alannah-corvaine · 10 months
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ᴅᴇᴄᴇᴍʙʜʏᴜʀ ▶ ᴅᴀʏ 13 ↳   ᴛʀᴜꜱᴛ
"You can't bring her here, Jacke!" "What are ye squawkin' about, Stray? It's just some dove what needs a room and a bite o'food. Y'won't even know she's here." "M'not daft, you dunce! I know damn well who that is!" "No. Ye don't." "Half o' LaNoscea knows ye've been cavortin' with the Cross girl since you was babs. An' now the whole family's dead an' here's you bringin' in her that look n'awful lot like—" "V'kebbe." "..." "Ye don't know her. Ye've never seen her before. 'er name's Brina, not nothin' else. Un'erstand me?" "...yer gonna get us all stabbed, you ass. Who knows wot ruffmans is after her." "V'kebbe,please." "Do ye know how much trust yer askin' for?" "...aye, I do." A sigh. "...fine."
Context: the night Brina's family was murdered and Jacke smuggles her into the rogues' den in the Dutiful Sisters of the Edelweiss. Brina is asleep for this conversation, exhausted from her ordeal.
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wrencatte · 8 months
I'm eagerly awaiting when I finally get to write the (brief) order 66 part of this section. It's gonna be fun
BD nudges the side of his face, but Cal ignores him, closing his eyes and gritting his teeth, pulling at the Force. Sweat beads up on his forehead as the Force, the Force escapes through his fingers like smoke no matter how quickly, desperately he grabs at it.
No. No. No. He needs to get in there. Cal threads his will through the Force, solidifying it – and, for a brief moment, it jumps to the call, like it always does – and he jams it between the door and frame, pulling the door open centimeter by centimeter until the seal cracks and the door slams open. He almost falls over at the sudden lack of resistance. The Force instantly slips between his fingers, scattering. But he’s not paying attention to that. He hurries into the cell, heart in his throat. Shiny object is still there. It wasn’t his imagination.
It's a padawan bead.
Cal’s vision blurs. Tears already on his cheeks before he realizes he’s crying. Some kept their padawan braid simple, only using colored ribbons or twine to remember the places they’ve been, the people they’ve met. Attachments they made, cherished, then walked ahead of, but never forgot. Others though, others added beads and clasps instead, things that clinked together when they breathed in meditation, when they were, were moving in battle. Cal always planned on adding a clasp to his braid on the Albedo Brave’s next shore leave. Something dark like iron and yellow like far off stars, to show off the same loyalty and pride for the 13th Battalion that they had shown him.
But then the Purge happened, so obviously he never got that clasp.
His hand shakes as he reaches for the bead. [ – my master will come for me, she thinks helplessly. they said they would always be by my side. they will come. they will come. they – they have to come. come save me please. p-please, I don’t want to be here. pleas – ] Cal swipes his cheeks, and it does nothing but smear dust and tears. The woman’s echo – the padawan’s echo – is scared, terrified, wondering how much more can I take? and the answer is no more, no more as her-his-her heart withers and his-her-his terror expands and he opens his mouth to scream, to plead, to beg, please no, you said – ! you said! His breath catches in his chest and his knees buckle, lowering him to the ground in a graceless heap. Cal’s knuckles creak around the bead, nails digging into his palm. My master gave me this. After we left Lanoscea. They’d been so proud, and I nearly cried. Pathetic, right? and no, those aren’t, those aren’t Cal’s thoughts. That’s not his memory. That padawan is dead. Her master never came.
His master is dead. His padawan has been reduced to this.
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terramythos · 7 months
"taylor how's your #FISHER quest going"
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i am like halfway through LaNoscea exclusively. why am i hurts
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ayybeary · 1 year
14 Associations for F'zeem Tia
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🦌Animal: Cats, of course... Mostly lions!
💛Colors: Greens, purples, and maroon
🎶Song(s): I'm Born to Run by American Authors, Ends of the Earth by Lord Huron, Little Bit of Love by JP Cooper
🔢Number: 3 (all good things come in 3s)
🌙Day or Night: Day
🌿Plants: Daisies, buttercups, prairie grass
🪔Scents: Fresh grass, leather, sun-dried linens
💎Gemstones: Topaz, peridot, jade
🎐Season: Summer
🌄Places: Limsa Lominsa (and Lower LaNoscea), Ishgard, Radz-at-Han
🥙Foods: Anything BBQ or grilled
☕️Drinks: Spiced tea, orange juice, hot chocolate
🔮Eorzean Deity: Oschon
🌱Eorzean Elements: Wind, Fire
Tagged by: @j-naiche (Sorry this took me so long to do!! Tumblr is very terrible at showing me notifications...... but it was very fun!)
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an-ishgardian-tale · 11 months
An entry from the Memoirs of Viviane Jienuex
"I have begun to search these tomes of mine for something that gives the locations of the hidden assets that my Mother had hinted at in her final conversation with me before her passing. At Starlight it will be two cycles that she has been gone and I have still had no success with this puzzle. I would like to find at least a summary of what and where before Clement and I start talking of the merger of Houses. I am already a nervous wreck at the sheer amount of property I own both in Gridania and Ishgard but at the same time I understand why. House Jienuex is old and old Houses come with old money as it has been passed generation to generation and that generation made their own money to add to the pool.
There are things I would like to sell off. The old family Brothels for one. I have no intention of ever opening them in my time and currently I pay taxes on them since they are in Ishgard proper. I have been puzzling on the thought of should I turn them over to the City both for historical value and more land that could be used for recovery efforts or should I sell them outright and invest the funds in something far less objectifying like fields in LaNoscea for growing. I have heard the land there is quite fertile and there are many looking for jobs in farming. It would create jobs and tradeable goods instead of creating dust and hauntings.
The bakery could benefit from wheat grown there and other grains as well, which would cut my costs having to buy them at wholesale. Paying a living wage to a solid team of workers would also be far better than paying the taxes that Ishgard imposes on those that live there no matter what their social caste is. In the coming days I will return to these thoughts then include them in the merger documents that I have slowly been preparing. I am rather thankful that I paid attention to my Mother about running businesses. That is what a Noble House is after all, a business that cannot be left with out being maintained like I left mine.
I will never regret my decision to take the five cycles I did to live in the Shroud. It help foster the woman that I am today. I learned quite a bit from living there, the people I came to trust in Bentbranch are like a family to me now and like family should be I will always come back to visit for Holidays and Namedays as well as all the other special events in life. Gridania is my second home now, but I hear my first home calling. Running away is an attractive thing especially when your life is upside down. Had I not, none of this would have come to pass.
The bakery is ready to be opened once the seating is installed. I look so forward to those doors opening and hopefully I can eventually find property in Emperyan to be closer to where we will be in Corethas. I do not mind teleporting for openings I certainly could use the practice after all these years. Yes, I am ready to go home. A place I never thought would appeal to me again. Like many other places I am called to do the Spinners bidding, I have returned here and there but these last moons the blowing snow and the chill has touch my heart kindly. With Saint's Wake right around the corner again I reach my thirty second name day at the end of this Moon. I remember a time I believed I would not make it this far, but Spinner bless me here I am.
When we return to Corethas I would like to visit Menphina's sacred stone. It is time to mend that bond so that I am once again protected by both of my patrons which restores the core principals of my youth Fate and Love. Where once this Star made me bitter I have found new hope, first in a set of mismatched eyes and then in the laughter of one who survived as I had to.
The are only two things left on my list of things to think upon. What to do with my performance career as I move forward to become a Noble Wife and what I should do with the last property in Gridania. I have thoughts that have formed and tie these two things together. There is a path I wish to pursue but I am not quite ready yet. This I shall revisit after Queens of Metal. It is my last show for the year as it always is. I pray that my Patron guide my feet along this path with the soft creak of her spinning wheel.
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jcdenoche · 4 years
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*sigh*.......utter bliss. #finaltantasy14 #mmorpg #eorzea #hydaelyn #elezen #costadelsol #lanoscea #gaymer #beachday #norvina #blissful (at Altamonte Springs, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLFqCDkh85Q/?igshid=k2c3dy0fz3e1
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luckyfox777 · 5 years
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Final Fantasy XIV coasters on the shop. I’m a Gridanian myself! #ffxiv #finalfantasy #squareenix #videogames #skywhalesundries #shop #giftideas #coasters #coasterset #handmade #wood #woodburning #pyrography #japan #gaming #gridania #lanoscea #uldah #mmorpg https://www.instagram.com/p/B2y2JFggNYE/?igshid=n1qgugt1jif5
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aliciathesquirrel · 7 years
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Date at the beach with the most precious girl in this world, I could never ask for a better wife 💕 • • • • #ffxivphoenix #ffxivstormblood #ffxiv #finalfantasy #finalfantasyxiv #mmorpg #squareenix #miqotegirl #auragirls #ffxivaura #ffxivmiqote #costadelsol #lanoscea #limsalominsa #healer #wives #sunset #landscape #ocean #date #astrologian #neehatoulle #albino #screenshot
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lavenderleblanc · 3 years
Prompt #22: Fluster
La Noscea by night was peaceful, but by no means still. Birds and bugs flew about between luminescent plants, and the reflection of the full moon even made the river seem to glow. Sumio was amazed by it all. Even in the days before the Calamity, the fields of Coerthas were nowhere near as vibrant. They had stopped to camp for the night, but he couldn’t think of going to sleep with being in such a place.
Quietly, Sumio approached the river, broad and lazily flowing. A quick glance confirmed none were around, man or beast alike; he would be able to enjoy a bath in peace, alone. He removed his armor, placing it carefully in a stack on a rock. As he reached for his undergarments, he hesitated. He was alone, truly? He paused, scanning the treeline and straining for any sound of nearby creatures, but nothing. He was far from Ishgard’s walls, he reminded himself, but to bare his scales still felt horribly heretical.
“It’s fine,” he murmured to himself, acting before he could worry himself further. His smallclothes fell to the ground below, followed by the lengths of bandages wrapping his hands and head. He shivered, though the air was warm and heavy, unfamiliar with being so exposed. He dipped a foot into the water, finding it pleasantly warm, before stepping in fully.
Enveloped in the river, it felt as though it was carrying his worries away with the stream. Sumio found a decent spot and sat, head just over the water, and let out a heavy sigh of relief. When had he last felt so at ease? Had he ever?
Horns unbound, he heard everything so much more clearly--and a bit too sharply. He held his breath and slid down, submerging his horns, and the calm and quiet of the water flooded his mind. The sounds of wilds around were fully muffled. There was nothing but him, and the soft moonlight reflecting off the stream. Time itself seemed to float away.
His peaceful trance was broken by a hand on his back.
Sumio shrieked and jumped away, reflexively reaching for his sword at his waist--which wasn’t there, of course--before looking up at his assailant to see it was none other than Danival.
“What the hells are you doing, Danival--a-and why are you naked?!” He quickly covered his eyes, before remembering he was exposed, himself. He covered his body, then his horns, not sure which was more scandalous--and instead, quickly crouched back down in the water, turned away from his companion. “Why are you here?!”
“I thought we could bathe together,” they said simply. After a moment, he felt their hands on him again, gently rubbing his shoulders. “Is it not common for companions to share that in your culture?”
Sumio opened his mouth to respond, but hesitated. He was nearly too embarrassed to admit to even himself the touch felt good. And invasion of privacy though it was, it seemed that, as always, they had been well meaning.
“Well, uh, no. Yes. It is, but I don’t. Because...you know,” he sighed, words failing him, and crept forward out of Dani’s reach. “You can stay, but look the other way? Please?”
He heard a soft hum in response, and glanced quickly behind him to see they had obliged. While not quite as peaceful before, he would at least try to relax and enjoy the night.
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alannah-corvaine · 1 year
What is your OC's moral code?
Dark OC Asks
Alannah has never claimed to be an unreproachable bastion of perfect good morality, which can be a difficult notion to disabuse people of when you're Hydaelyn's Chosen and the Champion of Eorzea.
She believes in helping people, in uplifting and giving second chances, and being good to the best of her ability. She's an example to the whole world, whether she wants to be one or not, and that's a lot of pressure to be near saintly, which Alannah is not.
She has hard lines on behaviors and ideologies she's willing to tolerate, and she's not interested in empathizing too strongly with or attempting to rehabilitate villains who have crossed those lines, no matter how sad their stories may be.
She'd never kill an innocent, obviously, but killing enemies who won't back down isn't the moral quandry it once was. She has no problem with vengeance, has engaged in it herself, and half the time her job involves retaliation anyway.
In the end her code boils down to protecting the innocent, by whatever means necessary, though obviously there are limits to that (like genociding 14 planets' worth of people and other life forms, im just saying).
Her family comes before everything and she would do near anything for them.
Of course, her parents and her sisters are dead, so in this case that means her rogue family, in particular Jacke, V'Kebbe, and Underfoot.
Secondary is upholding Limsa Lominsa's pirate code, which she is sworn to do as a member of the Rogues Guild, even if she's not personally involved in a lifestyle of piracy. She's there because Jacke's there, and because it allows her to roam LaNoscea while remaining anonymous and hidden from her family's killers.
She lives staunchly by the idea of Eye For An Eye. If you harm her or those she loves or are her under her protection, and she will rain hell on the offender. This also means that she will hold grudges forever if she can't return hurt in kind.
Otherwise she tries to be fair and just, as a khatun her responsbility is to see her tribe survive and thrive, and she is never cruel to anyone for the sake of it.
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jesspushtoplay · 4 years
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I was out chasing beasties on my hunting log & found myself in La Noscea, where I haven't spent much time. I can't believe what a pretty area it is! Next time I'll take more non-selfie pics!!!
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terramythos · 7 months
Can I get a FUCK YEAH
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bremmafallens · 4 years
FFXIV Write Prompt 13: You Pick #2!
I decided to try my hand at traditional styles of haiku inspired by different vistas in the game.
Trees cling to the cliffs
Bending, twisting, gripping tight
Bowed but not broken
A desert jewel 
Reigning high over the land
Ul'dah will endure
Flowers tower high
Framing the rivers power
Life flows on and on
Innumerable islands 
Scattered like endless jewels 
Land both near and far
Lavender abound 
Trees and ground a stranger hue
But not for very long
The forest lives
Light and dark leaves meld and shift
Under Canopies
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jcdenoche · 4 years
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Hey fellow eorzeans, it’s your girl Norvina here. Today was a hot day so I took some time off to cool off in the clear waters for Costa del Sol in La Noscea. I did see a shark swim by but we kept to ourselves. #finalfantasy14 #elezen #costadelsol #lanoscea #eorzea #hydaelyn #lighthouse #beachfay #norvina #mmorpg #gaymer #beardednerd #arealmreborn #heavensward #stormblood #shadowbringers #endgame (at Altamonte Springs, Florida) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLFplbuhlT7/?igshid=15i4pnqyrk4ck
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nycelel · 7 years
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Where was I going again? #FinalFantasy14 #stormblood #miqote #WarriorOfLight #Coeurl #FinalFantasyXIV #Stormblood #Coeurlserver #miqoteninja #lanoscea
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zuraoftheblack · 5 years
MOONLIGHT. what is your muse’s ideal date?
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“When it comes to time and place, I’m easy to please! Being in the presence of the one I love is more than enough reward.”
More than he would ever say, Zura is well aware of his preferences, but also well aware that few share them. Walking amongst the barren, frozen peaks of Coerthas or the shattered remains of Dravania aren’t exactly the most romantic of options, so he seeks to err on the side of his companion.
With Lua, he likes to think he’s gotten it down quite well! A mere stone’s throw away from home, he prepares a blanket with a basket of homemade treats, a pair of wine glasses, and a bottle from a friend at Wineport. Then, when the time is right, he’ll head down to the beach as the sun sets and invite Lua to a quiet night by the waves of LaNoscea, just the two of them! Who knows, he may even go for a swim!
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