#but really I would like to just survive one day without someone being mean to me
rose-tinted-nostalgia · 5 months
#I know life is hard and we shouldn't take it personally and we should never expect people to coddle us and blah blah#but really I would like to just survive one day without someone being mean to me#I don't even need a day of people being nice#truly I would just take one completely mundane day where I didn't get cursed out or yelled at or spoken down to#and yes I'm well aware this is partially my fault because one person in particular I surround myself with is trash#but it's not just him#my sister cursed me out and accused me of insulting her because I said I didn't agree with her on something#I didn't even say she was wrong I legit told her her feelings were valid and that it was just hard for me to see it from the same#perspective#and when she got upset i took it all back and said I was wrong and apologized and still she berated me over messenger until I cried because#I didn't know what else to say#and even though I'm sick#I got up and cooked dinner for my family and I cleaned up the whole mess and put it all away but I didn't do the dishes because I was#struggling and had to lay back down#and my mom came out and did not say thanks for dinner or thanks for cleaning up or anything of the sort#she came out rolled her eyes scoffed gestured to the dishes in the sink and said you have a mess here#and then proceeded to complain about how I didn't do the dishes#and that's stupid to let that bother me but I swear it's an every day thing and like I was so proud of myself for getting up and cooking an#cleaning up my mess because I was struggling to get out of bed at all#and still all she can bring up is the negative and no matter what i do it's always like that never a positive note#and for the record my mom lives with me for free taking over my son's bedroom it's not like i left dishes in her house it's my dishes in my#house#and ofc my son's father found a way to yell at me but i don't even count that anymore#and i'm just emotionally drained#and it feels like lately it's just an every day thing and i'm so fucking tired#I can't remember the last time someone said anything kind to me at all and that's not an exaggeration#no one ever says i love you or i'm proud of you or thanks for doing that or this helps alot or you got this or you're good at this#and I just wish someone could see something good in me for once
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liloinkoink · 1 month
one thing i think people get wrong about Martyn in the life series is he really isn’t loyal
like yeah, we all know him as the Hand, following the Red King as far as their shared grave, but that is… truly the outlier and not the norm with him
i mean, let’s take a brief look at other seasons. i can’t speak to Secret Life, as it came out when i was incredibly busy and i haven’t yet had time to watch it, but what about the others?
he won Limited Life because he’s a chronic traitor! he betrayed Scott, his ally for the whole season, so that he could win, and said he’d been planning it / wanting to do it the whole session. spent a whole season protecting and helping Scott, and laughed in his face to betray as soon as he saw a shot to do so
Double Life was a whole mess of Martyn and weird loyalties. just one example: he spent all of the first session hanging out with Pearl in favor of even looking for either of their soulmates, with no regard for how he’d been putting his soulmate in danger. when their soulmates dumped them due to being ignored all session and stormed off, he dumped Pearl just because. one session in and he’s betrayed both his soulmate and his day one alliance!
Last Life he teamed with the Southlanders and then made the Shadow Alliance in secret, so he was on two teams and never truly committed to either. he tried to kill Grian basically immediately when he got boogeyman, for example, and in the final fight he tried to lure Ren to himself by offering to team and then tried to blow Ren up
of course, i’m simplifying and ignoring a lot. he doesn’t earn the loyal reputation for nothing. he does a lot of things to help his teammates, like giving a life to Ren in Last Life, trying all season to win Cleo over for all of Double Life, or working to protect Scott for all of Limited Life. it’s not like Martyn doesn’t play the part of a loyal friend well, but, well.
the thing about Martyn is that he’s selfish. he’s basically always going to prioritize his own survival over anything else. he’s never going to roll over and die, especially not for another person. he’s good at looking loyal, because having allies will help you survive, and he knows making outright enemies is a bad idea. he knows he can’t make it obvious he’s a traitor, because then he’ll certainly be killed. but, when it comes down to the wire, he will generally bail at the last minute to save his own skin rather than protecting the people around him. when his loyalty is tested, nine times out of ten, he will not only fail, but do so completely without remorse
it doesnt take a lot to become Martyn’s ally, and once you’ve got a foot in the door, he will take his allegiances seriously (at least, to a point). but it takes effort to really earn Martyn’s trust. and, even when it looks like you have, there’s no guarantee he won’t yank the rug out from under you if he decides having you alive is more detrimental to his survival than seeing you dead
and yes, you can especially see all of this in Third Life. Martyn was absolutely not instantly ride or die for Ren—for a lot of the earlier episodes, he won’t say he’s on Ren’s team or that he lives at Ren’s base, and often tells other players he’s simply Ren’s employee rather than teammate and that he’s wandering or homeless. he trusts Ren so little due to Ren’s inability to keep a secret or stand up for himself that even Ren acknowledges in the third session that Martyn is probably going to leave him and find someone else. Martyn’s loyalty had to be earned, and it very nearly wasn’t. if Ren had taken a session more to grow a spine, Martyn probably would have left
but Ren became an ally that Martyn could rely on, who could stand up for himself and keep secrets. it became more beneficial to Martyn’s survival to have Ren around, so he stayed with Ren for the rest of the season, and committed hard to their kingdom. Ren earns Martyn’s trust by becoming a more dependable ally, and because of that, Ren earns Martyn’s loyalty…. probably
(half related, bc i want it in the post and i don’t know where to put it: after the execution, two sessions after Ren officially earns Martyn’s loyalty, Ren admits to being genuinely convinced Martyn was going to take him out of the series as soon as Ren gave him the chance!)
because yes, even here, even after Ren earns his trust and Ren trusts Martyn to execute him and they become King and Hand, Martyn was okay with killing Ren to save himself. Martyn has said he was going to betray Ren in the final session of Third Life. his entire plan was that when he and Ren hit the final 5, he was going to kill Ren. end Red Winter, usher in Red Spring. even the most loyal version of Martyn was a traitor!
now, you can decide for yourself if you believe he could have actually gone through with this—he and Ren were 6th and 7th out of the game, after all. maybe he wouldn’t have been able to steel himself. maybe his loyalty would have, for once, been too strong to kill Ren.
but it’s very possible that even the most loyal version of Martyn—the version of Martyn who has created this “loyal” image of Martyn in fanon—was only loyal because he died too soon to show his true colors
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fallingdownhell · 8 months
Genshin men w/ vampire!reader? Like, reader fought in the Archon war as a cold-hearted general, but as time passes on they mellowed out and is now a (bat full of sass n rizz) humble traveler. Perhaps even looking for someone to call a mate~
Yes! I love me some vampires! Characters Included: Diluc; Neuvillette; Heizou Content: gender neutral reader; vampire reader; mentions of blood; general headcanons; some own made up headcanons about vampires that I like Word count: 2k words Enjoy<3
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okay, I don't know if I'm the only one on this, but I think Diluc fits so well for the whole vampire astethic
he's got his own mansion, multiple staff, he's got fame and wealth, and he's good looking on top!
he just fills all the checkmarks you could wish for, so there's no reason not to pursue him
from the moment you first ran into Diluc, you were mesmerized by this human, the smell of his delicious blood tempting you
you were originally planning to travel through Mondstadt, maybe stay for a week or so. That quickly changed and within the week, you found a place to stay for a while longer
You started going to Angel's Share on a regular basis. Not to drink, but to flirt up that good looking redhead bartender
Diluc was not at all used to someone flirting so shamelessly with him, he felt embarrassed, but also enticed by your advances. He's never met such an eccentric traveller like you
one particular night, you were shamelessly flirting with him again, he finally decided to do something about it, asking you on a date
happily, you accepted and since then, the relationship with him has been moving forward
being with Diluc was everything you imagined it to be, and so much more. He's a romantic lover, one that constantly looks out for your wants and needs. He always prioritizes your comfort first, always so gentle and, especially at the start of you two dating, very coy
as the relationship progresses, Diluc also grows into it, getting more and more comfortable around you and expressing his feelings to you truthfully
One day, when he told you about his past and the things that had happened to him, you decided that it was time for you to be truthful to him, as well, so you told him about the secret you had kept up until that point
he was shocked at first, he certainly didn't believe you. Surely, he would have noticed if his lover was a bloodthirsty monster that could only survive off of human blood
but when he saw how serious you were about it, not the faintest hint of a smirk or anything else indicating that this was a joke, he grew a bit wary of you
definitely needs time to process the information and will have another talk with you were he asks you questions about your existance. Like, how old you really are, what you experienced throughout your years, how you survived off of blood without him ever noticing, etc.
you're being completely honest with him, answering all of his questions and in the end, he nods and accepts you with open arms again. He loves you too much to care about a not so minor detail like that
but his curiosity is peaked and after some time, he would approach you with the offer for you to drink from his blood, because he wants to know what it feels like
for a second, you're taken aback, staring at him, and Diluc gets nervous, wondering if he crossed some sort of line with his question
you then have to explain to him that you would love to drink from him, but for a vampire, drinking the blood of someone you love means to claim them as yours. You would basically mark him as your mate with your bite.
first, he's shocked by this new information, but the more he thinks about it, the more he likes it. So he tells you to go ahead, even tilting his head a bit so you have better access to his neck
if it's possible to fall even more in love with him, then you just did, seeing how he presents himself to you like that is truly adorable to you
it's a passionate night you two spend, and the next morning, Diluc wakes up, covered in your bite marks all over his body. Some just for the sake of marking him, and some where you had fed from him
looking at himself in the mirror, he traces the bite mark on his neck tenderly, smiling as he's reminded of your gentle touch
and when he thinks about the claim you now have over him, being marked as your "mate", as you called it, he couldn't be any happier. Diluc is looking forward for the rest of his life at your side..
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being an immortal being himself, I like to think that he has a vast knowledge about other immortal or long living beings and can easily tell them apart from humans
so when he first notices you in a crowd, he knows that you're not just your average human, but he didn't close enough to actually confirm his suspicion before you were gone again
he doesn't mind different species visiting or passing through Fontaine, but he has to make sure that they aren't a threat for his citizens
he's actually quite a bit surprised when one day, you approach him and begin to compliment him on his appearance
he answers in kindas he tries to figure you out, which you soon notice. The chief justice isn't exactly as sly as he may like to think of himself
reaching for the opportunity, you tell him that you'll gladly answer all his questions about yourself if he's willing to go out to dinner with you. To your surprise, he agrees
Dinner goes well and you're surprised to find out that you're actually older than Neuvillette is, but neither of you bothers that fact very much
he figures you out as a vampire rather quickly as well and from that point on, you share a pleasant time with him, conversing with Neuvillette feels so easy and natural to you
the two of you continue to meet up from then on, but the relationship itself starts out years later. Even though you keep flirting with him and dropping hints that you're interested in him left and right, he either doesn't pick up on them or he just doesn't have the courage to act on it
only years later, once you've finally had enough of this game, did you confront the Chief Justice about your feelings for him
You've gotten the Iudex flustered quite a few times with your flirting or some pickup lines, but when you confessed your honest feelings to him, that was the first time you genuinely saw him blush
you decided then and there, that you'd do anything you can to see him like this again
from the beginning, there are no secrets whatsoever between you two. He knows about you, and you know about him. He supports you with whatever he can, like finding discreet sources to cover your need for blood, for example
since he's got quite a bit of knowledge about vampires, he's also familiar that vampires, not all, but most of them, like to take long term partners as their mates, since this species tends to be very territorial towards those people
he can't deny that he's thinking about it from time to time. You claiming him as yours, and him claiming you in return. Forever bound, spending your lifetime together for however long it may last
but yet again, for a long time, he doesn't bring it up to you, fearing that he might scare you off, that you don't want to be bound to him like that, knowing how much you enjoy your freedom and to travel around Teyvat
and over all this worrying of his, he completely ignores the fact that you basically live now in Fontaine, your travels having come to a stop a long time ago to be with him, since you know that he can't and won't just leave his nation behind. And you're perfectly content with your decision
but, if you really want anything like that to happen, you'll have to be the one to bring it up to him again
and as soon as you do, he's all smiles, all his worries fading away, he's the happiest he's been in a long while. Knowing that you want to spend the rest of eternity with him, bound to him like he'll be to you.. it's more than he could have ever hoped for in life
when you drink his blood for the first time, he can't help but to ask you what it tastes like and wether you enjoyed it
will insist that you keep drinking his blood from now on. He will get jealous if you drink any other blood, at all. It's actually quite cute to see him pout like that, but please reassure him that you still love him very much, you just can't always drain him of all his blood the entire time
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from his first interaction with you, he knows that something is up with you
he can't quite explain why or what it is that sets him off, but his intuition is telling him that something is wrong. And he's learned that his intuition is always right
so he does some digging, and soon finds stuff that just doesn't add up to him
before you can leave Inazuma to continue your travels across Teyvat, he confronts you about his findings, pestering you until you give up and confess your secret to him
he's surprised, since he didn't think it'd be something so out of the ordinary. And yet, his instincts tell him, that you're speaking the truth. So he decides to believe you
keeps following you around and asking questions whenever he can. His interest about you has peaked, and he wants to figure you out and learn everything there is to know
it's from that point on that attraction begins to settle in between the two of you and soon enough, Heizou invites you out on a date
you accept and the date goes surprisingly well. More dates follow and soon enough, the two of you are actually dating
each passing day spent with you, Heizou learns more and more about you and how you operate as a vampire
will one day ask you to drink his blood, which you refuse, claiming that you already got enough souces to get your blood from. He'll ask you why you refuse to drink his, but you avoid his question and continue to do so, no matter how much he keeps prying
eventually, he'll shut up about it, but still keeps the question in the back of his mind
will ask you stuff like, if you ever plan to turn him into a vampire as well. To that, he's also not granted an answer
at one point, Heizou will have enough and just straight up ask you why you refuse to drink his blood
with a bit of prying, you end up telling him about the process of mating for vampires, how it's done and what it entails. Hearing you explain, he can't help the blush that rises to his cheeks. He can't believe he asked something like of you so casually!
He's mortified, but you laugh it off, reassuring him that you didn't mind it at all
but after hearing your explanaition, he can't stop thinking about it. He actually likes the thought of belonging to you..
so, after a passionate night shared between two lovers, as you lay there cuddled up to him, he asks you again to drink his blood, but seriously this time
looking up at him, you see the determination in his eyes. This time, he knows what he's getting himself into, and he still asked you to do it. How could you possibly still deny him?
So you nod, leaning in and gently kissing the juncture of his neck for a bit, before you bite into the soft flesh. It hurts quite a bit as your teeth pierce his skin, and he can feel the blood rushing out of his body, and your tongue lapping it all up
euphoria runs through his veins at the feeling, he finally belongs to you, completely. His mind, body and soul, all yours
will insist that you only drink his blood from here on out
will definitely ask you, later down the road, to turn him inot a vampire as well. One lifetime with you just isn't enough for him. He loves you, deeply, and if there's a possibility for him to spend even more time together with you, he would be a fool to pass it up...
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elementroar · 5 months
Analysis of Paracelsus' initial bloodlust and its longlasting effects on A.B.A (Part 2)
Analysis behind the backstory and personal story arcs of A.B.A. and Paracelsus (part 1)
So this actually started out more of a 'funny' post, but I realized that it really is a very important insight into how A.B.A. and Paracelsus function and interact, especially for his earlier days in XX/Accent Core +R
And I wasn't joking about the vore. It's not in the erotic sense...but it certainly is in the 'literally eating parts of your partner ' sense...
Also apologies for the long word dumps, it got wordier and longer than I expected.
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Paracelsus (used to) REALLY love blood
It goes without saying, Paracelsus really loves blood. Well he used to anyway.
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By STRIVE, he says he felt he lost his sanity whenever he gets hyped on blood in the past. To the point, he has sworn off blood (and violence) as if it was an addiction. Basically, he has managed to go clean sometime between their last appearance and STRIVE.
To not go too far into his backstory again (which you can read here), Paracelsus is a magical axe that fed on blood and increased his own power with blood; and would use warriors as hosts to cause more bloodshed and thus gain more blood and power for himself. Paracelsus doesn't need to 'eat' blood to survive (he was left host-less for about 20 years, and now abstains in STRIVE and is just fine), making the addiction metaphor seem to be accurate.
Back in XX/ACCENT CORE, he needed to drink fresh blood to transform into his superpowered Moroha mode (this is mechanically replaced by Jealous Rage mode now). Similar to his current gameplay, he could get blood and transform by A.B.A. piercing someone with his bladed end; or if A.B.A. fed him one of three blood packs she'd have on her.
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He reacts pretty much like a dog getting a treat, anticipating it when she reaches into her pockets for a pack too. And he truly didn't care where the blood comes from, even if it's from A.B.A. herself.
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A.B.A. coughs up blood and all Paracelsus wants to do is have a taste. Note that he barely actually reacts to her or himself getting hit or fighting in the old games. It's kind of a stark contrast to his many reactions and concern for her wellbeing now.
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Make no mistake, despite being "kinder and gentler" than how he treated his previous hosts - by not completely mind controlling her into a frenzy and caring enough that he doesn't want her to die - Paracelsus was truly obsessed with drinking blood still, and all the fighting skills and power he imparted on A.B.A. was to make her strong enough to defeat opponents and gather blood for him too. Hence the 'manipulation' he felt guilty of in STRIVE.
And he gets even more bloodthirsty in Moroha mode aka what Paracelsus is without his 'sanity'.
You're the worse you when on blood
Prior to STRIVE and Paracelsus' current sludgy form, his powered-up form gave him a goat's head and his persona changes into that of his old berserker self.
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This increase in aggression and bloodlust also affected A.B.A. through their empathetic bond, making her also take joy in violence and also clearly hyperventilating and tweaking out in some animations, like she's high.
Not to mention that to fight in this mode, every time Paracelsus makes a successful attack, A.B.A. also gets damaged (hence 'Moroha' mode as it means 'double-edged'). In-universe, this could mean that Paracelsus is sapping both the blood of an opponent and A.B.A. at the same time, indiscriminately as he says.
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And he seems somewhat crueler in this form, as he has an even more violent and vicious state above Moroha mode called Goku Moroha mode. He enters it by consuming another blood pack, but he also seems to bite down on A.B.A.'s hand without a care and holds onto it while he transforms.
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The impact of all this on A.B.A
Picking up Paracelsus was truly a double-edged sword/axe for A.B.A. On one hand, he was older and savvier about the outside world (even though he spent like 20 years just rusting away on the ground somewhere) and having him as her emotional support key and literal weapon led her to actually daring to explore the outside world, and he provided and (attempted to) advised her on things she didn't know about.
On the other hand, Paracelsus' satiating his bloodthirst was still his main objective, and it was also hurting A.B.A. Although Paracelsus was making some effort to not outright get her killed, A.B.A's additional resilience as a homunculus probably also helped her survive take being Paracelsus' host as long as she did.
Paracelsus was the original toxic element in their relationship, and it's likely over the years he's come to realize and regrets the harm he was doing to A.B.A. constantly, and why he has completely sworn off blood and violence entirely by STRIVE.
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However, his bloodlust fueled and amplified the worse tendencies of A.B.A. from early on, and this seems to have stuck with her till the present in STRIVE. Her current extremely violent reaction when feeling jealousy or anxiety is likely how she's been conditioned to do so by Paracelsus, even when he himself is no longer the source of that bloodlust.
The difference now is that A.B.A.'s new powered-up state of Jealous Rage is mainly fueled by her wrath and fear instead of Paracelsus' bloodlust. Paracelsus becomes sludge now, affected by the toxicity of her unstable emotions going haywire and her will becoming decidedly dominant over his. The one who is toxic has become inverted.
What's more, it seems that the skills Paracelsus imparted on her before also carried over and stuck with her, allowing her to fight independently since Paracelsus isn't trying to encourage her to violence this time. She's become so dominant that she now can even force a new form/transformation onto Paracelsus when she does her Overdrive The Law is Key, Key is King while in Jealous Rage.
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In the game files, this red form is called the "Hyoui" form, meaning 'possession'. It being red is interesting because it seems to be a callback to Paracelsus' moniker of being the Sanguine Gale. The concept art also shows the pretty disturbing way he's being morphed into it by A.B.A. when she does the Overdrive.
When in her Jealous Rage mode, the bottom half Paracelsus' where his axe blade is, somehow becomes more axe-like than it ever has been in the games. In the earlier games, his blade half didn't change, only his head does into the goat-head. What's more disturbing is that eyes already started appearing on the axe half even while Paracelsus tries to maintain his original face as much as possible.
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When executing the Overdrive, A.B.A. swings with the axe half as the sludge pulls from Paracelsus' face to form this new toothed red axe head. Is it a new persona? Is Paracelsus still conscious in his face half or in the axe half at all? Does 'possession' have double meaning where A.B.A. is possessed by her own wrath, but also Paracelsus is now the one being possessed by A.B.A.'s will into forming the red axe form?
The interesting thing too is that A.B.A. executes the Overdrive with precise strikes, liked a skilled warrior. IMO, at this moment A.B.A. ironically became the exact kind of warrior that berserker Paracelsus would have wanted and caused him to even revert back into that primal early form of his that was barely sentient. They gained perfect synergy for the attack, but both are literally out of their minds.
What started this post
Just a funny thing but the reason why I even thought of, and then looked into all this, was because of A.B.A.'s biting of Paracelsus at the top of the post. I was wondering why Paracelsus doesn't say a word of protest when she does this to him, then remembered that he used to kinda drink her blood (and turns out he too has bitten her before), and I think he's prolly thinking "I deserve this".
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alicewritez · 7 months
A Promise - Jack Sparrow
word count: 1071
summary: Jack makes the promise to never let you go again
Jack Sparrow x Reader
authors note: I’ve only just started getting into writing again so it could be a little hit and miss but hope you enjoy it anyway 💕
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It's been months since you last seen Jack. You both were an inseparable force when together; two parts of a puzzle that just clicked together. Well.. that's what you thought until he got himself captured, taking the blame for your apparent disappearance. You weren't the woman they were looking for, you just happened to have similar features but they were losing hope and needed someone to blame - so Jack stepped up.
The more time that passed, the more you lost hope of ever seeing him again. Days turned into weeks. Weeks turned into months and no one had heard a single thing from him. You worried, of course you did, he was only human. But if there was one thing you knew about Jack, it was that he could always get himself out of trouble no matter what it was. But your lack of hope didn't last as a familiar figure stumbled towards you, almost in a drunken state but he also looked completely sober. But it couldn't be, could it?
You squinted your eyes, looking into the distance to try and see the figure more clearly; it looked all too familiar but you weren't about to get your hopes up. Your heartbeat raced with every step he took, getting closer to you. It was indeed Jack, though his face was scratched and bruised quite badly. He stood there with waiting arms wide open, ready to welcome you into them - this was new. "I finally did it.. I came for you." And without a second thought, you sprinted into his waiting arms, burying your face into his chest, relishing in the feeling of being held in his arms.
He wrapped his arms around you tight, his exhaustion washing away almost immediately and was soon replaced with relief. He squeezed you tight and sighed deeply - he couldn't believe this either. "I thought I'd never see you again.." he mumbled, burying his face into your hair; it smelled of salt water and sea air.. home. He sighed once more. "I never want to let you go.. I'm never letting you go."
You pull away to take a closer look at his face, reaching a hand up and tracing your fingers gently over his cuts and bruises. "What did they do to you?" You asks in a whisper, mostly to yourself, but Jack heard nonetheless.
"Nothing I couldn't handle," he replied dismissively. He took your hand that was cradling his face and kept a hold of it, bringing it to his chest as he closed the distance between the pair of you again. "These?" He references his bruises, "they're nothing compared to what was going through my head about you." He sighed deeply, his grip tightening on you as if he was afraid you would disappear if he let go. "I couldn't get you off my mind.. I didn't think I'd ever see you again."
"You're hurt though," you swallow back a sob. "They hurt you."
"I'm okay really-" he started but saw your worried look and stopped. You were always like that; always caring for him. Always worried for him. Always his weakness.
He leaned his head down to press his forehead against yours. "I survived, and I'm okay."
"Surviving doesn't mean that you're okay though, does it?" Tears still gathered in your eyes as you took in the sight of him.
You always understood him so well. Maybe even better than he knew himself. "No, you're right," he mumbled, pulling you closer. "But.. I would survive anything for you." Jack buried his face into your neck, taking in your scent after such a long time apart, his hands rubbing your back gently, trying to give you some sort of comfort.
"You're so stupid, do you know that?" You speak up and break the silence.
A smirk instantly spreads on his face. "Stupid enough to come back for you." He turned his head so that you were facing each other; your eyes locked and his smirk turns into a playful smile. The Jack you knew was slowly coming back to you.
You shake your head with a laugh; everything felt so natural when you were around him that it almost didn't feel real. But it was. And he was here, in front of you, the both of you finally together again.
He leaned forward so that your noses were almost touching. You're laugh made him feel lighter; happier. Everything about you made his heart skip a beat. He slowly reached his hand up to your face, brushing your cheeks with his thumb. "I missed you."
“I missed you too Jack.” She spoke sincerely. “I assume you’ll be wanting the pearl back.”
He stayed glued to the same spot, his eyes never once leaving yours, his hand still firmly placed on your cheek. “Ah yes, the Pearl.” But in truth, he was in no hurry, this moment with you was already more than enough. “And you.”
“Well obviously.” You teased with a wide smile.
“Oh obviously, but I’m not talking about the ship.” He leaned his face closer until his lips hovered right above your own. “I’m talking about you. I missed you..” he whispered, finally pressing his lips to yours. “I want you.”
“And I’m pretty sure if I mentioned that there was rum on the ship, you’d want that too?” You smirk. He couldn’t help but laugh and met himself smile.
“Of course not, as long as I’m accompanied by you,” he replied, his hand moving down your back and his fingers wrapping your waist. “You got me hooked..”
“Like an anchor in the sand.” You finished with a proud smile, beaming up at him.
“An anchor for me to keep me grounded,” he mumbled back with a smirk; his hand moving up your back to the nape of your neck, brushing his fingers through your hair as he leaned closer, your faces now almost pressed together.
“I won’t let you go,” he whispered, his forehead touching yours as he held you impossibly closer. “Never again.”
And that was a promise he planned to keep.
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dadvans · 3 months
chick flick moments (bucktommy)
[i can’t stop thinking about tommy’s favorite movie being Love, Actually.]
Tommy hasn’t really talked or seen his family in roughly twenty years. His firefighting career has never been enough, if they were ever keeping tabs, to make up for his dishonorable discharge. And honestly, it’s been fine with him. His family has always been the suffocating kind of conservative and earning their love stopped being a hill he would choose to die on for longer than they’ve been radio silent.
Someone is keeping tabs though, or maybe the news of his recent heroics have a broader reach than he thought, because a few months after getting a medal for the cruise liner disaster response, someone reaches out. Tommy is hesitant to engage because he’s pretty happy without them in his life, but maybe at first it was a cousin or uncle, but that’s followed by one of his sisters trying to get into contact, followed by his mom, followed by his dad. And they’re persistent. Maybe they do want to make amends. And maybe he doesn’t need his blood family but there’s that tiniest part of him left that still wants that connection.
This is how he gets suckered into the most miserable Christmas dinner of his life. It’s not actually Christmas, it’s a few days before when the whole clan can get together, and it’s just as claustrophobic and awful as ever, every word spoken saturated in judgment and triple meanings that Tommy long since has lost the muscle to withstand.
Evan had wanted to come with him, said a whole bunch of shit about how they were PARTNERS, and how it could not be nearly as bad as his own parents were, but Tommy’s extended family holiday dinners are like a Los Angeles Miserable People convention crowded between the dining room and kitchen tables, and Evan’s still licking some wounds after surviving Gerrard’s brief yet nightmarish tenure back at the 118, maybe next time. This first round Tommy needs to do solo. So, Evan drops him off around the corner in the afternoon with a promise to come pick him up later that night.
Evan checks in with him pretty frequently, sending him stupid videos and things he finds on the internet, but Tommy gets hit immediately by some pretty barbed comments about being a grown man on his phone who doesn’t give a shit about the olive branch he’s being offered, so he stops checking so much.
Finally, halfway through too many glasses of wine and an early evening roast that make his memories of MREs seem like a pleasant dream, his phone starts going off pretty insistently. It’s Evan.
The doorbell is about to ring and i need you to be the one to answer it.
Well, that’s worrisome. He’s pretty close to the hallway though, so he types back: ok.
The doorbell rings. He shoves away from the table, waving everyone else back down. “I’ll get it.”
Evan is at the door. He has his phone out with a little plug-in speaker, and oh God, a stack of cue cards—
Unbelievable. “What are you doing.”
Evan enthusiastically hits play on his phone and as tinny Christmas music starts to play, holds up the first card: TELL THEM IT’S CAROLERS
He shakes his head. “Evan, even if they believed me, they would probably love that and would come check it out.”
“Tommy, who’s at the door?” His uncle calls from the dining room.
Tommy rolls his eyes and shouts back, “Planned Parenthood asking for donations!”
“Tell ��em were eating dinner and to get the fuck out of here!”
Tommy looks at Evan pointedly, eyebrows raised, hands in pockets as if to say: well?
Evan flips to the next few cue cards:
“Evan,” Tommy says, softening.
Evan fumbles the cards to the hand holding his phone to pull something out of his back pocket, a piece of paper he gives Tommy, before flipping to the next card: I MADE THIS RANSOM NOTE IF YOU NEED TO BE KIDNAPPED flip AND WE CAN GET OUT OF HERE
It’s easily the stupidest grand gesture anyone’s ever directed at Tommy. He looks over the piece of paper, words threateningly put together cut out from Evan’s copies of Food & Wine and Men’s Health. He nods to himself, smiling, then looks up at Evan who is cheesing back.
“Yeah,” he says, feels for his phone and wallet in his pocket, before dropping the paper to the welcome mat and stepping outside, ready to escape back home to the only family he needs.
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mcrslover · 7 months
MCR quotes for anyone who needs them:
"Kids would say they were going to kill themselves then they heard our music... it's our mission"
- Mikey Way.
"Reasons why mcr is good for you
Feeling like a rad vampire? Listen to bullets
Feeling angry? Listen to 3 cheers
Feeling sad? Listen to black parade
Feeling colourful and happy? Listen to danger days
Feeling like breaking up your band? Listen to death never stop you"
"This is for every kid out there... That dyed their hair a fucked up colour and can't get a job. They got a tattoo on their neck like Frank, and can't get a job. That does this because they fuckin' love this. This song is for every kid in the audience- even if you don't have fucked up hair or tattoos-every kid on stage, this song's about us, this song's about you, it's called The Kids From Yesterday."
- Gerard Way.
"Stop covering your children's eyes.
Everything is fucked up and pretending it's not won't make it any better. I'm tired of people praying for a change when it's up to them to get off their asses and make a change."
- Frank Iero.
"I spent most of my time in the back of the class, just drawing. My goal was to not get noticed in school, because spent so long not being noticed anyway or being treated as if I were invisible that I started to like it.
I've learned that it's actually not very lonely... It's like, you have less friends but the friends you have count more. I met a lot of people that weren't outsiders, or they were very popular, and they have a lot of friends but I don't know if they're the kinds of friends you would call up at 3 am to help you out or talk about being depressed."
- Gerard Way.
"Promise me, when MCR's gone, you'll do what it takes to survive. You're strong enough to do it without us."
- Gerard Way.
"All your quirks and all your problems, even your depressions, and your failures that's.. that's what makes you, you."
- Gerard Way.
"If you or someone you know is severely depressed you need to fucking talk to someone! Your mom, someone in school, I don't give a fuck! Because suicide is fucking bullshit."
- Gerard Way.
"Being happy doesn't mean that everything is perfect. It means that you've decided to look beyond the imperfections."
- Gerard Way.
"Nothing is worth hurting yourself over, nothing is worth taking your life over"
- Gerard Way.
"If we never play another show again, just keep yourself alive."
- Gerard Way.
"We're outsiders, we're the kids who didn't get dates for the prom, we're the kids who were confused, who didn't fit in with the cliques, who weren't part of the in-crowd.
Growing up can be a very frightening and confusing time, and I think people look at us and see it's okay to be different. They see that there is a way other than what they're being offered. That you can stand out, that you can be creative, that you can be yourself."
- Gerard Way.
I love MCR so much it's like they have a song for every situation. Feeling sad? Listen to The Lights Behind Your Eyes. Feeling frustrated? Listen to I'm Not Okay. Feeling Energetic? Listen to Na Na Na. Feeling like you wanna kick some ass? Listen to Destroya.
Feeling rebellious? Listen to Teenagers. Feel like you wanna break up your band? Listen to Fake Your Death."
"The difference we want to make is, number one, to let these kids know that they're not alone, that they're actually not that messed up, and that they can do whatever they want they can express themselves in any way they want without being persecuted or called a faggot or some kind of racist thing. Really just get people to get over their stuff so they can live."
- Gerard Way.
"Whatever happens to you, no matter what, l'm always fucking there for you... Don't forget that. I don't give a shit if your boyfriend dumps you. If your girlfriend dumps you. If you're working a shitty job or can't get through school. If you can't get through a fucking Harry Potter book, there's nothing worth dying over. There's nothing worth taking your life over. I will always fucking be there."
- Gerard Way.
"If you come to an MCR show, you're probably a little fucked up, and that's okay because we're just as fucked up as you. It's us against the world. And it's great because there's thousands of us in one place."
- Gerard Way.
"Someone doesn't like you? Fuck it.
Having a bad day? Fuck it. Didn't get that job, or that grade, or that promotion you wanted? Fuck it. Fighting with your lover? Fuck it. Feel fat today? Fuck it. Losing control of everything and everyone? Fuck it.
What matters now won't matter soon; the truly important thing is that you are alive, and that you have the capacity to do absolutely anything with this beautiful, crazy coincidence of being on this earth. Just stick your middle fingers in the air and think, 'Damn, I have it good."
- Gerard Way.
"You're going to come across a lot of shitty bands, and a lot of shitty people. And if anyone of those people call your names because of what you look like, or bedause they don't accept you for who you are. I want you to look right at that mother fucker, stick up your middle finger and scream
- Gerard Way.
"Real revenge is making something of yourself."
- Gerard Way.
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l0vem41l · 1 month
mean when i'm nervous.
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「 tws + notes: no tws, unedited as BAWLS, dc writer newbie but im very enthusiastic abt the comics and shows and movies, dog metaphor but insane and unsubtle, explicitly vigilante!reader in dick grayson’s part, dramatic asf but not really angst 」
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「 gn!reader, can be platonic or romantic <3 」
↳ ft. bruce wayne, clark kent, richard "dick" grayson, and john constantine
author's note: so. we all know what my favourite thing right now is (⌒_⌒;) i still adore everything i used to write for,,, but i’ve been on my comic motives recently (*゚ー゚*) ! reading dc mostly but spider-noir and deadpool have been picked up along the way!!! um. anyways. if i get comfy enough, i might do more dc stuff but i get that this isn't my exact audience on this blog— sorry my loves (´_`。) </3 might write a part two cuz i love jason. and booster gold. and like every single one of them (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) halfway through writing this i realized everything feels very literal, so i feel the need to mention that this is not dog hybrid reader stuff but if u fw that u can imagine it that way
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perhaps the habit of burning bridges you’re actively crossing isn’t a good idea. and you’re not an idiot, not in the slightest— but even if you were, everyone knows that needless self destruction when developing relationships is counterproductive.
you strike the match anyways, like it’s just a force of habit. another instinct.
if you spent life knowing that the hand only beats. why would you expect it to do anything else when it’s lowered towards you?
you learn to keep your hopes down, ears alert, and teeth sharp. you learn to get used to the taste of blood. to make things messy and complicated, and to end things when they need to be ended, because god knows it’s only self preservation when you do it.
you learn that the only way to survive is to bite— to hurt before something hurts you.
and one day, an unfamiliar hand that extends towards you decides to feed instead.
why do you still bare your teeth?
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▸ BRUCE is unsure why he sticks around. he’s understanding, but also reasonably frustrated with your antics. it doesn’t evade him that they stem from something deeply rooted in your past— but he doesn’t know what to do about it. if there is anything to do.
at his core, he's a detective. he's got an eye for digging into strange pasts and a knack for knowing things he isn't supposed to. but in spite of his paranoia and hunger to know, bruce doesn't pry too much. he can do research on his own, without you ever having to realize.
you’re self-sufficient, he’ll give you that. you’re unsure sometimes of whether he’s proud that you can take care of yourself or irritated that you consistently insist on doing so. he’s unsure too. not like he lets you know.
it’s a mutual understanding the two of you share— he stays, you bite. yet bruce, unsurprisingly, doesn’t mind being bitten. he’d hope that the reason he’s sticking around is for the selfless reason of making sure you’re alright. though, the reality is, you’ve grown on him, whether you realize or not.
bruce has always been fond of strays.
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▸ CLARK is nothing but patient. and that scares you beyond reason.
he sees the way you bare your teeth whenever someone gets too close for comfort to you. he knows when to back away, when to speak, when not to— he’s always attempting to never make you feel backed into a corner.
somehow, it makes you more anxious seeing just how much he understands about you. he knows just how to coax you out of the corner of your cage, how to bring you in closer, and it almost, almost convinces you to let your guard down.
the thought of that is terrifying.
you try barking, you try biting— and none of it works. clark doesn’t coddle you when you’re wrong— but he’s absolutely nothing but gentle. patient and understanding, sometimes you wonder how a man of steel can be so soft for someone like you.
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▸ DICK isn’t dumb. it’s fairly easy for him to put two and two together. quickly, he figures out what he’s dealing with when he encounters you.
his conversations with you are never without a note of levity— a deliberate action on his end, you’re certain. he knows, you know, and because of it, everything feels oddly tense around him, even with the attempts to banter.
it’s too late to run. his observant gaze has caught a glimpse of you through your one way glass, and he’s chosen to meet your eyes with a smile. there's a sense of foreboding that gnaws at your gut, anxiously anticipating what might be lurking under that grin of his.
on his end, there are no malicious intentions. he doesn’t really have ulterior motives when it comes to you.
most times, he chooses to defend you and be the one standing at your side when no one else does. you don't understand why he insists on offering you friendship when all you do is pull away.
after a long night of patrolling the streets of gotham, you find the two of you leaning on the railing of a rooftop side by side. your eyes are on this cityscape of gotham. his are on you.
“you keep on insisting i’m not as bad as i seem,” you mutter under your breath.
late nights make for loose lips. he’s pleasantly surprised to hear you continue the thought instead of attempting to take it back.
“do you just hate being right?” you snort, allowing your gaze to flit over to him just for a second.
"no." dick smiles, shrugging his shoulders nonchalantly. “i think you just hate the fact that i could be.”
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▸ you tried not to bother with CONSTANTINE. the day the two of you met, you didn’t even introduce yourself.
john constantine’s presence alone reeks of trouble, as acrid and suffocating as the cigarette smoke that clings to his tan trenchcoat. you are attuned to things like that. he notices.
one thing you actually enjoy about him? he doesn’t chase. he’s a nosy one, for certain, sticking his nose into places no one in their right mind would— but for the most part, he steers clear of yours. initially, you think it’s because your urge to be left alone by him is so prevalent that he’s just chosen to heed the warning and not approach when unwanted.
but he’s not a man known for abiding by rules. he’s much more curious with you than you notice or prefer. in a way, your distance has made you more myth than man, more tale than tangible— you are a rumor passed through whispers between lips, a silent shadow lurking in the corner of the room… and he loves a good mystery.
“c’mon. you're actin’ like ‘m gonna bite your head off, luv,” he chuckles, lighting up the cigarette between his fingers.
i'd probably be the one doing that if i got any closer. you keep that thought in your head, standing with a gap between the two of you as always.
he doesn't miss how you avoid looking into his eyes like his gaze could murder, instead, focusing your gaze on the cherry of the cig, burning bright red.
“not much for a wee natter, hm?”
the quick shake of your head only makes his smirk grow. you could just walk away… so why exactly were you sticking around?
“fine by me. quiet company’s welcome.” that’s a sentence he’d probably never say to anyone else. in a strange way, he feels like he knows you well enough to be comfortable with the words that hang in the air.
it’s weird. you’re completely unknown, and yet, an irrational part of his mind keeps nagging at him to look just a little closer at you. sometimes, when he listens to it, he catches a glimpse of something silent in your eyes— an all too familiar pain of a person who can’t help but hurt the things that they cling onto.
so that’s why you’re keen on keeping everyone at arms length. it almost makes him laugh to think how similar the two of you are, plain as day, and yet unnoticed by you— a person who won’t even meet his eyes.
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— reblogs always appreciated!
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buzzinrusso · 4 months
Erin cuthburt×reader🙏
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Genre:angst/fluff at the end
Prompt:you and your long term girlfriend, Erin, get into a very heated fight which results to her walking out of your house and you misunderstanding the situation.
"You don't get it! you never will! " Erin yelled in frustration as she paces around the room looking at a very irritated you.
"Okay! I get that but you are my girlfriend! I can't see you bury yourself with all the training sessions, workouts, photoshoots and more! " your eyes welled up with tears as you spoke. "So you know how embarrassing it is to be stood up by your own girlfriend in front of your family?! "
You're talking about the incident that occurred earlier today.
You and Erin were supposed to meet your parents and siblings for lunch, Erin had 𝘱𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘴𝘦𝘥 you that she would show up, not wanting to stand you up another time.
Obviously that promise was broken, which lead to the heated argument you were currently having.
"How many times do I have to say that I'm sorry! I've apologized a million times already!" She said with her thick accent that came out when she was angry.
"Erin, that wasn't the only time you've stood me up. I'm your girlfriend for God's sake! You can't keep doing shit like this! You broke your promise, you said that you would go but you didn't! And you didn't even text me to say that you're not gonna be coming! I had to sit there like a fool with my family, assuring them that your were probably late! "
"Oh my gosh! So what if I broke my promise? Get fucking over it " she let out a sigh of irritation and started walking away towards your shared room.
"Don't you walk away from me! We are having this conversation now! " you started fully on crying.
You were sick of getting g stood up, you were sick of being embarrassed whenever Erin promised to show up but didn't, but in the end, you love Erin with your entire heart, too much to leave her as you fully believed that you would never have survived your dark days without her.
That's why you panicked when you spotted Erin getting her shows from the closet.
"Are you leaving? " your voice quited down a little
"I cant fucking do this anymore! " she yelled before she stormed out of the house.
Your heart stopped as you watched the scene unfold. Did you just lose the love of your life? Did she just walk out on you? She probably won't be returning.
Your mind immediately went to the worst possible answers. You didn't know what to do as sobs racked through your body, you didn't mean to lose Erin. You really didn't.
In reality you hadn't lost Erin, you just misunderstood the situation, but you didn't know that yet.
Your body involuntarily slipped down the white walls of your shared-not shared?- house.
The thoughts of her moving out, breaking up with you and dating someone else intoxicated your mind. You hated it.
Of course your mind went to those places. Whose mind wouldn't when their significant other yells out that they 'can't do this anymore' after an argument and walks out?
After about 45 minutes of sobbing, Erin finally went back to the house. With flowers in one and and her phone in the other, Erin went into the house only to be greeted by eerie silence.
Only did she hear the sounds of your muffled sobs coming from the bedroom did that silence break.
She quickly sprinted up to your room and when's he opened the door, she was greeted by you lying face down on the bed sobbing your heart out into the tear stained pillow.
She immediately raced to your side, making you flinch at the sudden contact and jolt up from the place where you were lying down.
You sniffles quieted down when you saw her sitting on the edge of the bed with a concerned look on her perfect face.
The sight of her made you calm down slightly.
"Why are you crying? I'm so sorry for making you cry baby, I swear I didn't mean to my love. I'm so so so sorry. " her words were rushed out as she pulled you into a hug that you melted into, but were clearly filled with concern for you. Her eyes proved that.
"I thought you broke up with me. " she barely get out because of your strained voice.
"I would never. I don't think k I'd ever survive if not for you. I'm so sorry I'm made you think that way but I assure you that I will never leave you. Not now nor anytime in the future. " she said as she began to tear up too. She couldn't handle seeing you cry, whenever you cried she did too.
It was the same way that some people had contagious smiles that you had a contagious cry.
"Then why did you say that you couldn't do this anymore and walk out? "
"I meant that I couldn't stay in the house anymore, I'm sorry baby I should've worded better, and as for the walking g put part, I. Needed a break so I walked around the area a little and got you flowers, ready to apologize. " she explained to you and to say that the new revelation was reliving to you would be an understatement.
"I'm sorry baby, I'm should've been more considerate , I should've never stood you up all those times and I'm sorry for every single thing that I did to make you upset. From now on, I swear that I will keep all of my promises and with that, I promise you to never ever purposely let a tear she'd form those pretty eyes of yours. "She then wiped the tears off of your eyes and proceeded to place kisses all over your face, making a slight smile breakout on your face.
And she did. Erin kept her promise in the future.
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natewriteslol · 2 months
"Short" Fuse
Summary: Despite not really being close, Chilchuck opens up to you about being short, you listen and offer some interesting counters to his insecurities.
A/N: a lil sum sum :P
It had been a long, adventurous day, yet Laios continued his search within the dungeon for some food. The entire party was hungry, but of course the two chefs especially held the urge to eat. They both wanted to go after these specific monsters in the area that could be tasty, something about these snail creatures and main course. Despite apprehension from Marcille she tagged along and Izutsumi not wanting to miss out on the action and still wasn't tired due to her slight nocturnal nature followed suit.
They assured the remaining two should keep watch of the supplies of your camp. And with waves from all of them except from the beastman, the four were engulfed within the darkness of the dungeon.
Leaving solely you and Chilchuck.
Your relationship was most definitely not the closest as he adopted a fatherly nature amongst the other members of the party except for Senshi and you. And whilst that makes sense as the dwarf and yourself were both adults just like Chilchuck, it still was completely different.
You honestly just chalked it up to you joining the party at a later date than the rest, despite bonding with the rest of your other people, even getting closer with someone as combative as Izutsumi.
Truth be told, you couldn't stand it as you were at a stand still of a lack of satisfaction. You weren't liked and you weren't disliked as you both almost never spoke to one another. But you persevered and decided to completely break the ice, not caring if you were being weird at this point.
"How is your sight so good?"
He was caught completely off guard, thinking that you both were going to sit in silence the whole time.
"What do you mean?" Chilchuck asked back, side eyeing you.
"When defeating golems, you're the first to spot their hearts before anyone and you spot weak points on different creatures also that others are blind to. How do you do that?" You explained.
"Half-foots typically have keen eyesight, it comes with the hearing too. Big eyes, big ears," he put it simply.
You continued to poke and prod at him and you ended up making decent conversation with the man, even getting a couple of laughs. But somehow your topic had evolved from weaknesses, to then insecurities.
"Laois is an idiot, but I would rather have more height and be able to perform in battle a little more. Half Foots mainly need to stay out of the way and let other people handle it. It feels...cowardly," he says, putting his arms on top of his knees and sighing.
It was catching you a bit off guard but I guess the saying of opening up to a stranger than someone you know is making itself very apparent at the moment.
"I completely disagree man," you replied, taking a more casual approach.
Chilchuck didn't want to completely block your opinion and he was curious about what you had to say surprisingly , "What are you saying?"
"I'd argue every person in here obviously has an asset that they possess, meaning one would fall apart without the other. Also we have all been in close to death situations and you're usually the most likely to survive due to your height," you explained, poking at the fire with a twig as you sat on the cold dungeon floor.
"I guess," he replied, looking off to the side. But the look on his face had told another story, as if the brunette had more to say.
"Ever since my wife left me, I've been more caring about how people percieve me. Gets on my goddamn nerves."
There it was.
The Half-Foot blurted out, both horrified and relieved he got that off his chest. He held a small pebble within his palm, semi- gently throwing a rock into the fire, crackling the wood and which sent out light embers into the air.
He had been definitely holding that in for a long time, and had no idea how to say it or if he could even speak it aloud. It's common for people to feel that way, more vigilant and embarrassed over what others have to say about them especially if they're single. But it had been a while since the Half-Foot truly felt it after being married for so long.
And for the past five years, it had been completely gnawing at him and his security as a man. He was twenty nine yet still couldn't shake that feeling, but with his occupation, Chilchuck couldn't exactly dwell on romance mid-lock picking or battle.
But on quiet nights like this, it got to him.
"Well, you're lucky you're a good looking guy, otherwise you would be screwed," you said bluntly, taking off your boot to get some dirt out from the inside. He was honestly speechless, had you of all people thought that? Or were you just talking to make him feel better.
But this whole interaction makes him feel so weird, but it's not a... negative feeling.
"You are so damn ridiculous, you know that?"
"You can think whatever you want Chilchuck, but I think deep down you know I'm right," you said, your eyes still fixated on your boot cleaning process. Your statement made a blush spread across his cheeks.
"This dungeon is making me talk to you, I swear," he replied frustratedly, growing "tired" of your antics.
"Well good thing we had this talk, since we both have had things on our mind for a while, huh?"
Although you both opened up about how you've been feeling, Chilchuck was doing a majority of the talking on this subject. Was that what you mean? The beginning when you were talking about yourself and not his appearance and you finding him attractive?
And just as he was about to inquire further, the short man was quickly cut off by a certain loud blonde.
"Hey guys, we're back!" Laios said excitedly from afar, his voice echoing slightly on the dungeon walls, his hands were wet with wet giant snails whilst Senshi carried a large sack of god knows what on his back.
Marcille and Itsuzumi looked green in the face with disgust, but you knew they would most definitely eat the monster Escargot that you knew the dwarf would whip up. The sight always brought a smile to your face, especially their hypocrisy in finding everything Senshi and Laois made yummy.
As you sat up to go and help with dinner, you looked over your shoulder, "Thanks for the talk Chilchuck, we should do this more often."
This was might not curate the best outcome, but why didn't he want to stop?
Why the hell did he even care?
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auras-moonstone · 1 year
Hi beautiful, are you ok? You could write where Ethan has a "best friend" who is really in love with him and purposely creates a situation where he is confused who to believe, leaving the hurt reader not wanting to see him for a while. It can be a anguish with a happy ending, please :) thank you.
hi! i’m okay, hope you are too💖 this turned out to be longer than i expected, hope you don’t mind! enjoy <3
hell is when i fight with you — ethan landry
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word count: 3,227
pairing: ethan landry x fem!reader
summary: ethan takes y/n to his hometown to introduce her to his family and friends. kara, ethan’s best friend who is in love with him, makes up a lie that makes the couple fight.
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WHEN ETHAN INTRODUCED Y/N TO HIS FRIENDS AND FAMILY, SHE FELT HER HEART MIGHT HAVE BURSTED FROM HAPPINESS. She had been in relationships before him, but never felt quite what she felt with Ethan. With him, Y/N was the happiest she had ever been, and sometimes she wondered if it was a dream, but the touch of his hand and his sweet kisses reminded her it wasn’t. It was real life, and she was extremely lucky to have found someone like him.
She loved him, and of course she wanted his family to lover her too, so Y/N was quite disappointed when she sensed Ethan’s best friend, Kara, didn’t entirely like her. Scratch that, she could feel her hatred for her with just one look. So Y/N made it her mission to change that.
“Hey, Kara! How are you?” Y/N greeted her.
“I’m good” she said drily. “What do you want?”
“I heard they’re playing The breakfast club at that old cinema down the street. I was wondering if you’d like to go with me? You know, it’d be nice to get to know the other” Y/N said with a sweet smile.
The girl shifted uncomfortably “I don’t think so… I mean, I’m busy with college assignments and all that. But, you can ask the rest of the group. I’m sure they would love to go with you”
Y/N furrowed her eyes in disappointment “I understand. Well, good luck with your stuff. And if you happen to have some free time or want a break, I’d love to hang out with you”
“I’ll keep that in mind” the fake smile on her face made Y/N know Kara’d rather drown herself in finals and assignments than spend time with her.
Y/N walked back to Ethan’s house completely defeated. She didn’t know why Kara was acting that way towards her. They met hours ago, Y/N and her had barely interacted, so she didn’t understand where her attitude was coming from.
“Hey, love” Ethan welcomed her with a kiss and a tight hug.
“Hi, Eth” she laid on top of him on the couch, burring her head on the crook of his neck. “Oh, they’re playing The Breakfast Club tonight!”
Ethan smiled, knowing how much she adored that movie “You want to go?”
Y/N nodded “I was thinking we could go with your friends, to get to know them better. If that’s okay”
The boy caressed her cheeks as he looked at her with eyes filled with love and adoration “You’re the best girlfriend in the world, did you know that?”
“You’re exaggerating a bit” Y/N laughed “It’s literally the bare minimum”
“Well, I don’t care. I love you for it”
Ethan kissed her. His hands went to her hair, gripping it with a bit of force, and she couldn’t help but moan. He rolled them over, so that he was now on top of her. Ethan then started kissing her neck as his hand wandered under her t-shirt.
“We are not having sex in your parents’ couch” Y/N giggled, pushing him off.
“It’s fine, let’s go to our room” his lips attached to her neck.
Y/N rolled her eyes in amusement “Let me re-phrase that. We are not having sex in your parents’ house”
“There’s a motel down the-“
Y/N cut him off “I’m sure you can survive four more days without sex, you hormonal idiot” she hit him with the pillow, making him detached his lips from her skin.
“I really doubt that. I really miss being insid-“
Y/N put her hand on his mouth “No dirty talking either”
“Why do you have to be so respectful?” Ethan rolled his eyes in frustration.
“I’m sorry, babe. Kissing and cuddling will have to suffice”
“Fine” he crossed his arms in front of his chest and huffed. Y/N couldn’t stop her laughter “Don’t laugh at me, I’m mad.”
“I’m sorry, but you look so adorable. I love you very much”
He opened his arms so that she could cuddle his side “I love you very much too”
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AFTER THE MOVIE, TARA INVITED Y/N FOR A SLEEPOVER AT HER HOUSE, WHICH SHE GLADLY ACCEPTED. Turns out, Ethan’s friends welcomed her to the group with open and warm arms—except for Kara, of course.
“Ew, Econ” Y/N said, shivering in disgust, when she saw the book lying on Tara’s desk. The four girls—Tara, Mindy, Quinn and Anika—laughed at her reaction. “It haunts me, I swear. I have to do the final exam next week”.
“We’re so lucky to be on summer vacations now” Mindy smiled contently.
Y/N furrowed her eyes “You are?”
“Yup, our college gives us one more week. So we started vacations this week” Tara explained.
“But-“ Y/N shook her head. “Never mind”
“No, tells us” Quinn encouraged.
“It’s just that today I invited Kara to the movies, and she said she had lots of college assignments to do, so she couldn’t come” Y/N said.
The girls exchanged glances “Maybe she just wasn’t in the mood and didn’t want you to feel rejected” Anika suggested.
“Yeah, that makes sense… yes, maybe you’re right” Y/N said, feeling a little bit better. Maybe she was overthinking.
“I mean, she did tell us we should invite you to a sleep over so you’d feel more comfortable” Tara said.
“Really? That’s nice of her. Yeah, I’m totally overreacting” Y/N shook her head, the pressure on her chest loosened.
“You’re really cool, Y/N/N. I don’t know how Ethan pulled you” Mindy said, making his girlfriend elbow her in the ribs. “Ouch! She knows I’m joking”.
Y/N laughed “You guys are really cool too”.
hey babe!
everything okay?
She texted Ethan, who replied a few short minutes later.
yup, everything’s good
um, when you get here in the morning we should talk
That text made Y/N confused. He seemed dry, but she didn’t want to think about it so she just answered him shortly.
yeah, okay
we’re going to sleep now, so see you tomorrow<3
good night
Y/N fell asleep with a big knot in her stomach. She could feel something was not right at all, and it scared the hell out of her.
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Y/N AND QUINN WALKED BACK TO HER HOUSE THE NEXT MORNING, and the red-head could sense something was going on inside her head. She looked completely sad and her face was the physical representation of anguish.
“You’re like an open book, you know? Come on, tell me what’s wrong” Quinn said. Y/N sighed and showed her the texts from last night. “He seems normal, he always texts like that”.
“Not to me”
“What could you possibly have done wrong? He was fine when we left the cinema, and then you didn’t talk to him until that text”
“I don’t know, that’s why I’m worried”
“Well, whatever it is, I’m sure you’ll both be okay. I know my brother very well, and I can tell he loves you very much. Like literally, you don’t know how much he talks about you, Y/N/N” she bumped her shoulder with hers.
“I hope it’s nothing, because he’s everything to me” she smiled sadly. At Quinn’s curious glance, she explained, “After my parents kicked me out of the house, because I didn’t follow the career they wanted, I was left in a dark place. And then I met your brother, and he helped me heal. I don’t know where I would be if it wasn’t for him, so the thought of losing him completely terrifies me”.
Quinn hugged her in comfort, her heart breaking for the girl. “You’re not losing him, Y/N. Couples fight, but they talk and they solve it, especially when love is present. And you and my brother have an incredibly amount of love for each other.”
“Thank you, Quinn” Y/N smiled gratefully.
“Anytime, you’re part of the family now, which I’m glad because you’re a sweetheart”
When they both arrived to the house, Quinn went to her bedroom, after telling Y/N to keep her updated on what was going on, and Y/N went to Ethan’s room. He was sitting with his back against the blue bedpost and was watching Tik Toks.
When he heard the door of the room being opened, he looked up and frowned “You didn’t sleep well” he stated, looking at the bags under her eyes.
“Um, no. I couldn’t sleep, I was worried about your texts, to be honest. You seemed off, is everything okay?”
“Kara came here last night” Ethan said.
Y/N frowned “Okay?”
“She said she came here to confront you”
“Confront me?” she asked confused.
“Because of the invitation” Ethan explained.
“Oh! It’s not a big deal” Y/N brushed it off.
Ethan scoffed and looked at her in anger, taking her aback “Not a big deal? What the hell, Y/N?”
“Why are you angry?” Y/N asked surprised.
He stood up from the bed “Oh, I don’t know! Maybe because my best friend was crying because my girlfriend leaves her aside. Because she wanted to get to know you and you just hung out with the rest of the group, but not with her”
“How is that my fault?!” Y/N asked in disbelief “I didn’t leave her out of the plan, she was the first person I asked to come!”
“Then why wasn’t she there?” Ethan asked in an accusatory tone.
“Because she told me she had college stuff to do and wouldn’t be able to make it” she explained.
Ethan laughed drily “Come up with a better excuse, Y/N, they are on summer break. Look, I understand if you are jealous, but you honestly have no reason to be. I love you and only you, you didn’t have to act like a bitch.”
The last word felt like stab to the chest “I didn’t do anything! I now know that she’s on holidays. The girls told me, they said Kara might have said that because she wasn’t in the mood for movies and didn’t want to make me feel bad for declining the invitation. But now she’s acting like I have been scheming against her, so I don’t know what to think anymore” she scoffed. She couldn’t believe Kara would be capable of going that far.
Ethan sat on the edge of the bed and sighed “I don’t know, Y/N”
“You don’t believe me” it wasn’t a question, it was an statement. And it pierced her heart that Ethan couldn’t even look at her “You really think I’m a crazy jealous girlfriend that only wants you to herself” the sadness was mixed with disbelief.
“I just… I need time to think” Ethan said softly, which made her a bit angry. He really believed she was capable of doing something like that.
Y/N shook her head, trying to hold back the tears “Whatever, Ethan. I just want you to remind you that I came here because I wanted to meet your family”
“I made sure all of your friends were going to be here, I made a fucking list of things we could do to get to know the other, I wrote down recipes I could do with your mom and sister-“
“Okay, I get it” Ethan said, trying to grab her hand, but she pushed it away.
“Do you?” her voice was thin, and she hated it. She hated crying so much “Because you didn’t hesitate for a second to believe I would be capable of purposely doing something to hurt the people you love”
“She’s my best friend” he tried to explain.
“Yes, I get that. But I’m your girlfriend, and I don’t expect you to call her bluff instantly, but you had no trouble at all believing I would do something as shitty as that” she pressed her lips in a thin line and brushed the tears off with her hands “And that fucking hurts. Especially because you know how much you mean to me”
“I’m sorry, Y/N/N. I’m just really confused” Ethan sighed, the sight of her crying made him feel like he had just kicked a puppy.
“I’ll give you space” Y/N said, grabbing her suitcase.
“What are you doing?” Ethan asked, panic present in his voice.
“You need time to think, and I do too” Y/N said, starting to pack her things.
“Are you breaking up with me?” the pressure on his chest was like nothing he had ever felt before. As if someone was stepping on it, not allowing him to breathe properly.
“No. We can’t talk to each other when we’re like this, we need time to process everything before we discuss it. We will end up saying things we might regret” Y/N said, facing away from him.
The pressure decreased but Ethan could still feel it. “Where are you going?”
“Back home, you should stay here. I’ll see you in a couple of days” Y/N said, standing in the doorway.
Ethan watched her walk away, fingers itching to hold her back. That was supposed to be a happy trip, she had been so excited to meet everyone. “Fuck” he grabbed a pillow and buried his face there, allowing the tears to fall.
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ETHAN’S HEAD FELT LIKE EXPLODING AFTER CRYING SO MUCH, SO HE DECIDED TO GO FOR A WALK. He tried to take a nap, but without Y/N by his side, it was impossible. He felt complete emptiness now that she wasn’t around, and even if it had just been a couple of hours since they last saw each other, he missed her insanely. They had never fought like that, and it felt like hell.
“Ethan! Hey, we were just going to your house” Chad said, the rest of the group standing next to him.
“The cinema is playing Mamma Mia, Y/N’s favorite, and we thought we should definitely go” Anika said.
Ethan felt a pang on his heart at the mention of her name. “Um, Y/N left.”
“Oh, where?” Tara asked confused.
“We had a fight. It was pretty bad, and she went back home” even mentioning the fight made him want to crawl into a ball and cry like a little kid. He could hear his own broken voice.
“What happened?” Chad asked, rubbing his friend’s shoulder in a comforting way.
“Kara came over last night to tell me Y/N left her out of the plan because she was jealous of our friendship” Ethan said.
“That doesn’t sound like Y/N” Mindy said confused. “In fact, I think Kara was the first person she asked”.
“That’s what she told me, but Kara says the exact opposite. I don’t know what to believe, I mean, I trust them both and one of them is definitely lying” he exposed his frustration.
“Wait, Kara was the one who told us to invite Y/N for a sleepover” Anika said, frowning. “Why would she want to make Y/N feel part of the group if she was supposedly leaving her stranded?”
“Yeah, you’re right. That’s weird” Tara nodded.
Mindy gasped, scaring the group “What if she told us to invite her so she could talk to Ethan alone?”
“You make her seem like a movie villain, Mindy” Chad rolled his eyes. “But then again, this feels like a movie conflict”.
“Besides, she has a motive” Mindy said, ignoring her twin’s comment. Ethan looked at her confused, and the girl rolled her eyes. “Oh, come on. Are you that oblivious? Kara’s been in love with you for ages.”
“What?” Ethan asked shocked.
“Actually, now that I think about it, Kara had been acting strange since Ethan told us he would be coming with his girlfriend” Chad spoke.
“I’m a fucking idiot” Ethan groaned.
“Agreed” Mindy said, and Anika elbowed her on the side.
“She’s hates me now. She’s going to break up with me” Ethan said in panic.
“She won’t” Anika reassured him. “Wish you’ve heard how she talked about you last night, Eth. She has you on a fucking pedestal, don’t worry about it. You’ll be alright.”
“I hope so, guys. Because I love her way too much, and I don’t know what I’d do if I lost her”
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THE SECOND THEY FIGURED IT OUT, ETHAN ALMOST GRABBED HIS KEYS TO CHASE AFTER HIS GIRLFRIEND. But his friends convinced him to let her be for a couple of days, which felt like torture because Ethan couldn’t stand being far away from her. He was so used to being with her that now he didn’t know how to be without her.
Now that the days had passed, he drove back to the city. His gaze constantly fell on the seat next to him, as if expecting Y/N to materialise there, he longed for her terrible voice screaming Taylor Swift songs like crazy.
Ethan stared at the door of their shared apartment anxiously. His stomach was revolted and his hands were so shaky that the knock on the door was barely audible. Yet, Y/N opened the door instantly, almost as if she had been expecting him—which she had.
When Ethan left his town, Quinn sent her a text telling her, so she could be prepared. And when she heard the sound of his knuckles against the wood, she ran towards it with desperation.
The couple almost cried at the sight of the other and in that moment, they both somehow knew they’d be okay. They still needed to talk, though.
“Hi” at the sound of her voice, he couldn’t help but engulfing her in a hug. They both melted at the touch of the other, and relief washed over their bodies. “I’m sorry, Ethan. Fuck, I missed you. I’m sorry.”
“No, no” he said, closing the door behind him while still hugging his girlfriend by the waist. “I’m the one who should be apologising. Shit, I’m such an asshole. Of course you’d never do something to hurt me, I’m sorry, Y/N. That thought should’ve never crossed my mind, and you had every right to be mad at me.”
“Yes, but I should’ve been more understanding. I mean, you had known her for longer than you’ve known me. Of course you wouldn’t distrust her”
“Still, I said some shitty things I really don’t think. You’re not a crazy jealous girlfriend or a bitch. You’re the best girlfriend I could ever ask for, and I’m so lucky to have you”
“I’m lucky to have you too. I missed you” she pressed her forehead against his, bumping their noses. Y/N traced the outline of his cheekbones delicately, loving the feeling of his soft skin and the way it seemed to relax him.
They went to sit on the couch, and Ethan pulled her on his lap, hugging her waist as she rested her head on his chest.
“I missed you too. I should’ve chased after you. I was about to do it, but the group held me back, saying you needed some time”
Y/N smiled “That was probably wise. I was a bit mad”
“They loved you, by the way. Especially Quinn” he said playing with her hair.
The girl laughed “I loved them too. Especially Quinn too, like I might have a tiny crush on her”
“Ouch, one visit and you’re already leaving me for my sister?” Ethan poked her in the ribs, making her squirm.
“Sorry. She’s just that great” Y/N said.
Ethan rolled his eyes and then smiled “I’m really glad you like her. Um, she told me that if I don’t fix things with you, I shouldn’t bother to go back”
Y/N giggled “See? She’s fricking awesome”
“Stop complimenting my sister, compliment me” he gave her a fake pout.
Y/N shook her head, grinning “You’ll always be my number one, Eth”
He pecked her lips “And you’ll always be mine.”
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maitadori · 1 year
WEAK WILLED KNIGHT part 3. nsfw. blade x fem!reader
word count : 4.7k
part one. part two. part three
summary : in which you miss blade since you haven’t seen him for two weeks and he decides to greet you with a breathtaking kiss and fucks you dumb.
content / cw : creampie, degrading, praising, fingering, breeding kink uhh idk that’s all i remember
a/n : this took days to post because i nitpick my writing literally all the time. i used a few of my fave smuts as reference for this so if u notice a similarity or two that’s why. anyways hope u all enjoy!!
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"is there something wrong?" jing yuan, once again, called you into his office. you found it odd that he was always absent yet conveniently there when you needed scolding.
during the weekly cloud knight training you got too drowned in your thoughts, causing your partner to easily take control of the duel— which was unusual, for everyone knew that you were one of the most adept among the knights, and to see you so out of form… it hasn't been just today this has happened either, ever since the run-in with kafka, you haven't been able to think straight.
it's come to the point where you were taken to jing yuan, that's when it hit you that this has gone too far. but what could you tell him? would you be able to admit to him that this man was the reason for your sudden downgrade in skill?
the mere thought of that idea had you recoiling. you were too prideful to admit that some man was making your mind so jumbled.
your silence seemed to be the exact answer jing yuan needed, you both hated and loved how well he could read you.
"maybe you should go home for the day."
"huh?" you question, perking up. "there's no need for that."
"it's obvious your mind is elsewhere, and it has been for over two weeks. i can't have you holding us back, [name]. this issue needs to be fixed. and if it means giving you a day to solve whatever this is, then so be it."
his words stung. holding us back...
you had to remember, before he was your friend, he was your general. you got too lost in the privilege of being special to him that you forgot what being under him as a subordinate was really like.
"i see..." you bowed your head, burning your gaze into the ground, trying and failing horribly to hide your emotions. "i understand, general. thank you for your consideration."
"he'll visit you." he suddenly spoke.
you jerked up, looking at your general with widened eyes. "w-what..?"
"you think that man can survive longer than two weeks without seeing your face?" jing yuan chuckled, crossing his arms.
you blinked, surprised, before you spoke in a shaky tone. "i'd like if you dropped the subject, general. i'll be taking my leave now."
he could only hum as he watched you leave.
you were quick to dress into something more comfortable as you tried erasing jing yuan’s words from your mind. you fumbled with your armor slightly, groaning in irritation. over the years, it wasn't too difficult to get used to the heaviness of your uniform, but it could still be a nuisance to you. yours was like sushang’s, lighter in weight than the average male, but you could still admit the clothing’s annoyance to you.
you approached your window, cracking it open and watched as it swayed your curtains. you could only sigh, lean against the window sill, and battle the crisis in your mind as you watched your people.
the kiss hasn't left your mind since it happened. as embarrassing as it seemed, you couldn't get blade out of your head. whether it be his haughty smirk, his voice, or his lips. you groaned and dropped your head in your hands. you didn't even notice how much it was affecting your behavior until someone as clumsy as sushang dominated the fight.
"that bastard... he has me wrapped around his stupid fucking fingers." you whispered to yourself in a low, angry voice.
for someone like blade— who before, you saw as below you— to make you feel such a way...
in front of everyone else, your pride was powerful, yet the sight of blade's face stomped it down in a mere second.
i miss him... you admitted to yourself. it was something you'd never say aloud. what the hell do i even miss...? even before the kiss, the only moments with blade were him trying his hardest to get under your skin and get reactions out of you. you'd never forget the time he grabbed your fingers through his cell bars to interlock his hand with yours.
all you could remember after that was blowing up at him, words jumbled as you tried to find an excuse for your embarrassment.
you shook your head back and forth in hope of ridding yourself of these thoughts. but even as you closed your window and laid in bed to sleep, the kiss made home behind your closed eyelids. you turned on your other side, hoping it was just you needing to get comfortable. but you felt no drowsiness.
"dammit.." you groaned to yourself, pillow tight in your grip.
you squeezed your eyes shut, trying the hardest you could to put yourself to sleep, even if forcefully. all you could think of was blade and what he was doing. and it wasn't until a full seven minutes later that your body finally decided to give you the pleasure of slumber.
noises that were lost on your sleeping form resonated through your bedroom. the squeak of your window was loud, it had you shuffling in your sheets. blade at first, tried to quietly sneak through the window after finding your front door locked before deciding not to care. you didn't keep your door unlocked like he instructed, so if you woke up, that was only your karma.
but then the thought of a possible intruder getting into your house and faltered. his steps became lighter. he neared your sleeping figure and looked at you. he wanted nothing more than to disturb your sleep and kiss you breathless. but when he took another look you looked as if your sleep was exhausting you more than replenishing you. you tossed and turned, eyebrows furrowed. maybe you were having a nightmare.
well, kissing could come after. your wellbeing came first. his hand caressed your face with the intent of soothing you, yet you only jolted awake. it was dark outside, the sun finally set. you could only see your room from what the moon decided to illuminate.
but your eyes adjusted to the dark and you instantly recognized the familiar silhouette standing above you. "b-blade..?" you asked, voice still heavy with sleep.
he only hummed in response as he climbed to hover over you, not hesitating to get his face near yours. your breath started going off track instantaneously. you lazily put your fingers over his lips, trying to feebly stop him from coming any closer. he was already making your heart going crazy enough by simply being here and letting you wake up to the sight of him, you didn't need the pounding of your heartbeat resonating in your ears next.
"i-i'm not dreaming, right?"
in response blade pinched the skin of your waist that your ridden up shirt exposed. you squeaked in pain. "what the hell!?" you whisper shouted.
"you're not dreaming." he said, tone soft. you hated admitting that the sound of his voice soothed you.
blade grabbed your wrist easily, removing your hand from his face to push it against your bed, and gently laid you against your pillows with his own body, leaning over you. his hair draped over you like a curtain, leaving you with nowhere to look but him.
any earlier resistance disappeared and you gave in the second his lips brushed against yours, going lax on your bed. the hand that held yours squeezed tighter, his other hand traveling up to hold your cheek. you leaned further into him once his lips finally met yours, giving you that sweet relief of having him against you once more.
even if you tried denying your feelings, they were apparent to blade, who could easily see through you. him and jing yuan were definitely rivaling in that aspect, and you weren't sure whether or not you hated it.
he moved the hand the held your face to your back, arching you up into him. you could tell from the way he was biting your lips and caressing his tongue with yours that this might escalate. and as he kissed you even harder you admitted to yourself that you wouldn't mind if it did.
his harsh kisses were definitely waking you up from your slumbered daze, it was then that the events that transpired earlier today seeped into your mind, causing you to lose your confidence in the kiss. blade must've noticed, for he pulled away to speak, "what's wrong?"
"why... do you even like me?" you asked in a trembling voice, deciding to be straightforward. if you thought about asking him for a second longer, you would've lost the will. plus, the question has plagued your mind for awhile and you needed answers. it’s not as if you were opposed to blade taking after you, but you couldn’t understand exactly why.
he hovered over you, moving his hand and letting your back ease into the mattress to tap the back of his index finger against your lips. "there's a lot of reasons why. but one... i like seeing the different expressions you make. whether it be when i make you angry, your brows furrow and you pout your lips, and you don't even notice." he whispers, and even in the dark you can tell he's smirking.
"or... when i kiss you and you get that desperate look on your face."
desperate!? excuse me!? you screamed in your head, flushing.
"why do you ask?"
you look away, too humiliated to say a word, but you speak up anyways, "no reason. just curious..."
blade observed you, he was good at reading people. it must've came with the job. your expression was very telling, and the fact that you were having a nightmare before he arrived was a huge factor as well.
"i like you."
it was random, and it had you sputtering, but it immediately helped assure your worries. you knew blade most likely figured out what was up, or he wouldn't have said something like that out of nowhere. though, before you could savor his words, he spoke up once more.
"can i touch you?"
would he cut it out!? if he kept saying and asking things like that so boldly you'd probably explode.
"you're already touching me..." you say snottily.
"you're right, which means i basically have permission." he whispers, loosening his hold on your hand to travel down to your thighs, spreading them open sharply.
you gasped, immediately using your free hands as leverage to cover your expression.
"look at me." he demands.
"..." you peek at him through your fingers, body going weak once you catch sight of his expression. his face is so full of want, and his face adorns a small cocky smirk. you hated how it made the heat between your legs increase. you know you shouldn't be into the way he stared at you, but you really couldn't help it.
"i'm gonna touch you, okay? will you let me?"
"do whatever you want..." you reluctantly relent.
blade ignored your attempt at veiling your actual needs and traveled his fingers higher up your thigh, tugging on your bottoms. "take these off.." he mutters.
you listen and does as he says, so he lifts himself sightly to give you space to slide your shorts down your legs. he grabs them for you and throws them aside, in a rush to get his hands on you. he rubbed your bare thighs, caressing higher up, thumb catching onto the hem of your panties.
"you said i can do whatever i want, right? i'm gonna hold you to that, we might not even leave this bedroom," he says casually, not noticing your flushed expression as he continues to ramble, "you don't know how long i've wanted this. haven't seen you for days." he hisses. "ever since i kissed you, i've been thinking about your lips since."
you wrap you arms around his neck quickly, tipping your head to the side the second his lips touched your collarbone.
his admittance had your mind hazing with a heavy blanket of need and want. words started spilling out of your mouth before you could even stop yourself. you whispered desperately, "me too..! i can't stop thinking about you.. so much to the point where it's hindering my work.. why'd you take so long to come and see me?"
blade's control is wearing thin at your whiny voice, he groans out, "my job doesn't really give me leeway. but god, i wanted to see you so bad, you don't even know." he leaves light butterfly kisses from your neck to your jaw, his thumb rubbing circles into the skin of your thigh.
then he tugs at the hem of your shirt. "i want this off, too." next thing you know, the only thing covering you are your undergarments, but you could tell from the way he kept caressing you near your panties that those would soon join the pile.
once he threw your top aside, you bring his face to yours, instantly interlocking your lips. it was the first time you took initiation and blade couldn't help but smile into the kiss. his hand ventures higher, hands intentionally swiping over the place you needed him most before pulling back to caress your hips.
you grunt into the kiss in irritation, trying to pull his body closer to you to get that friction you crave.
blade notices, and wants to tease you more than anything, but he couldn't deny how much he missed you. once you finally let him kiss you, he swore he couldn't get enough. had you not avoided him for a good two weeks he could've had moments like this with you before his work swept him away. and going two more weeks without you made it even worse. blade could only think of how it was true that distance certainly did make the heart grow fonder.
blade uses his kiss with you as a distraction and slips his finger past your undergarments to finally touch you where you craved. you instantly pull away from the kiss with a gasp, your back arching up slightly as you whined aloud.
"so pretty." blade muttered, placing kisses on your shoulder before pulling away to watch your expressions. he could feel how his erection tightened his pants uncomfortably at the mere sight of you drowning in pleasure. "another expression to add to my list." he whispers, eyeing your face with a carnal, predatory hunger.
blade slides one finger into you and stares at the way you twitch and thrash. "w—waaait..!!" you moaned, trying your hardest to catch your breath. he ignores your pleas and speeds up the pace, slowly adding in a second finger.
with your reactions, he could tell how sensitive you were. he could only grin and think about how fun teasing you in future will be.
blade curled his fingers in a way that had you keening and flailing, trying to kick him away. he put a hand on your abdomen to still you. "nnn...noo..! if you.. hngg.. keep doing that... i'm- i'm definitely soaking the sheets..." you whimpered in a whispery voice. in response to you, he starts rubbing your clit in circular motions, your cries becoming louder.
"promise?" he kissed your cheek.
you whined more and blade buried his face in your neck, conveniently placing his ear right by your mouth. a perfect place to hear your noises at full volume. that was before you decided to go and try to cover your mouth.
the muffled noise of your cries let him know what you were trying to do immediately. he sits up to glare down at you, slowing down the pace of his fingers.
“w—what..?” you cry out, confused.
“let me hear you. if you do that again, i stop,” his voice is commanding and it has your legs trembling. you obey him easily. helplessly under his mercy, and remove your hands from your face.
he leans down to kiss your face and continues his previous pace. you cry out in relief, feeling your peak climbing its way up.
"you'd look so pretty wrapped around me, you know?" he speaks into your skin. you whimper at that.
the rhythm of his fingers made you a moaning mess, you couldn't help but thrash and kick, the pleasure all too overwhelming— but it still wasn't enough. you desperately needed what he had hiding behind his zipper.
"cum for me..." he coos softly into your ear, voice condescending yet fond at the same time.
"i— i want..."
"i know..." he cuts you off, "i'll stuff you with my cock like you want, just cum on my fingers first." he rasps, letting you know he was enjoying this just as much as you.
he curls the pads of his finger against a certain spot that makes you jerk in his hold. a loud moan leaves your lips and you try your hardest to push him away. blade doesn't give you the chance, keeping you stilled against the bed, thrusting into you even faster. your vision goes white and the brunt of your orgasm hits you full force, you whine loudly and try your best to push blade away, weakly hitting his forearm with your fist. he helps you ride out your orgasm by rubbing your bud, watching you with a hot, burning desire. his control is on the verge of snapping. if you keep making these noises and faces he can't guarantee he'll continue being gentle with you.
"haa...hahh.." you pant loudly, chest rising up and down. “dammit, i definitely ruined that pair.”
you're too distracted to notice blade undressing himself, only opening your eyes to look at him once you hear the unbuckling of his belt.
"blade..." you cry.
he hushes you with his lips, adjusting your position once his bottoms are off— joining the pile of your clothes. you squeak at the sudden breeze of cold air once blade starts sliding your garment down your legs.
“you’re so soaked. fuck.” he mutters breathily, eyes dark. your cunt pulses at the realization that his expression isn’t only because of lust but also him trying his hardest to hold himself back.
you’re both surprised and slightly disgusted with yourself because you’re aware that if he were to snap and be extremely rough with you, you wouldn’t mind— you’d even enjoy it.
“i said you could do whatever you wanted with me, right?” you lean up and unclasp your bra, tossing it aside— you’d usually be humiliated by such boldness, but you were too busy reveling in blade’s awed expression— for once it felt like you one-upped him.
“i suggest you watch your tongue.” he grumbles, and you couldn’t help but smile to yourself. you’re obviously riling him up, and enjoying it to the fullest.
“but i need it, blade. you promised you’d give me your cock, didn’t you?” you whined, fully aware of your effect on him.
he huffs, shoving you down on the bed to loom over you again, before hissing, “remember who has the authority here.”
you only smirked cockily, a face blade could admit that he really liked. “well maybe you need to remind me,” you say cheekily.
blade, in response, pulls his cock out of his boxers, and it shuts you up immediately; the mere sight of it. he caught sight of your eyes glued to his length and could only smirk.
“maybe i didn’t need to remind you.” the words of ‘you reminded yourself’ went unsaid, but you both knew.
he leans down to interlock your lips and starts grinding himself against you.
there’s no way that’ll fit!! you screamed internally, it’s not like you were inexperienced, but you can say with confidence you’ve never laid with someone so well endowed.
your mind hazes as his tongue delves into your mouth, and you can’t bring yourself to worry.
the tip of his cock catches your clit and you both groan.
“stop teasing.” you complain, brows knitting together.
blade pulls away to pump himself a couple times before finally lining himself up to your slit. he sets a heavy finger right above your belly button, pressing it into your skin.
you eye the indent he creates in confusion. you try to catch his eyes but he can’t seem to pull his gaze away from where his finger is placed.
“i’ll be right here.” he taps the spot again as if solidify his words into reality. you flush once you realize his implications, and as much as you wanted to knock him down a peg, you knew he was probably right. with how big he was you’d probably be able to feel him in your throat. your breaths become labored at the idea of it all, anxiously waiting for him to fill you like he promised.
“give me a safe word.” he says, voice guttural.
“red!” not only did it mean stop in a lot of circumstances, but it also reminded you of his eyes.
with that being said, he pushes himself into you, burying himself in to the hilt. your eyes roll back and you grip his biceps to ground yourself.
“you can take all of me, right?” he asks huskily, grabbing your hips for leverage and setting his forehead against yours.
“i can i can, i can!!” you chant out dizzily, on cloud nine from this alone.
“good.. so good for me.” he whispers through gritted teeth. he pulls out till the tip, groaning at the harsh resistance. it’s either you were too tight or he was too big. he assumes it’s because you’re squeezing the life out of him but you’re guessing otherwise.
he abruptly thrusts all the way back in, slamming you against his pelvis. you jerk in his hold, tears lining your bottom lashes as you sob loudly.
blade repeats the process, but this time with more ferocity. your mouth waters at the intensity of it all, eyes rolled back to your brain. he catches your expression and decides he won’t have mercy on you as he previously insisted.
the only thing leaving your lips is a mantra of his name as he starts a rhythm. he doesn’t spare you a single breath, his own lungs drying up and in desperate need for air— because he’s just so deep.
he slams into you harshly, your clit rubbing onto his pelvis with each grind into you, your sobs resonate through the room and your legs twitch violently.
“fuuuckkk! blade blade, blade!! cant! i cant.. i— nnnn!!” your nails dig into the muscles of his arms, making crescent shaped dents.
“you can. you promised, right? you’ll cum for me just like this, right sweetheart?” he coos condescendingly.
the mean tone of his voice is lost on you, for all you can think about is the term of endearment— you squeeze him harder.
“shitttt.” blade groans at the sensation. he grabs your face desperately, locking lips with you to hide his noises. it’s a sloppy kiss, your own drool slipping down your chin. you can’t even focus on the raunchiness of it all, the way he slams down into you— tip of his cock kissing your cervix— you can’t bother to think of anything else. you moan breathily into the kiss, hands gravitating to blade’s back to let your nails make their mark there.
“you like that, huh? when i call you sweet names? tell me you like it, baby,” he says, lidded eyes trained on you.
“i love it!”
his hand travels between your bodies to make circular motions on your clit, other hand massaging your breast, and you swear you see white. squeaky little ‘blade blade, blade!’s come out of your puffy, swollen lips.
“want me to cum inside you? give you my kids.. let them keep you company while i’m gone. you’d like that, yeah?” he pulls away from you slightly to babble senselessly— his mind mush, and mouth running on auto pilot. his words set a fire off inside you, and the knot in your tummy tightens further, on the brink of snapping.
“yes yes, yes!” you sob, your nails raking up and down his back.
“course you’d like that. look at you, my little cocksleeve. you were made to take my cock, admit it.” he grabs your face with one hand, squishing your face together. your moans take on a different tone at his degrading.
“i was.. ohhhh— i—” you couldn’t even finish, the tip of his cock kissing and stroking your sweet spot. blade doesn’t like your lack of answer, so his hips slow their pace, dropping to mere strokes.
“n—no, what..?” you blink out of your daze, your pleasure riddled mind slowly coming to.
“answer me, i asked you a question.”
desperate to get the pleasure you were quickly becoming addicted to, you obey his needs without another word.
“i’m your cocksleeve! i was made just to take your cock. so please! use me!” you cry out in little to no hesitation.
“fuck.” he mumbles. before you can exhale you’re immediately inhaling from the shock of his abrupt, sharp speed. he’s drilling into you harshly, lifting your legs and arching your back to hit your sweet spot with each thrust. his thumb finds your clit and your mind instantly blanks.
the quickness of it all quickly overwhelms you and your orgasm climbs the ladder with quick succession. you’re sobbing now, nails making red lines on his back as he pounds into you.
you can feel him in your stomach. and you knew if you were able to keep your eyes open, you’d be able to see it too.
“please let me cum, i wanna cum!” you cry out brainlessly.
“fuck. fuuckkk. cum, pretty thing. cum on my cock so i can cum deep inside you.” he buries his face in your neck, kissing dark purple blemishes into your skin.
his voice does you in, the roughness of it all, and the fact that he sounds just as wrecked as you. you’re only able to give a whiny warning of, “cumming— i’m cumming!! ohh god!!” before you finally burst. your body convulses brutally and you squeeze blade in a vice grip, punching out a guttural groan from him.
the feeling has blade reaching his peak before he can even compose himself. his hips stutter and he’s slamming into you, gripping your hips harshly — which will definitely leave bruises— and his finger rubs your clit to help you ride out your high.
“fuck fuck, fuck. fuuuckk. i’m gonna fill you up just like you want. make you round with my kids. gonna give it all to you. you’ll take it, right? you’ll take it all, i just know it,” he chants, mind blank.
“please, blade— ohhh goddd, please fill me up!!” you sob, tears running down your cheeks.
one last slam of his hips has him filling you up to the brim. more more, more— until his burning hot cum squelches out of you and drips onto the sheets. it prolongs your orgasm and you’re whining at the feeling. small praises leave blade’s lips as he leaves small kisses all over you.
he sits up and slowly pulls out of you, watching, entranced, as all of his cum slowly seeps out. with an empty mind that’s only filled with the image of you, he puts his fingers in your cunt to plug you up and prevent anything else from draining out.
a spike of pain and pleasure shoot through you. your mind starts clearing and you squeal, “hey!!”
he meets your gaze, eyes your messy form, and says simply, “sorry.” he pulls away.
blade hated that you looked so good that way. your body riddled with sweat, brows furrowed, lips pouted (that expression he loved so much), and hair mussed all over your pillows.
you can’t tear your eyes away from how he stares at you. this time, you notice the fondness that swim in his irises and your tummy flutters. your lips curl into a sweet smile and you speak to sweep away your embarrassment, “you’re really obsessed with me.”
blade’s eyes widen, and you assume it’s because of your words; but you couldn’t be any more wrong.
this is the first time you’ve smiled like that in his presence. he couldn’t deny that he loved your other faces, whether it be anger, prideful, lust, you name it. but this one… it was definitely his new favorite.
you predicted he’d say something along the lines of, “i am.” and make you further embarrassed. but if anything, he said the opposite.
“spread your legs.” he orders simply.
you blink at him, noticing his eyes that filled with desire once more.
“y—you can’t be serious!!!”
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taglist : @chalksdreams @bloo-wisteria @maddymints09 @just-simping-over-genshin @xiaowatching @sunsethw4 @caesadele @forsh4dow @i-x4o @shrimp-anon some of u i couldn’t tag sorryyyyy ☹️
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mxtantrights · 5 months
Hello, blessings. I'm not sure if you take requests about Jason Todd, and I would like to make one where the reader has been a friend of Jason practically all her life. They both lived on the streets of Gotham City, but when Jason left with Bruce and tried to take her with him, she refused and continued living on the streets. However, Jason always looked out for her.
Until Jason dies, and when he returns, he sees that she has a "family", but it wasn't something that could be called that.
What do you think would happen?
growing up with Jason todd is probably a lot of fun but a totally a headache. I mean stealing is one thing, you gotta eat and you gotta survive. But stealing the hubcaps to the bat mobile? yeah, Jason was asking for trouble.
before Bruce took Jason in, you two were inseparable. You did everything together. You slept in shady places, you shared food, you traded stories about your childhoods, or lack thereof.
things changed slightly when Bruce took in Jason. You and him obviously couldn't steal anymore, or crash in vacant places. If you wanted to eat Jason would offer to take you out to eat. If you weren't sure where you were sleeping, Jason offered a bad for you in the manor.
It felt weird to you. So you stopped asking for things and in turn told Jason to stop giving you handouts. Jason made you promise that you would try to get not he straight and narrow and that was the deal.
You knew that if you ever ran into trouble Jason would be there. Like when your shifty landlord wanted to kick you out because he wanted to raise the rent. Suddenly, your landlord changed his tune and said he would accept whatever money you could give for rent. You knew it was Jason but you decided to keep it to yourself.
It goes on like this for years. Someone gives you a hard time, you say it in passing to Jason, and the problem is solved. You feel like a bad friend for only being a taker in the relationship but Jason reminds you time after time that he's happy to do it.
Then Jason dies. And you have to make a difficult choice. To go back to the way you were before, not falling the rules, living day by day on chance and luck. Or follow through on what Jason wanted for you.
It takes a couple of months. But you decide through your grief that you'll keep your deal with Jason even if he's not alive. You feel like you're only half alive though.
That's how you end up in a relationship with a scumbag. To be fair it didn't start that way. It was nice in the beginning. Flowers, chocolates, dates and planned outings. But then things just started to decline.
And you didn't really want to get out of it. You felt like you rigged a hole for yourself and wouldn't let yourself out of it. Why would you? It's not like you had someone who cared for you. Yes Bruce checked in on you every once in a while but he had other things to worry about, other kids, other robins.
It's not until you're three years into this toxic relationship that one day you're single. All the scumbag leaves for you is a note telling you not to call, and that you won't see each other again. It reminds you of Jason solving you problems but you know its' not him.
You try to hold onto the feeling but it's pretty fleeting. Living in a world without Jason Todd is horrible.
One night, when you're at an old spot you used to crash in with Jason, drinking away the feelings you meet him. Red hood. You had heard of the power shift he created in Gotham. So many people told you he was scary to be around but he didn't seem like it.
When Red hood takes off his mask you almost lose your shit.
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gukkie01 · 1 year
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Pair: Racer! Jungkook x Police officer! Fem reader
Rating/Genre: 18+, smut (little to no plot), humour (I tried but failed again 😐)
Words count: 5 649
Warning: explicit content, oral sex (F receiving), semi-public sex (I guess??), penetrative sex, vaginal sex, jungkook is a very very hot racer, fingering, car sex, sassy Y/n, dirty talking, unprotected sex (pls don’t be dumb like them)
Summary: Y/n was starting to get bored of being a police officer. She needed the thrill. Thank god, Jeon Jungkook was there to help her.
Note: very much liked writing this one. It was inspired by a book I read on wattpad (that I forgot the name of :/) but I switched the roles and decided Y/n was going to be the police officer 👍. Hope you guys enjoy this one! Sorry for any typos :(
💞 quick little reminder that comments and likes are appreciated 🥹. Enjoy! 💞
Can’t Catch Me
Being a police officer was not your dream anymore. For the solemn reasons that it was boring as hell. Nothing like in the movies. There weren’t any arresting criminals and interfering in mafia cartels and saving the day.
No. It was sorting documents and sometimes, if you were lucky enough, arresting cars. But where was the thrill in that? The excitement?
Sitting down behind a desk clearly wasn’t saving anyone or helping in that case. It was just making phone calls, watching some people here and then to make sure they didn’t leave. You never had to interrogate anyone. You didn’t even have your opportunity at playing the mean cop!
Because there was no doubt that you would’ve been the mean cop. You let no one step over you or cross any boundaries.
So yeah, being a cop or police officer if you would, was not thrilling at all. It was a shitty job that paid just enough so you could survive the month. Just enough. In the end, you always had to ask yourself if it was even worth it. And most of the time, your answer ended up being no, not at all.
Your superior was not even—
Speaking of, you suddenly received a phone call from him. Picking up, you cleared your throat, trying to sound as professional and calm and cool as possible. “Y/n,” he said and shifted a little. “I need you in my office. Now.” He ended the call, not giving the slightest bit of details.
But you were used to that. Didn’t make it less annoying though.
With an exasperated sigh that earned a few amused glares from your coworkers, you got up and made your way to your boss’s office down a little hall. Three knocks and a barely audible ‘come in’ later, you were sitting down in front of him, Mr. Kang or Monkey Face as you liked to call him.
“Yes sir?” You asked, quirking an eyebrow and shifting to the edge of your chair. Were you in trouble? You couldn’t see how that was possible. How could sitting all day bring you in trouble?
Monkey Face, without once letting his eyes divert from his laptop, clicked his tongue. “I’m assigning you to a new route,” was all he said, typing away on his laptop and munching on his gum a little too loudly for your taste.
“What? Where?” The idea of finally leaving this hell of a place brought interest into your features as you wiggled more on the edge of your chair. It was embarrassing really. It wasn’t like you were arresting criminals but at least, you were going to be outside, arresting cars.
Give or take. And you decided to take.
“Route 30. You can go now.”
So, apparently, route 30 ended up being more of a stretch of highway rather than an actual route. By the time the moon set, you saw two cars, and they were exasperatedly slow. But there was no one else behind so you let it pass.
You were sitting inside your car, radio playing but you paid it no mind. It was just nice having some background noises that stopped you from falling asleep although let’s just say it wasn’t doing its job right.
When you glanced outside, the sky was pitch black; no stars, no moon. It was like someone purposely painted it black. It made the outside much darker and duller.
You sighed and decided to exit your car. Take some fresh air. You stood outside, kicking rocks with your boots and after some time, you even started playing soccer against yourself.
But you quickly got bored once again.
It turned out that being assigned to patrol a road was worse than you thought. Sitting in your car, switching the radio multiple times until you’d get so frustrated you would just shut it.
At one point, you got so bored you were on the verge of tears. Which was pathetic but true.
You started singing off-tune to a song that you vaguely remembered, singing as loud as you could before that too would become boring.
And that was when the universe heard your wishes.
Your ears perked up at the ramble of an engine, far in the distance but no doubt getting nearer pretty fast. Too fast. With your heart thumping almost loudly, you buckled your seatbelt and waited until the roaring got closer and closer and you finally saw it.
It flew past you so quickly it was like it was never there in the first place. You flicked on your lights as well as your sirens and started the car, following as closely as you could.
It was hard. Whatever car it was surely surpassed your own speed. And if it didn’t slow down any time soon, you’d lose sight of them eventually.
They made a turn to the left so quickly that you almost couldn’t follow. Your car had been on the verge of driving off the road. You weren’t really on the highway anymore but more on a small route hidden by immense trees.
You were breathless and nervous but driving that fast was the biggest thrill of your entire life and it was so liberating.
Finally, the car decelerated soon after, swerving into the side and parking swiftly. With how fast it had initially been going, you were impressed with how smooth it parked. Whoever it was behind the steering wheel, they were clearly experienced.
Slowly, all the while trying not to make a fool of yourself, you pulled up behind the bright neon blue car. You stepped out and approached the vehicul, taking in deep breaths. Be cool, be cool.
You knocked on the window three times before it slid down and goddamn it—
Your heart literally stopped beating for a fraction of a second when your gaze met a pair of doe eyes. Your own trailed lower until it stopped at a particular shiny object on the driver’s face. A lip piercing.
For a moment, you completely forgot what you were here for, too dazed by the same piercing being bitten and played with. You shook your head, regaining your composure. Or more like tried to.
Question number one.
“Do you know how fast you were driving?” You asked, trying to muster the scariest voice you could. His pierced eyebrow raised up and he smiled innocently. He had this little bunny smile that made you giddy despite trying to calm yourself down.
“I’m sorry officer, I wasn’t paying attention.” He was amused. It was clear in the way his eyes twinkled and the mocking tone of his so fucking deep voice. You gulped a lump in your throat, trying with all your might not to look at any of his piercings and maintain your professionalism.
Question number two.
“License and registration?” You managed to ask without stuttering and the driver reached into the glove box compartment and handed you his papers.
You glanced down at them, letting your eyes trail along the information.
Jeon Jungkook. Born September 1st, 1997. He was a year older than you. His hair in the picture of his license was shorter and lighter. More like a soft brown whereas now, it was almost black. You didn’t know why you were even paying attention to that. You didn’t deign a look at his registration papers and gave them back to him.
He arched an eyebrow, clearly finding the whole situation amusing and to his advantage. He must have known just how much he had an effect on you right now.
Your inner thoughts consisted of:
I’m gonna get fired
But he’s so hot, I don’t care
I wish he could take me right here, right now
I am so getting fired.
Jungkook’s smooth husky voice quickly pulled you out of your thoughts. It was kind of funny how your heart dropped at how deep and soft his voice sounded. There was this little witty and sarcastic tone behind it.
“Aren’t you supposed to use these?” He asked, wiggling his license and registration in his hands. It was then that your eyes caught the tattoos hiding every inch of his skin. It was covering a big part of his hands and went up under his sleeve and you found yourself wanting to see more. You needed to see his entire full sleeve tattoo.
You cleared your throat, the air around you thickening by the seconds. You wondered if you were the only one feeling it. The tension. The want. The desire. Maybe it was only your brain playing tricks on you. Telling you that Jungkook’s eyes definitely trailed down your body, mentally undressing you.
Yeah, your mind was clearly playing tricks. Maybe it was his little grin tugging at the corner of his lips or his sweet cologne that made your brain alter like that. Surely, he had done something to you.
After a couple of seconds, you realized you still hadn’t answered him. You straightened up, flattening your hand on the top of his car, glancing down at him with what you hoped was your most serious glare. “I’ll let you off with a warning, Jungkook.” It was a little strange saying his name out loud, but you quickly found out that you liked it. A lot.
“But I better not see you here again or it’s a ticket,” you continued and saw his smile widening.
“Yes, ma’am.”
Ok, your mind was definitely going a little crazy. You had just seen Jungkook sending a little wink your way. You probably imagined it. Yeah, it was all your brain.
He gave a little nod and started his engine once again. It roared loud and hoarsely and you had to admit that it was nice to the ears. You took a step back and watched as Jungkook drove away, ignoring your words from mere moments ago and going fast.
You clicked your tongue against the roof of your mouth.
You had told Jungkook to never come back here but deep inside, you wished to see him again.
A week later, the job didn’t get better. If possible, it probably got worse. You hadn’t arrested one single car yet and all you did was sleep in your car. You knew that if your boss found out, he’d surely fire you and it would be over. He was paying you to work, not sleep. That would be his words.
You sighed for the millionth time this afternoon, whistling along the song playing on the radio. The sun wasn’t bright today. Your mood was down.
The radio was on as per usual and you could hear some of your coworkers communicating with each other, wishing you could do the same. You had nothing to say, nothing to warn. Today was pretty boring.
But then again, someone seemed to have heard you and a loud roar could be heard at the far end of the highway. Your heart thumped loudly and you felt your chest vibrate. Finally. You felt a smile curve up your lips as you turned your car on just as a vehicle flashed before your eyes.
You quickly drove away from behind the small bushes you were once parked at and started your pursuit. But it was quickly over. The car parked on the side road after a short while and you did the same a couple of meters behind. You stood outside your car, looking around quickly before jogging and knocking against the tinted window.
“Do you know how— Jesus! You?”
Fucking hell. Of course it was him. Jeon Jungkook. You should have known by the unique rambling of his motor and at the speed he went earlier. You should have known since the start. This job was seriously making you lose some brain cells.
Jungkook grinned. It was a little devilish and teasing and smug. He leaned on the inside of his door, looking up at you. Fuck. He had dimples.
“Hi to you too, officer…” his eyes trailed down to your badge, “Y/n.” The way your name rolled off his tongue so well made you shiver. His voice had gone an octave lower. It had that little rasp to it that almost made you drool. You secretly wished you could hear it right to your ears.
Just the thought of it gave you goosebumps.
“Jungkook, it’s the second time I catch you exceeding the speed limit. I have no other choice but to give you a ticket this time.”
You didn’t really want to. If you could, you’d let him off with another warning that would actually never get anywhere. He was too pretty to have a ticket. Too fucking perfect.
Jungkook’s wicked grin didn’t falter once even after your words. If it made sense, it seemed to only get wider. Was he finding this entire situation funny? It made your blood slightly boil. You felt like you were getting laughed at. Humiliated maybe. But there was also this little feeling, this tightness at the pit of your stomach when Jungkook got closer.
His cologne hit your strong and gosh, you wanted to breathe it forever. Bath in it. It smelled so good on him.
“Is there a way I could pay? I don’t have money right now.” His tone was suggestive and it took you a while before you got the proper meaning behind his words. And to say that you were shook was an understatement. You choked on nothing, face flushed and so warm, it was embarrassing.
Jungkook didn’t miss the way you suddenly avoided even looking at him, focusing on his steering wheel instead. You heard a low chuckle that shouldn’t have sounded this good. It shouldn’t have made your knees slightly fold.
Jungkook was an attractive man. You couldn’t deny it and it was pretty hard to miss. It was also hard not to stare at his piercings, at his pink lips that looked so soft or at the tattoos that were much more visible than last time. They peeked from his white top and reached the middle of his neck. They were simply magnificent. You wanted to let your fingers run along each of his tattoos.
But even with his fucking god-like appearance, you had to stop yourself from even thinking of further things about him. It was not professional to let your brain wander at these places.
So, in other words, you were a little too close to taking his offer.
“Don’t worry, you’ll have a week to pay, so if you don’t have the money on you right now, it’s no worries.” You replied, mentally high-fiving yourself for keeping your cool.
Jungkook shifted closer, and the tip of his index grazed your arm. It was covered with your uniform but it still sent a wave of fire through your entire body. “But I would really like to pay now. I have something better than money.”
No, no no.
He shouldn’t have said that. You were on the verge of saying ‘yes’. On the verge of letting him take you right here, in the middle of the highway. His words were very powerful and from the way his eyebrow arched, he knew it.
“Do you know what you’re implying right now, Jeon?”
Something in his eyes twinkled when you said his last name. He smirked. Literally smirked. “I know that very well, officer. So, what do you say?”
Oh my god.
You couldn’t say yes, even with how much your heart—or more like your cunt— begged for you to accept his offer. But that would only bring you trouble. You didn’t need that.
“I say we’re going straight to the station, Jungkook. Come out.” His smug expression dropped for a moment, and you saw how disappointed he was. Maybe he thought that his sexiness and his pretty voice and pretty tattoos and piercings would have saved him, and it almost did. But you had to remember that you were the mean cop.
He sighed and opened his door, standing up in front of you.
You breath hitched when you realized how easily he was towering over you. He looked so intimidating from this angle, you almost dropped to your knees. It was then that you realized he was wearing a white top that was so tight you saw the entire shape of his pecs. He had a racer vest on top—blue with black lines and his name written on the back.
He looked at you for a second, toying with his lip piercing before eventually turning around and putting his hands behind his back.
“You know officer, it seemed like you were ready to take my offer. What made you change your mind?” So cocky. His ego was so big and normally it would piss you off, but with Jungkook, it was almost like a part of his charm.
“Stop talking,” you ordered in your most stern voice although it only made him chuckle. You unclipped the handcuffs from your uniform, ready to wrap them around his wrists.
“So bossy. I like it.” You swallowed on nothing over and over again, losing focus. The more he talked, the more you were overthinking. You wanted to push him in his car and let him fuck you.
“Jungkook, I said stop talking.”
“You like having control, hm? I bet you’d love to control me, even for just a few minutes…” And then, well, you kind of snapped.
You handcuffed his wrists together harshly, your fast movements making him take a sharp breath. You turned him around, slightly pinning him to his car door. “I told you to stop talking. You’re only bringing yourself further into trouble,” your voice was simply a mere whisper directed to his face. Jungkook bit his lips, bowing his upper body to reach your level.
“One thing you should know: I love trouble,” he said and his voice was suave and smooth and warm on the side of your face. His knee touched your crotch and he pushed it between your legs. You sucked in a long breath and let out a muffled moan.
Well shit. You were doomed. Because now, you couldn’t stop thinking about how his knee felt so good pressed against your pussy and how much his cock would be even better.
“Seems like you’re enjoying yourself,” he commented, looking down at your lower half grinding on his knees. He pushed it up more and added some pressure to your core. You were wet. Wetter than you’d been in a while and all because of a little asshole named Jungkook. He had his proud face on, enjoying the way your face darkened in a deep shade of pink and the way you obviously shook. He knew you wanted to go further.
“Remove those handcuffs, sweetie.” He said suddenly and his face was dark, serious and so dominant. You really couldn’t say no to that face.
So you nodded, taking out a key from your front pocket, fumbling with it clumsily until the handcuffs were off and Jungkook’s hands found their way on your waist.
He didn’t wrap his arms around you. He simply let you feel his hands for a while, getting used to the burning feeling they left even on top of your entire uniform. It tickled as if he touched you straight through your clothes, right on your skin. Thinking about it, you were dying for some skin to skin contact. To touch his tattoos while he was pleasing you.
Jungkook’s eyes were staring straight into yours. You knew right then that he had been thinking about that moment for a while now and to say that it turned you on was an understatement.
You cleared your throat, trying to keep eye contact without failing but it was hard. His stare was deep and intense and the way he continually licked his lips made it difficult to keep your eyes up there. They looked so soft.
You briefly wondered how they tasted before Jungkook’s voice interrupted your train of thoughts.
“Are you gonna stare at them longer before you finally kiss me?” You hated how his voice made your inside wiggle and giddy and your heartbeat accelerate.
You hesitated, on the tip of your toes. You were so nervous. And Jungkook seemed to catch in, as with a wide grin, he plunged down, lips crashing against your, and teeth colliding. His cold lip piercing touched the corner of your lips and made you gasp.
He snorted into the kiss, this time, wrapping his arms entirely around your waist and exchanging your positions. You were the one pinned on his car. And quite honestly, you liked this position way more.
“I’ve been waiting to do that since the moment you knocked on my window.” His sudden confession stole the air out of you. Just like you, he had been waiting to touch you and feel you up.
Fucking butterflies. You hated how they swam in your stomach and made it difficult to keep up with the kissing without feeling like you would pass out. Jungkook was a good kisser. Scratch that, he was fucking amazing. He moved his lips with expertise against yours.
You guys weren’t really taking your time but you still enjoyed it very much. They way it was heated and impatient and filled with want made it all the more exciting.
You wanted him so bad.
“Let’s take this further in the car, hm?” He mumbled against your lips, struggling to open the car in the position you were both in, but after a while, you were swiftly thrown in the back seat.
Jungkook hovered over you like a scary predator ready to attack and eat its prey. And you were very glad to be his prey.
His right hand lifted up and stopped at your cheek, letting his thumb rub over the softness of your skin. He was in literal awe as he let his eyes trail around every feature of your face. “You’re so fucking beautiful. Can’t wait to ruin you.”
If it wasn’t hot enough, it became too much. You were sweating, desperate to get out of your clothes and let the AC of the car wrap around you. And even more desperate to get Jungkook to fuck you.
Jungkook’s rough hands explored every inch of your upper body until he got tired of your clothes. He sat you up and as fast as he could, succeeded in removing the top of your uniform. His eyes twinkled as if he was a kid that just received his favorite toy for his birthday.
You let him touch you everywhere, he squeezed and massaged your breast until you were whimpering. He pinched your nipples, earning multiple cries from you. He seemed to love every second of it, considering the smile—worth probably a million of dollars—plastered on his face.
He didn’t linger on your breasts too much, though. You could see in the way his fingers always found themselves at the waistband of your pants, that he was more excited about what was down there.
He looked up at you, stopping his hands that were ready to slip off the last item of clothing (except your panties) covering your body.
“Can I remove them?” He asked and it warmed your heart that he remembered to ask you before going any further. You gave him a shy nod and kept in your breath when the cold air hit your lower body, more specifically, your inner thighs.
Jungkook’s hands covered your skin almost immediately. His nails slightly scratched your skin as he ran his fingers up and down your entire legs. But his eyes were stuck on the wet patch on your panties.
“Aren’t you a little excited, huh? Soaked even when I barely even started.”
You moaned. It was a small moan that was more due to your embarrassment and your need for him to touch you, combined together.
It was music to Jungkook’s ears.
He let his finger push on your clothed core, breathing in loudly when he felt the dampness. And then he slipped his fingers in your panties without any second thoughts or any warning.
He settled on rubbing his middle finger on your clit, looking up every now and then at the way your face contorted in pleasure. You were moaning continuously, asking him for more but he wouldn’t give it.
Jungkook loved teasing you and even though you barely knew him at all, that information was pretty obvious from the way he enjoyed slipping in snarky little remarks from the first moment you saw him. He loved how your face became red instantly, how you avoided his eyes. He felt so confident around you.
You liked the tease. You liked feeling on edge every time his fingers almost entered your pussy but then he’d move them away.
“Be patient, babe. You’ll get what you want soon enough.”
Babe. You wanted to hear him say that again on repeat.
“Jungkook,” you mumbled with closed eyes, internally screaming when he avoided your hole again, “I need more. Please.”
He chuckled, stopping the motion of his fingers. “Look at you begging for me. I should have known you’d be an impatient little slut.”
You whined at his choice of words. Dirty talking never failed in turning you on, although it was clear that it depended from who.
And it seemed to fit Jungkook very well.
“Please,” you asked again, not even caring how pathetic you sounded.
“Aw, you’re asking so nicely.” He slipped one finger in and you involuntarily arched your back. “So good for me, so tight too.” Another finger. “Are you gonna come from just my fingers?” A third digit, this time, curling inside.
The stretch hurted a bit. But it was good. It felt so amazing. It only added onto the pleasure and after a while, it wasn’t even uncomfortable anymore.
Jungkook’s eyes were plastered on your pussy and the way you swallowed his fingers so well. You were so wet, it dripped down your inner thighs. He kept biting and licking his lips, moving his head down by the seconds.
And then you understood what he wanted to do so bad. He wanted to eat you out.
“Do it,” you told him, wiggling and pushing yourself closer to him, his fingers hitting a particular spot that had a little yelp come out of you.
“What?” He furrowed his eyebrows, slowing down his fingers. You straightened up a little bit and took his wrist, pulling his three digits out of you. “I know what you wanna do. Eat me out. Please.”
He swallowed and nodded, pushing you further in the back seat and against the door. He properly positioned himself between your legs, tapping on your right thigh. “Open up,” he signaled, pulling them even more apart until you were wide open in front of him.
He licked his lips and plunged his head right in your crotch. Locks of his hair fell on your thighs, tickling you and making shivers run up your entire body. And then his tongue touched you. So warm. So soft. So pleasurable.
He licked the lips at first before slipping his tongue inside, grunting. He had mumbled something but with his face between your legs, the words came out muffled and unclear.
“Fuck, it’s so fucking good. Please don’t stop.” He dug his fingers in your thighs to keep them apart. He thrusted his tongue in and out of your cunt, sometimes, keeping it in deep, filling up all the right places, grazing all the right spots until you were wiggling, and legs wrapping around his face, bucking your head up.
He let you do it. Let you suffocate his face until your juice rolled down his mouth and he pulled himself away. White liquid covered his lips and something in your belly tightened at the sight.
It was so obscene but so hot. You pulled him by his vest to smash your lips on his and taste yourself. He slipped off his vest in the process, tearing down his top and struggling out of his black baggy pants, his boots already off.
He was left in those Calvin Klein sinful briefs that allowed you to see is bulge and fuck, he was big. Perfect length and thickness and that had you drooling literally. You wanted to touch every inch of his body. He was perfectly sculpted.
“I’m gonna fill you up so good, babe. Can’t wait to fuck you into oblivion.” He whispered in your ear and let you remove his boxers until his cock sprung free and stood proudly.
You were astonished and couldn’t tear your eyes away. You were never one to find dicks beautiful, but with Jungkook, you could stare at it and a suck it all day.
But not right now. There were more important matters. Like your desperation to have his cock fuck you.
“Jungkook, I need it inside. Please.”
Jungkook couldn’t get enough of your begging. He wanted to go as far as recording it and jerking himself off at night.
He aligned himself right in front of your entrance and looked up at you. “Are you okay? I really want to fuck the shit out of you but if you changed your mind—“
You cut him off with your finger, grinning at him. “I’ve never wanted something more in my entire life. So please, do it already.” Jungkook’s face brightened up at your response. He liked how you had shut him up and ordered him.
You pushed yourself against his cock just as he began slipping it in slowly, groaning and snuggling his face in the crook of your neck, biting right under your jaw.
“Oh my fucking god, I won’t last long,” he mumbled, sucking in multiple sharp breaths. One of his hands was holding himself beside your head and the other was wrapped around you, securing you in his grasp.
When Jungkook was fully in, he stayed still for a couple of seconds, enjoying the way your walls were so warm and perfectly wrapped around his cock. But then, he slowly slipped out until the head of his dick was at your rim and slammed back in. “Oh fuck—”. You bucked your hips up, meeting his thrust and letting out a scraped moan along with Jungkook’s groan.
“If I knew it was this good,” you started but cut yourself off when he picked up his pace, squeezing your flesh, “I would’ve accepted your offer from the beginning.”
He chuckled, looking down attentively as his cock disappeared in and out of your pussy, being soaked with your slick. It was warm and it drove Jungkook crazy. He wanted to stay inside forever.
“Well, I wanted to fuck you the moment I laid my eyes on you,” he admitted and slowed down his thrusts.
You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion until Jungkook flipped you over and you were straddling him. From this position, everything felt so different. He felt so much deeper, as if you could feel him with your hands if you touched your belly.
He gripped your hips tightly to the point when it almost hurted and glanced up at you. “Ride me like the naughty little slut you are, hm?” His voice was so hoarse compared to earlier, and so much more seductive and his sinful words rolled off his tongue in a way you found so satisfying.
You nodded and wrapped your hands around his neck. As you bounced up and down, your breasts followed the rhythm and they were practically jumping in Jungkook’s face, basically calling out to him to suck on them.
Which he ended up doing, letting go of your hips and licking, biting and squeezing the sensitive skin of your chest. He marked your entire cleavage until he was happy at how dark and red it looked.
Your pussy clenched around his cock, earning a strangle moan out of you two and then a moan from Jungkook when you clenched again.
“Is my little slut already so close?”
“Y-yes. It’s so good, I can’t hold it in much longer.” His hands grasped your waist and slid you down his cock until it was buried so deep, you couldn’t find the voice in you to make a sound. He was fucking you so well.
“You’re taking my cock like a good girl. I think you deserve to come.” He mumbled, moving his head closer to yours and nibbling on your bottom lip.
“Please, Jungkook. I want to come so bad. Please please.”
“Fuck, begging like that, I don’t think I can last longer too.”
His words made you keep going, bouncing on his length over and over again to the point where you reached some overstimulation, shaking violently in his arms.
Your voice was loud and the only word that was heard was Jungkook Jungkook Jungkook.
Your cum ran down his length, to his thighs and made his skin glisten in white. Your head was dizzy and your eyes hazed as you glanced down at Jungkook. Your stomach kept tightening every time he moved his hips upward.
He came no longer after, slamming you down his cock and keeping you there for a long moment, moaning how good you were and how hot you looked.
You leaned on his chest after a moment, catching your breath although it proved to be a difficult task. Your lungs felt empty, devoid of any air. But it was fine because you had just been fucked by Jeon Jungkook. And it was the best sex of your life.
After Jungkook regained his composure, he wrapped his arms around you and looked up. One of your hands was running along his tattoos and the other was busy, combed in his sticky hair. Jungkook was a fucking piece of art.
“So,” he started, pushing a few locks of hair away from your face, “Do I still need to pay for that ticket?”
“Heck yeah.”
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lancermylove · 6 months
Plant Allergy (HC)
Fandom: Twisted Wonderland
Pairing: All x Reader, platonic.
Warning: None
Requested by: Anon
Prompt: Hello! I just read the headcanons that you are going to make and I noticed one that says "allergic to plants" and I would like you to make a headcanon for TWST of how the boys would react to finding out that their female friend Yuu is allergic to plants and what what they would do if someone exposed them to this (for example if they gave them flowers or even included a plant that especially affects them in their food, you know, sometimes it is done to give it flavor).
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Who needs plants when meat exists? Guess he can't call you an herbivore now.
Initially, Leona doesn't take the allergy too seriously as he thinks you are either joking or too sensitive. But when he sees you have an allergic region, he freaks out.
He always makes sure you don't get any gifts, food, or items with plants in them. The prince also uses his power and influence to ensure that no one else makes the mistake of exposing you to plants.
Leona even goes as far as not sleeping in the greenhouse, just in case the allergens transfer from his clothes to your body.
Awww, so you won't be able to try his dandelion tea? Ruggie is sad. Not really, but he tries not to laugh when you tell him you have a plant allergy.
He is not laughing at the fact you have an allergy but at the fact that you are allergic to plants. Ruggie didn't even know that was possible. How do you survive on NRC's campus with all the plants and trees around?
Just like Leona, he makes sure no one tries to play pranks on you, especially from Savanaclaw, using plants.
Does that mean you are allergic to his cacti? By what did they ever do to you? They are innocent!
He doesn't take your allergy seriously either since Jack had never heard of a plant allergy. But when he sees how badly plants affect you, he makes sure to double-check everything he sends to you.
If anyone dares to carelessly expose you to plants, Jack uses his strength or intimidating stature to scare the person into never repeating that mistake again.
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He doesn't question or doubt you in the slightest. As soon as you tell him, Malleus takes it very seriously. The last thing he wants is for you to have an allergy attack.
Sometimes, if he thinks you might need extra protection, the prince uses his magic to create a 'bubble' for you. That way, you can move around freely without worrying about allergens.
Malleus orders the students in Diasomnia to get rid of everything plant-related so you are safe in the dorm. The prince goes as far as to warn all his dorm members not to bring plants around you.
He sympathizes with you, but at the same time, he likes to tease you. Lilia likes to stand a safe distance from you and wave a flower in the air just to see your reaction.
Like Malleus, he makes sure to let everyone know not to mess with your allergy. If they do, he will haunt them while they are awake and in their sleep.
His favorite gifts to give you are fake flowers. Lilia likes to see the panic in your face, followed by the relief when you realize they are fake. Most of all, Lilia likes it when you chase him around for his prank.
What is a plant allergy? Sebek literally cannot comprehend that you are allergic to plants. It seems impossible, so he takes it as you joking with him.
He accidentally gives you food with plants, and when Sebek sees your allergic reaction, he panics. Since that day, he advocates for your safety. If anyone tries to come a mile of you with plants, he yells at them.
Sometimes, he takes things a little too far, and due to this, many students in NRC are afraid of being around you. They think Sebek will come out of nowhere and yell at them.
He feels bad for you. Nothing beats taking a nap in the woods with animals surrounding you, but sadly, you can't do that.
Silver takes your allergy very seriously and sits down with you to know what bothers you and what doesn't. He keeps that list with him at all times, along with a list of 'what to do' in case you have an allergic reaction.
He is one of the most responsible and considerate friends. When Silver is around you, you can be sure you won't suffer any allergy attacks.
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Plant allergy? Does that also include herbs, fruits, and vegetables? So you literally can't eat anything? Wait, does this also include cotton and plant fibers? So, you can't wear anything made of plants? His head is spinning.
He immediately implements a no-plants indoor policy in his dorm. That way, you can come and go without worrying about your allergens. Unfortunately, he can't do anything about the trees, bushes, and plants outside the dorm.
Riddle is very strict with reinforcing the no-plant or pranks on you policy, and Trey helps him with it.
Now he knows why you refused to join his club when he offered. Trey can't even begin to fathom how troublesome your allergies are. Plants are everywhere, in every corner, at every place. How exactly do you manage to avoid them?
At times, Trey worries about you and asks you to come over to Heartslabyul for certain meals. If he cooks for you, he can control every ingredient, but that won't be the case for the cafeteria food.
He is even more strict in reinforcing that no plants are brought indoors in the dorm when you are around; moreover, no students do anything to bother your allergies.
Confused. How did you manage to survive this far in your life? Literally, everything has something plant-related in it, from food to clothes to even houses. Either you are resilient or very lucky.
Cater goes straight to social media to spread awareness about this. In turn, he learns information about plant allergy and uses it to help you.
He even starts a campaign to replace all real flowers/plants placed indoors all around NRC to be replaced with fake ones.
"Does this mean I can't plant a kiss on your cheek?" Not funny? Ace thought you would laugh at his joke—at least, he thought it was funny.
But seriously? A plant allergy? That's real? He doesn't take it seriously until he sees you get an allergic reaction. Then, he realizes you were being serious. Since then, he hasn't questioned anyone if they say they are allergic to something, even if the allergy is unusual.
He always makes sure to check the gifts he gives you for anything plant-based. Ace secretly feels guilty for triggering your allergy and kinda won't forgive himself for it. But shhh, you don't need to know that.
Being an honest and straightforward man, he takes everything at face value. So when you tell him you have a plant allergy, he is startled but doesn't question it.
Deuce is very protective of you and makes sure everything plant-based is kept miles away from you. He even carries extra masks and medicines in case you suffer any type of attack. Moreover, he has the school nurse on speed dial in case you get hurt in any way.
If anyone tries to purposely aggravate your allergy, Deuce will initiate his gangsta mode and say hi to their faces with his fist.
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He takes your allergy very seriously, as Vil values beauty and health above all.
If your allergies cause a physical reaction, Vil will research and create a lotion that will help your skin recover. If you have an internal reaction, Vil will work with some students to create a potion that could help to reduce the effects of the allergens on your body.
He even goes out of his way to find you skin/beauty products that don't have plants in them, so you don't have to worry about putting something on your skin that could potentially hurt you.
Mon Dieu, the horrors of not being able to smell the divine fragrance of flowers. How can you survive such a life? Rook's heart weeps for you.
He has the most dramatic reaction when you tell him with a poetic monologue that lasts for a few minutes. Luckily for you, Vil is around and tells him to stop.
Rook uses his tracking and hunting skills to learn which environments are safe for you through the campus. If you go near any dangerous environments, you can be sure one of Rook's arrows will fly in front of you, carrying a warning note.
Then are you allergic to apples? No apples or apple juice?
He even asks his grandmother if there is a cure for it. But even his grandmother is surprised by the allergy information.
Epel has to take a moment to recall if he had done something to trigger your allergies in the past. Maybe he shouldn't have sent you the apple juice? That didn't give you a reaction, right? RIGHT?
He is more careful now and checks everything before giving it to you. Sometimes, Epel even texts you to make sure something is okay to give to you. He may be a little TOO careful.
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He has a lot of knowledge about many things, but plant allergy is something Idia was not familiar with. However, thanks to Ortho's program, he got all the information he needed.
If you ever get an allergy attack in Idia's presence, he will panic. Thankfully, Ortho has a built-in protocol that will give help you get back to normal. He even carries allergy meds/pens to be fully prepared.
In his free time, Idia develops a device that allows him to monitor your allergy levels and the potential threats that lurk around you in any environment.
If you ever want to be around plants, Idia will gladly create a virtual world for you so that you can enjoy nature without side effects.
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Allergic to plants? Then, what do you eat? How do you go on walks? You can't smell the fragrant scent of flowers? Kalim is very sad that you cannot enjoy the simple things in life without worrying about your allergies.
He suggests moving to his homeland. The desert barely has any trees, and his servants will make sure you are taken care of. Did he just indirectly propose to you? Maybe. Not even he knows.
Kalim isn't as careful with your allergy because he has moments when he forgets. For this reason, he always carries allergy meds/pens with him just in case you get a reaction from his carelessness.
He has never heard of anyone having plant allergy but doesn't doubt you. Jamil knows not to mess with health and has no plans of messing with yours.
In fact, he talks to the ghost chef and asks the kitchen staff to label the foods with potential allergens. That will not only protect you but also the other students who have allergies.
During his free time, Jamil tries to use his knowledge to brew something that could help entirely diminish your allergy. But then, he realizes that brewing potions also requires plants.
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Allergic to plants? Maybe he could make a business out of his by creating items that are made plant-free in every way. You just gave him a great idea.
Azul makes sure Octavinelle is a safe house for you so that you can come by anytime without worrying about your allergens. He has also warned the workers in Mostro Lounge not to mess with your food and to be careful when serving you.
It's not that Azul doesn't trust Floyd, but if the eel is having one of his mood swings, Azul worries that he might not be paying attention to what he is cooking and accidentally feeds you something plant-based.
At least you are not allergic to mushrooms. Right? Keeps his mushroom collection far away from you, just in case.
Jade is unfazed by your allergy and doesn't question it. One of the only students who handles your revelation with calmness.
Though he doesn't show it outright, Jades worries about you and invites you to Octavinelle quite often. At least with the underwater theme, you won't be exposed to plants. Wait, are you also allergic to seaweed...and sea plants?
He is curious but not enough to experiment with you.
He can't decide whether to be concerned, laugh, or be fascinated. Never once did he think something like a plant allergy existed. Just when Floyd thought humans couldn't get any more delicate, you proved him wrong.
Though he doesn't grasp the concept of allergies at first, Floyd learns through trial and error. This means you have to deal with him accidentally doing things to aggravate your allergies. But then, he will never repeat that mistake again.
However, when you come to Mostro Lounge to eat, Floyd always takes extra precautions and prepares food for you in a separate pan/pot so that you can enjoy your meal without worrying about your allergies.
And if anyone tries to play around with your allergies, Floyd will constrict them. No questions asked.
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signedeclipse · 2 years
douma, gyutaro & rui’ s/o (separately) wandered outside and they thought their s/o left but were just making flower crowns and didn’t noticed they’re out of their demon’s territory - 💀 💚
You were supposed to be sound asleep in his room when he finished his meeting
But an empty bed and creaked open door letting in the snow told him 'supposed to' didn't mean 'would be'
At first he contemplates if you ran, if all of your emotions had been a ploy not too dissimilar from his own, but then he decided you were too genuine for something like that
Or perhaps he assumed himself to be too good at telling
Then he hurried out the same door you did, remembering humans didn't do so great in the cold and you did not have the proper attire to survive out there
He couldn't sense you any longer, which told him you had either left or been taken long ago
Fortunately he could rely on foot prints in the snow, but the further down the mountain he got the less there was
Then he relief on scent until he found you halfway to the bottom crouched in a meadow pilling all different kinds of flowers into your arms as if your life depended on it
Of course, he forgot sometimes your motives weren't as predictable as he'd expect
"Almost done, are we?"
You dropped all your flowers upon hearing your voice, but the demon was so close his chest wa snow pressed against your back, and he caught them all into his hand with a swift swipe
Once a show off always a show off, he opts to carry you home so your feet don't get frostbitten
He also pinches your cheeks a lot and calls you so cute for such innocent displays of behavior, maybe he'll let you teach him how to make a crown when you are safe and warmed up at home
Entertainment district isn't exactly known for its lush fields or flower shops
Out of the ones that do exist there they tend to be over expensive and not in much of a variety
So without even thinking to tell the upper rank expecting you back home in a couple minutes, you  bought yourself a snack with the flower money and ran off to the fields
Gyutaro notices the moment he can’t sense you any longer, but the sun hadn't set yet and he can't really do anything so he tried to follow you as far as he can through underground tunnels and through the empty spaces of peoples homes
He knows there are slayers looking for him out there, and he can't help but fear that someone got you
The moment the sun is down just enough he flings himself out into the shadows and follows the direction he had been following you in originally
It was right towards the exit of the district, which had him even more concerned
Following you while avoiding people wasn't easy, but he'd risk being seen if it meant getting you back before too much blood was spilled
Except... you were completely fine
In fact, he found you passed out in the field with a couple of flower crowns and an empty drink glass
Immediate 'why do I even try' pang, but he will make sure you get home safely
When asking about the flower crowns after you've woken up he is pleased to hear you worked so hard to make such a think for yourself, him and his little sister
He'll forgive your foolishness just this once
The mountain which you called home was so dense with trees it was almost out of a fairytale, where monsters hid
Well, that wasn't wrong to say, the forest was plentiful in demons beyond people's imaginations, trees tall and encompassing to the point where it almost always looked as if it were night
It allowed the lower moon to thrive beyond just the day, but he still had to be careful
On this particular day the wind was strong, allowing rays of sun to break through and make it far too dangerous to chance going outside
But you were fine to go out, and Rui wasn't all that demanding of you so long as you promised not to stray too far or put yourself in any kind of danger
Neglectfully, he trusted you
Because since the sun had risen, which it was now almost fully set, you had not returned
In fact he could no longer sense your being anywhere, which means you were no longer on the mountain to begin with
Once he was able to step outside, he was rushing in the direction he last felt you, partially with worry and partially with anger
Had you run away? It seemed nothing like you, but no one could have taken you, he would have known they were there
Once he gets near the edge of the forested mountain, he knows exactly where you are, he can see you sitting in the fields just beside the dirt path between the fields
Instantly he is relieved to see you are okay, and he is more than curious as to what made you so interested in sitting there all day
Noticing you have piles of all kinds of assorted flowers around you, he realizes you must have gone so far because the forest's density prevented anything more than white blossoms from growing on the ground
Might be a little cross and short with you for even causing him to worry, and he will also confiscate your crown you spent hours on
But next time you see him he's wearing it, so maybe it isn't that rough of a punishment
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Authors Note - I love this prompt sm,, thank you skull anon! Happy to see you got to sneak in a request or two as well ;]
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