#laser mech
kazsartcorner · 18 days
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A customised "Szhatie" pattern Sherman, the "Szhatie" pattern makes use of a chest mounted solidcore array with an subarray on the head, a set of exhausts and vents allows for quick release of any harmful gasses from the chemical lasers.
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kivaember · 8 days
i just wanted rusty to yell worm
Rusty paid little notice to the PCA's System droning over the spaceport's failing network, its feminine voice rasping with static and its syllables stated with clinical flatness. He was more focused on his heart beating rabbit-fast in his chest, uncomfortably hot as his body came down from the adrenaline rush of going toe-to-toe with the PCA's most cutting-edge mech.
He'd grown too reliant on STEEL HAZE's nimbleness. The 'HC' he had fought had been just as nimble and precise, its feet never touching the ground as the gigantic boosters installed on its shoulders gave the mechanical impression of wings, elegant and authorative when combined with its sleek body.
He wouldn't be surprised if the PCA named those mechs 'Archangels' or something equally pretentious, Rusty thought darkly. Their cold guardians wielding burning blades of plasma, and cutting down the innocent sinners fighting to survive in a scorched eden, condemned for the simple sin of living.
"Tired," Rusty mumbled, realising the caustic poeticness of his own thoughts. He always did find his mind travelling in odd directions after a hard battle. "But at least that should be the end of it."
The PCA's System had finally shut up for once, leaving a ringing silence in its wake. Rusty cast a quick glance over his HUD, seeing nothing but the blinking blue dot of Raven's AC somewhere out of sight. The battlefield they had fought the HCs was a twisted maze of two collapsed warships, debris crafting towering walls of bent metal that threatened to topple over from a too-powerful gust of wind. Rusty's HUD indicated Raven was somewhere slightly elevated. On one of the crashed ships?
He activated their comms, wondering what Raven was up to. Maybe it was a little self-centred to point it out so bluntly, but after a successful shared sortie, Raven usually came gamboling up to him with a muted sort of eagerness. It was odd for him to simply wander off without (figuratively) saying a word.
"Hey, buddy," he said. "What're you-"
The ground trembled minutely, and a few of those towering metal walls shuddered warningly, their shrieks drowning out his words. Rusty tensed, but his HUD didn't indicate an artillery strike or an orbital bombardment. Tectonic activity, maybe? The Central Ice Fields were prone to devastating earthquakes every few years or so. They had caused the earth to swallow up more than a few old cities, the capital included.
Another tremble, more violent, and one metal wall collapsed with a tremendous crash. One of the shipwrecks started to peel apart as well, its broken skeleton causing the already split hill to fall away from the continuous vibrations.
"Buddy, we need to go," Rusty said, keeping his tone calm but threaded with a taut urgency. STEEL HAZE leapt upwards in a boost-assisted jump, and he chanced a glance towards Raven - seeing his AC standing atop of the sturdier shipwreck, staring East-Northeast.
"Buddy," he said again when Raven stayed in place. He made STEEL HAZE hover, a hint of impatience in his voice as the vibrations grew worse: "This place isn't tectonically safe. We need to-"
Rusty stared at that word blinking across his HUD in open bafflement. He opened his mouth slowly, wondering if the vibrations had Raven mistyped, and asked: "W-"
The ground exploded in a shower of frozen rock and cement, a metallic groan-shriek reverbing through the air in deafening volume. The snow that plumed upwards with the explosion created a brief obscuring haze, but it quickly thinned, revealling something huge- no, massive, towering, jet-black, rusting metal coated in permafrost, its flat head bending low towards them, a great, massive, unearthly-!
"Worm?!" Rusty blurted in disbelief, and was very nearly crushed as a result when said worm promptly bellyflopped at them.
Later, far later, after the pang of terror at coming face to, err, face with an ancient C-Weapon capable of squashing him like an ant unintentionally had faded, and a sharper, colder fear at realising the entity was utterly impervious to any and all weaponry, Rusty was forced to sit in a dark meeting room with the other Vespers where they reviewed the Ice Worm's first appearance.
Forced to sit there, and listen to his past-self's high-pitched, comically startled shriek of "woRM?!?!" echo over his combat log's recording, as said worm aimed a deadly bellyflop his way.
He hadn't died, obviously... but it would've been one embarrassing way to die, in retrospect.
"...worm," Pater mumbled under his breath. A muted, not-quite titter rippled through the rest of the Vespers - sans Snail, of course - and Rusty had to fight the urge to sink low in his seat until he disappeared entirely underneath the table.
Would've been even more embarrassing to have 'worm' as his last word, though.
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ot3 · 7 months
Hi I hope this isn't a dumb question but I saw ur post again about LOK and can I ask how does your typical mecha anime show "unpack the horrors of war" I don't really watch mecha anime
this is the opposite of a dumb question in that it's a question you would need like a graduate level paper to answer properly. im not a huge mecha person either so im not qualified to give you an in depth answer here but. i would say in extremely broad strokes a lot of the way mech anime deals with War Horrors is by exploring the way advanced technology makes war much more catastrophically violent while simultaneously distancing people from the violence they are committing
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arcadebroke · 1 year
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srvanderino · 6 months
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More of the Scizor Hardsuit and some details
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sapphorror · 10 days
too many fics about human saliva being mildly corrosive to Irkens and not nearly enough about human blood being mildly corrosive to Irkens
not that I'm inherently opposed to the former, though I am generally inclined to think that most human bodily fluids would lack the pollutants that are so caustic to Irkens in the first place. however, given how Irken skin reacts to at least some types of meat, blood seems like one of the marginally more likely contenders, and more to the point, an unstoppable death machine burning itself alive in pursuit of the kill is an extremely sexy mental image and I believe in indulging the id
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neproxrezi · 5 months
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29 layers into an armored core six emblem / decal for a new idea (ignore the big selection box bisecting it) i was writing a short story about my take on the protagonist and realised if i was describing combat i'd need to give her a mech, sooo i came up with a build that was enjoyable to write scenes with and now i'm decorating it and making sure it can comfortably do the fights i need to describe
i am deeply, profoundly normal about ac6
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matrim-cauthons-hat · 12 days
here's a thought: a mech sized zweihander. you're a PBI (Poor Bloody Infantre) hunkered down in you dugout when mech reinforcements finally arive, only to see a charger hoofing it at full tilt towards the allied lance, armed with a sword as tall as itself, and run through a heavy mech, and then cleave a meduim in half the the waist
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agbpaints · 1 year
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At some point you run out of normal cool names for mechs and you start busting out the thesaurus to name your new mechs, and that's how you end up with stuff like the Penetrator. Anyway, a friend of mine told me the thing looked like a scalie's mechsona and this somehow unlocked deep childhood memories of Peter, Paul, and Mary songs so mine is painted like Puff the Magic Dragon.
It's actually a pretty sweet mech- I'm impressed they managed to wrangle something decent that looks like the old design without, yuhknow, looking like the old design
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Absolute goober.
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acidhydra101 · 5 months
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sketch of a mech belonging to one of the characters in my sci-fantasy setting
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eyezackery · 1 month
Fursona are so 2023 I wanna see your mechsonas
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Gundam Battle Assault 2 (Natsume / Bandai - PS1 - 2002)
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silkburrito27 · 9 months
Biblically accurate ac
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Be not afraid
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thallium6193 · 1 month
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Making a Into the Breach mech fuckability list is not a sign that there is something wrong with me and [friend]. Nay, we are visionaries here to preach. every mech is fuckable its simply how fuckable
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bodymotif · 2 years
"my child is fine" your child can recite all 10 minutes of gunpowder tim vs the moon kaiser from memory.
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rhynerd · 1 year
Happy Thursday! It is time for the 20th item in my Vex's Mechs and Memes project. Hopefully @vexwerewolf is enjoying the fact I've been taking almost all of their memes and trying my best to sound like the loadingreadyrun character of Dave's Spokesman when I voice them. Although this time I once again wasn't a spokesman the entire time.
It is time for another Harrison Armory mech that has been upgraded over time, in this case to be less boxy and beige than it was originally, the Sherman:
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And somebody must have ordered now during one of these because I have another bonus. This time It's me speaking the "I am Asura" bit in the style of the spokesman in case somebody was hoping for that:
As per usual, I hope you enjoyed this! Also, I hope you'll enjoy the rest of them because I'm definitely gonna try to finish this.
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