#lauren recommends things
thelaurenshippen · 4 months
The amazing Gabriel Urbina is teaching an audio drama writing workshop at the end of this month and I have no doubt it's going to be spectacular!! If you want to learn more about how to make your own fiction podcast, you can't go wrong learning it from Gabriel.
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loriane-elmuerto · 1 year
🎵 + Lauren? 👀💕
Lauren Gilbert
nine - sleeping at last
honestly, it's easier / to let myself forget / still, i check my vital signs / choked up, i realize / i've been less than half myself / for more than half my life / wake up / fall in love again / wage war on gravity / there's so much / worth fighting for / you'll see / another domino falls / either way
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ya-book-blog · 2 years
The Museum of Broken Things by Lauren Draper
Despite being excited from the moment I read the blurb, it took me a few chapters to warm up to The Museum of Broken Things. It was worth the unfamiliarity though (because what’s a book if not familiar and safe), and I have a lot of ‘loves’ coming up. I loved the setting. The small coastal town where everyone knows everyone contrasted with the new arrival of Reece (protagonist) and her family. I wouldn’t say the town of Hamilton is a quaint little town, but it’s without a doubt quirky and unique. I loved Reece’s relationship with Hamilton. She was reeling from her array of tragedies, so her coldness was understandable, and wholeheartedly relatable. Now, I haven’t relocated towns or anything, but I know first hand how lonely it could be when there is no one you can talk to at school, when it’s just you and your problems, and everything seems like foreign terrain. When Reece found friends, I was joyous for her, but it made me wonder when I’ll find somewhere where I belong.
The Museum of Broken Things, I feel, is a tale of loss and how to cope with it, moving forward, acceptance, forgiveness and friendship. I found I could empathise with Reece, connect with her fears, feelings and thoughts. The exploration of loss and healing touched me, the play with memories and sentimental objects intriguing.
I want to compare this book with a symphony. First, there is the tragic beginning; picking up the pieces, loneliness, regret. Slowly, the tune turns. I hear hope. Instead of a lonely violin, I begin to hear more instruments, more voices.
The Museum of Broken Things touched me. Reece’s voice is unique and strong. She is intelligent, and I feel privileged to see her transformation.
This was a story of healing, and in turn placed a content calm in me. I’ve enjoyed this book, and I’d recommend this stunning debut to anyone, whether you need a friend, a remedy or a guiding star.
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oldshrewsburyian · 7 days
Hello! I'm an academic who is trying to get back into reading for fun. Before grad school, I *loved* to read, but then it became part of The Job. Anyway, I was wondering if you could recommend some good historical fiction based in the Middle Ages, and, if possible, I'm more interested in reading about women and their lives. (The Name of the Rose is on my list, but maybe something with nuns? Medieval nuns are so interesting!) Thanks for your time and all the great posts!
Hi! I resemble this remark; my fiction-reading hours took a dive during grad school as well. I love The Name of the Rose, so do keep it on your list! I hated Lauren Groff's The Matrix, so... despite the nuns, my recommendation would be: do not. While Ottessa Moshfegh's Lapvona includes many women, it also just... makes up a fantasized version of the Middle Ages that is about filth and abnegation. Also not recommended. These warnings concluded:
Victoria MacKenzie, For Thy Great Pain Have Mercy On My Little Pain, is a fascinating debut novel centered on Margery Kempe and Julian of Norwich.
Salman Rushdie, Victory City, is set in a fantasy version of medieval India and has a female seer as its main character. It's great.
Robin McKinley, The Outlaws of Sherwood, is more interested in greenwood shenanigans than detailed historical context, but I love this Robin Hood novel and think it holds up well (I first loved it when I was 12.) Integrating women into the Sherwood community in a range of ways is one of the interesting things about the adaptation.
Roberto Tiraboschi, The Apothecary's Shop, has a male narrator but many interesting women characters.
Shelley Parker-Chan, She Who Became The Sun, has fantasy elements, and I'm not sure if you're looking for those, but I think the novel's exploration of the possibilities of gender (as affected by religion, as affected by war) in Ming China is really interesting.
I have a somewhat longer list of recs for medieval historical fiction here. I still haven't gotten around to Sylvia Townsend Warner's The Corner That Held Them, but I have been promised that it contains 14th-century nuns, and I really like STW's ideas and prose.
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kithj · 2 months
IM THE PERSON WHO WAS TALKING ABOUT THINGS HAVE GOTTEN WORSE SINCE WE LAST SPOKE A FEW DAYS AGO And i agree about how sad it is that most queer horror authors i dont vibe with. do you have any you DO like? im always on the lookout for more and from what i’ve seen of your book taste on here we have pretty similar taste in books. can be any genre of horror tbh im not picky
hehehe yes i'd love to give u some recommendations! though if i'm being honest i really haven't found that many authors in the genre that i really vibe with yet. im still on the hunt... may leitz is probably the only one i can recommend that is kinda in the same vein as the "popular" ones, but Leitz is someone who i think does well balancing the extreme aspects of it with characters that are actually interesting and sympathetic to read (as opposed to just one-dimensional cannon fodder for random violence)
i don't know if any of these authors actually refer to themselves as "queer horror" authors nor do i know with certainty if all of them are a part of the lgbt community, but um. well i like their books. these also all aren't strictly about the characters identity; some focus more on it than others so i'll just say it's horror + lgbt characters.
i'll start with extreme horror:
fluids by may leitz - this will be the most extreme book i recommend, and i've talked about it a few times before. it's about two women, named Dahlia and Lauren, who meet on tinder during the pandemic, and after only a few days of talking Lauren takes it upon herself to drive to Dahlia's hometown and try and "save" her. things escalate, and the two women's paths diverge. cw: extreme violence and gore, rape, incest (the two girls pretend to be related), emetophobia, suicide, eating disorder, murder, literally everything you can think of. this is Extreme Horror, and i wouldn't recommend this one for anyone that's not already familiar with the genre.
girl flesh by may leitz - while i didn't like this one as much as fluids, i'm just a fan of may leitz's writing in general so i'd still recommend it. this one has a bit of a pacing problem & does a lot of telling rather than showing, but i like the direction leitz takes this one in the end. i've talked about this one before too so you might remember me rambling about it. this one is about two women who are kidnapped and wake up restrained in a dirty hotel in the middle of the texas mesa. they work together to escape their captors as well as the wild mesa and maybe even fall in love a little bit on the way. cw: extreme violence, gore, transphobia/deadnaming, eating disorder, emetophobia, self-harm, rape. this one isn't as extreme as fluids but i'd still be cautious with it.
to be devoured by sara tantlinger - this one is a short novella you can read in one sitting. Andi really really really wants to know what carrion tastes like. she's fascinated by the vultures that circle the edge of her property, but her fascination soon turns to obsession, and Andi will stop at nothing to learn their secrets. cw: blood consumption, cannibalism, violence and gore, very graphic animal harm and animal death
okay now the rest are just more general horror:
house of hunger by alexis henderson - loosely based on the legend of Elizabeth of Bathory, this story takes place in a society that runs on blood. Marion travels to the House of Hunger to begin her term as a bloodmaid under Countess Lisavet, who has a mysterious ailment that renders her weak and bedbound unless she has a constant flow of blood to treat it. Marion gets to know the other bloodmaids, and in time begins to realize not all is as it seems at the House of Hunger. cw: blood consumption, violence, abusive relationships/gaslighting, death
alexis henderson has also written the year of the witching, and she just announced an academy for liars. i really like her writing so i plan to check out her other work soon-ish.
apparitions by adam pottle - again i talked about this one recently so you may have seen it already, but i NEED more people to read this book. this follows the story of a young man who was born deaf and raised in an abusive household until he was able to escape as a teenager, only to be institutionalized immediately after. there he meets another deaf teen, and for the first time in his life, he has a language that he can speak with and can finally be understood. cw: child abuse, institutionalization, homophobia, abusive relationship, ableism, violence, death, religious trauma, animal harm and animal death.
the luminous dead by caitlin starling - gyre price is a lone caver swaddled inside a hi-tech suit that allows her to dive deep underground to map mineral deposits off-planet. however, the person on the other end of the suit has other plans, and easily takes control of gyre and her suit, putting the two at odds with each other as gyre spirals into uncertainty and paranoia while also having to deal with the terrifying presence of the tunneler. cw: claustrophobia, death, forced drugging, violence, gore, abusive/toxic relationship
caitlin starling also has a few other books though i haven't gotten around to reading them yet and i honestly haven't heard much about them so i can't say how they compare, but the luminous dead is one of my favorites of all time.
the Sworn Soldier series by T. Kingfisher - i love these books, they're just short fun horror stories with a really charming main character. Alex Easton is a retired soldier from Gallacia, and has their own special pronouns in Gallacian (kan/kanself) as part of their occupation and culture, and is what we would consider nonbinary (not all soldiers identify this way, but Alex does). vicars in Gallacia use van/vanself, there are different pronouns for children and adults, etc. i think it's just really interesting and i enjoy what the author has done with the worldbuilding and language, and how seamlessly it fits into her writing. the first book is a retelling of the fall of the house of usher (and is the stronger of the two) while the second one has Alex returning home to Gallacia and facing off with an old Gallacian superstition that's haunting their family cottage.
again i don't really know how T. Kingfisher/Ursula Vernon personally identifies but i do recommend her writing regardless, she's written other horror books as well as some fantasy books & she's just incredibly skilled imo, easy and fun to read.
most of my TBR that i'm working towards is horror so maybe i'll update this post later with more.... i'm currently reading providence girls by morgan dante and into the drowning deep by mira grant.
morgan dante has a few other books that are all some flavor of gothic horror/romance and i'm very excited for their new book that just came out TODAY that's a carmilla/elizabeth of bathory reimagining. i'm planning on reading that Immediately (i preordered it) so i'll report back for it and once i finish providence girls, too.
the next few books on my TBR that are all lgbt + horror:
The Seep by Chana Porter
Thirst by Marina Yuszczuk
A Dowry of Blood & An Education in Malice, both by S.T. Gibson
Little Rot by Akwaeke Emezi (i think this one is a thriller actually and also isnt out yet but whatever. i recommend this author, they genre-hop a lot & have a decent amount of work published already)
Sorrowland by Rivers Solomon
and of course i always recommend looking up content warnings if you need to especially for the last few since i haven't read them myself and can't vouch for them just yet. but ummm hopefully you see something you like 😭 i'll stop yapping <3
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sexhaver · 3 months
I read once that people should find wine recommendations by looking at prominent sommeliers who already like profiles you like, not because they're objectively correct at wine, but their tastes align with yours and they will likely speak to other wines you would like. I just listened to Tarot Sport by Fuck Buttons because you mentioned it and I really like it, do you have any other music recs in general
oh man this is the nicest compliment ive gotten on my musical taste in a minute! if you like the polyrhythmic aspect of Fuck Buttons where they layer sounds on top of each other until it sound like white noise but if you listen from the beginning with headphones you can still pick out every individual layer, check out Lauren Bousfield. her entire discography is good but Avalon Vales and Palimpsest are my personal favs. if you really like those and need more you can check out some of her earlier work under Nero's Day At Disneyland, specifically From Rotting Fantasylands
if you like having Fuck Buttons on in the background as study music, start looking into old Boiler Room sets on Soundcloud. these don't inherently have much in common other than being good background music but you asked me for recs in general so here are some of my fav sets:
Baauer B2B RL Grime at Ray-Ban x Boiler Room SXSW (warning: this set has the best music but also worst hype woman of all time)
Bonobo Boiler Room DJ Mix (this one was playing as i wrote most of my essays in college)
Purity Ring 45 Minute Mix Boiler Room Montreal (please please please skip to 22 minutes in if you listen to nothing else here, that segment singlehandedly gave me so much more respect for Purity Ring than actually seeing them live in 2012 did)
XXYYXX 60 Minute Set Boiler Room Los Angeles (whole thing is good but skip to 24 minutes in lol)
okay this last one isn't Boiler Room at all but uh. umru ♭⒉♭ fraxiom at Lavapalooza is Umru and Fraxiom doing Minecraft parody covers of hyperpop songs at a concert that happened in Minecraft itself. but it's unironically kind of good at certain points if you have the same kind of brain damage i do where you enjoy Fuck Buttons
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eightyuh · 4 months
How do you come up with such interesting characters?
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other recommendations:
I personally like to design as-if for TV animation!!! characters should be easy to draw repeatedly. this includes keeping their outfits, details, and color palettes simple. at the same time, what details are included should be memorable enough to develop an accurate first-impression, keep the viewers attention, and distinguish them at a glance against the rest of the cast.
incorporate asymmetry if possible! makes them look more dynamic, interesting, and natural. (from a former adventure time animator, can't find source :C they used marcelline's outfits as reference!)
mindset: put more focus on the character's volume than their shape. for ex: with an hourglass-figure, focus more on the individual curves and tucks than the "shape" of an hourglass. ( ^ same source)
every piece in your lineart is one of 2 options: curvy or straight. Lean into this with intention. (from Lauren Faust, mentioned during a Them's Fightin' Herds development stream)
have a crush on your characters!! "... You think of your absolute favorite movie and it was probably full of characters that felt like they were someone's favourite thing to wake up and play with. Like someone went to work and said 'I'm gonna make everyone love this f***er as much as I do." (Kelly Turnbull)
write around their personality flaws! providing the character's challenges up front presents a better lense for character growth, but it can also make them more endearing if their imperfection resonates with the audience. i would much rather watch a character actively clash with their struggle than eventually one day find out 'their weakness' (ahem shounen anime does this a lot).
thank u so much for this ask!! i'm very flattered :"""D hope this helps!
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miralure · 5 months
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New Simblr Introduction ♡
Although I've had this account for about a month now, I guess I can still be considered a "new simblr" because I'm relatively small, and when I did this the first time Tumblr didn't show me in tags so I didn't get any reach... So here we go again!
Basic Information:
Name: Lauren Age: Young adult (18) Aspiration: Computer Whiz Traits: Family Oriented, Overachiever, Loyal, Music Lover, Childish Job: Tech Guru Simself: Pictured above
I've been playing Sims since 2016 and was inspired by simtubers and simblrs like @farfallasims, @pixelglam, @marilynjeansims @largetaytertots and @oshinsimblr to create my own Simblr and share my work.
I am a heavy modder and CC user, and use maxis-mix CC. I would consider my gameplay style cozy and I usually play happy family dynamics. However, I'm very open minded and love to see other gameplay styles!
I (used to) play sims on a 2020 Macbook and have taken years to work out how to make it run decently with minimal lag and good graphics. Now I play on a shitty Lenovo Z13 ThinkPad which gives me the ability to use shaders!
On my account, you'll see CAS screenshots, lookbooks, sim dumps, CC recommendations, photoshop tutorials, gameplay photos and more! I am very WCIF friendly so if you ever want to ask a question I'm more than happy to answer it. Also, sim requests are always open! :) Just send an ask (for WCIF and requests)
There will never be any NSFW content on my page, and as a general thing please don't expect a follow back if your page is full of sexually explicit content.
I would really really love to find new active mutuals and friends!! I am always always looking for new mutuals so if you’re an active simblr I'll follow back (I'm a good mutual, I'll like and comment [and rb] anything you post). And if you ever wanna chat, just DM me because I'd love to talk :)
Please, feel free to like, comment, follow and reblog this post (help a gal out)
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storiesofsvu · 4 months
Solace in Solitude Ch 12
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Emily Prentiss x reader Warnings: language, alcohol, canon typical conversation, smut. This ch feels a little it jumpy, partially because it is, partially because of how it needed to be. Each of the breaks represent a time jump, just little pieces of our girls lives while they figure out how to go about it. Two to three chapters left until this series is finally done with!
“Fuck…” Emily muttered with a small huff, flipping the cover to her iPad closed before she gently tossed it onto the coffee table.
“You good?” You asked, glancing between the television and her.
“Yeah, just lost another round of scrabble.”
“Cheeto breath’s the blonde, right?” You asked, redirecting your attention towards her as you picked up your glass of wine.
“JJ.. yeah..” Emily’s eyes drifted out the window for a moment, reminiscing about her memories with Jayje over the years.
“I take it you two were good friends?”
“Yeah.” She cast you a small smile.
“You know… you are allowed to talk about them.”
“I know.” Emily sighed softly, picking up her own drink, “it just almost feels surreal now. Like that part of my life was some kind of fever dream, the years between Doyle were reality but the way things worked out it almost seems like the fake memories were it, not the time with him.”
“Did you go straight from that undercover gig to your team?” You asked your brow furrowing.
“Basically.” She laughed, the grin staying on her face, “a few months to recuperate, make sure all the loose ends were tied.”
“How does that work on a resume? I mean, you can’t exactly put an entire fake identity on there.”
Emily laughed again, taking a bigger swig of her drink while she mulled over the entire topic, “the bureau and international teams have their way of covering things up. It wasn’t really me who did all that, it was Lauren, so Emily Prentiss came off a desk job, well recommended to the BAU.”
“And they believed that?” You raised a brow in her direction. It didn’t take a federal agent to notice the way Emily behaved, the little things she picked up on that made her seem like someone with extensive experience.
“Everyone had their walls up, they weren’t ready for a replacement on the team yet, it wasn’t exactly welcoming. Not to mention Hotch seemed to have it in for me, thinking my mother had swindled the job for me.”
“Hmm.” You replied over the rim of your wine glass, “it didn’t stay like that though?”
“No.” She smiled softly, “they became family. I spent more time with them than anyone else in my life, we all did, even outside of work. If I wanted to have a girls night I knew JJ and Penelope would always say yes, Derek was never going to decline a visit to the gym or shooting range, Rossi was always dying to teach someone his latest recipe…..” She trailed off, her eyes slowly misting with tears as she thought about how likely it was that all of that continued despite her absence, how they were all coping with her death, with their grief while she tried to figure out her own on the opposite side of the world with only one person by her side. “We were all a better family to each other than our own ever could have been.”
“They sound amazing.” Your hand reached out, squeezing at her elbow and she cast you a grin.
“They are.”
“So aside from being a total bad ass federal agent chasing down serial killers, what is it exactly that your unit does?”
“Behavioural Analysis, it’s more psychology based, figuring out trends, triggers, history, patterns, geographical locations,” she waved her hand with each statement, “putting it all together to figure out who our unsub is.”
“That’s honestly really neat. I kinda wish hospitals had people on staff to help with that kind of stuff.”
“Yeah.” She laughed, “me too.”
Thick flakes of snow were drifting down through the air, coating the city in a fluffy white blanket, which meant going nowhere. Emily crossed her arms over her chest, letting out a huff as she looked out the balcony window. The temperature had been decreasing daily and she was getting pent up, cabin fever increasing and had been hoping to get out of the house this weekend.
“You okay?” You asked from your spot in the kitchen, packing up leftovers to toss in the fridge before pouring out a couple fresh glasses of wine.
“I’m bored.” She practically whined, turning around to face you, “if I have to watch another episode of The Bachelor I will blow my brains out.”
“Okay…” you laughed, picking up the wine to move back into the living room, handing her her glass. “You have anything else in mind? New show, game?”
She chewed on her lip, eyes darting around the room while she tried to find something to entertain her and you knew you were in trouble when they shot back up to you with that dangerous glimmer in them. “How about poker?”
“We’ve played every night this week, you think that’s gonna cure this?” You asked, grabbing the deck of cards from behind you before you settled on the couch.
“How about we up the stakes?”
“What? Play for real money?” You asked with a laugh, nearly gulping at the look she gave you in return.
“Or… we could make it strip poker?” She offered with a wild grin and you couldn’t help but roll you eyes.
“Fine.” You started to deal the cards out, “but you better take it easy on me, we all know you’re the poker champ.”
Emily in fact, did not take it easy on you.
It didn’t help that the cold bothered her more, her body aching at the temperatures meant she was bundled up, thick socks, leggings, tank top, thin pullover, hoodie. You preferred cool temperatures, meaning you were already down to just a pair of lace panties while she still had pants and a bra on.
“This is not fair.” You grumbled, letting out a little shiver as you crossed your arms over your chest and she laughed, draining the last of her drink. “You were wearing so many more clothes than me.”
“Sounds like someone’s a poor loser.” She chuckled, the cards in her hand finding home on the coffee table as she shifted toward you on the couch, “but I’m pretty sure I can make it up to you…”
You let out a small laugh as she caged you into the couch, your back hitting the arm in the same moment her lips hit your neck and you were suddenly out of complaints. Her hands toyed with your chest, groping and pinching at you, her lips smirking up into a grin as your hips rutted up against hers. It only took a few moments before her hand was sneaking into your panties, gently rubbing at your clit.
“Fuck…” You muttered, your head dropping back against the couch, eyes fluttering shut as her mouth wrapped around your nipple.
Your moans became louder when her fingers slipped into your pussy, twisting and curling just where you needed them. Emily’s breath hot on your neck, her teeth scraping against your skin as you fluttered around her, whimpers leaving your lips as she toyed with you, getting louder and louder until you hit your peak and losing a poker game was the furthest thing from your mind.
Emily let the apartment door swing shut behind her, flicking the lock before dropping the bag of groceries on the counter. After hanging up her coat and kicking off her boots her eyes finally swept through the living room, her head tilting when her gaze landed on you. You were perched in your usual corner of the couch, fuzzy blanket over your lap, mug of coffee in your hand but instead of staring at the television, your gaze as focussed on the corner of the room. She watched you for a couple of minutes, wondering if you were just zoned out, off on some tangent of medical language in your brain but you didn’t even blink to notice that she’d even come home.
“Okay you’re freaking me out. This is like when your cat is staring at the wall and the only explanation is a ghost.”
“Should we get a tree?” Your head titled to the side but your gaze remained in the corner.
“Uh… what?” She asked, laughing awkwardly and you finally looked over to her.
“For Christmas.” You explained, eyes sweeping through the living room, “every where’s all decorated, lights, garland, trees, I could do without the Christmas music at the hospital constantly but it’s a little drab in here, don’t ya think?”
“And you want a tree?”
“Not a real one,” your nose scrunched, “too much work, and it doesn’t have to be a big one, a mini one, just some lights to make it a little festive in here.”
Emily crossed through the living room, dropping down onto the other side of the couch as she looked through the apartment, “you’re right. We should decorate, even just a little, make it feel more homey in here.”
“Yeah?” You looked up at her and she couldn’t help but smile at the excitement in your eyes.
“Yeah.” She squeezed at your leg through the blanket, “we watch enough tv as is, we could be marathoning Christmas movies. I picked up hot chocolate,” she nodded toward the grocery bag.
“Now that, sounds like a festive night.”
“After decorating though.” She grinned and you raised a brow, “there’s so many little celebrations going on out there.” She gestured toward the window, “I walked past two separate Christmas markets today, we should go check them out, pick up some stuff for the apartment, maybe some treats.”
“You wanna go now?”
“Well I was gonna make baked ziti for dinner, but that could wait cause I have a feeling you really love Christmas.”
“Yeah…” you nearly winced with a small smile on your face and Emily laughed.
“Well c’mon.”
Five hours later the two of you were curled up under the same blanket on the couch while The Holiday played on the television. Empty pasta plates sat on the coffee table and mugs of steaming hot chocolate spiked with Baileys were cupped in your hands. Multi coloured lights from the tree and the tops of the wall cast a warm glow throughout the apartment, the smell of gingerbread wafting from a candle burning on the kitchen island.
“You were right.” Emily mumbled “this is much better. I guess I forgot how just how nice actually embracing the holidays can feel.”
“Oh really?” You glanced up at her with a small grin and she raised a brow in your direction.
“I’m just saying, I saw an ad for a really cool looking ice sculpture festival next weekend.”
She laughed, nudging your shoulder with hers as she shook her head at you, “alright, fine. It’s not like I have much else to do anyways.”
“Exactly.” You settled back into the couch with a satisfied sigh, “though we need to get some presents for under the tree.”
“If you don’t hurry up, you’re gonna miss the countdown!” Emily shouted over her shoulder, puling her sweater tighter over her shoulders, her eyes sweeping through the stars sparkling in the night sky. A dreamy look on her face, no doubt partially thanks to the bubbly the two of you had been drinking since dinner.
“I know, I know!” You scoffed back, hurrying back onto the balcony and handing her a flute, “but you absolutely cannot start a new year without champagne, and this is legit champagne.”
“Classy.” She replied with a laugh when she took the glass from you.
The streets below you were filled with laughter, cheers and the general sound of celebration as midnight ticked closer and closer. You shivered and Emily tugged you closer to her, her arm linking into yours as smiles broke out on both of your cheeks while you joined in on the countdown echoing from the street below. The clock hit twelve and choruses of ‘Happy New Year’ and cheers bounced through the air as the two of you clinked your glasses together and took a swig of your drinks fireworks exploding in the sky above you.
“What?” You asked when Emily swiped your glass, putting it along with hers down on the small table.
“C’mere.” She tugged you to her, “you can’t not have a new year’s kiss.”
Her arm wound around your waist, lips meeting yours tenderly, moving with grace against each other as your arms wrapped around her shoulders. Her tongue slipped into your mouth and you let out a happy sigh into the kiss.
“You know, you’re really good at this.” She murmured, lips curving into a grin and you chuckled.
“I’m good at a lot of other things too.” The smirk on your lips pulled a laugh from Emily.
“I like this.” She replied, stepping backwards and you let out a squeal when she pulled you down onto the couch behind her, your legs settling around her hips as she adjusted you on her lap, her lips meeting yours once again.
The kiss was full of little laughs, happy breaths, satisfied sighs as you held each other tighter to combat the chilliness of the now January night air. You could only hope that if this was how you were starting the year off that it would end up being a better one overall than the last.
Emily was in the kitchen scrounging up what she could for dinner out of leftovers when you finally emerged from your bedroom. You glanced up to her with a happy smile,
“I take it the meeting went well?” She asked.
“Yeah. The hospital wants to fly me out for a couple of consults on Tuesday.”
“That’s amazing!”
“You’re good then..” your brow scrunched, “like… if I take off for a few days? It feels weird to leave you… unsupervised, for lack of a better word.”
Emily barked out a laugh, “I’ll be fine, I’m sure I can handle a few days on my own. You go save some lives.”
“You sure?”
“Yeah.” She shrugged, “you’ve cleared me, the shrink has my med load decreased, I was cleared at the beginning of the month by PT to up my workouts. Hate to break it to ya, but you’ve been downgraded from babysitter to roommate at this point.”
“Okay, okay.” You laughed, sliding onto a stool at the island.
“I’m guessing this is the same research you’ve been working on?”
“Yeah, finally found the right place with the right fit and resources.”
“So you’re moving then?”
“God no, I don’t even know if there’s an actual job available. They might just want my research, might offer me a grant to keep working here, fly me in when needed. I could probably do ninety percent of it over Skype, it’s all about collaboration at this stage.”
“Well whatever happens I hope it’s good.”
“Me too.”
While Emily did actually enjoy her solo time in the apartment, she found it feeling just a little strange. Knowing that you weren’t coming home those nights, that noise out in the hallway were just the neighbours making their way to their own apartments. That she wasn’t waiting for you before starting dinner, she could eat whenever she wanted and that there was no one to start the coffee for her in the morning. Your absence was felt, even if you were still keeping in touch over text the three days you were gone.
It was barely noon and there was already a sense of urgency shooting through the apartment as you practically jumped out of your bedroom into the living room.
It wasn’t even a second later that she came barrelling out of her room, duffle over her shoulder, still open so she could grab her phone charger and tablet from the kitchen island to shove into it.
“I, uh.. I think I need to go.”
“What?” You asked and she stalled suddenly,
“The guardian I had for Declan, he just called me. Declan tried to call him, there’s something going on, I need to get back stateside.” She took a deep breath, feeling the jitters in her chest starting as her pulse started to race, “oh god…” She suddenly dropped to a squat, her elbows on her knees so she could bury her face in her hands, “I really didn’t think this was gonna happen so quick.”
“Em…” you stepped toward her, a hand resting on her shoulder, squeezing softly and she was able to take another deep breath, calming her racing heart enough to bring herself up to standing and you could see the misting in her eyes.
“I… I know you’re not my therapist or anything, but you have honestly been the closest person since we got here, and I… I don’t know if I’m ready to go back.”
“If Declan needs you…”
“What if this is some kind of trap? What if Ian got to Tom, and this is just a fucking set up?” She ran a hand over her face, turning back to you, “sorry, I’m freaking out. You were gonna say something when I first came out.”
“Yeah,” you smiled, “you don’t have to worry about Ian. Your team has him.”
“What?” Her eyes widened and you gestured to your phone in your hand.
“Hotch called; they want you back to help break him.” Reaching out you squeezed at her wrist, “you’re ready. They need you, the real you... you get to be yourself again.”
Emily couldn't help the warmth flowing through her at the thought of that, at getting to return to her real life after all this time. “And you what, keep playing pretend here?”
“No.” You laughed, “actually right before Hotch called, St Thomas’ called…there was a job and they just offered it to me. I move to London at the end of the month.”
“Oh my god, that’s amazing.” A smile burst out on her face and she pulled you into a tight hug until you were nudging her away.
“You need to go.” You practically laughed, “there’s a jet waiting for you, a car will pick you up on the other end.”
“Fuck, right.” She quickly zipped up her bag, double checking that she had everything she needed.
“Text me if you’re missing anything crucial and I’ll ship it out.”
“You’re a lifesaver.” She paused, looking up at you with genuine gratitude written across her face, “and I mean that, both literally and figuratively. Thank you, for everything.” Stepping toward you she wrapped an arm around your shoulders, placing a kiss on your cheek before she stepped away.
“Yeah well, you can pay it back to me by not ruining all my hard work in your first day back in the field, okay?”
“Stay safe.” You warned her and she cast a smile back to you while she opened the door.
“I will. And don’t be a stranger.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
@momlifebehard @daddy-heather-dunbar @maybe-a-humanbean @rustyzebra @leftoverenvy @kades95 @dextur @supercriminalbean @daffodil-heart @its-soph-xx @just-a-torn-up-masterpiece @hopelesslyfallenninlove @peanutbutterprincess @emilyprentisssluvr @lex13cm @zizzlekwum @emobabeyy @riveramorylunar @scorpsik @happenstnces @sapphicprentiss @geekyandgay98 @onmykneesformarvel @inlovewithemilyprentiss @desperate-gay @amypoehlfey @overtrred28 @regalmilfs4me @ara-a-bird @five-bi-five-mind @niyizh @inlovewithmiddleagewomen @hotchs-bitch @ollysmulti @kmc1989 @irishavengersassemble @romanoffsho @ratsnestinmyhair @assgardangod @hopedoesntknow @dj-bynum3718 @venromanova @waitaminuteashh @noahrex @imlike-so-gaydude @wittygutsy @cx-emerald-cx @lesbodietcoke @momily @nilaues @borinxnovak xnovak
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thelaurenshippen · 2 months
wOW I've totally slacked on posting my last few weeks of listening logs (and tbh, I'm still figuring out how best to post them on tumblr specifically - I think I just might start to share the videos?) anYWAY, here's the last three weeks of shows I've dipped my ears into (I regret that phrase)
WELCOME TO NIGHT VALE - I don't need to explain WTNV to you, this was my 'classics' week for the month
LIMETOWN - spooooooky
MODES OF THOUGHT IN ANTERRAN LITERATURE - lecture series about an ancient society, but fictional, y'all will love it
CONSUMED - another great spooky show from Aaron Mahnke! more New England haunts!!!!
JOSIE'S LONELY HEARTS CLUB - improvised call-in radio show! very fun!
ROCKING CHAIR; OR, SETTLEMENT - eerie folk musical horror podcast, it's incredibly cool and unique
OKAY now I'm caught up, all these posts are very chaotic but we're figuring it out
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Welcome! You have found the madness of my blog. 
You can call me Darcy, Darce, Ash, Angel, or a nickname. (also if I tell you that my name is Angle, I meant Angel, I just can’t spell 😭)
I use she/her and they/them pronouns. (If you know me irl, pretend you never saw the they/them part) 
I identify as asexual and panromantic and a burden
I reblog a lot, put random polls, and post random things about my life.  I have a side blog for my oc: @a-poetic-apollo-kid
Feel free to message me, i promise I’m nice, if you just want to talk or need to vent. I support everyone, (unless you’re a dick - homophobic, racist, sexist, etc) 
Things I follow: 
(There might be more tbh)
Heartstopper -Anything Alice Oseman | Good Omens | Young Royals | Red, White, and Royal Blue | Avatar the last air bender | Percy Jackson | Doctor Who (a bit-not really) | Anything gay/queer/LGBTQIA+ | Hamilton 
There’s more, I’m just forgetting lol 
I love music and books- please if you want to, send in recommendations.  music peoples I listen to:
Cavetown | Conan Gray | Baby Queen | Olivia Rodrigo | Wasia Project | Orla Gartland | Taylor Swift (a bit) | Beabadoobee | Girl in red | JVKE | Bailey Spinn | Alexander Steward | Au/Ra | Natalie Jane | PEGGY | Lauren Spencer Smith | Billie Eilish
(These people all have more than one song on my main playlist)
I think that’s it, please be nice :)
I do it for the girls and the gays
(gays being anyone in the LGBTQIA+)
thank you soooo much @bleep-bloop-boo for the name and @ ideas
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1.1 MILLION VIEWS on NPMD already??? Amazing, incredible, I love you guys!!!! So have a recommendation!
If you love TGWDLM, Black Friday, and NPMD, then that must mean a few things: you love watching high-quality, FREE musical pro-shoots on YouTube; you love watching dark comedy that nonetheless remains goofy and silly; and you love watching Joey Richter, Lauren Lopez, and Corey Dorris do their thing. If all that's true, then you NEED to check out Joey, Lauren, and Corey in the Tin Can Bros new show How the Grunch Cribbed Christmas!!
I know, I know, a Christmas show? But stick with me. The opening number is literally called "Holly Jolly NON-DENOMINATIONAL Holiday Time" and they do a brilliant job of delivering on that promise while being very tongue-in-cheek about it. And, in classic Christmas Classic Fashion, most of the people who worked on the show are Jewish, so there's that.
This show is so goofy, and silly, and fun, with genuine emotional pathos running through its core (Scrags' storyline will break your heart even as you laugh along with the rest of us). There are brilliant design choices, iconic line deliveries, and some absolute bops that will stay in your head for the rest of time (if you like the music in Holy Musical B@tman, this score was written by the same guy!). The album's out, too, and the amount of love and care that was clearly put into it, all these additional little details added in, makes it a really special listen. And while having watched the previous Solve-It Squad shows will definitely be a plus, it's not at all necessary to see or enjoy Grunch. Like how you don't need to have seen TGWDLM to appreciate NPMD!
I know not every show is for every person, but you should definitely check out at least the first few minutes (which counts as an entire view and helps TCB in the algorithms so yay you!) to see if this special little show is up your alley or not. And if you don't have time to watch a full length musical at any point over the next few days, you're in luck! TCB release their longer projects over a series of shorter videos, so you can just watch one 10-15 minute chunk at a time! As of the morning of November 10, only the first fifteen minutes are on YouTube so you can catch up real quick and then be ready for the equally brief part 2 coming out this afternoon! (And if you're waiting for the entire show to come out so you can watch it all at once, that's cool too! But early views are important so maybe consider muting youtube and pulling up Grunch in the background for a couple of minutes). This amazing fandom really answered the call for Nerdy Prudes. Let's show some of that same energy for Grunch, yeah??
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224bbaker · 1 month
An update and a thank you from 224B Baker Street!
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Hello again, detectives!
While the crowdfund for season 2 of Fawx & Stallion technically wrapped up a few days ago, we thought it would be good to take a day or two to regroup, take a nap, and think of a few words to express our thanks. This being May 4th, the day in 1891 that Sherlock Holmes fell to his (alleged) death at Reichenbach Falls, it seemed strangely fitting to say a few words about the story of the detectives across the street and slightly to the left on the day Holmes ever so temporarily bowed out of his own story.
Last Monday, we crossed 100% of our goal. And on Thursday, we ended our campaign with 104% of our goal. We are beyond honored and completely grateful to everyone who donated, shared, sent along encouraging words, recommended, baked, drew, wrote, all of it, in support of us bringing more of this show into the world.
Everyone working to create this show has made art at some point that feels like it went out into the void--something they felt deeply, sacrificed for, put small, weird, jagged, still-beating parts of themselves into day after day, and then never knew if the thing those parts of themselves funneled into actually reached another human. Much less another human who saw themselves in it. We've been quite honest about the fact that our characters are very much an exploration of that feeling, of wanting to be seen, wanting the things we've done to be seen, to matter to someone.
We could write a million words, fifty seasons of audio drama, and never truly be able to put into words how grateful we are to you for reaching back to the art we create and telling it "I see this. I felt it. I love it. I want more."
Creating art is so hard. Most things are hard, but art is Hard, especially as the world and the algorithm and the AI and the Content creeps in and shuts off means of doing the personal, weird, silly, risky little things with any sort of official funding. It's why we funded season one ourselves, because we thought it was worth it. It means more than the world to know you thought so too.
And now, with all of that self-indulgence done: a practical update on NEXT STEPS!
MAY 2024:
We'll spend this next month prepping crowdfund rewards--writing thank you notes, getting extra supplies of stickers (they were VERY popular), etc! We expect those rewards to go out mid-Summer. The annotated Scandal in Bohemia will go out to our $30+ donors later this month via email. Also, if you pledged at $250 or up (THANK YOU again), we will be reaching out to secure details of your perks (start thinking of what mystery you'd like us to solve!). If you are expecting an email and do not receive one by the end of the month, please check your spam folder and if nothing is there, reach out to us via IGG!
We are also in the process or pre-production currently! This season will have a cast of roughly 22 voice actors, so we're taking the full month to get our recording plan. We'll also spend the month refining scripts, doing rehearsals, working with our composer on some original pieces (perhaps some violin) and giving our fantastic sound designer, Sarah, time to do the prep work she needs, and laying the groundwork for what is looking to be a very full summer of production! We look forward to updating you as the season progresses!
Again, thank you. Thank you. This second season is, aptly, a bit of an inverse of our first season. It's about the weight of expectation. How to operate in the world when you go from unknown to known. Invisible to spectacular. Alone to loved. It's also about a murder at a theme park but that's a bit less relevant to the emotional core of what I'm driving at here. But actually, fuck it, I guess it's still relevant, because we've always been excited about the weighty and the silly all the same.
So again, and not for the last time: #ForAmbrosius
-Lauren, Ian, and the whole Fawx & Stallion Team
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ghostflowerdreams · 1 year
Audio Drama Recommendations, Pt. II
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For part one, click here. I went on another audio drama binge and I found some that were pretty fun to listen to. I usually tend to go after the ones that are completed because the longer the wait, the more likely I will forget the details, but this time I just went for anything that caught my attention. This also isn’t in any particular order.
The Magnus Archives – is a horror fiction anthology podcast written by Jonathan Sims, directed by Alexander J. Newall, and distributed by Rusty Quill.
The new Head Archivist of the Magnus Institute, Jonathan Sims, attempts to bring a seemingly neglected collection of people’s testimonials of their encounters with the supernatural up to date, converting them to audio and supplementing them with follow-up work from his small but dedicated team. [COMPLETED]
It has five seasons, each 40 episodes long, as well as additional content such as Q&As, non-canon fan-submitted statements and one-off episodes that tie in with Rusty Quill's other podcasts.
It does start out slow and maybe at some point you’ll be wondering where is this going and what does some of these episodes have to do with the overall story, but it does all eventually connect. Your patience will pay off because once the build-up is done it picks up and things get really interesting!
Unwell – is a horror podcast starring Clarisa Cherie Rios and produced by Hartlife NFP.
The story follows Lillian Harper who has returned home to Mt. Absalom, Ohio to care for her estranged mother Dorothy after an injury. Living in the town's boarding house which has been run by her family for generations, she discovers conspiracies, ghosts, and a new family in the house's strange assortment of residents. [ONGOING]
This audio drama has five seasons which runs for 12 episodes. It currently has 54 episodes in total and each one is about 20-30 minutes long. New episodes are released fortnightly (biweekly) on Wednesdays. They take a mid-season break between episodes 6 and 7.
Bridgewater – is a supernatural thriller audio drama produced by Grim & Mild and by iHeartRadio, created by Aaron Mahnke and written/directed by Lauren Shippen.
Folklore professor Jeremy Bradshaw is pulled into the mysterious 1980 disappearance of his police officer father, Thomas, by new evidence that threatens to upend decades of certainty. Along the way, he’s helped by some unlikely partners who challenge everything he believes in, and ultimately tries to answer the question: can the past actually be rewritten?
Together with his father’s former partner, retired Detective Anne Becker, Jeremy must chase the clues that will tell him whether his father really did fall victim to a Satanic cult in the Bridgewater Triangle—or something much more dark and unexplainable. [ONGOING]
It has two seasons, the first consist of 10 episodes and the second has 12 episodes. Each one runs about 20-30 minutes long. Season three was put on hold when there was news of a possible television series. However, that fell through and by then everyone was working on other projects. So a season three, well, that’s pretty much up in the air.
It stars Misha Collins (Supernatural), Melissa Ponzio (Teen Wolf), Nathan Fillion (Firefly, The Rookie), Karan Soni (Deadpool), Kristin Bauer (True Blood), Hilarie Burton Morgan (The Walking Dead, One Tree Hill), Wil Wheaton (Star Trek: The Next Generation), Jonathan Joss (The Magnificent Seven, Parks and Rec) and Lori Alan (Spongebob Squarepants, Family Guy).
The Lovecraft Investigations -- is a mystery thriller/horror fiction podcast written and directed by Julian Simpson, based on several works of H.P. Lovecraft. It’s produced by Sweet Talk Productions for BBC Radio 4. It concluded with three seasons and each episode is about 25-30 minutes long. There might be a fourth season in the works, but even if there isn’t the series is considered to be finished.
The first season starts off with an investigation into the disappearance of a young man, Charles Dexter Ward from a locked room in an asylum. [COMPLETED]
It stars Barnaby Kay (Shakespeare in Love), Jana Carpenter (Doctor Who), Nicola Walker (MI-5, Unforgotten), Mark Bazeley (The Queen, The Bourne Ultimatum), Phoebe Fox (Eye in the Sky, The Woman in Black 2: Angel of Death), Steven Mackintosh (Rang De Basanti, Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels), Samuel Barnett (Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, Penny Dreadful), Alun Armstrong (Sleepy Hollow, The Mummy Returns), Adam Godley (The Great, The Umbrella Academy), and so on.
Midnight Burger – is a monthly sci-fi audio drama about a diner at the end – and somehow the beginning – of the universe.
When Gloria took a waitressing job at Midnight Burger outside of Phoenix, she didn’t realize she was now an employee of a time-traveling, dimension-spanning diner. Every day Midnight Burger appears somewhere new in the cosmos along with its staff: a galactic drifter, a rogue theoretical physicist, a sentient old-timey radio, and some guy named Caspar.
No one knows who built Midnight Burger or how it works, but when it appears there's always someone around who could really use a cup of coffee. Come by any time, we open at six. [ONGOING]
The audio drama currently has three seasons and each episodes averages about 30 minutes to an hour or so.
Rex Rivetter: Private Eye – is a 1950s-style noir detective audio drama written by Greg McAfee, directed by Rhiannon McAfee, and produced in San Diego, CA by Downstairs Entertainment with editing and sound design by Steve Murdock. The Rex Rivetter theme “Nightmare” by the Artie Shaw Orchestra is used with permission of Music Sales Corp.
The year is 1955. Tinsel town. The land of make-believe. It's a time of growth in American prosperity. Especially in Los Angeles. Here, dreams are bought and sold.
But there's a seedier side to the City of Angels, the shadows where pimps and narcotics pushers live, where organized crime stands just around every corner with one hand out, and the other wrapped around a roscoe. It's a city full of fancy dames and slick cons, where bookies know the vig, so you better, too.
Some folks call it noir or pulp fiction. But for a private eye named Rex Rivetter, it's home. [ONGOING]
It has four seasons and each one runs about 20-30 minutes long. Due to the pandemic, it is still unknown if season five will ever come out and so far there hasn’t been any news about it either.
Mansfield Mysteries – is a satirical, cozy murder whodunit written by Amy Henson, directed by Nicholas Hoyt and produced by The QuaranTeam.
It follows the inquisitive, martini-loving socialite Dorinda Mansfield and is set in quiet, affluent Berkshire Bay. So far it only has one season, which contains nine hilarious episodes, each three-chapter story finds Dorinda wrapped up in a new murder. With the help of her devoted daughter, Stacey—as well as the occasional frenemy—Dorinda digs for clues, navigates Berkshire Bay’s elite social circles, and sifts through years’ worth of grudges and motives. In this company town, no one can be trusted, and everyone has something to hide.
Whether at the Labor Day Extravaganza, the Halloween Tennis Club Open, or secret karaoke night, Dorinda sets out to find the real killer before they get away with murder… Just as soon as she orders her martini! [COMPLETED]
If you’re looking for a bite-sized audio drama, this might be for you. It has three seasons (or chapters) and each one only takes three episodes to complete its tales, which is fun, amusing and will keep you entertained while you’re working on something or resting your eyes.
The Call of the Void – is an indie science fiction mystery audio drama created and written by Josie Eli Herman and Michael Alan Herman. It’s produced by Acorn Arts & Entertainment. It contains three seasons of 28 episodes and each one is about 25-30 minutes long with a cast of about 35 actors.
In the bustling streets of New Orleans, a tour guide and a palm-reading outcast team up to unravel the mystery behind cases of sudden insanity besetting the city. [COMPLETED]
Wolf 359 – is a science fiction audio drama created by Gabriel Urbina and produced by Gabriel Urbina and Zach Valenti under Kinda Evil Genius Productions. It consists of four seasons with 61 episodes in total and each one is about 25-40 minutes long.
It is set on board the U.S.S. Hephaestus space station orbiting the star Wolf 359 on a deep space survey mission. The dysfunctional crew deals with daily life-or-death emergencies, while searching for signs of alien life and discovering there might be more to their mission than they thought. [COMPLETED]
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aziraphales-library · 17 days
hello!! i was wondering if there were any fics that y'all could recommend that would be a crossover between Good Omens and Chronicles of Narnia. thank you!!
Hi! I can only find a couple...
Devilish Queer People by loveandrockmusic (T)
Digory and Polly encounter Messrs. Aziraphale and Crowley on their search to unravel the whys behind the magic of their first adventure.
Too used to being listened to by burntcopper (NR)
AU of the National Service series, aka what happened when Edmund decided *not* to get recruited by the secret service.
Haven by Lauren (M)
How Bacchus got from Piccadilly Circus station to boarding school in Westminster via a Soho bookshop. Or, sometimes even a god needs a little divine intervention.
The Empty Wardrobe by dakeyras (T)
When Aziraphale gets instructions to miracle up a wardrobe, it doesn't seem like anything can go wrong. Enter Crowley. The angel and demon are left with a magical artefact but no children - can they fix things? (or, My Demon Prisoner Can't Be This Manipulative)
- Mod D
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nellasbookplanet · 9 months
Book recs: robots and artificial intelligences
A note: I'm differentiating here between artificial intelligence and transhumanism (such as uploaded consciousnesses and cyborgs), which I intend to make a separate rec post for at a later date.
(Titles marked with * are my personal favorites)
Other book rec posts:
Really cool fantasy worldbuilding, really cool sci-fi worldbuilding, dark sapphic romances, mermaid books, vampire books, portal fantasies
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Continue beneath the cut for details on the books!
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The Outside by Ada Hoffman*
AKA the book the put me in an existenial crisis. Souls are real, and they are used to feed AI gods in this lovecraftian inspired scifi where reality is warped and artifical gods stand against real, unfathomable ones. Autistic scientist Yasira is accused of heresy and, to save her eternal soul, is recruited by post-human cybernetic 'angels’ to help hunt down her own former mentor, who is threatening to tear reality itself apart.
The Prey of Gods by Nicky Drayden
South African-set scifi featuring gods ancient and new, robots finding sentience, dik-diks, and a gay teen with mind control abilities. An ancient goddess seeks to return to her true power no matter how many humans she has to sacrifice to get there. A little bit all over the place but very creative and fresh.
17776: What Football Will Look Like in the Future by Jon Bois*
A multi-media web novel available to read freely online (which you should do!!). I don't want to give too much away as the initial punch of finding things out is part of the journey, but it's both hilarious and profound as it questions the meaning of humanity and life.
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Illuminae (Illuminae Files) by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff*
Young adult told through the medium of transcripts, text messages and the like (this is one of few books where I highly recommend reading a physical copy over a digital as the visual aspect is much more enjoyable like that). After their colony is attacked, the surviving inhabitants flee on space ships, attempting to avoid the pursuing killers while also dealing with a deadly madening plague on board and a ruthless ship AI seemingly losing its mind.
A Closed and Common Orbit (Wayfarers series) by Becky Chambers*
Technically part two of a series, but stands well on its own as the installments are only losely connected (though I recommend reading the first book as well, it's very good). A former ship's AI recently moved into an illegal android body tries to make sense of life as she navigates her way through humans and aliens alike.
The Quiet at the End of the World by Lauren James*
Young adult. After the spread of a global virus causing infertility, teenagers Lowrie and Shen are now the youngest humans alive as the adults around them race to find a cure. As they investigate the ruins of the world, the two come across records from the past, of how grief stricken people turned to raising artificial children in apps and how these 'children' developed, and through these records the two learn of their history. Also has a bisexual main character!
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A Psalm for the Wild-Built (Monk and Robot series) by Becky Chambers
Novella. Long ago, robots, upon gaining sentience, simply laid down their work and walked into the wilderness. Long after, a tea monk looking for purpose follows after them into the wilds, where they come across one of the robots seeking its own sort of answers. While not plotless, this story focuses more on character and vibes over plot. Also has a nonbinary main character and features conversations on gender between human and robot.
All Systems Red (The Murderbot Diaries) by Martha Wells*
After having hacked its own governor module, SecUnit uses its small amount of new freedom to secretly download and watch as much media as it can between doing its job guarding humans. But when the scientists it’s been charged with keeping safe come under attack, it must make a choice about whether to continue keeping its freedom secret or risk it all to save them. The series features both novellas and full length novels, and balances humor with scathing critique of capitalism.
Machinehood by S.B. Divya
Prudent in the rise of AI and machine learning, Machinehood shows a near future in which humans struggle to find a place on the workforce as more and more jobs are given to AI. Status quo is shaken as a dangerous terrorist group calling itself The Machinehood starts committing attacks. A close look both at the rights of humans in a technologically changing world, and at the rights of AI as their intelligence edges ever closer to full sentience.
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The Company of Death by Elisa Hansen*
A wild mix of genres, where a zombie apocalypse has struck and vampires gather up humans to keep their food source from going extinct, a robot travels across America with a young man she's tasked to keep safe, and former-vampire-hunter-recent-zombie Emily teams up with Death himself to stop the apocalypse. Features bi and ace characters! Bonus rec: the author also runs the youtube channel Maven of the Eventide, where she talks about various vampire media. Check it out!
Railhead by Philip Reeve
Young adult. In a future where humanity travel between the stars using not spaceships but a portal-connected system of sentient trains, a young thief and street urchin is hired to steal something off of the Emperor's train.
Being by Kevin Brooks*
Young adult. Cards on the table, I think I was about 14 when I last read this, but it made a strong enough impression that I still think of it as one of my favorite books. After having gone in for a routine exam, doctors make a stunning discovery about Robert Smith: he isn't human. Suddenly hunted, Robert goes on the run as he tries to cope with the fact of his own existence. While I love this book, it gives very few answers to its many mysteries, so don’t go in expecting full explanations.
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Ancillary Justice by Ann Leckie*
A space opera in which sentient spaceships can walk the ground in stolen human bodies, so called ancillaries. One of these ancillaries, the sole survivor after the complete destruction of her ship and crew, is one the hunt for revenge. This series also does very cool things with gender!
Crier's War by Nina Varela
Who says sci-fi has monopoly on robots? In sapphic YA fantasy Crier's War, artificially created automae have defeated and subjugated humans, who live as second class citizens. Young Ayla goes undercover as a servant, meaning to assassinate automae girl and Sovereign's daughter Crier. This would be easier if the two weren't quick to develop feelings for each other.
My Heart is Human by Reese Hogan
Nine years ago, all complex technology was made illegal. This complicates life for Joel, young transgender single father, as a bionic just uploaded itself into his brain without consent. Scared of losing his daughter, Joel tries to keep the bionic secret while using it to fix his life, but things quickly get more complicated as the bionic gains more and more control of his body. Makes a lot of cool paralells of bodily autonomy to Joel's experiences as a transman. Bonus rec: if you like the general concept of struggling for physical control over one's body with an AI, may I also suggest the (much grittier and gory) movie Upgrade.
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The Archive Undying (The Downworld Sequence) by Emma Mieko Candon
In a world where AI gods sometimes lose their minds and take entire populations down with them, Sunai was the only survivor when his god went down. In the 17 years since, he has wandered on his own, unable to either die or age, drowning his sorrows in drink and men. But his attempts to flee his past comes to a stop as he is forced back into the struggle between man and machine. Featuring some pretty wild world building and narrative techniques, this book will definitely confuse you, but it is worth the experience.
Activation Degradation by Marina J. Lostetter
Unit Four comes to life in the middle of a war. The mine it was created to care for is under attack, and as Unit Four is activated with the memories of its predecessors, it is thrown into the task of protecting it at any cost. When the battle leads to its capture, it is prepared to do anything to stop its captors, even as their very presence causes it to question all that it knows.
Sea of Rust by C. Robert Cargill*
Years after the death of the last human at the hands of a robot uprising, Brittle travels the desert searching for machines on the brink of breaking down whose parts she can scavenge. The world is quickly falling apart as a war between OWIs - One World Intelligences - struggle to absorb every robot, willing or not. Bleak and captivating, Sea of Rust features horrible people who you can’t help but root for anyway as they struggle for their lives while questioning the very nature of said lives.
Bonus AKA I haven't read these yet but they seem really cool
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Hybrid Child by Mariko Ōhara
Japanese 1990s classic. Follows an escaped AI who can take on the form of the people it has consumed.
World Running Down by Al Hess
Follows a powerful AI that has been forced into an android body against its will.
The Thousand Year Beach by Hirotaka Tobi
Set in a virtual world populated by AIs, meant as a resort for human guests who stopped showing up over a thousand years ago, leaving the AIs on their own.
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And Shall Machines Surrender by Benjanun Sriduangkaew
Novella. Machines are the gods and rulers of the Dyson sphere Shenzhen, where humans live in luxury and strive to become host bodies for future AIs.
After On by Rob Reid
Phluttr is a social media and a person, potential hero and potential villain, holder of the secrets of all her users.
Annie Bot by Sierra Greer
Annie Bot was designed to be a perfect girlfriend, but as she learns all the more about being human, perfection becomes all the more distant.
Honorary mentions AKA these didn't really work for me but maybe you guys will like them:
The Lives of Puppets by T.J. Klune, Machines Like Me by Ian McEwan, Barbary Station by R.E. Stearns, The A.I. Who Loved Me by Alyssa Cole, Medusa Uploaded by Emily Devenport
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