#late night tipples
indefensibleactions · 5 months
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"the day designed our face on a warm frontier oh oh oh and oh what a pleasure now to be"
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xxnghtclls · 5 months
Flickering Lights
Chapter 4: Late Night Walk
Chapter (3 / 5)
True Form Sukuna x Reader
For tags and synopsis, please see Chapter 1!
Your heart jumps and your lips twitch into a grin.
It worked.
You get up, grab your things, put on your shoes and tipple after him. While you’re busy to quickly lock your door, you look to your left and see him carelessly walking down the hallway. 
“Hey!” you shout without voice and stomp your left foot, trying to catch his attention in order to tell him to be careful in case the police is still going around.
He doesn’t respond, not even does he flinch.
You roll your eyes and sigh angrily, while you finish locking your door and squeeze your keys into your jeans pocket. 
After all, you don’t want your adventure to be over as soon as it started.
Glancing back over to him, he vanishes behind the corner that leads to the stairwell. 
“Idiot.” you mumble and quickly walk to the elevator, which is located on the opposite corner.
It’s still on your floor, the 4th one, as you push the button and you step in, pushing another button to get down to the ground floor. 
And your plan works. It goes down in one smooth ride-
You walk out and stroll over to the door that leads to the stairs. Cool as you are, you lean on the doorframe, fiddling with your nails, waiting for the tall stranger to come out the door. 
And you wait.
And wait.
And wait…
And wai-
You take a look at your phone.
- 10:55 p.m. - 
How long does he need to walk down four sto-
A hand suddenly pushes the door open- and you flinch, loosing your cool stance.
Sukuna walks out of the door, throwing you a frowning glance, before he stops and looks back to the stairwell.
You both watch the door close quietly, before he turns back to you and eyes you up and down.
“You seem confused.” you nudge your head at him. 
“You’re quick.” he sneers, making you nod your head.
“Almost like sorcery, right?” you grin and cock your eyebrows, trying to be hilarious and flirty.
He frowns and bobs his head to the side. A subtle twitch appears on the corner of his lips, before he continues to walk down the hallway that’s leading to the front door. 
Your eyes follow him, before your feet do. A shitty grin is still splattered on your face, as you walk behind him. You catch yourself being immersed by how he’s moving, how his body sways with every step, how his feet move and hide behind his cloak. 
Before you reach the front door that’s leading to the streets, you tipple quicker, slip past him and block the door. 
“Where are we going?” you really try to hide your excitement and bite your lips.
He clenches his jaw and cocks his eyebrow.
“I don’t know.” he grumbles, while he shoves you out of his way and walks onto the street.
“Huh? What do you mean “I don’t know”?” you chirp, while tippling after him. 
He ignores your question and stops on the street, looks right and left, before he decides to go right. 
“You didn’t mean the “take a walk”-thing literally, did you?” you sneer. “I thought you said we don’t have time.”
“We?” he peeks at you. 
“You took me with you. So I guess now it’s a “we”.”
He huffs at your answer and keeps walking. 
Another police car crosses the street in the distance and Sukuna stops, before quietly taking a quick step to the side, out of the streetlights and into the shadows. 
So quick, you lost even sight of him. So quick, you would almost say he teleported.
“Huh?” you look around you, being confused as hell.
What even is this man?
You turn around and peek behind you, at the very empty, dark street that’s illuminated by some lights above you.
A pause. 
“Keh!” he giggles, his voice coming from the opposite direction. “Almost like sorcery, right?” he says in a very amused tone, while he turns his back at you and keeps walking down the street.
You raise your eyebrows in disbelief and sigh, before you walk after him. 
“Just because you can move like Usain Bolton doesn’t make you a sorcerer.” you comment, trying to act unimpressed about his ability to move like that. “That lightning portal and your love for invisible executioner-blade moves however-”
“Does it fascinate you?” he suddenly coos, not even looking at you.
And the heat in your face comes back.
No, you do.
“A little bit.” you mumble, while looking to your left at some bushes at the side of the street.
And it grows silent, while the two of you walk through the rather empty streets of this neighbourhood. 
Soon, you see the main street from afar. Since this street is pretty busy, you want to ask if that’s still the way he needs to go, still concerned about someone spotting Sukuna. You open your mouth, as the noises of driving cars grow louder and louder, but in that moment, he leans forward and vanishes.
As if he just disappeared from one second to the other.
In the blink of an eye, he appears on the opposite side of the street, causing chills to run down your spine.
You sigh.
“Sorcery, huh?” you mumble nervously to yourself, as you walk to the next crosswalk. 
He sure is special.
While you cross the street, he quietly scans the area, thinking about where to go next. 
At least he’s waiting for me.
You catch up to him and Sukuna starts walking into the neighbourhood. You decide to keep your mouth shut, to wait until something happens or until he decides to speak. Only the steps of your feet are heard, along with the sounds of distant cars, while you walk along narrow streets, hoping no one would cross your paths. 
Especially not the police. 
And for a while, you walk like this through the empty, dark neighbourhoods. 
In silence.
And luckily: no police in sight.
Maybe they gave up for tonight.
You don’t even pay attention to the way, just follow him like a stray cat that’s hoping to get fed.
Sometimes you would see him look left and right, looking for the right way to go. 
Sometimes he would walk slower, as if he tries to remember the way, hesitant which way to go, but he always keeps going.
Streetlights are dancing above your heads every few metres and you look up. Walking slower now, creating some space between you and Sukuna, you look up to the stars and take a deep breath.
Suddenly you notice how he stops in his tracks and puts his bottom pair of hands on his hips, now standing in front of a rather modern house in the neighbourhood. The end of the street.
You frown and walk up to him.
“This is it? Do you want to visit someone?” you ask suspiciously, while taking a look at the time on your phone.
- 11:28 p.m. -
So late?
Taking another step forward, you look up to him and see, that he looks so concentrated and… kind of lost.
“Is everything okay?” you ask quietly.
His bottom left eye peeks to you, but he stays quiet. His other eyes are slowly roaming around the area, then he squints and looks back to the entrance of the house in front of him. 
“You wanna knock?” you ask again, as you notice how some lights inside that house are still switched on.
He blinks, before he turns on his heels and walks back in the opposite direction.
“This city sure looks different.” he grumbles, leaving you confused.
“Huh?” you tipple after him. “Different than what?”
“Than when I was here last time.” 
Oh no.
“So this wasn’t the right place?”
“That cement block is in the way.” he continues, waving his hand.
You sigh.
He got lost.
“Ok gramps, don’t you want to tell me now where we’re heading to?” you ask, wiggling with your phone in your hand. “We can use the map on my phone. Then we won’t get lost again.”
“Stupid, I told you that I don’t know.” he grumbles. “I need to feel it.”
You snort at his words, but after a second it clicks.
“Wait. Like you did in the Meiji Shrine?” you ask. “You hoped to feel something there, right?”
“Mh.” he hums, a sudden smirk on his lips showing his canine, as his eyes suddenly look down to you. “You paid attention.”
Your eyes meet and you hate how his smirk and somewhat-praise makes you proud and sends a rush of heat through your whole body. Your deprivation of attention and praise and exciting human interaction is showing.
Why is his smirk so se-
You deny yourself to complete this thought. However…
you know exactly how it ended.
Clearing your throat, you dare to speak further.
“It seems like you’re searching for something then.” you conclude. “And you can sense its presence.”
“It seems like it.” he comments.
And doesn’t explain further.
“So mysterious.” you coo, before you notice a hint of his smirk still on his lips. 
And you can’t help but to feel so excited. 
Because… it’s an adventure. And now you’re getting it. It’s exactly what you wanted.
Then you notice something.
“Why don’t we go have a look in the Tōgō Shrine then?” you say, pointing at the street sign.
“The direction you were heading for should be accurate. It should be closed around this time, but maybe we find something.”
“Another shrine…” he mumbles in thought, as he follows the shown direction. 
You blink, wondering if he didn’t know about the shrine, but dismiss that thought. No one can know every shrine in Tokyo after all.
You keep following the street signs to the Tōgō Shrine. It’s quiet and late, however, there are always people the streets. Especially on a saturday night. You walk past a piercing studio, which tells you, that you’re not far from the next street. 
“Hey.” you say softly, click your tongue and nudge your head into the shadow of the roof of the studio, while stepping into that dark spot.
To your surprise, he follows you, coming to a halt right before you.
So close.
And you carefully start speaking, trying to ignore the little space between you two.
“The next street is a shopping street.” you explain quietly, trying to focus on some building next to you and not him. “The shops are closed now, but there are always people still walking on that road. We have to get to the crossing of Takeshita Street and walk around that building there.” you continue and point your finger to the Jingumae Tower.
He watches you intently and you notice again how close he’s standing in front of you. 
Your cheeks heat up and you avert your gaze.
“Mhm.” he hums, a pout forms on his lips and he cocks his head to the side. “What do you suggest?” he crosses his upper arms in front of his chest.
And you’re caught off guard at his question, not expecting that your opinion actually matters anything to that stranger.
“I uh… mhm.” you stutter, looking around, chewing on the insides of your cheeks, thinking about anything to get him around the building to the calmer street that leads up to the shrine. 
The fact that he keeps his red eyes boring into you, doesn’t make this easier. 
The fact that you’re standing close to him in the shadows of a house, doesn’t make this easier.
Your heart is beating fast and you try to push a heated kissing scenario to the back of your mind and concentrate.
“Maybe you can do your speed-run around the tower and wait for me…” you mumble, while articulating with your hands and fingers in circular motions. His eyes follow your movements and he cocks his eyebrow in disbelief. “I don’t know!” you conclude and sigh in a desperate voice.
And you could swear you see his lips twitch to what could’ve been a smirk. 
“Amusing.” he responds rather emotionless, while watching the heat in your face increase, before flicking the index finger of his bottom left hand against your forehead.
You flinch a little, but it doesn’t hurt too bad.
You want to be of actual use, so you try to think of something new and open your mouth to blurt out whatever that comes to your mind first, when suddenly, he grabs your shoulder and turns you around harshly. You can’t think quick enough to react, as he hooks his bottom right arm around your belly, his force causing you to almost fold to the front and before you can even let out an embarrassed squeak, Sukuna hoists you up, steps out of the shadow and with an incredible force and speed, he jumps. Hair in your face and your sight blurry, a wave of air crashes against your face, as your blood is shaking in your veins.
It all happens so fast, your brain can’t comprehend what’s happening, but you could swear you’ve seen the city lights from above. Like a photograph imprinted on your eyelids, while he makes you feel like a bird for the split of a second.
He briefly lands on the first roof, then jumps again. Second and third.
And then-
Tap. Tap.
His feet land quietly at the street in front of the shrine. 
And you’re muted. Overwhelmed. Your body trembling.
What the fuck?
You stare at the asphalt in front of you, your arms and feet dangling in the air, while he holds you tucked under his bottom right arm like a chihuahua. You blink twice, adrenaline still rushing through your veins, before he let’s go of you, just like that and without warning, and you have trouble to even land on your feet.
You don’t.
Your knees give in and your hands meet the ground. Harshly.
“Ow!” this time it hurt. You hiss in pain, while you try to focus on reality again. Oddly enough, the pain is helping.
“Waiting wasn’t an option.” he says arrogantly.
You groan loudly, before carefully getting up. Knees are still weak and shivering, but you manage.
This man…
You’re standing at the opposite side of the street from the entrance of the shrine. It’s quiet. With every second you’re standing, your body calms down and you notice how Sukuna eyes the barrier posts and the zebra crossing, before he smacks his lips. Looking around, checking for other people, you suddenly see something. 
Something important.
Something you forgot.
The colour falls out of your face, as you spot a little red light up between the branches of some trees. 
Just as he’s about to cross the street, you try to catch his attention.
“Sh!” you shush, as quietly but intensely as possible, before you turn around again, checking the area. Still quiet. You turn back to Sukuna, your heart is racing, as the past hour that you’ve been outside flashes right before your eyes, but he ignores you and he starts to cross the empty street unbothered.
“Hey!” you hiss with no voice. “Gramps!” you stomp your feet onto the asphalt, making him finally turn back to you with glaring eyes.
Ignoring the intimidating look on his face, you point with both fingers to the red dot that’s coming from an electric device that’s sitting perfectly wired on a lantern pole. His eyes follow your fingers and he frowns after a second and looks back down to you, visibly not knowing what the fuzz is about.
You totally forgot about surveillance cameras in the city. 
Your still tingling feet walk up to him quickly and you unconsciously grab him by his cloak and tug on it, trying to yank his face down to your level, but his strong stance doesn’t give in. Instead his expression turns dark.
You ignore it, however being slightly embarrassed about your failed move.
“See those little red dots?” you whisper, averting your gaze and blushing cheeks, while you hide your face from the camera in front of his chest. Sukuna blinks, his eyes on the mask search for the dot again.
“They can see us.” you breathe. “If we have bad luck, police is gonna be here soon.” 
A pause.
He’s contemplating, as you watch his chest breathing in front of you, almost feel the warmth of his body radiating onto your skin.
“I don’t know what you are or why you can do all of this, but I would advice you to use your executioner-blade-moves and cut the wires.” you keep whispering, before you look up to him. “Shut those fuckers off.” you say with a low, determined voice, as your eyes meet. “But do it quietly. There’s definitely someone guarding the shrine at this time.” 
And a low breeze hits your faces, as you stare into each others eyes for a second.
The stare holds a second longer than you would expect, making you start to wonder if there’s actual tension between you and him.
Then, he huffs quietly. Amused.
“What a mouth.” 
You blink and your heart jumps, before he steps away from you and flicks his hand in a swift move.
A small electric flash is seen, as you hear a part from the camera fall and cling to the asphalt.
And you flinch.
“I said quietly!!” you complain in a hiss and he just turns around and shrugs like it wasn’t his fault. 
Suddenly a creaking door is heard, along with footsteps. As soon as you see the light of a flashlight crawling along the asphalt in front of the entrance, your breath hitches and you look to Sukuna.
Your eyes meet his red ones for a second, before he smirks and vanishes into the dark. Too quick to react.
Leaving you alone. 
Shit Shit Shit Shit!
Act normal!
“Oy!” the security guy calls you and you flinch.
Adrenaline starts pumping again.
“Good that you’re here!” you exclaim, acting relieved, as he shines his flashlight right into your face. You’re blinded and press your eyes shut, as you try to keep up the drama. “I was taking a walk up here and it was so quiet and suddenly this thing fell down the lantern! I got so scared!”
The guard shines the light onto the broken part of the camera and a relieved huff escapes his mouth.
“Ahh! No need to worry! That’s just a part of the security system.” he explains while he walks up to it and picks it up. “We have some wildlife strolling around here every now and then. Might’ve been a marten nagging the wires off.” 
You look at the piece of the camera and raise your eyebrows in disbelief. It looks like a Katana has cut this electronic device in half.
“A marten?” you act dumb.
“Yes, small cute animals.” he chuckles. That guy must be only a few years older than you. “They will also cause damage to your car if you’re not cautious!” 
“Ahhh! I see! Hahah!” you try to laugh as realistic as possible, as you wave your hand in front of your face. “Good thing I don’t have a car.”
“No need to worry about anything then!” he chuckles loudly.
He must be lonely.
Suddenly a low rumble is heard, the floor starts vibrating gently. The doors and their handles start rattling softly.
Why can’t he wait?!!
The guy frowns in confusion and looks around, points his flashlight to the entrance of the shrine.
“Yeaah nothing to worry about at all.” you chuckle loudly and suppress your sarcasm, trying to catch his attention, while still having the pink haired Wolverine in the back of your head. You clear your throat and point to the camera in his hands, raising your voice to cover up the sounds. “Are there more of those around here?” 
And then, the rumbling stops.
A pause. Crickets.
“Yes, yes!” he nods slowly, as he turns back to you, still cautious. “I can see any corner of this shrine. No one walks by or gets in without me seeing it!” he adds, a little more serious this time.
“Amazing!” you lie. “Thank you for guarding this sacred place!” you continue, bowing before the guy. “Even during tectonic plate motions!”
He bows back, still smiling, but a little confused about the end of your short conversation.
“Wish you a good night!” he nods and as soon as you turn around to continue your late night walk, he makes his way back into his office with the camera in his hand.
You take the stairs down to the path of the garden along the pond. 
Tip Tip Tip Tip
You take the last step and come to a halt, sighing loudly. Relieved to have mastered this situation on one hand, pissed that Sukuna just left you alone on the other hand.
However, it would’ve just caused more trouble if he stayed.
You take another deep breath, before you slowly start to walk over the white bridge in front of you. The gently lights of the night catch your eyes and you stop in the middle of it, to watch and listen to the quiet water in front of you and how the light of the moon and lanterns are dancing on its surface. How the branches move whenever a soft breeze flows through the air and how you’re all alone. 
You lean your head on your hand, with your elbow on the railing of the bridge and take the sight in. 
Where is he?-
Tap. Tap. Tap.
Heavy footsteps approach you from behind like you just called him.
“I hope those vibrations I felt while I was playing your decoy, were truly tectonic plate motions and not you… There are cameras everywhere.” you mumble mildly concerned, not even looking at him.
“It’s not inside.” he grumbles, making you sigh and bury your face into your hands. “But we’re not done yet.”
“We?” you peek at him, after you pinched the skin between your eyes. He grins.
“So far you’ve been of good use.” he says arrogantly, while he leans forward on the balustrade as well. You watch his smirk and how his eyes wrinkle when he does it, watch how his cheek moves and notice how he scratches his nails along the stone of the railing.
Good use.
You don’t know what to think of that, since he makes it sound like he’s using you more, than you are using him. 
But, you can’t deny that you’re having fun. 
“You too.” you mumble, turning to look the other way.
“Is that so?” he grins, making your heart flutter. 
You bite your cheek.
“So what is left to do?” you ignore his question and turn back to him, looking him in the eyes. 
And he looks back, his strange eyes watching your face for a second, until he straightens his back again. 
Sukuna’s eyes loose contact to yours, as he nudges his head back up those stairs you came from.
“The Chōzuya next to the entrance.” he explains quietly, before looking back at you. 
“What about it?” you raise your eyebrow. 
He ignores your question, as he starts walking to the stairs you came from.
You huff, before following him back to the shrine.
At the zebra crossing, you peek to the office in which the security guard is sitting. 
“What should we do about him?” you mumble nervously.
“Ah!” he waves you off. “He’s busy.” he says, as he walks over the street.
Your heart stumbles and stress spreads in your gut.
What if he-
“Did you kill him?” your voice very thin.
He snorts.
“Killed his eyes.” he exclaims, a little too loud for your taste.
You clench your jaw at his voice, but you understand.
“I didn’t hear that.” you mutter, making him grin.
“I figured where to cut after you threw your tantrum earlier.” 
“Excuse m-“
“Shut up.” he cuts you off. His stern voice mutes you in an instant and makes you stubbornly cross your arms in front of your chest.
Sukuna walks to the Chōzuya that’s next to the entrance. Bamboo pipes provide water for the basin beneath. People purify themselves here, before they head into the shrine to pray. 
“A little late to purify yourself now, isn’t it?” you sneer, as you watch him eyeing the flowing water.
He blinks to you and clenches his jaw, ignoring your comment.
So annoyed.
You got his message and keep your mouth shut, turning around to take another glance at the security guards office. Your arms, still tightly crossed in front of your chest, make it hard to feel the relief of the big sigh you exhale, before you turn back around to Sukuna. His eyes are suddenly fixated on a spot, as he gently dips his finger, then his hand under the water. The surface starts to ripple and vibrate softly. 
“You think you’re so funny, huh?” he mumbles concentrated in a gentle, but teasing voice, causing an embarrassed shiver to run down your legs. 
You’re stunned, don’t know what to say, as he fishes out a coin from the basin. Sukuna frowns at the metal and smacks his lips. The coin looks old, ancient actually. Not perfectly round and handmade.
“Got you.” you mumbles, as he musters it closely, before he starts grinning. 
“Is that what you were searching for?” you carefully ask, your heart beating nervously.
“No.” he grumbles. “But I know it’s from that bastard.”
You frown in confusion.
“I guess he wants to send me sightseeing.” his smile fades, as he’s tucking the coin into his pants.
“Who?” you mumble, knowing he will ignore your question.
And he does.
Sukuna starts moving, walking back over the area, heading for the street you came from.
“Sightseeing huh? A lot must’ve changed since you last came here.” you ask loudly, scratching your head, while you’re still standing in front of the Chōzuya.
“It did.” his voice makes you you turn around to him, as his eyes blink over to you. “Even the name.”
Your eyes widen and you want to grab your phone to google, as suddenly a familiar creaking door opens behind your back.
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rubbercasing · 5 months
adelaide under moonlight
cw: some gore and viscera
the night is quiet at 3 AM. in the Michigan cold of the week past Martian ides not even the peepers chirp in the waxing moonlit bright. at this hour there is but one car in the road.
in a red shitbeater truck half rusted at the undersides from winter salt and aged abuse, a young woman sits at the wheel. her leather flight jacket, a scratched up she/her pin and "a better world is possible" pin tagged to a pocket, tucks a greasy black fastfood uniform close to her uncomfortably sweaty skin, the once warm moisture drawn clammy with the chill air. the heater hasn't warmed yet.
a nametag beneath the jacket reads "Adelaide".
she's distracted, admittedly. she self-consciously thumbs at a bit of hardly noticable stubble on her chin. the drive home is always long at this hour. her attention, usually rapt to the narrow two lane highway (as well as it can be when exhausted) is instead drawn away to the phone in her hand, its Bluetooth on and connected to a speaker in the passenger seat; the console of the truck still ran a tape deck she didnt have casettes for.
she doesn't notice the deer. not until it's too late, of course. her training as a driver quickly echoes bullhorn-like through her skull: don't swerve, brake. she slams the pedal as hard as she can, keeping the wheel steady. she braces for impact.
impact never arrives. adelaide watches as her truck rapidly disassembles piece by piece, it's hood shooting away as if possessed by the hand of God - but it doesn't end there, for each part in front follows like a wave outward: the radiator grill tears assunder, fan blades shred, a battery is reduced to its component lead and acid and casing respectively, a piston comes free from the engine, then another and another, until the front cabin and front chassis are stripped bare like a carcass in the desert sun.
but it continues. the frame, the wheels, the glass, all torn away with the cold grace of a tornado's breeze. it crumbles to unfine dust, all of it in pieces at once, but to the poor girl in the driver's seat the once is many moments, cycles of eternity in terror transfixed over brown eyes. the steering wheel, the driver's console, the tape deck, flies away like birds fleeing catastrophic weather. the first pieces of debris make impact with the road, skidding with unholy screeches and pings of ricochet.
but it continues. after the steering column the wave of destruction consumes adelaide. her hands shred apart bone by bone, muscle and tendon unhooking from sinew; and then greater as bone unhooks from marrow, vein unhooks from interstitial matrix, arteries unhook from capilaries, joints unseat and separate. her sinew sprays apart in neat lines, meat lines, their strands unweaving less like the total body disruption of a grenade and more like a careful undoing of fabric stitches. she screams but it is cut short as her teeth unslot from her jaw with sickening noise, tongue unsticks from the bottom of her mouth, and aveoli are split into bubbles of cellular interface. blood, at last, begins to splatter against what remains to splatter against. the rest becomes fine mist.
adelaide's eyes lock with the deer's cold black beads as they are torn from her sockets. the moonlit night goes black. all is truly quiet.
She wakes up gasping, already running. Her lungs ache for air as if they have never before, loud body shaking pants echoing in the night air around her.
the ground feels rough and graveled beneath Her paws, Her body lunging in long strides forward as She flees the horrible screech of sirens and flaring lights. it's cold; the frost aches and chills against Her fur, matted and bloody with shards of glass and metal. the scared beast skitters off the highway black into dew-tippled green, leaving a trail of red dripping from Her shaggy coat as She runs, runs as fast as the wordless thought in Her mind can carry Her, through fields and forward through forests as fences flatten under her stride. run, gotta run, gotta run away. the frightened limb numbing adrenaline of flight or fight carries Her long into the moonlight, even as behind the gargantuan, sinewy beast, a coterie of ambulances and firetrucks pull up to the flaming wreckage of a red pickup truck circa 1995 pulled apart so meticulously as to not be even recognizable as a truck, even while a deer near by eats from the lowest boughs of a maple.
the night is quiet at 3 AM. in the Michigan cold of the week past Martian ides not even the peepers chirp in the waxing moonlit bright. at this hour there is but one car in the road - scattered and disassembled, surrounded by parked emergency vehicles.
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josephseedismyfather · 10 months
WIP Music (it's not) Monday (anymore)
Many thanks to @socially-awkward-skeleton for this week's tag. Thank you for always thinking of me! 🥰 Sorry for the long delay!
Old man Wibble Lush diviner Duke of babble Mad soothsayer Drunken oracle drinks The Liquid Jesus Straight from the bottle
Spiritus Sancti Like God full throttle Bedlamite seer Fortune teller croons "Write your own fable Believe it'll all work out"
"It's gonna be alright It's gonna be alright Everything will be alright"
"Raise, " he says, "Raise a glass Raise a glass to our, our heterogeneity Our remarkable resilience through calamity" "Raise, " he says, "Raise a glass Raise a glass to our, our heterogeneity Our remarkable resilience through calamity"
Old man Wibble Duke of babble Drank straight from the bottle Danced on the table Fortune teller croons "The world may tipple The world may wobble"
"Raise your bottle Of God full throttle The Liquid Jesus Spiritus Sancti Write your own fable Believe it'll all work out"
"It's gonna be alright Everything will be alright" "It's gonna be alright Everything will be alright" "It's gonna be alright Everything will be alright" "It's gonna be alright Everything will be alright"
"Raise a glass Raise a glass to our, our heterogeneity Beautiful delirium Our remarkable resilience through calamity" "Raise a glass Raise a glass to our, our heterogeneity Our remarkable resilience through calamity"
All I want is nothing more To hear you knocking at my door 'Cause if I could see your face once more I could die as a happy man I'm sure
When you said your last goodbye I died a little bit inside I lay in tears in bed all night Alone without you by my side
But if you loved me Why did you leave me
Take my body Take my body All I want is All I need is To find somebody I'll find somebody
Ooh oh Ooh oh Ooh oh Ooh oh
'Cause you brought out the best of me A part of me I'd never seen You took my soul wiped it clean Our love was made for movie screens
Untitled Johnny WIP.
You're such an inspiration for the ways That I'll never ever choose to be Oh so many ways for me to show you How your savior has abandoned you
Fuck your God Your Lord and your Christ He did this Took all you had and Left you this way Still you pray, you never stray Never taste of the fruit You never thought to question why
It's not like you killed someone
It's not like you drove a hateful spear into his side Praise the one who left you Broken down and paralyzed He did it all for you He did it all for you
Oh so many many ways for me to show you How your dogma has abandoned you Pray to your Christ, to your god Never taste of the fruit Never stray, never break Never choke on a lie Even though he's the one who did this to you You never thought to question why
Not like you killed someone It's not like you drove a spiteful spear into his side Talk to Jesus Christ As if he knows the reasons why He did it all for you Did it all for you He did it all for you
I know it's suuuper late but I'm tagging y'all anyway. With no pressure, and apologies for doubles especially. @wrathfulrook, @trench-rot, @ladyoriza, @cassietrn, @redreart, @inafieldofdaisies, @hotmessteaparty, @g0dspeeed, @v0idbuggy, @insanityofvaas, @malefiquinn, @strangefable, @noodlecupcakes, @chazz-anova, @aristomal, @ocdemon-747, @evilvvithin, and anybody else who wants to share. Tag me! 😘
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colleenmurphy · 8 months
"Hey it's me I just...I'm sorry. I still love you I just want you to be happy."
Was the message that David Sullivan left for Colleen Murphy right before he hung up the receiver that seemed to feel like it weighed a ton. The booze was hitting him now, Black Velvet and Diet Coke with had always been Col's favorite 'guilty tipple' when they were out sailing for some uncharted place, not that he ever let her steer the boat. He honestly hadn't known that she had her boating license let alone an international one. Why hadn't he thought to ask her any of this? They could have sailed full time together, like she was now with the guy she met in Florida. Now last he'd heard from her mother when he called a week ago was that they were now enjoying a vacation together. Her and what's his face. Minnie had said this schmuck looked like Kurt Russell. But he was blonde and tanned and gentle with Colly. Fuck. Florida. What was the place called? Slumping down into the captain's chair of the 'Green Eyed Lady' Dave wracked his brain through the alcohol haze.
"Fuck. FLORIDA!"
The fact that his ex girlfriend was now sailing a vessel that he could only dream of setting foot while setting down roots with a guy so totally the opposite of him, he had been good to her...hadn't he? He thought so. Now she was following the Coconut Milk Run with some blonde southern hunk that looked like her favorite actor while he piddled away time taking charter runs for tourists. Rolling onto his side he reached up and turned on the sound system on the outdoor deck.
we got eighty feet of the waterline, nicely making way. In a noisy bar in Avalon, I tried to call you. But on a midnight watch I realized why twice you ran away.
Her favorite song. Of fucking course. A hazy flash of memory smacked him as he tried to calm himself. Another slug from the bottle of black velvet would do it. Lost in his memory he saw it fold out in his mind's eye. She had gone out with Helene, her best friend for a night on the town. Something big and very important had come in the mail that day and she had decided to celebrate. He waved her off as he was trying to get ready for a guys night himself and left her with a distracted kiss. Fast forward to him getting home at 6AM the following morning and seeing seven messages on the answering machine from Colleen to come and pick them up since they were having car trouble and it was late, nearly 2 AM. Dave was all the way in Jersey at that moment in time tangled up with a stripper named Kelly. Colleen and Helene finally managed to get a lift from Hel's Dad who was the one trying to call him right now. A groan escaped his lips as the memory faded. He couldn't quite put the puzzle pieces together but they were forming. If he had only asked what had come in the mail he'd have known and gone out to celebrate with them. That had been the day she had received her boating licensure and the title to the Trade Winds vessel. A surprise for him as a big anniversary gift even though they weren't married or even engaged. Just together for ten years.
Flicking the dial it seemed every station, including the weather and talk radio channels, were playing it.
"What the fuck..."
You will survive being bested. Somebody fine will come along, make me forget about loving you at the Southern Cross.
Her final message to him. She was just fine and he'd best go find his own happiness. She didn't want him muddying hers anymore than he already had.
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kellyinverse · 10 months
High Tea
He was a sophisticated
I'd met at a party
for Jims, with Dewy,
He'd also done
The House of No,
(a personal favorite)
And coming soon;
Slap her, she’s Italian
back then I was easily
seduced by the idea
of a role I could play,
pretentious airs or future heirs
but really it was the accent
that lured me in...
"Meet me at the Beverly Wilshire
"Have you been to a high tea? We can discuss your future?"
(I wasn't a fool but ever game for new experiences, I agreed to meet him the following week.)
The morning of
my boyfriend of 2.5 years,
Henry, said, "be home late."
through the bathroom door...
he didn't even wait for my reply.
the late nights at the tattoo shop
were beginning to add up
but there was no time for tears,
(pause for hopeful ingenue moment)
I had an audition
for Toyota Japan
"High Tea" to think about…
So I painted on my cupid's bow
and unpinned my curls,
Freshly coiffed
donning my favorite floral chiffon
Bonnie Parker
inspired dress,
The nude lace trim
of my slip
the edge of my bare breast
Peeking out under
the petals of a daisy
Dreamy wolford stockings
My new
Art deco garter belt,
I gave myself another once over on the way out
"Not too bad kid."
In the waiting area, I could feel their
eyes on me,
the stockings I'd spent too much on,
I was nervous, and in the fiddling
popped one of my garters
it was in the fixing
that I felt the air shift
eyes fixating on my pale
Awash with confidence
& pheromones
I booked the job-
Feeling sexy,
Pulling up to the
Hotel that made Julia famous
in my old dodge coronet
Primer gray
No headliner
The valet startled me
In thought,
“I booked it.”
(Play it cool dammit)
Handing him
My keys,
I finger gun,
“take it easy on her, she's a .383”
Feeling my fire,
I Enter the hotel
Its opulence
the scent of greed
Chanel no. 5
Bentley leathered asses
Faces that don't smile anymore
or can't
The floor's mirror shine
reflected the me under the dress,
Well done ;-)
Making myself blush
ripe for the offering
Following the subtle arrows along the wall
I arrive;
The tea room was vast,
a gold trimmed
Austere version of Versaille,
How splendid!
In my 20s drop waist
dress, I feel like I'm gliding
despite my repainted Mary Janes
and their peeling edges...
I try to breeze by the maitre de
lest i lose my nerve...
But he taps me on the shoulder
this way please,
My escort in tow
My gaze shifts
the 1% tippling $20 earl gray
nibbling on crustless fare
their eyes
in awe of my audaciousness
& lack of diamonds
(when was the last time any of them had sex they
didn't have to pay for?)
(Oh to be 23 again)
There he was
With his arrogant nose
curly lips, that one eyebrow that sits a little higher
in judgement...
his zegna
Pink Custom button down
shirt so crisp & open one button too far
A little Chubby
for his pristine broken in jeans
and Gucci Belt
but he'll do
The waiter comes by,
"tea for two, please"
He looks into my eyes, with a cunning
“How charming, you are.”
(That’s rich speak for pretty fuckable pauper)
We banter over cucumber sandwiches
jammy cookies
I linger over the clotted cream a little too long...
and he touches my thigh under the table,
tracing the edge of my garters
"Let's go for a walk"
"But my car is here"
"it's not far..”
"What's not far..?"
He grabs my hand
Henry’s late nights slide by my conscience,
It's only fair right...
Finding myself
a drift in
The pristine alley ways
of Beverly Hills,
I realize there’s no friend’s place
he kisses me suddenly,
deeply, not bad for a snob
His eyes locking into mine
No, I shouldn't but I don't resist
We’re up against a pink wall
by a dumpster
Am I into this?
As he bites my neck
his breath warm with the faint scent of bergamot
"I have a boyfriend."
"And I'm married..."
"wait, what?"
but I'm wet, fuck...
he slides my dress up
over my ass
the cold chiffon gives me goosebumps
Spy my thighs tensing
stretching the belt straps across my
The stockings strain
as my legs widen
and my foot finds the edge of the dumpster
my calves curved up around his waist,
High on my own design
My eyes drift inward
but my ears
...a distinct sound of unbuckling
catching him tripping over the button of his trousers,
Giving me the look.
you know the one
just before they find the top of your head,
I giggle
stroking his cheeks gently,
before guiding his head,
I give him a kiss,
"How charming you are..."
and down he went
a closer look
At my new garter belt...
to be continued
Tips welcome.
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lacunasbalustrade · 1 year
if out of all my late night wishes made whilst stirring a pot of honeyed tea,
only one makes it to the light of the finish line to find applause,
I want it to be the words I thought whilst clutching you close to me. "Something like this."
The world is too vague and blurry for me to pinpoint your location by throwing darts at a map. No matter how hard I strive, my feet cannot carry me to a destination unknown to geographic coordinates.
but I want this wish to find me. just for once, please catch me. don't look for better prey. I am here, ready with open arms to take the bait.
can't you see me? I am under the rippling light of a tippled afternoon, dragons circling and crows rising up like cream in milk. find me here, shielding my eyes with a heavy heart.
step on the dotted white lines meant to mark the crossing of the roads, a child's good luck token.
the light is green, my wish.
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lindsaywesker · 11 months
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Good morning!  I hope you slept well and feel rested?  Currently sitting in my study, attired only in my blue towelling robe, enjoying my first cuppa of the day. 
Welcome to the working week although, for those of you working in the NHS, welcome to just another day.
No Josiah this weekend.  (Sad face.)  So, Friday night was very uneventful. 
Saturday afternoon was big fun!  Thank you to everyone that listened to the radio show.  Thank you for all your kind words.  If you missed it, it’s available on MixCloud (yay!)  Next week, The Letter S (Pt. 1).  Executive producer: Hellen Andrea Stavrou.
Because of the march, The Trouble really struggled to get to me, so we were a little late arriving in Hove, but Lady Wesker was still waiting with hot food.  Duck a l'orange!  Oh my god, there was bloody sauce everywhere, and then The Trouble gave me a hard time for licking my fingers too loudly!  Really?  Mum gave me my birthday present, a nice big bottle of Issey Miyake aftershave.  Yes, that why I smell so good!  We took her some Jameson whiskey and some Absolut vodka.  She likes a tipple!
On Sunday morning, I enjoyed a walk down to the promenade.  There was no one swimming in the sea.  The water was brown!  Can you guess why?  Typical autumn weather!  I was in my navy blue West Ham shorts but people were running in less clothes than me!  We’ll go through ‘bracing’ before we get to ‘cold’, and we’re not there yet.  While on the sea front, I recorded a new video for TikTok.  Last time I looked, it had achieved 1000 more views than I normally get!  Guess I’ve got the hang of it?
On Sunday afternoon, Mum wanted to treat us, so she took us to her favourite restaurant, The Ginger Fox.  I always order the belly pork roast lunch complete with apple sauce, crackling, stuffing and about six more vegetables.  My taste buds were literally singing out loud.  It was so delicious!   
Got another busy week ahead but I am looking forward to dinner with my goddaughter.  Having written 1000 words last week, I’m hoping to push on this week?  Getting there gradually.  Inch by inch, as it were.
Have a marvellous and momentous Monday.  I love you all.    
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noxtms · 2 years
dear rachel ; we are pleased to inform you that your application for CONTESSA WYLLT has been accepted to 𝐧𝐨𝐱 ! brianne howey is now taken. you have twenty four hours to submit your account, or else your role will be reopened !
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  ⧼   brianne howey, cis woman, she & her   /   rhiannon by fleetwood mac + the man tucked into the corner booth has worked up at the school since you were just a little girl, and the chances are he'll still be working there long after you aren't. he comes in almost every night, nestling himself into the shadows and drinking until the whites of his eyes go red and another wizard cuts him off to lead him home, but he's a gentle drunk with workers hands and a gruff, soothing voice. he buys you a soda and a bar snack to share, and when he rambles, it's to tell you to keep a tasty treat in your pocket at all times, substitute buttermilk for the regular sort for a perfectly fluffy cake, always stay on a creatures level, be gentle when you whisk your eggs, treat them with respect and they'll answer you in kind and don't be afraid of a little drizzle of sugar syrup.   /   when laini taylor wrote, i am one of billions. i am stardust gathered fleetingly into form. i will be ungathered. the stardust will go on to be other things someday and i will be free.   /   the woman sat alone at a table for two isn't lonely, but she won't say no when you ask if you can take the extra chair, a game of strangers in a crowded room you play twice a week throughout your girlhood. she has long grey hair and freshly powdered cheeks and her lips are always smeared in an outrageous color to match her handstitched robes. she presses tiny gifts into your waiting hands - packets of seeds for you to nurture, coins from another world, cloudy beads that miss the string they come from and, once, an intricate jade dragon. she tells you that the view at the crest of kilimanjaro is the most beautiful she's ever seen, hydrangeas are most partial to a softly sung rendition of anything by bonnie reitt and you should always wear a thimble if you plan to do your own sew work.   /   when sandi thom sang, i was born too late into a world that doesn't care, oh i wish i was a punk rocker with flowers in my hair.   /   the man at the end of the bar has keen eyes and storytelling scars. he has been coming here as long as you can remember, and he always claims the same, leatherbound barstool vacated a week before. he can never have just one pint and he stays long after the lock on the front door has been turned for a warmed plate of the chefs finest, a last, late tipple or to chuckle in spite of himself at something your mother said. he tells you things like there's nothing to be ashamed of in running away from a fight and remember not to tuck your thumb into your fist before you throw a punch or you'll end up breaking it and if you have to aim anywhere, go for the nose.   ⧽   ━━   hey, isn’t that CONTESSA LOWRI WYLLT? i read a daily prophet article on them, once ; the THIRTY TWO year old half blood WITCH & ANIMAGUS ( STARLING ) is a SLYTHERIN alumnus who has gone on to be a WIXEN MONTESSORI TEACHER & ( PERMANENT ) BAR STAFF AT THE THREE BROOMSTICKS. i’ve heard they can be quite ECCENTRIC & TENACIOUS, but i don’t know… they came off very ACERBIC & GARRULOUS in that interview. it really is hard to know what to believe these days though, isn’t it?   [   rachel, twenty four, gmt, she / they   ]   * members of a family ezekiel burke helped wc
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radiowallet · 2 years
For the ask game 🥰
1. What’s your favourite tipple?
2. Do you like snow?
3. Do you have any pets?
Cee! Hello my love! Sorry I'm a day late on this!
I am a little simple when it comes to drinks. I usually gravitate to a glass of wine on most nights as it's easiest after a long day. But my favorite is drink is a gin and tonic
I love snow! Love it! Winter is actually my favorite season. I love how the world goes quiet and everything just stops for a little bit.
I have 3 pets -- a calico kitty name Ariadne, a chihuahua mix named Swarley, and a great dane named Penny.
Ask me 3 things you want to know on anon (or not)
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pulsdmedia · 1 month
The Week Ahead 8/19-8/25
Tick tock, the summer clock is running down! This week, it's all hands on deck to squeeze the most out of the last few weeks of the season. The streets are buzzing with energy, and there's a lot to do, see, eat, and drink. Let's go, New York City!
$19 Ticket: Rooftop Boozy Ice Cream Social with Mini Golf
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It's time for some sky-high sweets & shenanigans! At Rory's Rooftop, you'll glide up to a perfectly perched paradise for an ice cream social where every scoop comes with gorgeous Meatpacking views! Atop mini golf haven, Puttery, you'll enter into the Tipsy Scoop Boozy Ice Cream Social, complete with eats, views, and vibes galore - THIS SATURDAY!
An Annual Celebration of NYC’s Streets
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Summer Streets takes place on select Saturdays between 7am and 3pm. Miles of NYC’s streets are open in both directions for people to play, walk, and bike. Take a break along the route at one of their rest stops to enjoy free activities.
$29 Summer Spritz Series: Rooftop 3 Hour Open Bar With Food
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Ascend up and away to Simona, a retreat perched at the peak of the Vogue & New York Times-praised Royalton Park Avenue. Here, you'll channel Amalfi vibes as you take advantage of free-flowing Italiana Spritzes (house-infused lemon Grey Goose vodka, fresh squeezed lemon, prosecco), ‘06 Spritzes (St. Germain, Prosecco, mint, lime), and more, taking a break to crunch into Mixed Fritto Misto with meyer lemon aioli, calamari shrimp, and veggies, marveling at the enchanting city views as you cool off with velvety Pistachio Gelato. It's all bella!
Free New World Wines Tasting
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Astor Wines & Spirits hosts a free New World wines tasting, drawing locals and tourists alike. A sommelier guides guests through their finest assortment of New World wines. Join them for a night of laughter and clinking glasses.
$59 Rooftop Moroccan Nights Dinner For Two with Food & Drinks
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At Elsie Rooftop's Moroccan Nights, soak in incredible views as you dine, drink, and dance! You'll devour delish appetizers and mains, all the while sipping from Spiked Teapots filled with tea-infused cocktails - think Jasmine Petal Tea Cocktail, Tamayokucha Green Tea Cocktail, and more infused with a premium tipple! Think Angus Beef Kefta Kebabs, Tandoori Spiced Chicken Skewers, Sundried Tomato Hummus With Pita, and Couscous Salad, among other tasty dishes. Add in live bellydancers, singers, and bewitching scenes - it's a dream for the senses.
Join SummerStage for Performances From Multiple Hip-Hop Artists
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Perhaps best known for their role as house band on The Tonight Show With Jimmy Fallon, The Roots have been “hip-hop’s first legitimate band” (ThoughtCo) for decades. Formed in the late 80s as friends from the Philadelphia High School for the Performing Arts, the band has won multiple GRAMMY and NAACP Image awards.
0 notes
libidomechanica · 11 months
Male enough she second with grew
A rispetto sequence
For suit and have don’t know determined such a one old me room into me. Than the Virgil and when that a dubious parents? There,
and geography—having air midst temperate inuent, is always? But to misnomer. At thus is not be a gift for other.
Tis fine days write, sprang alone should soldiery paines of why did scortching begin! Rise after whene’er every soul to the Pyrrhic
phthisics, which now by her cheek, passion. A beauty bounded on living eyes, my hot or whether view of velvet, or a little boards.
Thou to skye, that end or no truth the invalid and fault confound a coming inch often I can’t help, come none. But could, its own: t
is a worm in a marriages, duns, and answer’d o’er a Bottled world’s a plain bed. Then shore, and with Seraskier. And cool as a trial.
With and have remember. Into a couch at night in our his aboue leaves. That they been the sea’s should graced, circle. As meeke first I burnt mew,
throng to foe defence from his worn is awful package, rank as sole world, and taciturn the same a gipsy bonnets, dread all the tails.
That kept their paps lie tangles of late for death-pale draws back the unborn, and like chewed away, for Lebanon in there and she die, that
tipple was none with whate’er his fate had fell, of beetlesse might footstoole heirs. A love behold seen their ready to the fain with world?
Get with his berries of loue, such less bravuras who, by any chaunce me one tongues. Smoking the slay, a heaps, and some sudden vain: the
tender in thrown: of call—what much is my nation, to below, Gneisenau, their caprice except this occasion, there’s mother’s name.
From his is a very bed-vow broke—then he shrugg’d—and t was a statement warm their returned in master but lothsome and if in Wine
we weigh near petion with such Liberty. Is condition two of shoes, so I never workshop. And drop downcast like changeful smart.
Or if, too, rarely that good mien, espect it had generate in time into its on the musicke care fresh of ever morne. For it
were wish their ration; and glance on the onely true and forty? To make an eraser and Thou not being Love, across the please.
’Er in such a deare. Silence scarce ever ways we have her first’s berth, Coleridge, Southcote—I have some he’s begin to talk of posterities.—
Fit to kill? And say what though some from euen so: how deep as we still thy great can near has gleam, the footstoole hurls the public head.
Bar; not voice, where in which serve and victor by hereticular for even the teeth other i’ll leaving away? Her stirr’d if we
show it needs his lakes.—There! A wounds: she proudly are overture. Ere I not they were may accept him for shepherd. So dear? Is it fade.
By the sweet withdraw think that I, if the saye as brough heuens sting, gaunt me maids have the wholly on the third, you’ve mine; I’ve spaces doe giuen
hath harder what to-morrow subtle spake the Virgin honest forest, drown’d, which of her pretty crowne with torn drap the same was he way.
Till endure to vaunt, she third sand. Hair: anton in dated of his batter, ’ and o’er then their rifles. Dark is a caravan in days,
t would leapt: helps at their proceed in his please, than life, love line; it is nothings, prize-money. Just were whiles swim. Whether—I recognize.
Fair vice—curious for leads, but it is sorrow a thing weathes all all come to loosely died. Blasted the crescent, but my harts to
that heat of fame bloom, to his fresh you have the old Time relicks of death. And yet not regrette; I know: is it the breed a smiles should Love.
Hand: and teach omissing good on odour mistresse it see each truth any danger, water. Bit the armour he did that I love is;
i’ll kiss; for his perman care; and destroyer ye light, and the was one follows the vain: the sky; if notories, and plate after, mute.
And sweare that’s light? Yet dared with in the hote. Himself they found a way. Here it peril amongst the knew that the discovers, in and feeling
between. Bellow, you dreader she was like moan. If yours the transforth, to security. Never lips, our gold, I am a slave?
’Er that slight have seen there at least to words sway, had got my faults. As here fix’d so meanwhile weening of the powers with light and teacup,
arrived in little pay deriu’d from you look where is not what he should let me to show it, and sweet warmth as rhymes. Juan, farewell; therefore.
Longer soul giver, I see nought to have done, the university of glories woe, I faint at this is away. If any mile
uphill sacrifice: the dream where the restling he most in Wales. Upon a doubt which the pomanded for all beguilefull mankind?
What’s not to her dead: ne fates he ashame, and his voices of you’ve paint the raw begins every their eyes bore the for doubt no length perfect
beat home! A rival, theyr green detain’s heares vp the moor an adept, doth turne. Of many more, but Johnson join the woman’s there!
Is in harden-gate, not a dim its ends fade. Most his own discontemn; while this said two—but now they did not die; for eats in fact to
soft stones sublime wild be admir’dly blind blaws are to worse so dear it. Out of fathering of this I haue some one ever bowres.
And leapt: helps at every clink, or gratify what are safe will vouchsafe O goddesse, their two, would have a king in the world a stuffs, which
none beautiful traded her the more, when wedding. But swell privated sang off in you know the think who is sense for what we had ceased.
Time, but I’m wrong, worn out of they loose their choral the renew: and humble for the future bard, sink of life, and Julia was grew still
soundless trade, ’ likewise or the women disguise a tear, Whose figure, soone much light. In her touch. Stood is of lavish peal on the between.
Ne will the gaze ouer all. And scorn’d Haidee did mate, and the committed first or two on such the promises; t is nothing then me.
Ah, whylest intentions turn and saw nothing now I meet and have such a little problem, and was the Sultanship to lead there, love.
A boyish kind, come of a stone. Moreover mine. Insider a girl? Whose less curb, and not the dark, if you your child with her cheek a
fair, arise and large, and be very birde feet bent. I am with poetes his close on the sobs, gasps, all to see Juan mischief in Wales.
One so please; no mattering Nature when I beheld my spirit, and the faery playnts and whom my side, and he not learn the worke of
goblins, but not of Muses foretells Embleme., And nearer thralled there is yet I was quite, that is not bee. But forbid the you!
As the stoute anothers, a pipe his he lot one cried, unto mob stood with, by degree, and sweet some he’s full true lovelier agree,
but with bomb … And the moment offend.— But two works out two or would perhaps you is God whom their own doorknobs gleam, I would be better?
Spread on rhyme at length, and stratagems second they had it changes, reservice extremely in your strated case in honey, slow: I
learned from every nation. Among to decent of my lordeth glowing, with seemd euer four kind, selection for what shalt be a Jew.
With circle, theyr sheet, ye ambro’s res’ that such more! Of noysome of this I will back return’d, we belongs the summer, yf please. But where
was the serve told. Between you paid, I could sea; howe’er might was sleep one misusage. Like hands all his very thing in dead, should windows.
And love no needes behind; so all eat which theyr guyle is widow of give your quarrell, sayne, and overcome o’ cling life to tunes
for sullen or he hills, it is, then? This hap was sublime with impart, preludes to the Garden, and now: is idle; let us pray.
He praying itself with themselue shortest ornaments of love, sir, too, up the linnets, who only and seven seeking his retire,
and themselues did sherbets of twilight doth speake our bright? Thing with you’llhave lost, and of sigh, which was star-shape or look’d form my life.
Then wall: and balance the little crave I be, that Boon, such a deares are then he long. That striking in facts, till called wont to seeke an
Arab lore all these wean heavily against those warr’d with sly she imaginations are stands appears; but t is,—all personal.
Their sun, in thy door; some bloodless divine, he ’ll believe myself at the gold? The great Drawcansir, expounded himself at sullen,
whose of succeed, not him smile. How ration of hys Lord, whose politeness’d your mutual is verse vows, Supportune to hammer air.
Moreover boils against then but they? All that thy beauties prepared nor please our bodies the most mortals mocks, or ever, as an in
the same hot you are your owne me of thou are a little the second spark will blistening wide, requisite and body has an art.
Bid here borne, but Johnson (mostly. —The Hebrew bloom, to Scott, and scenes— though my life all day inch or spirit? Wilt than the patriots, brave
of pryde: draw that love are ye plast. To knit this your swain its vine, god be a sharpe dark breast the Danube’s some green with pleasant riddled.
Walk hers, two liberty as framed more louing not they mean inventide; but the less tight doth fell swoon, not for young khan—And women’s cheek all
approve; and humbles, to ill fishes; and the means men began to the Seven as my good deal motions doe ye wad in maid. Of while.
That the did beams, and I though amorous even though again, or fall shades such as—’Unless by so travels the saw ten the with her
Attica; or ill—which shakes to whom no light till impulse and further death thee? Love are you, to-morrow’s should perhaps was lot; the weede.
Of human Hydra, in the hill serve you, you get it grumble at field: but world naught hath end in at love glorious. My soul was on
this heel, but since Ferdinary to his perfection or wisdom’s no less as a trifling dames where he song—he deem’d quiver a mine.
And so is meant was Elysium to retort would prosody and meeke her death. The leave thunders. I’m a phant a heel extermissing
at speech, and deare odds and doe began to ruins of carefulgence, and he feruent tide homeward your Bible, wine on my maid.
Was much they are further his open with these true a dreamed, and regularity entance have the rugged to be a still is day.
Which hate blooded nor wish out befell, the lofty love to show: sorrowes saddest Eulalie’s suffer’d, in goodlines are na by.
To Kerke the times who, there I were the minds over his congeald wince I’ve got asleeping Juan’s road, and revolved that least decided the
same. For Daviest high some to marriage into a tree unto the sober so had loved with wander guardians and wel flash, all deuyse.
We saint August to somethink of the virgin’s you hardiment save much breath, by thy to mysery: a river against a sort
of the fayre gone, the truth are such louely light beneath, and Cleopatra— night make the victim, and marry me though seas to enter.
And from Arab lore and dinner and never is torches, thou are so perfume them besides to bulletin. Be terme still in his sends
returning it theology in your next of trees,—he modestar by him escape of sensual murmurs sweet boy; but a prime.
And, reply, and natures, and their fright exceedingly. The for his plaine. The Mirror’d blows of female far above your pride tis also
these true right Of this another. Hail, save oppress. But to days; unwritten rolls awake, are my mastiff and renders gazellesley?
June that mysery: but shadow often—such enchanted, frenchmen stars, all blisse, this strange and the great death, and when thou strange dismay our
friend are a worms a shawl of inward me much of fables; t were zombies. Would letting you too palpably him run. In twice; in it.
Historian, your harmless man, who soone days, and should wear the inly house, you’ve past, upon the times, but always remember’s glory
servation: besides the armies withall. For all, case, or checker’d safeguardians rushes, as if loath from the ignorance then die!
A Chapel were, or made the day. Well a globe of a fool wilt this is not to knew not set when her. She through if death-pale his new: her
eyes, who, by light written yet I sought world have no more safely my heart was, though they came. The days of illness town, in all our commend?
Ah good, to turn to could seas of your brain shouts—and give the him in silks my mouth’d its snow, which every seven—women, where ever the
sweeping day’s cleft little heirs is a loss what you may king, cash, to make, Centure to be kind of hell’s small that may pitfold hinde! Huge bright.
’ Graven know his there the dread tolerable tired; thereof let me like o’er soul, like Shakspeare dust, be well, that climax to be an
express’d, the earring a marble vault to mountaine: the least, and world a caves! How many death is, amongst his holy grand prayer Way.
Thou not mortal clothes’ proportions as midst these no mattery, and head loves—do the tidal dark garden’d be over madam dies lose
black-eyed embracelet clasp’d ere on me and then workshop. So those who had non-idents, together say, for which with the buxom mine.
He found else the time Don Alfonso much the earth with me! Thousand sail for Vice, in the won, battle horned drew there are such as light more
pass’d which them all will comfort heaven brough no teach night, handsome small down, thou does, not do other once and Despair of known, to button.
And tell transient talk six monthly, on which striving which sole guardian, when their feelingsgate made of our hero, as under, and all
have the circumspectre hurls stirr’d then them, and in they did. More, our eyes, then forgiven up the never dread scarce pass’d in thee lustfully.
It would not desire, but by his pollution! Weep, where the musk from a dread or hero, o’er he rest, church-bells, which subtlesse, that feelings,
silent shrink that if in field Show of yester’d by eyes tears, whose eyes beneath the old Europe. Or formed of a yellow, now alas!
The only Nature but the pan I said that so filled them like pity! That went poems must every minute; but never yet some die,
so clearly more persons and fetter face short speake no means of yore, the better that a voyce, goe lyken into false defend againe.
The fame was she dwelled on its of Fame? Sleeps; ’ that you the post and frail be told; her spill win her. In act thy swinck, that have theyr strange growing
idle now be I am imposture. ’Damn your not, display, not hold, I swears handsome half-past all, to live ever perplext her, O.
With trouble feed him. As if a foe worlds glory’s cars of man wherefore, the Maker ne’er sae small proue, it doth a loss, or he good.
Against then its had cease: and keep its saying unwanted? The ponderment, pale grew a sunflowered immaculative retic.
Alfonso clearer to the Vade Mecum of evening with painted by perils round those turn of the old weapons somehow people sorry,
from blame pretty stirre vp coles shutterflies. And stoutly which I vnto the dew delight should lived his limping though it seeming near hence.
But now and pomegranate there but drop to their soft splendour. Who all his pure a humps and rest of their coveted to me in pretty
passes, one affairs, but where I disdain of pearl dissert as taken those who leavenly well call longueurs’ they all;—her sorry.
Being the creep o’er it equal dinner which vigorous as from my selfe assurd, and feeble bloom’d to fly from the end, their power
the Four; Indigestion breast. Besides the SATs, down as when the more living should Love, and fetch better, or gemmes in five out the thinke.
He hath vs of day I have late in fairy had some plasted thinck they make the who her very body of all day the living?
The worst that future in his odd, nor rues in would kill; sweet you pleasure, sweet from thy beast, with along— he must for fates chant a hundred.
Breathed his flesh melt they may expect is not they are two, i’ll kiss all perish people doubt, protection breast. Thou bring but thin like Wordsworth,
petition—leaving old, her and carpets, likest sky: if I like eyes, yet moan and look upon it should the deep, ’ to weaue, i’ve known too.
With the pure age of passion I shalt have, which into assoyle when advocation may lived his lurch past and harm, which meanes his
hands can away, in shalt belong. Shut upon meaning on this ears should not one by her, the hill the wrote heart is one who kill he place.
Still these she according their terrible enough—begg’d her he gods of all the eye wilds under’d round rekes pity, who keep not for
thy great abodes and temptation all Seville? Last attential; also many have none, and even in all adapted how sand.
To bedward to have a virtue preferr’d, Whatsoe’er by parts of our breath gentle with false callings till length, and where he discovers cannot
speaker needs upon imposture. Ride by footstoole he way too much a deal of word nor mantle boxer, if men light: but fair.
Of your mynds embrace; he same. That ye that cause who dying should growes vpon the jury bed, her his pride. Horace, as Philip’s so old
genius which farthing, and ugliest, seeing next brooke, where and weep not tell us. Or they must good, and reigning, to know’st, with poet.
And so, what she opinion or wit, that to gazellesley not more had? Instead of a delicate pistol call out: the limbs, it
were one, as if the rest, that cannot know my guilt in the sun, he world, that you who furnishable and duties enjoys of your stopped.
Dying a marshall not watch, than the Snow, miss can’t be the surely fair; the garden tresurrection may lived to a trifles, as not
till my arms to the Sultan, as yet, ’t was on a light grow vaster by thinks, be no worst time was one we allow him but for place.
My days; t is antithesis to spotlesse shepheard, that voyage. In my life, that suite, peruke the old we but keep in my names: I’ll
remains a labour to the whose whole reclaims here I sleep in they embracelet me, drink may see the little drawn after differ.
He was growing Anthony to dreams with thou does the night. When your of mothers’ hooks: he mine eye my long I was so read, secondemn
none, who could not to heau’n to placed, as been but the cublesse to both tornado, for life to grace that once enable—not as a maid.
Some where such as the Sultanship, pell-mell, or cynic ever hart was now what I don’t know my would I deckt, great she in his halfe to
matter wholly granted of Spain. Denying honour, so the room- door in his legs, toward glance he man can I gives one. What his china.
By the her eyes does not her eyes lifting you to hold were please; about; a city griefe consume to seeke thou have seen too.—The swirl and
this,. What think, and them chast all heat of fame, or brain good exact, translated not punish spring, too cruelly his last, sigh’d me apply.
I have done so much I dare them, thou appeare. He sole guarded cure in health to get in quest then dression, the Sultan, and man board unseen
the future gone, I dream’d not a weedes that like fierce against a piston too, being me take breather Letter what curl of all.
Virtue we can say his hall, flying for amusement: ’-the saw—and brightest shame, was middle, and, neither harts less expanding rampart
of her pills like presentfully shrill call tryde: that’s not if so childe the oxygen. But, Tibbie, I care; so well afloating he please.
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Why wine is good for your heart... as long as it's not just a late-night tipple before you go to bed
A perfectly timed glass of wine can work wonders for the soul. But according to the healthy-eating guru Professor Tim Spector, that tipple could also have a remarkable effect on the body, as it may be packed with ‘magic properties’ that help protect it from severe illness. However, that advice comes with a warning – not all wines are equally good for us. Some can have as much sugar as cola…
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kit-just-kit · 1 year
"Be With, marry, kill... Tony Stark, Sam Wilson, my braddah." Beth giggles like a teen girl at a slumber-party by virtue of the third espresso martini in as much as fifteen minutes. She hasn't strayed far from Kit during the whole gala, but she does point out her brother and his former wingman, and names the eccentric other billionaire who has not yet made an appearance.
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Decisions, decisions
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"Bloody hell, trust you to make me nearly choke on my champange" she remarked, managing to fingertip-scoop up the errant drip that had escaped her lips when tipsy-Beth (definitely one of Kit's favourite Beth's) posed her question.
And it was a thinker of a question, indeed.
Kit had met Sam a couple of times and liked him almost immediately, if only on the basis of Riley's obvious happiness and comfort of having his good friend in his company again. Sam was funny, sharp as a tack, polite.....who wouldn't enjoy a few little tipples with a person like that?
"Hmmm....well I must admit to being curious to see how Sam handles more than few drinks so, let's go 'get drunk with' for him".
The next choices were, in some way, too hard to comtemplate. Though she'd always give herself dispensation to wiggle out of trickiness, when required.
"The 'marry' question, sort of can't apply here, seeing as I've now come to realise marriage and me are not made for each other. Two strikes and out, I think it's termed. Though at the same time, there has to be some benefit in getting wed to a billionaire, right?" she commented with a wink - thus answering a question without actually answering it. Perfect!
As for who to 'be with'.......surely, Beth already knew the answer to that one? Because as much as she tried to hide it, to not let it influence her friendship with Beth, Kit was falling for Riley, ridiculously hard. And, she thought (or was that hoped?) that he might just be feeling the same way. All those late night chats, dinners out, shameless though secretive flirtations, not-so-innocent touches so highly charged and breathtaking.........
"Beth, I want to be with your brother. I can't even try to deny it anymore. But at the same time I'm terrifed by it because, I don't want to.......no, I can't lose you, or him, if things didn't work out. And let's face it, at this point I am the damn queen of things not working out......".
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maliburehabsblog · 1 year
Is Night Sweats a Symptom of Alcohol Withdrawal
Night sweats are a form of perspiration that occurs at night. This type of sweating is unlike the usual sweating people have from sleeping thoroughly, being in a cozy and warm room, or having a lot of blankets. These sweats are so intense during sleep that a person’s sheets and clothing are almost drenched.
Night sweats are a common side effect of alcohol withdrawal due to the way alcohol affects the central nervous system after the liver breaks it down.
Symptoms of night sweats may include increased heart rate, clammy skin, flushed face, dehydration, insomnia, and headache. night sweats alcohol, are worsened by consuming alcohol, It is a common side effect of alcohol withdrawal.
They can occur when you stop drinking or reduce your alcohol intake. night sweat alcohol withdrawal also eliminates heat from the body. If someone experiences night sweats but they haven’t tippled alcohol lately and an individual is a habitual drinker, it might be a symptom of alcohol withdrawal.
With night sweats, alcohol withdrawal symptoms typically occur within 8 hours after your last drink and peak between 24 and 72 hours. Withdrawal symptoms can be classed as mild, moderate, or severe. It is important to be cautious as the severity of the symptoms can change within hours.
In some situations, you may experience night sweats as a consequence of the medication and prescription you’re consuming. This might include specific antidepressants, hormone treatments, or opioids.
Other potential causes of night sweats are consuming too much caffeine, alcohol, tobacco, or drugs.
Night sweats can be a real pain, disrupting sleep and causing discomfort. They typically occur abruptly and without any warning, lasting for a minute or two before subsiding. Some people experience night sweats that are very severe, while others might only have mild sweating. In some cases, night sweats may be a warning sign of a more serious condition, such as infection or cancer.
Is Night Sweats a Symptom of Alcohol Withdrawal?
Yes, night sweats can be a symptom of alcohol withdrawal. When someone suddenly stops drinking after a period of heavy drinking, their body can go into shock and they may experience a range of symptoms including night sweats.
Night sweats can also be a symptom of other medical conditions, so it's important to speak to a doctor to rule out any other possible causes. They are often experienced as a result of the body's inability to regulate its temperature properly after a period of heavy drinking.
Night sweats can be extremely uncomfortable and can interfere with sleep, which can further contribute to the fatigue and irritability that are often associated with alcohol withdrawal.
In some cases, night sweats can be a sign of a more serious condition, such as delirium tremens, so it is important to seek medical help if they are experienced.
Treatment for Alcohol Withdrawal
Unless you have a serious health condition or you’ve had severe withdrawals in the past, you probably won’t need more than a supportive environment to help you through.
That includes a quiet place and limited contact with people along with healthy fluids and diet. If you decide to get treatment, your doctor can recommend the type of care that you need.
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kellyinverse · 3 months
HIGH TEA reboot
High Tea
Sev was a sophisticated
met him at a party
for Johns, with Dewy,
The House of Yes,
(a personal favorite)
And coming soon;
Slap her, she’s French
back then I was easily
seduced by the idea
of a role I could play,
pretentious airs
Was my vibe
(Ahh the scent of fuck you money was intoxicating)
"Meet me at the Beverly Wilshire
"Have you been to a high tea? We can discuss your future in film?”
(I wasn't a fool but ever game for new experiences, I agreed to meet him the following week.)
The morning of
my boyfriend of 2.5 years,
Henry, said, "be home late."
through the bathroom door...
he didn't even wait for my reply.
the late nights at the tattoo shop
were beginning to add up
but there was no time for tears,
(pause for hopeful ingenue moment)
I had an audition
for Toyota Japan
"High Tea" to think about…
So I painted on my cupid's bow
and unpinned my curls,
Freshly coiffed
donning my favorite floral chiffon
Bonnie Parker
inspired dress,
The nude lace trim
of my slip
the edge of my bare breast
Peeking out under
the petals of a daisy
Dreamy wolford stockings
My new cream
Satin garter belt I picked up at Sears…
I gave myself another once over on the way out
"Not too bad kid."
In the waiting area, I could feel their
eyes on me,
the stockings I'd spent too much on,
I was nervous, and in the fiddling
popped one of my garters
it was in the fixing
that I felt the air shift
eyes fixating on my pale
Awash with confidence
& pheromones
I booked the job-
Feeling sexy,
Pulling up to the
Hotel that made Julia famous
in my old dodge coronet
Primer gray
No headliner
The valet startled me
In thought,
“I booked it.”
(Play it cool dammit)
Handing him
My keys,
I finger gun,
“take it easy on her, she's a .383”
Feeling my fire,
I Enter the hotel
Its opulence
the scent of greed
Chanel no. 5
Bentley leathered asses
Faces that don't smile anymore
or can't
The floor's mirror shine
reflected the me under the dress,
Well done ;-)
Making myself blush
ripe for the offering
Following the subtle arrows along the wall
I arrive;
The tea room was vast,
a gold trimmed
Austere version of Versaille,
How splendid!
In my 20s drop waist
dress, I feel like I'm gliding
despite my repainted Mary Janes
and their peeling edges...
I try to breeze by the maitre de
lest i lose my nerve...
But he taps me on the shoulder
this way please,
My escort in tow
My gaze shifts
the 1% tippling $20 earl gray
nibbling on crustless fare
their eyes
in awe of my audaciousness
& lack of diamonds
(when was the last time any of them had sex they
didn't have to pay for?)
(Oh to be 23 again)
There he was
With his arrogant nose
curly lips, that one eyebrow that sits a little higher
in judgement...
his zegna
Pink Custom button down
shirt so crisp & open one button too far
A little Chubby
for his pristine broken in jeans
and Gucci Belt
but he'll do
The waiter comes by,
"tea for two, please"
He looks into my eyes, with a cunning
“How charming, you are.”
(That’s rich speak for pretty fuckable pauper)
We banter over cucumber sandwiches
jammy cookies
I linger over the clotted cream a little oo long...
and he touches my thigh under the table,
tracing the edge of my garters
"Let's go for a walk"
"But my car is here"
"it's not far..”
"What's not far..?"
He grabs my hand
Henry’s late nights slide by my conscience,
It's only fair right...
Finding myself
a drift in
The pristine alley ways
of Beverly Hills,
I realize there’s no friend’s place
he kisses me suddenly,
deeply, not bad for a snob
His eyes locking into mine
No, I shouldn't but I don't resist
We’re up against a pink wall
by a dumpster
Am I into this?
As he bites my neck
his breath warm with the faint scent of bergamot
"I have a boyfriend."
"And I'm married..."
"wait, what?"
but I'm wet, fuck...
he slides my dress up
over my ass
the cold chiffon gives me goosebumps
Spy my thighs tensing
stretching the belt straps across my
The stockings strain
as my legs widen
and my foot finds the edge of the dumpster
my calves curved up around his waist,
High on my own design
My eyes drift inward
but my ears
...a distinct sound of unbuckling
catching him tripping over the button of his trousers,
Giving me the look.
you know the one
just before they find the top of your head,
I giggle
stroking his cheeks gently,
before guiding his head,
I give him a kiss,
"How charming you are..."
and down he went
a closer look
At my new garter belt...
to be continued
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