#larry stylinson 2020
so-idialed-9 · 2 years
Watch ""Harry and Louis have a tea together", Harry's bodyguard." on YouTube
Harry's bodyguard stating Harry and Louis had tea together. Why tho? To mess with the fans? Madrid?
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basicshitposts · 2 years
HARRY STYLES WAS AT THE 2020 EUROS?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!
Can't keep his 'girlfriend' a secret but no one knew this for a year despite there being PICTURESSS. We only see what he wants to show
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twopoppies · 1 year
Hi, Gina. Can I please rant in your asks? I might be a complete idiot, but the more i look on the timeline (literal timeline, not a social media one) the more i come to one conclusion.
So Syco dies in 2020. Louis greets us with «decided to part ways» tweet, but the parting ways is useless, company is already dead. All the rights go to (presumably) Sony. Sony doesn’t give a fuck about Louis. He’s not profitable. I mean in our little community he’s the center of the world, but in the real world not so much.
But what they do care about is Harry. Harry is their golden goose for now and for many more years to come. The more Louis flaunts with huge «H» on his chest and changes the Spotify canvas to Harry’s tattoos, the more people might believe that Larry Stylinson rumours (gasp!) might be true.
The company that holds the rights can prohibit all recording and publishing activity altogether. We’ve seen it with JoJo. We’ve seen it with Kesha. We’ve seen it with Raye. And probably with hundreds more, that we know nothing about (like what happened to Alexis Jordan?). So Louis is given a simple choice: he shuts down all the rumours by himself or Walls will be his last album.
So that’s when OATV production and the Big Freddy Push begins.
We all screaming that everything he did in the last two years doesn’t make sense. But it’s because it simply doesn’t. We’ve been watching this guy for the ten years prior. And there’s no fucking way in hell i’m gonna believe that one nice Wednesday morning in the beginning of 2021 Louis Tomlinson woke up, yawned and said: «Well, why don’t I start mentioning my fake son everywhere, because that’s the kind a person i am now.»
If he’s doing it, he’s either gaining something big from it, or at least not losing something big from it. And what is bigger than the simple opportunity to make music?
And if the question is why his promo so shit and what audience he’s targeting, then the answer is - he’s not promoting his music, he’s promoting the fact that Harry Styles is not, in fact, gay.
I hope it does make sense. And also I love you, Gina. Thank you for being the voice of reason in this fandom. (And sorry for my English, I did my best 😖)
Hi darling. Your English is absolutely fine. No apologies needed!
As for your thoughts… I do think there’s some plausibility in your theories. Although, Louis isn’t the main reason people think H is queer. He’s doing a pretty good job of making people question it, all on his own. TBH, most of his new fans probably have never heard of Louis unless they already are wondering about Harry’s sexuality go search through Google and stumble on Larry. And even then they would have to already be open to it to really fall down the rabbit hole to get past all the denials and beards and the idea that larries are crazy.
I’m not saying Sony wouldn’t go to those lengths, but it seems like blowing out a candle when there’s a brush fire around the corner.
Anyway, I don’t think Louis would have been allowed to part ways with Syco/Sony without them getting something out of it. God knows what deal he made, but I’m sure Sony is more ruthless than we can imagine.
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louisisalarrie · 3 months
Hey! I’m the anon who asked how touring works. Thank you for such a great explanation! Really appreciate you taking the time.
I’m a Louis fan…wasn’t previously into 1D (am now!) but I found solo Louis first. Can I ask you what makes you so sure Louis is gay? I’m not challenging this in anyway…I guess I just wanted thoughts from someone who has been around all of this a lot longer. I saw the anon saying they read that Simon knew Louis was gay etc right from the start and you responded (beautifully, I might add) but do you really feel certain he is?
Like I say, I’m newer to all of this. I’m a Louis fan first and foremost and I honestly didn’t know about Larry until I got into Louis so this has blown my mind a little. I know there are various receipts about this and fans feel that Louis is loud at his shows but I’m just not sure!
Looking back at his early, early days when he got onto xfactor he seemed to be playing it ‘straight’ - had a girlfriend, ladding a lot with his mates. There are even reports from his school days saying he treated kids that were out at his school badly - I guess that could be part of him being confused and not accepting how he felt until he met Harry?
I’m so sorry if any of this comes across inappropriately. Your responses are always so great that I wanted to ask you…and thank you x
Hello angel!! Love to see you here and being curious on everything. I’ll pop in my two cents as well, but here are some excellent larry timelines and resources to, well, help with the whole reason we believe in larry.
Now, let’s get down to what I think from being here from the beginning.
I watched louis and Harry fall in love. Even from very early on, it is painfully obvious that they acted very differently around the other boys. The fond eyes at each other, the PDA, the full comfort at acting so domestic and touchy with each other that even I don’t look at and touch my bestie like that, and I’m a very touchy and affectionate person. So, heading down the rabbit hole, I’m gonna give you some really strong gifs for reference, and then tackle the louis notes you made. There are a heap of different larry resources on tumblr, so I won’t go through an insane amount, and just keep this concise.
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Re your comment about louis playing it straight, him and Harry were immediately acting like a couple. I’ve had some lad friends, and they certainly don’t look at each other like the above, nor fake make out with each other, bc yikes, that would make you look gay, and why would he want his lads to think that? He was immediately thrown into the public eye, very quickly got a heap of fans, and wasn’t exactly keeping his guard up to make sure he didn’t look gay in front of a global audience. I’m sorry, I’ve just never seen him act like this with anyone except Harry. He jokes around with the other guys, sure, but if you go through those masterposts and videos, it’ll become very clear that he just couldn’t keep himself from Harry. Even during the video diaries and X factor, from the very beginning, he was touching Harry all the bloody time. Regardless if they weren’t blatantly kissing on camera (as advised not to), you can see the affection and how natural it looks. It just kinda happened. I just don’t see him acting like a lad during X factor as you said, and not sure where that idea came from, but I promise you that there’s a lot of proof of him being quite flamboyant and expressing himself in the manner of how many gay men do. That’s not me stereotyping, whatsoever, but the things he said and the way he acted with Harry, don’t line up with straight to me.
Now, I feel like if you’ve come into the Larry/1d world with Solo Louis being your first experience, this can all be super overwhelming and intimidating and very very strange hahaha, because he presents himself quite differently now (but the matching tattoos are still there xx) and you haven’t been here for all the stunts and the beginning of bbg and all that. Also, the Solo Louis fandom holds an overwhelming amount of people who are anti larry and therefore anti larries (including the person who took a poster to louis’ concert that said “larries mass extinction” on it… yikes), so you can often be fed a lot of misinformation. Whereas here in this beautiful community on tumblr, and even on Twitter, I never see any larries going out of their way to send horrible messages to antis. They really love coming into our inboxes though (god knows how many “you should unalive yourself”) messages I’ve received from antis since I’ve been a larrie), and actively telling us we’re trash, so they tend to try to make us look as horrible as possible, including, spreading misinformation about Louis.
Now, I don’t know where the receipts are about young louis treating gay kids horribly, so if you could provide them to me, I’d absolutely be happy to look into them and verify (to the best of my ability) if they’re real or not, but spoiler alert, I very much doubt they have any validity to them. We never knew louis when he was at school, so you’d have to just trust this person who’s saying louis is homophobic (which so many anti louis/anti larry fans do), but also, growing up in a place like Doncaster around that time, I imagine it was extremely taboo to be anything other than a straight laddy lad who played footy and had a gf.
If louis had figured out his sexuality prior to meeting Harry, and knew he was gay or maybe bi or at least curious, I highly doubt he would’ve come out in that space at that time of his life. Growing up gay is harddddd. Teenagers are so mean. And trying to fit in is important when you’re a kid just trying to figure everything out.
Now, not saying that louis did this, but in my experience, I watched a few kids who now have come out as gay pick on others in school who were out. Some of the bullying got really bloody bad, and it was all to just shut out their own feelings, and pushing away any ideas that they were anything but straight. It happens a lot, it’s insecurity, it’s feeling extremely uncomfortable with who you are, peer pressure, and maybe a family who would kick your ass if you came out to them. It’s a very hard thing to navigate.
Him having a gf at the time, Hannah, I explained about in a previous ask from an anon. You can find that on my page under #anon #answered and I think I may have tagged #hannah as well??? I probably did, but I wrote a timeline and big explanation as to what I believe happened there, and provided with proof. So jump in and have a squiz if you’re keen!
Also you didn’t come across as rude at all! You’re curious to know, and I’m here to help. xx let me know if I’ve not answered something or you want further clarification on anything, there’s a lot to cover here and I’m a bit sleepy but never hesitate to hit me up! Thanks babe!
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machinecreature · 11 months
this post is a pretty Solid distillation of what’s happening right now in modern rpf fandom and i’m going to tentatively call it Oops All Misogyny
what these people think they’re talking about is strictly homophobia, and they believe that homophobia is keeping professional athlete men in the closet and forcing them to marry Blonde Skinny White Women who they dont actually love. specifically, they are talking in the world of hockey, which is it’s own specific flavor of deranged nowadays.
okay so say i accept this sweeping generalization that hockey players just date Blonde Skinny White Women- okay well most nhl players are in fact white, and usually people date within their own race that’s just how it is, and statistically they are overwhelmingly likely to be straight as well., and we all know the reason that a lot of men prefer thin women is misogynistic beauty standards, so that’s the reason for that. score 1 for misogyny
im sure there’s great scholarship on why women’s hockey and women’s sports are a haven for gay women to meet eachother and find each other, but i dont know it. but, knowing how SOCIETY UNDER PATRIARCHY EXISTS, its not shocking that a small community that is gender nonconforming would attract queer and gnc women. so, that’s the reason for that.
now to the points related to Shipping - this idea shippers have that their faves are actually stuck in the closet and that straight men are in secret relationships with each other. it’s not anything new per se, but the degree to which people are seriously believing it and trying to actively prove it is new, and the amount of people who seriously believe it is only increasing.
i think it’s safe to say that it is usually young women who take up fandom in this kind of way, who ship men with each other, as has been the case for quite some time. even nb and otherwise gnc individuals flock to fandom, often bc of its imaginative and transformative powers.
i remember being a teenager and wondering why the guys would only pay attention to the Conventionally Pretty girls while also mocking me and trying to take my glasses of without my consent, leaning hard into Not Like Other Girls syndrome, and then unlearning that and realizing my dislike of those girls was bc of internalized misogyny. but the other piece of that is like, the Preferences of the boys (bc of patriarchal beauty standards) and i think that hurt does stick with you for awhile until you do receive some attention of your own.
so, im a little sympathetic to this behavior from the younger set, especially with the world we’re living in right now — women’s rights are actively backsliding, social media and increased beauty standards are harming young girls, boys are watching porn from like age 10 online, maybe even earlier, its not a stretch for a young girl to want to escape into a world where boys are a bit softer, where they are kind and nice and it’s a one sided relationship and you can fantasize all you want and it’s Safe. it’s not a shock that parasocial relationships between girls and whatever famous man du jour happen. that’s a story as old as time, and it’s increasing now just because of the world we’re living in.
the other piece, however, the people who are a bit older who are parroting the qanon shit about how str8 men are in secret relationships: i think it’s time to grow up a bit.
after a certain point, you should know you’re not making any kind of grand statement about society by examining men in this way that hasn’t already been made better by gender studies and queer theory scholars, you’re not fighting for gay rights by inventing things that aren’t there, by making such a big deal out of male friendship that that friendship has to end (a la larry stylinson) … you’re just showing that you havent unlearned your own internalized misogyny and have a severe case of 2010s tumblr brain meets 2020s conspiracy brain. i get wishing men were better, wishing for A Softer World, but you shouldn’t steer that anger toward WAGs and act like you’re doing anything when you use the phrase “wealthy white women” a zillion times in a 'critique' of WAGs.
‘Toxic Masculinity’ is a problem in sports, but it’s one that has demonstrably gotten better over the last decade in my opinion. and it hasn’t gotten better by manifesting straight players to be gay, it’s gotten better by changes within systems and things like pride nights and mental health awareness becoming the norm. i’m sorry if that’s boring, but it’s the truth. instead of admiring positive masculinity — the affection that the guys have for each other, it’s immediately twisted by some into proof for their thesis that x player is gay.
i remember when i learned that the root of most homophobia is actually misogyny, and that has stuck with me — that the root of hatred against gay men is often that they’re seen as effeminiate and weak, one must always be ’the woman’ in the relationship, etc etc. homophobia against gay women is because of their gender nonconformity - they will not submit to the beauty standards, submit to being lesser in a relationship, aren’t making themselves sexually available to men, etc. so how in the hell are you going to fight homophobia by being misogynistic towards WAGs.
of course, there are players in the closet. we know this, statistically there are likely to be some in any league. if anything, knowing they will be scrutinized and looked at under a microscope and shipped with anyone they even come in contact with would probably be a reason for them to NOT come out. we’ve seen the results of speculation over the sexual orientation of more famous celebrity men, usually actors - it’s not cute, it’s damaging. and not because those individual men are homophobic, but because one’s personal life isn’t any one else’s business unless they WISH TO SHARE IT! denial of the existence of a player’s wife or girlfriend is not Fighting for Gay rights or gender nonconformity, it’s just being misogynistic. and if that player turns out to treat that woman poorly, that’s likely because of misogyny too. Oops, All Misogyny. welcome to society.
have your real person fandom fun, but one must know the line between fiction and reality, one must know that the characters you create based off real people aren’t the actual real people themselves.
(this is uhhh also why im extremely wary of sports social media teams making content that is shippy in nature aaaaahhh it worries me but im tired of typing now)
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joydilouis · 1 year
Lucky Again analysis
This is a lyric analysis and just my personal take on the song. Before I get into it I want to make it clear that if harry and louis never come out, I will always support them whether or not it is their personal decision. But I do know they were closeted not by their own choice and I do believe they have every intention to come out in the future.
My take is Lucky Again foreshadows a coming out. Louis wants to be out one day, both him and harry. The standing info we got is Louis was supposed to be out of certain contract agreements with the old label in 2020 but it got put aside because of the months of pandemic. My belief is he was ready to shed that weight and look forward to a freer life with harry but because of these delays they had to mash brakes leaving harry open for Jeff/Sony to take advantage and grab harry into dwd stunt. So lets go.
You give and give until it’s gone away
Louis speaks about fetus days and what he had to give or work at to keep up the lie. He kept giving away parts of himself and his relationship until no more interactions/tweets etc and enemy narrative comes into play. Now louis just wants it all to end so they can live.
Just tell yourself
You got another day
While in the band they were bullied and threatened to act 'appropriately' so they will see 'another day' as a band etc. This was embedded until they started to tell it to themselves. Another day as in you got another day in the band living the life of a star, your dream and it is worth it to put your true self/relationship in the closet.
You’ve lived that life
You just don't see it yet
Louis is saying to him "You did closeting in the band and lived that way where we couldn't do what we wanted so now we have to change things go forward not backward.
I see how hard you’ve worked
To be yourself 
Speaks for itself. Harry worked to get himself out of het norms in every possible way they could without being able to come out ever since "not that important" to e.g Vogue mag cover. Louis doesn't want to see him hide it away again, he wants to be part of it too. He wants to do it too.
If you believe a guy is Superman
There selling tickets at the cinema
Whatever gets you through the darkest night
Superman as in someone who can save you. He is talking about jeff. Harry hired jeff as a way to get out from under syco/ modest who turned their lives upside down. But in reality his only job is to sell harry as a commodity/make him marketable. He only wants to make money off him putting on a show. (goes with mfasr mv.) He is still his manager today and things are not the same as it was in 1D but he is still not able to fully come out. Whatever gets harry through the hard times is fine but....
Just find the light out in the madness. Hold tight.
Light is a recurring theme in both artists' songs (e.g Lights Up and SIBWAW) meaning the thing that keeps them grounded, the thing that shows them for who they really are and not keeping them hidden in the darkness (closet.)
Cos I'm a hard man to lose
Hard for Simon to lose he means. Louis was the only boy who Simon was able to keep as solo artist after hiatus and he had to do xfactor etc for him instead of releasing his album.
But I figured it out
Then made my way back
To a life I would choose
He figured out how to get himself out from under syco shit contract and back to who he is and the life he wants to live which does not include hiding and changing who he is and who he wants.(goes with Walls mv he had to walk through the desert to make his way back.)
We were lucky once
I could be lucky again
What are the odds of being put in a successful band with someone you realize is your soulmate and find out you two are in love and you have no problem being candid to the world about it on twitter and in interviews etc and you had fans calling you one name larry stylinson that's how much they supported you openly and you got that for a moment before they (management) took it away. They were lucky to have had that in the beginning.
I’m a hard man to find
But you figured it out
And I love you for that
Theme of fitf is louis suffered a lot of heartache due to syco contract and closeting and he almost lost who he is. The person he addresses in this song helped bring him back and he is grateful and wants them to stop hiding now.
Look back on a time
I was lucky once
I could be lucky again
Again he says to look back on when they were able to be out and live free before all was lost and he has hope they will be that lucky again when he finally comes out in the future.
Before the world had got so serious
Before the time it got away from us
I meet you at the favourite subway stop
We grab some food
Then meet the lads for one
Before straight washing closeting beards hiatus they could just be together hang out openly in public without having to worry about image etc. Louis wants to look back on that time and be that again.
Hold tight cause I'm a hard man to lose
He is saying I ain't going anywhere this time I am in this for the long haul whatever happens because...
But I figured it out
Out in the madness, hold tight cause I’m a hard man to lose 
Then made my way back
We were lucky once
Could be lucky again
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awesomefringey · 1 year
When did you join this mutual respect fandom? Are you here from the 1d days
Hi nonnie, okay let me preface I don’t know shit about One Direction, but Harry’s first album and it’s melancholy was the soundtrack to a very hard time in my life. So HS1 will forever be something very personal to me. But I was never anywhere near a fandom. In fact I did wonder about Two Ghosts being about Taylor with the red lips and all but thought it’s odd how desperate the song sounded for such a brief fling. Bottom line, his lyrics made no sense to me and I thought the wisdom about love and pain and relationships must’ve come from his writers. Yes, I didn’t think he wrote these songs. I was so close yet so far. Lol.
So, it was mid 2020 during the pandemic. I was stuck at home (in home office) and watched plenty of YouTube videos while writing emails and completing whatever nonsense exercises.
One day, I had just binged Carpool Karaoke videos and ended with both of Harry’s, the smart YouTube algorithm thought I was ready and recommended my first Larry Stylinson video. Yes watching Harry at Late Late makes YouTube think you should be made aware of it. Actually I only clicked because it had over a million views and I, considering myself a YouTube pro at the time, was surprised I had never heard of it before.
Then I saw Harry looking at Louis and Louis looking at Harry and some very awkward denials, the rest is history. Looking back, I think I joined during a very euphoric time for Larries with the Umbro shirt and Louis giggling on some IG video 20 minutes away from the DWD filmset. I thought I had arrived JUST in time to watch this unfold. Well yeah… It’s been a rollercoaster. 🫠
Anyways, I love larrie origin stories, so send them my way!!!
PS: You should’ve seen my face when listened to HS1 and Two Ghosts again after learning about Louis! Suddenly it all made sense.
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vee-black-cloud · 9 months
👋🏼👋🏼👋🏼 just coming to your inbox to say hiiiii new mutual - I was scrolling through your blog and saw that we have almost the same fandom anniversary (June 1 2020 for me) AND you recently name dropped muse AND arctic monkeys aka the most formative bands of my youth so clearly we were very meant to follow each other on here. 🫶🏼
Hello there! Ahahah, that's very sweet of you!
Followed you right after reading your fic today (which I really really liked btw, kudos to you here as well!!).
I cannot explain to you the butterfly effect of randomly seeing a Larry Stylinson pic on Pinterest, falling into the rabbit hole of YouTube videos, getting on Tumblr and then living my best life attending some 25 concerts in the span of 18months - which I never did in my youth, I don't know why 😅
Both AM and Muse shows were insane! I was so so happy I was able to attend those.
Thanks for reaching out!
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ao3feed-larry · 1 year
Just For A Moment - (l.s)
by doesanyonehearrunningwotah
Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson broke up five years ago. Harry moved on.
But a brief run-in at the 2020 Brits awards leaves him fearful that he never genuinely recovered from the infatuation.
---------------------------------- larry stylinson one shot Disclaimer: Entirely fiction
Words: 1322, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: One Direction (Band), Walls - Louis Tomlinson (Album), Sweet Creature - Harry Styles (Song), Larry Stylinson - Fandom
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi
Characters: Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles, Gemma Styles, Lizzo (Musician), Olivia Wilde, Freddie Tomlinson
Relationships: Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson, Eleanor Calder/Louis Tomlinson, Harry Styles/Olivia Wilde, Briana Jungwirth/Louis Tomlinson
Additional Tags: Angst, larry breakup, Breakup, Heartbreak, Cheating, Unwanted Pregnancy, Freddie Tomlinson - Freeform, one direction - Freeform, holivia, Brits 2020, harry quirky yellow suit, louis fitted black suit, lizzoooo, hizzo
via AO3 works tagged 'Harry Styles/Louis Tomlinson' https://ift.tt/2jeN1Zc
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venusisgeeky · 1 year
(Semi) Deep dive into Larry Stylinson Obsession
Ive realize the amount of people who might hate me for this but it's something I want to talk about. I might write some more about Larry but this is what I started with
I’ve grown up with One Direction since i was seven years old. I had no feelings about the ship Larry Stylinson until 2020 when i had a One Direction spike. At that time I became obsessed with the ship. Now my opinions on the ship are very mixed to say the least. I think with Fandom culture you can’t control what people do but at the same time fandom culture can take it too far. There is a boundary between love and respect for a celeb and borderline obsession and violating privacy. But wait, who is larry stylinson?
Larry Stylinson is the ship name of two members of boyband One Direction: Louis tomlinson and Harry Styles. The ship came about when fans started to notice how flirty and close the two were at the beginning of the band. Online there are a surplus amount of compilation videos to watch abou the two during that time period that it even more clear to fans of their “secret relationship” today there a lot rumors of the two writing songs about each other, most promemtly Louis’s song “always you”. He said that he wrote the song about his longtime girlfriend, but louis and harry shippers think otherwise.
When talking about Larry you have to discuss about fandom culture and social media. During the early 2010s, fandom culture was starting to become really big with the release of Tumblr. People would make blogs dedicated to their interests, writing fanfiction,posting gifs, creating art work and memes. I think a reason why Larry got so popular was because of the influx of content. People were able to share their theories on the ship to other people who felt the same as them. Fans of the ship considers themselves “larries”
This ship also created backlash though for people dubbed as “antis” or “anti-larries” these people believe that louis and harry were never together and it was just a figment of some crazy fans imaginations. They also believe that most of these fans are reaching for some crazy gay fetishization of men. I do believe that fetishizing and sexualizing gay men is something that happens a lot in fandoms with two men being particularly flirty. It’s a very small portion of this fandom that does this though and you see it mostly in fanfiction.
On the topic of fanfiction, i feel like it’s fuel to the fire when it comes to Larry ship. Having read some of this fanfiction on the writing site Wattpad myself all i can say is…wow. A fanfiction i read for this research was a 18 year old student louis and a 31 year old teacher harry. The story was how Louis accidentally got the wrong number from his friend and the number belonged to His teacher Mr. Styles. Even though Louis is a legal adult, this story at times felt kinda gross. They have a 13 year age gap between them. Harry’s character also had realized how wrong it was to get involved with a teenager through text. His character should’ve block louis number super quick. This writing piece also has a lot of erotica bewteen the two characters,Mind you the 13 year age gap.
I did tend to see plefera of work making one of the two a crossdresser or very feminine. I have no problem with crossdressing as gender roles suck. The writer way of writing the subject is more than less a feminization of gay men. Not all gay men are super feminine, wear dressers and put on makeup. They also always make them the submissive one, a tasteless stereotype. Writers also play into the repressed gay bully which is problematic on it’s own in the media.
There are a lot of larry fanfictions on the internet like the two I mentioned,but thinking of these being two real people make me uncomfortable on so many different levels. Thinking of this writing piece as fiction, the stories are just problematic. But these stories are not just fiction in the dictionary sense. This is a made up situation involving real people with real feelings. In addition, a big amount of writers include smut in their works which is just groteques and fetish written. Never is it authentic, people writing erotica on gay men as a fantasy kink.
As a fanfiction writer myself, i don’t think writing fanfiction, smut or non-smut, is horrible. I’d never write anything involving real people though. I do that out of respect, i would never want anyone to write that stuff about me.
A huge problem with the fandom too is not respecting louis,harry and the people around them. Fans of the ship goes as far as to say that Louis’s child, freddie, is not actually his child. Freddie is a child who is not old enough to defend himself. Shippers treat this as a way to fight for larry and non-shipper as a way to be against larry. The Treatment should be neither. They should treat none of it as gasoline for their fights.
Larries also don’t respect Louis’s girlfriend Eleanor or Harry girlfriend (now ex) Olivia. Eleanor and Olivia aren’t fantastic people and have done promblematics things, but fans are never about that, it’s just larry. In the early days of the ship there was a lot of conspiracy theories that Eleanor wasn’t real. With Olivia, people think it’s a pr stunt to make harry more famous. I don’t necessarily disagree as it just comes off as pr, being that they get pictured a lot together.
I don’t hate larry shippers though, frankly i also ship them myself. I steer towards having a parasocial boundary though. I fully support them if they are together but i don’t push them to reveal or if they aren’t together i don’t push them to be in relationship. The ship not being real just drove a big stake into Louis and Harry’s friendship.
Shippers without realizing, push louis and harry to also come out or have a label.This is a problem because people deserve to have something very private be respected. Harry identifies as unlabeled and Louis hasn't disclosed his sexuality 100%.
Theres this one video were Louis said “I'm gay, it's pretty unfortunate, Eleanor (his girlfriend)” then management tells him to be quiet that gets flown around in regards to Louis sexuality. The video comes off as him saying he's gay. From a queer person's perspective, Louis could've been joking as being gay when he's bisexual or some queer identity. I do that. It's not untrue. I think most people have the perspective it's Louis saying he's gay to Eleanor who might have feelings for him but of course he wouldn't recipicate because he's gay
I could speculate about Louis’s sexuality for hours on end but unless Louis fully confirms it by words all I can do is leave it be. It doesn't matter in the long run, it's who Louis is as a person that matters more and his music. Louis is also currently in a relationship with a girl that he keeps extremely private,for good reason too. Most fans hate on his girlfriend.
While i do think it’s possible louis could be queer and closted and that his management is telling him not to come out. Examples of this are New kids on the Block’s Jonathan Knight who was out in the industry but not to fans, he was told it would ruin him and the band’s career. Another being Lance bass who closeted felt like him being his true self would ruin Nsync’s career. It’s totally possible this is happening with louis. But no one knows except Louis
I think there could've been something between the two based on leaked videos and very frequent “conicedences” between management and how distant the two got. I just don't think it's our right to out them or treat them like fictional people without actual lives. They're people too
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20tomlinson02 · 4 years
So remember how Louis was horse riding with Lottie and Lou yesterday, they all live in London so I'd strongly guess it was somewhere out in the country area outside of London.
Then where was Harry supposedly spotted yesterday?
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Buckinghamshire, a town just out of London notable for 'it's open countryside and natural features' perfect for horse-riding
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I took a guess at their location yesterday and this just proves it, these ain't even coincidences anymore, since Harry has been back in London we know he's been with Louis. Why are they like this, it's torture. Also bet you didn't think we'd still be getting proof in 2020, better than y'all's blue green proof of the vinyl Lou posted today which we know he's been waiting for.
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honestly harry and louis make me cringe so bad... i hate them. they’re the lamest cringiest lovers i’ve ever seen in my life... everytime they are together in a room i just feel the sudden need to explode bc of how much their souls melt at each other’s presence and i don’t judge!! but!! fuckin chill bois!
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taetelody · 3 years
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a concept.
—louis tomlinson, the observer / harry styles, snl
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fratrry · 3 years
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they're fucking married
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louisisalarrie · 15 days
can you please elaborate this? what scene?
so euphoria had this scene in the middle of one of their episodes in 2019, which talks about fanfiction, tumblr, and Larry stylinson. Pretty fucking weird and not cool to throw that in there in my opinion, particularly because Louis said he didn’t approve it nor was contacted about it.
Then it was talked about more because harry apparently followed co-producer of Euphoria Jeremy O. Harris on Instagram a month before the episode was released, and then idk harry was photographed with Jeremy at his broadway play, and euphoria tweeted harry happy birthday in 2020. So they seemed quite chummy with harry, but nothing about Louis. It was quite strange. There’s a post about it here explaining a little bit more (heads up it’s a solo Louie account, it’s just the only one I can find rn).
Anyway, louies, harries, and obviously larries got weirded out about the whole thing bc harry didn’t say anything and was hanging out with this co-producer and yeah. Was entirely silent. Which he usually is about these matters, but he’s Harry styles. He could get that shit taken down in a second.
But the thing is… like… the scene didn’t get removed from the show. They didn’t use another major ship from a different fandom… nothing. Louis said he didn’t approve it, harry said nothing, there was a petition by fans that got something like 18,000 signatures to get it removed, but… the episode still has the whole scene in it to this day.
Like… it’s murky, I guess, in terms of legalities. But clearly shows larry smut and connects Larry again in a massive show that brought them, and the larries, a lot of attention. They could’ve done it and said “two boyband members” but they explicitly said harry and Louis’ full names and Larry Stylinson. So, yeah.
Take whatever you want from that, but there was a lot of talk about whether it was actually approved by the boys but they didn’t want to say that it was and Louis got thrown under the bus again with a denial, or harry approved it without louis’ consent (louie theory), or there were small little legalities the writers could get around.
And that is the euphoria lore of 2019.
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seasami · 4 years
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