#leah williamson and jordan nobbs
silverthornfeather · 2 years
Be Alright - Chapter 3
Please enjoy! 
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samkerrworshipper · 2 months
she’s on the run
beautiful girl series part 4 -> pt.1 -> pt.2 -> pt.3
leah williamson x daughter reader, jordan nobbs x daughter reader
this was created whilst i listened to so long, london and florida!!!!
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You waited until Leah had fully descended the stairs, waiting patiently until you heard Lia and her talking in the kitchen before you started to creep off of your bed and towards your open window. It was a easy climb, one you’d made hundreds of times, you hardly batted an eyelid as you climbed out of the window, your legs swinging out and over until they hit the tiling of the roof. After that it was a simple jump from the roof too the gravel drive way, your only concern was trying to be as quiet as possible, so instead of jumping as normal, you stepped to the edge of the tiles, being ever so careful to make sure that you didn’t slip and fall. Once you got to the edge you sat down, scooting until your feet were hanging over the edge, turning onto your stomach and sliding down until your feet found one of the tresses on the side.
It was a odd form of rock climbing but with some arm strength and dodgy footing, you managed to eventually get your feet onto the gravel of your moms driveway.
You didn’t look backwards as you tiptoed across the driveway, the only think you focused on was turning your location off before starting to jog away from your mom’s house.
You didn’t know where you were going, you just knew that you needed to get far enough away that your moms friends who crowded all of the surrounding neighbourhoods couldn’t find you, you needed a way out of here.
You didn’t have a lot of options, and the options you did have were shitty, but there wasn’t really any others that would work.
You pulled your phone out of your pocket as you rounded the corner of the block, ducking into the first alleyway that you spotted.
There were a couple of numbers that were options, some better than others, you went with the first one that came to head.
The phone rings out for a few seconds, your fingers jitter against the sides of your plastic case, whether you feel prepared to admit it or not, you’re going through withdrawals, it’s around now that you’re body is accustomed to shooting up, to getting a hit of drugs and right now it’s becoming more obvious by the minute how desperate your body is for that high that your body is used to receiving.
Maya had become the older sister that you never had, she cared about you, she treated you with more care and love then anybody else in your life, there wasn’t really any hesitation in your mind as you pressed down on her contact, the ringing noise being the only thing to register in your mind.
It rang out for a while, before your phone went silent for a few seconds.
Originally, you thought that it had rung out, but then there was a groan and something else from the other side of the phone.
You don’t know where the nickname had come from, but along the way it had just become the way that Maya had chosen to address you.
“Hey, I need your help, where are you?”
You heard some rustling, and then Maya’s voice.
“I’m still at Matt’s house, what’s happened?”
Fuck. Fuck.
Matt was a problem, but he was one of the only people who could solve your main problem right now, that was all that was at the forefront of your mind.
“Mom found out about the drugs, she took them off me. I’m crashing, can you come get me?”
More rustling, then someone talking in the background.
“Fuck, kid. I’m gonna come get you alright, we’ll get you to Matt’s house and he’ll look out for you, it’s gonna be okay, we’ll look after you, I always look out for my girls.”
More rustling, accompanied by more background talk.
“Just send me your location alright, I’ll be there as soon as I can.”
You nod your head, taking in the information and finding that your hands and body seem to relax with the knowledge that there is a resolution coming.
“Okay, okay, thank you, thank you, I love you.”
Maya’s like you, or at least you try to tell yourself that. She’s never had anyone who loved her, she’s all by herself. That’s what you tell yourself, that nobody’s ever loved you, that you’re all alone, she tells you the same. That nobody will love you like a good high, that your all alone, that you always will be. To start with, you thought it was all nonsense, that to her you were just a means of getting money, but after hearing it enough, after realising the truth behind her words, you thought it must be true, she was older than you, she’d seen more of the world than you had.
You stayed hunched over in the alleyway, ignoring the buzzing on your phone that meant your mother had realised you were gone. You felt a pang of compassion in your heart, just briefly. You didn’t want to worry her, you didn’t want to think about the anguish that would have crossed Leah’s face when she’d returned to your bedroom to find it empty, even worse if it was Jordan.
Consciously, you didn’t care, not really, all you cared about was the fucking high that you were missing out on. But the eight year old version of you, somewhere in the lowest pit of your heart felt horrifically bad.
It took fifteen minutes of you being hunched against a brick wall, hiding from the view of the street, shaking and shivering before you were hit with the light of headlights, coming from the end of the alleyway.
You stayed hidden, just in case it was your mother or somebody else, staying crouched down behind a bin.
“Babygirl, let’s go.”
You stood up properly, your body straightening out and beginning to walk towards the far to bright white lights.
You sat down in the passenger seat, closing the door behind you as swiftly as possible.
Maya captured you in a hug before you could do anything, her arms wrapping around your neck and torso.
“I’m so proud of you, you’re in good care, I’ll look out for you, me and Matt and the girls, you’re in good company.”
You nodded your head against her shoulder, slowly pulling yourself from her embrace.
Her pupils were dilated, your brain didn’t consider the danger behind her being high, more jealous that she was riding on a happy cloud that you were craving to be on.
The drive felt longer than it should have, your phone buzzed relentlessly the whole way there, it took everything in you not to look down and block the numbers that you knew were ringing, but you didn’t have it in you.
You didn’t like the feeling that hit your gut when you rolled up to the same house that you’d stumbled out of a couple nights ago, you loved Maya, you loved drugs, what you didn’t love was the overwhelming fear that you felt at having to face the same man who had done those horrible things to you days ago. Maya must have noticed, or seen something was up with you.
“Something wrong, darlin?”
She was 23, closer to your Mom’s age then yours, she cared about you.
“Matt, he didn’t want money for the drugs, he wanted something else.”
You expected, or you hoped that Maya would be shocked, but she wasn’t, not in the slightest.
“I think you’ll find babygirl that your body is the most powerful form of payment, men will do anything for a woman’s body, it’s good you learn that young. Matt provides a lot, drugs, care, a house, give him what he wants and he’ll treat you well.”
You stuttered on your words.
“W-what if I don’t want it?”
Maya put her hand on your cheek, squeezing firm enough to make it sting slightly.
“There is no such thing as not wanting it. We’re primal, we crave to be touched and wanted, he’s just teaching you that. It’s an eye for an eye. You get your high, he gets what he wants. It works out for everyone. He’s just trying to keep you safe, just trying to make you feel loved, it’s the only kind of love there is.”
In your core, in your brain, you know it’s untrue, Maya believes in what she’s saying though, or at least she appears to.
“Now c’mon, let’s get you upstairs, get you some artificial assistance.”
She pats you on the shoulder, before opening up the door on her side of the car and stepping out. You let go of the breath that you’d been holding in. Maya is like your big sister, she cares about you, she would never intentionally hurt you, she’s the only person who really gives a shit about you.
You open the car door without much more hesitation, having convinced yourself that she’s right, and more that once you shoot up that your brain will quiet down and all of your doubts will be silenced.
Maya leads you into the house, it’s a lot emptier than it was the other day, a lot less people sprinkled across all of the surfaces, instead there are a few girls and Matt, who’s right in the middle of all of them.
“Pretty girl, didn’t think I’d see you back so soon.”
He’s voice is drawling, slightly tilted.
You didn’t have anything to say that wouldn’t come off as rude, so you simply smiled at him, as well as you could considering the bile that was in your stomach just at the thought of the man in front of you.
“She got kicked out, needed some place to go, I told her there is always room for her here.”
Matt nodded and smiled, his hands were all over the women around him, you tried your hardest to keepy your eyes on his face and not the company he was keeping.
“Of course, I look out for my girls. You craving pretty girl? You need something?”
You nodded your head, hopefully, you were desperate, the emotional nature of what you’d just been through with your mother enough to be slowly pushing you towards the edge.
“Maya take her upstairs, the speed is in my bedside draw, I’ll be up in a bit.”
Maya smiled and nodded, grabbing you by the shoulder and pushing you towards the same stairs you’d stumbled down just a few days ago.
You tried not to feel completely daunted as you were tugged upstairs, your shaky legs carrying you the distance to the bedroom that you’d been in less than twenty for hours ago.
It was the same position, same place, same everything.
It was hard not to feel completely terrified.
Maya led you over to the bed, sitting you down whilst she rustled in the bedside table.
It was silent, calm, as peaceful as you could feel in your current situation, until your phone started buzzing again.
“Answer it, let them know you’re fine.”
You looked ay Maya like she was crazy, she sure seemed it.
“Excuse me?”
Maya looked up from her spot rustling through the drawer.
“They’ll leave you alone if you answer, let them know you’re fine and not dead in a ditch somewhere.”
You gulped, pulling your phone out of your pant pocket and looking at the flashing contact of your mom, your finger hesitating over the green button before clicking on it.
“Bubba? Bubba? Jord, she answered, I’ve got her.”
The exhale of relief that you heard leave your mom’s lips was one of pure happiness.
“Mom, please don’t ahte me, please don’t hate me.”
You could always deal with the thought or realisation that your mom didn’t love you, but having her hate you, it would do things to you that you couldn’t handle.
“Bubba where are you? I don’t hate you, I could never hate you, I love you so much bubba. Just let me know where you are, we’ll come get you, we’ll sort this out.”
Your mom sounded more desperate than you’d ever heard her.
“I’m okay mom, I’m okay, I’m safe.”
Another exhale of relief.
“Look bubba, all your aunties are out looking for you, me and Jord have been worried sick, just let me know where you are, please. I’m so worried about you bubba, look, just come home, we can figure out the drug stuff, me and mama will get you all the help you need, we’ll make it all better, just come home.”
It had been hardly two hours since you’d slipped out of your window, you didn’t want to know how stressed your mom would have gotten had it been six or twelve.
“Mom I know I did wrong, trust me, I know. But you want me to go to rehab, you want me to get better, and trust me I want it, but I can’t do it, please.”
You heard something being dropped and then a button being pressed.
“Chick, listen to me, your mom and I are worried sick, you need to come back home. We’ll sort it all out, we’ll get you the help you need, but you need to come home, just tell us where you are.”
The feeling of the rubber tourniquet being tied to your upper arm and a needle prodding at your vein distracted you slightly.
“Look mom, I’m in good company, I’m safe, I love you both but I can’t do rehab, I can’t do getting better, I’m not ready, I’m not strong enough for that, I’m not like you and mom, I can’t be strong and brave, I can’t tough it out when it gets hard. I just need you to love me from a distance and understand that I’m doing whats best for me.”
Maya looks on proudly, it feels like your saying things to appease her and that makes you feel good, the validation of having her smile at you and nod her head at you, it wasn’t love but it was something close, the closest you felt in a while.
“Bubba, listen to me. You are so strong, everything you’ve been through in your life, it’s nothing in comparison to this. You don’t need the drugs, you don’t. This isn’t you bubba.”
You think that deep down, Leah and Jordan have no idea who you are anymore. The injection into your bloodstream only solidifies those thoughts.
“This is me mom, this is who I am now. I was like you and jord’s perfect little child, your perfect girl but that’s not me anymore. I’m not the same kid, this is me.”
You swore you heard a sob, or sniffle from the other side of the line.
“Bubba, we’ll sort this out, just come back home, please.”
You shook your head, enjoying the feeling of your blood circulating the drugs that had just hit your system.
“I can’t do that mom’s, I love you, and I’m so grateful for you but I can’t come home, I just can’t mom, bye.”
Before either of them could reply to you, you pressed down on the hang up button, throwing your phone to the end of the bed and leaning back, letting the high begin to sink in.
The bed sunk down next to you, Maya’s arm snaking around your waist.
“Good job babygirl, I’m proud of you, you’ve got me, I’ll look out for you, I look out for all of my girls.”
If you were sane, you’d probably ask yourself the question of what kind of person looked out for their people by giving them drugs and subjecting them to sexual assault, but with the drugs running through your veins and the relief starting to hit your brain, you couldn’t find you in it to care.
“Feels good.”
Maya brought your head to her neck, it was warm, happy, nice.
“I know babygirl, feels so good doesn’t it?”
You nod your head, the bliss starting to really get to you, your whole body feeling the affects of it.
Everytime you get high you think it’ll last forever, that the overwhelming numb happiness will last permanently. Every time you shoot up, you think that maybe it’ll all get better, that the feeling you’ve been searching for, will finally set in. It doesn’t though.
You come to the conclusion that it must be a more pure solution, or more concentrated because it’s getting to your head a lot quicker than normal.
You don’t even notice when Matt slips into the room, too busy processing the overwhelming feeling of the drugs rushing through you. It’s good, it feels good, until the bed dips on the other side of you and a hand is on your waist.
Your body is too numb to try and fight back, even if you had the energy or will to, you doubt you’d be strong enough.
There are words being spoken around you, hands all over your body.
You can’t open your eyes, can’t even try to understand what is happening to you.
You bite down on your lip, as your pants are tugged down.
You dissasociate it, disassociate the hands on you, dissasociate the feeling of being violated, enjoy the fact that the mixture of the drugs in your system and pain coming from your lip manage to be enough to distract from the pain being inflicted on you.
It’s primal, it’s an eye for an eye, it’s a form of payment.
Some time during the process, you drift off, whether it’s from the drugs or pain you aren’t sure, you just know that the sweet mixture of the meth seems to be enough.
You wake up with an arm around you, your silently terrified to open your eyes and find out who, but you’re also in pain and a little bit too curious for your own good. You’re grateful that the hands are Maya’s, it’s a small win. Your head is still dazed, it feels good, but you’re itching for something, itching for more.
“Hey babygirl.”
It’s light outside, it has of been a couple of hours and based on the pain between your legs you don’t want to know what’s happened in the couple of hours you’ve been unconscious.
“You feeling a bit better?”
You nod your head, focusing in on the daze and not the itch across your body and the pain your experiencing.
“You’ve been such a good girl for Matt and I, doing exactly how we pleased, we’re so proud of you.”
It’s the kind of praise you’ve been searching for months. Growing up, for your mom’s, you’d always been the perfect child, a pathological people pleaser. You’d always been told you were independent, in the end though it had all just been loneliness. You grew up to quickly, from the moment you were in foster care, passed around like a piece of trash, there was no option but for you to be lonely. Then you moved in with Jordan and Leah, and they had each other, you were still alone. You didn’t allow for yourself to make mistakes, you had a chance with them, if you were anything less than perfect then how could they want you? You were a student, a star athlete, polite, a perfectionist to your core. You took on all of the burden during the breakup, you were there for both of your mom’s through it all, yet you were the one who was always at the brunt of their anger and discontent. You weren’t worthy of their love, not when the perfect child stopped being perfect because of the pressure, because of the self-hatred that had manifested inside of you since the first people to show you love had broken apart, leaving you empty on the inside.
You blamed yourself for a lot of it, Leah and Jordan had been fine before you, it was like as soon as you entered their life it was just a ticking time bomb, you wrecked everything, you were a semi truck that drove through people, pulled everyone and everything in it’s way a part.
Maya knew how it felt, she’d broken people a part, she knew what it felt like to be all alone, she’d taught you that it was okay, that it was okay to be lonely.
She cared about you, she understood you, she wanted you.
“More, need more.”
She looked into your eyes and you felt understood, like she knew exactly what you were going through and knew how to patch up and fix all of your problems.
“Alright babygirl, just give me a second and we’ll get you juiced up, huh? You deserve it, you’ve been such a perfect girl for us.”
Maya removed her body from yours, reaching over to the bedside table, rummaging through it the same way she did last night.
Your body was still vibrating with the endorphins, the dopamine was filling your head, replacing everything in you that felt dead and broken, it felt so good, it was the feeling that you craved, the reason that you’d given everything else up, because it made you feel more content and fulfilled then anything else.
You were scared of losing it, scared of losing touch with the feeling that you were relying on.
You craved her praise, craved the drugs, craved the nothingness that came from having everything around you turn into nothing, all of the feelings, all of the struggle, all the pain and suffering turned into dust.
It was what made your life worth living, without the high you didn’t think your life would even remotely worth living for, you had nothing, you had nobody, you were alone.
Maya was quicker with her mannerisms, she knew what she was doing.
You’d never seen her do needles before the last twenty four hours, but you also weren’t that shocked. She had the tracks along her arms, the attitude that seemed like she could. She was the one who’d introduced you to drugs, it had started with a bit of pot, then coke, then heroin, then any pill that you could find and eventually, speed.
You’d been tentative at first, speed was more addictive than any other drug, speed did bad things to a body, methamphetamines were a druggies worst enemy. You’d met cokeheads and some of the most addicted heroin junkies and yet plenty of them had told you that they would never touch meth, that it was too intoxicating.
Meth took control of a persons body, penetrated the system faster than most drugs, meth got into your head, it changed a person for the worse.
You wanted that though, you were seeking for that. You were seeking for something to take control of you, something to change you, something to change the way your brain was wired.
It felt so good, you’d never been into needles either, avoided them like they were the plague, but with the plastic tourniquet strapped onto your arm and the cold point of the needle pressing against your inner arm.
It was the best feeling in the world, the best feeling known to man.
You felt like you were on the peak of Mount Everest, like you were unstoppable.
It was the same feeling you’d once gotten from just being in a room with your moms, the same feeling you’d gotten after a good game of football, the same feeling you’d gotten out of getting a good mark back on a test.
A while ago, a time that you don’t like to think about anymore, it all came naturally. Your body did hunger for that kind of attention because it received it naturally, it didn’t have to worry about when the next burst of serotonin would come. You didn’t have to create your own sensation, like you do now, you didn’t have to put yourself on a constant calendar to keep yourself sane, to make sure that you stayed happy enough to stay alive.
You didn’t think about the fact that you’d shot up a couple of hours ago, that you’re body was only just now learning to absorb intravenous drugs, that you were more dosed up then you had been in your entire life and now you were adding gasoline to the fire inside of you, you didn’t care, all you wanted was for this feeling to keep lasting, for the pain in your stomach from everything that you knew had happened but couldn’t recollect to be numbed by the drugs that you were craving.
You felt alive when the needle pressed into your arm, it made you feel like you were unstoppable, enlightened, like nothing could stop you. It was a strak contrast to how you felt when you were sober, when you were sober, you felt like the weight of the world was resting on your shoulders, that you were responsible for all the people that were around you and if you failed them then you were no better than the little traumatised girl that had been handed to your moms all those years ago.
You tried to ignore the odd chest pain that set in as the drugs mixed in with your blood, or tried your very best at least, it was hard though, when the initial pain started to turn into a skin splitting sensation you tried your best to pay no mind to it.
It was odd, you figured it might be a new effect you were unearthing, needles gave a different high in comparison to your normal, it was understandable that their would be different effects.
For the first time though, in a long time, you weren’t overcome with the near overwhelming relief that normally flooded you, the pain in your chest was to strong, instead of your heart slowing, your pain subsiding and all the thoughts quieting down, it felt like you were going into overdrive, hyperaware of everything that resided inside of you. Your chest was hurting, your heart was beating at a abnormally fast pace and your brain hurt, like it was rattling around inside of your head, bruising the inside of your skull and cracking it into pieces as every second passed.
“Maya, maya.”
It was a croak, yourr eyes being forced open as you took sharp, short breaths.
“You’re okay babygirl, deep breaths, it’ll feel good any minute.”
Except it wasn’t feeling good and it was feeling worse as every second passed. Your skin was prickly, hot and red and burning all over, your heart felt like it was beating faster than it had ever before and everything about how you were feeling felt so inexplicably wrong.
“Not good, not good, not good.”
Maya’s hand was on your face, patting at you like you were a dog, like you were a pet to her.
“Ride it out, you’ve got it babygirl, it’ll pass.”
It wasn’t passing though, it wasn’t, nothing about how you felt was passing at all.
You could feel your control of your body start to fade, you didn’t understand how or why, you didn’t understand what was happening, you knew though that whatever this was, whatever you’d taken or been given, it wasn’t good. It felt like poison inside of you, slowly taking control of every thing inside of you, like something was eating you up from the inside, as every moment surpassed.
You wanted to think that it was going to be fine, that you were just experiencing some kind of heightened high from the buildup in your system, but there was something overwhelmingly odd and wrong about how you felt, it was real, realer than any drugs had made you feel.
Drugs were artificial, and they made you feel artificially happy, or numb, somewhere between those two. Drugs had never made you feel real and tangible, like you were more of a human than anybody else, but right now, you felt more personified then you ever had, like you were so synched with your body that it was too much, too much feelings, too much pain, to much of everything.
You struggled to get out anymore words, between the feeling of your heart beating the speed of light and your chest being too tight for any oxygen to enter your airway.
You supposed she got the message when your body started to shake, your eyes rolling into the back of your skull as your body struggled to cope.
You heard her scream, felt her pick up your body, in blinks of your eyes you made out the staircase, the entryway, Matt in your line of sight.
You get traded into his arms, arms that make you feel tense and uncomfortable, something your body seems to react to because the tremors or seizures, or whatever the fuck your experiecing only worsens.
You blink in and out of consciousness as you’re taken from the house, into the backseat of somebody’s car, Maya and Matt seated in the front, murmuring to each other as you violently shook in the backseat, your consciousness fading as your body became less connected to you.
You weren’t sure where you were going, where drug addicts thought it was a good idea to take a person fucked up out of their minds, you hoped it wasn’t back to your mothers, or rehab, you seriously doubted the latter considering that two addicts themselves were more likely to take you to a fucking graveyard instead of rehab.
You knew neither of them were talking to you, just talking between the two of them, you hoped they were getting you some kind of help, that the two of them would stick by you and find you some help, Maya loved you, Maya was the only person who cared, she would get you help, she would stop this feeling, she would fix it.
You couldn’t see, you couldn’t control your body, you couldn’t feel any sensations across your skin beside the burning created by the lack of oxygen being circulated throughout you. It was like the drugs were slowly infiltrating every part of you, that the veins which mapped out your body underneath your skin were being pumped full of the toxic substance that you’d been so desperate to fill yourself with.
It must have been a bad reaction, or something you’d taken was laced, probably with fentanyl or something that was mixing badly, fentanyl was renowned for being one of the worst things to combine with meth, opioids and stimulants were bad together, it was probably the two forms mixing together inside of you, creating a horrible chemical concoction of reactions inside of you.
You couldn’t keep yourself awake for most of the car ride, there were patches of consciousness, patches where your eyes would open just for them to close once again.
You were awake when the car stopped, not awake enough to catch a glimpse of where you’d stopped at but awake enough to hear the car engine turn still on. The passenger door opened, then footsteps, then the backseat door beside you opened.
Maya picked you up, or at least that’s who you thought had your arms around you, your eyes were forced shut so you didn’t have any confirmation.
A few steps were taken, fast ones, and then she was squatting like she intended to put you down, and then she did.
You didn’t know how or why or where, you just knew that it was cold, there was rain drizzling down on your face, your body was shaking more than ever and you could hear the footsteps getting further and further away from you, then the sound of a car door being opened and shut and the car pulling away.
You were in agony, there was no other way to put it.
You’d been abandoned before, it was nothing new for you, it only reinforced the idea that you were simply incapable of keeping people in your life, nobody wanted you long term, you weren’t made for long term love, you were like a toy to a child. Fun and entertaining for a short amount of time, before you were forgotten and then eventually, thrown away.
You passed out before you could think more about the toy comparison, cold, alone and forgotten.
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woso-dreamzzz · 4 months
Leah Williamson x Jordan Nobbs x Child!Reader
Summary: You want hugs
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The breakup with Jordan went fairly smoothly where the feelings were involved. Where it got a bit gritty was with you.
At three years old the travel between London and Birmingham was hard going and you didn't quite understand why you had to do it or why Mummy moved in the first place.
"Come on, bug." Mum tries to feed you, nudging a fork loaded with pasta against your lips. You turn you head away stubbornly.
Arsenal isn't as fun without Mummy here and you refuse to let Mum lighten your mood. So, you stay stubborn and ignore her.
Leah, for her part, is very confused at your change in attitude. She knew that there would be an adjustment period for everyone involved and she knew it would probably hit you the hardest.
But you'd had an attitude with her the whole week as soon as you got back from Jordan's and Leah can't quite work out why. She wondered if she'd been mean or rude to you but she knew that she hadn't so your change in mood is very disconcerting.
She's not getting very far with you so drops the fork and checks the time. There's still a full day of training to get through but Jordan hasn't got any so she's been driving down from Birmingham to pick you up for the week.
Leah sighs deeply at your stubbornness as you push your lunch plate away and sullenly pull at the table cloth.
"She'll come around," Lia says, reaching out to offer some comfort," It's just a hard adjustment."
Leah huffs. "Yeah, I guess so but-Bug! We don't hit!"
It was almost in slow motion that Leah watched you slap Lia's hand where it's holding hers.
"No!" You screech, not paying any attention to your mum as you scream at Lia. "No touching! She's mine! Mine! Not yours!"
You climb from your seat and grab Leah's arms to force them around you in some semblance of a hug.
"Hey," Leah forces her arms away. "No. We don't hit, bug! Say sorry!"
Your bottom lip wobbles as Mum stops hugging you, leaning away from you as she looks at you with a stern expression. "Hugs!" You whine," Hugs for bug!"
"No," Leah corrects," No hugs for bug until you apologise."
Your face turns stormy and your expression mimics Leah's perfectly. "Hugs!" You insist," Hugs! Now!"
"Say sorry," Leah continues," And then say please and you'll get hugs."
"No! Want hugs now!"
Leah squeezes her eyes shut for a moment to draw herself together before she moves. She hoists you up onto her hip and walks you over to the corner. At first, when you think that she's giving in, you go limp but as soon as you see where she's going, you start kicking and hitting.
"No! No! No!"
"Yes," Leah says firmly," We don't hit and we're not rude, especially not to me. Five minutes in the corner and then you can say you're sorry and we can have cuddles."
"No!" You bite out," Don't want cuddles from you! You're mean!"
Leah tries not to take it to heart. She knows that when she's angry she says things in the heat of the moment but you look so certain of yourself and so angry that it looks like you're being serious.
You fight being put in the corner but once you're there, you know to stay and Leah always makes sure to sit closer so you don't feel like you've been abandoned.
"What's going on?"
She hadn't even realised Jordan's arrived until she speaks.
Leah doesn't look away from you. "Bug hit Lia and she's demanding things again when she knows she needs to use her manners. She's having some corner time."
"Leah." Jordan sounds a bit worried. "She's only little. She doesn't understand."
"If she's old enough to hit and demand things then she's old enough to know that being rude and mean has consequences. It's not like I'm overreacting, Jordan."
The look Jordan gives her kind of makes Leah feel like she doesn't agree. In fact, Jordan approaches you, tapping your shoulder to let you know you can turn around.
"Hey there, bug," She says," What's going on?"
"Want hugs!" You yell, looking between her and Leah," Both! Want hugs from both!"
"Hey!" Leah says sternly again," You need to say please!"
You look at her in rage, like you can't believe that she's denying you again. Mummy never denies you cuddles. She's always touching you and giving you kisses and holding your hand.
She never makes you say please.
"Hug!" You turn to Mummy to show Mum what she's supposed to be doing. "Hug! Now!"
"Jordan!" Leah complains when Jordan immediately hugs you.
She rocks you back and forth for a moment and you instantly deflate.
You reach an arm out to Mum. "Hugs, now," You say, infinitely calmer but a lot more determined," Like Mummy."
"Bug," Leah says," You have to say please."
"Leah," Jordan interrupts," Just give her a hug. She'll stop screaming if you hug her."
Leah shifts closer but doesn't hug you. "You need to say sorry to Lia," She says again," Because it's rude to hit."
You huff. "Lia's not family," You respond," Doesn't need to be touching you."
You shuffle out of Jordan's arms but take care to keep holding one of her hands. "Don't need to touch you," You insist. You grab Leah's hand and she lets you because you're trying to explain your feelings and she doesn't want you to be discouraged and shut down like earlier this week.
You pull Leah's hand and connect it to Jordan's, wrapping around both of them so they can't pull away.
You seem proud of yourself, puffing out your chest. "Hugs now!"
"Hey, wait, no," Leah says quickly," Manners, bug. We've talked about this."
"Mummy doesn't make me use manners when I want cuddles." You shrug. "Just have to want one."
Jordan, at least, has the sense to look a bit embarrassed.
Leah never likes to critique Jordan's parenting skills. She's a great mum but there are things that tend to grind Leah's gears. It's not that she thinks that she's better or her way is best (Leah knows that she's not the perfect parent) but giving in to your every want when you're being rude about it is one thing that really annoys her.
"It makes her happy," Jordan defends," And it saves all the tears and tantrums."
"Jordan," Leah groans," She can't just demand everything."
"Leah," Jordan says back," You haven't even scratched the surface of her tantrums. She's always been your perfect little angel." There's a hint of bitterness in Jordan's tone that makes Leah feel a bit bad.
She's right, of course. Before the breakup, you were nothing short of a little angel for Leah, following her like a shadow and lavishing in her company. Jordan had always had to work a little bit harder to gain your approval, even going back as far as the day your care worker brought you home to them.
Leah sighs deeply and pulls you a little closer.
"Bug," She says, a lot gentler than earlier," You need to go and apologise for hitting Lia." You make a face but Leah continues on. "Thank you for explaining with your big girl words but I think big girls like you understand when they've been a bit naughty."
You nod sullenly, your bottom lip jutting out in a pout.
"And then, if you still want cuddles, you need to say please, okay?"
You shake your head. "No! 'Cause Mummy's here now! Can't have Mum cuddles!"
Leah and Jordan exchange confused looks.
"Why can't we cuddle now Mummy's here?"
"'Cause I've got to go home with Mummy! Can't cuddle with you if I'm with Mummy!"
You look close to tears, tears of sadness rather than the tears of anger earlier.
Leah's face softens. "But do you still want cuddles with me?"
"Okay," Leah says," Here's what we're going to do. Mummy's going to take you over to Lia and get your lunch. You're going to say you're sorry for hitting Lia and then we'll all sit down together, have some cuddles, finish your lunch and we'll get you on your way with Mummy. How does that sound?"
You nod. "Yes, Mum."
"Okay." Leah presses a soft kiss to your temple. "Let's get started then."
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trulyhblue · 5 months
Baby England
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Lionesses x Young! Reader (platonic), Leah Williamson x reader (platonic).
Warnings: fluff, a little bit of angst, coarse language, school, young reader.
A/N — still can't get over Sam's ACL. Like I woke up just to cry? No, thank you.
The Games Room was quiet for what seemed to be the first time ever. The team was sprawled throughout the room, some of them on their phones, others by mountains of pillows. Georgia and Keira were in the indoor pitch juggling with one another. Alex was having a soft conversation with Hempo, laughing at something one of them had said.
The serenity of the room was something you didn't catch often. Usually, the hustle of the team would echo across the walls, loud pints of laughter and screaming coming from one corner of the room to the other. Lucy was often yelling at Mario Kart, and Ellie was always strutting around Table Tennis in triumph, while everyone else grumbled on about how she was too good.
But for now, it was silent, save for the low conversations from the different groups. Even Lessi and Tooney were keeping in check, sharing a rocking chair with mounds of blankets hauled over the top of them.
For anyone else in the room, it would've been extremely relaxing.
For you, it was anything but.
You wanted to snap your pen in half, feeling the fatigue of yesterday's game daunting on your muscles. The words on your laptop were dancing behind the blur of your eyes. You struggled to stay concentrated as Leah sat next to you, taking her eyes off her phone every once while to make sure you were actually doing your homework.
The Euros were speeding by quicker than any of you could imagine. The outcome of your results, and the number of fans that had started to compile over the weeks, was indescribable. This was your debut camp for the Lionesses, and while you spent most of your time on the bench, making late appearances in the 70th minutes of games, you wouldn't change it for the world.
However, with all the excitement and privilege that came with representing your country in such a prestigious competition at Sixteen, you were faced with the challenge of keeping up with school.
When you first signed with the Lionesses, your parents were determined to keep you in school. Your education was very important, and if football ever ended badly for you, they wanted you to have something to fall back on. Growing up through the youth groups, and developing skills in the Arsenal Academy, you were used to the physical and emotional demands of a professional football career. Your parents were incredibly supportive of your dream to play, but their underlying worry when you were called up to the National Team was daunted on them.
So, to make everyone happy, you decided to take on the complicated challenge of juggling both football and school. This meant that in your spare time, all you did was study for exams, take the exams, and then study for the next one. It was an endless cycle of school and work, but you knew that it would be all worth it in the end.
The worst thing about it was that none of the girls were your age. Some of them had Uni work to do, but you were still mastering high school subjects. The workload wasn't nearly as draining, and they seemed to have it all sorted out in a few short hours while you were spending all of your extra time peeling away your useless worksheets, essays and papers.
Lots of the girls were lenient. None of them liked the idea of you cooped up in front of a screen. Hempo would buy you some crisps from down the road. Mary would make TikToks with you, Beth would scoop you up for cuddles and a movie. LJ would pull you away for Mario Kart. All the girls believed that you needed a break, especially in such a stressful time.
But Leah was the exact opposite.
You had known Leah since you were seven. You had met her during one of your Arsenal Youth games, immediately looking up to her as an older sister and role model. Even as a teenager, Leah holds a protective arm around you. She was always ready to defend you on the pitch, not only as a Captain, but as a friend. She wasn't afraid to put you in line — she was the only one who could send you running laps if you were too cheeky. She was strict, especially when you parents weren't there to boss you around, and everyone knew that her authority over you was nothing to debate.
You were training with the Arsenal Women's Team while you were still at the Academy. You're not quite sure why you were chosen in the squad, as you struggled to believe you made the cut at such a young age, but the England Captain didn't hesitate to make you put in the work.
She was a bit like your agent, always persuading you to do something when you weren't sure what to do yourself. You still weren't signed with a WSL team, but as the Euros progressed, teams from everywhere were banking up to sign you as soon as possible. You tried hard not to delve too deeply into it. You knew Arsenal was a main contender, and that's where you most wanted to go, but your focus right now was the Euros... and the essay in front of you.
"C'mon, get it done," Leah ordered, scrolling aimlessly through Instagram, her hand carrying the weight on her head against the desk. You had been sitting there for over an hour, a total of one paragraph typed out on your screen. Outside, you could see Beth and Lotte playing Basketball. You threw your head backwards, groaning in respite. This was the last thing you wanted to be doing.
"No use whining about it." She spoke, still not looking at you. "'Might as well smash it out now so it's done."
"'Dunno what to write about." You grumbled, shoving your hands into your pockets. You managed to slip a glance towards Esme, feeling your hopes lift up when she gave you a knowing nod.
But of course, Leah caught the interaction. "Hempo, no." She snapped, sending the Forward back to her seat. "You don't get crisps when you've done nothing to deserve it."
"-Get on with it."
You slouched back into your chair, making sure your Huff was loud and overly obnoxious. Leah had no reaction, leaning back in her chair, and continuing to scroll on her phone.
"Y/N." She murmured in warning.
When you made no effort to keep going, she finally looked at you.
You could tell she was over it. She wasn't obliged to sit with you, but it was an unspoken rule that she did, otherwise, you would never get it finished. The older woman secretly felt bad for making you do it. If it was her choice, you wouldn't be doing school during the tournament. She understood your reluctance, but both of you could guess the consequences of your actions if you weren't handing it in.
"You've got half an hour." She snapped, her glare darkening. If she wasn't strict now, it'd end badly. "If it's not done, I'll bench you."
From the corner of your eye, you could see Lauren stop her Lego abruptly. Esme was no longer looking at her phone, instead tilting her head away from the tension rising in an attempt to not get involved.
Leah didn't have the power to bench anyone, the older girls knew that. But to your virtue, you thought that Leah was capable of anything. An abuse of power, maybe, but it worked all the same.
You begrudgingly tapped at your keyboard, making a point to roll you eyes when Leah set an alarm for half an hour. You were determined to keep your spot as a preferred sub, refusing to let Leah feel all smug at the fact that you couldn't finish the stupid essay.
Lauren continued on with her Lego. Esme was starting a new bracelet. Beth and Lotte's giggles were drowned out by the determination written all over your face. Without your knowledge, more and more people began to cram into the Game Room. First, Lucy, then Kei and Gee. A few minutes later, Alessia and Ella were doing a TikTok, their voices growing louder as the minutes went by. LJ walked past with confusion written across her features. She leaned over your shoulder, eyes slightly widening at the page full of words. She glanced to Leah's phone and the timer, then at Leah, who was staring off into the distance.
By five minutes left, you had written nearly two whole pages. Your hands were cramping, and your feet couldn't keep still. Chloe and Katie were surrounding you behind LJ, waiting for you to snap out of your trance and notice the crowd that had complied.
You were reading over your final sentences when the door crashed open, revealing Millie and Rach running in frantically with a cameraman hot on their trail. Their presence was so boisterous that everyone stopped to see who it was, watching in curiosity when the two women started searching the room.
"We need the Baby!" Millie screamed, scrambling onto the floor to check underneath the lounge. "We need the baby!"
Rachel was running to the bean bags, dashing past Lucy, Keira and Georgia playing Mario Kart. Everyone laughed in amusement at the cameraman struggling to keep up with the two of them.
"Where is she?!" Rach screeched at Esme and Lauren, ignoring the fits of giggle the pair were in. "Where's the baby?"
"Over here, idiots," Zelem stated, causing both their heads to dart in your direction. The girls surrounding you were quick to scatter, knowing the wrath of the two women was not something easily escapeable. Millie was about to yank you from under your shoulders when Leah moved in front of you, her prior amusement halting, replaced with her usual sternness.
You were closing your laptop at the sight of the camera, beaming at the thought of freeing yourself.
"Not now, Bright," Leah uttered, wrapping an arm around the back of your chair. "She's got school."
Instead of leaving you be, the duo closed in on you, beckoning the camera over to your work sprawled across the table.
Both of them held tiny mics, holding them up to their mouths as they spoke.
"Here we've got the Arsenal Protege in her natural habitat. Born and raised in red, she seems to be researching ways to leave."
"Both Arsenal and Leah."
Leah's face contorted into deep offence. "Hey!"
"Yes, it appears she is." Rachel nodded vigorously, picking up your book, pretending to read it. "She has written down Aston Villa as her top contender. Not only is she fast, but smart too."
Millie hugged you from behind. "But we all know what side of London she's thinking of, isn't that right? Smart, little, blue she'll be, am I right, Williamson?"
The camera panned to Leah, who was not looking at all amused. The thought of you being at any other club felt absolutely gut-wrenching to her. Like her, you had grown up bleeding in North London. She wouldn't trade any other player twice as good as you if that meant you'd stay. But while she'd never admit it, Leah wasn't worried about you leaving Arsenal. She was more worried that you'd leave her.
"Over my dead body." She snapped, wrenching the Chelsea woman's arms away from you, swerving your chair back to face your laptop. "Now, off you go, she needs to get this done."
"I've finished it, Lee." You muttered, feeling embarrassed at the fact that fans would prune over the way you were bossed around. When it came to your figure in the media, it was mainly regarding your blamelessness in comparison to your more experienced teammates. You were often babied by the girls, and fans adored the interactions you would have with them, especially with Leah.
Your Captain looked at you, crossing her arms. "You promise me you're done?"
"Promise." Your cheeks heated as the snickers fell from Daly's lips. You nodded, slowly inching off your seat. "Please, Lee, I've been stuck here for hours."
"Yeah, c'mon, Williamson, let her come to the dark side." Millie barked, causing Leah to grumble at the notion.
It took her a few moments to decide whether or not to let you go, huffing in defeat when she turned off her phone. "Fine. But no Chelsea or Villa talk, swear to Go—"
You were off before she could finish her lecture. Millie had picked you up, lifting you over her shoulders as Rach followed behind. The three of you ran into the indoor training pitch, with the poor cameraman following after you hopelessly.
When Millie plopped you down, you engulfed the warmth of someone's lap. You craned your head back to find Jordan looking back at you, her beady, toothy grin beaming back at you. The Arsenal midfielder wrapped her arms around you as you made the effort to snuggle into her body. Jordan was like your second mother when you were away from home. She was an ongoing support that wore her heart on her sleeve. She was different from Leah's opposing relentless, being more of a calm before the storm, less sentimental but effusive nonetheless.
You were supposed to be Jordan's substitute during your time at the Euros, but her knee injury had ruled her out. Therefore, the woman was only there when the squad wasn't training.
You noticed the multiple cameras surrounding the couch you were all squeezed on, but the attention felt a little less daunting with the comfort of the girls around you.
"We've got some questions for you," Millie spoke, revealing some palm cards from God knows where.
You nodded, keeping your head on Jord's chest. "Ask away."
"Who is your favourite teammate?"
You thought to yourself for a second before shrugging. "Jordan."
Rach scoffed. "Boring."
"Yeah, next!" Millie rolled her eyes. "Who would win in a fight, me or Daly?"
"Why am I answering these?!" You laughed, shaking your head. "You could've asked anyone."
"Those aren't the real questions." Jordan prodded, leading the two women to laugh their heads off at their supposed humour. You looked around at everyone, extremely confused about what you were here for. There were a few PR Managers behind the media setup, all with clipboards in their hands. You managed to catch Jordan eyeing Bright and Daly, squeezing your body a little tighter.
"Yeah, yeah, we're just having a laugh." Mils chortled, straightening up before continuing. "We're to announce that Baby England here has been asked to answer a few questions on behalf of the team."
You watched the centre-back intently. "Why me?"
"Dunno." Rach shrugged, followed shortly by Mil's voice. "Just 'cause."
"Alright, then, by who?"
"God, you'd think with all that schoolwork you'd be a bit brighter."
Jordan huffed from behind you. "Hurry up!"
"Alright, alright." Rachel scoffed, taking out the same cards as Millie had, the England Lioness logo plastered on the back. "So, seriously now, how do you think the Lionesses have worked throughout the Euros?"
You were never the one to be faced with serious questions in interviews. In fact, you had only ever attended one or two. At Arsenal, you were in the Academy, meaning the media surrounding you and your team was very scarce. As a representative of your National Team, the two interviews you had been a part of were your induction and your Player of the Match award at the end of one of the games. You weren't used to being in the spotlight like your England teammates, but you were not opposed to being overshadowed by them either. You knew you had a lot to learn, you were happy to play alongside them.
“Erm, I'm not quite sure.” You posed, blushing at the laughter that followed. “I'm very proud to be a part of it… this is a big opportunity for me, and I'm grateful for having the chance to represent my country.”
“True English,” Mils said fondly, finding the camera with her eyes. “Modest as always.”
Jordan hugged you tighter. “Let her finish, Millie.”
“But I think all of the girls think that, even to a bigger scale than me.” You continued, fidgeting with your hands. “It's a home Euros so… we all want to bring it home. I think that's one of the main contributors — the pressure, but also the idea of winning. We all want our families and country to be proud. So, yeah, and because we all love football. That's a given.”
“That was a bloody good answer, Baby England,” Rach commented. Her hand was rubbing your shoulder, her legs crossed over each other on the lounge. The Defender behind her was smiling, propping herself into a more comfortable position before she spoke.
“Speaking of,” She smirked. “Are you bothered by your nickname ‘Baby England?’ Do you feel a bit bugged by it?”
You giggled into Jordan, your cheeks inevitably heating up. “Erm, yes and no. I mean, I know I'm the youngest but I’ll go back to training and the girls will be teasing me for it.”
“Do you want to stay in the Academy?” Rach asked. “What’s your plans after the Euros?”
“Not sure.” You shrugged. “Hopefully we finish with Gold, that's the hope, obviously. But, I’ll just have to see.”
Both women looked at each other, then the camera, hiding their smiles concurrently. Jordan and you watched in confusion.
“Should we start the list of offers you've got right now?” Daly chortled. “I can think of five on the top of my head.”
“Who’s your top five?” Millie continued, leaning in and mouthing her club Chelsea.
“Leah would kill me!” You laughed, shaking off the question. “I was talking to Lessi and Lotte about the States, cause my parents still want me to have an education. But to be fair, my agent hasn't told me any offers. I don't think she will until the Euros are over.”
“Well, you heard it hear first.” Rachel beamed. “Baby England to Villa!”
The Cameraman was about to end the video when a booming fury echoed from across the room.
All heads turned to an enraged Leah storming over. “I said no Villa talk!”
yourusername (pretend it's you and Leah)
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yourusername — sorry @ rachdaly, no Villa talk
milliebright — u say nothing about Chelsea, right?
^ leahwilliamson — don't even go there.
lionesses — football’s coming home 🫶🏼
racheldaly — I’ll find a way
^ leahwilliamson — no you won't.
user1 — Leah fighting for Y/N’s spot at Arsenal more than Arsenal themselves LMAO
^ user2 — she really said North London Forever
lottewubbenmoy — Baby England 🫶🏼
alessiarusso99 — beautiful girls
*liked by yourusername, leahwilliamson
User3 — is this an Aston Villa denial confirmation?
^ user4 — I think shes just referencing the YouTube video or Her, Jordan, Mils, and Rach.
^ user5 — shes got all these offers, who knows
^ user3 — she practically confirmed she was going to North Carolina in that video tho
^ user4 — 🤷‍♀️ you could say that is is an Arsenal Confirmation since Leah’s in it. Fr tho idk.
Leahwilliamson — my 🌟 girl
^ user6 — their friendship is so cute
User7 — All these clubs want her, WHERE WILL SHE GO
^ yourusername — 👀
829 notes · View notes
pixiesfz · 6 months
Leah Williamson x reader
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plot: y/n y/l/n is Chelsea royalty, a royal that is holding one big secret. (lets also pretend Leah never got injured)
warning: suggestion of smut, lust, angst, kinda long
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It's derby day and you were lined up in the tunnels you were behind Sam who held a straight face, but you were secretly searching for a certain blonde, and when you did she sent a silent smirk which you rolled your eyes at. 'Good luck' you mouthed and she sent a wink back 'You too' she mouthed and you both smiled, thankfully not getting noticed by anyone (or so you thought) Sam slightly nudged you gaining your attention.
"What?" you asked and she looked at you "you good?" she asked and you nodded "always" and the Australian smiled slightly "good then".
You furrowed your brows at your teammate who was silently laughing to herself "I see your shoulders shaking Sam what is it?" you asked and she turned around to you and nudged her head towards Arsenal vice-captain "I just wanna see what type of scrimmage you and Williamson come up with today" she shrugged and you laughed "last time was hilarious, then at the club later when she went up to you- hilarious, you left after though before we could rip into you" Sam laughed a bit more "yeah I just got really tired" you told her.
You did not go home that night.
"This is so wrong" you breathed out as the blonde kissed down your neck, her hands roaming around your hips "Oh yeah?" Leah rebutted as she lifted her head up, she didn't lean back as your lips were practically connected.
"Then stop me."
You wanted to stop her, your clubs were rivals and you were both never going to leave said clubs. But with the way her breath was fanning over your neck you lost all control.
"Don't stop"
A confident smile spread over the blonde as she brought her lips to yours again, it was passionate like she thought it was never going to happen again.
But unfortunately, it did, again, again and again.
That's when you two decided to go on secret dates, movies with hoodies on that were immediately taken off when you got home to her apartment.
Then you two had almost gotten caught.
It was at training, you had dropped your house keys that now had an added key for Leah's apartment and Jessie Fleming picked them up for you, noticing that there were more keys than usual.
"1, 2 and 3 oh my goodness y/n/n who's house does this key belong to!" she half shouted which gained some of the team's attention as you blushed "my parents moved" you quickly came up with an excuse as you grabbed the keys from Jessie's hands "and I'm going to see them tonight" you pointed her brows at her which made her drop the situation.
"you never have anything fun happening in your life" she pouted before turning away, earning a laugh from the team.
oh only if she knew.
You weren't the only one in the relationship that had almost gotten caught, Leah had once too.
"Leah that girl has been checking you out for twenty minutes now, go talk to her" Katie told the blonde who chuckled, not even looking at the 'admirer' before answering "not my type" she shrugged and Katie gasped.
"You're seeing someone!" she accused, her Irish accent shining through.
"No, I am not" Leah scoffed "Then go talk to the girl" Caitlin piped up as she leaned into Katie, the Irish girl wrapping her free arm around the Australian's waist.
That's what Leah wanted, she knew you yearned for it too.
"And lead her on, no thank you" Leah laughed before walking past the couple. "I'm going home" she announced with a smile before walking out to get into a cab to yours.
Months of secrecy and now your clubs were to vs again. A rough tackle by Leah last time and your 'valid' reaction were what got you two red-carded at your last game and what now led you both to a secret relationship...weird now that you think about it.
When the game started Leah was on the other side as Jonas put her in an attacking position for the first half.
Arsenal was winning and you cursed to yourself, you were a competitive person and obviously wanted to win but it didn't look to good for the blues.
You had chances to score but their goalkeeper was good today which even made you angrier "fuck" you whispered as Manu saved another one of your shots "she's never this good" you whispered to Sam who nodded "someone must've lit a fire under her ass"
Your head immediately whipped to Leah who had a great big smile on her face, you knew if anyone could whip anyone into shape it was her.
The first half ended and you were stuck in the changing room with a yelling Emma, usually her speeches were helpful but today you just wanted to exit the building.
"y/l/n!" Emma called out and you brought your head from your hands "top right corner" she said "never seen her jump higher than there" she pointed out and you nodded.
When you went out you noticed that Leah had been put as a defender, your defender.
You didn't know whether to say hi, ignore her or to switch with Sam secretly but your legs weren't working with your brain as you now stood next to her.
"You good?" she asked as she stared at the Stadium around her "not now" you muttered and she nodded "valid".
Leah wasn't stupid, she had versed you before you had become an item, she knew you were competitive and she was too which is why you had both been avoiding the game.
The siren rang and you were both running Leah wanted a clean sheet and you wanted to get your name on the board.
It wasn't long till Lauren passed the ball to you and your dribbled down the right side, getting ready to attempt the ball top corner before a foot came under you, pushing you to the floor.
Usually in other games, Leah would leave you to the floor but this time she held out her hand "c'mon baby" she whispered as you grabbed her hand and winced once you put your body weight on your ankle.
"Off her Williamson" Lauren ran over and pushed her but you stepped in front of Leah protectively "she helped me up, we're good" you said as Lauren lifted her brows at you.
Something had changed, every player on the ground could see it, usually you and Leah were at each others throats on the ground and now you were helping each other up and protecting each other.
The game ended and you both went off to your own teams, you stayed to yourself, not in the mood to talk to anyone but you did notice the lingering stares of your team mates.
You were angry, you lost and all your team could think about was your act of kindness.
"Can I not be nice?" you asked loudly "Not to Arsenal" someone piped up and you rolled your eyes "fucking christ" you muttered and Sam stood up "It was just different, you weren't helping up your defenders at Spurs what's different about Leah?" she asked and you turned to your locker.
This didn't go un noticed by your team mates as Millie Bright stepped closer "What's different about Leah?" she asked again with genuine concern "y/n?"
"Because I liker her and we're dating" You shut her off and turned back to your locker, folding your clothes with more forced as the whole team looked at you.
When you drove home after the game you were surprised to see Leah sitting at the couch with a wine in hand and another glass for you on the table.
"I did something stupid" she told you and you nodded "me too" you sighed and plumped down onto the couch "who wants to share first?" Leah joked and you looked down at your thumbs "I told the team" you admitted and slowly looked at Leah, scared of her reaction.
You were very surprised to see a smiling Leah.
"Why are you smiling?" you asked and she laughed "I told my team too!" she revealed as she laughed "god we're both stupid"
"How'd the team react?" you ask and she took a sip of wine "gave me shit but then told me they already knew, apparently I left my snap maps on and Jen found me being here a few many times"
"How'd Chelsea react?"
"Told me it was about time I had something interesting in my life" you laughed before you turned to Leah.
"at least we don't have to be so secret anymore"
"next the media?" she guessed
"oh tik toks already blown up" you laughed.
That's how you both spent your night, cuddling on the couch and laughing at tik toks that were made of the game and your interactions.
"they're good" Leah realized
"they don't miss a thing"
871 notes · View notes
queen-of-reptiles · 6 months
description: In which leah's rockstar girlfriend shows the england girls how to really put on a performance
leah williamson x female reader
disclaimer: this is all fiction! Do not take any of this seriously.
warnings: language, cute leah, some suggestive jokes
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y/n just posted on their story
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leahwilliamsonn just posted on her story
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y/n just posted
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liked by lucybronze, keirawalsh and 8.9 million others
tagged lionesses,
y/n ready to put on a show ;)
view 2.3 millions comments
username1: CUTEEEEEE 😍😍
username2: I love how much the Lionesses love her - my heart 🥺🥺
username3: ❤️❤️❤️
leahwilliamsonn: always ready for you my girl <3
y/n: my baby <3
username4: 🥺🥺
lucybronze: excited !!!!!!
y/n: SAME!!!!!
stanwaygeorgia: you better do 'hooked'! 😡
y/n: 😏😏
username5: WHOOOOOO!! 👏👏👏
alessiarusso99: AHHHHHH
ellatoone: AHHHHHH
y/n: oh my children!
username6: 🥺🥺
username7: CUTE
username8: I don't really see the hype about her shows 🤷‍♀️
username9: Okay????? The off you fuck! 🖕
username10: hahahahahahah 😂
1maryearps: Gonna be a good night!
racheldaly3: A great night!
mbrighty04: The best night!
y/n: ffs !
username11: ahahahaHAHAH
username12: 😍😍😍
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y/n grinned as she sucked a deep breath through her nose, her breathing slightly out of pace from all the jumping as she slid her guitar strap over her shoulder, fixing the instrument to her.
"Okay, I know ya'll love this one." y/n grinned, she looked up at the VIP section, eyes catching that of her lover's. Leah Williamson, even now, when there were thousands screaming for her, all y/n would ever want to find was the blonde.
y/n's fingers played the familiar riff on the guitar and the crowd started their screaming again as the drums kicked in. The Lionesses in the section all cheered and began to bounce as Leah chuckled.
"Yesterday I crashed my car Because I wondered what it'd feel like Pressed my foot down on the pedal And I ran right through the stop sign." y/n sang.
Her voice had always been low, raspy and powerful. She used to hate that, but as she got older and found that no songs fit her, she found that it was best to write ones to do so.
Leah loved her voice, from the second the two met Leah would sit and listen in awe every time y/n opened her mouth, she could be recording in the studio or belting mockingly in the shower, Leah would stop and listen every time.
"Told all my friends I hate them And then I played the victim 'Cause God forbid the problem's ever me Fucked my ex just to do it Guess therapy's been useless What a waste of £250 a week." y/n continued before holding the microphone out to the crowd.
"SO HOW DOES THAT MAKE YOU FEEL?" The stadium erupted, shouts and screams from everyone saying the line.
"Well." y/n hummed, the music stopping for a second before the lights flickered and the drums kicked back in as the smoke machines went wild.
"I think I'm hooked on feeling low Like morphine in my soul Kinda like when I go cold (cold, cold) I think I'm hooked on feeling down I drink until I drown Anything to black it out (out, out)
I think I'm hooked I think, I think I'm Hooked
I think I'm hooked I think, I think I'm Hooked I think I'm..."
The performance boomed as y/n sung through the chorus. Her voice strong and just louder than the screaming crowd. Her precious guitar now sat safely off her as she bounced and sang.
Her hair was slick with sweat as she lent back slightly her jaw line popping and making Leah sigh and pinch at her nose in need at how hot her lover was.
"You alright there Leah?" Georgia asks, her voice worried as Leah turned to look at her, but the blonde scoffed when she saw the shit-eating grin on Georgia's face.
"Shut up." Leah huffed as the girls around them continued to dance along.
"Blow through all of my money On cigarettes and coffee 'Cause being broke is hard at 23." y/n sang.
"I'm actually 25 now." She added in spoken words, Leah rolling her eyes at the cigarettes line which was a habit she had tried to get her lover to stop.
"Go write another sad song And play it for my poor mom Anything so she feels bad for me." y/n continues before holding the microphone out once again.
"Y/N THIS IS SO DEPRESSING." The screams ran out from the stadium, Leah wincing as she shouted with them, and Lucy's shout in her ear.
The chorus began again and the lights flashed wilder as the bass became jumpier, the crowd bobbing as they jumped with y/n who always had good stamina and a great core to sing and dance as she did.
"I think I'm hooked." y/n finished with her song. The lights cutting out as the crowd screamed as the lights came back up, y/n laughing as she waved to everyone.
y/n let out a sigh as she slid her jacket off, her strong arms coming into show from the black one-piece she was wearing which was a bit too low cut for Leah's liking.
The sleek Arsenal red flares her lover also wore were more covering than the cleavage filled top, but the tightness at the top clung to her perky ass so well Leah gulped.
The cheers got louder which caused y/n to laugh as she ran a hand through her hair, shaking her head at the whistles which were aimed her way.
"This, is for one woman only." y/n winked, nodding toward the Lionesses where the camera zoomed in on the now smirking blonde captain.
Keira chuckled next to Leah as Georgia jeered, clapping her friend on the back who rolled her eyes playfully as y/n then hummed into her microphone.
"Got time for one more ay?" She asked her band who nodded.
The tune of 'Hot Gum' began and people went wild as the lights went down and came back up as y/n danced in place, Leah wetting her lips as she watched her lover.
"I hold soft flames on my tongue And chew on them like chewing gum They burn the roof of my mouth But I won't spit it out loud right now."
y/n's voice was low and lazy, vocal fry peaking through as she tilted her body around to the beat as the crowd cheered. The lights suddenly went dark as y/n continued.
"There's an inferno in your mouth I can tell by the way you smile like it burns You press your lips together like you're kissing yourself To stop me from learning." y/n's voice continued.
Suddenly the lights had come up and y/n was no longer visible on stage, but the camera's had found her. Leah jumped at the image of her lover behind her.
y/n chuckled into the microphone and wrapped an arm around the blonde's waist and despite the fact y/n was shorter than the blonde in that moment she had all the power.
"She's a keeper, she's a believer She's on the ground, on her knees in a theatre And she put us in a car, I don't know where we are But she fell in love with a fever." y/n sings.
The crowd were screaming once more, y/n grinning at her lover as she spun around her and to her front, Leah's arms wrapping around her naturally as she lent back to sing.
"I could never leave her, I could never keep her" That's what she says to the neighborhood preacher And she put us in a car, I don't know where we are But I fell in love with the fever and I." y/n sang.
Leah couldn't help but lean down and press a small kiss to the junction where y/n's neck met her shoulder and the crowd cheered once more.
"I watch us burn and fall, the heat is ten feet tall The potential is bench pressing us into the wall And the flick of flames weaving through my teeth If the hot gum were to slip out, where would we be?" y/n sung.
The girl switched so her back was against Leah's chest as she danced with the blonde's team the group all laughing as Leah's arms hugged tightly to y/n's waist as she continued to sing.
"She's a keeper, she's a believer She's on the ground, on her knees in a theatre And she put us in a car, I don't know where we are But she fell in love with a fever." y/n sang, slipping to her knees in front of her lover.
The cheers that arose were louder than anything all night as the camera continued to film as y/n lent into a backbend her hand gripping Leah's thigh - on her good leg, tightly.
"I could never leave her, I could never keep her" That's what she says to the neighbourhood preacher And she put us in a car, I don't know where we are But I fell in love with the fever and I." y/n sang once more.
She rose to her feet as the song continued, pulling the blonde in for a kiss which Leah returned albeit a little sheepishly considering they were in front of thousands.
y/n pulled away, pecking Leah's lips once more before high-fiving Georgia and running back to stage for the last section of the song.
"If I tell you what I'm thinking promise, you won't tell yourself If you tell me what you're thinking, I swear I won't tell myself She's on the ground, she's on his knees, she's a believer She's on the ground, she didn't listen to the preacher." y/n finished with a dramatic bow.
The crowd screamed and cheered as y/n chuckled, waving to them once more as she began to thank them all and her band.
"And thank you baby, for being so good with me." y/n added into the microphone which caused Leah to chuckle. "And to the team, because you're all always hype-women for me and that slaps." y/n added.
The crowd cheered as she thanked them once more before running off-stage, sighing in relief as she chugged a bottle of ice cold water while she waited for the growing cheers of the Lionesses to get closer.
"You sure know how to put on a show mrs. skipper!" Millie called as she slammed her hands on y/n's shoulders, only to wipe the sweat which coated them onto a shouting Rachel.
LJ and Hempo both cheered as the three shared a quick shared high five, before Lotte, Beth and Niamh all did the same.
"Hmm, certainly." Leah said, folding her arms and raising a sharp brow, an unimpressed look on her face at the stunt pulled.
"Love you." y/n winked as she pressed a kiss to Leah, Alessia and Ella letting out fake gags which caused Lucy to hit them.
"Children." Keira chuckled as Georgia high-fived y/n once again as y/n sighed and sagged.
"Carry me to dressing room?" She asked Leah tiredly and the blonde nodded, swooping up the star into her arms as the Lionesses teased and cooed.
"Shut up!" Leah called before walk off with her lover.
y/n just posted
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liked by leahwilliamsonn, stanwaygeorgia and 9.3 million others
tagged leahwilliamsonn
y/n she's a believer, she's on the ground on her knees in the theatre...
p.s. thank you london - so fucking much xxx
view 4.4 million comments
username1: YOU WERE AMAZING !!!!!! 😍😍
username2: I Cried three times 😭
username3: I CRIED AT THEIR KISS 😭
username4: that was hot 🔥
username5: 🔥🔥🔥
ellatoone: the best night ever ! ESPECIALLY FOR LEAH ;))
alessiarusso99: Subtle Ella
keirawalsh: hahahahahahha - well done y/n!!
y/n: Love you !!!
username6: HEHehhehe
leahwilliamsonn: my girl - I - ...
y/n: Leah.exe has stopped working
lucybronze: disappeared like Houdini 🧐
1maryearps: Only disappeared because she's so small tho 🤷‍♀️
y/n: count your days earps...
1maryearps: gulp...
mbrighty04: you get well sweaty on stage mate ☺️
racheldaly3: and needy too apparently 😏
leahwilliamsonn: I'm not rli complaining
y/n: ;)))
username7: Her and Leah are so cute! 🥺🥺
username8: Right?!?!?!!!! ❤️
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leahwilliamsonn just posted on her story
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lucybronze just posted on her story
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stanwaygeorgia just posted on her story
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y/n just posted on her story
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leahwilliamsonn just posted
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liked by mbrighty04, alexscott and 982, 199 others
tagged y/n
leahwilliamsonn hooked on you...
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loved this one and really got into the performing section lmao
Songs used:
Hooked - Sam Short
Hot Gum - Sofia Isella
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mysunshinetemptress · 6 months
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I’m sorry I love her
Leah Williamson x reader
Based of this request :) request
Warnings:Angst,fluff maybe kind of you have to squint Bethany
Love is probably both one of the most complicated emotions as well as the most simplest emotions. One that had brought one of the best humans in the world into your life but had also forced another out.
Jordan Nobbs had been your best friend from the minute you signed for Arsenal, being a few years younger than the forward you followed her like a lost puppy for the first few weeks at the club, the girls will say you still do but it was just that you where a shy person.
Jordan adored you from the moment you walked through the doors of London colony where ever she was you weren’t to far behind her and vice versa so it was only fitting that she introduce you to her new girlfriend Leah Williamson.
Of course you knew Leah from playing with her for Arsenal but had always been to shy to get to know her but that soon changed and over the 8 years they dated you tagged along as a third wheel, spent numerous nights sleeping on the couch when you all stayed over at each other’s apartment you stating couple get the bed. You watched Jordan fall in love, and soon after watched her heart break.
You had been lying in bed watching a rerun of the best goals in the premier league when your phone lit up with a text from Jordan, thinking it was her asking for you to hangout tomorrow you ignored it till your phone began ringing turning you answered “hey I…” you didn’t get to finish your sentence as Jordan cried down the phone “Jords.” You heard her sob before she began “she left me Y/n I…I…she doesn’t love me anymore.”
You didn’t know how to act around Leah after that, she had broken your best friends heart but she had also become one of your best friends over the time of their relationship, until Leah cornered you at training “Y/n.” You looked at her trying to look annoyed, you should be annoyed she broke Jordan’s heart but it’s Leah and you couldn’t hold the expression for very long. “What Leah.” Leah sighed “I….I.” You shook your head at the loss of Leahs words “ you broke her heart Leah, why she loves you.” Leah shook her head “loved, she loved me, Jordan doesn’t love me anymore and I can’t be in a relationship with someone who doesn’t love me.” You shook your head “bullshit Leah that girl sobbed into my chest for hours all because you broke her heart.” Leah felt her self begin to tear up “y/n please believe me Jordan hasn’t loved me for a long time she was just comfortable with me and our relationship, it broke my heart but I’d rather be then one to do it then her a few months.” Leah sucked in a breath “I’m sorry but please Y/n I don’t want to lose you too I can’t lose you.” You pulled Leah into you squeezing her tight “ok ok I believe you, you aren’t going to lose me not now not ever ok.” Leah nodded into your neck “I’m sorry.”
Jordan found it difficult to start her best friend still being so close to her now ex but you had told her after an argument that she couldn’t stop you from being friends with anyone especially when you all played for the same team and saw each other so regularly.
The most awkward time’s always seemed to be team bonding nights both girls asking for you to come get ready in theirs to which you would always reply “sorry chica getting ready at mine.”
Tonight was no different except team bonding was heading to a club to celebrate the English girls and Rafas success over the summer. Stepping into the club you took a second to let your eyes adjust before turning to finding Katie dancing on a chair laughing you walked over “McCabe get down before you fall and are out for the season.” Katie smiled jumping on you “ah Y/n how are ya.” You smiled at her before she led you over to sit down. Lost in a conversation with Beth who was giving out about you not wearing your Euros medal, stating “I’m scared I’d lose it Beth.” When in all honesty it was because you felt like you where gloating to your best friend that you had been there and she hadn’t. When a glass was put down in front of you, looking up you caught Leah’s eye “Jamie and Ginger for the pretty lady.” You smiled thanking her as she sat down across from you, both you and Beth including her in the conversation until another glass was placed down in front of you this time a pint “here you go love.” You looked at Jordan puzzled “Jords I…” Jordan held up her hand “nah it’s all good Y/n you bought last time let me do tonight’s.” Sitting down beside you talking to Caitlin and Lia.
This happens consistently over the course of the night both girls buying you drinks and to say you where sloshed was an understatement. You had been dragged on to the dance floor by Lia not to long ago and both of your best friends had been keeping an eye on you until Jordan’s eye had caught a brunette at the bar leaving just Leah who had decided she was going to dance to. “You look gorgeous tonight Y/n.” You smiled at the taller girl “you clean up pretty nice yourself darling.” Leah couldn’t help but wrap her arms around your waist “Beth says you don’t want to wear your medal to scared to lose it yet your the only one I trust to mind mine.” Leah stated taking it off her neck putting over your head “god you are beautiful.” You always found it easy to get lost in Leah’s eyes but this time it was like you would never find your way back “think it’s time to head home gorgeous want to come stay at mine.” You simply nodded before Leah intertwined you hands pulling you through the crowd to the outside and waving down a taxi. Leah laughed as you leaned into wrapping your arms under her blazer jacket covering your own in the process before looking up at her only to find her already looking at you, Leah leaned down kissing you softly pulling away slightly before you leaned up catching her lips more passionately this time. As soon as the taxi arrived Leah shoved you in the back seat clambering in after you before connecting your lips together again. This happened the entire way back to Leah’s before she threw cash at the poor driver and pulled you up the steps to her apartment, throwing open the door Leah wasted no time before picking you up and taking you to her room.
The next morning you stretched before stopping abruptly looking down you saw a hand resting just under your naked right boob before following it to a sleeping Leah also naked, you sucked in a breath as memories from last night came rushing back just as Leah stirred turning to face you smiling slightly “you stayed.” To in shock to form words you nodded “I’ll make breakfast. What do you want.” You swallowed before telling your self to cope on “French toast, I’ll come with you tho Le I still don’t trust you to not poison me.” Leah laughed turning over and sitting up throwing shorts and an old jersey on before getting up to her wardrobe and giving you the same.
You both stood in the kitchen tension thick as you waited on your breakfast “I’m sorry if I’ve made you uncomfortable Y/n, I don’t regret my actions last night but if..”you cut Leah off “I don’t either, my actions I mean, I have had feelings for you longer then I would like to admit.” Leah let out a breath chuckle “I could say the same.” You smiled brightly before the feeling of guilt set in “I really do like you Le but Jordan….” Leah stood up coming over to you holding your head in her hands “hey listen to me this isn’t selfish ok I know that’s what your thinking but you deserve to be happy if it’s with me that’s a bonus but don’t pass on something that could turn out really great for the sake of others ok.” You looked up at her your eyes sparkling as adoration took over “you think we could be something great.” Leah smiled pulling you closer “yeah.” You closed the gap kissing her softly “ok then let’s me be great.”
You both state, the rest of that day was your first date cuddled up on Leah’s couch watching movies laughing about anything and everything. Your relationship with Leah only grew, she asked you to be her girlfriend three weeks later.Two weeks after that she invited you to Milton Keynes to meet her family this time as her girlfriend, a few days later you did the same travelling up to Manchester to your family, both sides overjoyed with the news.
The next step was to tell your friends, the thought of having to tell Jordan made you sick, you had countless sleepless nights thinking about the consequences of telling your best friend you where dating her ex as images of her sobbing flashed through your mind. Leah didn’t know what to do as she tried desperately for you to talk to her only for you to pull further away until eventually she called your mum.
“Y/n.” You looked up from the couch at Leah who was now stood beside you mum “hello peanut.” You stood up crashing into your mother’s arms letting out a breath you didn’t know you where holding on too as she squeezed you tight “oh darling what’s on your mind.” You pulled back looking at Leah who nodded before feeling your bottom lip start to tremble “I can’t tell her, I don’t she’s going to hate me mum please I don’t know what to do I can’t sleep without seeing her crying.” Your mum pulled you over to the couch “oh Y/n it’s ok it’s all going to be ok I promise, Jordan loves you, your her best friend and a real best friend is happy for you no matter what, hey look at my darling.” You sniffed looking at her “are you happy, right now in this relationship with Leah.” You nodded “I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.” Your mum smiled brushing the hair out of your face “then Jordan will realise how happy Leah makes you and be just as happy for you ok.” You nodded looking at Leah who stood in the corner of the room before you put your hand out for her to take which she did coming to sit behind you and pull you closer “you deserve to be happy and if it’s with Leah then wonderful ok.” You thanked your mum before getting up to make her a cup of tea leaving the pair to talk. You slept the full night through that night wrapped in Leah’s tight hold.
You stood frozen outside of Lia and Caitlin’s house Leah holding your waist from behind as she tried to get you to relax “we don’t have to stay ok we just go in stay an hour tell everyone and leave shortly after ok enough time for you to rewatch the best of David Beckham.” You shuffled forward before pressing the doorbell sucking in a breath as the door swung open and your best friend jumped on you “friend oh friend.” Leah coughed behind you nodding at Jordan before stepping around you both to hug Lia “we haven’t hung out in ages Y/n what the fuck man.” You smiled sheepishly “sorry Jordy I’ve been so busy but I’m free for the next two weeks whenever you want.” Jordan grabbed your hand leading you into the house greeting the rest of the team you sat with Jordan chatting with Viv and Jen.
You where stood in the kitchen getting another drink when you felt Leah’s hands wrap around you from behind “you ok.” You nodded leaning back before she turned you your head finding it’s spot in the crook of her neck pressing to her neck, Leah sighed “keep that up and we are leaving in five.” You smiled leaning to kiss her, only to jump apart at the sound of glass breaking. Turning startled “what the fuck.” You looked at Jordan in horror “Jordan.” You moved towards the older girl “no what the fuck.” You stopped as Jordan took a step back “you have five second to tell me I’m imagining this or I swear..” you looked past her as the rest of the Arsenal girls gathered behind Jordan “what’s going on.” Lia looked at the three of you confused “I walked in on Y/n trying to kiss Leah.” Your eyes flicked around at the faces of your teammates “I…we…we where going to tell you I’m sorry.” Jordan shook her head “how long.” You looked at the ground as Jordan grew more angry “HOW LONG.” Leah stepped in “hey don’t you dare talk to her like that Jordan I swear to god.” Jordan shook her head “Fuck off I’m not talking to you so Y/n how long have you been screwing my ex for.” Still staring at the ground you felt tears well in your eyes “just over two months.” Jordan laughed in disbelief “TWO FUCKING MONTHS.” Jen put her hand on Jordan’s shoulders but she just shook her off as she stepped towards you “after everything you saw her put me through, after everything we have been through.” You looked up taking a step back in shock at how close Jordan was “I’m sorry.” Jordan shook her head “yeah sorry you got caught.” You shook your head “no Jordan because you might not believe me but we where going to tell you tonight, I…I…I have made my self sick this past few months had countless sleepless nights scared to tell you, scared that you would react like this, but they are right I deserve to be happy as well can’t you see I’m happy can’t you be happy for me as my best friend.” Jordan looked at you in shock “I’m not friends with backstabbers, who whore themselves out to get a girl their best friend cried to them about for hours.” Leah stood in front of you once more “I’d back the fuck up if I where you Jordan or I swear to god this will end badly, all she wants is for you to share her happiness instead your being a prick.” Jordan just kept staring at you standing just past her shoulder “your not even sorry are you.” You looked at her once more “I am I’m so sorry, I’m sorry I love her, and that it is her but that’s not going to change, the same way my love for you won’t change.” Jordan shook her head, turning to walk out of the house as you chased after her “Jordan.” Jordan stopped in the driveway turning “I hope you are happy and that you do actually love her and that she loves you back, she can deal with all the shit I’ve had to put up with being your friend.” Jordan walked off after that as you dropped to the floor in tears Leah pulling you into her “I’m so so sorry Y/n, it’s ok I know it doesn’t feel like it now but it’s going to be ok.” You couldn’t respond to busy sobbing into her chest as your friends watched on.
Love is probably both one of the most complicated emotions as well as the most simplest emotions. One that had brought one of the best humans in the world into your life but had also forced another out
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basicallyblank · 3 months
The way she smiles immediately because she knows she got it right 😭
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jaegeraether · 7 months
UNIVERSE MASTERLIST - Sunsets and footballers
Lucy Bronze x Reader
Alexia Putellas x Character
Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson
**This is a UNIVERSE! That means it follows the same timeline, with multiple different couples.
So far we have: Lucy Bronze x Reader / Alexia Putellas x Character / Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson (Mini and spread throughout).
Refer to the PARTS for where you are in the story. Refer to the (1) (2) (3) etc for the couple relationship chapters.
More relationships will be added. Primarily centred around Lucy and YFN.
We have fluff. We have angst. We have SMUT.**
Part 1 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (1)
Part 2 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (2)
Part 3- Lucy Bronze x Reader (3)
Part 4 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (4)
Part 5 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (5)
Part 6 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (6)
Part 7 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (7)
Part 8 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (8)
Part 9 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (9)
Part 10 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (10)
Part 11 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (11)
Part 12 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (12)
Part 13 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (13)
Part 14 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (14)
Part 15 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (15)
Part 16 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (16)
Part 17 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (17)
Part 18 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (18)
Part 19 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (19)
Part 20 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (20)
Part 21 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (21)
Part 22 - Alexia Putellas x Character (1)
Part 23 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (22)
Part 24 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (23)
Part 25 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (24)
Part 26 - Alexia Putellas x Character (2)
Part 27 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (25)
Part 28 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (26) & Alexia Putellas x Character (3)
Part 29 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (27)
Part 30 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (28) & Alexia Putellas x Character (4)
Part 31 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (29)
Part 32 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (30)
Part 33 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (31) & Alexia Putellas x Character (5)
Part 34 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (32)
Part 35 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (33)
Part 36 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (34)
Part 37 - Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson Mini (1)
Part 38 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (35) & Alexia Putellas x Character (6)
Part 39 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (36) & Alexia Putellas x Character (7)
Part 40 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (37) & Alexia Putellas x Character (8)
Part 41 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (38)
Part 42 - Alexia Putellas x Character (9)
Part 43 - Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson Mini (2)
Part 44 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (39) & Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson Mini (3)
Part 45 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (40)
Part 46 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (41) & Alexia Putellas x Character (10)
Part 47 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (42) / Alexia Putellas x Character (11) / Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson Mini (4)
Part 48 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (43) & Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson Mini (5)
Part 49 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (44) & Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson Mini (6)
Part 50 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (45) & Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson Mini (7)
Part 51 - Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson (8)
Part 52 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (46) & Alexia Putellas x Character (12)
Part 53 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (47) & Alexia Putellas x Character (13)
Part 54 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (48) & Alexia Putellas x Character (14)
Part 55 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (49) & Alexia Putellas x Character (15)
Part 56 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (50) / Alexia Putellas x Character (16) / Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson (9)
Part 57 - Alexia Putellas x Character (17)
Part 58 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (51) & Alexia Putellas x Character (18)
Part 59 - Alexia Putellas x Character (19)
Part 60 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (52) / Alexia Putellas x Character (20) / Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson (10)
Part 61 - Alexia Putellas x Character (21)
Part 62 - Alexia Putellas x Character (22)
Part 63 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (53)
Part 64 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (54) / Alexia Putellas x Character (23)
Part 65 - Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson (11) / Lucy Bronze x Reader (55)
Part 66 - Alexia Putellas x Character (24)
Part 67 - Alexia Putellas x Character (25)
Part 68 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (56) / Alexia Putellas x Character (26) MINI
Part 69 - Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson (12)
Part 70 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (57) / Alexia Putellas x Character (27) / Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson (13)
Part 71 - Alexia Putellas x Character (28) & Lucy Bronze x Reader (58)
Part 72 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (59) / Alexia Putellas x Character (29) / Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson (14)
Part 73 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (60) / Alexia Putellas x Character (30) / Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson (15)
Part 74 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (61) & Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson (16)
Part 75 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (62) & Alexia Putellas x Character (31)
Part 76 - Alexia Putellas x Character (32)
Part 77 - Lucy Bronze x Reader (63) / Alexia Putellas x Character (33) / Jordan Nobbs x Leah Williamson (17)
Part 78 - Alexia Putellas x Character (34)
Part 79 - Alexia Putellas x Character (35) - Ridley Part One
465 notes · View notes
mccardswife · 5 months
We've got your back
lionesses x teen!reader
lucy bronze x teen!reader
summary: lionesses x teen!reader, where r struggles with social anxiety and her older teammates support her.
(this was a request, but the request disappeared. but here it is!)
warnings: social anxiety, angst, nightmare, fluff and mentions of panic attack, please remind me if there is more tw! (do not read if you get triggered)
word count: 2826
i hope you like this one, i loved the request and i got really satisfied with the oneshot!
hope you enjoy!
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You zoned out again, probably for the dozen time this week. It is England camp and you know what that means, I love all my england teammates trust me. They are like my family but I have a secret no one knows about, not even my teammates at Arsenal.
I have social anxiety, i feel very ashamed by it. It is so embarrassing that I need to take medications to function, and even when I take them I don't feel like myself.
It was day 2 of england camp. Which means we arrived yesterday. I am roomies with Lucy this camp because Jordan is with her lover (Leah). I love rooming with Lucy, she is like a mother to me. She is very protective but I try keeping my diagnosis a secret from her. Sometimes I even call her mom.
I am 17 now and when i first got called up to the national team I was 15 so the whole team, especially the older girls and Lucy are very protective over me and they helped me when i struggled with panic attacks during my first call ups and my debut for England.
8:00 clock
The alarm went off on Lucy's phone, I did not sleep very well. I had an awful nightmare in the middle of the night, that is all i think about now. I am just so scared that people will judge me for what i say. After conversations with the team last night I regret what i said, you did not say something bad. But you just feel being judged. The most awful feeling in the world.
My mom turned off the alarm and turned to me, I probably looked awful because I slept like shit. "Oh y/nn, are you okay?" she asked.
"Yes, just did not sleep very well" I said back. I started walking towards the bathroom exhaustively when she came up behind me and gave me a hug. "You know we are here for you right", she said. I just hugged her back saying "I know mom, i love you" and walked in the bathroom locking the door getting ready.
When I was done I unlocked the door and asked Lucy if she was ready to go down for breakfast. You see, we have two bathrooms. So each one of us has their private bathroom. I totally love it.
When we open our door Jordan and Leah stood there already waiting for us, they have the room beside us and we always walk down for breakfast together.
I have never been so scared before but after my nightmare last night I am really scared now, the only one who knows I have social anxiety is my manager at Arsenal, Jonas Eidevall and my manager at the national team, Sarina Wiegman.
It's an obligation for them to know because mental health is very important and because I take medications everyday. That reminds me, I forgot to take it this morning. Shit.
When we walked into the dining room I was sweating and nervous as crazy. I was shaking non stop and couldn't wait for my breakfast so I could sit down alone in peace. Just thinking.
After getting my food, I decided to eat some and oatmeal today. Because the oatmeal here is hella good.
Anyway I walked towards an empty table when I heard a familiar voice calling my name, I turned around and saw the gaffer, Sarina Wiegman.
"Y/n, could we talk outside for a minute please?". She asked me with a smile but I could tell the concerning look in her eyes when she saw me fiddling with my fingers anxiously.
"Yes, of course" I said with a shaky voice I think the whole team heard because when me and Sarina walked outside of the room I could see in the corner of my eye Lucy and the other girls watching me with questioning but worried looks.
When me and Sarina got outside she looked me in the eye and asked if something was on my mind. I said no. "Are you sure y/nn?, it is important that we know everything".
"Okay fine, I have been really struggling with nightmares and I had a panic attack a few hours before arriving to England camp yesterday" I said with a shaky voice and tears in my eyes.
"Oh honey, it is okay! Totally okay to have ups and downs, everyone here would support you, which got me asking, does anybody know about your social anxiety? And have you taken your medications today?" she asked...
I looked down in shame, no and no I told her.
"I am really sorry Sarina but it is so hard, I don't want to be judged if I tell the others, and be treated differently.
"Honey, it is very important that you open up, I really think it is time for you to open up, and I promise you that none of the girls will judge you, we all love you and want to support you! You will not get treated differently, everyone has their own struggles, do not feel embarrassed by it", she said to me sternly but very soft.
Which is one of the things I like about Sarina, a brilliant manager but first and foremost a amazing women who cares about every one of us as her kids.
Me and Sarina talked a bit more and she told me that because I have been struggling a lot with my anxiety and sleeping I will not start tomorrow, when we play against Ireland in the euro qualifier at Wembley. Which I totally understand, I need to get my shit together and open up because I hopefully think I will feel much better then. Also feel closer with my teammates, not that I am not close with them. trust me I am but recently I have been shutting down and try to isolate from the others, which they now have realised.
Sarina has some of my medications in her office, incase I forget to bring or take mine so we went to her office and I took them, with disgust. It makes me feel different, I don't like that.
"Y/n, is it not your fault you have social anxiety, okay? Trust me, you are not different, okay. Now you need to go to breakfast before training".
She then gave me a hug and I left her office. Have I told you that I love the hugs Sarina gives, it is probably one of the best hugs ever!
I walked towards the dining room again and looked at my phone and saw that I was with Sarina for almost 20 minutes, now Lucy is probably really worried.
I thought about how I am going to tell the team. I am first going to tell Lucy and some of the veterans on the team.
When I walked inside dining room some of the tables were in a middle of a conversation and did not see me, unfortunately Lucy looked up at the door the second it open.
Lucys pov
Sarina called y/n outside and I would be lying if I said I was not worried. I am sitting with the group I always sit with at England camp, Leah, Keira, Georgia, Rachel, Millie, Jordan, Mary and Beth Mead. I have been worried about y/n for a while, I sat deep in my thoughts thinking about y/n when Rach suddenly asked. "Lucy, you good? You've been sitting spaced out for a while".
"Yes I am ok, i am just a bit worried about the youngster, in other words y/nn". As much as i love her I want what's best for her and I really think she is struggling with something, she always seems scared, nervous and it gives me signs of anxiety".
"Yeah that is actually true" Leah said, "Her being on arsenal me, Beth and Jordan pretty much see y/n everyday and she seems very tense". Millie being the softie she is said "We should probably try talk to her later when she comes back".
"Good idea, I say. "but I can't stop thinking about why Sarina wanted to talk to her".
Keira leaned over to me and whispered in my ear "stop being so nervous love, we will talk to her and support y/nn no matter what".
I just kissed her on the cheek and said thank you.
We sat there eating and making small talk when I looked at the clock, y/n has been away for like 20 minutes now. I am kind of starting to get nervous now
But as I thought of her the door opened and there she walked in deep in her thoughts with a hard look on her face. She picked up her food she got earlier and wanted to sit alone, she walked past us but Jordan grabbed her wrist softly asking "You want to sit with us?, there is an empty chair beside Georgia".
Reader´s pov again
I picked up my food I left on an empty table before I was pulled out to talk with Sarina and was walking towards and empty table, but as I was walking past the table Lucy and the other girls were on I felt a hand grabbing my wrist, softly but suddenly.
it was Jordan
"You want to sit with us?, there is an empty chair beside Georgia".
The table consisted of Lucy, Leah, Keira, Georgia, Rachel, Millie the brick wall Bright, Jordan, Mary and Beth Mead.
Deciding not to be rude I said "Yeah sure", with probably the shakiest voice for the 100th times today. I walked over and sat beside Georgia
Then I felt as I was being watch, I looked every one of them in the eye and I asked if something was wrong.
Lucy for the second time today asked "Are you ok y/nn, all of us are pretty worried about you". Beth said "Yeah, the whole team are and we want to know what's been up with you?, what did Sarina want to talk to you about?.
Leah being the skipper she is, saw you felt a bit overwhelmed with all the questions, "Relax, one question at a time" she said with a soft smile on her face.
I want to open up I thought, but at the same thing I don't.. why does it have to be so hard? Am I going to get judged, I know what Sarina told me but still".
"Babe" Lucy said "What is going on in that pretty mind of yours?".
I felt tears starting to drop and my hands shaking on the table while my foot was bouncing like crazy. When I felt Georgia's hand on my shoulder pulling me in for a side hug I lost it.
"I have social anxiety, i have been diagnosed with it for a few months. Only Jonas and Sarina know. I take medications for it, Sarina know that something has been up with me so she asked me if some of you knew, if I took my meds today, which I forgot so I needed to take them with her.".....
It got quiet for a second and I thought I was going to die for a minute, but Lucy walked over and gave me a hug from behind.
"Why did you not tell us?" Keira asked,
"I am really sorry about that, I felt ashamed. Embarrassed for needing to take meds and not being a fully functional human being. I am not normal, I was afraid of getting treated differently"...
"And that you would secretly judge me" I said in a very low voice but the girls heard.
Millie said to me sternly "You are the best human being a person could ask for, we would never judge you ever. We only want to help, we had our suspicions about it because we saw the signs".
Rachel jumped also in and said "We've got your back babe, you are perfect the way you are, no need to be ashamed of a diagnosis that is not your fault.
Mary being the angel she is said "I kind of know how you feel, when I was at my lowest a few years ago it was hell. but I had the best people who helped me through it and now we want to be the people to help you!"
Gosh how I love all of them, they are so supporting and caring but I was still very scared because I have not told them about my nightmares and panic attacks yet.
Lucy or my so called mum asked because she knows me through and through "Is there something more you want to tell us"
"Yes, but please don't be mad", you said in a begging voice.
"Of course we won't me mad love" Keira said in a reassuring tone.
"The nightmares and panic attacks has come back and it is worse now than ever. I had a nightmare last night, that is why I could not sleep. And I have been heavily struggled with panic attacks and nightmare for a long time, because of my anxiety. A few hours before we travelled to England camp yesterday I had the worst panic attack ever. I got it under control eventually by myself after maybe an hour, but felt uneasy for the rest of the day"
"It is ok not to be ok, but this is serious, we all care and want to help you. It sucks that you have felt this way y/nn" Jordan said with the biggest smile, it looked sad but kind.
"I am really sorry about not telling, but I promise I will be more open but you need to understand it is very difficult for me" I said, "And I am sorry mom, it is not your fault. I know you were asleep when I had the nightmare but I could not bear myself to wake you, I felt embarrassed" I said to Lucy.
Lucy´s pov
"And I am sorry mom, it is not your fault. I know you were asleep when I had the nightmare but I could not bear myself to wake you, I felt embarrassed"
Hearing those words come out of my daughter´s mouth broke me. I tried not to let tears fall but it was impossible now. I am her biggest supporter and I always will be. I just want her to know that
"You are amazing, brilliant, caring, loving and all other kind words I could say! I love you so much my babygirl."
Reader´s pov again
"I love you to mom". I said to Lucy.
Leah said sternly to me "You need to go see a therapist, when we come back at arsenal again we will go twice a week and I will go with you then me, Beth and Jordan can switch who would go with you"
"Seriously?" I groaned.
"Yes", they all said sternly in sync.
"Okay then, but Leah, you, Beth, and Jordan don't need to go with me"
"But we want to" the three of them said gladly.
"Thank you" I said looking down...
"Come here y/nn" Georgia said pulling me in for a hug, I love Georgias hugs.
Every one of the girls gave me a bear crushing hug telling me
"We will always be here for you babe, just call or text or do anything. And we will be there in an eye blink for you! We are so glad you told us, now we just need to tell the others."
"Could we please do it later?" I asked nervously...
"Of course" Rachel said.
"When we are back at arsenal we gotta tell our arsenal teammates too" Beth said.
"I know I know..." I said.
"I will always support you kid, I love you so much and I will always do. You are literally my kid just not official. I would love to be your official mom tho, if you'd have me?" Lucy asked.
I looked at her in utterly shock, and the other girls looked at us in awe.
"Are you serious, please be serious?" I asked with my mouth hanging open.
"Of course, as I said I love you like my own family". Lucy told me with tears
I said loudly "Yes, of course I would want you to adopt me, it kind of feel like you already have tho but still omg".
I started crying again but this time happy tears, while I gave my mom a big hug the girls took a photo of us and gave us a hug.
The perfect group hug.
Little did y/n know that Sarina stood outside watching everything that just had happen, you telling the others about your struggles and Lucy confessing how she feel about you.
Sarina really felt like a proud mom now.
"I am really the best momager ever" Sarina said walking away chuckling with the most heartwarming smile on her face ever.
368 notes · View notes
silverthornfeather · 1 year
As if I had my first date with a girl, which turned into a whole weekend and she's just text me to say she missed me.
Tf was I doing dating men?!
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11 notes · View notes
samkerrworshipper · 2 months
your moms are here
leah williamson x reader, jordan nobbs x reader, (wobbs as coparents)
part 5 of beautiful girl series pt.1 -> pt.2 -> pt.3 -> pt.4
warnings: if your any bit emotionally unstable this isn’t for u x
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You didn’t expect to wake up, let alone wake up warm and in a fraction of the amount of pain you’d been in the last time you’d been conscious enough to feel anything.
Your eyes were still crammed shut, your chest still hurt, your body was still shaking, but you felt better, less like you were dangling on the cliff of life and death, you weren’t sure where you were, or if you were even alive.
Was this they greater beyond?
Was it the warmth of death’s embrace?
You knew it wasn’t, because there was still the dull pain and the tension all over your body. You didn’t believe that life after death was anything, that it was actually some overwhelming cloud of happiness and perfection, but if it did exist, if there was some kind of heaven, this wasn’t it.
You thought about the places you could be, in bed at Matt’s house, in bed at your mom’s house, in bed at some kidnappers house, in bed at rehab.
You quickly eliminated each option, the bed and sheets weren’t the same from your bed or Matt’s, kidnappers didn’t normally concern themselves with comfortability, and in your mind rehab would have more detoxing, screaming, junkies.
Out of pure fear, you tried to crack your eyes open, it wasn’t easy, but with some concentration that made your forehead feel like it was being split open, you managed to slowly crack your right eye open. There was sleep and tears keeping your eyelashes stuck together, which made it far harder then it should have been, the blinding white light directly above your head wasn’t much help either.
You took back what you thought, everything hurt.
From your toenails to the follicles on top of your head, it felt like every single nerve in your body was being plucked and split in half.
Your whole body curled itself up into a ball, it made the shaking a little bit less like your body was being exorcised.
You realised very quickly as your eye became accustomed to the light around you that you were in the last place you possibly wanted to be.
You should have clocked on to it, based on the persistent beeping noise coming from above you and the cords that were connected to your arm.
They’d dropped you off out the front of a fucking hospital.
Or someone had found you and called a ambulance.
Or your moms had taken you to the hospital.
Or you were in some sick twisted dream.
With the rest of the energy that was left in your body you managed to crack open your other eye, it wasn’t easy, but it helped you feel more aware of your surroundings.
It was a surprisingly quiet hospital, or at least by your standards.
You tried to sit up, but it was no use, your body was completely spent, all of the energy felt like it had been completely pulled from your body.
Withdrawals, maybe.
Or the reaction of the opioid with the stimulant.
Those were your best guesses as to how you’d ended up feeling like death.
You didn’t have to wait long to find out, the curtain which was keeping you contained from the rest of the ER was opened up, a nurse waltzing her way over to your bedside.
You couldn’t help but feel a little bit vulnerable, you could hardly move your body and had a lot less control over it then you would have liked.
“Miss dump and run awakens.”
Dump and run.
You couldn’t decide whether or not you were mad with your friends, on one hand, it was smart of them to drop you off at an er. They had no medical knowledge, they were druggies, they didn’t need a dead body on their hands. On the other hand, they’d left you, deserted you, left you for dead.
The nurse moved to your IV and monitor, looking at the different flashing numbers and writing them down on her clipboard, before she looked down and addressed you properly.
��Had a lot of drugs in your system for such a wee thing like yourself. Your friends were smart to drop you here, you would have been as good as dead with that much meth in your system for any longer. I’ve seen a lot of overdoses in my day, you might just take the cake though, darlin’.”
A fucking overdose?
You’d been doing drugs for months now, meth, a smidge of coke, little bits of molly and LSD, a little sprinkle of heroin, opioids a couple of times, plenty of weed. Not once had you ever overdosed, you’d never seen someone overdose, you’d come to think it was urban myth.
You’d hardly taken anything, two shoot ups within a couple of hours of each other, it wasn’t something you’d done before but it also wasn’t exorbitant or something you hadn’t seen other people do.
“Sorry, an overdose?”
You were still shaking, it was less obvious underneath the shitty hospital blanket that was on top of you, but you were still shaking like a leaf in the wind.
“Yup, think you had more meth in your blood stream then blood. The saline should flush it all out until your guardians get here.”
What the actual fuck was this nightmare that you were stuck in.
“Sorry, my guardians?”
The nurse looked back down at her clipboard.
“Ms Williamson and Ms Nobbs? We’re obligated to call emergency contacts in life threatening circumstances and those were the ones that were on your phone, they should be here soon enough.”
You didn’t care that you couldn’t moved, you needed to leave.
“I want to discharge, now.”
The nurse looked at you like you had gone silly, like you were in a psychiatric ward instead of the emergency one.
“You’re underage, and you’d have to sign a waiver saying that you are aware you’re going against doctors orders, a lot of paperwork, and you’d actually have to be strong enough to walk out of here, which I can promise you is not happening any time soon,”
The nurse pointed to the IV bag.
“There’s still another hour or so left on this, until it’s done that dizzines your experiencing and the weakness isn’t going to pass. You’re frighteningly dehydrated and full of methamphetamines.”
You were so fucking fucked.
“Please, I’ll sign whatever forms, just let me leave, please.”
You didn’t know how you planned to leave, considering you weren’t even mobile enough to roll onto your back to look at the nurse properly, eye to eye.
“You get up and walk to my desk where the papers are and you can leave, how’s that sound, sweetheart?”
You want to yell directly into her face and tell her to let you fucking leave. But you don’t, you have a inch of self-respect that prevents you from doing it.
You’ve never liked to beg, you did enough of it during your youth, begging for your mom to not leave you home alone every night, begging for things to get better, begging for your life to get better, and it had. Jordan and Leah had introduced you to a whole new world, a beautiful world, the kind of world you’d read about as a child, they’d given you anything and everything you’d wanted growing up. You’d become gracious, but promised yourself that you’d never beg in the same way that you always had, but when your life had been turned upside down, you’d reverted back to your old ways.
“I have a daughter of my own, y’know, around your age. If she was in your situation all I would care about is her being okay, that’s whats most important.”
You rolled your eyes, you were certain of one things, your moms would be mad, you were surprised they were coming at all, everyone had deserted you, it felt like you had nobody.
“Can i get something for the pain?”
You were intelligent enough to know that the iv was detoxing you at a rapid rate, whilst it was saving your life, it also meant that you were going to be sent into withdrawals a lot faster then you should have. You weren’t going to get your hands on meth, clearly. So you needed a substitute, luckily, you were currently sitting in a hospital which was filled with every single painkiller known to man.
“Good try honey, a part from the fact that your bloodstream and body couldn’t even handle a tylenol at the minute, I’m also not going to give an addict drugs, just hang in honey, the chest pain and muscle cramps should start to pass soon.”
Just as she was finishing, your eyes darted to the emergency room doors, which were now hanging open as your two moms and Lia walked through the doors.
Jordan was dressed in the same sweats she’d been in all morning, her face was red and puffy, eyes bloodshot and still full of tears.
Leah looked more put together, she had a pair of slacks on and a clean shirt, her eyes were as red as Jordan’s but she appeared to have put on more of a brave face.
Your eyes darted everywhere, looking for some kind of escape, or to stop their fast steps that were slowly getting closer to you with every millisecond that passed.
There was no hope for you.
If the drugs hadn’t killed you then your moms would.
Leah managed to cross into your makeshift room first, her eyes flashing across every inch of your body. You expected her to ask the nurse a question, or yell at you, but she didn’t.
She walked straight to your bedside, your nurse moving out of the way, and without you being aware of what was happening, wrapped her arms around your body.
You didn’t hug your moms a lot anymore.
In the start, when you’d started out with them, it had taken a lot of effort from them to make you trust them with that kind of contact, but eventually, you’d become reliant on their hugs, the shoulder pats, the little motherly touches here and there that you’d never gotten as a kid.
When they’d broken up, the hugs and contact had faded, similarly to the love in the house, it was like everything personal, everything that made Leah’s house a home had been drained.
“You’re okay, thank god you’re okay.”
Leah’s body lingered on your own body long enough for Jordan’s arms to wrap around your body on the other side of you.
You hadn’t been hugged by the both of them in over a year, you felt guilty for wishing that this wouldn’t be a one time thing, that you could have this whenever you wanted. That wasn’t your life though, it wasn’t your reality, it wasn’t reality.
You let yourself relax, you knew you’d regret it when the moment ended, it’d make it that much harder to realise you couldn’t have this, but you let yourself enjoy it whilst you had it.
It lasted longer than you’d thought, it was hard, Jordan hugs were addictive. You didn’t get them a lot anymore, occasionally you’d get a hug from Leah, once every blue moon when she wanted one, but it wasn’t like this. It wasn’t body on body, feelings on feelings, love on love.
You didn’t know if you knew what love felt like anymore, over the years it had been distorted, you were certain that love could only be given to a person in transaction. It’s why you’d tried to be perfect, the perfect kid, the perfect student, the perfect player. You’d given up when Jordan had left, it didn’t matter anymore, there wasn’t enough love to be shared around between you and Leah. Love to you, was a privilege, not something that everyone had extra of. You had to earn love, or at keast that;s how you’d always seen it. You’d never been good enough for your own parents, that’s how you’d ended up with Jordan and Leah, from them you’d always craved that love, the love you’d never gotten and you’d been willing to do anything for it, you still were.
“We love you so much chicky, so much.”
You enjoyed the little murmurs, the little whispers in your ears that were so heartfelt and meaningful that you could feel the tears of your moms dripping down each side of your neck.
All good things come to and end, but it didn’t make it any easier.
Leah, unsurprisingly was the first to turn to your nurse.
“They didn’t tell me anything on the phone, just that we needed to come here, she’s okay?”
Your nurse nodded at your mom.
“Yes ma’am, we’re flushing her out right now. She wants to discharge herself, it’s going against medical advice but she’s free to once she’d done with her iv and she’s regained some strength.”
Jordan sat down on the bed next to you, leaving a big enough gap of space that you could still feel her presence but weren’t pressed up against her, she was listening just intently as Leah to the nurse.
“Flushing her out? Of what?”
You’d never ever, in your life, known Leah to not be inquisitive, she needed and wanted answers to everything, but this was worrying you. There were things you kept a secret for a reason.
“Methamphetamines, she had a pretty high amount circulating in her body. I can get the doctor to come and talk to you about it. Her body had built up a decent tolerance, she took it a lot better than you or I would. Apart from that she’s in fairly good condition, although the doctor did have some concerns about some scratches and bruises that seemed consistent with domestic or sexual abuse.”
You watched, in a series of moments, your mothers face fall more and more as the nurse kept speaking. Leah was pretty good at having a poker face, she had to for her job, she also kept a brave face for life though. You’d hardly seen a break in her resolve since her injury but right now, she was keeping nothing hidden. You felt Jordan’s body go rigid behind you as well, you knew shit was about to get real.
You considered strangling yourself with the blanket on top of you, or drowning yourself in the toilet bowl in the adjacent bathroom. It sounded better than the conversation that was about to occur.
“You’re daughter is very lucky, stupid, but lucky. Her friends ditched her at the front door, if they had of been any later she’d be in far worse condition. She was here just quick enough for us to counteract the drugs and stop them from effecting her mental cognition. Her friends shouldn’t have ditched her, or let her get that far gone, but you should be grateful they were at least smart enough to take her somewhere she could get help. I’m going to go find the doctor, he can talk to you about different option you have, and I’ll leave you guys to talk for a little bit, okay?”
Leah nodded, dumbfoundedly, trying her best to smile at the nurse as she made her way towards the exit of your room, closing the curtains and then the door.
Leah pivoted as soon as she was gone, looking down at you with so much horror and pain that you could feel it in your gut.
“Meth, bubba? You’ve been doing meth?”
The sentence hung in the air for a few seconds, filling up all of the space, you hoped that after a couple of seconds that it would disappear, like it had never been said.
“It’s not a big deal.”
You should have chosen your words more precisely, but you were finding it hard to think with all of the drug haze clouding your head.
“Not a big deal? You told me it was the vape, then it was weed, then it was coke and now iut’s fucking meth? There is nothing not big about that bubba. This isn’t just something you can do for fun, this isn’t okay, this is serious. You could die from this. You almost did. You’re 17. 17 year olds aren’t supposed to die. Why bubba? What made you want to do this, not just to yourself but to your life, to everyone. Do you know how scared your mother and I have been. The whole team has been calling up hospitals and roaming the streets looking for you. We’ve been terrified.”
Guilt was one of the best ways to make a person admit they were wrong, you knew it, you’d watched your moms manipulate each other during the break up the same way. They’d use something against the other until it spiralled into a massive fight which would end with someone sleeping at a teammates house or on the couch.
“I’m sorry, okay? Can we just go home? I want to go home.”
Another poor choice in words apparently by the look on Leah’s face.
“No we can’t just go home, we need to talk about this bubba, you overdosed on meth. You have a tolerance for it, which means you’ve been using it for a while. You have bruises and you’re in a hospital bed unable to move. You’re addicted to a drug that I would have thought you’d have absolutely no interest in. You’ve got a disease bubba, you’ve got an addiction and we’re going to work it out, we’ll fix it.”
Similar to being a control freak, Leah was also a person who wanted to fix everything. No problem was big enough for her, apparently your whole life wasn’t either.
“Mom this isn’t a disease, this isn’t like fucking cancer or something. I made a choice, I have it under control, this is my life. I’m choosing to live it this way.”
Your mom looks like she’s about to lose her shit.
“I understand that you think you have this under control and that you think this is the best way to be living your life but it fucking isn’t. I understand you’re struggling, but this isn’t okay, you’re a kid, you can;t be doing this.”
Worst thing you can tell a addict, you can’t take drugs.
Because yes you most certainly can, it’s a free motherfucking country.
“I understand what I’m doing, it doesn’t make me a bad person or any different from your or mama. You don’t like who i am anymore, not since i quit football and stopped being who you wanted me to be, I’ve changed and you have to accept that, this is me mom, this is who I am.”
Leah looked flabbergasted.
“You want me to just nod my head and accept my daughter is a junkie, right? That’s the permission you are seeking, you aren’t going to get it bubba, this isn’t anywhere near okay. This isn’t you, people change, I change, you’re allowed to be different then how you were a couple of years ago. Drugs isn’t how you change yourself, it’s not how you reinvent yourself. You can’t live your whole fucking life like this because guess what, you’ll end up dead. Addiction is a degenerative disease, it is incurable, it is deadly, it’s no fucking different from cancer and you’ve got it. I understand that, you’ve got an addiction, we’ll figure it out. I am not going to enable you to keep abusing a substance that will kill you. You’ve got a death wish and I won’t sit by and allow it to happen. I thought I was cool, I thought it was good of me to be accepting that you’re a teenager and you were going to do stupud stuff, I let you get away with much more than I should have. I’m sorry, I’m sorry that if I gave you to much space that you felt the need to do this, I’m sorry that I wasn’t a good enough parent to see the warning signs, but I won’t let you kill yourself bubba, not when I can stop it from happening.”
Jordan was still silent, as passive as ever, she’d always taken a backseat, the silent enabler.
“You’ve got no fucking idea what I’m going through, I’m sorry I scared you, but I don’t have to explain my actions to you, you understand nothing about what I’m dealing with.”
The first time you sweared in the presence of Leah and Jordan was your second day with them. You didn’t even know what swearing was, you’d just picked up words that had been said as you’d been growing up. You hadn’t hesitated to throw a ‘fuck’ out when you’d stubbed your foot on the kitchen bench as you’d been pouring yourself a glass of water.
You’d known something was wrong though when you’d turned around to sit back down at the table with Leah and Jordan and both of them looked like they’d seen a ghost.
You’d hardly swore after that, to your core, you were a people pleaser, you didn’t like to be in trouble, right now though it was like everything you’d grown up with was exiting your body. You felt like a monster, like a version of yourself you didn’t know and it was hard, it was really fucking hard. You didn’t want to break down, you were scared that if you were vulnerable you’d be taken advantage of again, the same way that you friends had, so you put up your won shields.
“I don’t need to know what you’re going through to know that this isn’t good. We’ll get you into rehab, we’ll get you clean, we’re here for you, right Jords?”
You could feel Jordan nodding from behind you.
“I’m not going to rehab, fuck no.”
Leah was pacing, it was what she did when she was stressed, it was a clear tell.
“So, I’m just supposed to allow you back into my house, knowing that you’ve been hiding an addiction from me for months, trust that my drug addicted child will stay clean on her own account and be willing to go through withdrawals and not give in to her own addiction. Do you think I don’t love you, is that it? Because right now you’re telling me that I am expected to allow my daughter to use drugs, lethal drugs that almsot killed her, under my roof, allow you to live your life as you want it, and leave you alone. As a person who loves you and has loved your for the past 9 years of your life, are you actually hearing what you are saying?”
It was a curious thing, your mother thought she loved you, or at least she felt like she did. Ut was funny how to you, you felt the exact opposite way.
“So what you’re doing this to show me you love me or something? Reality check, you haven’t given a fucking shit about me in months, it’s all about Lia, all about your knee. I’m not selfish enough to expect that you can focus on me whilst your recovering but don’t try and act like you’ve been loving and caring about me this whole time when you haven’t.”
Leah sits herself down, she can only handle so long on her feet nowadays.
“Maybe you should coem stay with me, come to rehab in Birmingham. Bubba, your mom is still struggling.”
You’re more than shocked to hear Jordan pipe up, it reignites something else in you.
“No you don’t get to have a fucking say. You left me, you don’t text anymore, you don’t call. I’m only your kid when it’s convenient for you, which is about 10 days every year. You don’t even try with me, you washed your hands of me a year ago and you don’t get to come back now. You gave me up.”
Your sick of being the understanding one, sick of being the one everybody could burden with their problems, sick of being the fucking scapegoat in every situation.
“Look kid, i think you need to have some more respect for your mothers.”
Fucking Lia and her audacity and her fucking butting into all of your family problems.
“No you don’t get a fucking say, you move in a couple of months ago to support my mom and all of a sudden your my third fucking parent. You’ve got nothing to do with me, You don’t get to have a say in anything, you aren’t apart of this fucking family.”
Leah looked like she was having about 30 wars with herself inside of her head, like she was struggling to figure out which side of her brain she should side with.
“Bubba, we’ve talked about this, you need to be respectful to Lia.”
You were sick of everybody telling you that you had to respect people, that you had to follow fucking rules. They wondered why you’d spiralled.
“No, fuck this, fuck you, fuck jordan, fuck everything. I made a series of decisions, ones that I am happy with, this is how I am living my life.”
Leah took a deep breath, before turning to face you.
It was hard looking at her eye to eye, you were putting her through a lot right now, and a part of you deep down felt bad about it. You didn’t want to make your mom feel in pain, you didn’t want her to suffer, it was the last thing you wanted. Without her, you’d be as good as nothing, you’d have absolutely nothing. But you were lashing out, you were as frantic as your sore chest and pumping heart would let you be.
“Bubba. You don’t seen what’s wrong. I do, Jordan and I are sitting here talking to a girl that we don’t know. This isn’t our daughter, this isn’t the girl we’ve raised. You’re going to go to rehab, you’re going to detox, you’re going to get properly clean and once you are we’ll have this conversation again, see if you have a different perspective.”
You didn’t want to have this conversation when you were clean, you wanted to have it now.
“No. If you gave a shit about me, like you’re acting to, you wouldn’t have fucking broken up in the first place. You wouldn’t have torn my life apart, you wouldn’t have done this to me. You wouldn’t have stopped cring about me, you wouldn’t have stopped loving me. Let me go, let me leave. You fucking did this to me and if you want to make it up to me you’ll let me leave.”
You saw Leah’s face fall to another level.
“I can’t do that bubba.”
You felt like you were spinning out of control, like you were in a car that had just fallen over a cliff, and you were slowly doing flip after flip as the car catapulted towards the rocks at the bottom.
“Mom, just let me leave, let me go, please mom, let me leave, let me fucking leave.”
Leah just shook her head at you.
“Bubba, I know it doesn’t feel like it right now, it might not ever. I know me and your mom breaking up was hard for you, you didn’t deserve that, and I’m sorry for that, but neither of us could handle keeping you in a household without love, and I know it’s different now, I’m so sorry for that, I wish we could go back. But we can’t, me and your mom don’t love each other more, we can’t just love each other. We love you though, we love you more then anything else. We would both pick you above anybody in the world, you’re our beautiful little girl, you’re our girl. You’ll never not be our daughter. We chose you years ago and we would choose you again today, everyday, for the rest of our lives. No matter what you do.”
There are big tears dripping down your moms face, you’ve seen her cry plenty in your life, Leah Williamson is known to be an emotional person, but not like this, not with this much anguish and pain in her face, never like this.
“You don’t love me, you can’t fucking love me, I’m not like either of you. I break people apart, I’m a catalyst, everywhere I go, I tear people a part, I wreck their lives. I wrecked my parents, I wrecked you guys relationship, I wrecked my own life. I’m a fucking semi-truck that bulldozes through peoples lives, just let me leave and you guys can be happy again.”
Leah takes a double take, her fists are white from how hard they are holding onto the arms of the chair she’s sat in. You’re surprised she doesn’t yell back at you, but instead of meeting your aggression with an equal amount, she composes herself.
“Bubba, do you know how much I love you, how much your mama and I love you? If you could take all of the words in the english language, it still wouldn’t be enough to describe how much we love you. And if you could gather all of those words together, it still wouldn’t be enough. What we feel for you is everything. I love you more than everything. You don’t pull people a part, you’ve made your mama and I happier than we ever would have been without you. You light up our lives everyday, I know it doesn’t feel like it, but just seeing you everyday is my biggest achievement, it’s the best part of my day. Seeing you grow up to be the person Jord and I raised will forever be the best part of my life. You didn’t tear us apart, if anything you were what kept us together for so long, because being around you made us both so happy, that all of our problems didn’t matter as much. Eventually it was too much though, it had nothing to do with you, it never will, it never did. You’re the light in our life, you are our whole universe. We just want you to be okay, you don’t have to be who you were, people change, but you need to be okay. You’re not okay right now, there isn’t anything wrong with that, it’s okay to not be okay, but me and your mama will find you help if you don’t seek it our yourself. You need to go to rehab, you can’t live your life like this, it isn’t sustainable. Drugs ruin peoples lives. I don’t need to throw stats at you for you to understand the magnitude of drug related deaths, because that’s how this will end, with you dead. You’ve been through so much bubba, you’re so strong, but you don’t always have to be strong, you’re allowed to break down, you’re allowed to have bad days. But drugs isn’t a way to fix that, it’s not a safe coping mechanism, you can’t rely on drugs to solve every problem that you have. You need to get clean. We love you so much, our beautiful girl.”
Everything hurts, your heart, your head, your body. Your eyes and head aren’t clear, it’s like there is a fuzzy haze covering everything, but you believe what Leah is telling you, she’s telling you the honest truth, and you can’t deny that.
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woso-dreamzzz · 2 months
Outburst II
Leah Williamson x Jordan Nobbs x Child!Reader
Summary: You say a bad word
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"Whoa, whoa," Leah says helplessly as your screaming body is placed into her arms," What-? Jordan, what's going on?"
Jordan sighs as she gently wipes the tears from your red face. "She's a little sad today-"
"Mummy!" You whine, reaching for her. You try to flop back out of Leah's arms to get to her and it's only because of Leah's quick readjustment that you don't go falling to the floor. "Mummy, no!"
"I'm sorry, bug," Jordan says and, to her credit, she does look incredibly apologetic," But you know it's Mum's turn to have you this week."
You just sob harder.
"No," You cry," Mummy, no! Please!"
"I'm sorry, bug," Jordan repeats, crowding close enough to give you a tight hug in the hope of calming you down," But you know that it's Mum's week now. You were so excited to get your minutes in a few days ago."
You just keep crying though, trying to claw your way out of Leah's arms and cling to Jordan.
"Go, Jordan," Leah says with a sigh," I'll take her inside. I'll calm her down."
Jordan looks torn but nods. "She didn't want to leave Blu. I took him to the vets last night for a checkup. He stayed over there so she hasn't seen him since. She's been a little bit sad."
"A little bit?" Leah scoffs as you wail right in her ear before hitting her shoulder. "Hey, no, bug. What have I said about hitting? It's rude."
You hit her again.
"Bug," She says in warning.
"Hey," Jordan says softly," As soon as I get back, I'll pick up Blu and send your Mum a picture but you've got to stop crying, okay?"
You sniffle. "Promise?"
"I promise."
You nod and angrily wipe away your tears. Your bottom lip still trembles but you relax in Leah's arms, head on her shoulder as your hand reaches out to play with the necklace she's wearing.
Leah hopes that you'll be happier now that Jordan's promised pictures of Blu but you're still a little sad and depressed during bath time and bedtime.
You didn't even enjoy your bedtime story like you usually do and it carries on the next day when you don't cross the day off on the calendar.
You're usually so excited to cross a day off because it means you're closer to match day and match day means you get your minutes in at the very end.
Leah doesn't know what else to do. She's shown you the picture of Blu Jordan sent. She put you in your comfy clothes and your favourite Arsenal jersey but you still remain sad.
Very briefly, Leah considers going to the shelter and getting you a puppy but realises that she's got training and there's not enough hours in the day to do both so she picks you up and gets you into the car.
Leah's pretty sure it unnerves everyone how quiet you are. Even the newer signings like Fox and Codi seem to notice something's wrong.
Katie's the one who makes the first move.
You're sitting in Leah's cubby, just swinging your legs aimlessly when Katie pokes you in the cheek.
The disgruntled look on your face is funny so she pokes you again.
"Come on," She cajoles," What's wrong? I don't get a hug this morning?"
"Why not? I might die without my hugs, you know."
You give her a blank stare. "Then die."
"Bug!" Leah snaps sharply and you duck your head sheepishly.
"Sorry, Mum. Sorry, Katie."
Leah turns back to what she's doing and Katie pokes you again.
"Stop it!" You snap but Katie does it again," Fuck off, Katie!"
Someone gasps, probably Alessia, but all you're focussed on is your Mum. Leah whips around to face you. She looks angry, looking down at you with pursed lips.
"That's a bad word, bug!" She tells you," It's a naughty word! Who taught it to you?"
You shrug.
"Bug, you've already been naughty today. Don't lie to me. Who taught it to you?"
You feel the urge to cry again, your throat going all tight and closed up and you know pretending you don't know what Mum is talking about will get you in a lot of trouble.
You mumble your response.
"Speak louder, bug," Leah says," So I can hear you."
"Rachel said it to Mummy a few days ago when they were wrestling," You reply," Didn't know it was a bad word! It got Mummy to stop!"
Leah sighs, running a hand over her mouth as she looks at you. The rest of the locker room has gone silent, just watching how she's going to tackle this situation.
"Some words," Leah says," Are naughty words. That's one of them. I don't want to hear you say it again, bug."
You frown. "Rachel said it."
"Rachel's an adult."
"And adults say bad words?"
"Only when they're being naughty." Leah really doesn't want to be having a conversation like this but she has to admit that thinking it through has perked you up a little bit.
"Adults get in trouble for saying bad words too?" You check and Leah nods. You point right at Beth. "She said fuck last week."
"Bug, stop repeating it!"
"And so did Emily and Lessi. Lessi taught it to Vic, who taught it to Codi. Everyone says it, Mum!"
"Well-" Leah looks around.
"And they didn't get in trouble!"
"They're getting in trouble now!" Leah declares," We'll make a swear jar. If you swear, you put money in the jar. Is that good enough for you, bug?"
You think for a moment, looking around the room where Kyra is giggling. "Kyra called the plug a motherfucker when she stepped on it last week."
"That was meant to be a secret!" Kyra exclaims.
"Alright." Leah massages her temples. "From now on, this is a no swear zone. If you swear then you put money in the jar."
"Hey, come on!" Katie complains," Sort your kid's potty mouth out at home! Don't make all of us suffer through this shite."
"That's a quid in the swear jar, McCabe," Leah says, turning and picking you up," And no Bug Hugs for a week."
"No, Bug Hugs?!" Katie shrieks," I'll die without them."
Leah winks at you. "Then die."
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pers1st · 3 months
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pairing: leah williamson x jordan nobbs x platonic!reader
notes: no plot just vibes, bit angsty, mentions of parental neglect
"It's too early", you groaned as Leah finally opened her apartment door for you, allowing Bella to jump up against your legs, the force of the dog almost making you fall backwards as your senses were still slowed from a good night of sleep.
"You say that every morning", Leah huffed, gently pulling the dog by her collar and allowing for you to finally step into the familiar flat. This place had been your home for just a year. It had surprised quite a lot of people for Leah to be the first to offer taking you in, mostly because the woman wasn't known to be too responsible, but both her and Jordan had watched your career since you'd played for the under 15's of England and were more than delighted when you'd finally signed your first professional contract, at only seventeen years old, for the Arsenal. The picture of the three of you after your Arsenal debut still sat on Leah's shelf by the shoe rack, where you discarded your sneakers as if this was still your place. You hadn't lived here for just a year, but the familiar warmth still welcomed you every morning that you found yourself back here, never regretting, though never admitting it either, that you had agreed to join your jokingly-called mother ducks for breakfast each sunrise.
"Is she here? Is ducky here?", Jordan yelled from the kitchen, where you found her sitting on her phone, looking up at you with a large smile on her face.
"Oh, thank God! I was starving", she chuckled as she rose from her seat to gently pull you into a hug. You made no move to wrap your arms around her smaller body.
"Too. Early."
Pulling the hood of your sweater above your head, you waddled over towards the stove, ready to start the food.
"Seriously, this is child labour", you huffed as you grabbed a carton of eggs from the fridge.
"You say that every morning, ducky", Leah snickered once more as she took a seat next to Jordan, following your movements with her eyes.
"Besides, you're an adult now", Jordan added, still scrolling on her phone.
"Yeah, and so are you two! Learn to cook!", you groaned as you threw the empty carton at Jordan's head, not caring too much when the woman protested, threatening to kick you out again. You knew that she wouldn't. She was starving, after all.
It was a few hours later when you were finally headed to Meadow Park, getting ready to start the last fixture of the season. You had slowly but surely made your way into the starting eleven at Arsenal, and had joined the lionesses camp for a couple of friendly matches before the home Euros this summer, which was still looming over your head. Both Leah and Jordan knew that you were in contention to make the squad, and were hopeful that you would join Leah and the rest of the lionesses, but you had great competition, and your call-up wasn't a given. Not yet. The last couple of matches in the Women's Super League, you had given your every bit and piece on the pitch, wanting to keep yourself relevant for the Euro's selection.
Jordan and Leah would do their best to cheer you up if you didn't make it, but they knew that, despite the prospect of getting to spend the summer with Jordan, cheering Leah on, you would be absolutely broken if you didn't make it.
"Hey, ducky, gonna score some bangers?", Katie smiled as you entered the changing room, not even bothering to act offended about your nickname. You had received it after just a few weeks of being at the club, when Katie and Beth had started realizing just how much you followed Leah and Jordan around when you had no clue what else to do, subsequently naming the pair your mother-ducks. Though annoying at first, you quickly grew to accept it, knowing that arguing would not help when it came to this group of women.
"Hopefully", you grimaced as you discarded your slippers. In the past few weeks, you hadn't been up to small talk much. The whole team knew that you wanted this international tournament with England -the home Euros - every footballers dream would be to play in your country, for your country. But they worried anyways. You had always put yourself under a lot of pressure, and while Leah and Jordan knew it was due to the fact that subconsciously, you were doing everything you could to impress your parents, who didn't even seem to follow your career in the slightest, they kept that fact about you hidden carefully from the rest of your teammates, even being unsure of how to speak about the situation to you.
In truth, you had been shocked when your parents had first allowed you to move to London and away from your home in Manchester to pursue a football career. You had been training in the Manchester City Academy for years, devoting yourself entirely to football, but your parents had never taken notice of your efforts, no matter how much you begged and pleaded for them to watch one of your matches.
You'd had to rely on your teammates' parents to bring you to and from training or matches, and the only thing your parents seemed to appreciate was the fact that you were mostly busy - with football or school, either way, away from their house. It was impossible to reason their behavior, to pinpoint an event that made them change the way they saw you. But you didn't have to - your new club, your new home, your new mother-ducks mostly kept you distracted, never allowing you much time to meddle with your thoughts, to get lost in them. Still, it was obvious to Leah and Jordan that while you faced this complicated relationship with your parents, you had never really dealt with it, and it became evident when you injured yourself in today's match.
Jordan had been the one to hook your arm over her shoulder in order to get you to the medical room steadily, without putting any pressure on your knee. She had been the one to hold your hand while the medical staff worked their way in an attempt to find out what exactly caused your pain, but from the way your knee had given into the right when it had collided with that of your opponent, your mind was set - it was an ACL. Nothing Jordan or Leah told you on the way home could change your mind - you were merely waiting for the confirmation that tomorrow's scans would bring - and so you put in your earbuds and drowned their somber voices out of your head, desperate to escape their attempts at soothing you. You didn't need pity, you needed to be back on the pitch. You needed to be at the Euros, needed to play, needed to keep yourself fit. In your mind, though, everything had already gone to shit.
Dismissing the two women who had settled in the living room after Leah's shower, you waddled, as best as you could on your crutches, towards the sink, pouring yourself a glass of water. As you leaned over the countertop to push the emptied glass back, you knocked down one of your crutches, the sound of it connecting to the floor startling Leah and Jordan as their heads turned, all the while you were cursing under your breath. Your knee was throbbing with pain, despite the medication you had been forced to swallow in the medical room of Meadow Park, but you were damned if you'd let Leah, who had already rose from the couch, reach down to the floor to grab it for you.
"I got it", she mumbled as she came up behind you, but you were quick to push her back.
"It's fine", you muttered as you bent your knee painfully slowly, bending over to pick up the stupid crutch from the ground.
"Are you still in pain? Do you want more medication? We've still got-"
"It's fine."
And with that, Leah and Jordan were forced to watch you hop back into your room, shutting the door quite harshly, without knowing what to do with you.
"She's taking this really hard", Jordan mumbled as Leah joined her on the sofa again, snuggling into her side with Jordan's arm wrapped around her shoulder.
"Yeah", the blonde answered, huffing. "You did, too. Anyone would", she sighed. It was the worst possible timing for an injury, but they had no clue that your demeanor was not only a result of frustration, but rather rooted so deeply in a fear that they had no way of understanding. You were so, so scared.
Everybody knew that you were in the most important part of your career - you were young, only eighteen, and tearing your ACL when you'd just began starting for one of the top clubs regularly, just when you'd began making appearances for your nation could ruin absolutely everything you'd worked for. It could send you off the Arsenal roster, could send you right back to your parents' house with no education, a messed up knee and no future. Those thoughts kept you up at night, but no matter how hard you tried to silence your sobs in the soft pillow, you should've known that both Jordan and Leah were light sleepers, and that it was only a matter of time until you had to reveal the mess unfolding in your head.
The time came at round two in the morning. You had been lying in bed, staring at the ceiling, no longer able to bear your thoughts and breaking out into violent sobs. Of course, Leah had heard you, and cautiously stepped into the room that had once been yours officially, switching on the light.
The sight of you scared her. In the year you'd spent living with her, and another year of being your teammate, she'd only ever seen you cry with Jordan when she'd injured her knee not long ago, and that was purely because you were an empathic person. This, though - it was different, and she knew.
"Ducky? Hey, what's wrong?", she asked cautiously, voice still thick with sleep as she stepped closer to your bed.
"I'm sorry, I didn't want to wake you."
Your voice sliced through the air shakily, hoarse, and so so small. Leah immediately pulled you into her as she lowered herself to the edge of your mattress, holding you closely as your frame shook with sobs.
"What's wrong? Talk to me, please", she begged, gently rocking you back and forth, still minding your knee which was packed with ice.
"I'm scared, Lee", you sobbed, just as the door creaked again and Jordan entered. If you didn't know any better, you would've believed she was sleepwalking, with the way she barely lifted her feet off the floor, rubbing the sleep out of her eyes as she scanned the room, pinching her eyes at the bright light.
It got the smallest of smiles to glisten on your lips, though it didn't last long.
"Of what?"
Leah asked, seemingly not having noticed her girlfriend in the doorframe.
"I can't- what if I have to leave? What if they get rid of me- what if- I can't go back there, Lee", you sobbed, crying even harder at the realization of just how scared you were. You had hoped that by proving to be a successful athlete, you could restore some of your parents' warmth in you. Showing up at their doorstep with a broken body and crushed dreams certainly was the worst-case scenario. It would rip you apart.
"Ducky, it's okay, calm down", Jordan asked of you, who had, in the meantime, settled by your feet, gently holding her hand out for you to grasp, which you did slowly after Leah released you from her grip.
"Nobody is going to get rid of you. We didn't get rid of Jordan either, look at 'er!", Leah chuckled as she watched her girlfriend shift into a position more comfortable for her own knee, never letting go of your hand.
"Besides, ducky, did you feel a pop in your knee?"
You shook your head. She had asked you this before.
"Did the pain go away after a few minutes?"
You shook your head again.
"Is your knee swollen? Do you feel like you can't move it?"
To all of those questions, you shook your head.
"Then I'll be damned if it's your ACL. You clashed knees, ducky. It's painful, and it's scary, but it's not the end of the world, it's not the end of your career", she hummed, gently lifting a finger to wipe a tear from your cheek.
"Wise words, Jordan. Never thought I'd say that", Leah chuckled, which immediately collected a laugh from you, even if you hadn't thought it possible just a few minutes ago. Jordan shrugged.
"Ducky is wiser than me", she sighed as she sprawled herself on your and Leah's legs, her back resting between your knee and your ankles by the very end of the bed.
"Thanks, guys. Go back to bed", you smiled at the dedication of the two women, seriously questioning where you'd be if it wasn't for them.
"What do you mean? We are in bed!"
And that was how you spent your last night in Leah's home with Jordan present, being pulled into the whirlwind of the Euros and the absolute bliss that came from winning it. Despite the fact that you were only granted a few minutes, usually towards the end of the matches, you were named the "super-sub", and gained quite the following on your social accounts. One thing never came though, and that was a message of your parents. Not even a little "congrats" text, no - instead, there was complete radio silence.
It was easy to forget about it in the afterglow of your win, and how quickly the season started off again. It was easy to forget about a lot of things, apparently, because you only noticed something seemed to be off when Leah glared as you let yourself into her apartment with the key she'd given you.
"Morning", you shouted into the space as you discarded your shoes, as usual, the slightest bit more awake given the fact that you had today off, meaning breakfast omelettes were served a little later than usually.
"Morning, ducky", Leah sighed from the kitchen as you joined her, noticing the lack of mother duck number two.
"Where's Jords?", you asked as you opened the fridge, pulling your hood above your head as usually to remain warmer.
"Not here, obviously", Leah gave back, and at that, you stopped in your tracks. Come to think of it, you hadn't seen Jordan for breakfast for about a week now. So far, Leah had always given you a good enough reason - her parents were in town, she was sick and didn't want to infect you and Leah, she had to take care of Blu.
This, however? Something was sketchy about it. The lack of interaction between your mother ducks during training or matches replayed in your head - how Jordan had stuck to Katie and Caitlin recently, seemingly only conversing with Leah when you were present as well. Something was sketchy.
"Why?", you asked, dragging out your word as you turned around to see Leah sitting at the kitchen table, looking back at you with something resembling defeat in her eyes.
"We broke up", she mumbled, her voice barely audible for you. Still, you understood her.
Her words took you aback, so much so that you completely disregarded your task, joining Leah as you sat across from her. Leah and Jordan had broken up. It all came back to you now - there had been a weird tension in the dressing room recently, but you hadn't noticed it until now that you thought back to it. Leah and Jordan only talked to each other when you were present. The past few breakfasts had been spent listening to you talk and talk and talk in a desperate attempt to hide the gaping hole of disappointment in your parents. Jordan hadn't been here in a week - to watch Blu?
"Why?", you asked, your tone matching hers.
"I don't know. It's complicated."
At this point, you were bargaining for any kind of information.
"About a month ago?"
"Why didn't you tell me?"
This time, your voice sounded hurt. You trusted Leah and Jordan with everything - opening yourself up completely, and although you knew that you were a lot younger than them, and somewhat like their kid, it hurt you to know that they had not even considered letting you know about this.
"You're still young, ducky. We just thought-"
"Thought what? That I wouldn't notice?"
Leah sighed at that, defeatedly, once more. You immediately regretted your harsh tone, knowing that your mother duck number one was going through a break up right now. If the two of them breaking up seemed impossible to you - how must it have felt for them?
"We just- I don't know. I'm sorry, ducky." Despite the emotions that must have been cursing through her, Leah smiled softly as you pushed yourself up from your chair and into her arms, burying your face in the crook of her neck as you let her rub your back comfortingly.
"Me too, Lee."
Things changed after the breakup, but not really for you. You alternated between Leah's and Jordan's flat, not caring about the both of them whining how hungry they were every other day, instead teaching them how to make an omelette, because it truly was time for them to learn. The two women were, as it seemed, on friendly terms as they still crowded around you whenever either they wanted something or you simply craved the both of their presence.
Jordan returned to the pitch shortly after the Euros, and for a brief lapse of time it truly seemed as if the three of you had fallen into a new routine, a different one, that worked-
That was until Jordan sat you down after practice one day, long after everyone else had left, and told you about her future departure of the club.
"You're leaving?", your tone seemed almost choked as you put your head on Jordan's shoulder cautiously, her words replaying in the back of your head all over again.
"Yeah. It's time for me to move on, to do something new. I'm old, ducky. It's time", she huffed, and you could tell by her tone that she was close to tears as well.
"But you love this club", you voiced, not understanding why Jordan felt the need to leave. Was it Leah? Was it you?
"I know. I do. But I don't get any minutes here, and I want to play football, ducky."
At that, you held your breath. Ever since the Euros, you had become a regular starter for Arsenal. Often in Jordan's position. You had taken her spot.
"I'm sorry, Jords. I didn't mean to-"
"No, ducky. Absolutely not. I will not have you apologize for being great. You are so young, and you deserve this more than anyone I know. You will be incredible for this club, I know it. Don't apologize", she immediately interrupted you, gently brushing her finger through your hair.
"But I took your place", you mumbled, the realization coming in slowly that Jordan wouldn't be here in a few months.
"No, you didn't. You earned your place. Matter of fact, I gave it to you."
You could hear by her tone that she was smiling, and you had to chuckle at her words.
"But you'll visit me, right? And I'll visit you?", you asked cautiously, the thought of not seeing your mother duck again suddenly climbing through your chest.
"You'll visit me, and I'll visit you. And I'll show you how good I'll get at making omelettes. I'm not leaving you, ducky."
The day she actually left the club was easily one of the hardest of your life. Leah's speech had you crying into Jordan's shoulder, and you were too far gone to say any of the words you had written down yourself to send off your mother duck. But you slipped Jordan the note before she left, letting her take you into one last hug before watching her get into her car and drive off.
Throughout the rest of the season, many of the girls joked that you would become an Aston Villa fan, given your dedication to watch every match of theirs, often in person. In the end, you truly found your footing at Arsenal and in the England team, relying on both of your mother ducks immensely whenever you needed to. They were both there for you, no matter what distance separated the three of you, and although you knew it was far more difficult for them, both Jordan and Leah kept their promises, often traveling back and forth for the three of you to see each other again.
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totaly-obsessed · 14 days
Woso Appreciation - Jersey Swap Edition
Request a player | with @alotofpockets
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lucawrites11 · 3 months
Arsenal Players captaining England
this is arsenal's official list:
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obviously there are some notable exceptions so here's who they missed:
(bold indicates they were permanent captain)
Leah Williamson: 22 games as Captain, 43 caps - 2021 - present [Captained England to their Euros win]
Jordan Nobbs: 2 games as Captain, 71 caps - 2015
Alex Scott: 1 game as Captain, 140 caps - 2013
Rachel Yankey: 2 games as Captain, 129 caps - 2010
Kelly Smith: 4 games as Captain, 117 caps - 2008
Mary Phillip: 17+ games as Captain, 65 caps - 2003-? [The first Black player to Captain the Lionesses]
Faye White: 48 games as Captain, 90 caps - 2002-2012 [Captained England at 4 international tournaments and to their first medal 🥈 at the 2009 Euros]
Debbie Bampton: 26+ games as Captain, 95 caps - permanent captain between 1985-1997 [oversaw the integration of the Lionesses into the FA in 1993, Captained England at their first World Cup in 1995]
Players who have played for Arsenal but we're England Captain while playing for another team:
Laura Bassett - 2 games as Captain
Ellen White - 3 games as Captain
Steph Houghton - 72 games as Captain
Casey Stoney - 19 games as Captain
Fara Williams - 11 games as Captain
not once does the article on Arsenal.com specify that it is referring to the men's team
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