#last coping memes of the day
daydreamerwonderkid · 5 months
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sleepyminty · 3 months
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Another patch of death mark shitpost from oopart
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cattoru · 1 year
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gayabeilles · 4 months
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edwin howard armstrong you will always be famous
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daz4i · 1 year
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seinfeld meme you're crying from a smut fic. skk's bond got to me. alright.
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lord-pigeon · 2 years
May Dehya forgive me, the edgy catboy was too well-written
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angie-words · 20 days
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(psst: the angsty ones are below the cut again!)
I hope you're all doing well. It's now September and in a few days it'll be a year since I watched the Final 15. I found a BlueSky post I made in the immediate aftermath, which I'll share next week on the 1 year anniversary of the day GO broke my heart, causing me to seek out fellow fans to cope 💜
Thanks to @sakascal for helping me find the text for no. 3 from @dalliancekay's post!
last meme dump next meme dump
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lovings4turn · 6 months
— a few days have passed since you last saw lando, yet your feelings are as strong as ever. there’s nothing like another party to finally set the record straight. (3.2k words)
+ aka. part two of don’t delete the kisses (and my longest fic to date on this blog !!)
+ again mentions of drinking and clubbing, largely fluff . lando n reader are only slightly tipsy ! this took far too long to get out but she's finally here - hope you all enjoy !!!
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it had been three days since you’d gone to the club, and three days since you’d consequently fled from the club due to your inability to act normally around lando norris.
you hadn’t seen him since then, but you’d texted back and forth from the morning afterwards. you’d felt bad about the whole thing, just leaving without even finding him to say goodbye, and so made up some excuse about getting too overwhelmed and not wanting to ruin his night with your desire to go home.
and because he was an angel, lando didn’t even question you. instead, he instantly accepted your explanation, assuring you it was more than fine as long as you were okay. he could go without a goodbye, if it meant the best for you.
eighty percent of your subsequent conversations were complete nonsense. ever since you had became close all those years ago, lando had taken it upon himself to text you every single thought he ever had, no matter how menial or silly.
embarrassingly, as a result of being down so, completely, horrifically bad for him, you found each and every one endearing. yes, even the god-awful memes he would send you religiously between the hours of two and five am when he couldn’t sleep.
perhaps it was even worse that you’d go on to forward said memes to other friends, pretending that you had found them. you were unable to prevent the laughs that would escape your lips every time your phone buzzed with a notification from lando.
one on hand, you were on top of the world. on the other, you were going insane.
lando had positively taken over your mind, every corner of your head filled with deep brown curls and impish laughter. even the most menial things proved to link back to lando in some way, a tangled red string of association that to anyone else would make zero sense but was obvious to you.
you were icarus, and lando the sun; something to dream of but never to have. you were certain that if you chased him, your wax wings would melt rapidly as you succumbed to your impulses before you crashed onto the harsh ground of reality.
learning to cope with the heavy feeling of yearning was something you could do. suffering with a little heartache to keep lando in your life far outweighed not having lando at all.
being definitive in your decision to bury your feelings didn’t mean it wasn’t a struggle, though.
now more than ever, it seemed impossible to not think about lando, or talk about him, shout his name from the rooftops so the whole world could hear the praises you would sing for him. it appeared to be a pretty clear sign that you were losing any remaining shreds of self control, but what could you do? no matter how many times your head said no, your heart would tell you that it would always be lando, one thousand times over.
a notification lit up your phone screen, and you were convinced it was a sort of cruel taunt from the universe. 
landonorris just posted a photo!
it was borderline masochistic, the way in which you tapped the notification instantly and allowed yourself to be led to lando’s latest instagram photo dump. alongside a few selfies, pictures of him from that night in the club were littered throughout, and though he was posing with friends in each photo, your eyes were focused solely on him.
without really thinking, you pinched the screen, zooming in a little further to admire every detail of lando’s face that had been captured by someone’s iphone. the moles that were dotted across his face like they’d been individually placed there, the unruly curls that begged your fingers to find a home in them, and that fucking smile.
realisation hit soon after, and you caught yourself with a groan. here you were, sitting looking at his pictures with a dopey, love-sick grin on your face, acting like a teenage girl with an innocent classroom crush.
“god! might as well write all over a notebook that he rocks my world or something,” you scoffed, mock disgust lacing your words.
oh great, now you were fucking talking to yourself. christ, what had he done to you?
in an act of frustration, you quickly liked lando’s photo before throwing your phone onto your bed, partially hoping it would get lost amongst the pillows so you couldn’t find it again and fawn over more pictures of your supposed best friend.
a distraction was what you needed. and so you stood up and made your way into the kitchen, praying that maybe cooking a nice meal for yourself would sort you out. either that, or you could hit yourself over the head with a frying pan and hope that the concussion would remove any feelings that breached the label of ‘platonic’.
and for two whole hours, your plan had worked. 
not only were you able to enjoy the delicious meal you’d made, but also got through a good few episodes of the new tv series you had started watching a week or so ago. the lando shaped hole in your mind had been replaced by witty dialogue and pointless character drama, and you were beginning to think that you had everything under control.
that was until you returned to your bedroom and reached for your phone once more, your lockscreen lighting up to display yet another text thread from lando.
lando: going out tomorrow at 10!!!
lando: be there or be square😈
lando: i need my best dance partner w me
fingers dancing across the keyboard, the text was sent before your brain could even think about the invitation.
y/n: i'll b there🥳
it was official: you were absolutely fucked. 
. . .
it was 10:28pm and you were already questioning your decision to come out.
you would say that you had no idea why you’d even agreed to the invitation, but that would be a lie. you knew exactly what had convinced you to get dressed up and leave your house tonight, and that reason was currently grinning at you from his place at the bar, clothed in another stupid button down shirt and sunglasses, of all accessories. 
how he had managed to make sunglasses indoors not only acceptable, but attractive to you was just another sign of the power that the man held over you. you’re sure that if you told your friends, they’d never let you live it down. and hell, you wouldn’t even blame them for it.
from the moment you had arrived, lando had commanded your attention. there wasn’t an inch of your body that wasn’t intently tuned in to every word he spoke, each movement of his limbs and the expressions on his face. he had you completely hooked, and you were letting it happen, swept along in the riptide of your stupid crush,
whether it was from the pulsating house music, the shot lando had shoved into your hand the moment you’d shown your face, or even just lando himself, you felt electric. sparks of lightning rippled beneath your skin, every last nerve in your body buzzing with anticipation for something that you couldn’t even put your finger on.
butterflies swarmed your stomach, and if someone were to tell you you were looking at lando with stars in your eyes, you would have no doubt that it was true. because as he grinned at you once more, the lively groups of club-goers began to fade away leaving only a vignette of his figure.
you were experiencing every romantic cliche in the fucking book, all thanks to him.
you were unsure as to whether it was a minute or a hour before he was standing in front of you again, the scent of his aftershave almost taunting you as it enveloped you. lando was expertly clasping two vodka cokes in one hand and two shots of tequila in the other, sporting a lopsided smile.
“lando!” you groaned, actions betraying your scolding tone as you reached out to pluck the shot from his hand before grabbing your drink, careful not to cause lando to spill anything. 
the last thing you needed right now was to spill a drink on lando’s white shirt. the sight of the material slowly becoming see-through until it offered you a glimpse of his tan, toned skin was more than you would be able to handle. 
lando held up the plastic shot glass with a cheeky expression, a silent toast to god knows what, before he tipped the liquid down his throat. his face quickly soured, and he wasted no time in seeing off a large portion of his drink in an attempt to rid himself of the tequila flavour.
“woah, woah, slow down there,” you laughed, gently pushing the cup away from lando’s mouth. “got the whole night ahead of you.”
watercolour eyes dropped to glance at your hand, lando’s stare lingering even after you had pulled your hand back towards your body hastily, as though merely being in the proximity of his body was enough to burn. 
you would have thought it odd, if lando hadn’t immediately taken your hand into his larger one and stalked off towards the dance floor, gently tugging you along without a word. your mind told you that lando had simply felt the effects of his drink quicker than expected, and it took him a minute to realise that leading you to the dance floor was the mission he would give himself for the night.
flashbacks of the last time you were out clubbing with lando played in the back of your mind like an old movie, something you would put on in the background for comfort yet wouldn’t pay much attention to. 
one dance turned into two, and then three, and before you knew it you had been dancing with lando for the better part of an hour, both of you expertly adapting your moves to match the vibe of whatever song the dj decided to play next.
one of the many perks of attending clubs with formula one drivers was that there was an ever-flowing supply of alcohol. it was something you’d discovered after the first few times you had gone out with lando and his friends: you would finish your drink and before you could blink, someone had shoved a new one into your hand, the cup still marbled with cold condensation.
your current drink had been supplied by max, or maybe even carlos, a far too strong liquor mixed with nowhere near enough soda for your liking. your nose scrunched up at the taste, and lando laughed before gently plucking the cup from you, his fingers brushing against your own for a fleeting moment. 
a fire burned in the pit of your stomach, noticing that lando’s lips landed perfectly over the lipgloss mark you’d left moments ago. an indirect kiss. 
much like your own moments prior, lando’s face twisted up into a grimace at the taste, and he shook his head furiously.
“that's fucking awful,” he claimed, leaning down a little to shout his complaints into your ear. “whoever bought you that has shit taste.”
“says the man who bought a round of tequila earlier in the night.”
lando chuckled, mumbling a ‘fuck off’ that held more adoration than malice, in your humble opinion. like he had rehearsed it, lando smoothly palmed your drink off onto max before delicately taking hold of one of your wrists, twirling you around just like he had done a few nights ago.
possibly driven by a subconscious want to set right the events of your last night out, you repeated your own actions and spun lando under your arm in response.
lando’s grin was almost blinding, and he pulled you towards him, your hands still clasped by his as he moved your limbs around like the world’s worst puppetmaster.
you were convinced that, had he had enough room around him, he would have spun you both around until you were dizzy, a move he’d pulled many times when you were dancing together in one of your kitchen’s to pass the time it took to cook your meal. 
sadly, lando had to settle for flailing arms and uncoordinated shimmies, his priority making you smile rather than trying to look suave amongst the mass of bodies at your every turn. 
a few other drivers started to join your circle, handing you both more drinks as they tried to engage in miscellaneous conversation and playfully poked fun at yours and lando’s lack of coordination or apparent shame.
unable to control who stood where, thanks to the power of free will, you had been separated from lando, instead flanked by oscar and george whilst he was wrapped up in a conversation with max fewtrell.
thanks to his position across from you, lando was able to catch your eye, his brow quirked slightly in a silent question meant only for you to decipher. you nodded, a clear response to his wordless communication.
as though it were planned, you and lando began to leave. this was how your last french exit should have been; no longer were you alone and flustered, stumbling into the back of your uber with the desire to bash your head off of a brick wall.
no, this time you had lando’s hand in yours, the pad of his thumb brushing soft circles against the back of your hand as he expertly manoeuvred you both through the crowd, informing you that a car would already be there to take you back to your flat with him in tow. 
apologetic texts and goodbyes weren’t necessary this time around, if the loud, obnoxious whooping and whistling from pierre and charles were anything to go by. with their propensity for gossip, you were sure that every inhabitant in the club would be informed of your swift exit with lando within the hour. 
the ride home was filled with melodic laughter as lando made it his mission to unload every observation he’d made in the past few hours onto you. he’d taken particular interest in the argument two girls were having when he was waiting at the bar, and left no detail out as he recounted the whole event like some sort of one man show, his only audience you. 
the streetlights you passed caused a flickering glow to dance across lando’s features, and the momentary flashes of illumination caused lando to look otherworldly, all shadows and contours framed by deep curls.
lando was so caught up in his story that he was oblivious to your wonderstruck stare, completely unaware of the way you were drinking in every last inch of him, committing each miniscule detail to memory and storing it away for a rainy day. 
good, you thought. he’d only take the piss anyways.
the alcohol rendered you both a little unsteady on your feet, and you snorted a laugh as lando stumbled through your front door, catching his shoe on the tiny step that led into your apartment. 
whoever lived underneath you would likely be cursing your name right now, as neither you nor lando were too concerned about remaining quiet and light on your feet as you bumbled over to your bedroom. comfort was the only thing on your mind, though you made a mental note to push an apology letter underneath the poor soul’s door the next day. 
making himself at home, lando threw himself down onto your bed, the plush mattress eliciting a soft groan from him. his once closed eyes snapped open as you tossed a pair of his joggers at him, a pair he’d left at yours a few months ago (and that you may or may not have ‘forgotten’ to return to him.)
“i’ll get changed in a sec,” lando promised, sinking back into your sheets. “you can too. just, come on, lie down for a bit.”
lando delivered two quick pats to your bed, perhaps hoping it would prompt you to join him faster than you already would have. secretly, you were glad that he thought you needed convincing to lie down with him for a moment.
you pretended to consider it, eyes flitting over to where your makeup remover sat, before you gave in, mumbling an ‘okay’ as you clumsily removed your shoes and clambered onto the bed next to him.
the gap between you both was barely there. if you moved your hand just slightly, your fingers would brush against lando’s side. how easy it would be, just to grant yourself a slice of heaven for once.
lando’s voice brought you out of your trance. 
“when you left, last time…”
an unfinished question. lando was clearly attempting to seem nonchalant as he broached the topic that you had both been skirting around since it had happened, his eyes trained onto the thread of your duvet that he had busied his hands with. 
in that moment, you didn’t think you could ever lie to him, no matter how humiliating the truth was. 
“it got too much. y’hands on me and everything, i got too flustered. i just didn’t want to make a fool out of myself, i guess,” you admitted as an embarrassed smile played on your lips. 
a giggle trickled from lando’s mouth, prompting you to roll onto your side and face him with a raised brow.
“what’s so funny?”
“nothin’. just the fact you fancied me so much that you had to run away from me,” lando responded, grinning mischievously.
your response came in the form of a pillow hitting lando square in the face.
the pillow came flying back, but missed your body by roughly a couple of inches, the alcohol clearly impairing his usually decent aim. 
“missed me,” you taunted.
unexpectedly lando’s face lit up at your words, and he rolled closer to you, propping himself up onto an elbow so that his face was hovering over yours.
you swallowed thickly at the sudden movement, eyes darting across his face frantically as though his motives would be written into the curve of his smile.
“think there’s a saying about that,” lando mused, a hand trailing up your side so gently that you half believed you were imagining it. “missed me, missed me, now you’ve gotta kiss me, or something.”
and if that wasn’t a sign to press your lips to his, you weren’t sure what was.
you swallowed lando’s sound of surprise as your lips melded with his own, his mouth soft and warm as he more than returned your affections.
clearly not content with the level of control he possessed, lando briefly pulled back and swiped the pad of his thumb across your bottom lip before attaching his lips to your once more, gently sucking the flesh into his mouth and nipping at it with a smirk.
it was slow, and a little sloppy, a blend of tongue and teeth as you desperately tried to taste as much of each other as possible.
your grip on lando’s shirt was vice-like, as though you were scared he would disappear if let out of your hands for even a fleeting second.
“don’t worry, ‘m not going anywhere, pretty girl,” lando teased softly, punctuating his words with another kiss. “y’stuck with me.”
and suddenly, everything had become clear. it was always going to be you and lando, a love that would transcend a lifetime.
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tags : @wintfleur @faerieroyal @starriesworlds @itscrzy @ssararuffoni @tbsloneely @onecojg @basicchelsea
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bangchansgirlsblog · 9 months
Hello I love your writing so much
Could I please request for 9th member reader who didn't come from the healthiest families and she's very sensitive, keeps to herself when the boys ask her about it. However once she and chan get into an argument about her coping mechanisms and in his anger he gives her the silent treatment (for about a week?) And finally she break down in front of one of the other members, telling them about how her mother would always give her the silent treatment and she was never encouraged to express herself etc... and the boys all comfort her?
Thank you so much!!
Toxic traits.
Warning: Angst, crying, panic attack, mean Chan
Summary: as requested ^
Pairing: reader x Ot8
“Y/n?” The voice sounded like it was distant. She could barely hear but how could she? The painful ring in her ear blocked out everything around her.
“Y/n? You okay?” Hyunjin asked her again trying to get her out of her trance.
“Yeah-yeah,” her voice is caught in a crack. The hot feeling of tears starts to build up. “I’m fine, where are the rest of the boys?” She cleared her throat and put her bag down.
“They went to get some coffee, I told them I would wait here for you. Are you sure you’re okay?” He asked one last time to be certain. He could sense her vibe was off but yet again it was Y/n. She was the most mysterious yet energetic person you could come across. Oh? And she’s the youngest.
“Yes I’m fine Hyun, we should head for practice. We don’t want to keep the boys waiting,” she gave him another comforting smile before grabbing her bag once again and making their way to the JYP building.
The walk was quiet. Her thoughts were currently running haywire as she tried to peace everything together but she knew today wasn’t going to be a good day. The argument she had with her father still played in her head.
“So, what do you have in your schedules today?” Hyunjin interrupted her thoughts trying to ease the tension in the air.
“I just have dance practice with you guys then I get a break and you?”
“I have a photo shoot later after practice, kinda cliché themed.” Y/n giggle at this. Hyunjin gave himself a pat on the back for making her laugh.
“Well, I hope stay don’t make fun of you because that’ll be more memes coming out,”
“Yeah, yeah, as long as I rock the outfit no one can bring me down,” he flexed his biceps earning a gag sound from the manknae.
“Hyunjin that’s gross,” she rolled her eyes as they both entered the studio to find the boys stretching. They all said their “hello’s” and started their practice off.
“Y/n get your head in the game,” Leeknow scolded her. She had been messing up a lot today and now that they were halfway through, she hadn’t gotten anything done causing the whole group to get lost.
“I’m trying okay?” She snapped back at him. Han’s neck snapped in their direction as he looked at her in disbelief.
“Don’t snap at him like that, his older than you,” Han joined in the scolding. Y/n was tired and frustrated now. She couldn’t deal with them hopping on her back.
“Okay whatever,” she walked away from the both of them and sat on the floor by her bag trying to look for her water bottle. The boys were looking at her from a far trying to figure what was bothering her today.
“Hey Y/n?” I.N finally gave in and sat besides her to check in.
“Yes I.N?” She replied in her soft tone.
“You okay? You’ve been messing up all day-“
That was all she needed. That little push to throw her off the edge. Her eyebrows furrowed in annoyance and she stood up still facing I.N. Her anger was at a 10 and she couldn’t hold it back anymore.
“I’m fine okay?! What is wrong with all of you?! Don’t you see I’m trying?! Can’t you leave me alone for once?! Why does it seem like whatever I do is a problem-“
“Y/n. Out. Now.” Chan’s loud voice shook the room quite literally. She stormed off to stand outside by the door. Trying to keep her cool but she couldn’t.
“Don’t you see this is a waste of time? You’re a girl! You won’t survive in this industry!”
“But dad I- the boys got me. We’re making it-“
“Those boys will soon leave you just like your mum did. You’re pathetic and a waste of space. You don’t even bring anything to the table!” Her father’s voice was loud through the phone.
“Why won’t you let me to what I want for once?” She begged.
“Because! I spent my whole life working my butt off to provide for you and now look at you? You’ve basically become a stripper”
“Dad don’t say that-“
“Well it’s the truth.”
Her father’s words echoed in her ears. She felt helpless. She felt useless. She felt disgusted by herself.
“What was that?” Chan storms out the room. He was angry. It was obvious.
“What is wrong with you? What’s your problem? You’ve been so moody all day and whenever we ask you what’s wrong cause we know damn well we didn’t do anything wrong, you start acting bratty,”
“Chan I was just trying to-“
“No, I don’t want to hear it. You will go in there and apologize. Understood?”
“Chan! You never listen to me. Your always taking their side,” she snapped at him.
“I know damn well you aren’t taking to me like that. I’ve given you time and time again to come talk to me but you crush it off and decide to be a bitch to everyone. So don’t even say I don’t listen to you-“
“I’m not being a bitch, I just want to be alone,”
“Okay then be alone. Stop bringing everyone down just cause you can’t deal with you problems, you better go apologize to everyone and you can head home,” the tears in her eyes started to fall once he left.
Maybe she indeed was the problem. Maybe she needed to learn a way to cope with her feelings. Maybe she just needed to shut up.
She slowly took steps back into the studio and everyone turned to look at her.
“I’m sorry if I snapped at any of you, I won’t do it again,” her sobs were heard. They were so painful to hear that even Chan was so close to stopping her and pulling her into a hug. He felt so bad but he knew he had to stand on business.
At first Chan thought that maybe her silent treatment would last a day or two but it dragged and it continued to drag till it was the 1 week stamp.
He grew worried because he wasn’t not just talking to him but she wasn’t talking at all. She would only say hello and then continue with her day. Not even talking to managers or staff.
She would just nod or say small” thanks you’s” or “goodbyes”. It was almost like the fight he had with her shut her up completely and this was eating him up.
The stress of the VMA’s performance coming up and having to deal with his members made everything 10x harder to cope with.
“She hasn’t been eating,” Changbin informs Chan who lets out a frustrated sigh. “Should I just talk to her? Maybe that’ll fix things,”
“She’s so mad, she won’t talk to anyone. Even I.N,” this caused Han and Changbin to gasp.
“They’re like bestfriends, it’s like they were never separated at birth. What do you mean he won’t talk to her?” Han asked.
“He came to me in tears yesterday because he attempted to get her to talk but she shut him down immediately,”
“Then you’re going to have to fix this Chan. She needs you even though she hasn’t said it. Maybe it’s something deeper than your fight,”
“I know that for certain Hyunjin but how can I talk to her when she keeps avoiding me and walking away,”
“Just go to the gardens,” Felix suggested.
Chan hadn’t thought about it and quickly gave a hug to Felix who he praised for a bit and run to the gardens.
There she was. Sat feeding ducklings. She had a soft smile on her face. Her cheekbones were becoming visible because of the lack of food and the stress of the shows coming up.
“Y/n?” He said while making his way to her. She remained still and quiet. Continuing to feed the ducks.
“Can we talk please?” Silence. “Look I’m sorry. I’m getting worried and you not being able to talk to me means that there’s something deeper going on. Can you talk to me please? I’ll shut up and listen.”
“My dad,” she sat up and looked over to him. Chan in disbelief after hearing her voice after so long. “My dad wants me to go back home,”
“What? What? He can’t do that. We’re a team. We’re your family,”
“I never told you about him because of how toxic he is Chan, he won’t leave me alone until I’m home. Where he can control me.”
“But your legal and you’re on a contract-“
“He doesn’t care Chan,” she looked up at him. The tears in her eyes started to pour like rain. Chan’s eyes soften as he grabbed her and pulled her into his arms.
“I won’t let him take you. Over my dead body.” Was all he said as she continued to sob.
“I’m so scared. I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you Oppa,”
“Shhhh. It’s okay my love. It’s fine. You did now.”
He continued to comfort her until she could calm down. A constant apology left her mouth. Chan didn’t want an apology he just wanted to protect her and he knew the only way he could talk to her was if she had calmed down.
“Have you eaten?” He asked her knowing the answer. He just didn’t want to make it seem like he was tracking her consumption.
“I’m not hungry,” her face was squashed against his chest making the words come out a little muffled.
“You are. You’ve lost so much weight. Let’s go buy you some ramen and we can talk okay? How does that sound?”
“That’s okay Chan. I’m ready to talk.”
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walpu · 5 months
walp walp hear me out
remember that trailblazer scene with firefly and how she just just gets stabby stabbed by the creature (memory zone meme i think)
and + Aventurine having access to the 'real' dreamscape, combine that with bodyguard! reader who will go through hell and back to make sure Aventurine will. Live.
reader follows aven during the entirety of the Penacony quest, including when Black Swan teleports the both of them to the real memory zone. (also, does anyone else feel like bodyguard! reader and Trailblazer would be besties... no, just me?)
now, keep in mind, Aven and reader have a... complicated bond. IPC workers here and there say their dating, the Trailblazer has straightup asked if they would just get a room (you get their vibe, you can go along with the secret assassin! bodyguard! reader req i sent in)
a little bit more insight on their dynamic (again, going with the assassin reader thing, its already known between the two atp, so this can be set after that period), Aven wants to love reader, wants to hold them close, and wants their affection, but dammit, he just cant bring himself to. Not when he's sure he'll just hurt everyone that comes close to him (his sister, cough cough)
and reader has the same mindset, they love Aven, as a boss, as that annoying but endearing friend, and perhaps as more. But they have blood, the lives of people that they've unlawfully taken, not to mention, they are 100% sure Aven would never love a person who killed just for monetary income.
now, here's where the real show starts. There's also another assassin (seriously, Duke Inferno should save his manpower) following reader and Aven. Safe to say, only one is making it out alive. How the assassin followed the two of them? No fucking clue, but somehow it does.
After i assume beating the living shit out of hordes of memory zone monsters, the assassin appears, and just when Aventurine's unsuspecting?? Boom, goes in for the kill.
Yeah, too bad. Aven's not dying. But reader is! Yeah, in a act of (cliche) protection, reader allowed themselves to be the one to suffer from the attack. (Bonus if they get decapitated, or just stabbed like how Trailblazer was by Cocolia). Aven will never forget the way that he just- watched reader's body fall, the light just gone from their eyes.
Anyways, he doesn't even get to hold their body. You just- poof into bubbles like Firefly did. The last thing he has left of his beloved bodyguard? Just a simple red earring, matching the one he wore. Nothing left.
Okay, im also going to cope here that the whole shitshow with Aven and Acheron did not happen, he returns to the room that reader had, and he just... stands there. He takes in the way that half of the room was messy, half of it was untouched. So much like them, unpredictable and just had a touch of the weirdness he loved so damn much.
(Bonus if you want a happy scenario, reader's alive and well, afterall, dying in the dreamscape doesn't kill anyone. Reader is probably smiling very awkwardly while they stare at a teary eyed Aventurine, then they make out /hj)
yay another rant, i had this idea for days, the decapitation part may or may not have been plaguing me (should i be concerned), anyways, thanks for listening to my word vomit, stay safe and stay healthy <33
feel like falling on my knees and begging to forgive me for taking so long this spring doesn't let me breath istg. I've got this request before 2.1 and only got to it now that's why Aven is ghosting me.
bodyguard!reader "dying" in the dreamscape to protect Aventurine
sort of a sequel to this but can be read as a separate work as well, the main thing you need to know is that reader was originally an assassin sent by Duke Inferno but they've changed their mind and stayed by Aven's side
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notes - gn!reader, angst, unestablished relationship, no beta
You both knew the trip to Penacony would be difficult. You, in particular, knew that something big and very sinister is coming, judging by the way Aventurine danced around the subject, not giving you full information.
You may not know all the details of Aventurine's plan but you know him well enough to realize that he's planning on doing something extremely reckless and dangerous.
So you do your best to protect him. To shiels him from any possible danger, to keep him within your reach.
Of course Aventirune notices. How can he not notice when he already keeps his eye on you most of the time anyway. And just as you're trying to look out for him, he wants to looks out for you.
This mission already could be considered suicidal and he doesn't want you to be caught in this. Better to keep you in the dark, away from it.
Yet he can't help but selfishly enjoy your attention, your tenderness. You go out of your ways to make sure he's fine and he feels so undeserving of it. How can you be so kind when he's keeping so much from you?
You've seen him at his worst and you've stayed. You've proven so many times that you care for him not because it's just your job, not because of his money or status but because it's him.
He still struggles to believe in it sometimes. When he feels doubtful , he rubs his cheek against your shoulder in a playful cat-like manner and watches your reaction. Amusement you're trying to hide. Adoration you can't hide.
How can he doubt you? You're the one who should be doubting him.
He wants to melt into you, to be even closer than the two of you already are, but how can he love you without putting you in danger? Without draining your luck, without cursing you?
Sometimes he sees the same struggles in your eyes. When you carefully trace his face with the tips of your gloved fingers, your gaze sometimes lowers and you pull your hand away, as if you're ashamed.
But of what, of what? The blood on your hands? He has it too!
He wants to tell you this, to hold you tight, to never ever let go. The wish is so primal that everyone else can see. The memokeeper giving him a knowing smile as soon as she sees you two together, the masked fool taunting him about the only one willing to listen to him being his loyal dog ("though, judging by the way you look at them, little peacock, you're the one on the leash here~" she says. It feels like even a lower blow than the comments about his past. At least he expected those, but being taunted about his obvious feelings for is new), mx. Stellaron asking you two to get a room with a deadpun expression.
The worst one is the doctor though. Asking Aventurine to focus on the mission, then, in a softer tone, suggesting to tell you more about the plan. "It's foolish to keep it from your most trusted person, gambler. In the end, it may hurt them even more than your obsessive concerns".
If Ratio of all people gives you relationship advice you're doing soooo bad.
Yet Aventurine can't bring himself to listen to his words. He wants you safe and well, and he's sure (he's not sure) he's doing the right thing.
And yet he's wrong. He can't shield you, he can't. One of the richest people in the IPC, one of the Ten Stonehearts, the blessed one, yet he can't protect the one he loves no matter how much he tries. He's cursed, doomed, isn't he?
Damned Duke Inferno. He's dead, annihilated, and yet, somehow, one of his wretched dogs, his sneaky little assassin, finds you two in the depths of the memory zone. Such dedication to the cause!
There are two gunshots. Inferno's little rat and you strike at the same time. Them, aiming at Aventurine, and you, aiming at them. Only one bullet reaches it's target though.
It all happens so fast. You react immediately, covering Aventurine with your body. You move instinctively at the same second you shoot.
When their bullet hits you, you don't even feel it. Maybe because it's still a dreamland? The pain just won't come even though your back feels like it's on fire. You don't understand it yet but your body already starts disappearing.
All you can focus on is Aventurine's wide shocked eyes. His beautiful, beautiful eyes.
You smile weakly at him. That's all he can see before you're gone. He doesn't even have time to reach out to you, to hold you. As if he ever had the privilege of holding his loved ones in their final moments.
You just poof into the blue bubbles.
He rushes into the real world, in your room, praying to any deity that may here for you to be alive and well. It was a dream, not a real world. You can't die in a dream, not really. You weren't even killed by the memory zone meme, surely you're fine!
Yet you're not. You're not here, not anywhere in the hotel. You're truly gone.
He feels everything and nothing at the same time.
Of course, of course, of course he wasn't able to protect you!
How lucky he is, he has avoided death once again! His beloved died to protect him but he has survived! He's so blessed, truly, so blessed!
He finds himself on his knees, on the verge of hysterical laughter. The only thing you left behind is a small red earring he has gifted. And he clatches it so tightly his hand bleeds. Perhaps the pain is the only thing keeping him sane at this moment.
It feels like a cruel joke. It doesn't feel real, it shouldn't be real.
Wait... That's it! It isn't real. It's impossible to die in a dream! It was his theory all along, after all. It must be true. You just can't be dead, you can't, not you too.
His plan hasn't changed, he tells Ratio when he comes to check on Aventurine. He just needs to reach the real Penacony. To reach it and to find you there. You're strong and brave and so wonderful. You're out there somewhere, he just needs to help you to get back to the real world.
He holds into that idea like a madman. It doesn't matter how dangerous it is. It never did, to be honest. But now it's like he can't focus on anything else.
He hasn't feel so despaired in years. He just needs to find you, everything else is meaningless.
So when it's time for the final act, he gets on stage, fears not and doesn't look back.
He still holds his hand behind his back though. Clutching your earrings for dear life.
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Hey raven, there gonna be a Crowley ssr card (im not joking)
[Referencing this post!]
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RIP Cater 💀 Now he knows how Trey feels whenever his birthday gets overshadowed by Halloween event news…
It’s true what they say, boys (nb). Cope hard enough and your wishes and prayers for NPCs to become actual cards will become a reality… Happened with Rollo, now it’s happening with Crowley—and presumably other NRC Staff. (I wonder if Year 4 of JP anniversary will feature staff in the groovy with Grim??)
IT’S SO FUNNY THAT THEY MADE THE MOST USELESS STAFF MEMBER THE FIRST STAFF CARD 😭 I thought for sure they would “save the best for last” but I guess Crowley isn’t really “the best”, huh… BUT HEY, at least now we can chuck him into battles against OBs and make him be a responsible adult and actually work to earn his coin 💰
I hope we get vignettes and not just furniture for Crowley! It would be cool to have a short story that centers around him, even if it’s just him goofing around and being unproductive. I’ll happily take a day in the life of Crowley anytime!!
I have so many questions about how Crowley would work gameplay-wise?????? ?? ? ? ????? ?? ? I wonder if we’ll be able to make staff members attend class…? But that’s odd, isn’t it?? Why would teachers be studying? And what happens if there’s a situation where like. Crowley is a student but also Crowley crashed in for a Special Lesson segment? Double Crowley?!?!?!?! The Spiderman meme where they point at each other?? Or will staff not be able to attend lessons at all and you just have to feed them materials to level them up outside of class… (You know what, leeching off of resources that the students worked hard to farm is very in-character for Crowley, so if this is the case then I won’t be upset 😂) What about Duo Magic??? Will Crowley actually be able to combo with a student??? Or will it be with Grim or whatever staff card is coming next...?
His card art looks hella cool ✨ It’s really atmospheric but also has a bit of that unique Crowley flair if you notice where exactly he’s seated (on his own damn desk www) while posing so sassily. And is that the word RAVEN literally making up the teeth at the end of his key-like staff????? That’s so Crowley of him…
What I am slightly concerned about is…
***Spoilers for the full Crowley card illustration + book 7 main story below the cut!!!***
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… Why is the composition of Malleus’s Dorm Uniform card and Crowley’s card kinda similar…
Malleus is clearly turned to the side, but the slight worm’s eye view is the same and the lighting is somewhat close (relatively dark)… and both of them are holding staves while sitting. Plus the timing of Crowley dropping mid-book 7… AND sharing elements in Malleus’s Masquerade (Crowley notoriously wears a mask) groovy of all things (similar angle, chandelier overhead)… With the fan theory of Crowley actually being Malleus’s missing dad at an all-time fever pitch in popularity, this has me a little worried (since I personally think the theory doesn’t have a lot of solid proof and leaves a lot to be explained in terms of his actions).
Maybe that’s me overthinking it, but TWST has been known to intentionally do parallel or mirrored designs before (though I’ll admit this instance isn’t as clear cut as previous instances). I’m just pointing out what I see and I’ll leave the final judgment up to you, dear readers! I’m sure the “Crowley is Malleus’s dad” theorists will be in a frenzy picking apart these details www
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guywithn0name · 8 months
-Alphabet headcanons-
;Miles Morales
Miles Morales x any gender reader
🎸 | Masterlist | 🎸
This post’s style is edited to my current one lol
Warnings: none
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-‘A’ is for AFFECTION (how affectionate are they?)
Miles is a pretty affectionate guy, even if he doesn’t show it as much through physical affection. He expresses his affection through quality time and words of affirmation, he also makes drawings for you as a way to show how much he cares for you.
-‘B’ is for BESTFRIEND (what are they like as a bestfriend?)
Miles is definitely someone who sends a lot of TikTok’s or some random memes he finds funny. If you two have the same clothing size, he’ll borrow some of your clothes from time to time. He also likes to hang out often in either silence or you two talking nonstop about something random together. Y’all definitely have game nights together.
-‘C’ is for CUDDLES (how and do they like to cuddle?)
He likes to cuddle when you two are alone, but he won’t outright beg for it. He doesn’t need cuddles, but he likes them. Miles can be the little spoon or big spoon, he won’t care. Just as long as you to spend time together.
-‘D’ is for DOMESTIC (if they settle down, how will they help?)
Miles’ a messy boy, have you seen his room? He’d throw his clothes all over but he can definitely cook well. Rio is a fantastic cook and Miles definitely got his great cooking skill from her. Miles will clean the house with you if a special event like a birthday or Christmas happens (if you celebrate Christmas).
-‘E’ is for ENDING (how would the break up go?)
Tears. A lot of tears. He’d definitely cry if you broke up with him, and even probably if he broke up with you. Miles would probably distance himself from y’all’s mutual friends if you have any. Miles would probably ends up drawing you in his sketchbooks in a way to cope with the breakup. Y’all would still probably be in good terms, but that depends on the breakup.
-‘F’ is for FIANCÉ (how do they feel about marriage)
He wants to get married, but in his 20’s. But if you don’t want to get married, he’ll respect that. But y’all would definitely get matching rings or promise rings. He’ll probably would wear his ring on a necklace so he wouldn’t loose it during his Spider-man fights and all.
-‘G’ is for GENTLE (how gentle are they?)
Miles is a literal angle, honestly. He’s always so sweet and nice to you. He loves that slow and sweet kind of love. He’s the type of guy who’ll bring you flowers when he’s sorry.
-‘H’ is for HUGS (do they like hugs?)
He really likes hugs. They’re not mandatory but Miles will absolutely love them if you two haven’t seen each other for some time. He also will hug you when you’re sad (only if you’re comfortable with it, of course). Miles also enjoys getting hugs when he’s upset.
-‘I’ is for I LOVE YOU (when do they say I love you for the first time?)
Miles probably said “I love you” in the first month of you two being together. He probably said it during a date you two had.
-‘J’ is for JEALOUSY (do they get easily jealous? And if they do, what will they do?)
Miles doesn’t get jealous easily, but when he does. He actually doesn’t express it very much. The only time he’ll get jealous is if someone touches you inappropriately or if you’re telling about some guy in a way that kinda sounds like you two are closer than friends.
-‘K’ is for KISSES (how often do they like to get or give kisses, and where?)
He loved giving and getting kisses. Miles’ definitely a guy who loved giving and receiving cheek kisses. He gives about 5 kisses a day, or around that number. But he gives a lot more kisses if it’s been a while since you two last saw each other.
-‘L’ is for LITTLE ONES (how are they with kids?)
Miles is definitely good with kids and they really like him too. Being spider-man also plays a part on this since he has to save people from all age groups, plus. He finds kids fun to be around.
-‘M’ is for MORNINGS (how are mornings with them?
Miles need like 10 extra minutes in the morning just to get up. He’s super groggy every morning. He takes forever to get out of bed. He’s also super cuddly in the mornings, just refusing to get up and get ready for the day. This man does not have a skin routine, I have no idea how his face is so clear, but he got nothing.
-‘N’ is for NIGHTS (how are nights with them?)
Just like in the mornings, no skin routine. He washes his face with water from time to time. He loves taking showers before going to sleep. If you two are sleeping in the same bed, he’ll have a hand on your stomach or something tiny like that. Definitely kisses you goodnight.
-‘O’ is for OPEN (how open are they about themselves?)
Miles was pretty awkward at first, but as you two spent time together. He warmed up to you. He told you about him being spider-man at the month and a half mark of your relationship.
-‘P’ is for PATIENCE (how patient are they with you?)
Miles is super patient with you. If you don’t feel comfortable with something he’ll understand. He will try to get you out of your comfort zone sometimes but not in a overly pushy way.
-‘Q’ is for QUIZZES (how much do they remember about you?)
He doesn’t have the perfect memory since he always has a lot of things going with being spider-man and all. He does try to remember as much as he can, Miles will even write some things about you in his sketchbook next to drawings of you.
-‘R’ is for REMEMBER (what’s their favourite moment in the relationship?)
Miles’ favourite moment in your relationship is either when you were patching him up after a fight against a villain while he was spider-man. Or when the two of you were dancing in the rain as music played.
-‘S’ is for SECURITY (how protective are they?)
He isn’t super protective, but if you’re in danger he’ll be there as soon as he can. He’ll always be there for you and he’s definitely ready to fight anyone rude or stupid for you when he’s spider-man (even as just Miles if the person being rude and dumb is extra)
-‘T’ is for TRY (how much effort are they putting into the relationship, dates and ect?)
He always tries to be a good boyfriend and be there, but his Spider-man work gets in the way from time to time. As for dates. He likes to have chill dates that are you two just cuddling while watching a movie or you in the subway spray painting together. As for more special events like Valentine’s Day and an anniversary, he’s gonna try to do something special for you.
-‘U’ is for UGLY (what’s a bad habit of theirs?)
He has a bad habit of showing up late, but normally it’s because of his Spider-man things. He also has a habit of biting his nails or the inside of his mouth/lips.
-‘V’ is for VANITY (how insecure are they?)
He isn’t super insecure but he’ll get kinda insecure if you two haven’t been able to spend time together or talked for a while. But appearance wise, he isn’t that insecure.
-‘W’ is for WHOLE (do they feel whole without you?)
If you two were separated for a while, he’d definitely miss you like hell. And if you die at any point. He would visit your grave at least once a week. So, he wouldn’t feel whole without you.
-‘X’ is for XTRA (extra headcanon about them)
Miles 100% has a sketchbook dedicated to you. It’s full of drawings of you in different poses, styles and backgrounds. I think he’d also have some light lighting scars on his body from his venom blast. (Especially on his arms). He definitely has spray painted your face somewhere where other people can’t find it, it also had spray paintings of other people who are important to him. Miles has definitely made a playlist that reminded him of you, and you also have a shared playlist.
-‘Y’ is for YUCK (what can they not stand?)
He can’t stand when someone has their shoes in bed. And he finds it super annoying when someone touches his collectables or sketchbooks.
-‘Z’ is for ZLEEP (how is to sleep with them?)
Miles’ a cuddle bug while sleeping, he doesn’t even know it. He also snores lightly in his sleep, it’s super quiet tho. He’ll wrap himself fully around you while sleeping. Sometimes Miles will even drool, it’s not a big amount tho.
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ballsballsbowls · 2 months
Last political post for a while, I'm pretty sure.
I am sort of desperately hoping that Gen Z/Gen Alpha turns their baleful eye on JD Vance's couchfucking. I need about 1000 memes a day and I need him to have a memey handle on social media so that nobody refers to him by his actual name between now and November.
I need him to actually have to cope with this and I need Fox News to have to address it and I need it to be a deeply pathetic joke that neither he nor anyone on the right can try to derive any impetus from.
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Like this but even snappier. I think it is VITAL that we never stop discussing this since he was stupid enough to write about it.
This might have passed for a Normal Scene In A Normal Book in Ohio, but you're on the national stage now!
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Drowning My Sorrows (ONE-SHOT)
I felt like making a vent-y hurt/comfort one shot where after Charlie, Alan and Glep get into a fight, Pim fails to resolve it and sends strange texts over the group chat that have the gang scrambling to get there. Ends with an happy ending, I promise.
TW: PTSD, P*nic Att**k, Mentions of Ab*se + Victim Bl*m*ng, The Ab*se of Alcohol as an Unhealthy Coping Mechanism and an all-to relatable nightmare sequence. Read at your own risk.
The sun began to set for the day as Pim came inside his house after work as he usually did, turning on the lights and evoking a warm, cozy vibe for he was trying to feel for a sense of comfort, but he felt so drained after that bungled attempt to peacefully resolve that nasty argument between his co-workers ended on a sour, defeated note. He tried to take his mind off of it with a curling up on the couch with a blanket, a cup of warm tea and turning on one of his favorite shows with the little boy and his pastel-colored alien family…but on nights like this, it failed to break him of his shaking palms and his beating heart which was getting worse and worse as he ignored it.
“What do you know about it, squirt?! Keep your goddamn nose-er, whatever you have between your eyes out of it!”
The memory of the irritated Charlie telling Pim to back off reminded him of another memory that plagued him for years, when he finally forgot about it and began to heal it seemed to finally come back to haunt him after all this time. Whenever his mom would hear he got into yet another “fight” with another family member, he would be punished even if he did nothing of note to make them angry in the first place. Whether it be a long lecture that could be boiled down to “It’s your fault for being unhappy.” or among those lines, she would cherry pick anything to somehow make the connection that it was Pim’s fault and he deserved it all while hammering it over his head that it was immature to not be positive over even the worst things that happened to him. Did he really deserve all of that to happen to him merely for telling any of them to leave him alone when they started it? Pim tried to think of happy memories he had with his friends, taking yet another note from his mom…but always came back to what happened before he left work…..
Pim couldn’t take it anymore, he needed something to soothe the pain by making him forget. Pim promised himself he wouldn’t do it again, over and over, but the feeling of spacing out with alcohol was (even if temporary) a wash over of relief, simply forgetting about everything bothering him even if it would leave him throwing up with a hangover the next day. No wonder his mom loved her wine so much.
Charlie was playing Rust on his PC, accompanied by a bag of chips and his second ice-cold can of Monster, tuning reality out best he could in his crappy studio apartment…his flow got disrupted after he started hearing his phone blow up he tried to ignore it, but knowing the exact extent of his friends’ irreverence it had to be the funniest obscure meme from 2005 or something. He picked up the phone and opened up the group chat to be greeted to a wall of texts, where he started reading the first two initially figuring it was just going to be Pim apologizing for butting in him that verbal smackdown he and his other two coworkers had….the rest of the text, on the other hand, started to startle the yellow critter as it progressively got more personal. The last text was sent as he was reading the rest, and when Charlie read the last one, it sent him in a panic. He started spamming the chat begging Pim to respond, apologizing for his behavior earlier but despite Pim being marked as active, none of the texts that Charlie had been desperately beaming out from his fingertips were marked as read…after waiting five minutes or so, Charlie who was anxious with sweat finally received a message, but it wasn’t the one he was expecting.
Alan: The hell are y’all in the chat doing waking me up at this hour for? >:(
Charlie’s hopes of reaching out to his best friend were dramatically dashed, as tears pricked in his eyes. Charlie wasn’t the touchy-feely-type of guy, as he hid his emotions like a “true” alpha male but in this particular case, how could he not? He really screwed up this time, leaving Alan and Glep furious at him and Pim….he really shouldn’t have lashed out at the sensitive little guy. Sure he butt-in while he was trying to make a point but at least he was trying to peacefully bring him back to earth. Charlie felt the tense vibration of anxiety in his palm when texting Alan, typos and all.
Charlie: Sc r ol hp noq scroll yup noq shit scroll up now Alan: FUCK Glep: (=3=) zzzz (>0<) !! ???? Alan: EVERYONE MEET ME AT PIM’S HOUSE ON THE DOUBLE.
Charlie shoved his phone in his pocket, trying to hold back tears as he ran out of his apartment and zoomed out the door as he almost felt as if his world was crashing down right in front of him. Pim was the first true friend he ever had, if it weren’t for him he wouldn’t have gotten out of unemployment and while he never showed it all that much, he was deeply touched by all the thoughtful little messages Pim would leave for Charlie on a daily basis letting him know he was loved. He could have spent all that time an energy keeping up his stoic image to return the favor, then again he always had trouble communicating with meaningful words to those he cared about.
Sometime after his erratic breakdown, Pim blacked out. Everything prior was a blur to him, not that his memory was all that clear to begin with. His eyes were shut, but he could visualize how he felt: tied up in vines of roses and dangling upside down as the thorns pierced his skin and the blooms snickered, laughing and repeating in echoey siren calls reciting all the worst memories he had and the more he struggled while swinging to-and-fro, the thorns dug deeper and the siren calls spewing from the blooms got more colorful. Pim was in absolute agony, but as he would come to think of it, it’s always been this way. Even when he left that wretched household, he still couldn’t escape. The siren calls turned into his mother’s voice, chiding him for being so “immature” as to let all the negativity get to him, and why Amy or his brother Damien where far more grown up for repressing all their issues and not pushing them on anyone else and that Pim was just the spoiled baby of the family who had it easier than everyone else and was the last to be upset about anything. Pim felt his shattered heart pierce through his chest like broken glass and dripping all over the place. No matter how hard he tried with every trick in the book he could think of, he couldn’t stop feeling this way…his family was right, he wasn’t a normal functioning person, therefor he was a problem for everyone else. Who would want a mistake like him around anyway? If his own family saw him as lesser why would anybody give him the time of day?
Pim was in that weird stage between being awake and asleep, his eyes were closed while vaguely hearing all-too familiar voices whispering. For some reason he felt cold and damp, shivering on the floor…just what on earth did he get himself into this time? Once he opened his eyes he found himself wrapped up in a familiar red hoodie like a blanket, he found himself surrounded by unexpected company. Not only were two of his co-workers and a Mr. Boss where there and displaying worried looks, Pim looked up and witnessed the most emotional guest of all…he never saw Charlie this devastated before, tears flooded his eyes like a faucet as his stoic “alpha male” facade crumbled before his very eyes. Then Pim suddenly remembered everything that lead to this and once again Guilt, being the legendarily confrontational bitch it’s been long-fabled as, struck him in the heart with her shiny golden dagger. He was scared to say a word, knowing from experience he would be harshly scolded for acting out like that, but considering the people here where showing more genuine care for him, he knew they’d at least understand.
“…I’m incredibly sorry, I was being very selfish upsetting you all like that, you all deserve better and I won’t ever scare you like that again.” Pim sheepishly spat out while starting to cry…. just then all four of the guests immediately burst into tears with Charlie’s being the loudest and most pained in the room as the other four all rushed towards him in support for a rare group hug. Pim and Charlie cried themselves to sleep as the other three stayed at the formers’ place all night to comfort him. ….
That morning while Charlie and Pim where still asleep on the couch, the bigger critter still cradling the smaller, Alan whipped up a hearty breakfast variant of his iconic grilled cheese sandwiches as Mr. Boss was making cowboy coffee all while Glep was helping in-between. The two were awaken by the delicious aroma permeating the house. Everyone sat down in the living room to enjoy breakfast as more cheerful conversations recalling humorous past events lit up the room like a candle to a lamp, Pim wriggled out of Charlie’s hoodie feeling like a butterfly releasing from it’s isolating chrysalis to feast upon the meal of which was lovingly cooked up and served. “Feeling better?” asked Mr. Boss in a warm, Grandfatherly tone. It wasn’t like how his mother used to ask that same question, since it was less-so making Pim “back to normal” so that her mood wouldn’t be soured but rather out of genuine care and concern. For once Pim was aware how loved he was, and while it was normal for people to fight and have misunderstandings, unlike certain people Pim was aware he and his merry group where actually committed to listening to each other.
“I never felt better.”
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lizaluvsthis · 8 months
PART 2 HYPERFIXATION FOR SMG4: Mario looks at SMG4's browser history
Okay last one...(f-cking photos has a limit)
Previous hyperfixation (read first)
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So it is true that SMG3 does torture SMG4's life by ruining his day(come back from the episode you used to be cool where smg3 said "usual")
Since the word "usual" is used from SMG3's statement after we learned from that episode where he "considered killing" him. Directly to smg4.
Seems like SMG3 DOES love to put out a good show where he still makes smg4 suffer the most mildest things with apparent reasons of constant teasing for the man and Three just enjoys it.
(If SMG4 did things to ruin his life so badly, by smg4 doing so in purpose, then so should SMG3 WILL and would ruin his day back.)
Worst thing SMG3 would think of, is forgiving SMG4. Because why in hell would he do that after everything?
Not only... SMG3 hides behind his secret, and mentioning WOTFI 2021 where SMG3 said something along the lines with "try and make him cry" is and definitely puts on that SMG3 still concealed himself from his inner shell as his emotional break down to cover up the sensitive emotion he has.
And that it'd be so out of character and sudden to forgive smg4 just like that, he'd be in the usual doings of "Hell no f-cking way I'd do that just now, why would I forgive this assh-le for ruining my life?"
Because thats an emotional baggage for SMG3 to cope on, he livestreams himself on twitch to play random ass games for his stress relief because of him. SMG4 has been stuck with him for like- a decade now and this is sh-t ass ruining him
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if you all shouldve noticed just now, smg4 hasnt apologized EVERYTHING to SMG3 yet. Because he wasn't sure how "emotions" and "actions" could play out from his character after he did those "assumable" things to break SMG3's dreams.
Thats simple. He's a very difficult man to comprehend with his own self thoughts, he's overwhelmed at himself to where it breaks him. If SMG3 is socially awkward to talking or making new friends, then so SMG4 is the one whos difficult to solve the problem with his causes (like saying sorry wasnt very easy for him to put out)
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Cause all smg4 did was focus on his meme contents from doing what he loves, he broke three for being famous, and his cafe, with also his dreams on starting his own production, not to ALSO mention his damage to SMG3.
If smg3 would even still forgave him for doing all of that om purpose without even realizing. But to smg3, he didn't want to say he'll forgive SMG4 instead. He still recovers from each and everything from that.
Because he'd seen how fragile SMG4 is at this part. SMG4 could only rely with making his contents to get money off from youtube, to THEN paying the expenses for whatever waterbills, electricbills, his loans from the property he's paying for, foods from groceries.
Literally EVERYTHING.... he's been trying to provide and same this goes on with SMG3 where he started his coffee shop, the one who works two jobs as a twitch streamer and a cafe owner. (The reason why SMG3 gets money from thats how he could afford everything just by double timing his job)
Since smg4 doesnt know sh-t with jobs, SMG3 is up ahead him, smart enough to think. While SMG4's knowledge is a bit too unstable without any of his college experience since he didn't like school then he hates studying.
Studying helps you learn countless of things even tho its a hard challenge to try, you still need to learn either way to know bits of facts. SMG4 dropped out and didn't graduate from college, but did SMG3 continued college?
That remains unknown, but we do know for a fact he is twice as smarter than SMG4 and Mario. (God what a fabulous b-tch.)
The reason why college is important is that you can set a course of what you'd want to get a job you'd be capable of loving from. And knowing that SMG3 pays atleast too many stuff by marketing and selling or trading or who knows what from the internet to make him get that much of advantage to get enough money.
SMG3 improvised his skills to survive
And so if SMG4 could do the same he'd probably have the same braincells as his boyfriend/j
- (whoops I just realized that I moved the topic to college but eh-)
Anyway following on with our focused topic.
If SMG4 couldnt admit that he'd say sorry to SMG3, then there would be a constant loop of the friends not understanding each other.
I still have a feeling that SMG3 could almost understand, like he could see through what SMG4 has been feeling. But he couldnt show that emotion to four- it'd look WEIRD. for him. Better yet is that- SMG4 would most likely be the optimisstic one to show symapthy, but still- SMG3 is an empathetic man for SMG4.
Just so is SMG4 when he cant understand how his actions can cause consequences like smg3 for example, SMG3 didn't even do much damage to SMG4 after everything. Because what SMG3 thinks is that he- deserved it. Everything to him from what he had done to smg4- willl be always pointed at him as he only sees himself as the bad guy.
Like oh man- how assumable can smg4 be when smg3 gets something that he finally wishes to have for? Attention. And he's been the one saying "thats what we do for each other right?" When SMG4 did it his way while SMG3 has finally moved on. Like SMG4... I see you as the person who've been causing a lot by i mean ALOT. Of problems.
Four suffers because of this cause he never understands how relationships or just by general actions work, because he never had someone close to him to guide his way for understanding.
They both were literally born from a USB and then came down there to explore their new selves.
Not even once SMG4 thought about- "why did I do that to him? I should say sorry... If only I didnt destroy his cafe nor even his productions"
Its because FOUR WAS SO AFRAID. In repeat. Lets repeat this again.
Three cant forgive SMG4 because he's been having alot of thoughts from his head that would lead to the death of him.
And SMG4 cant apologize cause he's unaware of what would happen if he did. He would overthink about this... and better yet- Three's motions are unrecognizable so Four would keep on missing his chances if he'd want to say it. He wondered that if he told sorry to smg3, he'd be the one to blamed more and three would be more pissed. Because they both wanted to forget the past.
But the past is already apart of them, a memory they both went through together...
So... well- theres my fixating- :)))))
@b-r-i-n-g-x .
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ofallthingsnasty · 2 years
What about a himbo yandere he seems so nice and well stupid to be dangerous so you let your gaurd down surely he coudnt do any harm and meanwhile the dumb himbo is writing down plans to take you home and preparing his basement for you
omg I LOVE that this! Although the mental image of some random himbo cranking out some crayolas and trying his best to work out a proper plan to get me into his basement is hilarious to me 😂 This is so good omg thanks for gracing me with that thought! And requests are open!
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word count: 1.1k tags: gn reader, yandere and everything it might entail, nsfw in those last few sentences, kidnapping, minors dni
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The thing is: is he really scheming? He probably didn't even get the idea to turn you into his little basement spouse until he saw it in some movie. Up to that point, he just thought he was extremely overprotective of his crush - maybe with a little sprinkle of jealousy. Something really clicked when he watched some fictional character locking their love interest away to be able to protect them from all the harm in the world... What a brilliant idea! Watch him draw mindmaps and stick-figures on printing paper, fevershly trying to figure the logistics of his own little operation - and then giving up halfway through, haha. In general, it's confusing as all hell to him, all those big feelings. He can't stop thinking about you, how fragile and powerless you are in this big, dangerous world and just how much it'd break his heart if anything ever happened to you. You can probably see the cogs in his head turning while he’s trying to figure this out - he knows very well that he likes you, it’s just the unexpected intensity of it all that sometimes becomes too much for his brain. How does he cope with it? He’ll become overbearing - always happy to help, always texting you, just wants to be around you all the time. He’s so handsy, too. You are already accustomed to his big bear hugs for greetings, now get ready to get lifted up into the air and twirled around and squeezed as if you were to dematerialize the moment he doesn’t touch you. He keeps you close while you’re out and about, maneuvers you around with a hand around your waist and shoulders, just acts like your big, overprotective boyfriend in public. And you? You probably don’t even notice it because he’s always been one to go for physical touches - him being a bit more intense isn’t that noticeable, really. Absolutely develops some form of cute aggression. No matter your stature or your height, when he sees you his one goal is to protect and guard - his hugs are just a little too tight, his grip on your shoulder a smidge too hard, his face a bit to close and eyes too dark when you talk to him. You don’t think much of it when it happens, just chalk it up to his bulky frame and golden-retriever-like over-excitedness. Once he has you locked away, you’ll see all those little details in a different light. Especially how happy he gets when you voice your discomfort or squeak in surprise when his touch gets too bruising. Definitely the type to hit you up with random texts after midnight, just to know that you’re there, sends you the oldest memes during the day and badgers you if you don’t answer them within an hour. He’s quite pushy and there won’t be a day he doesn’t try to hear from you, doesn’t matter if it’s in person or via text. He isn’t quite the stalker type, though. Yes, he’ll make sure to hang around your favorite spots, the place you visit on the regular but he won’t try to watch you shower. Mainly because it doesn’t occur to him. If someone or something is giving you a hard time, be prepared for him to knock on your door half an hour later, with your favorite snack in hand - he’ll try to make you laugh, always. And if it’s someone specific, don’t be confused when you don’t see them in days - he had to be a little forceful with them to protect you, alright? But he’d never tell you that, you’re just too precious and would probably even worry about them! All in all, he’s quite unassuming as a yandere, mainly because you’re used to his (a bit too nice) antics. The actual logistics of getting you into his literal basement? Still blurry to him, he’s a man of the moment, after all. He’ll take the chances as they arise and it solely depends on you - are you a little bit of a party animal, get drunk often, call him at 4 am from some club to pick you up, because he’s just such a good friend and you know you can always count on him? Then a head-splitting migraine won’t be the only thing you’ll wake up to a few hours later. Or are you more of an introvert, happy to spend your weekends on your own but enjoy hanging out with him here and there? Then a movie night might just turn into something entirely different. He won’t plan these things out in minute detail - rather, he’ll have a rough idea of how to get you. He’ll get there when he’ll get there - and should you be able to spoil his plans, he’ll definitely play it of as nothing and wait for another try. But once he has you - oh boy, he’ll be happier than a kid on Christmas Day. All wide, sparkling eyes and flashing smiles while you try to comprehend the situation, probably in tears, struggling to free yourself from the restraints he put on you. He’s probably severly underprepared for the first couple of weeks. You won’t starve or be neglected but watch him not accounting for things like your period (if you can get one), benign little illnesses you might catch, or even that you’ll probably won’t be happy with this form of arrangement (because, hey, he thought you were friends? And you loved him, too? He was so sure you’d understand.) Still, he gives you plenty of time to adjust. There is no use in hurrying, after all. The cute aggression I mentioned beforehand would absolutely get worse once he has you in his grasp, too. He’s like a toddler with an unhappy cat - you can try to fight your way out of his strong arms all you want, he’ll just hold you tighter and tighter until your joints pop and the air gets squeezed out of your lungs. He just can’t believe he finally has you and the need to physically squeeze you until you get dizzy and his muscles hurt gets too much sometimes. And while he’s patient, he gets quite... overzealous at times. I can see him almost, almost nonconning you because he’s just so excited. Definitely the type to masturbate in front of you, even as you squirm around with tears in your eyes - he isn’t doing anything to you, isn’t laying a single finger on you, right? But you have to understand that he has needs, too. And that you’re too sweet not to indulge in from time to time... You’ll definitely wake up with your face full of dried cum more than once because you were just to cute to pass up while asleep. All in all, I’d say a true himbo yandere isn’t the worst to have - he is neither cruel nor sadistic, genuinely loves you and doesn’t really want to harm you - but his strength runs away from him sometimes, along with his common sense.
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