#lemme have my moments
resizura · 8 months
if my mandarin is correct and i do NOT speak cantonese its funny how adas surname wong is most likely 黄 in the characters since the cantonese pinyin is wong but it literally translates to yellow despite adas main color being red lmao
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snekky-arts · 3 months
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oops i did it again~
still can't sleep so i'm making it into a series for the whole of HTTYD1
i need to practice water more. and rock
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6
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ywpd-translations · 2 months
Ride 784: The first day's mountain
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Pag 1
3: We're passing through the riverside road
4: I see it
6: Kaka
7: Ah!!
8: Teh!
9: It's the first day's
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Pag 2
1: “mountain”!!
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Pag 3
2: As we “promised”!!
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Pag 4
3: It's the “first day's mountain stage”!!
4: A year ago
6: Manami-kun said it after the finish line, on the third and last day of the Inter High, when both of us were all worn out and barely still on our bikes
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Pag 5
1: But having our race at the end on the final stage is too much pressure
2: Next year, if we both have the chance to run in the Inter High....
3: …. yeah
4: Let's race for the mountain stage on the first day
5: Like Toudou-san and Makishima-san last year
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Pag 6
1: Manami!!
2: Onoda!!
3: He collapsed!!
Manami!! Take off his helmet
It's okay, I caught him
Do we have a towel?
Danchiku, water!!
4: Next year... the mountain stage on the first day.... yeah
5: Got it....!!
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Pag 7
3: When you run along a river....
4: the water only flows if there's a difference in elevation, either uphill or downhill!!
5: Here it's definitely uphill!!
Even if it looks like a flat at first glance, it's gradually climbing!!
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Pag 8
1: Toward that mountain!!
Reading the map, it says that it's 5km until the base of the mountain!!
2: 5km!!
3: Don't lose sight of it like last year!!
Yes!! Sorry!!
4: Hold on tight!!
5: 'Cause I'll carry you all the way to the foot of the mountain!!
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Pag 9
1: Thank you!!
2: “Positioning”....!!
3: When going from a flat to a climb you need to “position” yourself
Each team accelerates from the flats in order to bring their climbers to a good position
4: It's the so called “mountain's launching pad”!!
5: There will be a difference of several hundred meters in the first stage between a climber who was launched near the front of the group and a climber who was made to run up from the back of the group
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Pag 10
1: Bring Onoda to the best possible position, Naruko!!
Sohoku is moving up!!
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Pag 11
1: -ruaaaagh
Ugh!! Sohoku's Naruko is so fast!!
2: I get what you're tryin to say, Hotshot!!
I'll take him!! Definitely!!
3: That's why I left the first result to Kabu!!
4: On that winter day, with an apologetic face
5: Ah....
6: Ah- uhm, I have something to tell you, but
Onoda-kun, who told us like it was difficult to say....
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Pag 12
1: Ah the stove? You can just turn it off, we're the last ones
Yeah, please. Woah, look outside, it's snowing
Seriously? It must be cold
2: That's not it!!
3: Th-th- this morning... I got a text
4: What was that, an acceptance letter?
The proficiency exam?
5: It's a reply to the text I sent....
6: Three months ago!!
7: Uhm... really, I was worried that back when we made that promise it was right after the race and we were tired, so I thought maybe he had forgotten
Three months?
It was a long wait
So I sent him a text to ask him if he remembers?
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Pag 13
1: And I received it this morning
Must be the proficiency test
Shut up!!
What are you whispering idiot
“Back when”, when was it?
No idea
2:He said only one word, “of course”
4: So, uhm... this time
5: Is it okay if I run for the first day's mountain stage during this summer's Inter High?
7: Is that so? Kakaka
Onoda-kun's eyes, like he couldn't contain his excitement...
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Pag 14
1: I haven't forgotten it!!
2: I can't forget it!!
3: Onoda!!
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Pag 15
1: 2km left until the foot of the mountain!!
2: Do your beeest....!!
Aren't they climbing at an amazing speed!? Each team is getting in line!!
Yeah, you're right!!
3: Every team is trying to “position” themselves for their climbers!!
4: Also, look closely
Right now, the cyclist in the second position in the ranks
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Pag 16
1: is the one who will race in the mountain stage!!
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Pag 18
1: Oi, are you kidding me? Hakogaku is sending Manami?
From the first day!?
Manami is in second place
2: He's the “final boss”....!!
3: My dream of getting the red bib has been destroyed even before reaching the foot of the mountain....!!
4: Oi, look over there, that's not all!!
For Sohoku....
5: Naruko is pulling the “King of the mountain”!!
Wa- we're done for!! Completely!! My mountain prize!!
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Pag 19
3: Manami-kun!!
4: Sakamichi-kun!!
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Pag 20
1: It's time for our promise!!
We're almost at the foot of the mountain!!
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archersartcorner · 7 months
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Back in Far Harbor gang… I get they probably didn’t want to extend a cutscene where the player had no control out too long, but I do wish in the Acadia meeting that you can eavesdrop on they brought up Nick 😭 but they do Not so here’s me making up scenarios. The Usual. 😏
#my art#described#fallout 4#dima#fallout 4 dima#nick valentine#also like the idea that Nick & Dima have internal fans and when they get Super Emotional u just hear WRRRRRRRRRRRRRR WHDBDJ#also playing with the idea that po is a psyker/has a ‘sight’ equivalent that’s. essentially just in-game save-scumming LMAO#rly hoping that’s not an idea I’m accidentally stealing from someone. PLS lemme know if someone else has used that and I just Forgot 😭#but ye essentially when faced with the more decisive moments. Po might just pass out and ‘experience’ all of the options -#- (akin to garnets future vision in SU I’d say!) and that helps him determine the best path forward#thought sometimes when it’s a smaller decision he doesn’t pass out. just experiences some light fatigue and then -#- ‘oh ya btw that trunk is trapped. yea you’ll get blowed up if you just open it.’ ‘…. well thanks for relaying that .0001 seconds before-#-I opened it PO.’#but anyway. all that to say that’s what Nick’s referring to when he said po probably ‘saw’ it and then encouraged the path#po meanwhile is upstairs looking through faraday’s diary - I mean uhhhhhhhhhh the other secret stuff. def not his diary#anyway. DiMA’s not biological but there is an importance to him to him and Nick’s relationship. he’s stupid protective of Nick -#- who probably doesn’t appreciate being the ‘little’ brother all that much. but that’s just how DiMA’s rationalized their ‘roles’#I just like em hehe
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Currently thinking about my roleswap au, and how fun the dynamics between certain characters. More specifically, the roleswap versions of the canon UA staff…
They’re a band of villains who get together through various means and are led by Nezu + All Might, and they’re real fun to think about-
Some examples:
- All might is the most renowned villain around, striking fear into everyone who sees him - he’s also terrified of Nezu, and shakily offers him tea whenever they talk.
- Aizawa once bribed Midnight to make everyone fall asleep so that he could sneak a cat into their hideout.
- Midnight has made them fall asleep on regular occurrences so that she could sneak into everyone’s snack stashes.
- Cementoss rearranges their hideouts layout when he’s bored.
- Snipe once shot Mic in the foot “by accident” and made him yell so loud they alerted the cops and had to find a new place to stay.
- Thirteen has disintegrated two of their get-away vans, once by accident, the other on purpose because it was an ugly van.
- Powerloader hides explosives everywhere and never tells anyone because, in his own words “they’re there just in case the heroes come ya know?”
- They have blown up many times before.
- He is also their designated get-away driver.
- Ecto pays for everything and uses this as an excuse to buy a karaoke machine Every Single Time They Find a New Place to Stay.
There’s SO much more for them, but this is the gist of it for now lol
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trashy-greyjoy · 2 months
"and you're still going to protect this woman?"
"i am."
girl, i fucking (s)creamed.
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mugiwara-lucy · 9 months
I've seen how some people (especially after the last chapter) think how the eventual meeting between Luffy and Dragon will be a "high tension" reunion moment for both Luffy and Dragon. But, personally....I think the tensions will be strong on Dragon's end while Luffy will be as apathetic as ever 😅
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cherrirui-official · 1 year
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Look out Salty!!! Pastey's hanging onto the other side!!!! And he won't give up 'til the end of him!!!!!
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rayofmisfortune · 7 months
THEY'RE ABUSING THE BOI AGAIN Somebody please give this poor child a break :') and a hug
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“You don’t have to do this.”
"You don't have to do this."
Demeter's voice comes from somewhere behind Alonzo's shoulder, thin and reedy but heavy with intent. She is frighteningly calm, all things in considered, though Mungojerrie can hear the tail edge of something foreign tightening each syllable.
The decided emphasis of the statement gives Alonzo a solid beat of pause; he's hearing what Demeter is saying, but, more importantly this time around, he's deliberating it. It's gotten through to him. Mungojerrie sees every millimeter of muscle beneath his eye twitch and shift. He holds his breath.
The speed at which Mungojerrie had been off his paws and slammed back against the wall was - admittedly - startling, knocking the wind and words clean out of him. He'd been midsentence, explanatory excuse just on the tip of his tongue, attempting to keep pace with the cats walking with him, but every time he caught up front, they continued on. Alonzo wouldn't even look at him - that should have been his first warning.
They'd been silent amongst themselves when he'd made his meager attempt at explanation. Even Teazer was frighteningly quiet, trailing hesitantly behind Demeter, in the way that suggested whatever she'd seen back in that room hadn't been good. The silence had been deafening and uncomfortable, tension thick and wounded like a noose set to decorate a neck, and every nervous bone in Mungojerrie's body screamed to fill it, interrupt it - say something that would diffuse everything and stitch them back together instead of feeling like he'd been trapped behind glass, screaming and screaming with no one around to make it mean anything.
He'd said the wrong thing; he could feel it the moment it whistled through his teeth. He'd said the wrong thing, done the wrong thing, pissed off the wrong cats. Or just one of the wrong cat; the most important of wrong cats. And they'd all surely pay for that slip up down the line. But it could be smoothed over; surely everything could.
The last thing he had heard before being suspended was a sharp, flat exhale - a decisive, frustrated kind of noise that, perhaps if he were paying more attention to his surroundings instead of his fear, Mungojerrie would have recognized as something foreboding.
Now, he was face-to-face with a very angry looking tomcat, and struggling a solid few inches off the ground, every instinct in his body screaming at him to escape, lash out and yowl like his tail was on fire, do something, but he was completely frozen. Alonzo held onto the scruff of his chest firmly, shoving his nose into Mungojerrie's muzzle and the rest of him bodily into his space so he couldn't look away from him even if he tried. There were bright coals of anger burning in Alonzo's eyes, fanned to life with an undercurrent of fear. Danger. A reminder - Mungojerrie thought distantly as his attempts at squirming free from an iron grip slowed to a trickle, then an icy stop - of how he'd gotten to be where he was in the first place. It was easy to forget; easy to pretend they were playing one long hauled game. Alonzo was grumpy and aloof, but never dangerous. Never any real threat.
There is a scar running through his lip and up into his nose, deep and pulled taught against his snarl. Mungojerrie wonders where he got it. He'd never asked.
"What the fuck were you thinking?" the larger tomcat growled, low, menacing, cold, shaking him for emphasis. "What is the matter with you?"
Send me a sentence and I’ll fill at least five more in after it for a little mini-fic.
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leronboi · 1 year
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I wanna thank @/808gigawatt again for the nice pics of the chair!! :)
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Also the original pic. Uhh the Kale drawing is filpped cuz I drew his hair on the wrong side haha
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jackfrostimposter · 6 days
genuinely why is there so much misinformation about the guardians of childhood book series?
#Lemme be a toxic fan for a moment bc im so tired and stressed and i need to yell my silly fandom frustrations out to the void#The people saying Jack is fourteen in them. No.#He can manipulate his age from 11 to 18 and is dating a 25 yr old#people still insist that the books are connected to the movie despite there being no possibility for that since 2018#And like they totally guess what happens in the books#I saw someone try to say that dreamworks were being 'weird' and aged Jack up to ship him with tooth but in the books he was a child#three things: He's not fourteen (see above for age. He's essentially an adult and is treated as such) and is dating an adult#And he didn't make an official appearance in the books until 2018. Six years AFTER the movies release#and thirdly dreamworks aged him DOWN????#Joyce's og idea was an adult with a wife + kids ???#Like what are you talking about#never mind the people insisting that JACK IS 12???? NO??? Where did you get ur information bc wtf???#the movie started production (in 2008) before any of the books even existed (first book was published in 2011)#We have no idea how much of the books they had! The most they had were Joyce's ideas that were subject to change (and boy did they change)#the walking eggs in the movie didn't come from the book (even tho they're in there) they came from Joyce's doodling on notes!#The third book published alongside the movie tie-in books and then days later the finished film premiered at the Mill Valley Film Festival#by the time the second book rolled around (2012) the movie was probably finished and was just getting distributed by paramount and#was possibly even finished in 2011! Four years of production of the movie and then the first book got released#I cannot express enough how much the books are not the source material for the movie. If anything is it's the 2005 short film Joyce made#God it's so infuriating to see people discussing the books like they're the Bible without having read it. I get so irrationally upset#And why are we talking about the books like they have any relevance to the movie after 2018? that book completely severed all ties#Like I get it if people want to connect them but you'd have to ignore the entire last book to do that (which yeah most do)#but there's so many assumptions about the books and it makes it clear who got their into from fan rumors and who actually read them#if you are basing ur understanding of a book you've never read based on fanfic maybe you just shouldn’t say anything about the book#rotg#rise of the guardians#guardians of childhood#goc
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batsplat · 2 months
Hello Bat!! I love love love reading your thoughts on things, from motogp to terrible 2000s tv shows. You mentionned great Smallville Lex/Clark fic in a recent post, and I was wondering: could you please share? I literally just finished rereading the Astolat's and still hunger for more.
yeah sure!! I'm kinda coasting off my ao3 history here (apparently I spent the entirety of 30/10/22 Having A Moment) so it's like,, a very imperfect list
okay, I'm gonna start with a bunch of seperis fics but I'd genuinely check out... all their stuff. it's just a fun read of the characters!! also there's so much of it and it's a good time to work your way through
A Handful Of Dust 47k words
At the end of the world, Lex can't stop running.
quite a dark and sad fic but I think about it a lot and it really works for me. it's basically a post-apocalyptic fic where the apocalypse is caused by clark being pushed over the edge and succumbing to his god complex. he's hunting down his former friends and allies, including lex. I think this kind of premise can easily be like... edgelord central 'ooh what if the hero were actually the villain', but this one feels true to the characters and their relationship + is very engaging
Advanced Masochism 8.6k words
In which Lex is curious as to why he's become a proxy stalker.
a small series that consists of lex trying to make the whole clark/lana situation work while doing his best to suppress his attraction to clark. lex's internal monologue in this is fun and punchy - though a lot of it is about his age gap to clark, which never like... feels THAT extreme in the show because tom welling *gestures*. but if that element makes you uncomfortable, I'd give this one a skip!
My Usual Lie 4.1k words
He wants to be so much more than that.
ice skating!! kinda melancholic but also idk a little sweet. it's clark spending time with lex after he's already grown up and they've already grown apart and clark misses the way it used to be between the two of them... again also ABOUT the age gap. lex is such a fun kinda slippery presence here, funny and kind but also a little detached
Frantic 9.1k words
In which Clark does not get dinner. And then everything goes downhill.
oh yeah I really enjoy re-reading this one. clark finally is forced to reveal his powers to lex at an inopportune moment, when evil goo is attempting to kill them both. no angst, just bickering
Resident Alien 2.7k words
It's tax season in the Luthor household.
just short and sweet and fun! established relationship, does what it says on the tin, lex is very into taxes. he's also very into clark
Closer to Breathing 8.6k words
Christmas parties at Luthor Manor. Boys sharing thoughts with brandy. And other things.
really lovely read, tender and fun and just kinda... nails a version of lex who is so very good at what he does, who might be loathed but can charm the small town people anyway, and a clark who stands at crossroads between being part of the small town and not liking the feeling of seeing lex play people like HIM (but not him). gets into a lot of the inherent tensions of that relationship!! love lex the outsider
Vix Te Agnovi 36.8k words
Clark gets a late-night call and interesting things happen.
again, age gap-centric warning!! lex asks clark to pick him up from a sex party. very much about the tension between the worldly metropolitan lex and the country boy hick clark, and both of them kinda entering into each other's worlds... lex reckoning how he's changed, clark curious and awkward and frustrated at being treated like a child (which. he very much is)
A Life More Ordinary 4.1k words
It wasn't sudden, and Lex didn't know it was happening until it had. And then he did.
aggressively not ABOUT superman, it's just about lex and clark. about lex and clark being flatmates. soft and gentle and intimate
Two Paths 21.8k words
Everything decided in one breath.
man I WISH there were more of the series. the basic premise is the whole smallville lie falls apart and lex is trusted to like... get clark out of there and hide him. so basically clark becomes his ward!! they live together!! lex needs to be an Adult who Takes Care of clark, but again. conflicted. this is just fun like it's such a funky dynamic that feels like an absolute perfect nightmare for lex specifically
and fics by other authors:
The Olive Branch by tasabian, 3.9k words
It's the holidays...which means Lex Luthor is keeping Superman very busy. But what is Lex's hidden agenda?
lex does crimes to get clark's attention. they're cute idc
When a Strawberry Is Pushed into a Mountain by Thamiris, 33.1k words
Away at college, Clark learns to read between the lines and finds his future there.
college!clark!! a few misunderstandings and tricky emotions that serve as a backdrop for the care clark and lex show for each other... I quite like it when fic doesn't like,, cut out their terrible parents
The Butterfly Effect by The Spike, 11.6k words
Lex can't let this Cassandra thing go.
remember that old prophecy lady from s1? well, what if lex injected himself with something that gave himself the power to see the future too, and was horrified and traumatised by what he saw? feat. clark taking care of him and papa kent playing the role of the homophobic dog
Going Home by mskatej, 5.5k words
Lex has amnesia.
amnesia future fic! clark comes to the rescue a little too late and takes care of lex. warning: the amnesia creates some issues of consent
where the colors are by museaway, 10.3k words
After Clark rescues Lex from Belle Reve, they flee to Canada to start a new life. Although his age and the need for discretion limit his options, Clark does his best to support them. But despite Clark's loyalty, Lex continues to have nightmares of his time in the asylum and worries that one day, Clark will leave him—or that the rescue was entirely in his head.
this scratches a very straightforward itch: the one where clark successfully saves lex in season three and chooses him. kinda nice and comforting even in its melancholy of not being able to return home again... y'know, sometimes you want something exactly like this
light the torch and pass it on by ang3lba3, 19.8k words
Clark starts behaving erratically, and it's up to Lois and Lex to figure out how to fix him. Thankfully, the paper cuts off there. Clark is faint, sweating. He thinks he’s hard. He checks. Yes. Yes, he is. He flips the paper over. In a deep purple ink, almost black, is an unsigned note. I think we can come to a mutually satisfactory conclusion on this matter. “Oh my god,” Clark whispers, thrilled. “He’s blackmailing me.”
lex/clark/lois. clark is having like... a weird alien hormone situation and it means he's weird towards both lex and lois. lex knows clark is superman but they're still very much enemies here, so this is the push that gets them to change their relationship. this one's just fun! sweet, good banter between lex/lois, it's obvious beneath it all how much they care for clark and clark does for them
The Milk and Cookies War by Punk, 6.2k words
Lex Luthor's Penthouse for Wayward Boys.
college!clark shows up at lex's place and makes himself at home. my favourite scene in this one is a brief interlude where lex is bitchy to his father
m2m by rivkat, 2k words
For thefourthvine, prompt: Craigslist. Clark gets curious about all those superhero kink offers.
what it says on the tin. I think you can probably guess who's demanding a superman lookalike. this fic made me laugh
Risk Management by tasabian, 7.3k words
A bad day for Metropolis reunites Clark and Lex.
future fic where lex almost dying sparks the reconciliation. ... I'd also just rec checking out all their fics tbh
The Grope of Destiny by suzvoy, 19.7k words
Clark had no idea how he was going to explain *this* one.
clark and lex are physically stuck together, and it's what prompts the reveal. always satisfying!!
Candy Cane Hearts by tasabian, 4.6k words
A new brand of candy makes Clark unusually mellow; Lex finds it all very confusing. Written for the Under Mistletoe challenge.
another christmas-y fic, another fic where clark acts weird! basically whenever you remove clark's inhibitions, he whisks lex off. just sweet and charming
No Choice by mskatej, 4.3k words
Clark is in heat.
okay. listen. you need to un-repress them, right. again, this is taking license of some weird alien biology. lex's blend of caring about clark so much and also needing him and also feeling weird about it and also being very into the whole alien thing but also kinda freaked by it... the classic dynamic
The Hinge Moment by tasabian, 14.8k words
Superman has a bad day; Lex just happens to be there.
clark kidnaps lex! but like, in a nice way. a lot of these fics don't REALLY engage with canon all that closely, but this is a future fic that definitely does. gives them the chance to actually have some conversations, y'know. some days I don't actually want them to forgive each other easily, but sometimes it's nice to scratch the itch of having slightly older and more mature versions of them figuring out their issues. really well written
I might add some more at some point but I only had the energy to go through a few right now lol and well I imagine you'd rather like them now than in like. three months. also psa: pLEASE feel free to send in smallville fic recs to this account, I'm always happy to receive them
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cheesecrackery · 1 year
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I drew Cub using the CN color palette
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leviiackrman · 2 days
Might as well have the salt before the sweet; so here is Rin's Finished Timeline!
Tag list (ask to be added or removed): @carrionsflower @statichvm @risingsh0t @simonxriley @tommyarashikage @kanos @confidentandgood @unholymilf @florbelles @thedeadthree @shellibisshe @roofgeese @aezyrraeshh @faerune @tekehu @jackiesarch @minaharkers @sergeiravenov @carlosoliveiraa @rosenfey @greenecreek @queennymeria @heroofpenamstan @tethrras @jamessunderlandgf @d-esmond @solasan @bigbywlf @delzinrowe @fenharel @imogenkol
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shubbzebubs · 1 year
Twitter oomf held me at gunpoint to draw em snuggling and happy after I did that Griffith with Charlotte insecurity crisis bed redraw with Jack👉👈
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Tbh I cropped the art a bit because I wasn't too happy with how I drew his torso. It also turned out to have better quality for the sketch's lines
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