eternodiamante · 7 months
La Doliente Gris
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Una noche de luna nublada me topé con el llanto de una dama en la oscuridad. Al acercarme, noté su aspecto espectral y aunque nada por ese entonces podía despertar mi temor, lo único que me mantenía con un ápice de sentir, era la compasión hacia los seres encadenados a este mundo... Al verme entre la pesada niebla, la doliente gris comenzó a hablarme...
-Ahhh… Me’hon. Este mundo. Este mundo cruel y pecaminoso. ¿Por qué Cher’ se despierta?
¿Por qué Cher’ insiste?
Ahhh, Le’mer, no podías conocer una tragedia tan completa como la de Cher’, verdaderos amantes separados, dos mundos que no pudieron encontrarse.
Y ahora, meled’amor, falleció muy atrás en el tiempo. Muerta, muy lejos. ¿Enterrada, moina? Ai. Entre sus familiares odiosos que negaron nuestra unión, que rechazaron la… extranjeri… dad… de Cher’.
¿No lo supone…? Nahlo, Nahlo. ¿Podría Cher’ preguntar? ¿Podría Cher’ molestar?
Le’mer, ¿podrías, querrías, entregar esto en su tumba?
El regalo es… ¿pequeño? Pero el camino es largo. Duerme entre los suyos cerca del refugio frondoso de nuestra reina.
¿Podría hacerse tal cosa? ¿Quizás Cher’ pide cosas imposibles?
¿Locuras? Si Le’mer acepta semejante misión, sería una amabilidad que Cher’ casi había olvidado.
-En ese momento, acepté la petición de la Doliente gris, y ella me entregó una flor blanca que brillaba cómo los faros lunares, pero delicada cómo una seda. -
Me das una bendición poco frecuente, Le’mer. Será la última petición de Cher’. Después de esto, nunca Cher’ volverá a molestar a otro.
Una flor sagrada es la ofrenda. Es un objeto poco habitual y delicado. Único. Tienes que atesorarla y cuidarla como si fuera tu propio corazón.
Si te hieren mientras lo llevas, se destruiría para siempre…
Su tumba está en medio de la finca descuidada de la reina. Está rodeada por los suyos, a quien no les gustará tu intrusión.
Ten cuidado, Le’mer. Las esperanzas las deposito en ti y mi deseo ferviente de que este pequeño alivio acabe por suceder.
- Y así fue cómo emprendí mi viaje a los Jardines de la reina…
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tellofunni · 4 years
I finished the Delicate Flower Quest first try!
Here’s how I did it:
Charms: Wayward Compass, Grubberfly’s Elegy, Unbreakable Strongth, Mark of Pride
I put a Dreamgate at The Gray Mourner’s house, just in case, but I didn’t use it until I had delivered the flower and was going back.
Advice: Take it slow, don’t rush. When it comes to the thorns at the end, go as far as you can without falling, then shadow dash to the next platform. Jump and dash to the next platform over. Take a moment to catch your breath, this can be stressful. Drop down and dash to the last platform, and then you’re done!
Good luck!
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stagbells · 2 years
Written Work
From: @pollyannam3
To: @teeteekaa
Note: "What's up Tea! Hope you're having a stellar summer so far! So glad to have you as my giftee this go around, cause you're so dang cool :-D!! You enjoy this and I hope it blesses you to beat the heat as well as these five are!"
Written Work under readmore
The blue lake…A very calm, serene area that was one of the best tranquil places in all of Hallownest. It was the perfect place to have a picnic or just a day by the water. 
Dryya fluffed down her skirt and sat on a blanket, watching Isma wade around in the sand. She and Ogrim were already dead set on creating the ultimate sandcastle.
Ze’mer was sitting by the water, gently touching at times to see if it would get any warmer. It didn’t. It was a vicious cycle she trapped herself in. 
Hegemol was straight in the water, armor left behind for a pool floaty. The menderbug spun lazily around in it, having a blast before just drifting off to sleep.
“Ah. This is truly peaceful. I could just…sit here. And do nothing. At all. Fantastic.” Dryya said, the last part feeling sarcastic. She adjusted her legs, trying to get in the most comfortable position.
She sighed, curling them up and holding them to her chest. She watched the others for some form of stimuli.
Ogrim and Isma! They had to be doing something funny! 
“So…should I dig a moat?” Ogrim asked for the fifth time. Isma tossed some water onto the sand, shaping a pillar. “Do we not have enough moats?” She asked, gesturing to the couple of moats Ogrim had already dug.
“We can never have enough digging! Moats are important!” 
“If you want to dig, just dig then.” 
“One more moat!” Ogrim decided, sticking his claw in the sand and dragging it along to make another circle around the base of their castle. “When you finish that, we can collect some of these shells and decorate the castle with them!” Isma said as he walked the area one more time. The moat flowed with a bit more water and Ogrim smiled on it! 
They both made the mound into a square shape, beaming as their castle blossomed into the land of their dreams!
Dryya hummed, wondering if she should join in on the building process or if they had it. It would be fun and distracting! She just wasn’t sure.
Maybe she could join Ze’mer in the water when she eventually got in. She began to observe her instead.
Ze’mer continued to dip her hand into the water, whining at the temperature again. 
“Hegemol! How did le’mer get into the waves without such a shock! Give your secrets.” She called, waving to him. Hegemol looked up, antennae lightly dipping in the water. “You just have to go for it! Take the shock and you’ll adjust!” 
Ze’mer groaned, touching the water again. “Is…that true? Le’mer is simply floating rather than being submerged.” 
“Here.” Hegemol waved to her. “I’ll dunk myself in the water at the same time you jump in. Then we’ll both be cold, okay?” 
Ze’mer hummed. “Can che trust in that?”
“Of course! We’ll go on three!” Hegemol put his hands on the side of the floaty.
“One…” Hegemol started the count. Ze’mer braced herself.
“Two…” Hegemol held his floaty tighter and Ze’mer shifted in the sand.
With a “hyup!” Ze’mer jumped into the water with a large splash! Hegemol tried to flip himself into the water, but he didn’t move! He remained dry in the water but kept trying to flip himself over. “Oh no oh no-” He thought as Ze’mer surfaced, not looking pleased.
“Ah!! Waiiii, it’s frigid- it’s!” She looked up and saw Hegemol still not in the water. “Oh NYM’LIES!!” 
Hegemol waved his hands. “No no, Ze’mer I’m sorry- I couldn't flip, I- AGH!” Hegemol yelped as Ze’mer sent a massive splash Hegemol’s way, knocking him out of the floaty and into the water. “Waaah!!” Ze’mer cried, continuing to splash him when he surfaced. 
“Aaaa!!” Hegemol laughed, apologizing over and over. They splashed back and forth as Hegemol tried to grab his floaty again. Eventually, Ze’mer’s splashing calmed down and she floated by Hegemol. “...Le’mer was incredibly correct. Che’s adjusted just fine. This water is nice!” Ze’mer’s antennae, despite being wet, perked right up.
Hegemol flopped into his floaty and gave her a thumbs up. Ze’mer chuckled, splashing at him again to send him spinning around upside down. 
“Ze’mer!” He yelped as he went around and around, Ze’mer just happily swimming around him to make him go faster.
Dryya hummed. Swimming with Ze’mer and Hegemol could be fun too…but she’d have to leave the nice towel…and the sand is quite warm. The slight breeze is nice where she is.
She saw that Ogrim had finished construction on the last moat, and he and Isma were working on making the tallest tower they could now.
She saw that Hegemol was able to get himself to a proper sitting position to splash Ze’mer back.
She saw that Isma was poking holes in the tower to make windows and Ogrim tried to do the same but his claws were far too large.
She saw that Ze’mer could float perfectly on her back, using that to swim past Hegemol and splash his back instead of his front.
What did Dryya want to do?? She closed her eyes, trying to find the solution. She rarely got to relax so relaxing was difficult! She didn't even have to choose between the two groups, she could just lay down and sleep! But she didn't want to sleep!
Had she been just staring at her friends this entire time? 
Dryya sighed, she knew she was being ridiculous.  They’re just having fun! If she just relaxed she wouldn't be bored and maybe she could sleep a little. Just a little nap…it won't hurt anything anyway!
She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “Okay, just this once…” She whispered. “I'm taking a nap!"
She put her hands behind her neck and laid down. She breathed deeply once more and tried to allow herself to drift.
Her mind filled with muted quiet, and all she focused on was the sound of an exhale.
Peaceful. It really was peaceful. 
She could get used to this…
This tranquility lasted all of…three minutes. Three amazing minutes interrupted by…
“Oh, okay Hegemol! Here I come, haha!!” Before the sound of a massive CRASH! Filled the air.
Before Dryya could even open her eyes to process that sentence, a wave of water careened on top of her!
“AGH!!” She tried to shield herself but it was too late, she and her blanket were already soaked.
Dryya sat up and saw Ogrim resurface in the water. Isma looked at her in concern, as she looked pissed.
Glaring at Ogrim, Dryya removed a shell that had become stuck to her horns and stood up. 
“Hey, Ogrim! Big guy!” She crossed her arms as Ogrim started floating. “Yes, my dear friend?” Ogrim asked, almost innocently. 
Dryya ran from her ruined blanket towards the lake. She jumped onto Ogrim and they both started roughhousing in the water! Ogrim laughed as he threw Dryya into the water, but she simply swam up to grab his horns. They were safe about it, but Dryya did want to dunk him in the water for vengeance.
Isma, now abandoned at her sand castle, sighed. She put down the sand and rinsed her feet in the water before leaping in too.
Someone had to break up the fight…so she could take over and win! The five of them caused the tranquil waves of the city’s rain to rush around, and it truly made each of their days by the end of it.
One grain of sand and splash at a time.
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quiirrel · 2 years
I love hollow knight but I wish it wasn’t at its core a depressive tragedy. There is, to my limited memory, one (two if you count le’mer) “story” that ends happily, being the Nailsmith & Sheo’s. Where is the salvation, the hope? The dawn beyond the horizon? Is nothing savable? I want to deep kiss Quirrel at the altar
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chipper-smol · 4 years
Nobody asked for this, but here’s a quick drabble with 1.5k words and two pics of Ghost and the Pure Vessel fighting
Ghosts legs took them to the sparring grounds located at the base of the palace where the Five Great Knights spent their spare time teaching the new recruits how to properly wield a nail. Some days, however, those training sessions were canceled. The reason for that was so the Pure Vessel could be taught privately. The King wanted to keep their existence a secret and perhaps took great lengths to make sure the Feral Vessel wouldn’t spill that secret, but that was a story for another time.
As they walk into the yard their presence is quickly known. Ogrim notices first and bellows his usual greeting, alerting Dryya and Ze’mer. Ghost is quietly glad Hegemol is nowhere to be seen, they lost the bug that doubled as his mace. Their sibling slowly turned as they deemed the action fair for a supposed hollow thing to make.
Ogrim struck up a one-sided conversation with them immediately, talking about charms or something but Ghost isn’t paying attention. Their gaze is glued to their siblings.
They walk closer and closer until they enter the sparring court. Ghost reaches up and brandishes their- branch. Branchishes?
Unlike their previous confiscated branches this one is a pale white and it would take a daft fool to not immediately recognize it as a branch from the Queen’s body. Confusion sparks briefly through the three knights. How did they get that? More pressingly, did they hurt the Queen? Dryya begins to step forward, but is cut off by Ghost suddenly shifting into an offensive stance.
The Pure Vessel responds to their challenge as a hollow thing should when threatened.
Oh shit they’re fast.
Ghost barely brings up their nail- branch in time to block the first harsh blow. The sharp edge bounces harmlessly off the pale wood they wield. The force behind the blow threw them off balance, giving their sibling a clear shot at their abdomen.
Ogrim winces as void splashes across the battlefield, “Shouldn’t we stop them?”
Dryya huffs with her arms crossed adamantly across her chest, “No. It started this, perhaps its most foolish idea yet. Let it face the consequences of its actions for once.”
“Le’mer, the two will hurt themselves…”
“Let them wyrmdamnit. I doubt that Feral Vessel will be able to land a single scratch on the Pure Vessel. With my training there’s no way its going to lose to that chaotic thing.”
“Our training- but it seems you are correct. This duel is very one sided,” Ogrim says with a hint of unease as he scratches his chin.
It's true. Not once had the Feral Vessel gone on the defensive, stuck between dodging, blocking or taking another blow. They were sporting several void leaking wounds across their shell and their cloak had seen better days, yet the pale branch remained flawless.
Ghost find themself being forced past the edge of the court, but aren’t able to register the danger of it. They don’t see how their sibling is about to corner them against the wall of the palace until it is too late. They dash backwards and slam into the cold stone walls. Their lapse in concentration allows the Pure Vessel the perfect opening to strike and down their nail comes.
Ghost stumbles against the wall as their vision flashes white with pain. They faintly see Ogrim start forward only to be pulled back by a stubborn Dryya.
Was that enough?
They check the only charm they equipped.
That felt like three masks of damage!
Pure stands over them, nail at the ready yet— not striking. That sickening crack froze them in their tracks. They quickly rationalized the reaction as the threat being neutralized, but they couldn’t explain why they suddenly felt sick.
Ghost would groan if they could, but instead they shudder silently. Particles of void leak out of their mask yet it thankfully stays together. They can’t see out of their left eye, but it should be fine. They’ve fought worse battles under worse conditions.
After the first two hits they started to recognize their sibling’s fighting patterns from long ago in the Pantheons. The attacks were simpler, but much faster as Pure had less mass to move with each strike. After two more hits Ghost was dodging like they did back in the Pantheons. The speed boost wasn’t enough to completely throw them off their game, but they still needed to get hit, so they let themself get hit.
And they need one more.
They force their aching body to stand up straight and they grip their branch once more in challenge.
Pure hesitates for a split second before they crouch into a sharp stance and slash a wide arc right at their sibling. Ghost doesn’t need a hit this massive so they flinch back just enough for the sharp nail to graze their thigh.
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And like a charm (because it is) a red aura materializes around them and their branch.
Fury of the Fallen met its condition to flare into action. Ghost feels the pain in their limbs go numb and their nai-branch feels inexplicably more dangerous in their grip. They flash into action with a sudden dash forward that catches their sibling off guard. Their branch smacks harshly against Pure’s right side and forces them off balance.
Pure retreats instead of trying to refind their balance. They teleport a quick length away and stare at their sibling, evaluating what just happened with hidden confusion. Their side throbs from the blow of that branch. They observe the Feral Vessel stand up straight once more and something about their stance makes Pure tense.
Their sibling holds themself casually, shoulders relaxed and arms down at their sides, but they weren’t slouching nor was the grip on their branch loose. Pure realizes quickly that they had underestimated their sibling. The Feral Vessel wasn’t unskilled or clumsy, they were studying the Pure Vessel’s moves. They hold that branch like a weighted nail. Their focus is sharp. The red glow around them- that formed only after they were damaged to the precipice of breaking- They allowed themself to get hit.
Pure settles into a defensive stance. They miscalculated. They would not do that again.
Ghost brushes off a lingering particle of void from their cloak. Pure teleports forward while they assume their sibling is distracted but are surprised when their downward slash is parried with a startling loud ring from their mother’s branch. Ghost surges forward and once again Pure loses their balance and can’t react when the branch thwacks against their leg.
Pure calls on their reserve of soul and teleport away once more in a flash of light before teleporting again behind the Feral Vessel. They hold their arm out and let their shell dissolve for a split second to unleash an unrestrained fury of void tendrils. Feral surprises them by spinning around on a dime and jumping. As they were about to fall they bring the branch down once more and somehow parry themself into the air off of the void tendrils.
The tendrils threaten to pull out too far so Pure has to bring them back- but they forgot that reforming their shell would take a precious moment of time. They see their sibling dashing forward and try to mimic what they saw before by holding their nail up in a parry, but they are too slow.
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The branch comes harshly down against the Pure Vessel’s head and gifts them a crack similar to the one adorning Ghost’s mask. Void spurts out of the wound and Pure’s head throbs with a deep pain.
And suddenly the Feral Vessel stops.
Their branch drops out of their suddenly slack grip as their chest tightens hard.
They were back in the Temple of the Black Egg, staring at the Hollow Knight knelt before them, weighed down with the infection. The crack Ghost so generously gave to their sibling was a striking resemblance to the one they would bear in the future.
They see the tortured orange eyes, the shaking limbs and the horrific sound of their pained gasps that they shouldn’t have been able to make. It scratches their hearing and lingers like an uncomfortable deep itch.
The Hollow Knight forces themself up on their nail from their downed position. Never had Ghost fought an opponent that got weaker as they battled. Watching The Hollow Knight inch forward and strike out to only collapse forward twisted Ghost’s soul mournfully.
They couldn’t deal the final blow.
They fled to the godseekers for they promised another way.
The infection was bolstered to an entirely different level for a short day before the void choked it from the inside-out.
Ghost comes back to the present too late as they see the flash of a nail whip in front of their eyes.
Their form finally falls as their mask cleaves in two. For the first time since they arrived in the past they drift freely as a shade. They look down at their sibling with their pale white eyes and are startled to see a matching shade.
From the knight’s point of view, they saw the Pure Vessel finish the job they started and then suddenly clutch their own head in pain. Their mask split not too soon after their sibling’s did.
They both stare at each other.
This is going to be hard to explain to the King.
“What on Wyrm’s sacred ground just happened?!” Dryya demands from the sidelines.
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hornetism · 3 years
Literally anything about the great knights but especially ze’mer <3
Ze’mer my friend Ze’mer...
favorite thing about them
Oh My Gosh. I'm hard pressed to pick between the little detail that references her storytelling from Ogrim's thoughts and the fact that she hails from a distant land. I love both for very different reasons...I think her storytelling. It's such a beautiful aspect of her character, especially when much of Hollow Knight revolves around the different perspectives of a single story, and how the same story can have so many different narratives. Actually, although I love that she comes from beyond Hallownest for the simple fact that it directly contradicts the narrative that the citizens of Hallownest believe (and the Pale King spreads), I think that also gives a whole different dimension to her role as a storyteller. If anything, I think she has so much genre awareness and Knows that she's in a story. It's neat!
least favorite thing about them
Ugh, I'll give another cop-out answer that's the same as the one for Grimm; I really wish we got to see more of her. My real answer is that I dislike her for being one of the five great knights, but I also can't truly say that because, again, that crucial decision to make her a knight transforms her entire character. So I can't even really say I dislike that, even if on principle I dislike Hallownest on a personal level (and adore it narratively). Slight tangent, but this game is so good because you aren't meant to root for the kingdom.
favorite line
"Is it that, Le’mer? Such grief, can end? Che’ can end? Ullll, eh nai dear love. Che’ too can end." Lines that hit. If grief is nothing but love, not without direction, but whose destination is now absent—that is, love that has nowhere to go and is traveling endlessly, a thread pulling ever more taut, then she lived until her love could rest. She defines herself by it.
Hegemol. I was going to answer Dryya, but I think, while Dryya and Ze’mer are both lesbians who would have an Undersanding of each other, Ze’mer is also someone who Understands the art of storytelling, and I think Hegemol does too. I think that Dryya's closeness to the White Lady is also something that creates distance between them. So, Hegemol.
Obvious answer. I was going to put this as my favorite thing because I Love Lesbians, but realized I could talk even more if I placed it here. The way that they both are able to find peace after the flower is delivered...they were waiting for each other.....yeah.......yeah.....................
Anyone who isn't the Traitor's Child.
random headcanon
I think the majority of her stories are told through song, and she can captivate any audience with her voice.
unpopular opinion
Don't really think I have one! Taking this space to add another headcanon that isn't really much of one but I think she enjoys very witty banter and wordplay. Also, because I can, she's autistic ♡ hitting every character ever with my Autism Beam.
song i associate with them
Vague Hope (Cold Rain) from NieR: Automata
favorite picture of them
This art. Something about the vibes. This is already so obvious to you but #luthien
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iztarshi · 3 years
I tried to do the flower quest and died in the tunnels under Le’mer’s house twice.
After that I couldn’t face her to ask for another flower just yet. At least let her think it took me longer than three minutes to ruin it.
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hk-plus-you · 4 years
Psst- hi!! I hope you don't mind, but can I ask for the five knights (or just any of your choice!) platonically chilling with tiney snail who's kind of constantly "don't talk me angy" but also wants to h u g? Thank you!'
This turned out more angsty than I meant and I kinda struggled to make sure everyone had something to add awhile making it clear who was talking. I’m still not 100% I accomplished that but I tried.
“Would you like some help there, little one?”
You glared at Hegemol, “No,” You grunted as you pulled yourself onto the bench, “I don’t need your help! And stop calling me that, I’m not that small!”
Ze’mer giggled, a sweet sound that often reminded you of windchimes, “Are you sure Le’mer? You can barely reach the seat.”
“I’m not that small, you’re all just monstrously large!” You slapped your hands on the table, only able to reach it while standing on the chair. 
Snails were often decently short compared to most bugs but even among your own kin you were considered small. It didn’t help that the five knights you were all tall in there own right, and the furniture was made to accommodate that.
“How so much fury is contained in such a small shell always baffles me,” Dryya chimed in.
“Don’t be so mean,” Isma lightly smacked Dryya’s shoulder, only for her to roller her eyes in response.
“So how has your day been,” Hegemol asked you, trying to change the subject.
“Well, other than having everyone harass me,” You shot a glare at everyone at the table, “it’s just been the same thing as usual. Soul Master is still insisting that his theory will work, it’s just not enough soul. He already had one of our statues and now he wants more,”
“That’s absolutely ridiculous, what would he even need all that for?” Dryya scoffed.
“I know right! It’s common sense among snails that you don’t hoard so much soul, there’s a reason why that statue only gives so much to a single bug at a time.”
“I mean, is it that bad if he has too much?” Ogrim asked.
“You mean other than what he would have to do to get all that soul? He already has one statue to draw from and that was only very tentatively given to keep the snail tribe on The King’s good side. Do you really think they’d be too happy to find out he wants more?” Isma replied.
“Oh if I told my family what he’s doing they’d be pissed. It’s downright desecration! He has no respect for the soul and what it can do. It’s the very life force that everything is made of and he’s treating it like a toy!”
“I know, I know. I meant physically or mentally. If having enough soul could actually prevent someone from becoming infected then we could try and find other ways too. There have to be other things we can do right?”
“Che’ has seen those who consumed more soul than their body could handle. ‘Tis an awful thing che’ had to witness. It twists the body, melting the shell to try and escape,”
“And even if it didn't, how much does he need? I was brought in to try and teach more of the ways of the soul to the average bug. Then that wasn’t enough so we got especially talented bugs. That wasn’t enough so I had to get a statue from my people. Now he’s asking for more! If this is how we’re supposed to save everyone but only the specially trained with access to things very few have, how the fuck is it supposed to save everyone?!” You slammed your hand back onto the table, panting slightly in anger.
The table was quiet as you slumped slightly.
“Is this really the only idea The King has? I’m already seeing the weaker bugs getting sick with the soul, and even sicker as that tyrant purposely gets them infected,” You sat down, tired, letting your head rest against the edge of the table, voice shaking as you spoke, “How could The King endorse such a horrid thing?”
“He has other plans,” Ogrim tried to reassure, “He made a…” he trailed off, realizing if he told you that not only would it violate his king’s direct orders, but you’d likely find them even more horrifying than anything the Soul Master could do.
“I heard our Pale King is going to cut funding for those experiments anyway. You’ll likely be able to take the statue he has back home soon,” Isma added.
You let out a sigh, “I hope so… I don’t know how much more of this I can take.”
Hegemol leaned close to you, “Are you okay?” his voice sounded like he was trying to be comforting but the attempt fell flat.
You turned to him, a scowl on your face, “I don’t know Hegemol,” your half growled, “I’m only training people I hate on how to miss use relics they all but stole from my people in an attempt to make a cure that will destroy people from the inside out!” your voice kept getting louder as you spoke, practically shouting at the end.
Hegemol instantly shrunk away, avoiding your gaze now. “I… Sorry.”
The table was silent as you realized what you just did.
“I-I’m sorry. I’m just under a lot of stress and…” you took a deep breath, trying to calm down, “No, that doesn’t excuse that. I shouldn’t have done that to Hegemol, you were just trying to help” You looked up at him, something you rarely did since it always hurt your neck, “Sorry I snapped like that.”
He nodded, “It’s okay my friend, I forgive you.”
“Hey,” Isma had gotten up from her seat, standing beside you now, “Is it okay if I give you a hug? You really sound like you need one.”
You nodded and she leaned over, practically engulfing you with her arms. She held tight, rubbing small circles into your back. It almost felt like you were a small child again, like everything was just a nightmare and you had run off to the nearest adult to be coddled.
“Hey Isma, mind passing the snail when you’re done?” Dryya asked, arms held out with a smile.
Isma loosened slightly so she could look at you. 
“Sure fine. Pass me around,” You said before she asked.
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ask-impure-vessel · 4 years
Burn the Father
Curses and blessings are such interesting things, are they not?
The goddess whose boundless jealous love turned into a curse, the god whose desires created a blessing upon the lands around him-these things had far-reaching consequences some within the higher being’s imagining, some not.
Which is which, I wonder?
I wonder.
Oh, I am quite aware of all you who address that knight. You children, you youths, you mortals who see what not even us higher beings can. How very amusing a trick!
Let’s see how that goes, shall we? A new chapter opens, friends, enemies and curious onlookers alike!
Oh, me? I think you can guess exactly who I am.
The Pale Court seemed normal that morning, even sedate. Ze’mer was out on some mission, it was said but the Silverfish Knight often disappeared into the Mushroom Wastes for her ‘missions.’ She was the most mysterious of the five knights, mighty and well-rounded. Not strong anywhere, not weak anywhere except in matters of the heart. What had been her undoing in one life would not be in this one.
If the Pale King had gone through anything out of the ordinary, none would ever be any the wiser for it as he held his public court, hearing petitions and meeting with this and that committee, dealing with the practical realities of running a kingdom. No one man is a whole kingdom’s worth of bureaucracy, even if that man is a god of mind. He isn’t a bug of huge crowds, but this mode of existence has suited him fine for hundreds of years. Would suit him for thousands more, even if technology and cultural norms moved on. He even has some inkling as to how it might look like.
(Perhaps you have an idea, too?)
The Vessel had left the palace two days ago. Hadn’t been back since, which had yet to cause a stir. People often went days without seeing the king’s personal knight, so it wasn’t that unusual.
A messenger came bustling up, a seal of one of the great knights in their hand, kneeling to the right of the king’s audience, waiting to be acknowledged as the king finished speaking to the bug before him. “Messenger, come forward.” The king beckoned.
A message was passed quietly, in code. The king dismissed him. “The court must be adjourned for this day. Another matter requires my immediate attention. Return on the morrow.” He spoke calmly.
He rose and departed, the people kowtowing and prostrating before him. So bright, so very awesome his presence was for them. The whispering began immediately. Unfortunately, the messenger hadn’t left yet and would be questioned within an inch of their miserable life by courtiers about the contents of the message, but the messenger wouldn’t reveal, any messenger would know better.
He went at a normal pace through the palace, then to the infirmery. A blanket was thrown over the burden Ze’mer and some pillbug were sharing, a heavy one indeed. They carefully pulled their awkward burden onto a cot. “Ah, your majesty! I am scholar Quirrel-the ah. My friend here-” He stammered, bowing respectfully.
“Le’mer, ‘che will need say no more. Your excellence.” The Silverfish knelt. “The vessel was retrieved, unconscious and injured from the Mantis Village, where their healers had seen to its wounds. It found a worthy battle with this scholar here at its side with all four of the mantis lords. They had together uncovered that the brother of the four was infected and fought to put him down for willingly embracing the infection. Its injuries from the battle were extensive, but it remains unconscious with... worrying signs.” She reported, to the point.
He tugged off the blanket and his heart lept up into his throat, pounding painfully.
The vessel lay there, their injuries serious but not too grave. There were burns in their mask from where the traitorous mantis lord had spat infection onto them-but what had caused the Pale King to begin taking steps back was the dull glow of orange, flecks of it only but noticeable within the vessel’s negative space eyes.
“No.” He spoke in terrified denial. It would have been one thing had the vessel been prevented from waking by some injury. Breaking its shell to force a regeneration was the kindest solution to such a thing-but with the Radiance’s light interfering? He didn’t dare. He walked forward, he had to find out how bad it was.
He placed a hand over the vessel’s head. He couldn’t sense the Radiance? Her light was there, but all he could sense was racing thoughts, terror, agonized pain, despair and shame. The vessel was suffering, whatever vision they’d been entrapped into.
“How ironic. The Pale King’s vessel to seal away the light currently held in thrall to that burning light. Ah-I should introduce myself.” Came a voice like smoke.
The moth was black of body, with a white mask, red-eyed with two very distinctive lines on that mask-one through each eye. Ze’mer pulled her greatnail on the moth, who only smirked at her. “Great Knight Ze’mer, stand down. Though that bug may not look like much that is the mortal vessel for a higher being. Have some respect.” The Pale King ordered.
The knight backed off. “I actually come here with help, Pale Wyrm from my master, though of course...”
“-it has a cost.” Wyrm spoke bluntly.
“Indeed. The Vessel here was trapped within a vision of its future, had certain events not occurred. The moment the seals begin to fail. As you might imagine, that’s a both a most terrible and agonizing thing to experience. Perhaps an echo of its sire’s foresight?” He mused. “It pleaded for help and in the fear and pain, that nightmare of course drew the Heart’s notice. To pay any price to make it stop.”
Both Quirrel and the Pale King looked furious, a crackling sound and growling coming from the king. “Leave them alone! My friend shouldn’t be going through this, they don’t deserve this!” Quirrel cried out.
“No, they don’t-you are right. But he does. I do not like people who harm children.” Grimm spoke, his voice dripping with disgust. “But despite it all, I know the harm you did to your soul to do as you did. Why you felt you had no other recourse. Still absolutely disgusted, oh yes. But respectful of that resolve.”
“We are not discussing that here. What. Do you want, Troupe Master?” The Pale King spoke angrily.
“I wish to bargain for your child’s healing. They are currently given a reprieve by the Nightmare King. Due to their distress, but their mental stress and physical injuries gave the infection a path. Right now, they suffer and if you tried to break their shell to force them to form a shade, you would not much like the result.” He spoke gently. “Healing the physical trauma will help-but it’s what Vessel needs to hear from you that will help them escape their own mental prison. They are trapped in a place where they failed. In a sense, they have failed the purpose you set them to. They do not need the Pale King, they do not need their Master Wyrm. They need their father. Do you get what I’m saying?” Grimm spoke seriously.
“You’re-” Quirrel loaded the single word with horror. “You’re their father?”
Wyrm grasped the knight’s hand. Squeezed it. “Yes. I am the knight’s father. Oh, child you don’t need to do anything to prove yourself further to me, I am already so very proud of everything you already are and more. You didn’t fail me, I failed you.” The king held the hand to his head. “I have always loved you and I always will, Vessel. Please, come home. Please.” A tear escaped the king’s eye, falling onto Grimm’s outstretched hand.
“The price, Pale King. The Heart is not merciful, but it is not overly cruel, either. When your kingdom falls, my troupe shall visit in full in its time, yes-but I will say-you get to pick who leaves with me for the Troupe in the end. I think I will stick around to see who wins this contest. I have a very good feeling as to who leaves and stays-it’s a new start I offer to either, but it you know full well what becoming a troupe member entails.” He spoke seriously. “That is the choice I offer you. You do not get to decide right now. But know that you will have some tragic consequences if you do not think this fully through. There’s a chance that the Heart leaves with two servants instead of one if you choose poorly. Do we have a deal?”
Wyrm looked at the moth, holding his hand out. And shook his hand. “You have a deal. I’ll figure it out, you pest.”
Grimm smiled. “I’m sure. I’ll go pester a maid about a guest room, I know which one and how. Your child shall wake soon.” He let the tear fall into one of Vessel’s eyes.
The orange lights began to slowly break up.
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soft-quirrel · 3 years
anything on the five? :o
(these may change!)
Hegemol: I’m thinking he may be in cot, near isma almost certainly. He’s helping some people with things when you first find him, and when he notices you I’m thinking up a little,,, like just picks up ghost to say hi,,, yk,,  “Ah!! Little Ghost, there you are! Is there anything I can help with? ...Ah, helping me? Well, I suppose there is something...”
Ze’mer: She’s also in the cot, or maybe near the palace? wherever she is (I’m leaning towards the palace), it’s only at the start of the game. She first asks you to bring a letter and a delicate flower to traitor’s child, which is not NEARLY as hard as in game because delicate flowers dont break if you take damage i wouldn’t do that- Her second thing is to give a flower to each of the 5 knights!! they know what it means (”I miss you guys and we will meet again”) “Ahhhhh! Le’mer has come to visit che’? Le’mer’s kind thought blesses che’... Could che’ burden le’mer with a task?”
Isma: She’s in cot!! preferably in Hegemol’s general vicinity. She’s inspecting plants and asks ghost for samples from 1: a small grove under the city, 2: greenpath, and 3: dryya specifically. (yes the small grove is where she is in canon rftgyhfgh) She doesn’t explain much of what she’s doing unless you talk to her after giving all three plants. It goes something like this: “Oh! What I’m doing? Well, the Madame is having me mix together some brews! They say these three are actually infused with soul, and I need to- *poof* Ah. Well, I think I did, actually, get the soul out. ...Ow.” (that was a little explosion of soul-) “Little one! Hi there! Don’t mind me, I’m just, playing around with these plants. It’s- hm. Beetle dung. Don’t repeat that, by the way- ...Actually, could you help me a bit, little one?”
Ogrim: He’s by the palace as well! Vibing near Ze’mer, having some fun! I actually don’t have much on him which is -( I’m open for requests though! “Ohoho! There’s the little royal! How are you today? ...I could use a bit of help actually, if you’re so inclined! Might you...”
Dryya: She’s in queens gardens, beside White Lady (Of whom I have finally allowed to be her canonical size rftgyhfdgh) She says something about waiting for Isma if you talk to her before getting Isma’s task, then asks about getting 1: her nail (is that what it is? maybe a spear? i dont know what to call it) sharpened, adding a quiet, “quickly though, if you will, I don’t want to be without it should I need to protect m’lady,” afterwards. She also asks you to check out a suspicious group of mushrooms, adding where they are on the map, if you have that (gotten from cornifer). This has a fun little puzzle in which you need to get close enough to hear, but not close enough that they notice you (in which case they run away).  “Isma really must get here soon... I’m getting tired of holding these... Oh! Little Ghost! Hello, have you come to see your mother? ...Came here for me? Oh that’s sweet- Ah! While you’re here, may I bother you for something?”
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dxmain · 3 years
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i was thinking about maybe. maybe. mermay ze’mer. and now. instead. i can only ONLY think of me’mer my favorite great knight saying “me’mer. i am mer. it is may. me mer.” but ALSO SHE’S A MEMER GHSDKALKH
“Much cool, Le’mer. Ha ha. Che’ is funky fresh.”
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ganymedesclock · 6 years
I was thinking about how in Hollow Knight, the characters are tacitly speaking an in-universe language given what we hear for the audio cues, and then I was struck by the idea... they’re probably not all speaking the same languages? Lemm mentions on one of the wanderer’s journal dialogues that there are multiple dialects spoken throughout Hallownest.
And what’s more, Ghost is probably only familiar with some dialects, and not others? For example, parts of Ze’mer / the Grey Mourner’s dialogue is untranslated- you can actually hear her VA saying “Le’mer”. It’s entirely possible the takeaway isn’t that Ze’mer has a weird way of speaking, but rather, that Ghost doesn’t completely understand her dialect- only most of it, so they’re mis-translating or not translating some things. Alternatively, she may be speaking partially in the kingdom’s dialect, but having a thick accent and using certain untranslateable words from her original kingdom, and Ghost doesn’t know that dialect at all.
We know Ghost doesn’t speak Shroomish without the Spore Shroom charm to act as a translator. It might entirely be that the bees have another language and Vespa just deigned to speak to Ghost in the main kingdom’s dialect because her seeming proximity to the Pale King and White Lady would mean she’d know their language for diplomatic reasons. It might even be that Monomon’s archives aren’t “written weirdly” but endemic of another language that Ghost can barely read, so only a few words are translated while things like “thir”, “o” and “ch” are left as-is.
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iggytheperson · 5 years
So the lore tablet outside the center of the black egg just straight up says that the hollow knight can see everything happening in the kingdom. 
D’you think they see their siblings get eaten alive by nosk? Do you think they watched all their fellow knights die one by one, sees Le’mer crying alone after her love’s death with no one left to comfort her?
Do you think they know they’re a failure? 
Do you think they can see their replacement coming?
...Do you think it hurts?
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