zosanbrainrot · 17 days
Could you draw Sanji crying & sobbing? Love your drawings<3
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why would anyone(me) make him cry so much stooopp
this was the first ask I saw when I first checked for requests, I enjoyed drawing these sm!! lmao
thank you! 💗💗💗
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hhorror-vacuii · 2 months
1 and 14 for the ask game!
1.what are 3 things you’d say shaped you into who you are?
In a random order: meeting and knowing my high school sculpture teacher; catholic church, religion, the relationship I have with God in general; learning to read at a very young age (2/3). I don't really have a good answer, because ever since the age of 3 I feel I am about the same as a person in terms of core values, morality, general outlook on life etc... I didn't have a lot of life defining moments/things, because I was already a well-formed person before anything could have happened.
14.what’s something you’ve always wanted to do but maybe been to scared to do?
Kiss someone I'm in love with. Never had a chance tho.
Wow, those were deep. Thank you :)
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ginkovskij · 1 year
☕disco elysium (have you started it??)
I haven't started it yet ): From what I has seen tho I think it's going to be a super interesting game to play and the art style is truly amazing, which makes me all the more eager to finally put my gremlin hands on it!
Thank you for asking, Liz dearest ((:
send me ☕️ + [topic] and i’ll tell you my opinion on it
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morhath · 1 year
Bookish asks: 🧾&📚!
🧾What fictional world would you love to visit and explore if given the chance? 
Thank goodness it just says "visit and explore"! I don't particularly like Books Where People Are Nice To Other People but I am also very disabled. (And various other stuff, but in terms of surviving Grimdark Fantasyland/Evil Space Empires, I'm more worried about my various illnesses taking me out before anything else happens.) Since I have the Imperial Radch books on the mind, I think I would really enjoy being a tourist there! I wouldn't want to hang around Rachaai space, but Hwae sounds cool, and the ship Enae travels on sounded kind of like a cruise ship. I'd also love to explore the Crossings from the Young Wizards series. (If I had to actually live somewhere I'd be practical and go for some kind of urban fantasy that is essentially the real world where humans are Not Involved In Shit. Something like the October Daye books.)
📚Do you have a go-to reading spot or do you read everywhere?
I pretty much read everywhere, but I spend... a higher percentage of my life than I'd like hanging out on the couch. So that's where most of my reading happens. I also tend to have a book with me (physical copy or on my phone) when I'm out and about, so I read in doctors' offices, at bus stops, etc. quite a lot.
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lenskij · 1 year
url change alert!
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rules: shuffle your 'on repeat' playlist and post the first ten tracks, then tag ten people! thanks @sircarolyn!
I Got a Name, Jim Croce
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road, Elton John
How Deep Is Your Love, Bee Gees (i’m not joking lmao)
Star, Mitski
Rocky Mountain High, John Denver
Bug Like an Angel, Mitski
Katakataka, Eva Eugenio
2 Wheel Drive, Magdalena Bay
Nocturne (Interlude), Laufey
Promise, Laufey
tagging: @dreamofpeppermints, @keepthemacramesecret, @blueishrobin, @marwddewin, @lenskij, @kerfluffel, @percocet, @arth-ur, @mywingsareonwheels, and @bicolumbo
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gato1523 · 1 month
Nine People You'd Like To Get To Know Better
Thanks for tagging me @pizza-hats-of-the-world-1882 !!
3 ships: I'm not really into shipping but I think Kirk/Spock, Sophie/Howl, Pat/Cap
First ship: I really can't remember the first one, but one of the firsts was Holmes/Watson. I started reading the novels before I watched the series/movies, and all I remember thinking was "they are so nice together, I want them to stay that way"
Last song: Patient is the Night by the Blasting Company. I'm listening to the soundtrack of Over the Garden Wall again.
Currently reading: The Pinhoe Egg by Diana Wynne Jones. I'm really enjoying the Chrestomanci series. This is the last novel before I start the short stories which makes me a bit sad but I can't stop reading it.
Last movie: Robot Dreams. I liked it and I heard it was well received in my country. It makes me happy to see so many adults finding an animated movie they can relate to! Animation is still seen as children entertainment here, so it makes me hopeful when I see people realising you can tell different types of stories using the medium.
Currently craving: Fries
I tag @hallowinspirit @ginkovskij @lenskij @dawniebb (I don't have nine people to tag sorry)
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shimyereh · 11 months
Tagged by @carpe-mamilia — thank you!
Last song:
Currently watching: Haven’t watched any tv in a very long while. The last movie I saw was «Как я провёл этим летом» [How I spent this summer].
Currently reading: Gogol’s Arabesques.
Current obsession: The thing I’m in grad school for. This is the fifth time I’ve thought of going for a PhD in something — and the first time I’ve followed through with applying. One year in now. It’s been a big life change, and the workload is no joke, but I still think I’ve made the right choice.
Tagging @mr-craig, @dragongirlg-fics, @highkingpetermagnificent, @druidjournal, @thedeadhandofseldon, @lenskij, and anyone else who sees this and wants to do the meme!
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vera-dauriac · 11 months
Tagged by @notyouraveragejulie. Thank you, dear!
1. are you named after anyone? No.
2. when was the last time you cried? I think 3 days ago. I cry a lot. Inherited it from my dad, who was also a crier.
3. do you have kids? No, and that was definitely a deliberate choice. No shade at people who have or want kids, but it’s not for me.
4. do you use sarcasm a lot? A fair amount
5. what sports do you play/have you played? I played a lot of softball as a kid, but if we’re talking about what we inherited, my sister got all the athletic ability and left me with almost none.
6. what’s the first thing you notice about other people? I’ve been thinking about this, and I honestly have no idea.
7. what’s your eye color? blue
8. scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings.
9. any special talents? Not to pull out the sarcasm I use a fair amount, but seriously, what constitutes “special” and “talents”? Is it special that I’m good at organizing books? Or is it just my job? The whole question requires a level of immodesty that I’m uncomfortable with. Which leads me to…
10. where were you born? The Midwest.
11. what are your hobbies? Writing
12. do you have any pets? Nope
13. how tall are you? 5’2”/157 cm
14. favorite subject? Well, in college I double majored in English and Music, so I suppose those.
15. dream job? Being a fulltime writer would probably be great, but honestly, I love being a Librarian.
So, tagging new folks who can do this or not as they see fit!
@lenskij @myalchod @muchadoabout @kimannebb @i-own-loki @revedebeatrice @smile-at-the-stars
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opera-ghosts · 5 months
Николай Печковский ария Отелло из 3 акта запись 1957 года Концертный зал
N. Peczkowski Otello aria from Act 3 Dio mi potevi (in russian) record in 1957
Nikolaj Konstantinovich Pechkovskij
13 (25) January 1896 Moscow – 24 November 1966 Leningrad
Nikolaj Konstantinovich Pechkovskij studied singing with L. D. Donskoj. In 1918, he joined the opera studio of K. S. Stanislavskij. From 1924 to 1941, he was a leading soloist of the Kirov. Pechkovskij created a series of unique interpretations: Lenskij, Otello, Werther, Rodolfo, and his most appreciated part: German.
He also was much praised for his interpretation of chamber music by Glinka, Dargomyzhskij, Chajkovskij, Rachmaninoff etc., works by Soviet composers, national songs, and Russian romances.
Fatal for the singer was the Second World War when, due to unforeseen circumstances, Pechkovskij appeared and sang in occupied territory. The war caught Pechkovskij in a village south of Leningrad with a seriously ill mother. At the behest of Andrej Aleksandrovich Zhdanov (1896–1948, Chairman of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR), a car was sent with Zhdanov's personal driver to rescue Pechkovskij. The driver failed in his mission and upon his return, so as to save his own skin, slandered Pechkovskij saying that he had refused to return. And though Pechkovskij sang under the Nazi occupiers so as to earn a living, he was no traitor.
He helped guerrillas pass valuable information to the Soviet command, he rescued compatriots from death. Nevertheless, immediately after his alleged defection, his wife – a soprano at the Malij Theater – was jailed to death, and his adopted son – a budding actor – was shot by the Soviet authorities. Back in Soviet-controlled territory after the war, Pechkovskij was condemned on the false accusation of collaboration with the fascists, and was sent to the Gulag until 1954. He was even personally questioned by Beria.
He was never rehabilitated, but he was allowed to sing again in concert and opera, albeit only in second-rate venues, primarily in provincial towns. In his last years, he ran a vocal studio for amateur singers at the Leningrad Recreation Center.
Pechkovskij died on November 24th, 1966. Only at the turn of the century, his popularity began to come back.
Pechkovskij was People's Artist of the Russian Soviet and Federative Socialist Republic (1939). Began on the stages of Moscow's dramatic theatres in 1910. In 1914 he started his career as a singer, as a pupil of L. D. Donskoj. In 1921 he joined the workshop of the Bolshoj Theater directed by K. S. Stanislavskij, who had a great influence on the development of Pechkovskij's operatic personality.
In 1922, he began on Moscow's opera stage. From 1924 until 1941 he was the leading soloist of the Leningrad Kirov Theatre Opera and Ballet.
Great dramatic tension is typical of Pechkovskij's best-known roles: German, Otello, José, and Canio.
In 1939 he became the head of the new branch of the Kirov Theater, where he staged a number of operas.
In 1941, German forces took over the region in which he was living. In 1944, he was arrested by the Soviet authorities and spent ten years in prison camps, to be released in 1954.
In 1956, he returned to Leningrad, though he was not accepted by any theatre and worked independently at the Tsjurupa Recreation Centre.
In 1966 he gave a few concerts in Moscow and Leningrad. He wrote Recollections of an Opera Singer (St. Petersburg, 1992). Between 1926 and 1941 he lived at 4 Lermontovskij Avenue (memorial plaque installed).
The tenor Pechkovskij was the rival of Kozlovskyj and Lemeshev. And of Neljepp, above all, who sang in Leningrad like Pechkovskij, and was deeply rooted in the Communist party at Stalin's time. Pechkovskij was declared undesirable by the people's government, because during the world war, he found himself in German occupied territories and in order to survive, he had to sing for the Germans.
After the war the all-powerful KGB minister Abakumov sent Pechkovskij to the Gulag. This cad had not forgotten his quarrel with Pechkovskij in 1933, when he was just a private of the KGB. It goes without saying that mentioning Pechkovskij's name was a no-no in the USSR for many years.
Keeping his records at one's home could cost the owner his life, or many years of incarceration, so the records were destroyed (only few remain), their fame forgotten. The worst was the total destruction of the matrices of a not yet published complete Otello that Pechkovskij had recorded before the war, after a successful run of performances at the Mariinskij.
No books could even mention the name of the traitor, and he became a non-person in both the USSR and, correspondingly, in the rest of the world.
Pechkovskij recorded 23 sides for the SSSR label; among the operatic items, arias from Pagliacci, Pikovaja dama, and La muette de Portici.
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lamilanomagazine · 2 years
Milano, “Onegin” riapre le danze alla Scala
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Milano, “Onegin” riapre le danze alla Scala. Da poco rientrata dalla pausa estiva, la Compagnia è pronta per il primo appuntamento di balletto alla Scala con Onegin, capolavoro coreografico di John Cranko che suggellerà la programmazione in corso dal 14 al 26 settembre. Esempio perfetto di moderno “dramma in danza” ispirato al romanzo in versi di Aleksandr Puškin, che Cranko riscrisse con maestria e sensibilità, Onegin vedrà nuovamente protagonista Roberto Bolle che torna a rivestire gli ombrosi panni di Onegin, giovane aristocratico annoiato dalla vita che si lascia sfuggire quello che troppo tardi riconoscerà come il vero, grande amore. Accanto a lui Marianela Nuñez, Principal del Royal Ballet, a rinnovare una già acclamata liaison artistica, in quattro delle nove rappresentazioni: il 14 settembre in apertura di recite, poi il 17, 20 e 23 settembre. Già dalla seconda data, il 15 settembre, primo cambio di cast, con il ritorno di una coppia che già ha appassionato nel corso delle precedenti rappresentazioni: saranno Marco Agostino e Nicoletta Manni a interpretare nuovamente i ruoli di Onegin e Tat’jana, che porteranno in scena anche il 21 settembre. Nelle recite successive, altri cast da scoprire, con importanti debutti: il 22 settembre Gabriele Corrado, nel ruolo di Onegin che ha già rappresentato nelle passate stagioni, porterà al debutto nel ruolo di Tat’jana Alice Mariani, fresca di nomina a prima ballerina. Duplice debutto per le recite conclusive del 24 e 26 settembre: il 24 settembre Timofej Andrijashenko e Martina Arduino affronteranno per la prima volta i ruoli di Onegin e Tat’jana, cosi come, il 26 settembre, saranno per la prima volta protagonisti Nicola del Freo e Vittoria Valerio.   Accanto a loro, non meno importanti nello sviluppo drammaturgico del balletto, i ruoli di Ol’ga,  Lenskij e del Principe Gremin: in apertura di recite (14 settembre) Ol’ga e Lenskij verranno interpretati da Martina Arduino e Nicola Del Freo, e in replica il 17 e 20 settembre. Nelle recite successive saranno in scena Agnese Di Clemente e Claudio Coviello (il 15, 21 e 23 settembre), poi Alessandra Vassallo con Mattia Semperboni (al suo debutto nel ruolo di Lenskij); debutti anche il 24 e 26 settembre: in scena saranno Caterina Bianchi e Navrin Turnbull. Il Principe Gremin verrà interpretato da Gabriele Corrado,  Edoardo Caporaletti e (in debutto nel ruolo) Gioacchino Starace.   Nove recite dunque con interpreti tutti da seguire, per la densità interpretativa a cui i protagonisti sono chiamati. Onegin infatti, grande storia d’amore infelice, mostra l’abilità di Cranko nel reinventare una storia scritta e narrarla in puri termini di danza, ad esempio nel gioco d’amore tra i quattro giovani protagonisti del primo atto (Tat’jana, Ol’ga, Lenskij e Onegin) e dei tre protagonisti adulti nel secondo atto (Tat’jana, il Principe Gremin suo marito e Onegin). Balletto in tre atti e sei quadri, permetterà di esaltare le peculiarità interpretative del corpo di ballo nelle danze d’insieme - quelle festose dei contadini, quelle borghesi dei signori di provincia e il gran ballo aristocratico del terzo atto - e degli interpreti principali, nei passi a due di straordinaria potenza espressiva, come nella scena della lettera del primo atto in cui Tat’jana sogna il suo grande amore per Onegin corrisposto con identica passione, così come il duello e la morte di Lenskij e il passo a due finale tra Tat’jana e Onegin, denso di ambiguità e sentimenti inespressi.  In occasione di questa produzione, il 13 settembre è previsto l’usuale appuntamento per il ciclo Prima delle prime – Balletto:  Alfio Agostini introdurrà il balletto di Cranko incontrando il pubblico su Il recitar danzando. Appuntamento alle ore 18 al Ridotto dei Palchi “A. Toscanini” con ingresso libero fino a esaurimento posti. Il 20 settembre, prima della recita di Onegin, si svolgerà un nuovo incontro del ciclo “Il benessere in scena”, in collaborazione con Guna e organizzato con un pubblico preselezionato, in cui medici, studiosi e artisti dialogano sul tema della fruizione dell’arte e della sua influenza benefica sull’equilibrio psico-fisico della persona. L’incontro verrà trasmesso in diretta streaming sul sito del Teatro alla Scala e sulle sue pagine Facebook e YouTube. Moderato da Francesca Pedroni vedrà la partecipazione di Marco Agostino, Primo Ballerino del Teatro alla Scala, del Prof. Vittorio A. Sironi, Professore di Storia della medicina, Storia della disabilità e Antropologia medica e direttore del Centro studi sulla storia del pensiero biomedico all’Università di Milano Bicocca e di Alessandro Perra, Direttore scientifico Guna.... Read the full article
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hhorror-vacuii · 1 year
7, 12, 14 book asks!
7.is there a series/book that got you into reading?
Not really. I hve learned how to read in a very young age, plus I have autism and had hyperlexia, which means - in my case at least - that I was obsesed wih reading as an activity almost for as long as I can remember. I was reading solely to be rading, the content was far lass important. Also, when I was in primary school it was very fashionable among other kids to read book series, like The series of unfortunate events or The spiderwick chronicles, but my parents never bought my any of those, and they were too new to be found in a library. SoI completelymissed out on the experience of reading book series until later in life, when I was already an avide reader.
12.did you enjoy any compulsory high school readings?
I also responded to that already, so here's the list of high school compulsory readings I actually liked: Lalka, Bolesław Prus Master and Margarita, Mikhil Bulhakov (okay, that one I read at 8 years old, but it was on the additional compulsory reading list for high schoolers) Granica, Zofi Nałkowska Crime and Punishment, Fyodor Dostoevsky
14.do you ever mark/dog ear books you own?
I usually don't even use a bookmark. I come froma point ofview that if I can't remember the section I had already read, I should read it again, so I start in the last place I can remember.
Thank you!
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ginkovskij · 5 months
I was tagged by @lenskij (thank you!!) to share the last 6 albums I’ve listened to, here they are (:
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1. Outside, David Bowie. Turn of the century art murder with insane music? YES. Oh David, you beautiful bastard.
Mainstream, Calcutta. This album kinda sucks (affectionate)
ASSA (from the movie ASSA), Various Artists. Malčik Bananan is simply iconique. The whole album is a banger.
Black album, Kino. Another banger I discovered in the summer (thanks Jas!!) I listen to it when I draw or walk to places. Or read. Or shower. I just like it a lot, ok?
Disco Elysium OST, British Sea Power. A good companions on shitty days, not sure the music makes it better. Love it.
Diamond Dogs, David Bowie. Another one by David, anyone surprised?
Tagging: whoever wants to do it!
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bizet · 2 years
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onegin & lenskij
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lenskij · 1 year
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finnish-art-gallery · 3 years
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Lenskij och Ogegin, Ilja Jefimovitš Repin, Finnish National Gallery
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