#about alannah
alannah-corvaine · 5 months
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Name: Alannah Corvaine
Nicknames: 'lannah, little bird
Age: 27
Nameday: 16th Sun of the 5th Umbral Moon
Race: Midlander Hyur
Gender: cis female
Orientation: demisexual
Profession: white mage, Warrior of Light
P H Y S I C A L     A S P E C  T S
Hair: Dark chocolate brown, voluminous, lower-back length. Magical scars that manifest as white streaks that grow out from the roots. Often worn loose or in a high ponytail or sidebraid.
Eyes: seafoam green, #9fe2bf
Skin: sickly pale with a blotchy red complexion
• a very faint line across the base of her neck, made by Bravura.
• no tattoos
• Aedan Corvaine (55)
• Christaine Corvaine (43, deceased)
• Faron (35m)
• Ean (33m)
• Davon (30m)
• Brennan (28m)
• Fayre Harlow (67f, maternal grandmother)
• Fasshon Fuqushon (72m, step-grandfather, married to Fayre)
• Cormack Corvaine (paternal grandfather, deceased)
• Ailise Corvaine (paternal grandmother, deceased)
In-laws and Other:
• Veronique Corvaine (36f, sister-in-law, married to Faron, wildwood elezen)
• Isabeau Corvaine (11f, niece, half hyur + half elezen)
• Moira Corvaine (58f, paternal aunt)
Pets: None, she's allergic to anything with fur and has no time to care for anything reliant on her.
Abilities: Primarily anything that falls under the blanket of white magic, both offensive elemental and healing magicks. Questionable proficiency with thaumaturgical spells.
Hobbies: Reading and research, sketching, baking bread, puzzles, trying on pretty clothes she'll never have occasion to wear.
Most Positive Trait: Fierce tenacity, she doesn't know how to give up.
Most Negative Trait: Impulsivity and hot-headed stubbornness. She has a serious case of being a pain in the ass.
Colors: white, pastels
Smells: freshly baked bread, simmering aldgoat stew, leather, old books, ozone
Textures: linen, chiffon, ink words etched into parchment, the wind between her fingers
Drinks: dandelion tea, goats milk
O T H E R    D E T A I L S
Smokes: Not at all.
Drinks: Not really a social drinker, only drinks in response to stress and unmanageable emotions. Her intake increased significantly during the events of Endwalker, but has petered off again since their resolution.
Drugs: None. She does not enjoy altered mind states.
Mount Issuance: Chocopuff was a gift from Thancred, presented to her shortly after her induction into the Scions of the Seventh Dawn.
Been Arrested: Once or twice, mostly for things that she wasn't even involved in. She has a bad habit of being in the wrong place at the wrong time and being judged guilty by association.
tagged by: @lilbittymonster , @feathersage , @tripl3cast
i'm so late getting to this, if you haven't done it yet please consider this a tag!
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teecupangel · 1 year
The way Numbskull feels like shay in regards of going "okay shit, the fraction I'm with ain't great and this conflicts with my moral code" in most headcannons has got to be my favorite thing, cause while yes Numbskull does agree to be a templar in cannon it feels like they do so very reluctantly in a act of self preservation.
Wanna make this all the more crazy? What if somehow Numbskull is a very distant relative or their friends with a direct descendant of the cormac bloodline who isn't involved with Abstergo
I mean… I can’t blame Numbskull for becoming a Templar considering Berg did this:
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There was never really a choice for Numbskull and that’s the kind of bullshit that stays with a person. Numbskull never had a choice and it all started with Shay Cormac’s memories so I like to portray them as having complicated feelings for Shay. Their time in his memories made them ‘care’ for Shay but, at the same time, they also can’t help but blame Shay as the reason they’re stuck with the Templars right now.
So, given a chance, they’d definitely go ‘rogue’ because, hey, that’s what Shay did, right? And Shay should agree with their actions since they were fighting against an organization that would not listen to them, that would only use them to further their own agenda without any remorse on the collateral damage their actions would make.
If we really want to dig into Shay how joining the Templars would pan out centuries from his time, just make Numbskull say:
“I’m just following your footsteps, Mister Cormac.”
There is a way for Numbskull to be friends with a direct descendant of the Cormac Bloodline and we have two options.
Option 1: Javier Mondragón of the Assassin Brotherhood
He’s one of the main characters of Assassin's Creed: Last Descendants but he’s a teenager by the time of Rogue so he and Numbskull (who is most definitely around their 20s or more) wouldn’t necessarily be friends. What would be interesting is if Numbskull was one of the Abstergo employees who were ordered to retrieve the prongs of the Trident of Eden and their paths (and blades) crossed with Javier bleeding as Shay’s grandson, Cudgel. We can even have a reluctant bitter grandfather and a rebelling grandson thing going on with them.
Option 2: Alannah Ryan of the Assassin Brotherhood
It was implied in Odyssey that Alannah, one of Layla’s teammates, was Shay’s descendant:
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So, in this scenario, Numbskull would be older than Alannah but their relationship would be more on an equal footing type of scenario. Numbskull might even feel protective of her as Shay’s bleed might be reminded of someone Shay cared about. If you want it to be romantic, it could be Shay’s wife. If you want it to be more like a case of found family, Alannah might remind them of Shay’s child (the eldest daughter perhaps?).
Either option could also work to give Numbskull the chance (and the courage) to finally defect as well if you want to go down that route.
Sidenote to the OC-centric AC idea I had:
Atoli was meant to serve as a red herring for Numbskull’s identity and the plot twist was that Numbskull left Abstergo but didn’t exactly join the Assassins. However, it was Atoli who helped them leave. In exchange, Numbskull helps Atoli in secret, taking the codename ‘Johnny’ and they know that they’re receiving each other’s call/message when they hear the sea shanty ‘Leave her, Johnny’.
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bookgeekgrrl · 1 year
not directly tagged but saw this on @nonasuch's feed and wanted to do it, so i am.
put your Spotify on shuffle, and write down the first line of the first ten twenty songs. Post the poem that results.
went with shuffle on my ytmusic likes since i don't do the spotify
County road two thirty-three under my feet Hello, hello, baby Seems like everybody's got a price I know a place where the grass is really greener I can see why you think you belong to me Mississippi in the middle of a dry spell How does a ragtag volunteer army in need of a shower Ayy, boy, whatcha say, boy? Well, this started in a barroom on the highway to fame Dead I am the one, exterminatin' son
welp. i am not sure i'd call it poetry but it sure is something. 😆
consider yourself tagged if you wanna play too!
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i-am-l-ananas · 2 years
got called out on my anime phone background at the entomology conference lads
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stargazerlillian · 11 months
Been listening to this cover on repeat and I can't help but imagine Alannah singing this to Jasper-
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akabirdieart · 1 year
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Gender & Multiplicity: A Primer On The Intersection of Transness & DID REDAC FourOFour Spring 2023
It’s finished. And yet I have SO much left to say. I almost feel like starting an activist group for this niche community. If you know how to do that and are interested in helping, message me. You don’t need to be a system yourself.
I’d appreciate if this spread. I’ll take the nightmare notifications if it means that people outside of the dissociative community might understand and care.
As mentioned, my experience is not universal. This is a comic about the experiences we have, and some that we know others have. For example, some people that saw the preview noted that they DO identify as genderfluid collectively. I love to hear about your experiences; reading the notes on that post was delightful. All systems are different! We all deserve a world we can live as ourselves without risk.
See Alannah’s pinned post on @married-to-the-night​ for information about the term utrinque.
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mommymccabe · 1 year
Gotcha Baby
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Pairing: Caitlin Foord x reader
Summary: Your girlfriend and sister prank you, you get them back.
Word count: 1200+
Warnings: suggestive themes at the end, kissing, swearing, ‘injury’, i think that’s it
A loud scream is heard by Steph and Mini who were standing in the hall way of the hotel. The scream originated from father down the hall, and was followed by laughing, a door slamming open and a hysterical Caitlin and Mackenzie bolting past two Matildas.
'Caitlin Jade Foord! Mackenzie Elizabeth Arnold!' You screamed out as you chased them out of your hotel room and down the hall.
'Uh oh' Steph whispers
'Get your asses back here. You're dead!'
'What the fuck happened??' Sam asked Steph, having been alerted by the chaos.
'No idea, but she's mad' Steph shot Sam a worried look.
Not even a minute later you walk back past them and back into your hotel room before slamming the door shut.
Sam, Steph and Mini walked down the hall in the direction you came from only to see Caitlin and Macca peaking out of Alannah and Macca's room.
'Is she gone?' Cait whispers
'Yes. Now what did you do to her?' Mini asks in an annoyed tone.
Mackenzie falls to the floor laughing again while Caitlin holds herself up on the door frame, laughing just as much.
'We had masks, and she had just woken up, and as she went to get out of bed, Macca jumped out from under the bed, and I jumped out of the cupboard! Oh my gosh mate it was funny as fuck, she flew!' Caitlin managed to wheeze out.
Sam can't help but laugh along with them as Steph and Mini do a better job of hiding their amusement.
'You two are awful. Poor girl was probably shitting herself' Sam says still laughing.
The thought making the two pranksters laugh even harder, Mackenzie now rolling on the ground trying to breath while Caitlin sinks to her knees with tears in her eyes.
'Ohhh she's gonna hate me' Caitlin whispers out before pulling herself together and helping Macca up.
'I think she already does' Mini days before cracking a smile and walking towards the common room, the rest following behind closely.
As you sit in your hotel room fuming, you start planning your revenge but put it on hold and decide to pretend like nothing happened, despite how mad you were at your girlfriend and sister.
You get dressed after a quick shower and head into the common room in search of your teammates.
As you walk through the doors, most heads turn to you and everyone greets you as you walk straight over to Kyra and Charlie, ignoring Caitlin and Mackenzie.
'We heard about your fun morning, you alright?' Kyra asked with a smirk.
You simply shot her a glare and rolled your eyes.
'They're assholes and I'm gonna get them back, wanna help?' you ask the two girls with a cheeky smile. They both quickly agree, loving a good prank.
'Okay so I was thinking....'
Later that night, after the team meeting and dinner, you all head off to your rooms. Right before leaving the dinning room, you tell Caitlin and Mckenzie you want to see them outside your's and Caitlin's room, before walking away. The pair weren't really scared, more glad you had actually spoke to them after a day of silent treatment.
So they waited a bit before following the direction you left in. As they rounded a corner on the journey back to the room, they came across a sobbing you on the floor clutching your ankle.
'Fuck baby what happened?' Caitlin asked as she rushed to your side.
'I tripped. Fuck man, my fucking ankle' you cry out and roll onto your back.
'Can you put pressure on it, do you want me to carry you to medical?' Your sister asks as she moves to your side, laying a hand on your shoulder and the other on your good leg.
'I can't move Macca it hurts so much.' you sob out and throw your arm across your face.
'Oh baby, i'm sorry but we need to move you, you need to be checked out.' Caitlin tries to convince you to let them help you move.
As they are both focussed on you and your potentially career threatening injury, they don't see or hear the two pairs of footsteps creeping up behind them.
You laying on the ground, can see Kyra and Charlie and have to move your arm across your mouth to cover the rising smile. You scrunch your face up dramatically as well, covering all bases before watching as the two masked youngsters, arrive directly behind the two victims before grabbing them by the shoulders and yelling. You watch as the two previously worried looking women scream and throw themselves across the floor, landing somewhere behind you.
‘Ha! You two just disappeared!’ You laugh as you roll on the floor.
You can hear Kyra and Char laughing their asses off and you turn to high five them both and laugh with them.
You roll onto your hands and knees and make eye contact with a confused and annoyed looking Caitlin and Macca.
‘You weren’t even hurt! Asshole! I was so worried puddin’ Caitlin mumbles out before rubbing her face with her hands.
‘You deserve it darling.’ you say with a cheeky smile before getting and and offering them both a hand up.
Mckenzie grabs your hand, allowing you to help her up before she shoves you away with a shake of her head and a small smile.
‘Don’t do that again mate’ she mumbles
‘Says you! I wake up to a demon waiting under my bed and in my cupboard, I thought I was dead!’ You reply
‘Yeah well we definitely won’t be doing that again if this is the result’ Cait says as she stands up and wraps an arm around you waist.
‘You do and your sleeping on the couch pretty girl’ You tell her before placing a gentle kiss on her lips before turning and walking away with Kyra and Charlie.
As soon as you are out of ear shot, Macca turns to Caitlin and says;
‘I actually thought she was gonna die. She’s a pretty good actor. But fuck did that scare the shit outta me’
‘She was so convincing! I thought she broke her ankle. Gotta admit it was a good plan. Kyra and Charls were so quiet too’ Caitlin responds with a laugh before following in your direction back towards the rooms.
After saying goodbye to Mackenzie and anyone else she could, she walks into your shared room and spots you laying in bed on your phone.
‘You, missy, are a very good actor’ she says before walking over to the end of the bed and crawling on top of you.
‘Why thank you darling, i’m glad you enjoyed my plan’ you smile up at her and wrap your arms around her lower back pulling her on top of you.
‘Hmm enjoy is not the word I would use’ she mumbles then leans down to kiss you passionately.
You moan into her mouth, her response being a roll of her hips into yours. You pull away to breath as she starts kissing down your neck. You wrap your arms around her waist before flipping her onto her back, you settled comfortably onto of her.
‘How bout I give you something to enjoy sweetheart’ you whisper against her lips before she smashes your lips together.
‘Fuck yes’ she mumbled between kisses, lost in the feeling of your lips and hands roaming her body.
You smirk against her neck and reply;
‘Only if your good for me though, right baby girl?’
You enjoy watching as your girlfriends eyes change as she fully relaxes, ready to please you in any way she can.
This will definitely be enjoyable, you think to yourself.
an: been awhile, i apologise. gonna try and write more often. enjoy! might do a part 2 lemme know if u want one :)
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smellss · 1 year
say my name and everything just stops.
sam kerr x reader
summary: someone particularly famous shows up at the game but who could she be watching?
a/n: greatly inspired by the love story we are witnessing at the current times, if you don’t know what i’m talking about what are you doing with life!
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Our secret moments in a crowed room
Good evening Australia and viewers today we will be taking on the mighty Matilda’s take on their rivals France in the pre lim finals for the Women’s World Cup. Now this has been an exciting week leading up to this game as speculation of a bit of drama off the field has been building hasn’t it Travis.
Certainly right Peter, never had I heard so much pre noise before a match not discussing the game! Even I’m excited to see whether she’ll show up and I know thousands hell even millions are streaming in tonight just to see if we can get a glimpse of her.
Now if you aren’t sure what we are referring to then which seriously Travis you would have to be living under a rock to not know but, there have been some hugeee speculation in the media this week on Matilda’s captain Sam Kerrs love life.
Certainly right Peter and now we are all gathered here tonight to see whether this speculation could be true.
Obviously to watch the game as well right Trav.
“Sam I just want you to understand what this means if we do this” Y/n paced around the shared hotel room.
She knew how many of her relationships had fallen from the outcome of this discussion, the yes or no answer which had ultimately determined the make or break.
“Baby I know what it means, I know who you are and I love you for it. I’m not afraid of a little media coverage” Sam smirked trying to hug the girl from behind, she could feel the stress oozing from her.
Y/n sighed the pain in head blinding her, the thoughts she knew she would come back flooding into her head.
this is the end of you relationship she’s not going to love you after this you’re getting left again
“I don’t want to loose you Sammy” the girl whimpered out so quietly and meakly.
Sam’s eyes immediately soften she now faced her beautiful girlfriend towards her squeezing her with all the love she had.
“I’m not going anywhere sweetheart, why don’t we wait until the next game for you to come hmm? We both know me and the girls are going to make it through” She exclaimed proudly sticking out her chest, Y/n’s thoughts subsided and she chuckled at her girlfriend.
Y/n grabbed her face, and left a long sweet kiss against her lips. Although she didn’t say it Sam felt her silent thank you, but what she didn’t know what Y/n was a wonderful actress.
“You getting nervous yet Sammy” Kat nudged her with her shoulder whilst they were in their circle stretching.
“I don’t believe in nerves you shoukd know that by now” Sam smirked sticking her tongue out, getting a laugh out of a couple of the girls.
“No she just pulls world famous singers, seriously dude I need help from you next time we are out” Mary sighed walking over to Alannah to do leg swings.
“What ?!? I heard you were dating Nathan Cleary this week Mar?” Macca shouted walking out from the toilets, causing Mary to turn bright red.
She muttered something about at least she was getting some, but by that point it was time for the girls to walk out.
Sam sent Y/n one last text before heading out.
sassysoccerpants: you’ll see me in a second baby wish me luck 🍀
sexysingersaucy: i’m keeping my eye on you honey! 🩷
Sam walked out and sat on the bench as the girls ran onto the field, she was practically bouncing from how excited she was to get onto the field after her injury. .
Suddenly a sound erupted around the arena one she had never heard before, it was like every person at once was screaming it was deafening. The game hadn’t even started all the coaches looked bewildered as to what was happening.
Sam stood up she walked with Hailey over to the side of the field so she could see into the crowd it looked as if they were all looking up to the premium boxes.
“Maybe the PM is here?” Haley said trying to peer up to what was going.
“No usually they announce it?” Sam stated equally as confused as Hailey.
Just then the cameras on the screen panned to the box and there she stood.
Sam threw her head back and laughed she placed her hand on her heart never feeling so giddy and proud. She mouthed her disbelief, “There she is”
All the girls on the field had a ear splitting smile and started nudging each other and clapping up towards the box.
The announcers came over the stadium,
“Let’s give a big australian welcome to ms Y/n L/n” the crowd erupted once more.
Sam was now on the big screen showing a big kiss and wave to her girlfriend.
Y/n smiled down from the box holding baby Harper on her hip.
“No more secrets now Harps” she chuckled but she knew Sam would stay.
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alannah-corvaine · 1 year
[alannah] 14 associations
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1. Animal: White-tailed Kite - unfettered, free, with only an open sky before them.
2. Color: White - the color of perfect despair, free of blemish or imperfection or stain, a sky drowning in sunlight, a contrast to all the world's darkness.
3. Song:
• how she sees herself: Lord Huron - Way Out There
• in hope: Thomas Bergersen - Cassandra
• in despair: Breaking Benjamin - The Great Divide
• in happiness: M83 feat. HAIM - Holes in the Sky
• in anger: Disturbed - Prayer
• in love: Taylor Swift - Daylight
• in sorrow: Aquilo - Silhouette
• in defiance: My Chemical Romance - Famous Last Words
• in defeat: Demon Hunter - Carry Me Down
4. Number: 7 - the number of perfection, ambition, seeking truth and wisdom, enemy of the stagnant.
5. Day or Night: Day - sunlight brings warmth to the soul, a clarity of mind and purpose, joy like honey running through her veins, the sun a reflection of her heart on fire.
6. Plant: Peonies - delicate elegance, subtly fragrant, many-layered petals hiding a vulnerable center.
7. Smell: Burnt Parchment - acrid and dusty, the scent of failure, of anger, fears and desires kept close to the chest.
8. Gemstone: Opal - sun sparkling, multi-faceted, colors shining through a soft milky white, fragility, strength, and transformation.
9. Season: Summer - the blazing heat of fierce passion and untempered rage, sun's eye unblinking, the discomfort of facing uncomfortable truths, bare skin and naked soul, relentless storms that shake. foundations
10. Place: Thanalan - the greedy desert, swallowing the horizon, dry and unforgiving, bursting with life unbothered.
11. Food: Hearty stews and delicate pastries, the crispy crunch of a carrot.
12. Astrological Sign: Rhalgr - cleansing flame, destruction and rebirth, a beginning from the ashes of the end.
13. Element(s): Air, Earth - raging gales and gentle breezes, riding the wind beyond the horizon // quaking and breaking the bones of the world, toes buried in the sand.
14. Drink: Dandelion Tea - soothing, restorative, remedy, recollection.
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tagged by: @miqomonkly
tagging: @ahollowgrave | @aethernoise | @starforger | @twelvesblades | @shroudkeeper | @nophicas-ward | @uldahstreetrat | @hydaelyns-bitch | @ahlis-xiv | @eris-vito | @sundered-souls | @unabashedrebel | @eorzeanflowers | @maeljade | @roguestly and literally everybody else.
(ya'll don't have to do 10 songs, i'm just incapable of picking 1 and not being extra with purple prose.)
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albatris · 1 month
djfjdkskd ok so there's now a scene where quinn introduces nat to alannah daye's romance novels (that's zeke. just so you're all aware) and later nat downloads one and reads a bit then has a standard sexy dream about quinn. cut immediately to quinn also having a sexy dream about nat except quinn's sexy dream is about being methodically and violently dismembered
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teecupangel · 5 months
So, i was reading a fic and the notes mentioned something that i had to double check because it is a fucking world changing revelation(at least to me).
You know the Eye? The device Desmond used to save the world and it killed him during the process, yes?
It's not actually the Eye. The Eye is the devices that the Isu used to predict the future, but the thing Desmond used is not named.
Idk if you knew this or not, but god did this mess with my mind. XD I swear i read fics that call the device in the Grand Temple the Eye all the time(my memory is trash, so i can't name any spesific ones and i'm too lazy to look it up right now, sorry!).
According to the Wiki, "In 2018, Assassin Layla Hassan and her assistant Alannah Ryan mistakenly identified the global aurora borealis device as the Eye and corresponded as such in their research notes on Aletheia." which might be the source of this mis-identifaction(i have not yet played any AC with Layla, so i can't tell if it's true or not).
I just thought this was too wild not to share. XD Hope you having a good day and thanks for indulging us with your answers. 💜
... I did know about this and that's why I only use the word 'device' instead. What I learned today is that the first Eye was destroyed. I always thought Juno used that to spy on people (and to communicate with them) but nope. Instead of Juno using the Eye to connect with the Gray and the Calculations, she had direct connection to the Gray in the Grand Temple (Minerva or Tinia didn't think about that possible I guess)
I think another reason why people mistake the device (I usually just call it the device because Aurora Borealis Device is too long for me to type each time hahaha) is because the Eye is used by Juno and, since she's in the Grand Temple, people mistook it that the Eye is in the Grand Temple.
(It's not. The original Eye was destroyed after Minerva and Tinia punished Juno. There is a second Eye and that's the one Minerva used to appear in the Grand Temple)
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Kinktober '23 | DAY 2: The Bet and the Costume Contest
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Prompt: RolePlay
Summary: You enter into a bet with your couples costume contest partner.
Warnings: SMUT!! Roleplay, costumes, PinV, upskirt, frat!Peter
Word Count: 1.4k
A/N: Day 2, here we go!!! I did watch Buffy as a kid but have yet to watch properly as an adult despite it being on my list of things to do but hopefully still reads okay. Also I just rushed the second half of this so apologies if the tense is messed up.
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It was just your luck. Of course you would have been paired with him. It was Brianna’s fault really. She was the one who had come up with this whole idea of partnering with your Theta Beta Pi brothers to do a couples costume contest as part of this year's Halloween Bash. All the girls had put their names into a hat and each of the boys took turns picking a name out and of course you had been picked by Peter Parker. You had decided to go as Buffy and Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer or at least you thought you had until you turned up at the house in a mini skirt, wooden stake in hand and a bleached blonde, leather clad Parker, ran down the stairs and straight into you.
“THERE’S MY BUFFY!” he beamed.
“What did you do to your hair?!”
“I’m Spike. I thought it would be more fun. Plus I figured we’d be a shoe in to win due to my dedication alone.” He said pointing to his head.
“Oh my god!” You sighed, rolling your eyes.
As the night went on you had to admit, the blonde, although it did make him look quite sleazy, was actually quite hot. You also had to commend his dedication to the character and the bit as he kept shouting out Spike quotes the whole night. “AND YOU’RE WHAT? SHOCKED AND DISAPPOINTED? I’M EVIL!” He shouted when the two of you won at beer pong against a pair dressed as Mario and Princess Peach.
“Cup of tea, cup of tea, almost got shagged, cup of tea.” he said as he handed out drinks to your small congregated group as you sat sharing a joint in the garden.
“First I’ll kill her, then I’ll save her.” he said, wrapping an arm around you and dipping you over it as he showed off in front of his fraternity brothers.
“PETER!” You squealed.
“Peter? Who is this Peter? There’s no Peter here, my name is Spike.”
He had called you Buffy for the whole night too. “Where has my Buffy gone?” he would cry as he moved through rooms in the house looking for you. “BUFFY? Excuse me, have you seen the chosen one?” he asked one girl.
“What Harry Potter?” she responded. He just bared his fake fangs and hissed at her.
“Yo Parker!” One of his frat brothers, Josh, called to him across the room, directing him back to the group of you sat around the coffee table in the living room.
You budged up a little on the seat, giving him room to squeeze in beside you (he won’t sit anywhere else).
“So Parker, you’re pretty confident about winning this costume contest.” Josh said. He’s dressed up as Sonny, Alannah is somewhere else in the house dressed as Cher.
“I mean, yeah. Look at us man.” Peter shot back confidently.
“You willing to put a bet on it?” Josh taunted.
“Oh we are not winning.” You mumbled from your seat beside Peter. The only thing he’s got going for him is the hair, apart from that the two of you look basic compared to other costumes, there’s a really good Frankenstein and Bride of Frankenstein hanging around somewhere.
“Then you shouldn’t have any trouble with placing a bet then.” Josh drunkenly goaded.
“What and you think you’re gonna win?” You said back.
“Oh no, I know we aren’t going to win. I’m talking about you two. You know Parker’s always had a crush on Buffy.” 
At Josh’s words Peter squirmed a little beside you but tried his best to hide it, eager to see how you’d react.
“Is that so?” You questioned.
“Yup!” Josh said confidently. “If you guys win, Parker gets his dream come true and gets to fuck Buffy.” He throws out.
“Fine. Deal.” Your drunken brain responded hastily. There’s no way you guys are winning. “Okay and what if we lose?”
“Okay, what do you want?” Josh asked on Peter’s behalf. He’s being uncharacteristically quiet for this whole exchange.
“If we lose the contest, which we will,” you reassure, “you guys have to bring a litre bottle of vodka to every party just for me, until the end of the year.”
“And by end of the year I mean school year, not just Christmas break.”
Peter and Josh hesitate a sec but Josh is quick to solidify the deal, holding his hand out for you to shake. And that was how you ended up with Peter Parker tied to your bedframe with the tie from your bathrobe. You were sure it had to have been rigged, there really was no way you should have won.
“Peter, I feel silly.” 
“Just go with it, I promise it’s all good.”
“Pete, I haven’t even seen that much of the show.”
“It’s vampires and magic and supernatural stuff, it’s all cool just, make it up.”
‘Fine’ you thought as you rolled your eyes.
“I’ve been checking Giles’s books and there's only one way to cure this type of evil.” you said as you began to slowly walk across the room to him. He gives you a devilish look and you have to admit, paired with the blonde hair it does make you weak in the knees. 
He watches you closely as you come to a stop beside the bed. His eyes follow your fingers as you slide them up your legs and underneath your skirt, hooking your thumbs into your underwear and pulling them down your legs. He goes to frustratedly moan as you tease him but the moment his mouth is wide enough, you shove your panties into his mouth.
“UUUhhh FuuCK!” his voice mumbles into the fabric as his head lulls back.
You climb up onto the bed, hooking your leg over his hips to straddle him. You reach behind you for the stake, sitting at the end of his bed, running it down his chest. “You need to hold still okay. Do you trust me?” you asked him in character. He nodded.
When your hand trails down to undo his trousers he is hard and he whispers slightly as his sensitive tip brushes past the fabric of his boxers as you pull them down far enough to release him. You reach for a condom, rolling it down onto his length before you lift yourself to hover over him and slowly lower yourself onto his cock.
His eyes watch intensely as his length slips out of view underneath your skirt. With the way he’s looking at you, you have to admit, maybe you were getting more into this than you first thought you would. He moans as you ride his cock, grinding your hips down into his pelvic bone before lifting back off again, his skin dragging across your slit and it feels so good. His cock feels so good as he fills you out. 
You know you told him to stay still but you don’t have it in you to punish him when he starts rolling his hips and thrusting up into you. You quickly realise though he’s close, his thrusts getting quicker as he chases his high. He mumbles words around your panties. You are reluctant to do it but you remove them from his mouth to hear what he has to say. 
“Thank you.” he sighs first and just pants for a little bit between grunts as you continue to ride his dick, your walls tightening with every up lift before you slam your hips back down again. 
“Fuck, fuck, yes Buffy. Fuck that evil out of me.” he says and if it wasn’t for the fact you were actually so close you would have just got off and left him hanging but you are so close now you want your own finish. “Lift your skirt, let me see.” he asks. You raise your eyebrows at him. “Please.” he quickly adds and you oblige lifting up the sides of your skirt so it sits above your hips. “Oh yeah.” he moans. “Touch yourself.” he says and you don’t know why but you do as he says, your fingers moving to rub circles over your clit. 
It sends you over the edge and he cries out “OH FUCK!” as your walls clamp down around him. 
You can feel his hips stutter, once, then twice, then he stills as you feel him fill the condom inside you. 
He lets out a long sigh of relief as you begin to ease yourself off him. “What do you say, Parker?”
“Thank you Miss Summers.” You just roll your eyes.
kINkToBEr taG LiST
you want the tag, you have to tell me in writing!
@jakobsdump @https-laiyana @tarzinnia
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starrysnowdrop · 2 months
You got mail! 💌 Share 3 songs that best describe your OCs and then pass it on to the next person! 👤💜✨
Ohhhh I love talking about the songs that inspire me to write for my OCs, so let’s do it! I’ll answer for both Hali and Yume @firelightmuse if that’s okay!
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1. “Drops of Jupiter” by Train (This one is also where I got Hali’s OC tag from!)
2. “Hold Me Closer” by Elton John and Britney Spears (This is also my Hali x Aymeric ship tag!)
3. “Someday the Dream Will End” from FFX (Hali’s Instrumental Music!)
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1. “Paint It Black” by The Rolling Stones (This is also Yume’s OC tag!)
2. “Bad Romance” by Lady Gaga (This is also Yume x Zenos’ ship tag!)
3. “Wandering Flame” from FFX (Perfect Instrumental music for Yume!)
Thank you so much for the awesome ask @alannah-corvaine!! 🥰💖
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stargazerlillian · 1 year
Currently conflicted on if "Bird Boy" should be set in the 80's/90's or the modern era...🤔
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nescaveckwriter · 10 months
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Paintbrushes And Romance
Part 2 🥰
A/N: So excited for this, not sure how many part's there's going to be, but I'm sure excited to see where it goes... Embrace the journey with me .. 🐞🥰
The vibration and ringing of a phone breaks your concentration on this sketch, looking at the caller id, you smile, its your mom! Hey my dearest mommy bear, you jokingly answer, Hi my love, you hear your mom's kind voice on the other end, oh the love you have for her, she'll probably never realize, she has helped you overcome some difficult times in your life, honey, she says did you forget about meeting up with my friend for the mural piece she wants done? Comes the question, oh Shit! Mom I'm so sorry I got lost in this, well this piece I'm working on you say a blush creeping on your cheeks, I'll tell you all about it later, you always tell each other everything, I will be there in a little while mom , I promise you, sorry I totally forgot, regret clearly noticeable in your voice. Oh honey you are so forgetful, she says laughing a little, see you soon honey, be safe, love you. Love you too mom, see you in a few.
Black velvet from Alannah Myles, playing interrupts Dean and Sam talking about the case he can't seem to catch a break on. The music playing comes from the corner you sat in, wow okay, he said thinking that, classic rock didn't really suit the, softness and gentleness that you were beaming out, a smile tugging at his lips, you are quite interesting he thought to himself, seeing you packing all the stuff in your bags, he's heart sank a little , will it be the last time he ever saw you.
Seeing you stand, you must be about 5 foot 2 if he guessed, quite shorter than he'd expected, but adorable looking. You definitely carry yourself with confidence, but also not thinking too much of yourself, he is good at reading people but he can't quite put a finger on you. She's probably got some damn lucky guy in her life, he thinks to himself.
Usually he would go and chat you up a little, get your number, spend the night, but something tells him your not that kind. His thoughts get interrupted by two kids running into you, probably going to the playground he saw over there, waiting for you to freak out and get angry, but instead your voice sounds like honey , all while you ask them if they got hurt, your voice not high pitched or too low, just well just sweet, he'd probably listen to you talk all day not ever getting tired of how you sound. Watching you, sort off in a daze, Dean catches what looks like a sketching book, slightly showing what looks like a man's face, if he didn't know any better, he'd say it was him, ha! Yeah right she didn't even notice me, he thought to himself, while reading the title of a book lying on top of the sketch book "Burning Rose" author "lady bug" seems strange , dark cover with a red rose covered in flames, she quickly grabs everything, throws it in, and for a moment time stood still, you look up into his eyes, Dean could've sworn he was drowning in your eyes, he can't help it, with a smile as wide as the county he looked at her, seeing her cheeks, turning to a light rose color, she shyly smiles back, that gave Dean a glimpse of what heaven probably looks like. He wanted to get up say something, maybe even just kiss you right then and there, but you left, like a little hurricane out by the door, a hurricane he wouldn't mind being caught in, he thought to himself.
You get out of the cab, at John, and Mary Winchesters home, humbly looking house but still big, amazing garden, this is so much fun, you love doing murals, feeling comfortable, walking in, You've been busy for almost a week with this piece, looking at the wall of the front entrance, its all coming together, the green of the leaves and the white of the magnolia flowers , complimenting the decor of, the entrance, filled with neutral tones aswell as splashes of dark green and bright yellow.
Good morning darling you hear a kind voice say, morning Mrs W, how are you doing this fine morning you ask cheerfully. Oh good dear, John had to go on a business trip again, so I have the house all to myself, she says, not looking really happy about it. I'm so sorry, why don't you and my mom go doing something fun, drink coffee, maybe even a bit of wine, just don't get to tipsy now, you say teasing her! Oh really honey, you hear your mom's voice behind you, tipsy, ha! We are classy ladies, we don't drink wine this early, but no one said there's something wrong with Irish coffee, you all three burst into laughter. Come on Mary lets leave her alone in her art world, while they walk out you hear your mom laughing and saying I love you honey, you too mom, you say while picking up the brushes you need and sticking it into the back pocket of your jeans , climbing up the ladder, already humming to whatever classic rock song is playing, into your earbuds, knowing this is what you are meant to do with your life.
It's about three in the afternoon, and he still haven't returned the pastry dishes to his mom's house, damnit, like I have time for this, letting out an irritated sigh, driving into the drive way, with his black chevy impala, he'd name her baby, all while a song of Led Zeppelin is playing, he gets out, grabs the clean dishes out of the back seat, he walks towards the front entrance , puts down the dishes on the table right by the door way, looking at the picture in front of him, a woman standing on a ladder, hair braided loosely, with a black t-shirt and jeans on, covered in paint, humming and swaying to what sounds like a Bon Jovi song, while admiring the view, she loose her balance, tumbling down, Dean catches her, wide-eyed and confused she looked at him, its her, the coffee shop angel.
Fudgesticks up a fudge tree Dean hears her say, what? He looks at her while still holding her in his arms, the feeling of her so close to him its electrifying, oh sorry she says laughing a little, I try not too swear to much. Not making the effort to get out of his tight grip, he puts her down, seeing the black shirt she has on is a Guns n Roses paint splattered shirt. Well thanks for saving me from, ending up like humpty Dumpty she smiles. Oh my pleasure, he wanted to ask what's she's doing for the rest of her life, but his phone rang and he had to answer since he is the Sheriff of the town. Yeah, what is it he asks with the irritation back in his voice,? There's been another victim boss, says the young deputy, okay Jack I'm on my way, just hold on , he closes the phones speaker with one hand, looking at the beauty in front of him with paint all over her, even on her even on her face, all he can say is good day miss and he starts walking out the door, not waiting for a response.
Arriving at the scene, there he sees it again, this damn killer is toying with them, its one big game to him, like a treasure map, they need to find, he placed the dismembered body all over, the dogs and coroner is already on scene, working. The almost gifted wrapped torso on the park bench. Dean is looking around the scene for clues as to how he chooses his victims, thinking, he doesn't have a specific type, so to say, some has light hair with light skin, some have dark hair with olive skin, its victim 8, its been 8 months since this case came to his attention, but still no clue, how he gets his victims, since he seems to toy with his victims for 3 to 4 weeks all sedatives maybe used, is already out of there system.
Waiting for the coroner, what seems like hours, he finally gets the call, Sheriff Winchester you can come and look at the body. Yeah on my way, before going in, Dean inhales a deep breath, not so much for the smell, but more for the courage to see another life taken, someone's, daughter, sister. He is a rough man, but sometimes the stuff what he sees can also take its affect on him. Shaking off whatever he just felt, walking in, he sees the women neatly placed on the cold steel table, every body part pieced together, looking at her face , she can't be older than 20-25 he thinks, while listening to the coroner telling him, how she has the rope burn bruises like all the other seven vics, the dismembering is clean, like it's done by a professional, no signs of sexual assault, the coroner goes on to say, she's been washed in some sort of alcohol almost like sanitizer to remove whatever traces of DNA there could've been. But I did find something odd by one of the cuts, the coroner said. Yeah well get to it doc, Dean says, okay jikes! Its another piece of meat, most likely beef, but its getting tested and I will let you know. Good, Dean said thanking the man, giving one last look of the woman lying there. Hell sometimes I hate this job.
The stars clearly visible in the dark skies, while sitting on his porch, whiskey on his breath, a worried look on his face, thinking about the day, the case, the parents of the woman he had to let know that they found their daughter, but she didn't make it, how they had to ID her and the damn tears and despair afterwards... Taking another sip of his whiskey, thinking about the coffee shop angel he saw again and how happy and carefree she is like she doesn't have a worry in the world , not a inch of sadness he detected in her eyes or her sweet honey filled voice.
Wondering why he haven't seen her around in this old town, contemplating what he already knows about her, she doesn't really like to be seen, she likes classic rock, she doesn't like swearing, clearly she likes fudge, and she must be an artist, he can't help it but he starts smiling when he remembers her laughter filling his ears, oh yes and she likes to read remembering the book he saw, quickly taking out his phone he does an internet search of this author "lady bug" three best selling novels, there's the one with the rose, he reads the review and then the ending, of the book because he ain't much of a reader so his not going to read the whole thing!
Wait, what! This book its, clearly one of those steamy romance books but its also a thriller, okay , she is something else, he reads the ending of the book again. "Like a burning rose he ignites your soul when his lips come crashing to yours, flames of passion dancing in your eyes, hands and body intertwined, his love for you burning away all the thorns of past heartbreaks and mistakes, knowing his touch is crumbling your walls and with the thought of knowing your safe with him, you give into the flames engulfing your soul."
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mommymccabe · 1 year
You could write about how nervous Steph was when she found out that she was captaining Australia at the WC because of sam’s Injury, you telling her that she’s gonna be great and so on and then she’s scoring the pen and is running to where you’re sitting to celebrate with you und just cute after the game how proud you are of her and so on🙈
Pairing: Steph Catley x reader
Words: 750+
Warnings: nothing rlly, little swearing
Steph was called to a meeting room within camp as the rest of us sat around the general room doing whatever. You were sat on beanbags in a circle with Caitlin, Mckenzie and Alannah as you switched between making tik toks and talking about whatever.
The sound of the door opening rather harshly forced your attention away from the girls and towards the door, where a tense a nervous looking Steph stood, eyes searching the room for something.
‘Baby? you okay?’ You asked as she finally made eye contact with you. A calmer, relieved feeling visibly washed over her at seeing you and she immediately walked towards you and sat herself in your lap.
‘Yeah. I’m okay’ she whispers to you.
In response you rub her back and lean up to kiss her head.
‘You sure? you looked pretty scared before’ you pushed.
‘I’ll tell you about it at home, not now please’ she whispered again.
‘Okay darling’ you whispered back.
After some more sitting around and talking with your team, Tony said everyone was free to head home or whatever so you and Steph hugged everyone goodbye and made your way home.
As soon as we walked in the door, Steph pulled you into a tight hug and laid her head in your neck.
‘Seriously baby, what’s going on?’ you asked worriedly.
‘I’m captain. Sam can’t play because of her injury. I’m really nervous, I don’t know if i’ll be a good captain. What if i let everyone down?’ she nearly cries.
‘Oh darling, don’t ever doubt yourself. You’ve proved over and over just how amazing you are on and off the pitch. You’ve done this before, you can do it again love. I’m so proud of you, you’re captain!’ you hugged her tighter and jumped up and down.
Steph just giggled at you, your words having soothed most of her worries and finally allowing her to be excited.
‘I’m captainnnn’ she said and jumps around in circles.
You laugh at her and pull her into your arms and fall back onto the couch.
‘I’m so proud of you darling’
‘Thanks puddin’, I love you’ she mumbled into your chest.
It’s the first group game of the Women’s World Cup for the Matildas. The score was 0-0 until Hayley had been taken out in the box. Penalty. This is their chance. You watched from the bench as Steph stepped up to take the shot. You prayed in your head that she had luck on her side. You knew she had the skill but any amount of things can go wrong in a football game.
You hear the whistle blow, see Steph run up to the ball. You watch almost in slow motion as the ball flies through to air and into the back of the net.
As soon as you register it’s gone in, you’re up and celebrating with the rest of the squad. You quickly turn around to the crowd and scream ‘That’s my girl!’ before turning back to your teammates. Next thing you know Steph is running at you full force. You hold your arms out for her and lift her up in the air as soon as you made contact.
‘You did it baby! You fucking scored!’ you yelled out overjoyed
Steph throw her head back and laughs at you as you put her down. Ignoring the rest of your team around you, you pull her into a quick kiss and tell her how proud you are of her.
‘You’re amazing Steph Catley. I’m so so proud of you love’
Steph, on the verge of tears from your words, pulls you into her again and whispers
‘Thank you baby, having you here has helped me so much. I love you puddin’ she says
‘I’m always going to be there to support you, you’re my girl. I love you so much Steph.’ you say as you hug her tighter.
You let her go and celebrate with the team and watch from a distance with a smile on your face.
They won, and Steph’s goal is the reason they won. As soon as the game and celebrations were over and you were back in the change rooms, you pulled Steph onto your lap and whispered
‘I knew you could do it. You did amazing baby. See? No reason to be nervous, you smashed it love’ before pulling her into a kiss.
‘We smashed it, I couldn’t have done it without you darling. Thank you for being my number one fan, my girl’ Steph said while holding your face in her hands.
‘Always and forever, love’ you smiled at her.
an: ty for the request xx
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