#delicate flower quest
phantomtheraccoon · 2 years
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eliduck · 11 days
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The Traitors' Child
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boom shakalaka
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flicker-away · 1 year
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I wonder if other types of bugs ever get into the stagways
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lavendernovaart · 2 years
A delicate flower crown
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targaryenfamilyorgy · 2 years
Cant watch mossbag or w/e hollow knight lore videos bc someone said they think the vessels are empty. Like… okay…
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mrslittletall · 2 years
Today, at 8 PM CET I will continue to stream Hollow Knight.
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silhouettecrow · 1 year
365 Days of Writing Prompts: Day 282
Adjective: Whispering
Noun: Branches
Definitions for those who need/want them:
Whispering: speaking very softly using one's breath without one's vocal cords, especially for the sake of privacy; rumored; (literary) (of leaves, wind, or water) rustling or murmuring softly
Branches: a part of a tree which grows out from the trunk or from a bough; a lateral extension or subdivision extending from the main part of something, typically one extending from a river, road, or railway; a division or office of a large business or organization, operating locally or having a particular function; a conceptual subdivision of something, especially a family, group of languages, or a subject; (computing) a control structure in which one of several alternative sets of program statements is selected for execution
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yandere-writer-momo · 7 months
Part 2 🖤I made the demon king a black man. I don’t see many Yandere POC OCs 🖤
Yandere Head Canons:
Defying Destiny
Yandere Demon King x Isekai Saintess Reader x Yandere Hero (mentioned)
TW: imprisonment, kidnapping, stalking, uncomfortable themes, sexual themes, Somniaphilia, Dacryphilia, etc.
Part 1
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You woke up wrapped in the silk sheets of snow unfamiliar bed. Your eyes wild and your heart raced in your chest like a startled animal. Where were you and where was Reinhardt?! Why were there candles everywhere in this dark bedroom? Was Reinhardt planning to… oh god you were terrified.
You felt a sob rack through you when reality set in. Had Reinhardt stolen you away to live out some sort of sick fantasy instead of going through with his quest to slay the demon king? No… Reinhardt wouldn’t bring you to such a luxurious home. But who on earth brought you here?
“I see you’re awake, my delicate flower.” Your head snapped to the doorway to see the silhouette of a large man. You felt your blood run cold and a shiver run down your spine by his presence. That raspy baritone voice belonged to a stranger.
You flinched when the man suddenly slapped his clawed hands on the end of the king sized bed. Your eyes met gold for the first time and you seeped your heart stopped in your chest from pure terror. There was no mistaking who your captor was… he was the demon king.
“What’s the matter, saintess?” He chuckled as he reached a taloned finger out to hook around a strand of your hair. “Cat got your tongue?”
You felt tears stream down your cheeks when he flashed his long fangs at you. He was bewitchingly beautiful with his burnt umber skin and golden eyes. There was no doubt he was a demon and that fact terrified you. What did he want from you? Was he… was he going to kill you?
The demon king sighed at your shivering form before he moved himself to sit beside you. His hand moved to hold yours. “It’s alright, darling. I’m not going to hurt you.”
You sniffled when he began to wipe away your tears. “W… what?”
“I’d never hurt my saintess.” The demon king gave you a toothy smile. “My beautiful, merciful saintess… my salvation.”
You gasped when he brought your right hand up to his lips to press a tender kiss to the back of it. “It’s so wonderful to finally have you here with me… you’ll be safe here.”
“I’m just a bit confused about all of this…” You felt so small under his intense gaze, like he was about to pounce on you at any second. “Who are you and why have you taken me?”
The demon lord chuckled as he rose up from the bed to stand at his full, intimidating height. His curved black horns nearly added another foot to his height which made he give you a smirk. “Why I am the Demon King but you can call me Amon.”
The demon king- no, Amon, bowed his head to you. “And I took you to save you.”
You were surprised to see a tray of freshly made food in front of you when Amon snapped his fingers. Your stomach growled at the delicious sight, but you were hesitant to accept… Amon quickly caught onto your hesitance and took a bite of the food for you. “Don’t worry, it’s real and completely edible. Only the best for my saintess.”
You shyly took a bite and smiled at the taste. It was lovely…
Amon smiled warmly at you, his golden eyes studied your satisfied smile in pure joy. He was so happy to please you!
Amon ran his talons through his long black hair with a smile. “I’ll take care of you from now on. You’re safe here.”
As the weeks melted into months, Amon kept his word. None of his demon nor monster henchmen were mean towards you, unlike the hero’s party. Sure Amon was never far from you, but his company was much preferred over Reinhardt’s. Amon would bring you meals and made sure you had fresh clothes. He pampered you like a beloved pet.
Though it was never officially stated, you were Amon’s lover. And thus, you treated as such by his subjects. They’d wait for you on hand and foot. You received various expensive clothing and jewelry, they were eager to make you smile. It was such a stark contrast compared to your treatment prior…
You often gazed out your window at the volcanic city below. It was fascinating just how different monsters and demons lived from humans… so why did the humans want to destroy them so much?
You jumped when Amon entered the room to wrap his muscular arms around your waist, his nose pressed onto your shoulder. A few of his box braids tickled your skin. “I missed you so much… I just wish the humans would leave us alone. I grow tired of the hero and his party. They’re so much weaker without your barriers and healing. To think they never treated you well. What a bunch of losers.”
You turned to gaze at Amon in interest. “What is it that they’re after? Why do the humans hate your people so much?”
Amon gave you the softest of smiles, a bit of his fangs peaked out from under his lip. “Our magic stones. Monsters and demons produce enough magic stones to fuel humanity for eons… they’re worth a lot of money to humans.”
Amon pressed a tender kiss to your shoulder, his gold eyes stared expectantly up at you. “You’re the only human to ever question their greed and motives. You don’t wish to be bound to a destiny thrust upon you by the world.”
Amon bent down on one knee and pressed his lips over your palms and fingers. “Join me. Together we can defy our destiny. You don’t have to be a Saintess forced to marry the hero and I won’t have to be a page in the history books.”
You felt a blush on your cheeks when he tilted his handsome face at you. “Let’s watch the world burn together.”
And now you had a choice to make. To fulfill the destiny predetermined for you or to defy your destiny.
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dragon-ascent · 7 months
Imagine playing with tiny chonk Zhongli, and he accidentally scratches you.
You're up to your usual shenanigans with your tiny dragon husband, holding his paws, making him dance around for your amusement, keeping him perched on your shoulder while you pretend you're on a quest to earn gym badges and become a champion, the like.
Except while he's on you, he loses his foothold and slides down - his clawed little paw nicking your arm in the process.
"Oh!" It's not a big deal, really; you rub the insignificant scratch mark that's not even bleeding and make to pick Chonkli back up, but the look on his furry little face suggests he'd just murdered you.
Then, he lets out a squeaky little scream.
Chonky Zhongli whines and rolls around in repentance, his fluffy little body knocking into all the furniture in the process - but he doesn't seem to notice.
"Zhong, I'm fine, seriously-" You scoop him up, but he only wiggles erratically, evoking the image of a fat little brown noodle. He licks your arm and paws at it sorrowfully, tail drooping.
Your lover stays latched onto your arm all morning, his body wrapped around it like a soft sleeve. At some point he even falls asleep like that.
He doesn't seem to let this incident go later on, either: in the afternoon when you lay down to take a nap, he comes and sits on your chest - "Oof," you mutter - so that he can guard you while you rest. His way of apologizing, but all he does honestly is smoosh your respiratory system. Cutely. He also reaches over and licks your arm where he's scratched you, but the mark is long gone so who knows what he's trying to achieve.
...later on in human form, Zhongli continues to treat you like a delicate little flower. He trims his already-short nails, yet ultimately settles for using his gloves while touching you. (Even his touches have all the precision and gentleness of a surgeon...)
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ecoterrorist-katara · 3 months
Ka/taang: friends-to-lovers or the Friend Zone?
It’s almost axiomatic, in any ATLA shipping discussion, that Ka/taang is the friends-to-lovers ship while Zutara is the enemies-to-lovers ship, and that differences in shipping tastes can be boiled down to whether you prefer FTL or ETL.
My first ship was Percabeth. My biggest ship was Klaine. It took me until Mockingjay to let go of my Gale-and-Katniss-are-childhood-friends rose-tinted goggles and start liking Everlark. I started dabbling in ETL because of Zutara, but I’m incredibly picky about it (do not ask me how many Dramione fanfics made me irrationally, disproportionately mad).
All this to say: as a longtime friends-to-lovers enthusiast, I should theoretically love Ka/taang. But…
My difficulty with Ka/taang as a friends-to-lovers ship boils down to this: Aang and Katara’s friendship was always narratively framed as insufficient, because Aang liked her from the start and always wanted a romantic relationship. And imo that dynamic really colours their entire friendship.
I like to think Aang would’ve been a ride-or-die friend — the type to give up the Avatar State to rescue her, the type to commit ecoterrorism and help her get arrested, the type to make her a flower necklace to cheer her up — even if he didn’t have a crush on her, but I will never know that. We never got to see the pure friendship part of friends-to-lovers, because the spectre of the romantic relationship was always there. Before the last five minutes of the show, Katara’s feelings for Aang range from “plausibly interested” (The Headband, Cave of Two Lovers) to “doesn’t hate it” (Day of the Black Sun, The Fortuneteller) to “no” (Ember Island Players). Yet Katara’s eventual capitulation to reciprocation of Aang’s feelings was always depicted as inevitable, starting from s1 when the prisoners during Avatar Day reassured him that she’d “come around” because he’s a catch. It’s as if friendship, even one full of devotion and mutual love like the one they share, is not enough.
And that’s just totally antithetical to what I love about a friends-to-lovers dynamic. I love romances where characters value each other outside of attraction, when they see each other for who they are (this goes double for pretty characters like Katara, whose complexity and imperfections are just as important as her beauty and her care for others). I love the idiots in love sub-trope, where they’re obviously into each other, yet do a bunch of mental gymnastics to remain in comfortable denial (we got a little bit of this earlier in the series, but by s3 we were firmly in Aang-pines-and-Katara-deflects territory). In every friends-to-lovers story I’m simply obsessed with the confess-and-kiss scene, but the version we got in ATLA was ruined by the lack of reciprocation, twice.
Over time, because Aang was written as so insistent about his affections, Ka/taang went from a friends-to-lovers story to a Nice Guy Friend Zone “why doesn’t she like me” story. I mentioned Everlark earlier: I got the same ick for Gale in Mockingjay as I did for Aang in s3, where the woman is not interested yet he still badgers her about it. (And considering Gale is canonically hot, I don’t think the relative attractiveness of Aang is the issue here). But Gale’s insistence was presented as his problem, his lack of empathy, his self-righteousness; Aang’s insistence was just a part of his quest to get the girl.
A lot of people say Zutara is a female fantasy, whether they mean it in a positive or pejorative way. Nobody says the same about Ka/taang, even though women definitely have friends-to-lovers fantasies too. A good friends-to-lovers story reminds me of all the times when I was an idiot before getting together with a friend I was actually head-over-heels for. Ka/taang reminds me of all the times when I was not interested in a friend and they didn’t respect my preference. Friends-to-lovers is a delicate balance, maintained only by unerring mutual respect and unconditional care for each other, and it can veer into Nice Guyism if the writers aren’t thoughtful about why this dynamic is so appealing. Which is exactly what happened with Ka/taang.
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silkjade-archived · 1 year
alhaitham x mermaid! reader (5) / epilogue
⤀ warnings: fem!reader, no pronouns mentioned, reader has hair long enough to be pinned, kissing ! a/n: recommended to read the previous parts first, since this is a direct continuation. tiny reference to a sumeru hidden quest prev ノ series masterlist ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・𓇼
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For the first time in months, Alhaitham returns to the little cove out by the waters of port ormos. He tosses a chunk of crystal ore, testing the weight—once, twice—before catching it again in the palm of his hand. It skips thrice before sinking below the surface, and internally, he's quite pleased with this exceptional display of muscle memory.
The cyan stone sinks, further and further down into the darkness of the midnight sea, until it lands softly into the palms of your hands, weightless. Despite the long pause in your correspondence, you've never forgotten how the waves shift in response to his disturbance. So when you had sensed that familiar movement rippling through the water, you swam towards the source, smiling because you knew.
“Drown anyone in my absence?”
“No, but that can change depending on what you’ve brought for me today.”
Emerging from the shallows, you sit yourself atop a nearby rock. The water droplets clinging to your skin and tail catch like crystals in the moonlight, and alhaitham has half a mind to pinch himself and confirm that you’re neither a dream, nor another desert mirage.
“Zaytun peaches. Your favorite,” he begins, “and golden roses from Aaru Village.”
You brush the tip of your finger along the flower’s velvet petals, so brilliantly gold, as if he’d stolen the sun right out of the sky.
“The desert was too harsh an environment for sumeru roses to grow, so an amurta researcher set about cultivating one that could.”
Voice softening, Alhaitham continues as his hands unfurl to reveal the hairpin he had once gifted you. “As promised…”
You can feel the lingering warmth of his touch on the metal as you wrap delicate fingers around the piece, re-admiring the florid craftsmanship. It's still as beautiful as you remember, maybe even more so, considering how you've longed for this moment to come.
You brush your thumb over the mysterious symbols carved on the centermost gem, pulsing with a soft ember's glow.
“It’s a protective rune I discovered in the desert. As long as you wear it, you won’t have to worry about needing to return to the sea.”
Perhaps that would explain why it somehow feels sturdier. Or why the nagadus emeralds appear to shine brighter, and more vibrant. You purse your lips in an attempt to quell the thrumming in your chest. He really did it. He really found a solution to something so seemingly impossible.
Alhaitham clears his throat, snapping you from your thoughts. "May I...?"
Nodding, you turn around as he takes the accessory, shifting his fingers through your hair before pinning it in place, a vast improvement from his very first attempt.
"Well, how does it look?"
"It’s beautiful on you.”
Heat blooms in your cheeks, taken aback my his forwardness. His reply hadn’t missed a single beat, answering as if he’d stated a fact rather than an opinion. Sure, you had expected some sort of witty remark tossed into his words, but rarely did he ever outright compliment you so directly.
Turning your head, you successfully avert your gaze; it's the only way you know how to deal with this sudden bout of bashfulness, but his fingers brush your chin, and you follow as he leads you back to him. Alhaitham closes a large hand over your own — his grip steady like his heartbeat, firm like his resolve.
Teal eyes bore into yours, shifting only to linger on your lips for far longer than he should've. How he longs for another taste... The faint glow of a blush dusts across his cheeks and onto the tips of his ears. He must pull himself together before his mind has the chance to stray further.
“Stay with me,” he murmurs, leaning in.
Your breaths mingle in the little space between your face and his, but you pull away at the last minute—just the slightest bit—so that his lips catch the air instead.
“Why should I?”
Alhaitham straightens, taking in your look of feigned apathy, clearly given away by that playful layer of expectancy brocaded in your expression. Of course you want to hear him say it; he's made you wait long enough.
The corners of his mouth lift into that phantom of a smile, one you’ve come to adore so much: small and sly, daring and charming in a way unique only to him.
“Because I love you.”
“And I’m yours, if you’ll still have me,” he adds, confidence unwavering.
There's no hiding the delight and relief that breaks across your features. Your heart soars, and the single breath exhaled during this time-frozen lull, lifts it to impossible heights. Finally.
You don't shy away this time when he comes in to kiss you, grinning at how right it feels. His hands grab at your waist, pulling you closer, eager to deepen the kiss. He's missed you, missed your touch, and of how you taste so sweet, like nectar from the garden of the gods... but you break away.
"Can you say it again?" Your soft laughter rings through the air, and Alhaitham rolls his eyes, indulging you nonetheless.
"I love you," he repeats, stealing another kiss in the process. And then once more, for good measure, during the quick moment of air between his barrage of kisses, interrupted only by your yelp of surprise, as he scoops you up into his arms.
“Well?” He looks at you expectantly, a brow raised and a smirk dancing on his lips. You giggle as your hand curves along the side of his face, guiding his mouth to yours once again.
“I love you too, Haitham.”
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a/n2: the golden rose is actually a reference to a hidden quest in aaru village! i thought it was a cool metaphor hehe ^^ it’s a super easy quest chain + u get a pretty teapot decoration at the end :D
a/n3: and that’s a wrap ! i hope you’ve enjoyed this lil series as much as i’ve enjoyed writing it hehe tbh i was a bit nervous since the last part flopped, but in the end it doesn’t rlly matter ^^;; cus i read every single one of your comments / rb tags and i rlly appreciate them all so so much (இ﹏இ`。) && while this is the end of this story, my ask is always open for more brainrots ‘n whatnot ! who knows i may write xtras lol ANYWAYS tysm for reading & sticking around ‘til the end ♡
© silkjade — do not steal, plagiarize, translate or repost any content onto any other platform
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Ok bestie ik you literally just posted the request for asks like 30sec ago but im here
So yk the Fontaine archive quest. How about that combined with sagau. Specifically the scene w the whale where FL and Neuvillette fight the whale and then FL like faints and falls back into the portal.
but what if creator reader has been like surreptitiously watching the proceedings to make sure everything goes as planned and intervenes when foul legacy falls back into the portal. They do it sneakily so no one sees them and looks after FL and nurses him back to health.
Meanwhile FL/Chile are like ahhhhhhh why is the creator healing me??????
Idk I think it would be both funny and fluffy
ohhh you're right. you're so right, this would be so wonderful
you've taken a more subtle approach to watching this world than you thought you would've, preferring to simply observe from the background rather than make yourself the center of attention- it's not worth having people hound you all day, every day. honestly, it's rather easy to disguise yourself, just having to wear a facial mask as you traverse the streets of Fontaine, and as long as you're quiet you can watch any play or performance you desire. but despite your no-interfering policy, your heart squeezes painfully when you see Foul Legacy's exhausted state, gasping as he falls back through the tear in reality. without a second thought you twitch your fingers, pulling both you and Legacy away from the Opera Epiclese, away from Fontaine, to somewhere safe and warm and filled with waving grass and flowers
the Abyssal monster whines faintly, his armor cracked and smoldering, and you hastily set to work healing and wiping away the starry blood. Legacy stirs, crystalline eye cracking open before widening almost comically at the sight of you tending to his wounds, letting out a strangled trill of embarrassment. he almost melts when you gently shush him, tending carefully to his wounds and helping him sit up with delicate hands. Legacy stares at you in awe, practically falling into your arms when you offer him a hug, purring and chirping and nuzzling against you, the Creator, the one true god. Fontaine be damned- he's right where he belongs, at your side; and by the way you happily pet his hair, you seem to think the same
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lcvemiyuki · 4 months
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"plumeria picker" | kageyama, hq
𝄞⨾𓍢ִ໋🎧ྀི - "pualena" by josh tatofi
𓂃𓂃𓂃𓊝 ࿐𓂃𓂃𓂃
content: on the last day of a trip back home to hawai'i, kageyama lets you lead the way to one final destination. a simple plumeria tree serves as a remembrance of their memorable vacation together
warnings: fluff, established relationship, timeskip!kageyama, f!reader, y/n is from hawai'i
character(s): kageyama
word count: 772
a/n: i may or may not think about this 24/7. expect more drabbles like this in the future bc haikyuu boys being in hawai'i is so cute :(...i highly rec reading this w/ the song!
glossary: pualena; flower, blossoming flower
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this vacation was nothing short of adorable, especially with him around.
this was the only opportunity he had to spend some quality time with you, given his usually hectic schedule. he was adamant about making sure you got to explore every nook and cranny of the island. even though your ultimate goal was to ensure he took some time to relax and enjoy, he somehow managed to turn the tables and make the entire trip about you—it was your home after all.
on the last day in this paradise, he finally seemed to adapt to the laid-back island lifestyle. a quaint town near the beach offered such a serene atmosphere—he was almost jealous.
you were given the reins to decide where you'd like to go, and you guided him to an exceptionally beautiful spot that left him in awe.
there were moments when you missed the soothing sounds of the waves meeting the shoreline or the fresh scent of the morning air.
the city can never compare.
tobio had an uncanny ability to read you like a book, understanding your every emotion.
you were glowing while basking it all in.
with your eyes closed and a slight smile on your face, you outshine the scenic view—the only one who can bring a smile to his.
as you were pulled back to reality, your gaze fell on a lone plumeria tree on the otherwise vacant beach. your eyes sparkled with joy as you brushed off the sand from your body and took hold of tobio's hand, pulling him along with you.
he was taken aback, quickly asking, “what’s wrong? what are you—" but his sentence was cut short as you released his hand and giggled with pure excitement.
the wind played with the delicate flowers of the tree, causing some to fall and scatter around in the sand. you were now interested in finding the perfect flower, and he couldn't help but chuckle at how adorable you looked.
eventually, his gaze shifted from you and landed on a few vibrant plumerias sitting alone a few feet away. wanting to be a part of your little adventure, he crouched down by your side and carefully picked up the delicate flowers.
he then turned to you, holding out his palms with the flowers, and asked, “what about these love?”
your quest for the perfect flower paused as you examined the ones he had picked. his hopeful eyes met yours, waiting for your approval.
your smile widened, reaching your eyes, as you exclaimed, “these are perfect!” your hands enveloped his in a warm embrace of approval.
a slight pink hue crawls up his ears as you plucked only one from his hands.
the scent of the plumeria was reminiscent of home, and you couldn’t help but feel a pang of nostalgia. knowing it was your last day on the island, tobio could tell that the realization was finally sinking in for you.
without uttering a single word, tobio gently lifted your chin to meet his gaze. his thumb caressed your cheek in a comforting manner while his other hand brought up the plumeria to his left ear, placing it there with a faint smile tugging at his lips.
this unexpected action took you by surprise, and you burst into a fit of laughter.
tobio looked at you, utterly confused, and you teased, “finding new ways to establish you’re taken huh”
according to local traditions, a flower placed behind a lady’s left ear signifies that she is taken, while a flower behind the right ear indicates that she's single.
you mentioned it to him only once, but he remembered it forever.
your comment resulted in his cheeks turning an even deeper shade of red.
he retorted, slightly raising his voice, “and what’s wrong with that?” he then looked away, dropping his arms and consequently, the warmth they provided.
as your laughter subsided, you reached out to turn his face towards you again. no words were exchanged, just a warm smile from you as you adjusted the flower in his hair with a gentle touch.
he gently took the lone plumeria from your hand, his fingers brushing against yours, sending a shiver up your spine. with careful precision, he raised the delicate flower to your left ear, placing it where it rightfully belonged. his navy-blue eyes dilating as he took in the sight of you.
“pretty,” he murmured—the sincerity in his voice and the intensity of his gaze spoke volumes, leaving your heart pounding in your chest.
you wished this moment could last forever— the view in front of you was nothing short of perfect.
your plumeria picker.
𓇼𓆉𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆉𓇼
want more?
⤷ masterlist.
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unorthodoxfaithxx · 6 months
Yandere Shen Xiang, Undead Unluck Headcannons
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Shen is a naturally pleasant and cheerful guy, holding no grudges against anyone but his former master. He’s easy to talk to, so the two of you strike a conversation after a Union meeting, and become acquaintances quite quickly. 
His dream has always been to be the greatest in all creation. But now that you’re in the picture, he dreams of being the strongest with YOU by his side. No matter what that may take. Even of you. 
Your existence gives him newfound fuel to achieve his goals, now that he has you to protect. When he’s out and about, you can presume he’s fighting enemies stronger than himself or training harder than ever, in order to get strong. 
Beneath that cheery demeanor, this man is manipulative through and through. He’s smart and knows how to get what he wants, WHEN he wants it. A great actor, really. He’ll play the nice guy for as long as it takes. He can be patient. He’ll wait until his opportunities arrive, in battle and in the field of love. 
Very self-aware. Years of martial arts training and discipline have honed his ability to look within himself. He realizes his obsession with you is unhealthy and strange. He just doesn’t care. 
An extremely protective man. If you’re already part of the Union, great! You’re already in good hands and he can rest assured that you’ll be safe with such a powerful group backing you. If you’re not, expect a proper kidnapping where you’re forced to join their forces. But don’t worry - it’s for your own good, surely. 
Shen is selfish and he knows it, EMBRACES it, even. Expect him to monopolize you, and seek out your attention and affection when he’s free from his duties. He’s not one to be truly jealous as he is quite confident in your relationship with him, but enjoys complaining like a child when you’re with anyone except him nonetheless. 
If you’re on a mission together, consign yourself to the fact that you’re NEVER to leave his side, and if you do anyways, know that he constantly has an eye on you, watching your every move. If the two of you are on separate quests, expect frequent phone calls and badgering to make sure you’re okay. 
If someone hurt you? It’s game over for them. He takes pleasure fighting for the ones he loves and if your enemies are giving you a hard time, expect him to beat their ass into the next timeline for you. If you’re gravely injured, the smiles are all gone and Shen is now on a mission to kill.
Shen has two sides - the protector and the conquerer. He’ll treat you like delicate flower most days, but don’t be surprised when his demeanor switches and he becomes rough and demanding in bed. 
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cynosfunnyjokes · 1 year
Unveiling Secrets
Characters: Lyney, Reader (Furina and Lynette briefly mentioned)
Relationship: Lyney x Reader
Genre: Hurt/Comfort
Summary: Lyney’s case revealed some shocking information that he never mentioned during your years of being together. SPOILERS FOR FONTAINE’S ARCHON QUESTS.
Notes: Very self indulgent because Lyney’s trial had me fucking SHOOK. My state is currently getting throttled with a massive storm and since I’m stuck inside, I’ve been bored as hell so why not write some of the stuff I’ve had ideas about?? Very short because I’m exhausted but yeahhhhh. Requests are open! :)
Word Count: 1230
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Lyney, the renowned magician of Fontaine that everyone knew and adored. The same Lyney that came home every night, always exhausted but a smile graced his face regardless.
The soft moments shared in the evenings and through the night into the early hours of the day- the memories once were enough to bring butterflies to your stomach.
But now?
A crushing weight fell to your shoulders as you stood in the Opera Epiclese, observing the trial that took place. Of course, you knew Lyney was innocent- there was no way he would've killed someone.
“Tell me.” Furina’s voice cut through your thoughts, “Aren't you and Lynette actually from the House of the Hearth?”
You froze, eyes wide and breath catching in your throat. The House of the Hearth? The Fatui?
Lyney, the sweet magician who always pulled flowers from nowhere as a gift. Your sweet boyfriend who you thought could do no wrong…
Was of the Fatui?
Everyone in the opera house seemed shocked- most questioning Lyney’s innocence. But you sat frozen in your spot, eyes wide and staring blankly ahead.
During the years of being with Lyney, he had never once brought up such a detail. Why would he keep such important information away? Was it all a lie? Some sick, twisted game to him?
The rest of the trial was a blur in your zoned-out state. Everything seemed to blur together and you barely knew what was happening until you were walking on shaky legs from the auditorium.
Hasty footsteps from behind with a soft call of your name fell on deaf ears. It was only when a hand gently touched your shoulder that you finally snapped out of it, eyes flickering up to meet with familiar violet orbs.
“Hey,” he said in a low voice, worry lacing into it, “are you okay?”
How could you be? You just found out that your boyfriend was a part of the Fatui. That wasn't the problem, however. The problem was that such information was revealed by the Hydro Archon herself. In the middle of a court case.
Mouth opening to reply, words seemed to get caught on your tongue, mind drawing a blank.
“Why didn't you tell me..?” You asked finally, voice small and eyebrows furrowed.
The blond swallowed thickly, “I-” he seemed to struggle with words for a moment, “I swear, I didn't mean any harm by not telling you- I just-”
“Chose to keep such an important detail away from the person you're supposed to trust the most?” You asked, cutting him off. Internally, you winced at the sharp tone.
Lyney’s eyes grew wide, “It's not that I didn't trust you! I just- I didn't know how to tell you!” his voice was borderline pleading, “Please, I’m sorry I didn't tell you.”
“I..” You frowned, “What else did you lie about..? Was this... Was this relationship a lie too?” The question left your lips before you could even stop it, tumbling off your tongue like a wave of water.
“Of course it wasn't!” Came Lyney’s surprised reply, his hands moving to grasp yours delicately, “This relationship was never a lie- and still isn't.”
Even with Lyney’s sincere voice, doubt ate at the back of your mind. What if this was another lie? He lied for years about such a small detail- what else did he lie about?
“You..” Avoiding eye contact, your body stiffened when his gloved hands met yours. Holding hands with him once brought so much warmth and comfort- but now it left a heavy feeling settling at the bottom of your stomach.
Lyney shook his head as if knowing what you were going to say, “I didn't lie, Mon Cheri. I just didn't… Tell you this one detail. I’m still the same Lyney as before.”
“But are you..?” The waver in your voice caused you to curse inwardly, brave facade fading away. “How do I know that… that you're the same Lyney..?”
“Darling..” He whispered, eyes softening, “You are the only one who gets to see the real me. The real Lyney. It's reserved for you and you alone.”
Opening your mouth to reply, he cut you off by cupping your cheeks with his gloved hands, warmth seeping from the material.
Unable to resist the urge, you nuzzled into his touch, unconsciously pressing a soft kiss to his palm.
“I promise, I am the same Lyney that you have always seen. I love you and nothing has changed- none of this was a lie.” He sighed, a small smile gracing his lips as his violet orbs watched you place the kiss to his palm.
“I'm sorry I never told you, Mon Amore. I'll make it up to you, I promise.” Lyney’s eyes searched yours desperately.
Eyes drooping with a sigh, you looked up at him, “You better make it up to me.” You murmured, arms reluctantly moving to curl around his waist, “You owe me big time..”
He smiled, arms wrapping around you in a warm embrace, “That I do, that I do- I’ll do anything you ask until you forgive me! … Within reason, of course.” He gave a sheepish smile.
“No more secrets.” You murmured, giving him a stern look, “We need to trust each other… I don’t want to have to find out other things about you from the Hyrdo Archon herself- or anyone but you.” A sigh, “Promise?”
“Promise.” Came Lyney’s reply not even a moment later. His voice was serious, eyes determined. Right-hand raising, he stuck out his pinkie, a small smile forming on his lips.
“What are we, five?” You asked with a joking scoff, but you raised your hand to link pinkies with him regardless.
He smiled, pinkie squeezing yours, “If we are, you just agreed with it.” Gesturing to your linked pinkies, he laughed softly. His free hand moved to behind your ear, pulling out a flower as if out of nowhere.
“A beautiful flower for a beautiful person.” He winked, smiling. The flower was a Rainbow Rose, the scent mixing perfectly with Lyney’s and easily filling your senses. He gingerly tucked it into your hair, drawing a link hue to your cheeks.
“Now,” He hummed, “Shall we go out? I have a lot I must make up for-”
The blond was cut off by your arms wrapping around his waist again, head tucking below his chin and pressing against his chest. The soft thrum of his heartbeat was calming to listen to.
He paused, eyes widening before he smiled. One arm wrapped around you, the other raised with a hand gently carding through your hair, “Hey, hey. What's wrong, Mon Amore?”
“Just..” You whispered against his chest, “Let's stay like this for a bit... Please…?” Hands bunching up the fabric on his back lightly, your arms tightened slightly.
“Of course,” Lyney murmured with a smile, pressing a soft kiss to the crown of your head, “We can stay like this as long as you need. I’m here.”
And so there you stood, just outside of the Opera Epiclese and comfortably embraced in each other's arms.
Maybe Lyney did withhold details from you, but he was still your Lyney- a conclusion you had come to. While your trust was shattered, he was picking up the pieces and putting it back together.
It would take time, but with Lyney by your side, you knew everything would be okay.
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bookshelf-in-progress · 4 months
A Garden of Wishes: A Retelling of “The Twelve Dancing Princesses”
We go to the same garden every day, but you never see me. Why should you? You are the Princess Sonatina, youngest daughter of the greatest king on five continents, while I am only a gardener's assistant, with not even a surname of my own, save one that was given to me half as a taunt for my daydreaming ways. If you were ever to ask, I would tell you I answer to Michael Stargazer—but you never will think to ask, and I will never presume to speak.
Instead, I work silently in the gardens, while you wander past with your sisters—eleven of them, all unsurpassed in beauty of face and form and voice—laughing and chatting and singing snatches of songs. You are all more beautiful and vibrant than any of the flowers I tend, and I feel more alive just being near you.
Then the day comes when your morning songs are silent. You drag weary feet through the gardens, look blankly at the beauties of the world, lounge wearily along the edges of fountains and atop retaining walls. The rumor comes that every night, you are all wearing through your shoes.
Were I a prince, I would think no quest too perilous to save you from such sickness. I would climb a million trees in search of golden apples, cross storm-filled oceans in search of the Water of Life, work a dozen years at impossible tasks to find the key to ending your curse.
But I'm only a gardener, and nobody's son, so it falls to those with name and fortune to try their hands at saving you. The king has vowed that the man who finds the secret of where you go at night will win your hand in marriage, and there are many who are willing and worthy to try.
They are wonderful men—strong and handsome, noble and brave, with royal titles, vast holdings, great fortunes. They have skills and talents that a simple gardener could never match. Any one of them would make a fine husband for a princess. Yet all of them, to a man, disappear within a day of taking up their quest.
The rumors turn darker then, casting you not as victims but villains, luring men to their deaths with some dark magic of your own. Those who say such things did not see you in the gardens, or they would know that not one of you is capable of the crimes they accuse you of. Unfortunately, no one will ask a garden lad's thoughts, and I cannot speak unbidden unless I have proof.
So I go to the gardens and find two tiny rose trees. The head gardener tried to tear them out, in my first days at the palace, and I convinced him to let them live. I have watered them, fed them, saved them from disease and decay, told them stories of the princesses they serve. You have never seen them, I'm sure—you have never seen me—but though they are small, they are fine little plants, with dark, glossy green leaves, and little buds that seem always to be waiting for just the right time to bloom. An old woman told me once that they were wishing trees, planted in the earliest days of the kingdom's existence, and my service to them meant they would give me anything I desired.
For myself, I want nothing—wishes too easily become the ruin of those who have them granted—but for you, I would dare all. I ask my two rose trees to make me not only unseen, but unseeable, able to follow invisibly wherever you go.
The rose tree sprouts a single bloom, its petals so white and delicate they are almost transparent. When I pluck it from the bush, I disappear from sight. I place it in my buttonhole and move about the gardens, unseen by all who cross my path, even in the brightest sun.
That night, I follow you into the bedroom you share with your sisters, and I hide beneath the largest bed while the room above fills with the sounds of rustling dresses, clinking jewels, and girlish whispers. At last, your eldest sister Aria declares you dressed to perfection and calls for silence.
I creep out from under the bed and find you and your sisters dressed in ballroom finery—silks and satins and twelve pairs of perfectly-mended dancing shoes. I take my place just behind you, and find you more beautiful than ever in this moonlit room.
Aria pulls aside a tapestry, and the blank stone wall suddenly becomes an wooden door that Aria opens to reveal a torchlit staircase. You all rush through in single file. I keep close at your heels, afraid that I'll be left behind unseen.
I rush past where Aria holds the door, afraid she'll follow too close and crash into my unseen form. In doing so, I trod too near your skirt. The fabric tears beneath my foot as you take your first steps down the stairs.
You shriek and grab hold of Lyra, standing just before you on the stairs. "Someone stood on my skirt!" you scream.
I hold myself flat against the damp stone wall, heart pounding so fast that I'm certain you hear me.
Aria breezes down the staircase, rolling her eyes at her foolish juniors. "Don't be silly, Tina," Aria says. "I was nowhere near you on the stairs."
You protest that you felt someone on your skirt, but your cries for belief are drowned out by eleven dissenting voices, and your sisters continue down the staircase. You go only reluctantly, looking back at me—right through me—a thousand times as you go forth. Were it not for the weight of my mission, I would cast off the rose in the hope of a single moment when our eyes could truly meet.
After what seems like a million stairs, we emerge into an open clearing that would look like the outdoors if there was any sight of sky above. Trees tower over us with drops of silver on their branches, like rain upon the leaves. Further down the path is a gold-spattered orchard, each precious drop catching the soft white light that comes from I know not where. Even further beyond is a forest full of diamonds, every stone flashing fiery rainbows.
The forests are strange, but also strangely unsurprising—as though they've always been here, but simply unseen. Your sisters whisper of the night that this place was wished into existence—a place where they might revel in pure beauty and joy, away from the weighty expectations of the watchful world.
But the forest, it seems, is only a prelude—the true marvel is far ahead. We emerge onto the shores of a shimmering lake—so vast, so deep, and so darkly blue that I can see neither the bottom nor the opposite shore. On an island in its center stands a castle so magnificent that it makes your father's palace seem like a paper toy. Its white, sculpted spires glitter with gems in a thousand colors, every brick spangled with precious stones. Its windows hold wonders caught in flawless stained glass. Music sweeter than any I've ever heard pours out its open doors. Light from within forms a shining path across the lake, upon which float twelve sleek obsidian-colored boats.
Each boat has a boatman who rows swiftly toward the shore, and as they approach, I find that I know all the faces. Every one of these men is a prince who failed at finding your secret—or rather, they found it, and did not return. They are dressed in silks and velvets unlike any I've seen in the outer world, too rich for comprehension. As they slide up to the shore and each offer a place to one of you girls, they wear smiles that shine as bright as your own—but there is also something empty in their eyes.
You, as the youngest, take your place in the very last boat of all, piloted by a king's younger son whose sires have ruled half a continent for centuries. He smiles and bows as he takes you by the hand. The way your eyes light up make me wonder if I've seen what you look like in love.
The prince rows with arms strengthened by a warrior's skill—I doubt he's ever held a shovel in his life—but the other boats still outpace us by far.
"Why are you so slow tonight?" you ask him, half teasing, but with a trace of true annoyance.
"The boat is heavy," he says, "and I know not why."
You glance backward, toward where I sit in the stern, and again, I half-wish you could see me. But I let out a sigh of relief when you turn your eyes back toward the castle and give no further thought to unknowable truths.
We disembark on a dock just beneath the castle entrance, and in moments we are inside the palace of enchantment. This is a ballroom beyond what I could imagine—floors of marble streaked with gold and silver, towering windows displaying fantastical birds and beasts, spidery silver chandeliers holding thousands of brightly-lit candles, and at the far end of the room, tables tottering beneath food enough to half a nation.
But this splendor is nothing compared to the beauty of the music. It is like a living thing—vibrant, rapturous, all-consuming, pulling all into it like a roaring, flowing river. The moment one steps through the door, there is nothing one can do but dance. Your prince pulls you into his arms, and your sisters' princes do the same, and soon you are swirling through that wondrous room, beauty and motion and life all brought to their fullness and put into perfect order. All along the edges of that room are other faces—other princes who've failed at your father's quest—and they all take their turn in the dance.
If I thought you alive in the gardens, you are a thousand times more vibrant now, laughing and dancing so you glow with pure joy. These princes are your perfect partners, matching you with every step, reflecting the glow that you bring to the room. If I ever thought that I could take a place beside them, maybe win your father's wager and claim a princess for my bride, that spark is snuffed by the brightness of your blaze. You are ethereal, almost angelic, and could never be happy with one whose hands are stained from working with the common, solid Earth.
While the princes take their turns, you and your sisters dance without ceasing, and I no longer wonder how you could wear through your shoes in a single night. Those shoes are little more than tatters by the time the last note of the last dance plays, and the twelve of you trudge toward the boats to reach bed. Your princes are silent as they row the boats to the forested shore, and you, Sonatina, do not say a word about his slowness.
When you reach the banks, your prince bids you farewell, then all twelve of them row back to the palace, choosing to stay in the splendor rather than return to the pressures of their ordinary lives. After what I have seen, I cannot blame them for their choice.
But you and your sisters choose to return to your father. You trudge through the diamond, then gold, then silver-spangled forests, and as your sisters file one-by-one up the staircase, I realize that none of this fantastic tale will have a ring of truth unless I have something to bring as proof. I reach toward the nearest tree and snap off a slender silver branch. It disappears from sight as soon as I touch it to my clothes, but the sound of its breaking rings through that silent wood like a gunshot.
You jump at the sound and are suddenly wide, wide awake.
"What was that?" you ask your sister.
Aria rolls her eyes. "Only an owl," she says. "You know it roosts in the castle at night."
The explanation does not please you, I can tell, but having no other, you fall silent and leave the silver woods behind.
When you are all safely asleep in bed, I slip unseen through the door and make my way invisibly to my small cot in the servants' quarters. When I lay on my bunk, I take off the rose, and my face reappears in the reflection off the washing bowl. I look as I did before I left, though infinitely wearier, and perhaps—though it might only be fancy—I carry something in my eyes of the enchantment of the night.
In my hands sits the branch I broke, its leaves as green, its silver dewdrops as solid, as they were in that fantastical land. I imagine myself taking it to the king at dawn, having triumphed where the sons of kings and emperors have failed.
Then I imagine the you and your sisters standing by. In a horrible flash, the daydream shatters, and I see myself for what I am—a sneak and a spook, who crept uninvited into a strange woman's room to steal evidence that would bar her from the place she loves most in the world. If I have a role in this tale, it is as the villain, not the hero. I have triumphed in discovering the secret, but if I have any love in my heart for you, I cannot think of speaking.
After a short hour's sleep, I awake with the dawn, but I do not go to the king with what I've found. Instead, I go to the head gardener and get myself assigned the task of bringing the twelve princesses their morning bouquets. I gather careful handfuls of daisies and larkspur and bind them together with handfuls of greenery. I hand them to your sisters one by one as they come bleary-eyed to your bedroom door. When you come to me, last of all, I make sure that your bouquet contains a single silver-spangled branch.
Then, at last, you see me.
Golden sunlight streams down upon a freshly-turned flower bed. I am soaked with sweat and crusted with dirt as I shovel mulch around newly-planted seedlings. I can imagine no scene less like the moonlit enchantment of your jeweled forests and wondrous dances. Even you, when you come into the garden, are nothing like you were last night. Your golden brown hair is unruly, your dress is hastily done-up, and instead of floating with ethereal grace, you storm toward me like an angry warrior goddess.
Only the branch, silver-spangled, is the same as it was last night, when you brandish it beneath my nose.
"Garden boy, where did this branch come from?" you demand.
Your eyes blaze and your golden curls flash in the sun. I could cast myself at your feet in devotion.
I keep my countenance blank and my eyes downcast—the dutiful, lowly servant. "Your highness knows better than I," I reply.
"You have followed us!" you hiss.
I raise my head to meet your gaze. It is a wonder I am not struck dead by your fury. "Yes, your highness."
"How? I saw no one."
"I hid myself."
"It is impossible. I don't believe it."
"Believe as you like," I say. "You will still hold the branch."
You scramble to grasp something at your belt, and you throw a sack full of gold at my feet. "Keep your silence, and you will have this and more besides."
I stare at the bag of gold—more than I could earn with a year's labor—and my heart sinks like a stone. This is what I am to you. Not a man of honor, whose heart and reason can be trusted, but a common blackmailer whose silence can be purchased for a price.
"I will not be bought," I say, and when your face goes white, I add gently, "You have nothing to fear from me."
It is only after dark that it strikes me I may have something to fear from you. I have vowed my silence, but you have said nothing about yours. The secret encompasses your sisters and nearly two dozen princes. What would they be willing to do to ensure my silence?
Though the thought shames me, I cannot vanquish the fear. I must know more about you royals and your hidden world—and I long to spend just one more night in that palace of enchantment. I take the pale rose from its cup on my washstand, place it in my buttonhole, and make my way invisibly to your room.
You and your sisters are already dressed for the evening when I make my way among you. You are pale, and quieter than you were last evening, but none of your sisters remark upon it. I follow you down the staircase, through the forest, and to another wondrous dance. I can tell you are watching for me, but none of your sisters join in the search. They and all the princes laugh and dance as usual. At midnight, you dine upon a feast of impossible delicacies, and though the conversation is steady and quick-witted, none of you makes the least mention of me or the secret I know.
As dawn nears, I take my place in the rear of the boat that you ride in with your prince. Tonight, it is he who comments on the unexpected weight of the boat he steers.
My heart stops. Now you will tell him of my spying, and since there are few places to hide in a small boat, like as not I will be pitched headlong into that bottomless lake.
Your answer lifts my heart like the arrival of the long-awaited dawn. You take up a second oar and say to your prince, "It feels light to me."
The wonder of your defense of me makes me love you more than ever. I all but float behind you as you make your way through the jeweled forests.
In the golden orchards, I stumble and snap off a branch. I hide it against my invisible clothes, just a moment before your sister Melody looks toward where I stand.
"What was that sound?" she asks in fright.
"Only an owl," you answer quickly.
Though you do not know it, you meet my eyes. I bow my head in thanks.
The next morning, the golden-spattered branch I place in your bouquet is a gift of thanks—and an expression of trust.
When you storm toward me in the gardens the next morning, the golden branch quivers in your iron grip.
"What is it you want?" you ask. "You won't take gold. Do you plan to win yourself a princess, garden boy?"
"I do not plan to take a wife," I say. "When I wed, it must be to a woman whose love is freely given."
"Then why did you follow us?"
"I had to know if I could trust you. I now know that I can." I pluck an ordinary blossom from a nearby rose bush. I focus on its petals so I do not have to take the daring step of meeting your gaze while I ask my more-daring question. "Why did you shield me? You could have betrayed me to your princes or your sisters a thousand times."
"This is between you and me alone. I saw no need to frighten them."
I nod, understanding, even as I fight a strange sense of disappointment. It is love for your sisters, not care for me, that leads you to keep my secret.
"Do you see need now?" I ask.
You examine me, and you look at the golden branch, and I can tell you are thinking of the events of the last two nights. "You do not merely hide yourself," you say. "You make yourself invisible. How?"
I could no more lie to you than tear out my own heart. "I made a wish, and it was granted me."
"By whom?"
"Rather, by what. Your garden holds a wishing tree."
You seize my wrist. “Show it to me.”
I stand firm. "Tell me, Princess Sonatina, if you found such a tree, would you suffer to let it live?"
"I should tear it out by the roots," you say, and I know it is true that you would do anything you thought necessary to guard your secret.
"Then although it pains me to disappoint you, I must refuse your request. The trees serve me because I serve them. I cannot repay their gifts by bringing about their destruction."
Your eyes flash. "You refuse your princess?"
I bow my head in apology. "Because it is my duty as a gardener to the king."
You release my wrist and pull away. You pace in frustration—back and forth, back and forth, your golden-brown curls wilder than ever. "There is nothing to prevent my finding it?"
"It is not concealed," I say.
"If it is fair for you to follow me to find our secret, it is only right that I can follow you to find yours."
"It is not my place to say otherwise."
You come to the garden every day after that—sometimes openly, sometimes skulking behind bushes or trees. Some days, I am sure, you watch from places I cannot see. But I do nothing save my ordinary gardening tasks, and I do not try to follow you at night. If I were the sort of man to make wishes for my own benefit, this would be the perfect way to make me use that gift against you. I love you more than ever because this does not occur to you—either you are too pure-hearted to suspect such villainy, or too trusting to imagine it in me.
Eventually, your constant watch breaks down the barriers between us, and you begin to speak to me. You ask me the names of the flowers I tend, and I tell you of the lilies that bloom by day and by night. The next day, you ask me about the blue flowers in your bouquet, and I tell you of the morning glories that make a gorgeous arch over the path you stand upon. In the days that follow, you pepper me with questions, wanting to know the names of every flower and bush and weed that grows in your father's gardens. And then, at last, one day, the name you ask to know is my own.
"I am called Michael Stargazer," I say, as I hand you a white bloom like a five-pointed star.
"Is it not your true name?"
"The first was written on a slip of paper in the basket where I was found upon a church's doorstep. The second was given to me for daydreaming too much."
You sit upon the edge of a fountain and stroke the petals of the flower. "It suits you," you say. "Michael the guardian."
"And the Stargazer who spends too much time dreaming of what is unreachable?" I ask, feeling the rebuke I deserve.
"No," you say—firmly, kindly. "The one who watches. So he can know what is true. And know what to do with his knowledge."
"You trust that I judge rightly?" I ask.
"I trust you," is all you say.
After that, you are with me in the gardens—not merely watching, but being, doing, helping. You wish to help the flowers grow, so I teach you of spades and trowels, watering cans and fertilizer, pruning and grafting and weeding. We start out hesitant—you uncertain of your tasks, I afraid to put a princess to work—but soon, you work with enthusiastic gusto, and I am glad to let you do what gives you joy.
Every night, you still wear through your dancing shoes, but yours are less ragged than the other eleven pairs, and you are wide awake with me in the gardens every morning. We talk while we work, but we do not even mention wishing trees or diamond groves or the music of enchanted palaces; there are too many other things to discuss in the sunlit world. You tell me of your sisters, of growing up royal, of books you've read and tutors you've teased. I tell you of the village where I was raised, of the dreams I had of one day meeting a princess—though I do not tell you that I've dreamed I will marry one.
One morning, in the height of summer, you are kneeling beside me, in a gown that you borrowed from a serving girl, wearing work gloves you borrowed from the gardener's shed. There are streaks of dirt on your face, and you smile at me in triumph as you dig up a bulb for transplanting.
In that moment, the sun shines full upon you, setting the gold and brown streaks of your hair alight. Suddenly, you are not an ethereal being, too high and fine for me to reach. You are here, with me, laboring in the Earth—and you glow with joy. It is not the blazing joy of your dances in the midnight palace—burning bright and fast and destructive. This joy is gentler, life-giving—like a hearth fire or a candle flame. It warms and nourishes, comforts and caresses. For the first time, I can picture you as a gardener's wife, laboring with me in a cottage, caring for our children, giving life to sons and daughters and helping me to make good things grow.
I nearly speak something of the joy in my own heart—but the words freeze on my tongue when I hear a laugh high above us.
Five of your sisters—Lyra and Cadence, Harmony and Melody, and in the center of them all, elegant, dark-haired Aria—stand on the other side of the flower bed, peering down at us.
"Is this where you sneak off to every morning, Tina?" Lyra laughs. "Grubbing in the dirt with the garden boy?"
You drop the bulb as though it burns you, desperately try to brush the dirt off your skirt, and back as far away from me as possible on the narrow path between flower beds. Your face burns bright red. "No," you stammer. "I was only..."
"What a charming couple you make," Aria sneers.
"You wouldn't have to leave us if you married him," Harmony laughs.
Her twin adds, "You could live in a cottage at the bottom of the park, and you could bring us our flowers every morning!"
"He is nothing!" you snarl at your sisters. You storm toward the palace, and you do not look back.
I do not see you for two days.
On the third day, you and your sisters return to the garden in the company of a prince—yet another who has taken up your father's impossible task. To spare you the horror of seeing me, I keep the white rose in my buttonhole and invisibly tend the wishing trees while you entertain the prince nearby.
Prince Ivan is sterner, more solemn than some of the others. Even I, a lowly gardener, have heard tales of his valor in battle. A thick saber-scar runs from his temple to his chin. He knows the danger he has placed himself in and faces it without flinching. There is something in his eyes that makes me think he welcomes it.
As I watch him, I wonder how he will fare in his quest. Will he reveal your secret or remain in the enchanted world with all the others? For the first time, I question the fate of those other princes. I have assumed they remained by choice, but in such a magical place, can first impressions ever be trusted? For their sake, as well as yours, I must follow you to the dance one more time.
When I reach your chamber in the evening, Prince Ivan is already among you. The twins, Melody and Harmony, focus on flattering him while your sisters tie on the last of their ribbons. His eyes, however, are for the dark-haired, sweet-tempered Princess Melisma. I think she does not dislike the attention.
As you descend the staircase—Melody and Harmony taking the lead with Prince Ivan—Princess Aria keeps Melisma at the end of the line.
"You mustn't encourage him," Aria says. "It might give him reason to follow us back home."
"He is so brave," Melisma says, "and so gentle. Would it be so terrible for me to have him as a husband?"
"If he weds you, he will take you to the Northlands, and we shall never see you again. Is that the life you want?"
Melisma blushes. "No," she whispers.
"Then let him drink," Aria says in a low tone. "He shall be here always, for you to dance with as much as you like. He will be the same brave and gentle prince, but will never take you away from us."
That night at the dance, there is a banquet in honor of the new guest. The tables pile high with delicacies I cannot name, and silent, ghostly servants keep your plates and goblets constantly filled. Prince Ivan looks younger, almost childlike, as he takes in the wonders, and his eyes have lost their haunted look.
"Such a wondrous place!" he breathlessly declares. "All beauty and joy! No sorrow, no politics, no battle."
Aria, seated at his right hand, plies him with red wine, and leads him to speak upon the war he won such honors in. He served with valor and is proud of protecting his people, but he has lost friends and brothers, is haunted by the fields strewn with the bodies of those who died too young.
"I should not speak of such things," Ivan says, putting down another empty goblet. "They are better forgotten."
"Do you not cherish some memories?" Aria asks.
"If I could forget every moment of it, I would," Ivan declares, "and stay always in this dance.
Aria smiles, then takes a golden goblet—the largest and most ornate in the room—from a servant standing at her shoulder. "You may do so," Aria says, "if you only drink this elixir. You shall have no regrets. No duties. No memories of battle. Only the beauties of this world."
Ivan looks to Melisma, seated at his left hand. She squeezes his scarred fingers in her long, delicate ones. "I shall come every night," she says softly.
Ivan takes the goblet from Aria's hand. His face holds the grim determination of a soldier, and the innocent bravery of a child hoping a bitter tonic will bring relief from pain. He drains the cup to its dregs.
When Aria takes the empty goblet, the prince is transformed. His eyes hold the same light of joy as all the other princes, but the honorable nobility of his bearing has drained away, leaving behind an empty imitation, all paper and gold leaf with nothing solid behind. For the rest of the night, he dances every dance with Princess Melisma. She is all joy when she looks in his face, but every time she turns away, she seems close to bursting into tears.
For the rest of the night, I cannot enter into the enchantment of the dance. I see only those princes, and wonder who they were before their will was drained away. I see your sisters dancing, each choosing one partner more than all others, and wonder if they too renounced marriage to someone they admired for the sake of this endless courtship. I travel across the lake in Aria's boat instead of yours, and as her prince hands her off to shore, I see even she seems on the point of asking him to come with her, before dropping his hand and turning resolutely to the diamond forest.
When you alight from your prince's boat, I see no similar love or regret in your eyes. At first I am relieved, and then my anger flares at your heartlessness. I snap off a diamond-spangled branch so fiercely that the sound of its breaking makes your every sister jump.
They glance in all directions, bewildered by the sound. You look directly toward me, your face burning with shame. Though I remain invisible, I know you feel me standing before you.
"What was that?" Melody shrieks in alarm.
"My guardian angel," is all you say, and though your sisters pelt you with questions all the way through the forests and up the staircase, you do not say another word.
When I leave your room, part of me wants to run to the king and tell all, but I cannot let judgment fall upon you without giving you a chance to speak for yourself. The diamond-spangled branch I place in your bouquet is both an accusation and an offer of parley.
You come to me—though you do not know it—when I am tending to the wishing trees, in the most secluded corner of the garden. "You have seen," you say.
"You have witnessed every one and said nothing. I want to know how you can defend yourself."
The innocent confusion in your eyes makes me repent of every crime I imputed to you. "What is there to defend?" you ask. "Every prince chooses to drink. We cannot deny them their choice."
"Do they know what it makes them?" I ask.
"If they do, they don't care," you say.
"Because they have been made incapable of caring for anything but the dance."
"Would you send Ivan back to his wars?" you ask. "Edmund to his awful father? Kristoff to his plague-filled land? They all have horrors they are escaping. It would be cruel to make them remember all the sorrows they were so desperate to forget."
The things that seemed so simple when I stood invisibly at your shoulder are more muddled now that you can look me clear in the face. There is one place in the world untouched by sorrow or strife—can I judge those who have fled for refuge there?
"You have had your wishes granted," you say softly. "Would you deny all of us ours?"
Looking into your innocent, imploring face, I find that I cannot. Your silence, I see now, is not heartlessness, but compassion. Loyalty to your sisters who wish to remain together. Pity for those princes who can find no other peace from their sorrows. There is no simple answer to the riddle that has entangled us all.
"Will you follow us again?" you ask.
"I do not know," I say. "Will you tell your sisters that I do?"
"I do not know," you say.
When you wander at last from the garden, your eyes—and thoughts—are far from me. This game has gone much further than any of us could have predicted. Any bond the two of us have built will break, I think, when pitted against the bond that you share with your sisters.
So that evening, when I pin the rose to my collar and invisibly slip into your room, I am not surprised to find that I am the topic of discussion. You are seated on a trunk in the center of the room, surrounded by a circle of glaring sisters.
"You knew all this time," Aria says, her voice low with anger, "and only now choose to tell us?"
"He vowed to keep the secret," you say. "He could do us no harm."
“Yet now you fear he will speak! He could destroy everything!”
“I told you when I thought you needed to know.”
Aria steps back and smooths her skirts and hair, becoming in one fluid motion the ever-composed crown princess. "There is only one thing we can do," she says. "We hand him over to the king’s justice. He has violated our royal persons by coming uninvited to our bedchamber. He will be hanged before the end of the week."
"No!" you shriek, jumping from your seat.
Your other sisters murmur in surprise—I cannot tell if more of it is directed toward you or Aria.
“There must be some other way,” says soft-hearted Allegra.
“Not if we wish to protect our secret," Aria says. "We have a world of perfection, an escape from all sorrows. We have twenty men who wish to stay there all their lives. We can’t endanger it for the sake of a presumptuous servant.”
You turn to Aria and say, “ He is not the first to know our secret. None of the other princes have had to die.”
Harmony says, "The garden boy is no prince."
Aria gazes thoughtfully at you. "Do you wish us to treat him as one? Let him present himself as a suitor for your hand?"
"I will not marry him,” you say, turning red.
"No one expects you to," Aria soothes. "But he can share the fate of the better-born. Let him dance and dine with us, then, at the end of the night, he will drink and forget there ever was a world above."
Your lips make a thin line, and your face goes white. “He would not like it.”
“Better than death, surely.”
You leave the circle of your sisters, tears in your eyes.
Aria follows you to where you gaze out the window. I could reach out and touch both of you. “Sonatina,” she says, soft and sweet as a mother. “I know you are fond of the garden boy. But you must be realistic. In this world, he can be nothing to you. You cannot marry a servant. He cannot marry a princess. Even friendship between you two can only be a scandal.”
Her words sink into my heart—cold, cruel, yet undeniably true. I have never dared to dream myself worthy of you—but there was, despite all, a small part of me that hoped for the impossible. Yet even if I could wish myself up a name and a title, it would not change who I truly was. Though I will love you to the end of my days, you can never love one such as me.
Aria’s voice becomes brighter, enticing. “But we have another world, where he can be whatever he wishes. You can dance with him every night without shame. You never have to face the impossible choice. You have him, and us, your title, your dances—forever.”
You gaze silently out the window. I stand at your side. I think of the world I would leave behind—the sunlight in the gardens, the wind and the rain and the wonderful flowers—in favor of that underground palace. I think of you laughing in the sun with dirt on your hands, and my wish that we could stay in that moment forever, ‘til death do us part.
It can never be anything more than a wish.
When you assent to your sister’s plan, my fate is sealed. I would risk all to give you the slightest joy. If it is your wish that I drink, I will drink—and gladly.
Your sisters come to me with their proposal, offering to present me to the king. They say nothing of their plan to give me the drink that will keep me forever in the dance. You, pale-faced at the rear of the crowd, say nothing at all. I say nothing of my presence at your midnight council. We are all trapped in the deafening silence of our secrets.
I accept their offer, but ask for time to prepare. Before I present myself at the palace, I make another trip to my faithful rose trees.
"Dress me as a prince," I beg. "Give me clothes fine enough to be seen in any royal court."
The second rose tree sprouts a crimson bloom, every petal as crisp as if cut by a tailor's scissors. When I place it in my buttonhole, my gardening clothes become a suit of black velvet, and a white-feathered cap appears upon my head.
As I stride toward the main doors of the palace, not one set of eyes knows me. Guards do not stop me as a presumptuous garden boy. I present myself before your father and he gives me all the respect due a prince.
When I rise from my bow of greeting, your eyes are riveted to my form. As I follow your father from the throne room, you stop me in the doorway with a hand upon my arm.
"Michael?" you ask, all amazed. "Can it truly be you?"
I bow my head—more garden boy than prince. "You need not be ashamed to be seen with me tonight."
Even so, you keep your distance. In the enchanted lake, I ride in a boat as Aria's guest, not yours. During the dance, your sisters all take their turns with me, from eldest to youngest. At last, I come to offer you my hand, but you seem reluctant to take it.
"Will you not dance with me, Princess Sonatina?" I ask.
"What need have you of my hand," you ask lightly, "when my sisters all treat you as a prince?"
"I want no hand but yours," I say.
You look down, your face drawn.
I bow over your hand and say softly, "Fear not, princess. You shall not be a gardener's wife."
I sweep you into the dance, and it is everything I could have dreamed. You are a wisp, a breath, a butterfly, moving at a touch, at a thought, stepping perfectly with my every unschooled motion. There is an energy between us, and at last you yield to it, looking deeply into my eyes.
In your gaze, I see the princess who I loved from a distance in the gardens, the companion who planted flowers at my side, the friend who defended me from her sisters' threats, and now a woman waiting to doom me to an eternal dance.
In this moment, such a fate does not seem a terror—it seems a gift. Here in this enchanted place, I am no gardener, no nameless, abandoned son. I can dwell here and see you night after night, as worthy as any man, if not to wed you, at least to take you in a dance, and know, if only for a moment, that I am the cause of your joy.
We whirl through the ballroom, through dance after dance after dance, neither able nor wishing to stop. After a time, all your sisters and their partners fall still, watching as we move in flawless harmony, our very heartbeats seeming to move in perfect time.
As the final dance draws to a close, you are silently weeping, tears in crystal rivers streaming down your face.
"Michael," you say. "After dinner—"
There is no need for you to speak what I already know. "Peace," I say. "All will be well."
At the dinner, your sisters flatter me, distracting me with delicacies and drink. Yet, they all seem restless, unsatisfied for once with this perfect palace and their empty-eyed princes.
At last Aria approaches with an ornate golden goblet.
"Garden boy," Aria says. "In the world above, you are a common laborer, unworthy even to gaze upon a princess. Here, you are an honored guest, who could dance with her every night should you choose. With this drink, you may stay here always, without the shame of your birth standing between you. Will you drink, Michael Stargazer, and forget all pain?"
I take the goblet between two work-hardened hands. The wine inside is clear as water and thick as blood. The scent intoxicates me, promising me endless joy in exchange for all memories.
There is much I loved in the world above—I love none of it so well as I love you. I close my eyes and set the cup to my lips.
There is a cry, and the cup is dashed from my hands. It crashes to the marble floor, and the wine oozes out in a thick mass.
Suddenly your arms are around my neck, and your face buried in my shoulder as you weep desperate tears.
"Michael, my love! Don't drink! I will love you beneath the open sky, in sun and rain and wind! I will be a gardener's wife! Let this castle crumble into dust! I would rather lose all the world than lose the man I love!”
My despair—though I did not know it by its true name until this moment—becomes hope, bright and dancing. I gather you in my arms and rain kisses upon your brow. It seems impossible that you love me, which makes it all the more wondrous to find it real.
Around us, the princes wake from their trance, and there is life in their gazes. They are men again, with minds and hearts, and the ones who served as boatmen each take one of your sisters in their arms. Your sisters—even Aria—cry with joy to see their restoration.
Suddenly, the ground shakes beneath us. Shards of colored glass and precious stones rain down from the castle walls.
“What is happening?” you cry.
I bend my head to kiss your brow, then look up at the castle. “You no longer wish for this world,” I say. “It cannot last.”
The other princes are already leading your sisters out the door, with Prince Ivan—Melisma at his side—taking charge of all. Each boatman leads one of your sisters to the water. They pile you into boats, and I help them arrange the transport, until you, your sisters, all the spare princes—and, least of all, myself—are safely across to the other shore.
We race through the forests—jeweled branches shattering as they fall—and clamber up the crumbling staircase. You and I are at the back of the line, hand in hand. As we stand at the base of the stairs, we look back at the crumbling palace, the destruction of a wondrous world of wishes.
“I am sorry,” I say, as the palace sinks into the black water of the lake.
You smile at me. “There is nothing to mourn.”
Laughing with joy, you tug my hand and lead me up the stairs.
In your moonlit bedroom, you and your sisters are as alive and beautiful as you once were in your mornings in the garden—moreso, because every eye is lit with love. Your sisters stand hand-in-hand with the princes who served as their boatmen. No longer empty revelers, they are men—noble, true, devoted—and overjoyed to be back in the world, despite its pain, rather than trapped in the never-ending dance.
Aria comes to us as we emerge from the staircase. She embraces each of us in turn, then closes and locks the wooden door behind us. The door disappears and becomes a blank stone wall once more. A low roar sounds as the tunnel and its staircase crumble.
“It is gone,” Aria says, "and good riddance.”
We gaze at her in astonishment, shocked to hear those words coming from the one who had been the greatest defender of the dance.
“I lost myself in wishes,” she says, “but I have found the truth again.” She takes the hand of her boatman—a dark man with kind eyes who reigns as prince of a far-southern realm. “I feared the future because I feared change. I thought the dance could keep us together—young and careless forever. Blinded by enchantments, I could not see that I kept us all from the possibility of a better world. You saved all of us.”
Your sister embraces you, and then—one of the night’s most astonishing sights—the crown princess of one of the greatest nations in the world kneels before a garden boy and bows over his dirt-stained hand.
You all ask for forgiveness, but there is nothing to forgive. All your princes—even myself—fell to the despair that kept them in the dance. We can forget the dance and its soulless wonders and return to the real, bright world.
But first, we must tell your father.
You all agree that the honor of revealing the secret should fall to me. You give me the three branches I placed in your bouquets, and at first light, still dressed in my princely clothes, I ask for an audience with the king.
Your father needs little convincing to believe my tale—with so many witnesses, and so many lost princes standing before him, there is little room for doubt.
“You have solved the mystery, Michael Stargazer,” the king says, “and have earned the offered prize. Which of my daughters will you have to wife?”
Stepping before all the assembled royalty, I say, “Majesty, I do not wish for a wife that I claim as a prize. I will only take the wife who chooses me freely, with all her heart and mind.”
In the moment of silence that follows, the glimmer of doubt reappears. You declared your love for me in that unreal underground kingdom, but can you do the same in the sunlit world, where your words have real and eternal consequences?
In that dawn-lit room, before all your sisters, your father, and twenty foreign princes, you come to my side and place your hand in mine. “I will be your wife, Michael Stargazer, with all my heart, mind, body and soul, until the end of my days.”
I answer with a kiss upon your brow. “I give you the same, and all my worldly goods, if you will join me in a cottage in the gardens.”
“There’s no need for that,” your father says. “You have helped to save the royal sons of more than fifteen kingdoms. No one would question your right to a title after such service. I can make you a prince, and you and my daughter can have a royal estate as a wedding present.”
After that is a day of rejoicing, your sisters and their princes all celebrating their restoration and my elevation. But before sunset, you and I slip away to the gardens, where I at last show you the two little rose trees that made all of this possible.
“They are beautiful,” you say.
“They have brought me all I could desire,” I say, “but I have one last wish to make.”
In answer to my whispered words, a pink rose blooms on the smallest bush, with a lady’s ring—twined gold and silver, with a diamond at its center—sitting at its heart.
I kneel before you and place it upon your finger. With your ringed hand, you raise me to my feet and pull me into a kiss.
The rose trees are transplanted to a place of honor in the gardens of our new home. You and I tend to them every day, but since we’ve had our three wishes, they grow only ordinary roses.
I am glad.
With you as my wife in such a glorious world, what further need have I of wishes?
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