#latula x rufioh
nepetism · 21 days
all the dancestors
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vikkirosko · 1 year
I wanted to request headcanons for the alpha trolls with a female jiangshi reader.
When reader died, she wasn't brought back with the help of the god tier, but was resurrected as a jiangshi (a chinese zombie/vampire).
Her body is stiff and it's hard for her to move her joints, so she stretches herself to be less stiff and able to move more freely.
Sometimes, her mind get lost while she's speaking or when people speak to her so she often change the subject of conversation or say something completely missing the point.
She paper talisman on her forehead can sometimes make people scarred of her (because her face is partially hidden).
Hi Qiqi...
Headcanons Jiangshi
♋ Kankri Vantas x fem!Reader 💬
Kankri wasn't too bothered by the fact that you became jiangshi instead of godtier. He didn't really understand what exactly it was, but you didn't look much like a zombie in those performances that were usually in the movies that he saw once. You were practically alive, but every time he saw a paper amulet on your forehead, he remembered that you weren't alive after all
You were one of those who never interrupted him. He could talk about a variety of topics and you seemed to be listening to him, periodically answering something, but at some point you could just start talking about a completely different topic, forgetting what you were talking about all this time. There was no such thing before, which quickly made it clear to him that your condition was the reason for it. He understood that you couldn't control it or fix it somehow, so he wasn't angry with you. He saw that you sincerely tried not to lose concentration in your conversation, but you didn't always succeed
He saw how some people looked at you anxiously because of the amulet on your forehead, but every time they regretted it, because Kankri began his monologue about how they should be ashamed of what they behaved like towards you. Usually you didn't pay attention to it, but Kankri couldn't stay away, outraged by such behavior of others
Kankri knew that you often forgot about everything, and secretly he was afraid that you would forget about him. He treasured you and the last thing he wanted to lose was you, one of the few who truly treasured him. That's why every time you gently called his name and took his hand, he felt relieved knowing that you still remember him
♈ Damara Megido x fem!Reader 🚬
Damara was well aware of Eastern culture, so when she saw the amulet on your forehead, she immediately realized that you had become a jiangshi. She wasn't sure exactly why it happened, but the fact that you were still alive in a sense gave her confidence. She wasn't sure if it was a good thing that you stayed between life and death, but she couldn't change that. Damara wasn't even sure that it could be changed
She didn't feel annoyed because you forgot something or started talking about a completely different topic. She understood that over time your memory would only get worse, so she gave you a notebook where you wrote everything down. You didn't want to lose the memories of the people you cherished, including Damara, so you tried to reread your notebook as often as possible so as not to forget anything
She wouldn't let anyone who tried to hurt you do that. She was rude to them even though you usually didn't pay attention to it. In a sense, you understood why others began to treat you like that. You were basically a living dead man. Your body often seemed to stiffen and your mind often clouded, but Damara continued to stay by your side and help you despite what others said
Damara helped you not to forget about everything in the world. She talked to you a lot, so even without your notebook, you forgot less. She understood that someday you might not remember her, so she tried to create as many memories as possible that would take the place of the old ones
♉ Rufioh Nitram x fem!Reader 🧡
Rufioh was very surprised when he saw what you became instead of rebirth. He saw that your condition had changed, but it wasn't godtier, so he didn't understand what had happened. It was only thanks to Damara that he found out that you had become a jiangshi. He wasn't sure if it was good, but it was definitely better than if you just died. It was this thought that calmed him
Quite often he noticed that you were trying to warm up. The reason for this was that your body often stiffened and according to you, if you stopped doing this, your body would become like a wooden doll. Sometimes Rufioh would keep you company so that you wouldn't warm up alone. He tried to spend as much time with you as possible so that you would remain the same as before
He began to notice that you periodically began to forget things. You could talk about something, but at some point you would fall silent and then start talking about something completely different. Your memory gradually got worse and Damara's according, the longer you stay in this state, the more you will forget. That's why Rufioh decided to start helping you train your memory. Every day you talked together about who you were, who he was, and a few other things that you didn't want to forget
Rufioh didn't know if it was possible to change your condition somehow, returning you to a full life or not, but he tried to spend as much time with you as possible. He hoped that you would be able to return to your normal state again, but if it was still impossible, then at least you could spend as much time together as possible while your memories were still with you
♊ Mituna Captor x fem!Reader 🛹
Mituna did not immediately understand what exactly happened to you. He saw that you didn't reach godtier and at first he thought you were dead. But pretty quickly he realized that you were practically alive. He didn't understand why the amulet on your forehead was needed, but since you said it was necessary, it means it was. Pretty quickly, he noticed that your behavior had changed slightly, but, unlike others, it did not frighten him and did not bother him
He often noticed that you began to warm up and he began to do it with you. He saw that after these small physical exercises you moved more freely, as if your muscles were stiff before. He was happy to study with you, laughing and making you laugh so that you wouldn't be so sad and thoughtful
He occasionally noticed that you might have forgotten what you were talking about, but he didn't get upset about it. He continued the conversation on a new topic, without worrying that you did not finish the conversation on the previous topic. He understood that it wasn't your fault, so he didn't take offense at you and continued your conversation with a smile
Mituna didn't know how much you could change after you became jiangshi, but for him you were still the same person for whom he had such strong feelings. No matter how much you changed for him, you remained the same as before
♌ Meulin Leijon x fem!Reader 🦁
Meulin was very worried when she saw that you didn't switch to godtier. She was worried that something might go wrong, but she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw that you got up and only after that she saw a paper amulet on your forehead. You both didn't fully understand the reason for this, but you didn't know exactly why it happened and whether it was possible to fix it somehow, but you decided to deal with problems as they appeared
One of the problems that you had was that your body became very numb and stiff. You couldn't move properly, which is why you started doing warm-ups so you could feel better. Meulin supported you and encouraged you while you were warming up
When you forgot something, Meulin reminded you of this or that thing. Sometimes, because of your forgetfulness, you forgot what exactly she was trying to tell you, but pretty quickly you began to understand each other again and she helped you remember something. When during conversations you started talking about completely different topics, Meulin continued your conversation on a new topic, knowing that then you will be able to return to what you did not finish talking about earlier
Meulin continued to love you despite the fact that you became jiangshi. She didn't think it changed you much and should have ended your relationship. You stayed by her side when she lost her hearing, and she wasn't going to leave you now when you literally existed on the verge of life and death
♍ Porrim Maryam x fem!Reader 💚
Porrim has always treated you with care and attention. That's why when she found out that when you were supposed to reach godtier something went wrong, she got very worried and headed to you. She was afraid that you had not been resurrected, but your condition turned out to be completely different from what she expected. It was like you were between life and death. In another situation, she would have called such a state a zombie, but you didn't look like a risen dead man. Outwardly, the only thing that betrayed your condition was a paper amulet on your face
Porrim has been watching you closely to find out what has changed in you. One of the first changes in you was forgetfulness. At first it wasn't noticeable, but then she started noticing that you might have forgotten some word, and then you began to forget what you were talking about with someone just a couple of moments ago. Every time this happened, she reminded you that you had forgotten, to which you smiled absentmindedly and thanked her every time. The only thing that bothered Porrim was that your memory would get even worse
She found out pretty quickly that there was another problem. This problem was that your body often began to go numb, as if to stiffen. To avoid this, you began to do warm-ups often. After that, you could move more freely. Porrim didn't rush you when you started your warm-up and sometimes worked out with you
Porrim didn't know if there was a way to return you to your initial state or help you reach godtier, but so far she didn't know if there were ways to do it. That is why she was in no hurry to change anything. While there were no drastic changes, she decided to take her time and perhaps a way to fix everything would appear later
♎ Latula Pyrope x fem!Reader 🛹
Latula was sure that you would be able to reach godtier without any problems. That's why when she found out that something had gone wrong, she was very worried. She hurried to you, but when she saw you, she didn't immediately understand what exactly was wrong. You were alive, but there was a strange paper amulet on your forehead that she had never seen before. Your speech was a little slow, but she finally realized that something was wrong when you tried to remember her name for a couple of minutes
Her friends said that you have apparently become a jiangshi. Neither you nor Latula fully knew what it meant, but she didn't think it was something terrible. You were alive and that was the main thing, and the fact that there were small changes in you did not look like something critical. Your forgetfulness didn't look like such a terrible problem, sometimes when you forgot what was being discussed and started talking about a completely different topic, Latula kept the conversation on a new topic, even if she started a conversation on the previous topic
Quite often, your muscles were stiff, so you were doing warm-ups. When Latula found out about it, she decided to help you. She understood that you wouldn't be able to skateboard in this condition, but you could do warm-ups together, after which she could skate and you sat nearby and just watched or dozed
Latula didn't know if you would change even more or not, but she still liked you. She knew that some people began to fear you because of the amulet on your forehead, but not her. She knew better than anyone else that such trifles were not a reason to stop communicating with someone, and even more so to break off such a long relationship as those that were between you
♏ Aranea Serket x fem!Reader 💙
Aranea realized that something went wrong when she saw a strange paper amulet on your forehead. You didn't know what the amulet meant either, but you knew for sure that you couldn't take it off. It was like an unbreakable truth that someone put in your head. Aranea started looking for information about what kind of amulet it was in the books and found out that you became jiangshi. She spent several hours trying to find out as much information as possible in the hope of finding out how to help you, but it wasn't as easy as she would have liked
One of the clearly noticeable problems that appeared after you became jiangshi was absent-mindedness. At first you forgot something for a few moments, but gradually you began to forget more. You could forget what you were talking about just a minute or two ago, after which you would start talking about something completely different. Every time Aranea reminded you of what you were talking about earlier, wanting to continue the conversation that you forgot about
Another problem was that your body was numb and stiff. Because of this, you had difficulty moving. To ease your condition, you started doing a warm-up every time you felt that your muscles were starting to stiffen. Aranea gave you advice that she read, but she rarely kept you company in your physical activity, preferring to spend this time reading books
Aranea continued to look for a way to return you to a full life, realizing that over time your condition could get worse, so she did not stop searching, and until she found a way that could help you, she tried to help you not forget what is still left in your memory
♐ Horuss Zahhak x fem!Reader 🐴
Horrus was sure that you would be able to reach godtier without any problems, but his expectation turned out to be wrong. You didn't reach godtier like the others, but something else happened to you, something strange. You've become a jiangshi. You both didn't know exactly how it happened and what could be done about it, so you decided to leave it as it is for now. He wasn't sure that this condition could be corrected, so he made sure that you didn't get worse
When he found out that your muscles started to get very stiff and stiff, he offered to help you. He understood a lot of things and was able to help you make a plan of warm-ups that would allow you to stretch your muscles well. Sometimes he would join you and you would warm up together. He liked spending time with you and then seeing your soft smile when you thanked him
You've become quite absent-minded. Horrus often noticed that you could forget what the conversation was about or what you were going to do just a couple of minutes ago. He helped you by reminding you of this or that thing that you forgot and even made a memo for you of the most basic things that you could forget. You began to carry this memo with you in order to read it in case of something and remember what you especially needed
You and Horrus continued to stay together even though you were jiangshi. You still didn't fully understand whether it was possible to change it, but you were still the same person he fell in love with and nothing could change it. Even if you completely forget everything, he will stay by your side and remind you of everything in the world
♑ Kurloz Makara x fem!Reader 💀
Kurloz wasn't completely sure what happened to you when he saw you. You were going to meet after you both reach godtier, but something went wrong with you. You looked almost the same as in your last meeting, but there was a strange paper amulet on your face because of which some looked at you with concern and fear, but Kurloz was more worried that you were not completely alive
One of the main problems that you had was your forgetfulness. You began to forget what you could have been talking about with someone just a moment ago and started talking about something else. But it was much worse that you began to forget the sign language thanks to which you understood what Kurloz was saying. He helped you learn sign language again and you began to write down some signs so as not to forget at least the basics and understand exactly what he wanted to say
Another problem was that your muscles often began to stiffen. Because of this, it was difficult for you to even walk. You and Kurloz came up with a warm-up plan together and practiced together. He worked out with you so that you wouldn't be so lonely, because doing sports together was more fun than being alone
Kurloz knew perfectly well that some were whispering behind your backs. You both looked a little strange, and for some frightening, but it didn't bother him. You continued to be together and nothing could spoil your relationship, neither his inability to speak, nor the fact that you became jiangshi
♒ Cronus Ampora x fem!Reader 💜
Cronus often spent time with you and shared what he learned about humans. It was thanks to this knowledge that he realized that you had become a jiangshi when he saw a paper amulet on your forehead. He had seen such characters in films, but did not expect that such a thing was possible in the real world. However, you became a jiangshi and now you had to figure out how to deal with it
Because you were jiangshi now, your memory has deteriorated. You began to forget a lot, to the point that you could forget what you were talking about just a couple of minutes ago and start talking about a completely new topic. It seemed strange, but Cronus quickly got used to it and began to remind you what you were talking about or continued to talk about another topic so that you wouldn't feel awkward
Another problem was that your muscles began to stiffen and stiffen. He helped you cope, helping you to warm up and not lose count, because sometimes you even forgot how many bends you did right during the warm-up. After such a warm-up, you felt better and could calmly go about your daily business again
Cronus didn't know much about jiangshi other than what he learned from the movies, but it wasn't like you. You were still the same person he fell in love with and with whom he had such a great time. He wasn't afraid even if you suddenly wanted to get his life energy or anything else that jiangshi needed. He loved you anyway
♓ Meenah Peixes x fem!Reader 🦈
Meenah found out that something went wrong with you only after a while. When she came to you, she didn't immediately understand what exactly happened to you. You looked pretty much the same as usual, except there was a paper amulet on your face that she had never seen before. When she tried to remove this amulet, you recoiled, not letting her do it. You didn't know exactly why, but you knew that if this amulet was removed, then your life would be over, literally
Despite the fact that outwardly you have changed little, changes have still occurred. One of them was that your muscles often began to stiffen, which is why you could not move normally. Meenah watched several times how it was difficult for you to even walk, so you started doing a warm-up, which helped you feel a little better again. Every time Meenah waited for you to finish so that you could get back to fulfilling her plans for the day
Another problem was that you became forgetful. You could forget what you were talking about just a moment ago and start talking about a completely different topic. Meenah was annoyed by this, but you tried to forget as little as possible. You wrote down important things in a notebook so as not to forget them and Meenah reminded you of what you were talking about so that you could continue your conversation
Meenah was angry at those around her who looked at you askance. She knew that some people were worried about the amulet on your face, but these little things stopped bothering her. She treated you pretty much the same as before. The fact that you became jiangshi did not change her feelings for you and she was ready to stand up for you as before if someone said something unpleasant about you
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angrybugger · 2 months
ok now i talk about mmy favorit3 ships lik3 a dummbass
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(mm3 irl)
ok anyways
ok im dropping the typing quirk for now
HOMESTUCK (only matespritships for now cuz im a narrowminded human plz spare me)
rose x kanaya
jane x roxy
john x dave
latula x mituna
aradia x sollux
terezi x vriska
jake x dirk
rufioh x horuss
meulin x kurloz
aranea x meenah
tavros x gamzee
kankri x cronus
izuku x katsuki
ochako x himiko
eraserhead x mic
shoto x momo
jonathan x speedwagon
joseph x caesar
jotaro x noriaki
avdol x polnareff
josuke x okuyasu
giorno x mista
narancia x fugo
bruno x leone
jolyne x ff
sonic x shadow
ok3y just want3d to put that out
that's all mmy b33ni3s w33ni3s and inb3tw33ni3s
(imm tir3d)
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shrimplymoray · 8 months
This is... Very much self-indulgent and for my own comfort right now. So, excuse anything that may be off, or a bit OOC. TW: Apathy crisis, existential crisis.
Cronus Ampora x Reader - Apathy
Cronus was never the smartest fish in the sea when dealing with people, especially when it is other's feelings. He may seem like the emotional type of guy (he has cried multiple times for human love songs), but dealing with others is way out of his league. He - and the rest of the Beforus trolls for that matter - keep wondering how he managed to actually score one. He was used to shooting his shot at others and missing by well over a mile, so his oh-so-not-smooth flirts actually hitting a soft spot for you made him lose his composure, and get fidgety. An adorable view, truly. Though in past times his bluntness and lack of emotional knowledge never affected you, it seemed as though fate had other plans. Apathy. Something all 13 of you have become used, almost acquaintances to. Sadly, being used does not mean it is easy to deal with. Some of you, like Meulin and Rufioh, have mastered the art of surrounding yourself with others to get better. Latula and Porrim tend to dive into hobbies to lessen the effects. You? Oh... Even after what seemed like thousands of years, it is a mystery what actually helps you. That is why, this time, Cronus went too far for you. It was simple, you were faking till you got better, but he ran his mouth too much. "Heyy~ hot stuff, are ya mad at somefin? Did'ya stub yer toes? Ya so dry it shorelly must'vwe been somefin goin' on." A pause, and an answer "I don't know what you're talking about Cro." "Huh? C'mon, bae~ Lemme guess... Meenah talked shit 'bout yer hair?" "Is... there something with my hair?" "wvah- NONONO! No it, uh, it looks as great as ya! Like alwvays, I just, uh, y'knowv howv she can get, haha!" You knew he was not trying to make you mad, yet... He didn't seem charming when being a dork, this time. Your pause, the look in your void white eyes that stared at his, and your look at the distance. That showed him something really was up. And also that he fucked up big time by running his mouth today. "Hey... Hey, look at me." "What?" "Y'knowv ya can trust me, right? Ya been here for me, wvhat good of a matesprit wvould I be if I didn't do the same?" ... "It's the... the thing, again. This stupid thinkpan of mine can't seem to co-work with my bloodpumper. It's like... Y'know how, like, sometimes the reality hits us? that... that we are gonna be here, forever. We will never grow old, travel the world, or... or have a life, again. We are stuck in the bubbles, and we don't have a future ahead of us anymore. Any... certainty we had once, from the moment our session ended, it will never occur, like, ever again." "Wvoah..." It took a while, the two of you staring at the abyss, on the edge of the dreambubble you two have been sitting on, a special place for you, as this is one of your bubbles. No one said anything. You couldn't feel uncomfortable, at that moment. The lack of emotions took a deep toll on you, but you instinctively looked at Cronus. When he looked at you, however, he didn't seem worried. Or afraid. He took his goofy fake 'human' cigarette put it on the corner of his mouth, and gave you his side grin. Not the smug one, the one he puts whenever he is really confident about what he is going to say. "I mean, ya not wvrong, by any means but... heh... Do ya think it is bad? I mean, hey! Wve are gonna be all here forevwer, so that means wve can at least, like, be together for eternity or wvathevwer. I used to be pretty damn bad wvith these apathy shellnanigans but... I'm not really that afraid anemonemore. I havwe the best fuckin' matesprit in the wvhole 'bubbles and, like, I'm pretty damn shore I can live the rest of a boring eternity if I havwe ya to make it interestin'!" As you two stared to the far, far void of nothing, outside the bubble, you instinctively reached a hand on top of his, which, as always, sent his face into a violet blush mess, and managed to drag a smile and chuckle out of you. "Can't complain with that, really."
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worselydrawnaranea · 8 months
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ardentGossiper [AG] is here!! admirableCuteness [AC] is here!! AG: Today, we will 8e interviewing Meulin Leijon! Please do say hi, dear!
AC: (/ᐠ. 。.ᐟ\ᵐᵉᵒʷˎˊ˗) HELLO EVERYNYAN!
AG: Now, here's your first question: loud and clear........
AG: How are you today, Meumix ::::) ?
AC: (=^.w.^=) 3333333!!!!! I'M DOING JUST PURRFECT! MEOW ARE YOU DOING? AG: That's excellent! And I'd say I'm doing well, 8ut much 8etter than I usually would....
AG: (A 8it 8ecause I'm talking to you)
AC:(/ᐠ ᵒ̴̶̷̥ ‸ ᵒ̴̶̷̥ ᐟ\ノ) I FURR'D THAT!
AG: (le 8lush)
AC: (/ᐠ ///.⋏./// ᐟ\ノ)
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AG: Now, after that em8arrasing pause, let's get on to our next question, shall we? AC:(=/ᐠ^▽^ᐟ\=) 3333333 YES PL33ASE TELL M33!!!
AG: Okay,,,,,,,,hmm AG: YES, I'VE GOT 8!
AC: (?/ᐠ・x・ᐟ\)σ) 8? AG: "It"-------may8e I should use the auditory 8 less.
AG: Anyways, how do you feel a8out being the first one I interview and most voted for? AC: (=^●__●^=) WOAH, YOU MEAN I WAS THE MOST VOTED FUR?
AG: Yeah :::) AC: (=/ᐠ^▽^ᐟ\=) MOG MOG MOG MOG MOG 333333333333!!!! I FEEL SO GREAT! PAWESOME! PURRFECT! AG: Glad to hear that! AG: I have a few more questions for you since our viewers wanted you so much........ AG: 8ut furst...Ships, GIVE THEM TO ME MEOW!
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AG: ::::) Make it dessert at the nearest café in these dream 8u88les and we've got a deal, hon ::::D AG: 8ut please do continue!
AG: I'll ask them when I get to that. Carry on!
AG: Speaking of Kurloz,,,,,,,how exactly are you two now? It's okay if you don't want to answer, I understand what happened....
AG: Oh dear. Are you alright?
AG: Um........Oh, there's just one more!
AG: This Friday, would you go on a picnic with me and Porrim? She's 8een asking for you, and I'm quite partial to having you there too!
AC: (/ᐠ . ۪ . ᐟ\ノ) 3333 ABSOLUTELY!
AG: Thank you, we will all 8e glad.
AG: And with that, our furrst- I mean, first interview comes to a close! See you next time, when we interview Kankri Vantas :::(
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davekat-sucks · 4 months
Oh my god. How the hell did CroTuna end up on the same level as VrisTav. One is a genocidal eugenicist rapist incestuous pedophile abuser, shipped with his abuse victim.
Anon, even though I agree with you that it's ridiculous that the final is these two ships (Meenvris or gamrezi should have been there) I'm going to have to disagree with you. You're giving way too much credit to Cronus, first of all. Talk about HIC or Mindfang or Scratch who are all those things and actual characters. Second, do you want to know who Mituna is an actual victim of? Kurloz. He was the one that disabled him in the first place, Cronus is pathetic and Mituna even makes fun of him, doesn't take him seriously and calls him "bro".
The other is not even comparable. Vriska is pretty fucked up, but nothing like Cronus. Cronus wishes he could be cruel—he WANTS to be able to kill disabled people and those he considers below him, even though he knows it's wrong.
Stop adopting other people's headcanons as your own please. I'm so fucking tired, form your own opinion instead of repeating another post like a parrot. Cronus hasn't actually even crippled or killed someone on screen unlike Vriska, because he's not a fucking character. He doesn't matter.
Vriska was forced into it. She never wanted that. Yeah, sure, they're both abuse. But holy shit, I swear people just fucking hate women. There's no way a male Vriska would get the same kind of ranking with VrisTav as it has here. Good lord, ugh.
Some other anon already explained Tavros, Vriska wasn't forced to disable Terezi or mindcontrol Sollux to kill Aradia, she did that on her own. Not taking women accountable of their mistakes just because of their gender is sexism. Kurloz is a "male Vriska", he crippled Meulin and Mituna and manipulated both and has actually also said genocidal statements yet nobody talks about him. You people make such a big deal out of crotuna that you ignored the actual "male Vriska" yourselves. And yet here you are complaining that Crotuna is in the finals still.
And before you say anything, no anon, I don't give a shit about Cronus and yes he's worse than Vriska, but only because he's a one dimensional tertiary character that doesn't. fucking. matter.
Cronus and Mituna are probably the most unimportant dancestors within the useless dancestors. At least you got shit like Meulin being mind controlled by Kurloz, Horuss x Rufioh x Damara having their love triangle drama, & Latula, Kankri, and Porrim are on their own delusions for the living trolls to see and reflect on who they are (Kanaya, Terezi, and Karkat). But there is absolutely nothing for Cronus and Mituna. Even if Mituna would be Latula's girlfriend, there is nothing much deep about their relationship besides being a mirror to how close Sollux and Terezi were as friends. Even then, that side is barely explored as Sollux almost never sees Terezi by Act 6.
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broadway-sollux · 11 months
happy halloween.
2iince iit2 2pooky 2ea2on maybee 2omeone wiill actwoally lii2ten two me about dyiing.
lyriic2 by me, iincrediible cover art by ghostlyGrimalkin (thank2 for addiitiional voiice2 two @broadway-karkat, @broadwayy-kanaya, @broadway-jade, @broadway-caliborn, and titularTirade)
[Various voices, including a confused Caliborn for some reason]
Alright, everybody sit down, shut up, and listen Since none of you will listen when I say it to you I’m going to sing it this time since that's all you people care about I’m going to start with A and I'm gonna end with Z Hey, is the tune ready??
One, and a two
A’s for Aradia blasted to bits B is for Batterwitch finally hit C is for Cronus diseased in the brain D’s for Damara who couldn’t abstain E is for Eridan split with a saw F is for Feferi shot after draw G is for Gamzee halved by a jade H is for Horuss who’s matesprit was fake
One by one we bite the dust Kick the bucket and begin to rust Give up the ghost when your number's up We all fall down Ashes to ashes, bones to paste You wither away in your resting place Eternity in a culling case We all fall down
I is for Idarat hit by a train J is for Jeevik meme’d and then slain K is for Karkat impaled by a trident L’s for Latula who’s nose couldn’t scent M’s for Mituna exploded to save N’s for Nepeta with EQ to the grave O is for Orphaner told a bad joke P is for Porrim who’s game fucking broke
La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la La-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la
[Various voices]
One by one we bite the dust Kick the bucket and begin to rust Give up the ghost when your number's up We all fall down Ashes to ashes, bones to paste You wither away in your resting place Eternity in a culling case We’ll all fall down
Q is for Questbed which few of us reach R is for Rufioh sick cheating leech S is for Sollux who’ll twice meet his doom T is for Tavros whos legs go kaboom U’s for Ursama who the drone attacked V is for Vriska stabbed in the back  W is for Wanshi who lied in a trial X is for Xefros culled basic style Y is for Yiffy writhing in pain Z’s for Zahhak when Gamzee goes Insane
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omgitzlongdennis · 10 months
homestuck shipping chart!
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OTPS: Matesprite: Mituna x Latula Moirail: Rufioh x Meulin Kismesis: Aradia x Vriska
just blackrom below:
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serfuzzypushover · 1 month
IDK if I cooked with this or not, but thoughts on pitch Rufioh x Latula? She'd shut his ass down without a second thought the moment he gets up to his BS.
kismesis implies theres a levvel of respect betwween parties and i cant imagine anyone givvin rufioh respect wwithout wwantin to stab my eyes out so not for me probably !
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spadestuck · 2 years
a list of ships that remind me of me and my gf (most of them are homestuck because i’m insane)
- june egbert (her) x dave strider (me)
- gamzee makara (me) x tavros nitram (her)
- terezi pyrope (me) x vriska serket (her)
- shinji ikari (her) x asuka langley (me)
- dirk strider (me) x jake english (her)
- scott pilgrim (her) x ramona flowers (me)
- crona gorgon (me) x maka albarn (her)
- death the kid (her) x crona gorgon (me)
- rufioh nitram (her) x horuss zahhak (me)
- nepeta leijon (me) x equius zahhak (her)
- karkat vantas (me) x dave strider (her)
- nepeta leijon (me) x feferi peixes (her)
- sollux captor (me) x aradia megido (her)
- latula pyrope (me or her) x mituna captor (me or her)
- eridan ampora (me) x sollux captor (her)
- karkat vantas (her) x terezi pyrope (me)
- brett hand (her) x reagan ridley (me)
- kaworu nagisa (her) x shinji ikari (me)
- nagito komaeda (me) x hajime hinata (her)
- mahiru koizumi (her) x hiyoko saionji (me)
- kazuichi soda (me) x gundham tanaka (her)
- jesse pinkman (me or her) x jane margolis (me or her)
- travis phelps (me or her) x sal fisher (me or her)
- fluttershy (me) x pinkie pie (her)
- vinyl scratch (me) x octavia melody (her)
- gumi megpoid (me) x hatsune miku (her)
- andrew kreiss (me) x victor grantz (her)
- creeper (me) x enderman (her)
- mikan tsumiki (me) x chiaki nanami (her)
- miu iruma (me) x K1-B0 (her)
- kaede akamatsu (her) x shuichi saihara (me)
- rebornica phone guy (her) x rebornica purple guy (me)
- markiplier (me) x jacksepticeye (her)
(ships of irl people are JOKES do not cancel me)
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pinktatertots99 · 3 years
yooo consider this: pale rufioh/latula! i feel like theyd get each other and really click yknow? they both understand the stress of keepin up an image and wanting everyone to think youre cool, plus they both got hella anxiety
.....ok shit ye that's adorbs af and now thanks for the writing idea/material nonnie. -not doin quirks for this-
aothree link for this fic
okay this is fine this is fine just breath in, breath out, one, two, three, four, ten, twenty-...fuck fuck FUCK nope that’s not working damnit! c’mon pyrope ya can’t just suck this badly at calming yourself!
your name is latula pyrope and your suffering the worst of panic attacks in your after life. you’d think, maybe wish and dream even these stopped by the time your dead but ol paradox space was like ‘hey latula fuck you death doesn’t get rid of your anxiety or anyone else’s own physical, mental or emotional problems!’
you’ve taken cover in one of the forest-y dream bubbles. the familiarity of blue bark and pink leaves reminds you of the parks you used to hang at that were closeby your hive. shreddin it on them pipes and-wait-fuck nonononono don’t think bout it!
don’t think about your skating, don’t think about everyone’s reactions to you, all those eyes, all those comments of disbelief and bewilderment, the twinge of fear at a mediocre response to your rad moves, how disappointed they’d be if you flopped making yourself look like a damn phoney-
okay so this is NOT helping your think pan get off the panic coaster 2000, with wild reviews of going fifty miles a second and 9/10 liklyhood to hurl your cotton candy out on the first out of five runs on it.
this would be the time you pop your medication down your throat but somehow these bullshit bubbles had ya run out! which is bullshit what kinda afterlife where ya imagine wha the hell ever has ya run outta anxiety meds!? hell why does it let ya keep the anxiety!? and for that record how does anxiety medicine even work when your DEAD like is it some mind game to make ya THINK your not anxietic anymore? talk about major irony if that’s the case.
your hiding your face in your knees as you sit in a ball, it’s quiet in the bubble but it feels like there’s more noise then wind and leaves falling. screams, static, footsteps...wait no that’s not your mind trying to give ya a damn migraine of fake noises that’s actual noise in your presence.
damn it you really didn’t wanna have to meet anyone in here. your begging it’s maybe porrim at least she gets ya. you hear a small clanking that you know too well is a plastic pill bottle. your looking up fast not expecting those rad familiar wings and spooked face from the rufioh nitram.
...well..fuck there goes your rad girl cred from the rad-est dude of your entire team (well, second rad-est your tuna is the most radical of bro’s). you look between him and the bottle as he looks...weirdly awkward. probably cause you look so lame pyrope.
he bends down enough and at the right height you snag it, pop the cap off and swallow two pills from it. your used to dry swallowing them sometimes and take a breath as you calm down letting the weird magical pills take over. you hear him situate and sit beside you, as best as he can with those hefty wings and horns.
“doin aight?” he asks as if he’s got no idea what to do as you nod. “yeah...yeah thanks its uh...it’s just nothin one of those days yknow?” you try bullshitting out trying to keep your radgirl persona up even though it’s obvious to the most pan-dead of trolls that that cover is blown to high hell.
“yeah. totally just, a wipeout right?” he asks and you perk up a bit...surprised how well he took that...too well you may add. you lay back on the tree and hum. “yeah, just, a wicked mess earlier. it’s cool though.”
okay this is weird. your feeling something’s rounding the bend of twists. like why is he here? why does he have anxiety meds right on him? how did he know you needed em? why is he not flipping his shit over how not cool and okay you were acting!?
atleast 75% of it starts collecting though as you think it further. kinda. you had to take a moment to remember if zahhak actually had anxiety or was just that awkward and if you could get high off those meds which, yeah probably could you’d be in for a gnarly trip if you didn’t care about yourself a little bit.
so you both sit there, letting leaves fall, wind blowing, normal shit for two abnormally radical rebels like yourselves who your slowly realizing aren’t all like that. you decide to break the ice first asking “you...gonna tell anyone?”
he rubs the back of his head like he always does that you’ve noticed. “uhh, mean, long as ya don’t tell anyone, i won’t.” you get it. on the same halfpipe your both grinding on. you put your fist up halfway, he takes a minute but moves to fist bump you.
“pretty rad nitram.”
“rad yourself haha.”
“we...should do this more often.”
“uhh heh i dunno, don’t think multiple panic attacks are good for ya.”
you elbow him with a fake ‘har har’ as he rubs the area. whoops, teal strength, you navigate around that real quick. “i mean hangin out dude.” he stops rubbing it to look at you curiously. “really? dunno mean, skating looks cool but-” you sigh. “no no dude just like this. one on one shit yknow?”
he looks a bit surprised at that and...agitated? did ya think this was too fast of a moment? maybe dude just wanted to help and here you are thinking this means your all buddy buddies now. “i mean...” he starts and you listen in. “...i dunno like, after the whole horrus thing i-”
“WOAH WOAH WOAH slow your tinkerbulls!” your blushing teal as you exclaim scooting back a bit. “dude not like that, i’m with mituna remember? i just meant like y’know, bonding over our anxiety complexities and shit. i don’t like, do that with alotta people like, porrim sometimes but her quad’s are always open so it’s like, temporary shit y’know?”
“oh.” he replies shocked almost as he looks away nervously. “mmm...dunno still mean. everyone assumes y’know, after the whole thing that, mean...y’know.” you huff, it’s not like your BLIND to past events but he’s really thinking too hard on it. “yeah well, obviously i wouldn’t do that.”
“mean...yeah but like, yknow some would still...uhm...” he shrinks a bit and how he acts has you boiling a bit inside, not at him though. “...who...would assume i would?” you ask your tone cold as he grits his teeth. “nitram.”
“look i dunno doll it’s just how everyone’s like these days.” that’s not answering your question but then again you really should’ve seen this kinda thought process pop up before. it still piss’s you off the idea that their all assuming you’d flip on a drop of a hat quadrant wise.
“yeah...well i’ll be the most bluntest of diamonds you could ask for.” you state gripping his shoulder. “gonna be loud and proud if your down for it i mean. like ‘ey me and my MOIRAIL are having the most pale of times now so shove it!’ kinda thing. again if you like, wanna i dunno.”
you let go and he rubs his shoulder with a shy smile, damn teal strength. “that...would be kinda cool but i mean...i dunno i’m fine just bein, chill y’know? just this is fine.” you raise a brow. “so...is it like...a yeah or a hell yeah?”
he looks more confident as he replies with a “hell fucking yeah.” as you both give the other a firm hand squeeze to eachother. your name is latula pyrope and you now got another rad dude to quad with.
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I pushed myself to draw all the beta trolls and their ancestors,,
don't judge me but my fav ancestors gotta be mituna, kankri, meulin, porrim, aranea, and horuss
and I've been told aranea does something real bad in game over look I havnt gotten there yet so me liking aranea is valid for now okay
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vikkirosko · 7 months
Masterlist Alpha Trolls 2
♋ Kankri Vantas 💬
♈ Damara Megido 🚬
♉ Rufioh Nitram 🧡
♊ Mituna Captor 🛹
♌ Meulin Leijon 🦁
♍ Porrim Maryam 💚
♎ Latula Pyrope 🛹
♏ Aranea Serket 💙
♐ Horuss Zahhak 🐴
♑ Kurloz Makara 💀
♒ Cronus Ampora 💜
Cronus Ampora x Reader headcanons Asthma
♓ Meenah Peixes 🦈
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Tag dump 2
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yandere-homestuck · 3 years
Masterlist Alpha Trolls
♋ Kankri Vantas 💬
Yandere!Kankri x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Trickster!Kankri - “A kiss will satisfy me.”
Yandere!Kankri x Human!Reader Drabble
Yandere!Kankri x (Fem) Reader Drabble
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (T, Y, and Z)
KinkTober Day 1: Praise with Kankri Vantas
KinkTober Day 31: Bondage with Kankri Vantas
Yandere!Kankri x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Kankri x Reader NSFW Headcanons
Yandere!Kankri x Reader Headcanons Med Student
Yandere!Kankri x Reader Pitch Headcanons
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (C, D, H, and Z)
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (N, O, R, and T)
Yandere!Kankri x Reader Headcanons
Yandere Kankri Vantas with a protective S/9
Yandere Kankri Vantas with a protective S/9, the sequel
Yandere!Kankri x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Kankri x Reader Headcanons
Yandere Alphabet Sexcanons (A, C, F, K, M, N, V and W)
Yandere Alphabet Sexcanons (J)
♈ Damara Megido 🚬
Yandere!Moirail!Damara x Troll!Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Damara x Reader NSFW Headcanons
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (A, K, and L)
Yandere!Damara x Reader Headcanons
♉ Rufioh Nitram 🧡
♊ Mituna Captor 🛹
KinkTober Day 24: Master Kink with Mituna Captor
Yandere!Mituna x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Mituna x Reader NSFW Headcanons
Yandere!Mituna x Reader Headcanons
♌ Meulin Leijon 🦁
♍ Porrim Maryam 💚
♎ Latula Pyrope 🛹
Yandere!Latuna x Reader Headcanons
♏ Aranea Serket 💙
♐ Horuss Zahhak 🐴
♑ Kurloz Makara 💀
Yandere!Kurloz x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Kurloz x Paranoid!Masc!Reader Drabble
KinkTober Day 6: Oral with Kurloz Makara
Yandere!Kurloz x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Kurloz x Reader Headcanons Clingy Darling
Yandere!Kurloz x Reader NSFW Headcanons
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (I, X, and Z)
Yandere! Kurloz Makara x Reader headcanons
♒ Cronus Ampora 💜
Needy!Yandere!Cronus x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Cronus x Human!Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Cronus x Flirtatious!Masc!Reader Headcanons
KinkTober Day 4: Nook Eating with Cronus Ampora
Yandere!Cronus x Reader Headcanons
Yandere!Cronus x Reader NSFW Headcanons
Yandere!Cronus x Reader Headcanons Openly Affectionate
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (E, K, and Y)
Yandere Alphabet Headcanons (A, L, and U)
♓ Meenah Peixes 🦈
Yandere!Meenah x Reader Headcanons
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cherrykano · 4 years
homestuck quirk analysis
i usually put these on my twitter, but this one got a bit long (for obvious reasons) so im putting it here!
as always reminder that these are not hard and fast rules, don’t be afraid to break them when creating your own fantrolls!
Part 1: The Basics
homestuck quirks fall into 2 basic categories: utilization and changes, with 3 subtypes of each
1. Sign
these quirks are based on the character’s sign. examples include sollux’s double i’s and eridans ww’s
2. Speech
these quirks are based on the character’s speech patterns. examples include kanaya’s Emphasis On Words and karkat’s ALL CAPS
3. Personality
these quirks are based on the character’s personality or interests. these one are a bit less common, mostly found in hiveswap. examples include nepeta’s :33 < cat faces and equius’ D--> bow and arrow
A. Replacements
these quirks replace a certain letter or phrase with another letter, capitalization, or number. examples include terezi’s L33T SP34K and feferi’s parent)(esis )(’s
B. Casings
these quirks put a specific character before, after, or surrounding the rest of a sentence. examples include meulin’s \(=^..^)/ < cat faces and horuss’ 8=D < horse face
C. Fonts
these quirks are carried throughout the whole text, regardless of whatever character they’re applied to. examples include gamzee’s sWaPpInG cApS and tavros’ bACKWARDS cAPITALIZATION
most characters fit into at least 1 of each category, but some are a bit more ambiguous or have multiple parts. Now i’m going to show some more in depth examples of these categories
Part 2: Classification Examples
aradia / 3A: the quick br0wn f0x jumps 0ver the lazy d0g tavros / 2C: tHE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG sollux / 1A: the quiick brown fox jump2 over the lazy dog karkat / 2C: THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG nepeta / 3B: :33 < the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog kanaya / 2C: The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog terezi / 2/3C: TH3 QU1CK BROWN FOX JUMPS OV3R TH3 L4ZY DOG vriska / 3A: the quick 8rown fox jumps over the lazy dog equius / 3A+B: D --> the quick brown fo% jumps over the lazy dog gamzee / 3C: ThE qUiCk BrOwN fOx JuMpS oVeR tHe LaZy DoG eridan / 1A: the quick browwn fox jumps ovver the lazy dog feferi / 1A: t)(e quick brown fox jumps over t)(e lazy dog
damara / 3C: 速い茶色のキツネは怠惰な犬を飛び越えます rufioh / 1/2A: the qu1ck brown fox jumps over the lazy dog mituna / 2/3A: 7H3 QU1CK 8R0WN F0X JUMP5 0V3R 7H3 L4ZY D0G kankri / 1A: the quick 6r9wn f9x jumps 9ver the lazy d9g meulin / 2/3B+C: \(=^..^)/ < THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG porrim / 3A: the quick bro+wn fo+x jumps o+ver the lazy do+g latula / 2/3C: th3 qu1ck brown fox jumps ov3r th3 l4zy dog aranea / 3A: the quick 8rown fox jumps over the lazy dog horuss / 3A+B: 8=D < the quick brown fo% jumps over the lazy dog kurloz / 2/3C: THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG cronus / 1A: the quick brovwn fox jumps owver the lazy dog meenah / 2: the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog xefros / 1A: the quick brown foX jumps over the lazy dog polypa / 3C: the quick brown fox * jumps over the lazy dog *| azdaja / 1B: ||| the quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog ||| fozzer / 3A: the_quick_brown_fox_jumps_over_the_lazy_dog mallek / 3A+C: the quick brown fox; jumps over the lazy dog;
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