#legit what are people complaining about
megafreeman · 3 months
In retrospect, the student loans thing in Saints Row reboot is fucking hilarious when you think about it. Its actually never mentioned in game despite marketing making it believe its some core plot point, yet everyone who didn't bother touching it but is opinionated on it brings it up constantly as some genuine criticism, completely outing themselves to not have even bothered watching a simple playthrough before forming an opinion
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super-paper · 2 years
Not "AFO being the final boss undoes all of Tomura's development," or "the body snatching plot line was a last minute decision," but a secret third fourth fifth sixth and seventh thing....
3. ("Weekly manga is an inherently flawed storytelling medium when it comes to telling cohesive stories, and authors are often required to stretch their main plot points thin over hundreds of chapters/several years. When you sit down to analyze or critique MHA, I sincerely feel you need to take the restriction of its medium/genre as well as the restrictions on the artist into consideration. One must also consider that this is a story that has been written over the course of a decade-- A certain degree of "mutation" between the story's beginning and its ending is both acceptable & anticipated within this medium.")
4. ("That being said, Hori does consistently do a much better job of telling a coherent story with consistent themes than people give him credit for, and credit should be given where it's due-- while there are some poorly/hastily implemented narrative elements and plot points where it can be argued that Hori decided to change gears, they are not the story-breaking sins that people make them out to be. And ultimately, Tomura's possession does work as a natural progression of the story Hori is attempting to tell and as something that builds off and solidifies the themes established throughout MHA.")
5. ("Tomura's arc is that of a victim trapped in the cycle of abuse told through a lens of fantasy. He was always a victim of AFO and always someone who had his identity abused out of him, and the body-snatch plotline is just a variation of telling that story in a way that leaves no room for argument. Tomura's arc and Izuku's arc also foil and build off each other, and a lot of the misunderstandings I've seen re: MHA's trajectory come from fans who either disregard Izuku's arc in favor of fixating on Tomura's arc (or vice versa) instead of reading these arcs as two parts of a whole-- both arcs grapple with "identity" and how you define yourself vs how others try to define you, the romanticization of self-destructive traits and how it's necessary to have good social support and people who are willing to step in and stop you from hurting yourself, systemic and individual dehumanization, adults failing to protect them when they need it, valid anger and an intolerance for injustice being taken advantage of a twisted into something intensely self-destructive, etc. Ignoring Izuku's arc and how it both reflects and intertwines with Tomura's (& vice versa) means missing out on understanding the core of both characters and what their respective roles in this narrative is. TL;DR Tomura being a victim in need of saving and Izuku being the one in a position to save him is something that has been cooking since Tomura's debut at USJ *more on this later*")
6. ("Hori started off not wanting to give his villains any humanizing qualities because he wanted them to remain "scary" to his readers-- but it's fairly clear that he developed a sense of appreciation and sympathy for his villains as his story progressed and his ability as a writer developed. As a direct result of this, his story eventually grew beyond treating the LOV as hollow tools to "scare" the readers. Hori grew, and so did MHA. The trajectory of the story changing to reflect Hori's growth should not be treated as a bad thing bc, again, this change/growth does not actually violate the initial premise of MHA in an unforgiveable way-- it actually services the natural progression of the story and its characters.")
7. ("Saving Tomura and the LOV is the ultimate goal of the series, and that goal is built off of literally everything Hori has established up to this point. You will never find inner peace or enjoy the manga's good qualities if you keep agonizing over what could have been. Reacting to the manga as a whole on a week-to-week basis will only skew your understanding of the story as a whole. Et cetera Et cetera Et cetera.")
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heartsofminds · 10 months
being 21 is one of the most humbling ages ever like it’s always SOMETHING! literally always fucking SOMETHING!!! 🤩🤭
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the-fibre-stuff · 11 months
Have I ranted to you lot about the person who was looking for donations of "cotton" (fabric)?
I'm like sure, I have lots of cotton fabric. What kind are you looking for? I have jersey, I have quilting cotton, etc.
Turns out that she didn't actually know much about fabric (good for her for taking on sewing projects like this anyhow), and as far as I can tell meant quilting cotton specifically. To quote: "I'm honestly not sure what you mean about woven - cotton fabrics are woven, I thought..."
And like, I get it. It's hard to learn that sort of thing. I've read multiple guides on different fabric types and still can't recognise most of them. And the fact that I'm embarrassed that I can't recognise what counts as a shirting-weight fabric, or that a fabric is chambray should help me have compassion for someone who didn't have enough, frankly rather esoteric, knowledge of fabric types to know what they didn't know.
But cotton. Have you never read the tag on a t-shirt and seen what percentage cotton it is? Of all the fibre/weave/fabric type mix ups, cotton?
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lastoneout · 2 years
Not the people on the Coral Island steam review page complaining that the game is copying Stardew Valley and then listing off examples that Stardew Valley ABSOLUTELY copied from Harvest Moon.
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ganondoodle · 2 years
i have seen countless memes and complaints about tumblr live and despite using both web and app of tumblr i have never seen it, what is it, what does it do, why do you need to snooze it over and over like an alarm you cant turn off why is it haunting all of you but not me-
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dazachi · 6 months
some people think there isn't a plot in bsd when they've been clear about how they all want "the book" to solve their problems for several seasons now?? That book is literally the reason why every season's big bad is doing the things they do while team Yokohama tries their best to defend their city. For a while I actually thought people were memeing until i saw someone being genuinely mad about the "lack of plot in bsd" 😭 cant get it out of my head now here we are
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gay-jewish-bucky · 2 years
shitty therapists when you can't logic your way out of inherently illogical mental illnesses
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I'm gonna block the op before I post this cause I don't wanna start any drama but, that one person in the steddyhands/adjacent tags with their 'List of things I promised not to do in OFMD fic/What I look for/want when reading/writing OFMD fic' post. Don't. . . Do that. You can preface with 'you can write your fic how you want' all you like but if you add a caveat of 'be aware of "the trends"' it comes across as condescending, demanding, and judgemental. Leave alone that you are not the arbiter of all things allowed in fandom/fic. Nobody needs your permission to 'do as they will' so to speak.
Anyway I'm gonna go through and pick out their 'issues' that annoyed me the most and talk about why. Read-more cause I know I tend to forget to do that when I'm writing essays/meta/etc and, seeing as they did too and it was a beast of a post I don't want to be that annoying on yall's dash.
'Is it funny'
Not everything needs to fit to your standards and not everyone wants to write a comedy.
'The Act of Grace needs consequences'
The AoG did not necessitate becoming pirate hunters. I think this may come from some confusion around Benjamin Hornigold? (If its not that then I genuinely have no idea where this idea came from tbh?) All it necessitated was becoming a privateer, essentially a legal pirate, one who only attacks enemies of the Crown. Which, yes, can include pirates, but moreso meant, like, the Spanish (navy/merchants/etc, remember: they're at war).
Hornigold is a bit of a weird one in that he was already kind of doing that when he was a regular pirate? He, historically, avoided attacking English ships, and eventually turned pirate hunter later on.
Its completely reasonable to assume that, in a time when the Crown was coming down hard on piracy, there would be some who would sign the Act when caught and then renege as soon as. You could obviously only use this tactic once but its a good 'get out of jail "free"' card if you're in a bind. That doesn't reflect on Blackbeard (or Stede/Izzy), especially not when he's pretty immediately back on the seas and obviously not working for the Crown.
That isn't to say there won't be consequences in the form of the Crown being pissed at losing Blackbeard though, I've got my fingers crossed for a third Badminton after all, but in my opinion its doubtful there'll be any consequences from the greater pirating community.
'No co-dependency (. . .) written about positively'
Fan fic is not your therapist. We already understand that these characters are flawed and that their relationships are unhealthy, even at the best of times. People shouldn't need to write their characters like they're trying to get an A in therapy, nor should they have to add disclaimers in the text (or author's notes) that 'this is unhealthy and bad'. If you can't separate the idea of these fictional characters and their relationships from reality enough to understand that, because the author doesn't hold your hand to tell you 'this is not a good thing' then you shouldn't be engaging with the fic nor the source material, to be entirely honest.
'[Izzy] doesn't need to blush and "make out like teenagers" for every story'
The back button is free. Not everyone wants an emotional deep dive into the psyche of these characters, some people just want to watch these sad old men make out and be horny.
'The [Revenge] crew should be careful about being visibly queer when they're at port'
Not everyone wants to deal with the idea of systemic/societal homophobia in their fic. Fan fiction can be a way to explore these ideas in a safe and cathartic way but it doesn't have to be and some people are more comfortable by excluding the concept altogether. I live in the damn bible-belt, I worry about it enough in my real life, I shouldn't have to read it in fic if I don't want to and I shouldn't be made to write it for the sake of 'realism' either. Let people have their escapism if they so choose.
'Use protection and lube-'
Fan fic is not sex-ed. Nobody has to worry about sti/std/pregnancy if they don't want to. Plus, its not exactly super realistic for them to have either just immediately on hand? Obviously you don't have to deal with realism if you don't want to and if you prefer for your own sake they have access to them then by all means but, while they existed, condoms weren't exactly a common item in the 1700s. Mostly available to the middle and upper classes and very likely extremely difficult to find at sea. They're pirates. They're not exactly known for being 'safe' in any sense of the word. Look up why the real Blackbeard blockaded Charleston sometime. Syphilis isn't fun. But this is fic and Syphilis doesn't have to be an issue if you don't want it to be!
And while I'm fond of the 'convenient vial of oil' its not as if the lube-less/spit-as-lube buggery is going to actually hurt anyone. Like I said: fan fic is not sex-ed.
'-Make sure nobody can hear them'
Lucius was fully sucking Pete's dick in the galley with Wee John sleeping right there. Maybe the only members of the crew with an ounce of shame are Jim, Olu, and Izzy; at the same time though? Nobody is gonna care. Lucius may tease (Izzy at least, Jim might actually kill him) but that's literally the worst that could happen. Ships being not soundproof is kind of the reason why they can't ‘make sure nobody can hear them’ and why they might not bother beyond 'not being directly in front of them' and even then, as with Lucius and Pete (and Fang), they don't really care one way or the other.
'F/F [is] often (. . .) kissing and fucking'
Yeah. This is the Horny Pirate show. People are gonna be horny about the pirates, whether they're old men or old women. People are allowed to be just horny about it. If you want more plot driven F/F then that's a you problem and you can be the change you want to see in the world. And don't come to me with any 'oh its fetishistic' BS either, it doesn't fucking matter so long as they're not reducing real human beings to their sex lives, people can do whatever the fuck they want with fictional characters.
'Izzy needs to learn to be his own person if he wants to heal'
I agree with this point. I still find it annoying because nobody has to go over all of that. Nobody has to even let Izzy heal. Some people just like angst! Not everything has to be hurt/comfort or a happy ending!
'If Izzy falls for Stede or realizes his feelings for Ed, wait on the confession'
Some people just want to get to 'the good part'. Not everybody is looking to write a character study and sometimes you just want to get to the romance.
'They're big adult men, casually lifting/carrying each other is unrealistic'
Doesn't have to be realistic, but, they're also sailors. They're used to manual work/physical labor. Sure they're all older but your muscles don't just immediately atrophy just because you're old, not if you're using them. But again, it doesn't have to be realistic! Its fan fic! Of a fairly unrealistic show at that! Selective (or no) realism is perfectly fine!
'Calico Jack's addictions'
Alcoholism is a really heavy subject and nobody should have to touch on it if they don't want to. People should be able to write about Jack without worrying about navigating such a heavy topic if they so choose.
'tag your dubious consent (. . .) correctly'
This is the one point I will fully agree with and endorse. The fandom as a whole needs to get better at identifying (and differentiating, they're mutually exclusive terms and have different meanings) non-con/dub-con in general. Only caveat here is you specified 'regarding Calico Jack/Izzy Hands' when its not a ship specific issue but a fandom wide one.
There's probably points I disagreed with that I skipped over and hell, there's points that I do agree with that I skipped over, but ultimately my issue is this: Unless there is actual harm being done, this type of post is unnecessary. There is not and should not be one 'correct' way to write fic. I understand that you gave a caveat of 'you don't have to do it this way' but if you're going to outline all the things you think people are doing 'wrong' then go on to say 'but that's just my opinion' it doesn't change the fact that its a shitty thing to do unasked regardless. 'Most of these don't immediately make a story bad' is incredibly rude to say.
There is nothing inherently wrong with 'fandom wide habits' if they're not actually causing harm. People infantilizing Ed (and the rest of the BIPOC cast/characters, if we're being entirely honest) is a fandom wide habit that can actually cause harm. People moralizing over Izzy is a fandom wide habit that causes harm. People not properly tagging their fic can cause harm. People writing fan fic that isn't to your exact tastes, regardless of how much of it there is, is not causing harm.
Nobody needs or wants someone playacting at being CinemaSins calling them out for using 'overused' tropes. If you're doing it for yourself that's fine but keep it to yourself and don't try and hold the entire rest of the fandom to your standards. Its fucking rude.
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Seeing someone comment on a picture of an U.S. military member about how they should kill themselves and how disgusting they are... then you go to their page and they've got another post about how pissed they are that the U.S. isn't sending troops to the Ukraine.......... I fuckin hate this generation.
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savrenim · 1 year
the worst bit about being Super Excited about a new original project is, like. the knowledge that. at best. people aren't going to see it for a year and a half to two years. and that it's really hard to go "hey trust me I'm going to have something so cool in like two years so please stick around now"
#my life#writing#and honestly that would be if I had time to legit work on it every day or at least on a solid weekly basis#which I. am not really sure that I will.#given that (a) I have a bunch of open projects including open original projects that I also need to be working on#but more importantly (b) right now my financial situation is such that if given the choice between working overtime and writing#I *NEED* to choose overtime#and will continue to need to choose overtime for the forseeable future#quite possibly years of the forseeable future#really REALLY wish I was making enough money off of writing right now for it to be a regular thing in my life#the hilarious catch 22 of it all is that I don't really have a chance of making maybe some actual money off of writing#until I'm actually publishing original works#and I don't have time to work on original works bc everyone who is currently following me for writing cares about my fanfiction#hence what little time I have is going to that#leaving me unable to finish my original works and maybe turn this into enough of a career that I can do it as much as I want to#(although also who am I kidding my game plan is still publish all my original works for free / 'choose your own price')#(just kind of. mildly hoping. that enough people might like the thing to choose an average ebook price)#(and the money all works out)#just like. hnnng. I know I shouldn't complain bc I do have a solid job that pays well#I just have a household with a bunch of people relying on me for income and a bunch of moving expenses to pay off#and Actual Human Babies on the horizon#and a bunch of responsibilities to people who aren't me and I don't Regret it but every once in a while I stare#at the things I could be doing and wish that I didn't have to choose Responsibilities over Writing#(this is brought to you by The Heart And The Heartless being so fucking cool)
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icharchivist · 2 years
curse of having a popular post turning around tumblr is to suddenly recognize a Big Name Tumblr with a very Infamous history in your activity and having to stare into oblivion for a huge moment.
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rystiel · 2 years
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someone legit said this to me because i called myself a dude in a comment (he was convinced that i’m a girl) ??? giggled tbh
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transinniter · 3 months
day be so fine and then ur friend sends you a passive aggressive reel out of the blue like. uh sorry?? i think?
#WHAT AM I SUPPOSED TO RESPOND#IM SORRY I APPARENTLY DO THIS TJING?? WHY ARE YOU TELLING ME VIA REELS#its that reel abt how annoying it is calling out someones behaviour and they respond asking for an example#and ir was directed at me so saying i do that??#which im not doubting im not like trying to argue back im just confused#tbf i am confused most of the time as i remember about 5% of our interactions#whicb might explain why i apparently do this??? im sorry?? i tjink????#Girl help#its mt friend since elementary who im pretty sure has been secretly angry with me for years#and im assuming i did sometjing in elementary ? or recently? and i think im#supposed to know what it is but i havent got a clue#idk its like they always havr this sort of bitterness and slight Upset with me vibe and im like Im sorry what did i do i do not understand#its also like. idk it doesnt feel fair to complain abt this bc they know better than i do. but it feels like they put me as the like#you dont have a word for that in english. le boulet. the resident klutz#like Anytime there is something srs going on its like they explain stuff to me like its like#expected ill fuck it up or i wont understand the Subtleties of it or im just gonna come off as insensitive or too loud or over the top again#which is fair. i guess. i know mt friends easilt get overstimulated by my ass lmao#idk . im just tired of everyone understanding something i don’t i guess . especially if im apparently hurting them????#im sorry legit please just tell me what to do#except thats not even true they Do tell me whag to do except half the time its like. Why are you my friend#like ‘please stop constantly making x sound or having x speech mannerism’ im . sorry? ill try? but irs like. instinctive??#idk ive never understood if we’re supposed to Tell people we find x noise they make annoying bc i never have but i guess ur supposed to#bc they do that#idk#How do you stop being annoying as fuck even you can’t stand yourself no glue no borax!!!😍😍
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rose-tinted-nostalgia · 5 months
#I know life is hard and we shouldn't take it personally and we should never expect people to coddle us and blah blah#but really I would like to just survive one day without someone being mean to me#I don't even need a day of people being nice#truly I would just take one completely mundane day where I didn't get cursed out or yelled at or spoken down to#and yes I'm well aware this is partially my fault because one person in particular I surround myself with is trash#but it's not just him#my sister cursed me out and accused me of insulting her because I said I didn't agree with her on something#I didn't even say she was wrong I legit told her her feelings were valid and that it was just hard for me to see it from the same#perspective#and when she got upset i took it all back and said I was wrong and apologized and still she berated me over messenger until I cried because#I didn't know what else to say#and even though I'm sick#I got up and cooked dinner for my family and I cleaned up the whole mess and put it all away but I didn't do the dishes because I was#struggling and had to lay back down#and my mom came out and did not say thanks for dinner or thanks for cleaning up or anything of the sort#she came out rolled her eyes scoffed gestured to the dishes in the sink and said you have a mess here#and then proceeded to complain about how I didn't do the dishes#and that's stupid to let that bother me but I swear it's an every day thing and like I was so proud of myself for getting up and cooking an#cleaning up my mess because I was struggling to get out of bed at all#and still all she can bring up is the negative and no matter what i do it's always like that never a positive note#and for the record my mom lives with me for free taking over my son's bedroom it's not like i left dishes in her house it's my dishes in my#house#and ofc my son's father found a way to yell at me but i don't even count that anymore#and i'm just emotionally drained#and it feels like lately it's just an every day thing and i'm so fucking tired#I can't remember the last time someone said anything kind to me at all and that's not an exaggeration#no one ever says i love you or i'm proud of you or thanks for doing that or this helps alot or you got this or you're good at this#and I just wish someone could see something good in me for once
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skelhell · 8 months
god if I see one more person whining about a show getting cancelled lmao it happens. This is inevitable. Yes it sucks, I'm sure it does, but oh my fucking god. There are more important things happening. Y'all are acting like this is the worst fucking thing to ever happen to you ever. Respectfully, grow the fuck up and look around. 😩
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