. Unless Lance was being chased by a smell purple duck? Now that he knew Lance wasn’t having a nightmare, he really should go back downstairs and let him rest... but he looked so cute. Keith feared he may be verging on “stalking” by watching Lance sleep. Lance would laugh about it, and it’d be so easy to climb in next to him. Fuck it. He couldn’t stand there and watch Lance sleep forever. He wanted to do something nice for him.
Tiptoeing over, Keith grabbed his phone from the bedside table. Krolia had emptied out his locker for him, other than his weapons. His mother worrying in her own way over how he was coping. He caught her staring at him, making him feel self conscious and wonder if she missed her son and not the werewolf he’d become. She seemed to lighten up when Lance made some lame werewolf joke, that Keith had rolled his eyes at. Teasing preferable to everyone worrying... even if he wasn’t quite ready to laugh as easily as everyone else.
Intending to head downstairs, Keith found himself heading into the nursery on a whim. Not sure why his feet had carried him there until he was staring at the broken gyprock where Curtis had slammed him into the wall. How one tiny action had changed his whole life was mind blowing. How many times had he hit his head, only to be okay? He’d been thrown off a goddamn balcony and come off better than he had against the wall in front of him. Curtis blamed himself so much that Keith wanted to cry. Lance’s chat with him had assured him that Lance wasn’t mad, yet Keith knew what it was like to be mad at yourself and sorely wish you could go back undo things of the past. He knew Lance had made a list of things he needed to fix the wall, but Keith had no idea where. The nursery still left how it’d been after he and Shiro had stayed up painting. In the back of his mind he remembered telling Lance to finish it himself, and hated himself for it. Lance was waiting for him to be ready, because that’s what his boyfriend did. He solved everyone else’s problems before he tackled his own. Right now he needed to man up and face the problem Rieva and Matt had dumped in their laps as he really couldn’t face another plate of rice.
Is it just me, or is Keith having the same kind of crisis Lance had when his body started changing and he started getting urges? Me thinks the boys should have a talk...
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cecewarlock · 6 years
Beefs I have with Voltron s8
-Disregarding Allura’s connection to Coran so that Lance can come out as a better option. Allura does have a family, it’s Coran, it seems the earth air gave her amnesia or something, or maybe the writers did, idk… I swear all I could think of during Lance’s “great” speech during their date was “what about Coran?”
-Lance saying “I love you” to Allura on their first date. I don’t think I need to explain this one lol (Ted Mosby)
-Not having any indication that Allura has a crush on Lance beside a blush in season 7.
-Allura giving Lance the Altean marks for absolutely no reason. (Other than having him remember her forever which ok.)
-Lance never being able to move on from Allura and ending up single.
-Lance getting what he wants instead of what he needs. (Which the writers said wasn’t going to happen)
-The nice guy™ trope that shows a woman deciding to date the good guy after declining his advances for a long time. (Big Bang theory syndrome)
-Allura’s death is really unnecessary. Honerva has been shown to have the same or even more power than her sooo, why was Allura’s sacrifice needed? They could have also sacrificed Voltron since it seemed it was not needed anymore after they rebooted the universe.
-The death seemed cheesy and not earned at all. Of all of the members of team Voltron, not one tried to stop her (?????????)
-In Avatar the last airbender the writers made sure to show why Yue was the only one that could save the day with her sacrifice. It was poetic. They could have done that as well if they had added any thematic meaning to the scene. Maybe have Allura turn into the white lion that Honerva had previously destroyed, or the old paladins coming back to ride Voltron one last time to restore the universe. The problem isn’t really that she died, but how and why.
-The whole “Allura being possessed by a dark magic creature and going into Honerva’s mind” nonsense.
-Coran and Allura didn’t get to say goodbye.
-Terrible message for anyone who watches the show. His parents that are literally the ones who caused the war, and either directly or indirectly, have caused the death of millions of people while also abusing their son for centuries still get some kind of redemption, while Lotor doesn’t?!
-The shot of his corpse was horrifying and not needed.
-Lotor had the potential of becoming a great villain, and he was, for like two seconds until they decided to throw the whole character away.
-The Voltron team basically murdered him in cold blood, but you won’t hear anything about it. just like you didn’t hear anything about that time Lance died or Keith was about to sacrifice himself.
-That scene where they show Lotor reuniting with his family before the universe is rebooted and they act like its all cool.
Keith and Shiro:
-It doesn’t matter if you ship them or not, no one could deny they had a strong bond. That is gone now baby!
-Shiro marrying a dude with two lines.
Hunk and Pidge:
-Lol who? Pidge’s arc ended the moment she found her family. My sweet boy Hunk barely even had one.
No, but seriously, who??!! They had that one™ scene, which, again, what was the point of leaving that scene if it does nothing but confusing people? 
-I have seen people defending the two-second clip at the end by saying “Well they did as much as they could” which okay, I guess… I still don’t think they deserve congratulations for their “representation”. Some of you are probably like “But Adventure time did the same thing, and everyone loved it!” To which I would say no, its not the same thing. The wlw ship in AT had been teased all throughout, the series including a scene were princess Bubblegum sniffs one of Marceline’s t-shirts (I still can’t believe that was something that actually happened). If the writers of Voltron had been in charge of Adventure time Finn would have probably ended up with Bubblegum, and then she would have died lol. I have also heard comparisons to the Legend of Korra. which is understandable. But that show ended five years ago, when the idea of two main lgbt characters on a popular children’s cartoon show was almost unthinkable. I understand that some of the younger fans are used to shows like Steven Universe or She-ra, but back then the most “progressive” lgbt stuff were background characters that appeared for five seconds and had little to no lines. This whole “if we have them kiss, they’ll leave us alone” attitude is, in my opinion, very stupid. As a member of the LGBT myself I always think that having meaningful interactions with the characters is more important than just showing them kissing. This is the reason I hate most of the straight couple who do not have any chemistry whatsoever, or why I usually prefer non-canon gay ships to the ones that are. Although I personally don’t ship it, I think that it’s the interactions between the characters that make people ship Sheith or Klance. My point here is that things have changed. Disney, a company known to never explicitly acknowledge the existence of LGBT people had a major character in a children’s show (Cyrus from “Andi Mack”) come out as gay and have storylines dedicated to him instead of being sidelined. Having a last-minute wedding where Shiro marries a character we don’t know and with whom we haven’t seen him have meaningful interactions with doesn’t really cut it anymore.
-All of team Voltron are so out of character it’s not even funny. I’ve already mentioned the lack of interaction between Shiro and Keith but it really extends to the whole team. Allura and lance are happy with each other for like 2 seconds when they go visit his family but that is it.
-The Altean Colony(s) are never truly explained. It would be okay if it was a minor plot point but the end of season 6 revolves around the twist that Lotor is actually evil and should have never been trusted, a twist that was based on the colony(s). Allura says that Lotor was in fact right in a certain way and the show acknowledges that he deserved better, but it is never revealed when she changed her opinion. Was there ever a second colony? I’m guessing not… Also, why did the colony where they found Romelle looked like the inside of the room Allura used to go to talk to her father? Someone smarter than me please explain the colony(s).
-Romelle. Look I’m all for having more female characters but damn if this is not one of the most useless characters I have ever seen. She only exists to be a witness to Lotor’s crimes and getting her friends to hook up, I guess.
-Balmera ex-machina.  
-Honerva: I actually like Honerva’s story, the flashback episode was probably one of my favorites. I just wanted to complain about the “If I can’t be happy no one else can” line because Jesus fucking Christ it sounds like if it was written by Skeletor. I wanna talk to whoever wrote that line and thought “yeah, that’s what a fully fleshed out, interesting and complex villain would say”.
Conclusion: Voltron had a great potential that couldn't have possibly been wrapped up in one season and both the storylines and the characters suffered because of it. 
Bonus: Things I actually liked
-The animation.
-The Lance Family interactions were great.
-Lotor stealing his mother’s cat.
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parchmints · 6 years
JuLance Day 28 - BIRTHDAY!
Check out my thread on twitter to see all the prompts at once (the tumblr app messes with formatting so I recommend twitter if you’re using mobile)! All prompts connect together to form one overarching story!
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day 28/31 - BIRTHDAY!
Lance’s last day of his week visiting Cuba. 
(HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LANCE!! Here’s my bday fic for the BEST boy. Hope you all like as we get near the end of this fic! Thanks to @angst-in-space for the beta!)
It’s Lance’s last full day in Cuba and there’s a knot in his stomach that just won’t go away. He knows he’ll still be able to visit while they’re on Earth, but he’s really liked spending all day with everyone. There’s a part of him--a very small part of him--that wants to take his mamá’s offer and hang up his blue helmet, stay in Cuba forever, but he can’t. He won’t.
“You’re getting all mopey again,” Marco says, snapping Lance out of his daydream. They’re side-by-side, grocery bags in hand, and walking along the pier to the path that leads to their house. Mamá had asked Marco to buy some groceries for tomorrow night (which was admittedly odd--she usually goes grocery shopping once a week and gets everything at once) and Marco had dragged Lance along. Normally, Lance would have resisted, but he’s happy to spend some time with his brother.
Being present has proven difficult, however, as Lance is constantly thinking about his departure tomorrow.
“Oh. Sorry, Marco. I’m just--”
“Sad you’re leaving?” Marco asks, his usual smirk faltering.
“Well, I mean, you’re gonna come and have dinner with us all the time, right?”
“And you’re probably gonna have some time off too. You said it was probably gonna take a while to build the castle, so we have time.”
“No, yeah,” Lance says, frowning, “I know. I’m just...it’s been a really great week, y’know?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I know.”
As Lance and Marco sink into silence on their evening walk, Lance’s cell phone vibrates in his jacket pocket. Lance slips the grocery bag handle from his hand to his wrist and fishes out his phone, already fairly certain who’s contacting him.
Keith <<5:54 PM>>
Hey, Lance. Don’t want to interrupt your time with your family, but I know you’re probably pretty bummed since it’s your last night in Cuba and I thought I’d check in on you.
<<5:54 PM>>
!!!! awww!!! babe!! that’s so sweet ur so tjoughtful <3 <3 <3
Keith <<5:55 PM>>
Ugh. Stop.
<<5:55 PM>>
Keith <<5:55 PM>>
<<5:56 PM>>
:P youll learn to like it
Keith <<5:56 PM>>
Keith <<5:56 PM>>
Keith <<5:56 PM>>
Well, I’ll let you go. Have fun. I’m excited to see you tomorrow.
<<5:57 PM>>
thnx!! me too!! love you xox
Keith <<5:57 PM>>
Keith <<5:56 PM>>
Love you too.
“Ugh, oh my god, stop! I can feel you being gross from over here,” Marco says, groaning. “Put the phone away before I get secondhand cavities.”
Lance’s cheeks heat from Marco calling him out, but the dopey grin that plastered itself on his face since he saw the text is still firmly in place.
“Shut up,” Lance says, slipping his phone back in his pocket, his mood ten times lighter.
“Nuh uh. Until I get myself a cute girlfriend, you’re fair grounds for teasing, bro,” Marco says, swinging his grocery bags back and forth. “But it’s going well? You and Keith?”
Lance’s eyes stray to the ground at the question, his grin fading into a smaller, softer smile. “Yeah. Yeah, it’s going well.”
In fact, it’s going very well. Kind of better than Lance’s wildest dreams, if he’s honest. It’s only been a few days since they confessed to each other, but it already feels like they’ve found something good. Something that will last.
After they got together, they both agreed Keith should stay in Arizona while Lance finished his vacation with his family. They both knew they’d distract each other and Lance still has a lot more time Keith when compared to the time he has in Cuba, so they both thought it was for the best. It’s been a little hard because now that Lance has a boyfriend he wants to see him all the time and do all the fun boyfriend stuff he gets to do now, but he reminds himself that there’s a time and place for that.
And now isn’t that time and Cuba isn’t that place.
Cuba is for family.
Lance has been spending the past couple days hanging out with everyone--facials with Veronica, early morning fishing with papá, guitar practice with Luís, practicing his French with Marise, arts and crafts with Diana, Hilario, and Ana, and of course, big family dinners every night.
He’s going to miss those the most. With everyone so busy all the time, it’s the one place they all get to be together and it’s something mamá insists upon. No matter what, the McClains eat their dinner together.
Lance has never been more grateful for that rule.
Finally, they reach home, the sun starting its descent towards the horizon and Lance feels a pang of loneliness shoot through his chest. Tonight’s his last dinner with them all for who knows how long and it weighs heavy on him.
They climb the porch steps to the front door and Marco nods for him to go ahead. Lance does so without question and opens the door.
There’s a flash, a series of loud popping sounds, streams of color, the whir of kazoos, and Lance is very, very confused.
He blinks rapidly trying to absorb the scene in front of him, but it’s all so overwhelming.
“Oh man, look at his face!” a voice says. Pidge?
“Oh, we totally got him. We got him so good!” another voice answers. Hunk?
After a few seconds, Lance finally understands what’s happening--his entire family is in the hall with the entire team and they’re all looking at him with big smiles and mischievous eyes. In the back of the large group is Hunk and Luís holding up a large banner that says “HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LEANDRO!” in finger paints and Lance can tell it was made by Hilario and Ana with Diana’s supervision.
“I--it’s September!” he says, incredulous and they all laugh at him.
“Oh, we know, we know,” his mamá says with an unbothered wave, “but we missed two of your birthdays while you were in space so we wanted to make up for lost time.”
“Aww mamá, you didn’t have to do that.”
“We wanted to!” she says, coming over to give him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Happy birthday, mijo.”
Lance smiles at her and then looks to his team members. “How did you guys get here? I didn’t see a Lion.”
“We all took Green and I put on cloaking while we rode in and parked far away,” Pidge says, looking smug. “I’m a genius.”
“Seriously?! Who even told you guys?”
Marco steps away and walks over to Keith, casually leaning his arm on Keith’s shoulder. “Keith and I coordinated the whole thing! We missed twice the birthdays so we need twice the people to make up for it.”
Lance beams at Keith and sends him the biggest smile he can manage, which Keith returns. He quickly looks away, however, as they haven’t told the rest of the team about their relationship yet and they don’t want it to be exposed before they’re ready to tell them themselves.
“Aww, you guys! That’s awesome, I’m so happy. It’s so cool that you’re all here,” Lance says, beaming at them.
Shiro roughly puts his hand on Lance’s shoulder and gives it a little squeeze. “We wouldn’t miss it, Lance.”
“Yes! Plus, Hunk informed us that your household’s cuisine is to be revered which I am glad to hear because so far, Earth food has been...not what I expected,” Allura says.
“Yeah, ‘cause you’ve been eating standard issue Garrison food,” Hunk says. “I’ve only ever had Lance’s mom’s home cooked empanadas the day after and man, I dreamed about those puppies for weeks.”
“Oh, Hunk, you’re so sweet,” Lance’s mamá says, blushing at the praise.
“Yeah, they’re really good,” Keith agrees.
“Alright, alright! Enough!” Veronica says with a sigh. “Let’s eat them already before they get cold.”
Dinner is...an experience. They’re all crowded onto the McClain family table, elbows bumping elbows, plates only centimeters apart, and every extra chair in the house being squeezed in. There’s so much conversation happening, Lance can hardly follow it. Hunk is talking to mamá about her family recipes, Shiro is talking to Luís and papá about his arm, Pidge and Marise are prattling away about genius stuff, and Coran has Marco, Veronica, and Allura swept up in a story about the former Paladins. Marco and Veronica listen to him with rapt attention, but based on the identical line between their brows, they’re also very confused.
Lance sits at the center of the table, talking and chiming in to as many conversations as he can, while Keith sits beside him. They’re all so squeezed in that no one notices that they’re holding hands and that Keith is gently brushing Lance’s thumb underneath the table.
And it’s a bittersweet feeling. He’s not sure if he’s ever felt happier, surrounded by both his blood family and space family, but there’s a subtle sadness to it because he’s not sure when this will ever happen again, this incredible clashing of his worlds. Soon, he’s going to have to leave one family to be with the other, but all he wants is to just live in this moment forever with all of them.
Don’t worry about that now, he thinks. Enjoy it while it lasts.
There’s cake--of course, there’s cake. Luís brings it out with a big grin and it’s probably the ugliest, greatest cake Lance has ever seen in his life. It’s two-tiered but the layers are uneven, so it slants and it’s covered in baby blue icing with little icing doodles of the Red and Blue Lions on the sides. The amount of candles on the thing is probably illegal and they’re a glittering mess of sparklers and regular wax ones. It’s a total mess, but if Luís baked it, Lance knows it’s going to be delicious.
Hilario whoops and yells, “CAKE!” as soon as he sees it and the rest of the adults “ooh” and “ahh” as it comes in. Luís places the cake right in front of Lance, squeezing himself past a long line of chairs, and Lance can feel the heat of the lit candles radiating from it.
“Alright!” Luís says, clapping Lance on the shoulders before grabbing a guitar he tucked away in the corner of the room. “Let’s sing Happy Birthday to Lancito before we burn the house down.”
Luís strums his guitar and starts the song, his full-bodied voice filling the room, and the rest all jump in. Nobody’s on pitch (as it should be) and they’re not quite in sync as Allura and Coran are learning as they go, but Lance is grinning just the same. And as awkward as being sung to may feel usually, today it just fills him up with so much happiness, so much gratefulness, so much love that a lump forms in his throat.
Oh my god, no. You are not gonna cry, you sap, he tells himself. Luckily, his body listens to him and he’s able to swallow down the emotion. He feels Keith give his hand a squeeze under the table and Lance flashes him a quick smile. Keith’s eyes are soft and sweet when they catch Lance’s and his whole torso flutters at the sight of them. When he turns back, Shiro is wearing a knowing smirk, and, embarrassed, Lance quickly looks back to Luís as he finishes the song.
Of course, Keith told Shiro, he thinks, a little annoyed, but the feeling passes quickly.
“--Happy birthday to youuu!” they all finish with hollers as Luís strums his guitar erratically. Hilario has started listing all the birthday channel additions he remembers--”and a big fat lady on channel 80! And Scooby Doo on channel two!”--and Lance’s papá pats his shoulder next to him.
They all watch Lance as he halfway stands from his seat to reach the candles and with a brief moment of introspection, Lance closes his eyes and makes a wish.
I wish...I wish that I’ll get to spend the rest of my life with these people.
Lance takes an exaggerated, cartoony inhale and with all the power his lungs can muster, he blows out the ridiculous amount of candles on the cake. The sparklers don’t go out, but all the wax ones do and from all sides of him Lance hears cheers and clapping.
He sits back down and he’s met with dozens of bright eyes and happy smiles staring back at him.
And it’s in this moment that Lance’s eyes water--he’s too overcome with the weight of his gratefulness to be here, to be surrounded by the most important people in his life, at least for one night, that his emotions get the better of him.
He’ll never forget this night--the one where he was surrounded by all the people he loves most in the world--the universe--and the people who love him back just as much.
And there’s no better birthday present than that.
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raventao · 6 years
All That Matters
Okay, so this is for the fic swap that I agreed to do with @morte-mistrata forever ago. Just some cute Matt and Pidge familial fluff.  I hope you like it!
“So …” Matt started as he sat with Katie in his lap, arms wrapped tightly around her as she played her video game, his head resting on top of her own as he felt her heart beat against his chest. She was alive. She was here. It was the little things you forgot you missed after so long of giving up hope. Having Katie back was a miracle. She gave a small hum of recognition to his unfinished inquiry, indicating that she was indeed listening to him.
“Yeah?” She asked again, verbally when Matt still didn’t pick back up fast enough.
“So,” He started again, dipping his head to rest against her shoulder, turning it so that he was nestling his nose into her neck. She made no move to stop him as he spoke again, “You snuck into the Garrison, no once, but twice?” he asked, his breath tickling her neck if the small little shoulder twitch was anything to go by. She still didn’t push him off or tell him to move though, so he stayed there, just breathing her in. Feeling her being alive and well in his arms. Death had permeated everything he’d done with the resistance. He never wanted to have to bury another comrade or smell burning flesh ever again. Katie smelled of fresh dew on flower petals though. Of the clear sky after the rain in the forest. Of gentile dirt, undisturbed by man. She smelled fresh and alive and Matt wanted to remember this scent for forever. Wanted to preserve it, preserve her. Wanted to throw his baby sister into a cryo pod and send her back to Earth to protect her from this gruesome battle. War was no place for a girl her age. She should be back home, worrying about colleges and future careers, not trying to stop inter-universal conquerors. Not, carrying the stress of the fate of the universe and Earth on her shoulders. This couldn’t be healthy for her.
“I did.” She answers casually, killing the newest boss with practiced  ease. It was her third time through on this level after all. “The first time I got caught because I was sloppy. Though, the second time I’m sort of surprised they didn’t catch me sooner.” She says flippantly. He can’t help it, he chuckles, he missed this. Just sitting with her and talking.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah, the first time Iverson caught me hacking into his computer and then kicked me out when I screamed at him and kicked him as security was pulling me out of his office. T’was quite the scene I caused my bro my bro.” She smiles. “I wasn’t going to let them tell me you and dad were dead though.” She adds, quieter this time. “They called it ‘pilot error,’ but I know how much your team trained. I know how good of a pilot Shiro was. He promised me before you guys left that he would bring you both home and I know he meant it. There was no way it was pilot error, especially with the data they had collected from the trip so far. They were lying and I was going to prove it.” Her voice was hard and determined. She was only sixteen, she shouldn’t have to deal with these things. He needed to change the subject to something lighter. This had backfired on him faster than he had thought it would.
“So you came to space with your own little harem then?” He joked, kissing her cheek, feeling her face heat up in embarrassment under his lips.
“I so did not bring a harem.”
“Really? Three very handsome young men and ‘Shiro the Hero’ doesn’t count as a harem? Plus then you found a beautiful princess to help save. Face it little sister, you’re living a storybook fairytale in the best way possible.” Matt jokes, smiling as he pulls back to rest his chin back on top of Katie’s head. “So, do I need to put the fear of god into any of them?” He asked casually when she didn’t respond. He did see the reflection of her rolling her eyes in the screen though.
“There isn’t really a whole lot of time to think about that sort of thing Matt. Plus, they’re my friends, that’d be weird.” She tries to defend herself. He can see through it though. He knows all of her tells, after all, some things just don’t change.
“You’re lying Katie, I can feel it. Your pulse just got a little quicker as did your words. Who is it?” he asks, pressing her for an answer. He needs to know if they’re good enough for his precious, beautiful, wonderful baby sister. “Is it Shiro? You’ll have a lot of competition if it is. Everyone loves him.” He teases, and graciously takes the elbow to the gut that she gives him for that one. He deserved it for teasing after all.
“Ew, gross Matt, Shiro is hot and all, but he’s way too old for me. He’s more like family than a love interest.” She defends.
“You’re right, I’m sorry. Lance is more your type isn’t he? Tall and handsome?” Matt smirks. “You did say at one point when you were younger than you wanted a trophy husband.” he smiles. Lance was a good guy, he would treat Katie right. He could approve of him.
“Lance? I do love Lance, but not like that.” Her voice is soft as she pauses her game. “Lance is super sweet and I honestly love him more than probably any of the others, but, that love is familial too. He was the one that helped me whenever I missed you and dad too much. He would let me cuddle with him, he’d brush my hair and sing me songs to help ease my stress. He’s like a brother. I love Lance like I love you. He’ll always bring me food when even I don’t notice that I’ve suddenly worked through a meal. Even if I don’t agree he’ll pick me up and drag me to bed and tell me to sleep when I’ve been working too long. He takes care of me like I were his own sister.” She pauses here, and Matt can see in the reflection of her eyes that she’s trying to think of the right words to use. “He acted like you do, and I think that’s why I let him do all that, because he was you while you were missing.” Matt would have to pull Lance aside and give him a hug for that then, thank him for taking care of Katie in his absence.
“He sounds like a good friend.”
“He is. So yeah, I love Lance, but not like that.” She smiles and turns sideways in his lap, forcing him to readjust his own position for optimum comfort as well. “And before you ask, no, I don’t like Keith either. He’s too much of a hot head. He thinks things through, but not in a way that I agree with half the time. And when Shiro isn’t with him, it’s like his self preservation and logic just, disappear. I wouldn’t be able to stand that in a relationship.”
“So that just leaves Hunk then. Hmm, I suppose he’s a good guy. I haven’t spent too much time with him yet, but he does seem to keep you on your toes, and it sounds like he can challenge you intellectually, which is good.” Matt says as he brushes some of the longer hair from in front of Katie’s eyes, back behind her ears.
“Wrong again big bro. I like Hunk, but it isn’t like that. I admire his brain, and his kindness, but not in a romantic sense”
“Hmmm, well, that does take care of all the boys on the ship other than Coran, but I might have to put my foot down there. If Shiro is too old, Coran is definitely too old as well.” He says, to which he gets a light smack to the shoulder. He deserved that one, knew it was coming. “Okay, okay, so then, Allura?” He asked with a soft smile as he moved his right hand back to lean back some, his left hand staying just where it was, rubbing her thigh comfortingly. She didn’t need to say anything, the way her shoulders pitched forwards and and up to her ears said it all.
“It’s totally one sided though, and it’s probably just a crush. Besides, there’s no time for that sort of thing in a war.” she says quietly. “Besides, she’s older than me too, I probably just seem like a child to her.” she pouts.
“Now listen here young lady; you, are amazing, okay? You are smart, and brave, and resourceful, and adaptive. You’re beautiful, and caring, and loyal. Katie, there is not a single being out here in the huge wide universe that you don’t deserve. The question here is: do they deserve you? If you don’t want to act on this little crush, that’s fine, but as soon as it turns from a crush to something you want to act on, let me know and I’ll make sure to have this princess falling into your tiny little noodle arms in no time.” Matt tells her, smiling at the playful scowl she gives him at the small jab at her physical stature. He’d really missed this, just sitting together with his amazing little sister and talking about everything and nothing at the same time. They needed to do this more often.
“Fine, but only if you promise to tell your crush how you feel about him too.” She smirks. It was a reasonable request, but he still felt the need to overreact, because he was nothing if not a drama queen.
“My crush? Who ever said I had a crush on anyone?” He asks, his grin wide and his left hand pressed to his chest above his heart as he feigned scandalous. The universe might be in trouble, but at least they had each other again, and that was all that mattered to Matt.
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ptw30 · 7 years
Ficlet: Claiming
Summary: Shiro once called Keith his alpha, but that was before Shiro went off to Kerberos - and before he started covering his neck.  
Warning: Non-graphic sex
A/N: Guilty pleasure time! I’ve waited to write Omega!Shiro for a while. Finally got an excuse.  
Keith had no right to be jealous, and even if he did, it was an antiquated ideology. Claiming was no longer a part of the bonding ritual between an alpha and an omega, and hadn’t been for over a century. An omega didn’t belong to an alpha any more than an alpha belonged to an omega (though some made logical conclusions that alpha and omega, by bonding, belonged to one another).
Still, when Shiro walked into the kitchen, scented of sugary sweetness and tempting flavors, Keith bristled. Every paladin’s head snapped toward their leader, and Pidge’s glasses even fell to the bridge of her nose, allowing her to gawk at Shiro’s attractive form unobstructed.
Shiro turned from what passed as a coffeemaker, cheeks flushed and ears bright red. “Is it that bad, guys?”
“You smell like a fresh strawberry field!” Pidge shouted.
Keith sniffed twice and disagreed. Shiro always smelled more like peaches and sweet cream, with just a dash of cinnamon.
Hunk cleared his throat and stabbed his pancake with his fork over and over again, unable to get the food off the plate. “Your, uh, your suppressant ran out? I guess?”
Shiro let out a disparaging sigh and lifted up his metal arm. “More like the Galra took it. I’ll speak with Allura and Coran, see if they can synthesize a new one. In the meantime, I’ll – ”
“ – sit right here, you sweet thing,” Lance offered, moving over a seat to clear a space between him and Hunk. “You should totally let me lick you – ow! Keith!”
Keith brought his elbow away from the back of Lance’s head and didn’t even pretend like he didn’t mean to whack him. Shiro just rolled his eyes and took his breakfast back to his room.
Keith wanted to follow, to ask Shiro if he was okay or needed anything. Omega heats, especially right after getting off suppressants, were known to be debilitating, but Keith refused to be that alpha. The one who didn’t trust an omega to know his own body, the one who thought an omega needed an alpha to make it through a heat.
Though Keith thought he and Shiro had come to an understanding of sorts before the Kerberos Mission, they hadn’t spoke about bonding. They were both young, Shiro only a few years older than Keith, so there wasn’t much to discuss. But Shiro had asked Keith a week prior to mission lift-off to scent-mark him, and Keith had gone so far as to tease Shiro’s gland and bring him to a pleasurable release. Keith, himself, enjoyed a pleasurable climax thanks to Shiro’s fantastic thighs.
“You’ll come back,” Keith whispered, face buried in Shiro’s neck and nose nuzzling that gland.
Shiro drew lazy circles upon Keith’s lower back, voice blissful and hazy. “Hm. Figure might as well. Got all my stuff here, including my alpha. Just makes sense.”
My alpha, like he’d already accepted Keith as his partner. As if he’d thought of a bonding, a future, a life together.
Keith held onto that even after the announcement of the mission failure, even after Iverson refused to listen when Keith said Shiro wasn’t dead.
They weren’t physically bonded. There wasn’t any way for Keith to know, but the steady if distant warmth in Keith’s chest told him the truth. Shiro wasn’t dead – his omega wasn’t gone forever – and Keith would do everything in his power to find his future mate.
Shiro came back different from Kerberos, stronger, harsher. If he’d thought of a future with Keith, those plans must have been shredded by the Galra. Shiro probably found someone else during that year away, even if he didn’t remember, and though Keith didn’t smell a change in Shiro’s scent – Shiro kept his collar up, hiding his gland from Keith’s sight.
It also didn’t help Keith’s nerves that every member of Voltron save Shiro was an alpha, including the Alteans (though they had a different name for the classification).  
There was never time to talk after Shiro returned, an endless stream of battles leading to Keith’s realization of being Galra, and now this – Shiro being forced to undergo a heat without a partner. Keith sighed and retired to his room, loathing that Shiro needed to endure yet another torturous affair because of the Galra.
But Keith trusted and respected Shiro to know his own wants and desires, and Shiro would do what he needed to do, would request from Coran and Allura the appropriate items to get him through his heat. Keith would force himself to think of Shiro first and foremost and not of his own feelings of rejection. He’d ignore the way his entire heart felt like it would burst when Shiro called him “his alpha.” Keith wouldn’t think of how he’d wanted to bond right then and there and how he would have done anything to have saved Shiro an ounce of pain during that year.
Instead, he rolled over and loathed his heart, which felt incredibly warm and unsettlingly anxious. He sat up, tossing his legs over the side of his bed and resigning himself to training this new feeling out of him, when a firm knock sounded on the door. By the time he got to it, Shiro’s thick sweet scent wet his mouth.
Shiro leaned against his door when it opened, collar open to reveal his scarred gland.
Someone had ignored the mating rituals all together and instead of bonding with Shiro, tried to make him undesirable to an alpha ever again.
A broken omega who could never be a bonded mate.
Shiro’s eyes were glistening, his breathing ragged. “Look, I’m…different than you remember,” he managed to gasp. “And I’m not sure if you….if you still want me…but if you do, if you think you could somehow get passed the point that we could never – that you won’t be able to – ”
Keith’s hands came up to cradle the sides of Shiro’s neck, touching the sensitive gland and bringing Shiro a full body-wide shiver. To think, this was all that kept Shiro from his embrace.
“Do you still want me?” Keith asked.
Shiro pressed his forehead against Keith’s, eyes slipping shut. “Yeah.”
Then Keith pressed up to nuzzle against the scar tissue, against the gland. Actions always worked better for him, but he knew Shiro needed to hear the words. “You’re more than just your body, Shiro. You always have been to me.”
Shiro’s muscles melted of tension, arms wrapping about Keith’s waist to hold close.
“You’re beautiful,” Keith whispered, brushing through the small strands at Shiro’s nape. “This doesn’t change that.”
“But we can’t – You won’t be able to – ”
“Bonding is more than just a bite mark.” The sudden surge of warmth spreading through Keith’s chest and rushing to his extremities proved that. “And even if it wasn’t, I wouldn’t care. I’d still want you as my omega.”
Shiro nestled his face against Keith’s neck, pressing a chaste kiss against the tingling skin. “Yeah?”
Keith would admonish Shiro later for thinking something so trivial as a damaged gland could ever come between them, but at the moment, he held his omega in his arms again. Shiro finally came back, and that was all that mattered.
He took Shiro by the waist, the arm, and the lips, drawing him inside his room, and Keith resolved to make sure his omega never doubted his devotion again.
The End
More VLD Stories and Prompts 
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I've never seen this prompt around before: but what is each paladins embarrassing never-tell-anyone daydream about their crush? Like, who daydreams about epically saving their crush's life? Who daydreams about confessing their feelings with a suave kiss? We all do it, so what would each of the paladins be? The more embarrassing the better!
Ooh interesting! Embarrassing the Paladins is something I need to check off of my bucket list for sure! I’m secretly a sadist hue hue ~Mod Saffron
Shiro may have control over his patience, but not over his wild mind. This man will create insane scenarios where you’re tied up (some cases, it’s shibari holy shit) and you’re calling out to him in a sweet voice to come and save you.
He’s running in slow motion, pulverizing droids in some weird dance with the craziest grin on his face. He’s coming for you, darling!
There is a weak version of Sendak and Zarkon standing beside, whimpering as he walks in the room. He punches them after they meekly ask him not to punch.
He fucking wrecks Haggar’s face rip
With a swoosh of his laser arm, your ropes are magically unbound from your wrists and ankles. You jump into his arms and swoon when he winks at you.
“Oh, Shiro~” you coo softly at him, as he zips you to his Black Lion, confetti blowing up behind him and the entire central command of the Galra empire explodes behind you.
He leans in for a puckering kiss when–
“Shiro? You okay?”
Agh shit he’s blushing. Was he puckering his lips? He was puckering his lips, Lance said, a bit disgusted.
You glance at him suspiciously. He chuckles to himself, shaking his head at his little slip-up. Good thing you don’t know about his dreams at night.
Think twice if you ever thought Keith simply daydreams about you. He fucking lives his imaginations. Oh, wanna know how? Here, sit child, let me explain:
When you train with him, your kicks and punches are different than his brain interprets. They are a dance of seduction, a mesmerizing art that captivates him day by day.
Yes, Keith is poetic when it comes to his feelings. He 100% blames Lance for his new dramatic phase.
He will also react differently when you’re charging at him. He doesn’t even notice your sword until the blade is 0.03 inches from his face. He will parry it at the last second.
He’s so embarrassed, like, why did he just picture you in a sleek onesuit, looking all sexy as you punch and kick at him? Tch, he’s so freaking pissed at himself.
But it’s his guilty pleasure. He’ll just randomly think about you during missions, during dinner, during his arguments with Lance. He will replace anything before him with an image of you.
You know how people say, “I’m in a room full of people, but all I see is you.”? Yeah, take that literally with Keith. The Paladins are all in the room and all he sees is your face onto their own, smiling at him sweetly.
He kinda hates you for it, but it’s not your fault. He hates that he loves you, he’s never had any of this happen before.
He will murmur “stupid temptress” after your training sessions. You’re very confused, but your alarm is up.
Honey, have you met Lance? He is either a ladies’ man or a ladies’ worst nightmare. For the sake of this beautiful boy, we won’t go with the latter.
He knows how to flirt, he’s just choosing the worst people to do it with. Also, he has no limits? Yes.
He is the type to dream about confessing to you in the most dramatic and romantic way possible. Fireworks, dancers, and a mariachi band (where did he get that in space??) are essential to his confession. Maybe he’ll even get a searing kiss on his lips! for confessing! He’s so excited and nothing even happened!
He becomes scared that after all this, you will reject him sadly and walk away from the scene. Oh, God. He’d be a laughingstock forever. You two will never see each other the same way again. You’ll always be suspicious of him and then that suspicion will turn into hatred and then you’ll hurt him and he’s gonna cry and and—
Wait. You would never friendzone him. You’re not that type of person. You are sweet, adorable, and compassionate for others’ feelings. why was he having another panic attack for no reason?
He dreams about you confessing your love to him, and the both of you ride off into the sunset, with Keith throwing petals emotionlessly behind.
He plays the guitar for you on your wedding night (woah that escalated quickly) near a bonfire on a beachside.
Yeah, bless his exaggerated soul. He will never tell anyone about this…hobby of his. God forbid if Keith finds out.
Honestly, this guy wouldn’t go as wild as the others with his fantasies. He’s more of a laid back kind of dude who just wants a peaceful interaction with his crush.
Hunk is a total sucker for romance. He’d probably dream about how they would both be dancing at a masquerade ball and you would lose your slipper, to which then he would put it back on for you and present you with a fresh batch of cookies.
Hunk would dream about making meals with you and your seven kids (yes, he wants kids okay). All kinds of delicacies would be invited to your table, such as pineapple pizza, ravioli with meat, and popcorn noodles.
He wants a baking fight with you. Throwing flour all around and then kissing you with a great fire in his heart.
He waltzes around the kitchen, stuck in his own thoughts and humming gently to himself. Lance caught him absently stroking a wooden spoon and whispering words of love to it.
Lance is never allowed into the kitchen again.
You’re not sure how, but this girl has actually doodled some of her daydreams into her notebook and you accidentally stumbled upon it (literally). 
As you flipped through the pages, you saw that with each progressive page, the images keep getting dirtier and dirtier.
You saw handholding at first, then loving glances, then kisses, then makeout doodles, and then you saw actual consummation this girl horny af
She also has a thing for roleplay? Like prince/ princess?
Has considered making a robotic dildo for you to wear
Pidge often imagines touching you intimately during activites. If y’all are doing a project, she’ll want to “accidentally” collide chests with you somehow. Taking a walk? She’ll trip into your arms. Eating? Pidge will fucking make noodles appear in your pizza to reenact the Lady and the Tramp scene.
But after you caught her drawings and her puckered lips to the ceiling, Pidge will never daydream in public ever again.
Lance teases her for days about it and I don’t think his crotch area is okay to this day
RIP my boi lance
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amillionsmiles · 7 years
you only live forever in the lights you make (Keith/Shiro)
Title: you only live forever in the lights you make Summary: After the championship game, Keith is still learning about victories—both big and small. / High school basketball team AU. A/N: 90% of this was written just because I am a sucker for the varsity letterman jacket aesthetic. Bonus ~vibes~ to listen to while reading can be found here. Also check out @sheithzine if you’re interested in seeing this in PDF form + accompanying art by @ditaauraart ! :)
[Read and review here] or continue under the cut. 
“How’s the ankle?”
The cushions bounce slightly as Lance collapses next to Keith on the couch, smelling of Old Spice and perfume.  A Coke glistens in his hand; Keith uncrosses his arms to accept it, popping the tab.  He takes three big gulps, bubbles tickling the back of his throat as he looks at his right foot, propped up on Kimberly Moreno’s coffee table.
“It’ll be fine.”  His eyes flick toward Lance.  “You’ve got lip gloss on your face.”
Lance puffs his chest, pulling his letterman higher on his shoulders.  “What can I say?  Everybody loves a champion.  And by everybody I mean Nyma and by loves I mean—”
“Stop.”  Keith rolls his eyes.  “I do not want to hear these details.”
“Your loss,” shrugs Lance, smile refusing to dim as he bumps Keith’s shoulder.  Loss means nothing to either of them tonight, not when they’ve won, despite Hunk getting elbowed in the nose; despite the turnover that turned into their getting dunked on; despite Keith twisting his ankle during the second quarter and having to sit out the rest of the game, sweating through his jersey as their team eked out a 59-57 victory over Galra Tech.
It won’t make any headlines—Galra and Voltron are known more for their robotics teams than their basketball—but Keith can’t think of a better way to end the season.
“So, at the risk of sounding like a douche,” starts Lance, “but I’m really, really glad I got to play, even though it took your messed up ankle to put me in.”    
Keith blinks.  It’d been a sore spot for them right after tryouts, when Keith had gotten starter and Lance had gotten benchwarmer.  Especially since Lance had saved up to attend training camp that summer while Keith had waited tables.  To think that after all this, Lance still believes he didn’t deserve to be on the court—
“You would’ve gone in regardless of whether I got hurt or not, Lance.  You were good, tonight.  You are good, period.”
Lance grins, less bravado, more belief.
“Good enough to start next year?”
Lance opens his mouth to say more, but his eyes catch on something; abruptly, he stands up instead.
“You know, I just remembered—someone wanted me in the kitchen.”  Wink.
“What—” Keith swivels his head, confused, before a different figure enters his view.
“Nice speech.”  Shiro hands Keith a fresh bag of ice, dropping into the newly vacated spot.  His arm presses against Keith’s with the motion, and Keith swallows, distracting himself by flexing his foot and leaning forward to replace the water-filled bag on his ankle.
“It wasn’t a speech,” he mutters.  “And anyways, it’s not as good as one of yours.”
Shiro shrugs.  “You have plenty of time to work on it.  Captain.”
The word, though playful, holds a certain weight, a mantle Keith’s not quite ready for—not when he still considers Shiro the true team captain, warm beside him.  Coran had broken the news in the locker room after the game, to Keith’s stunned expression.
(“Oh, don’t act so surprised,” Lance scoffed later, clapping him on the back.  “Even I voted for you.”)
“You’ve got the stats to back it up, if that’s what you’re worried about,” Pidge comforted, adjusting her glasses as she riffled through the book.  She, too, had big shoes to fill, what with assuming Allura’s duties as manager.
And Keith has faith in his talent as a player.  It’s just the leading part that’s off—sometimes he gets tunnel vision, pushes people too hard, is too abrasive.  He isn’t a natural motivator, he isn’t—he isn’t Shiro.
Shiro, who on the first day of practice partnered with him for dribble drills because Lance and Hunk had already paired off.  Shiro, who took him shopping for basketball shoes when his old ones fell apart.  Shiro, who made sure that Keith ate before every game.
Shiro, who is graduating.
“Hey.”  A gentle tug on his ponytail, reminiscent of all the times right before the huddle when Shiro would look into his eyes and ask, how are you feeling, and just like that, Keith is grounded again.  The music’s heavy bass pumps in his ears.  Lance leans against a wall, talking to Nyma.  Pidge is destroying at beer pong under Matt’s watchful gaze.  Hunk and Rolo are arm-wrestling, the rest of the team in the backyard, upstairs, scattered through the house—joking, laughing, celebrating—and Keith gets a flash that this could be them next year, too, if he does his job right.
“You’re going to be a great captain,” Shiro reassures.
Keith lets himself lean a little closer.  “You think?”
“I know.”
Keith where r u
Hunk helping clean up, gimme like 15 min, sorry
Slipping his phone back into his pocket, Keith leans against the fence, trying not to put too much weight on his bad ankle.
“Need a ride?”
Keith shifts, unsurprised at Shiro’s appearance this time.  “Um…yeah, actually.”
Keith nvm, going with Shiro
Hunk HA. Lance owes me $10. have fun ;)
Hurriedly, Keith swipes the message away, clearing his throat.  “Okay.  We can go.”
“Do you want to wait here? I can bring the car around, I parked a little far.”
“I can make it,” insists Keith, already turning to limp down the sidewalk.  It takes three steps before his toe catches, tripping him forwards—“Shit—”
“I got you.”  Shiro hooks an arm around his waist and drapes Keith’s left arm across his shoulders, fingers encircling Keith’s wrist.  They make a strange, hunched figure in the moonlight, hobbling together; Lance comes to mind, leering over his battered copy of Othello, mouthing “the beast with two backs” and Keith pushes it away, scowling—now is not the time—
The metal of Shiro’s car against his back is sweet relief. Keith rests against it, takes a few short breaths while closing his eyes.
When he opens them, Shiro is gazing at him softly.  “You always make things hard for yourself.”
“Says the one joining the military.”
“Hey, ROTC pays for my tuition.  It’s not a bad deal.  Something to consider, next year.”
“Yeah, okay,” but Keith doesn’t want to consider a senior year without Shiro’s booming laugh, the way he leans into Keith’s space without overwhelming.
His fingers find the door handle.
He turns.
Shiro kisses his cheek.
Keith freezes.
“Sorry.”  Shiro’s cheeks glow pink in the moonlight, hands open at his side, and Keith leans harder against the car, suddenly unsteady.  “I should have asked—I don’t know if you remember—”
“Wait.”  Keith’s mind races.  “Is this about…”
Two months ago, Keith had decided to confess in the locker room, of all places, a choice that haunts him still.  It’s too easy to recall the curve of Shiro’s back as he’d pulled his shirt over his head.  His look of surprise, then hesitance: “I feel the same way, but let’s wait until the season is over, okay?”
Keith had thought that was Shiro’s delicate way of rejecting him; he hadn’t mentioned it since.  But now—
“I didn’t know you were going to make a move immediately after the season finished,” he blurts.
Shiro shrugs.  “It’s 1 AM. The stars are out, you’re leaning against my car…it’s all very romantic.”
A pause.
“Better than a locker room, anyways,” he adds, grinning.
“Shut up,” Keith groans, reaching for Shiro’s letterman jacket and tugging him forward.  Shiro catches himself, forearm braced against the window, other hand hovering over Keith’s hip.  Tentative, still.  Keith’s call.
In the dark, Keith follows the bob of Shiro’s Adam’s apple.
“I get why you wanted to wait, now,” he says, soft, the realization rolling around his mind like a ball circling the rim.  “If we were going out, and then I got captain…people would have talked.”
“And you think you’re not people-smart,” teases Shiro.  His eyes belie the lightness of his tone, heavy as they pin Keith in place.
“Maybe I’m only smart when it comes to you.”
Shiro chuckles.  “There’s a thought.”  His next words are closer, brushing the shell of Keith’s ear.  “Besides, I needed you focused on basketball, not me.”
“That’s a little conceited.”
“Is it?”
Fingers dance along the hem of Keith’s shirt and then they’re under it, pressed against the small of his back; Keith shivers, thinks of victories—big and small.
“Your hand’s cold.”
“Sorry,” murmurs Shiro, but there’s little remorse in it, just a smile pressed against Keith’s temple, a buzzer going off in Keith’s head.  A knee between his legs, their bodies aligning, and Keith thinks of that moment of grace when he releases the ball from his hands, watching it arc away from him with a held breath—and when Shiro finally, finally kisses him, it’s bleachers full of people rising to their feet, the thunderous roar of a crowd, the sweetest of sighs as the ball tumbles, headlong, through the net.
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