#leah reads fanfiction
draconisxmalfoy · 2 years
It is NOT my job on the internet to warn you if a fic’s a WIP or what its triggers are. You’re literally on AO3, it gives you that information.
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daydreamingmia · 6 months
Walker Scobell X Reader | Series | You Belong With Me🔱 Part 16
Santa Monica 🌊
"Y/n!" You hear someone yell
"Y/n!" They yell again
It was Walker!
Then you hear another voice come in the room
"Is she awake yet?" The other voice asks
It was Aryan!
"No I think she's dead" Walker says
"Oh well she was kinda annoying anyway" Aryan replies
"Rude" You mumble
"She's not dead!" Walker gasps
You started drifting off again
"Y/N WAKE UP!!" They start to shake you
"Noooooo!" You whine
"Fine" Walker says then there was silence
That wasn't good
Suddenly ice cold water hit you in the face and you screamed
"NOW WAKE UP!!" Walker yells
"Honestly Walker kinda deserves it" Aryan smirks
"Rude" Walker gasps
They then pick you up by your arms and legs as you try to fight them off.
"PUT ME DOWN RIGHT NOW!!" You scream
"Okay" Walker says a little too fast and they drop you on the floor
"Ow! Walker!!" You yell
"What?! You said put you down!!" He says acting innocent
"I HATE YOU SO MUCH!" You look at Walker
"Why don't you hate Aryan?! He did it too!" Walker complains
"Because Aryan is just your accomplice!! You're the idiot behind all this!" You point in his face but instead of arguing back he just kisses you
"Good morning lovely" He says as he pulls away
"Good morning idiot" You smile
"Gross!" Aryan complains
"Sorry" You both giggle
You go to the bathroom and do your hair and makeup.
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You fill your water cup with water in your sink then peek out your door.
"I'm ready!" You yell
You hear them walk over and stand in front of the bathroom door. Aryan facing you towards you. Walker's back to the door. You open the door slightly and Aryan looks at you and you wink and him and lift the glass so he can see it. He slightly nods but immediately looks back at Walker so he doesn't know what's coming.
You sneak up behind him and tap him on the shoulder. He turns around with a smile that immediately fades into shock when you throw the ice cold cup of water in his face.
He just stands there mouth open but smiling a little.
"I little pay back for earlier" You say smugly
He just stands there dripping
"Oh wait!! There's still some left" You say as you reach to grab a stool to get above him to pour it on his head.
You turn around and get hit with water as you shriek. You look and see Walker grabbed your shower head.
"OH YOURE DEAD!" You scream and charge him as he turns the water back on
The two of you were now fighting for it. Water soaking the ceiling and the walls. Just the sound of both of your laughter...but mostly Aryan's. He was just standing there watching. Laughing hysterically.
After about 5 minutes with the walls soaked and the floor starting to flood you feel another pair of hands grab the handle. You look and see Aryan fighting on your team.
"BETRAYAL!" Walker gasps
"Yup" Aryan just laughs
The two of you force it from Walker's hands and pointed it at him.
"Full blast?" Aryan asks you
"Oh yeah!" You reply
After a few minyes Walker started to plead
"Please! Please! I'm sorry!! I will never pour ice water on you to wake you up ever again...I'll use hot water." He jokes
"Aim for the face" You tell Aryan
"Okay! Okay! Im sorry!!" He pleads
"Fine" you say
Aryan turns off the faucet and we look around the room. It was flooded.
"Oops" Walker mumbles
"What are we gonna do?" Aryan asks
"Mom!" You yell
You dried off and left. You were sitting in between Walker and Aryan in the backseat.
"Can you move over anymore?" You try to shove Walker
"No! And you're gonna shove me out the car door if you keep pushing like that!" He complains
"Well then I'll have more room soo..." You keep shoving him
"You know what..." He bear hugs you
"You can't push me out of the car like this" he says smugly
You would complain but you were enjoying the hug
"Soooo...how are we doing this we just walking out?" You ask
"No we are gonna fly" Walker answers sarcastically
"I meant they don't know we are coming so like is there gonna be an announcement or are we just walk out there?" You say
"You want an announcement?" Walker asks
"Not want. I was just curious how this was gonna work" You shrug
Walker opens the car door and steps out
He makes a trumpet noise
"Presenting! Her royal highness Y/n!" He announces to nobody
"Well thank you kind peasant" You joke
"What no announcement for me?" Aryan complains
Walker rolls his eyes
"Presenting the court jester!" Walker says sarcastically
"Well I am pretty funny" Aryan replies
There were like 5 security guards Walker around you
You walked onto a bridge where everyone was
You heard the screams of all the fans
"Walker marry me!!" A girl screamed at Walker
"Sorry taken" He replies
"HE TALKED TO ME!!!" She yelled in her friend's face
Then you noticed the paparazzi. One of the paparazzi guys pulled your arm to get you to look at the camera but Walker pulled you back and glared at the guy. He put his hand on your waist and pulled you in. You kissed him and he blushed.
The three of you were now signing stuff and taking pictures with fans.
Aryan was a couple people ahead of you and Walker was a couple behind.
Everyone was screaming your name and handing you books.
"Y/n! What was your favorite part of filming?" A girl asks you
"Hmmm...making fun of Walker" you reply
"You do that everyday" He says to you
"True. I guess meeting Walker" you reply to the girl and hand her the book you just signed
"Awwwww" You gushed
You continued down the row of people
"Y/n!" You heard a familiar voice yell
You turn and see one of the boys you used to go to school with
"Max!" You yell
You hug him
"What are you doing here?" You ask
"Well I'm a fan of the show so I came here for the event. I had no idea you would be here!" He smiles
"Surprise" you say
Suddenly you felt eyes one you. But not like usual. You look over and see Walker staring at the two of you. No expression on his face. You look around. EVERYONE was staring
"Walker come over here!" You wave to him
He give someone their phone back and slowly walks over
"Walker this is my old friend Max. Max this is my boyfriend Walker" You smile
"Boyfriend" Walker blurts out as they shake hands
You giggle
"Nice to meet you boyfriend I'm Max" He jokes
"So...why are you here?" Walker asks Max awkwardly
"Uhhhh...I'm a fan of the show" He responds
"Oh. I'm glad." Walker says
"Anyway we gotta go. It was nice seeing you again" you say trying to get put of there
"You too!!" Max waves as you pull Walker along
"Well...that was interesting" You laugh
"What?" Walker says like nothing happened
"I think someone is a little jealous" you giggle
"WHAT?!?! NOOOOOO!!" Walker says in a high pitched voice
"Hmmm...then why did your voice go higher than a 2 year old?" You ask
"It didn't..." He clears his thought
"It didn't" He says in a really deep voice
"Okay" You laugh
"Do you still like him?" Walker blurts out
Mind you the two of you were still signing things while you were talking
"What?! Are you crazy? Walker I love you! I don't like him. I love you and only you" You look him in the eyes and kiss him
"I love you too" Walker smiles
"I know...that's why you're jealous" you giggle
"I'm not jealous" He states
"Okay "boyfriend" " you quote him from earlier
"Okay maybe I was a little bit." He blushes
"It's okay. I know it's only because you love me" You kiss him again
"It is" He blushes
You were signing the Percy Jacksom sign when Walker came running up behind you.
"Boo!" He screams in your ear
You jump and mess up your signature
"Great! You messed it up!!" You point to it
"Mission accomplished" He says smugly
"I hate you" You hit him in the head
"I love you" He says and kisses you
"I love you too" You blush
You then turn and try to fix your signature the best you could
Then you write under it
"Walker messed it up 🙄"
"You know what I think everyone needs to see what my signature looks like not messed up." You say mischievously
"What are you doing?" He asks nervously
"I'm trying to sign you forehead idiot. Now stay still." You say
"Ahhh! No!" He says trying to fend off your pen (with karate hands)
"Stay still!!" You yell
"Somebody help me!! That crazy girl is trying to sign me!!" He screams as he runs away
You chase after him
"Just stop running!!" You yell at him
"Ahhhhhhhhhh!!" He screams still running
About 20 minutes later you guys were now in front of the sign.
He now had your signature written across his forehead
The three stand in front of the sign and pose for the paparazzi. You were on Walker's right and Aryan on his left. You smile and look up at him sweetly
"Awwwwwwww" everyone says in unison
"What? I'm just looking at my beautiful autograph" You joke
"Is this gonna come off?" Walker asks worriedly
"No. It was a Sharpie" You shrug
He just looks at you shocked as you turn back to the cameras and smile
A/n: Sorry Taylor wasn't in this one I promise she'll be in the next!! As always thank you soooooooooo much for reading!! I love you all soooooo much!! You all mean so much to me!! I can't thank you enough!! If you like this story please comment, like and follow!!
Also if you guys ever wanna talk my messages are open😁
Tags: @noajakah236482 @yeeteddemigod @the-tortured-poets-depxrtment @walker-scobell-obsessed
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teamjacobthot · 8 months
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chapter 8: trigger
read on ao3 | read on ff.net | spotify playlist | fan cast
summary: think of the biggest hater you know. it's a man, right? prom '05 has finally arrived, and it's about to get uglier than edward cullen up in here...
word count: ~7.7k
warnings: more of the same in previous chapters + blatant sexual tension and flirtatiousness + extra profanity (first "fuck" incoming) + physical violence
thank you so much to everyone who's been following along and being patient with me. I told you it wouldn't take me this long to give y'all another chapter! I just wanna add that I know we all know how the original story that smeyer gave us ends for our princess diana of the twilight saga, but let this be a reminder to have fun and like… live in the moment of the story lol. while we all know how shit goes for lee-lee in canon, this story is still a fanfic. just trust me.
this chapter was masterfully beta-read by @bellasdumptruckass. tytyty so much for taking this chapter from a good 8.5 to an 11. I'm SO proud of how it turned out.
I hope you enjoy the update! show me some love in the comments if you're real <3
tag list (literally just copying and pasting from old posts - pls lmk if you want me to tag/untag you in future nyctophobia posts): @leahclearwaterdefensesquad @cheerynoir @big-idiot-wolf-boys @the-golden-onion @howlonghaveyoubeenseventeen @phil-dwyer-stan-account @paulxlahotee @edwardsmedow @the-most-pathetic-edge-marquis @effervescent-influenza @gezellig-writes @witchyangela @leahcee @haletwinsstan @musingsofvenus @leahclearwlwater @haemshaems @vampiresarezombies @femmealice @blackpack @bellasoutrageousflavor @tenarcansteponme @me-and-jake @plainjaniedee @renegadepack @manicpixietwilight @emotwilights @jacobyouidiotihadit @edwardsmate4ever @sugarshackpeasant
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lyralee333 · 6 months
“I could live a hundred lifetimes- die a thousand times, by a thousand swords, and I still wouldn’t stop trying to kill you." ~~ Percy Jackson and the Illusion of Time.
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I COULDN'T GET THE STORY OF THE IMPERIAL College Massacre from Helena out of my mind. The details she shared, the way her voice had grown quiet and haunted, it all clung to me like a cold mist that refused to lift. Even after our late-night movie, after Ingram's comforting presence, the story lingered in the back of my mind, seeping into my thoughts like a dark stain.
The next morning, I found myself in the library, surrounded by the journals and documents we had been poring over the previous day. The mansion was quiet, the kind of quiet that settled in when everyone was still lost in their own thoughts, grappling with the enormity of what we had uncovered.
I pulled out my mother's journal, the one with the frantic, desperate entries that hinted at a truth she had never been able to fully articulate. The pages were worn, the ink smudged in places where her hand must have trembled as she wrote. I traced the words with my fingertips, trying to imagine what she had been thinking, what she had been feeling as she scribbled down her discoveries.
Helena's story had added a new layer to the mystery. The massacre wasn't just a horrific event in history; it was connected to everything—Joham, the doctor my mother had been investigating, and the dark forces that seemed to be closing in on us. The idea that my mother might have known about vampires, that she might have been trying to protect me from them, made my chest tighten with a mix of fear and anger. How much had she known? And how had she kept it all hidden?
I flipped through the journal, searching for any mention of the massacre, any clue that might tie it all together. The frustration grew with each blank line, each cryptic note that seemed to lead nowhere. But then, near the end of one of the entries, I saw it—a single, hastily written line.
Imperial College—too dangerous—he knows.
The words were scrawled in a way that was almost illegible, like she had written them in a panic. But there was no mistaking them. My mother had known about the massacre, and whoever "he" was, he had been a part of it.
"Too dangerous," I whispered to myself, trying to piece together what that could mean. Had she been trying to warn someone? Or was she warning herself to stay away? And if she had known about the massacre, why hadn't she told anyone? Why had she kept it all a secret, even from my father?
I needed to find an article about the massacre. If Helena knew about it, surely there must be articles written about it. I put the journal down and grabbed my MacBook, opening the search engine. My fingers hovered over the keys for a moment, uncertain of what exactly to type. The story seemed like it should have been front-page news, yet it had slipped through the cracks of history, buried under more mundane headlines.
I typed in "Imperial College Massacre" and hit enter. The screen filled with links, but most of them were unrelated—articles about the college itself, academic papers, a few obscure blogs discussing conspiracy theories. I scrolled down, my frustration mounting, until finally, I saw something that caught my eye.
"The Forgotten Tragedy: Imperial College Massacre of 1984."
The title alone sent a shiver down my spine. I clicked on it, and an old newspaper article, scanned and uploaded to some archive site, appeared on the screen. The text was grainy, and the photographs were blurred with age, but it was the best lead I had.
The article began with a summary of the events that had unfolded on that dark day:
"On the evening of 15th November 1984, Imperial College London became the site of one of the most mysterious and brutal tragedies in modern history. A group of twenty students and two professors were found dead in one of the college's oldest buildings, their bodies drained of blood and arranged in a circle. The massacre, as it has since been dubbed, shocked the nation, but despite the horror and the media frenzy that followed, the case was never solved. Official reports claimed there were no signs of forced entry, and no evidence of a struggle. The cause of death was officially listed as exsanguination, but the means by which this was achieved has remained a point of controversy. Some investigators suggested a ritualistic element, while others leaned towards a more scientific, albeit inexplicable, explanation. The case was quietly closed a year later, with the deaths attributed to an 'unidentified perpetrator.' No arrests were ever made."
I stared at the screen. The details were gruesome, but they aligned eerily well with what I now knew—or suspected—about Joham. If vampires had been involved, it explained the exsanguination and the lack of evidence left behind. But why had the story been buried so thoroughly?
I scrolled down, reading through the rest of the article. It went on to describe the aftermath, the grief-stricken families, the outraged students who had demanded answers that never came. There was a mention of several faculty members who had resigned shortly after the incident, and one professor who had gone missing, only to be found weeks later, his body washed up on the banks of the Thames. The police had ruled it a suicide.
Then, towards the end of the article, there was a brief, almost casual mention of a man named Dr. Lucifer Joham. My breath caught in my throat as I read his name.
"Among those questioned during the investigation was Dr. Lucifer Joham, a professor who had been conducting classes at the college during the time of the massacre. Dr. Joham, who had ties to several prominent research institutions across Europe, was cleared of any suspicion, though some students reported seeing him in the vicinity of the building on the night of the incident. He left the country shortly thereafter and has not been heard from since."
I leaned back in my chair, staring at the name. Dr. Lucifer Joham.
It had to be him. He had been there, possibly even involved in the massacre, and yet he had walked away without a trace. And now, decades later, his name had resurfaced in connection with my mother's research.
The article ended with a few lines about the lasting impact of the massacre on the college community, but by then, my mind was racing too fast to focus on the words. I quickly bookmarked the page, then opened a new tab to search for more information on Lucifer Joham. But as I scrolled through the results, it became clear that he had covered his tracks well. There were a few academic papers published under his name, all related to obscure medical research, but nothing that tied him to the massacre or to my mother's investigation.
Frustrated, I closed the laptop and sat back, trying to make sense of it all. I started to think about at the Volturi confrontation when I sided with the Cullens, defending them - - more importantly, Renesmee. I thought about Huilen's story of her sister's death and Nahuel's birth...
"I am Huilen," the woman announced in clear but strangely accented English. "A century and a half ago, I lived with my people, the Mapuche. My sister was Pire. Our parents named her after the snow on the mountains because of her fair skin. And she was very beautiful—too beautiful. She came to me one day in secret and told me of the angel that found her in the woods, that visited her by night. I warned her." Huilen shook her head mournfully. "As if the bruises on her skin were not warning enough. I knew it was the Libishomen of our legends, but she would not listen. She was bewitched.
"She told me when she was sure her dark angel's child was growing inside her. I didn't try to discourage her from her plan to run away—I knew even our father and mother would agree that the child must be destroyed, Pire with it. I went with her into the deepest parts of the forest. She searched for her demon angel but found nothing. I cared for her and hunted for her when her strength failed. She ate the animals raw, drinking their blood. I needed no more confirmation of what she carried in her womb. I hoped to save her life before I killed the monster.
"But she loved the child inside her. She called him Nahuel, after the jungle cat, when he grew strong and broke her bones—and loved him still.
"I could not save her. The child ripped his way free of her, and she died quickly, begging all the while that I would care for her Nahuel. Her dying wish—and I agreed.
"He bit me, though, when I tried to lift him from her body. I crawled away into the jungle to die. I didn't get far—the pain was too much. But he found me; the newborn child struggled through the underbrush to my side and waited for me. When the pain ended, he was curled against my side, sleeping.
"I cared for him until he was able to hunt for himself. We hunted the villages around our forest, staying to ourselves. We have never come so far from our home, but Nahuel wished to see the child here..."
I sat back, letting the memory of Huilen's story wash over me. The tale of Nahuel's birth and the tragic fate of his mother echoed hauntingly in my mind. There was something about it, something that resonated with the dark history I was uncovering. A century and a half ago, a monstrous being had beguiled and ruined an innocent girl, leaving a trail of death in its wake. And now, here I was, tangled in a web spun by another monster, one who had seemingly lived through the ages, leaving similar devastation wherever he went.
Joham. The name sent chills down my spine. How many lives had he ruined? How many families had been torn apart by his cold, calculated actions? I thought of Nahuel speaking to the Volturi and giving them more information about his father...
"You were able to create an immortal?" As Aro gestured to Huilen, his voice was abruptly intense.
"Yes, but none of the rest can."
A shocked murmur ran through all three groups.
Aro's eyebrows shot up. "The rest?"
"My sisters." Nahuel shrugged again.
Aro stared wildly for a moment before composing his face.
"Perhaps you would tell us the rest of your story, for there seems to be more."
Nahuel frowned. "My father came looking for me a few years after my mother's death." His handsome face distorted slightly. "He was pleased to find me." Nahuel's tone suggested the feeling was not mutual. "He had two daughters, but no sons. He expected me to join him, as my sisters had.
"He was surprised I was not alone. My sisters are not venomous, but whether that's due to gender or a random chance... who knows? I already had my family with Huilen, and I was not interested"—he twisted the word— "in making a change. I see him from time to time. I have a new sister; she reached maturity about ten years back."
"Your father's name?" Caius asked through gritted teeth.
"Joham," Nahuel answered. "He considers himself a scientist. He thinks he's creating a new super-race." He did not attempt to disguise the disgust in his tone...
The memory of Nahuel's words filled me with a deep, unsettling sense of dread. The pieces were coming together, but the picture they formed was far darker than I had imagined. Joham wasn't just a scientist; he was a creator of monsters, one who viewed his own children as mere experiments in his twisted pursuit of a "super-race."
I stood up abruptly, pushing the chair back with a screech against the wooden floor. The walls of the library felt like they were closing in on me, the weight of the revelations pressing down on my chest. I needed air, space to think, to process everything I had just uncovered.
Leaving the library, I made my way outside, the crisp morning air biting at my skin. The mansion's sprawling grounds were peaceful, a stark contrast to the storm of thoughts swirling in my mind. I walked without direction, my feet crunching over the gravel path as I tried to calm the rising panic within me.
If Joham was the one responsible for the Imperial College Massacre, if he was the same man who had fathered Nahuel and his sisters, then what did that mean for me? For my mother? She had known something, perhaps too much, and it had driven her to the edge of desperation. But why? Had she been close to exposing Joham? Or was it something more personal?
I paused by a small pond, the water still and reflective, mirroring the overcast sky above. The ripples from a stray leaf disturbed the surface, breaking the illusion of calm. I stared at it, my mind returning to my mother's journal, to the hurried scrawl that hinted at her fear. "Too dangerous—he knows."
Joham had known something, something that had terrified my mother enough to make her hide the truth from everyone, even her own family. But what had she been trying to protect? Herself? Melissa? Or someone entirely different that I didn't know about yet?
The questions kept circling in my mind, but there were no answers. Only more questions.
As I stood there, the wind picking up slightly, a thought struck me. If Joham was still out there, still pursuing his twisted experiments, then he was a danger not just to any female humans, but to anyone who crossed his path. The massacre at Imperial College, Nahuel's story—these were just fragments of a much larger, more sinister puzzle.
I knew then that I couldn't just leave this alone. I had to find out the truth, no matter how terrifying it might be. I had to uncover whatever it was that my mother had known, the secret that had haunted her until the day she died.
With renewed determination, I turned back towards the mansion, my steps quicker, more purposeful. There was more research to be done, more clues to uncover. And perhaps, somewhere in the depths of those old journals and documents, I would find the key to unlocking the mystery of Joham and his monstrous legacy.
But even as I walked back inside, I couldn't shake the feeling that I was being watched, that somewhere out there, in the shadows, Joham was still watching, still waiting. The thought sent a chill down my spine, but I forced it aside. Fear wouldn't help me now.
I had to be strong. I had to be ready. Because this was far from over.
As I re-entered the mansion, the weight of my resolve seemed to press down on the very air around me. The quiet corridors, once a place of solace, now felt like a labyrinth of secrets, each corner hiding something that could either help me or destroy me. The others were somewhere in the house, each of them lost in their own thoughts, grappling with the implications of what we had uncovered. I knew I needed to speak with them, to share what I had found about Joham, but a part of me hesitated. What if by sharing, I put them all in greater danger? 
I decided to find Helena first. If anyone understood the gravity of what I had uncovered, it would be her. She had been through so much already, and yet, she had a strength about her that I admired. I found her in the sitting room, a cup of tea cradled in her hands as she stared out the large bay window, lost in thought.
"Mum," I said softly as I approached, not wanting to startle her.
She turned, her eyes meeting mine, and I saw the same haunted look in them that had been there ever since she told us about the massacre. "Violet," she greeted, setting the cup down. "What is it? You look like you've seen a ghost."
"Maybe I have," I replied, sinking into the armchair opposite her. "I found something—about Joham."
Her eyes widened slightly, and she leaned forward, her attention fully on me now. "What did you find?"
I quickly recounted the details of the old newspaper article, the mention of Joham's presence at Imperial College during the massacre, and Nahuel's story about his father. As I spoke, Helena's expression grew more and more troubled.
When I finished, she sat back, her face pale. "This... this is worse than I feared," she whispered, her voice barely audible. "Joham wasn't just a passing figure in your mother's research. He was at the center of it all."
I nodded, the weight of her words settling over me like a heavy cloak. "But what does it mean? What was he trying to achieve with those experiments? And why did he kill all those people?"
Helena shook her head slowly. "If what Nahuel said is true, Joham sees his children as the next step in evolution, a new species that combines the strengths of both humans and vampires. But why massacre all those people at Imperial College? There's no logical reason for that... unless..." Her voice trailed off, and her eyes took on a faraway look as if she was grappling with something she didn't want to believe.
"Unless what?" I prompted, leaning forward, desperate for answers.
"Unless they were part of an experiment gone wrong," she said finally, her voice trembling. "Maybe he was trying to create more hybrids, but something went horribly wrong. Maybe those students and professors were involved somehow—unwitting subjects, perhaps. Or witnesses he couldn't afford to leave alive."
The thought made me feel this sickly rage. Had Joham been trying to replicate his twisted success with Nahuel and his sisters? Had he used those innocent people as mere test subjects in his grotesque experiments? It was almost too horrific to contemplate.
The room seemed to close in around us, the weight of Helena's words pressing down on my chest like a heavy stone. The idea that Joham had sacrificed so many lives in his pursuit of creating a hybrid species—a twisted "super-race"—was horrifying. And if my mother had known about it, if she had discovered the true extent of his experiments, then her fear made perfect sense. She had been terrified, not just for herself, but for me and for anyone who might come into contact with Joham's nightmarish world.
But there was something else gnawing at the edges of my mind, something I couldn't quite grasp. "If Joham was so intent on creating hybrids, why didn't he continue? Why stop after Nahuel and his sisters? There have to be more, right?"
Helena's expression darkened, and she shook her head slowly. "I'm not sure. We don't know how long he's been doing this or how many other victims there might have been. Maybe there were others, but they didn't survive. Or maybe the Cullens and the Volturi put enough fear into him that he went into hiding, laying low to avoid detection. It's possible that Joham realized the risks of continuing his experiments were too great, or that he found another way to achieve his goals."
Her words left a bitter taste in my mouth. The idea of there being more of Joham's creations out there, lost in the world, or worse, still being used in his twisted experiments, was almost too much to bear. If there were others, they might not even know what they were, or the monstrous legacy they were part of.
As we sat in silence, the enormity of what we were dealing with settled heavily between us. The implications were terrifying. We weren't just dealing with a scientist gone rogue, but someone who had the potential to bring a new kind of terror into the world—one that could blend seamlessly into human society until it was too late to stop.
"I don't know what to do next," I admitted, my voice cracking slightly. "How do we even begin to fight someone like him? He's been doing this for so long, and he's covered his tracks so well. We don't even know where he is."
Helena's gaze softened as she reached across the table to take my hand. "Violet, you can't just start a fight with someone who's not threatening you or us."
"But, Mum, Joham is still out there," I reminded her.
"And do you remember what the Volturi said? They will deal with him."
"Technically, they said they should speak with him."
Helena sighed, her hand tightening around mine. "Yes, but the Volturi are not to be trifled with, Violet. If they believe Joham is a threat, they'll take action. But we can't go hunting him down on our own. We have to be smart about this."
Her words made sense, but the idea of waiting for the Volturi to act felt like a betrayal of all the lives Joham had already destroyed. How many more people would suffer while we sat back and did nothing? But I knew Helena was right. The Volturi had power and resources far beyond our own. If anyone could track down Joham and stop him, it would be them. Yet the thought of relying on such ruthless beings to deliver justice was a bitter pill to swallow.
"Maybe you're right," I said reluctantly, pulling my hand back. "But we can't just sit here and wait. There has to be something more we can do, some way to at least find out where he is or what he's planning."
Helena nodded, her expression resolute. "I know you want to know more about your mother but you've got to remember: the massacre happened nearly over twenty years ago. And most people want to bury the past—" Helena paused, her eyes searching mine as she chose her next words carefully "—but if we dig too deep, we might not like what we find."
I felt a pang in my chest. I knew she was right, but the urge to uncover the truth about my mother and Joham was overwhelming. The more I uncovered, the more I felt like I was on the brink of something monumental—something that could change everything. But that was exactly what scared me. What if the truth was too dangerous to handle? What if, by uncovering it, I was putting everyone I cared about at risk?
"I understand," I finally said, though my voice wavered slightly. "But I can't let this go, Mum. I can't stop until I know the truth."
Helena studied me for a long moment, her expression a mix of concern and something else—something that looked like a resigned acceptance. "I know, Violet," she said softly. "And that's what worries me. Just promise me you'll be careful. Promise me you won't do anything reckless."
"I promise," I said, though the words felt hollow. I wasn't sure what counted as reckless anymore. The lines between caution and necessity had blurred in my mind, and the drive to uncover the truth was pushing me further than I had ever imagined.
Helena seemed to sense my inner turmoil because she squeezed my hand gently before letting go. "We'll get through this," she said, her voice steady, as if trying to convince herself as much as me. "We'll figure out what your mother knew, what Joham is planning. But we'll do it together."
I nodded, grateful for her support, even though I could see the fear in her eyes. The fear that the path I was on would lead us somewhere we couldn't come back from.
"Thank you, Mum," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "For being here. For helping me."
"Always, love," she replied, her voice filled with warmth. "We'll get to the bottom of this. I promise."
The room fell into a contemplative silence, both of us lost in our thoughts. The path ahead was unclear, and the dangers were real. But for now, we had each other, and that had to be enough.
As we sat there, the mansion around us seemed to settle into a stillness, as if holding its breath for whatever was to come. The secrets we had uncovered were only the beginning, and I had a feeling the true darkness was yet to be revealed. But whatever happened next, I knew I wouldn't face it alone.
And that, at least, was a comfort.
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gallawitchxx · 2 years
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yesterday, i took a workshop on plant magic & so please have this wild metaphor for anal fingering LOL. this line of dialogue is so so hot, jesus & so is this seasonally appropriate fic by @crossmydna, where ian fingers & fucks a skirt-wearing tumblr!mickey at a costume party. woooo!
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day 24: "you take my fingers so well, don't you?" for kinktober 2022 by @gallavichthings
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His rim is so pink, like a blooming perennial that you want to pluck out of the ground and use for divination.
He loves me, he loves me not.
You pet softly, moving around petal by petal, loving the dribble of whimpers and whines that follow your touch.
He loves me.
When you can no longer resist, you plunge your pointer finger deep into that pit of pollen. He clenches and groans, and you soothe him with gentle shushes and a swirl of your digit.
Next comes two. Then, three with ease.
“You take my fingers so well, don’t you?”
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Chapters: 1/1
Fandom: Lockwood & Co. - Jonathan Stroud, Lockwood & Co. (TV)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences 
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply 
Relationships: Lucy Carlyle/Anthony Lockwood 
Characters: Lucy Carlyle, Anthony Lockwood 
Additional Tags: Fluff, Implied smut?, if that's a thing, nothing too graphic, Lucy's in love, Tooth-Rotting Fluff, Ficlet 
Lucy reimagines a dream she had about a certain someone.
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AS WE ARRIVED BACK TO THE CULLENS' HOUSE, the sun's rays danced through the trees, casting a warm glow on everything in sight. The air was thick with the scent of victory, but also tinged with a hint of sadness as we bid farewell to our fellow vampires.
Vladimir and Stefan had slipped away into the night, their disappointment palpable but their satisfaction at the Volturi's cowardice almost enough to make up for it. Benjamin and Tia were hot on the heels of Amun and Kebi, eager to share the news of our triumph.
I couldn't help but feel a twinge of longing as I watched the other left, hoping that one day our paths would cross again. The nomads wasted no time in making their exit, leaving only Peter and Charlotte to exchange a few words with Jasper before disappearing into the night.
The Amazons, reunited and rejuvenated, were eager to return to their beloved rainforest, though their reluctance to leave was evident. As we stood there, basking in the glow of our victory, I couldn't help but feel a sense of camaraderie with these creatures of the night, bound together by our shared experiences and unbreakable bonds.
"You must bring the child to see me," Zafrina insisted. "Promise me, young one."
Renesme had pressed her hand to Bella's neck, pleading as well.
"Of course, Zafrina," Bella agreed.
Zafrina then turned her head to me. "And I'll see you one day."
"I sure will," I replied with a smile.
"We shall be great friends, my Nessie," the wild woman had declared before leaving with her sisters.
The Irish coven continued the exodus.
"Well done, Siobhan," Carlisle complimented her as they said goodbye.
"Ah, the power of wishful thinking," she answered sarcastically, rolling her eyes. And then she was serious. "Of course, Vladimir and Stefan are right. This isn't over. The Volturi won't forgive what happened here."
"They're not used to this kind of humiliation," Gabriel told her.
"I can see that," Siobhan laughed.
Edward then answered. "They've been seriously shaken; their confidence is shattered. But, yes, I'm sure they'll recover from the blow someday. And then . . ." His eyes tightened. "I imagine they'll try to pick us off separately."
"Alice will warn us when they intend to strike," Siobhan said in a sure voice. "And we'll gather again. Perhaps the time will come when our world is ready to be free of the Volturi altogether."
"That time may come," Carlisle replied. "If it does, we'll stand together."
"Yes, my friend, we will," Siobhan agreed. "And how can we fail, when I will it otherwise?" She let out a great peal of laughter.
"Exactly," Carlisle said. He and Siobhan embraced, and then he shook Liam's hand. Then, he placed his hand on Gabriel's shoulder, looking at him. "Try to find Alistair and tell him what happened. I'd hate to think of him hiding under a rock for the next decade."
Siobhan and Gabriel laughed again. Maggie hugged Renesmee, Bella and me, and then the Irish coven was gone.
As the Denalis bid their farewells, Garrett stood with them, his new companions for eternity. The air was thick with jubilation, but Tanya and Kate couldn't bear it. They needed time to mourn their sister's passing.
Ingram had inquired of Gabriel about becoming an official member of his coven, to which Gabriel joyfully agreed. This was mainly due to the fact that Ingram and I were now officially bonded as mates, destined to be together for life.
I caught sight of Edward and Jacob by a babbling brook, observing the goodbyes with solemn expressions. I approached them.
"Hey," I greeted them. "You guys doing okay?"
"We're fine," Edward replied, his gaze fixated on Ness.
"You have a great family," Jacob remarked, and we all turned to admire her. "She's gonna be around for a long time, huh?"
"A very long time," Edward confirmed, his voice tinged with relief. "I'm grateful she has you."
Jacob beamed, and I let out a sigh.
"Hey, Jake," I interjected, locking eyes with him. "Just so you know, I wasn't actually planning on killing you when I found out about your imprinting."
"For the record," he retorted, a grin spreading across his face, "I thought your reaction was a lot more aggressive than Bella's. But definitely more than Edward's."
We all chuckled, the tension dissipating into the serene surroundings.
"Should I start calling you 'Dad' from now on?" Jacob quipped, a playful glint in his eye.
Edward's response was swift and firm. "No."
I interjected, trying to lighten the mood. "Let's not try to impress the in-laws just yet, shall we?"
Jacob and I shared a laugh, and footsteps approached me. Ingram came to my side, his arm circling my waist. "Hello, flower."
"Hello, Shadow Man," I greeted warmly, leaning into his side.
And then, our attention was soon diverted by Renesmee running into Edward's waiting arms. Bella joined us, her smile radiant as she took Renesmee's hand and placed it on her cheek.
"We're finally all together," Bella beamed.
"Don't be strangers," I offered, hoping to extend an invitation.
Bella returned the sentiment with a grin, and we were about to part ways when Seth's arrival caught our attention. His expression was tense, and I could sense something was amiss.
"Jake, you need to come to La Push," Seth said, his gaze flickering to me. "Your family is there too."
Bella's confusion was palpable. "But I thought vampires weren't allowed in La Push."
"Sam's allowed it for the first time in wolf history," Seth confirmed.
Jacob's embrace with Renesemee was a bittersweet farewell, as Edward, Bella, and Renesemee bid us adieu and made their way back to their abode. Jacob, Ingram and I stood there, transfixed, our eyes locked onto Seth.
"What's going on?" Ingram asked.
"When is it?" Jacob inquired, his voice laced with anticipation.
Seth's gaze was perplexed, his chocolate orbs darting back and forth between us. "I thought you were in the loop, man. It's happening right now."
"What?!" Jacob and I exclaimed in unison, our voices echoing through the crisp night air.
"This sounds serious," Ingram whispered,
Jacob's frustration was palpable, his body tensing up as he let out a low growl. "Why didn't Sam give me a heads up?”
"I don't know, bro. I thought you were in on it," Seth replied, his tone apologetic.
My curiosity piqued, I interjected, "What's going on, Seth?"
Seth divulged, "Sam has been preparing a meeting about Leah and Ethan." Jacob let out a heavy sigh and massaged his temples as he resumed. "He's been aware of her imprinting on him for a while and wants to convene with all the wolves, except Leah, to discuss the current situation."
My mind raced as Seth confirmed, "They're all gathered at La Push, including your coven, Violet."
Jacob wasted no time, "We need to make our way there," and with that, he and Seth transformed into their wolf forms and started making their ways.
I gritted my teeth. "We just have a meeting with the Volturi. Why go through this all over again with the wolves?"
Ingram's hand gently squeezed my shoulder, his voice reassuring. "We'll figure this out together, Violet.”
And with that, we trailed behind, hoping for a peaceful resolution to this meeting.
As a vampire, it took me a mere forty-five minutes to locate the quaint town of La Push. The clouds had mercifully veiled the sun, allowing me to survey the area with crystal-clear vision. My eyes scanned the oceanfront resorts, the seafood company, the fish hatchery, and the new marina. Memories of my human life flooded my mind, of hanging out with Bella and the school crew, and of Jacob and his friends joining us on the beach. The sound of the waves crashing against the shore echoed in my ears, and I longed for those carefree days.
But there was no time for nostalgia.
"This place looks pretty," Ingram said in an admiring voice.
"It sure is," I replied grimly.
My attention was drawn to Jacob and Seth, who had transformed back into their human forms and disappeared into the woods. I followed their trail, my senses heightened. As I walked, I caught sight of Ethan sprinting towards me, his arms outstretched. He enveloped me in a tight embrace, his voice trembling with concern.
"Violet!" he exclaimed, holding me close.
I patted his head gently, and he released me.
"I thought something terrible had happened to you," he explained, his tone fraught with panic.
"A bit of an overreaction, don't you think?" Ingram spoke.
I raised an eyebrow at him. "Me? Being a maxima? And Ingram's shadow powers? You and Leah should be the ones worrying," I retorted, a hint of amusement in my voice.
Ethan's lips formed a tight line as we set off on our walk. I couldn't help but wonder what was going through his mind.
"I'm guessing you know what's happening ," I probed, hoping to break the silence.
Ethan let out a heavy sigh, his eyes fixed on the ground. "Yes," he finally replied, his voice barely above a whisper.
I knew what he was referring to — the news of his involvement with Leah had spread like wildfire through the family and the wolves. As I looked over to my family and Leah, I couldn't help but feel grateful for their understanding. They greeted me with warm hugs and smiles, but Leah stood alone. Until Ethan stood beside her.
Joseph was the first to greet us, "And I thought we were going to get a search team."
"I'm sure there's no need, brother," said Ingram.
"Don't worry," I reassured him, "I still remember this place."
Rhona's voice was filled with nostalgia as she added, "And it felt strange for me coming back here as a whole. It's funny how everything changed."
"I suppose that's something I'll have to get used to," I replied.
My gaze shifted towards Simon and Alana, who were holding hands.
"How are you both feeling?" I inquired.
"Fine," Simon responded.
"Happy, actually," Alana replied with a smile.
I was taken aback by her response, "Really?"
Alana nodded, "Finally Ethan got himself a girlfriend."
"Mum..." Ethan muttered, his cheeks turning red.
"You all are not helping," Leah groaned, rubbing her arms.
"I'm sorry, Leah," Ethan apologised, "I just... I just don't know what's gonna happen."
"It's okay," she sighed, "I don't either."
Suddenly, the sound of footsteps interrupted our conversation. My golden eyes caught sight of Seth, his face etched with seriousness.
"They're ready for you now," he announced, looking at his sister and us. And then, Seth's gaze focused on Ingram. "And also, a bit of a head up, don't expect the wolves to be pleasant to you. You know, since you have red eyes even though you're now this Gabriel's coven now."
Ingram's expression hardened slightly at Seth's warning, but he nodded in acknowledgment.
Seth pivoted on his heel and strode ahead, leading us in his wake. We trailed behind him, our eyes scanning the surroundings for any signs of danger. After a few minutes, we caught sight of Sam's pack, all of them in their wolf forms, and three figures standing before them. Billy Black sat in his wheelchair, flanked by Sue Clearwater and Quil Ateara III, who leaned on his wooden cane.
As we approached, I spotted Ayla, my sister, standing beside Seth, her smile lighting up her face. I grinned back at her, relieved to see a familiar face in this tense situation. She clung to Seth's muscular arm, her presence a comforting presence amidst the chaos. It was clear she was in for support not just for Leah but for Ethan, me and my family.
I noticed Jacob standing beside Seth as well, his human form a stark contrast to the wolves surrounding him. My mind raced with questions, wondering what was happening and why Sam wasn't leading the pack.
Leah's voice broke through my thoughts, her whisper barely audible. "I thought Sam was doing this."
As if on cue, Sam emerged from the woods; his black wolf form was a menacing presence. Leah let out a sigh, her unease palpable.
"Step forward," Billy commanded, his voice firm. Leah obeyed, taking three steps towards the trio. The wolves growled in response, their eyes fixed on her.
We watched in silence, our concern growing with each passing moment. Something was amiss, and I couldn't shake the feeling that things were about to take a dangerous turn.
"Leah Clearwater," Billy's voice boomed through the clearing. "We all know of your unique bond with the vampire." His eyes flickered towards Ethan, then back to Leah. "But is this imprinting truly genuine?"
My eyes, the colour of molten gold, widened in confusion. What did he mean by "genuine"?
Leah's voice was steady, unwavering. "Of course it is, Billy. I felt the same pull that you all did when you imprinted. My imprintee is my everything."
A low growl rumbled from the dark silver wolf, who I now recognized as Paul.
Old Quil's voice was soft, almost hesitant. "But Leah, this goes against everything we've fought for. You know the story of the Third Wife. Can you remind us of that?"
Leah's response was quick, almost automatic. "She gave her life to save her husband from the Cold Woman."
"Then why," Old Quil's voice was barely above a whisper, "did you imprint on a cold man?"
The clearing erupted in snarls and barks, a cacophony of sound that echoed through the trees.
"Silence!" Billy's voice boomed through the clearing, causing the snarls and barks to dissipate into nothingness. All eyes turned to Leah, waiting for her to speak.
"I didn't plan for it to happen," she confessed, her voice barely above a whisper. "But once I felt the pull, I couldn't resist. I wanted to imprint, or be imprinted on."
Jared, the massive brown wolf, let out a huff of disbelief, while Paul snickered at her admission. But it was Sam that ultimately silenced them with a growl.
"What did he say?" Ethan whispered to Joseph, his eyes never leaving Leah's face.
"He asked who would want to imprint on her," Joseph replied, his voice barely audible.
I gasped softly, watching as Ethan's expression turned to one of fury.
"Would your loyalty to the tribe change?" Old Quil asked, his voice filled with suspicion. "Knowing that you have put our protection in the hands of the enemy? Especially now when you have given them an easy access to our territory?"
"What? They're not... they don't any interest in... My loyalty hasn't changed," Leah shouted, her voice ringing out through the clearing. "They're like the Cullens, with whom we have a treaty, which still is intact. They don't hurt people, they only drink animal blood. I'm still protecting them."
"The question is, Clearwater, who are you really protecting? The humans, or the Cold Ones?"
"As I stand here, my duty remains the same - to protect the humans. But my allegiance has extended to my imprintee and his family." Leah's eyes darted towards Jacob, a smirk playing on her lips as she spoke. "It's amusing how you don't question Jacob's loyalty, despite his imprintee being half-vampire."
Jacob's growl was a warning, but it was too late. The topic had been broached, and Sue spoke up, her voice calm and measured. "We have discussed this, and we have accepted the child as non-threatening."
I couldn't help but roll my eyes. Just when we thought the confrontation was over, they had to bring up Renesmee. Couldn't they leave her alone for once? Except for Jacob of course, he couldn't leave her alone. He didn't have a choice in the matter.
But Billy's words caught my attention. "This is history in the making, Clearwater. The first female shapeshifter imprinting on a male vampire. These are dangerous waters we tread, not just for you, but for all of us in the twenty-first century."
Joseph's frustration was palpable, his eyes darting between us. "You've already made your decision, haven't you? This isn't a meeting, it's a trial!"
Another trial? I couldn't believe it. We had just barely escaped from the Volturi trial and now we were in another one like a TV courtroom. The tension in the clearing was almost tangible, a palpable force hanging in the air.
Leah's surprise was evident as she spoke up. "Trial? What decision? What's already been decided?"
Silence hung in the air, heavy and suffocating. The weight of the unknown was almost unbearable, and I couldn't help but wonder what the future held for us all.
Billy let out a heavy sigh, his eyes scanning the room as he spoke. "We have come to a decision, though it is not without dissent among us."
The air was thick with tension as Old Quil's voice boomed through the meeting. "It is the council's unanimous opinion that Leah Clearwater has committed an act of treason against the pack," he declared, his words ringing out like a death knell. "As such, she will be banished from the Quileute Tribe."
The wolves erupted in a cacophony of snarls and barks, their fury palpable. Ayla gasped in shock, while Sue silently slipped away, tears streaming down her face.
Seth's voice rose above the din, his face contorted with anguish. "What?! No!" he cried out, his tears flowing freely. "You can't do this!"
But Old Quil was undeterred, his voice steady and unwavering. "Your Quileute Tattoo will be stripped from you," he continued, his words cutting through the chaos. "And you shall forfeit all rank within the Black Pack."
The forest fell silent, the weight of Old Quil's words hanging heavy in the air. The council had spoken, and there was no going back.
Paul strolled over to Leah, his paw raised in a nonchalant manner. His claws glinted in the sunlight, sharp and deadly. Suddenly, with a swift whoosh, the sound of flesh tearing filled the air. Leah let out a blood-curdling scream as two more whooshes followed, the stench of wet dog's blood filling my nostrils. I quickly covered my nose and mouth with my hand, trying to block out the putrid smell. Leah clutched her right arm, tears streaming down her face as she fell to her knees.
Leah crumpled to the ground, clutching her injured arm with a look of pure anguish etched on her face. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she struggled to contain her sobs.
"Leah!" Ethan's voice rang out, filled with fear and concern as he rushed to her side, dropping to his knees beside her.
"Ethan!" Alana cried out, her motherly instincts kicking in as Simon held her back.
Paul and the other wolves glared at the knelt duo, their dark and light eyes filled with intense hatred. I could sense their desire to kill Ethan right then and there. And then, my fists glowed and I was ready to attack. But then, I felt a hand holding me back and I knew that it was Ingram.
"If you attack, it's not going to end well," Ingram whispered urgently, his grip firm yet imploding.
I took a deep breath, letting his words sink in, though my anger and helplessness still churned me. And then, I saw that wolves hadn't made a single attempt at attacking Ethan or us or even Leah even more.
"You can't harm him, remember?" Jacob spoke up, his voice firm. "It's our law. Whoever a wolf imprints on is untouchable."
The wolves glared bitterly at them before turning and disappearing into the woods.
Old Quil's words echoed through the forest like a haunting melody. "You will be branded as a lone wolf." The weight of his words was heavy, and I felt it in every fibre of my being. "Your power would remain, but you will no longer be welcome in the pack or tribe meetings. The Quileute pack and tribe had barred you from their midst."
My body sank as I watched the scene unfold before me. Leah, a wolf, had imprinted on a vampire - a Cold Man. The news had spread like wildfire, and the tribe had disowned her. I could see the pain etched on her face, and I felt the wave of sadness in me.
Helena rushed to Leah's side, checking her arm. "We need Carlisle," she said, her voice laced with urgency.
Ethan swept Leah up into his arms, cradling her like a precious bride, and took off running through the dense forest. But I was more focused on Billy and Old Quil. Freeing my grip from Ingram, I stormed towards them.
"Now, wait just a—," and before I could even finish my sentence, Old Quil stood up effortlessly and his cane aimed at me like he was holding a shotgun.
"Back away, cold one," Old Quil said, his tone serious.
I didn't know how to feel about this. "You know me. You all know me."
"Quil, I'll deal with this," Billy's voice was calm but commanding, and Old Quil reluctantly lowered his cane. I could see the tension in Billy's eyes, a mix of disappointment and frustration.
"You need to understand," Billy began, his voice steady. "This isn't just about us. It's about the laws that have kept our people safe for generations."
I could feel my anger rising again, but I forced myself to stay calm. "Laws change," I said through gritted teeth. "This isn't the way things should be."
Billy sighed heavily, his shoulders slumping. "Change doesn't come easy, and it never comes without a cost. Leah and Ethan's relationship has cost us dearly. It's torn the pack apart."
I glanced at Ingram, who still stood beside me, his expression unreadable. "What about Leah?" I asked, my voice softer now. "She didn't ask for this. She didn't choose to imprint on Ethan."
Billy's eyes softened for a moment, a flicker of empathy breaking through. "You're right," he admitted. "But the laws are clear. Imprinting on a vampire... it's something we've never faced before. It's a challenge to everything we believe."
I scoffed. "So exile is the only solution?"
Billy looked at me with a mixture of resignation and sorrow. "Exile isn't a solution, it's a necessity. It's to protect the integrity of the pack, the tribe, and the future generations. If we bend the laws for Leah, where do we draw the line?"
I opened my mouth to argue, but the look in his eyes told me it was futile. I felt a wave of frustration wash over me, the unfairness of it all weighing down on my shoulders. "And what about Leah's happiness? Doesn't that matter?"
"Of course, it matters," Billy replied softly. "But sometimes, individual happiness must be sacrificed for the greater good. Leah knew the risks."
"What risks? Over something she has no control over?!" I shouted at him. Then, my voice then became desperate as I stepped closer to him, changing the subject entirely. "Billy, you know me. You saw me grow up. You saw me at my lowest. You helped me when I needed it most. You know who I am. I'm Violet."
Billy stared at me and took a long breath in. His dark eyes lowered to the ground and his head shook. "I know Violet the human—," he rose his head to face me again. "But I don't know Violet the vampire."
I shook my head. "I'm the same person."
His head shook again. "Not anymore," was all he said to me and told Jacob to pushed him inside.
Billy's final words stung more than I expected, but there was no time to dwell on it. The urgency of the situation pulled me back to the present.I turned my head, catching sight of Seth and Ayla's mournful expressions as they slowly made their way towards me.
"I had no idea this would happen," Ayla whispered, her voice heavy with sorrow.
"We didn't know that was..." Seth chimed in, his tone eerily calm.
"I know," I sighed heavily. "I heard you."
We stood there in stunned silence, grappling with the gravity of what we had just witnessed.
"Violet!" Gabriel's voice pierced through the stillness, calling out for me.
"I better get going," I replied with a sudden melancholy tone.
"We understand," Seth replied in a same tone as mine and, after a quick goodbye, they walked away into the forest.
Ingram took a slow approach to me. "Violet? Flower?"
I turned to face him, and the concern etched on his face broke through my resolve. "What is it, Ingram?"
"We need to get to the Cullens," he said gently, his eyes searching mine. "Gabriel's wondering where we are."
Nodding, I tried to push the emotions aside and focus on the immediate threat. "You're right. Let's go."
Ingram and I moved swiftly through the dense forest, the sound of our footsteps muffled by the thick underbrush with the tonight's events still fresh and ached in my mind.
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leiaorganicsolocup · 9 months
i was opening fire doors at work this morning and i kept calling them “blast doors” 🤦
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asvterias · 5 months
𝖫𝖺𝗓𝗒 𝖣𝖺𝗒 & 𝖫𝗂𝗏𝖾 𝖲𝗍𝗋𝖾𝖺𝗆𝗌 ~ 𝖣𝗂𝗈𝗋 𝖦𝗈𝗈𝖽𝗃𝗈𝗁𝗇
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dior masterlist
warnings: none!!
pairings: dior goodjohn ✘ black!fem!reader
genres: reader is an excellent baker, dior calling reader mamas (OMFG- 😩) cocky!dior, reader is VERY squeamish around snakes, gym!dior (JUST BCS), just cute sweet fluff between reader & dior, dior’s fans LOVE the couple
summary: spending a lazy day with your actress girlfriend while sometimes being involved on an instagram live is your favorite way to bypass quality time. wanting to help soothe your girlfriend’s stress from the production of her first song, ‘Focus’, so you decided to bake dior’s favorite cookies.
word count: 4.5k+
tag list: @addil244 @onxlyficcharacter @wtafaidh @mymyapplesigh @444-polar @sinmalssimp @silent-phantom120 @glwmcres @f4riedimples @babyzzlove @lov3rgirllll
author’s note: kinda a self-indulgent fanfic ngl. also if dior says she doesn’t like fanfictions about her, then i will delete this. i don’t wanna overstep any boundaries and make her uncomfortable.
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Being bored in your house alone wasn’t as entertaining when you actually had the energy to make it enjoyable. Your parents and older brother had gone out for the day and your little sister, Leah spent the afternoon with her friends Walker and Aryan. Unfortunately, Dior was unable to keep you company as well, tending to her schedule. Since your girlfriend was occupied at the studio with the producers, practicing for her new hit single ‘Focus’, she couldn’t just ditch and be with you. She had her own life, consumed by other priorities that didn’t involve you.
Now, you weren’t an actress like your sister and girlfriend, yet you had a decent lifestyle despite Dior trying to spoil you endlessly with gifts from famous name brands.
Dior Goodjohn, there were so many words to describe her. Beloved multi-talented actress, who’s been a doting affectionate girlfriend of 2 years and overall a great girl in your life.
The car ride to your girlfriend’s apartment was a simple 30-minute drive and the entrance into her apartment was even easier. For your 1st anniversary gift, Dior gave you a spare house key, trusting you enough with that, telling you to come over whenever. She didn’t mind your presence beside her as she always admires your surprise visits.
It was her with the suggestion of you two living together, but neither of your parents ever allowed it, considering you’re still minors. Although you two were disappointed in their final decision, the couple made the extra effort and hosted as many sleepovers as possible.
Deciding upon doing an Instagram live whilst you waited for your girlfriend to arrive back home. Supposedly, she was busy with her first new single on the way called ‘Focus’ and you understood everything. The late nights returning back home, her exhausted state, all of it, you witnessed and supported her all the way. Whenever Dior needed you, you were there at her beck and call, helping her relax when the impending stress became too overwhelming.
An hour ago, she had sent a text, reassuring you that she’ll be home soon. By the time she’d reached home, it’d been almost nightfall, the evening disappearing.
Once you’ve started the live, you greet the fans with a quick wave and smile, observing the number of fans joining your live. At first, you didn’t keep the conversation short with them, updating them on your whereabouts.
Walking into the kitchen, you took the ingredients for chocolate chip cookies and grabbed the materials needed. Tending to the chocolate chip cookie dough as you silently read over the simple recipe placed on the counter.
Just in time, there was loud shuffling heard outside the front door and you squealed in excitement. Your beloved girlfriend had finally reached back home. Dior has been consumed at the studio, all with the anxious release of her first new single ‘Focus’. Sometimes your girlfriend invites you over to the studio to preview her song with her and honestly share some helpful insight on it.
When she walked into the apartment, her tensed shoulders relaxed and her droopy eyes lit up at the sight of you. There you were in all your glory; her beautiful girlfriend to the rescue, providing her that gorgeous smile and unlimited cuddles of comfort. She’ll always cherish her moments with you, no matter how long time will grant. Closing the door and locking it behind her, she sends you a cheery smile, discarding her bag on the floor.
Very tiredly, she staggered over to the kitchen where you were.
“Hey mamas,” She greets you, eagerly accepting your inviting hug, giving you a soft short kiss on the lips.
“My wifey is back home!” You grinned, shoving her presence in the camera, hugging her tightly.
“How was your day?” She asked.
“So boring until you arrived.”
“Hey guys,” she waved with phone in hand and her other hand still wrapped around your waist, keeping you secure in her grasp. You felt the beads of sweat on her forehead, cheeks flushed and her breathing seemed erratic. Her outfit was quite appealing to the eye, wearing a black Nike gym outfit and the kitchen light glared onto her toned stomach, causing you to be flustered.
Probably just redressed in her backup gym clothes and finished a late-night gym workout to help ease her worries. She always did so whenever her nerves got the better of her.
Often, she’d be gym buddies with Charlie but not tonight, looks like she wanted to be alone.
“Go take a shower,” you whispered in her ear, scrunching up your nose when she boops your nose, “You’re all sweaty and shit.”
“I was planning to.”
You nodded assuredly and released yourself from Dior’s hug, watching your girlfriend leave the kitchen, heading to her bathroom to take a nice shower. Staring at her figure until she disappeared behind the door, your back facing the camera and you redirected your attention back to the live.
For the time being, you comfortably sat on the kitchen counter, gaining a sudden sweet tooth, and munched down on the chocolate chips while answering the viewer’s questions. After you got a toothache from the sweetness of the chocolate chips, you balanced it out with warm water. Suddenly you gained the random urge to bake cookies, rather than continue your process of it. For some reason, you started creating the cookie dough, but ultimately got distracted and impatient…and also bored of doing so. As a matter of fact, you remembered snacking on the chocolate chips and answering questions on your live not even 30 minutes ago. You shake your head at the recent memory, amused by your own tactics, and now determined to surprise your exhausted girlfriend with a hot batch of delicious cookies downed with a fresh glass of milk.
Everything about this was the perfect timing. To help soothe your girlfriend and impress her fans with your amazing baking skills. Mostly, it was to help your stressed girlfriend.
You leaned forward, one hand still holding the mixing spoon, and squinted your eyes as you read a live comment, “Where is Dior right now?”
“Ummm….she’s in the shower because she just recently reached home.”
That statement sparked brand new questions for fans to ask:
‘Do you like Dior’s body build?’
‘Are you two gym buddies?’
‘Bet you absolutely love seeing Dior work out! 😉’
‘Where’s your little sister Leah??”
“Of course I do, everything involving Dior I’m obsessed with! Absolutely not, I can’t work out to save my life, and no I’m not my sister’s bodyguard!” You chuckle, applying the dry ingredients into the mixing bowl.
‘What are you making?’
You showed the camera the mixing bowl filled with raw cookie dough, which lacked the chocolate chips yet.
“Chocolate chip cookies, they’re Dior’s favorite,” You said, “She’s such a sweet tooth.”
@: ‘Aww, Y/N’s soo sweet.’
@: ‘Wish I had a gf to bake my favorite treats!’
“Good thing, Dior always has a spare chocolate chip bag around here.” You bite your lip, “Just need to get my hands on them.”
Deeply invested in your baking, you didn’t recognize how quickly time passed by when Dior appeared behind you, instantly going for your warm touch. She inhales your scent, hugs you from behind, and peppers your face and neck with innocent kisses, enjoying the erupting giggles from you.
“Never mind you guys, Dior’s here.”
Your head sashays with every movement making your braids tickle her skin lightly.
Paying no attention to her presence, you stirred the pot listening to her low humming while rocking you side to side. These were the days that Dior loved, a chance to catch a breather and soak in relaxation days with you.
Her eyes analyzed the Instagram live on your phone.
“Where did you hide the spare chocolate chip bag?”
“Like, I’d tell you,” she scoffs, “Last time I told you where I hid the chocolate chips, I heard you in the middle of the night, snacking on them. We had an unprepared visit to the dentist the following morning and we both know you hate going to the dentist.”
“That was an inconvenience!”
“No, No! That was karma, I warned you multiple times to not eat so many sweets at one time. You’re just a stubborn girl.”
“Yeah, and so what I’m your stubborn girl,” You leaned closer towards her, noses hovering over the other as you stared into each other’s eyes. “Which makes me your problem!”
“Oh, you’re a problem, alright.”
“Yeah, your prettiest problem too!”
She huffed as you consistently pestered about the other hidden bag of chocolate chips, finally being convinced by your whining. You beamed in excitement, gripping the fresh bag as you sauntered back over to the mixing bowl.
Another buzz feed of comments was spiraling your girlfriend’s way.
@: ‘The cutest couple to ever exist!!’
@: ‘Couple goals fr!’
@: ‘How long have you and Y/N been dating?’
Dior informs them, “We’ve been dating for 2 years, our anniversary is coming up soon.”
“What you gonna get me?”
“It’s a surprise, my love.”
“I do love surprises,”
“I know you do.”
“Just don’t pop up with no snake.” You said, your sweet tone disappears.
“Someone popped up with a snake thinking it’ll be funny.” You referred to Dior with an unimpressed look.
“Update it was.”
“Show up with a snake again, and I swear someone is getting punched.”
“You wouldn’t punch me, my face is too pretty for that kinda damage.”
“Well, I’m obviously not punching the snake!”
“You wouldn’t punch me.”
“If you bring a snake I just might,” Obviously, you were kidding. You’d never do that to your sweet beloved girlfriend.
She frowns slightly, rethinking her upcoming words.
“Last time it wasn’t funny! Everyone knows I don’t fuck with reptiles, especially snakes.”
“That just means she likes you!” Dior insisted.
“I don’t care, that goddamn yellow snake can like me at a safe distance behind a glass cage at the petting zoo!” You shout, “Either that or nothing!”
“You guys see what I have to deal with on a daily,” Dior points to you, sarcasm laced in her tone, “Such a drama queen.”
Nodding along to your girlfriend’s statement as you applied the chocolate chips to the batch of raw cookie dough.
“Yet, she loves this drama queen,” you retorted.
Dior scans some more of the fans’ comments.
“Sorry guys, I already said when Focus is getting released and unless you’re my girl, you don’t get a preview.” She confirms with the viewers, “Also it’s going really well.”
@: ‘Omg they’re so cute, it’s not even funny!’
@: ‘When will this happen to me??’
@: ‘How was the preview Y/N??’
“It was fucking awesome,” you answered the last commenter, “Like her voice is so beautiful, like I fell in love with her a million times over again, it’s completely outrageous.”
“We can’t wait for you guys to hear it!” Dior cheers.
“All of your ears will be certainly blessed after hearing her magnetic voice, I know I was.” You agreed.
“Aren’t you quite the flatterer.”
“I’m just being a supportive girlfriend who’s always honest with you.”
“Never said I didn’t like the compliments,”
“Baby, can you preheat the oven to 350 degrees for me?” You gently asked her.
Dior remained quiet, complying with your request, walking to the oven, and preheating it. She skipped back over to you, arms wrapped around your waist, continuing to hug you from behind, gazing at you. You started to ball the cookie dough, your tongue sticking out slightly in concentration as the silence in the atmosphere was turning palpable.
“Why are you so quiet?” Your eyebrows furrowed in confusion, turning to the curly-haired girl, pausing your movements.
“Nothing…it’s just you’re so beautiful.” She murmured, taken away by your beauty. “Gimmie a kiss…” she puckered her lips, leaning into you.
Instead of giving in to her demands, you swipe a decent amount of remaining flour on your finger, smearing it across your girlfriend’s cheek.
“Did you just—?” her eyes widened in shock, glancing at the flour placed on her cheek.
“I did!” you giggled, applying another ounce of flour on her other cheek, “And I’m not even sorry,”
@: ‘You can’t tell me they aren’t in love, like just look at them!’
“You’re lucky you’re so cute and adorable,” she pouts, swiping an ounce of flour on your nose.
“Not the only reason you’re letting me off so easy,” you whine as she places her head into the crevice of your neck, still placing tiny kisses there.
Her voice was muffled. “We can always order in, you know that, princess.” you turned off the stove, leaving Dior’s fingers lingering on your stomach.
“I know,” you sigh, turning around to face your girlfriend and her hands immediately redirect on your waist. you tried to avoid eye contact, in hopes of getting your point across without being distracted but her hazel eyes remained on you. “I just wanted to do something special for you cause you deserve it and I wanted to help brighten your day.” Finally, you manage to gaze into Dior’s eyes only to find her already admiringly staring back.
You never took in her outfit, eyes slowly trailing down at her body. She wore a white Nike sports bra with gray shorts and her hair was still damp from the shower.
You didn’t realize you were checking her out until Dior pointed it out.
“Gorgeous, my eyes are up here.” She teases, chuckling slightly at your reaction towards her clothing.
“I don’t need a fresh pair of my favorite cookies to know that you love me. Just you being here brightens up my day and I want you to know that.” her fingers glide over your cocoa-brown skin, drinking in your skin tone with her delicate touch. “I appreciate every single thing that you have to offer, because, believe me, I’d be a damn fool if I ever let you go.”
You chuckle and caress her face, slightly stroking her cheek. “I love you so much, Dior.”
“I love you too, mi amor.” she leaned in for a kiss and you complied, making her hum and deepen the kiss. completely mesmerized by the passionate kiss, you didn’t react when you felt two arms lifting you by the thighs, throwing your body onto her shoulder like you weighed nothing. She patted your hips twice, turning to the phone and sending the viewers a wink before carrying you over to the couch.
“No!! Babe, Dior…put me down!!” you mercifully pleaded with your girlfriend but it was rendered useless when she finally dropped you out of her hands…and right onto the couch which was nearby. The Instagram live was able to see you two, only at a farther distance.
You end up lying upside down on the couch as your braids hang over the floor and your legs dangle in mid-air. Dior’s laughs fill the atmosphere and the butterflies flutter in your stomach, due to slight embarrassment and amusement.
“Alright jokes over, help me up now, Dior.” you held out your hand, eager for reliance.
“Oh no, that’s the oldest trick in the book. I’m not gonna fall for that one.”
You roll your eyes, pulling yourself up using your elbows as support, and hastily grab her shirt and pull her down with you. A shocked gasp left her lungs as she tumbled down beside you and once she’s recovered from her fall, she turned to look at you.
With your hand still gripping her shirt, and instead of another sudden ambush, you pulled her in for a soft kiss, gently pecking her lips and giving her the widest grin you could’ve displayed.
“Now we both know that you could do better than that.”
Your harsh grip on her sweatshirt loosened, and this time Dior leaned in and kissed you tenderly, highly content that you reciprocated the action back. The brunette pulled away, “Great, now can we order in? You know, you’re my girl and all, who I wholeheartedly adore, but I don’t want to be sick for the rest of the week.”
You feign shock, shoving her in the stomach as she dramatically acts being hurt, clutching onto her stomach, and falling on the floor. You were truly offended at your girlfriend’s words while she just laughed boisterously.
“I could so cook!” You argued.
“I love you gorgeous, but no you can’t.”
You throw the couch pillow, hurling the item towards her face. Much to your dismay, Dior’s reaction time was faster, stretching a hand out to block the flying pillow and catching it.
“Guess you’ll be on a kissing ban.” You cross your arms and twist your nose in the air.
“No, I won’t.”
She stood up menacingly, stalking closer towards you, making you look at her and unfurl your folded arms.
“Oh yes, you will,”
“You’re gonna seriously ban me from your kisses all because I said you’re a horrible cook.” Dior defends herself, “You’re an excellent baker now.”
“I’m petty as hell, don’t forget it.”
“I thought you meant pretty as hell,” Dior smirks.
“That too!”
“You bet your ass you are.” She pinches your thigh.
“Wow, thanks for the compliment, d,” You roll your eyes.
“No problem, princess.” she kissed your knuckles before trailing up your arms and halting at your collarbones, “You drown in my compliments, and I love to see it.”
“Yeah, yeah whatever,” you murmur, a fond smile tugging at the ends of your lip.
Her hot breath fanned over your ear. “Come on, babe.” she groans against your skin, pressing a chaste kiss behind your ear, missing the way you squirmed lightly from her ticklish lips. Her energetic eyes met yours once again as she spoke, “Let’s order takeout, Chipotle, your favorite, it’s all on me.”
“How can I say no to that?”
She shifted her weight from you, allowing some space since she was lying on top of you, making you escape much easier from her embrace.
Keeping you on her watchful gaze, you venture to the dining room table to retrieve the Chipotle menu.
“Or how can you see no to me?” She states when you returned back to the living room.
“Real smooth, Goodjohn.” your sentence rolls off your tongue with ease. You swore you witnessed Dior shudder at the sultry tone of your voice, mentioning her last name. The vulnerable sight of your cocky girlfriend made a smile widen across your face.
“Isn’t that how I’m dating you? You were swooned by my alluring charm?!” she questioned, staring at you, curious for the answer. “Or unless,” she gasps shockingly, causing you to resist the temptation of rolling your eyes, “You’re only with me for my body and popularity,”
“No no you were a sexy dumbass and I was your smart savior,” you reaffirmed her accusations. “You being an uprising celebrity is just one of the many advantages,”
“Whatever, you fell for me and my charms, regardless,”
You huff, crossing your arms as you avoid Dior’s gaze. “I like you because of you,”
“Damn right you did,” she pulled you in closer by the waist, “And I know you wouldn’t change me for anything.”
“I hate it when you’re right,” you scoff.
“Oh but I love it when I’m right,” Dior chuckles, bringing your lips onto yours, pouting slightly when you refuse the kiss. “Makes me feel like I’ve beaten you at something,”
Her mood brightens when you change your mind, settling for a quick peck on the lips.
Anything was better than nothing, Dior supposed, but then immediately disagreed. She grew irritated at the lack of your attention, at this point feeling it was better if you didn’t reward her with a kiss anyway. Snapping her eyes at you, sending a glare of irritation, observing the cocky grin on your face.
This sneaky little vixen, Dior thought as she maintained eye contact with you. Of course, you were fully aware of Dior’s total hatred towards light kisses, and to give her a peck was so wrong in many ways. Clearly, it meant you didn’t love her anymore and that peck was the first sign of you losing interest in her.
Dior shook her head, disposing of those thoughts, knowing she was being a dramatic queen right now.
“Keep this attitude up and you’ll be sleeping on the couch,” you snarled, hoping your demanding tone would encourage Dior to oblige. Oh, Dior loves your confidence, but not when it was used against her.
It was necessary to humble you, right then and there, or else you’ll never learn your lesson. After all, you were a very smart girl and not a stupid one, it wasn’t your tendency to make frequent mistakes like this.
Without saying a word, she squeezes your stomach, her hands slithering their way upwards against your chest and you release a tiny squeal of shock. Dior had her gaze locked down on you during the whole time. You refused to look your girlfriend in the eyes as you closed your eyes, internally cursing yourself for being so submissive to her actions. and rather, a very simple action at that too. God, you thought you had more pride than you let on.
Guessing it was Dior’s way of saying; don’t bite off more than you can chew.
“No, I won’t, and I know you won’t do that. You’ll miss me too much,” she admitted, grinning at the scowl appearing on your lips. your girlfriend shuffles slightly on you, keeping her warm hands underneath the hoodie you wore, “Baby, don’t scowl, it promotes ugly wrinkles.”
That comment earned Dior a flick to her forehead and you pushed her to the floor, giggling at her dejected groans of pain.
You looked at your phone, grabbed it, and flipped the camera, showing your girlfriend sprawled out on the floor. Her beautiful curls spread across the carpeted floor as she squints her eyes at you.
On Instagram live, comments and viewers flooded in alike, observing the sapphic couple.
“Look at this dumbass,” You stated, bringing the phone closer to her as you straddled her lap. Instinctively, her arms rest on your hips, lightly tracing imaginary patterns on the clothed flesh. Limbs tangled together, constant swooning with each other through quick stares, and the faint giggles erupting from both of you filled the quiet atmosphere.
“Not too close,” she warns, puckering her lips, “My lips are all yours.” Out of the camera, your girlfriend kisses your cheek and then
“Gimmie a kiss and a real one this time!” Dior demands, mumbling it to you.
You pressed her lips against yours softly, seemingly making the kiss sweet and innocent. Tugging one of Dior’s loose curls that dangled in her face, you pulled it behind her ear as your lips moved as one. You adored Dior’s hair, thick voluminous curls flowing down to her neck and you couldn’t resist playing it in when she was close.
She could kiss you a billion times, and that still wouldn’t suffice for you, Dior made sure you know that on numerous occasions, often being the one to overextend your kisses. You felt your girlfriend’s smile in the kiss as she deepened it, her grip on your waist tightening.
It was one of those slow and steady kisses that you cherished with her. There was no need to rush your makeout, a calm chaste kiss sealed the deal and got the point across. Dior was just drowning in your lips, never reluctant to refuse your kisses, moving on one accord.
She couldn’t go on with another minute without your loving kisses. Those kisses shared with you, your soft and sweet lips, were like nicotine to her, a special type of drug, stupidly yearning for your lips even more. You were Dior’s drug and she was your addiction. Insanely addicted to your lips making her act crazy, practically begging on her knees for an ounce of your attention, wondering if you saw her in the same light she perceived for you.
Sucking in a breath as the kiss intensified, one of Dior’s hands traveled to your lower back as the other remained on your hips, lightly squeezing the flesh there. You moaned in the kiss, spurring your girlfriend further on as she tugged at your lower lips, biting down gently, hardly enticing any discomfort from you.
Dior gave you time to adjust yourself again as she stared at you in contentment. Your hand teasingly runs down from the crevices of her breasts down to her toned abdomen and her breath hitched at this. However, she gains dominance as her hands grip the flesh of your thighs, squeezing down on them as you shuffle slightly.
Eventually leading up to the risk of getting insanely high, and resisting the temptation to become sober. Never take the risk of being sober if it means that she gets to be high off of you every day, obsessed by everything you achieved. Like hell was your girlfriend was gonna waste the chance of losing your touch once more, she’d be crazy enough to beat those allegations.
“I’m your….” Dior clarified, lips swollen from the intense making out. The camera frame caught onto her loose curls and barely the side of her face, “Sexy dumbass, you said so yourself,” She nods reassuringly, smiling slightly at your laughter.
“Think that’s it for today, we’ll see you later!” You concluded, and gave Dior your phone, displaying her presence on the live, “Say goodbye Dior!”
“Bye, you guys! Love ya!” Dior blows an air kiss at the phone screen. She ended the Instagram live and placed the phone on the coffee table as you both sat upright.
“Damn, baby,” she chuckles, wiping away the flour from her cheek. Her gaze never left you, peering at the flour mess on your face too. Your girlfriend smirks at you, “Looks like we’re gonna both take a shower sooner than expected.”
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© asvterias, 2024. please do not copy, repost, or translate any of my works onto any other platforms without my permission.
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ivorydragoness44 · 8 months
Seth Clearwater x Reader: Couch Cushion
Word Count: 411 Summary: The Reader is very sleepy, nearly exhausted from not sleeping too well. After they doze off for a while, they wake up to find Seth snuggling with them. Will they find a solution to their recent lack of sleep?
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
  The clock displayed the time: a little after three. If it were three in the morning, you would have been happier. You would have welcomed sleep with open arms. However, it was three in the afternoon. At least it was the weekend.   The need for sleep gently pulled your eyelids closed. You fought it off each time. But the comfort of the couch and the relaxation that you finally felt was the perfect combination. And soon, you gave up. Giving in to the notion that your mundane plans would have to wait a little while longer.
  All too soon, your eyes opened. If not for your eyes locking with the little hands on the clock, you could have sworn that sleep had been merely a tease. But time had passed. Thankfully, no so much as to overwhelm you with a rush of needs to be done.   A difference had been made during your short slumber. Warmth. Wiggling your fingers, they padded over a plush blanket. One that you were certain had been in another room entirely. But, blanket aside, your back was much warmer than the rest of your body. There could only be one portable heater that could emit such warmth.
  “Seth?”   “I’m sorry, did I wake you?” His voice was small, but very close.   “No,” you assured, “I probably would’ve woken up anyway.”   Seth nuzzled his face into the crock of your neck. “You’d think you were the one going on patrols at night,” he teased lightly.   “I don’t know what it is. Maybe it’s subconscious. I’ve just been waking up every time I hear even the faintest howl. It hasn’t happened before.”   Snuggling back into him, you pulled the hem of the blanket up closer.   “Maybe you just like to listen to the howls so much that you don’t want to miss a single one? Even if you’re sleeping.”   You gave a short laugh. “I guess I could try listening to music instead. It’s either that, or psych myself out of it.”   “Yeah,” he agreed. “I don’t think it will last forever. But I’ll bring it up to Leah and Jacob. Maybe we can get everybody to be a little more quiet. If only for a few days.”   “Thanks.”   Seth pressed a soft kiss to your cheek and held you tighter to him.   “It’s not like you all can’t just talk with your minds, you know,” you added, making Seth chuckle.   “We’re just a talkative bunch, I guess.”
~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~
Thank you for reading! If you would like to read more Seth Clearwater fanfictions, check out the pinned post on my blog: Masterlist of Masterlists.
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daydreamingmia · 3 months
Walker Scobell X Reader | series I you belong with me 🔱 part 25
Universal Studios 🎢 part 2 😁
You were now next in line to see the grinch. Boy he was chaotic😂
He runs over to you guy and towers over you looking you straight in the eyes
"What do you want?" He says in his iconic grinch voice
"A picture" you smile
"And what about you? Did you bring me an onion?" He asks Walker
"Yeah but I ate it in line" walker shrugs
"OH! THE AUDACITY! No picture for you just her now!" He says as he pushes Walker aside
"But I want him in the picture!" You exclaim
"Why?" He asks
"Uhh because I do" you shrug
"Alright fine. What is he your brother?" He asks with attitude
The crowd just laughs knowing he has no idea who you are
There are like a million cameras on you right now btw
"No he's my boyfriend" you laugh
"Oh...oopsie" he replies
You take a few pictures just side by side
"Wait can we do a few more?" Walker asks
"Sure!" The nice girl taking the pictures says
Walker dips you and kisses you
You didn't see the face the grinch was making but you hear his sounds
Vomiting sounds, saying "I'm gonna be sick", "this is disgusting", "MY EYES!" etc
He tapped you on the shoulder and Walker picked you back up
"Are you don't yet?" The grinch asked
"Yeah" Walker shrugs
"Good! Now get out!" He says and storms off
The last this you hear is him say
"Teenagers blah"
You and Walker almost die laughing
You were walking over to hogsmeade when you hear little footsteps behind you
"Do you hear that?" Walker asks as the two of you turn around and see like 15 little kids following you
"Awwwwwww they're adorable!" You smile
"Uhhhhhh what do we do?" Walker asks
"Group hug!!" You say as you open your arms wide and all the kids collapse into you
"Does this count as kidnapping?" Walker asks
"How could it? We didn't take them" you shrug
"But you're hugging them" Walker says
"What should I do? Yell at them?" You roll your eyes
"I need to find an employee and tell them" Walker says as he walks off
When he returns he sees you standing on a little step and the kids all looking up at you
"MINIONS!" You yell
"Oh no" walker sighs
"TONIGHT WE STEAL THE MOON!!" You yell and the little kids starts to cheer
"She's created an army" walker laughs
The parents show up within a few minutes
Turns out they were all from the same class! And the 13 year old girls who were in charge of them wanted to meet you so they sent the kids🤦‍♀️
You walk by an artist drawing another couple
It was adorable!
You didn't even say it. Walker just knew what you were thinking by looking at you.
The man finished with the couple's drawing just as you walked up
"Hi! Could you draw us?" Walker asks
"Anything for Percabeth" the man smiles
After about 30 minutes the man was done
This is the only pic I could find. Sorry! My stupid phone wouldn't let me upload it😭
"Do you like it?" The artist asks
"I love it! It's amazing!" You smile
It was now nighttime and the Hogwarts castle light show is about to happen
The show was projected onto the castle!
The evil spells!
The dark mark!
But by the time you guys leave you are exhausted from your long day
"Are you alright?" Walker asks sweetly
"No. I'm tired. My feet hurt. And I'm hungry." You whine
"Here hop on" he says standing in front of you so you can jump on his back
"No I can't. You're probably tired too!" You yawn
"I'm fine trust me! Jump on!" He replies
You jump in his back and he proceeds down to the exit
"You're the best! I love you!" You say as you tuck your face into his neck
"I love you more" he replies sweetly
That was the last thing you remember as you drift off to sleep
"Can I get two double-double cheeseburgers, a large chocolate and a large strawberry shake and 3 fries animal style" you hear Walker say
"Will that be all?" You hear a muffled voice
"Yes thank you" walker replies
"Okay please pull up to the window" the voice says again
"Thank you" Walker replies
Awwwwww he's getting you food because you said you're hungry!🥹
He grabs the food and puts it down next to him
"Princess wake up" he whispers to you sweetly
"Hm" you mumble
"Are you hungry? I got food" he whispers again
You smile and sit up
"You're literally the man of my dreams" you kiss him
"And you're the girl of mine" he smiles at you
"Now gimme that milkshake" you snatch it from him
A/n: I'M SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO SORRY!! PLEASE DON'T BE MAD AT ME!😭 THIS IS SO LATE AND I'M HORRIBLE😭 I LOVE YOU ALL SOOOOOOO MUCH!! DON'T THINK I DON'T BECAUSE I TOOK 500 MILLION YEARS TO UPDATE😭 I LOVE YOU ALL SOOOOOOOO MUCH!! IF YOU LIKED THIS CHAPTER PLEASE VOTE, COMMENT, AND SHARE!! AGAIN I'M SOOOOOO SORRY!! I LOVE YOU ALL!!💞💗💞💗💞💗💗💗💞💞💗💞💗💞💗💞💗💞💗💗💞💞💗💞💗💞💗💗💞💗💞💗💞💗💞💗💞💗💗💗💗💗💞💞💞💗💗💗💗💗💗💞💗💗💞💗💞💗💞💗💞💗💞💗💗💗💞💞💗💞💗💞💗💞💗💞💗💗💞💞💗💞💗💞💗💗💞💗💞💗💞💗💞💗💞💗💗💗💗💗💞💞💞💗💗💗💗💗💗💞💗💗💞💗💞💗💗💞💗💞💗💗💗💞💞💗💞💗💞💗💞💗💞💗💗💞💞💗💞💗💞💗💗💞💗💞💗💞💗💞💗💞💗💗💗💗💗💞💞💞💗💗💗💗💗💗💞💗💗💞💗💞💗
@mireyaaaaaaaaa @noahkahansorangejuice
@yeeteddemigod @walker-scobell-obsessed
@callsignwidow @froggyflower264
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sunflowerrosewood · 3 months
First Thoughts of You ~ Stardew Valley Bachelorettes
Author's Note: Since my other account @cheekyredwillow got deleted. I am adding some of my favorite fanfictions to this account and revamping this one with new ones. I hope to make an actual list of fandoms I am still a fan of! NO requests for the time being.
These are their first thoughts when they met you and when they began to fall for you...
"I'm surprised someone came out into the forest. They seem new. They were picking up something. They introduced themselves as the new farmer. They seem okay. I want to go back to taking photos."
"The farmer was coming by today. They had a present for my birthday. I was surprised to see a pink cake. My heart skipped a beat. I can't help but want to see the farmer. I want to be with them."
"I met the farmer today near the house. Dad was talking about the new farmer earlier today. He didn't want me to delve from my studies. They still seem rather interesting. They are not just a normal farmer."
"The farmer came by today and I felt my heart jump for joy. I was excited to tell them about my invention. They also love science and love to ask questions about my projects. I show them everything. I miss days when they don't visit me. Usually they are in the mines or working but I do worry about them."
"The farmer came by while I was reading and they seemed nice. They were asking about what I was reading and who I was. They introduced themselves. I remember Mayor Lewis talking about them. I found myself wanting to know more."
"The farmer came by the museum when I took Jas and Vincent outside. They wanted to check on me since they hadn't come by in a few days. I felt my heart skip a beat. They have such a bright smile. I would love to help take care of the farm for them. Do they think the same of me?"
"The new farmer came by dad's shop and was buying new crop seeds. They introduced themselves to me and to me, they seemed cool. Mom discussed they would be new so I wonder how they will be here in our town."
"The farmer always seems to have amethyst for me during the week. It's nice they think about me with their tasks. Mom teases me that I like them. My heart races when I see them around and they say hello. But I do not know if they want the same..."
"I was on my way to the saloon and ran into the new farmer. They immediately introduced themselves to me and I said hello. They seemed to be gathering items around the town. They do seem interesting."
"The farmer came by to give me wine from their farm. They were making strawberry wine. I look forward to when they bring me this gift. It usually begins conversations of how we're doing and my art. I gave them a piece and they have it in their house. My heart feels elated that they did that for me. Do they care for me like I do for them?"
"I met the farmer rummaging through the trash. They apologized as they ran into the trash can. I pretended to not notice them pick up the bread. They introduced themselves to me and I did the same. They seem rather unusual but kind."
"The farmer came by the saloon today. They brought me an emerald they found in the farm. I got so excited that I was bouncing up and down. They called me cute and was glad I was excited. I felt my heart race and I thanked them. They left soon after and Gus teased me of my feelings for them. Even if I do have feelings for them, do they feel the same?
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remuslupinschocolat3 · 5 months
My stardew valley headcanons because no one can stop me!!!!!!!
Part one
In alphabetical order
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💎Hates children
💎In a Polycule with Sam and Sebastian
💎Shares a braincell with Sam
💎smoked weed once with Sebastian and threw up afterwards
💎has random beef with Haley that Haley isn't aware of
💎gets piercings just to spite her dad
💎was only good in English class in highschool
💎regrets being on 2020 alt tiktok
��� secretly vandalizes their father's yoba shrine (he thinks it's Sebastian doing it)
💎their gay awakening was Keira Knightley in Pirates of the Caribbean (she just like me fr)
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🏈the definition of comphet
🏈gay man/lesbian alliance with Haley
🏈his first crush was the team captain of an Opponent's school gridball team
🏈 doesn't drink alcohol because he's scared to be like his father
🏈he had a pathetic crush on Elliot when Elliot first moved to the valley
🏈has a bottle of the perfume his mother used to wear and sprays it on his pillow when he's sad
🏈used to go to a gym in Zu City but stopped after a boy there asked him out
🏈dated Haley in highschool for half a year until both of them came out to the other in hopes to let the other down gently
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🍃not a single thought behind those eyes
🍃fell out of love with Pierre ten years ago
🍃grows marijuana plants in her tea house (have you seen her two heart event?)
🍃dyed her hair green once when she was 15 and never tried a different color again
🍃has a few secret tattoos
🍃the necklace she wears is a gift by Rasmodios
🍃best friends with Jodi and Robin
🍃loves to gossip, she knows everyone's business
🍃almost became an almond mom but stopped before it could affect Abigail in the long run
🍃she has no enemies, everyone loves her but hates her husband
Clint (it's red cus he's a red flag)
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🔨4chan user
🔨used to tell his mom to make him a sandwich
🔨called his parents by their first names
🔨knows the Irish dance (I don't know what it's called lmao)
🔨can't have friendships with women because he always thinks they fall in love with him
🔨hasn't exercised since he finished highschool
🔨stalks Emily (that's canon) (stay away from her)
🔨can you tell I hate him yet?
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🧪is the reason his first marriage failed
🧪controlling and possessive (Maru's two heart event)
🧪so boring
🧪thinks missionary is the only way to have sex
🧪I know people headcanon him as autistic but I think he's just petty
🧪 arrogant, thinks he's smarter than everyone else because he knows science
🧪was actually an okay step father to Sebastian until Maru was born
🧪him and Robin are not compatible but neither of them want to go through a second divorce
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🦀 gay and proud
🦀in his mid thirties
🦀 can't swim
🦀 used to write star trek fanfiction as a teenager on fanfiction.net
🦀so fucking tall
🦀went through three separate gender identity crisis before realizing that he just isn't comfortable expressing himself as a stereotypical manly man
🦀demi romantic
🦀gay man/lesbian alliance with Leah
🦀sees Leah as the little sister he never had
🦀 isn't really broke, he's a trustfund baby who wanted to experience what it's like to be a starving artist (thinks it makes his art more valid)
🦀Leah beat him up when she found out
🦀 obsessed with his hair (I'm so jealous of his luscious curls 😭😭😭)
🦀so dramatic (used to be a theater kid for sure)
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🔮the character I headcanon as autistic
🔮 pansexual and asexual
🔮they/she, trans
🔮dating Sandy
🔮knows everyone's zodiac signs
🔮names her plants
🔮gets the zoomies after work (at night)
🔮Haley hates it
🔮Haley's biggest supporter
🔮thinks of Clint as a genuine friend (save yourself girly pop)
🔮calls Sandy the weirdest nick names "hello my cuddle bear" "it's been too long since we last saw each other my strawberry jam"
🔮suckles on Pennies (she just like me fr)
🔮reads books about crystals for hours on end, Haley has to take the book away from her and drag her to bed sometimes
🔮has befriended the junimos
🔮Sandy sells the clothes she makes
🔮hates the taste of strawberry in candy and stuff
🔮would vape if vapes existed in stardew valley but not in a I'm a thirteen year old boy way but in a I like the taste and I enjoy making smoke rings kinda way
🔮you can't tell me that she's not a pothead
🔮knows Haley is a lesbian years before her sister figures it out
🔮besties with Shane (refuses to sell him alcohol at the Stardrop saloon)
🔮gets extremely flustered around people she deems as attractive
🔮is really bad at doing her own makeup (Sandy or Haley do it for her)
🔮has a huge tattoo that covers almost her entire back
🔮her energy is contagious
🔮high School was very hard for her but college was the best time of her life
🔮wants to buzz her hair so bad but has enough restrain to keep herself from doing so
🔮loves to make cocktails (she makes Gus try them and he always loves them and puts them on his menu)
🔮makes Shane, Sandy and Haley cosplay with her (none of them want to but they can't say no when Emily looks at them with that wide eyed grin of hers)
🔮unleashed a group of rats in JoJa mart because Shane complained once (1 time) about his working conditions, the store closed for two months
🔮can you tell how much I love Emily?
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anundyingfidelity · 1 year
MEMORIES LOST — Jareth x ofc/fem reader. Ch. 2.
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Summary: A mysterious woman falls into the Underground, claiming she does not have memories and not knowing why she is there. Jareth, who's bored and taking slight pity on her, takes her under his wing to ease some of his own misery. Post Labyrinth (1986).
Warnings: nudity, masturbation, voyeurism, manipulation, corruption, smut in general.
Word counter: 866.
Note: female character is named Leah, but no physical characteristics (such as skin color, hair, eyes, etc.) are described on this story. Feel free to imagine how she looks like.
In this chapter: Just Jareth watching (spying) his visitor. Warnings of voyeurism.
☕ if you like my writing, support me with a ko-fi !
This fanfiction is also posted in Ao3 under the name undyingfidelity.
Chapter 1. | Chapter 2. | Chapter 3.
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The next time Jareth was sure he would not forget about Leah came soon enough. He would not forget her so easily.
The woman was calm and submissive to him, taking in every order and indication the King was giving, either to her or his goblins. She was a fast learner, something Jareth truly appreciated a lot for sure.
Each day that passed in the Castle, was an exciting day of learning new things from the mind of the new mysterious woman doing her way around the place.
A smirk formed on his lips as he looked over Leah through the crystal in his hand. Jareth used to check on her from time to time using the small crystal, and lately it had become more of a daily habit before going to bed. Was it wrong? Maybe. She could do personal things he wasn't supposed to see, but since when Jareth did care about that? He wasn't very fond of moral and good behavior anyway.
Leah was graceful and phisically beautiful, and Jareth liked that. Her appearance and looks complemented the way she would talk to him, like a scared puppy who was barely rescued from a thunder storm, giving all her loyalty and fear only to him, the Goblin King. He really missed the feeling of being feared and respected at the same time.
She was doing excellent by serving and helping around. Jareth even found out she loved working in the Castle when he read his mind some days back. Anything he asked, she did for him without hesitation. He wondered if that could be useful in some other ways.
He was no fool. When he came around, the woman would certainly feel electricity running through her body. A type of energy that was known and uncertain at the same time - something that was trully exciting to her. Leah didn't know why or how, but the Goblin king slowly created this type of masculine and strong energy around her whenever he entered the room, and she grew up to admit to herself she actually liked it.
That night, Jareth observed the woman around her bedroom, taking her dresses and clean clothes to the wooden closet. Once she finished and organized the place, Leah started to undress in front of the full lenght mirror. She took off the straps of her dress slowly, loosing herself in the reflection of her own body, barely recognizing her own reflection.
Leah wondered what had happened before she fell to the Underground. How her life would have been without her being under the orders and the hands of the Goblin king. She didn't remember a single thing... yet. And Jareth found himself again looking after the woman, trying to get back any memory on her mind. But she did not remember any single thing, as in countless of times she tried before in front of the same mirror before going to bed, and repeat the same routine the next day.
She asked herself if Jareth was guilty of her being trapped in the Goblin city. And her thought made him smirk.
It wasn't part of his plans, but there she was. Questioning her own existence in front of the mirror, half naked, with a hand carresing the skin of her neck and her breasts delicately with one word in mind: Jareth.
Her hand found that sweet, prohibited and slightly wet place between her legs. She didn't remember feeling something like this before, but the sting and excitement felt like the first time Jareth laid his hand on her cheek.
The Goblin king became amazed with the girl, touching herself and discovering her own body on what it looked it was the first time - at least that she was aware of. Jareth read her thoughts, finding out he was the reason of her arousal. The simple thought of him creating that sweet sensation on Leah sent him over the edge. He was ridiculously proud and immediately inflated his ego - and his pants at the same time. But he was also bothered knowing he was only able to see her through a miserable crystal.
Sweat ran down her body as she, gently, worked two of her fingers between her legs. Leah tried to hold back her moans, but small whimpers escaped her lips even if she tried to stop them. Her fingers transitioned their slow and delicate motion to a rather fast one, and a weird, explosive sensation built down her stomach, until it felt like she was almost touching the sky.
Jareth noticed she was close. It filled him with excitement and anticipation. He wanted to keep her face coming down from her high on his mind forever. The way she tried to catch her breath and how she bit her lip while her body trembled was certainly a heavenly view. And again, he felt his dick extremely hard on his tight pants, and disappointed for not being there and give her what he knew she deserved.
"One day, little dove. One day," he mumbled to himself, still looking at Leah through the crystal, coming from her high. "Soon you will give in to me, in body, mind and soul."
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THERE HADN'T BEEN ANY NEWS FROM JACOB concerning the tribes or Leah's exile. The silence was deafening and only added to my frustration and sense of helplessness. Clearly, I didn't need an official update as I had already heard from Ayla that Sue had packed Leah's bag even before the trial began. It seemed like a preemptive move, almost as if Sue had resigned herself to Leah's fate without putting up a fight. Sue, Leah, and Seth's mom, was willing to let her daughter go, prioritizing the complex and ancient practice of imprinting that bound Leah to Ethan. This infuriated me, as it felt like Sue was abandoning her own daughter for the sake of tradition. When Leah finally received her bag, a tangible reminder of her exile, it was only Seth and Ayla who came to see her off, their faces etched with sorrow and helplessness. The absence of the rest of the tribe underscored the isolation and rejection Leah was facing, making her departure even more heartbreaking.
We — The Khotlers and Leah — took the plane from Forks Airport and headed to the BWI Airport where we would take another plane to London.
The flight to London was long, but the atmosphere among us made it seem even longer. Silence dominated, punctuated only by occasional whispers or the rustling of pages from a book someone was pretending to read. My thoughts kept drifting back to everything that had transpired, the changes I had undergone, and the decisions that had led us to this moment.
I could feel Ingram's steady presence beside me, a calming influence despite the storm raging in my mind. It was strange to think how much we had all changed. Once, the very thought of sitting on a plane, surrounded by humans, would have been unthinkable for some of us. Now, here we were, flying across the ocean with a mixture of resolve and trepidation.
The hum of the plane's engines was a constant backdrop, almost lulling me into a false sense of peace. But my mind refused to quiet down. The echoes of my past, the weight of my responsibilities, and the uncertainty of our future intertwined in a tangled mess that I couldn't seem to unravel.
Gabriel and Helena whispered softly to each other, their bond unbroken despite the trials we faced. Joseph and Rhona seemed lost in their own world, their expressions unreadable but somehow comforting in their solidarity. Simon and Alana, too, drew strength from each other, a reminder that even in exile, we were not alone.
I glanced back at Leah and Ethan. Leah's face was a mask of stoicism, but I could see the cracks in her facade. Ethan's presence was a small comfort, but I knew Leah was grappling with feelings of betrayal and abandonment. The tribe's rejection cut deep, and no amount of support from us could fully heal that wound.
My thoughts drifted once more to the Volturi and the chaos that had engulfed us when they loomed over the Cullens. Amun, Vladimir, and Stefan's remarks about my resemblance to Didyme still haunted me. Didyme, who was loved by many and died suddenly, a figure shrouded in mystery and tragedy. The comparisons made me uncomfortable, as if they were trying to fit me into a role I didn't understand and didn't want to play.
Billy's words echoed in my mind: "I know Violet the human, not Violet the vampire." It was true, in a way. He didn't know me as a vampire. He only knew me as a human. But it was the way Old Quil addressed me when I approached Billy.
"Back away, cold one."
I could still hear the seriousness in his tone, like he was ready to defend himself despite his old age. It was like they'd already saw me as a monster. A creature that didn't belong. A threat. The weight of their judgment bore down on me, making every step I took heavier. I had become someone different, someone stronger, but also someone more isolated. The transformation felt like a burden, a mantle I was forced to carry without ever asking for it. I tried to shake off the feeling, but it clung to me like a shadow, refusing to let go.
As we approached London, I knew we were stepping into another chapter of our story. One filled with uncertainty, challenges, and decisions that would shape our futures. But for now, all I could do was brace myself for whatever lay ahead and hope that, somehow, we would find a way to heal and move forward together.
The plane began its descent, and the cabin lights flickered on, casting a soft glow over our group. There was a collective shifting as we prepared for landing, the anticipation mingling with our shared anxiety.
We made our way through the airport, a flurry of motion and noise around us. Leah stayed close, her eyes scanning the crowd, but there was a guardedness to her stance, a wariness that hadn't been there before. Ethan stayed by her side, a silent protector. The rest of us moved as a unit, our shared history binding us together even as uncertainty loomed ahead.
Outside the airport, a taxi waited for us. We piled in, our luggage crammed into every available space. The city unfolded around us as we drove, its historic architecture and bustling streets a world away from the quiet forests of Forks.
We arrived at our destination: the Khotler Family Mansion, still standing tall over the ground. We unloaded our bags and made our way inside. We settled into the manor, each of us taking a moment to breathe, to gather our thoughts.
Leah sat by the window upstairs, staring out at the unfamiliar landscape. I approached her, unsure of what to say but knowing I needed to say something.
"Leah, we're here for you. No matter what."
She turned to me, her eyes glassy with unshed tears. "I know, Violet. It's just... hard. Leaving everything behind, being cast out. It feels like I've lost a part of myself."
I nodded, understanding all too well the pain of losing a part of one's identity. "We'll find a way through this. Together.”
Her lips twitched into a small, sad smile. "I hope so."
As the clock struck midnight on the first of January 2007, I entered the new year with a sense of dread. I entered the new year as a vampire, and the life of a vampire was never certain. The weight of the last few months bore down heavily on me, and I knew that each of us carried our own burdens. Leah's struggle with her exile, my own grappling with identity, and the shared uncertainty of our future hung like a dense fog over us all.
Days passed slowly at the Khotler Family Mansion. The old mansion had an air of both grandeur and melancholy, its walls echoing with the memories of those who had lived here before us. Leah spent most of her time in solitude. She wandered the vast gardens, lost in thought, or holed up in the theatre room with Ethan keeping her company. It pained me to see her so withdrawn, but I respected her need for space.
The events of that New Year's Eve still weighed heavily on my mind, but I knew that life must go on. As a vampire, I had eternity to look forward to, but for now, I would focus on the present and the family that had become my everything.
Beneath the crystal-clear water of the swimming pool, I found myself lost in a world of my own. Clad in my sleek black one-piece swimsuit, I sat cross-legged with my arms resting on my knees, feeling the cool water enveloping me. It was as if I had been transported to a different realm, far away from the chaos of the world above.
In this deep sea of tranquillity, I felt my connection to the world around me grow stronger. The absence of distractions and noise allowed my mind to focus solely on the people and places that mattered most to me. The unfamiliar sounds and slow-moving light that danced around my fingertips only served to deepen my sense of belonging.
As I moved my body through the water, each motion became a form of meditation, purging my mind of any thoughts that did not serve me. I knew that when I emerged from this underwater sanctuary, I would be centred and ready to embrace the best version of myself.
For in this moment, I had found a place where I could simply be. A place where the world above could not touch me, and where I could connect with my true self.
As I submerged myself into the depths of the pool, I was transported to a world of vibrant hues. The water was alive with a kaleidoscope of colours, each one tinted with a mesmerising green-blue glow. The sun, determined to make its presence known, fought its way through the water's surface, casting a soft, shifting light upon everything below.
The pool itself was a work of art, constructed with tiles of the coolest blue imaginable. The water, a perfect match for the tiles, was a soothing shade of blue that seemed to refresh my very soul. As I swam, the afternoon sunlight danced upon the water's surface, beckoning me to join in its playful game.
In this underwater wonderland, I was free to lose myself in the beauty of the world around me. The colours were so vivid, so alive, that I felt as though I had been transported to another realm entirely. And yet, as I floated weightlessly in the cool blue water, I knew that I was exactly where I was meant to be.
Then, an idea struck me. Why not practise my power underwater? I turned my hand around, my palms facing upwards, and focused my energy. Soon, a vibrant purple force began to form in my palms, coalescing into small, spherical balls. A grin spread across my pale face as I marvelled at the sight before me. It seemed that my force power was immune to the water's influence.
With a graceful movement of my left hand, the force remained steady, unaffected by the surrounding water. Encouraged, I repeated the motion with my right hand, and the result was the same. My two fingers twirled together, and a miniature tornado emerged from my fingertips, dancing playfully among the water. It was a fleeting moment, lasting only a minute before it dissipated into nothingness.
But I was not done yet. With a wave of my right hand, the force ball caught a bit of the pool water, and as I raised my hand, the force ball slowly followed suit. My hand spun around, and the force ball swirled along with it, a beautiful display of power and control. And then, with a simple closing of my hand, the force ball vanished, leaving nothing but ripples in its wake.
I emerged from the water, feeling invigorated and alive. My power had grown stronger, and I knew that I was capable of even greater feats. The possibilities were endless, and I couldn't wait to explore them all...
Then a memory came to my mind.
"But I am sorry!" Gabriel's voice was filled with desperation, his eyes pleading with the vampires to understand.
"He is sorry," Maggie's soft voice spoke up from the background, her eyes filled with compassion.
The Romanians snarled, their eyes flashing with rage. "You think apologising will change anything?" Stefan bellowed, his body coiled like a spring, ready to attack.
"Violet, get—!" Ingram was about to command me but I didn't listen to him at that moment.
With a flick of my wrist, the purple force field erupted from my fingertips, crackling with energy. It surged forward, a blur of violet light, and slammed into Stefan's gut with a sickening thud. He crumpled to the ground, gasping for air, while Vladimir rushed to his side.
Stefan's eyes widened in shock as he struggled to catch his breath. "You see that?" he wheezed, his voice laced with disbelief.
Vladimir nodded, his expression awestruck. "Your daughter has a powerful gift," he murmured, his eyes flickering to me and my father.
Joseph beamed with pride. "We got our maxima right here," he declared, puffing out his chest.
Simon shot him a warning glance, but Stefan merely chuckled. "A maxima, huh?" he mused, his lips curling into a sly grin. "Well, if the child isn't going to destroy the Volturi, then perhaps she will."
With a sudden burst of energy, I propelled myself out of the pool, sending a cascade of water droplets soaring into the air. As I hit the surface of the water, I felt the cool liquid envelop me, refreshing my senses and invigorating my body. I began to swim towards the edge of the pool, my arms and legs working in perfect harmony to propel me forward.
With a final burst of strength, I reached the ledge and pulled myself out of the water. Sitting on the edge, I gazed out across the room, my heart racing with excitement. It was still empty, just as it had been when I first arrived.
As I sat there, my mind began to wander. I couldn't help but think about the word that had been on my mind lately: maxima. It was a term used to describe vampires with multiple gifts, and I couldn't help but wonder what it would mean if I started using it to describe myself.
Would I become a saviour of vampires, using my gifts to protect and defend my kind? Or would I become a destroyer, feared and reviled by all who crossed my path? Would I be a hero or a villain, a victor or a victim? Would I bring hope or fear to those around me?
The uncertainty of my future gnawed at me, but I knew one thing for sure: I couldn't let fear dictate my actions. The choices I made, the paths I chose, would determine the kind of vampire I would become. Maxima or not, my strength lay not just in my powers, but in my will to use them wisely.
For a few minutes, I just sat there, listening to the trickle of the droplets of my cold skin and the occasional waves in the pool.
And then, I sensed him, his presence looming behind me. As I turned, Ingram stood there, a soft smile playing on his lips. His eyes held a mixture of admiration and concern, a reflection of the emotions swirling within me.
"You look so beautiful," he said, his voice low and reverent. "As always."
I returned his smile, feeling a warmth spread through me at his words. "Thanks," I replied, pulling my knees to my chest and wrapping my arms around them. "You know, everything... it's all so confusing. This power, this... destiny, whatever this is. I don't know what to make of it."
Ingram moved closer, sitting down beside me. The proximity of his presence was comforting, a reminder that I wasn't alone in this. "You don't have to figure it all out right now," he said gently. "It's okay to take things one step at a time. We'll face whatever comes together."
I leaned my head against his shoulder, drawing strength from his steadiness. "I'm scared, Ingram. Scared of what I might become, of the choices I'll have to make."
He wrapped an arm around me, his touch grounding me. "Fear is natural, Violet. But remember, you have a good heart. That will guide you, no matter what. And you have us — this family. We'll support you every step of the way."
His words were a balm to my troubled mind. I closed my eyes, allowing myself a moment of peace in his embrace. "I just hope I can live up to everyone's expectations," I whispered.
Ingram's fingers traced soothing patterns on my back. "You already have. Just by being you. The rest will come in time."
I leaned into his touch as I turned to sit on his lap. Ingram's hands rested on my hip as he smiled at me. My hands found their place on his shoulders, and his gaze fell on the Lunaris Mark on my wrist.
"Does the water cause you pain?" he inquired.
"Strangely, no," I answered, surprised. "Only contact from others or the presence of a werewolf can make it burn."
"That is peculiar," Ingram remarked. "But let's forget about that."
He moved his head forward and kissed me. My hands trailed to his bearded face as he wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him. My lips parted slightly, allowing his tongue to slip inside. The kiss was deep, charged with a passion that momentarily made me forget all my worries. Ingram's embrace was strong and reassuring, his touch grounding me in the present moment. For those few precious minutes, nothing else mattered but the connection we shared.
When we finally pulled apart, I asked him, "Get in the pool with me."
Ingram raised an eyebrow, a playful smirk tugging at his lips. "Is that an order, flower?"
I laughed softly, a genuine sound that seemed to lift some of the weight from my shoulders. "Consider it a request," I said, my voice light but carrying a hint of challenge.
He didn't need any more encouragement. Ingram stood, removing his shirt and shoes with casual grace before diving into the pool with a fluid motion. The water barely splashed as he entered, a testament to his vampire agility. I watched him swim towards me, his movements effortlessly elegant.
As he reached me, I couldn't help but admire the way the water accentuated the lines of his muscles, the way his eyes seemed to shine even brighter beneath the surface. He broke through the water's surface in front of me, shaking his head to send droplets flying.
"Happy now?" he teased, his voice a warm, low rumble.
I smiled, feeling lighter than I had in days. "Very."
I crashed my lips against his, my arms snaked around his neck. Ingram's hands glided to the small of my back, holding me securely as we moved through the water. The pool, now our private sanctuary, seemed to pulse with the same energy that crackled between us. The coolness of the water contrasted sharply with the heat of our kiss, a mingling of sensations that heightened my awareness of every touch, every caress.
Our kiss deepened, an unspoken promise of the bond we shared. Ingram's fingers traced intricate patterns on my skin, leaving me in an animalistic state, wanting every part of him. No need to be careful around him anyway. I felt the tension of the past few months melt away, replaced by a sense of belonging and certainty that I hadn't known I needed.
Ingram pulled back slightly, his forehead resting against mine as he caught his breath. "Violet," he murmured, his voice husky with emotion, "we'll get through this. Together."
I nodded, my eyes searching his. "I know."
The water lapped gently around us, creating a soothing rhythm as I returned my lips to his once more. I couldn't help myself, his lips were so irresistible. Our kiss was a refuge from the chaos and uncertainty, a reminder of the strength we found in each other. For a moment, the worries and burdens of our journey faded away, replaced by a timeless connection that transcended our fears.
As we finally broke apart, I felt a renewed sense of purpose. Ingram's presence had a way of grounding me, of reminding me who I was beyond the powers and expectations. I was Violet, a vampire, yes, but also a part of something greater.
I looked into Ingram's eyes, seeing my own resolve reflected back at me. "I love you, Shadow Man," I whispered, my voice steady.
He smiled, his hands gently squeezing my waist. "And I love you, flower. Always."
We lingered in the pool for a while longer, savouring the quiet intimacy we shared.
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