#langblr german
fugafromtheworld · 2 years
A tiny list of german songs!!
for @anxietyfuelledadventure
Some are original, some r anime covers and other vocaloid covers! my emojis will refer to that haha
🌱 Je ne parle pas français —Namika cover by Selphius (my fav song on this list!)
🌸 Blumenkranz — Kill La Kill OST
🤖 Kletter! Weiter! Zu dem großen Turm — German Cover by Jinja
🌱 Wenn sie kommen — Namika
🤖 world.execute(me) — German cover by Jinja
🌸 Kono Yubi Tomare — German cover by Selphius (i love this one so much too omggg)
🌸 STYX HELIX — German cover by Selphius
🌱 Alles was zählt — Namika cover by Selphius
🤖 Wissen will ich's nicht — German cover by Jinja
🌸 Gurenge — German cover by Jinja (best version of Gurenge imo)
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briangriffindeutsch · 8 months
deutsche zahlen !
the german numbers 1-12 are as follows:
1 - eins
2 - zwei
3 - drei
4 - vier
5 - fünf
6 - sechs
7 - sieben
8 - acht
9 - neun
10 - zehn
11 - elf
12 - zwölf
to count the teens, add the number in the "ones" place to "zhen":
13 - dreizhen
14 - vierzhen
15 - fünfzhen
16 - sechzhen
17 - siebzhen
18 - achtzhen
19 - neunzhen
and to make 20-90, you do add "zig" to the number in the "tens" place (100 is just "hundert"):
20 - zwanzig
30 - dreißig
40 - vierzig
50 - fünfzig
60 - sechzig
70 - siebzig
80 - achtzig
90 - neunzig
100 - hundert
200 - zweihundert
505 - fünfhundertfünf
999 - neunhundertneunzigneun
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Gibt es Hellrot? Ist Rosa Hellrot?
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skamesp · 2 years
Hi! I've created an instagram account to teach German as part of a master's course and I'll be posting stuff over the next few months 🥰 Feel free to follow me there and share it 🥺
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valla-chan · 4 months
Crazy how every language fully understood cats when they named them. Cat, Gato, Neko, Chat, Katze, Qitta, Mao... Like yeah all of you are just 100% correct
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german-enthusiast · 11 months
In my L1-acquisition class two weeks ago, our professor talked about how only 9% of the speech a baby hears is single words. Everything else is phrases and sentences, onslaughts of words and meaning!
Thus, a baby not only has to learn words and their meanings but also learn to segment lots of sounds INTO words. Doyouwantalittlemoresoupyesyoudoyoucutie. Damn.
When she talked about HOW babies learn to segment words our professor said, and I love it, "babies are little statisticians" because when listening to all the sounds, they start understanding what sound is likely to come after another vs which is not.
After discussing lots of experiments done with babies, our professor added something that I already knew somewhere in my brain but didn't know I know: All this knowledge is helpful when learning an L2 as well:
Listen to natives speaking their language. Original speed. Whatever speaker. Whatever topic.
It is NOT about understanding meaning. It is about learning the rhythm of the language, getting a feeling for its sound, the combination of sounds, the melody and the pronunciation.
Just how babies have to learn to identify single words within waves of sounds, so do adults learning a language. It will help immensely with later (more intentional) listening because you're already used to the sound, can already get into the groove of the languge.
Be as brave as a baby.
You don't even have to pay special attention. Just bathe in the sound of your target language. You'll soak it up without even noticing.
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caramelcuppaccino · 1 month
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took my german b1 level mid-term, patiently waiting for the result.
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salvadorbonaparte · 3 months
German Listening Comprehension: Buying train tickets in Germany by Fabi Rommel
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learnelle · 6 months
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My Baudelaire presentation + essay are finally submitted! I’m basically done with this evening diploma in French and honestly… it’s a relief. Consistency really pays off, even when the end doesn’t seem in sight ⭐️
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hecho-a-mano · 1 year
a german woman who's a scammer call her a fräudlein
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moomin279 · 6 months
*gripping bathroom sink* every foreign accent is a sign of bravery, every foreign accent is a sign of bravery-
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Es steht nur ein Bett!
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rovermcfly · 4 months
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worst thing about being bilingual is looking like an idiot when you mix these up in casual conversation but come on
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onigiri-studies · 4 months
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❀ 𝟡𝕥𝕙 𝕞𝕒𝕪 𝟚𝟘𝟚𝟜 ❀
Some pics of my notes from today, the other two photos were made a while ago. I barely did anything today, hopefully tomorrow will be a more productive day. Wishing y'all a blessed evening! 🫶🏻✨
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german-enthusiast · 2 months
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✨"Sehr geehrte Besucher, aufgrund Ihres hohen Alters ist unsere Leopardin leider gestorben"✨
The marking on the picture around the word "Ihres" points to the importance of proper capitalization of the formal you in German to distinguish it from her/your
ihr = her (feminine singular possessive pronoun) / your (plural personal pronoun; this doesn't make sense here though)
aufgrund ihres hohen Alters -> because of her (the female leopards) old age
Ihr = you (formal)
aufgrund Ihres hohen Alters -> because of your (the readers)visitors) old age
Dear visitor, due to her old age, the female leopard has unfortunately passed away.
Dear visitor, due to your old age, the female leopard has unfortunately passed away.
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caramelcuppaccino · 4 months
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life lately has been full of lesson planning, studying german and spending time with beloved ones. i’m so glad for the peace i have. 🌸
🎧 django by ateez
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