#lawlu child
chenziee · 1 year
Princess Monster
For @cosmicatta!! All credits for this AU and Monkey D. Ola go to her! (Please check out her amazing art and fics <33)
There is going to be a short lawlu extra tomorrow (hopefully, I'm gonna be AFK most of the day) because I have no self-control and I am also not sorry at all :)
Side note: happy birthday Luffy, my one and only sun! Here, have Ola's birth as your gift! I'm gonna try to throw something together for his birthday specifically but uhh who knows ahahah
PLEASE NOTE that this story contains MPREG (you're welcome to use your imagination on who's actually pregnant tho ahaha)
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Sanji wasn’t sure what he had expected when Luffy burst into the kitchen one afternoon with Law in tow. He had expected something—after all, Luffy being late for lunch was never without reason—but that ‘something’ sure as hell wasn’t what actually came out of his captain’s mouth.
“We’re having a baby!”
Dead silence settled over the kitchen as everyone present stared at Luffy with an open mouth.
“I’m sorry, who is having what?” Usopp finally asked, his voice a pitch higher than usual.
“Me and Torao. We’re having a baby,” Luffy replied matter-of-factly as he settled into a chair, grabbing for the whole chicken in the middle of the table.
Sanji automatically swatted him, “Hands off, that’s for Nami-san, Robin-chan, and Ikkaku-chan. Are you actually for real?”
“You’re mean,” Luffy whined, chewing on a slab of sea king meat unhappily, his eyes still fixated on the chicken. “But yeah? Why wouldn’t we be?”
“Because the Captain—You—You know…” Penguin tried, waving his hands around vaguely and obviously looking for words.
“My head already hurts…” Torao muttered, dropping into his designated chair next to Luffy, throwing his arm around the back on Luffy’s own chair.
“Well, considering Torao isn’t trying to murder Luffy right now, I guess it’s not just in Luffy’s head,” Zoro laughed, earning himself a glare from both Luffy and Torao—one of those way more threatening than the other—but he didn’t pay them any mind. Instead he raised his mug in a toast. “Congrats.”
That seemed to break the spell that had both of the crews in a stupor. Suddenly, everyone was cheering and congratulating their captains on the happy news, asking a million questions and already making plans for a celebration.
There was Franky crying his eyes out, Bepo hanging onto Law and rubbing his face against him, Penguin and Shachi fighting over who was going to be the godfather—as if the Straw Hats would let them hog that role all to themselves—Chopper so happy he didn’t know what to do with himself, and of course, Robin enveloping Luffy in a warm hug with a happy smile on her face.
Sanji wanted to feel jealous. He would be, very much so in fact, under any other circumstances.
However, right now…
Right now he had more pressing issues on his mind.
Exchanging a look with Nami and Usopp, all three of them nodded, a mutual understanding between them.
Sanji needed a cigarette.
It was that very same night that Sanji found himself in the kitchen once more. This time, however, the atmosphere was much calmer… and also much more serious. The silence that hung over the room was almost oppressing, the unspoken tension felt by everyone present.
Sanji carefully placed a cocktail glass in front of Nami, who only muttered her thanks in a voice so quiet it was barely more than a whisper.
Usopp seemed to not even have it in himself to protest the unfair treatment or demand his own from where he was lying slumped over the table, his eyes staring off into space and fixed on an empty spot on the wall. Sanji could understand the sentiment.
With a sigh, Sanji pulled out a chair and sat down, grabbing a cigarette and lighting it, taking a long drag. He wondered… how many chances to enjoy a smoke in peace did he have left?
It was only minutes later that Usopp finally broke the silence in a completely lifeless voice, not even bothering to unglue his face from the table. “What are we gonna do?”
“Pray,” Sanji replied, watching the smoke rise to the ceiling. Really, what else was there for them?
“Don’t get me wrong, I’m happy for them okay?” Usopp continued, gesturing with his hand as if to stress his words while still keeping his head on the table. “But can you imagine? A person, a human person who is half Luffy and half Torao? That’s not going to be a human person, it’s going to be the thing that will finally sink the Sunny.”
“Tell me about it…” Sanji mumbled. “If that baby eats as much as Luffy does? Do you have any idea what it’s like feeding one Luffy?”
“Not to mention the cost of feeding one Luffy.” Nami nodded in agreement as she rubbed the bridge of her nose; no doubt already worrying about their already strained finances.
Usopp groaned. “Even just picturing their personality is giving me a headache. We are so fucked guys.”
Suddenly, Nami slammed her glass on the table, startling both Sanji and Usopp and making both their heads turn to stare at her. She was silent for a moment longer, her eyes closed but her posture firm. It was obvious she had come to a conclusion in her mind and was about to assume command of their meeting.
Ah, Sanji loved her when she was decisive like this too…
“Listen, you two,” she said once she finally opened her eyes and gave them both a serious look. “We need to stop panicking. What is our advantage?”
“Uhm.” Usopp frowned, taken aback. “That we’re three adults against one monster of a baby?”
Nami rolled her eyes. “That we’ll be there from day one. We can be positive role models and neutralise the awful influence of their parents and their freak-genes.”
“I see. Avert the worst case scenario with positive reinforcement training,” Usopp hummed as he rubbed at his chin thoughtfully.
“Don’t talk about the kid like they’re a dog.” Sanji lit up a new cigarette before he wondered out loud, “But Nami-san, can the three of us do it? We’re up against Luffy.”
Nami heaved a deep sigh, resting her cheek against her palm as she sipped on her drink. “Well, what other choice do we have? We can’t just will the problem away and we can’t possibly… I don’t know, edit their bloodline element to not be a Luffy and Torao child.”
Sanji winced, not wanting to even think about any genetic modifications. He had had more than enough of that at three years old for the rest of his damn life. He’d rather have the kid eat twice as much as Luffy and be twice as picky as Law than anything even close to that.
(No, Sanji would never let that umeboshi fight they had on their way to Punk Hazard all those years ago go, thank you very much.)
“So, Nami… what’s the plan? Once they’re born, do we just make sure to feed them a normal person amount and teach them not to say or do creepy shit while Luffy, Torao, and Robin are right there?” Usopp asked.
Nami grubbed at her temple and sighed. “Something like that. We still have a few months, we can work on the actual plan during that time…”
“Here’s hoping,” Usopp groaned, slumping back on the table. “Man, kids are exhausting…”
Taking a drag of his cigarette, Sanji couldn’t help but agree with Usopp. He was so tired already and they only found out about it today. 
Sanji honestly dreaded the day they were born.
Sanji sighed, running his hands through his hair. He wanted a cigarette but Chopper had made him promise to stop smoking. He supposed he could at least go outside for air but that would mean leaving and what if something happened while he was gone? He had to be there, he had to stay in this room with everyone so that they could help if needed. Or be there once they can meet their newest crewmember.
And no, Sanji wasn’t nervous. Not at all. He knew nothing would go wrong and everything would be fine. He was perfectly fine—
“Can you stop pacing around like you’re the goddamned father, Curly?”
“Shut the fuck up, Marimo,” Sanji snapped, baring his teeth at the man who dared call himself his boyfriend but instead was still the same asshole he was when they first met. Why did Sanji tolerate him anyway?
Zoro rolled his eyes, leaning forward to grab Sanji’s hand and pulling him closer—closer until Sanji was basically standing between the swordsman’s legs with his arms wrapped loosely around Sanji’s slowly growing stomach, his presence solid and grounding and suddenly, Sanji felt like he could breathe easier. Ah… Yes, this was why.
Sanji took a deep breath as his shoulders sagged and his whole body relaxed, focusing on the warmth of Zoro’s body against his own instead of his thoughts.
“It’s fine, Chopper’s there,” Zoro said, his voice steady and firm.
“I know. Sorry,” Sanji muttered back. All of a sudden, he felt like the idiot, getting all worked up for nothing. It wasn’t like worrying would help in any way, was it?
“Thank god, the pacing was making me nervous,” Shachi noted with laughter that sounded way too strained to be amused.
Yeah, they were all nervous weren’t they?
Sanji wished it would end already. The wait was the worst.
Suddenly, as if answering his thoughts, the lock clicked and the door to the infirmary creaked.
Everyone’s heads immediately snapped to stare as the door slowly opened, holding their breaths and not moving a muscle, their hearts beating a mile per second in their throats—at least, that was what Sanji’s heart was doing. But considering even the Marimo froze completely against him, he was sure they were all in the same boat.
It felt like hours before Chopper came into view behind the door, looking completely spent. Tears were glistening in his eyes as he looked up, his gaze taking in all the Straw Hats and Hearts that were packed into the waiting room.
Sanji gulped heavily, watching with wide eyes as Chopper started crying—at the same time as his mouth split into the widest, happiest smile Sanji had ever seen on the little reindeer.
“It—” Chopper started but then stopped as he choked on his own words. “It’s a girl. They–they’re–everyone’s doing great.”
Silence settled over the room for a moment as the information slowly sank in. But then…
Loud cheers erupted around the room as the invisible weight they had been carrying around lifted. Sanji laughed in relief, his lips stretching into a smile. One of his hands automatically came to rest over Zoro’s arm around his stomach, squeezing lightly.
He heard Zoro huff in response, the man only hugging him closer in a wordless gesture that they both understood but neither addressed.
“Shut the fuck up!” someone finally snapped from inside the infirmary when it seemed like the cries and excitement wasn’t about to end anytime soon.
And, as if by magic, everyone went quiet, some even going so far as to slap their hands over their mouths. There were only several muttered ‘sorry, Captain’ and ‘sorry, Torao’s to be heard before the thin film of Law’s room appeared—and only a split second later, the door to the infirmary slammed shut again by itself.
“Well, I guess they really are fine…” Usopp mumbled after a moment.
“So uh. Can we meet her or?” Uni asked uncertainly.
“Who’s going to ask them though?” Penguin asked back, shooting a look at Uni, then the door, then finally at everyone else in the room.
A moment of silence passed before everyone echoed, “Bepo.”
“Why me?” the bear whined.
“Because he’s not going to kill you,” Shachi explained helpfully, which only earned him an unhappy frown from Bepo.
“Stop bullying my bear!” Law snapped from the inside of the infirmary.
“It’s fine~! Come see her!” Luffy called, completely ignoring Law.
The two crews exchanged glances, all of them hesitating to move at first but then Ikkaku sighed and got up. “Cowards,” she shot with a smirk before reaching for the door handle, opening the door and walking inside like nothing was wrong.
“Now she acts all cocky but when it was just the Captain threatening us…” Clione grumbled only to receive general hums of agreement.
But, with the spell broken, everyone slowly shuffled into the infirmary to meet the 'Pirate Princeling (gender neutral)', as Big News Morgans had dubbed her.
Was that going to be 'Pirate Princess' now?
Sanji took a deep breath, preparing himself—he wasn’t even sure what for. He didn’t fight it when Zoro grabbed his hand to pull him inside the room with everyone.
By the time they got there, a crowd was already gathered around the bed, all of them cooing and giggling as they greeted their youngest crew member, everyone pushing at each other to get the better view. It was so crowded in fact, that Sanji couldn’t see a thing.
“My, she is quite adorable,” Robin whilpered, a soft smile on her face.
“Yeah, thank god she looks nothing like the Captain,” Shachi mumbled—unfortunately for him, not quiet enough for the parents to not hear him, as proven by the swift kick he received in response, as well as Luffy’s laughter.
Nami sighed. “How the hell are you both so full of energy? I feel like I’m more exhausted than the two of you combined and I was just waiting out there, not giving birth or watching my partner do that…” she groaned as she rubbed at her face tiredly while everyone else nodded.
“Eh, it wasn’t that bad,” Luffy said with a cute little frown before he glanced at Law. “Right?”
“Yeah, we’ve had worse in a fight than this.” Law shrugged, making everyone exchange a glance.
“You’re both freaks,” Usopp decided before his tone completely changed, turning into the sweetest, most obnoxious voice Sanji had ever heard. “Little Ola, are you hearing this? Your dads are freaks. At least you are cute.”
Sanji bit back a snort. He had to wonder whatever had happened to ‘this kid will be a monster!’ which had been the only thing that Sanji had heard from the sniper in regards to the child since they were told she was on the way. Just how easy was Usopp to sell?
Because Sanji, as happy as he was for his captain and for Torao, still remembered and dreaded what she was going to grow up into. A bottomless pit who ate nothing but tuna-mayo onigiri? Did she have any idea how much work that was going to be?
No. No way Sanji was weak enough to just ignore that.
“Sanji-kun, stop hanging out in the back and come look!” Nami said, waving him over almost… excitedly.
Ah, Sanji really was left alone with his fears, wasn’t he? But he could forgive Nami at least.
“Yes, Nami-san!” he called, his lips curling into a wide smile as he skipped over to their navigator’s side.
“So whipped,” Zoro said with badly suppressed amusement.
Sanji clicked his tongue, reminding himself they were currently in the infirmary with a newborn baby, and that Chopper would cry if they started fighting. Settling to only shooting his so-called boyfriend the dirtiest glare he could manage, Sanji quickly turned his attention back to the matter at hand.
Making his way through the huddle of people, he took in the sight that was the patient’s bed. Luffy and Torao were both sitting on it as if they had just come out for tea and cookies—Luffy was sitting cross-legged on the covers, grinning like the idiot he was with his chin resting against Law’s knee where he had it pulled up. Law let him; he himself played absentmindedly with Luffy’s fingers but he also looked almost bored and ready to get up and leave, just to get some peace and quiet.
If Sanji didn’t know what they had been doing in here up until a few minutes ago, he would have thought they had just walked in on them playing cards with Chopper.
Truly freaks of nature, the both of them.
Sanji huffed, his eyes dropping to where Ikkaku was now cradling the kid in her arms.
He studied her tiny face, round and red, the shape of it so close to Luffy’s that he startled. She looked so comfortable all bundled up in her blanket, resting against the crook of Ikakku’s elbow, her tiny fist curled around Hakugan’s little finger and holding it close. She looked so fragile…
He got it now.
And he didn’t care how much she was going to eat anymore.
“So your name is Ola?” Sanji asked as a soft smile pulled on his lips. Placing his right hand over his heart, Sanji bowed deeply. “It’s a pleasure, Princess.”
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sen-ya · 3 months
I think that Rocy would be a lot like Luffy, especially when it comes to Law, how dare people say such things about Law. (Law will probably find Rocy in more than one pub where everyone is in one pile)
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hard agree she cannot be stopped and her and her pops will throw hands at the drop of a hat!!
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meteortrails · 4 months
law and luffy are just like. what if I saw you at the peak of your miracle working competence, and then the literal next time I saw you it was at your most isolated and broken. and what if that moment of seeing you alone and grieving and terrified was the moment where I decided you were someone worth keeping, someone who I personally cared about and wanted around. how does that not make you wanna lose your fucking mind.
and then the other thing on top of that which always gets me is the way that you can just so clearly see that neither of them has any idea how to fit this relationship into any preexisting context - Luffy calls him part of his crew, but law is the captain of his own crew and would clearly die before giving that up; law calls them allies but it is glaringly obvious that they care about each other in a way that goes beyond that. of course Luffy is generally a lot less bothered about this than law, who routinely wants to put his own head through a wall about it, but it’s just such a fun layer to their dynamic I think.
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itsrainingbubbles · 4 months
Law insists he doesn't want kids and he stands by it, he's never wanted kids and never will
At least he thought he'd never want kids but that was before he saw Luffy playing with toddlers at the playground
And as Luffy played along in their games all law could think about is how good Luffy was with kids and how good he looks with them
Suddenly all law can think of is Luffy carrying around their kid and law is desperately trying to remember all the reasons he never wanted kids in the first place but he just can't shake the image of luffy laughing with the kids at the playground
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minniiaa · 7 months
Switch/LuLawLu has become my favorite ship dynamic because it perfectly showcases the multiple sides of both of their personalities (when done correctly).
Bottom Law is whiny and pathetic and secretly loves getting his insides rearranged by the guy who drives him crazy in every way possible. He finally stops being a cranky bitch for once and accepts his unrelenting affection. Top Law is a brat-taming cocky bastard who wants nothing more than to finally shut Luffy up with his cock and pushes him to his absolute limit purely because he's spiteful that Luffy doing it to him all the time.
Meanwhile, Bottom Luffy is a masochist who likes it when Law gets rough takes out all his frustrations on him, and begs for more and more. He loves watching Law finally accept how much he wants him instead of trying to hide it like he usually does. Top Luffy is equally a pleasure glutton and has inhuman stamina. Even if Law complains afterward, Luffy loves that he always lets him fuck him until neither of them can move anymore and Law feels like he's dying.
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annieslemon · 10 months
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turntechgaykid · 7 months
I live in fear of posts where Law is with the Strawhats, It's all fun and games until people start adding surprise Lawlu
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zosanmylove · 2 months
Just imagining Nami and Robin being so motherly with baby Zosan...
Not in a "this kid needs to have a mom" way but more in a cool big sister and chill-cool aunt way.
Like of course, every single ones of the Mugiwaras are very excited at having a new shipmate, but these two are particulary excited about having a new girl on the deck. Since Robin joined the crew like...forever ago now, it was the first time they welcomed a woman.
I like to imagine that the two women will spoil that little lady, with cloches, that the whole crew gives her wich mades her wardrobe very...unique, and quality time. Like when it's time for Kuina to quit her parents room, aka the boy's dorm just with a wall for separation, she'll go in the girl dorm. Nami would give her a piece of paper and crayons and draw maps with her (the drawings of persons or boats are with Ussop, but still) so this kid have some sense of direction unlike one of her fathers, and it's a good occupation for them to wait for Robin to come and read them a bedtime story. The black-haired woman would sit at the edge of her bed, or when she has things to do in the room she's just grow an arm to hold her hand and read anybook she picked earlier with the other woman. Nami would listen to Robin and little comments Kuina sometime makes while she journals.
Also they would help the kid bathes when she become a toddler (because of course, her dads would take care of this until she can walks before relaying on the girls but still), like Nami and her pretending to navigate throught the Blues with little plastic toys and Robin just messes with them by making big waves.
And when she grows, they'll teach her to take care of herself. Of course the knows how to do so, she often work-out with Zoro to stay in good shape and Sanji taught how to have a good hygiene. But Nami would give her make up tips for when she's older, since herself didn't had anyone to do so growing upp, but she always thought it would be so nice... and Robin teach her to do her hair. She has so many hands, so useful! Also her and Zoro just happen to have the thickest hair out of the Mugiwaras (excluding Ussop and Brook, but they have a whole different texture so they might not be the ones to ask help to) and the girl being a litteral copy of Zoro (from the menacing look to the shape of their jawline and cheekbones, and of course grass-green hair, wich Sanji pretends to be annoyed by because now he has two mossball to look after), well the older woman is the best placed for such a role. She'll show her what products to use and how not to damage her roots when she applies it. She'll help her to do a bunch of hairstyle, starting off with a second's head of hers (thanks to her Demon Fruit) as an exemple and test-subjet.
And from this period no Mugiwaras can escape. The child's fake make up Nami bought her (without charging it!) could be seen on everybody's face. Well except Chopper, because he's scarred it wills damage his furr, but we'll see about him later. The Kuina has being walking around offering to do the crew's make up every now and then. Brooks, Jinbei, Robin and Franky would gladly sit right on the spot (or lay in Jinbei's case) and let the little lady "paint them pretty" as she says. Nami would also, guiding her or even making her her make up in return. Ussop and Luffy would straight-up fight to know who gets to be all decorated by her first. Usually Sanji would step up in these fights and steal their turn with joy, making his daughter happier than ever while the two others idiots are crying somewhere. Zoro would also allow her, he'd wake up from his nap just for these and would just forget about it so he stay like that the whole time until Sanji almost get an heart-attack because all the eye-liner and lipgloss went on the pillow and Zoro look like an ugly scarry sea creature sleeping like this.
This didn't really went the same for hairstyles are first, because "pretty hair are for aunty Nami and aunty Robin only!!" But then she spend some time with Zeff because the crew can't take a child where they are heading and the old man teaches her how to braid. And then it's over. The whole crew, would be granted with braids made by Kuina herself. This is also the reason Zoro let his hair grows, but before his daughter can style them another swordman cut them during a fight, causing the both of them to cry along side with Ussop, Chopper and Luffy who has no idea of what's going on but he wanna fell included.
Also when these 3 play princesses, no one is safe either. They'd wear crowns and big dresses, and Nami and Kuina would be so dramatic about it. Also Chopper would almost alway be with them, as the loyal monture of the dangerous pirate-princess Roronoa Kuina. Because of course, no one there tried to raise a damsel in distress, so most of the time they were evil princesses trying to conquier the world (it's Brook who suggested it first, and they went like this since then.). Sometime they had to fight off others princesses, all dressed-up and their make-up done by Kuina a bit earlier. Once they were attacked in the middle of a game and all of them had to fight of a bunch of marines like this while Chopper made sure Kuina stayed safe in a cabine. It's at this moment that Sanji realised heels made a pretty good weapon for him. He didn't want to take anything from his dear Robin-swan, but "I gave it to Kuina, these are not mine anymore, Cook-san" and his queen just handed it to him like "Papa doesn't like my gift?" and oh my it worked. It would never accept anything material from a woman, but his own daughter? She was his weakness. How could he says no??
And oh, the girls would definitelly have the talk with her. Maybe in their dorm, one night when she's around 11 years old. Oh, and Chopper is also there. She didn't got her pediod yet, but they thought it was better to tell her about it before she does. And both her dads agreed, knowing damn well Robin and Nami would do a better job than them. Robin explains what it means and how it could affect her mood or her strenght at the moment, while Nami is gently telling her it's natural, that she should not be ashamed of it and that it was a normal thing. Chopper gave the medical details of what exactly would happens inside her body, not getting into...the dirty stuff (sex). When Chopper left they told Kuina that they were personally using period-panties, because they're more pratical when it's time to fight and more healphy in general, but they still train her to put on a pad, just in case it occurs while she's lost in a island (yes, Nami's efforts were useless, this child was just a mini Zoro girl. It's like Sanji's genes didn't even try).
And as Kuina get older the three of them have girls nights. You may ask: isn't it girls night every nights since they're all in the same dorm? No, I'm talking about girls nights when they do self-care, mask and gossping. Sanji would make them all the snacks they ask for, and because Nami's a witch she'd just ring a bell to call him and he would come like a dog. Sometimes Kuina punched her for it tho. It happens that Ussop sometimes joins the gossip sessions, because he has been Nami's gossip buddy for YEARS. Then he'd just left, leaving the girls with themself. And that's when Kuina would step up. The two women wondered why they didn't think of this sooner. But Law sure did, when he saw this small girl covered in lipstick and mascara with blank nails. (I haven't see Law apprears in the serie yet and I just looked up AND HE DOESN'T PAINT THIS NAILS???? LOOK AT HIM. OF COURSE HE DOES.) He took some of his nail polish, not many colors tho, mainly red and black and while Luffy watched with big eyes, Law showed her how it was put. And now this has become her thing. Kuina would do the girls nails every now and then, and sometime the rest of the crew could ask for it if they wanted to. Sadly the two who never asked were her parents. One because it might fall off in the food and the other because he had very damaged nails from training, and he would never take the risk to ruin something his daughter did for him. And these night would be the one where she would try new thing, like giving a winter-like look to Nami's who usualy has warm colors like yellow, red or orange, and on the other hand, give colorful flowers to Robin instead of the dark-purple and blue she always ask for. Even if her parents didn't let her paint their, they would always compliments someone's hand if their daughter touched them. Zoro would be genuily impressed by the girls nails most of the time and say it, sometime Sanji would pick a fight because of dare he compliments women in his presense? And the two mosshead would be on the same side because if that ain't a hypocrite then what is? And the Cook on his side would just be a fanboy for his queen's art.
And like Kuina just being the closest to Nami and Robin, just after her parents and Luffy, of couse, so when she leaves the crew to follow her own path she just takes Robin and Nami apart for a hug only the three of them?? Yes, that is perfect.
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nimudae · 2 years
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Let me tell you about the little AU I've been spinning in my head like a microwave these last couple months! (with alt text commentary)
Luffy finds Law's seraph clone and decides to take the little baby murder bird with him (and names him Hoshio (or Starry if you're on the camp that thinks Traffy>Torao)) because who wouldn't want a mini Torao? Law, it's Law
Law haaates the whole situation and doesn't trust or want the kid anywhere near them or their crews when he finds out, which clashes with Luffy being in complete Cora-san mode since day 1
I call them the Lawlu Sky Family
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Thank you @deadnamedblog for this getting-together canon rec.
How Does Your Garden Grow? by betsib (M)
The World Government has fallen, Luffy is the King of Pirates and Law is laying low, waiting to see how the situation will change. He comes across two orphaned children and decides to help them out and temporarily take care of them until he can find an orphanage or someone to take them in. It turns out to be much more difficult than he expected. “The world is full of orphans. That’s not your fault,” Penguin pointed out. “Maybe not,” Law said. “But he looks like me.” Penguin blinked. “The boy? He looks nothing like you.” “You didn’t know me before I met Cora,” Law said, and Penguin lowered his head, conceding the point.
-Mod Raiya
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nururu · 1 year
"I only knew my friend didn't like lawlu through a random conversation. Just goes to show those who hate it seek it out just to screech about it" usually, I'd agree.... but I have the entire law and lawlu tag blocked bc y'all love a 30yro law paired with a 5yro Luffy(physically and mentally). And I LIKE law AND lawlu. I just will not associate with you guys bc 98% of you are freaks and it's completely unavoidable unless I block the tag and block the accounts posting it. Don't act like ppl are skeeved out by you for no reason. It's super weird how much y'all love the content where Luffy is drawn and portrayed as a child.
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sanjisblackasswife · 3 months
My only issue w zolu and lawlu ships is that yall make Luffy look like a fucking child, what’s wrong yall.
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He ain’t no damn 13 year old just now going thru puberty HELLO
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mochiajclayne · 1 month
Wano lawlu is so boyfriend-coded in the funniest way because you have Luffy who was wrongly accused of stealing safe food from the farm (which won't matter because he stole the freaking supply in broad daylight) and later on, he found out that Law was the sneaky thief and in hindsight, it's like being accused of his boyfriend's crime which makes it comedic gold after he has done worse. Next, he was unintentionally misguided by Law (the boyfriend) about Kin'emon and the others, scaring himself on the process like my sweet summer child you push zombies back into their graves and encountered devil fruit user that uses ghosts to her arsenal so why are you spooked? Is it the way Law cryptically tells the story, moreso, his tone serious as he regarded it with utmost secrecy as its not his truth to laid bare? Luffy, who is known to deep dive directly into trouble and isn't even fazed by the horrors of Thriller Bark, was startled enough to scream.
Law, on the other hand, was neck deep in conversation among the Strawhats and the samurais as if he's talking to his future in-laws. The funniest shit has got to be Sanji calling out Law about the ruckus and you have him reacting like you of all people shouldn't blame me, your captain who is also my boyfriend ally did it and I think it was Chopper or Nami that apologized for the trouble that Luffy has caused and Law reminded them about their main agenda then says he'll go after Luffy (his reckless boyfriend) who took off five minutes ago to fight Kaido.
Like, you can't convince me nothing happened before they temporarily separated in Zou because their Wano interactions felt like they spent a lot of time off screen, especially post-Dressrosa.
(Speaking of off screen bonding, I needed the StrawHearts interactions.)
Yeah, I am normal about them.
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holymolysomanyships · 4 months
Here are some of my favorite things about Luffy ships that I ship
Luffy x Zoro
Theyre the incarnation of dumb and dumber but in a way that they completely understand each other and everyone else is like, wow they're so dumb.
Zoro was the only straw hat that Luffy intentionally seeked out. He heard the story of "The Demon of The East" and went, yep I want that one.
They hold each other accountable on a level that goes so much deeper than captain and first mate.
Zoro not believing in God and Luffy literally becoming a God.
They both have one train of thought, protect the crew, accomplish goal, and eat/sleep
Luffy x Sanji
The saying the way to a man's heart is through his stomach is the case for the both of these two.
Literally all of Whole Cake Island
Luffy decided that he wanted Sanji on his crew because of how kind he was. Before he knew his fighting skills or even because he was a chef. He saw Sanji feed someone in need and didn't think twice about recruiting him.
A boy who was locked away in a prison as a child fighting alongside the embodiment of freedom and liberation.
Luffy x Nami
Theyre possibly canon (kicks my feet like a little kid)
Feral x Tame but they swap on which is which
Literally all of Drum Island, Arlong Park, and Fishman Island
He needs her to help accomplish his dream and she needs him to help her accomplish her dream
He knows that she's strong and treats her so even though she doesn't have any devil fruit powers or proper training in fighting.
Luffy x Law
Silly x Stressed, No Thoughts x Overthinker
In the official art of the aged up characters, Luffy's the reason that Law has so much gray hair.
Luffy literally thought an alliance with him was gonna be them becoming besties and Law freaked out
Touch starved x love language is physical touch
They gave each other special nicknames
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shima-draws · 5 months
hey im not sure if yk but lawlu is a proship 😭 (they met when luffy was 17 and law was 26, plus they're possibly related by having D in their names)
I think your math is a little off there anon, Law is 26 NOW, he was 24 when he met Luffy in Sabaody
I was kinda uncomfy with the age gap at the beginning too but idk it’s really grown on me a lot especially now that A. They’re both consenting adults B. Have a really fun dynamic and relationship and HISTORY together (Luffy beat up a Warlord Law spent 13 years thirsting for revenge over there’s gotta be SOME special feelings about that) C. Is one of the most adored and popular ships in the fandom and D. It’s fictional bro…the gay pirate anime is not real…
Also I’m 99.9% sure they’re not related. Having a D in their name relates to a shared destiny of being enemies of god AKA the Celestial Dragons rather than actual blood ties. If people with D in their names were blood related that would probably be bad considering two of them had a child together (points at Roger and Rouge). Also there’s characters from different races that have a D in their name as well (Jaguar).
Considering there’s other really popular ships in the fandom with even bigger age gaps (looks at Ace/Marco. Ace was 20. Marco’s 45 😬) I’m really not worried about Lawlu lol
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straws-and-sunflowers · 2 months
I can't imagínate a family of this little two
Are you trying to say you can’t imagine a little family of them..? Like Lawlu wise..?? If that’s the case, in relation to my interpretation of Lawlu..I don’t know if I’d ever draw them w it h a kid?? Just because it’s not something I ever really thought about
However, the one family AU I’d die for is @sen-ya’s very well developed family Au which I’m sure you’ve seen floating around on tumblr, it’s got so much content for it- so if you haven’t seen it all you should go meet Rocy!
Tumblr media
But anyways- here’s art of her with my versions of the silly guys…and I think that’s the closest I’ll get to actively showing off a child of the two.
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