#leaked info.
nyancrimew · 2 months
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thatskynews · 4 months
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ratshells · 3 months
I do not trust Leander w the information about the MC’s hands like at all!! like, I just figured that the information about the hands was payment for the room because knowledge is currency and whatever but… other than that… what is he going to do w that information. Because if you do Vere’s little route, he says that word about your hands can easily get you locked up or killed like him. And Leander is the only one who knows what you’re capable of.. and has shown his manipulative side (multiple times),, so what is keeping him from using the hands thing as a “gotcha” for the mc to keep them from ruining his reputation (bc you know damn well you’re gonna see something unsavory w him bc there’s no way he’s not doing some fuck ass shit on the low). like idk i think that telling Leander of all people this info will bite the mc in the ass somehow.
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allegorism · 10 months
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good for them.
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felassan · 5 months
this post is under a cut in case anyone would consider it to be DA:D spoilers, as the things it mentions came from the leak a year ago (spoiler warning for link) that included screenshots and a gif of the game. (the things this post mentions are therefore not new information and this does not reference a new leak)
I'm just thinking again about Rook (which seems to be the PC's name or title) and the imagery conjured by the name. ◕‿◕ this post is just speculation and overanalyzing for fun. also this post is a now-finished draft from my draft section from a while back.
I think it would work as a surname (like "Hawke") or a codename (think Leliana's spies and contacts such as "Butler", "Farrier", "Butcher", "Charter", etc although these are all professions that end in "-er" or "or" iirc). it could also be a title (like Warden, Hero, Champion, Inquisitor, Herald) or a nickname - like maybe it's short for "Rookie", it's a Varric-assigned nickname and it references how the DA:D PC is the newest member of the team after he recruits them?
I think it sounds catchy, and cool - it's snappy and short, Hawke-like in this way. and it sounds like the kind of name a spy or secret agent might have in a fantasy, superhero or sci-fi-type setting.
a rook is a black bird, Corvus frugilegus, a member of the corvid family. rooks have been perceived as vermin and nuisances by people in the past, and persecuted due to this. they bear a resemblance to their crow and raven relatives, both birds which have a large cultural footprint and lots of symbolism in areas such as folklore and art. Hawke obviously also had a bird motif going on from their surname and associated art pieces. corvids also bring to mind the Antivan Crows (assassins, thieves, & spies), reminding of the stuff about how in this game the PC may be trying to operate under the radar, and the reporting on a previous iteration of DA:D which had the game concept as being focused on spies and heists. rook plumage is inky black, bringing to mind darkness and shadow.
from the bird angle, a "rook" sounds neat opposite a "wolf" imo. wolves are obviously another animal that have large footprints in culture, myth and folklore. in the natural world there is symbiosis sometimes between wolves and corvids when hunting/feeding. there are lots of photos of wolves and corvids together.
a colony of rooks is called a rookery. of course, the fortress of Skyhold has a rookery. it's from there that Inquisition Spymaster Leliana operates (operated) sending her black birds on missions with letters and messages to her many agents and spies throughout Thedas. what if Rook is one of Leliana's... "rooks"? a spy or agent of the remnants of the Inquisition.
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A rook is also defined as "A cheat or swindler; someone who betrays" [noun], "mist, fog" [noun] and "to cheat or swindle" [verb]. it's also a type of trick-taking card game. these sorts of things bring to mind a rogueish, stealthy aspect, and the shady, shadowy dealings and card-game played in Minrathous Shadows.
a rook is also a chess piece. they're castle-like (since "rook" can also mean a castle or fortification) and usually have their top in the shape of a battlement. they can move in any direction along a rank or file on a chessboard on which they stand (horizontal/vertical, not diagonal). they can also do the "castling" move. in history, rooks have also been called towers, castles, rectors and marquesses. in chess, each player starts the game with two rooks at opposite ends of the first rank. chess itself is a game of strategy and tactics. "the chessmaster" as a trope is a character type who manipulates events, tugging on strings and moving 'pieces' into place on a metaphorical chessboard. [Solas' DA:I dialogue about his past, like the one he has with Sera about cells of spies/agents, hark to this]
in the castling move,
"Castling is a move in chess. It consists of moving the king two squares toward a rook on the same rank and then moving the rook to the square that the king passed over. Castling is permitted only if neither the king nor the rook has previously moved; the squares between the king and the rook are vacant; and the king does not leave, cross over, or finish on a square attacked by an enemy piece. Castling is the only move in chess in which two pieces are moved at once."
castling rules often cause confusion, even occasionally among high-level players. historically the move has its roots in the "king's leap", of which there were two forms and which arose in part it seems due to increasing importance of king safety as other pieces were given increased powers through time as the game developed. "the king would move once like a knight, or the king would move two squares on its first move. The knight move might be used early in the game to get the king to safety or later in the game to escape a threat." basically it moves the king away to safety and the rook to a more active position. there is also kingside castling and queenside castling. I wonder, symbolically.. is Rook more the king's rook, or the queen's rook? (reminds me of the Left Hand and Right Hands of the Divine hh). who or what is the king in this hypothetical analogy? the World of Thedas itself? as a castle or fortress.. Rook is the bulwark against what's to come? [over-thinking ik ik, tis just for fun hh].
by now we're all familiar with the chess game Solas plays in banter dialogue with Iron Bull during DA:I. in the in-world chess game, rooks are called towers. Solas moves his right-hand tower once. at a later point in the game, Iron Bull's "Arishok" piece takes Solas' left-hand tower, getting a check and leaving him feeling triumphant. Bull asks Solas wth he is doing as Bull takes Solas' remaining tower. "Your last tower, by the way". Bull, a spy and liar himself, bears down on Solas' pieces "with his full army", thinking a win is in sight. Undeterred, Solas executes a few moves in a sneaky plan and entraps Bull in a checkmate, winning the game after sacrificing various pieces to enact his plan.
rook also brings to mind the Tower tarot card and its meanings. it's associated with sudden, disruptive revelation and potentially destructive change. it connotes danger, crisis, sudden change, destruction, higher learning, and liberation, as well as adversity, calamity, deception, ruin and unforeseen catastrophe. reversed, it connotes things such as negligence, carelessness, apathy and vanity (vanity.. pride). in this depiction of the Tower tarot, lightning strikes from the sky, striking a crown (hubris) off the top of a tower and setting it alight as people fall from the tower to their doom. this imagery and the upright meanings of the card bring to mind the sudden massive change Solas seeks to bring about (destroying the Veil), the revelations and liberation for some that it might bring, his identity as Fen'Harel Lord of Tricksters (deception) as well as the destruction he seems to think the Veil destroying action will cause ("as the world burns in the raw chaos"...). the 'Tower scene' has also already played out once before in Thedosian history, when Solas created the Veil and sealed the Evanuris away, leading to the fall of Arlathan and its wonders. in modern Thedas, Morrigan and Flemeth (as well as possibly some side 'prophecy' type things) both allude to a big change coming to the world.
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in DA:I, the Tower tarot card is ofc none other than Solas' ending card, if he is not romanced. in the DA:I version of the card, we see Solas, cloaked in a dark robe and holding a mage staff under a half-moon or eclipse. darkness seeps from his shadow, stark against the orange sky, and blends with the giant black Dread Wolf, looming ominously and open-mouthed above him with its many eyes. (the Tower tarot card Solas scene is later referenced in DA:D promotional art and DA:D-era in-world murals). it makes sense to have assigned this to Solas given the above discussed meanings of the Tower tarot card, but it's a verrry inchresting choice imo to then give "Rook" as a name/title for the DA:D PC.
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and most inchrestingly, there's the symbol from the front of Mark Darrah's mysterious Red Book. this mysterious red book shows "a flaming rook" on the cover. the book was an internal guide for developer and publisher eyes only that summarized the vision for DA:D, in its Joplin iteration. we know that the Joplin project has since been revised to an extent that it was the newly codenamed Morrison instead, but the red book is known to still contain plenty of ideas likely to appear in DA:D. most pages of the book remain highly classified. it's the symbol on the front that's of most interest to us though for the purposes of this post. there is a castle, tower, or rook, like a fortress or the chess piece. above the tower, a fire burns, reminding us of the burning tower from the Tower tarot card imagery and what that symbolizes, as well as Solas' "world burning in the raw chaos" line from Trespasser. inside the fire is a wolf, the Dread Wolf, in a now very-familiar and repeated motif in DA:D art, merch, murals, teasers etc. whatever else "rook" may connote, it feels like it's not an accident at all that the PC's name is apparently "Rook", given this depiction of a fiery rook and the Dread Wolf together.
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what do you think? ^^
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When the chainsaw cult plans get released (based on Donald trump & his crew mugshots)
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the-ninjago-historian · 3 months
I just completed four hours of house cleaning. And BOY, do I need a nap!🤣😴
Anyways, have to leaked episode titles for Dragons Rising Season 2 Part 2. :)
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Enjoy! And goodnight! :D
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taeiris · 6 months
exorcism at the mansion, someone reported hearing millie scream as eleven while filming… will looks tired and tormented… are you thinking what im thinking
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raamitsu · 3 months
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BAD NEWS FOR JJK STANS (⁠。⁠•́⁠︿⁠•̀⁠。⁠)
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There is no additional information to be shared from this news, however, considering Gege's health, I wish him well both physically and mentally at this point 🙁 This might come off as an exaggeration but [this news] could be the closest to not having to read JJK for a long time. Now I beg yall to stop joking around with mangaka's health and start praying that they will live long enough to finish their works. They deserve to rest.
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hunnieknight · 8 days
HELLO??THERE IS A LEAK (idk if this is leak or not because i don't follow hsr anymore) OF THIS BROWN HAIRED CHARACTER???
[possible leak?]
Gawk gawk gawk
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lee-hakhyun · 13 days
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@auuwmk okay so. the content has been revised already and i'm getting this all secondhand from tweets so i may be missing some context. i am taking this information from the linked tweet threads please read it because it'll explain this better than i do
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originally, kaizenix's base genre was 'romance fantasy'.
kim dokja was saying that yuri had been performing her role as a rofan protag by being the fiancee of the first prince, but then hsy came and escapes the genre by... making yuri become king (instead of the queen married to the king)? the thing is, there are female protagonists in rofans who do become king. yuri holding a position of power is not breaking out of the genre :/
then han sooyoung says the phrase 'a romance fantasy without romance won't be popular'. a romance fantasy without romance... is just fantasy. but.
it seems the romance fantasy genre in the first place was created due to male readers bitching about female leads having romance in a fantasy story, pushing the stories away into the romance genre and leading to the creation of the rofan genre to keep a distinction from other romances. but then there was a problem with 'romance fantasies without romance' still being labled as romance fantasy just because there's a female lead.
there's something to think about when there are so many fantasy stories with male protags having a romantic interest or even entire harems but the it isn't labeled romance. but when the protagonist is a woman...
there were revisions trying to fix the issues readers had, but eventually they just removed the romance part of kaizenix's original genre entirely (leaving it just as fantasy). they were very apologetic over this whole situation in the author's notes for the chapters this occured in [ep 72 (5) + (6)]
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moongothic · 8 months
You know I wasn't going to post about this, but the more I think about it the more it drives me up the walls
So when Luffy and co release Crocodile from jail, it's specifically under the threat that if Crocodile tries anything funny, well, Iva-chan has a trick up their sleeve to put Crocodile back in-line.
So what the fuck was that actually about? What is Crocodile's secret weakness? I'm specifically looking at the way this is phrased in the manga, because the anime's added dialogue kinda messes with what's implied here. But what Iva specifically says is that Ivankov in particular holds the key to one of Crocodile's weaknesses, but they'll stay quiet about it as long as Crocodile behaves himself ("Vataashi wa koitsu no yowami wo hitotsu nigitteru", a very clunky but literal translation could be "One of his weaknesses is within my grasp". The way Viz translated the line is a bit different so I'm not bothering with getting a cap of the panel, you wouldn't be able to tell how these lines were phrased in Japanese based on Viz's translations anyways) (The dialogue Toei added was Crocodile furiously shouting at Iva-chan, telling them to not say anything and Iva-chan reminding Croc to watch his tone or else they'll reveal Croc's past to everyone. A lot of people don't remember this was in-fact added by Toei, hence I wanted to clarify/remind what happened in this scene originally)
And now. Obviously. When Oda went out of his way to introduce a brand new character whose entire personality is being queer and their power is giving people magic HRT. And then like five chapters later re-introduces Crocodile. And tells us that these two have Secret Beef. And never proceeds to fucking tell us what the hell that was about. Yes, the natural conclusion one would come to would be that Crocodile is stealth trans. That is basic, good storytelling. You (re)introduce two characters, tell us they have beef, one has a very specific ability; you're supposed to connect these dots in your mind. So that now, if Oda revealed to us tomorrow that Crocodile was canonically trans, it would not surprise anyone because it's already been set-up in the story, by this very scene. It's a logical conclusion.
But. I'm becoming more and more convinced that Iva-chan's blackmail might actually not be about Crocodile being trans.
Like the general fandom assumption for the past 15 years has been that Crocodile's stealth trans, but we actually don't know he's stealth. He could be openly trans, and between that being a borderline requirement for Crocodad to be real (since he would've been a Shichibukai for years before Luffy was even born) and the possibility that his earring could specifically be a gay earring, like. Yeah. Crocodile could be openly trans. If Crocodile's perfectly happy to let the whole world know he's gay, then him being trans shouldn't have to be a secret either. We the readers could just be unaware of it because it wasn't relevant information to us, and his transition would be old ass news in-universe and not worth bringing up.
And thus, if Crocodile isn't stealth, then Iva-chan can't blackmail him by threatening to out him, becaus he can't be outted.
Now for a while I did considder that Iva-chan could've been actually threatening to detransition Crocodile if he tried anything funny. Surely he would hate that, so much so that he might not have wanted to even hear Ivankov suggest it. But thinking about it. Unless Iva-chan can use Armanent Haki or get Crocodile moisturized, they shouldn't be able to hit Crocodile actually. Like Croc's Logia makes him impossible to hit unless he specifically allowed himself to be touched. So even if Iva-chan tried to surprise attack Crocodile with Estrogen, Croc should just turn to sand automatically, the attack should not land.
Meaning Iva-chan shouldn't be able to detransition Crocodile against his will, at least not without Haki and we don't know if they can use it, so that can't be Crocodile's weakness either.
And so we have to ask the question. What the fuck is that weakness then that Ivankov mentioned?
All we really know is that Crocodile doesn't want this weakness to be brought up, it's a secret. And for all we know Iva-chan might be the only person in the world who knows about it.
And I just. Like.
There is one weakness, kind of a universal one that many people could have, one that has been brought up time-and-time again post-timeskip, one that has become more and more relevant in the story, especially now at the begining of the Final Saga.
A secret weakness.
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If pregnancy is what cracked Crocodile's egg and he transitioned immidiately/soon after giving birth, then it's entirely plausible Iva-chan could know Crocodile had a secret child. And surely he'd want nothing more than for his child to be safe, not end up in trouble because of him. And Ivankov most certainly could put that child in danger, especially now that Crocodile was officially no longer on the World Government's side, there'd be no protection for the baby. All Ivankov had to do was leak the information out, that Sir Crocodile had a child, and anybody who had beef with him could get their revenge by attempting to find the child.
Like I'm just saying. This could line up nicely, actually
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slickricklj · 3 months
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Jill Valentine + Chris Redfield - When you know, you know.
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#Resident Evil#Chris Redfield#Jill Valentine#Valenfield#Jill X Chris#Chris X Jill#Reviledit#vgedit#videogameedit#gamingedit#Resident Evil Revelations#Resident Evil 5#Resident Evil Death Island#those who enjoy their dynamic...enjoy! :D#those who know the lore and dialogue should find plenty of the layered subtext here#They've been obvious from day 1 and I love how their relationship has been such a focal point in the story#other characters are totally aware they have something between them and it's been exploited multiple times#Wesker took advantage of their feelings in RE1 and RE5#Raymond put a lifesize dummy of Chris for Jill and O'Brian baited them by having them think the other was missing LOL#People BS about Ada but didn't even pay attention to the lore to see she actually was connected to RE5 when they established Irving#leaked the info HE obtained on Spencer's whereabouts meant for Wesker to get. They showed up the same night...it's no coincidence#Ada is known for having reliable info she shares and doing things behind the scenes uncredited IJS#RE4make made it even clearer for those who didn't have a clue ADA was against Wesker and had no bad intentions#Claire witnessing her brother's reactions to Jill and even him telling her to leave and he'd stay despite low ammo and no comms..#Sheva telling his personal business he was keeping private and his reaction which... he made no excuses for what he was doing.#And yeah I threw in some Ada/Leon stuff because Chris and Leon clearly were aware the girls were special to them plus MANY parallels exist#threw in an old ref I made about MVC3 in another post. It may be non-canon but point remains.... :P#I did also include Brad spotting them on the helipad to go with the theme but also to show how they bring each other peace/hope#flashing gif tw#biohazard
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strawberrybyers · 3 months
hahahahahaha remember when everyone was like “episode 5 is going to be the byler episode!!” and now they’re casting a young will, mike, and jonathan for episode 4….. hahahahahaha we’re all being normal about this right???? RIGHT?????
and not it being titled “the sorcerer” omfg i’m going to pass out die throw up scream cry die again
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hellomayu · 1 year
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cult leader geto suguru
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rainbowchaox · 5 months
Some calmer thoughts:
Now that the reactive anger has mostly left me. I dissected the whole doxxing situation with a neutral eye. And I honestly think if Lea apologized and took the post down. She could still be in right sorta. But the mistake she made wasn’t leaking Quackity information. That could still be considered a mistake. Her true mistake is when people brought it up to her attention to take the post down is she doubled down. She made points of how doxxing is nothing compared to what she went through. Implying sorta that quackity deserved it. Even though the worst of things she dealt with was Twitter being toxic which she always could log off on. Which is why people shifted focus on blaming her. Because how she responded could be sorta of admission to guilt. Even if the leak in the first place was an accident.
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