#sorry for the delay. life happened
rosalind-hawkins · 6 months
Answer every character ask for Joey Wheeler please.
1. Why do you like or dislike this character?
Oh geez, I love my Joey boy so much, honestly. One thing that I think is really great, and I know I've seen other people mention this before, is just how real he feels. His characters is so multifaceted and goes through so much development, and he just feels like such a real dude.
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
Just, everything? He has certified golden retriever energy with his deep love and loyalties, and it's one of the best things about him.
3. Least favorite canon thing about this character?
I do get annoyed by some of his more obnoxious behavior, and sometimes he's downright embarrassing, but that comes with the territory of being a teenager.
4. If you could put this character in any other media, be it a book, a movie, anything, what would you put them in?
I do think seeing Joey as a random bystander in a Marvel movie would be a good giggle.
5. What's the first song that comes to mind when you think about them?
Ship songs aside, the first song I could come up with was Hall of Fame by Gym Class Heroes. Boy knows what wants. Being at the top, right up there with Kaiba and Yugi, is his repeated goal throughout the series.
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Brooklyn roots, going by the dub. My grandfather was born there, lived most of his life there. The other thing we have in common is being not on speaking terms with our mothers. 🥰
7. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you like?
The fandom never lets us forget where Joey started: violent, street-tough bully trying to scrape a life together basically on his own. As much as I love cute happy Joey chilling with the scapegoats and his pals, it would be such a disservice to forget where he came from.
8. What's something the fandom does when it comes to this character that you despise?
I actually can't think of anything? I think the fandom generally treats Joey well.
9. Could you be roommates with this character?
That's actually a tough question. Depends on how good he is about cleaning up after himself. I think we could probably with something out though, a deal that involves trading chores for meals.
10. Could you be best friends with this character?
Probably, but I'd probably be at least half as naggy as Tea is with him. The "omg Joey use a napkin boi" kind of nagging, but I think he'd fit right in and we could tease and be goofy.
11. Would you date this character?
I'm married, so the safe answer is no lol
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Boy had to get good at taking care of himself, so he shops deals and coupons and plans his meals around those, even when he's more financially secure. It's an ingrained habit.
13. What's an emoji, an emoticon and/or any symbol that reminds you of this character or you think the character would use a lot?
14. Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character.
90s punk/grunge he could so rock that
15. What's your favorite ship for this character? (Doesn't matter if it's canon or not.)
Aw, I can only pick one? If I had to go based off of the Joey ships I've written, it would be Puppyshipping, but I think Puffshipping is crazy precious. And I can't shut up about Polarshipping anytime he and Mai are in a scene together, their chemistry is too good. So those are my top three. There's so many good Joey ships though!!!
16. What's your least favorite ship for this character?
I don't know that I have one? Not as far as popular ships go. I'm not big into Riskshipping, I can only see it as being unhealthy even with Mokuba aged up. (Irateshipping and Fadeshipping aren't necessarily healthy either, but they're very fascinating.)
17. What's a ship for this character you don't hate but it's not your favorite that you're fine with?
So, on the DM shipping list is Babbleshipping, which is Joey x Kisara, which I just can't imagine working (and I've never seen any fanworks for it either), but I also find the idea of Joey swooping in as Mr. Steal Your Dragon Girlfriend from Kaiba kinda hilarious.
18. How about a relationship they have in canon with another character that you admire?
Joey's got a lot of great pals, but I think Tristan is just such a solid bro to him throughout the whole show (except for hitting on Serenity which is still so weird to me cause she's 12). But the advice he was giving him in Season Four regarding Mai was honestly solid advice: "give up on her, man, you're just going to get hurt if you keep going like this." It's just too sweet. Joey doesn't listen to him ofc because this boy never gives up.
19. How about a relationship they have in canon that you don't like?
Obviously I wish he had a better relationship with his dad, but it's Yugioh: good dads aren't allowed.
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
I think Duke is actually a godd logical, grounding, down to earth presence for Joey to be around. Duke is not afraid to call him on his crap, and I can just see then getting along pretty well, esp once Joey's matured just a little bit more.
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to ths character? Something you don't like?
I appreciate when people write him with the accent, even if it's only slightly. It's just a fun detail imo. I appreciate the details people create to fill in his exact background as a fighter and how he lives and stuff. The attention to detail with the roots of who he is as a person.
23. Favorite picture of this character?
The first thing that popped into my mind is a fanart of his previous small smile, but I assume this is asking for canon images, so... Just look how happy and cool he is!!!!! And his Lord of Red appearance is just too heckin cool for me to not include.
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24. What other character from another fandom of yours that reminds you of them?
I think Ashe Duran from FE3H would be able to relate to him with their roots in poverty and both changing (Joey from a bully and Ashe from a thief) into becoming the best, most noble versions of themselves that they can be. They have the sweetest smiles and would do anything to protect their little siblings.
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Rock from Nanbaka is a little similar I guess, but Rock comes from money and has a much more refined palette when it comes to food. Rock was still a gang member though, just like Joey, and they both think with their stomachs and are still brawlers. Also literally delinquents.
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If I had to compare him to someone in UtaPri, I'd say he's got the same mischief vibes as Reiji, but the better match is the happy sunshine child Otoya Ittoki who's been through a lot and had a rough childhood but won't let it get him down. The future is full of opportunity for these boys.
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25. What was your first impression of this character? How about now?
Oh geez, let me think back to twelve year old me... I really can't recall. I remember one of my first impressions in fandom was rejecting puppyshipping, partly just because it was popular, and then the more I learned about the characters separately, the more it compelled me, but that's another story.
My impression of him now? I love this man, he is a beacon of love and loyalty and getting better, which is a good example that all of us need sometimes honestly.
Seriously though, imagine how validated that made Joey feel? Surrounded by shadow magic and "chosen ones" and all this talk of reincarnation and destiny, and he thinks he's just along for the ride until wham! No bitch, you're special too! That's gotta warm his heart and make him smile, even after bad days working shitty jobs, or getting second place at a tournament. He's a legendary knight, his soul is tied to the Spirit World just as strongly as Yugi and Kaiba. He'll never lose his confidence ever again as long as he remembers that.
Also, I love the idea of him having all daughters. He's going to spoil them and be so crazy protective of them. He will never let them think they're anything less than gorgeous. He will sit down to tea parties with the frilly princessy one and give fighting tips to the butch one and adore all of them and very publicly threaten their partners with bodily harm if you ever dare hurt his girls. Dad Joey makes me happy. ❤️
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paperultra · 1 year
Pairing: OPLA!Vinsmoke Sanji x Reader Word Count: 866 words Warnings: Kissing, slightly suggestive
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“You’re blushing.”
“I am?” Sanji gazes up at you, dreamy and distracted. “I didn’t realize.”
You hum. You’re only vaguely aware of the hammock’s sway, of the blanket slipping down your shoulders as you prop yourself up and place your hands on his cheeks. Warmth soaks into your palms like sunlight, and you tilt your head, thumbs drawing over the flush on his cheekbones and tapping gently.
“Don’t say this is because of me,” you tease.
His hands reach up to cover yours. “Then I’d be lying,” he replies, turning his head to kiss your fingertips, “and I would never lie about how you make me feel.”
“Not even if you hated me?”
“The day I hate you is the day I should be tied to an anchor and fed to the sharks.”
“That’s awful.”
“I know.” His eyes search your face, and they narrow as he murmurs, “Who could ever hate someone as gorgeous as you?”
(Whoever coined the phrase “flattery will get you nowhere” has never met Sanji, you’re sure of it.)
Leaning down, you press your lips to his nose, to his forehead, to each cheek. A contented sigh brushes past your ears as you do so.
Eventually, you make your way to the source of his sweet words. You pause, and Sanji opens his eyes as you hover above his lips, just shy of meeting them with your own.
“Something wrong, sweetheart?”
“No,” you say. “Just wanted to see your pretty eyes before I kiss you senseless.”
He stills. Then he laughs, the sound blooming from deep within his chest and staining your world with gold. “Well – aren’t you a charmer,” Sanji quips, stroking your waist and pecking your cheek. His words are softer than usual. “Careful with my heart, now.”
“Don’t worry,” you say, and you kiss him fully, drinking in the way his grip on you tightens and the way his breath stalls in his throat when you speak against his mouth. “It’s in good hands, I think.”
The kiss is just as warm as his cheeks. You feel drunk as you pull away, and Sanji lifts his head to chase your lips, whispering your name with the reverence of a believer.
“You guys mind doing that somewhere other than here?”
The two of you freeze in each other’s embrace.
You jolt out of it and push yourself up, accidentally knocking the breath out of Sanji in the process. He wheezes and curls up as you lock eyes with a very unimpressed swordsman.
“Z-Zoro! We”—you scramble to unrumple your shirt, which had ridden up underneath the blanket—“I’m sorry, we – we thought everyone was going to be in the lounge for a while.”
“You thought wrong.” Zoro strides past and drops his laundry on the couch. “This isn’t your personal bedroom, Sanji.”
“I’m aware of that,” Sanji replies, annoyance dripping from every syllable. “Now would you mind just stepping out for a few more minutes?”
“Sanji, it’s fine,” you whisper, patting his chest. “The mood is kinda killed now, anyway.”
He visibly droops. “I know.”
“I wasn’t asking for your opinion, mosshead.”
The room fills with a completely different kind of tension as Zoro crosses his arms at Sanji’s response.
You, still trying to cover up your embarrassment, move to block Sanji’s view, pushing his bangs away from his face and attempting to smooth out his frown lines. His cheeks are still flushed, though the color is quickly fading back to normal as his attention turns back to you.
“C’mon, Zoro wants to fold his laundry. Let’s go up to the lounge and see what the others are up to.”
“Is that what you really want to do?”
“Yeah.” (It is now, anyway.)
“… All right, then,” Sanji acquiesces.
With that, you push the blanket off and clamber out of the hammock, nearly tripping and falling flat on your face in your haste to do so. Sanji follows close behind, and once he’s on his feet, you turn to Zoro and give him another quick apology before you and Sanji leave the men’s room.
“Of all the times to be interrupted,” your companion mutters as the two of you head to the lounge. He takes your hand in his and interlaces your fingers. “I’m sorry about that.”
“It’s nobody’s fault. Ships don’t have a lot of privacy …” You think back to the moment Zoro spoke up and groan, burying your face in your free hand. “I’m just embarrassed he caught us like that. I didn’t even hear him come down.”
“Me neither.” Sanji lets out an irritated sigh and then looks over at you; his displeasure softens. “At the very least, I’ll take it to mean you were enjoying yourself.”
Your face heats up. “Of course,” you say quickly. “I like our alone time."
“I like it too.” He squeezes your hand and leans over to whisper into your ear. “Next time, I could be on top, so I can hide you away if anyone walks in unannounced.”
“Wh – Sanji! Don’t say it like that!”
The man grins as you smack his arm playfully, planting a kiss to your temple as penance.
“Just evening the score, sweetheart.”
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simplepotatofarmer · 2 months
overall, when it comes to 'bad' takes on the dsmp, i think most of the time i can just go 'well people have different interpretations' and move on.
except for when people are clearly forgetting the real life situations that impacted certain lore moments. then kill bill alarms start going off in my head, y'know.
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flurry-of-stars · 1 day
*taps microphone* New chapter for These Hollow Halls coming soon--
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vindicia · 2 years
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HBO’s THE LAST OF US episode 5 + music featured in the video games
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pomegranate-pen · 2 years
dating headcanons with rapunzel pls. With fem s/o.
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Rapunzel Dating fem!s/o headcanons!
A/n: here ya go! so sorry it took so long. life has been crazy this year, heh. also, I haven't mentioned Pascal here, since, well, how Pascal interacts with S/o depends on how S/o's personality is. he acts different with different kinds of s/o's.
If one had to summarize what having a relationship with rapunzel would be like, it could only be described as sweet and heartfelt.
Rapunzel is very open about her feelings, so she was most likely the first one to confess that she likes you. How you’ve met can also cause how long it’ll take her to tell you the truth. If you have met her before her escape from the tower, well, it would take much much longer for her to confess. because she fears that you could be lying and be out for her hair and not to mention, she isn't sure how mother Gothel would react to her having a girlfriend, and her gut feeling is telling her to not risk it either. if in a scenario, you do have the unfortunate timing to meet her, Rapunzel would just convince mother Gothel that you're just a friend of hers, and she'll tell you to lessen your frequent visits to her tower, since she fears that Gothel could somehow stop you from seeing her, But, have you met after her escape, well, then her confession is given without any outside fears, only anxiousness to know your answer.
Rapunzel is a high-spirited individual. Someone full of energy at any hour of the day and isn't afraid to try new things. So, if you have a unique talent or hobby or even skill that you have been perfecting for years, expect the princess to fully get into it as well as a sort of bonding time.
Likewise, Rapunzel wants to share every hobby she has with you. From painting, knitting, reading books, and even candle-making. She knows every hobby there is and is always buzzing with excitement when sharing it with you.
She sketches a lot in her notebook, and if you ever had the chance to peek into what's inside, you’ll see many sketches of you plastered in. some even fully colored and shaded and all while you were doing the most mundane of things like reading, leaning on a tree or even just simply laughing. If confronted about the sketches, she will freeze up and blush, stutter out some excuse about you having a drawable face and immediately zip away before you could ask more questions. Her sketchbook now has a lock on it.
If you were generally disliked by the kingdom, whether it was because you’ve done something villainous like Cassandra or Varian or were a simple thief like Eugene, Rapunzel would try her utmost to change the public’s perception of you. It mostly works, since they either believe her by meeting you in person or just fully trust the future queen. And besides, you aren't really the first redeemed villain they had, they’re practically used to this sort of treatment by now.
However, if you are generally liked, then, you’ll be an absolute power couple with Rapunzel. Two of the sweetest people in Corona, together?! It's like a match made in heaven! Expect many happy greetings and many couple discounts in every shop you go to.
Rapunzel does not like overprotective people, so if you're like that then you must reel it in a bit. she understands, she truly does. When you care about someone so much it’s hard not to worry about their safety, especially someone like Rapunzel who has been given the power of the sun drop, a power that even though it’s been fully gone today, people still sought after stealing from her. But, she argues, that you must understand where she’s coming from as well. She’s been overprotected for far too long, and all she wants is to have freedom in what she does. It’s already drainfull enough to have a protective father on her side, it would be even more difficult if you intervened as well.
 For everyone, you’re almost royalty. You live in the castle (Rapunzel begged you to) and you help Rapunzel with her royal duties as princess and future queen, so everyone tends to group you in with the majesties as well. Referring to you as ‘your highness’ and such.
Rapunzel loves kissing your forehead and playing with your hair. It's one of her go-to moves when you cuddle with her. She also loves shocking you with a kiss on the cheek and holding your hands when you casually walk in the streets. Her PDA is quite casual, she doesn’t mind holding your hand in public or flirting with you at all.
She is a listener at heart, so if you’re ever bothered by something, do expect her to hold your hand comfortingly and ask what's wrong. She’ll give you anything you need during the moment, and she’ll even try to fix the issue herself, which, becomes quite a problem if it's an issue where you don’t want it to be noticed or interacted with. If it's some sort of relationship problem, then you might want to hesitate before telling her. Because she will speak to the person whose causing you this trouble and if said person hurt you in some way she will try to fight them.
However, if you try to solve some of her family issues, she will immediately beg you not to. Whether it's mother Gothel or King Frederic, she would like to have you avoid them, since she’s worried about how much they’ll overreact if you try to defy them.
Her love language is obviously quality time. Other than sharing her hobbies with you, she also likes trying out different shops or traveling to different kingdoms with you.
Not much of a nickname person, but she does at times call you by a summarized version of your name. if you’re a nickname giver though, she loves every nickname you give her.
If Eugene Fitzherbert still counts as a love interest here, then my god, the amount of rivalry between you two is comical. Many jabs, remarks, jokes, and many many arguments would be sprung up between you. it could almost rival his and Cassandra’s. although, deep down, Eugene still considers you a friend (for someone who is your rival, he sure does save you a lot in near-death or injury situations) and with some time, he accepts the fact that he has no chance now. He’d see that you make her happy, that you help and support her when she needs it, and so, he accepts this situation. But he still does tease you at times- that’s just how he is.
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bhaalbaaby · 1 year
quick kinktober day 11:
sloppy, cum play, + collars/leashes with ascended!astarion
one of his first gifts to his beloved consort was a beautiful leather leash with his name written on the back side of the ruby charm that hangs from it. he doesn't require that they wear it all the time, but it is definitely encouraged.
he loves to tug on the leash when they're looking for their prey especially if others are watching. he also loves pulling on it when he fucks tav from behind.
astarion usually doesn't like when it gets super sloppy except when he's making a point or blood/cum play is involved. if he wants to show that he owns tav, they can go for hours, making sure he covers tav's body in it and depending on where he finishes, makes them clean it up with their tongue.
he also will stuff the leash in tav's mouth as a gag 🫣
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share-the-damn-bed · 2 years
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JANCY & LYRICS | labyrinth 
it only feels this raw right now lost in the labyrinth of my mind
requested by anonymous
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vbholidayfestival · 9 months
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Onward, to the Sinnoh light displays!
Spear Pillar is the focus of Sinnoh’s main light arrangements this year, backdropped with a glittering sky. Mesprit, Azelf, and Uxie are animated flying between the pillars, and the silhouettes of Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina loom in the background. Is that Mew’s tail peeking out from behind one of the pillars? Hmmm...
Following that is a display featuring Sinnoh's well-known Underground! A scarf-wearing Chimchar, a Piplup in a pom-pom beanie, and a Turtwig in a holiday sweater, all holding shovels or pickaxes, are led by a Riolu wearing a hard hat with a holly design. Candy canes and gingerbread cookies surrounded by sparkles can be seen embedded in the "walls" of the Underground, just waiting to be mined.
As you near a slopy part of the terrain, you come across a forest of Snover and Abomasnow. The Snover displays look like miniature Christmas trees, decked out in tinsel and ornaments, with topping stars fashioned out of bright golden lights. The Abomasnow are all donning striped red-and-white scarves!
Finally, you come across a large fallen log next to a holly bush, which is the setting of Sinnoh’s aviary display. Three Starly perch on the log, the middle one wearing a Santa hat. The animatronics’ heads swivel back and forth like they are chirping to each other to the tune of Winter Wonderland!
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art by mod Psyseon / @mirroredranger
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piipaw · 6 months
Okay this new ask game's a bit crazy but here we go:
Mistle toe 3 and 4
Ivy 1 and 3
Holly 3,5 and 4
Fir 3
I think I got it!
Do other people experience your OC as having a “peaceful” energy? Or are they inclined to restlessness - or even fractiousness?  Do others find them relaxing company?
Pre game and into act 2 Gum is very restless. He's been plucked from all he's ever known into what's simultaneously his biggest nightmare (threat of turning illithid) and what's also a new beginning. I think by time he reaches baldurs gate in act 3 he's a lot more calm, a lot more comfortable with himself. At that point he's more relaxing company but early on he's anxious, he doesn't know how to regulate his face and emotions, he can speak common but the cultural difference and high tensions don't help.
To what extent does your OC believe in the perfectibility of mankind?  Do they believe that they are playing a part, no matter how small, in ushering in a new utopian age of co-operation and peace?  Or do they consider that people are intrinsically flawed and that the best that can be hoped for is a series of trade-offs between conflicting values?
Gum is unable to function without feeling as if he's servicing some higher power. So at first it's Vlaakith and then Mystra. Interacting with Gale and learning about his connection with Mystra does give him a moment of weakness- another moment where he doubts his faith, and he really struggles with what it would mean to find another higher power to serve.
I don't think Gum sees it as like he himself is powerful, even after doing everything with the elder brain. As much as he works to try to improve relations between himself, his new found friends/family, and his community- I don't think he considers the bigger picture of like all life as a whole.
Has your OC ever been unfaithful in a relationship?  Could they ever be tempted by the physical charms of another?  Or have they ever been surprised by how little they are tempted by others, at least once they embraced their current lover?
So pre game when he was still faithful to Vlaakith I think Gum could be considered like promiscuous by human standards. But none of it was with strings. Just consensual moments with his crèche mates. Act 1 he does sleep with both Lae'zel and Astarion simultaneously- but neither of them indicate at the time of initiation that he's in a relationship with either of them. He cares for them differently, and feels as if he can't say no to them.
So once he does confirm what he feels for Gale is the real deal and learns it's mutual he's immediate to cut things off with the two of them. Lae'zel seemed bummed but got over it fast, and Astarion seemed really cool about just being friends.
But after that no, he's never once considered anyone else besides Gale. The only exception would be that post game Astarion kind of gets involved again but it's open and everyone mutually agrees to it.
I don't think Gum ever anticipated being in a long term monogamous relationship but that's not to say he doesn't enjoy it. He's just baffled at the human customs of marriage and stuff.
Anyways everyone at camp act 1 into 2 was so sick of watching Gum and Gale process everything and fumble around. Taking bets on them even.
Has another person ever offered to leave their spouse or lover for your OC?  What was it about them that this person found so hard to resist? How did they feel about it at the time? 
I guess you could suggest that's what Gale does to a player Tav, since like he easily could go back to Mystra if he really tried, but canonically for my file Gale returns the crown and just stays happily married to his Githyanki spouse.
For Gale I just think having a partner in the material plane is a refreshing thing for him. Like idk everyone's got their own interpretations for how he views and got involved w Mystra, but she's got a power imbalance over him and occupied a long part of his life, so I imagine he never really had time for anything serious on the material plane before or after her.
Has your OC ever taken on a burden or suffered harm to protect another from suffering its consequences?  Did the person in question realise that they had done so?  What was their motivation when doing this?
Oh yeah Gum does this a lot but my favorite example would be!!! Okay so we did not bring Lae'zel to the crèche bc Gum heads her going off about the zaithisk and having ran one at his old crèche, he did Not Want her going near this one. So his plan was simple: go in w the group acting as the others were his 'servants' and briefly seperate to disable the zaithisk when nobody is looking. Ezpz until the gang won't let him sneak off and he gets immediately put in the chair himself.
Like knowing how it works and that the machine isn't made to "purify" but essentially fry your brain so useless you either die or become complacent without enough mental capacity to turn illithid, he basically just accepts the fate that like. Well. It's just irony- I've had to kill others with this exact same device I guess it's only fair I get a turn too.
He was fully willing to die in that chair if it meant the others could run and it would keep Lae'zel away.
Does your OC believe that they were historically let down by those who should have protected them?  If so then what has been the impact of this upon them?  If not then have they always been kept safe by others?  Has anyone ever sacrificed themselves to protect them?
Yes! So it's not going to be the same in the traditional human sense of ppl who should have protected them. But I think like the 'failure' of his crèche superiors (be it the gustil, sarth or kith'rak) allowed for his rival to pass with no intervention was arguably Gum's biggest turning ooinr. It lead to his lack of faith n in Vlaakith, it led to him changing his class, ect.
Without that initial disappointment, Gum wouldn't have changed. But!! I would say that while he doesn't have anyone who has sacrificed themselves for him, nor does he really have anyone protecting him (I mean tadpole gang watches each others backs but) it's more the reverse where he's self sacrificing and wants to protect the others.
What does your OC believe to be the luckiest event in their life?  Is this an accurate assessment?  Or was there actually more than simply luck at play?
Luckiest event for Gum factually and like emotionally is the day he gets captured upon the nautaloid. Like at the time it's his worst nightmare come true, but like once he's off and at camp and protected from turning it's very clear to him that without this he'd never had left his crèche alive.
Would your OC ever fight for a lost cause on principle?  Or would they give up – or even change allegiance – in order to ensure the best outcome for themselves?
So I think this is very circumstantial to like what the example is.
Because becoming a cleric of Mystra could be seen as a change of allegiance.
The choice of Orpheus Vs Emperor could be seen as Changing sides for a better outcome VS. fighting a lost cause on principle.
I think gum has a healthy amount of knowing when to be stubborn and push, and knowing when to accept new information and strategically switch sides.
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dmumt · 7 months
train was suddenly terminated as we pulled into a station so we all had to get off and find another train towards london except all those trains are also cancelled and delayed so why don’t we all just kill ourselves
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batboysxprompts · 9 months
Remember to tag the blog and use the hashtags
And spread some positivity! If you see your prompt, leave a nice message and enjoy it ❤️
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ei-w · 1 year
frozen (1146 words) by ei_w Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Danny Phantom Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Characters: Dan Phantom, Maddie Fenton, Jack Fenton Additional Tags: Missing Scene, DannyMay 2021 (Danny Phantom), DannyMay (Danny Phantom), Day 18: Frozen, Post-Episode: s02e08-09 The Ultimate Enemy Summary:
(plays after 'what the past holds'/chapter1; chapter2 will have a slight hint for this, link in the author's note, sort of continuation for 'heist')
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starlytenight · 2 years
>be Arthur >or be MK's bros >not see MK for 10 years >finally meeting again >he shows up with a slay queen boyfriend
No offense to Jecra but come on, Galaxy's Greatest Warrior, Aeon Hero Galacta Knight is easily an upgrade xDD
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I am currently halfway thru writing two pieces for the AU and am trying to finish at least ONE this weekend as I recover from my just punishment for poor Mae’s sufferings in Angband aka from having all my wisdom teeth removed ;_;
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mwagneto · 1 month
(the magneto anon back here again) ummm could you tell me... how did we independently picked up shadowhunters again at the same time.... tho I am reading the books (and it also means I'm never coming off anon because this is shameful) but still,this is very odd coincidence
HELP we got the shadowhunters curse at the same time lmaooo <3 but oh my GODDD the books😭😭 good luck to you genuinely....... I've only read them once all the way back in 2017 but they still haunt me💀 I'm lowkey curious what I'd think of them now that I'm 1) not a child 2) fluent in english but. i dont think i wanna do that to myself. i fr hope you have fun tho revisiting shit like this is always such an experience
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