#laughing Jack genderbend
rockspolarart · 8 months
Cringetober day 13 - Creepypasta
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moon-bun-bun · 8 months
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So many of them 😭 finally done with these God forsaken chibis tho, I found my original set of chibis from like 2016 and decided I needed tk do them better 💅
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yandere-writer-momo · 8 months
Yandere Baki Short Stories: Violet Kisses
Part 1?
Yandere Jack Hanma x Afab Reader x Yandere Katsumi Orochi (Genderbend AU)
TW: WLW content and yandere behavior
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They say absence makes the heart grow fonder… and in this case, Kasumi couldn’t stand the distance between her and her childhood friend. The little (hair color) girl had been withdrawn as of late and Kasumi didn’t know why… it broke her heart that her friend didn’t vent to her. They were eight and ten! They would be teenagers soon and then adults… they had a lifetime to grow old together! So (your name) should be able to tell Kasumi what was wrong.
“I-I’m moving away, Kasumi.”
(Your name) and Kasumi had been inseparable for years and now the young woman was moving away? No. Kasumi’s ten year old heart couldn’t handle this…
Kasumi grasped (your name)’s little hands in her own, her dark eyes glassy with tears. Kasumi puffed out her bottom lip in a pout, her grip was strong despite her size.
“No you can’t move away! You said we’d be together forever!” Kasumi loudly wailed, the tears fell down her face in waterfalls. (Your name) frowned and pulled the other little girl into her arms. Kasumi then began to throw a tantrum. “You promised! You promised! You promised!”
Kasumi continued to sob while (your name) held her close, the other girl buried her face into the crook of Kasumi’s neck. Kasumi clung to her like a little koala, her nose buried in (your name)’s sweater to inhale her sweet scent.
(Your name)’s eight year old body cuddled close to Kasumi’s, the young girl pressed a soft kiss to Kasumi’s forehead. Kasumi pulled (your name) as close to her little body as she could but it wasn’t enough. Kasumi wanted to conjoin with her best friend so they’d never be separated.
“I’m sorry, Kasumi. My mom and dad are getting divorced so Mom and I are moving to Canada.” (Your name)‘s body shook as she began to cry too. “I don’t want to leave you, Kasumi…”
“Then let’s make another promise!” Kasumi pulled away, the young girl wiped her snot on her sleeve. She had to look brave… Kasumi didn’t want (your name) to think she was weak and couldn’t protect her. “When we meet again let’s-“
(Your name) shot upright in bed, the young woman glanced around her bedroom in disbelief. She had that dream again… the one about her childhood friend in Japan…
(Your name) yawned and stretched her arms above her head. She needed to get around for the day before she went to go see her best friend, Jacqueline.
(Your name) crawled out of bed and hurried down the stairs, her feet pattered against the wooden stairs to alert Jacqueline of her whereabouts.
A giant blonde woman sat at the kitchen table. The table was neatly set up for two as she waited for (your name).
“Good morning, Jackie!” Jacqueline immediately rose up from the table and pulled (your name) into a tight hug. Jackie burrowed her face into (your name)’s hair and inhaled her sweet scent.
“It’s always a good morning when I get to see you…” It had been unbearable being apart from (your name) for the last few days. Jackie pressed a tender kiss to (your name)’s head, her cheeks slightly flushed. “Did you have any good dreams?”
“I had a dream about a my childhood friend again… and earlier I dreamed about having a baby.” (Your name) laughed. “Could you imagine me with a baby? Isn’t that silly?” Jackie could see (your name) with a baby. Anyone would be blessed to be with the kind young woman and it made Jackie wish even more that she was a man.
Jackie looked like a man from afar. She pushed her body past its limits, took a daily cocktail of steroids to maintain her physique, and even went as far as to lengthen her bones… Jacqueline wanted to prove to her mother that she was a Hanma too. That she was a force to be reckoned with.
Jacqueline, or Jackie, Hanma was a woman of intimidating stature. Her muscles were bigger than any man’s and her blonde hair was always shaved in a signature buzzcut. Jackie was uncouth and vicious to others… but she only had a soft spot for (your name), her must precious person.
(Your name) had met Jackie in a church when she first moved to Canada. A small Catholic Church that anyone would miss if they walked past it. But it’s where the two of them met. (Your name) had been separated from her mother and Jackie was intensely training to gain power.
Jackie remember how the young (your name) rushed over to the her when she noticed blood fall from her once blue eyes rather than tears. Jackie pushed (your name) away the first time they met. Jackie didn’t trust anyone in the world… her own father had abandoned her to her own devices so why should Jackie trust a stranger?
(Your name) tried numerous times to help the other girl, but Jackie had no interest in her friendship… at first. Jackie was apprehensive. What did (your name) gain by being close to her?
(Your name) constantly fretted over Jackie. She’d bring bandages and small meals to share with the blonde ten year old. Jackie would yell and shout to try to get (your name to leave. Yet it never worked, because to (your name), the blonde looked like a scared animal that constantly bared it’s teeth in defense. (Your name) knew that deep down, Jackie was lonely. And it made (your name) even more determined to befriend the ‘savage’ girl.
It took over a year, but Jackie allowed (your name) in when she felt like (your name) had no ulterior motive. It was the first time in Jackie’s life that someone gave her unconditional love, she didn’t know what to do…
So Jackie showed (your name) she cared in her own way. She chased off bullies and walked hand in hand with (your name) to school. Jackie sat with (your name) at lunch. It didn’t matter that she was twelve and (your name) was ten, Jackie found a way.
Jackie became extremely overprotective of (your name). Jackie chased off other people who tried to get close to the innocent girl. People were horrible… (your name) and her only needed each other. No one else.
As they approached their teens, Jackie’s training went to the extremes and her body began to collapse, but (your name) didn’t leave her side. (Your name) would help Jackie wash herself and made sure she ate and drank enough water.
(Your name) was Jackie’s rock. The light to the end of the tunnel. Her soulmate. And Jackie would do anything to protect (your name)… even murder.
And here they were today living in Japan together in their mid-twenties. Jackie was able to keep (your name) at their apartment most of the time, but it’s been getting harder and harder to since Jackie often landed herself into the hospital…
Jackie was terrified of (your name) finding better. Despite all their years together, they were only friends. Jackie wanted so much more with the smaller girl, but at the same time, she didn’t want to make (your name) uncomfortable.
Jackie pressed her lips to the top of (your name)’s head, her muscular arms still held the smaller girl in place.
“Don’t be mad at me, but I didn’t hear a thing you said.” Jackie chuckled when (your name) poked her nose. “Sorry, I was just down memory lane.”
“It’s okay, Jackie.” (Your name) leaned her head back so she could look up at her best friend. “I knew you were lost in thought. Your eyes glaze over and you look at the ceiling in awe. Is there something on your mind?”
Jackie sighed, there was no escape from (your name)’s observant eye. Jackie stood up with (your name) still snug in her arms, the other girl dropping her toast with the movement.
“My toast!” (Your name) screamed when Jackie playfully spun her around in a circle. “Put me down, you heathen!”
“I can toast you some new toast.” Jackie laughed the tall woman shifter hands to rest under (your name)’s arms.
“Maybe I formed an emotional connection with that specific piece of toast?” (Your name) crossed her arms over her chest. Jackie set her down.
“I will make you a new slice.” Jackie gave another peck to (your name)’s head. “As many as you want.”
“It still won’t be my piece of toast.” The two shared another laugh, Jackie felt her heart clench a bit.
Why couldn’t they date? They were so perfect together… couldn’t (your name) see that?
“You’re my piece of toast…” Jackie quietly whispered to herself.
The two sat together at their small table and continued to eat their breakfast. A comfortable silence between them.
(Your name) hummed a cheery tune as she meandered down the aisles at the store. She was determined to surprise Jackie with a home cooked meal since the blonde always took such good care of her.
(Your name) browsed the various meats until she spotted some beef chunks. She could make gyu kushi!
When the young girl reached her hand towards the meat, another hand brushed against hers.
“Oh I’m sorry-“ (your name) turned to look at the person she bumped into, only to come face to face with a rather muscular Japanese woman. Her dark eyes wide with shock and recognition.
“Ah-“ the woman clutched her hand close to her chest, a bright blush now on her face. This reaction weirded (your name) out a bit so the young woman took her chance the snatch the meat up and attempt to flee, but she was stopped by the woman. “(Y-your name)?”
(Your name) furrowed her brow in confusion. How did this woman know her?
“Um… yes?” The muscular woman pulled (your name) into a hug so tight, (your name) thought her body would conjoin with hers.
“It’s been so many years… when did you come back to Japan?” The woman speech was so quick, (your name) almost didn’t understand her. It didn’t help that (your name)’s face was smooshed between this other woman’s rather large chest. “I didn’t know if you’d ever return… I missed you so so much.”
The woman released (your name) and now (your name) could finally get a good look at her. Thick eye brows, cocky grin, and thick black hair in a pixie cut… was this, “Kasumi?”
Kasumi eagerly nodded her head. The young woman certainly filled out and was a lot more muscular than she remembered.
“Yes! It’s me, (your name)!” Kasumi pulled (your name) into another excited hug. “It’s been almost two decades since we last saw each other… can you believe that? And we’re finally reunited!”
(Your name) could hardly believe her luck. Here she just dreamed about Kasumi and now she stood in front of her… what were the odds?
“It has almost been that long hasn’t it?” (Your name) awkwardly chuckled. It’s been so long and yet Kasumi acted as if they were never apart. “I’ve been in Japan for awhile now so I’m amazed we haven’t run into each other-“
“You’ve been here awhile and you didn’t come looking for me?” (Your name) recoiled in shock at the tears that gathered in Kasumi’s eyes. She hadn’t meant to make Kasumi cry!
“I’m sorry, Kasumi. I didn’t think you’d still be waiting for me-“ Kasumi scooped (your name)’s hands together in her much larger hands.
“Of course! We promised to get married when we meet again.” Kasumi’s eyes sparkled. “I actually run the Shinshinkai dojo now! I have plenty of money so I could spoil you rotten.”
(Your name) burst into laughter, a jovial smile on her soft lips. Kasumi hadn’t changed a bit… the Japanese woman still proclaimed such outlandish things…
“It’s so nice to see that you haven’t changed.” (Your name) smiled at Kasumi, the Japanese woman’s heart stopped beating for a moment. Her childhood friend was still so cute and oblivious… if consumed Kasumi with even more vigor.
“How about I pay for you groceries and help you carry them back to your place? I’d love to catch up.” Kasumi offered with a smile. She bit her lip a bit in anticipation. She hoped (your name) accepted, she wanted to reconnect to her soon to be wife!
“You don’t have to pay for them, Kasumi!” (Your name) smiled warmly at Kasumi who merely blushed.
The young woman nervously ran a hand through her short black hair. Her heart beat wildly in her chest like a drum. Kasumi was so nervous… but she needed to show she was a good provider!
“I insist!” Kasumi bowed her head to (your name). The smaller woman chuckled at Kasumi’s demeanor. How could Kasumi still be so cute?
“You’re not going to take no for an answer, are you?” (Your name) smiled up at the muscular woman who only blushed.
“No I’m not.” Kasumi replied with a cheesy grin. “Hope that doesn’t bother you too much.”
“Not at all. Still as stubborn as always!” The two women laughed, Kasumi scooped up (your name)’s basket of groceries in her arm. “Hey, I can carry that! I’m not weak by any means.”
Kasumi chuckled when (your name) puffed out her chest, the young woman did the same. (Your name) quickly turned her head aways when she finally noticed just how large Kasumi’s chest was. Kasumi smirked at her reaction.
“Do you like what you see?”
“C-compose yourself, madam!” (Your name) blushed a bright cherry red. She softly stuttered, “I-I could see t-the outline.”
Kasumi then turned a bright red and quickly pulled her cardigan over her shirt. She hadn’t meant for (your name) to see that… but a part of her hoped (your name) liked them.
The two bashful women made it towards the checkout and eventually out of the store.
Kasumi carried all the groceries in one hand so she could off her other to (your name).
“Hey, (your name)?” (Your name) turned her head to look over at Kasumi. The sunset made the Japanese woman even more beautiful. “Do you… want to hold hands?”
(Your name) smiled at Kasumi and placed her small hand in Kasumi’s calloused one. “It’s been such a long time since we’ve done this. Your hands are so big and rough.”
“Oh! I’m sorry. Do you not like them-“
“You must have worked really hard with them. I’m so proud of you, Kasumi.” Kasumi felt a few tears fall down her face. The young woman turned her head away to try to hide her blush. “Your hands swallow mine.”
Kasumi was so happy to finally be reunited with her soul mate… a shame she wasn’t the only one.
Kasumi admired (your name)’s apartment. It was so quaint and cozy… she could see herself spending a lot of time here with (your name)!
Kasumi plopped herself on the giant couch. This thing was huge! Why did (your name) need such a big couch? Did she sleep here? Or… was (your name) secretly a wild woman?
“I’ll treat you to a homemade meal since you paid for my groceries. I hope you won’t mind that my best friend will be joining us soon.”
Oh! Of course (your name) had a roommate. How could she be so silly? (Your name) was too innocent to be interested in such activities.
Kasumi laid back on the couch, her mind slowly began to wander. Would (your name) want to have a big house with her in the city or the country? Did she want kids?
Kasumi glanced over at (your name) who had wrapped a frilly apron on. Kasumi felt a heat wash over her in an instance. Most definitely kids. She wondered if (your name) would want to carry them herself or adopt. Either option was amazing to Kasumi!
Kasumi admired how much her childhood friend had filled out… she looked so soft. She wondered if (your name) still smelled sweet?
The door creaked open to reveal a giant blonde woman… wait. Jacqueline Hanma?!
Jackie froze when she saw Kasumi sitting on her couch. The blonde nearly exploded until (your name) came toddling over with her arms wide open.
“Jackie! You’re finally home!” Jackie pulled (your name) into an immediate hug, the blonde relished in the hostile glare Kasumi gave her. That’s right, karate brat, (Your name) was her girlfriend.
Jackie bent down and pressed a kiss to the top of (your name)’s head. Her brown eyes glanced over at Kasumi, she reluctantly pulled herself away from (your name)
“It seems we have a guest…”
“Oh! Jackie, this is my childhood friend, Kasumi!” (Your name) happily introduced the two, unaware that they were already well acquainted. “Kasumi, this is my best friend, Jackie-“
“We already know each other.” Jackie cut off (your name) with a grunt. The blonde protectively placed a hand on (your name)’s hip.
“Yes we do.” Kasumi stood up and made her way over to (your name). Kasumi and Jack glared at each other. “(Your name)? How about we exchange numbers? I’ll drop by another time.”
“Oh okay!” (Your name) smiled brightly at Kasumi who gave Jackie a smirk. The two women quickly exchanging numbers. “I’m sad you can’t join us for dinner… you were so kind to help me today.”
Kasumi boldly scooped (your name)‘s hand up in hers and gave a soft kiss to her knuckles. Kasumi gave her a flirty wink. “Anything for my future wife.”
Kasumi then left the apartment, making sure to bump her shoulder into Jackie’s. Jackie felt bile rise up into her throat from this interaction.
Kasumi was pretty and masculine… and she was interested in (your name). Jackie glanced over at (your name) whose face was full of concern.
“Jackie, are you okay? You look troubled.”
Jackie bent down and placed a kiss on (your name)’s nose. (Your name) was always so cute and sweet to her… she loved her so much. It started to become unbearable.
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?” Jackie softly asked, the woman knelt down to rest her forehead against (your name)’s.
(Your name) smiled at Jackie, her (eye color) eyes filled with care. “No but I can see it in your eyes. I love you too-“
Jackie tenderly pecked (your name)’s lips which threw the other girl off.
“No… I’m in love with you.” Jackie whispered. “I’m madly and irrevocably in love with you. Do you feel the same way?”
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the-leech-lord · 8 months
Freddy Krueger
The Fifth Floor
Transfem Leatherface
Chop Top
Camp Counselor Jason Voorhees
Harry Warden
Buck from Eaten Alive
Dr Andover from Fear Clinic
Erik Destler (1989)
Catboy! Freddy Krueger
Kamen Rider Den-O
Kamen Rider Build
Kamen Rider Build
Kamen Rider Build Hazard Form
Kamen Rider Grease
Evolt Black Hole Form
Kamen Rider Revice
Kamen Rider Revi
Kamen Rider Vice
Kamen Rider Evil / Kagero
Star Trek The Original Series
Jim Kirk
S’Chn T’Gai Spock
Leonard McCoy
Montgomery Scott
Nyota Uhura
Hikaru Sulu
Pavel Chekov
Genderbend Spock
Star Trek The Next Generation
Jean-Luc Picard
William Riker
Data Soong
Geordi La Forge
Deanna Troi
Beverly Crusher
Wesley Crusher
Q (Anti Stims)
Robert Englund characters
Freddy Krueger from A Nightmare on Elm Street
Willie from V
Blackie from Nightmare Cafe
Buck from Eaten Alive
Dr Andover from Fear Clinic
Smiley from The Adventures of Ford Fairlane
Erik Destler from Phantom of the Opera (1989)
Catboy! Freddy Krueger
Aiko Yumi
Audrey Belrose
Beli Lapran
Jessie Maye
Kyanna Delrio
Lola Rembrite
Nikki Ann-Marie
Tiffany Maye
Kyu Sugardust
Genderbend - Spock
Fursona - Vance
Goth - Tarn
Self Insert - Questionnaire
OC x Canon - Kaon X Cable
Yandere - Erik Destler
Neko - Freddy Krueger
Tumblr Sexyman - The Warden
Crossover Ship - Elsa X Thrax
Niche Interest - Comic Collecting
Hananaki Disease - Flowerfell Frisk
Maid dress - Tohru
Sailor Uniform - Konata Izumi
Scene - TFA Random Blitzwing
Crossover - Star Trek TOS x Green Lantern
Rainbow - Rainbow Dash
Emo - Mafuyu Asahina
Evil Version of a Good Character - Cupcakes Pinkamena
Edgelord - Underfell Papyrus
Gijinka - Parasect
Hetalia - America
Creepypasta - Laughing Jack
My Little Pony - Princess Cadence
Undertale - Sans & Papyrus
Undertale AU - Errortale Sans
Five Nights At Freddy’s - Withered Bonnie
Vocaloid - Big Al
Invader Zim - Gir
South Park - Tweek Tweak
Soul Eater - Death the Kid
Death Note - L
Masterlist Part 2
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sugalaritae · 1 year
Oooohhhh Griddle!!!!
Random question: if you had to cast all 7 guys in Titanic, who would they be?
And you CANNOT make Tae Jack!
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ok ok ok but like who said i was going to cast tae as jack?! huh??! you know me that well??
(you do)
it's been a decade or two since i've seen titanic but here's my casting (oh and you bet your fine ass that i'm genderbending the characters and queering this the fuck up):
oh, before i do this i would like to take a moment and recognize the douchebaggery and asshole status of both james cameron and billy zane.
now, really onto the casting...
kim seokjin as captain thomas andrews - look, we have the evidence that he looks good in that getup (see folio) and that is what i'm using for proof of this casting choice. i also think that he would be a good captain and go down with his ship.
jung hoseok as margaret "the unsinkable molly" brown - the personalities are there. she was apparently very kind and nice to people. many uptight jerks people thought she was "too much" just like i know people feel about hobi's laugh. another reason is because they both look(ed) fucking good in fancy clothes.
kim namjoon as brock lovett (bill paxton's character) because they both have the same sort of interest in art and history and i can't remember any sort of character that namjoon would be ON the titanic.
min yoongi as tommy ryan the lovely irishman that befriends jack and rose. both of them look good in hats, ok?
jeon jungkook as jack's best friend fabrizio. supportive boy who is quiet and goes with the flow and follows his friends everywhere? that's jjk baby.
park jimin as jack!! i don't have much of a reason except that i can see it.
kim taehyung as rose. he'd look great in that dress!
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rolling-restart · 1 year
I love all the ideas!
I admit I've never seen Hannibal but I've seen fictional content about cannibals and Galex YES PLEASE but who is the cannibal???
It makes me laugh that Martian (ft. Crazy girl!Seb) literally doesn't have a plot but I'm going crazy myself, I need this!!! Also, Dave's fanart is magnificent. I need an unhinged Martian with war crimes and all.
I want Mick either like a martyr or low-key crazy girl too, and absolute filth, but I'll support any idea.
As always, Desecration is highly anticipated and the other ideas are well received!!!
Okay so, Hannibal is like… very different to any content in my opinion because it’s very unhingedly homosexual and brutal. Folding up a dead body in the shape of heart because your blorbo betrayed you? Check! Killing a girl’s dad and they adopting her with your very skilled psychiatrist who has a mad palette and always cooks the exact part of the body that went missing from a dead body fbi found? Check!
Obviously, the real dynamics are much more desecration-like so I won’t import everything and will make it fit galex! We will see!
Okay, next.
I don’t WANT crazygirl!SEB I NEED IT!! Like, Mark tries to be cool and declares that he likes crazy girls. He is so not ready to handle what Seb brings to table but he starts to enjoy his position which devolved into the victim of Seb’s manipulations and manic behaviour (purely self indulgent) because even if he doesn’t dare saying, he is obsessed too!
The problem with Mick is not about Mick at all, I just cannot find peace until I ruin all my characters’ morals at the end. Maybe not in desecration but like, I need to see Mick corrupted.
I need genderbending so much, but I am still not sure where to put it.
And finally,
I’m cooking a very sad Galex scene and an unusual Mick scene for desecration. I might need some help in Jack (Doohan)’s characterization because I have no idea!!
Thanks for answering my call for help, I have too many ideas for my own good and I will combust if I cannot discuss them!!
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ijustwannahavefunn · 6 years
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Ok this is gonna be long you ready? Imma gonna tell ya what I been working on, to clear it for you and probably me too 😂 1. Video I'm making a animatic, And for the animatic I have to use genderbend Creepypasta, or it be weird 😂 The picture up there as you can see lol, but it's super long, it got like 7 min, it's crazy but I have to, it's awesome!! so I have no idea when can I upload it 😥 we will just have to wait and see ( ;∀;) 2. Wendell's story Yes! I finally get myself to start typing it, it only took me, lets see... Around four freaking months (#・∀・) 3. Ordinary (Creepypasta VN) Yes I am gonna make it but like you can tell it's hard to get myself start typing 😂 good thing is Wendell is like quite a big part of that VN (It's mine vn of course I can put whoever I like 😎), so technically working on his back story count working on this as well lol. Btw, I saw a lot of you guys thought I already published the VN, well no, not really, that one is like.. my super dark history, and it's buggy, so DON'T PLAY IT PLEASE, I want to delete it but I have to keep that there so I can remind myself to start working on the new one!! Oh boy so many stuff 😥 , anyways, I think that's it, thank you for reading and have a nice dayyy!! Also thank u guys so much for 70k on YouTube!! 😆
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murder-senpai · 4 years
Oh, hello there!! My name is Murder-senpai! I’m new here to tumblr sooooo don’t mind me being awkward n’ stuff. So this is gonna be like, what fandoms and characters I write for sOoooOoOo
AU’s and other stuff I’ll do: ABO, genderbend, hanahaki, soulmate, supernatural/power, soft yandere/ stockholm syndrome, coffee shop, modern, fantasy, baby/kid versions of characters, babysitter, neko, inu, kitsune, post apocalyptic, zombie, flower shop, book store, dragon, fairy tale, high school/college, mafia, pregnant, steampunk, merpeople, pirate, pirate/merperson, prison, reincarnation, famous, vampire, werewolf
There is more shit I’ll do but I can’t really think anymore so just request
(reader insert crap)
I will NOT do nsfw. This is a christian minecraft sever 
You CAN request multiple character/poly and platonic stuff
If your not specific, I will choose between headcanons or a fic/drabble
If you request angst, I will give it a fluffy ending unless requested otherwise
Please be specific in your request   ex: reader gender (fem, male, gender neutral)
Edit: I will now take character x character, character + character platonic stuff, aus (like, medevil bnha, or a story about friendship or enemies to friends or adoption, anything really), and stuff like that
Current hyperfixation (aka, what I will probably write better for/ do more): dream smp
Will probably put the scenario in a non specific arc
Fairy Tail:
ty lee
sir nighteye
Harry potter:
Black Butler:
real ciel (I refer to him as astre tho)
charles grey
charles phipps
adrien/chat noir
AU’s- underfell, mafiatale, mafiafell, underswap, swapfell
Gravity falls:
AU-reverse falls, monster falls
angle dust
literally any pokemon but those are my fave(and human versions ofc either is fine)
tom nook
dr. strange
The hobbit:
literally JUST smaug
apple jack
Maid sama:
the three idiots
aoi (totaly gives off a ciel/lizzy vibe don’t even lie)
both twins
Cells at work:
white blood cell
red blood cell
killer t cell
Little witch academia:
Glitter force:
Glitter force doki doki:
aster bunnymund
Soul eater:
death the kid
black star
bowers gang
losers club
kamisama kiss:
The outsiders:
Diabolik lovers:
king george
george washington
Tokyo mew mew:
Fran bow
mr. midnight
Steven universe
Haven't you heard i'm sakamoto
Gargantia on the verdurous planet
Over the garden wall
Snow white with the red hair
The sacrificial princess and the king of beasts(manga)
Jeff the killer
ticci toby
BEN drowned 
eyeless jack
laughing jack
homicidal liu
Jason the toymaker
Seto Kaiba
golden freddy
toy freddy
toy bonnie
toy chica
mangle (male and female ver pls specify)
marionette ^
william afton/ purple guy
funtime freddy
nightmare freddy
nightmare bonnie
nightmare chica
nightmare foxy
nightmare mangle
nightmare fredbear
king dice
Bendy and the ink machine
Duck tales
Scrooge (aged down tho)
Dream smp
everyone (all platonic. Will do reader stuff, but would prefer more character +character interactions, specifically, SBI. PLSSS give me sbi stuff, ill marry you)
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smutty-ki113r · 3 years
Hello!! I was just wondering if I could request a Match up if that’s ok if so here’s a bit about me ^^
My pronouns are she/they, I’m a 5,4 lesbian
I have a heavy Irish dublin accent 😅( I thought it would be funny to see how the creepypasta reacts to it)
I really like horror movies, music bands such as slipknot, korn, I really like teddies their a comfort thing.
My personality is shy due to anxiety but once I get to know someone I can talk a bit to much, I like people that can take jokes but I’ll never go to far about anything their not ok with.
I really like animals (mainly over people🧍🏻‍♀️)
I really like gore I find it cool along with knowing more about the human body.
I have a short temper when it comes to things I don’t like.
It’s not a lot 😅 but I hope this helps
Another lesbian- ok I have no CLUE if you want me to genderbend these characters or not but I’ll give you a platonic? Matchup? I’m not sure so- I’ll give you someone though.
I match you with…..💓LAUGHING JACK💓
I just think LJ would match really well with your personality. You and him are pretty likely to be friends.
The accent- he will literally love it. He’ll try to mimic you but not to make fun for you, he just really wants to try talking like that.
Jack had a shit ton of haunted plushies at his carnival so I’m not sure if you want those or not but you always have that option. He could also give you a normal one but he says “they’re not that fun”
He is the guy that can take any and all jokes, dry humor, wet humor, dark humor. All of it.
Gore? Ha. Ha. Ha. Don’t say that too loud man. Tell him you like gore and he will bring you a mangled corpse. If you tell him you love him he will bring you a heart, “for learning purposes” obviously.
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co-habit-ation · 3 years
{I present to you Horrors I would give HABIT if I allowed him to have more;
The ghost of a war medic who perished early on in the Horrors war.
The Unsightly Jester.
Laughing Jill. No she is not just a genderbend of Jack. She has her own backstory that is similar but different in very key ways.
Nurse Ann.
Candy Pop and April Fools.
A deaf character who becomes possessed by the soul of the person they touched last human victim.
Feel free to ask for clarification or elaboration}
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So I was trying to prove a point to the creepypasta fandom stating that laughing Jill is a separate character from laughing jack and isn't just a genderbend
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moon-bun-bun · 1 year
Mundane tasks for Mundane mansion dwellers 💖💖
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yandere-writer-momo · 8 months
Yandere Baki Short Stories: Violet Kisses
Part 2
Yandere Jack Hanma x Afab Reader x Yandere Katsumi Orochi x Yandere Hanayama Kaoru
Genderbend AU
TW: Wlw and Yandere behavior
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“Jackie, I-“ (your name)’s eyes widened when Jackie placed another kiss on her soft lips. The blonde woman trembled from above her.
“You don’t have to give me an answer right now…” Jackie whispered between kisses, her brown eyes filled with so much love. “I just needed to get it off my chest-“
Jackie froze when (your name) softly pressed a kiss to her chapped lips. The smaller girl’s cheeks flushed red.
“Jackie…” The two girls sat there for a bit until Jackie scooped her up into her arms and carried her to the couch. “Hey. Put me down-“
“Can we just… cuddle for a bit? That’s all I want.” (Your name) felt her heart clench at the expression on her best friend’s face. She didn’t want to hurt Jackie’s feelings so she nodded her head to allow the blonde to lay back on the couch.
Jack placed (your name) on top of her so the small girl draped over her muscular body. (Your name) relaxed when she felt Jack’s thick fingers run through her hair, her body unconsciously snuggled further into Jackie’s furnace like heat.
“You’re so warm…” (Your name) sighed while she sunk into Jackie’s embrace.
“And you’re so soft.” Jackie teased, her hands reached up to cup at (your name)‘s plump flesh. Jackie leaned forward a bit and flashed her pearly whites at (your name) in a provocative manner. “You smell so sweet, I want to eat you-“
(Your name) shoved Jackie’s head away, her face a bright shade of cherry red. Jackie laughed at the cute reaction, the blonde licked (your name)’s palms to make her squeal. (Your name) was so cute…
“I’m sorry… I can’t help but tease you.” Jackie grabbed (your name)‘s wrists to keep the small girl in place so she could press kisses to her hands. “Do you forgive me?”
Who was this vixen in front of her and what have they done with Jackie?
(Your name) sat there for a minute, smoke exuding from how hot her cheeks were. (Your name) turned her head away to try to hide her blush.
“I-I do… I could never be mad at you, Jackie.” Jackie smirked, the blonde lightly grabbed (your name)’s chin to turn her head toward her.
Jackie leaned forward and pressed her lips against (your name)‘s in a lingering smooch. Her eyes fluttered shut and her heart became filled. This was right… this all felt so right.
Jackie moved her hands down to grab (your name)’s plush thighs. Jackie traced her tongue over (your name)’s bottom lip. (Your name) gasped at the sensation, Jackie quickly took advantage of the opportunity. Her hands grabbed at every bit of (your name)’s flesh in lustful fervor. Her hips grinded into (your name) while the giantess began to feast.
(Your name) was helpless when Jackie shoved her long tongue deep into her mouth. The wet muscle tried to dance with (your name)’s but it easily dominated hers. Jackie grabbed the back of (your name)’s head to hold her in place until she got her fill.
Jackie’s right hand moved all the way down (your name)‘s back until her hand came onto the curve of her ass. How badly she wanted to squeeze (your name)‘a bottom but Jackie knew she needed to stop before she pushed things too far.
Jackie pulled away from the sloppy kiss, a string of saliva connected their lips. The blonde smirked at (your name)’s dazed expression, rosy cheeks, and swollen lips. She was so beautiful…
“You’re so cute.” Jackie pressed one last kiss to (your name)’s forehead. “Do you want to sleep with me in my bed tonight? We can cuddle and maybe watch a movie?”
(Your name) was still a bit dazed from the kiss, her fingers touched her swollen lips in disbelief. She had just made out with her best friend… did this make them more than friends? How did this work?
Jackie pressed her forehead to (your name)’s, she took the smaller woman’s silence as a yes.
(Your name) felt so safe in Jackie’s arms. Jackie held her close, her breath even while her nose laid buried in (your name)’s hair. It was hard to believe what had all transpired in a day.
First she had ran into her old childhood friend who was insistent on them keeping their promise. And then Jackie confessed her feelings for her… what was next? What was she supposed to do?
(Your name) has never been in a relationship in her entire life. Every time she showed interest in someone or someone showed interest in her, they’d ghost on her. (Your name) has only ever had Jackie by her side. The blonde was the only permanent person in her life.
(Your name) squirmed a bit, which made Jackie unconsciously tighten her hold on her.
“Don’t go…” Jackie whispered in her sleep. “Please don’t leave me… I don’t want to be alone again.”
(Your name) frowned, the young woman turned her body over to face Jackie. Her eyes widen at the tears that fell down Jackie’s cheeks. She must be having a nightmare.
(Your name) used her thumbs to wipe away Jackie’s tears and pressed her lips to the tip of Jackie’s nose. “I’m right here, Jackie… I’m here for you.”
(Your name) wrapped her arms around the blonde and eventually succumbed to sleep. The two women’s presences consoled one another.
Together they’d never be alone. So long as outside forces didn’t separate them.
“I’m sorry about kissing you yesterday.” Jackie apologized to (your name), she scratched the back of her neck sheepishly. “I probably made you uncomfortable with my feelings.”
(Your name) glanced up from the pan she was currently frying eggs on. Her brows furrowed. “Jackie, I wasn’t uncomfortable… just thrown off is all.”
Jackie frowned. Thrown off? Was (your name) not into women? Oh no… this could be a problem-
“It was the first time I’ve ever kissed someone.” (Your name) blushed a bit, her eyes focused on the pan in front of her.
Jackie felt her heart swell when she noticed how pink (your name)’s ears were.
“I’ve never kissed anyone either… I’ve only ever had eyes for you.” Jackie confessed, the large woman fiddled with her fingers.
(Your name) glanced up from the pan with a smile. “Jackie… how about we try? We can slowly ease into everything.”
Jackie smiled brightly at (your name), the blonde rushed over to wrap her arms around (your name)’s waist and place hot kisses up and down her neck.
Jackie and (your name) began to do more public outings together over the next few weeks. They went out for dinner and went on walks together after (your name) watched Jackie train. Her genuine praises made Jackie’s heart swell with confidence . Jackie even began to bring (your name) to her fights so the smaller woman could watch her from the stands.
Jackie felt like she fought better when she heard (your name)’s cheers and felt her (eye color) eyes on her. It was a confidence boost, especially with all the mixed responses they received. Most were looks of jealousy and it tremendously boosted Jackie’s ego.
Yes, Jackie’s girlfriend was beautiful. She no longer felt as insecure since they always went home together. It was perfect… until a new figure came into their life.
Hanayama Kaori was a well known fighter in the tournament. She was a serial dater and also a heart breaker. The large Japanese woman was a yakuza boss and one of the most well known lesbians in the area.
And she had set her sights on (your name). It wasn’t uncommon for her to openly ogle (your name) but she never made a move… until now.
Kaori sat beside (your name) in the stands, the woman’s intimidating presence nearly smothered the poor girl.
“You’ve caught my eye for awhile now.” Kaori’s voice was firm and a little deep, her dark eyes admired the pretty, young woman in front of her. “I think you’re beautiful.”
“Oh, thank you!” Kaori nearly jumped in surprise at the bright smile on (your name)’s face. Did she not understand that she as flirting? “I think you’re pretty too… I’ve seen in the ring a few times. You’re really tough and you have such an admirable resolve. You never back down or break. That’s so neat!”
It was the first time Kaori had ever been dumbfounded. Her large hands were taken into (your name)’s small one, the girl giving them a soft squeeze. “My name is (your name)! What’s yours?”
“Hanayama Kaori…” Kaori felt bashful for the first time, but she quickly recovered from the shock. She needed to use this girl so Jackie would finally fight her. “It’s nice to finally meet the prettiest girl at this tournament. Can I interest you in dinner sometime?”
(Your name) tilted her head off to the side in confusion. “Dinner? But we hardly know each other…”
This was the first time Kaori had met anyone so clueless. How could someone not know they were being asked out on a date?
“We could get to know each other better. I’m quite skilled in the be-“
Kaori was shocked when she was yanked back by the scruff of her shirk, a pissed off Jackie stood over her. This was not the reaction she expected but it was better than she thought. Jackie was violently protective over (your name) in a way that let everyone know (your name) was her weakness… a weakness Kaori would exploit.
Kaori smirked at Jackie, at least until she saw (your name) take Jackie’s hand in hers. Her eyes filled with concern at how the skin on her knuckles were open again.
“Jackie, you said you were going to be careful.” Jackie released the scruff of Kaori’s shirt in an instant. The blonde basked in (your name)’s care.
“I was careful! I won my match and my knuckles are the only thing hurt.” Jackie gave (your name) a toothy grin. “You should see the other girl.”
(Your name) puffed her cheeks out like a chipmunk to pout. “I don’t care about the other girl, I care about you.”
Kaoru watched the two playfully bicker, a realization fell over the woman. Kaori never had someone care for her the way (your name) cared for Jackie… and for the first time in Kaori’s life, she felt jealous.
Now Kaori knew she was a good looking woman despite her many facial and body scars. She was tall, strong, and still had curves. She was a lesbian dream. Kaori was easily more attractive than barbaric Jackie… so why didn’t she have a lover like (your name)?
Kaori had dated around plenty of times but those girls only wanted her money and power so they merely warmed her bed for her. They didn’t see her for her.
Kaori studied (your name)’s genuine expressions in an attempt to memorize the other girl. A realization washed over the Japanese woman. If (your name) could love a monstrous woman like Jackie, could she love her as well?
Jackie scooped (your name) up in her arm and carried her away from Kaori. Jackie didn’t like the look in Kaori’s eye, it was all too familiar to the blonde… it was the same way she looked at (your name).
“(Your name)!” Kasumi swung her arms around the smaller girl with a big grin on her face. The karateka pulled the (your name) close to her built body. “I’m so happy you agreed to get coffee with me. We can finally catch up!”
(Your name) smiled at her friend. Kasumi looked handsome today in her turtleneck sweater and suit jacket. Her short black hair was even slicked back a bit to make her look even more put together. A large gift bag rested in her hand, which made (your name) smile. She wondered if Kasumi bought something for her mom or dad.
“You look handsome today, Kasumi.” (Your name) broke the ice and complimented the bushy browed woman. Kasumi’s cheeks turned scarlet in response.
“Y-you look beautiful today too! B-but you always look beautiful!” Kasumi exclaimed, her face turning redder by the minute.
(Your name) laughed at the taller woman, the young woman took one of Kasumi’s hands in hers. “Let’s go order that coffee before you turn into a tomato.”
Kasumi gave (your name)’s hand a light squeeze back. She was so happy to be reunited with (your name)… everything felt right with the other girl. Which reminded her, she had gotten a present for the other girl.
“I got you a gift actually.” Kasumi smiled brightly at (your name), the other girl touched by the gesture. “I saw it and was instantly reminded of you so I had to buy it… I hope that’s not an issue.”
“You didn’t have to get me anything, Kasumi.” (Your name) smiled sweetly at her friend but accepted the bag. “Now I have to get something for you.”
“No you don’t.” Kasumi blushed, her eyes filled with stars when (your name) opened up the gift and smiled. “Do you like it?”
In the bag sat a white bunny plush, its black beady eyes cutely stared up at (your name). It was so cute…
“It’s so cute! Thank you, Kasumi.” (Your name) picked up the chunky plush out of the bag and held it to her chest. Did she really remind Kasumi of a bunny?
“You’re so cute and delicate so I associate you with a bunny…” Kasumi blushed a bright red. “I just think you’re so cute.”
(Your name) stood up on her tippy toes and pressed a kiss to Kasumi’s cheek. Kasumi’s hand touched her cheek in awe.
“You’re the sweetest. Thank you, Kasumi.” (Your name) grabbed Kasumi’s spare hand once more, the bunny plush held securely in the crook of her arm. “Now let’s get that coffee.”
Kasumi felt a warmth overcome her when (your name) held her and after she kissed her cheek. Yes… they’d go order that coffee.
It would be the start of their relationship and eventually their marriage. Kasumi was determined to win the heart of her childhood friend seeing that it was only natural that they uphold their promise.
Kaori stood in front of the bathroom mirror, her long hair damp from the shower. It’s been weeks since she saw (your name) but the pretty young woman never left her mind. How could someone be so sweet to someone like her? How could she gain (your name)’s attention and love?
The black hairs stuck to her back and shoulders like a second skin. The scissor glowed under the fluorescent lights, just begging her to pick them up.
Kaori picked up the silver scissors, her dark eyes studied them. If she did this, there was no turning back. She would cut off a part of herself , a part that had protected her for so many years… but why did she need to be afraid?
Kaori grabbed her hair up and sucked in a deep breath. She could do this.
“Kaori, you have a call on-“ Kaori’s right hand woman, Kirara, paused in the door way. Her voice loudly squealed out, “what did you do to your hair?!”
Kaori smiled at her reflection in the mirror, her long dark locks laid in a pile on the floor. Kaori ran her fingers over her new shirt hair cut.
Now, she was handsome.
“What the fuck is that?” Jackie pointed at the large bunny plush in (your name)’s arm. A wave of jealousy washed over the blonde. Did Kasumi buy it for (your name)? Didn’t that stupid karate brat know that (your name) and Jackie were dating?
“Kasumi bought it for me… she said I remind her of a bunny. Isn’t it cute?” (Your name) grabbed the plush’s little arms and made them dance. “Cha cha cha.”
It took all of Jackie’s self control not to grab that doll out of (your name)’s arms and rip it apart with her teeth like a wolf. How dare Kasumi impress (Your name) with something as simple as a stuffed animal. It was so simple and- oh. Jackie could just buy something cute for (your name) to draw her attention away from the plush.
“Yes… it’s cute.” Jackie stiffly replied, the words tasted almost like bile but Jackie wasn’t lying. It was a very cute plush. It’s just that it was from Kasumi and that put a bad taste in her mouth.
Jackie took note of how happy the bunny made (your name). The smaller girl fondly cuddled the plush in her arms, burying her nose into its soft fur. It smelled just like Kasumi… like clean linen and freshly squeezed oranges.
Jackie made a mental not to buy (your name) something cute as soon as possible. There was no way in hell she was going to lose (your name) to Kasumi of all people.
“I bought you something.” Jackie came up to (your name), who sat on the couch on her phone. Jackie kept her hands behind her back. “I think you’ll like it.”
“Oh really?” (Your name) turned her attention to Jackie, a bright smile on her face. (Your name) set her phone down beside her. “And what did you get me?”
Jackie pulled out a giant gray wolf plushie from behind her back. (Your name) squealed at how cute the plush was, her small arms barely fit around the thing.
“Oh my gosh! Where did you even get this? It’s huge!” (Your name) laughed, the young woman buried her face into its soft fur. “Were you jealous of Bun Bun?”
“No, I wasn’t jealous of your stuffed rabbit.” Jackie crossed her arms over her chest and pouted. “You must be out of your mind if you think I’d be jealous of a stuffed animal.”
(Your name) rushed over to Jackie and gave her a hug. The young woman giggled at Jackie’s blush.
“You’re jealous!” (Your name) singed which made Jackie scoop her up into her arms and swing her around in a circle. (Your name) squealed. “Jackie! Put me down!”
Jackie chuckled and plopped onto the couch with her. The two women now a tangle of limbs and giggles.
“I wasn’t jealous of the rabbit… I was just jealous of the person who gave it to you.” Jackie pressed a kiss to (your name)’s forehead. “So you should put this wolf in your bed now instead of Bun Bun.”
Jackie picked up the wolf plush and squished its face into (your name)’s cheek. The blonde made a growling noise which made (your name) erupt into laughter.
“You’re so stupid.”
“Hello.” Kaori stiffly greeted (your name) at the tournament. Her crisp white suit made her stick out like a sore thumb. “I haven’t seen you in awhile.”
“Hello, Kaori. How have you been?” (Your name) noticed that the Japanese woman now rocked a long pixie rather than have her long hair pulled back into a bun. “I see you had gotten your hair cut. It looks nice on you.”
Kaori softly smiled, her hand instinctively ran through her short locks. “I thought it was time for change.”
Which was halfway true. Kaori wanted to be more of (your name)’s type and if that meant being more masculine, then she would be.
(Your name) smiled brightly at Kaori. “It really suits your face.”
Kaori had a slight blush on her cheeks that was almost unnoticeable. She wasn’t used to being the one who was complimented and she didn’t want it to stop.
“I was worried it’d make my scars stand out more on my face. I feel like they’re kind of ugly-“ Kaori’s breath hitched when (your name)’s eyes softly traced over the contours and lines of her face scars. She wasn’t used to someone gazing upon her with utmost interest.
“I don’t think they’re ugly at all. I think they make you look cool.” (Your name) gave Kaori a bright smile. “You’re tough and beautiful-“
Kaori grabbed (your name)‘s hands and began to kiss the backs of them. Her massive body trembled with each touch. Kaori’s teeth could rot from his sweet (your name) was.
“Not nearly as beautiful as you-“ Kaori was shoved away by a furious Jackie, the blonde inserted herself between them. If looks could kill, Kaori would be dead.
“(Your name)? Did you see my fight?” Jackie had blood splattered all over her face, which made (your name) pull a handkerchief out of her purse.
“Jackie, you have blood all over your face.” (Your name) chided Jackie as she wiped her face off with the cotton handkerchief. “Why are you always so messy?”
“But it’s not my blood.” Jack grinned but was only playfully smacked in the face.
“Doesn’t matter. I just don’t like you getting all messy.” (Your name) sighed but Jackie merely pressed a kiss to her forehead.
“What can I say? I just love being cleaned up by my girlfriend.” Jackie gave Kaori a look that demanded the Japanese woman leave. “We can go to the onsen together after this… just you and I.”
“Really? I’ve always wanted to go to a hot spring.” (Your name) smiled softly and clasped her hands together. “Okay, Jackie. Please be safe out there!”
Jackie smiled and pressed another kiss to (your name)’s head. She then glanced at Kaori.
“I’ll see you in the finals.” Jackie smirked, the Japanese woman glared at her.
“Good luck, Jackie! Be safe.” (Your name) smiled brightly at her friend and waved at the blonde until she was out of sight. (Your name) then turned her attention back to Kaori. “Your fight is coming up, isn’t it?”
“Yes… I fight Kasumi Orochi next-“
“Oh I know Kasumi!” (Your name) smiled with a soft expression on her face. “We were childhood friends before I moved to Canada. We just recently reconnected but the bond is still there.”
Kaori maintained a stoic face but in reality, she threw a table across the room in her mind. There was another competitor… Kaori had to compete against two other women… both very different from one another.
“(Your name)!” Kaori felt her blood go cold when Kasumi ran over to the two girls with a big smile. The karateka practically threw herself on top of (your name), her arms snaked around (your name)’s waist. “My fight is coming up! Are you going to cheer for me?”
Kasumi froze when she noticed Kaori, the karateka turned to look at Kaori. “Oh I didn’t even notice you, Hanayama.”
Kaori just gave Kasumi a stiff nod of acknowledgment. The yakuza tightly clenched her fist in envy.
“I’ll be cheering for both of you.” (Your name) smiled at her two friends. “Be safe-“
Kaori scooped off (your name)’s hand and gave her knuckles a kiss. The gesture made (your name) blush.
“I’ll be safe. I’ll see you after the fight, okay?” Kaori smirked at (your name)’s bashful expression. Cute. She was so cute.
Kasumi blew smoke out of her nose, the karateka pressed a kiss to (your name)’s cheek. (Your name) snapped her head to Kasumi who puffed out her cheeks.
“I want you to cheer for me… we’ve known each other longer.” Kaori tried not to scrunch her face up in distaste. Kasumi acted like a child. “I want your eyes to be on me. I’m the Kasumi Orochi after all.”
(Your name) giggled at Kasumi, the young woman teased the karateka. “Who’s this hot shot here and what have you done to my childhood friend?”
The two girls laughed while Kaori bitterly watched the interaction. Kaori couldn’t stand being ignored like this… she didn’t want to lose.
She’d make sure she came out on top. Kaori had her heart set… and what the boss wanted, the boss got.
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adalhied-prime · 4 years
Rating: T for Teen Fandom: Transformers: Prime Characters: Miko Nakadai, Optimus Prime, Arcee (Transformers), Starscream (Transformers), Rafael "Raf" Esquivel, Jack Darby, June Darby, William Fowler, Soundwave (Transformers), Megatron (Transformers), Ratchet (Transformers), Bulkhead (Transformers), Bumblebee (Transformers), Cliffjumper (Transformers), Breakdown (Transformers), Knock Out (Transformers), Airachnid (Transformers) Tags: Alternate Universe - Always a Different Sex, Genderbend AU, Age Swap, Alternate Universe - Character Swap, (( We've got the badass Femme 'Bots and 'Cons (and Arc) )), (( And the humans are shuffled so there's more variety )), (( Also a reason you won't find out until later. ))
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Summary: After three years of silence and low activity, the Decepticons resurface on Earth to continue their fight with the Autobots over the planet's supply of energon, led by their recently returned leader, Megtrona. After one of these first skirmishes brings Mikoto Nakadai and two others into the crossfire, Optima Prime decides to bring the children under Autobot protection. Little did she know how this decision would affect not only her team, but the entire War.
Chapter 1: Darkness Rising Pt 1
Cliffstar rumbled down a quiet country road, speeding over a rise after deftly avoiding yet another pothole. “The county commission needs to get some people out here,” the red Challenger muttered to herself. “Now, where was I?”
“You reached the top of the cliff,” her partner Arc said on the other end of the comm line.
“Right! Okay, so there I was on the lookout, scanning, checking out the view, when out of nowhere, these high beams light up my rearview. I have no idea what’s going on, then it hits me. I’m illegally parked.”
“Another parking ticket?” The question was flat and dry, like he had expected it.
“Better. The boot.”
“Big metal tire clamp, impossible to remove.”
Cliffstar internally grinned. “Bingo! So the local police do their thing, and I let them get a block away. That’s when I kick off my new shiny shoe and… Ba-bam!”
“New York’s finest soil themselves.”
“You know me Arc. You mess with the Cliffstar-“
“And you get the horns,” Arc finished for her, as Cliffstar laughed.
[Read More on AO3]
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siriuslyarrogant · 5 years
Snapshots of a teenage heartbreak
I didnt want to genderbend the characters or change the pronouns of the song. The song , She by Dodie is here
/Am I allowed to look at her like that? Could it be wrong when she's just so nice to look at?/
Jack first notices him across the ice - how didn't he notice before in the locker room or the meetings. His eyes are bright and gleaming and the way he moves on the ice is a thing of beauty. Jack realises it's not admiration for a teammate when Kent catches his eye and smiles. Jack's heart is beating out of his chest. Jack knows that keeping this hidden is going to make him paranoid - it will give his brain more to worry about. However Jack thinks Kent's smile might be worth it.
/I'd never tell. No I'd never say a word./
Kent's smile isn't worth it. Not when it's also shining bright when their teammates are joking about in the locker room. Joking about it like it isn't something that makes Jack want to shut himself in the bathroom and curl in on himself. He could make them stop - he's the captain, they would listen to him. But Kent is making it into some crazy story, playing up the golddigger storyline like it's some movie. Then one of their teammates - Thomson - finally has enough of Kent's performance and says "Shut the fuck up. No wonder Zimmermann isn't giving you the chance to pawn his money off him, you're so goddamn annoying."
Another teammate - this time Scott, Jack thinks, says "Yeah, he'll probably have to go through all the girls in Canada before even thinking about a guy taking his cash - much less you."
They're wrong. They're so wrong but Jack can't correct them, his feet are struck and his eyes are avoiding Kent's. Jack is going to have to get uses to controlling his heartbeat and remembering that people can't read his brain. Remembering no one knows how he feels. Remembering to not yell out that they shouldn't treat their teammates like that and that his first choice would be Kent - always will be.
/And oh it aches. But it feels oddly good to hurt./
Jack has been ignoring Kent for the past two days - asides from a couple times at practice. He does to see if it would get rid of some of his feelings - it doesn't. Jack knew falling for Kent was a bad idea, terrible for his future and awful for his mental health - yet he did it. It's not Kent's fault so Jack shouldn't blame him - can't blame him really. Every time Jack thinks about kissing Kent his hands shake but still there is about a hundred scenarios in that Jack thinks about doing it. Maybe one day if Jack actually does kiss him, his hands won't shake.
/And I'll be okay. Admiring for afar./
Sometimes all Jack needs is Kent meeting his eye across the rink or, seeing him laugh with their teammates at a party or, bobbing his head to music while studying, to be happy. To remind himself that this is enough. That he doesn't have to take Kent on dates or say "That's my boyfriend" when Kent scores a goal, to still be Kent's.
/Cause even when she's right next to me we could not be more far apart./
They had another fight. It might've been Jack's fault this time - but he stopped counting long ago. Jack doesn't know how it started this time but it ended the same as always - with Kent mentioning the draft. He knows Kent finishes their fights like that so that he will win. Kent knows that Jack will close off when he mentions it. Jack also knows that Kent doesn't know that nearly everytime he says something about being first pick, afterwards Jack has take another pill. Even though Jack actually thinks Kent should go first, not him. Just everyone will criticise Jack if he doesn't be the best of the best.
/Cause she tastes like birthday cake and story time and fall. But to her. I taste of nothing at all./
Jack is laying in a hospital bed. He knows he missed the draft, knows that is where Kent is, knows that's why Kent isn't here. But Jack still wants him, he tries to explain to his parents that he wants to see Kent but they just say he needs rest.
It's the day after the draft and the doctor asks him if he purposely took too much, if the pressure of hockey was too much. Jack answers honestly and when the doctor lets his parents in he hopes Kent is also with them - he's not. His parents say he's on the plane to Las Vegas. Jack lost him and hockey at the same time. Somehow this wasn't one of the scenarios in which he thought he would.
/And she smells like lemongrass and sleep. She tastes like apple juice and peach./
In between the 8 hours of the draft and getting on a plane to Vegas, Kent tries to tell his mum he has to go see Jack. His mum just says that Jack needs rest and Kent can see him later. Kent is going to be across the country, later. His mum must realise that he needs to be alone because she leaves their hotel room to get some ice.
In the scenarios Kent thought up about his draft day he was always with Jack. He would wake up on the day of the draft with Jack in his bed and then they would go first and second. It wouldn't matter what order. Kent had a million goodbye speeches ready for when one of them headed to New York and the other to Las Vegas. Kent didn't think the last thing he would do with Jack before leaving was kiss him goodnight two days before the draft. He didn't think to remember how it felt to kiss him. Didn't think to make last forever.
/You would find her in a Polaroid picture. And she means everything to me./
Before getting on the plane, Kent opens his wallet to see the photo he put there over a year ago of him and Jack. He remembers the day Alicia took it, they were laughing at Bob. Kent's smiling at Jack like he is the best thing ever. Kent still thinks that. Will always think that. Jack Zimmermann will always be the best thing that happened to Kent. And Kent doesn't know if Jack will ever talk to him again.
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ao3feed-destiel · 5 years
Hymenated - Nephilim
Read it on AO3 here!http://bit.ly/31AHcws
by forlovedones
What if Dean getting a magic vagina is exactly the opportunity Cas has been waiting for?
“You are not a lesbian, Dean.”
Dean thought maybe he should laugh.
“You are a man. Strong in both virility and character, embodying natural characteristics associated with masculinity and patriarchy. The state of your genitalia could never change that. [...] But that doesn’t mean that this change doesn’t also warrant... other changes.”
“What?” Dean asked, confused.
“I mean changes to the status of our relationship,” Cas stated frankly.
"What-!" Dean nearly squeeked.
(Written by request:
"Please write more of these! Would love one where the change is permanent for Dean (and he's super self-conscious about it at first), in a Destiel version - even better if you can include eventual pregnancy!"
Part of a series written because I have a very specific kink. Namely: canon-compliant Winchesters with magical girl bits. ... Yes I am ashamed. Enjoy! :D)
Words: 5903, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Series: Part 4 of The Hymenated Series
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M, M/M
Characters: Dean Winchester, Castiel, Sam Winchester, Jack Kline
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Additional Tags: Top Castiel/Bottom Dean Winchester, Bottom Dean Winchester, Season/Series 14, Season/Series 15, Mpreg, Vaginal Sex, Genderbending, Genderswap, Gender or Sex Swap, First Time, Canon Compliant, Re-Hymenated Dean Winchester, Curses, BAMF Dean Winchester, Smart Sam Winchester, Castiel Loves Dean Winchester
Link: http://bit.ly/31AHcws
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