#last time i swere
writing0305 · 10 months
Hated and loved.
Pairing: Homelander x F!Supe!Reader.
Summary: Homelander, your boyfriend and group leader, is pissed at you after you went out drinking with friends and returned home later than you had said. But after old things come out, you turn the argument on him.
Warnings: Homelander. Heavy swering. Toxic and slightly abusive relationship. Unhinged reader.
The moment you joined the Seven as a supe with extreme telekinesis, Homelander was absolutely taken with you. You were a lot like him in some ways. People feared you and you’re powers. Not only could you move things without physical touch, but you’re incredibly strong. Indestructible, just like Homelander. You weren’t fragile, and that was what he liked about you.
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You two hit it off pretty quickly. Mostly because Homelander stalked every aspect of your life, watching and learning what you liked and didn’t like and using it to his advantage. He took claim to you very quickly after you succumbed to his advances towards you.
After this, he quickly came to learn that you were not afraid of him. You couldn’t die, couldn’t really get hurt. You were nearly untouchable and you knew that. And not only untouchable because you were indestructible, but also because Homelander was fucking desperate for the love and attention you gave him.
Homelander fucking thrived on the attention you gave him. As well as the love and adoration he got from the fans for just being with you. The fans adored you and he got some love from them by just mere association with you.
He fucking loved every last bit of being with you.
But sometimes…just sometimes, he fucking hated how unafraid you were of him. You did as you pleased and it made him fucking livid. You dressed how you wanted, spoke to who you wanted, and did just what you wanted. His opinion did not matter to you.
He’s learned to live with it but by no means has he accepted it. And that in itself, causes a whole lot of fucking arguments. Arguments on arguments. Sometimes it was like the two of you got off on arguing, riling each other up, and pushing each other’s buttons.
You liked it, he was sure of it. That’s the only reason he could think of for the stunt you pulled.
It was a Sunday night when you decided to go out for a few drinks with your personal assistant and social media manager. At least you had the courtesy to tell him. Only a few drinks you had told him, you wouldn’t be that long. But he listened and watched your penthouse that was just below his, and you came home in the early Monday morning, fucking plastered.
Spitefully, Homelander called an early morning meeting with The Seven. Except, only you got the memo and everyone else was still tucked away in their beds while you got up at fucking seven in the morning to go see him.
You let out a stifled yawn as you stepped into the Seven’s meeting room. It was empty, except for Homelander who stood at the head of the table, facing the large windows with his back turned to you.
You opened your mouth to ask where the rest were as you slowly made your way toward the table, but Homelander spoke up before you got the chance. “Where were you last night?” He asked in a low voice, his back remaining turned towards you.
Your eyebrows furrowed as you stared at him, walking around the table to get to your chair that was just next to his. It used to be Maeve’s but he made her move after you joined. “I told you yesterday, I was going out with some work friends.” You muttered, not bothering to mention names because he never cared about names. Not human names, or female names.
“You said you were going out for a few drinks, not staying out the whole fucking night.” He snapped as he spun around, his turn sharp. His eyes were cold as he glared at you. “It doesn’t take the whole fucking night to have a few drinks.” He snapped once more.
“I lost track of time.” You replied with a dismissive shrug of your shoulders as you sat down in your chair, crossing one leg over the other and leaning back.
“You don’t have a fucking watch?” He snapped again as he raised his eyebrows, taking long strides towards you. He grabbed onto the armrests of your chair and leaned down, his face inches away from yours. “Who were you with?” He questioned as his eyes squinted.
You sighed with a roll of your eyes. “Jessica and Lizzie.” You replied, pursing your lips as you stared at him with a blank look in your eyes.
There was a brief flick of red in his blue eyes as his head cocked to the side. “Lizzie? The biggest fucking whore in Vought, that Lizzie?” He asked as he quirked an eyebrow.
You knew very well of the reputation your social media manager had in Vought. She was a beautiful woman and she enjoyed the attention of men every now and then. She was still young and single and working with a bunch of superheroes. You couldn’t really blame the girl.
“Don’t call her that.”  You muttered in a low voice as you shook your head, glaring at Homelander.
He scoffed and rolled his eyes as he stood up and stepped back. He clasped his hands together behind his back and inhaled slowly. “Where there men?” He questioned as his eyes squinted, knowing well how much Lizzie enjoyed the company of men. Where men were, Lizzie was.
Your eyebrows furrowed as you scoffed in disbelief. “What?” You asked as you quirked an eyebrow.
“You fucking heard me!” He snapped, his voice growing eruptedly loud as his jaw clenched so tightly, that if he was human he might have just cracked all his teeth.
“I went out with Jessica and Lizzie, we had a few drinks, that’s it.” You huffed as you dismissively waved his concerns off with your hand
“I fucking texted and I fucking called, and I got fuckall in return.” He snapped at you once again and there was another flick of red in his blue eyes. His nostrils were flaring and his fists clenched behind his back.
You rolled your eyes, remembering how your phone dinged or rang every few minutes, with Homelander asking where you were and when you were coming back. At some point, you just began ignoring your phone and even turned it off. “I answered the first few texts but after a while answering my phone every fucking five minutes grew tiring.” You snapped back at him.
“Watch your fucking tone with me.” He warned as he pointed a threatening finger in your direction and again you saw that flick of red in his eyes. You were unfazed by it but you were starting to get irritated.
With a  huff you got up to your feet, crossing your arms over your chest. “Why are you acting like this?” You asked with a shake of your head as your eyebrows furrowed.
He sighed as his eyes flicked up to the ceiling for a split second. “Like fucking what?” He asked in an almost monotone voice, not liking that any of this was being turned around on him. You were in the fucking wrong here, not him.
“Suspicious of me.” You answered in a snappy tone as your arms unfolded and you pointed a hand at your chest. “Like I fucking did something.” You huffed.
"You don't answer my texts or calls, how could I not be suspicious?" He questioned as he raised his eyebrows.
"No, you just don't trust me enough!" You yelled as you pointed a finger in his direction before turning around with another huff and heading for the doors. But you only got as far as Starlight’s chair before his words made you stop in your tracks.
“Oh cut the fucking pity party crap!” He yelled back at you, his eyes burning red as you slowly turned around to face him. He knew he couldn’t kill you but he could still do at least a little damage if he really tried.
“For fucks sake…what do you want me to say here, Homelander?” You asked as you spread your arms out by your sides, shrugging your shoulders. “What do you want?” You asked as your head cocked to the side.
His jaw clenched and his eyes turned blue again. He shook his head at you. “I don’t know Y/n…maybe a fucking apology.”  He snapped with a shrug of his shoulders. “You think that’s something you can fucking manage?” He asked as he squinted his eyes.
You raised your eyebrows and scoffed in a mixture of disbelief and amusement. “Apologize for what?” You asked.
“Not fucking answering your phone, staying out the whole fucking night, and going out with the biggest fucking whore known to mankind.” He replied as he listed the things on his fingers, his voice growing harsher with every word he spoke.
Your eyes squinted at him as your head cocked to the side again. “What the fuck is your problem with Lizzie?” You asked as you crossed your arms over your chest.
He scoffed and rolled his eyes, a snarky smile tugging at his lips. “Oh please, everyone knows she’s banged and sucked every guy in this place.” He snapped as he waved his hand around in the air.
You silently stared at him for a second, your jaw clenching. “Oh? Every guy?” You repeated as you quirked an eyebrow, your hands trembling as you felt the power inside your veins surging through you.
“For fuck sake Y/n.” He sighed as he lowered his head, knowing his comment was a big fucking shot in the foot for himself. “It was before you even fucking joined The Seven.” He explained, confirming that he was indeed one of the guys Lizzie had been with. Your hand shot out, your fingers spreading as they tensed and you picked up Noir’s chair from across the table. With a flick of your hand, the chair launched at Homelander and he dodged it. He stared at the chair that fell behind him and then slowly turned to face you, his jaw clenching. “Do that again, I fucking dare you.”  He spat as he pointed a finger at you and your arm stretched out again, hand tensing as you picked up Deep’s chair and flicked your wrist, sending the chair in Homelander’s direction.“Y/N!” He screamed as the chair whirled past him and hit the nuclear-proof window.
You shook your head and dismissively shrugged your shoulders. “I have nothing to apologize for.” You muttered softly.
He hummed softly, slowly nodding his head as he took long strides towards you. You didn’t flinch back when he reached out and grabbed onto your chin. “Oh, I think you do.” He muttered in a low voice as he nodded his head again.
You scoffed and rolled your eyes. “Yeah well, good luck getting an apology out of me.” You muttered as you quirked an eyebrow, a challenging look in your eyes. A look that made Homelander almost go fucking farrel for you.
“Oh sweetheart, you know I always get my way, one way or another.”  He replied in a soft voice, looking almost dazed as his gaze drifted over your face, his thumb brushing over your cheek. “The easy way, or the fucking hard way.” He gritted out as his gloved fingers started digging into your skin.
You grunted softly, shoving his hand off. “Yeah well go to Lizzie with your fucking hard-on and see if she can give you what you want.” You spat at him before turning around to walk away.
He grabbed a fistful of your hair and yanked your back against his chest. He leaned into your ear, his nose brushing against it. “You don’t talk to me that way.” He reminded you in a low whisper.
“What are you going to do?” You asked in a cocky voice as you turned your head enough to look back at him. You raised your eyebrows as the slightest smirk tugged at your lips. “Can’t kill me because I can’t fucking die…can’t lock me away either because well, then you’ll go back to being a fucking sad and lonely man who is desperate for love.”  You whispered in a harsh tone.
His eyebrows furrowed as he shook his head. He kept his grip on your hair and his other hand came around to cup your cheek. “I would never lock you away sweetheart.” He whispered, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck and deeply inhaling your scent.
“Then let fucking go of me.” You gritted out as you took a deep breath to calm yourself, your fingers twitching as they threatened to tense once again.
Homelander sighed and rolled his eyes before he lifted his head from the crook of your neck and released your hair. You turned around to face him with a glare as your jaw clenched. He offered you his eerie brought smile. “You know…I think you’re the only person on this whole fucking green earth, who isn’t scared of me.”  He said as he wiggled a finger in your direction. “That’s one of the reasons I like you so much.”
You raised your eyebrows at him as your head tilted to the side. “Like?” You repeated, your eyes squinting.
Homelander pursed his lips, catching the slip of his words. He reached out and cupped your cheek as he offered you a small smile. “Love.” He corrected himself. Even in your state of anger, you didn’t have to doubt that he loved you. That was one thing, no matter what happened between the two of you, that neither of you had to doubt. You fucking loved each other.
“No.” You huffed with a shake of your head as you pushed his hand away. “No, you don’t get to fucking touch me right now.” You snapped as you pointed a threatening finger at him.
He raised surprised eyebrows as his head cocked to the side. “What?” He questioned in a low voice.
You breathed deeply to calm yourself, clenching your tensing fingers by your side. “Did you fuck Lizzie?” You asked in a low voice. You knew Homelander had been with the woman, but in what way exactly you didn’t know. And you wanted to know. You weren’t sure why you felt so jealous, you knew this happened before you. But still, you didn’t like the thought of someone, at one point having what you have now.
He quirked an eyebrow, seeing the opportunity to piss you off even further. “Would it make you angry if I say yes?” He asked as the corner of his lips nearly tugged up into a smirk.
You inhaled sharply, twisting your neck as all the muscles in your body tensed up. “I’m already fucking angry, so just tell me the truth.” You snapped in a firm voice.
“Yes, I did.” He replied in a monotone voice as he clasped his hands together behind his back. Your hand flexed by your side and Starligth’s chair slowly rose into the air behind you. Homelander’s lip twitched into a snarl as he pointed at the chair. “I swear if you throw that fucking chair.” He warned.
You silently glared at Homelander for a second before dropping the chair behind you with a huff. “You know, I hope you’ve had your fill of fucking, because you won’t get any for a while.” You informed him before turning on your heels and walking in the direction of the door.
Homelander was taken aback by your words and he stared at you in disbelief as he raised his eyebrows. “Excuse me?” He questioned.
“You fucking heard me!” You yelled, not once turning to look back at him as you continued on your path towards the doors.
“Y/n!” He called out after you, his voice harsh. “Get back here!” He screamed as his eyes flashed red while the doors slipped open and you walked out. “Y/N!” He screamed, sending two laser beams in the direction of the door, scorching the spot you had been in just mere seconds ago.
He sighed as he closed his eyes and tilted his head back. He fucking hated and loved these arguments. He loved and hated the thrill. But he fucking loved whenever you made it up to each other or just fucked out your anger.
He hated and loved being with you. And he wouldn’t give you up for anything. Ever.
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I tried to get trough all as fast as possible. I not only got information on Eckhardt, there are several published diary pages by him. It was terror trying to decipher them, but I managed, I think I managed to live so that's harder than reading cursive. Here's Vasiley's answer:
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Transcript of the first and second page: The essential part of his answer is as follows- he's a bit secretive of the number of his clients concearning the Obscura Paintings, not Engravings. There exist five of these paintings and they are iconography, hence they were made on thick wooden pieces. They are relatively small: abour 19 to 25cm in height and 10 to 17cm wide. There exist alongside the paintings the Obscura Engravings, Vasiley has one, Werner had some(?), at least one that I know of. The man who painted over the original images and made it Christian is Brother Obscura, who should have a tomb...somewhere. The lore says they had demonic powers and this couldn't be given out to normal people.
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Transcript of the third page: In conclusions:
No information on any other client(s)
He sent Werner an Engraving, not an Obscura Painting, and I'm not sure why. Werner would surely want all five?
Brother Obscura died and as a monk he'll have a tomb, somewhere. But where?
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Transcript of the fourth and fifth page: So, Meister Eckhardt was a German theologian, philosopher and mystic born around 1260 who died in 1328 presumably. There is no good picture of him and all existing ones show him in old age. He was a monk and only his last name is known, the first one is lost.
His official timeline is as follows:
1274 he participates in the dominican monastery in Erfurt as a monk
1280 start of his studies in "Studium naturalium"
1289 Eckhardt finishes his studies and is now a lector for other monks
1294 he enters a Christian faculty in PARIS, which means he has tis to the city the Monstrum is running around in
until 1302 no one knows what he was up to
1323 Thomas von Aquin is considered a saint, but Eckhardt should have taken his place instead
1325 the Pope himself(!) suspects Eckhardt to be doing something mysterious and occult
he died before the court ruling went through
People were forbidden to use his name out of fear to be heretics. He was regarded as a negative person that offended the Pope, thus not being a devout good Christian. His date of death is unknown, and I#ll wear my tinfoil hat and say: what if he just lived? He's a mystic, and possibly dealt with alchemy. And the Lux Veritatis are said to have killed him way, way later. Or maybe it was a desendant of his? But he was a monk, so...might have been diffucult to find a woman.
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Transcript of the sixth and seventh page: Make the tinfoil hat a tinfoil home: the diary pages have connections to what's happening in Paris and I don't think this is coincidence. I copeid them from our library and if the pages are true, Eckhardt has to do with the supernatural. if it's the real Middle Ages Eckhardt peopel still talk about today he had to find the Philosopher's Stone. If this is true, where has he been hiding? There is no record of him today. Did he just vanish and staged his death and continued to live on?
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Transcript of the eight and ninth pages: Page one Twenty years after the accusations he moved to Prague. Vasiley's gallery is also there, and if Vasiley is a Lux Veritatis and also old as shit they might know another. Eckhardt was hurt by a boating accident, then went into hiding. The sweres of the city provided him with shelter to work a hundered(!) years for the "Eluminated", whatever the fuck this is. He wrote his survival will reveal wheather the deal was real, he sounds like a lunatic, and my tinfoil is growing.
Page two He said he wants the "Eluminated" to breed on Earth and I think he could mean Nephilim since I've come across these several times now. The "Secret Shills" he talked about could be alchemy, like I expected, and it gets creepier- he wants a human body to be a vessel for his Eluminated, so what if he is responsible for the murders? What if he did kill these people to take something from them (they accused the organ mafia in the newspapers!) to put everything into one person and frankenstein his vessel to repopulate the earth...after what, exactly? He claimed to have healed in supernatural speed and mentions his "guidl brothers" which makes me think he also has a club, like the LV, that work for or with him. What if?
Page three He confirms he tried to make man-made bodies as hosts for his bosses, the Eluminated. So yeah, he's a sicko. He said he needs more time and I think that's the deal: he was granted a longer life span to make the world suitable for breeiding the nephilim race. He's got a deal with the Biblical half angels. Yeah I need a drink.
I'll write down my suspected Eckhardt timeline for after his staged death (or his death and ressurection?). I'll check Fayolah's mail again, she mentioned the LV and might give me a hint.
I will write FAyolah again, and I will visit Margot's district tomorrow. I know we shouldn't leave our houses, but staying here with my journal full of otherworldly things feels liek I'm losing it. Fresh air and people made of flesh and blood should do me good.
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ravenveenova97 · 3 months
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Boruto Fanfi
It was another peaceful day in the hidden leaf village and I was just coming back from a mission given to me from Naruto, of course I had someone helping me “I swere Nana you always get yourself into messes don’t you” I giggle as I'm being scolded by the third Hokage’s grandson Konohamaru “what I don’t mean to get into the centre of things I just couldn’t help myself but hay we completed it with no issues” Konohamaru  shakes he's head and smiles at me “I guess your right but it would of gone more smoothly if you didn’t dive head first” I just reached up and patted he's head “well you can thank Naruto for that I do look up to him hahahahah” he laughs and we both walk through the village making our way through the town “so Nana how's the new place” I look up at him and smile “it's alright it's so much more spacious then my last house im just happy I could live closer to you” he smiles and we look at all the kids in the street running around “it was a shock when I found out you decide to move closer hahahahah not saying I don’t mind but why” I smile softly and linked my fingers together “I guess I just wanted to be closer to someone I've known for a long time” Konohamaru just looks at me and smiles “well I'm happy means we can see each other more now that you're not living on the other side of the village” I giggle an nod at him, we  continue through the village as we needed to go and report in at the Hokage office, once there we both knocked and we heard a come in, we walked into the room and stood infrount of the Hokage “welcome back you two how did the mission go” I happily smiled and put my thumb up “it went smoothly they had no clue what hit them” Naruto lathed at my infusiasem while Konohamaru was scratching he's head “it went well but Nana did dive head first into the matter” I let out a laugh and smiled from ear to ear “well the main thing is that you completed it and back home safe hahahahah” we briefed Naruto what happened in the village we were sent to protect and who were the attackers “ok I see so some ninja from the hidden mist was attacking the village” I nod and continue my report “yer but there head bands were scratched off so I believe they were rouge Ninja” I handed in my finding to him and Naruto looked them threw “i see......even in a time of peace there still some rouge ninja around” Naruto stood up and walked to window and looked out at the village “it's our jobs as shinobi to protect those from grater threats” he turned round and walked up to us “this may only be the beginning, I have Sai look into this truther and thank you guys” I smiled and all of a sudden I heard shifting from outside and I smiled “well Naruto I must be going I have a little thing to do” he nods and I leave the room and make my way back outside and look up at the building and giggle. 
There was someone hiding outside the hokage window “well better scurry him out of there before Naruto finds out” I jump up the building and soon reaching the window and saw a kid leaning agents the wall I get closer and kneel behind him “hear anything interesting.....Boruto” Boruto freaks out and turns round just then Naruto opened he's window “Boruto....Kinana what's going on here” I laugh and grab Boruto by he's jacket “ow just catching an eaves dropper is all” Boruto was sqwerming and I let go “I was not eaves dropping” I look at him and lean over “ow so if you wasn’t eaves dropping what was you just doing” Boruto smiles and crosses he's arms “I was just enjoying the view of the village from up here you know” I look and pinch he's cheek “don't give me that lame excuse you get a better view up by the standing heads not down here” I let go and Boruto was now pouting and Naruto sighed “seriously Boruto you need to stop pulling these stunts” he just looked at Naruto and frowned and looked away “whatever” and he jumped down and ran off, Naruto siged “what am I going to do with him” I just giggle and Naruto looks at me “sorry he reminds me of you in so meany ways anyway I be off now see ya” I wave and jump back down. 
So I'm free now what should I do with my free time “I guess I could go and get something to eat” I go to walk away but I feel a tap on my shoulder and I look round “ow Konohamaru you finished with your briefing” he nodded and started to walk with me “were free now got any plans on what you going to do” I just giggle and link my arm with he's and he gets a little flustered “well I was thinking of getting some sweets why don’t you join me hahahahah” I look up and he's red in the cheeks and I just laugh at he's reaction “I guess I could do that” I giggle and I then let go of him and we go to the dumpling shop and sit down, I ordered sweet bean buns and adzuki been soup and waited for it to arrive “so Kono did you get another mission” Konohamaru spat out he's drink and started to cough I laugh and gave him a tissue to clean up, after he sighed “please don’t call me that Nana” I lean my elbow on the table and rest my chin in my hand and smile at him softly “why, you call me Nana, why, dose me calling you Kono make you shy” I giggle agen as he's blushing still hahahahahah he always gets this way if any woman shows him any affection it's kind of cute really. 
“don't matter I'm the older one so its Konohamaru to you” I just laugh and my food arrives and I take a bite out of the sweet been buns “ow come on I'm a year younger then you not much of a difference” he just siges and then looks at me and I'm confused why “don't you have a check-up with Orochimaru at some point” I swallow my food and smile nervously “yer I do, need to make sure my power stays sealed away, I believe I'm seeing him tomorrow” I turn white a little and sigh “I've always been nervous around him but having Suigetsu around dose help with the nerves so in a way I'm kind of existed” I laugh and I do love Suigetsu he's fun to be around and he's cocky as hell but I like it, just then I have a shinobi run up to me and hands me a scroll “it's from the 7th Hokage he's got a mission for you” I nod and take it off him, he bows and walks off, I open the scroll and read the details “what has he got you doing” I smile and put it away and continue to eat “looks like I be enrolling as a student at the academy, I be undercover watching a new student that’s been enrolled” Konohamaru laughed at me and I just giggled back “so any clue who you're watching over” I nod and smile “some kid called Mitsuki, I be starting day after tomorrow” I finish up my been buns and move onto the soup “it's odd, in the details Naruto gave me it says he's coming all the way from the hidden sound village” Konohamaru was stuck in thought after I said that and I lean over and poke he's cheek wich gets he's attention “sorry we don’t really know much about the hidden sound and they're very allusive I wonder what Naruto thinking” I just shrug and take another bite of my soup and then swallow it “I have no clue but I can see why its best I go under cover I mean this would be best suited for the Ambu but none of them can turn into a kid so I can see why I was given this mission” Konohamaru looks at me with concern “Nana please be careful ok, I know you dive head first into situations but this one could be dangerous” my cheeks flush red a little as he looked serious “why are you worrying about me, it's just a simple undercover mission” he looks down and continues to talk. 
“we don’t know anything about this new student and the fact he's from the hidden sound it could end up going wrong........just be careful is all I'm saying” he looks up at me and I'm blushing a little he sees and starts to chuckle “sorry just don’t want anything happening to my close friend” I soften my eyes and reach for he's hand “don't worry I be ok, I stay on gard I promise” we finish off our food and then go our separate ways but halfway walking down the street I look back round and stear at Konohamaru back and smile “friends ay” I take a deep sigh and continue to make my way back home, once home I take off my shoes at the door and turn on the lights and lay down on the sofa and what  Konohamaru said replays in my head “Nana please be careful ok.............just don’t want anything happening to my close friend” I flick out of the memory and roll over and sigh “close friend.......does he see me just as he's friend” I roll back over and look up at the ceiling and I go back in to my normal form, I change the way I look as to not scear people knowing what I am and everything, I move my hand out Infront of me and look at it “is it coz I'm an Otsosuki, the reason why he only sees me as a friend” I reach up into the air and close my hand and then bring it back down and rest it on my chest. 
I can remember the first time I met Konohamaru hahahahah he was so full of himself saying I be the next hokage he had so much determination and he was purely cheeky I remember the first time I saw him use sexy jutsu hahahahah I was giggling to myself as I watched him from afar, even as teens I was pulled towards him and I don’t know why but just like with Naruto I looked up to him, the day we met he realised I was tailing him I was shy to talk to people as I was a wolf living amongst sheep but that didn’t stop Konohamaru from making friends with me, even when he found out the truth about me he wasn’t scared he continued to be warm towards me just like everyone else was, I found it hard to accept it at first but gradually I slowly opened up and we grew closer, I end up smiling at everything and my memory's with him “well I guess I'm slowly turning human at this point hahahahah” I get up and walk to my balcony door and open it and walk outside and look up into the clear starry sky “maybe it's for the best he sees me just as a friend I'm not human after all” I sigh and I sudnly hear noise next to me and standing there was a person with a black cloke on. 
“don't tell me you fallen in love with that guy” I recognise the voice and I smile brightly “as if, I'm not human remember it won't work......anyway what brings you here Suigetsu” he chuckles and removes he's cloak and puts it on the railing and stands next to me “I'm here coz Orochimaru is asking for you it's time for your check-up” I giggle and move closer to him “well you could of sent a message you didn’t need to come all the way out here to get me” Suigetsu just stands up strate and smiles wile winking at me “so you saying you didn’t want to see this handsome mug” I end up laughing at him and I just smile “of course I wanted too hahahahaah god you always know how to make me laugh” I'm happily giggling away while Suigetsu gets full of himself “well of course I can, its next to imposable not to laugh at my antics I guess I'm just that awesome” I just continue to laugh at him and he gets up and close with me “come on even a non-human life form thinks I'm awesome that just proves it” I end up wiping my tears away and look up at him “your also good looking and not just funny” but as soon as I say that I realise what I've said and instantly shut up and look at Suigetsu, he looking at me and then smirks at me “ow so you find me good looking is that so” I look away stumbling over my words “I meant you a good looking guy you know pleasing to the eye and your kind of hot to.......WAIT NO I DIDNT MEAN THAT” I went frantic but he was just enjoying all the attention and chuckled away “hahahahah your too easy to get flustered, but I appreciate the compliment” I'm still looking away and nod “well Nana we should get going we keped him waiting long enoth” I look up and I see him putting back on he's cloke and he jumps up onto the next house roof top and looks back round at me, I smile and follow him back to Orochimaru’s hide out it took up a howl night to get there and we arrive in the early hours of the morning. 
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best-of-knob · 9 months
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Pretty sure I actually remember reading this one as a kid back when I'd sneak into the old man's magazines. Course I still thought girl swere icky and the last thing I'd want was dating advice. Now I'm all grown up and single again, maybe now's the time to put some of these old nuggests into practive...
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spikebhm · 3 years
Thanks for awsome comments on the last ask 😀question.
Few more just wondering I'm only crazy guy with food kinks . Few iv try few I thought about or been ask from a bi friend to try . Yes I'm married to a female and she is thick and so am I. Was over 300 lbs then back down still push close 300.
1. Would you or have u or have watch Cake sitting. Where some thick smash a cake with their 🍑 or stomach or what ever gets all over ?
2. Do like playing with messy food ie. Chocolate 🍫 or honey 🍯 or what ever in swering it all over . To be licked 😝 off or clean off.
3. Cosplay I seen u done the sissy cat 😱🔥 do you like pig or cow coustom.
Trust me all for guys crossdressing got guy talk to dose lot with out wife knowing thinkbit hot 🔥 though about few time my self.
First of all, thank you for sending me an ask, anon! Super appreciated!
Now ... I have to admit that I had a bit of a hard time reading your ask because it's ... all over the place and kinda hard for me to understand but I will try my best to answer all of your questions to the best of my ability so pardon me when I get something confused! I am glad that you enjoyed my answer to your first question!! I love to see recurring curiosity from my followers and supporters and allow them to ask questions towards me so they get to know me better! :D
For your first question ... I think you mean someone who smashes cakes with their posterior? I never really looked into that but I feel like that is not something I'm very interested in, I am much more interested in crushing furniture because that feels like a milestone in someone's weight gain journey!
Your second question is about messy eating while having fun with someone? I think so! I love to be a bit messy, rowdy and bratty to have my feeder console me for being so spoiled and slobbish <3 It's a lot of fun!
Ah, my catboy cosplay? I mean it's a feminine costume yes but I don't enjoy the term sissy because it's a pejorative (slur) term and I don't think it's really nice to say something like that to someone because there are a lot of expectations attached to it which makes it difficult for me to enjoy this when I get bombarded by assumptions...
But I do enjoy cosplaying! I would love to get my hands on a hooters outfit or a hucow would also be super fun!
Thank you for your ask, anon!!
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pinkispoggers · 4 years
I Am Yours | Maul x Reader
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word count: 4.1k
warnings: nsfw, dirty talk, pet names, slight blood, language
a/n: this is the second chapter to my Long Nights Series (idk about a series) you can find the first one here 
(yes this was also done on samsung notes so it took a while)
summary: after a bit of a mess, the little secret of what you did last night is not so secret anymore
enjoy :) 
• as the sun starts to set, you start to rise 
• only to be alone and very, very sore in your nether regions 
• you look down from your covers to see if everything is alright 
• and to your horror everything is not ok 
• there's blood everywhere 
• your first instinct is to scream bloody murder 
• so that's exactly what you do 
• and finally you hear loud ass footsteps running for the door 
•ofc you thought it was savage 
•but you really didn't want him knowing about what happened or getting suspicious 
• but what got you on edge 
• was the sudden crackling sound, you knew far to well as a lightsaber 
• suddenly savage, or who you thought was savage, put in the code and pushed open the door so hard that you had thought it was going to break 
• and to your surprise it was both of them 
• as soon as maul saw the tear rolling down your cheek, he ran straight for you 
• they usually both fight for your attention and you don't really know why 
• so you weren't shocked that savage too, was rushing to your side 
• you almost started laughing when savage almost pushed maul to the ground 
• earning a snarl from maul who got to you first anyway 
• "are you alright baby girl?" 
• savage looked over at maul slightly angry 
• "maul don't call her that" 
• maul groaned in response 
• "but really what's wrong angel?" 
• once you finally came out of shock, you shimmied off of the bloody mess that was still quite new 
• "what the fuck" savage gasped in horror 
• "it's just a bit of blood savage, calm down" the red zabrak sighed 
• "IT'S NOT A BIT OF BLOOD, ITS ALOT OF BLOOD" the yellow zabrak cried 
• "will you two not right now?" 
• the two of them stopped and turned at you in surprise 
• "I need to go clean myself ok?" 
• "yes whatever you need" the red zabrak cleared his throat 
• you padded out to the refresher to see what was going on 
• you looked down and the look on your face was of pure terror 
• something had split or broken 
• "fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck" 
• you had no idea how to react to this situation 
• all you could think is that you needed a warm towel and some alone time with your holonet to try to calm down 
• when you were finally done inspecting the wound, you walked out of the refresher and down the hall were the two men were standing there anxious waiting for your arrival 
• "are you alright y/n?" The brothers say simultaneously 
• "no, and i'm going to need a lot of time alone" 
• "oh alright" the yellow zabrak sighed" 
• "you know" the other zabrak tsked "you could always come to me if you need something" 
• "oh maul always so caring" 
• "am I caring too y/n?" Savage asked right as your turning away 
• "always" you reassured him 
• you make your way to your quarters 
• your about to turn on your holonet 
• when you hear a deep voice you could only make out as savage 
• "did you fucking do something to her?" 
• you want to eavesdrop but you don't want to be rude 
• then you hear maul speak 
• "first of all calm down savage, and second of all I didn't do anything" 
• "yes you did i can sense it" 
• oh how you really wanted to eavesdrop 
• "no the fuck i didn't" maul growled 
• oh fuck now there getting into a fight, you thought 
• the two start raising their voices, cursing in dathomirian strings you didn't quite understand 
• you were quite tired of their bickering 
• so you turned on the holonet to drown them out 
• "oooo, a new episode of Keeping Up With the Hutts was on ~~~~~~~~ 
• about 7 minutes into the holonet 
• you hear quiet hushed voices 
• you instantly turn the H.N off to go eavesdrop 
• "fine, I may have-" maul was cut off 
• "I fucking knew it maul" savage growled 
• "no-" 
• "fine, calm down, before I get tackled again, i might as well tell you" 
• "go on" 
• you were definitely listening in now 
• you wanted to know what happened too 
• you had hopes that you would find out what happened 
• "well... please don't lash out on me savage" 
• savage growled in response 
• "i may or may not practiced a more intimate form of spooning" 
• "maul, your going to have to be more specific" 
• a soft grown tumbled from mauls lips 
• "we practiced cockwarming ok" 
• "why not?" Maul smirked 
• "let me get to the point" 
• you were on the brink of laughter at the bickering but you know you couldn't blow your cover" 
• "i knotted in her" 
• "yes and I am afraid I might have broke something it her" 
• you were very worried at this point 
• you had no idea what knotting was 
• and you were very curious but you didn't want to come out 
• but you knew you had to so you trusted your gut and stepped out 
• the brothers were absolutely horrified by your presence 
• and the look on your face 
• it was a look mixed with confusion and horror 
• they knew by this point that you had been listening to their whole conversation 
• the red zabrak broke the silence 
• "so how what did you watch on the holon-" 
• "what's knotting?" you interrupted 
• "fuck" maul mumble under his breath 
• "excuse me savage, while I go talk to her in private" 
• savage just looked maul straight in the eye and looked away 
• "ok then. c'mon y/n" 
• you said nothing as you followed him outside 
• it was late in the evening 
• maul had landed the turtle on the far side of the beautiful planet ithor 
• he only landed here to get away for awhile and to try to get closer to the force therefore helping himself to meditate stronger 
• it was a win win because maul liked that there was no civilization 
• savage liked it because there were lots of fauna 
• which was very important if he wanted to eat 
• he's very picky about his food, he only eats meat 
• so of course he loves hunting 
• but something that you learned over the past 2 years of traveling with the brothers 
• is that when savage brings food in 
• if you didn't eat fast, you didn't eat at all 
• and you love it because of all of the trees and spots you could hideaway in 
• and in a flash you were outside 
• you didn't know exactly how maul knew but he brought you down to your favorite hideaway 
• it was a little cave, but it had a lot of meaning to you as you had become quite attached to it 
• so you weren't going to be happy when you had to leave 
• you both sat on the rocks near the little creek you had made 
• almost as if you were meditating 
• "so," you snorted 
• maul frowned 
• he knew he would have to explain sooner rather than later 
• "alright I guess i will get to the point. 
• in my species, we tend to do something called knotting" 
• oh if you could only see your face because maul was on the brink of laughing when he saw it 
• a mixture of confusion and well... confusion 
• "ya know, I probably won't understand what you're talking about. But I tend to learn better with hands on experience" you teased 
• "y/n... your injured, we can't" 
• you weren't thinking when you got on top of him, straddling his waist, your already soaking entrance over his groin 
• "oh really?" a devilish grin paints your features 
• maul lets out a loud snarl to let you know that he is serious 
• "keep this up, and I promise you won't be able to walk for a month" 
• you knew he was serious but again you didn't care 
• you started rotating your hips over his increasing excitement as you had picked up from last night 
• before you could speak again, he was hovering over you 
• "don't fucking tempt me y/n" 
• "why not" you gazed into his eyes, the eyes that were now filled with lust 
• "because I swere to god, I will fuck you into next week, I swere you will have to tell savage you are sick so you can stay in bed" 
• you reached up to grip his horn 
• as maul snarls, you pull our hand back immediately thinking about how it could possibly hurt him 
• "touch them" 
• "what-?" 
• "did I fucking stutter. my horns. touch them" 
• once again you reach up to touch them 
• you end up massaging them as you've seen maul rubbing them while he's alone 
• but when he caught you watching him... 
• touch himself? 
• he stopped instantly and growled at you 
• so you just assumed it brought him much pleasure 
• he was purring. hard 
• but when you hit a certain spot 
• the lust in his eyes turned into pure, primal hunger 
• you didn't even get to take a good look at him before he was ripping of your thin dressy gown 
• and under him was a beautiful woman that all he wanted to do to her is ravish her through the night 
• you were very exposed, and wanted a little more privacy 
• you tried squirming out of his grip so you could maybe get him to follow you to inside of the cave were you could have a little privacy 
• "and were might you think your going kitten?" he purred through a growl 
• "well wouldn't you like some more privacy? you wouldn't want savage finding out now would you?" 
• "no I would not" 
• you both got up to go into the cave-ish place by the creek to have a more private time 
• "now lie down" the zabrak looks you dead in the eye 
• "maul, it's all rock" 
• he points to a sand bed on the right of him over in the far corner 
• you rush over to the corner with maul not far behind 
• as you lie on your back, maul again, tops you 
•he leans in so that his chin is just above your ear 
• "now you do as I say. understand kitten?" 
• you give him a slight nod as a sign of confirmation 
• he started to bathe you in kisses 
• not sparing an inch of you was spared by him 
•he palmed your breast, fingers toying with your nipple, earning a moan from you 
• from your neck, he glides down to your navel nipping at your soft skin along the way 
• each nip came along with a hard suck 
• a suck that would leave a red and purple mark for a week or two 
• "You're going to be a good girl aren't you?" 
• he looks downwards in shock 
• "everything alright?" You panic 
•"yes kitten, you are soaking and I have barely even touched you. so eager for me to have my way with you" a devilish smirk painted his face 
• "y-yes m-maul" you whimper 
• and with that, he rubbed his thumb in lazy circles around your clit 
• you were already a moaning mess at this point 
• you didn't know if you could last much longer 
• maul knew this and took advantage of the opportunity 
• he plunged 1 finger in and out of you 
• your moans were loud and heavy 
• you were very much on the edge right now 
• "you love this, don't you y/n?" 
• you could barely talk nor really move except for the shaking in your legs 
• which he held down using the force 
• so you nod in response 
• he adds a second finger in your sex 
• now you are beginning to see stars now 
• "m-maul I'm about t-to c-cum" 
• the instant he hears those words drip from your lips, he pulls his fingers out of your core 
• the shock hits you instantly 
• and as soon as you come down you stare at him as soon as he comes back up to your neck 
• his hot breath on your skin is enough to get you aroused again 
• "you will not cum until i tell you. do you understand?" 
• right now there was no way to say no 
• you didn't want to waste a good opportunity 
• "y-yes maul" 
• "now can you take my cock?" 
• you nodded up at him 
• "i need you" is all you can manage to get out 
• "tell me how you need me kitten" 
• something sparked in you. something dangerous and wild 
• something you didn't know quite how to use to get your way with 
• you glared at him with lust and heat in your eyes 
• "I need you to show me how much of a sith you really are. to fuck me so hard all I see is stars for the rest of the day. I'm yours maul." 
• "i. am. yours." 
• he had never seen this side of you and was very spooked by these actions of yours 
• but did he give a fuck 
• no 
• he wanted you and you only 
• for you to be spread out for him and only him 
• he got on his knees as he straddled you 
• he growled as he looked at you with a smile 
• "you have asked, now you shall receive" he growled 
• he starts to undress himself 
• as he started taking off his top robes 
• you couldn't help but stare at his tattooed skin 
• it was so pretty 
• you reached out to touch it but maul flinched back 
• "o-oh I'm sorry" 
• "no its fine, just old memories" 
• you slowly reached out again to touch him 
• his skin was surprisingly soft 
• you traced every inch of his tattoos, feeling his muscles ripple under soft touch 
• you traced up his neck and to his horns 
• your gaze, mischievous and you start to softly rub around the area 
• "y/n-" 
• a growl left his throat as he pressed his lips on yours. 
• this time the kiss was full of passion and lust 
• It was messy and needy and left you shivering from the intensity you were met with 
• you greeted his tongue as it slipped into your mouth, taking complete dominance over the kiss as well as your body 
• his hands are now wrapped around your neck 
• not tight but not loose either 
• he retracts himself off of your mouth 
• leaving you hungry for more 
• "don't you do that now" 
• "why- not" you ask once again 
• "because" he almost rips his under robes as he pulled them off to free his already hard member 
• it was just how you remembered it 
• but a tad bit larger 
• "damn" you gasp 
• "this is why" maul purrs ever so slightly 
• you buck your hips forward, signaling him that you are ready 
• "dirty girl" maul tks 
• all four and spread em'" a low snarl tumbled from his lips 
• "yes master" 
• a devilish look spread across his face as he gave you a look that could only be translated as pure lust 
• he lines himself up with your sex 
• he gave you no time to get adjusted to the tip before he was balls deep in you 
• something much different then a growl came dripping from his lips 
• more of a roar 
• moans were the only thing that you could make out 
• the feeling as you took all of it 
• he was massive 
• that mixed with the fact he had ridges 
• oh gods you were in heaven 
• but it was so so wrong at the same time 
• being fucked by a fearsome sith lord was not something you ever thought you would ever be doing 
• his thrusts are powerful 
• long and hard 
• you grip the rocks around you 
• his tip brushing against your g spot 
• you want to scream so loud 
• you throw your head back 
• the pain instantly turns to pleasure 
• he starts ruling lazy circles around your clit 
• you can't focus anymore 
• his pace intensifying, ramming into you 
• you pace yourself along with his thrusts 
• again you are already seeing stars 
• "mau-" 
• he starts applying pressure to your bud 
• "you can come for me my dear" 
• his words are enough to send you into the abyss of pleasure you've been craving 
• your orgasm violently takes over your body as you spasm out 
• the feeling of your pussy clenching around his cock was all it took for maul to cum too 
• filling you up with his hot cum 
• but what you were not ready for was his member swelling inside of you 
• stretching you out to the max 
• it was only after you started to come down from your high that you noticed 
• it was very large 
• but you could handle it as it wasn't uncomfortable 
• "maul what's going on" 
• "you got exactly what you asked for, and your taking is so well" 
• you then realized what he was talking about 
• this was his knot 
• "um... i hope your ok with being in this position for a while" maul purrs 
• "how long?" you ask 
• "just a short while" he snorts 
• you could only sigh at this point 
• you started wiggling a tiny bit, cum dripping out of you onto the rock below 
• "oh y/n its not coming out that easily" 
• your beginning to panic slightly 
• "maul. it's been like an hour since we left the ship. savage is going to start to worry" 
• "don't worry baby girl. that oaf doesn't know where we are" the zabrak huffs 
• "If you say so" you shrug 
• he tried pulling out but it seems you two were gonna be stuck in the hip for a moment 
• it was only minutes before he finally pulled out and as he did you instantly turned around and kissed him 
• it was a hungry kiss 
• one filled with passion and desire 
• teeth gnashing together 
• tongues colliding with each other 
• fighting for dominance 
• of course he takes control over the kiss 
• the kiss felt like it was lasting for hours 
• hours that you never wanted to end 
• but suddenly you hear a loud, deep voice in the distance 
• "i guess the big oaf does knows a thing or two" you huff 
• "shit shit shit shit shit" you panic 
• "what's wrong?" mauls gaze darts back over to yours 
• "maul quickly glanced around for a solution 
• "my robes. you can cover yourself with them" 
• "won't he notice? he can't be that dumb" you laugh 
• heavy footsteps were getting closer to the cave 
• maul instantly uses the force to grab his robes, putting them on and signaling for you to stand up 
• you were surprised he wanted you to stand in your current state 
• you already knew you were going to barely be able to really stand nor walk 
• you blankly stared up at the zabrak in hopes that he knew what you wanted him to do 
• and to your surprise, he caught on quick 
• he reached out his hand to help you up 
• you take his hand 
• your legs instantly felt like jelly as you fell into is arms 
• you waddled underneath his robes 
• he let out a soft chuckle as you headed out 
• "what's so funny hmm?" you joke 
• "oh nothing" you hear from under the soft robes 
• you would have very much liked to see his face when he giggled 
• you didn't really know what was going on outside 
• you were just very focused on not tripping over any rocks or sticks 
• you start to listen in on the conversation 
• "what took you guys so long" 
• you assume that was savage speaking 
• "well we kinda got sidetracked and talked about other things and had a normal conversation" maul huffed 
• "yes, ok but where is y/n?" 
• you panicked a bit, not knowing what maul was going to come up with 
• you really hoped it wasn't stupid 
• but you trusted him to know what he was doing 
• "u-um she said she was cold" 
• "fuck" you whisper to yourself 
• he nudges you to show yourself 
• "its 81° degrees fahrenheit" savage sighs 
• "well it's different for humans. I think" 
• you pop your head out of the robes "maul is c-c-c-correct" you fake a shiver 
• "oh, well let's get her inside" savage smiles 
• "oh, and I feel so it's going to be hard for me to walk so if I'm limping please don't worry about me I'll be fine" you reassure him 
• maul looks down at you and smirks implying that you did a good job 
• "got it" savages tone turns to a soft and loving one 
• it takes some time to get back to the turtle tanker but you make it eventually 
• maul guides you to your room 
• your door opening with a hiss 
• "thank you" you whisper 
• "any time" he murmurs as he gets up to leave you as you still need to find clothes 
• "wait" you call out to him just before he closes the door 
• he turns back immediately 
• you look to the ground and back at him 
• "i- i love you" 
• you can tell he is very nervous, left dumbfounded 
• a goofy grin paints his face 
• "oh my y/n, I've loved you since the day I saw you standing at the market on coruscant" 
• "is that why you saved me from those thugs?" you ask 
• "partly. I just felt something deep inside of me that said help her, go and help her" 
• your a brushy mess as he lets out his true feelings for you 
• all you could do was smile 
• he always loves when you smile 
• to see something bring happiness to you 
• to him you were the sun 
• and he was the planets that revolve around you 
• you were his everything 
• and he doesn't know what he would do if he ever lost you 
• your love was infinite and could never be broken 
• "get some rest my love, you will need all your strength for tonight" 
• "wait why?" you look at him in confusion 
• "well i heard that the Mos Eisley Cantina is having some sort of celebration tonight, and I figured we could go and get some drinks, get fucked up a little, dance, i don't know if your up for round two but yeah" he looked at the metal ceiling and back down at you 
• "maul, what's savage like drunk?" you jokingly ask 
• "well i guess we will see" he smirks 
• you giggle, bringing a smile to the zabraks lips 
• "anyway, I'll check on you in a bit" 
• "cool" you grin 
• as he left you couldn't help but wonder 
• were this odd relationship with you and maul would go next 
• you could only hope that it could last
@hxldmxdxwn​ @idiotonanadventure​ @bonniewinchester​ 
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padawanlost · 4 years
Do you believe that Anakin and Padme are reunited in the afterlife? I know some fans say that George confirmed they are but I was reading a blogger gffa's (Lumi) meta talking about how it goes against all the worldbuilding of how non-Force-sensitives cannot retain their consciousness in the Force after death so Anakin would only be able to speak to Shmi and Padme through the memories he has of them. That saddens me greatly tbh and honestly don't believe that considering certain things.
Kind of. But before I get into that let me explain that the idea force-sensitives and non-force-users can’t ‘mingle’ in the afterlife is incorrect. It’s actually supported by movie canon, George lucas and Disney’s canon. Only force-sensitive can become force-ghosts but that doesn’t mean the SW’s version of heaven is for force-users only.  
It was something that was *always* meant to be part of the sw lore.
"In the rough draft Luke is asleep and struggling with thoughts of Vader and the dark side. Yoda and Ben are also present in the dream, and Luke berates Ben for not telling him that Vader is his father. Yoda explains that he'll soon be joining Ben in the Netherworld, and therefore he'll become stronger and will be better able to help Luke. Vader's voice reappears, and Luke awakens" ―First mention of the Netherworld in Episode VI's rough draft
Movie/Disney Canon:
“An old friend has learned the path to immortality. One who has returned from the netherworld of the Force.”  Revenge of the Sith (2005)
Original Canon (EU):
“Anakin, listen carefully,” Obi-Wan interrupted. “You are in the netherworld of the Force, but if you ever wish to revisit corporeal space, then I still have one thing left to teach you. A way to become one with the Force. If you choose this path to immortality, then you must listen now, before your consciousness fades.” Obi-Wan sensed confusion and remorse in Anakin’s psyche, then Anakin answered, “But Master … why me?” “Because you ended the horror, Anakin,” Obi-Wan said. “Because you fulfilled the prophecy. Because you were … and are … the Chosen One.” But Obi-Wan knew in his heart that those were not the only reasons. He added, “Because I was wrong about you. And because I am your friend.” Anakin answered quietly, “Thank you, Master.” [Ryder Windham’s The Life and Legend of Obi-Wan Kenobi]
It does seem George himself said Anakin reunited with his loved ones after death. I couldn’t find the actual sources but I did find many fans claiming it’s true. Either way, there’s plenty of evidence to support this, even though the form they are ‘reunited’ is not the same one would expect from the Christian concepts of heaven and hell.
Every living being that dies goes to the same place: they become one the force. Padmé, Shmi, Qui-Gon, Anakin, Obi-wan, etc. They all go tot eh same place.
"[During the early story sessions for ESB] George Lucas and Leigh Brackett had lengthy discussions about Luke's training with Yoda and decided to turn the lessons into proverbs and commandments. ... The Force also was discussed in great detail. In the story meeting transcripts George Lucas defined the Force as follows: The act of living generates a force field, an energy. That energy surrounds us; when we die, that energy joins with all the other energy. There is a giant mass of energy in the universe that has a good side and a bad side. We are part of the Force because we generate the power that makes the Force live. When we die, we become part of that Force, so we never really die; we continue as part of the Force."  Annotated Screenplays
It seems they don’t maintain their identities unless they are trained and that only lasts for song long. Most people would die and become one with the Force. A few trained force-sensitive swere able to maintain their identities and presence in the physical real for a time. But they too could choose to join the Force with the others later (like Obi-wan and Anakin did). So, in a way, yes, Anakin and Obi-wan were reunited in the afterlife. Just not as ghosts or even themselves (on the ‘traditional’ sense).
“I strengthened the Alliance, although that was not my intent.” He extended a glimmering arm. The mellow voice sounded wrong. The mild, naked face didn’t look as if it’d hidden for decades behind a black breath mask. “Leia, things are changing. I may never be able to return to you.” [Kathy Tyers. The Truce at Bakura]
“Luke?” The voice came softly but insistently. Pausing amid the familiar landscape of Tatooine—familiar, yet oddly distorted—Luke Skywalker turned to look. An equally familiar figure stood there watching him. “Hello, Ben,” Luke said, his voice sounding sluggish in his ears. “Been a long time.” “It has indeed,” Obi-wan Kenobi said gravely. “And I’m afraid that it will be longer still until the next time. I’ve come to say good-bye, Luke.” The landscape seemed to tremble; and abruptly, a small part of Luke’s mind remembered that he was asleep. Asleep in his suite in the Imperial Palace, and dreaming of Ben Kenobi. “No, I’m not a dream,” Ben assured him, answering Luke’s unspoken thought. “But the distances separating us have become too great for me to appear to you in any other way. Now, even this last path is being closed to me.” “No,” Luke heard himself say. “You can’t leave us, Ben. We need you.” Ben’s eyebrows lifted slightly, and a hint of his old smile touched his lips. “You don’t need me, Luke. You are a Jedi, strong in the Force.” The smile faded, and for a moment his eyes seemed to focus on something Luke couldn’t see. “At any rate,” he added quietly, “the decision is not mine to make. I have lingered too long already, and can no longer postpone my journey from this life to what lies beyond.” A memory stirred: Yoda on his deathbed, and Luke pleading with him not to die. Strong am I in the Force, the Jedi Master had told him softly. But not that strong. “It is the pattern of all life to move on,” Ben reminded him. “You, too, will face this same journey one day.” Again, his attention drifted away, then returned. […] The vision seemed to waver and become fainter. “And now, farewell,” Ben said, as if he hadn’t heard the question. “I loved you as a son, and as a student, and as a friend. Until we meet again, may the Force be with you.” […] For a moment he just lay there, staring at the dim lights of the Imperial City playing across the ceiling above his bed and struggling through the sleep-induced disorientation. The disorientation, and an immense weight of sadness that seemed to fill the core of his being. First Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru had been murdered; then Darth Vader, his real father, had sacrificed his own life for Luke’s; and now even Ben Kenobi’s spirit had been taken away. For the third time, he’d been orphaned. [Heir to the Empire by Timothy Zahn]
What happens after that it’s open to interpretation. George Lucas borrowed a lot of concepts from many religions and if the thought of Anakin and Padmé’s reuniting in their afterlife is comforting to you then that’s what happened. There’s no right or wrong here. There’s only what works for us. Some may see this as the final end and other will see a new beginning.
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finnyboywolfhard · 4 years
Song That The Morning Brings (Prologue)
Steve Harrington x Henderson! Reader Series
Summary: Y/N Henderson is new to Hawkins and what better to have than someone willing to show you around. She befriends someone who eventually becomes her best friend, but the ties begin to break as they face some changes. 
a/n; hellooo! this is going to be a S1-S3 slowburn fic. I’m going to try to update regularly but I can’t promise anything. Let me know if you want to be taglisted or anything :) enjoy!
warnings: cursing, angst, slight mention of abuse, alcohol
word count: 2.1k
The  Hendersons arrived in Hawkins only a few days before the beginning of the school year. Luckily for Dustin, he had only just finished 4th grade, his friends were mere technicalities in the move. However for Y/N, that meant that she had to leave her friends right at the start of high school. She couldn’t necessarily be mad at her mom for leaving her dad finally, Dusty was still a little too young to understand the severity of some of what happened between their parents. Their dad didn’t ever get physical with their mom, but the damage done to her mentally was enough for anyone to break. So, Claudia helped her kids pack their things while their father was away and move the distance to Hawkins.
“Hey mom, I’m gonna walk around the town a little bit just to try to get acquainted. I’ll be back.”
“Okay honey, please be careful. “ Claudia kissed her daughter on the cheek and let her wander off.
It was still warm out, which was nice but what was even nicer was the cool breeze blowing in her direction. She walked down past Lincoln Park and found herself wandering into a clearly richer neighborhood.
The girl was scared from her thoughts as she bumped into a boy who had been running in her direction attempting to catch a ball.
“Ah shit! I’m so sorry.” He said.
“It’s alright; I was kinda in my own little world anyway.” She said with a smile, slightly taken aback by how attractive he was. Maybe she could get used to being in Hawkins.
“I don’t mean to be rude, but do I know you?” He asked her.
“Steve! Dude! Come on!” A boy yelled from far away.
“No you don’t, I just moved here. My name is Y/N” She reached her hand out for him to shake it, “It’s nice to meet you Steve, but I think you should probably get back.”
“Y/N, you don’t have to but tomorrow I can give you a proper tour of Hawkins if you meet me here tomorrow morning at like 10 AM.”
“Steve that would be lovely.” She waved goodbye to him and began walking back to her house.
When she got home, she ran to tell her mom about what had happened, before her mom sat her down for a serious conversation.
“Y/N, I know this was hard for you, and I’m so sorry that you had to move away from your friends.”
“Mom, it’s okay. I’ll make it out okay. I just know it. And I know Dusty will be just fine too. You don’t have to worry about us.”
“I know, I just know I can’t be the male influence in your guys’ life, and that worries me.”
“Mom, you’re the best influence we have, okay? I’m gonna head to bed and I think you should too. I love you mom.”
“I love you too my dearest. Trees, Leaves and Needles.”
Y/N went to bed that night with her mind going ninety miles an hour. She couldn’t stop thinking about Steve and whether he was playing some grand practical joke or if he was being super genuine. She thought about what her mom said about a male influence, because in all reality she never had one nor needed one, but Dustin would. Neither Claudia nor Y/N could be that for him.
When she rose the next morning, she was eager to get ready and head over to Steve’s. She didn’t even say goodbye to her mom and brother. The walk was super pleasant and she got there quicker than expected.
“Y/N! Hey! I’m so glad you actually came!” The tour was the official start of their friendship.
After that day the two were inseparable. For all of freshman and sophomore year, the two were never seen without the other. On the last day of Sophomore year, Y/N had just gotten back to the school to clear her locker out for the summer.
“Hey Stevie!” Y/N hugged Steve from the back, hands flying around his waist.
“Hey Y/N/N, where have you been all day?”
“I told you! Today was when I went into meet Chief Hopper about being a work study for him over the next few years.”
“Oh yeah, and you’re positive it’s not because of your dumb school girl crush on him?” She slapped his arm for that response, having been embarrassed of the fact that she opened up to him about that in the past.
“I am 100% positive about that. I am also 100% over that. Anyway, I’m primarily gonna be working with Flo, and if I’m not with her, I’m gonna be filing shit away for them. So, how was the final day in Hawkins High for the year without me?”
“I got invited to a party!”
“Wait, really? By who?”
“Tommy H! He said it’s gonna be super laidback and fun, and I was thinking that you could come with me….” He was nudging her in the side, her blatant disgust by the idea stayed on her face like cement. “Come Y/N, just one party that’s it, that’s all I’m asking.”
“I’ll think about it, when is it?”
“Tonight.” He muttered under his breath, knowing she was gonna freak.
“Tonight?! Steve! I told you that I have stay with my mom and brother tonight because we’ve hung out every other night this week.”
“I know, but I was hoping that maybe your mom would be chill if you just stayed home tomorrow instead.”
“Steve, we have plans to hang out tomorrow already. Remember?” He shakes his head a little. “We are gonna go see Trading Places and then dinner.”
“Y/N, please. I really want to go to this party but I don’t want to go alone.” The girls heart broke a little at the sight of him so let down. But she had made a promise to her mom, and seeing her mom like that would be so much worse.
“I’m sorry Stevie. I made a promise. I’ll drive home if you want? I don’t have to pick up Dustin for another hour.” The boy agreed to her driving him home.
Later on in the night, she had just sat down in the living room to watch Raiders of The Lost Ark with Dusty for probably the sixth time in the past few months when her phone started ringing off the hook. She rushed over to pick it up.
“Y/N! Oh thank you for ans-s-swering. I n-need you to come-“ A burp interrupted the sentence deliriously coming from the other end of the phone. “To come get me. I’m a little drunk.”
“Steve, where are you?”
“Tommy’s house. He lives on Holly Avenue.” This sentence a little more clear, but definitely still slurred.
“I’ll be there in like 5.”
She hung up the phone and walked over to Dustin, letting him know that she would be back soon and that he could keep watching the movie without her. She walked to her car, already feeling the anger she was gonna feel when she got there. As she started her drive over, she played her favorite Grateful Dead album, Wake of The Flood. They always helped her stay calm when she was gonna burst. When she pulled up, she could already hear the loud, overbearing music and could already see the stumbling teenagers rejoicing in the end of their school year. She parked her car, and decided to dive head first into the sea of her peers in search of the dumbass boy she had befriended last year. The floor was sticky beyond belief, and the smell of the air was a mixture of disgusting and putrid. Her blood was already beginning to boil, but reached its point when she heard, “Harrington, your girl is here to pick you up.” The girl whipped her head around and saw a pack of boys standing around Steve cracking up, all of them visibly less gone than he was. She hurried her pace to go over to the group, she grabbed his wrist with a firm grasp and an authoritative “Let’s go”. Steve followed close behind her, stumbling ever so slightly, slowly becoming closer and closer to her, almost as if she was a stable surface to push his body weight onto.
“Y/N. Y/N. Y/N. Y/N, you’re going too fast. “ The girl slowed her pace a little bit.
“Y/N, are you mad at me? I don’t want you to be mad at me. I was just trying to have a little fun for once.” It felt like a dagger going through her heart, ‘for once’. That one hurt her.
“Y/N, please talk to me.” They had just reached the passenger side of the door, and she was buckling him in, just as Chief Hopper arrived to break it up.
“Steve, stay here.” She had rushed over to Hopper when he was getting out of his car.
“Hey Hop. I’ll file this tomorrow morning; this is Tommy Hagan’s house just so you know.”
“Believe me, I know. This isn’t my first time coming here. Why are you here?”
“I had to pick up an idiot friend. I’ll let you go do your thing, just thought I should inform you just in case.”
“Thanks Y/N, see ya.”
She prepared herself for what was coming once she got in the car. Her heart was beating out of control. However, she was pleased when he was quiet while she was buckling herself in, but once she started her car the chattering was back.
“Y/N/N, why are you mad at me?” His voice was super sad, but she was also really upset.
“I’m mad because I didn’t really want you or me coming to this party tonight, but you came and I had to come to get you because you can’t handle your alcohol. Also, you said have fun for once. I thought we had fun when we hang out but whatever.” At this point, she was on her way to his house.
“Y/N, I’m Sorry. I promise.”
“Yeah, whatever its fine.” The car then fell silent, until he realized she was taking him to his house.
“You can’t take me to my house.”
“What? Why?”
“My dad will kill me if he finds out I have been drinking.” She could tell he was starting to sober up, even just a little bit.
“Okay, well I can’t take you to my house with me, so how about we drive around until you think you can see your dad?” The boy nodded his head. Just as he did that, her favorite song from the album came on. She started humming along until the chorus hit, where she started full on singing.
“Wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world,” he began staring at her as she sang along, “This is my favorite lyric Stevie, ready… Wake now, discover that you are the song that the morning brings, Isn’t that beautiful?”
“Yeah, it really is.” Love starting filling his eyes, but she never saw it. They drove for a while longer, until he felt comfortable enough to go home. She looked at the clock, and saw her curfew was about to expire in about 20 minutes. This dwindled down to ten by the time she got to Steve’s. She put the car in park, got out and walked him up to his room, knowing the layout of the house as well as she’d known her own. She got him up to his room and ready for bed, before walking over to the door to leave, knowing she’d be the one to have to talk to Mr. Harrington. Steve stopped her as she was leaving by saying,
“I really am sorry Y/N. I promise you that this will never happen again.”
Except that promise was repeatedly broken. The amount of times that she had to leave her house to rescue a drunken Steve Harrington, or as people would say “King Steve”, from a disgusting party became too much for her. The last time he called her, was the last time that they had ever talked after nearly 2 years of nonstop friendship.
Junior year came at her like a flash, and here she was three months in, finding herself lost without Steve by her side. But deep down in her heart, she knew that this ‘King Steve’ character was just a façade that he needed to deal with, and that her best friend would be himself again eventually. That didn’t make her feel any better about the whole situation regardless.
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Stubborn Kiss |Joker x Reader On My Block
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On My Block Imagine
Joker x reader
So guys, this is something I writed because I love Joker a lot and I would like more screentime of him, also the actor is a cutie pie. Let me know what you think in the comment, and feel free to make requests. 
You liked Joker, a lot. At first the two of you didn't get along. You were a white, Italian, 20 years old girl who just travelled from the other side of the world into Freeridge with your twin sister and your five donkeys. You were friend with Cesar and the crew, living in the house in front of the Diaz, where the Santos usually stayed in the afternoon. Other than those reasons, he kinda judged you, knowing you were the daughters of two Marines. He first saw you after Monse went talking with Cesar about them sleeping together. Jamal basically entered the gate in the garden of your donkeys to cuddle them, but accidently let them escape around the block. In reality the more cocky of the animals, Biscuit, Biscotto in Italian, escaped pushing the gate while Jamal was distracted, and the other donkeys followed. -Jamal!- you screamed his name. You were just exiting your house as you saw the scene. -I am sorrey Y/N! It was an accident!- you swered. You called your sister for backup as she helped you chasing the animals. One hour passed and still you didn't know where the last baby female donkey was. So you decided to ask your neighboor if they have seen her. -Hey sorry to interrupt the party- you said entering the garden. -Have you seen..? You interrupted yourself as you saw Baby being cuddled by Cesar and a few other Santos. -Oh, there you are.- you said. -Sorry for it, Oscar. I'll find a way to repair the damage. Joker stood there watching you, as you started talking with Cesar. -Y/N, don't worry, she is so cute.- he said. -Her name is Baby, and for all I can say she is a heart stealer.- you said. -Oh, I can see my hermanito getting all softy around her.- said Oscar. All the Santos started laughing. -Well, they are right. Your eyes met with his, as he was looking at you smirking, as you where just another hyna to get into bed. You watched him forrowing your eyes and saying "Why are you looking at me like that?" You didn't wait for him to answer and got back to Cesar and your donkey. Another time you got into a fight, with a man trying to enter into your house wanting to sell you stuff. -Sir, you have to go.- sayd your twin sister putting a hand on his chest blocking him. -But if you let me in I can explain better why you should by it.- the stranger kept talking. -Sir, I can call the police, or those boys in front of our house.- you sayd. -You choose. The stranger stopped talking at the threat, but decided to react in another way. He tried to slap your sister, so you went into soldier fighting mood, the one your father taught you. You kicked him in the stomach, making space towards you and him. But he decided to try a series of punches that you avoided blocking, until the punched you in the face. You reacted instantly trowing him a punch in the face, then some of The Santos blocked him and let you swearing for the pain. The police was called, the guy arrested, and as you sit into Oscar house porch, you felt your face changing. -Do I have a black eye?- you said trying to get up. -Sit down. You should go get checked by the hospital.- told Cesar. -I am fine ok? It was just a punch.- you said. Joker was near you intrigued, drinking a fresh beer. -Hey, can I have it just a moment?- you told him. -Why?- he asked you. -Don't worry, I won't drink it.- you said, taking the bottle of the beer from his hands to place it on your eye, finally releafed. He kept observing you as you lowered back you head on the head of the couch. He kept looking at you, silently in pain, but never complaining about it. After a few minutes you gave him back his beer, afraid it was getting hot against your skin, and the last thing you wanted was him, a Santo, angry at you. An hour later, you finally got home. -Call me if you need anything, Y/N- Cesar said to you. -Copy that!- you said, entering your house. Time got on, as you and Cesar lived different little situations like that. You also got along with Oscar and Sad Eyes, well this one got along pretty well with your sister. That made you think that something was going on between them. Also, Joker started changing his mind about you. You weren't just a white girl looking for attention, or one of those false ones who made you thought they were all about integretion and then reported you at the Immigration. No, you weren't anything like that. He started to like you, and you started to like him back, secretly hiding it under your numerous arguments. Now you were at a party at Oscar's house. You didn't drink as you didn't liked it. You were all alone into a corner as he decided to approach you with a beer, in his white T-shirt and black jeans and shoes. -Sorry, I don't drink.- you said. -Hello you too, Y/N.- he told you. -You can drink it if you want, if you aren't just too drunk to do that.- you sayd without hair on your mouth. He liked you not just for your chocolate eyes, your messy wavy hair, and your general beauty, but because you were gentle, kind, stubborn, open minded, and always pissing him off. You were fierce. -Oh God, can't you just take it?- he said complaining. -No, I don't want it, so I won't drink it, I don't like alchool.- you said. He looked at you for a moment. He put the beers on a nearby table, than took your hand. -Come with me.- he sayd. -Where are you taking me? Are you kidnapping me?- you asked joking. He kept you two away from the crowd. -You are so stubborn sometimes, you alway make me pissed off!- he said starting to confess himself to you. -It is not my problem if you don't like me.- you complained. -Oh I do.- he admitted. -What? No, You don...- you didn't finish the sentence as you felt his lips crushing onto yours. They were soft, and craving for many other of those kisses. He pulled away. You stayed there for a moment thinking about what happened. -You know, for a moment I thought about you liking me back.- he said starting to pull away. -I like you too, and a lot.- you said, confessing your feelings. -What?- he said looking at you with his brown eyes. -Oh, shut up and kiss me!- you said. Your lips crushed together, you hands going to gently touch his face and his arms, while one of his hand cupped your chin and the other touched your waist. You both started smiling into the kiss. -I have to tell you something.- you said to him. -What is it?- he said concerned. -It was my first.- you said about the kiss, your cheeks flushing. -With me it won't be your last, I can assure you.- he said. He kissed you again gentle and slowly. Then whistles approached you. -Finally guys.- Sad Eyes patted Joker' shoulder. -You don't know how much time I knew you liked each other. -Come on.- Joker said, as all The Santos attention was now on you two. -Lets go somewhere else we can be alone. You kissed on last time, then run away together.
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cappucino-commie · 4 years
how do u know so much random history
I’m guessing this is about my tags on that Shelley post where I went into detail about “The year without a summer”, 1816. The answer generally is “a lot of reasons, some of them connected”. I know a lot about the broad shape of ~1400 onwards economically because I’m a socialist and being a socialist means being able to give a complete account of the development of capitalism for the last 400 years, and listing off every major atrocity and colonization. This of course leads to learning a lot of seemingly unrelated things, like about the societies and developments of said colonized people, or the strange customs of their colonizers (Europeans were obsessed with eating mummies for a long time, to the point of causing a mummy shortage), and so on.
   But I know about Tambora for a different reason! I originally learned about it from the song “year without a summer”, which I had thought was fiction until I listened to it for the 15th time and caught “June eighteen-sixteen/A swere people too, and they weren’t all that different from us.udden snowstorm blankets all the country side/So Mary Shelley had to stay inside/And she wrote Frankenstein” and decided to uh, actually google it. Much much later I read N.K. Jemisin’s Broken Earth series and got briefly obsessed with Earth’s volcanic record and major related climatic events, especially those which had occurred during the Anthropocene- and Tambora is a major name in that list. It’s a much smaller event than Toba, but the issue with Toba is that no one has any real idea how much Toba impacted human life. The oldest accurate human records, stretching somewhere between 10 and 15 thousand years back and belonging to the Aboriginal people of what is now called Australia, still do not go back far enough to accurately describe Toba (and that’s assuming I could get ahold of them). (As an aside, Aboriginal oral records are fascinating, they use a generational cross-checking method that has allowed them to accurately pass down millennia worth of knowledge word-for-word the same as it has been)
  In contrast Tambora, and the volcanic winter from it and other similarly sized erruptions in the early 1800s, is super well documented down to the level of reading everyday accounts from people who had no idea what was going on. It’s very interesting to read- and because Tambora & company had a serious climactic effect, they’re uh unfortunately relatable. “Oh no the climate is changing, all these extreme weather events are happening, food supply chains are failing, it’s the end of the world”.
    So back to the more general question- a lot of reasons! I like history. It’s interesting to think about how long humanity has been around, and the diversity of the human experience. People living thousands of years ago weren’t all that different from us.
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May I please have some saucy fiction about LaCroix and a ventrue fledgling? Extra sauce please
[Okay, let me explain, while this one here might not be the steamiest of things the second part over here on my other blog is(18+ only there please. Children stay home) also thank you very much for waiting for this :) ]
About two months ago you were on a mission for LaCroix. You were given the preface that you needed to get what he was looking for and get out without being seen by anyone. The problem was the exact opposite happened; you were spotted and a horrible scuffle followed. You won in the end, but the whole place was covered in blood and ash. There have been other people that messed up like this and the punishments they received from the prince were unpleasant at best. Fearing what might become of you if you returned, even with the things that he asked you for, you switched your cloths with one of the piles of ash in hopes that everyone would think that you were the one that died before sneaking into the night.
Since then you had hidden in an old house near the beach of Santa Monica that you had emptied a bunch of drug dealers out of a few months prior. It was fall leading into winter, so people didn't really think anything about you wearing hats, scarves, bulky coats to hide your form. You wanted to leave, but you knew that there was a high chance that there would be people looking for you at every city exit, even the ones in the sweres. So, you decided to lay low for awhile and save up whatever money you could by pawning off the things you found in the house, and sometimes around town.
You decied that things might be at a place now where you could finally sneak out of the state and that you had enough money to help you do so. The plan was to sweep the house one last time to get whatever extra cash you could, and then leave from there. There was a problem with this plan, however. As soon as you walked into the old house and had taken off your coat, hat, and scarf, you sensed that you weren't alone. Before you could do anything about it your arm was painfully twisted behind your back and a blade of some kind was pressed to your throat. "Ça fait longtemps, my prodigal." One of the last voices you wanted to hear in the whole world hissed through gritted teeth behind you. LaCroi had found you.
"I suppose you thought you were very cunning trying to make those ashes look like your own." You went to reply, but the blade pressed slightly harder in a silent suggestion to keep quiet. "Know this: kindred older than you, like myself, know what it looks like when someone meets final death, and can immediately tell when it's fake. Most importantly, know that when someone tries to deceive us like this it makes us very, very, angery." The small blade at your throat threatened to break skin with how hard it was pressed to you now. Ignoring this, you decided to finally speak up. "Angery enough to come kill me yourself, I see."
LaCroix gave an agitated huff. "Well, put yourself in my place. You have someone whom you believe you can trust just dissapear one evening. Now, if it were a few days to a week, then I would have thought the task was simply taking longer than expected. A few weeks to a month, I get suspicious, and think about calling a blood hunt. Two months, and this is now personal. Blood hunt be damned!" He was so close to you that you could feel the growl in his chest on your back. "I was able to stave off the questions from the prying onlookers by saying you were simply doing a task for me that was taking slightly longer than most of the others did. But, even that was starting to becomen suspicious after awhile. Luckily for me, you were spotted before I had to come out with what happened before I had to tell what actually happened. Which only leaves me with one question. Why?"
The last word he said was laced with something other than anger. If you weren't mistaken, it was hurt. That, or you simply imagined the slight crack in his voice. "I-" you started to respond, but gave it a moment to be sure that you were supposed to do so, "I messed things up horribly. And, you told me there would be major consequences if I didn't keep things neat like you said." You heard him scoff in disbelief, "So, you thought adding the penalty of betraying me and running away would somehow make things better for you?" There was a point there. You should have taken a moment to think things through instead of just acting on a knee-jerk reaction. There was probably no way that a Camarilla prince wouldn't find you no matter how well you thought you were hiding.
"Do you realize what I thought?! I thought that you had left me! That you betrayed when I thought you were one of the only people I could trust! I thought you hated me... do you hate me?" By the time LaCroix finished the last word he had lost all composure, the quiver definitely there this time. You were sure what your answer was, but it still took you a while to say it because you were just so confused about this turn of events. "No... I don't hate you." You finally managed to say, and his grip on your arm loosened ever so slightly. There was still a very tense atmosphere in the room, but for some reason it felt different from the tension there before. "But, you have so many people working for you. Why would losing me be such a big deal?" You questioned trying to get any form of an answer for what was going on.
With a frustrated growl LaCroix threw what you finally saw was a dagger to the floor, turned you around to face him, pushed you up against a wall, and kissed you forcefully. After a moment to get over the initial shock and process what was happening, you eagerly kissed him back. He welcomed this response with a relieved sigh, but pinned you harder to the wall to remind you who was in charge. Finally, he pulled away from the kiss and looked you in the eyes. "You are very important to me; don't ever doubt that." He gently cupped your face in his hands when he said this. His hold became a bit more firm as he lifted your head slightly to be sure that you were looking at him. "And, don't ever pull a stunt like this again. I will be able to cover for you this time, but I might not be able to fool the rest of the Camarilla the next time. Do you understand, love?"
You practically melted at the name he gave you to the point where you almost for got the rest of what he said. "Let me know that you understand." He prompted and snapped you out of your trance. "Yes, I understand." This caused him to smile and kiss your forehead. "Good, pet. Now, with that out of the way..." you were suddenly hoisted up, carried to the other room, and thrown onto an old bed. "Let me help you relax from our rather intense conversation a moment ago." LaCroix leaned over the side of the bed and kissed along the slightly scraped part of your neck where he dagger was. "Once your punishment is over, we have a lot of time to make up for." He practically purred. You sat up with a confused look. "Punishment?" He gave a devilish smile and a dark laugh at your reaction. "Well, of course. You didn't think you were going to leave without facing the consequences for your actions, did you?"
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parkneroses · 5 years
parkner week day 1! i can’t believe i actually got this done. mucho thanks to @parkner-stuff and @emptycanoflizards for being lovely to talk to while i struggled with this :) <3 
word count: 1.3k | if you enjoy this, buy me a coffee? | read it on ao3
day 1: road work ahead/parades/identity porn
Let’s get one thing straight: Peter Parker never swore.
Ever since he was a kid, there had been a little orange stained wooden box on the kitchen counter in May’s apartment. It had a thin slot in the top that Ben had carved with a kitchen knife and it was decorated with crayon scribbles and spare buttons from May’s (never used) button collection. A post-it note Peter had stuck on the front when he was seven marked it the “Swere Jar Box”.
Peter had lost many a dollar to the swear box in his time. One unfortunate incident involving him stubbing his toe on the couch leg, and thus letting out a horrendously creative string of profanity, resulted in him not having enough money to see The Force Awakens on opening night with Ned. On that day, Peter had vowed to never let a foul word slip off his tongue for the rest of his life.
But, in this cruel and desolate world, sometimes drastic times called for drastic measures.
“Mr Stark,”
Peter smacked a tattered, soaking copy of the Daily Bugle down on the lab table in front of Tony.
“What the fuck is this?”
Tony didn’t spare the paper a glance as he moved it to his left and continued picking at the inside of the Iron Man faceplate.
“Newspaper. Wet newspaper.” He said. “Why’s it wet?”
Peter huffed and crossed his arms. Tony didn’t even look at it. He didn’t even care that Peter had just wasted a whole entire dollar on him.
“It’s wet because I’m wet. Read it, asshole,” Peter said. He was two bucks poorer now, but even that couldn’t curb his rage.
Tony looked up at him incredulously. “Are you swearing at me to get my attention?”
“It’s working, isn’t it?”
Tony huffed and grabbed the paper off the table. In big bold writing, spread across the top of the page, the headline read:
Spider-Man’s Secret Identity Revealed? Leaked Photos from Tony Stark’s lab show that the Spider-Man is a Child!
Well, that wasn’t ideal.
Under the ridiculous headline (on the front page, might he add) were two blurry pictures taken through the window of Tony’s lab by drone. The first picture was Tony standing next to what seemed to be the spider suit, but the second one-
“That’s not you,” Tony muttered under his breath. The picture showed a kid about the same height and build as Peter, but with curly blonde hair and tanner, freckled skin.
“Yeah, no shit, Sherlock, who is he?” Peter asked. Three whole dollars gone down the drain.
“Okay, first of all? Watch your potty mouth. I know you don’t have three dollars to put in your swear box, and I’m not about to cover that for you if it’s me you’re getting mouthy with. And how is this my fault?” Tony scoffed, setting his faceplate aside to give his full attention to Peter- a rare, but welcomed occurrence.
Peter’s straight face morphed into a cutting glare. “How is it your fault? That’s not me in the suit! I didn’t put that other kid in the suit, it’s my suit. Plus now, whoever he is, he’s in danger from everyone I've ever locked up!” He took a deep breath, “Tell me how this is my faut Mr Stark because I don’t see it.”
“Last week. You said you couldn’t come over on the weekend to fit the new suit, so you gave me your measurements and told me to put it on something else. Not my fault I had a spare kid lying around with similar measurements to yours. What did you want me to do?” Tony asked nonchalantly, as though he couldn’t see Peter falling apart in front of his eyes.
“A mannequin, Mr Stark. Or a trash bag stuffed with paper, or a CPR dummy. Or literally anything other than an actual real person,” Peter whined. “Where did you even find him?”
Tony sighed. If it were up to him, he never would have let Peter find out about this. Lord knows how possessive he was of his suit, not to mention how he’d feel knowing someone else had had access to Karen.
“His name is Harley, and I’ve known him since he was... somewhere between the ages of eight and twelve, I can’t tell the difference. He’s upstairs.” Tony looked up in thought, considering the consequences of his next question. “Wanna meet him?”
Peter sputtered for a second, before nodding his assent with confused eyes.
Tony hoped he wouldn’t regret it. Both of his boys were such a huge part of his life, and he didn’t know if his heart could handle them not getting along. Although, there was no real reason for them not to. They were so alike, around the same age, had similar interests and life experiences. In a perfect world, they would have been introduced at a gala, or movie night, or some kind of happy occasion where Harley wasn’t half asleep and Peter wasn’t soaked to his socks, but for now, this would have to do.
Although Tony had brought the boys into the lab together, he couldn’t help but feel like he was intruding. They were staring each other down so intensely, that if Tony didn’t know better he’d think they were checking each other out. Neither of them were exactly at their best- Peter looked like a wet dog with water still running down his face and arms, and his dirty grease-stained sweatpants were a darker red in patches where the rain had caught him. Harley had forgotten to bring any clothes other than work gear on his visit from Tennessee, and was forced to wear the spare Hello Kitty pajama pants Tony had bought for Peter as a joke.
“Spider-Man? Meet Spider-Man!” Tony joked.
“Not funny,” Peter muttered under his breath, and Harley stared him in the eyes.
“Nice to meet you too, sunshine.”
“Those are my pants.” Peter met his heated gaze.
Harley studied Peter carefully, considering his options. When Tony had mentioned his other mentee, Harley had just been jealous. But standing in front of him now, he could feel that tension slipping away. The boy he was looking at was cute, and Spider-Man was known for being kind and caring. He was a catch, and Harley figured it wouldn’t hurt to shoot his shot.
“I can take them off if you want.”
Peter smirked. Of course he was mad at Tony for letting someone else wear his suit, but Harley seemed nice enough. He was pretty, and he had a southern accent that made Peter’s insides melt. Add his snarky sense of humor to the list of things Peter liked about him, and he might as well have been Peter’s dream guy already.
“At least buy me dinner first,” he said, savouring the horrified look on Tony’s face.
Harley smiled, stepping forward and taking Peter’s right hand in his, before kissing it like the gentleman he was. He was clearly laying it on thick for Tony, but Peter still blushed and looked away. He caught Tony’s eye for a split second, and the pink of his cheeks darkened.
“At eight tomorrow okay?” Harley asked, and Peter nodded happily.
Tony was- well, shocked or surprised didn’t exactly fit the bill. Other than desperately holding back from forcing Harley to put a shirt on, he was kind of happy. They weren’t fighting, and nothing had been blown up. All the stress he had had, the excuses he had made to stop his two protégées meeting, had been for nothing. All was well.
Until the news vans started piling around the tower. Cameras flashed, and reporters screamed for the chance at one of the biggest headlines of the year. And in the middle of it all, like a god rising from the abyss, stood J. Jonah Jameson in all his hellish glory, with his stupid ugly mustache on his stupid pancake face. Tony would deal with him later. For now, he had two lovebirds to control before they did something stupid, like blow up his lab or try to take over the world.
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the-fiction-witch · 6 years
Knowone’s Princess P2
I smiled turning the page on my sheet music as the rain battered the window and the rooftop space outside the roar of the fire rushing up the chimney where I had just thrown a bit of wood on it I was about to begin my music again but I heard the door open on my music room I turned to see one of the guys who have been around for the last few days I honestly completely forgot his name he smiled at me
"Hello Beautiful" he smiles
"Hello" I sigh as he came in
"Ohh please Don't let me bother you go on Play away," he told me
"Alright" I shrug continuing with my guitar playing my favourite song even singing some of it mainly the chorus
"Ohh my!" He said a little shocked taking my sheet music away "That is no way for a pretty girl like you to talk, you have a beautiful voice why spoil it with language like that" he told me
"Fuck you," I tell him putting my guitar down getting up "Who the hell do you think you are my bloody father! who the Fuck are you to say how I can talk!" I yell
"I just meant a princess shouldn't talk like that, I meant to deep offence my lady," He says
"I am Knowone's Princess!" I scream
"Darling what on earth is the matter?" My father asks as he came into the room
"I am pretty sure this one is leaving," I tell him
"Well if your sure darling," He says "Lord Harris out! please leave the castle within six hours" He told him
"what! all I did was... oh whatever!" He complained leaving
"Go on then darling, Play away" my father smiled leaving again.
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millin21 · 6 years
A drabble I thought of when visiting Enemy of my Enemy:
 It’s been so long since I’ve delved into this AU made by @mesacat13 so I’m sorry if they seem a bit out of character, I just had to write this down. (I doodled a comic version of this first, but I had to get this out there)
 Donnie had gone up to the rooftop where he knew the red head would be. That last attack had knocked him and his brothers out. Giving them a chance to escape. He had viewed all their wounds, but this seemed like an accident. Created from raw, untapped, untrained power. This was an act of fight or flight instinct. A self defense in knocking the threat away. This time it had left them with only a few scratches. But…
What if the next time it was different? What if the next time they weren’t on the ground? She didn’t seem aware of these powers. She seemed just as surprised if not more so than they were.
He dashed up the rooftops and met with her blade. Whipping his staff out and clanging it against the sword she fiercely swept out. Glaring him down with a guarded look. Knowing he had caught her all alone on the rooftop. In her night outfit. At least she wasn’t unarmed. That was quite impressive, she picked up on being prepared at any given time.
“What are you doing here?” She growled defensively.
He stared at her a moment, wary of her powers but reluctant to show how nervous she was. It seemed she truly didn’t have control over when it popped up or not. If that were the case she would have used it by now.
“That power you gave out the other day, I want to know more about it.” “You would be the last person I would share that with.” She snapped back.
He grinned at that. “Which is exactly why I need to know.” “Forget it. There’s no way I’m giving such a secret to someone who would probably use it against me-“ “I’m not doing it to cripple you.” He barked back. “I’m doing it so you don’t kill us with it.”
That took her aback. The back of his head analyzed the situation. Her guard was down. He could easily attack her. Knock her off her feet. Stab the blade into her chest like he did so many others during Shredders mission.
But this wasn’t a mission made by Shredder. This was different.
She took a step back and analyzed him. No doubt searching for others there. Their tactics always had him in the background analyzing the battle and keeping a look out for weaknesses and techniques in their opponents methods. But this was him leaping out and facing her head on. It was unnatural for him.
Not that he couldn’t handle a mission on his own. It was just a strategy he was used to.
“…why should I believe you? How do I know that you won’t just take this information to Shredder to use against m-?” “SHREDDER IS AN ARROGANT BLIND CHILD WHOSE VENDETTA IS GOING TO END WITH US GETTING KILLED.” His tone was stern and strong. Built up emotions released in a simple statement he had been harboring for years. Slipped out to this woman who was their enemy. But could also be….
He froze. Realizing what words had slipped through his lips. Staring at the woman whose eyes swere just as large at his outburst as he was.
He snapped his mouth shut, turning on his heels to leave. “If you are not interested, then-“ His dry tone was interrupted by a hand.
His head snapped back to where the hand had come from.
“It’ll be a secret.” Years of training were put to a hault by her words. And those eyes, strong and fierce. She didn’t trust him. But she did seem to…
It was like she could SEE through him. See a side of him he had kept hidden for so long.
She could tell his motivations weren’t to help Shredder at all. If anything, it was the opposite.
He felt his walls he built up slowly fall the longer he stared into those blue eyes, like the sky they so rarely saw. He was suddenly so aware of her small, slender hands on his long arm. Holding it firm but with no hint of hostility.
“You won’t tell this to Shredder or your brothers. And if I suspect you’re going to pull something on me, I’m leaving. Understand?”
He faced her a moment before finally taking in a breath and closing his eyes. “That sounds reasonable.”
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amcoolhhaha6 · 3 years
So am gonna do some write some things i whant to happe warning swering
Charicters my bother alex hes 17 my sister karol shes 4 my mom Ema my dad max my crush David hes 14 Eric Jessica crush my bff Jessica shes 13 my enimy nela David girlfrind shes12 Maya erics girlfrind shes 13
and my dogs simi and sindy i Will show you a photo of them and me Julie am 13 lets get started
So i woke up to my bother crying becc He dident have weed so i woke up and i got dresst for school and my dogs simi
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This is simi and this is sindy
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So i took them on a walk beffore school and then i whent to school and i saw Jessica and i whent up to her and she told me that she saw Eric kissing a other girl And she whas crying so i said go and tell him you like him go she Said no its not like you would say that to David....... What EVER so lets go to classs ok in classs teacher so am gonna make a group Julie David and nela next Jessica Erik and Maya i whas mad that jess ad to wach them kisss NOW thats when i lost IT i stud up and sad YOU KNOW WHAT ERIC JESS LIKES YOU SO YOU BETTER NOT MAYA KISS HER OK OR YOU WILL BE DEAD Eric Said i dont Care About her and i lost IT Again so i yeld SO WHAT YOU DATED MAYA THE WARST GIRL EVER JESS DESERVES BETTER THEN YOU DICKthen the teacher came to me and and Said you are gowing home missie classs dismis so David came up to me And whas like did you Just say that and i whas like yes am sorry its ok i fore give you then Maya came up to me and slapt me then David came and He Said Maya stop go away and then He Said Julie i like you Will you be my girl i said yes so a cople yers past am 15 NOW so i whent to school and
Karol came to me And Said she had a crush aaaaahhh ok so i whent to classs and i did this dance
In classs and the boy where looking at me And jess came to me And Said me And Eric are dating then my bother alex came in my classs and the girls in my classs lookt like him And Said Julie is that your bother hes hot i said ohh hes ugly Julie where rich WHAT no way omg bye jess David come lets go so we where in a limo and when i came home i saw a mantion i whas so supprised and happy at the samé time so i whent inside And my room whas 10 Times bigger then Last time i whas so happy then i whent shoping whith jess and David And i whent to sleep next Day i whent to school and saw jess crying and i whent to her and she Said Eric Brock up whith me i list IT Again i whent up to him And saw him kissing my sister WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOWING GET OF HER YOU DICK HEAD YOU BETTER LET GO OF HER I LIKE HIM JULIE NO YOU CANT DO THAT GO HOME GO AWAY FROM HIM NOW THATS THE BOY YOU LIKE YES ITS HIM GO HOME NOW JULIE WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOWING YOU CANT DO THAT YES I CAN
End of story like if you whant more
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The fashion of mental illness ...
Warning: mentions mutilation and suicide. Swering.
A couple of nights ago my cousin of twelve asked me if I had ever had depression. Yes, I had depression. Since the death of my mother when I was thirteen, throughout my adolescence, and until now this thing still accompanies me. So I just said yes, I have depression. And here came the scary thing. She looked at me with a smile and said "I already cut myself".
She's a twelve-year-old girl who thinks it's really cool that she mutilated herself. As a person who has suffered and still suffers from depression, anxiety and occasional panic attacks I get really scared with all that shit. And then last night she said that several times she wanted to die because she was very angry at something or someone, and she spoke with a smile, as if was the funniest joke in the world!! I feel really triggered with this shit!! I feel that I pass through this years was just a fucking joke!!
There's something very wrong with this kids!!!
If you have the desire of hurting yourself AKS FOR HELP!!!!
Now I'm gonna rest because this shit put me down...
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