#larry johnson x yn
andreaheartscats · 5 months
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doing Sal's hair
-> honestly i can't remember if i did this already or not but whatever, even if i did im doing it again. Also hi! hello there i haven't written anything in a while so sorry about that! here is a little something :) <-
-> Sal called you through the walkie-talkie he gave you a while ago. You didn't use it much, only when one of your amazing friends called.
-> "Hey, you busy right now?" you could hear his voice over little static going on. His voice was so calmming to hear, but that's not the point now.
-> You take the walkie-talkie from your bedside table and press a button. "Nope, why?"
-> you waited a minute or two before you heard the static again and then Sals voice.
-> "Wanna come to the tree house to hang out?"
-> almost without any thinking you answeard him quickly with a shor and simple answear. "yes."
-> upon walking to the tree house, you climbed the old ladder up. The smell of weed almsot immediately hit you.
The tree house was known for yalls smokin' spot. So no wonder it smelled like weed.
Sal was already there sitting in one of the bean bags waiting for you and infront of him was a little table filled with.. hair ties? and a hairbrush.
You took a look around and notice Larry wasn't there.
"Hey Sal.. wheres Larry?"
"Busy helping Lisa around the apartmants"
You nodded at took a seat next to him while popping open a can of soda.
"wanna do my hair?"
the question was soo random but you jumped in excitement cause who doesn't want to play with/ do Sals hair?
thankfully Sal was comfortable enough around you so he could take his mask off.
"Alright.. what you wanna do with your hair? got anything in mind?"
you asked him while getting comfortable behind him so you could do his hair.
Sal stayed queit for a moment before he finally said. "Im just bored of my pigtails.. just do whatever you want"
bored?! of his pigtails!?..
oh well, you had the chance do to whatever you want with his hair so youre not letting it go to waste!
"okay then!"
you undid his pigtails and his blue haired reached almost pass his shoulders. it grew queit a lot!
you already had an idea in your head.. half up-half down bun!
you sectioned the back hair and brushed it gently so you dont prick his hair.
Sal handed you two hair ties which you put around yoir wrist.
your tung stuck out while tying a half ponytail and then twisting it into a bun.
after a little bit of struggling you finally did it!
"there! all done!" you said proudly at yourself.
Sal took a mirror to look at his hair, it suited him really well and the most important thing is that his mask can still be easily clipped on!
"woow.. this looks soo cool. I look so cool!"
Sal said while smiling a little, you could tell by the way his eyes got smaller from under the mask he just put on.
The two of you were hanging out, trying many more hair styles on Sals hair and laughed a lot together. It was one of the best weekends ever that a perosn could ask for.
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zeeinkzquill · 2 months
~~~~~~~~~~~~~A Larry x Reader Fic~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
TW: Slight use of drugs will be used in this fic
Larry was having one of those days again. The day was moving by slower than it was supposed to, drifting in and out to sleep as he attempted to complete the semester's midterm before spring break. As time ticked and ticked, the more pissed he got looking at the numbers on his paper til he couldn't take it anymore.
"Can I go to the nurse I'm not feeling the best," he said quickly raising his hand.
The teacher, who was as ready to leave for the break as everyone else shook his head.
Larry quickly got up from his seat and nearly speed-walked out of the silent room into the school halls. With this, he could take a painful sigh of relief. He couldn't focus with his mind in a panic. He needed to calm his mind for a brief moment. Hopefully, the teacher wouldn't notice he was gone for too long. He made his way down the halls to the janitor's closet. Just as he opens the door he's shocked to see a small figure curled up in the corner next to the paper toilets, rolling a blunt.
The figure looked up at Larry, sharing his shock but soon sighing in relief as he closed the door behind him.
"That better not be my secret stash," his whisper was harsh but playful
"Of course not~," dragging your words as you pull out ur lighter "Wanna puff?"
"You're going to ask me if I want a puff of my own shit in my secret hiding spot?"
"Well if you put it that way-"
"Just hand me the stupid blunt," he laughs as he sits down next to the dirty mop and playfully snatches the blunt and lighter from you. "I reckon you're having a shitty day too?"
"Oh, boy don't I have a story to tell you!" You stood up in the cramped little closet telling the story about how you've been going through a runt with your art teacher about your art group project and how Travis, one of your group partners, was making a problem. Larry sat and listened to it all, nodding his head as smoke filled the cramped room.
He always thought it was funny how you always had to stand up and move around to tell a story, the way you pouted when you were upset, everything about you tickled his brain in a funny way. Maybe it was the smoke, he thought so many times. But the more he spent time with you the more that funny thought turned into something more, something stronger, something that for the past few months he has finally realized. At that moment in time, he wondered what you both could be.
"Huh," he quickly snapped out of his thoughts, soon realizing that you were leaning in front of him snapping your fingers in his face.
"Were you even listening?" You frowned
"Oh yeah of course! Yeah, Travis, total dickhead-" Larry stopped as you giggled, and lightly grabbed the blunt between his lips.
"I think you've had enough of this," you giggled as you slipped the blunt between your own. "So why are you here, don't you have a midterm today?" You say as you try to flip your lighter struggling.
And at that moment something happened. Larry didn't know what, but he felt something. That weird itchy feeling in his chest grew stronger and it wasn't from the smoke. He knew. He always knew. But the words never slipped out his mouth the right way.
"Oh umm... just... math test, yeah math test."
"Guessing you couldn't focus?"
"Well that's understandable," Take one more puff before standing up and handing it back to Larry. "Just don't stay in here for too long."
"Wait you're leaving already."
"Yeah, I have to head back before the teacher begins to wonder where I am."
"Oh," he sighs as you reach and twist the handle of the door.
"Awwwww, is lil Lar-Bare gonna miss me," you mimic in a baby-like tone
"Fuck you," he yells as he grabs a dirty cloth and throws it at you but not before you close the door, leaving the damp cloth slide down the door. Leaving him with himself and himself alone.
He sighed looking down at the blunt he had given back to you. The itchy feeling was getting worse by the day. Every day that he saw you the feeling always got worse. And knowing that information scared the shit out of him.
He liked you. Liked really, really liked you. Yet every time that those words came to mind, he pushed them away not giving them a second thought. But now the slightest thought of you drove him crazy, nuts even.
Before those thoughts took over again he quickly took another puff hoping the smoke would help with his overriding mind. Yet as he took his puff he quickly began coughing, from such a strong inhale. He coughed and coughed hoping that the sting would go away in his chest but it only got worse. Causing something to come up from his throat in sharp pain. Quickly spitting it out on the tile floor of the closet. Catching his breath he looked over to what he had and regurgitated, to his shock he found something unusual.
Two red rose petals covered in saliva on the floor
"What tha-"
Okay so IK i have a fic I'm already working on a a Bunnydoll fic along with a like a TADC AU but I had to post this because before I even had this account I had another account that was created like 2 years ago and it had this fic on it, but SOME HOW it was deleted (that was like 3 years ago when I was super into sally face)
I honestly was turn this into a drawing and/or a like a full story
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certifieds1mp · 3 years
i’m here to request something *\(^o^)/* if i can of course!
can i request s/o comforting sally, larry and travis (or whoever you want) after a nightmare please?
take care and have a good day! oh and i’m sorry for any grammatical errors, english is my third language - if it’s too bad then please ignore this whole request (-。-;
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s1mpymain · 3 years
feel free to send stuff in my ask box about your self shipping with sally face characters ^^ i love hearing them bc im so glad im not the only one who self ships
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andreaheartscats · 4 months
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Larry Johnson headcanons
angst & fluff
tw: mention of sh
-> Larry doesn't really know how to take care of his long hair, which leads to you two being on call/facetime every time he has to wash his hair. He is just hovering over the bathtub with his half wet hair yelling " Okay soo, what now?!"
-> He alwaya wears his emo bracelets and you neeeever see him without them. That's cause he used to selfharm, thankfully he got better once you came into his life and made him happy and made him feel like his life had a meaning. He wears them cause he is ashamed you would judge him for his scars. Little does he know, once you found out you were the most supportive person ever. At that moment he could've sworn he fell inlove with you even more.
-> Whenever he sees that you are feeling down or sad in school, during lunch he would sit next to you and share his headphones with you to lift your spirit up a little. Plus he knows how you hate loud nosises in the cafeteria so sometimes he would give you both of his headphones and let you listen to his music while you eat lunch together.
-> You almost never EVER see him cry, but once you did and it was not pretty. Larry likes tl act like he doesn't care about his dad whom left him, but very deep down he is so hurt by it and sometimes the emotions get the best of him and then he cries. This time he was in the treehouse, not expecting anyone but then you suddenly popped up. He tried to hide it from you but he couldn't, you comforted him and for the first time he let all of his emotions out infront of you. You were glad that he finally opend up but still hated seeing him like this.
-> Larry really loves rooftop dates, like it's his favorite thing in the whole world (after you, of course). He loves laying on the rooftop with you next to him and looking at the sky during the night. But the thing is that he is actually looking at you. He may seem like a rockstar angry type of guy on the outside but he is really emotional and nice deep down when he is with the right person.
-> Sometimes when Larry gets lonely or sad, he just plays his electric guitar. Yes he has you and Sal, Ash, Todd, Chuck...etc. But sometimes he still feels lonely cause everyone has their own work to do sometimes. So he just plays his guitar, it doesn't have to be metal alwalys. Sometimes it can be something softer or honestly anything just so he can focus on something besides being alone.
(sorry not sorry)
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