jay-hsu · 2 years
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◖英士 - 最後一堂課◗如同主任說的,當我們跟孩子說這是最後一堂課時,他們會以為這只是這學期的最後一堂課,下個學期還會有攝影課,我們還能再見面!但是但是這真的真的是最後一堂課,新的學期不會再來了.....於是當這群二、三年級的孩子真的意識到這個現實時,他們真的有稍微感性了起來...... 「老師,我可以再看第二次影片嗎?」 「老師,再看下去我真的會想哭....」 「老師,我以後真的會很想念你的」(很帥氣的說,接著繼續跑去玩耍.....) 雖然帶低年級的孩子上攝影課,很耗體力,有時也蠻歡(ㄔㄠˇ)樂(ㄋㄠˋ)的,但是相反的是他們毫無保留的情感回饋,是最真摯且令人感動的!(高年級的就很是害羞啊!) 最後一堂課,在感性與歡樂笑語加零食當中結束,雖然天空下著毛毛細雨,但大家依約在第二堂課就是要到外頭走走,像日常般牽手、去操場、去堤防、去溪邊,然後再像日常般看誰比較快奔回教室!這樣的日常微甜微酸,這樣的最後一次日常也格外深刻。謝謝你們這三個學期帶給我們的一切,與其說是我們陪伴了你們,倒不如說是你們陪伴了我們,真的很想很想像你們一樣,擁有一顆自由而純淨的心靈呢!❤️ photo by @kai_filmlab ✨111學年度志工招募中|https://tinyurl.com/ybapeqzc #真的很捨不得 #新的學期一定會路過去看你們的 #lastclass #missu #memory #cutechildren #英士部落 #芃芃部落 #photographyeducation #afar #shininghope #accompany #withu #careaboutyou #pureheart #elementaryschool #偏鄉小學 #攝影教育(在 宜蘭縣大同鄉英士 - 芃芃部落) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfBjXWYvj3I/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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cowgirlcherrie · 10 months
STARTEAM ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚ volleyball! loser! ellie drabble
a/n: there is no plot for this it’s just a thought I haven’t been able to shake since seeing the amazing volleyball! ellie art by @caspervi ♡♡
volleyball! ellie art. support their work here!
update: also just realized @elliespeach has a wonderful volleyball! ellie fic and basically kickstarted the idea so support their work here too !!
content: 18+ MDNI, sexual themes, lowk saliva play if u squint bro, fem! water girl! reader
— song(s): STARTEAM by lastclass & byelilfly
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Ellie was in timeout. 
Well not literally, but being benched felt like she was. Suddenly she was 5 again and her teacher was moving her card to red, for her indecent behavior. Ellie wanted to whine, she wanted to fight back – bitch and moan. She had been putting in the work! Up in the gymnasium at the crevice of the glowing somber night to practice her bumping and setting; perfecting her spikes and it seemed as if she would never get to reach tranquility. She couldn’t be an ace, she couldn’t beat her opponents. 
She was drenched in sweat head-to-toe —  the fabric of her jersey sticking to her chest like glue. Beads of fresh sweat dripped down her forehead as she licked her dehydrated lips. She needed to breathe. But Ellie didn’t know breath control. She didn’t know stopping either, her routine was damaged, she was jaded and her brain was fuzzy the plays didn’t even make sense to her. Her brain was insanely flawed.  Nothing but incoherent doodles as her coach yelled in her face to take 5. 
All she knew was routine:
Wake up at 5 am. Go for a run at 7 am. Nutritious breakfast at 9 am. Practice 10-4 pm. A quick nap and muscle soak before a game.
All her hard work burned into ashes; eventually to dust and crumbs as it became nothing but a false sense of dedication. Sleepless nights and aching muscles just to be benched. Ellie was incandescent. Her eyebrows furrowed, cheeks a pulsing red – like clown makeup from the intensity. Her blood cells flowed healthily and her heartbeat was in the root of her ears like the pulsing of the music that kept her going.  While some may say a body is a temple; her’s was a ticking time bomb ready to go off in any second. 
Ellie couldn’t keep her eyes open, the sound of sneakers against the freshly polished floors made her eardrums bleed, similar to scraping a metal ruler against a school board. 
Dropping her head as she looked down at her legs. Her thighs were drenched in sweat the shin guards cutting off any circulation, making her thighs look wonderfully plump and 10x more muscular. Ellie was becoming hyper-aware until a sudden tap on her back and a sweet toothache-inducing smell filled her nostrils. 
It was you.
The water girl, her hero. Just the right person to fix her cravings. A thin white ridged paper cup in your hand with water filled to the brim as you held it out in front of you with a gentle smile. Ellie always thought your sweetness was ravishing. She thought her teammates were undeserving of such pleasure and authenticity from you. The other girls would dim your light – and by dimming it she meant flirting with you. Calling you sweetheart and asking to take you out to dinner which was followed by your rich voice telling them, “It’s unprofessional!” but she was too bashful to admit it; she wanted to do it too. 
The word baby could not escape her lips without being immediately flustered by it, Ellie was too smitten and starstruck by you. Quiet and lightly spoken, hell she was called ‘Bitchless 7 Williams’ for a reason. Stuttering over her words, hands shakier than ever, her affection becoming aggression she wanted nothing more than to drag herself out. She wishes she could be more flirty, more outspoken; then just maybe she would have been lucky to snag you, her water girl. 
You knew she could get down, she palpably could get rough with the right motivation. It was the way her anger transcended on the court, you were sure it would manifest in other places too. But part of you loved it, it turned you on, when you were alone at night, entangled in your duvet as you wondered what she would look like calling out your name. She was a fucking loser, a pathetic whiney player that still took the fall.
Initially, you thought you were sweeter; more gentle but Ellie was more bashful than you. She wasn’t like her teammates. Ellie didn’t make eye contact with you at all or call you names. She did, however, stare at your boobs for too long through your tightly fitting workout jacket that hugged every crevice of your body just right. Giving your boobs an extra push. It was perverted, but you caught her every time. Coincidentally that’s what got you hooked on her. You weren’t going to stop her. 
Like a hound dog you could smell what she wanted, you never failed to see the drool finally dripping from her tongue that she masked by bringing up her cup with great speed as the stretchy saliva dripped down the edge of her fingers and her cup. You did notice how she would leave a sticky residue; her clear fluids all over the cup before handing it back to you. Running off right before you can get a word in.
“Hope you’re thirsty It took me hooours to pour this” you teased, holding out the cup towards Ellie with a smile. That soft grin of yours that easily made anyone swoon on you. Ellie caught herself doing it again. In a room with so many people, her team, friends, and family, she sent a quick look at your boobs before looking back at the sparkles in your eyes. Like diamonds and pearls; vibrant and warm. Lewd thoughts raced in her brain like gnats. 
She was giving you teeth, as she took her shirt up; again, to wipe her forehead clear of the everflowing liquid. 
“Oh yeah,” Ellie taunted back, with a smirk on her face. She wasn’t sure where this confidence was coming from, so she reached out to take the cup from you. Bringing the cup up to her lips as she tilted her head back, taking large gulps of the water not breaking eye contact with you. You saw the string of saliva again as she dropped the cup from her lips, taking a soft breath. 
“More . . .” Her voice was breathy as if she ran a mile. 
“More what?”
“More water…please?” Ellie pleaded, she spoke fast and in a whisper shaking the empty cup as she handed it back to you.
“Sure thing Els,” You confirmed taking the cup from her hands feeling the sudden dampness of her drool around the cup. Almost damaging to the deteriorating paper. “You got something here”
You pointed to your own chin with your pointer finger, as Ellie quickly rushed a hand up to wipe off any excess liquid with the back of her hands, fingertips covered in bandaids. 
“Sorry,” it was a quiet whisper. 
You turned to the back this time giving Ellie a full view of the way you looked in the short shorts — that were almost as tight as your top. Ellie had to look away. Almost as if she were being under surveillance, she had to behave; control her wandering eyes that betrayed her more than often.
Just as you were about to give Ellie the cup again, a shout from her coach filled the spacey gymnasium. With that simple shout, Ellie became a machine. Lifting her legs up forgetting about her water request and rushed back onto the court. If she was so lucky to have the chance, she’ll fetch the water from you later. Hopefully with a reward on her back. 
Williams! Back on the court! Let’s try it again #7 Hustle! 
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aesterblaster · 11 months
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You..You Think I'm Cool?
Songs: Ella Baila Sola - Eslabon Armando / Star Team - Lastclass / Rock Your Body (jerseyclub) - ProdByAbnormal
Characters: Rin , Kaiser
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Honestly he was reluctant about the whole streaming thing
He was for one, worried about his privacy, and for another thing, pretty damn bad at all the video games his manager suggested
So you best believe bro was getting hated on
"Chat...chat, shut up, I'm trying to focus. What the hell, how do I switch perspectives!?" Rin swore he was going to strangle his manager the next time he saw him. Sure, this was supposed to be a publicity stunt, the hot new thing was streaming and Rin had next to no interaction with his fans yadda yadda, but if anything he felt like this was hurting his public image. It took him 10 minutes yesterday to figure out how to switch weapons without blowing himself up or wasting ammo in the process. And to make things worse, his brother was already pretty popular on the streaming site just doing meditation and daily skincare. That would've been the easier route probably but he'd rather be damned to hell than risk making it look like he was copying Sae.
That didn't stop his brothers rabid fans from decending on his chat though, making it run 20 miles per hour with insults and comparisons. "Why is he wearing a hoodie? I bet he's chubbier than Sae and scared to show it." "Your brother could probably beat you at this too" "Remember when Sae's bf kicked you in the face LOL" So Rin decides to ignore it, or try to. He hates to let these trolls get to him. He knows there will be clips all over social media but he can feel the veins in his forehead bulging with every missed shot on his video game and every extra jab from each comment. Just as he feared they're picking apart every last detail of his setup, his carrer and of course someone from the chat logs into the game just to camp and kill him over and over again.
The internet is a cruel, cruel place, but that doesn't mean there is no good. "(Y/URL) sent a voice message!" Rin jumps, he didn't even know the platform could read things out loud. "Hello! I just wanted to say don't listen to these asshats! You're an amazing strategist and player and I've admired you since your first match. You deserve to be called the GOAT of every game you're in." Rin doesn't smile at the compliment, it doesn't mean anything if he hasn't beaten his brother yet right? But the athlete's forehead does get a bit less vascular and his cheeks less flushed in anger and more in surprise at the kind comment. He ends up tentatively responding, "Thanks, uhh, (Y/URL) for tuning in..." And then, against his better judgement, he goes off script from what his manager told him to say. Asking how your day's going and starting a conversation.
He's still horrible at this game, but at least up until the stream ends he had one kind interaction. Maybe he will stream again tomorrow...
The fact that your comment even got noticed is a damn miracle
So many fans.. ngl the only way you'd be able to get his attention is with a weird question
Kaiser honestly wishes that Ness would stop trying to jump into his stream every five seconds. For once he's trying to do an actually serious little sit down and talk with his fans and the lunatic keeps showing up behind him in his shots and answering questions next to him. The comments on his stream are a mix of different languages, all of them have the same excited tone though. While he's trying to shoo Ness out of the room it's revealed that he's wearing boxers with no pants. Of course, Kaiser genuinely doesn't care about his fans seeing his body. He's posted so many different mirror selfies that there are edits online just using those photos of him instead of footage from his games. What can he say, he likes showing off his tattoos.
Kaiser usually streams talks and answering questions once a month but this is the second time this month because one of his sponsors recently got in a huge scandal. Unfortunately, there was a photo floating around of him shaking hands with some bigwig that turned out to be a creep and now everyone was jumping up to cancel him. The blonde said that he didn't care and he knew that it would all blow over, but anyone close to him knew that this was affecting him more than he lead on. He fed off and thrived off the praise others gave him, no matter how much he degraded and disregarded the people around him his fans undying adoration spoke to his ego in a way few things could. So to watch those thirst comments disappear in favor of accusations, sarcasm and negative emotes made him squirm a bit. No wonder Ness kept trying to jump in a take the heat for him.
He skimmed a few comments, refuting and responding where he could until he got to your comment. Extremely out of place among the others, it was a simple gushing of praise before finishing off with "and how did you come up with your signature move?" His back straightens. "Ahahah, thank you. Of course I'm one of the world's best players and honestly it was quite easy. After a few years of practice and watching back many of my matches I realized how great my balance and poise was...." This leads to about an hour long ramble, much to the horror of everyone else watching the stream. Kaiser doesn't care though. Someone, after all, is watching this on the other side of the stream and feeling very special having all his attention to themselves.
"Of course, it all comes from the hips, and if you didn't live so far away maybe I could demonstrate for you." he ends with a wink before seemlessly going back to the other commenters.
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absentmoon · 8 months
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sahsexual · 27 days
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heaven-berry · 4 months
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heyhilana · 2 years
✨when u get this, list 5 songs u like to listen to, publish. then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (positivity is cool)🎶
Hi <3 Thanks for sending this!
Funny Thing - Thundercat
2. Water on Water on Water - Young Dolph and Key Glock
3. Fire and Desire - Rick James and Teena Marie
4. Star Team - Lastclass
5. Bad Habit - Steve Lacy
Hugs and love <3
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elli-sojung-kim · 4 years
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Week 13
Yesterday we had an extra session! 
We could get the last feedback of assignment 2. 
Also, I had a chance to look into classmates’ works. 
I saw Brad’s Da vinci note, Xinhan’s dot of YaYoi Kusama and Haruka’s water dress, Peter’s Salvador Dalí and Gabriella’s Basquiat interview. 
I thought everyone has their own talent to express their idea. I feel inadequate to make my work professional like others. I hope to develop my skills such as making website and handling indesign. My classmates always encourage me to push myself to do my best in a good way. 
Also, we had a competition for Shayna’s drawing! We shared our inspration agian, I really enjoyed Brad’s sky and Haruka’s nature. I really missed the nature, because I always stayed in the house.. 
I shared this collage that I made a few days ago. When I feel stuck, I always make something. If I touch materials and play with those pieces, I feel alive and get some inspriation. Also, shayna said “Keep doing this!!”~> Yes I will :-)! 
Brad said this is a sentimental piece for the last class. I wouldn't want it to be over too fast. I hope to see Shayna and my classmates face to face again. It was my favourite class! 
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bubbles759 · 5 years
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Last hoops class of 2018 last night... I can’t believe how much I have improved over the last 6 months.. my strength, flexibility, confidence... everything has improved. When I stared this class 3 terms ago I never imagined I would be hanging upside down with just my butt as support and legs for balance, or that I would ever be able to get my knees to the top of the hoop and have the strength to hang there like this. To think that getting into a simple secretary sit was a struggle at first. I can’t thank the people at @polarisenewcastle for all their help and encouragement this year. Can’t wait to see what 2019 brings! #happyplace #studentsofpolarise #aerialhoop #lyra #lyrahoop #lyralife #strength #flexibility #confidence #hoops #improvement #health #fitness #weightloss #lastclass #upsidedown #bringon2019 #love #life #newthings #newpassions #hobby (at Newcastle, New South Wales) https://www.instagram.com/p/Brm7xzHBp0m/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ajveytw0xf81
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internethippy · 6 years
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a Selfie with Skud Newbie
1. Where are you from and how would you describe it?
I live in a small town in Georgia called Douglas. The best way I can describe this place is LAME ASF! I’m working on moving very far away from here. There aren’t many connections here or really much of anything.
2. When did you start rapping vs. when did you start producing, and why?
I started doing music when I first joined a band in 2015 called “Despite the hexagon”. After we broke up my friend told me about fl studio, and that’s how I began producing. After I began producing I made a beat I really liked, and made a song on it. Now I’m at where I’m at today.
3. What are some of your interests outside of music?
I skateboard
I’m a Youtuber
I own my own clothing line
I do photography & video
4. What was the process like recording the song & shooting the video for “California Shawty”?
I woke up n call my California Shawty on Skype and said imma make a song for you today. I finished it and it turned out to be a hit song! The video was filmed by 2 different people Wesley Bower Productions, creator of Dubstep cat and Juan galarza, a local filmed that’s really good in my area.
5. Where do you see yourself in 10 years and why?
In 10 years I’ll be almost 30 so imma be chilling really lol imma invest in land, houses, cars, businesses and live off that.
6. Anything else you’d like to add?
I like big booty
Follow Skud Newbie on Soundcloud @ https://soundcloud.com/skudnewbie
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sammy9links · 2 years
Teddy Xoxo – SAVE ME! XOXO Ft. lastclass. & Christene Taylor
Teddy Xoxo – SAVE ME! XOXO Ft. lastclass. & Christene Taylor
Download Teddy Xoxo Ft. lastclass. & Christene Taylor – SAVE ME! XOXO MP3 DOWNLOAD Veteran Singer, Teddy Xoxo Ft. lastclass. & Christene Taylor has released new hip-hop joint, “SAVE ME! XOXO“. Teddy Xoxo Ft. lastclass. & Christene Taylor latest entry, “SAVE ME! XOXO” is a mid-tempo record that received a million of streams across platforms. However, the song is here to get you entertained. Listen…
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mbiteng · 6 years
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And another @lovebugandmemusic series ends. Mahalo to @erikagonzalez07 and her wonderful daughter Oli for coming to my classes! #Lovebug #musician #music #class #teacher #student #work #education #learning #infant #musicclass #Aloha #HawaiianVacation #SummerSeries #lastclass #candid #smile #happy #fun (at Lovebug & Me Music Studio) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bm9d4JTh4l8/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1o191lgi8jc3d
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043lafiebre043 · 3 years
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c73ve · 6 years
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Can't believe it's been 9 years already...Rest in Peace Young Laolagi and Scott Garrigan. See you guys again on the FlipSide. Our class was #onfleek #pacificheightsmiddleschool #lastclass #dangweold #1999 (at Fairmont, Pacifica)
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heaven-berry · 1 year
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narcisocpais · 4 years
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Aula online: profª Thatiane, Erikinha, Fatima, Marcelo: #educacaofisica #bacharelado #treinamentodeforça #unopar #nilopolis #lastclass 27/11/20 (em Caixa D'água, Vila Tiradentes, São João De Meriti) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIHeesNHntl/?igshid=q9yy5qk4ipls
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