#leave me alone unless you want to pay for my therapy!!!!!!!
Do you have any headcanons for after an escape attempt with each strawhats? What would be their reaction at first? What would they do when they find you? How stricter would they get? What would they start doing differently after the attempt?
I have a head canon that Robin and Zoro are the only ones that can dish out punishment because everyone else doesn’t have the heart to hurt a single hair on your pretty head. I think Nami would start making plans and rules for everyone to follow so their eyes are on you. Luffy would just be, well, Luffy. Sanji would be more smothering. Chopper and Usopp would try to liven up your mood to do pranks and play games along with Luffy. Franky would give you gadgets to play with and to entertain yourself with, maybe even hiding a camera into those gadgets to keep an eye on you.
I am not far enough to know what Jinbe or Brook would do differently, yohohoho!!!
I want to state upfront that I do not depict yanderes that beat the hell out of their darlings. Sorry, but with my past, writing something like that would be extremely triggering for me so I'm not going to do it.
I'm not crazy about doing punishments in general, but I'll give a quick overview for the straw hats.
Luffy, despite his nature, is the one you have to look out for. One of his top priorities is his crew, and that now includes you and making sure you get assimilated. For minor offenses like being cold or shoving them away, he just invades your space more (like yandere exposure therapy). Oh you think you can push him away? Haha no, you're not that strong. You'll be wrapped very tightly in his arms to prove a point.
For a full on escape attempt though, he's going to be visibly upset. Honestly the look on his face will probably be enough to stop you dead in your tracks. When you're back on the ship (not if, when), you're going into solitary confinement until you break since you wanted to be away from them so bad. You'll still be fed of course, but no one will talk to you. The only way you're getting out of that room is by apologizing or if you become ill or get hurt. Robin will be using her devil fruit to keep an eye on you throughout this.
Zoro is a hardass, but it takes a lot to get more that a dirty look from him. For the most part, he leaves the assimilating up to everyone else because he thinks they're more cut out for it than he is. The most he'll usually do is grab you, make you look him in the eye, and tell you to cut it out before you or someone else has to do something they'll regret. Also, I feel like he would be noticeably gentler if you're a woman that he perceives as weak. You're still going back, but he's trying to be careful about it. He'll remind you of how weak you are and how strong so many people in this world are, so maybe you'll be more appreciative of their protection.
You're unlikely to get away with him around, he'll shut that down the second you start to step out of line. If he catches you trying to escape, you're getting thrown over his shoulder and carried back to the ship kicking and screaming. From there he'll hand you over to Luffy for him to decide what to do. He's more of a guard dog than an enforcer.
Nami is the one that comes up with punishments and ways to wear you down. Isolating you after an escape was her idea because she knows how crippling it is to feel alone. It hurts her to do this, but she needs you to understand how much you need them. With her temper, she's quick to yell at you for any minor infraction against them. She also tries to trap you financially by buying things for you and then saying that you can't leave unless you pay her back in full. Which is impossible between her interest rate and the fact that none of them will let you do anything to earn money.
Escape attempts boil her blood, you'll probably get in a screaming match with her before you're locked away. She'll be yelling about how ungrateful you are for trying to leave. They do nothing but love you, feed you, clothe you, and treat you like family and this is how you repay them?! After what Arlong put her through for ten years, she can't fathom not loving being a part of the Straw Hats.
Usopp hates this so much. The whole thing makes him uncomfortable and he wishes you would just acquiesce already. His role is that of a snitch. If he so much as thinks you're up to something you're getting ratted out in a matter of seconds. However, upon realizing that you were now avoiding him like a plague, he dialed back on it. Now if the behavior isn't that serious, he'll just quietly scold you but ultimately let it go.
I wish you luck trying to escape around him with his eyesight. The man could shoot a specific leaf off a tree from a mile away, do you really think he won't see you trying to sneak away? He'll give chase, but will also be yelling that you're trying to get away so that now everyone is also after you. Making it off the ship with him around is genuinely impressive.
Sanji hates this more than Usopp, especially if you're a woman. But, as much as he loathes to see you cry and be upset, there is a part of him (that he is very ashamed of) that feels downright gleeful about having someone in his life that physically can't leave him. He will literally never admit this to anyone. He's like a combination of Usopp and Zoro, his job is to keep an eye on you and interfere with any escape attempts. He won't do much about you acting out. He mostly just ignores it and doubles down on being sweet and doting to try and win you over.
If you actually try to leave with him around, first of all, good luck because he's never that far away and will simply escort you back to your seat as if you simply got turned around. Actually getting enough distance from him to warrant a more serious response won't last long. Sanji is fast, so he'll close the gap in no time and scoop you up to go back to the ship. He won't say a thing to you the whole way back, he feels hurt and betrayed that you would do this and doesn't trust himself to not break if he opens his mouth. During your isolation, he makes a bunch of your favorite foods as a way of reminding you how much he cares about you.
Chopper is joining the list of people that can't stand this. He doesn't understand and is confused, are friendships supposed to be like this? The others will tell him that no, they're not, but sometimes you just need to "convince" people that you're supposed to be friends with them. This makes him determined to do his part and help get you adjusted! He isn't really sure what that entails though, so he's just very friendly and affectionate with you. If you're seated, he's going to hop into your lap.
When you try to make a break for it with him around, his first instinct is to panic. You're getting away! One of your crew mates needs to go catch you! Oh wait that's him! He'll shift into one of his larger forms so that he can catch up with you and grab you. The whole time he's carrying you back, he's crying because he feels like you did this because he hasn't done a good enough job making friends with you. He takes the isolation the worst and is constantly worrying about you getting hurt or sick.
Robin tries to take it with stride, but she's pretty uncomfortable with it. I don't agree with the idea that she's someone that would be dishing out punishments. She's had to play the role of a bad guy for the past two decades, she doesn't want to keep playing it. All that she wants is to enjoy the company of her new friends, and that includes you even if you're wary of them. She does her best to get you to understand that your new crew mates only want what's best for you, even going so far as to tell you about her past and what they did to save her from Enies Lobby.
You are not escaping on her watch, it's just not happening. She sees and hears everything and can grow limbs on your body to make you come back before you've gotten more than a couple meters away. The first time, she actually will keep it to herself if no one else saw it. She'll settle for telling you what will happen if you get caught doing this again, and remind you of how much they all care about you. Can't you just appreciate that? If you do wind up being isolated, it's her job to check up on you since she can do so without entering the room. Seeing you crying or upset really hurts her, and the second she thinks you're worn down enough she's all but begging Luffy to let you out now.
Franky is not foreign to the concept of adopting every scrappy kid you come across, and if he's yandere, then he probably did the same with some of the members of the Franky Family. He's experienced in these endeavors and it shows with how cool and collected he is about it. You're bound to get frustrated with him laughing off you acting out. He'll even go so far as to tell someone like Nami or Zoro to relax when they're berating you because that's not going to do anything to help bring you around. He'll wind up endearing himself to you ever so slightly because of this, and it's 100% intentional on his part.
He handles escape attempts like a minor annoyance. Like he's fetching a cat that slipped out the front door when it wasn't supposed to. He follows after you, picks you up and carries you like a football back to the ship while asking you if that was really worth it like some disappointed dad. Like Robin, he doesn't want to immediately jump to isolation and will try to plead your case that maybe this was a one time thing and you've learned your lesson, but if you're kicking and screaming and not cooperating then he'll throw in the towel and let the others do what they will.
I also haven't gotten to Brook and Jinbei, so I'll leave them out too.
After you're let out, you're essentially going to be love bombed by everyone. You'll be in a vulnerable state of mind and they will all be taking advantage of it.
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otakusheep15 · 4 months
Hi there! I recently got diagnosed with discoid meniscus and I have an MRI and a surgery soon (as well as physio)
This hurts a lot and walking up stairs or a 10 minute walk is dreadful for me
Could you do it with the obey me bros pls? I don't see a lot about my condition much or at all, so it would be nice if u could bring some light to it :33
I actually have a pretty similar condition to you Anon! I've had about three surgeries to reconstruct my knees, so now I have a bunch of metal in them. I completely get the pain, and I'd be more than happy to write about it!
I am gonna try and keep this a bit more generic, but the reader/MC will have a major leg injury. Talks of surgery and injury will be included, but the reader/MC has not yet had any surgeries, just considering it.
Unlike most of his brothers, Lucifer is more practical about your injury. He's the only one who knew about it before the exchange program started, so he took the necessary precautions before you even showed up.
His biggest contribution is that he modified the stairs in the main hall. If you have a wheelchair/mobility aid, he cast a spell on the stairs so that they'll turn into a ramp so that it's easier for you to get up. He also added extra handrails/grips along the stairs so that you can hold on if needed.
He's very protective of you out in public. He constantly has his eyes on you, watching for any signs of discomfort. Constant reminders from him to take breaks when you need, and he punishes anyone who makes fun of you for needing a break.
If your legs ever feel sore, Lucifer is great at massages. He also regularly studies up on physical therapy-type exercises to help strengthen your legs. He never pushes you, but he does encourage you to do these exercises when you can.
If you ever consider surgery, Lucifer will help you look for the best doctor possible. Money is no obstacle for him, and he offers to pay for any and all expenses. He also stays with you in the Human World while you recover, as he doesn't want to risk you being down in the Devildom while you're still healing.
If you're ever injured, such as your knee popping out of socket or pulling a muscle, he's the first to look after you. Plenty of medicine and attention, and he makes sure to keep his brothers away so that they don't bother you while you rest. He's hesitant to use magic to help you, as he doesn't want you to become reliant on it for help, but if it's an extreme injury, he'll make an exception.
He most likely is not aware of your injury unless you tell him. If you have a strange walk, such as a limp, he might make fun of you for it, not realizing it's because you're injured. After you and/or Lucifer explain to him how stupid he sounds, he apologizes, and he does genuinely feel bad.
Now he is your scary (adorable) guard dog. He's constantly going with you if you need to run an errand, and he gets upset if you ask him to let you go alone. Truthfully, he's scared for what might happen if you go out by yourself. He knows how cruel demons can be, and he'd hate it if he wasn't there to protect you. Still, if you're adamant, he'd agree to leave you be.
Definitely the type to bedazzle your mobility aid if you have one. Of course, he asks permission first, but if you let him, he's going all out. Stickers, glitter, and tacky, plastic jewels now adorn your mobility aids, and Mammon is very proud of himself.
Mammon is for sure the type to pick you up and walk you up the stairs himself. If you don't like it, he'll stop after the first time, but if you let him, he'll do it every time. If there's a set of stairs you need to go up, he's already picking you up before you even ask. Do his brothers make fun of him? Yes. Does he care? Absolutely not.
If you ever plan on having surgery, he's a bit afraid for you. Mammon has a tendency to overestimate how fragile humans can be, so when he hears the word 'surgery', his mind immediately jumps to the worst. Just reassure him that you'll be okay if you decide to go through with it, and he'll be fine. He definitely studies up on the best ways to help someone recover from a surgery, and he's a surprisingly good caretaker for you.
He's also good at caring for you if you get injured. If you hurt your leg somehow, he's immediately bringing you to the nearest private space and checking to see how bad your injury is. His first instinct is to use magic to heal your leg, but if that doesn't work, his next plan is most likely to call Lucifer and ask what he should do. He's mostly just panicking because he hates seeing you injured, but when he does manage to calm down, he is a lot better at caring for you.
As someone who experiences chronic pain, Levi gets it. He's in constant pain nearly all the time, so if you need help with finding ways to get comfortable, he's your guy. But beyond that, he's not much help with anything else. He barely takes care of his own pain, so the chances of him being able to help much with yours is slim at best. He does his best though.
If you feel sore, he's got lots of spaces to chill out and rest your legs. He has many different types of chairs, beanbags, the bathtub, and even his floor, which is surprisingly comfortable. He'd totally be down to build you a makeshift nest so that you have somewhere to rest and prop your leg up.
Out of all the brothers, Levi is one of the best at distraction and comfort. If you're feeling a lot of pain or soreness, his room is the best place to be. He can distract you with anime, games, manga, and more. Sometimes, you're just in pain and there's not much you can do about it, so having a distraction is usually the best option in these instances.
Still, despite what you may think, even Levi knows that there's a limit to how much you can distract yourself before you actually need help. His brothers have had to pull him out of his cave many times because they know he's in pain and ignoring it. If he ever sees you starting to develop the same destructive tendencies as him, he'll do his best to pull you out of it.
If you ever plan on getting surgery, his room is the best recovery zone you could ask for. There's a lot to do in his room, and none of it requires much physical activity, so your legs can heal while you hang out with him. He also knows a lot about how to work out your leg to keep it from stiffening up, even if he doesn't utilize these exercises himself all that much. Any pain meds you might have are tucked away in a secure location with all of his medicine, and he sets extra timers for you so that you remember to take them if needed.
If you injure your leg, Levi is not the best help unfortunately. He panics immediately, and there's not a very good chance he'll get himself out of his panic in time to help you. In cases like these, it's best to have someone else on speed dial, such as Lucifer or Barbatos. After your leg is healed, Levi is very apologetic that he couldn't be very helpful. He tries his best to overcome his own panic so that he'll be better able to help you in the future.
Out of everyone, Satan is the most likely to do actual research about your disability. Like, I'm talking hours in the library reading every medical journal he can find so that he can fully understand what you go through. He also asks you questions if you're comfortable answering them. He won't pressure you to answer though.
He will definitely get mad at anyone who makes fun of you or tries to make your life harder. If you don't want him to confront them, he won't for your sake, but he really wants to fight them. Please let him fight them for you.
If you have any mobility aids, he will help you modify them to be better suited for the Devildom, if you'd like him to of course. It's mch different down here compared to the human world, so having modified aids would be helpful to you during your stay. If you don't want them modified at all, he'd be more than happy to buy you some alternative aids instead.
Satan is very good at giving massages if you ever feel sore. Maybe you've been walking around all day, or maybe you just woke up sore. It happens, and he'll never judge you for why you feel sore. If you'd like him to, he has no problem giving you a massage. His room is not the best for relaxing since he has so many books piled everywhere, but he tries his best to clear a path for you so that you won't have to step over all of them.
If you ever plan on having surgery, Satan is your best bet for a caretaker. He's calm and patient, and he always knows what you need to feel better. He's a great cook and he doesn't mind taking care of chores. he also makes sure you take all of your prescribed medication and that you get enough rest. Satan would prefer it if you stayed in the human world during your recovery, as he believes it's safer and less stressful than staying in the Devildom, but if you'd rather stay in the Devildom, he'll gladly stay at the House of Lamentation with you.
If you're injured, Satan is one of the better demons to call on. He has a lot of medical knowledge, so he'd know better than most of his brothers about how to take care of you. He'd try to fix it on his own if he knew how to. He can fix a dislocated knee no problem, and he's fine with other small forms of injury. If it's a bigger injury, he'd be tempted to use magic to heal you, but only as a last resort.
He may not know everything about your disability, and he may not be the best caretaker of all time, but Asmo is the best at hyping you up and making you feel good. Any insecurity you may have about your disability is gone when you're around him.
No one dares to insult you in his presence. If he even suspects that someone has been bullying you for having a disability, it's on sight. Or, more accurately, he's sending Satan and/or Beel to fight for him. Either way, that demon is dead.
If you let him, Asmo would absolutely bedazzle any mobility aids you might have. He'll design you a leg brace that's colorful and sparkly, all while still being fully functional. Any canes or walkers are covered in fun stickers and glitter, and wheelchairs are not spared either. If you'd rather he keep them plain, he'll be a little pouty, but he doesn't mind. Instead, he'll focus his efforts into creating a new line of fashionable mobility aids. He thinks it's fun to design something that's actually useful along with being cute.
He's also very good at helping you coordinate outfits that fit with your mobility aids. Leg braces tend to be hard to style around, and he knows that. Sometimes they can be bulky and stiff, meaning that picking out what to wear with them can be nearly impossible. If you ever need help finding something to wear, Asmo is your go-to. He won't judge you for needing help, and the two of you spend the whole day shopping and looking around for cute outfit ideas.
If you plan on having surgery, Asmo is not the best caretaker, but he tries his best for you. If he needs any help, he'll most likely call Satan or Lucifer and ask what he should do to help you. Most of his care involves him trying to keep you entertained. Resting all day can be boring, and he knows that he wouldn't enjoy being stuck inside all day. He finds movies and tv shows to binge with you, finds silly games you can play, and even puts on cute little fashion shows for you. Asmo is still a fairly responsible caretaker, but maybe have Lucifer on speed dial just in case.
If you're injured, maybe don't call Asmo right away. More likely than not, he'll freak out and panic instead of helping you. Instead, call someone else to help you with your injury, and then call Asmo after so that he can fawn over you. He'll act all offended that you didn't call on him first, but deep down he knows he wouldn't have been much help to you. He does try his best to work on himself so that he can help you more in the future.
Beel may not be the most informed about human world disabilities, but he is also the most willing to learn. All he wants is to be helpful to those he cares about, and you're one of those people. If he needs to sort through every medical journal he can find to understand how to help you, he will. He may not understand most of the medical nonsense listen in the journals, but he tries his best for you, and he actually learns quite a lot in the process.
Most likely to carry you around if you need it. All of the brothers are more than capable of carrying you just fine, but Beel is most used to carrying others around. He does it for his brothers all the time, so it's no different for you in his mind. If you can't get up a flight of stairs or you broke/lost your mobility aid, Beel is right there to haul you to wherever you need.
Beel is also very good at caring for you, surprisingly. He deals with a lot of injuries because of how often he gets hurt during games/practice, so he knows a thing or two about first aid. He's not the best at it compared to an actual doctor, but if you need anything bandaged up, or perhaps a brace of some kind, he's got you. He's also got plenty of ice/heat packs if you feel sore, plus tons of muscle relaxers and other such drugs, although he's more hesitant to give anything like that to you since he's not sure what kind of dosage you'd need. If you have your own medication, he'd be more than willing to hold onto some for you in case of emergency.
If you plan on having surgery, Beel is a decent option as a caretaker. Not the best, but certainly not the worst either. He may be easily distracted by his own hunger, but as long as he's well-fed, he's good at taking care of you. Like I said, he knows a good amount already due to his own injuries, and anything he doesn't know he can just research. During recovery, you will not have to move an inch because he'll just get everything for you. If you want food or a drink, he already has it, and he doesn't mind running errands if you need anything specific. He's also good at helping you with physical therapy.
If you get an injury, he's a good option to call. Beel is best at short term solutions, like bandaging you up until you find a more permanent solution. Maybe not the best for serious injuries, as he can only do so much with his limited knowledge, but small injuries like a popped knee or sore muscles are where he can help the best.
If nothing else, Belphie is very good at helping you relax. If your muscles are tense or spasming, he's arguably your best go-to. He's shockingly good at massages, but his specific brand of magic is also good for relaxation, not just putting someone to sleep.
He's also the most understanding about how tired you must be all the time (besides Levi). Having any kind of leg injury is tiring and painful, and he knows good and well that you need breaks. If you're ever feeling tired or worn-out, his bed is always open to you, and so is the attic. He'll also fight anyone who makes fun of you for needing to rest, as he's most likely dealt with similar comments for how often he falls asleep.
He's not the most experienced with mobility aids, but he is good at making things comfortable. If you specifically wear any kind of brace that makes you uncomfortable, he's your best bet if you want to find something better. Maybe something with extra padding or something that sits on your leg better. If you wear one of those bigger braces that prevent your knee from bending, he's also good at helping you prop it up on some pillows. Basically, if you have a hard time getting comfy, go to Belphie. He's more than happy to help.
If you plan on having surgery, he's a fairly decent caretaker. I can't promise that he won't fall asleep in the middle of caring for you, but he's not bad while he's awake. He's the best at helping you find comfortable ways to place your leg while you sleep or rest, and he's also good at helping you relax after physical therapy. As for anything else, he has no problems running errands for you for food, but it might take him a while to get around to it.
If you're injured, maybe don't call Belphie. To be honest, he has no clue how to deal with major, or even minor, injuries, so you're better off calling for someone else to help you. However, he is good at taking care of you after your injury has been properly dealt with. If you do get majorly injured, he'll most likely feel bad that he couldn't help you, so he'll do his best to learn more about how to help you in the future.
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Ransom hated wearing suits. But, today was the funeral of Harlan Thrombey. He committed suicide. He slit his throat. Ransom did not expect that. If he knew Harlan needed help, he would have been there.
Made him go to therapy and all that. He watched you from the distance at the cemetery. You and Martin cried the most. Then his mom.
Ransom wondered if Nana knew what was going on. She wasn't here but at the mansion. It wasn't safe for her to be out in the cold foggy weather.
Just then thunder was heard. Fuck. It started to sprinkle and rain. Rolling his eyes, Ransom stared at you again.
You pitied your friend Martin. He told you about how he accidentally overdosed Harlan. It was not his fault. You couldn't tell the police. But, poor young man was feeling guilt. It was eating him. But, you reassured Harlan knew what he was doing.
Martin's mom was an illegal immigrant and his younger sister was still in high school. He was the bread winner in the family.
You let him cry on your shoulder. But, you felt so uncomfortable when soaked by the rain. The funeral finished early. Less than two hours the will reading was to be heard. You knew you weren't going to get anything. You came to America about two years ago. So, maybe Harlan doesn't love you that much.
Oh, well. You have your job working in a bookstore. So, that will be enough to pay for your college fees.
You smiled at Martin and made him go to his car. You ignored and noticed Ransom glaring at you and Martin. Whatever. You assumed Harlan spoke to him before.
To your displeasure, your car got a flat tire. Why now?
"what a damn shame." Ransom spoke behind you.
You turned to see your mean cousin with his hands inside his pockets.
"The taxi I called will come around forty minutes. I will drop you home."
You narrowed your eyes. Why would he be nice?
Ransom rolled his eyes. He grabbed your hand impatiently. "I'm trying to help."
He led you to somekind of barn house. The inside was clean as fuck. Only hay and grass inside for storage. Where were the horses?
"Hmm." You raised a brow.
Ransom closed the door and now you were alone. Uh oh. You knew that predatory look. You tried to run but he enveloped your whole body into a tight embrace. He groaned and you squirmed and attempted to leave. He kept you still like a rag doll.
"Fuck. I didn't touch you for a long ass time. You're driving me nuts."
Your eyes widened.
"But Harlan ordered..."
"Harlan is dead." He snapped.
Ransom gently pushed you on the haystack. He groped and fondled everywhere he could touch like a crazed man.
You wanted to scream.
"I love you."
You blinked and looked up at the drenched face of Ransom. He means it.
He caressed your cheekbone. "I'm sorry for being harsh. I never wanted to hurt your feelings. But, you never paid attention to me unless I bullied you."
Your breath hitched.
"I know it's a stupid reason. Please. I can't live without you. I will go insane without you. I must have you."
His beautiful blue intense eyes caused you to be horny and you admitted you missed his touches.
Ransom grinned at your submitted response. "I know you wanted me too."
He stripped you naked and then finally himself. His thick male organ was red and looked as if it was going to explode.
It looks as if it got bigger!
"Ransom. No. You will hurt me..."
He made you look at him. "As long as you are wet. I will make it slide in." He did. He slowly inserted all his inches.
This was the first time he made love. Rather than fucking you. He made you kiss him and he licked and kissed your finger tips.
Then he pressed your palms to his warm cheeks.
He spilled his seed inside. Hot and creamy.
"You are forbidden to use contraceptives."
"I am not not young as you are. " He made you sit up. He gathered your clothes and been to dress you. "I need kids now. I want to be alive when they become my current age at least."
You looked at him as he plugged in your bra. He is serious about you...
"The family..."
"Fuck 'em. They are not family. Bunch of blood relatives. You, Harlan, and Nana are the only family to me."
With his wealth, Ransom doesn't need anyone.
He will take care of you.
"You can go to college for fun and all that. Just don't neglect my kids."
You nodded. It's nice now you don't have to be a slave to money now.
You felt his lips on your forehead.
"I know I won't get anything at the will hearing. I am curious to see who will get Harlan's shit."
You asked him if Martin and Fran will get it.
Ransom nodded. "I think so. Only fair."
"what about Meg?"
Ransom scoffed. "She ignores Harlan and barely speaks to him unless she needs money for school. She doesn't deserve him."
You remembered how at the birthday party. Meg left the party early despite Harlan always spoiling her.
Jacob was as usual in his phone and the others would argue.
You chatted with Nana and was quiet. You saw Ransom speak to Harlan in the study. You locked eyes then looked away
Ransom knew you would come. But, Harlan didn't invite him. The way you snubbed him hurt his feelings. But, he deserves that and worse for bullying you. Harlan asked him to do some legal paperwork for one of his books to prevent from being a movie. Thanks to Walt. Again.
Ransom then left giving Nana a slice of cake.
Now here you two were. Holding hands and wet at the will hearing. Ransom glared at his family members who almost yelled at him for being with Name.
But, he kept his mouth shut for you. You were sitting on his lap and listened how Martin got almost everything. Fran got some paid leave money. And you got ten thousand dollars for school.
Everyone was yelling at Martin. Ransom led Martin and you sat in the car with him.
"you can have my share of money." You told Martin.
Ransom who was driving was listening.
Martin wouldn't accept it. "You need it."
"Not anymore." Ransom said.
He dropped Martin off and made you sit on the passenger seat next to him.
He grabbed your hand and kissed it.
"I can't believe I used to be jealous of that guy."
"I thought Martin had a thing for you."
That explained why Ransom was always pissed when you were with him. Especially when you hugged him as he cried at the funeral.
To your surprise. Ransom Parked in front of his glass luxurious home in the woods.
"Ransom. I need to go home. "
"I know..." He gave you a weird look.
Oh, shit. This fast?
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adviserbylove · 9 months
Haruka Sakurai x Reader with an ED
A/N: Cause I really can use the comfort from my own ed
Warnings: Disordered eating (obv), implied bad self image, food mention, doctor mention, etc. Tried to make it more comfort hc's than anything
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💦 It goes without saying that you'll have to explain your ed to him. He tries his best to understand, and he's already a great listener when it comes to whatever you say. But he's going to have to keep himself calm when he hears you're ill, for your sake
💦 That being said, he'll take a while to process a thought. He really really wants to know why. What brought you to this point? He might even hate himself more for not noticing earlier. You were everything to him, shouldn't he realize these things? God, he's so dumb, isn't he? No...this is about you, not him. The next thing he wants to know is
"How can I help?"
💦 He'll be treating you like glass for the next....well, it may carry on forever unless you tell him to ease up a bit. Now that he knows about your problem with food, he'll follow you around (like he always does anyway) and pay close attention to when you eat. He makes sure you aren't binging, aren't taking dietary supplements, and having a healthy amount of food. He doesn't have the best track record when it comes to self care, but he really does care more about you than himself
💦 He tries his best to lift up your confidence with compliments and physical affection. He's a darling partner, but he struggles with giving affection in the beginning due to his own lack of confidence. But trust me, he'll adjust to flat out hugging you and saying that you look wonderful in that outfit without needing to ask
💦 Yes. Yes he will be taking you to a doctor. He's obviously not a professional himself, but the most he can do is take you to one and hold your hand through check ups and therapy sessions. That is, if you want him there for emotional support. Though, I do have to warn you he won't really leave unless you ask. He's petrified of leaving you alone
💦 Honestly spends a heavy amount of time doing extra research outside of what you told him. He wants to help you when you're at home and he knows you can't be at the doctors/therapy 24/7. It doesn't matter how 'slow' or 'dumb' he thinks he is, he's getting those thoughts out of your head! From there on out, he can at least educate himself and practically wait on you hand and foot if you feel upset
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gregoftom · 1 year
ok thank GOD we survived another week CMON TOM GIRL THAT’S IT. okay well here’s my tg two cents since i’ve finished the episode. 
so here’s the thing. i seen a post or two really crushing their rs down to bare bones basic cynicism it’s only about what they can do for each other businesswise and i gotta say, kids could you lighten up a little? tom wasn’t especially nice to greg this episode or anything, but i don’t think he was like. awful? or anything? he’s exhausted and stressed ofc he’s gonna snap, and ofc he’s not going to like greg being distracted and not paying full attention to him when they’re alone together and he specifically made sure no one else was there. he let greg go to the funeral first even though we Know he feels safer when greg goes in to things like this with him [re: logan’s wake] and ofc he’s gonna need greg going to bat for him to mencken making sure to repeatedly mention tom and putting what he’s learned into putting tom forward and while i get that it can suck not to see some sort of appreciation towards greg i mean, was it really that bad?
did he throw anything at him? did he call him any cruel names? did he bully him specifically beyond what he might say to other atn employees? did he do anything from his old ways except for order greg around?
no. and see, tom is probably very insecure at this point. what does he have to offer greg, except his love? and where has he been before where his love has been rejected? where it’s not been good enough? where it’s not been respected? so he’s gonna order greg around bc he wants to give a show of, see i’m still your superior and i can still take care of you i promise!! even though they both know full well that greg outranks him by now. if greg reaches a point in power and prosperity rivalling or even surpassing shiv then, oh boy here we go again! i’ve got nothing to offer you but my love and it won’t be good enough, just like last time. 
tom has all these grandiose ideas of romantic runaways, leave this life behind and come with me but regardless of everything going on, for him personally it’s not as simple as that. he doesn’t see a worth to the other person unless he can give them protection or give them something in return. with shiv i think he figured that great sex, being servile to her and helping her rise to power to gain his own at the same time is what kept it going. and then after that falls apart he has his love. but the type of love he wants to give is not what shiv wants or responds to i believe. that’s not a slight on her it’s just. i don’t see them being able to work at least not without a lot of personal and marriage therapy and like. i don’t think either of them would go for that. he also has these very traditional ideas of a relationship i feel, and the way that he justifies his feelings towards greg is to make a joke out of it, go along with the whole disgusting brothers bit [which personally i think is Only referring to them being each other’s wingmen in scoring, which is interesting considering what shiv said about it and how annoyed she got about greg, bringing him up by name so i’m not exactly sure how much “scoring” was done, at least with women lmfao] add a splash of internalised homophobia, etc. and i think shiv, understandably, due to her repeated experiences of misogyny pushes back against that.
hear me out. it’s actually GOOD for tom to act the way he did towards greg in contrast to how he did to shiv! mattmac has said COUNTLESS times that tom is afraid of shiv. we’ve seen him with a black eye caused by her [before anybody starts i KNOW he flicked her ear and that was NOT cool, but let’s not forget this] and mm commented on how he changes his voice to a higher pitch around her, both in servitude and in being afraid. he’s on eggshells around her. the balcony fight was the first time we saw that not being the case. yeah i get that it’s disappointing to see him backtrack slightly with shiv, be kind to her and not to greg. to see him have to get permission from her to do things like sleep in contrast to with greg, where his basic needs are just met instead of begged for. but he’s NOT backtracking with greg! he’s NOT reverting to previous behaviours with him! and he’s being his honest true self with him!
yes okay he’s snapping at greg! he hung up on him! he’s ordering him around! but he’s insecure; of course he is, he probably thinks greg will walk! greg has gravitated to power repeatedly, why shouldn’t tom be afraid that his feelings for greg aren’t enough to keep him loyal to him, esp when those feelings have not been enough before? yes greg has proven himself a couple of times but cycles and fears are hard to break! we already have “you’ll do it with matsson and not with me?” paired with “i want YOU gregging for me!” like, what more do you need? tom wants to present as still in control and at point where he has the right to tell greg what to do because he wants to show he can make good on their deal, not knowing that greg actually cares about him personally too [which we know for a fact because he goes so mf hard for tom and has done ever since the deal in 3.09. it is not just about gain and i think we can see that’s a fact by now. what leverage does tom have that he could maintain?]
i’m not about to say that the business side of their relationship doesn’t exist at all. i’m not about to say that greg will not use tom, or tom will not use greg. i’m not about to say there’s no negative or manipulative parts of their relationship. but to reduce it to simply this, is just not true. there’s much, much more to it than that. i guess i get a little defensive on this part bc i hate a mlm pairing being lessened to just a joke, or not to be taken seriously, or well pack it up guys, because it didn’t mean anything and was Only a way for the both of them to get ahead and that’s all it ever was.
nah. it wasn’t just that, sorry. and i know the show will probably ditch them, i’m not gonna say succ will let them run off into the sunset. this ain’t my first rodeo. i’ve been in fandom for like 17 years, i know the game, i know how it works. i know tom/shiv is probably endgame in the long run. but i’m just saying, y’all gotta stop reducing it to something so minimal when clearly the dynamic between them captured not only shippers, but general audiences around the globe. i guess i don’t like when ppl contribute to letting the show give it a back seat and give in to it trying to really demean it to less than it actually was. bc we know and THEY know that it was deeper than that. honestly i have a feeling jesse might’ve been held back by hbo judging by the scripts, plus we know there was a lot of shit cut for time, but i digress.
i’ve been saying this for a while now, but if tom and greg are still in each other’s lives in some way by the end of the show, there’s always hope for tg. they don’t have to kiss or declare their love. it’s not as though it’s never been done with a het ship before, take x files mulder and scully for example. yes i know they were eventually “canon” to the point they were in a relationship, but not for years! years! and even then at one point they broke up but were still in each other’s lives with the chance to find each other again and reconcile, which they did!
tom and greg just have to be able to reach other in some capacity, for it to be a possibility. and we have creators in the community to explore how that would work.
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beatsboy · 1 month
8.18.24 / week 8 of being a delusional artist
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day 4 of moon time
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how did i live like a delusional artist today? maybe in photographing my period stains on my bed maybe in journaling my dream about my ex the minute i woke up at 7am before going right back to bed because i can’t stand to be awake for another moment after having to freshly remember that they’re not here again (these dreams are like waking up to a fresh bandaid being torn off the wound over and over again) maybe in procrastinating, for they say that all artists do this, and while i know this is true, i am struggling to get unstuck and stay unstuck lately. it’s hard to fully break out of the cave, when you’re stuck, when you’re by yourself. sweet pea helps, licking my face (i swear) to remind me to go to the bathroom, to eat, to go outside. all he does is lick my face, so i have to interpret these as signals to get moving. last night, for instance, i was sitting on my computer for far too long, on the couch next to sweet pea. and promptly, as my bladder started to nag at me to go to the bathroom, he started to lick my face, inhibiting me from using my computer.
i’m starting to think he parents me more than i parent him, and i only pretend that it’s the other way around to feel better about my lack of self-sufficiency as a human adult. my fucking goals for tomorrow are to eat 3 meals, first one before 11. like, come on.
i just feel so slow while i’m bleeding, and i know that it will be over soon, but i think part of the reason i need to spiritualize it, to give it meaning, is because it’s just so fucking painful, physically, emotionally, and generally in relation to my gender.
i was supposed to leave the house today, and i did get all ready to do so, another sunday where i put my swim trunks on and waited. this time, it never came time to go, the party wrapped early, and i remained, having spent time getting ready, covered in sunscreen, with nowhere to go. and instead of quickly pivoting to art, which was very possible at that time, i got stuck. i got stuck waiting to go to bri’s to return their keys, for no reason at all, and then got stuck when i got home, and finally unstuck enough to make myself some food at 10pm, do the dishes, change the sheets (i did do some cleaning today, just very slowly, like imagine a slug doing chores, very slowly, and getting caught on corners), and sit here and journal.
i have therapy tomorrow, and tomorrow, i swear to god, i will continue working on music again. i had a good groove of working every day, basically until i finished boypop, which some have suggested i rename (which, yes, maybe, but what?) then, i got out of it, because it is so hard for me for some reason to maintain a consistent practice with my craft while working and socializing fucking still even though i don’t even work a full-time job like that. it’s truly not that i don’t have the time, it’s that i don’t have the energy? the focus? the routine?
healthy habits start small, though, right? i am believing in my future self, that i can make the new dates i’ve set for the release timeline. and i am giving myself these deadlines because i deserve to share my work with the world and i can’t wait any longer. i believe in the artist i want to be, in the artist i will be, because i am building toward it today. i am building my practice. i know i am good at what i do, i know i can do what i need to do to finish this project. i just need to focus and finish.
i’ve never completed an album before (unless you count the collection of phone demos i dropped on soundcloud for the lore) that’s like comparing publishing a fanfic on ao3 to getting your debut novel published, there’s a lot of extra steps that separate the two. it’s all i’ve ever wanted, so why am i waiting? why would i put off becoming the pop star i have dreamt of being since i was a fucking child? i am alone in my own apartment that i pay for with my own fucking money, why am i not spending every second making art in it? this is what i have always wanted for myself, space and time to make art, and i feel like i am wasting it spiraling and cleaning and pinteresting and tumblring and cleaning and looking up if the chemicals in my soap are poisoning me (pretty sure everything is poisoning me at this point)
i want to be fair to myself, i have not been completely idle. i redid the release timeline last night. i made a pitch deck for the next photoshoot the other day. i watched alien, for research (lol, but seriously!) i have been brainstorming the entire vibe/aesthetic/characterization of this persona, trying to mend together what we initially envisioned and what the music video shoot is giving (which are kind of different things but it’s ok)
the thing is, though, these things are part of the art, they are necessary to the art, to communicating the art to the people, to the audience. that does not make them art, though. the job part. the industry part. and sometimes i get so lost in these parts, that i forget that the whole point is to be able to sustain making art for the rest of my life. and none of this bullshit is worth it if i’m not making art. and if i’m not making art, it’s not going to feel like it either.
here is to tomorrow, to getting back to a daily practice, even if it’s in the form of small steps.
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cherryshh · 1 month
whyre you so weirdly obsessed w your 'bff'. its mad creepy atp 'shes only mine!!! mine!! kys she isnt yours!' did you manipulate her lol???? nb would like that unless you abused them into it ⭐️ you are inherently abusive and awful from what weve seen... and heard! ⭐️⭐️ youve shit talked your 'bff' so much idk why shes still friends w you! lolololol go to therapy you pussy! lolol ⭐️
I know for a fact you are NOT “ ⭐️ “ stop fucking shitting me . ⭐️ would never say this shit to me stop making me think youre ⭐️ you aren’t. I already apologized to Emi. “Did you manipulate her” funny coming from someone who won’t leave my inbox alone 🙆🏻‍♀️ I’ve said it before pay for my therapy then I can consider it :33 Leave me alone mwah 💗 “From what we’ve seen” girl you stalking me ? You want me so bad HELP
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kasaneteto · 9 months
sorry i simply must complain for a moment
ive been complaining about my roommate too much on instagram so im doing it here instead 🖕 fuck you
MOTHERFUCKER CANNOT TAKE CARE OF HIMSELF!!!! tell me why this man is turning 26 NEXT WEEK and can’t remember to pay me back for the bills. won’t do any chores unless he’s asked to or HE has friends coming over. i literally feel like im living with a teenager.
i’ve recently realized just how much ive coddled him and made excuses for him because of his mental health struggles and the way his parents treated him his whole life. ive also realized that its entirely up to him to recognize that his mental health struggles & trauma are HIS problems to deal with and i shouldnt have to temper my expectations because of that. i can only tell him he needs therapy so many times before it’ll just go in one ear and out the other like every other thing i say to him. he is so incapable of any kind of self-reflection or self-awareness, has no concept of how his actions might affect others, can’t make any compromises without throwing a fucking tantrum about it. it’s exhausting. he requires so much attention and validation in order to be happy. being in the same room is like an invitation to talk to him. AND HE SAYS THE SAME SHIT. its like ive exhausted all dialogue options. he always makes the same stupid jokes that are just *goofy or purposefully obnoxious comment about what im doing* and i DONT have the energy to entertain that shit every day. but it RUINS his mood if you dont partake in his humor and then he just sulks. he cannot be serious. everything is jokey goofy fun time. when finn and i told him she’s trans & that we broke up his response was just to stare at us like a deer in headlights and go “oh. okay. sorry thats just a lot to process” which is like. just such a perfect prime example of how he cannot handle anything serious or heavy. when he got cheated on he was inconsolable and would not leave finn and i alone (and we wanted to help!!! we care about him!!!) he literally would follow us to our room and we would have to ask him for alone time!!!! he’s like a baby!!!! he’s so deadset on finding a new partner and i just wanna scream in his face NO RELATIONSHIP YOURE IN WILL EVER WORK IUT UNTIL YOU WORK ON YOURSELF AND UNPACK YOUR TRAUMA!!!!!!
he always uses money as an excuse like “ohhh i cant afford it” motherfucker. you can’t afford anything that isnt something you want. so you cant afford to pay me bills on time but you can afford a new monitor for cyber monday? you can’t afford therapy but you can afford to get a shitty fake christmas tree because THATS what’s important to you? he lives so fucking hedonistically and acts like he lives paycheck to paycheck when he makes 22 DOLLARS AN HOUR. MOTHERFUCKER YOU MAKE MORE THAN ME. YOU CAN FUCKING AFFORD IT YOU JUST DONT BUDGET OR SAVE AT ALL.
ok sorry i had to get that shit out because im so frustrated with him. i had a party the other night and he just sulked around until his friends came, hung out with them and only them the whole time, then continued to sulk and complain once they left. then sat around scrolling on his phone while my friends helped me clean everything up. my friends who actually are responsible and arent just in their own world with no consideration for others.
its not like he’s a bad person or even a bad friend because he truly isn’t. he’s just so emotionally immature and does not have the strength to look inward & realize that he is the source of most of his unhappiness in his life currently. its really hard to live around given the stage of my life im currently in.
i wish i could tell him all of this to be honest but hes so fucking sensitive. i HAVE tried to talk to him about a lot of these issues too (him needing to he asked to do chores, not paying me back etc) and its always the same thing. he gets better for a couple months but it quickly goes back to how it was before. im just like so done acting like his problems are mine. done asking him for favors. i hate that living with him has made me lose so much respect for him (he has no moral backbone) because like. i can see that he wants to be better. he just isnt strong enough to admit that hes the problem in his life right now. anyways. thanks for reading this if you did lol
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altrlife · 2 years
what makes zoom exclusive therapy so unhelpful? i only started going to therapy after the pandemic started so all my experiences have been virtual, i feel like i don't have the experience to know the difference
the shift towards teletherapy becoming the default type of therapy is something i find scary because it’s very appealing to therapists but comes with a lot of downsides to clients. it also renders therapy completely inaccessible to me personally due to the specifics of my ptsd. i guess i should acknowledge first that there are people that don’t mind it, find it just as helpful as in-person, and people for which it’s necessary, like those with mobility issues. additionally i understand that it’s been necessary for the pandemic. so to be clear, i see that zoom is beneficial for some and i’m fine with it being offered as an option — but therapists are increasingly offering it exclusively, and it seems like this trend is going to be permanent regardless of whether covid is a factor.
downsides of zoom therapy-
privacy: most people don’t live alone and don’t have a dedicated soundproof space to go to. being overheard is something i get really paranoid about, and even when i’m home alone i find myself being much more guarded around what i say & am always distracted by my heightened awareness of who can hear me at any time. there is no way to be sure the therapist working from their home is taking your privacy as seriously as you are, either.
internet issues: bad wifi can ruin vulnerable moments, and small instances of interference can add up to minutes and minutes of technical difficulties that you’re still going to be billed for.
reduced emotional connection: i think that reading peoples body language and subconscious behavior does a lot of the work in forming trust with and getting to know someone. sharing a physical space with someone will allow you to pick up on important subtleties and i think because of that, therapists have a more shallow understanding of their clients if they can’t be with them in person. aside from that, talking to someone through a screen doesn’t feel quite as real as being in a room with them, (and social consequences feel less important when you can just shut your computer off), so it can be hard for either a therapist or client to get all that invested in the other. i don’t feel that therapy is effective unless the therapist is emotionally engaged with you, you know? also, this type of distance can feel a lot safer for anxious and avoidant clients, but actually i really think that indulging that tendency isn’t that helpful. Being challenged to leave the house and have a conversation with someone in person is the less convenient option but is FAR more conducive to healing, imo.
other distractions: a therapy office is meant to be a dedicated space with an air of professionalism where the focus is on you. other housemates, pets, scrolling through the internet, and other everyday factors can disrupt that. also, a lot of people find having to look at themselves in the camera the whole session very distracting. it’s easy to stare at yourself the whole time, judge the way you look and police the way you react to things, but turning the camera off can hurt the therapists ability to connect with you.
why is this format more appealing to therapists? less overheard cost (they don’t have to pay for an office). so, yeah, these are the main reasons i dislike teletherapy and don’t want the field to go virtual. but i’m sure lots of people have very different experiences from me & i know i tend to have very negative opinions of the mental health field in the first place. suffice it to say i’m just not a good fit for zoom therapy
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lordgolden · 4 years
if i get one more email about l*w sch**l or a new l*w r*v**w assignment i will lose it 
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rasp-my-berry · 2 years
a summer glowup // klitz x chubby reader
ok i've decided to make this a chubby reader AND set in modern tech era bc really not much would change and i prefer to write about that which i understand better yk 🙄i think this is part one??? might make a second part maybe not idk 😵 also i did not proofread this leave me alone 😭😭😭
"i want him in me so bad you guys you don't get it i want him IN MEEEESSNSNS" your story read. you giggled as you typed it and finally posted it. you loved to just post whatever came to mind, whenever. you loved getting reactions out of those that follow you, sometimes forgetting that people you respect follow you and see the shit you post.
your favorite part about posting these things though, was the reactions you would get from your friends. they always had something to say.
eli would usually say something equally as horny. matt would usually say something about how you should really keep those thoughts to yourself and how disgusting you are. he's just joking though... you hope. but klitz? he would always take any opportunity he could to flirt and tease you. it only took a few minutes before the tripod's responses came rolling in.
“just let me be inside you y/n just one chance plsssss 😫😫😫" eli responded.
“STOP THIS. ENOUGH. SEEK THERAPY" was matt's response.
klitz's was the only one to actually make you giggle out loud though. "yk you could just tell me instead of posting about me 🙄🙄"
you began responding to all of them. first to eli. "yk i'm in a committed relationship w my pink dildo eli don't be silly 🙄"
next was matt. "unless ur willing to pay, it won't be happening"
and finally klitz. "ur right klitzy bitzy boo babe, i'll start keeping our sex life a secret dw 💕💕"
you turned your phone off with a dreamy sigh, holding your whale plushie close to your chest as you squeezed your eyes shut. you hoped and wished with all your heart that one day all the flirting with klitz wouldn't have to be just that. that one day you may be able to just kiss him and buy him flowers and get freaky or whatever. but unfortunately, this summer, it wouldn't be happening.
this summer vacation was going to be spent out of state with you favorite aunt. she invited you over and insisted on having you stay, saying the much needed girl time was well overdue for the both of you. the tripod was disappointed to hear you wouldn't be able to spend everyday going on dumb adventures with them but made you promise to do group calls when you could.
you agreed, of course. you didn't know what you would do without being able to contact them. you'd already scheduled your first 3 calls, all of you promising to reserve those times for the calls.
a soft noise from your phone brought you back to reality. it was klitz. he always responds the fastest, unless he's asleep of course. if you wanted to get a hold of him while he's sleeping you knew to call.
“good. i don't want the whole school to know how much raw, hot, crazy sex we have 😖" he responded.
“we both know you don't care about that part. you just don't want them to know i peg you every thursday and turn you into a whining bitch in heat for me huh"
he read the message instantly and it took a while for him to start typing.
“you're absolutely right ☹️ once they find out ur into that shit they'd all start lining up and i wouldn't have you all to myself 😞" he said.
giggling, you began typing up your next response. "i hardly think that'll be the outcome. nobody wants me 💔🕸🕷⛓🥀" and you followed up with another text. "fr tho most of the guys at school couldn't handle me 🙄 i'm too big 💕"
he didn't read it for a few seconds and in that downtime you began texting your best friend. "EEEEE KLITZY RESPONDED TO MY STORY AGAIN 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭"
she responded almost instantly, a string of texts coming from her.
you rolled your eyes with a smile. this is gonna be a long night.
while you were arguing with your bestie about whether or not klitz was into you, the tripod was at eli's home, having an equally as ridiculous conversation.
“she totally wants me. she wants me balls deep so badly." eli said in relation to your posts, scrolling on his phone.
“ELI-" matt started.
klitz cut him off. "she's not into bozo virgins like you, dickwad!"
“oh, right, i forgot shes madly in love with you. and how do you know i'm a virgin?!" eli defended, rolling his eyes.
klitz pointed to a pile of socks laying by the side of eli's bed, the pile looking as though he hadn't even tried hiding it properly. "there are literal CUM SOCKS, ELI, ON THE FLOOR-"
“shits radioactive at this point. generations on those socks, man.." matt muttered.
eli groaned. "those are NOT cum socks!! lemme prove it to you fools!!"
he waltzed over to the side of his bed from the gaming chair he was previously sat in and grabbed one of the socks, instantly dropping it and gagging out of disgust. the sock was literally rock hard and as it fell on the hardwood floor, it CLATTERED. ACTUALLY CLATTERED.
the three boys continued the gag for a moment following.
“that's actually disgusting-" klitz finally managed.
matt couldn't even breathe properly yet, still reeling from the sound the sock made. eli was beyond embarrassed, pushing the socks further under the bed with his foot, the socks making an awful scraping noise as he did so. he cringed.
“PLEASE DONT TELL Y/N" he shouted, dropping to his knees.
klitz laughed. "oh come on, it's not like she would be surprised to hear you've got a pile of rock solid cum socks."
“can we PLEASE move on from this subject���" matt gagged again. "and do your fuckin' laundry eli!"
the next day at school, you walked in with your best friend, chatting and giggling as you walked the halls u til you parted ways to get to your first classes. spotting the tripod from a distance, you walked over.
“hey boys!" you smiled, waving shyly at them as you walked over. the boys looked over and began walking to meet you halfway. seeing you again after the long weekend, they felt nervous again. they never imagined a girl would be a part of their group. especially one as pretty as you.
they always imagined they'd be known as the group of the most pathetic virgin boys, never even feeling the touch of a woman. but then they met you, and you changed everything. they never thought you'd have gravitated to a group like theirs, when your looks could easily get you in with the big dogs.
“hey, y/n" matt waved with a small smile.
“y/n!!!" eli cheered, smiling wide. "how is my fav virgin slut!!"
you quickly shushed him with wide eyes and a smile. "eli!! not so loud!" you turned to klitz, deciding to tease "hey klitzy bitzy! how's my baefy?"
he blushed and stuttered. "i.. i told you not to use that name in front of them-"
matt did his best to hide his laughter, holding a hand out in front of his mouth. the blush on klitz's face only depends and he scratched his cheek awkwardly.
“it's not that serious, dude. it's just a stupid nickname.." he tried to defend himself.
you giggled. "don't tease him all day, boys. that's my job. i'll see you guys at lunch!"
it was a month later from that interaction and there was a lot of tears. the last day of the school year, and your last day with the three boys and your best friends before your trip out of state to be with your aunt for the summer. it was mostly eli crying, actually. and your best friend just shed one tear and encouraged you to have a good time and scope out cute boys for her.
klitz looked stiff and awkward. his face was sad but he didn’t know how to communicate that. matt just seemed too embarrassed by eli’s overdramatic sobbing.
“lemme hit just one time before you go y/n!!! just once!!” he begged, falling to his knees.
klitz rolled his eyes and shoved eli. “i’ve already reserved the night for myself, you rabid animal. go fuck your pillow or something.”
your face burned in embarrassment. “oh, klitzy.. i thought you wanted our sex life to be a secret.” you bat your eyelashes.
he had to clear his throat and look away from you. “oh, right. i forgot for a second there.” he pushed his glasses up nervously.
“hey, klitz?” you asked under your breath, stepping closer.
eli and matt were talking with your best friend and arguing about something dumb so you took the chance to say something to klitz in a somewhat private fashion.
“hm?” he hummed.
you grabbed his clammy hand, ignoring the way you could feel heat creeping up your neck and to your face. “can you promise me you won’t go out with any other girls this summer, alright?”
he paused for a moment. he didn’t even know what to say. what did you mean by that? was it because you wanted him to still be available when you got back? did that mean you liked him? you? the prettiest girl he’s ever interacted with in his life? no way. this had to be a dream.
“anything for you.” he stuttered, instantly cringing at his corny ass response.
you smiled at that and nodded your head. “good. i’ll see you in august.”
“…see you in august.” he sighed. you had already turned away and started walking home. he started biting the inside of his cheek, feeling embarrassed by how upset he was that he wouldn’t be seeing you over the summer. embarrassed by how much he was gonna miss you.
august came quicker than expected. over the summer, you group called the boys at least twice a week. each time it seemed you had so much to tell them, some new, exciting thing you did. the boys felt so left out, wishing they could have half as much fun as you were.
the first time they saw you, their jaws literally dropped. you had changed entirely, and only in a matter of a few weeks. you walked through the doors of the school and started finding your way to them. your hair was bouncing with each step, and the bracelets on your write jingled as you moved. you were wearing low rise pants that flared at your calves, a hot pink top that was cropped maybe a little too much for dress code, chunky sandals that tied the whole ensemble together, and a juicy couture bag slung over your shoulder. you were the definition of a dream in klitz’s eyes.
he watched the way the skin of your stomach rippled with each step, the way your breasts bounced deliciously, the way you were just oozing confidence he had never seen from you before. he felt his heartbeat pick up and he had to force himself to look away.
but then he looked back and he noticed more. the way your skin of your hips bubbled over the edge of your pants, the way you were smiling at the sight of the boys and rolling your eyes at any of the boys who used to tease you suddenly taking an interest in you.
“KLITZYYY!! ELI!! MATTY!!!” you shouted, picking up the pace and running to the boys.
klitz gulped loudly, swallowing a lump in his throat as he watched the way your body moved with your actions. he’d never seen you this way before. you always wore baggy clothes, hiding yourself. he knew you were a little insecure about showing your body in a world that only appreciated pornstar skinny bodies, but he’d never imagined you looked THIS good.
he just knew he’d be spending the night imagining you again, only this time he’d actually have something to go off of. he instantly felt guilty about that thought and shook his head. fuck. you’re his friend. his friend he flirted with on a regular basis. his friend he was extremely attracted to. god.
eli started running to meet you halfway and caught you in a hug. “Y/NNN!!” he picked you up and twirled you, making you squeal out of excitement.
“eli!! i missed you!!” you smiled, hugging back tightly. “how was your summer???”
he instantly started filling you in on all the things they did over the summer while klitz and matt continued walking over. klitz seemed nervous. he was visibly shaking and looking around. matt seemed happy, but did a good job keeping his cool unlike his two friends.
“klitzy!!” you smiled once he was close enough, instantly pulling him in to a tight hug. he wrapped his arms around your waist, bending down slightly so you didn’t have to stand on your toes to hug him comfortably. he could smell your perfume and took a deep breath, holding you closer, feeling your body against his-
you kissed his cheek. “i missed you!” you smiled. “oh, whoops, i left some lipstick on your cheek—“
“LEAVE IT!” eli shrieked. “leave it!! i’m getting the sense him having lipstick on his cheek will attract good attention.”
“yea, well i’m getting the sense he’s gonna look like a bozo idiot ratio all day if he leaves it.” matt said.
“i’ve got a makeup wipe right here, don’t even worry babe.” you smiled, pulling one out of the little packet and wiping his cheek clean.
his breath was shaky. “babe?”
“whoopsie, just let that one slip there, huh? yknow, sometimes i really just don’t think before i speak. i’ve been meaning to work on that!!”
“don’t worry about it..” he trailed off, his head feeling fuzzy. you just called him babe. even if you didn’t mean it..
you smiled up at him. “can we talk?” you turned to eli and matt, giving them a look that clearly meant you wanted some privacy.
matt easily took the hint and had to drag an oblivious eli away while he was shouting about not getting the chance to fully catch up with you.
once they were finally gone, you took a shaky breath, adjusting your bracelets. “so… any girls over the summer?” you started.
he chuckled. “i promised i wouldn’t, didn’t i?”
you smiled, chewing your gum at a quicker pace now, as if the speed matched your emotions. his eyes flicked down to your lips, noticing the glittery tinted gloss on your lips and god did your lips always look so kissable? had it just been the distance and the time away that made him feel this way?
he couldn’t care less. he just wanted to kiss you.
“well, the only reason i asked that if you wa-“
he couldn’t take it anymore. “can i, please, kiss you?” he stuttered, cutting you off.
your eyes widened, and you nodded your head frantically. he reached a hand out, cupping your cheek and pulling you in, tilting his head down to meet you halfway.
when your lips met, you swore you felt thousands of butterflies flap their wings in an instant. you giggled, pulling away.
“wanna hang out after school?” you asked.
he didn’t even say anything, he just nodded his head quickly. you giggled.
“good. because i’ve got a few ideas on what we could do.” you winked.
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frogtanii · 3 years
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[buckle up; this one is a long one (1.6k words)]
things weren’t supposed to turn out this way.
she was supposed to show up, apologize “sincerely,” and the boys, her boys, were supposed to welcome her with open arms and swiftly discard of you.
instead, she was sitting in the back of a cramped police car with two pigs, one of which had a horrible b.o. problem and an affinity for sauerkraut.
it was so frustrating.
and, of course, it was all your fault.
you’d been blocking her from true happiness ever since the beginning when you’d first met in middle school. it was crazy because you’d actually seemed nice; kind, understanding, and you didn’t judge her for what her father did to her mother or for how she acted out because of that.
sure, you were a little weird and sometimes you could be downright rude to other kids in your class but you cared for her in a way that no one else had before.
(un)fortunately, you didn’t come alone — you were a packaged deal. your childhood friend, daishou, came into her life right along with you. she didn’t mind at first; daishou was fun when he wanted to be but he was mostly full of snarky comments and sarcastic quips.
the three of you spent all your time with each other; from playing at the playground to helping her begin her makeup youtube channel in 8th grade.
you all got along pretty well up until you got to highschool. once there, you threw yourself into your studies, sort of retracting yourself from her and daishou.
how selfish.
she couldn’t help but feel betrayed by you—you knew how bad she was at making friends and you didn’t even care, leaving her all alone to fend for herself.
well, not all by herself.
daishou was a constant. no matter where she was, or how alone she was feeling, he was there to provide entertainment at the most, and his presence at the least.
it wasn’t always the healthiest, most functional friendship, she could admit that. there were weeks that daishou would choose to ignore her for no apparent rhyme or reason, citing his explanation as he just didn’t feel like it.
obviously it sucked but he was her only friend, ever since you so cruelly abandoned them. i mean, you still ate lunch with them every day and invited them over to study and hang out, but it was not the same.
with you so absent, she grew closer and closer to daishou to the point she was spending almost every waking moment with him. and, as the story so goes, she fell for him, head over heels.
she knew it was a bad idea, if their friendship was anything to go off of but she didn’t care. she was desperate for love and physical affection and he seemed willing to at least give her the latter.
after she decided to confess, nerves all the way in her throat and a box of chocolates behind her back, daishou took her virginity in the back of his ford fusion, hard, fast and nothing like she’d imagined.
the next day, she’d cornered you in the library (where you always seemed to be) to tell you the good news. your face was unusually blank as she detailed the best night of her life to you, your response being less than stellar when she was done. “please be careful,” you had said.
what did that even mean? you clearly wanted to keep daishou safe from her which was ridiculous because weren’t you supposed to be her friend too? she’d stormed out of the library after that, determined to demand a kiss from daishou to make her feel better.
that day was one of the last that she’d see you for a while. you got caught up with clubs and schoolwork (and apparently therapy for god knows what) while she got caught up with daishou.
things with him weren’t... great. they never really were but things were getting even worse. his random bouts of silence got longer and though it was only freshman year and they’d been dating for less than 5 months, he’d meet with her after school with a hickey plastered on his collarbone that she knew she didn’t put there (she sucked even harder over the spot to claim it as her own).
as she said, things weren’t great but they weren’t horrible either. they remained that way all the way up until sophomore year.
you and her had drifted even further, hardly speaking to one another unless it was for a project or to vaguely greet one another in the halls. it was okay though. you had all your other friends and she... well she had daishou.
speaking of, her “boyfriend” had been more distant than usual. she wasn’t an idiot and she knew he’d been seeing other girls on the side, but she believed she would be the one he’d end up with, the one he’d marry.
how foolish she had been.
it was prom night and she felt beautiful. her beauty channel had finally begun picking up traction (she’d just hit 13k subscribers the night before!!) so she filmed a prom night makeup tutorial, making sure that every square inch of her face was perfect. donning a silky blue floor length dress, she felt like a princess and she certainly looked the part.
she showed up to daishou’s house about 30 minutes before the event, ringing his doorbell with an elated grin painted all over her face. he had mentioned in passing that his parents and older sister would be out for the weekend, leaving the house for themselves. that meant sex and sex meant being wanted.
after the third ring of the bell, she started to get nervous. maybe he wasn’t ready yet? maybe he needed help with his tie? just when she was about to wring the bell again, the door swung open to reveal daishou... not in his suit.
“oh, it’s you,” he’d grumbled. “‘m not goin’ to prom.” she felt her breath catch in her throat. she’d protested and begged for an explanation but he wouldn’t give one to her. eventually, she’d followed him into his house, furious because how could he do this to her? on her night?
it didn’t take very long for him to get fed up, his snake-like eyes honing in on her, filled with venom. “‘m not goin’ because i don’t like you anymore. you still look pretty though.”
just like that, with just a few words, he’d shattered her heart. she was frozen in place, completely disconnected from daishou, her love, as he not-so-gently pushed her out the door, slamming it in her face.
she felt tears stream down her cheeks and before she knew it, her legs were carrying her to a place she hadn’t been in months.
banging frantically on the door, she cried out, begging for someone, anyone to hear her. the door opened quickly and there you stood. you’d clearly been studying but as you took in her frazzled appearance, it seemed as though your heart broke.
you ushered her inside, sat her own the couch, and began to make her a cup of tea, your parents having been out for the night as well. once the kettle went off, you quickly prepped her drink and gave it to her, the words flowing out of her like liquid once she had taken a sip.
she didn’t know why she was even there but despite the animosity between the two of you, you seemed like you truly... cared. (neither of you mentioned the tears that stained your favorite t shirt or the quiet apologies you muttered into her hair).
that night quickly went and passed and by the next day, she was feeling rejuvenated and more like herself. however, that feeling quickly dissipated when she caught you in the hallway between classes speaking with daishou behind the stairwell in hushed tones.
within the span of a few hours, her heart had been broken twice and she was sure she’d never felt such heartache before.
she turned on her heel and darted away, avoiding your every attempt to talk to her for weeks and weeks until you just... stopped trying. after you’d cut off conversation, yet again, the sadness quickly festered and morphed into anger.
that anger only grew when she watched you graduate at the top of your class in your senior year, your smile blinding as you accepted your diploma. it only grew when she saw that you had made it into the university of your choice on your instagram story, her own rejection letter torn up in the bottom of her wastebin. it only grew when she saw you’d made your own youtube channel, her own going untouched and neglected (her last video had been a half-assed “get ready with me” that had more dislikes than likes due to her horrible makeup and even worse attitude).
soon enough, the rage had intensified until it had taken over her whole being. she was just so angry at all that you’d done to her, all the ways you’d ruined her life that she couldn’t keep herself from plotting your demise.
when she got the email from the hyper house management team that invited her into the house and offered the option that she could pick someone she wanted to move in as well, her anger turned into excitement.
this was her chance. this was her moment to turn your life into a living hell, to make it at least a fraction of what she went through by your hands.
she was going to make you pay and god, was it going to feel great.
the metal of the handcuffs chafed her wrists as she adjusted herself against the cool leather of the cruiser, the discomfort removing her from her reverie.
yeah, right. it seemed as though she was the only one “paying” right about now.
she tilted her head back to stare at the ceiling, tears filling her eyes but refusing to fall.
things definitely weren’t meant to turn out like this. not at all.
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℗ poker face
not like this
series masterlist
an - OMFG THE BACKSTORY REVEALED I AM SO OVER IT >:(( this took me forever to write and i still wasn’t able to include everything i wanted to so hop over to my asks if you need any clarification!! oh oh && just a reminder, this playlist is from meiko’s perspective so chances are, things didn’t exactly go just like this wink wonk KAJS ANYWAYS DONT FORGET TO FEED ME ILY <3333
taglist - if your name is in bold, i cannot tag you
@boosyboo9206 • @geektastic84 • @elianetsantana • @trashy-simp • @infinitebells • @6mattsun9 • @suhkusa • @katsulovee • @kotarosbabygirl • @fucktheworlddude • @insomniacwreck • @calumsfringe • @saltylettuce • @chai-blu • @al3x1ss • @hawksyoongi • @jooleuuh • @loubells • @kissungjae • @liberhoe • @tetsurocore • @animeoverdosee • @duhsies • @saiKishaircLip • @afire24 • @premiyagi • @kit-kat428 • @doctorspencereid • @daphnxy • @kyomihann • @maer-333 • @sinoflust19 • @peteunderoos • @peachiikichu • @iidanotlida • @yongboxerrr • @kac-chowsballs • @tanakaslastbraincell • @memorableminds • @risjime • @starry-magicshop • @sugavwara • @smuttyanimeslut • @kiwibirbs-library • @haijkk • @airybnb • @crybabygumi • @iwaisa • @decaffinatedtealover • @notameera • @kawaii-angelanne • @rintarovibes • @urlocalsimp • @keiarma • @shrimpypenis
the rest of the tags will be in the replies!!
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darkmulti · 3 years
hi, can you write yandere! bts reaction to you slapping them in an argument please?
⚠️: Yandere!BTS, slapping, implied smut, manipulation
-> sorry for any mistakes
»»———————————- ♔ -———————————««
Jin was once again, being narrow minded. “It was for work, Jin! I wasn’t working with him for fun, it’s our job. I can’t believe you punched him in the face. You embarrassed me in front of everyone!”
“Great! If you’re embarrassed, quit your job! So you never have to see them again!
“I’m not quitting! You can get that out of your head! I would leave you before quitting-” a hard slap cut you off. You instinctively covered your stinging cheek and took a step back. You were in a state of shock. Yes, you and Jin had petty arguments here and there but they never got physical. By the end of the day, you guys worked it out. However, after he laid his hand on you, you knew it was over. You looked up at him and slapped him right back. “Fuck you! We’re over.”
You turned around and ran upstairs to your shared bedroom. This house was under Jin’s name so it was you who has to go. You grabbed your suitcase and started packing all your clothes. Jin rushed into the shared room and pulled your suitcase away. He dumped all the clothes on the ground and threw the suitcase across the room.
“You’re not fucking leaving! Hang up all these clothes. Stop overreacting like a pathetic little bitch.”
You scoff and get off the floor. “I’m a ‘pathetic little bitch’?! Says my insecure husband.”
“You won’t be able to survive without me. No other man would be able to spoil you like I do. I’ve given you the high life, now obey me in return.”
“I’m not your slave, I don’t have to fucking listen to you.”
“Do you pay the bills in this house?! Do you buy the groceries?! Do you pay for insurance?! No? Then, shut up. You wouldn’t have anything if it weren’t for me. You’d probably be living on the streets if I didn’t take you in. I was the one who made sure you got that job because I knew it would make you happy. If it weren’t for me, those guys would’ve laughed in your face, Y/N. All you do is go to work, flirt with your co-workers and act all big shot around me. The least you could do is respect me and our relationship.” With that, he slammed the door shut, leaving you alone while you questioned your worth.
It started off as a calm and quiet evening but as soon as your phone vibrated, it quickly changed.
You began working for a new company and your new boss has been up your ass. He treats you like a personal assistant and it was pissing you off. You noticed that you were the only one who was being treated like this and it angered you. Once you’re clocked out, you don’t like to be disturbed unless it’s urgent. But your boss doesn’t seem to understand that and asks you to do work while your clocked out. You obviously refuse because why should you do work if you’re not getting paid?
Anyways, he’s always texting you about how to do different kinds of paper work, who’s working, who’s not working, how to hire people, ect — he should know how to do all of it because he’s the boss. When your off work, he’s texting you ever 10-15 minutes, asking for help. You’re tired of it, but can’t really do anything about it. You can’t quit just yet because you’re trying to prove to your boyfriend that you don’t need him to survive.
Yoongi has always underestimated you. Man literally thinks that you’re dumb. One night, you both got into a heated argument and he told you that you wouldn’t be alive if it weren’t for him. The very next day, you went to a bunch of job interviews and got hired on that same day.
It’s been two weeks at your new job and ever since, your phone is always blowing up thanks to your boss. Even at 10pm, your boss is texting you about work. Yoongi became annoyed because you were always on your phone. You guys got into another argument about this so now, you hide your phone from him so he can’t see the notifications.
Ever since then, things have been a little better. Tonight was movie night and you foolishly had your phone in your hand. Throughout the movie, your phone was lighting up and vibrating multiple times and a Yoongi was tired of it.
“Who the hell are you texting now?!” He snatched your phone out of your hands and when he saw that it was your boss, he threw your phone against the wall. “I told you to block that man! Yet, you go against me and continue to text him! Are you sleeping with him? Are you cheating on me with him?!” He screamed, making your heart leap out of your chest.
You didn’t say anything. Instead you ran to the door. You didn’t want to deal with him anymore. You deserved better. You tried to leave but he slammed the door on your fingers and pulled you back inside. You slapped his face and tried leaving again but he grabbed your hair and pulled you down to the basement.
“You made me do this to you. I warned you plenty of times to stay off your phone but do you listen to me? No. I’ve given you too much freedom and now you don’t know how to behave. That stops now.”
“Get up. Boss wants to see you.” The guards said, pulling you up by your arms and dragging you out of the cell. “Boss my asshole. Who does he think he is? Kidnapping me for no good reason. I just wanted coffee and now I’m god knows where!” The guard chuckles at your bratty behaviour. “Just a little advice, don’t talk to boss like that. He’ll blow your brains out.”
“Shut up, muscle head. Don’t tell me what to do.” The guard stops and aims a gun at your head. “Do it muscle head. Your boss will be so proud of you.” You said sarcastically. “Shut your mouth and keep walking. I may not be allowed to kill you but I can still still hurt you — really badly.”
“Are you threatening me muscle head?” You turn around, ready to scrap with the guard. He may be a lot bigger than you, but you’re a lot smarter and clever.
“Hey, hey, do we have a problem here?” A familiar voice interrupted. You turn around and your heart drops when you see his face. “No, boss. She’s just refusing to-”
“Hoseok?” You cut the guard off and step back. “Oh, so you still remember me?” He smirks and walks towards you but you keep walking back. “What do you want from me?”
“Isn’t the answer obvious? I want you back.”
“No! I broke up with you because you’re crazy. Leave me alone now. I’m a different person. I’m not the same Y/N that you manipulated and controlled. I left her behind. Now let me go!”
Hoseok cornered you. There was no where to run. “Are you sure that you left her behind? You’re claiming that you changed but you’re still very naive, darling.”
His words made your blood boil. Hoseok mentally and emotionally abused you. With the help of therapy, you were able to pick up and put your broken self together. You thought that you’ve become a stronger person, but as soon as you saw his face, your confidence was washed away.
“I- I told you, I’m different now!” You tried to sound brave, but your facial expression sold you out. Hoseok wasn’t dumb; he knew you were scared shitless. “So, show me that your a different person. How will you escape me this time, darling?” He traps you in between his arms and leans in close to your face. In a panic, you slapped him across the face and made a run for it.
You somehow managed to get out of his large mansion, but Hoseok was running after you the whole time. You tried losing him at sharp turns and big crowds, but he was right on your ass. You saw a security guard and bolted towards him. “Sir, sir! There’s a- a man...” you said, to catch your breath, “a man chasing me. He kidnapped me. Please, I need your help.”
“That’s enough darling.” Hoseok caught up to you and without a second thought, you hid behind the security guard. “Sir, please! Arrest this man! He kidnapped me!”
The security guard was ready to take action until he saw the man’s face. “M-mr. Jung?! Sir, I had no idea that she was running from you! Sir, I’m so sorry! Please forgive me!” The guard grabbed your arm and pushed you to Hoseok.
The commotion had everyone watching. The security guard was on his knees with his hands interlocked together. “Please spare my family and I. Mr. Jung it was an honest mistake.”
“What the hell?” You quietly muttered. “You see that, darling. Everyone is afraid of me. So you can run all you want, but you can never ever hide from me.”
After a long week of work, your husband wanted to treat you to dinner. You’ve both been extremely busy due to your hectic schedule and it’s caused you both to drift apart. The only time you see Namjoon is in the morning and before going to bed.
It was Friday evening and you were getting ready for date night. You wore a gorgeous dress that was somewhat revealing but you were fine with it. You just wanted to look good for your husband.
You both agreed to meet at the restaurant and when Namjoon saw you, his jaw dropped. He possessively wrapped his arm around your waist and guided you to your private table. It was outside on a balcony. You guys had an ocean view, the weather was perfect and the stars were out. It was super romantic.
The date was perfect until the waiter started checking you out. Namjoon was visibly annoyed by the waiter but kept it to himself until he left. “Why did you have to wear that dress? Are you doing this on purpose? So other guys can check you out?” You were taken back by his questions. “No, I wore this dress for you, not for some random men.”
Namjoon scoffed and bit the inside of his cheek. “When will you stop lying?” He mumbled, but you were able to pick it up. “I’m not lying, Joon. And quite frankly, I’m hurt that you think I’m doing this for other men. You’re making me feel bad about myself.”
You got up and left but he followed behind. You walked out of the restaurant and got into your car. You drove back home without giving Namjoon a second glance. Once you arrived home, Namjoon pulled up next to your car. You both entered the house in silence.
Namjoon’s phone began ringing so, he went upstairs to answer it. After tidying the house, you went upstairs and overheard his conversation. “We could’ve had a wonderful night, but my wife doesn’t know how to dress.”
Now, he’s pissed you off. You slam open the room door, grab his phone and hang up. “Do you enjoy putting your own wife down?! Do you enjoy humiliating her?! I wore this dress for you! I wanted to look good for you! I wanted you to complement me and tell me I look pretty but instead you slut shame me!”
Out of anger, you slap him across the face. “I want a divorce. I’m not staying with someone who made me feel like complete shit. You can keep this house, I don’t want anything from you.”
Namjoon looked down and started to laugh. His laugh gradually got louder and it started to creep you out. You took a couple steps away from him but he noticed and grabbed your wrist. “You want a divorce? So you can go back to that restaurant and gets that waiters number? Over my dead body. You’re never leaving me. If I have to hurt you, I will.”
“Jimin! Stop it! You’re overreacting!”
Jimin dragged you out of his friends house and pushed you into the car, creating a scene. Everyone was watching him degrade you for not wearing your wedding ring.
“You forgot?! What kind of wife do I have?! Are you dumb?! How could you forgot to wear your wedding ring?! That ring shows everyone that you’re mine!”
Jimin was full on screaming in your face and you couldn’t handle it. You broke down crying into your hands. “I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to hurt you! It truly wasn’t my intention.” You were beyond terrified. You didn’t want to go home because you knew he would punish you. Even though he humiliated in front of everyone, you’d rather stay around people than go home and be alone with him.
You were about to go down on your knees until he slapped you and dragged you along. You tried getting out of his grip and in the process you accidentally slapped him. It wasn’t a hard slap or anything, you were just trying to get away. But of course, Jimin made it a big deal.
“First, you forgot your wedding ring; second, you flirted with all my friends and now, you slapped me?! Why don’t you want to leave, huh?! Who are you sleeping with?! Who are you trying to replace me with?!”
“No one! I didn’t mean to slap you! I’m sorry!” You were crying your eyes out. You’ve never seen Jimin this aggravated. You were afraid of what he might do to you so, you gave in because you didn’t want to worsen your punishment. He pushed you into the car and slammed the door shut. Throughout the car ride, his hand squeezed your thigh.
“You don’t even know what’s coming your way. Just wait till we get home” He muttered, causing your heart to drop into your stomach.
“Taehyung! Let me go! People are going to notice that I’m missing! You can’t keep me here forever!” You yelled, banging on the metal door.
It was your foolish mistake; trying to break up with him at his house. The moment you told him you want to part ways, he grabbed you and pushed you into the basement. Of course you fought back, but miserably lost against him. Now it was a game of waiting. Waiting for someone to notice your presence missing.
- 3 days later -
It been a couple days and you’re still locked in the basement. There was no clock or a window so you couldn’t keep track of time. Taehyung hadn’t come downstairs to check on you either. You were starving and living off the bathroom tap water. You were lying on the ground, looking lifeless when the heavy metal doors opened.
“Are you done playing your childish games?” Taehyung asked, crossing his arms. “You should be asking yourself that question, Taehyung. I’m not playing any games. I’m serious when I say I want out of this relationship.”
Taehyung closed the doors and walked towards you. He grabbed your shirt and pulled you close to his face. “All the years we spent together, you wanna throw it all away, angel?”
You turn your head away from him, avoiding his dark orbs. Taehyung noticed you avoiding his eyes so he pushed you against the wall and leaned in close to your face. “Look at me when I talk to you, angel. Or are you scared?” You were on the verge of tears but you didn’t want to appear weak in front of him. You looked him straight in the eyes and muttered, “get away from me.”
“You don’t tell me what to do, angel...” he grabbed your ear and tugged on it, “I’m your master. You listen to me.” His deep voice sent chills down your spine. You were close to dropping on your knees and submitting to him out of fear. But you didn’t. You couldn’t show him that you’re weak. “Taehyung, I’m serious! Get away from me!”
Taehyung frowned. You were really getting on his nerve. Was he not a good boyfriend? He spoiled you with gifts, spent all his time with you and he never cheated on you. What was he doing wrong? He thought to himself. “Why is my perfect, little, angel acting out? Look at me, angel. Tell me what I did wrong? Did you fall out of love? Did you find someone new?”
You look at him, dumbfounded. “Taehyung, you’re trying to control me! You’re making my decisions for me. I can’t go out alone, and if I do, you stalk me! Then you get possessive for no reason! You almost killed my bestfriend because he gave me a hug! You take things too far and you don’t trust me even after being together for years! You just want to control my life and feel like I’m suffocating when I’m with you.”
You could see fire in Taehyung’s eyes. He raised his hand, ready to slap you but before he could, you slapped him and ran for your life. You were light headed and weak, however if Taehyung finds you, you’ll face severe consequences.
Jungkook was going on and on about you going out with your male bestfriend.
You texted Jungkook last minute because you knew if you had told him earlier, he wouldn’t allow you to go. You simply messaged him, “I’m going out with Namjoon, I’ll be home by 6pm.”
Jungkook was livid. He called you multiple times but you were too scared to pick up. Finally, his 7th attempt was when you decided to pick up.
“Where the fuck are you?! I’m coming to pick you up right now.”
“Jungkook we just came to the restaurant, I’m not leaving.”
“Do you think it’s appropriate to go to a restaurant with another man?! What if people think you guys are dating, huh? You’re a fucking cheater. Tell me your location, now!”
“For the love of god, I’m not cheating on you! Namjoon and I have known each other since middle school. I’ve known him longer than I’ve known you. We are nothing but friends.”
Jungkook was pissed. He hung up the phone and went home. He poured himself a glass of whiskey before sitting down on the couch. He was waiting for your arrival. It was 5:54pm when the front door opened. You were right on time.
“See, I told you I’d be back by 6pm. I don’t know why you have to make everything such a big deal.”
“While I’m working my ass off, you’re out with another man.” He said, putting the glass of whiskey down.
“I work too, Jungkook. And I’m a full time student. If you want to get even with me, go out with your female friends. I wouldn’t mind at all. As long as they remain friends.”
Jungkook stood up and starting walking towards you. “So, you can cheat, but I can’t?” A taunting smile took over his face.
“Again, Jungkook? I am not cheating on you! Namjoon is just my close friend. That’s all. Nothing more or less.” You said, crossing your arms and unconsciously stepping back.
“Stop lying. Just tell me now and maybe I’ll forgive you.” You scoff and roll your eyes. “I don’t have time to deal with you, Jungkook. I’m tired.”
“Yeah, because you were fucking around with Namjoon, right?”
You couldn’t take it anymore. You turned around to leave but Jungkook pulled you back, harshly. Instinctively, your hand landed a heavy slap on his face. Unexpectedly, Jungkook slapped you right back — but a lot harder.
You winced as you held your warm cheek. Hot tears gliding down your face. Without thinking twice, you made a run for the door but Jungkook tackled you to the floor.
“Where the hell do you think you’re going?!”
You can make your own ending:)
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fireflykaizoku · 3 years
I know you already wrote 2 soulmate body switch fics. And this isn’t really a request unless you want it to be. But I was thinking about a version of this that I think you’d appreciate.
I’m imagining it for Ace or Sabo, where the reader is a member of the Revolutionary Army or Whitebeard pirates respectively, so when they switch bodies, Ace and Sabo are reunited 🥺😭 that’s all i really have to say, but I’m gonna keep day dreaming about it because I’ll never forgive oda for not letting them meet again 😩
That idea is amazingg omg i needed to write before i went to bed 😩 and yes, i'll never forgive oda for killing ace, and for killing ace before he could meet sabo again (or at least know he's alive ugh) oda, pay for our therapy!
You were part of the Revolutionary Army since you were young, around the same time Sabo joined too. Ever since then, you, Koala and him where very close friends. It was hard having free time being part of the RA, but it was New Year’s Eve, the three of you were docked at an island, so you decided it’d be a good idea to relax and celebrate the holiday.
— And maybe next year I’ll finally meet my soulmate. — you said, before the toast with your best friends. — I’m sure it will happen next year.
— Don’t rush it, I didn’t meet mine yet, and it’s alright. Koala didn’t met hers either yet either. — Sabo giggled. — There’s still time.
— I know, but feels like it will never happen... — you sighed, then you heard the people at the bar starting the countdown. — It’s almost midnight!
You forgot about the soulmate subject, and just decided to party, drink a bit, and rest a little during the two days off. You waited long enough to meet this person, you were sure you could wait more.
The first day of the year was already over, and you went to bed early this time not just because of your hangover, but also because you’d sail first thing in the morning.
You opened your eyes feeling a lot better, but instead of waking up at the hotel room you were sharing with Koala, you were alone in a bed you don’t remember seeing before. Feeling freaked out thinking some enemy took you while you were asleep, your first thought was to get up and get a weapon before leaving the room and explore. But as soon as you jumped out of the bed, you noticed the body was different than yours, the shorts weren’t yours, and that belt with the letter “A” for sure wasn’t yours.
Then it hit you. You finally switched bodies with your soulmate! After waiting for so long and almost losing hope! You just needed to find out who this man is, and you also needed to contact Sabo somehow. What if this man was someone dangerous? If he found out you were part of the RA, it wouldn’t be good.
You left the room and there was also lots of noises outside, with men laughing and talking. Some man greeted you, calling you “second commander”; you just smiled back, trying not to raise any suspicions.
When you finally found a bathroom with a mirror, you notice how handsome your soulmate was, with dark hair, freckles, and a tattoo on his arm. You kept looking at the reflection, just appreciating how cute he was. He wasn’t just a good looking man, but you remembered the wanted poster you saw once, that man was Portgas D. Ace, also known as Fire Fist Ace, part of the Whitebeard Pirates. Now the “second commander” made sense.
— Ace, are you okay yoi? You’ve been here for a long time. Is it hangover? — someone knocked on the door.
— I’m fine. — you replied quickly. — Just give me a minute.
When the footsteps were far, you took a deep breath. Whitebeard was indeed a powerful man, he probably could help you somehow.
You walked towards the deck, only to find Edward Newgate sitting outside. That man was huge and intimidating, way more intimidating than any other pirate you ever met so far. You were nervous, but approached him anyway.
— Good morning, son! — he smile. — So, any luck with your soulmate yet? If not, don’t worry. I told you, it will happen eventually and there’s no rush.
It was not the interaction you were expecting, and when the man noticed your eyes wide open in surprise and the cheeks getting red, he just knew.
— You’re not Ace, are you? — he asked, you shook your head as a “no”. He didn’t seem angry, he seemed quite curious. — Then tell me more about yourself, let’s find a way for you two to switch back soon.
You said you were part of the Revolutionary Army, the island you were before you woke up in Ace’s body, and also that by now, your friends would be on their way to the next mission.
While the Moby Dick rushed trying to find the RA ship, you had the opportunity to talk to Whitebeard and his crew. The men were very curious, asking questions about your life, how you looked like, and then started telling everything about Ace. The crew told you how your soulmate fell asleep out of the blue, how he ate a lot, was very kind, hot headed with no pun intended, and little things they knew about his life. Some of the men said you were very lucky to have him as your other half.
It was the middle of the night when you spotted the ship docked at the same island. As you got closer, you were able to see three people talking.
— There! They’re still there! — you said excitedly, not just so you could switch back to your body, but also because you couldn’t wait to finally meet your soulmate.
When the Moby Dick docked, you ran towards the ship as fast as you could.
— I told you I'm not saying my name, I don’t even know who you are. — you heard a familiar voice say. — I’ll call Dragon and see what he can do about it. What a bad timing for (Y/N) to find their soulmate.
— I already told you, my name is Ace! — someone replied. — I need to find my crew! Look, we can stay here the whole night, but make it simple and just let’s try to solve this! I know they're with the Whitebeard Pirates!
You followed the voice, smiling.
When Sabo first laid his eyes on your, or well, on Ace, his eyes widened, jaw dropped and he went silent for what felt like ages. You, Ace and Koala got worried, and started shaking the blonde, expecting a reaction from him. What made him act so strange?
— Sabo… — you asked, holding him by his shoulder and gently shaking the man. — Are you okay? What happened?
— It’s you… It’s Ace. You’re Ace. — he said, not even blinking while looking at you, and feeling the teardrops fall down his cheeks. — I remember now. I remember everything! You’re my brother!
You looked at the raven haired boy, who seemed to be just as surprised, while you just wanted to know what is going on. Sabo had a brother and never told you about him?
— Wait, your name is Sabo? My brother Sabo? — he bit his lip to avoid crying, approaching the blonde. — You’re… You’re Alive!
They hugged each other so tight and let the tears fall. It felt like nothing around them existed. You and Koala just heard the sobs, not knowing what was happening, but you didn’t have the heart to interrupt this moment. It probably meant something very important to them.
— Luffy and I, we thought you were dead. — Ace said, trying to breathe between the sobs. — I can’t believe you’re alive.
— I forgot so many things for years, I didn’t remember anything from our childhood. — he took a deep breath. — But now I saw you and remembered everything.
They had this moment for a long time, crying and laughing, laughing and crying again. When they finally explained everything, it felt like a story out of some movie, and all you could say was “wow”.
— Wait, we need to switch back… — Ace said. — We need to kiss!
— Do you think this is going to work? We just met… What if… — he interrupted you.
— Don’t worry, we can try anyway. And if it doesn’t work, we just try again as many times we need.
You looked at Sabo and Koala, who were standing looking at both of you, also curious if this was going to work or not.
— Oh, okay. — the blonde broke the silence, starting to walk to get in the ship. — We’ll leave you two alone. See you guys later.
When you and Ace were finally alone, you two moved closer, just looking at each other for a while, feeling his breath so close. Your hands were cold, your heart was beating fast and your mouth was getting dry. Before you could think much, he stole the kiss, softly and gently at first as if he was simply asking for permission, but then it became so intense and passionate. It felt like the man wanted to hold you so tight and savor every second of it, afraid it was just a dream.
— I spent so many years of my life feeling like I wasn’t worth of love, so it wasn’t hard to fall for you. — he whispered. — You’re my soulmate, I guess I loved you before we even met.
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rogerslovesstark · 4 years
Hi there! A huge fan 💜💙 I was wondering if your requests are open?
If yes, could you please write an angsty fic where in reader is dating Bucky and for some reason he belittles her and breaks off their relationship. After which eventually everyone on the team stops talking to her. She's forced to leave off on her own and struggles a lot. Later Bucky realises his mistake and tries to contact her but the old her is gone. Like she finds her own happiness. Sorry if it's too detailed☹️
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Word Count: 1.7k
Your recruitment to the team was quick and very low-key. Almost no one knew that you had joined the Avengers because you requested Tony not to hold a press conference. You loved being an Avenger, the idea of helping people in need was so fulfilling.
However, the spotlight of being an Avenger was not pleasant. You did not know how Tony and Steve were able to handle it, the constant feeling of eyes on you, paparazzi almost always being on top of everything you do.
The few events you did go to, you stood with Bucky most of the time. He always kept you safe and comfortable while the party was booming. The two of you would walk around the venues Tony would rent out, looking at the architecture of the building, admiring the art that was around.
The conversation was kept minimal because there was already so much noise from the party. Both silently agreed that there was no need for extra noise.
It was the New Years Party two years ago where Bucky asked you if you wanted to slow dance. The Venue had multiple balconies and he chose the smallest one for the two of you to dance.
The two of you swayed to the soft music that could be heard from the party. Once the clock hit 12:00, Bucky leaned over and kissed you. You two began dating shortly after.
Every Sunday was a day for a date unless either of you had a mission. Every other week you planned a date for you and Bucky, walks in the park, restaurants, bars, everything you could think of.
You developed a dependency on Bucky. Always seeking his reassurance, seeking his comfort and touch. You felt as though you were not complete unless you were with Bucky. 
Your childhood was to blame, primarily your father. Physically, your dad was there but not emotionally. You never received emotional love from your father, the ‘I’m so proud of you’ or ‘you’re doing amazing’ Just a stiff nod.  
Being raised by your psychotic father was the reason you developed into the cold-hearted killer you were. From 16-19, you worked as a mercenary and killed for money.
You craved emotional validation from someone because you were so deprived of it when you were a child. You struggled to form relationships with others because of it too. That was one of the main reasons why you were not as close to the team.
Bucky would always smile at you, or kiss you when you were excited about something you would accomplish. On missions, he would always stay near you unless instructed otherwise by Steve. 
Bucky has been extremely off recently, always working with Steve, or working out with Sam, helping Wanda train her new abilities because it’s hard to kill a super-soldier than a normal human. 
He had missed five Sunday dates. Five of them. In those five weeks, you barely saw him and it was driving you crazy. You constantly would search for the time where the two of you could just be alone. You were so deprived of physical touch and emotional love, you began to fall into a depressive state. 
You walked towards the conference room, you asked Friday where Bucky was. She said he was in the conference room alone which is weird that she specified.
You opened the door and found Bucky just sitting on his phone. It was almost 10:30pm and he was just chilling in the conference room on his phone.
“Baby, I’ve been looking for you,” You said, walking over to him and running your hands along his broad and muscular shoulders. He was always so tense when he was sitting hunched over.
He shrugged you off his shoulders and turned to look at you. Not a soft, loving kind of look that a lover would typically give his lover; he gave a harsh glare as if you had done something to him. 
“God, you are so fucking annoying, you know that,” Bucky said. He grabbed that hand that was touching you and stood up from his chair. He let go of your hand rather quickly as soon as he stood from the chair. 
“I can’t fucking stand being around you Y/n, I don’t know why I ever asked you to be my fucking girlfriend,” He said, lowering his face closer to your face so the two of you were at eye level. 
Tears pooled in your eyes, every word he said was like a thin blade stabbing you in the stomach over and over again. You did not know what you did wrong, you had not even seen him in almost a week despite living with him.
“I’m sorry Bucky, I’ll be better, what can I do to be better, please,” You whispered, if your voice were any higher, you would being sobbing. 
Bucky just watched as you pathetically tried to hold your sobs in. You really were a weak woman and Bucky knew that. He knew that he held you in the palm of his hand and if he wanted to, he could break you.
He watched as your world crumbled around you because Bucky had decided to hurt you. Your hands were shaking and curled into fists. Your nose was turning red from holding back your tears.
“You are nothing without me, and I don’t want you anymore, so get the fuck out of my face and leave. No one on the team likes you, they would rather see you dead than ever have to see your horrific face ever again.” Bucky snarled, ready to see you burst into tears.
He knew that was the last straw.
You quickly turned around and left before you burst into tears. Bucky grabbed your arm and tried to turn you around, wanting to see you cry. You were forced to turn around, tears in your eyes pulling your hand back and smacking Bucky on his cheek. 
You left him dazed in the conference room. You ran to your shared room, collecting all your belongings. You had a small apartment in the heart of Montreal that no one knew about. You deliberately left off your information given to FRIDAY.
“FRIDAY, get rid of all information regarding Y/N L/N” You requested.
“Request denied, reasoning: unauthorized access to function,”
“Override denial, code Tony Stark has a fat ass” You rolled your eyes at the code Tony had told you to be used as a last resort code.
“Permission granted, removing all information regrading Y/N L/N,”
You grabbed a piece of paper on your desk, writing a short goodbye to Tony knowing he would wonder where you went. You quietly walk over to Tony’s office and placed it on the monitor he mainly used.
You left the compound shortly after, walking seven miles to the small car you planted in the forest. You prepared this as a last resort option. You never wanted to use this car but times were desperate and you had to get away from Bucky.
You were struggling, barely able to figure out how to live on your own. The money you had saved from working for the Avengers was running low and the waitress job you did have has barely enough to pay the bills you had. 
Montreal was really expensive you ended up realizing, with such a horrible job, you sold your apartment and moved in with some college students in a small house. You shared a bedroom with one of the women in the house. 
Ashley, your roommate, actually found the job for you, she helped you changed your appearance and spotted your money whenever you were desperate for it.
You had no skill set for an actual job, the only skills you had were killing. And your skills had developed rapidly as an Avenger. You knew what you had to do to survive.
The first kill that you had was a child trafficker in Toronto. Ashley covered for you, saying you two would go to a spa for a girl's weekend. She stayed at the spa while you finished the job. You gave her 20% of the income made. 
You two had gotten close over the two years that you spent in the shared house. She was one of the only people that you trusted at this point. She suggested that you started therapy, which you decided to actually go to.
Your therapist wanted you to start realizing that you were more than who you surrounded yourself in. You deserved the love that you craved and you could only get it when you truly loved yourself.
Bucky was laying in the bed the two of you shared. Two years had passed since he had driven you out of his life. He didn’t know why he did it, he was so upset because he saw you flirting with Tony. But Tony got engaged to Pepper only a few days later. 
After nine months of you being away, he started to crave your presence in his life. He asked FRIDAY where you were but she had no information on you. When FRIDAY said she had no information on you, he had one of the biggest meltdowns he ever experienced. 
You were officially gone from his life. Even with all the winter soldier experience of tracking people down, he couldn’t find you. Bucky knew that you were smart, you could hide in plain sight if you wanted to. 
It was in Toronto that he saw you again. Bucky’s whole world stopped after he saw you. You were so different now. Your hair was completely different from what he was used to, and you dressed differently too. 
It took him two months to finally get you to speak to him.
“What do you want Bucky?” The way you used to speak to him was so soft, now you were so cold towards him. Bucky’s stomach churned, almost nervous to respond to you.
“Y/n, please come back, I’m sorry for everything I have done to you, everything I said was a lie. I still love you” Bucky pleaded to you. 
“Bucky I’m not the same woman I used to be, you broke me, I was so broken and I was the only one who fixed me. You don’t get to come back after I learned how to not live with you.” You shouted at him.
Tears pooled in Bucky’s eye, he had lost the one person who had shown him, true love. The one person he wanted to protect for the rest of his life. He lost you, forever.
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resident-leevil-old · 3 years
okay well anyways somebody asked me if i felt like talking about my raccoon city survivors au with mia and ethan again and the answer is YES.
- Ethan's mother died while giving birth.
- Ethan Winters and his father moved into Raccoon City when Ethan was a baby, around 3-4 years old.
- Ethan trans ftm because im trans and i said so.
- Mia trans mtf because im trans and i said so.
- Ethan & Mia are childhood friend to lovers in this au.
- Ethan's father worked for Umbrella, and Mia's father worked for the Connections while her mother also worked for Umbrella.
- Mia was born in Texas, but her family moved to Raccoon City after she was born. They still owned property in Texas, though.
- Mia & Carlos are related because I said so.
- so yknow the "dude its been three years" guy? that's their childhood friend and his name is Kyde because i said so.
- Albert Wesker Personally was ordered by Spencer to kill those scientists btw.
- a lot of this au is because i said so tbh
Ethan Winters, Mia Oliviera, and Kyde Wells work together to survive six days of the Raccoon City Outbreak. In the process they uncover secrets and encounter many obstacles that just nearly cost them their lives.
ETHAN W, SR - A scientist who worked for Umbrella. He lost his wife during the birth of his child E///// Winters. Struggling with the death of his wife and the harsh decline of his mental health, he began to experiment with viruses and vaccines in an attempt to bring his wife back, even using his child as a subject at certain points due to the child having strong genes from the mother. He acknowledged that he was a horrid father, but justified his actions by claiming he would bring back a better mother. He thought of Albert Wesker as a friend, and told him the truth of his research.
ETHAN W, JR - A quiet 14 year old that had a hard time making friends. Due to experiments from his father, Ethan is a culmination of infections and viruses that each impact him in different ways. As he grew up Ethan refrained from talking too much as to not interrupt his father's work, causing him to become selectively mute.
MIA OLIVIERA - Younger sister of Carlos Oliviera. Mia skipped a grade due to her intelligence and advanced knowledge on many things kids her age normally didn't. She very easily got sick as a child, though she seemed to outgrow it as she got older. She was schooled both at home and at school before the outbreak. She shared classes with Ethan Winters (Jr) and Kyde Wells.
KYDE WELLS - A friend of Ethan & Mia, known for his cowardice. Kyde has a heavy sense of self preservation, but a weighted sense of compassion as well. He only ever has risked himself for his two friends.
JAMES HARISON - Mia's father. He worked for the Connections as a scientist and a researcher. Harison and his wife often exchanged information they learned from their jobs, aiming to and succeeding at "fixing" their daughter's proneness to viral sicknesses.
MARISA OLIVIERA - Mia's mother. He worked for Umbrella as a researcher. Oliviera and her husband often exchanged information they learned from their jobs, aiming to and succeeding at "fixing" their daughter's proneness to viral sicknesses.
JAKE VERANO - An Umbrella worker who had been trapped in the underground facility for a week, listening to the sound of his coworkers being eaten alive. Unstable because of his experience, he tries to create a cure using the intel of Ethan W (SR).
[September, 25, 1998.]
Ethan Winters walked home from school when his father failed to pick him up. He walked through the streets, paying no mind to a big fight breaking out near him. On the way home, he meets up with his friend Kyde who had also been walking home. They talk and walk together for a bit, before splitting up.
When Ethan arrived home, he noticed the front door of his house had been opened slightly. Confused, but wary, he entered the house, knowing it was uncharacteristic for his father to forget the door was open.
He entered the living room, and found his father laying on the ground dead, shot twice in the head, having just been killed moments prior. Ethan moved over to his father, before Albert Wesker walked out of his father's office.
Ethan barely has much time to react to him, overwhelmed by his own panic and the death of the only adult in his life. Wesker - wanting no witnesses - shoots him three times in the chest, and leaves under the impression the child is dead for good.
Ethan Winters dies for the first time that evening.
[September, 27, 1998]
For the past two days, Mia and her parents have been barricaded in their home, unable to leave safely. Mia sat in her room for most of the time, unable to look out of the windows due to boards covering them. During those two days Mia tries to call Ethan and Kyde several times in hopes that they were safe. Neither of them answer.
Until this day, the 27th, at 2:00 am, when she calls Ethan. And he answers.
Ethan: h-hello?
Mia: [Ethan]! You're alive! Are you okay?
Ethan: I'm breathing. [Pause] I'm breathing. You okay?
Mia: I'm boarded up in my house, we can't leave safely. Everything is a mess. I'm so glad you're alive, [Ethan]. Are you safe? I'm guessing you're safe.
Ethan: Not sure. Not sure. Find you soon, here alone. Alone.
Mia: Alone? What happened? Where's your dad?
Ethan: [Pause.] [Loud sound in the distance.]
Mia: [Ethan]? Are you okay?
Ethan: [Dial tone.]
Mia speaks with her parents about the call, expressing worry about her friend. She spends a while trying to convince her parents that Ethan may be alive (purposefully omitting the dial tone) and need their help. Finally, they agree, and at 12 pm, they head out with all the resources they could gather.
Managing to stay out of sight, the family make it to the Winters' household. They find Ethan hiding in his bedroom, one infected laying in the hallway with a pole through its head and Ethan's father laying in the living room dead.
They rescue Ethan, and flee from the house. Mia's parents explain that they need to evacuate the city, but that they wouldn't be able to drive, so they'd have to move on foot. They returned to their house and rested for the night.
[September, 28, 1998]
The family and Ethan head out again, this time aiming to evacuate the city. After several close encounters with large groups of infected, the kids and Mia's parents are unfortunately separated. Given instructions by her parents, Mia leads Ethan through the city, having to take detours due to infected blocking pathways.
Eventually, during the night, they run into Kyde, who has lost his parents trying to escape the city. The three of them take refuge in an empty abandoned house, and rest for the walk in the morning.
Ethan sits up for a while, thinking about what happened to him, and trying to figure out how to explain it to his friends. Eventually he falls asleep, unable to figure it out. In the morning they head out again.
[September, 29-30, 1998]
During another detour taken due to large groups of infected, Ethan is kidnapped by a man in a white lab coat.
Mia & Kyde go after them, refusing to leave Ethan behind. They manage to find him after roughly half a day had passed.
Ethan had been in a hysterical state and through tears he explains to Mia and Kyde what had happened to him in his house a few days ago, confessing that he had died and revived two days later. He warns the two of them that whatever Jake, the white lab coat man, did to him, it made him dangerous and unstable.
Mia and Kyde refused again to leave him behind, and spend hours gathering information from files and research left scattered around. They manage to make Something that was able to calm him down and cleanse what they had learned had been called the "T-virus" from his body.
As soon as Ethan had woken up again, they fleed the facility, Mia & Kyde both making sure he didn't collapse on the way.
[October, 1, 1998]
They don't stop running when they're out. A broadcast goes out saying that the city will be blown up in four hours due to being unable to contain the outbreak. The three of them realize they won't be able to get out if they take anymore detours unless they find a vehicle with gas in it and a clear road to drive on.
Three hours later, out of options, nearly to the city boarder, and faced with another group of infected blocking the only straight shot out, they decide to risk a run through. However, just as they were pushing through, a helicopter flew overhead and spotted them. Calling to them, the pilot tells them to attempt making it up a building nearby if they could.
Through pure bullshittery and luck, they manage to make it up, and they board the helicopter. Just as it begins to take flight, the city starts to blow up bit by bit. In the distance, they see other helicopters flying.
Mia and her parents reunite, her parents having managed to get out before the children did. Kyde goes to live with his relatives in Texas, and Ethan is offered to live with them as well.
Mia's parents move back to their texas home, and everyone who had been in the city were given therapy. Eventually the three grow up and graduate from highschool, and move on to other things, never once separating.
The three of them eventually move into a single house together in California, and some time after that Mia and Ethan get married. And for a while they live happily
And then, Mia witnesses Ethan having some sort of attack in the middle of the night one time, and realizes that he hadn't been completely cured of whatever had been infecting him in the city at all, and that it had only gone dormant for some years. While he wasn't vicious or attacking anyone, Ethan had just been really plagued and didn't even remember the fits that only seemed to happen every other night.
Out of worry and fear, Mia begins to work for the Connections, hoping there was something she could learn from them in order to help her husband finally be cured. And years after, RE7 began.
And THAT, my friends, is my Raccoon City Survivors au with the Winters, also known as Raccoon City Winters.
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