#le mumble
elahogn · 1 year
Woke up with a realization. Good Omens season 1 is through and through Crowley staring blatantly at Aziraphale for 6000 years. And Good Omens season 2 is Aziraphale stealing glances at Crowley from the before time. Maybe the season 3 would be when they actually looking at each other.
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autumnalmess · 9 months
For the consideration of the privy council: Grantaire introducing Enjolras to music and cinema.
Consider Enjolras who is "austere in his enjoyments" learning that there is such thing as music that is not just background music to work to, and film that is not just designed to teach you something.
Consider Grantaire gaping at Enjolras for never having heard of the Beatles, sitting him down and forcing headphones over his fluffy golden hair to force him to listen to 'A Day in the Life'.
Enjolras going "this is so stupid" until it hits the second verse and he suddenly becomes very quiet.
Grantaire dragging Enjolras along to the cinema to watch reruns of The Fellowship of the Ring, after which Enjolras grumbles the whole way home, but asks to see the next movie just to "make sure they're all bad".
Grantaire showing up on Enjolras' doorstep with an armful of DVDs because he just has to educate him.
Enjolras discovering Wes Anderson, and the concept of comfort movies, curling up to watch a film not because it means anything or has a deep political comment to make about the human race, but just because it's fun.
Grantaire watching Enjolras more than the film.
Grantaire letting Enjolras borrow his Spotify to find something he likes and almost tearing up when Enjolras says "have you heard of this band called Fleetwood Mac? I've been listening to a couple of their songs".
Grantaire desperately trying to explain to Courfeyrac that it's "not a date! Enjolras has just never been to a proper concert before!"
Enjolras suggesting they share wired earbuds because it's "more efficient" and definitely not because it means they have to sit closer together.
Enjolras learning that life is not about how efficiently you plough through it.
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italoniponic · 18 days
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Mais memes de reação Twst!! (parte 1)
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earthly-apples · 5 months
Watched Les Visiteurs 3. The plot is not amazing ahjshsjhs and I probably missed all the fart jokes and tbh the screaming scare me but Charlotte was actually fun and had plenty of screentime??? I may be biased but it really feels more like Les Visiteurs 3: Charlotte Robespierre (not complaining…😳) The CSP representation was also like, amazing for a fart joke comedy film. Billaud-Varrene leaves a pretty strong impression. Saint-Just doesn’t talk much but he does have plenty of shots where he shares a frame with Robespierre; they get it. Fouche is not the hiss hiss snake Cheche I had in mind but is ok (I mean he hardly gets a lot of attention any way oops). Couthon too had little presence. Collot is now a clown who is somehow now licking Robespierre’s shoes. Robespierre is a mixture of uh I guess stereotype and pretty accurate stuff?? He’s stiff, stirs up either fear or enthusiasm in people’s hearts, has the wrong foundation shade that isn’t properly applied at the borders of the forehead, but also humble and well meaning amongst his colleagues. He tells Charlotte to not mix in politics but also demands proper respect from others when interacting with her. (Damnnn I really like how they handled Charlotte. She’s trying so hard to be a strong women and trying to girlboss her way out to make her brothers proud of her. She utilizes everything she is capable of: wit, charm, and social status. She has a fiery temper but not downright rude. I’m not a Charlotte expert enough to tell whether that’s historically accurate or not but at least it’s fun.) There are also COLORS COLORS COLORS. COLORS. Coming from Bourboulon to this I’m crying tears of gratitude
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mizumech · 2 months
Bahorel and Montparnasse friendship. You agree:
-They’re both dandies (or Romantics)
-They both love Gavroche
-They both would punch a cognes
-They’re both so extra
-They would both have some sort of uneasy/overeasy friendship with Jehan
-They would make fun of people with small lapels
Just imagine Bahorel takes Gavroche boxing. To retaliate, Montparnasse tells him how to improve at pickpocketing. When Bahorel tries teach him how to take care of himself Montparnasse comes out of the shadows to teach him how to cut up a man and which parts are the yummiest.
Neither of these lessons go without Gav making fun of the both of them for being old.
Bahorel and Montparnasse friendship. You agree.
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nicoscheer · 7 months
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The reel
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Well I was NOT prepared for that
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smille-c · 1 year
qBbh is so Bretagne coded guys
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munch-mumbles · 14 days
food. water. someone to talk about mlad and its more recent rewrites with……….
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1000dactyls · 1 year
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over the past couple of weeks, i’ve been working on slowly building out my original story WE DIDN’T START THE FIRE, and I’ve finally gotten to a point in the worldbuilding and character making that i feel like it’s at a good place to begin posting about it!!! these guys have definitely popped up on my blog before, but here they are new and improved x) I can’t wait to begin sharing their story, and i hope you also enjoy their story too
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mumble-muse · 1 month
the urge to make art for myself and not make everything I do consumable vs the urge to share every little thing cause I'm proud of myself
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elahogn · 7 months
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mjjune · 1 year
Happy STS! What is the best novel you've ever read? What did you like about it, from a storytelling perspective? Has it influenced or informed your own approach?
Oh man, so many.
Recently, I would say my favorite was The Left Hand of Darkness! Which is, ya know, from 1969, and very old-fashioned in its storytelling and is 80% telling rather than showing, with whole chapters written almost like an academic journal article.
But honestly, I think it being in that style was what made it stand out compared to most modern scifi/fantasy I've read, and I personally have never minded telling (even though most would send me to my grave for saying so).
It did influence me in the draft I'm currently writing, because there was an issue with the way biological sex vs. gender was being handled in my current wip, basically because I didn't have the guts to do something similar to Ursula. But reading Ursula's, and realizing that something like that was published in 1969, pushed me to doing that direction for my own book which really made all my worldbuilding and themes I'm exploring fall into place.
But narratively? Not so much, I think, just because I don't see myself ever using such a science-y nonfiction-y way of writing.
Thanks for the ask!!
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italoniponic · 8 months
Someday We'll Meet Again | Neige Le Blanche
Synopsis: VDC day! Neige made it to NRC but he accidentally got lost inside the school. The more he wanders around the dark corridors, the more he feels inside a forest about to attack him. When he manages to reach the courtyard for air, he encounters you — the rescuer he needed to calm down. And maybe something more.
Neige Le Blanche x reader / hurt & comfort / fluff / lots of Snow White (1937) references / tw: little anxiety inducing in the beginning / 5,4k words / use of “you” pronouns / Masterlist
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Someday We'll Meet Again
“I’m lost, completely lost,” Neige thought to himself, swallowing hard. All he saw were hallways and more hallways, black stone walls, lamps and students in black blazers and gym clothes going back and forth working on the internal preparations for the VDC.
When Neige was escorted into Night Raven College by a student from the organizing committee, the plan was that he and his seven little friends would be driven directly to the Coliseum where the competition would take place.
But those eight RSA students, so unaccustomed to going so deep into the rival school, were distracted by impressive details of the campus that they missed their driver — and the poor fellow, Riddle pity his head, was so anxious about the preparations and a thousand other things in his mind that he only realized the problem later.
As if things could get worse, soon the seven brothers got lost from Neige himself and the boy wandered alone inside the castle itself, not sure where he was going. 
Last year’s VDC had been at another school and Neige went as a simple helper to some RSA culture clubs. That year, however, the director himself chose him to star in the spotlight and hopefully bring victory to the Academy in the music championship. 
The song they chose was perfectly etched in Neige’s mind, almost like every song he’s ever sung and his favorite apple pie recipes. Dancing wouldn’t be a problem either. The problem was that he wasn’t at all prepared to wander NRC inside, without the slightest notion whether he was going forward or backward.
Neige was almost certain that what he was doing was forbidden and wrong. This feeling was made worse by passing by students repairing signs, setting up tent strips beforehand and carrying all kinds of materials they needed for what they were going to set up. It was the students job and he wasn’t supposed to interfere or see behind the scenes.
That and the pressure in the air he was feeling. 
Perhaps it was the height of the ceiling relative to the floor, the color of the walls and the subtly gloomy coldness of the corridors, but the air seemed extremely heavy. Suffocating. Neige walked calmly and cautiously, looking around patiently to try to figure out where to turn.
However, when he met the eyes of a random NRC student, said young man seemed angry at his presence there. He was right. He was spoiling the magic of the event by “snooping” backstage — even if he was in this situation for nothing more than a terrible oversight. Neige didn’t want to make anyone angry, so he tried not to pay attention to what they were doing.
Why did the walls seem to compress over him, however? Eyes and more eyes turned in his direction, following his step with intensity. They looked like crows gathering in a flock, watching fresh meat in the open.
Neige shook his head quickly. They weren’t crows! Technically, they should be ravens. And the birds themselves weren’t as bad as some people thought. He tried to calm down a little, thinking about what he had read about crows once. Neige was looking for a book about horses but got lost in the middle of his own search in the library.
He liked to get lost, didn’t he? He needed to be more careful with himself. That’s what his mother always said. She wouldn’t always be there for him to help all the time, nor could she with her failing health. Neige should take care of things on his own, like a good young adult.
Well, he was already alone at that moment.
“What was I... trying to remember about crows?” Neige didn’t know. The subject had escaped completely. 
He looked up and saw a huge staircase leading to the top floor. He should have found the middle of the school at best — he didn’t want to think about what would be worse. So the best way was to keep going. There was something like a garden at the entrance, it was possible that the castle had a courtyard.
Neige was praying they would. 
He was always very fond of courtyards, garden fields, also woods — even a little more than whole forests. They were wide-open spaces of beautiful nature, with pretty trees that didn’t necessarily make anyone feel trapped. But Neige surmised that anything can look scary if you see it in the wrong light or lack thereof.
“I... I’m not afraid…,” he tried to mumble softly as he continued to walk. He didn’t want to draw anyone's attention. “I’m… not afraid…”
In general, repeating this phrase calmed Neige in difficult moments. His psychologist once encouraged him to use the mantra to regain his composure when he was stressed. He was ready to use it when he got on stage, but not so soon.
He was just inside a simple school! Nothing more than that. No one would hurt him there. It wasn’t as some RSA colleagues said the NRC and its students were. Neige was sure that everyone was just afraid because of the gloomy appearance of the school, they had no reason to fear students who were just like them.
“Oi, what are you doing here, huh?,” someone yelled at him.
Neige turned quickly. He had to raise his face because the student who called was much taller than him. Two more joined their friend, all almost the same height and with the same angry look. Was he in trouble? He should explain himself!
“I’m lost,” Neige said. His mouth was suddenly dry. “Do you know which direction I should turn to get to the Colosseum? I... I don’t want to get in the way…”
“Are you saying you don’t want to be here?,” the first student asked.
“What? Aren’t we worthy of breathing the same air as an RSA richy boy?,” a second frowned.
“No, that’s not it! I shouldn’t be here! I-in these halls, that’s all! You got it wrong…”
“Now you’re calling us stupid!”
“Get out of here, you asshole! Or else we will…!”
“E-excuse me! I apologize! I didn’t mean to!”
More people began to move around them. Neige didn’t know what was going on. Whether they were trying to hold the three colleagues or whether they were actually going to take him out by force. All he knew was that he was running. Far away. He didn’t know whether to go in or out of the castle.
And did it matter?
It did matter. 
Neige didn’t want to make a mess. Everyone seemed angry at his presence there — and rightly so! What was he doing there? He was supposed to be somewhere else. A completely different construction on top. What would his friends say? Would the Headmaster get in trouble for that? They would heavily scold him and he wouldn’t have a reason to defend himself.
He couldn’t. He shouldn’t. He was to blame. He got himself lost. 
Neige couldn’t see where he was going. He saw many reflections of lamps and candles around, endless walls and doors that all looked the same. His heart was as fast as his steps, his chest felt like a cloak that someone was squeezing hard not to let go of.
He could feel his arms shaking inside his blazer sleeves. Icy sweat slowly trickling down his neck and legs. It seemed like there was no end to that castle interior. Suddenly, Neige turned into a hallway and he was the only white dot among a crowd of dark and multicolored dots. 
The sea of students confused him. It was like falling into a swamp. Different faces stared at him in confusion, people shouted things in his direction, others looked so scared and surprised at his state of mind. 
He couldn’t feel his eyes. At the same time, he felt them too much. He should be with them wide open, almost making them jump out of his face. Neige didn’t know what to do. He couldn’t stop his legs or stay calm. He needed a distant, open place where he could breathe. 
The closer the flow of people approached, the more panic took over his mind. 
The voices he heard no longer made sense. The faces, so far above his head, looked more and more distorted the more he looked up. Neige couldn’t breathe. He continued to run, making room among the crowd. He wasn’t sure what was coming out of his mouth made any sense.
“I’m so sorry!,” that’s what he was saying, wasn’t it? He didn’t know. He could not hear himself.
Neige ran in sheer terror. If there were obstacles in his way, perhaps he was literally stepping over them all. It made him feel better. He mingled with the confusion of his own thoughts. 
He was anxious. He wanted to get out of there. He wanted to go back to school. His school. Maybe he shouldn’t have accepted Headmaster Ambrose’s request. Someone else would have been better in his place. That’s what he said, actually. But the director insisted. The dwarves insisted. His friends insisted. He couldn’t say no. He never could. This was important to everyone, he couldn’t spoil things right now.
This Goddamn hallway has no end?!
Neige wanted his mother’s arms. Someone who could tell him that everything was fine. The animals that were always kind to him. Anyone. But no one was there. Neige was alone. 
Alone in a huge, dark castle, full of huge, vile, visceral eyes. Big teeth, long hands. His heart beating with the intensity of an entire orchestra. Drums, flutes, oboes, clarinets, trumpets, trombones, tubas, violins, violas, cellos. All in perfect chaos. All in a melody of horror. 
It was as if he was trapped in a dark forest that was about to attack and devour him. Fleeing from an imminent danger that even he didn’t know what it was. He needed something. He needed someone. Some light. A bit of clarity. An opening.
That’s when he saw a column standing alone at the end of a corridor. There was a gap on one side and on the other. The sunlight was escaping from there like a helping hand. He just needed to reach it before the shadows could capture him. He should get closer but it was so far away. 
Could his heart take it any longer? 
Neige threw himself into the side yard as if his life depended on it. He clung to the first thing he sensed in front of him. He didn’t know what it was, his eyes were completely shut. And tears began to form on his eyelashes, like they were afraid of falling out. He was shaking a lot. A thousand things went through his head. He didn’t know what else to do.
At least he was somewhere in an open place. They say that in moments of panic you shouldn’t leave where you’re standing to avoid major accidents — and Neige thought it was logical — but he couldn’t bear to stay inside anymore. 
He tried to say something to himself, but he couldn’t. He was out of breath, tired. He needed to breathe deeply and calmly, regain some control over his overworked lungs. Something passed lightly on his back, concentrating on the area of his heart. Neige then noticed an echo within himself.
It was the same when his mother hugged him, at the time when she was still in good health and didn’t spend the whole day sick in bed. It was similar to when he comforted Toby, hugging him tightly. He was sure that before his father went to the eternal ride at the stars, he carried his baby son with the same affection.
The affection that only a calm and gentle second heart could share.
“Are you okay?” 
Neige opened his eyes quickly and raised his head. He was actually on top of a person, someone as surprised as he was — but who seemed to see how he was terribly scared. 
He quickly got off of you, brown eyes wide, trembling up to toe. Neige was frozen, not knowing what to do. You got worried when you saw tears rolling down his cheeks and tried to say something. Great, the poor guy was having a panic attack and you were panicking too!
“Excuse me!,” you two exclaimed at the same time to each other.
You held his shoulders carefully, trying your best to pass a sense of tranquility. Little by little, you recognized that face. 
It was Neige Le Blanche, wasn’t it? With the uniform from the other school that your friends talked about. You didn’t know what had happened for him to be so desolated but something inside of you made you want to protect him — and crush the responsibles ones for his sadness like rotten apples in a basket. 
Your group would be very annoyed if they ever knew you were thinking that.
“Take it easy... it’s okay. I won’t hurt you, I swear!,” you said.
Neige himself then held your arms, holding you in place.
“I’m awfully sorry. I… I d-didn’t mean to frighten you! Or... throw me on top of you…,” he took a deep breath, and you tried to smile to encourage him to talk. “... I apologize… I’ve been through a lot but it doesn’t justify…!”
“Forget it. It’s alright, don’t worry. But what about you? Are you hurt? Need something?”
“I don’t know what’s going on here, Henchhuman, but this doesn’t smell good to me,” the two of you turned to a third voice that was standing there.
For the first time, Neige realized that he was in front of two very unusual strangers. As you sighed — having completely forgotten about Grim for a solid minute — and the little monster stood next to you, Neige began to better observe both of you.
You were wearing the same black NRC blazer as the others, yet there was something in your air that indicated how completely out of place you were. Like a stranger, someone from another world. Neige didn’t even know how to put that feeling into words. And your little companion didn’t look too ordinary either.
While the boy left his arms free and you had turned completely around to ask Grim to call someone you knew, Neige grabbed that moment to put himself together. 
The sky was the same color of light blue that he saw when he arrived — although, from RSA’s castle towers, it looked more crystalline. 
There was a bright sun, birds flying across the sky. The trees in the courtyard brought snow on their branches yet they still looked alive and hospitable. And the grass under you was completely covered in white. Neige felt the winter refreshing him. He let out one last deep breath before you turned around again, still concerned.
“It’s so beautiful out here,” Neige said suddenly. “I almost wouldn’t have seen it if... I wasn’t so afraid. I ask for your forgiveness again. I’m so ashamed of the fuss I made! I was on my way to the Coliseum when I got distracted and lost myself.”
“And I imagine the guys here have been as welcoming and understanding as ever,” you said sarcastically. 
The boy, to your surprise, replied positively.
“They did! I think they were just annoyed that I was there meddling in their work, but I swear it wasn’t my intention. Everyone seemed to be so focused and I didn’t want to get in the way or fool around. But here is just... it’s so different from the places I’ve been. I couldn’t contain my curiosity.”
“I agree on that, actually. It’s a fascinating castle.” 
You smiled as you saw Neige looking up at the towers above, his gaze lost but less scared than before. He looked like a little angel who accidentally fell from his cloud and you wouldn’t doubt that this was the case. So that world could present you people that were so docile and pure? You had seen literally everything in those same hallways.
“Oh! Is that a well?,” Neige asked, pointing behind you.
“Yeah, do you want to sit there while we wait for the others? I, well, let’s say I have a friend on the festival committee,” you had a grin on your face, trying to make yourself feel important somehow. The guy next to you was a literal celebrity, it was the least you could offer.
“I would love to! Thank you very much... oh, sorry. What is your name? I’m Neige.”
He held out his hand and you just stood up there, shocked. It felt like a pretty awkward moment — more than those first few minutes ever were. 
Right in front of you was one of the most well-known celebrities in the world and he so gently and humbly introduced himself as if he were just another normal boy walking by. In fact, you already knew his name! 
Still, oblivious to this, Neige had his hand outstretched towards you in the form of a greeting. His smile was warm and endearing, like an apple pie fresh out of the oven. Someone so angelic couldn’t exist. You weren’t so doubtful about it because of a small handful of guys in the NRC who could qualify in that description. 
But not in the same way as Neige. You were pretty sure you’ve seen a cartoon with a character like that where you came from. 
Swallowing your hesitations, you introduced yourself to him. And although you don’t have much of an opinion on your name, it was a surprise to see how Neige seemed delighted to hear it. It was as if you had sung the most beautiful musical note to him. 
Already knowing each other’s names, you two went to the well in the courtyard and leaned there for a moment. You swept the snow from the edge inward, watching it crash against the frozen water surface. Neige also seemed very curious about the well. If you weren’t mistaken, it was the well in which Epel was rehearsing his singing some time ago.
“Do you think this is a ‘Wishing Well’?,” Neige asked suddenly.
That confused you. There was absolutely nothing special about that old pit, or so it seemed.
“They say that when you say your wish at the well and it echoes, the wish will certainly come true,” he continued with a smile.
“So... will you wish for victory in the VDC?,” 
“Oh, no. It wouldn’t be fair! After all the training my friends and I have done, I just want our music to touch people’s hearts. It’s a lovely song! I really wish I had chosen it.”
You frowned, seeing Neige’s gaze get lost for a second. And curiosity was stronger than you could predict.
“Didn’t you choose the song you are going to sing?”
“No, it was our Headmaster. It was a good choice, though! I have nothing to complain about. And well, he was already sure of what to order before I could make up my mind on what to choose. Is it ‘one less job’?,” Neige then laughed, remembering the words Gran said long ago. “But if I had a choice, I would want to sing another one.”
“Which one?”
“A-ah, n-no... it’s not a big deal…!”
Neige looked away from you, turning his back to the well and yet you could still see his face — white as snow surrounding you — gradually turning bright red. You held back a giggle. But the conversation was getting interesting and you didn’t want to frighten him with the possibility of laughing at his expression.
As cute as it was, you confessed to yourself.
“Please!,” you asked, carefully holding his arm. “Show me. Just a tiny little bit?”
Neige’s eyes carried a hint of indecision. 
He usually sang this little song to himself, completely alone. That is why he didn’t believe that it would have been accepted for the competition — after all, it wasn’t even finished. It was more of a lullaby he created to sleep, something light and serene.
It would completely go against the energy that the VDC was supposed to bring. It wasn’t full of swing, powerful nor suited to dance. However, here it was: was he competing to cheer other people up or to get his own victory? Neige just wanted to put on a performance that his friends could enjoy more than anything.
“I... I don’t know…”
“Please, pretty please!,” you tried to insist a little more.
It wasn’t the first time someone had gotten so close to Neige. However, it was the first time he felt so self-conscious and nervous about it. Your smile was bright and your eyes made his heart stumble for a moment. First frightened, then gradually becoming calmer and safer. And of course, the red on his cheeks got worse.
“P-promise not to laugh? I’m saying! It’s kind of silly…,” he tried to make you give up but nothing could shake you.
You had an envious sense of resilience. It was like you were fighting every day to survive in NRC and you wanted to enjoy a moment when someone wasn’t setting things on fire or threatening the students’ lives.
“I promise! And if I laugh, you can hit me!,” you blinked, giving a thumbs up.
Neige could never do that, even lightly. He then took a deep breath, straightening his blazer and making sure the beret was still intact on top of his hair — it was all useless to tell him he was just going to use his voice but you let it go.
And, in a sweet whisper, Neige sang his song softly:
For a minute, Neige took a deep breath before turning around to check your reaction. An attitude in vain, since he was shocked by your expression in the same way.
“Someday my love will come
Someday we’ll meet again
And away to your castle, we’ll go
To be happy forever, I know
Someday when spring is here
We’ll find our love anew
And the birds will sing 
And wedding bells will ring
Someday when my dreams come true”
Your eyes were completely wide open like the windows of a nice cottage. Glowing brightly, vividly delighted with what they witnessed. You wouldn’t know how to describe yourself in those expressions, though. You felt out of earth — but in a good way? It was like you were in a dream.
Almost as if it were a fairy tale and a beautiful prince had sung it to you, taking your heart to himself for a moment to be able to admire it. And yet — since it was Neige — he would return it to you quickly upon realizing your state of mind.
You’ve never felt so incredibly enchanted by something, even though you’ve been in that magical world for so long.
“That was... so beautiful,” was the most honest reaction you could put into words.
“We are so going to be crushed in the competition in emotional terms!,” you thought.
“P-pl-please...! You can’t be serious...!,” Neige exclaimed, anxiously.
Neither you nor even he could tell why — or how it was physically possible to — a greater amount of blood flowed into his snow-like face, but there wasn’t much to do about it. In the worst-case scenario, it only made him cuter. It was almost a danger to your sanity.
“Very serious!,” you stated with all your might. Something inside you wanted to make him stop having so many self-doubts. “Neige, that’s a very beautiful song. Don’t be ashamed of it!”
“I’m not ashamed! I just… I don’t know if it’s enough to be called a song,” he sighed. “It’s just a silly love song. It’s no big deal.”
“Okay, it’s not an epic song of courage or adventure, but still! It still has value. A subtle beauty, simple. Necessary. Wow, I’m going full Rook here…”
“Rook?,” Neige frowned slightly.
“The thing is: I would listen again every time you wanted to sing. And I would probably ask you to repeat it too. Sometimes when it feels like the world is going to come crashing down, it’s nice to have something light to see. Something that reminds of simpler times, with all the good things and where it’s possible to be happy.”
At this, you smiled.
“That’s why we have fairy tales, isn’t it?”
This opened Neige’s eyes in a fantastic way. 
For a moment — even a brief moment — it was as if someone had understood something profound about him that he could never put into words.
Fairy tales have always been more than an escapism for Neige since he was a child. They were an inexhaustible source of good memories and inspirations for happier days, dreams that deserved to be realized. But he never said that to anyone.
The show business overlords were awfully uninterested in “children’s fables” and he was afraid of looking immature among his peers — even if RSA was the cradle of the most dreamy boys that could exist in Wonderland. However, you perfectly captured the aspect of life that he loved the most.
And precisely what made that song something special.
“Yeah, that’s the reason why…,” Neige nodded, taking a deep breath. A soft smile sprouted on his lips. “Thank you. It... means a lot to me.”
“You don’t have to thank me. Those are my sincerest feelings. You know what I like most about this song?,” you continued, lulled by the energy of the moment.
You were really walking a lot with Rook Hunt.
“It’s a song about love. This is already enough for it to be very beautiful to listen to! Do you know why, my snow white?,” that said, you poke the boy’s nose with your finger.
“Why?,” Neige giggled. No one had ever called him by such a funny nickname.
“Because it’s love that makes people’s inner beauty increase. And somehow, I know that you are well loved and love everyone around you very much.”
Perhaps it was too much poetry for Neige’s ears — and for your own mouth too. But you couldn’t help saying that. You just couldn’t! On the other hand, the new glint in Neige’s eyes was far more unexpected than your words.
It was like receiving a kiss from a white dove. Soft, full of meaning. Bringing the true kiss of a love that’s about to arrive. It was a feeling that sent his heart racing. And something inside you recognized the same scene in the pair of woody eyes that stared back at you. 
Then you saw Neige in a completely different way and, in your heart, you wanted to sing just one song.
Riddle’s voice interrupted the moment and the two of you jumped up, startled by the hurried approach of Hearstlabyul’s dorm leader. He was carrying Grim in his arms and another student was following him in terrible agony, unable to face either of you. You supposed he was the one guiding Neige before.
“Le Blanche-san, I’m terribly sorry for all this confusion!,” Riddle apologized. But when he was going to turn around to signal his colleague to apologize as well, Neige interrupted him.
“Sorry, you were my guide, right? I deeply apologize!,” he made a heartfelt bow and then the student turned his eyes to him, surprised. “It was all my fault! I got so distracted and unintentionally got lost inside the castle. I promise to be more careful from now on.”
“Riddle, it’s okay,” you intervened, giving him a humored wink.
It was your way of saying, “you’re not going to have any luck arguing with this one.” 
With great effort, Riddle took a deep breath and convinced himself that there was really nothing else to do — as much as he still would like to follow protocol, being steadily reformed or not, you were all going to be late on the itinerary if time was lost needlessly.
“Would you accompany him to the Coliseum then, Prefect?,” Riddle asked, politely.
Out of the corner of your eye, you could still see Neige shaking the hand of the Heartslabyul student who was still shocked in being able to keep his head in place — and for an RSA student out of everyone to be so grateful for his work. A small chuckle escaped your lips before you could stop it.
“I do!”
So, with Grim back on your shoulders, you set out to guide Neige to the Coliseum where the main stage was set. Riddle watched your departure with a certain wonder and curiosity. Perhaps it was precisely because he had stayed behind that he could clearly see Neige’s nervous hands on his back and the subtle leaps you made as you walked forward.
Strange, isn’t it?
Epel couldn’t believe what he was seeing. Well, almost no one from the NRC Tribe could — with the exception of Kalim who was glad you arrived and Rook who was “carefully” typing on his cellphone, certainly not taking pictures of the couple that was getting close.
But believing it or not, there you were, still talking to Neige as you both walked into the Coliseum. Although there was a strange electricity in the air between you, smiles and laughter dominated your faces and you felt strangely disappointed when you finally arrived on stage. In fact, the ones who came to receive you were the dwarves.
Your friends were still quite static in their places. Shocked. And you pretended not to notice that, nor the fact that your cheeks were a little flustered all of a sudden.
“I’m on my way. Just give me a minute, okay?,” Neige asked his friends.
“Okay!,” Dominic and the others agreed.
Only Gram took one last suspicious look at you before following them. And honestly, Neige felt immensely grateful that his grumpy friend made no further comment.
“So... this is it,” you said and Neige nodded.
“Yeah. G-good luck to you all!,” he completed, staring at you despite the nervousness. “It’s going to be a fun day, for sure. I…”
“I hope it’s not too weird to say that, but... I hope to see you again. Any day.”
Your heart skipped a beat at those words and the almost expectant way Neige looked at you. It seemed like he knew exactly what you were thinking. You also wanted to see him again, regardless of the circumstances. And something told you the opportunity would come somehow.
But, taking advantage of the fact that you weren’t in the medieval era, it was a lot easier to exchange contacts than to wait for fate or a meeting in the forest.
“I’m ‘RamshackleH’ on Magicam. My photo is this cute little fellow here,” you said, pinching Grim’s cheek.
“Hey! Well, I’m handsome but still!,” your little monster complained.
Neige laughed.
“Wait for me then. I will add you as soon as possible,” he promised. “I… I mean, when it’s possible. But early. I hope so. Trust me!”
“Don���t worry, everything will be fine,” you answered, also laughing.
“Prefect, the stage rehearsal is about to begin.”
“Is everyone going to interrupt my moments today?!,” was your initial thought before turning around.
You had not fully assimilated the voice and took another fright when you saw Vil near the two of you. On the other hand, Neige greeted him with animation and a certain relief — he was saved from bursting into flames, flurested out of existence!
“I’m looking forward to your song, Vil-kun!,” Neige said. Then he ran to join the dwarves, but not before waving at the two of you. “See you!”
As if you were already used to that point, you smiled at his energy and the roller coaster of emotions that was your conversations. With time and development, maybe you would come out of this stage of nervousness and talk normally without this strange cold in your belly.
But there was something different about Neige’s spirit when he performed with the dwarves after the NRC Tribe.
And you weren’t the only one to notice. There was a gleam in his eyes that seemed like the glow of a shower of shooting stars. A bright smile like the most beautiful snow day in a winter wonderland. He had life as his energy, awakened by the joys of life and spring. A unique beauty, capable of stealing hearts away.
It was the beauty of someone who was in love.
Special Notes: (put the notes here so up there wouldn’t be too much text) Oh yeah, the fic that took me months to make and when I finally finished writing the “dark corridors feels like that creepy forest” part, I was in shambles from listening too much Danse Macabre and tiring my eyes out of stress. But it was all for a good cause!! I always loved Belle but Snow White was my first favorite and it was super special to me growing up. And my love for her only increased over time. So how surprising I love Neige lol Well, I hope you all liked it <3
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affogonellamarmellata · 9 months
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lucifer-kane · 7 months
Found some ancient relics from high school, the Grantaire shirt is still the softest thing on the planet and I think I got it in 2013
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beepmon · 1 year
i need me one of these in my enclosure
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