#what do you think would happen if we had NO military tho?
Seeing someone comment on a picture of an U.S. military member about how they should kill themselves and how disgusting they are... then you go to their page and they've got another post about how pissed they are that the U.S. isn't sending troops to the Ukraine.......... I fuckin hate this generation.
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howtofightwrite · 4 months
So happy you're back after all this time! I have a question, do you happen to know how people fought in ancient rome? Particularly gladiators and soldiers? Sorry if this isn't the blog for this question tho!
I think we've covered both of these questions independently over the years.
Gladiators were a performance sport. It was more about glorifying the Roman Empire and its victories, than a conventional fight. As a result, most Gladiators were armed with specific variant, “loadouts,” designed to cosplay as various enemies that The Empire had conquered, and they only fought against specific countering variants. Specifically, the variants would be matched in such a way that it would be difficult for either combatant to have a decisive advantage over the other, with an eye towards creating situations that would result in a lot of visible injuries, without serious harm to either participant.
In case it needs to be said, gladiators were a significant financial investment, and they weren't casually killed in the arena. The point was for visible injuries, and a bloody spectacle, not a slaughter. Sometimes someone would die, but having them die on the field wasn't the intention, and they generated a lot of money, and on the rare cases when they were killed, it was meant to be a climactic moment, not someone taking a blade to the gut and collapsing mid-fight.
Obviously, I'm barely scratching the surface here, because it gets a lot deeper, but the simple answer is that in the vast majority of cases, gladiators were armed with weapons that were designed to make seriously harming their foe difficult to impossible. Also, the gladiators were something that evolved and became more complicated over time. When they first started in the Republic, it was a much more stripped down structure with prisoners of war being given a sword and shield and forced to face off against one another.
As for the Roman Legions. I'm not sure I've ever seen a comprehensive description of their training techniques. The Testudo, (or Tortoise) is one of the more famous examples of their specific combat style. Legionaries would create a shield wall, and the soldiers behind the front line would raise their shields to cover the formation against attacks from above (usually arrow fire, or thrown spears.) While being able to strike with javelins. In practice, the formation had issues, including being vulnerable to siege fire, and mounted archers were able to easily flank the formation. It's a neat story, but the formation had serious limitations.
One thing we haven't talked about before (I think) was the Roman's use of biological warfare. During sieges, they would load (locally sourced, I assume) corpses onto catapults, and then launch them into the besieged city.
Beyond, the major thing about the Legions was the extremely disciplined and orderly combat formations, with a lot of attention paid to managing battlefield movement. It wasn't so much about exceptional individual performance, so much as their ability to operate as a unit. This isn't a particularly mind blowing concept today, but in an era when professional soldiers were the exception, or limited to the elite forces, it had slightly more impact.
Regarding the details of their training, I've never seen any of that come up. Now, granted, I've really tried to research that degree of Roman history. So, if you're asking, “how, exactly, did they swing the gladius?” I don't know, and I don't remember ever seeing anyone credibly claim they had that insight. As far as I know, the only surviving Roman training manual was De Re Militari, (there's around 200 surviving Latin copies) which is far more concerned with overall strategic planning and command. If you're trying to write Roman era military fiction, it's probably worth reading. So, I'm not sure this is exactly what you were looking for, but I do hope it helps.
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reallyromealone · 1 year
I was binging your stories and I was wondering from this. Do you think reader would've had a omegan drop if he didn't get help from Bonten Gang, the stress of like a newborn and a rebellious son taking a toll on him, then the son being there to witness like 'shit what to do I do? My dads are going to kill me'.
Idk just a thought.
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(Name) felt dizzy, he had been all day.
His pups were non-stop, his eldest being particularly prickish and doing shit he shouldn't and his youngest wasn't feeling well and sobbing non-stop.
"Shh shh!" (Name) tried soothing tho sobbing baby, having just given them their bottle and a fresh diaper.
His mates were working hard, unable to spend time at home often and besides... (Name) wanted to be a stay at home Omega to care for his kids... He could handle this.
Eventually his pup quieted down and fell asleep and (name) let out a sigh of relief, his head pounding and body trembling aggressively as he went to stand up.
His son walked into the room as he saw his Dam drop.
Time moved slowly as he managed to catch (name), the Omega shaking as his body went limp and the scent of (scent) gone from the air.
He knew he was one of the sole causes of this drop, having been an absolute menace to his dam but seeing the other drop... Was terrifying.
"What do I do?!" Having not paid attention to secondary gender classes at all safe for the Alpha portions left him like a fish out of water.
"God they're gonna kill me!" The ramifications of what he's done now setting in, how was he going to explain this to his sires!
He can hear the questions now "well why didn't you help him?" What was he going to say?! "I didn't see him as a person, omegas should just be able to handle this stuff"
Papa Mikey would kick him into the sun!
(Name) was completely unresponsive and (sons name) didn't realize what time it was as the first half of his dad's stepped through the door "(name)?!" Kakucho said panicked as the four men rushed to the Omega "what happened?!" Sanzu hissed out and (sons name) was freaking out as he watched Rindō lift (name) into his arms "we need to get him to the hospital now!"
"(Sons name)! Grab your sister!"
"I-I don't know how to hold her!"
"What do you mean?! You held he plenty of times when helping (name)" that's what (name) said in the phone after all.
"I-I... Don't help"
"WHAT?!" The men were livid as Mochi checked (name) "we will deal with this at the hospital, he needs help now!"
The other half met them at the hospital, (name) hooked up to machines and is thankfully stable but unconscious as Ran kissed his forehead gently.
(Sons name) wanted the world to devour him as his dad's stared him down "why aren't you helping him? Helping your sister? The man gives you unconditional love and this is what you give back?!"
"He's just an Omega he can Handle it!"
The room went cold as Koko stared his kid down "what did you say?"
"H-hes an Omega! They're baby machines! It's not my fault he wasn't good enough to handle it!"
"He's not a fucking machine you little shit! He's a person! Just like you and he obviously has been dealing with some bullshit to have had a drop to this degree!"
"Well why don't you guys help huh?!"
"Because we bust our asses to keep you fed! And we do fucking help, who do you think does the night feedings and changes?!"
"When he wakes up, we are learning all the shit you do and if our suspicions are correct, you're going to fucking military school" Sanzu gritted out to his kid, barely wanting to look at the kid whom (name) devoted so much love and time too only to do this shit.
When (name) woke, he was clingy as hell and flickering from his omega state as Mikey held him close to soothe him "pups?"
"They're right there baby" Mikey pointed to his kids, Sanzu holding their babe to give (name) "what happened...?" (Name) slurred out and Mikey nosed at his scent gland "you dropped baby"
(Name) looked wide eyed as his pup fed from him "what happened (name)"
(Name)s eyes watered up, now having to face his problems head on as a soft hiccup left his lips.
The alphas attention turned to their son who rolled his eyes "Kakucho, wait in the hall with him"
When the two left the room, (name) was urged to share and he did.
Apologies were sputtered out, the alphas feeling shitty for not being home enough to catch this problem that clearly got so bad their beloved dropped.
"I-I don't know what to do anymore..." (Name) mumbled exhausted, snuggling into Mikey as ran held their baby girl "sleep, we will handle it"
(Name) didn't leave his room as his mates got into the car with their son, keeping to their word about millitary school.
Koko came and checked on (name), the alphas working out a chart on who could be home each day with (name) to help out especially during his recovery "I-I just feel like I failed..." (Name) mumbled and Koko kissed him gently "you didn't fail, we couldn't have predicted him making friends with shitlings"
"You're a great dam and a great mate, I don't want to hear otherwise"
"Ok alpha..."
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ms-lirio · 2 months
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"You hurted yourself. Again."
"I guess I should say: I am deeply sorry."
"Do not act so reckless, Alfred."
"—Promise. And you should take a rest, you look tired."
"I am fine. Do not worry about me."
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I have MANY pending books to read, whether diaries, reports, story books, Brazilian Pracinhas and Nurses and much more.  But to save time, I decided to just read a few quick articles to prepare this post.
All pointed here is in a historical view.
Brazil was officially the only South American country to send troops to the conflict under its flag.
Historically, Brazil's actions prevailed in Italy.  It was where Brazil sent its troops, and its participation in the war was delayed as Brazil wanted to maintain its relations with both sides and remain neutral throughout the conflict.  After German and Italian attacks suffered by Brazilian ships, Brazil gave up its neutrality, siding with the Allies.
American military bases were built in the Northeast region of Brazil and Brazilian troops received American training.
"In 1939, with the beginning of the Second World War, Brazil remained neutral, in continuation of President Getúlio Vargas' policy of not defining itself by any of the great powers, only trying to take advantage of the advantages offered by them. Such "pragmatism " was interrupted at the beginning of 1942, when the United States and the Brazilian government agreed to transfer air bases on the island of Fernando de Noronha and along the north-northeast Brazilian coast to receive American military bases (if negotiations had not result, with Vargas and the military insisting on maintaining neutrality, the US had plans to invade the Brazilian northeast, codenamed Plan Rubber).”  (WIKIPEDIA)
"Natal, the capital of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, in northeastern Brazil, has a very important strategic global geographic position. This fact made the city host the two main American military bases during the Second World War: the Naval Base and Parnamirim Field – at the time it was the largest US Air Force base on foreign territory.”  (WIKIPEDIA)
// Getúlio Vargas flirted with the Fascist ideology even tho, he went to ALLIES' side. 💀
HCs: (don't take them too seriously)
⚠️ Remembering the following content: we are still talking about Hetalia, so my HCs and lore are not absolute truth, but my perception of my oc's participation during the conflict.  Even though it has a historical basis behind it.  And also, this is historical fiction (ofc, it's hetalia).  WWII is an extremely sensitive topic to many. I ask for caution, I will be careful with what I have to say.
— Alfred used his charm and charisma to make Mayara fight alongside him (Good Neighbor Policy). What worked and they formed an alliance based on a mutual exchange of interests.
— Mayara had developed a strange feeling that intensified for Alfred (something between admiration and wanting to be like him, a complex feeling, which perhaps was confused with platonic love and which sought certain privileges in that alliance), even if she was reluctant to give end her neutral stance towards the conflict (something similar to what happened in WWI).  She would later do this after torpedoing of vessels by German and Italian submarines, retaliation due to Brazil's accession to the Atlantic Charter;  thus, she broke ties with the AXIS and declared war on Italy and Germany.
— In my universe, Mayara also served as a nurse, and spent most of her time with Alfred, often tending to his wounds.  Sometimes just chitchatting together or learning about militarism and things like that. He trained her. He was the one who supported her.
— I changed my conception of another topic, which was May's direct participation on the battlefield.  I think that Mayara, in addition to serving as a nurse, also fought on the front line when necessary (due to the fact that she was the representative of Brazil) and needed to be on the front line.  In my former HC she didn't go to the front. (I disagree with the 2021 me xd).
—  I don't believe that Alfred reciprocated any kind of feelings for May. She was an important piece for him, and so he courted her, to secure a new ally.  It was a benefits relationship.
— Besides Alfred.  There were FEW times where dialogues with England took place, this was due to the participation of Anglo-Brazilians on the English side (if I'm not wrong, in the area of ​​aviation, but I need to delve deeper into the topic).  An almost tiny interaction compared to the prevalence of Alfred's actions, which was immensely greater and also generated impacts.
PS: I don't ship BrAme/AmeBra, they are just friends.  However, Mayara, as I said, had strange feelings for him at some moments in history (I was reading an article about diplomacy 🇧🇷-🇺🇸, I realized that Brazil had a greater interest in getting closer to the USA for economic and regional power, that is, an admiration that aimed for benefits/just as the US aimed for strategic support/Mayara would support Alfred in anything, as she thought she would get support in return).
I used the word "courtship" as it was stated in this old History book (which I no longer have).  Alfred... used his charm against May. Lol.
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Evidence of a strange obsession with Alfred:
Meet the United States of Brazil:
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(I showed this damn flag to my dad he got disgusted lmfao)
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werewolfsmile · 2 months
re: "All I’m saying is the fact that someone isn’t talking to me about Eliot Spencer every second of every day is very unfair and borderline illegal." & tags - if you want to, can you elaborate on your werewolf!eliot ideas?? i’d like to hear about it!! if not all good tho :)
Oh boy oh boy oh boy! Yes I would love to elaborate! (buckle up because i have Thoughts)
(wow this really got away from me so uhhh .... warning for 2k of ranting about Eliot as a werewolf?? list of headcanons under the cut)
From the moment I first met Eliot Spencer, I knew he was werewolf-coded. Aside from his insanely fantastic fighting abilities and the absurd amount of punishment he can take, there are many other factors that contribute to his werewolf status.
Eliot needs a pack Our boy is out here working on his own for years and look at all the good it did him! None! He carries severe trauma from his family life because he blames himself for how it all went down and doesn't think he'll be welcomed back. Plus something probably happened during his military days or early PMC days to put him off working with others. Could have been the pain of losing people all the time, could have been something more. Either way, Eliot working on his own is a defence mechanism - but a self-destructive one.
Wolves thrive in packs - like duh, they're pack animals. As my username suggests, I'm into werewolves and, by extension, wolves. I've done research for my own werewolf novels in the past, so I know that in an average wolf pack, each pack member will have physical contact with the other pack members on the regular. Like, several times an hour! (gosh if I can find the research paper this info came from I'll link it but honestly it's been years) That's a serious level of physical contact required to keep the emotional bonds of the pack healthy!
Flick back to Eliot. He loves to fight, he loves the violence and the pain, yes. He hates the killing and the blood on his hands. He actually tries to leave the assassin world behind after he meets Toby (which is before he meets Moreau, as per early dialogue in The French Connection Job). He bonds quickly with Toby. Show Eliot a little love and care and he's yours for life! He moves onto retrieval work, then somehow ends up working for Moreau.
Now, when we see Eliot and Moreau in The Big Bang Job, Moreau says, "You work alone." Which means that Eliot had that reputation when he came to Moreau. He probably only took contracts to start off with. But he accepted job after job from Moreau and was so good that he was highly respect and it's inferred he ended up as Moreau's top bodyguard/assassin. Why the hell would Eliot end up that close to a man who brings out all the worst in him? Because Eliot's a werewolf and no matter how toxic, Moreau fulfills the need for a pack bond that he's been missing all this time.
Fast forward to Eliot meeting the rest of the Leverage team. One job only - my ass. He saves Hardison's life after Hardison brought a gun to their little meeting - and we all know how Eliot feels about guns.
Wolves are designed to live and operate in packs. Eliot says it's one job only but is bonding with them all from the get-go. Werewolf trait confirmed.
Eliot needs physical touch Now, I know what you're thinking. Eliot canonically avoids physical contact with the team. He refuses hugs, especially from Hardison, growls at Parker poking his bruises (don't get me started on the growls), and shoves people (ahem Parker) out of his personal space. So why would he do all this if he needs physical touch??
Because he's one gigantic ball of angst and self-loathing and guilt.
Eliot doesn't think he deserves forgiveness or love or family, etc. That is a whole other rant, but he denies himself the physical contact he needs with others as a way of punishing himself.
However, as the series progresses, we see him become more comfortable with physical contact! He hugs Hardison several times, he doesn't move away from Parker, etc. Why? Because he's bonded with this team (ahem pack) and there's only so much he can suppress his instincts. The more time he spends with them, the more naturally the contact flows.
Eliot needs to protect others Whenever we get a scene of the team walking as a group, where is Eliot positioned 90% of the time?? That's right, at the back of the group. He lets the others walk in pairs and falls back to bring up the rear. He's keeping them all in his line of sight and constantly scanning for threats ahead, along with protecting the team from any rear attacks. It makes sense for him to do this given his military background, but it also makes sense for a werewolf to do this.
He's the only werewolf in the team. His instincts revolve around keeping the pack safe and protected, so he does that in the best way he knows how.
Not to mention how feral gets over kids!!
Wolf life is all about the pack and the family structure. Pups are integral to the pack's survival and future. Eliot doesn't have kids of his own. But that doesn't stop his instincts from blaring every time he interacts with a kid, be it on the con or off. He takes time out every time to help that kid in an attempt to calm the raging storm of instincts inside his body.
Eliot needs to feed others It's another werewolf instinct that rears its head when they're in the safety of their headquarters (ahem den). Protecting the team/pack from physical threats is just one aspect of taking care of them. Feeding them is the other major one.
None of these idiots can cook to save their lives - except Nate, but he's also drowning his liver 90% of the time, so Eliot has to compensate for that, too. The team can't operate at full capacity if they're not consuming good nutrition. So Eliot makes sure to feed them.
His humanity recognises that these are independent people - coworkers - and he can't control every meal of every day. But he can cook for them, once a week or once a job, which is just enough to satisfy his instincts that he's doing his part to care for them. Plus they love his cooking, and the praise he gets from it is an unexpected but pleasant bonus.
Eliot and team sports/kitchens This ties in with my first point about Eliot needing a pack, but all the times we see Eliot go super hard and get absorbed in the role he's playing are when he's on a team sport or he's in the kitchen. Both of these fulfill super important instincts for him - being in a team/pack and providing food for others.
Think about The Tap-Out Job. Eliot's playing a fighter but he's not pretending to be on a team. He doesn't get over-invested in the role. But what about when he's a baseball player? A hockey player? He falls into those roles hard because he's working with another team again, and this little werewolf is built for that environment. Same in The French Connection: the kitchen becomes his den, the students are his pack mates, and he goes hard at investing in them and protecting them. Never mind the personal aspect of Toby.
Same for episodes like The Fairy Godparents Job when we get a scene of Eliot teaching a bunch of girls self-defence. Team setting + protecting kids = happy werewolf instincts.
So, werewolf headcanons? I have a lot of different origin theories but the main one I like for Eliot is:
he became a werewolf either for a covert military op, or was bitten by Moreau (choose your own angst flavour)
if it was for the military, they were trying to engineer supersoldiers and he was deemed a failure; he has werewolf instincts all the time but only has enhanced strength, healing, etc on full moons
if it was bitten by Moreau, there's a psychic-style bond linking them, which is why he was so loyal to Moreau for so long, and also why he is so reluctant to go after Moreau
(wow this is too different theories already and i said this was my 'main one' whoops)
Eliot can only shift easily on the full moon; shifting outside of a full moon can only be caused by extreme stress and is ridiculously painful
he suffers an insanely high prey drive all the time and is so strict about his control because he doesn't actually wanna rip out the throat of Random Guard #3
he used to chain himself up for full moons so he didn't hurt anyone, but since the team found out about him, Hardison and Parker have taken it upon themselves to 'puppy-sit' him every full moon
this involves no chains but an obscene amount of dog chew toys. Eliot is never impressed. He also never chases or chews the toys. The video evidence Hardison has was obviously doctored.
Hardison and Parker found out the truth when a con went sideways and Eliot was trapped in a room with them during the full moon
he was terrified he was going to kill them - or worse, bite them - but his instincts recognised them as pack so instead he just tried to wrestle with them all night
Hardison had a major freak out when he discovered Eliot was a werewolf - it's one thing to be obsessed with sci-fi/fantasy, it's another thing entirely to see your best friend transform before your eyes
Parker was not even remotely phased, being all like, "pfft of course werewolves are real, I thought you knew that Hardison, you talk about your elves and orcs all the time!"
"Woman that is completely different and you know it!"
"What else do you think is fake? The tooth fairy?? Ha!"
Eliot is Done With Their Shenanigans
Parker only ever refers to Eliot as Sparky when he's in his wolf form
Sophie didn't actually know about werewolves before the reveal but she pretends that she did
Nate knew about werewolves before Eliot, he just chooses to pretend that they're Not A Thing
werewolves generally don't make good hitters, because the constant exposure to violence ramps up their hunting instincts aka they find it hard not to kill
of course, this doesn't matter if you're someone like Moreau who specifically wants killing machines and thus turns his top hitters into werewolves, to ensure loyalty and enhance his strength
the only other werewolf hitter not under Moreau's control that Eliot knows is Quinn, who most certainly did not pull his werewolf strength punches when they tousled in The First David Job
Quinn doesn't have a pack (werewolf or otherwise) and genuinely doesn't seem phased by this, which pisses off Eliot to no end
however, after they work together in The Last Dam Job, Quinn deems himself Eliot's Best Werewolf Bud and keeps popping up randomly to hang out on full moons, etc
Parker and Hardison are a bit weirded out (and a little jealous) of Quinn's attention initially, but soon get over that when they discover that two werewolves on a full moon absolutely play for hours like 6 month old puppies - especially with the tug rope
Eliot is Extremely Susceptible to belly rubs even in his human form, which is half the reason he pushes people out of his personal space a lot - his reputation would never survive anyone finding out
of course the entire team figures it out and take to ambushing him with belly rubs whenever he's being stubborn or annoying
belly rubs are also the only way he will relax enough when he's injured so they can treat his wounds
despite the incessant dog jokes, the ever-growing pile of dog toys, and the bowls labelled with "Sparky" and cartoon bone symbols ... Eliot absolutely adores the pack he's found himself in and wouldn't change them for the world
One of these days I will sit down and write a thousand fics for werewolf!Eliot! Till then, I'll just keep churning out the headcanons ;)
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kazperthegh0st · 30 days
RaTing TMA season 1 episodes
001: Angler Fish, the cigarette and disappearance one. Not very memorable. 5/10
002: Do Not Open, the will power this one man contains is greater than God, i swear. I probably would have opened that coffin tbh. 10/10
003: Across the Street, to be Grahm or Not to be Grahm, that is the question. Eating paper is not really my thing but you do you. 8/10
004: Page Turner, kinda boring to me but it introduces important people. 4/10
005: Thrown Away, it reminds me of that one short FNAF story where the girl finds her real body cut up in garbage bags. I liked this episode. 9/10
006: Squirm, I have no memory of this episode. 2/10
007: The Piper, All i remember is rats, a dead dude in a dumb ditch, and The Great War. It was a good read tho. 4/10
008: Burned Out, There was a Spooky Tree, an apple, and a box ( i think it had a necklace in it??). There is also the religious dude— i think hes also the jesuit dude that killed two people in a later episode but i could be wrong. 5/10
009: A Fathers Love, this one was so sad to me ngl. I have two questions: What happened to the mother (i know she died but theres gotta be more)? and also whats the necklace all about ( i might be crazy but wasn’t it in the box in burned out?)? I do think the dad is somehow innocent, like he was possessed or smth. 10/10
010: Vampire Killer, this was a cool, fun episode and I enjoyed the different approach to Vampires. 9/10
011: Dreamer, We hear some new stuff about what happened to Jon’s predecessor, outside of that its an ok episode. Elias is mentioned. 5/10
012: First Aid, don’t remember this episode at all but i looked at the episode tag on here and Gerry is in it so on principle it gets a 5/10
013: Alone, my mind is so blank about this episode. Jon was nice tho. 2/10
014: Piecemeal, i don’t remember it well but Tumblr tells me it was good. 5/10
015: Lost Johns’ Cave, this reminded me of those tiktok videos about idiots who get stuck in caves. But at the same time this episode was deeply unsettling and sad. 10/10
016: Arachnophobia, proof that spiders do not die no matter what you do. Lazy ass cat ( Major Tom, great name, unintended David Bowie reference ) 8/10
***All previous thoughts were made well after the episodes were read so i could be wrong or forgetful regarding some details.***Future thoughts will be made immediately after, or the same day as reading the episodes.***
017: The Boneturners Tale, more of the weird books. I think there was arson in this episode (?) 5/10
018: The Man Upstairs, This one was absolutely disgusting (in a good way?!?!) it made me want to throw up but at the same time was sooo cool. 8/10
019: Confession and 020: Desecrated Host, putting these two together. Why is there such a strong theme of cannibalism and removal of body parts in this podcast? It was really interesting and well written. 8/10
021: Freefall, not that interesting to me ngl. It wasnt bad tho 5/10
022: Colony, MARTIN!!! A real character! He is a sweet innocent baby who can do no wrong. The episode itself was super unsettling. Who is the woman again tho?
023: Schwartzwald, this was boring, sorry. I know i should have found it more interesting cause its a letter for Jonah Magnus but it just wasn’t appealing to me. 2/10
024: Strange Music, I love the aesthetic of Pipe Organs, always have. (Why is it now in the institute?!?!) the creepy dolls and the circus clowns were cool. I love that the movers came back again, kinda odd but thats expected. 10/10
025: Growing Dark, not too memorable but there is now another missing person. (Yay). 4/10
026: A Distortion, SASHA!!! Another Real Character! Nothing had better happen to Jon or Martin or else. I love them too much. Micheal seems interesting too. 8/10
027: A Sturdy Lock, the first episode I listened to while reading the transcript. Is there or is there not a lock on that door? Bro should invest in a pet tho. Average episode but still good. 7/10
028: Skin Tight, wasn’t Cambridge Military Hospital in another episode? Also who is the archivist? The voice ( im listening and reading ) is different from Jon’s and is not female so not Gertrude. Sarah Baldwin is also a familiar name. Skin peeling. Lovely. (Sarcasm) 10/10
029: Cheating Death, reminds me of 007. I think its neat that the person making the statement had the Institute write it for him. This was a cool story. I like how much of it was a folktale and then it took a turn. 10/10
030: The killing floor, oh the delights of the meat industry. What was up with Tom Haan tho? Why did he kill himself? Why is there a living meat pile?!?! 10/10
Shortly after listening to that episode i made steak. While making steak i listened to the next two.
031: First Hunt, I kept thinking of that “Run Rabbit” song. Im glad humans dont have natural predators. But as an American (unfortunately) as soon as I heard where this was and the guy made note of the whistling… I knew he was screwed. Jon is so dissmissive tho. First episode where i only listened to it. 10/10
I have no idea why the previous story made me decide to cook steak.
032: Hive, this wasn’t much of a real statement but proof that Jane is crazy. It was just “insects do be buzzing” the noises in the background were upsetting. (Listened only while cooking a steak) 10/10
033: Boatswain’s Call, We meet Peter Lukas ( who may or may not be Elias’s Husband? I saw it in a Tiktok ) and I think it was slightly unsettling how they all loaded into the lifeboat. Did they vote the dude out or something? (Read and listened) 8/10
034: Anatomy Class, body snatchers named John/Jane Doe traumatize a professor. I love how they’re all trying to pump their hearts to figure out how they’re supposed to beat. Im a big fan of anatomical sciences. (Read only) 10/10
035: Old Passages, It’s Gerry on the hunt for Leitners books! Another dead person and some secret passages. What happened to Jon. Why did the Delivery Duo Dudes show up with a package for him??? (Read only) 10/10
036: Taken Ill, the episode itself was boring to me but the end was interesting. Why is there a lighter, that i assume has connections to The Web? What does Elias want with it? (Read only) 7/10
037: Burnt Offering, boring. Sorry. Could the wicca and voodoo stuff in the woods be related to Jane? (Read only) 5/10
038: Lost and Found, This was Sad. Important things go missing, more so they cease to exist, until eventually its the Husband. Jons fear of spiders returns. And now for the end of Season 1. (Read only) 10/10
039: Infestation, I did find it funny when Jon called himself an idiot. Martin just needs to let my boy Jon be in (SEVERE) denial. Jon is being watched (the eye!) Tim is so excited that he almost died. Its odd. Oooh its Not Sasha! “Archivist.” “Shit.” (I listened to it and then read the transcript) 9/10
040: Human Remains, what did Not Sasha do with the tape… I do know what happened to Gertrude so Elias acting the way he does in this scene is funny. (I listened to it then read the transcript) 9/10
Really good podcast. I liked it.
— are the secret passages from 038 connected in anyway to the tunnels around the archives?
— what was it that got sasha in the end and is real sasha dead?
— does gerard start to pop up more often? As an actual cast member?
— what was Jane looking for in the written files?
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aphrodite1288 · 8 months
Idk if you still perceived them as a toxic relationship, I'm the one who thinks that the most healthy thing in a relationship is communication so I really doubt ksoo get enlisted bc he wants to and not telling anyone about it, I mean exo is a thing, his relationship with jongin is other, maybe he didn't tell the other members but Ji is something else in his life plus his dad just died almost a year ago. I kinda understand your point and your theory about ji's depression cus his disease is a fact told by him, but speculate everything is all about ksoo fault its fck toxic. Depression is not something you experienced from one day to another and can be caused by so many accumulated reasons that took years and years to understand and ksoo must know that tho do u think he's that cruel and go to the army without a reason knowing Ji could be really sad about it? Kai must know that before anyone else so he could have time for processing and plans to do tgt but is normal still be fck sad after ksoo left and having therapy is a completely smart thing to do, that doesn't mean they had a huge fight
First of all, all what I said is not my perception, not my opinion, it's what I've been told from everyone: from K-EXOL, to our sources to the insiders who know SM staff or worked in SM and from Exo themselves told about this issue. And guess what? They know better than you. They're closer to him than you would ever be.
Sorry if it can't fit your narratives and feed up your fantasies.
Kadi just like any other couple aren't perfect they have their ups and downs and they certainly have their own flaws. Calling a relationship toxic just by one argument is wrong of you. This is not wonderland I think you should go seek medical help if you think like this.
You're the one calling them Toxic for not having a communication not me!
Ask your parents, I don't think they've never fought in a relationship of 2 decades at least.
I don't know if I'm allowed to share this info, but fuck it, I hate when dumb people who think they know their faves start calling us liars.
Kadi in 2022 in March exactly, they were on a massive fight and had a break again and they even went to Couple Counseling and the old Fans of this Tumblr from the Instagram group know this already. I've seen kadi's name on their Couple Counselor's Chart with their names and IDs, it was a bad thing from that Counselling company as they sold the Info to Sasaengs easily, K-ExoL, when they saw Ji and Ksoo going there frequently alone separately were curious why were they attending couple counseling sessions? Do they have issues with each other or with someone else they know ? And hence they followed them dug into the subject and discovered this and unfortunately the info was leaked. Remember when Ksoo went to Hawaii alone? Well it was during that period of time they were on a break.
Couples fight dear. It's normal ! And most of the couple fights occur because of LACK OF COMMUNICATION.
So yeah ! Expecting a couple in a relationship of 14 years won't have any miscommunication or a fight is so dumb of you. We don't live in Wonderland ! This is life! Have you ever been in a relationship have you watched BLs and Couples movies haven't you seen couples hurting each other and crying and breaking up despite being in love??
, t
So same for Kadi, they can hurt each other, misunderstand each other, Do things to each other, TAKE DECISIONS WITHOUT DISCUSSING IT WITH E/O! Take decisions in a moment of anger ! It's normal it happens and this is what Ksoo did and unfortunately it's true and it was a no-going-back issue becos that's with the government it's military application. He himself regretted it later because he missed many good Movie offers and opportunities at that time, even his managers and SM's production team told him he messed up he acted in a moment of anger at that time, and going on hiatus due to military in the Epitome of his career is a very bad move and he was told that by Veterans and his friends in the industry and he admitted it to movie producers and Management teams in SM, and.it was a famous discussed subject. No idol wants to go on military hiatus when they're on the epitome of their career, but instead until they settle things down first then they go. Because Many idols and actors get a little forgotten and may lose their popularity after military due to the hiatus and some DON'T! which is why you see Baekhyun and all idols always anxious telling their fans "Please don't forget us! Promise you'll be here when I'm back! It won't take a longtime! I'll be back before you know it!" " think of me all the time when I'm absent" and Baekhyun was smart enough and was the very first idol to have filmed Content for his fans to be outed every month it was so smart fans didn't even get to forget him.
So moral of the story: Kadi aren't perfect. And you should know Honey that YOU DON'T KNOW KSOO !! The idea you have on him is not 100% what he really is like! Y'all tend to glorify and shape idols in a perfect mold and put them on a pedestal as Sacred people who don't sin or Do wrong. Honey 😂 your Ksoo Oops isn't a Saint! He makes mistakes!! Remember you're just a fan! You don't know him personally to keep saying he can't do such things and that it's not his character 🤣 blah blah blah who are you? His mother?
Listen I'm just really tired of explaining everything to dumb people here. I don't care anymore, I say the info I have which I didn't create myself, I just report what I've been told and confirmed with Evidence, believe what you want if you don't wanna believe, leave it and leave.
Don't come up here and force your opinion on me, because we're not here discussing opinions, I'm giving you an info most of the time "A FACT" means something that actually happened and was proven to me, so I'm not here discussing it with you wether it happened or not and what you think about it, I don't care what you think , the thing happened years ago and that's on Period. I'm not gonna go back in time to discuss with you how it should have happened.
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wjehfshs · 1 year
Hello! Гайхалтай хүн :D
I was wondering if you could take a request for a m!reader whose personality is the combination of c!tommyinnit and c!tubbo. Who also hates authoritarians but will follow the laws (for example during mission m/n will follow orders given to him but if someone even someone who is of higher ranking then him is in the wrong he will say to their face "f🦄ck you your wrong this is not supposed to be this way") and somehow m/n always gets away with it. Also m/n refuses to leave anyone behind even if he is ordered not to help them. M/n is smart too, he remembers everything he learned in school and can answer any question, anyone throws at him with ease and uses his smartness to be a pain in the a$$, he would make chemical glitter bombs and things like that and no one is safe from his wrath. Basically m!reader is a walking caculator with infinite energy and anger issues :3
Male reader x cod
Price being an asshole like once but being put back in line by reader, Ghost having a panic attack, Reader has anger issues
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Ok well all of them where a bit shocked by your behaviour
Especially Price, considering he’s the captain and all
Honestly out of all of them Soap respected you the most, he was known to not follow orders as well but never like you
That’s not to say the others didn’t like you, they did they loved you they where just a little shocked
What surprised them the most was when you where out of the field and just casually pulled out glitter
What the fuck
You just started crafting a glitter bomb
Never in their years of being in the military would any of them had thought they would see someone use a glitter bomb
Honestly it’s was effective to their surprise
They asked you about how you did it later on and you just ranted about the mechanics and math behind all of it
You got way off track but they where too stunned by your smarts to stop you
Once Price was being kinda an asshole by telling Ghost he had to move when he was having a panic attack (he was ok in the end)
“Ghost we have to keep going we can’t stay here” he knew the area was safe and they had plenty of time but he was stressed
Ghost was sat on the floor, breathing heavily and staring off into space
You, Soap, and Gaz where consoling him
As you heard those words slip from Prices mouth you snapped
You stood up and marched over to him
“Who the fuck do you think you are?! Ghost is struggling, we’re perfectly safe here, we have plenty of time and you won’t even help him? What kind of captain are you? You think just because you’re older and a higher rank than all of us you can just ignore our needs on the field?! If you really think like that you don’t deserve the title of Captain.”
You chewed him out as you saw his invisible tail tuck between his legs
You saw the guilt wash over his face as he breathed out heavily, furrowed his brows and put his hands up in defeat
“Fine. Whatever” he huffed out before he walked off
Later on he apologised to Ghost when he got the chance
Everyone was a little scared of you after that
You seemed satisfied with the overall outcome of that incident
Ghost thanked you privately and non-directly
“Hey uh. Was real brave if you to stand up to him like that..”
Before you could respond he walked off
Gaz and Soap had seen Price be an asshole before but no one ever dared to stand up to him
When they saw you put him in his place they had a newfound respect for you
One time you where on the field and some guy came up behind Ghost and tried to attack him
Before he could, you ran up to him and tackled him, using your knife to get at him
You went at him more than was necessary
But the thought of someone hurting your friends made your blood boil
It’s like that meme
*punching sounds* “Hey uh. I think you got him…” “you want what he’s having?!” “No..” “that’s what I thought”
You just carried on like nothing happened
They noticed you seemed to get angry at little things as well, that never bothered them too much tho because many people they’ve met have anger issues
What the problem was tho was if one of them tried to step out of line you where so quick to push em back into line
They love you, and they are overall grateful that you put them back in their place it’s just a bit of a shock at first
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jeons-catalyst · 1 hour
It was tkk who romanticized TK enlisting into the military based on a passed down Urban Legend quote of Tae saying he would enlist with JK, which they can never provide real proof of where he really said that. They had it in their heads it was gonna happen. Even talking about the companion system in 2022 hoping TK would use it. They were all set for TK to enlist together. Even made nasty, disgusting, raunchy fanarts of them having sex non stop in the military, cause they think queer men can't keep their hands off each other. So when they found out JK were doing it, it knocked them down to reality. And all those sex drawing and sex filled fantasies they were writing suddenly made them panic cause it's Jikook going together and gonna be together for 2 years in the same bed. There's no use in arguing this. We have receipts going back for years of them confident TK would enlist and was begging. I do have a question tho. Since by their logic they are using NOW that Jikook proved they are not real when they enlisted together, does this mean deep down the whole entire time they don't think TK are real, because why were you wanting them to join the military together then? Just to prove they aren't real? See they don't think before they speak. And BTW, they have been non stop making theories and lies about TK sneaking off base to have quickies and taking their vacation days together to spend alone time together. It's all they think about.
If after you watched GCF Tokyo & believed such a system existed for two close people to join the military together and thought to yourself, TK will use that. Then you set yourself up for failure right out the gate. And if Tae did say that, which I am still waiting on a real non mistranslated quote and proof of where and when he said that, since K-army Tae fans said they don't even remember him saying that. Then it still doesn't matter cause you have never in your life heard JK say he would enlist with Tae. Tae can say it all day long, but Jk has to make that decision too and clearly he did and we see who he went with. And that is not shade. That is reality. The two closest members who proved it for years are the ones enlisted. The ones you were burning memories DVD's over cause it always proved to you how glued they were. And now you wanna act shocked. IT'S BEEN 6 MONTHS. YOU GOT A YEAR TO GO. Either shut up and move on and accept Jikook used the companion system and proved they were close enough to use it. Or stay and keep making excuses & keep being proved wrong. Fighting for a ship where one of the parties took his real relationship public. You can't make this up. I'm not gonna argue with you over your proven non romantic ship, when I saw what Tae did with my own eyes. Knowing all this and them freaks still making theories about JK and Tae possibly sharing a car back from base. There are people in those cars with them and Jimin is right in front of them. I'm not wasting my energy on you sex deprived horndog freaks. Your ship is proven not romantic or real. Move on.
Everytime taekookers open their mouths, they just prove how much they themselves don’t even believe in the things they say.
They claim that Jikookers are romanticizing the military when all we are doing is celebrating the fact that Jikook have each other meanwhile they are the ones really romanticizing the whole thing by projecting what they relate think Jikook would be doing in there unto us. You talk about Jikook being together and you see a taekooker coming to accuse you of claiming that jikook are fucking in the barracks. B**tch, how does “Jikook are together” translate to “they are fucking in the barracks”? They don’t realize that with every word they utter, they tell us what they really fear.
Enlisting together was ok until they heard jikook were doing it and then they changed narratives, the same way “a real queer couple in a homophobic country would never be seen together cuz it exposes them” was their motto until Taekook started hanging out in public and making appearances at red carpets, concerts and musicals together. They claimed jikook couldn’t be real when Jikook went to restaurants at midnight, went to movies, hung out with friends etc. To tkkrs, this was jikook exposing themselves too much to be a real couple in a homophobic country but this same people celebrate Taekook attending a premiere and call it a “private” date even though they were literally driven there in bighit vehicles with bighit staff surrounding them. You know, the same bighit they have claimed is hell bent on suppressing and hiding taekook.
Almost every public function which taekook attended together in chapter two which tkkrs call “private dates” and and claim had nothing to do with bighit, we literally see bighit vehicles, drivers and staff with them. They keep eating their own words but don’t even realize it.
These are the same pple who call jikookers nasty for celebrating jikook being together but after the “awkward” taekook hug on Jin’s discharge, almost all of them started claiming that taekook see each other often. My question is how? They forget that Taekook haven’t had any vacation days that aligned so are they implying that taekook sneak out of their bases to go see each other? They do things like this yet we are the nasty ones?
Also, they claim that the Buddy system doesn’t mean anything to Jk because jk has never said anything about it, but if i ask them to show me when Jk said he was going to enlist with Tae, something they have been celebrating for years even though it literally allegedly came ONLY from Tae and never from Jungkook, then i’ll be the bad guy🙄
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x-authorship-x · 1 year
Jokes aside the idea of Shisui smartly winning a place as Fugaku's right-hand man and using Mangekyō fuckery against ROOT is so cool? Also Fugaku doesn't strike me as someone who would be a super bad Hokage- would he be the best? No. But would he be the worst? I don't think so, especially with Shisui at his side
And who knows?
Maybe with time things will get better and Konoha will accept Fugaku as their new Hokage. I know I would 🤭
- Koto-anon
It depends on how you judge success/badness/goodness specifically towards leadership in Narutoverse!
Disclaimer! This is all my opinion! I don't want to be lectured! I'll keep deleting bullshit!
I'm gonna try really hard not to start spiraling into historical analysis of power structures and perspective bias etc etc but knowing me that's what's going to happen anyway so let's just get into it 🤣
So, fandom usually looks at Hokage candidates by their raw strength which makes sense, considering all the talk of "Strongest in the Village" and looking at who we have in Canon:
Hashirama was the God of Shinobi
Tobirama was a genius with Jutsu and assumed to be a good policy maker too
Sarutobi was 'the professor' and was pretty spry against Orochimaru even as an old man
Minato was a genius sealing master and the 'fastest man alive'
Tsunade could crush mountains and perform healing miracles
Kakashi is a (you guessed it) genius and the man of a thousand Jutsu
Naruto is literally the Jinchuuriki Favourite Child of "God-God" Sage
But, honestly, discounting Tobirama... Who here is actually fit to be a leader and not just...a glorified general?
We need to understand what the Hokage actually does. Jokes about paperwork aside, how does the mantel of Kage fit within the broader sociopolitical framework, what role do their advisors and council play into the system?
So let's make some assumptions.
From examples across time and space, we know that Generals can be just as much in power as a civilian politician or the biological heir to a dynasty. I'd recommend looking at the Hokage as a hodge-podge of these:
The Hokage are all connected to each other. Hashirama-(brother)->Tobirama-(student)->sarutobi -(student's student)->Minato-(sensei's teammates/saru's other student)->Tsunade-(predecessor's student)->Kakashi-(student, sensei's son)-> Naruto
They're military leaders and the power structure of the villages are based on this Shinobi prowess
They are also in control of their civilian population (if there is a civilian council, I doubt they report to anyone but the Hokage) and they mediate with Daimyo etc.
Hashirama was the Senju Clan Head, a mantel that maybe passed to Tobirama but more likely passed to Hashirama's mysterious children.
Tobirama was, at the very least, his brother's closest advisor. That's some political practice, right there.
Sarutobi, we assume but then...maybe not!, was the pretty important to the Sarutobi. And there seems to be a fair few of them looking at that one panel of them all breathing smoke and shit (assuming that they're not just a huge pack of brothers but most are part of their own family unit)
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I don't think Asuma has a dozen brothers. Maybe he does but, frankly, I'd be disappointed if they all didn't have daddy issues with the Sandaime as well.
I'm going off tangent🙃
MY POINT is that Sarutobi possibly had some experience with bureaucracy before becoming Sandaime. Maybe Tobirama punished them all with paper pushing, idk
Minato.... I don't know what to tell you but I'm tempted just to...skip... him because frankly his term of office was so short he probably hadn't even redecorated or got the smell of smoke out of the furniture yet! Regardless, being smart with seals doesn't mean he's a good judge of politics, economics, or social welfare! He gets brownie points for being a thinker, tho
(Does Konoha function as a welfare state? Surely with the injuries on a regular basis, as well as the crazy working schedules and the turn over of retiree veterans, they've got to have some impressive infrastructure- No, don't get me started-)
Tsunade. Right, listen, she's a doctor yeah but this woman really had no clan left to learn leadership for and she's been wandering the continent for a decade in a drunken stupor. I love her but there's a reason she's smashing desks and it's because she's been confronted with problems she can't pummel or resuscitate. Tsunade didn't get a medical degree (did she????) just to have to study MORE bullshit. She's frankly wasted here but better her than some of those fuck-wits.
Kakashi. 🥹 Leading the Hatake? No. ANBU? Does Captaincy really count as anything but even more field experience. Result: Why (i love you but SEND THE MAN TO THERAPY AND GO TO THE SPA)
Naruto. Well... They wouldn't let him jump from Genin to the Hokage. Is this because they know he's so uneducated and needs to go back to school or is this purely because you HAVE to climb the pecking order in order to hit the top. Both? Both is good
So there's just... A lot here. And I can speculate to fucking hell and back but there's very little actually elaborated on in Canon. What do they even do in the Hokage Tower? Is it just all mission paperwork or does Konoha function more like... Idk a principality? What is the involvement of the Daimyo?
This is where fanfiction reaaally takes the reigns and I love that for them ✨😤
So what would make a "bad" Kage?
Danzo is a SHIT Kage and not just because I hate him. We're looking at someone who poisoned the previous - relatively successful - leadership, worked with foreign powers to manipulate other nations as well as his own village, orchestrated and then ordered the slaughter of thousands of Konohan citizens, kidnapping and experimentation, sabotaging political rivals (whether they considered themselves rivals is a different matter all together), bolstered social conflict and international tensions, bloodline theft and forming a private army who were indoctrinated and sealed to his will-!
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So if that's the "shit" end of the scale, where do the other Hokage line up?
Hashirama: congrats on building the village! However, it's really contested whether you actually met your new allies on equal standing and it's left a lot of social pressure that will explode down the line 🥺 you get points for spirit but the execution (whoops) might prove a bit wobbily
Tobirama: congrats on being the best of an....interesting bunch. You seem to have had a good head on your shoulders and, pre-founding antics aside, you've committed to the bit. Unfortunately, you have an evil student :/ oh, right, and those social issues? You're probably making them worse
Sarutobi: well. You sat there. Congrats on living so long, I guess. You taught a few loose canons big names, you signed your name on the top of the exam, you held onto peace for a good while by the skin of your teeth. Unfortunately any good you mightve done or process made has been massively underscored by allowed your live-in nuclear-weapon-child to be abused and reviled, your students have either fucked off or were chased out after performing atrocities against the population, your teammate tries to get the last student of your (brief) successor to kill you... Yeah. It's a lot. Oh, also your own son flipped you the bird for a decade to go live in the Capitol instead. Oh, yeah, and you must either live in a bubble of ignorance (ignoring that crystal ball you've got going on) or you're wilfully ignoring Danzo squirreling funds to his private army ;/ all in all? Not great signs of leadership control, you rotten motherfucker
Minato. Is it even fair to list him when he martyred himself before anything could happen? All i can say is... Yikes. Also congrats on dying so quickly that you were immortalised as the faultless golden hero of the village ☺️ all in all, Minato is just lucky to be here
Tsunade: um. She fucked off for decades, loudly proclaiming her disgust/revulsion of Konoha and how stupid anyone would have to be to become Hokage, and hasn't exactly been graceful or pleased since being strong armed into taking the job. I'm not saying I don't sympathise but at the same time... Not a good start. Idk about anyone else but if my (dictator?) leader loudly hated the job and the village and had also gone AWOL for years living it up whilst the village was kinda imploding... I would be pretty resentful. Girl Power can only fly you so high 😔✊
Kakashi: I'm sorry that they made you do this 🥹 you are smart and you've seen a lot of shit but... He might be long-suffering for his duty but, like with Tsunade, you've got to weigh up if they'd be better elsewhere. Kakashi is high on the list of Hokage we've got to work with, however. Well. If you ignore that he was hated for most of his life, first for his father and then for being a little brat, and then for being an "eye thief", and then for being a Friend Killer, and then for being a Pervert- well. His reputation abroad is much better but there's a reason most leaders have, at least loosely, a cult of personality (Narutoverse is bad for this, btw). He has similar problems to Tsunade but he wins out on loyalty.
Naruto. I'm not going here because it's Boruto territory and that's a hard pass.
So what makes a bad Hokage? The usual things, I'd imagine:
pathological power grabbing (war mongering isn't good for your own minions and it's not good for international friends)
ignoring the wants and needs of the wider population (revolutionaries 🤷)
Inconsistency (people watch their leaders extremely carefully and so do their enemies)
lack of attention (^^^)
lack of control (you're running a military dictatorship, commit to the bit)
too much control (Danzo, I'm looking at you)
selfishness (it always bites in the ass)
pure ignorance (Sarutobi, I'm looking at you)
a focus on the brute side of things instead of the subtler arts (Sarutobi isn't brute strength but, unfortunately, he's on the other end where appeasement is making things worse)
So, looking at this, what makes a good Hokage?
Someone who knows what they're doing? 🥴
Someone who wants to be there or at least has dedicated themselves to the roll in its entirety without going on a power trip or burning out in a short period? 💀
an awareness of social pressure and tensions (literally read the room)
a firm hand to the law (you gotta keep the minions in line)
support for both the backbone of society (Shinobi and Clans) as well as attention to the majority and minority (civilians hold a lot of sway in the every day realities of Konoha, don't let the Jutsu fool you) and knowing when to invest so neglect doesn't bite you in the ass (or rip everything up by the roots - ROOT, lol)
You need intimidation/respect (they are mercenaries after all) abroad as well as devotion and reverence at home (good old propaganda to keep the masses contained)
looking at the various downfalls of previous Hokage, you gotta deal with threats close to you with scary efficiency.
Another disclaimer: this is a profile for a leader in Naruto. I don't want to hear shit about me promoting aggressive foreign policy or totalitarian ideology, omfg
So! Bearing all this in mind, and incorporating an awareness of canon context... Would Fugaku be a good or bad Hokage?
I think he'd be a very important and decisive one. Good? That's a little more nuanced. Let's get into it-
Fugaku has the "good" qualities:
He's Clan Head, so about as much experience as any of the others had, but then he's also Police Chief (ACAB, whoops) so we're dealing with someone with intimate knowledge of the letter of the law, navigating Konohan crime and punishment as well as legal bureaucracy, and he's already a direct authority within the village and - get this - with the civilians.
Fugaku didn't personally want the Coup but he's a leader listening to his clan and they're getting desperate (and, therefore, more explosive). He's managed to hold his own against all these influences around him. Should he have completely shut them down? Maybe, but then what if they tried to usurp him? The Uchiha Clan can't exactly afford to split into fractions
He's called Wicked Eye for a (mysterious Mangekyou) reason. The fact that his skills aren't discussed in canon only gives us even more leeway to make him a total BAMF. He could also, apparently, go head to head with Golden Boy Minato. Am I sensing a badass? I think I am
He's surrounded by trustworthy BAMFS. Hashirama had Mito and Tobirama (Madara too, not to incite commentary, lets stay focused). The others struggled with this: Tobirama's successor is a little bitch and Danzo was devil spawn, Sarutobi was trapped between Danzo and his wild-card/war criminal students, Minato's Kushina died with him and everyone else doesn't seem on the level, Kakashi's bestie is literally a major antagonist, Naruto is (BORUTO REDACTED). Fugaku, however, not only has a bamf Clan who seem pretty devoted to him as a leader (we don't see a lot of dissent) but he's got Itachi and Shisui right there. They had a problem with the Coup, not necessarily with Fugaku himself although I think (looking at their characters) interpersonal strife would be set aside in favour of the bigger picture. All in all, there's a reason why he was thought of as the 'father' of his Clan (but what if you have daddy issues 👀)
Does Fugaku also show signs of being a bad Hokage?
Well, the timing might prove deadly against him. A revolution when the wider population is so anti-Uchiha would tear Konoha in two. But... That's if you're thinking that a Coup would be... Well, what you'd imagine. But if it's performed by Uchiha, the masters of genjutsu and manipulation? Taking liberties with Fugaku's Wicked Eyes and possible OC Uchiha characters, who knows if it would be a seamless transition? (In a fic, maybe Shisui's use of Kotoamatsukami on Danzo and ROOT would be the tip of the iceberg on what happened in the Uchiha Revolution. The Sandaime deciding to united the fractions of Konoha with Fugaku as his successor....?)
Fugaku isn't power snatching and, if he was, it wouldn't be directly for himself like Danzo's is. Danzo might sugarcoat it as an ideological difference, a variation in his vision of Konoha compared to others, but it's really all about him. Fugaku feels... vindicated.
Fugaku wouldn't be unwilling, uncomfortable, under qualified, or underpowered.
Personality-wise? He'd be like Tobirama, who i think was the best previous Hokage. Would this turn Konoha into a police state? Wasn't it always that in some form, anyway?
Overall, I think Fugaku would be a good Hokage, if he was extremely careful and played his cards right (and, considering his dedication and shrewdness, there's no reason to think he wouldn't be)
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amarriageoftrueminds · 3 months
currently confused seeing ppl claiming to like Steve Rogers being angry at his July 4th birthday just being US military propaganda, even tho that's entirely in line with Steve's character and how "Captain America" even came to be
it's like ppl are thinking Steve just put on red white & blue tights and spandex and called himself Cap'n Merica of his own accord after getting serumed... but the Cap persona was entirely a US propaganda creation in and out of universe, and Steve has always expressed discontent at being treated like a propaganda tool. Even when Steve was on the battlefield, he was treated as a tool for shooting biased war press reels. The origins of Cap has a whole thing of Steve being kept out of the way so the US flag uniform wouldn't be caught in more gruesome missions while Bucky is sent to do assassinations. So much of the persona of Cap is based on propaganda being used to sublimate Steve's own identity in favor of generals with agendas. And Steve time and time again showing his distaste at being played like a puppet and rebelling against those agendas and authorities is a repeated thing. It's thematic, and a mirror to Bucky's loss of identity as well
A core part Steve's identity like his birthday getting fabricated makes perfect sense. Idk why people would be upset at Steve not having the American Patriot birthday when it's entirely in line thematically with what Cap even is to the real person who had that persona pushed onto him. it makes perfect sense
Yeah when they say Steve's birthday is July 4th, it's really more like 'Steve's' birthday 'is.' 😅
Interestingly, I don't think we don't know for sure that it's his real birthday in the MCU.
But we do know that's the birthday Steve put down on his last fake enlistment card:
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And what appears in his SHIELD file:
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So who knows? 🤷‍♀️
Could it be that MCU Steve's official birthday is 4th July because Steve himself was being a little shit on his enlistment form? 🤦‍♀️ (And/or, just really bad at lying??)
I wonder how that would affect his feelings about it, if so.
Would he, at first, be smug that he has managed to bamboozle the authorities? Sheepish that he forgot to correct that detail? Would it take on a bittersweet edge, once the whole 'Captain America' debacle happens? And would it then become relief, when he realises he finally has one thing about himself that actually gets to remain private?
Could it be that it really is MCU!Steve's birthday, and that that itself was part of the inspiration for an 'Uncle Sam' type figure being built around Steve? 🤔 Lots of possibilities, when you think about it!
Myself, I'm partial to the old pre-war trope of kid Steve and Bucky going to watch the fireworks on 4th July, and Bucky telling Steve they're all for him. 🥺
Having that birthday really could've affected his life in little ways. Like, imagine he was born premature and it was his birthday that lit an extra little fire under the doctors, to make sure he makes it?
(Can't you just imagine the newspapers doing a '4th July Baby Makes It Against the Odds!!' type piece? 😭)
Sidenote: When we talk about Steve/Cap being kept squeaky clean, out of the way of anything that might drag 'the flag' into disrepute, while Bucky is sent off to do the real dirty jobs... that's the case in the comics, but not in MCU, where Bucky is not shown doing anything -- ideologically speaking -- that Steve/Cap isn't.
It's also interesting to think of Steve's birth in terms of WWI and when it physically could've fallen, in order to fit with his father's deployment (in the American Army, not the Irish, as per CATFA).
One idea I considered is Steve having been born in December, so he could've been born on the Irish Independence Day. 😊
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britany1997 · 1 year
The Lost Boys watching Buffy the Vampire Slayer:
(Part Two- Seasons 4-5) (spoilers for BTVS)
Part one
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•They take another break after the season 3 final. Angel leaving the show broke Dwayne’s heart just a little
•They start season four and Paul’s like, ‘there’s a vampire frat???? Where can I pledge?!
•…never mind
•They don’t have a good feeling about this Parker guy (really they just don’t like to watch her fuck human guys, but 🤷🏻‍♀️)
•They think Dingos Ate My Baby is really cool
•Marko and Paul think they should start a band too!
•Dwayne and David are like, we don’t play instruments?????
• “you guys ruin everything”😠 -Marko
•David’s like, ‘fine, we all sing you guys want to start a quartet? Is that what you want????’
•Paul thinks that sounds like a good time tbh
•But he senses David was being sarcastic…so they keep watching.
•SPIKE IS BACK???? Fuck. Yes.
•He’s got a new crazy vampire babe?? This guy is their hero
•Dwayne is like, I can’t believe Spike literally tried to kill Buffy but Parker’s the biggest villain of this episode
•They all love Oz
•They don’t care that he’s a wolf, they’d vibe (ok, David cares a little)
•Paul swears up and down that man smokes weed. He’s like, no person is that calm all the time
•Paul watches Oz cheat on Willow and he says “it’s giving Parker”
•The military got Spike????? THAT CAN HAPPEN???
•They had never considered this possibility before
•They’re like damn we might have to lay low for a couple weeks, like “the murder capital of the world” is probably on some government radars
•Dwayne says he only supports an army totally independent of and opposed to a capitalist state
•Paul’s like, can we just watch the show? Geez
•They are absolutely terrified by the prospect of a chip that can stop you from killing
•Marko is furious
•They take another break after this episode, that last one was the vampire equivalent of a Saw movie
•They come back after their massacre break
•David’s like, this better be a Spike heavy episode
•Spike’s kinda in his ‘no bitches🥺’ era right now tho
•They skip Pangs. As they should.
•Next episode Willow casts a spell so that Buffy falls for Spike
•They like Willow
•They do NOT like Riley
•They thought Xander was the biggest Vampire cock block and now Buffy’s flirting with this army guy????
•Hush freaks them out
•Dwayne is clenching his teeth throughout the episode.
•Like they may be vampires but these freaky guys cutting peoples hearts out in silence with smiles on their faces? Hella creepy. They are not fans
• “No Spike don’t stake yourself you’re too sexy ahaha”-Paul
•He even makes a Hawaiian shirt look good
•Like why he keep it unbuttoned like that, he knew what he was doing
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•David listens to them thirst over this guy that looks quite a bit like him with a smirk on his face praise kink
• ‘oh man the military organization are the bad guys? Who could have predicted this incredibly surprising turn of events’🙄
•Spike can’t catch a break
•Marko is SO pissed he can’t eat Riley
•All this seasons problems could be solved if Spike could eat Riley
•Faith is back and it’s erotic
•Paul watches this episode chanting “kiss kiss kiss” under his breath
•They do not kiss:(
•Faith stole Buffy’s body???
•They get to that one scene with Spike in the Bronze where Faith (in Buffy’s body) tells Spike, “I could squeeze you until you popped like warm champagne and you'd beg me to hurt you just a little bit more.”
•Paul’s like, ‘I would sell my soul just to hear her say that to me’
•David’s like, ‘you already sold your soul for eternal life dumbass’
•Paul is grumpy™️
•The next episode features Riley and Buffy having constant and uncontrollable sex
•It hurts Paul to see people living his dream
•The boys pat him on the back sympathetically
•Oz comes back and Marko’s like, ‘She likes GIRLS dog boy! You blew it!’
•They love Willow and Tara🥰 unproblematic couple
•Spike is a MENACE Marko loves him
•finding new and innovative ways to be evil😈
•The military is really putting chips in people left and right (new fear unlocked for the boys)
•Paul should NOT have smoked before the dream sequence episode
•Dracula cameo in the next episode
•They did him dirty with this portrayal, he’s not that ugly in really life
•Like that’s sort of their great grandfather??
•She let him drink from her?? Again, it hurts to see everyone else living their dream😔
•Dracula has not one, but three crazy vampire girlfriends
•Marko is seething
•Buffy kills Dracula and they’re like, so are the hot vampire chicks free👀
•Harmony’s back? Nice.
•They’re already tired of Dawn.
•She has a crush on Xander so they know she’s got terrible taste
•Spike has a plan to get that chip out of his head, Marko’s like, “fucking finally” he misses bloodthirsty Spike he was hot
•Spike does not get the chip out of his head
•He DOES have a wet dream about Buffy
•Paul’s like, ‘he just like me fr’
•This next episode features Spike in his orignal ‘No Bitches🥺’ era
•They all look at David when ponytail, glasses, poetry Spike comes on screen
• “I wasn’t like that.” -David
•They like, ok and all side eye each other👀
•Angel (sort of) makes a cameo in this episode and Dwayne smiles
•He missed him🥺
•They watch 70s punk Spike steal his coat off the body of a dead slayer
•They’re like is that how you got yours David
•He’s like yes
•He found it in a dumpster, but the boys don’t need to know that
•Spike is boyfriend material fr, Buffy’s trippin’
•They don’t like when the monsters are gross
•They came here for a sexy time and a sexy time only😤
•Riley’s going to vampire clubs to let vampires drink from him? Dwayne says: “men will do anything but go to therapy”
•They watch her set the vampire den on fire with their jaws on the floor
• “I really think I could fix her you guys, I just need one night” -Paul
•They roll their eyes at Riley’s bitching
•Just let him fly away on that helicopter Buffy, you can do better
•Spike is killing vampires now?? Wtf???
•Paul’s like, ‘we’ve done a lot of things to get laid. Remember Michael?’ They stare at David
•David’s like you right you right
•Glory’s a god? Damn
•They like ayo baby let us worship you
•real talk, there’s not many characters on the show they don’t find incredibly attractive
•Dawn, Xander, and Riley are pretty much the only ones that didn’t make the hot list
• “but what about Giles?” He sings and plays guitar, he looks damn good in a suit, he’s a total daddy, he’s on the list.
•Spike is a simp
•Takes her on a little stake out date and everything (smooth)
•Buffy rejects him?
•They like give him a chance Buffy he would treat you so well (and let him bite you a little geez)
•Marko’s like, ‘there’s more vampire sex coming right? It wasn’t just the one time’
•Paul’s like, ‘I read the season six plot summary, yes😈’
•Woah crazy vampire girlfriend’s back
•Things are gettin kinda freaky
•They had missed the bondage in this show fr
•Buffy’s mom dies?!?!
•This episode hurt them
•As little as they care for human life, they all had mothers once, even if they can’t remember anymore
•Humans are so fragile
•Angel returns to comfort Buffy, Dwayne thinks he’s husband material
•Spike has those nerd guys build him a…Buffy sex robot???
•Dwayne’s team Angel
•Paul’s like, “haha that’s so crazy of him” he immediately googles if he can get one
•He cannot. Probably for the best.
•Willow has to watch Tara’s brain get drained from her skull???? No!!!!
•They love Willow and Tara!!!
•They don’t care how hot this bitch is (they care a little) Buffy better kick her ass
•oh damn ok Willow’s gonna kick her ass
•They’re running away now?
•Spike pulls up with a giant Winnebago, they love him
•Paul’s like, ‘you think we can drive during the day like that if we black out all the windows?’
•Dwayne’s like, ‘you know you’re never allowed behind the wheel of a car ever again’
•Paul pouts
•The bad guys steal the kid?
•Things got real dark real quick
•Paul’s like ‘remember when the biggest problem in this show was what to wear to the prom?’
•Buffy and Spike are friends again! Yay!
•Willow a badass fr
•Oh my god they might really kill this kid
•It can’t end like this
•They need another break after that finale (Paul is inconsolable)
There will be a part 3 for seasons 6-7!! (And season sex six is spicy, Paul’s excited)
Tag list❤️🖤❤️:
@misslavenderlady @6lostgirl6 @ghoulgeousimmaculate @crustyraccoon @riz-coolgirl @skeletonea
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palmastrings · 10 months
This is me rambling about Obey Me but HEAR ME OUT
I can draw but...
●If anyone can or has drawn Satan's birthmark, PLEASE show me. Apparently, it's on his back, and I'm sure there are people out there more qualified to not only make him sexier than I even could but could also make his birthmark lore significant.
●i always like it when I see content of the demons using their tails/wings in dumb ways. Like Levi using his tail to trip Mammon. Or, like that one time, Belphie used his tail as a paintbrush. Too bad I can't really say the same things for the bros with wings because they said they are really inconvenient to have, so I doubt they would ever be in their demon form casually.
● yo, imagine if they had high-quality anime cut scenes for flashbacks and stuff! PREMIUM ANGST
●Military Levi is a NEED, not a want
●Demon form Mephisto when?
●God is a fairy fight me about it (jk this is just a theory I have based on little evidence)
●King Solomon sitting on a throne would look badass
●Imagine instead of a traditional sythe Thirteen pulls out a glock because fuck them traditions. (Bonus points if it's that squid gun that Vector has in Despicable me) *I doubt it would ever happen tho but I can always dream
●I'm glad they are giving everyone more charateriation in this game. I do sometimes think how in Nightbringer we are helping them with their trama early into their stay in the Devildom but in our present they have probably been sitting on their problems for millenia and thats why they have horrible coping mechanisms and have a higher tendency for violence. (Not to say trauma inherently makes you violent, but they clearly had no ways of regulating themselves, and they crashed into a relm that was againts them from the beginning, and it just so happened that it manifested into those tendencies as such)
Sorry for the bad grammar. I'm tired asf and I was kinda just vomiting my thoughts, but it would be nice to hear your ideas, n'stuff! I'm open for discussion
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internal-bleating · 1 year
Monsters Vs Aliens isn't that bad and people should give it more of a chance and Susan Murphy is one of the best female protagonists ever actually
!!Long Post Warning!!
People seem to collectively hate Monsters Vs Aliens and idk why. My fam and I have always loved it and me and my dad used to always quote it all the time.
Now, is it better than Megamind? No way. Megamind is a masterpeice of cinema and is very much obviously the superior movie. But is Monsters Vs Aliens THAT horrible? I really don't think so.
I watched it again recently for old times sake and sentimental nostalgia and I really do think it's kind of underated. Is the animation style kind of ugly? First off, ugly and pretty are very subjective, second, yeah I can see why some might find the character design kinda ugly with their weird porportions and Susan's huge fucking eyes. But I really don't think it's THAT bad.
Also people seem to rag on the plot a fair amount as well but the plot and message are both actually pretty awesome if you ask me.
Susan is SUCH a good protagonist ok???
Gonna share my appreciation with ya'll for her.
I know there's probably people out there that view her as annoying and whinny but like??? Give her a fucking break! The girl literally starts off as the most basic average young adult white girl you've ever seen. Like fr she was probably on the more populer side at school, was definitly on the richer side when it comes to the middle class, seemed to live in a very cookie cut suburd neighborhood, and was going to marry one of the most painfully boring and typical white dudes ever. Like this girl was DEFINITELY one of those white girls you always see youtubers do impressions of n shit.
And by PURE CHANCE and coincidence, she gets hit by a meteor on her wedding day (Also can we talk about that hysterically anticlimactic "Oof!" she lets out when she got hit and her mom just brushing off her words when she says she got hit my a meteorite like "yep, everyone feels like that" as if her daughter wasn't fucking COVERED in dirt and ash) and it completely derails her very normal life.
Can we talk about Derek for a sec tho? Like what a fucking selfish jackass! The guy KNEW how excited Susan was about Paris and yet he only cares about himself and continuesly proves he doesn't give a shit about her enough to inconveiniance himself for her AT ALLLLL. Unlike Susan who was completely ready to forget about her Paris honeymoon for him. Like I bet you if Susan hadn't had this whole thing happen to her she'd have the most miserable loveless mariage with this dude and would be in denial of it for YEARS and keep trying to tell herself he cares but probably won't realize he doesn't until way way later. This guy was going to definitly waste a good chunk of her life and leave her feeling so so incredibly lost...
She's confused and scared(seriously her hair turned white in miliseconds becuase of how distressed she was) as everyone runs away screaming and she tries in vain to calm everyone down and things only get more disorienting as helicopters and fucking military men start attacking her and she doesn't understand what she's done wrong. And we also get some foreshadowing of how strong and how much potential she has with her newfound strength yet she doesn't know that yet. A few soldiers attempt to pull her down with ropes around her arm and at first she struggles against it but as SOON as she sees Derek is in danger she's like "Hey leave him alone! Don't hurt him!" and pulls herself free with incredible ease!
So then, Susan is very understandably freaking out and panicking when she wakes up in Area 51, yelling and screaming that she doesn't belong here as she's up until now most likely never experienced such and confusing and stressful situation. And honestly I feel SO SORRY for her that whole thing must've been so overwhelming and scary. We kind of get a timeskip after she sits in the corner of her cell but I bet you she was having a breakdown for the whole first week.
Small note, the government changed her name to Ginormica. Like bruh...
Then villain introduction yada yada skipping ahead a little bit.
Quick mention of the BANGER scene where the President plays Axel F for an alien robot. One of my fave scenes in the whole movie fr.
Also mentioning how Susan is SO SO determined to get out of monster prison.
So Susan and the other monsters are tasked with fighting an alien robot in exchange for their freedom. Susan is like "Oh yes! I'm gonna see my family again!" and I don't think the thought of fighting a robot has fully sunk in yet becuase she's way more focused on the prospect of seeing her lover again.
And THEN she sees this MOUNTAIN of a fucking robot that actually kind of scared me as a kid, and it finally sinks in. They want her to fight THAT. She was not expecting it to be so fucking big. Do these people actually expect her to fight this thing?? She starts freaking out again because like?? HOW??? How is she supposed to fight that thing?? She's never fought before!
Then big action scene, comedic moments with the trio, Susan runs away from the robot scared out of her fucking mind as this huge hulking metal monster aggressively persues her. And we get an actually really funny joke where she's clinging onto the edge of a roof, scared she's gonna fall only to fall like, two inches onto her feet when her grip slips and she's like "Oh. Right. Haha.".
Monster shenanigans again, She's on the bridge and continuing to get as far away from the robot as she can when she sees a car crash happen and reflexively stops in her tracks. She can clearly see the robot just a short distance away, but instead of continuing to run, she risks closing the gap of distance she's created for herself from the robot and chooses to instead help the people who might possibly be hurt and injured. She tries to warn them even as they run away becuase they are scared of her to get off the bridge before the robot gets to all of them.
Yeah, ok, maybe it's kinda ridiculous how fast the robot closes that distance between it and her but movie logic™ ok???
The robot has her cornered, it opens up a panel with a bunch of rotating teeth, intending to GRIND HER INTO A BLOODY PASTE like can we talk about how horrifying of a situation that is?? You're literal inches from a killer meatgrinder that's angling the bridge you're on so that you slide right into a waiting painful hole of death!
Insectisaurous, another big monster she was at first terrified of, shows up just in time. You see that look of incredible relief on Susan's face as he comes to her rescue, incopasitating the robot and pulling the bridge back to it's correct angle in order to help her get away.
Susan starts frantically asking why this robot is so hellbent on killing her specifically. It's not like she's been trying to attack it this whole time! Like why??? Robot seemingly crushes her in its robot hand but then, she pries its hand back open, the gang watching in awe.
In the struggle, the robot creates a huge hole in the bridge and a couple's car starts to fall into it but Susan stop it! "You're doing great!" "I'm doing EVERYTHING!!!" - ASFDJKLHFSDLAJKHSFDJKFASD
Susan, still thinking about the wellbeing of others, prioritizes getting all these people off the bridge and away from danger. When Bob clears the way somewhat, she yells at the people in their cars to go while still wresting with the robot hand to prevent it from harming any of them.
She's obviously tiring from holding his hand at bay for so so long and knows she can't keep it up forever and that's a scary thought to have cuz she's unsure how she's going to get away from this thing. But then she takes in her suroundings and a plan forms in her head.
Once again, Susan has never had to do this before. She's just winging this and is fighting for her god damn life! She speaks to herself to hype herself up for what she's about to attempt, hoping it will work.
Then BAM! With a determined burst of strength she jumps into action, pushing the robot hand wide open before grabbing the other and pulling the robot towards her, using its weight and topheaviness to make it lose balance and fall forwards. She grabs Link whose out cold btw rn, and carries him to safety, jumping out of the way JUST in time before the robot completely destroyes the bridge where she just was as it falls over.
A peice of the bridge comes down with it and severes its head from the rest of its body, effectively damaging it enough to power it off, permanently. Susan peers over the edge of the collapsed bridge, a smile of relief that the danger has passed and she's still alive spreading across her face. She actually did it!
Villain scene and monolouge, impending doom approaching, time skip,
Susan is excitedly talking to the others as they ride in the plane's cargohold about how "Wow! I can't believe I actually did that!" and she's so so proud of herself and you see Dr. Cockroach and Bob smiling back at her becuase from their POV she's probably glowing so so brightly and looks the happiest they've seen her ever. Her confidence is at skyrocket height right now! And yet, she can't help but long for her old life. She tells them how she's going to find a way to become normal again and that Derek will help her because he loves and cares about her and won't rest until they've fixed this(poor thing doesn't realize how much of a shitstain Derek is yet).
Bob (yeah he's the comic relief but i feel like people greatly underate how honest and genuine he can be like come onnnnnn(also yes I added him to my kinlist idgaf)) is like "Wait but you were just talking about how you're so strong now and how there's not a jar in this world you can't open" and yeah the whole line is played in a comedic light cuz Bob seems to only care about whatever food is in the jar she can't open but I feel like it's a little deeper than that.
After hearing about how great Derek seemingly is, the gang wants to meet him and Susan is like "Yeah sure I'll gladly introduce you guys!" and they all arrive at her home and she looks so happy to be back!!
Her family is kinda wary of the gang but she reassures them they're all chill and introduces them as her new friends, showcasing how far she's come relationshipwise with the three of them(since she was scared of them and found both Bob and Dr. Cockroach gross when they all first met. She legit tried to kill Dr. Cockroach when they first met like wow.)
Another example of Derek not caring, he doesn't show up to welcome her home from prison. Susan runs off to go get him so they can all celebrate together.
The monster gang tries to adjust to society and does their best to be friendly and nice but everyone is still super scared of them and it doesn't go very well...
Susan is SO SO HAPPY to see Derek again! She forgets how big she is and how strong she is in her excitement and Derek is kinda... understandably distressed when she picks him up, swings him around, almost suffocates him and almost crushes him. When Susan realizes this she immediatly apoligizes to him and puts him down.
Derek proceeds to show just how much of a fucking dickwad he is. When he asks her if he expects him to put his whole career on hold to help her, she's like "YES???" like bro this girl was ready to make the sacrifice of her PARIS HONEYMOON that she was VERY VISIBELY LOOKING FORWARD TO for your benifit!! Derek breaks Susan's heart and she's completely at a loss now. Everything feels like a lie. She leaves her home to go off to where she does not know.
Once again, yes, I KNOW it's kind of an impossible reach for the monster trio to show up right then. And ONCE AGAIN, I'm claiming movie logic™.
Bob once again being incredibly blunt and honest. Makes the whole gang face the fact that everyone hates them and doesn't want to be around them.
Heard somone bring up and praise the "We could save every city on the planet and they'd still treat us the way they've always treated us. Like monsters..." and honestly, fucking correct and valid.
They all have that quiet sad moment together.
Link tries to lighten the mood by asking how things went with Derek, the seemingly perfect and accepting loving guy Susan has sung the praises of for her entirety of her time with them in prison(seriously Link's whole response to her talking about him in that one scene way earlier implies she talked about Derek NONSTOP). He and the others do not yet know he's a prick as Susan had just discovered.
Susan finally accepts the fact that he's a selfish jerk as she tells the gang so.
"There was never and us! There was only Derek! Why did I have to get hit by a meteorite do realize that??" - Girl go OFF!!!!
She gets a good old rant out and in the process realizes that she doesn't have to feel lost. She's gonna be just fine without him because she's fucking amazing and has four new awesome friends now. She tells them just how awesome they all are and that none of them have to be accepted by society. They all have a character turning moment where Susan has learned she loves this new her and things are looking real up for the five of them! But then, of course, something has to go wrong.
Galaxar's ship shows up and abducts Susan. Insectosaurus tries to help her again but is hit by a ball of energy from the spaceship's cannon. He lets out the most heartwrenching shriek and we get an actually really sad scene as Susan is pulled into the ship and Link, knowing there's really nothing they can do for her in that moment, rushes over to his friend.
"Don't close those eyes. Don't you DARE close those eyes!" *Insectosaurus's eyes slide shut* "You can't..." - LIKE COME ON THAT WAS FUCKING SADDDDD AAAAAAAAAA
Susan has a confrontation with Galaxar, the villain of this movie. They have a very "You have gotten in my way for the last time" "I don't know who tf you are!" moment.
Susan has a moment of clarity where she's like "Wait, all of this is YOUR fault??" and she realizes that he's the reason her whole life was derailed and why she suffered all this trauma of her wedding day, being taken away from everything she's ever known with no hope of ever seeing her family again, and almost dying in a fight with a robot. He's why her fiance wants nothing to do with her(not defending Galaxar or anything for this cuz he did a lot of horrible shit but he really did her a solid by derailing her life cuz as i've stated before, Derek would have ruined her life in the long term if all this never happened to her).
Galaxar is all smug during this.
"You destroyed San Fransisco, you terrified millions of people, you killed my friend, just to get to me??" - My poor girl really out here still putting other people before her and caring more about them than herself...
Galaxar is so sure he's got the upperhand, so sure he's safe from her becuase of that forcefeild. But nah, Susan is fucking LIVID now and breaks through that forcefeild.
She proceeds to break through every barrier Galaxar puts between himself and her becuase she's learned just how imposing her power is now. She's chases after him through the ship like "I'M GOING TO FUCKING KICK YOUR ASS!!!" and Galaxar is actually genuinly scared of her as he's fleeing.
And because we still got a fair amount of run time to go, and because we still need our protagonist to struggle a bit, Galaxar manages to trap Susan in the extraction chamber just as she's about to get him. She's still glaring absolute daggers at him through the glass though. He looks back at her, smug expression returning. She then slams her hands into the glass and it STARTS TO CRACK!!! Galaxar is getting scared again and jumps back but he also commands the computer to begin the extraction process.
Susan is determined to break out and get to the person responsible for everything that has happened to her in the past month, but as the Quantonium is removed from her body, her pounds on the glass get weaker and weaker and soon she's no longer cracking the glass. Her now much smaller hand weakly presses against the glass one last time before the chamber retracts and she's left lying there back at her original size.
And even after all that, and even though Galaxar now towers over in instead of the other way around, she still meets his gaze with her own determined glare.
Side note, I know it's supposed to be a joke and all but im really curious about why exactly Galaxar came to the conclusion of destorying his whole fucking planet.
"There were innocent people on my home planet before it was destroyed!"
"Well I'm sorry your planet was destroyed..." "Oh don't be. I was the one who destoryed it" - Idk this whole exchange is just really clever to me. Like talk about speedrunning the whole trying to sympathsize with the villain and then discovering they really are just a bad person trope LMAO.
Another big skip,
Link is still mourning Insectosaurus, and both Bob and Dr. Cockroach are unsure what to do. Link takes the intiative right then and there.
"We're not gonna let Insecto die in vain. We're gonna get up there, find Susan, and we're gonna take that alien down!" - HELL YEAH BRO!!!
Skip skip, they get onto the ship, they find Susan(Galaxar was going to throw her into the incenerator. As a pyrophobe, WHAT a horrible way to go out wow), Bob fucking murders somone,
"I can't believe you guys actually came for me ;-;" "Us monsters gotta stick together" - Like holy shit that's so adorable.
Poor Susan isn't sure if she can even call herself one of them anymore becuase she's small again :( (Only thing different is that her hair is still white)
Dr. Cockroach assures her she's still awesome.
Skip again,
Big epic fight scene. Link actually gets to do shit this time and isn't unconscious.
They set the ship to self destruct and the doors to the chamber begin to shut. The gang rushes to reach the doors before they close all the way. They manage to get Susan through the doors right before they shut but the trio isn't so lucky.
The trio urges Susan to leave without them but she doesn't want to.
"You can finally get your old life back..."
"But I don't want me old life back!" - SHE DOESN'T WANNA ABANDON HER FOUND FAM FR!!! She finds a way up to the control chamber where Galaxar is priming the escape pod and intending to leave with the Quantonium.
"Are you crazy?? You could've killed me!" "Then we understand eachother." - fuckin baller line.
Susan demands for him to open up the doors and release her friends but he's like "lmao make me" and then when he goes to climb into the escape pod, she stops him and they have a scuffle that ends with her holding him at gun point like "You better fuckin do it right fucking now buddy!"
"Even if I wanted to I couldn't! That's what happens when you set the ship to selfdestruct!! Now we're all going to die! And there's nothing you can do about it! Sooooooooosan." <- says her name in a very mocking tone.
And Susan is like "Actually I can do something about it" "And the name is Ginormica" *points the gun up and shoots it at the thing holding the Quantonium so it falls on her* - FUCKING BAD ASS!!!!
So Susan is big again, she saves her friends just in time, She jumps off the small platform they were huddled on just as a peice of the ship comes down on top of it, smashing through the floor of the ship. The four of them grab onto eachother and dangle thousands of feet above the ground, Susan clinging on for dear life to the bottom of the ship.
She loses her grip and they all start to fall but they're caught by somone.
Turns out Insectosaurus isn't dead!! He's a butterfly now!!!!!
They all fly away to safety just as the ship's automated computer voice counts down.
Galaxar is frantically pushing buttons on the control panel since the escape pod doesn't work without the Quantonium. He covers his ears and squeezes his eyes shut as the countdown ends.
"Three, two, one."
*distant bird call*
"Hmm, nothing happened, maybe my count wa-" *ship explodes* - This part had me DYINGGGG the first time I saw this movie.
Butterflyosaurus lands before a crowd of cheering people.
Susan's parents are all proud of her.
"Oh Susan, ever since you were a maybe, your dad and I knew that you'd... you know, save the planet from an invasion from outterspace" - Can we talk about how fucking weird this must've been for them??? Like yeah it was scary for Susan, but imagine how her parents must be feeling; like their only child started growing into a giant at her wedding and then she was taken away from them to some place unknown and they didn't hear anything from her after that(bet you the government deleted her birth info and denied she ever existed and was straight up gaslighting them into believing they never had a daughter.) until suddenly their duaghter is on the news becuase she fought a giant alien robot and I wonder if they knew she almost DIED doing it.
Derek shows up then, makes a shitty attempt at apologizing to her- no wait he DOESN'T say he's sorry, nah he doesn't hold himself in the wrong. This fucker.
"Baby I thought long and hard about what I said, and I wanted you to know, I forgive you." "... You forgive... me?" Susan is visibily perplexed at this.
"Yes it's not your fault you got hit by a meteor and ruined everything. In fact you didn't ruin everything. I just got a call from New York. They offered me network! All I gotta do is get an exclusive interview from you!" - Yes, he's only "forgiving her" cuz it benifits him. I cannot believe I saw people in the comments of a video about MvA saying she should've forgave him like ya'll are fucking stupid.
So Susan is like "Oh wow reallY?!?!?! Cool! Hey is the camera still rolling?" And Derek, unaware he's fucked up, says "Of course lol!" So Susan proceeds to break up with him on live television and then flick him up into the air. She also tells Bob to catch him so he doesn't splat onto the pavement.
Bob then tells him off for being a selfish asshole and Derek, now humiliated, tells them to shut the camera off.
and honestly??? FUCKING DESERVED!!! Hope that clip becomes immortalized as a meme and you are forever branded as the idiot who icon monster celebrity Susan Murphy broke up with on live television. also 100% convinced that the group of people on the internet who have a huge thing for giant women hate Derek for turning down having a supersized wife like all of them would KILL for that COME ON BRO!!!!
A slug apparently got turned into a Kaiju in Paris so the gang all fly off into the sunset to go deal with that and the movie ends~ LIKE HELL YEAH SUSAN YOU FINALLY GET TO GO TO PARIS YEAH!!! After all the shit she's been through she deserves at least that.
There's a fair amount of things I didn't mention but I think that if anyone reading this hasn't seen Monsters vs Aliens before, or hasn't seen it in a while, you should give it a watch again/for the first time. You don't HAVE to, but I recommend.
Maybe some of the jokes aged poorly, maybe some of the humor is kind of childish and unfunny, maybe its full of outdated "HEY LOOK THIS MOVIE WAS IN 3D!!!" bits, but I fucking love this movie ok???!?!?!?!?!
It's in no way perfect and in no way one of Dreamworks best films ever but I feel like it isn't necessarily one of their worst ones either.
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eldritch-araneae · 1 year
So; I finally finished watching earthspark; and I truly want to hug Bee; like a lot; my bot does not deserve all that happened to him. I also need more information about breakdown and brawl. Also where was Optimus. Also megatron gets a hug. And Tarantulas and hashtag!
Where is grimloc?
Bee needs a medic, by the way.
There are many more questions and feelings.
But I will end this here.
You also get a hug!
I have a lot of thought about this! Earthspark Spoilers under cut!
1)Bumblebee def needs a hug and I really hope he will receive some, poor guy! That's a great set up for his character arc as well, which I thinking will happen in second season. His struggles with the alt-mode, agent Schloder being so obsessed and incredibly angry as Bee, and the whole thing with Breakdown. Can't wait to see how this gonna play out.
2) Yeah I also wonder who will treat Bumblebee's injuries? Will it be one of Autobot medic? Or one of Terrans will take this role?
3) About Optimus it's very interesting how he was absent, there are mostly theories how he's being mind controlled by GHOST and such so I wont repeat those, bc I have an additional thought that maybe Optimus is working on better solution. Perhaps with work with some government people to get legal protections for cybertronians on Earth, but he must do this in secret bc GHOST might find out ( and lets face it, Megatron is unreliable in current state).
The reason why no one think of this is bc everyone projecting IDW, and I sincerely hope the ES writers didn't go the exactly same path as comics. Decepticons being oppressed while being the military faction, and Autobots being the oppressors while they are mostly represented by civilians and workers never sits well with me. Besides there an an official continuity where the roles are reversed and it's called Shattered Glass. Ofc there is still big possibility that writer still copied the IDW formula, which would be super disappointing to me, but I'll live. As long as they butcher Bumblebee ahaha. But so far I do like it what I see in the show in current state. GHOST being corrupted organization ( and we don't know if it was always corrupted or it got corrupted over years) but it's the only somewhat support Autobots had and Optimus knows it and he also knows it will affect everyone (which why he hides a lot of Autobots and Terrans in first place). And he's know there is some shady shit on, but doesn't know what exactly (and same with half of GHOST bc Schoder isn't aware either) that's he's trying to find a better way. (Side Note: Tbh, I think about how Croft's possible end goal is got get full control over cybertronians ( and even over humans, we saw how immediately she gain full control over Mandroid and he fails to see it bc of his own hatred) to use them as war machines to her army! Even Optimus kinds implied it when he said "I'm afraid GHOST might use them (Terrans) as asset", like asset for what? There is only one answer for it and we all know military do with those assets.)
Optimus is very interesting, he's really in bad situation right now, and he tries his best to solve it, but its really difficult and he often has to morally compromise just to prevent another war from starting.
And Megatron, even tho he good intentions to break down the oppressive system on Cybertron, he failed, and the main reason why he failed bc he surrounded himself with enemies like Shockwave (which I'm surprised on one else pointed this out yet). So his faction turned into yet another tool of oppression, bringing the war to Earth and trying to conquer it. And what I find interesting is just the fact Megatron isn't there yet!
Right now to me he appears to be someone, who only started to accepts his mistakes, but he doesn't take full responsibility yet. He doesn't realize that his movement was doomed to fail bc of ppl like Shockwave and the fact his still call him a friend after how badly Shockwave treated Terrans really screams it.
And if this gonna be a story not how Megatron isn't actually a traitor of Decepticons, but he was surrounded by traitors and Megatron finally realising it - this would be very cool and thousands times better than whatever it was in IDW!
And I much prefer the situation that a lot of cons joined the cause bc they were ether lied to, or were in desperate situation and Shockwave took advantage of this. This would make perfect sense for "not all cons are evil" and "cons are evil and they choose to be".
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hard-deck-confessions · 9 months
I See You - Chapter 1
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Pairing: Hangman x Phoenix
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: enemies to lovers (not yet tho), slow burn, slight swearing, for sure some military inaccuracies, third person POV
Summary: Phoenix hates Hangman's guts. But she cares about her friends more, and Hangman is making her best friend miserable. About a month ago, Hangman started picking on Bob again. No one knows why he started his jeering up again, but Phoenix is willing to pay anything to make it stop. But what happens when that price is a date? And what happens when it turns out that Jake Seresin actually isn't the worst company?
A/N: I had the idea for this fic after I saw a fanfic quote prompt somewhere: "I brought you a juice." (I can't find the user it was from, but if you do please let me know so I can credit them!) From there I wrote a cute little Hangman x reader incorrect Top Gun quote post, but I realized it was such a Hangman x Phoenix interaction so Jabber and I collaborated over some ideas and this baby was born!
This story is written fully in 3rd person, so omnipotent narrator who reads the other characters minds occasionally, but it takes place mostly from Phoenix’s POV.
Also I may have completely made up correction sensors, but they’re based off whatever targeting system that malfunctions during the “mission” in the movie. They never get mentioned again, please leave them alone. They are sensitive and valid.
Chapter Song(s): Mean, NO, CHOKE
"That’s a kill!" Bob’s excited voice came crackling through the radio in the Daggers’ break room.
The room erupted with cheers. No one had been able to down Hangman in this week’s exercises on targeting without the correction sensors so far, but Bob’s quick thinking and steady hand had finally done it. Hangman’s gloating would be replaced by cheers of Bob’s name that day in the lockers. A welcome reprieve.
Back in the air, Phoenix was pumping her fists in the air and flipping off an unknowing Hangman. "Suck it, Bagman! We got your butt good!" the aviator called through the radio. "That’s how we do it over here with the smoothest duo in the Daggers! Great job, Bob! MVP of the exercise for sure.”
The shy backseater blushed lightly beneath his oxygen mask. He still got flustered over the smallest compliments, no matter how many times his supportive squad mates clapped him on the back or clasped his shoulders singing his praises. He stumbled over his words as he squinted against the sun in his eyes, making getting the words out even harder, "I, uh, you—you basically lined up the shot for me, Phoenix, I just pressed the button."
"Nah, that was all you, Bob. Don’t sell yourself short." Phoenix insisted proudly.
"No, please do sell yourself short, Baby," Hangman interjected with a laugh, the cockiness and resentment were practically dripping from his voice, even through the radio.
"Please go screw yourself, Bagman," Phoenix spat back. "Ignore him, Bob, you did amazing."
"It’s okay, Phoenix; he’s just joking." Bob said, always trying to keep the peace, especially between Phoenix and Hangman. Bob was getting pretty good at standing up for himself, but the two of them always seemed to be at each other’s throats and Bob found that he was usually, unintentionally, the reason.
"I wasn’t, actually," Hangman quipped again.
Phoenix’s blood was about to boil; if it wasn’t likely to get both her and Bob a court martial, she’d dive on the cocky blond's plane just to give him a good scare. Instead, she settled for some "playful" verbal abuse.
"Bagman, everything everyone says behind your back is true."
"Was that meant to hurt my feelings, Phoenix?"
"I swear the only reason they let you fly solo is because your WSO would purposely sabotage you both just to get some damn peace."
"Oh, really? That the best you got?" Hangman taunted.
The breezy jovial feeling that had filled the air of the jet just moments before had gone stale, and instead a thick layer of smog-like anger had fallen over the aircraft cockpit. The temperature within had surely gone up by at least a few degrees with all the red hot words flying from Phoenix's mouth into her mic.
Bob's cheeks glowed to a flaming red as he listened to the two pilots bickering, entire body tense, helpless to remove himself from the mid-air argument, just waiting for the right moment to interject. He’d been in this situation many times before—he knew the drill. But that didn't make him any less uncomfortable. "Okay, c’mon, guys—" he began timidly, yet a level of assertion still came through in his voice.
"Great work, aviators!" Mav’s voice came like a shock over the radio, squashing the argument before it could manage to turn physical. No student had died on Mav's watch so far, and he wasn't looking to change that any time soon. Especially because 'purposeful collision due to mid-flight training disagreement' would not go over well on an accident report. "Let’s get these birds back on the ground. It’s quitin' time!"
Steam filled the empty locker room. Phoenix breathed deeply as she stepped out of the shower. She always felt like she had gained a new life after her shower at the end of each day; the amount of sweat produced under those flight suits was ungodly. She also liked to imagine that the boiling water was washing away all the boys’ BS that she had gone through that day. She loved, almost, all of them—though she’d never tell them that—but being the only girl on a team of men, Navy men, was rough. She was sure at least two of them truly were raised in a barn, and she knew Bob and Rooster were the only ones who even knew what the word "filter" meant.
She thought on her boys fondly, unable to hold back her smile, as she toweled off her hair behind the emotional privacy of the her locker door. She'd never dare show this side to them. This was still the military, after all, and she was still a woman. No matter how many times she proved herself tougher than the men around her, her and soft emotions were not allowed to coexist without ridicule. Wiping the condensation off of the mirror, she looked at her own face in the tinny glass, it had been hardened over her time in the Navy, and it reminded her of the look of rage on Hangman’s as they clambered back into the hanger. She laughed lightly. That was without a doubt the best thing she’d seen in weeks. She wished she could’ve had it photographed so she could look at it when she was having a bad day.
She didn’t truly hate the cocky pilot, but she had been nearing the line between it and mere distaste with his recent antics. After their first mission together, it had seemed like all grudges between any of the Daggers had been squashed; Hangman and Bob had been fully civil up until a couple weeks ago when Hangman decided to make the younger pilot his verbal target practice. Everyone had noticed the shift, but no one could tell exactly what triggered it. Bob had finally started to stand up for himself in the past couple days, which Phoenix was thankful for because any time anyone else said anything to Hangman, the treatment just got worse. It needed to end, and soon. Phoenix was ready to string Hangman up, but she knew acting out would only risk getting both her and Bob disciplined. She didn’t know what she was going to do. But she was sure as hell going to do something.
She finished getting ready to head home and slung her backpack over her shoulder. She tossed her hair into a loose bun as she walked out of the lockers, preparing to face the scorching heat already constantly present even this early into the California summer. Fanboy intercepted her in the hall outside the locker rooms. His face immediately told her that whatever he was about to say wasn’t another corny joke about his favorite tv series.
"There’s something you should know," he said.
Lt. Jake "Hangman" Seresin might not have finished at the very top of his classes, but he was smart enough to know that that yell could only mean one thing: he was about to get the chew out of a lifetime from one Lt. Natasha "Phoenix" Trace. He pulled his signature toothpick out of his mouth before turning on his heel to see the livid brunette storming down the hall, fire ablaze in her eyes.
If anyone else had been in the vicinity, they would've sworn they felt the temperature shift.
"What the hell, Hangman?" Phoenix barked, shoving a hand roughly into his chest, and sending the unprepared man stumbling back a couple steps with an unsophisticated mix between a "WOAH!" and "HEY!"
"What do you mean ‘what the hell'?" Hangman shot back, gathering himself and stepping forward, squaring his broad shoulders towards her. "You can't just attack a man without telling him what he did to provoke it."
Phoenix's face was now inches from his. Hangman could feel the rage on the heat of her breath.
"Watch me," she said, her voice dripping with venom. "Don't even start that crap with me. You know full well what you did."
"Humor me." Hangman said with the same tone he would have used in a casual conversation with a friend, which this situation very much was not.
There was finger in his face. He pretended there wasn't, looking past it directly into Phoenix's face.
"I am so fed up with your immature little grudge against, Bob."
"I didn't know I ever had one."
Hangman's tone was aloof, and it drove Phoenix crazy. How could he be such a prick? All she wanted to do was punch him in the jaw. She didn’t know why she always felt like she was about to explode with Hangman, no one else made it so difficult for her to keep her emotions in check, but she held it together—this time. She wasn't going to make herself any promises for the future.
"You two were supposed to be cool after the mission, I thought you had agreed to lay off him! I don't know who you think you are, but Bob is just as, if not more, qualified as any of us to be here. And you know it! But your fragile little ego just can't take that he's smarter than you, can it?" She practically spat the last words, ensuring they hit Hangman square in the face.
Phoenix saw his eyes soften for just a second and knew that she'd hit a nerve, but his expression didn’t change. He just continued to look at her with that same stupid, smug expression he always wore.
"And I have laid off him. He's not my concern any longer." He shrugged, popped the toothpick he'd been holding back into his mouth, and started to turn away. Phoenix forcefully grabbed his arm.
Her grip was stronger than Hangman assumed it would be.
"Really? 'Cause that's not what it looked like to Fanboy when he saw you corner him in the lockers after that last flying exercise. He said you looked ready to throttle Bob before he stepped in. That's low, even for you. We got you fair and square in that exercise. If you don't want to lose, try not making stupid mistakes. And one more thing," Phoenix said, leaning into Hangman's face, fists clenched so tightly at her sides they were pure red. "If you ever try taking your sore loss out on Bob again, we will be having a very different conversation that will not be much of a conversation at all."
"Is that a threat, Trace?" Hangman said coolly, a smirk on his face.
"It's a promise," Phoenix snapped, pushing past him forcefully, her shoulder smacking into his.
Hangman dropped his head and laughed, his tongue twirling the toothpick in his mouth. Head still lowered, he called after the receding footsteps, "Wow, I didn't know you had a heart, but since you clearly care so much about him, I'll leave Bob alone."
The footsteps stopped. Hangman turned to face them, shaking his head lightly.
"But it's gonna cost you."
Phoenix cocked one eyebrow in an ‘I knew this was coming' fashion.
"Really?" She said, crossing her arms over her chest, taking a step closer.
"Really." Hangman shot back joyfully, also taking a step closer. He was clearly enjoying this.
"Fine. I'll bite. What's your price?"
"Go on a date with me."
Phoenix scoffed, staring at him agape as if she hadn't heard him correctly or refused to believe he'd actually said what she thought he said.
"That's the worst joke you've ever made, Bagman, and you've made a lot of bad jokes." She scoffed again as she turned and continued toward the exit.
"Maybe because it wasn't a joke." There wasn't a drop of sarcasm in his voice.
"You’ve got to be kidding me," said Phoenix, turning back to him again.
"You want me to leave Bob alone? That's my price. One date, and we'll never have this issue again. I promise." He held up three fingers in a "scouts honor" kind of way.
"You’re insufferable, Bagman," Phoenix said. With that, she turned and walked down the hallway, silently fuming.
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