#legendary knight hermos
rosalind-hawkins · 6 months
Answer every character ask for Joey Wheeler please.
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
Oh geez, I love my Joey boy so much, honestly. One thing that I think is really great, and I know I've seen other people mention this before, is just how real he feels. His characters is so multifaceted and goes through so much development, and he just feels like such a real dude.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Just, everything? He has certified golden retriever energy with his deep love and loyalties, and it's one of the best things about him.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
I do get annoyed by some of his more obnoxious behavior, and sometimes he's downright embarrassing, but that comes with the territory of being a teenager.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
I do think seeing Joey as a random bystander in a Marvel movie would be a good giggle.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Ship songs aside, the first song I could come up with was Hall of Fame by Gym Class Heroes. Boy knows what wants. Being at the top, right up there with Kaiba and Yugi, is his repeated goal throughout the series.
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Brooklyn roots, going by the dub. My grandfather was born there, lived most of his life there. The other thing we have in common is being not on speaking terms with our mothers. 🥰
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
The fandom never lets us forget where Joey started: violent, street-tough bully trying to scrape a life together basically on his own. As much as I love cute happy Joey chilling with the scapegoats and his pals, it would be such a disservice to forget where he came from.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I actually can't think of anything? I think the fandom generally treats Joey well.
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
That's actually a tough question. Depends on how good he is about cleaning up after himself. I think we could probably with something out though, a deal that involves trading chores for meals.
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
Probably, but I'd probably be at least half as naggy as Tea is with him. The "omg Joey use a napkin boi" kind of nagging, but I think he'd fit right in and we could tease and be goofy.
11. Would you date this character?
I'm married, so the safe answer is no lol
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Boy had to get good at taking care of himself, so he shops deals and coupons and plans his meals around those, even when he's more financially secure. It's an ingrained habit.
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
90s punk/grunge he could so rock that
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
Aw, I can only pick one? If I had to go based off of the Joey ships I've written, it would be Puppyshipping, but I think Puffshipping is crazy precious. And I can't shut up about Polarshipping anytime he and Mai are in a scene together, their chemistry is too good. So those are my top three. There's so many good Joey ships though!!!
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
I don't know that I have one? Not as far as popular ships go. I'm not big into Riskshipping, I can only see it as being unhealthy even with Mokuba aged up. (Irateshipping and Fadeshipping aren't necessarily healthy either, but they're very fascinating.)
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
So, on the DM shipping list is Babbleshipping, which is Joey x Kisara, which I just can't imagine working (and I've never seen any fanworks for it either), but I also find the idea of Joey swooping in as Mr. Steal Your Dragon Girlfriend from Kaiba kinda hilarious.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
Joey's got a lot of great pals, but I think Tristan is just such a solid bro to him throughout the whole show (except for hitting on Serenity which is still so weird to me cause she's 12). But the advice he was giving him in Season Four regarding Mai was honestly solid advice: "give up on her, man, you're just going to get hurt if you keep going like this." It's just too sweet. Joey doesn't listen to him ofc because this boy never gives up.
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
Obviously I wish he had a better relationship with his dad, but it's Yugioh: good dads aren't allowed.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
I think Duke is actually a godd logical, grounding, down to earth presence for Joey to be around. Duke is not afraid to call him on his crap, and I can just see then getting along pretty well, esp once Joey's matured just a little bit more.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
I appreciate when people write him with the accent, even if it's only slightly. It's just a fun detail imo. I appreciate the details people create to fill in his exact background as a fighter and how he lives and stuff. The attention to detail with the roots of who he is as a person.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
The first thing that popped into my mind is a fanart of his previous small smile, but I assume this is asking for canon images, so... Just look how happy and cool he is!!!!! And his Lord of Red appearance is just too heckin cool for me to not include.
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24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
I think Ashe Duran from FE3H would be able to relate to him with their roots in poverty and both changing (Joey from a bully and Ashe from a thief) into becoming the best, most noble versions of themselves that they can be. They have the sweetest smiles and would do anything to protect their little siblings.
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Rock from Nanbaka is a little similar I guess, but Rock comes from money and has a much more refined palette when it comes to food. Rock was still a gang member though, just like Joey, and they both think with their stomachs and are still brawlers. Also literally delinquents.
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If I had to compare him to someone in UtaPri, I'd say he's got the same mischief vibes as Reiji, but the better match is the happy sunshine child Otoya Ittoki who's been through a lot and had a rough childhood but won't let it get him down. The future is full of opportunity for these boys.
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25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Oh geez, let me think back to twelve year old me... I really can't recall. I remember one of my first impressions in fandom was rejecting puppyshipping, partly just because it was popular, and then the more I learned about the characters separately, the more it compelled me, but that's another story.
My impression of him now? I love this man, he is a beacon of love and loyalty and getting better, which is a good example that all of us need sometimes honestly.
Seriously though, imagine how validated that made Joey feel? Surrounded by shadow magic and "chosen ones" and all this talk of reincarnation and destiny, and he thinks he's just along for the ride until wham! No bitch, you're special too! That's gotta warm his heart and make him smile, even after bad days working shitty jobs, or getting second place at a tournament. He's a legendary knight, his soul is tied to the Spirit World just as strongly as Yugi and Kaiba. He'll never lose his confidence ever again as long as he remembers that.
Also, I love the idea of him having all daughters. He's going to spoil them and be so crazy protective of them. He will never let them think they're anything less than gorgeous. He will sit down to tea parties with the frilly princessy one and give fighting tips to the butch one and adore all of them and very publicly threaten their partners with bodily harm if you ever dare hurt his girls. Dad Joey makes me happy. ❤️
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ygoartreviews · 1 month
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Timaeus the Knight of Destiny
Forgive the rating on this ahead of time, I just... Think it's so disappointing that (for an arc supposed to be focused on DRAGONS) they went ahead and said "oh those guys??? They weren't actually dragons. They're knights who look suspiciously like three of the MCs :)" I do like this fusion of the three (where it barely, if at all, looks like Yami's the one wearing the armor), even if perhaps it would've been cooler to see a triple dragon fusion (but I guess Yugioh does do a lot of that so). Super Saiyan Timaeus here doesn't exactly fuse the details of his three components as you would expect, instead sporting a gold coloration and a significantly upgraded and more intimidating version of Legendary Knight Timaeus' armor. His pose looks much more solid (and knightly) than any of the three individually. The dramatic cape flare is just a cool bonus to enhance his pose. I do very much enjoy the detail that the sword he has is clearly Legendary Knight Hermos', because that's where he got his infinite attack strength from in the anime. This detail is further emphasized by the giant golden infinity symbol behind him. It does look like Legendary Knight Critias had very little influence on the final design, however.
Rating: 7/10
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mediocredoots · 2 years
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@joukaiweek 2023 Day 6: role swap || ever after
The Legendary Knights Hermos & Critias resemble their perspective card user, yet act the exact opposite of them.
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millenniumdueled · 5 months
Wish of Final Effort: part 1
A great darkness begins to engulf the entire Earth, that band of shadow widening until the stars disappear. Far away from the battle, Duke and Rebecca watch anxiously as lightning flashes against that pitch black sky.
And under the ocean, the Great Leviathan roars.
"Do you hear it?" Dartz asks as the temple and the island it sits on shake. "With Seto's sacrifice, my god is almost ready."
"tell your dumb lizard to spit out my brother, you genocidal freak!!!" Mokuba snaps from his place beside his fallen brother, tears raining freely from his stormy grey eyes. "kill him, Yugi!!!!!"
Dartz rolls his mismatched eyes. "I think we've heard enough from the peanut gallery." As he speaks, an eye appears in the Seal behind him. The Seal pulsates, sending a shockwave of energy rippling through the room that knocks the spectators back, off their feet and to the floor.
Somehow, Mokuba manages to crawl back to his brother before he collapses, unconscious beside his lifeless form, one hand clinging to Seto's arm.
"There! No more distractions," Dartz laughs.
The Other Yugi gasps as he glances behind himself at his friends, crumpled on the floor beside each other. "What did you do to them?!" he demands. His hands shake.
"Don't worry, they're only sleeping. My god has no appetite for their weak and pathetic souls." Dartz's aloof demeanor changes, back to that bloodlust he radiated before, as he fixes his blue and gold eyes on his opponent. "Now it's only you and me, Nameless Pharaoh. Some quality time."
Other Yugi growls as he tears his focus away from his unconscious friends and back to the battle at hand.
Yugi and Joey stare back at him from their Mirror Knight forms, their eyes blank. Still, the Other Yugi can feel something in them, feel his Partner pleading silently with him to head the few words he had managed to utter against Dartz's control.
The Other Yugi takes a deep breath.
Thanks to Kaiba's Wish of Final Effort, he has a second chance, and 4300 Lifepoints. But across the field, Dartz is protected by an unbeatable serpent, the legendary Geh with infinite attack points.
He draws for his turn, plays Pot of Greed to draw two more cards. The first is Obnoxious Celtic Guardian, a familiar and well played monster. But the second makes his eyes widen. The nameless card given to him by the Dark Magician Girl the night he had freed Timaeus! Except now, it isn't blank. Now, the image of three knights, swords raised and crossed, appears to him clear as day, along with the name: Legend of Heart.
He can feel its power radiate inside his heart. His eyes meet his Partner's across the field, he swears he sees Yugi smile and he knows.
This is the card that will save the world.
He summons his Celtic Guardian, just to tribute the elf, as well as 1000 of his Lifepoints, to activate this new card's effect. All three legendary dragons, Timaeus, Critias, and Hermos, appear on the field at once. They let out a mighty roar as they all leap into the air, flying up, up, up into the shadows of the temple's high ceiling, until a burst of bright, white light blinds the Duelists far below.
"After ten millennia in captivity, our time has finally come again, Dartz!" booms a voice that echoes through the chamber.
When the Other Yugi's vision returns, he finds three knights, the spitting image of himself, Joey, and Kaiba, on his side of the field where the dragons had stood seconds before.
The knights stare Dartz down with 10,000 years of resentment in their eyes as they face their enemy. Each knight announces his name, Sir Timaeus, Sir Hermos, Sir Critias, and they raise their swords, crossing them overhead as the art on the card the Pharaoh had played.
"In the name of Atlantis, we have been reborn to defeat you," they announce as one. Their swords strike the ground, and the three layers of Dartz's Seal of Orichalcos are destroyed.
But despite that, Dartz still laughs. "How good to see you all again. But that's some confidence you've got! Have you forgotten our last battle?"
Timaeus raises his free hand to touch his right eye, scarred over. "How could I forget? We have a score to settle, here and now."
Dartz hardly seems shaken by the knight's threats.
But the Other Yugi hesitates. Even if these knights have some effect that can destroy the immortal Geh, those two mirror knights, wearing the souls of his Partner and best friend, stand in the way. Kaiba had destroyed Mai and Rex without hesitation. But how can the Pharaoh attack the people most precious to him...?
His eyes meet Yugi's across the field again and the seconds tick by.
The knight Timaeus looks back at the Duelist who summoned him. His perplexed expression softens as he realizes what's holding the Other Yugi back. "It's okay," he assures his Duelist. "Attacking the mirror knights won't hurt them. You'll only break the spell he holds over your friends' souls."
The Other Yugi searches Timaeus's single blue eye for the truth. Finally, he nods in understanding. His chest hurts, but he orders his knights to attack the ones that shield Dartz and his serpent.
Timaeus and Hermos ready their swords.
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yu-gi-poll · 1 year
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(Click the image + open image in new tab for better quality!)
Thank you to my sister @marwamarwa for making the bracket image! It took a lot of work & I really appreciate it :)
This will be a 128-contestant, single-elimination tournament. The bracket will be split into four sets, each comprising of 16 polls that will last a week. Each set, aside from being shown in the above image, will be listed below alongside the date it'll be posted. When the polls come out, I'll link them below.
Match-ups written out below the cut:
Will be posted on Thursday, 10/12, with all 16 polls being queued for between 12 PM and 2 PM EST.
Kuriboh vs. Sangan
Kuribabylon vs. Kuribandit
Kuriboh Brothers vs. Silent Magician
Dark Magician vs. Dark Magician Girl
Magician of Faith vs. Witch of the Black Forest
Pumpking the King of Ghosts vs. Maha Vailo
Great Mammoth of Goldfine vs. The Snake Hair
Man-Eater Bug vs. Morphing Jar
Diabound Kernal vs. Divine Serpent Geh
Guardian Eatos vs. Guardian Dreadscythe
The Claw of Hermos vs. The Fang of Critias
The Eye of Timaeus vs. Timaeus the Knight of Destiny
Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon vs. Obelisk the Tormenter
Blue-Eyes Toon Dragon vs. Blue-Eyes White Dragon
Ancient Dragon vs. Dragon Master Knight
Black Luster Soldier vs. Magician of Black Chaos
Will be posted on Saturday, 10/14, with all 16 polls being queued for between 12 PM and 2 PM EST.
Flame Swordsman vs. Jinzo
Gilford the Lightning vs. Gearfried the Iron Knight
Alligator's Sword vs. Rocket Warrior
Beaver Warrior vs. Catapult Turtle
Baby Dragon vs. Time Wizard
Red Eyes Black Dragon vs. Thousand Dragon
Psychic Armor Head vs. Red Eyes Black Dragon Sword
Air Fortress Ziggurat vs. Chaos Emperor Dragon- Envoy of the End
Castle of Dark Illusions vs. Labyrinth Wall
Gate Guardian vs. Shadow Ghoul
Relinquished vs. Thousand-Eyes Restrict
Illusionist Faceless Mage vs. Legendary Fiend
Toon Dark Magician Girl vs. Toon Summoned Skull
Giant Soldier of Stone vs. Summoned Skull
Celtic Guardian vs. Breaker the Magical Warrior
Curse of Dragon vs. Winged Dragon, Guardian of the Fortress
Will be posted on Monday, 10/16, with all 16 polls being queued for between 12 PM and 2 PM EST.
Dragon Lady vs. Dragon Piper
Kung Fu Nyan Nyan vs. Thunder Nyan Nyan
Kunoichi Ayame the Ninja Girl vs. Ninja Master Shogun
Insect Queen vs. The Legendary Fisherman
Prinzessin vs. Thorn Princess
Hexe Trude vs. Globerman
Harpie Lady vs. Valkyrie Brunhilde
Harpie Lady Sisters vs. Harpie's Pet Dragon
Cyber Harpie Lady vs. Amazoness Chain Master
Cure Mermaid vs. Injection Fairy Lily
Darklord Marie vs. St. Joan
Shinato, King of a Higher Plane vs. Exodia Necross
Exodia the Forbidden One vs. Winged Dragon of Ra
Right Arm of the Forbidden One vs. Slifer the Sky Dragon
Holding Arms vs. Holding Legs
Agido vs. Mystical Beast of Serket
Will be posted on Wednesday, with all 16 polls being queued for between 12 PM and 2 PM EST.
Marshmallon vs. Watapon
Petit Dragon vs. Shining Friendship
Flying Elephant vs. Zera the Mant
Barrel Dragon vs. Metalzoa
Machine King vs. Robotic Knight
Axe Raider vs. Orgoth the Relentless
Alpha the Magnet Warrior vs. King's Knight
Beta the Magnet Warrior vs. Queen's Knight
Gamma the Magnet Warrior vs. Jack's Knight
Knight of Twin Swords vs. Reflect Bounder
Cosmo Queen vs. Mystical Elf
Musician King vs. Trap Master
Black Tyranno vs. Serpent Night Dragon
Poison Butterfly vs. Parasite Paracide
La Jinn Mystical Genie of the Lamp vs. XYZ-Dragon Cannon
Glassman vs. Gearfried the Swordsmaster
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oreichalkos · 2 months
until i make this fancy lmao
tldr king dardanos of atlantis has been around 10,000 years since the fall of his kingdom and has been dealing with the vengeful mother goddess also using his body as a meatpuppet because she is angry at humans for destroying the planet and her answer is yeet all of them ...
in the modern era he is known as dardanos eleazar, the young and charismatic CEO of paradius, a massive company based in greece- they're focused mainly on biomedical advancements (although they do have branches that do other things). aside from being possessed, he's a genius billionaire philanthropist and incredibly talented duelist- known in public for his chaos archetype deck (black luster/chaos emperor type), although under the mother goddess' command he is also the oracle and he's been devouring souls in her name.
oh, and also he can turn into a giant dragon, that's a thing.
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name: dardanos other names: dardanos eleazar. leviathan. mother goddess.
titles: king of atlantis, heir of king atlas. heir of poseidon. legendary dragon leviathan.
age: thirty two (+10,000) gender: male* (the mother goddess is female but she is also a separate entity possessing his body) species: deity date of birth: c. 8000 bce
education: tutored
residence: a gorgeous villa in greece (currently). atlantis (formerly).
occupation: ceo of paradius (currently). king of atlantis (formerly). duelist (occasionally)
parents: king ironhart of atlantis (father) . queen isri of atlantis (mother, deceased). siblings: none
significant other: iorei (wife, deceased) children: chrysanthe ‘chris’ (daughter)
notable bonds: legendary knights timaeus, critias, and hermos (tutors and rivals). the swordsmen rafael, varon, and amelda (adoptive sons, arguably replacements for the legendary knights in many ways) . the nameless pharaoh, seto kaiba, katsuya jonouchi (the chosen grand souls). yugi mutou (vessel of the nameless pharaoh and thus involved)
duel spirit: shockingly, he doesn't have one.
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height: 6'4 weight: ??
build: athletic , dardanos is not only a king, but a warrior who once trained with the legendary knights scars: reference
fashion: for some reason, if he isn’t wearing the king’s regalia, dardanos has a habit of … pastel suits which is… a questionable choice.
other notable traits: dardanos is regal, regardless of whether he’s in the ritual robes or in that admittedly ridiculous lavender suit. while naturally his eyes are golden, under the influence of the mother goddess, he has heterochromia, the right eye being teal. dardanos has many scars from the ages, the most notable ones being from the great war 10,000 years ago from injuries sustained from his own father’s axe
physiological condition: dardanos has no known physical health issues
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immortality: dardanos has been like 32 years old for ten thousand years. oof. he doesn’t age and if a combo attack by the three egyptian gods doesn’t kill him, i have no idea what will — although it seems that once the mother goddess was sustaining at least a good portion of his life, he does survive without it before consciously deciding to leave with his family to the spirit world. he also seems to literally be unable to die as in episode 178 he tells yugi and kaiba that in the battle of atlantis, his father challenged him and killed him, so uhhh, whatever deaths he suffers are naturally very temporary.
shapeshifting: although, this could be closer to illusions, since he is shown to have taken the form of gozaburo kaiba to orchestrate the tragedy in amelda’s life.
weather manipulation: dardanos in flashbacks flat out conjures lightning, he creates storms powerful enough to sink ships abd the method that would have destroyed the world was a huge global tidal wave. his temple is also surrounded by storms and in the middle of the ocean so that’s a thing.
telepathy: dardanos is shown to be able to communicate with others via telepathy, cause visions and command others through the mind, so that’s sorta terrifying yikes.
duel spirit manifestation: he’s capable of manifesting duel monster spirits much like something found in a shadow game, they cause real damage to things.
magic mastery: in general, his abilities are said to be able to rival the millennium items themselves. which means he’s really, really strong in that department. it is heavily implied that his magic can do things like change people’s forms, as he is noted to have transformed the legendary knights into dragons.
deity form: dardanos is also a legendary dragon (leviathan) on his own.
dueling skill: ok well canonically dardanos held his own in a battle against yami yuugi and seto kaiba. we all know what that means. seto kaiba is the second best duelist in the world and seto kaiba has his ass handed to him by some vengeful jerk who has lived for a good ten thousand years.
duelist spirit: "even a normal person like me can feel it" — honda hiroto, ep 177. dardanos, like other powerful duelists, radiates an incredible energy of determination, but the duelist’s spirit is sorta hard to explain as anything but sheer willpower and his is ridiculously extreme as he’ll stop at nothing to achieve his goals
soul manipulation: the signature ability given to him by the mother goddess, there’s no proof that he was able to manipulate souls prior to his own corruption, but he is responsible for a lot of the oreichalkos mess … most of it, since his swordsmen didn’t uhhh really do nearly as much damage … not that they didn’t do damage they did but dardanos is the worst.
mother goddess form: the leviathan body created from his own soul sacrificed in exchange for the souls of the three legendary duelists. this in itself implies his own soul is incredibly powerful, it also turns him into the mother goddess, a giant serpent capable of twisting her body around the city of atlantis at least three times and have length to spare. note, atlantis is an entire city and here is a reference of the mother goddess compared to the egyptian gods so uhhh.
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magicgurljhonnie · 1 year
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Claw of Hermos 🃏🐉
Legendary Knight Hermos
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uniasus · 2 years
Things I Have Discovered Researching YGO Fics
Yugi's purple eyes are genetically possible, but it's probably attached to a genetic mutation that can mess up your life. Also, some blue eyes, under the right condition, can appear purple.
I will not write a h/c fic. I will not write an h/c fic
Alexandria's Genesis is a myth that those with purple eyes are perfect beings that overly lap slightly with vampires. They have fair skin with no body hair, have perfect vision, never get sick, are perfectly proportioned, and seem to experience life in a sorta time freeze because they can live up to 150, don't produce any type of waste, and maintain the perfect weight. Further research shows its origins are actually fanfic from the early Aughts (surprise!) but the writer has shared her inspiration - an MTV show whose own worldbuilding (I think?) traces purple eyes to suddenly appearing spirits in Egypt. Where that came from, I do not know and I refuse to spend the dig time.
I will not give Yugi this condition. I will not give Yugi this condition.
Timaeus, Critias, and Hermos, the names of the Legendary Dragon (Knights) are the speakers in some of Plato's dialogues. While Hermos doesn't get his own self-titled dialogue, the other two do and they both mention Atlantis. Which I just find fascinating because this is proof that the show staff did do research for the DOMA arc, but still decided to link Atlantis with California.
I will not write a story about Egyptian Gods and Greek Gods having conflict during the Ptolmey era. Who am I kidding, that idea has been in my head for years thanks to Riodian's short stories that cross the Kane Chronicles and PJO. One day I'll write it. But it probably won't be fic.
Orichalcum is a metal mentioned by Plato in conjecture with Atlantis, so it wasn't completely made up. It was said to give off light by Critias, though red, and there have been guesses as to what the modern equivalent is - a copper alloy, a type of copper similar to fool's gold, or platinum. Platinum, it should be noted, is dangerous enough to have OSHA regulations.
Again, more research than I expected from the show. I will not write H/C about the impacts of too much platinum exposure featuring Mai.
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YGO AU Leviathan Rising
The Pharoah has managed to call all three dragons to the duel will it be enough to stop Leviathan?
Chapter 25 Awaken Hope
Thanks to the magic card “Legend of Heart” all three of the legendary dragons regained their true forms as knights whose powers came form the light within the heart. Together Timeaus, Critas, and Hermos managed to shatter the three seals of Orichcalos and deal damage to Orichalcos Shunoros.
“Our bond of absolute!” Hermos called out
“The dark seal doesn't effect us!” Critas added.
“I'll repay you for this scar you gave me! And free my master form your control!” Timeaus pointed directly at Leviathan, the god sneered and chuckled.
“That's some big talk coming form three pitiful lizards! Especially you Timeaus! You really think you can defeat me?! You still can't stop Orichalcos Shunoros! And I have over 10,000 life points! You'll never take Yugi away form me!” Levi shouted glaring daggers at Timeaus.
Timeaus in turn returned the same amount of anger towards the Great Beast; his scared eye still shut but even with only one eye open his intent was still there.
“I promise to free my master form you're control! And together we will stop you form achieving your wish, Leviathan!”
Back in the void; Joey and Yugi sat together and waited, the anticipation and anxiety of hoping for the Pharaoh's victory over the great beast loomed all around them. As more bubbles of humans souls continued to drift down towards Leviathan's waiting eye to be eaten.
Yugi looked so worried so anxious about everything going on and Joey would see it. He'd known Yugi for a long time now and he knew when Yugi would get lost in his own head replaying his fears over and over again. This time he didn't just see it in his fidgeting movements, but he could see it in his apprentice too; claws growing form his nails and his eyes where flashing form purple to gold to red.
Joey needed to cut the tension before  things got out of hand. A distraction! Something to keep his mind off what was happening even for a little it so he asked.
“So what games did you play with him?”
Yugi blinked and looked at Joey now his mind wasn't quite there before but now he had his attention.
“S-Sorry?” Yugi stuttered a bit while speaking.
Joey decided to repeat himself gently, he knew Yugi responded better when he felt safe. “What games did you and uh Levi play together? In your soul I mean.”
“H-how did you know we play games?” Yugi asked a bit confused.
“Well you've told me before that inside of your soul is like a big room full of games and toys right? And I figured if you're stuck in your own soul you'd play games. And if this Levi guy is attached to you and you could speak to him you'd totally play games together am I right?” Joey smiled warmly to smaller boy who nodded and blushed again.
“Y-yeah we played all kinds of games! Puzzles and board games and of course duel monsters. In fact that's actually how I got him to give me some control before.” Yugi said while pushing one of his gold bangs form his cheek and tucking them behind his ear.
“Gain control?” Joey raised an eye brow.
“Yeah, kinda like how I let the other me have control over our body when we duel. But instead it's my solid soul self as the body. It's hard to explain...But basically I negotiated for about an hour of freedom if I won our duel.” Yugi turned and faced Joey now keeping his legs crossed.
“So why didn't you try and contact us if you had control?” Joey asked again trying to find some form of comfort in his bubble but it was hopeless.
“I wanted to but Raphael wasn't going to have that...plus I did promise Levi I wouldn't do that and I couldn't break my promise to him...not on purpose...” Yugi looked away sorrowfully.
“I was hoping maybe I could convince Levi to trust me enough to find someway to get him to change his mind about everything...but I think I just made things worse. He's obsessed with me now and he wont stop until he has me all to himself...”
“Well too bad he's gonna have to learn to share ya Yug. Guess your sweetness is just too good to share huh?” Joey winked trying to get Yugi to smile a bit, Yugi chuckled a little.
“Well Joey he's been fed nothing but negative emotions and pain since his inception. So I guess once he'd been shown kindness and compassion he liked it so much he wants more of it. Like trying ice cream for the fist time and finding it so delicious you want it all to yourself.” Yugi rubbed his stomach a little.
Joey licked his lips a bit and sighed “Oh man don't mention sweets! I could eat a mountain of ice cream right now...”
Yugi laughed a bit making Joey smile wider; he knew he could cheer him up.
“Well that's the thing you know? While a mountain of ice cream sounds great to eat alone, it's nothing compared to sharing it with your best buds! plus much less of stomach ache in the end.” Joey chuckled but Yugi's face lit up a little as if something had just clicked in his mind.
“Yeah...maybe just maybe...Levi needs to learn how to share...” Yugi was still lost in his own thoughts when a blinding light eliminated the area a large tare has opened up in the void.
“Wow! What is that?” Joey yelled as he Yugi and Kaiba started to glow and where soon pulled into the tear.
This was it; Timaeus the Knight of Destiny had destroyed Leviathan's ultimate monster Divine Serpent Geh, a feat no one would have believed was possible especially Leviathan. The god stood aghast as his monster was destroyed and duel was now over, he lost...
“N-no...it can't be!”
“It is Leviathan! You've lost our duel and now you're going to keep your end of the bargain and free everyone you've captured here!” Yami yelled out only making Leviathan chuckle under his breath and slowly lock eyes with him.
“YOU made a deal with Dartz not me. And we are far form done your highness.” Levi spat out that last word before lifting his right hand, the claws on his finger tips grew out an inch with a teal glow surrounding them. He turned around and quickly slashed at the air making a portal that floated before him.
He took one last look at the pharaoh before jumping into it. Yami could only hold out a hand and tried to yell for him to stop before the god was gone. He growled a little but his attention was pulled towards the three knights that stood in front of him.
“The beast may have gotten away but we can still bring back our masters!” Timeaus said looking at his fellow knights who nodded to him before lifting a free hand each. Their hands started to glow as their powers allowed them to make a connection into the open portal, it reached deep within the heart of the beast where the souls where kept.
“Wow what is that?” Joey asked as he saw his orb start to glow, Yugi blinked as he looked over and saw that Kaiba's orb was glowing as well.
“I don't know...” Yugi looked down and saw he too was glowing, it felt like he was being called for.
Slowly one by one Joey, Kaiba and Yugi were pulled form the void and sent back through the portal, back towards their respective bodies. One orb flew directly to Kaiba's body while the other made it's way to Joey's back on the helicopter.
All except for Yugi who upon reaching the portal face smacked right into it like a bug hitting a windshield. Yami Yugi's eyes widened as he rushed over to the portal yelling
Yugi shook his head and stood up just in time to see Yami Yugi on the other side of the portal, his heart skipped a beat as he felt tears well up in his eyes.
“Other Me!”
Yugi reached out but found the face of the portal was solid like glass. His hands pressed against the portal face as hard as he could but it wouldn't budge. Yami Yugi's face was puzzled he didn't understand he put his own hand to the portal face only to find it can go through uninterrupted.
Timeaus looked at fellow knights who returned the look to him, they knew what was happening but how could they explain it to him?
“Master...” Timeus started
“What? I don't-” Yami Yugi was about to finish his sentence only to hear a voice behind him speak.
“Yugi?” Tea had just woken up form being knocked out and saw Yami Yugi in front of the portal with Yugi on the other side. Tears filled her eyes as she stumbled to her feet and ran towards him, Yami Yugi had seconds to step aside and allow her through.
“Yugi! I can't believe it's really you!” she exclaimed and leap towards the portal that held her long lost friend in it, and just like Yami she was able to pass through it with no effort. With her arms wrapped around Yugi's upper torso she squeezed him tightly making it hard for Yugi to breathe.
“I...can't...breathe!” Yugi said breathlessly but still quite happy to see and feel her again. Just as soon as she was up so was Tristan who saw the sight and came over as well, followed by Joey who entered and room running towards his friends.
“Yugi! We did it we're back!” Joey yelled and pilled onto the group of 4that held onto the small frame of Yugi and where all partly inside the portal.
Mokuba and Kaiba had both woken up and where watching the event take place before noticing Yami Yugi stood on one side of the portal while the other Yugi was inside the portal still. Form what he understood Yami Yugi was only a soul and has to possess Yugi's body to have a physical form, but there was the other Yugi standing in the portal and not in his own body? What was going on?
Tea and the others pulled themselves away form Yugi who was happy to have some air again, but before he knew it Tea had taken his hand and pulled him towards the portal face again.
“Come on! What are you waiting for lets-” she stopped as she felt Yugi's hand slip form her own the moment she stepped outside of the portal. She looked back to see Yugi still standing inside the portal, she looked down at her hand again then reached for his hand again.
“Huh?” she took Yugi's hand again and tried to pull him but again his hand and body where stopped by the portal's face. Both Joey and Tristan looked confused as they watched Tea try again only for the same result. It was only then they noticed Yami Yugi on the outside of the portal and both had the same confused expression between each other.
“How come the Pharaoh is out here?” Tristan asked Joey who shrugged.
“This isn't adding up...He should have gone back to his body right?” he starched his head a bit before being startled by Tea's voice.
“Come on...this isn't funny! What's going on?” her voiced started to sound desperate now as he tried again and again, each time she failed more tears built up in her eyes as she looked at Yugi's hand in desperation.
Yami Yugi closed his eyes and looked away he already knew the answer but was scared to tell her.
Everyone else looked on as Tea continued only to have Yami put a hand on her shoulder and start to pull her away. She rolled her shoulder and snapped a glare at him with tears running down her face, her eyes widened as she finally really saw Yami Yugi was there at her side. Her lower lip quivered a bit as she finally realized what was happening but she didn't want to believe it.
“Stop it! Stop standing there and help me!” she yelled at Yami then looked at the others desperate for them to come and help her. She felt like everyone had gone crazy why weren't they helping her?
“Come on you guys! Just-” she started to speak only for a soft voice to call to her making her snap her head back towards the portal. Yugi stood looking at her his orchid eyes shining brightly but with sadness filling them.
“Tea, I... I can't leave...”
Those words broke her, like a glass shattering on the ground she felt all her emotions hit all at once, tears just couldn't stop streaming down her cheeks.
“Is that it? We came all this way...we lost so many people...you-you're right here and we can't set you free?” Tea was shaking and held herself tightly looking down before screaming out loud.
“WHY?! This isn't fair! You're right there! The Pharaoh won! Why can't we have you back!?”
Yugi once again answered ever so sadly.
“Yes...he did win...but I'm still bound to The Great Leviathan...I'm part of him now...I can't just walk out of my own soul...”
The realization fell on all of them now as the room grew heavier with emotion; they'd gone through so much fought so hard was this where it all ended? Yugi could feel the despair in the room he was growing stronger form it so that meant so was Levi...
Yugi gathered up all her courage and spoke loudly again.
“Come on you guys! You came all this way just to help me and the others! Just because I'm stuck doesn't mean we can give up! If we can stop Leviathan then I can be set free again and we can save everyone else! Don't give up!”
Tea wiped the tears form her eyes, her face was still red form yelling, but she started to clam down enough to really let Yugi's words and his smiling face give her hope again.
Joey gave a thumbs up “Yugi's right! With me and Kaiba back we can use our dragons to help put that scaly serpent in his place!”
“You're right Joey! Yugi I promise we'll take down Leviathan and set you free, no matter what!” Yami Yugi smiled towards his partner.
“Humh! I don't need any help taking down that over grown lizard. Just stay out of my way.” Kaiba barked making Joey fume a bit and made everyone else roll their eyes.
The rooms tone changed once again now with renewed hope, only to be interrupted by an earthquake. In that moment everyone's attention was now set to what was happening outside.
“What is that?” Joey yelled.
“Leviathan! He's not finished yet!” Yami Yugi growled
Kaiba wasted no time heading towards the exit followed by Mokuba, The others followed after him all except Yami who looked towards the door then back at Yugi.
Yugi looked back at him and said
“Hurry! I don't know what's planing but we have to stop him!”
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kaijou-p · 3 years
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Some more Scrimbloom Scrambloom concept doodles ft. KaiJo and ClawFangShipping (Aka Crtias x Hermos) for the fanfic ww 
Sketches by: Me
(Also welp, my instagram is ded. Rip in rip c,:)
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tokkimeki · 4 years
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Legendary Knight Hermos <3
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rosalind-hawkins · 9 months
Watching Yugioh Season Four with my husband and we got to the point where Pegasus explains that the Legendary Knights were turned into dragons by Dartz to "make them weaker" and my husband lowkey lost it
Him: "I'm sorry, turning them into dragons made them weaker?! That's fucking terrifying! Who the hell were these guys?!"
Honestly, super valid point. If turning you into a dragon makes you weaker, you must have been a giga-chad to start with.
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crownofautumnleaves · 5 years
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The Legendary Dragons + The Legendary Warriors
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mediocredoots · 2 years
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The Legendary Knights of Spirit world: Timeaus, Hermos, & Critias
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millenniumdueled · 5 months
Wish of Final Effort: part 2
The Other Yugi doesn't let himself look away.
He makes himself watch as the mirror knight forms of his Partner and his best friend are cut down by their legendary counterparts. His eyes meet the hollow, empty stare of the mirrored Yugi.
And he swears he sees his Partner smile, before his form disintegrates in a pixelated cloud of glitter under the knight's sword. As the cards in his hand shake, a single tear slips down his cheek, drips off his chin, onto the Millennium Puzzle that hangs heavy around his neck.
But the Pharaoh rights himself. He grabs the chain of the Puzzle in his free hand and takes a deep breath. As Timaeus and Hermos return to his side, he narrows his eyes on his opponent and the immortal serpent
and ends his turn.
Dartz laughs again. Quiet at first, but slowly growing into a maniacal cachinnation.
"Is that it?" he asks. "You waited 10,000 years to delay your death by one turn?" He narrows his heterochromatic eyes at the Other Yugi with a venomous glare. It costs him 10 cards to order Geh to attack, but the sacrifice is nothing to Dartz.
This is the last turn, after all.
He orders the divine serpent Geh to attack, targeting the knight Timaeus.
But Critias looks over his shoulder, his familiar, intense stare boring into the Other Yugi's eyes. The Pharaoh nods, and the knight raises his sword.
The serpent lunges at its prey.
The Duelists are blinded by two flashes of dazzling white light in quick succession. The first, as a beam shoots from the knight's raised blade. It expands in an instant, taking form in a wide, arced wall of glittering light.
The second as the serpent Geh crashes into it.
It sounds as if a bomb goes off. The powerful shockwave ripples through the temple, knocking both Duelists off their feet and causing the ancient stone walls to shake and crack. As the dust clears, both Dartz and the Other Yugi push themselves to their knees to assesss the outcome.
The three legendary knights stand, tall, strong, and unharmed. The only sign left of the divine serpent Geh, with all its infinite attack points, is a glowing, teal hole in the fabric of reality itself.
For a moment, time stands still, and neither Duelists dares to breathe.
"How..." Dartz gawks.
"The only thing that can destroy infinity, is itself. Your serpent hit a wall and ate its own tail," Critias explains flatly.
"Critias's effect lets him use the power of one trap in my graveyard, and I chose Mirror Force," the Other Yugi explains. "And since you bet all of your Lifepoints on that snake... You lose, Dartz."
Dartz takes a step back as sweat drips down his back. He stares into the glowing rift with wide eyes. "You don't understand--!" he gasps, somewhere between exasperation and frustration. "It's too late! My god only needed one more powerful soul. The Leviathan will still--!!"
It happens in just a blink of an eye.
Dartz is cut off mid sentence as a massive serpent, far bigger than the divine Geh, strikes from the rift in reality. Its mighty jaws close around its loyal servant, and the beast disappears.
The Other Yugi holds his breath. And the seconds tick by.
Finally, the guards relax their stances, first Timaeus, then Hermos and Critias. As they turn to the Pharaoh, he can finally let himself breathe.
"Is it over...?" he asks the knights.
As if on cue, the ocean floor trembles far below the island temple, nearly knocking him off his feet once again. He catches himself, looks up just to see Timaeus shake his head.
"I'm afraid not.... Dartz is defeated, but the Leviathan still rises," the knight explains. "And we can no longer help you from here on. However..."
He looks to the compatriots at his sides, and they both nod. All three lift a hand toward the rift, and in unison, they order the souls of the Chosen Duelists to return to this world.
The Other Yugi's eyes go wide.
Are they really--
He watches in wonder as three golden orbs float from the rift. They seem to struggle at first, as if being pulled back by the teal light that radiates beyond reality, but once free, they drift and bob like bubbles on the wind. One floats past him to sink into Seto Kaiba's chest, another rises and dances its way into a wall that it easily passes through.
The third slowly bobs over to the Other Yugi, where it comes to rest in his hands. It's an odd sensation, holding a soul in his hands. Weightless, without any tangible surface, and yet a definite form in his palms. The golden light it emanates is soft and comforting, warm and familiar.
Like holding sunlight.
The Pharaoh takes a deep, deep breath, failing to hold back his tears as he brings his arms around the light, hugging it into his chest with a smile.
"Welcome home, Partner."
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yu-gi-poll · 1 year
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Monster Stats & Propaganda Under the Cut:
The Eye of Timaeus is used by Yugi Mutou/Yami Yugi. Though this is technically a spell card, it was used in a way more similar to a monster card hence why it is included. The real reason why it is included is because Mod didn't realize it wasn't a monster until I already made a bracket listing.
[None Submitted]
Timaeus the Knight of Destiny is used by Yami Yugi. Its stats are the following:
Attribute: LIGHT
Level: 10
Effect (according to the anime): "Legendary Knight Critias"+ "Legendary Knight Hermos" + "Legendary Knight Timaeus"
"This card cannot be Special Summoned except from your Fusion Deck by having "Legendary Knight Timaeus" absorb "Legendary Knight Critias" and "Legendary Knight Hermos". This card's ATK is equal to the combined ATK of the absorbed monsters. When this card is destroyed by battle, Special Summon 3 "Legendary Knight" monsters from your hand, Deck, or Graveyard, ignoring their Summoning conditions."
ATK: / DEF: ? / ?
The combined form of the Legendary Knights once made human again from their legendary dragon forms. Also Timaeus has Yugi's face and then Critias and Hermos sorta swapped faces of Kaiba and Joey.
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