#leader parfait
rhtaoufik · 10 months
Les principes du leadership responsable
Le leadership responsable est un concept qui met l’accent sur la responsabilité, l’éthique et la durabilité dans la manière dont les dirigeants exercent leur influence et guident les autres. Il se caractérise par une prise de décision éclairée, une considération des conséquences à long terme, et une orientation vers le bien-être collectif. Voici quelques principes clés du leadership responsable…
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home from work
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#if I speak…#one of the girls walked out yesterday#the best worker we have is on the verge of blowing up on this bitch’s leaders bc since he can do everything quick and efficiently already#they’re putting 3 to 4 ppl’s workloads on him to see how far they can extend his worth and then they’re over his shoulder the whole time#micromanaging him so today he almost lost it and was literally walking around mumbling about his disrespectful they all are (facts)#and how if they don’t think he’s doing it right then they can do it and I know for a fact one of the ladies heard him#bc he wasn’t even trying to hide it at this point and like this dude is cool he has a lot of patience and helps out any way he can#so if HE’S on the brink of snapping then the rest of us don’t stand a chance LMFAO#anyways today was a fucking mess those leaders know nothing about our store yet so they have us making less than what we need until we need#it so we get behind constantly and they made prep a disaster bc again they think they can just prep a bunch of stuff in the morning#and it’ll last the whole day and yes that works in theory but the reality of the situation is every day is different and today#we sold double what we did yesterday so they had to move me to prep to fix their mistakes bc we were running out of stuff 4 hours in lmfao#and I’m the only one left who knows how to do everything on prep bc the other girls had never done it before#we’re supposed to prep 20 mac n cheese trays in the morning for the whole day#we open lunch at 10:30 tell me why I go into the cooler at 12 put more in the oven and there’s only 5 left#it’s been less than 2 HOURS and you’re already running out of macs which means those idiots prepped barely anything just to try and save mo#*money to cut down waste but that gag if you’re losing money bc now you’re short on everything and customers are leaving bc they’re having#to wait a long time for their food#and macs take 40 minutes to cool LMFAO#I get over there they’re out of parfaits they’re out of fruit cups they’re out of kale salads the front is coming in and having to take#stuff as I make it bc they keep getting orders and it’s all just a fucking mess#I have to make a custom wrap and what happens?? those morons didn’t pull the flatbreads out of the freezer like they’re supposed to every#night so now we have no flatbread and I had to run back there and put them in the warming drawer to defrost and we lost an order bc I had#nothing to make the wraps with <3#I go back there to get more cold chicken SPOILER ALERT they didn’t have anyone make any this morning so now there’s no chicken for the wrap#and salad and it has to be grilled and then chilled for 2 FUCKING HOURS before it can be used#they’re a fucking disaster like 😭#was the store perfect before?? ofc not but it ran quickly and efficiently as it should and now it’s literally just a mess#this bitch hasn’t even owned it for a full week yet and has already fucked it all up#womp womp!!!!!!
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quibbs126 · 1 year
Oooh! Cookie Run Fankids, sounds fun
Lemme see- how about a Raspberry x Parfait fankiddo? :3
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Here you are, her name is Raspberry Ice Cream Cookie
The name wasn’t too difficult. From what I understand, parfaits are usually made of yogurt and/or ice cream (though interestingly, in France (which seems to be what House Raspberry takes a lot of inspiration from), parfaits seem to be completely different, namely an actual food instead of something in a cup. I didn’t use it because Parfait Cookie seems to be based on regular parfaits. Though maybe I should have used it), and you can have raspberries in ice cream. So, Raspberry Ice Cream
Raspberry ice cream:
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I admit, I feel like she looks too much like Raspberry and not enough like Parfait. She originally had pink eyes, but I changed it so that she looks closer to Parfait (you don’t see it here, but I used her casual outfit as my reference, since that’s what she naturally looks like). In my head, I had always planned for her to have lighter pink hair and darker streaks
I was able to come up with her hair fairly quickly, but her outfit was a struggle. I was trying to figure out a way to combine Raspberry’s more 1700s style with Parfait’s modern style. I feel like she still looks more Hollyberry Kingdom than modern, but I tried to remedy that with giving her a more modern jacket and boots
As for her herself, I imagine she’s a bit more lax when it comes to the whole “Raspberry family legacy” thing when compared to Raspberry. She doesn’t blow it off, but she doesn’t have that obsession. She’s a chill and friendly person, someone you could easily befriend. If she went to a normal school, I’d say she gives me the vibe of “top female athlete that’s captain of at least one team and probably wears her letter jacket constantly but is also really friendly to basically everyone”. I feel like that’s a little long but basically “popular athlete that’s also a nice person”
But yeah, that’s her. I like her, though I think it’s mostly because I want her to be my friend
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stickers-on-a-laptop · 6 months
damn they really decided to torture poor hase-chan didn't they? what did he even DO??? he doesn't deserve this shit!
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llamabees · 4 months
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Little lepacy 🌱
this is Mimona Little, the new founder of my lepacy + hix completionist challenge. she is created by the talented @johziii and slightly edited to my sim style.
she is a sim that likes bright colors, such a lime green, orange and animal prints. (fingers crossed this save will last longer than my older ones.. 🫣)
i will go for the little lies (politician) route.
traits: unlucky, hopeless romantic, schmoozer, charismatic & evil. lifetime wish: leader of the free world likes: spooky music, fruit parfait, the color lime green zodiac sign: cancer
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heedmywarnings · 2 years
God!reader who can't take anything serious (Part Seven)
Mhm.. @sheepispink
The ocean waves were peaceful, you got along with the crew and even met Kazuha! But you could hear the screaming of Zhongli trying to find you, and it makes you smile.
"Your grace, you seem like you have a lot in mind. Mora for your thoughts, perhaps?" Kazuha asked from behind you, "Hm? No, no there's nothing really concerning" you assured, "I see.. but I cannot help how you intensely stare at the sea" Kazuha said, "I am? I didn't notice, don't worry, I'm alright" you answered with a sweet closed eye smile. No smile could ever wash the uneasiness in your heart...
Night soon dominated the sky when the crux arrived in Inazuma. You wore your cloak before you exited the boat, Kazuha accompanying you. "Aren't you a wanted criminal?" You asked, Kazuha chuckled before speaking, "They can't arrest me, as the vision hunt decree has been abolished" he answered, (So the events in the main storyline has already passed..)
As soon as you stepped on Inazuma's docks in Ritou, you see a familiar person... "Your grace! We have awaited your arrival" Kujou Sara welcomed you, even when you had your cloak on, she had noticed you. Next to Sara was, Ayaka, and next to Ayaka was Thoma, and next to Thoma was Kazuha'a friend aka nobody because he's dead.
All three (four??) of them bowed down to you, you tugged onto Kazuha's sleeves unknowingly, to Kazuha, it was a sign of disturbance and discomfort.
"Why don't we go to the city, your grace? Kazuha asked, which was a relief to you, "Yes, please" you whispered, you were glad that Kazu was with you, unlike in Liyue, you were alone and felt so awkward. You were also worried about your genshin streak, (RIP sixty primogems)
You and Kazuha was strolling in Hanamizaka when you stumbled upon a certain troublemaking oni and his deputy leader. "Ahaha! Winner winner chicken dinner!" Itto said, as the kid made an angered look, "Boss, that's enough" Shinobu sighed as she clutched her head in annoyance.
"I'm telling daddy!" The kid said angrily, Itto laughed again, "What's your daddy gonna do??" Itto laughed, holding his stomach, "Daddy's a doushin!" "Oh."
Itto dashed off, leaving Shinobu and the kid behind, "Sorry about him kid" she apologised, a quick turn of her head made her eyes widened, "Ah! Your grace, I'm sorry for my boss' behavior" Shinobu said, bowing. The kids ran off a little after probably to tell his father"It's fine" you reassured, it was Itto after all.
You and Kazuha were just exploring Hanamizaka, and almost jumped off a railing out of instinct. Kazuha actually leaves you alone because he has some matters to attend to so you just shrugged and said its alright.
Walking along the shores of Inazuma was oddly peaceful, until a shriek ruined it for you, "Oooh! Traveller look!" A very high pitched voice broke the silence, "What?" Aether turned to the flying sticky honey roast, (or parfait because she looks very sweet, and I mean in taste) Aether and his flying companion approached you, you forgot to out you cloak back on (oopsies)
"Hey! You look like the creator on the statue we saw earlier!" Paimon exclaimed, pointing at you, "I am the creator" you said in a monotone voice, "WHAT!?" Paimon shrieked and Aether's amber(?) eyes widened in surprised "You're not messing with Paimon, are you?" Paimon asked. "Nope" you answered.
The two of them were frozen on spot, unlike Zhongli and Venti, you just straight up told them your identity. So they were just stuck there, and you left, once they snapped back to reality, they're like "Where tf did she go??"
But now you know where the Traveller is, so you can now explain a fuck lot of theories to him.
Tell me what you wanna do in the next chapter, idk.
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albad · 1 month
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- Histoire -
Dès 1948, certains fondateurs d'Israël étaient déjà dénoncés, non seulement comme étant des criminels de guerre, mais aussi comme des fascistes. Un mot lourd de sens, à la sortie immédiate de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, de la part d'une génération qui connait dans sa chair le sens de la barbarie, au lendemain de la Shoah. L'usage de ce terme est encore plus fort puisqu'il est utilisé par de grands intellectuels juifs, qui savent parfaitement de quoi ils parlent, notamment Albert Einstein, plus grand physicien du siècle, et Hannah Arendt, spécialiste du totalitarisme.
En effet, dans une tribune publiée dans le New York Times à la fin de l'année 1948, de grandes figures scientifiques et intellectuelles protestent contre la venue de Menahem Begin aux USA. Cette année là, l'État israélien vient de naître dans le sang des palestiniens et Begin, sioniste de droite qui sera plus tard Premier Ministre d'Israël, vient affirmer son existence politique dans la première puissance occidentale.
Begin n'est pas n'importe qui : il est non seulement l'un des fondateurs d'Israël, mais il est à l'origine du Likoud, le parti actuellement au pouvoir, celui de Netanyahou. En 1948, tout semble déjà dénoncé clairement dans cette tribune : les idées d'extrême droite, les méthodes «fascistes», le «mysticisme religieux» et le «suprémacisme racial» de ce courant fondateur, qui s'est imposé à la tête d'Israël par la suite. 76 ans après, cette description semble plus vraie que jamais.
Pourtant, aujourd'hui en France, utiliser les mots signés par Einstein et Arendt pourrait conduire à des poursuites pour «apologie du terrorisme».
Cette tribune étonnante est à lire et à faire lire, car elle rappelle que dès sa fondation, Israël ne représentait pas «les» juifs et que cet État, dans la forme coloniale et suprémaciste qu'il prenait, était même contesté radicalement par de nombreuses personnalités juives :
«La visite de Menahem Begin et les objectifs de son mouvement politique
Aux rédacteurs du New York Times
L'un des phénomènes politiques les plus inquiétants de notre époque est l'émergence, dans l'État nouvellement créé d'Israël, du «Parti de la liberté» (Tnuat Haherut), un parti politique dont l'organisation, les méthodes, la philosophie politique et l'appel social sont très proches de ceux des partis nazi et fasciste. Il a été créé par les membres et les partisans de l'ancien Irgoun Zvai Leumi, une organisation terroriste d'extrême droite et nationaliste en Palestine.
La visite actuelle de Menahem Begin, leader de ce parti, aux États-Unis, vise manifestement à donner l'impression d'un soutien américain à son parti lors des prochaines élections israéliennes et à consolider ses liens politiques avec les éléments sionistes conservateurs aux États-Unis. Plusieurs Américains de renommée nationale ont prêté leur nom pour saluer sa visite. Il est inconcevable que ceux qui s'opposent au fascisme dans le monde entier, s'ils sont correctement informés du bilan politique et des perspectives de M. Begin, puissent se porter caution par leur nom et leur soutien pour le mouvement qu'il représente.
Avant que des dommages irréparables ne soient causés par des contributions financières, des manifestations publiques en faveur de Begin et la création en Palestine de l'impression qu'une grande partie de l'Amérique soutient les éléments fascistes en Israël, le public américain doit être informé des antécédents et des objectifs de M. Begin et de son mouvement.
Les déclarations publiques du parti de Begin ne permettent pas de se faire une idée de son caractère réel. Aujourd'hui, ils parlent de liberté, de démocratie et d'anti-impérialisme, alors qu'il y a peu, ils prêchaient ouvertement la doctrine de l’État fasciste. C'est dans ses actions que ce parti terroriste trahit sa véritable nature ; ses actions passées nous permettent de juger de ce que l'on peut attendre de lui à l'avenir.
Attaque d'un village arabe
Un exemple choquant est leur comportement dans le village arabe de Deir Yassine. Ce village, à l'écart des routes principales et entouré de terres juives, n'avait pris aucune part à la guerre et avait même repoussé les groupes arabes qui voulaient l'utiliser comme base. Le 9 avril, des bandes terroristes ont attaqué ce village paisible, qui n'était pas un objectif militaire dans les combats, ont tué la plupart de ses habitants (240 hommes, femmes et enfants) et en ont gardé quelques-uns en vie pour les faire défiler comme captifs dans les rues de Jérusalem. La majeure partie de la communauté juive a été horrifiée par cet acte et l'Agence juive a envoyé un télégramme d'excuses au roi Abdallah de Transjordanie.
Mais les terroristes, loin d'avoir honte de leur acte, étaient fiers de ce massacre, en firent une large publicité et invitèrent tous les correspondants étrangers présents dans le pays à voir les cadavres entassés et la destruction qui régnait à Deir Yassine.
L'incident de Deir Yassine illustre le caractère et les actions du Parti de la Liberté.
Au sein de la communauté juive, il a prêché un mélange d'ultranationalisme, de mysticisme religieux et de suprémacisme racial. Comme d'autres partis fascistes, il a été utilisé pour briser des grèves et a lui-même fait pression pour la destruction des syndicats libres. À la place, ils ont proposé des syndicats d'entreprise sur le modèle du fascisme italien.
Au cours des dernières années de violences antibritanniques sporadiques, l'Irgoun et le groupe Stern ont inauguré un règne de terreur au sein de la communauté juive de Palestine. Des enseignants ont été roués de coups pour s'être exprimés contre eux, des adultes ont été abattus pour ne pas avoir permis à leurs enfants de les rejoindre. Par des méthodes de gangsters, des passages à tabac, des bris de vitrines et des vols à grande échelle, les terroristes ont intimidé la population et exigé un lourd tribut.
Les membres du Parti de la liberté n'ont pris aucune part aux réalisations constructives en Palestine. Ils ne se sont emparés d'aucune terre, n'ont construit aucune colonie et n'ont fait qu'entraver l'activité de défense juive. Leurs efforts en matière d'immigration, qui ont fait l'objet d'une grande publicité, ont été infimes et ont été consacrés principalement à l'importation de leurs compatriotes fascistes.
Les contradictions entre les affirmations audacieuses de Begin et de son parti et leur bilan en Palestine révèlent clairement qu'il ne s'agit pas d'un parti politique ordinaire. C'est la marque indubitable d'un parti fasciste pour lequel le terrorisme (contre les Juifs, les Arabes et les Britanniques) et les fausses déclarations sont des moyens, et l'érection d'un «État dominant» est la fin.
À la lumière des considérations qui précèdent, il est impératif que la vérité sur M. Begin et son mouvement soit connue dans ce pays. La situation est d'autant plus tragique que les principaux dirigeants du sionisme américain ont refusé de faire campagne contre les efforts de Begin, ou même d'exposer à leurs propres électeurs les dangers que représente pour Israël le soutien à Begin.
Les soussignés prennent donc ce moyen pour présenter publiquement quelques faits saillants concernant Begin et son parti, et pour exhorter toutes les personnes concernées à ne pas soutenir ce dernier avatar du fascisme.
New York, 2 décembre 1948
Source de la traduction : https://blogs.mediapart.fr/alain-marshal/blog/081223/quand-albert-einstein-et-hannah-arendt-denoncaient-le-fascisme-naissant-en-israel
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ltalaynareor · 1 month
Quelle est la véritable puissance du don de Marcus ?
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Marcus Volturi à le don de voir les liens entre les personnes. On imagine assez bien qu'en temps de paix comme en temps de guerre savoir qui peut nous trahir est utile. Aro en est parfaitement conscient et c'est l'une des raisons pour lesquels il ne veut pas laisser Marcus hors de sa vue.
Selon ma théorie, Marcus est un être à part, de son vivant, son don à pleine puissance lui permettait de cibler au mieux ses ennemis. Avec un don pareil, il pouvait parfois se montrer cruel, c'est lui qui choisit de tuer les compagnes de Stefan et Vladimir en premières pour affecter les leaders des Roumains. Il savait qu'Aro complotait contre Didyme et lui, car les liens entre eux se dilataient. À l'époque il interdisait à Chelsea d'utiliser son don sur lui et sur Didyme. Toutefois, il n'a pas vu venir le coup d'Aro et s'est retrouvé à moitié mort et Chelsea a pu l'attacher à son frère définitivement.
Ainsi, maintenant, il n'utilise qu'une partie de son don, se contentant de voir les liens de surface et non ceux en profondeur. Ce qui me pousse à penser que peut-être n'a t'il pas bien analysé le lien entre Bella et Edward.
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valorousflower · 2 months
@pegasus-parfait - closed starter
The Passion of a Patisserie
Ichigozaka, Japan
Being the daughter of the richest man in Japan has its perks. Getting the most expensive of everything, having innumerable amenities, and.. even getting the best services possible. In recent times, that would include traveling all the way to Ichigozaka to pay a premium for the best catering possible in all of Japan.
A party for the many idols who performed at the recent national idol competition, including her greatest superfan and leader of arisen!, Yumi Muramoto. Plenty of the girls would show up at Fumiko's mansion to discuss about the thing that makes them bond together: music, and enjoying themselves with the many other things the mansion has to offer.
The Champion walked on into The KIRAKIRA Patisserie. They were refined, passionate, humble, and unarguably the best at what they do, Fumiko could easily tell. Sporting her usual fine white suit, she bowed to the likes of Ciel.
Then, she proceeded to take out a unique white notepad, writing out what she had to communicate to the likes of the girl.
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"[written text]: Hello, I am Fumiko Arai. I heard many great things about your shop. I was wondering if you would like to cater for an upcoming event located in Tokyo. It's rather big, if you do not mind."
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aurevoirmonty · 4 months
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"Le dirigeant idéal est un leader naturel qui incarne les qualités doubles de prouesse administrative et d'avancement spirituel avancé. Le plus grand leader ne peut pas seulement avoir la sagesse politique pratique seule ; il ne peut pas non plus avoir seulement la perspicacité spirituelle. Il doit posséder les deux simultanément. C'est un roi-philosophe, un prêtre-guerrier, un sage-dirigeant. Il manie à la fois l'épée de l'État et le bâton sacré de la personne sage. C'est le Chakravartin, le monarque parfait. La Terre a été bénie par la présence divine et la guidance de nombreux Chakravartins dans le passé. Puissions-nous assister rapidement à l'ascension d'un tel Chakravartin à nouveau."
Sri Dharma Pravartaka Acharya
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natsumesakasaki666 · 7 months
Consideration and New Year’s Card
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Tsumugi: (This is addressed to newdi… and this one is addressed to switch… )
(…oh? There’s also a new year’s card sent to the new idol who just debuted last year)
( Support from fans is the best form of nourishment! Wouldn’t you give it your all if you knew there was someone cheering you on!)
(Fufu, what a great start to the year…♪)
Tsukasa: Aoba-Senpai, I believe everything has been passed out. Is it alright if I sort out the new year cards that are over here?
Tsumugi: yes, please go ahead. Ah~, thanks to you, Suou-kun, I’m saved!
Sorting this amount of new year cards would have taken a long time if I were alone.
However, I’m sorry that you have to help me during this busy time of the year.
Tsukasa: Please don’t mind it, we’re all busy. Anyways there’s also the advantage that I can immediately receive any new year’s cards addressed to “Knights”.
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Tsukasa: By the way, there are still people who hand deliver New Year's cards in this day and age?
Although I personally return new year’s cards to those who hand deliver them to me. In recent years, it has become more common to send them by mail, so it is a little surprising.
Tsumugi: Isn't it because of the current time we live in? The number of people who hand deliver new year cards has decreased, so in doing so can leave a strong impression.
There aren’t many people who aren’t happy with receiving a new years card, right?
… Hmm?
Suou-kun, please take a look at this. A new year’s card has arrived to us from the cafe
Tsukasa: “Cafe”… ah, that’s where we did the “shuffle unit”, right?
Tsumugi: Yes. After it’s renewal as an idol cafe, it seems that many people have started to visit not only the cafe, but also the nearby shops as well.
It says that he’s glad the cafe has come back to life. Our activities as Blend+ were successful! Isn’t that great♪
Come to think of it, I haven’t been able to stop by since then…
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Tsumugi: If you don’t mind, when we’re finished here, would you like to go to the cafe with me? As a thanks for lending me a hand, please let me treat you to a parfait!
Tsukasa: Sure, I’d love to-
No, I…. Your feelings of gratitude are enough
Tsumugi: What’s wrong? Don’t you like sweets?
Tsukasa: Actually… during the year end and new year holidays, I had many opportunities to eat delicious foods, Sena-Senpai gave me a warning not to eat too much.
I want to eat a bunch of “parfaits” but…
Tsumugi: You don’t look overweight, so I think one parfait should be fine.
But it is painful to eat while feeling guilty. Hmm…
…Then, how about we walk from ES to the cafe?
Tsukasa: On foot? Isn’t it quite a long distance?
Tsumugi: That’s why we should do it! I don’t think it’s enough to cover a whole parfait but even if it’s half the amount of calories, it’s still better than nothing!
If you think about the delicious food we’ll be eating after, the long walk won’t be a problem right?
Tsukasa: I guess that’s true but I’m sorry that you have go along with me, Aoba-Senpai.
Tsumugi: Don’t be, it’s actually convenient for me too! I do most of my work sitting so I don’t get enough exercise~
Let's hurry and finish organizing these New Year's cards so we can take a nice leisurely walk♪
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<2 hours later inside the cafe>
Tsumugi: I’ll have a round bread and a hot coffee please. As for him, he’ll have a parfait
Tsukasa: … what great customer service. They seem to be well trained.
Tsumugi: According to “P association”, they are thorough in providing sincere customer service without being complacent about being an idol
They also say it’s a great way for idols to train their communication skills
Tsukasa: so that’s how it is. There are lessons that can be learned from labor. I will study as the leader of “Knights”
Fufu, the “parfait” has arrived♪
How indecent of me… even though I’m in front of a rookie “idol”, it’s embarrassing.
Tsumugi: heh heh, well that’s just who you are, Suou-kun. I wonder if I should spoil you more
Your the same age as Sora-kun, so you’re still at the age where you can be spoiled
Tsukasa: No. Knights is already a unit with a lot of free-willed people. If I become like them, it would be big trouble.
Also… we do often fight but my seniors are already pampering me enough. You won’t notice it if you aren’t interested.
I’m sure Sena-senpai’s warnings were out of consideration for me.
Tsumugi: ahh… their roughness is a form of thoughtfulness. So that’s how it is
Tsukasa: Yes. But when it comes to enjoying food, I wish they’d be a little bit more tolerant.
Tsumugi: fufu, but sweet things are usually high in calories~
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Kohaku: …hm? That boy over there?
Tsukasa: Oukawa… and Shiratori-kun
Tsumugi: What a coincidence! Would you like to share a table with us?
Aira: Is that alright? Thanks so much!
I’ve always wanted to come here but I couldn’t get a reservation at this cafe at all…
During this time on weekdays you can come in without a reservation. I invited Kohakucchi to come visit with me!
To be able to meet rookie idols rising in popularity, how amazing…♪
Tsukasa: We just happened to visit today by chance.
Please look at this, Oukawa! This is the parfait that I designed!
Kohaku: Why are ya telling me that with a smug look. Ya already ate more than half of it so how am I suppose to know what it originally looked like?
Tsukasa: ugh… then you should order it too!
And eat it with gratitude…♪
Kohaku: eeeh~? I don’t know? Isn’t this place is famous for its round bread, Rabu-Han won’t ya please tell me?
Tsumugi: (…fufu, aren’t you having fun, Suou-kun)
(In front of his friends, he acts like a typical boy of his age. How relieving)
(As the new year card said, the number customers has increased and this place seems to be thriving. I can’t spend my time here like I used to but..)
( in this case, isn’t that a good thing… ♪)
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posebean · 1 year
Summer Rain: Storm-Given Flu 1
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Writer: Beanosei
Season: Spring
Characters: Niki, Kohaku, Himeru, Rinne
Niki: (Why do I have a bad feeling about this…)
A week before, Cafe Cinnamon 
Niki: Thank you for waiting! Here’s the lunch set for Kohaku-chan~ Niki: And a coffee for Himeru-kun! Kohaku: Thanks Niki-han. Wait, what’s this?
Kohaku: Did you order this parfait, Himeru-han? Himeru: No, Himeru did not. Himeru only ordered a coffee.
Niki: Nahaha~ It’s mine! I’m testing out a recipe for Valentine’s Day~ Niki: My manager came up with the name though…Which I really hate! Kohaku: Oh? Kohkohkoh, Niki-han, what’s the name? Himeru: Shiina seems to have quieted down. Shiina should know he can’t just say things without meaning to say them.
Niki:...(small voice) Love-Love Heart-Kyun I love You Parfait.
Kohaku: What? I didn’t catch that, did you, Himeru-han? Himeru: Nope, Oukawa is right, Shiina. Speak up.
Niki: Agh! Geez! (louder voice) Love-Love Heart-Kyun I Love You Parfait! Rinne: Awww, my heart is beating so fast, dokidoki. I love you too, Niki~Kyun~
Niki: GWAH! Rinne-kun where did you come from?!
Rinne: Through the front door, obviously. Niki’s stupid~ Right, Merumeru? Kohaku-chan?
Kohaku: (Ignores to eat his meal)
Himeru: (Also ignores)
Niki: You- You know what I mean!
Niki: Weren’t you off at a meeting? Why are you here?! Are you messing around again?!
Rinne: Boohoo…Rinne-kun is hurt that you’d think that!
Rinne: While you three are off here sitting on your lazy asses, your leader is working so~ hard.
Himeru: No he’s not. Amagi is here right now.
Rinne: Gyahaha ☆ That doesn’t mean I haven’t worked hard for you! Right, Kohaku-chan?
Kohaku: (Busy eating)
Niki: …
Niki: Rinne-kun. What are you planning? 
Niki: Please don’t tell me it’s another sudden offer to be on a variety show. I think for now we’ve about had it with those~
Rinne: Nope~ Even better!
Himeru: Amagi. Himeru hopes you haven’t taken on something ridiculous. For Himeru’s and everyone else’s sanity.
Rinne: Oh shut up and let your leader speak! Ya know how we’ve been getting good jobs lately? All because of your great leader?
Niki: Nahaha Rinne-kun, they weren’t all because of yo-MPHGHH
Rinne: (covering his mouth with his hand) Well, this one’s gonna blow your tiny minds!
Rinne: We’re gonna be in a movie, boys! Gyahaha☆
Rinne: Finally, our screen debut!
Himeru: Himeru has already been in a movie. So has Oukawa.
Rinne: Yeah, but that’s all shuffle work~ We as Crazy:B are gonna be in one together!
Rinne: Look, Kohaku-chan can barely contain his excitement~ Typing up a storm over there.
Kohaku: No- I’m just helping Rabu-han with somethin’
Niki: (Breathing heavily as Rinne releases him) But I’m a chef…not an actor…
Rinne: Yeah? But you’re also an idol, and now you got an opportunity you just can’t refuse!
Himeru: Himeru is suspicious. There must be a catch.
Rinne: Oi oi, Rinne-kun is heartbroken boohoo my heart is breaking into pieces~
Rinne: No one in my damn unit has any enthusiasm…what must I do to be recognized around here~
Rinne: Well, except Kohaku-chan. He looks very excited.
Kohaku: (puts his phone down) I am not!
Rinne: Excuses excuses, all I hear are excuses.
Rinne: Any~ways, here Merumeru, Kohaku-chan. Got your scripts already! We start filming in a week, so be prepared.
Niki: What about me, Rinne-kun?
Rinne: Don’t worry about it Niki~kyun~ Yours is special.
Rinne: Ah! Forgot to mention, I’m one of the leads~ I’ll be counting on Niki~kyun to help me rehearse!
Niki: ?
Niki: Sure, I guess?
Niki: (No script for me?)
Niki: (Why do I have a bad feeling about this…)
Present day, a changing room in the studio
Niki: (I should’ve trusted my gut!!!! Why did I let Rinne-kun push me around like this!!!)
Niki: (Thinking that I only had a minor role compared to the others, which I was fine about because really, I’m a chef, not an actor!)
Niki: (I helped Rinne-kun rehearse his lines by playing the second lead-)
Niki: Ughhh! Why did I let this happen!!
Niki: (Don’t tell me- He planned for this since the very start?!)
Niki: (slamming his head against a wall)
Kohaku: Niki-han…Are you okay?
Himeru: Leave him alone, Oukawa. Come here, let Himeru straighten your jacket. Niki: (AGHHHH. And It’s not like I can just. Quit either.)
Niki: (This is so frustrating! But everyone’s counting on me…)
Niki: (We ended up having to scrap that first scene…leaving it to another time.)
Niki: (Director-san and the crew were so understanding…I guess to give me more time to actually get used to this.)
Niki: (You’re the worst, Rinne-kun! The absolute worst! I can’t believe I thought nothing would go wrong!)
Kohaku: … Niki-han you’re actually gonna hurt yourself if you keep doing that.
Himeru: Director-san is calling. We’ll be going now, Shiina. Please maintain at least some sense so that we can successfully complete this movie.
Niki: UGH
Niki: (I guess they’re right, though. I’m here and stuck with this role.)
Niki: (Nahaha…everyone’s counting on me. Guess I’ll do my best.)
Niki: (Not for Rinne-kun, though!)
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anaja-theratbird · 9 months
Weiss Schnee
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1. Set up to fail yet WRECKED the Geist she was made to fight
2. Defied the life that was chosen for her by going to a Mainstream School
3. Stays classy
4. Epic character development in Vol. 4 - 7
5. Took the hit in hot potatoes to keep Cinder from the Relics
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6. Supports her friends through everything, from the happy to the difficult to the tragic to the outright weird (you make the parfait from what...?)
7. Loves dogs
8. Is her own knight in shining armor
9. Broke out of her house with the help of a friend
10. V1 Weiss would cut you for being incompetent in her vicinity; V9 Weiss can and has cut people for hurting her friends
11. Saved her family from whatever the heck her dad was doing with the legacy
12. MVP of Ever After Comedy
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13. Believes in the power of team-ups (aka support fighter)
14. Burned the last of her apathy into the melting snow
15. Stood tall in the face of a bandit leader and her ride-or-die too-loyal decoy like omg Vernal wtf was your life, you were such a gangster.
16. Provided comedy during the Great Almost Bandit Square-Off (your MOM kidnapped me?)
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Kyusaku Yumeno card - Sweets
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Leader skill - A small, sweet parfait Increases Emerald atk 30% Active skill - Next... I'll have this! Deals x1.5 Emerald dmg to all enemies Sub-skill - Hey, I can have more, right? Activates when 60 total Emerald orbs are cleared (54 at lv.5) Recovers 2% of hp (4% at lv.5) Memo Yumeno Kyusaku enjoying sweets made with fruits. Seen taking pleasure in the refreshing sweetness of the cute parfaits, western treats, and tiny tarts. Quotes "There are sweet treats everywhere! Where do I start?" "If only I could eat forever. That'd be great..." Affiliation: Port Mafia Emerald affinity Atk: 1082 (Max) | 138 (Base) Hp: 4511 (Max) | 676 (Base) Support type
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They're available from the Sweet Dreams of a Sweet Doll event (EN & JP)
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eliotlime · 11 months
Hey so AF is super down rn but I just found your page and I think Im gonna attacka you…. may I ask what Parfait is like? And perhaps what the desert dames are like in general? :3
waaghh i love when people ask me abt my OCs but i think the funny thing is that i never know how to reply them! (then i get nervous and let it sit in my inbox for a very long time till it no longer becomes relevant 😳, but i'm tryna be better abt it!!!!)
The desserts are a group consisting of Parfait, Pudding & Soda and they're part of a company called saccharine security that are basically "body guards" for hire but most of their clients are pretty shady and hire them to do heist-like missions. These guys are in a separate world from my other characters so I don't think about them much, but would like to one day!
Parfait's like the classic stoic leader stereotype, not because she's a very serious person but mostly because she doesn't know what to say. She lived alone for most of her life so she's pretty awkward when it comes to anything other than work/strategising.
She has a thing going on with Pudding that is very not reciprocated and because her number one skill is keeping her emotions locked down it's killing her slowly :)
Parfait's very good friends with Soda though! One of the first people she's met that's on her wave length, it helps that they're pretty close in age. Parfait's 34 and Soda's 32!
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i got more info on her artfight page but that's pretty much her lol
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Flower Eyes infection AU ask box!
Current Area communicating in: The Rockfest…
Current infected here: Rockstar Cookie and Parfait Cookie
Current leader infected: Shining Glitter Cookie
Survivors: Black Lemonade and the Cake Pops(yes they are added in this au)
This is a infection where flowers take over the cookies eyes and mind…here are the phases/stages for it…
Stages of the infection and how can you get infected:
stage one: when you first get infected, blood will drip from the face, the seeds are so quickly absorbed into the dough that their body had has no time to react. You know you are infected on the spot due to dizziness, the cookie can still see but have small dots in their eyes blocking some of their vision…this is the seeds doing…
Stage two: The seeds begin to grow roots that the cookie can feel, these roots slowly take over the nerves on the cookies eyes and slowly go down to the body…at this point the cookie is blind COMPLETELY…and are in tons of pain…the blood goes to the roots so the bleeding ends…removal in these roots will kill the cookie…
Stage three: the roots begin to take over the body at a rapid rate…and the cookies passes out…if the cookie was already passed out this would happen on the spot…the flowers slowly bloom to match whatever the cookie was…(so like if Cherry Blossom got infected she would have Cherry Blossom flower eyes)
Stage four(Second to last stage): the flowers fully bloom and the roots begin to take over the body completely…replacing the blood with a sugary substance like in other flowers…and the brain of the cookie gets slowly changed to the body, mostly at this point the cookie is FAR from return…stage one is the only stage the cookie can be saved…meanwhile their brain will be changed to also like the body…
Stage five: The cookie wakes up with the flowers covering their eyes…they now grow stronger during daylight…and weaker during nighttime…so Nighttime is safer than day…they also feel a joy in being a infected…and depending on what rarity they were in Cookie Run is how powerful they will be…(so like Beast Cookies are heavily more powerful)…and the cookie can no longer be saved
There is also a second breed of infected which are “Leader Infected”…
leader infecteds: Mostly are the most powerful…they can appear if theirs a legendary or a ancient that are infected…including beast cookie…they infect people very faster than normal ones, they can place traps to make their territory/area/zone…these traps are very strong and once one activates they become SUPER aware…and immediately look for that trap. They communicate with their servants/other infected through their minds so its near impossible to tell when ones near…better hope your hearing it good…
These infected can also use song(if they were a singer cookie) to hypnotize people and lure them in before infecting them…these infected can be super epics if no Legendary Cookie, Beast Cookie, Ancient Cookie, or Dragon Cookie…
(Btw there are no drawings yet, still got to make them TnT)
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