#leon vance x reader
withlove-amber · 3 months
Practice Dance
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gibbs x reader
“Oh hey (Y/N)!” The loud voice of a Very Special Agent Tony DiNozzo rang through the air, and into (Y/N)’s ears. “Hey Tony, what’s up?” (Y/N) replied. “You got an invite to a wedding, and it says you can bring a plus-one.” “A wedding invitation? Who’s inviting me to a wedding? And how do you know I got an invite?” “I might have looked through the mail on your desk this morning.” Tony sheepishly responded. (Y/N) looked at the wedding invitation (after glaring at Tony), and saw that it was from her cousin. 
“Awww, they look so happy!” (Y/N) said as she read over the invitation. As much as she hated to admit it, Tony was right, she was allowed to bring a plus-one. She didn’t realize Gibbs had come up behind her, and was looking over her shoulder the whole time. She just about jumped when she turned her face an inch to the left, and he was right there behind her. “God, Gibbs! Thanks for the heart attack!” (Y/N) said, now clutching her chest, right above her heart. “Anytime, (Y/N).” 
Throughout the day, her gaze kept lingering back at the wedding invitation. At one point, Gibbs noticed her zoning out in the direction of the invitation. (Y/N) felt a crumpled piece of paper hit her shoulder. “Earth to (Y/N), are you there?” “Yes, Tony, I’m here. What do you need?” (Y/N) replied, slightly agitated at Tony’s interruption from her daydream. “Are you daydreaming about your Prince Charming over there?” She glared at him slightly, but ultimately said, “Nah, I’m just not even sure I’m going to the wedding.” “What?! Why not?” Tony impatiently asked. Gibbs was also slightly curious as to why she wouldn’t go. “Because, I don’t have anyone to go with, I don’t know how to slow dance, and I have nothing to wear to a semi-formal wedding.” (Y/N) responded. “Well (Y/N), I have to say, that sucks for you.” Tony said laughing towards the end of the sentence. 
(Y/N) spent the rest of the day, daydreaming about a familiar silver-haired, steely-blue eyed man. She couldn’t stop thinking about the two of them dancing around all of the other couples. There were just a few problems: she can’t slow dance, she hasn’t told Gibbs how she feels, and they’re not a couple. The only thing that brought her out of her daydream, was Tony saying goodnight. She didn’t even realize it was time to go home. Oops. The only two people left in the bullpen were (Y/N) and Gibbs. Right before she picked up her things to leave and say goodnight to Gibbs, she heard “Moonlight Serenade” by Glenn Miller Orchestra playing over the speakers in the office. 
She looked up from her desk, and saw Gibbs standing in front of her desk, holding out his hand for her to take. She stood up and took his hand, and he led her to the middle of the bullpen. Her eyes widened slightly when she felt Gibbs’ hand on her waist. “Put your hand on my shoulder and take my other hand in your left hand.” Gibbs instructed her. She felt small sparks when she felt his gentle touch on her waist, and his gentle touch while holding her hand. She often wondered how gentle his touch would be with his rough, veiny hands that were a sure sign of carpentry. The months of daydreaming about Gibbs, had nothing on the real thing.
He set the pace for them both, slowly extending one foot forward, and she slowly extending one foot back. The two swayed slowly and softly, and she could feel herself blushing at the very close contact. While the two danced to the soft music in the background, they observed each other’s features in the soft glow of the dim office lighting. His eyes appeared to be much more blue than they’d ever been, and if she looked hard enough, his silver strands of hair appeared to softly glow in the dim lighting. The front section of her hair appeared to be brighter than it’s ever looked before, and he noticed how plush and soft her lips look. ‘God,’ he thought, ‘I could kiss her right now.’ As the song played in the background, the two gradually closed the gap between their bodies, so they were now standing so close, there wasn’t even an inch of space between them.
“Jethro,” (Y/N) whispered, “Would you be my plus-one?” “I would love to, (Y/N).” Gibbs softly spoke. “You were right Dr. Mallard. They do have feelings for each other.” Said Director Vance, looking over the balcony from upstairs into the bullpen. “I was hoping to finally get them to act on it, but this works too.” Said Ducky, watching (Y/N) and Gibbs dance around the bullpen. 
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thecrimefiles · 1 year
“He’s not you...”
Author: The Crime Files
Summary: You accompany Parker to Berlin as a protective detail for Director Vance and things take an unexpected turn.
Main Character(s): Alden Parker, Leon Vance
Notes: This story is inspired by season 20, episode 5: Guardian and the second half is based off a dream I had a few weeks ago… also, it’s pretty late here so I’ll edit it in the morning but in the meantime, I hope you enjoy it!
You place a soft knock on the door before the sounds of harsh voices, coming from within, fade into a hushed silence. “Director?” The question goes unanswered as you notice a pair of indignant looking agents sitting by the door.
Confused, you slowly push your way through the door before repeating your question, “Director Vance?” As you close the door behind you, you’re met with the sight of Leon Vance and your boss, Alden Parker, having what appears to be a heated argument.
“I’m sorry, am I interrupting something?”
“Ah, agent-”
“Perfect timing,” Parker interrupts.
“I... what,” you ask. The director turns towards the senior agent with an exhausted glare before you notice the luggage sitting by his desk, “are you going somewhere, Director?”
As he opens his mouth to respond, Parker jumps in, “the director has decided to forgo the postponement of his trip to Berlin, despite my concerns regarding his safety...”
“I’m sorry, what?” You turn your attention towards the director. “You’re still going to the Interpol conference? With all due respect, sir, but given the current set of circumstances-”
“As I have said to Agent Parker,” comments the director in a voice laced with authority, “I appreciate the concern... but I am not going to let a threat stop me from doing my job. Is that understood?”
“Yes, sir.”
Parker’s attention is focused on the floor as you turn towards him, waiting for him to acknowledge the director's orders. “You want to go to Berlin, fine...” he says with a sigh. “But I’m going with you. I’ll be your protection detail, not those two agents.” He explains, pointing towards the door.
“You,” asks Director Vance as you detect a hint of amusement in his voice.
“I’m qualified. We both are.”
“We,” you ask.
“Yeah, you’re comin’ too... so,” he says, turning towards the director. “What do you say?”
“Plane leaves in an hour. Your bags aren't even packed.”
“I always keep a go-bag in my car,” he says with a smirk. “I’ll go get it... I always wanted to see Berlin.”
You watch him head towards the door before turning your attention towards the director, “it’ll be an honour to protect you, sir.”
“You’re a damn fine agent, I trust you.” He reassures you with a smile before you follow Parker out the door.
“That was a long night...” you sigh, locking the door behind you. You and Parker had agreed on sharing the adjoining room next to Vance’s - as it would be safer - so it was no surprise to find him perched on the bed, leaning against the headboard.
“Didn’t expect you to be back so soon,” he comments, not taking his eyes off the file in his hands.
“What are you talking about?”
Taking a seat on the opposite end of the bed and thinking back on the events of the night, you gently massage the back of your neck before a soft moan falls from your lips, the stiffness melting from your body.
Parker had been so focused on keeping an eye on the director, despite his objections, that he hadn’t noticed the handsome man who had walked over to you and started up a conversation. The unmistakable sound of your laughter echoing throughout the lobby had caught his attention and when he’d turned towards you, he saw your hand resting on his arm... he couldn’t help but feel a twinge of resentfulness towards the man.
“Wait,” you say after a moment of realisation. “Oh, Parker...” His name, barely a whisper, falls from your lips as your gaze softens upon noticing the sadness etched across his face. “He just wanted to know where the conference room was, he wasn’t flirting with me...” you explain, slowly making your way towards his side of the bed.
All of a sudden, you feel a warmth spread throughout your body at the thought of what you were about to do to your boss, of all people, as a subtle shade of vibrant crimson colours your cheeks. Taking the file from his hands, you slowly crawl onto his lap, straddling him, before placing a finger underneath his chin. “I’m not interested in him...” you say, guiding his gaze up towards you.
There was an evident intensity swirling in his golden virescent eyes as they linger on yours, a soft smile gracing your lips. “Alden...” you whisper, softly allowing your fingers to glide over his ageing, yet handsome features.
“He’s not you,” you confess quietly, prompting a charming smile from the older gentleman. Running your hands through his silver hair, you let them rest on the back of his neck before placing a soft, tentative kiss on his lips.
Immediately, he reciprocates the gesture, deepening the kiss. His hands glide up along your thighs before resting on your waist, as he pulls you closer, eliciting a chorus of melodious moans from both of you. At that moment, a knock on the door catches your attention as you both pull away, breathless, his gaze lingering on the soft, swollen flesh of your lips.
“I think that’s Director Vance,” you mention before turning your attention towards the door.
To be continued…
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The Taste of Revenge (6)
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Warnings: canon typical violence, cursing, mentions of non-consensual drugging, descriptions of character death, mentions and descriptions of jail, car crashes, descriptions of drowning, lying, manipulation, guns, yandere themes, mafia AU, mafia Rafael Barba (trust me, he needs the warning), spoilers for Hannibal, references to Leverage, past Frederick Chilton/Rafael Barba, NSFW moments and angst.
Chapter 6
You shot out of the room before Doctor Chilton could stop you.  Between remaining in the conference room with him and confronting Barba, you would take your chances with confronting Barba.  At least with that option, you would have the physical support of your teammates.
The second that you stepped out of the hallway, you were aware of Barba’s eyes on you.  From this distance, you could see that his posture was casual and relaxed.  He was surrounded by some NCIS agents that you recognised and standing between you and Barba was your team with Gibbs at the front.
You had a sudden flash of déjà vu at the sight of your boss blocking Barba from walking over to you.
Steeling yourself, you walked over to stand with your team and as you walked over to them, you could feel the presence of Director Vance close to you.  Being cooped up in a federal prison didn’t appear to have had any long-term effects on Barba; he looked exactly as you remembered him which caused you to wonder how long he had been in the prison for.  If you had to guess, you would say it wasn’t for very long. 
“So much for justice.”  You thought waspishly.
“Now would be a good time to share any information that you know.  You’re not in the most welcoming of places.”
“The last time that we interacted Agent Gibbs, you threw me across the room.  I’m not particularly inclined to share anything with you.”
The subtle emphasis that Barba put on the word ‘you’ did not go unnoticed by any of your team.
“No way.”  Torres was the first to speak up.  His voice was loud and could be heard over your other teammates' protests.  Tim clenched his fist around the handle of his gun, “Whenever you and (Name) have interacted, she’s been exposed to dangerous situations.”
“I pulled her out of the river!”  Barba growled.  
The impact of Barba’s words was instantaneous.  The air thrummed with electricity and the tempers in the room began to approach a boiling point underneath their initial reactions of surprise and anger.
“She wouldn’t have needed you to pull her out of the water if you hadn’t given the signal to begin the car chase.”  Gibbs snapped back, disregarding the reactions from his team.
“All the more reason to keep you away from her.”  Tim agreed.
“I bet you would like nothing more than to draw your weapon and fire it at me, Tim.”  Barba stated bitingly, “Fortunately for the both of us, you can’t do that.”
“I think you mean ‘fortunately for you’.” Tim corrected cuttingly.  “I doubt anyone would judge me too harshly.”
“I’m unarmed and I have information that can help.  I just have one condition that needs to be met and you refuse to grant me that concession.  If your feelings clouded your judgement and I was injured as a result; those factors would be revealed in a court of law,” Barba crossed his arms and shook his head.  “Who do you think the courts would side with?”
Bishop turned her body halfway around to face you, “Tell me that you’re not considering this.”
You looked Barba directly in the eyes, “Are you going to be completely honest this time?”
“Yes.”  The word left Barba’s lips barely a second after you finished your question.
“You have five minutes.”
“We won’t need that long.”
Wondering about Barba’s statement, you led him to an interrogation room and after he had passed the threshold of the door, you closed it with a snap behind him.  The mafia boss cast a disgruntled eye around the room.
“You really should invest in an interior decorator for your interrogation rooms.”
You glared across the table at him, “We don’t bring people in here for comfort or style.”
“Evidently.”  The mafia boss crossed his legs on the surface of the table and leaned back in his chair.
Minutes passed in silence and your frustration mounted as Barba refused to divulge any of the information that he had promised.  “Are you just going to sit there and look pretty?”  You demanded impatiently.
Barba smiled at you indulgently, “I think I’m a few steps above ‘pretty’ though it’s nice to hear that you find me attractive.”
“I never said that” you replied, rolling your eyes.
You could tell that Barba didn’t believe you but he let the matter drop instead choosing to reach into his pocket and place a recorder on the table between the both of you.
“What are you doing?”
“In ten seconds, I’m going to give you all the information that I promised.  I suggest you press the record button any moment now.”
“This man is infuriating!”
Grudgingly, you followed his instructions and when the light appeared to indicate that the machine was recording, Barba began to talk.  After the first few words, you realised that he wasn’t speaking in English but Spanish.  You reached forwards, intending to pause the recording and demand that Barba reveal what he knew in English however, he warned you nonverbally not to press the button.
In order to avoid Barba’s gaze, you focused on the recorder and watched as the seconds became minutes.  When the time hit the four minutes and thirty seconds mark, Barba stopped speaking.  You waited for a few moments just in case he would reveal any further information but when it became apparent that he wouldn’t, you turned off the recorder.
“What was the point of that?”  You exclaimed.
Barba shrugged, “You wanted the information.  I gave it to you.  I fail to see the problem.”
“You know I don’t speak Spanish.”
“No, you don’t, do you?  That means you will need to keep me around and ensure my safety.  Every day, I will teach you Spanish until you can decode my message.”
“What’s to stop me from finding someone to help me translate it?”  You questioned while your mind considered how Barba was going to teach you Spanish daily.  He couldn’t stay at the NCIS base; he wouldn’t be safe.  He would be uncooperative if you sent him back to prison and even though you had a small number of safe houses around the state and a few in others, you were reluctant to reveal their locations to Barba.
Barba set a small black device on the table next to the recorder.  It was similar to the one that Abby had used to shut down her machines remotely.  “If I learn that you have asked another person for help instead of me, I will press the button here,” Rafael pointed to it, “and the recorder will delete the file.  I’m sure that with Abby and Tim’s help, you could retrieve the information but it might be too late when you do.”
You snatched the recorder off the table and slid it into your pocket.  Without sparing a glance at the undoubtedly smug mafia boss behind you, you opened the door and exited the room.  Back in the bullpen, Doctor Chilton had joined the NCIS agents on the floor but he stood apart from them as if he knew that he didn’t belong with them.  You found it odd that he wasn’t standing with the Interpol agents considering that their boss was the one who requested his services in the first place.
“What did he tell you?” Ziva interrogated as soon as she caught a glimpse of you.
“He revealed everything.”
“I didn’t expect him to be so cooperative.”  Tony commented.
“In Spanish.”  You added.
“There it is.”
“You don’t speak Spanish.”  Tim argued, “How does that help us?”
“Excellent deductive work Sherlock.  Maybe you should write a book series.”
You raised your voice, “Barba said that he plans on teaching me Spanish daily until I can understand enough to decode the message.  He has a device like Abby’s that can remotely erase the file if I ask anyone besides him for help in decoding it.”
“What do you mean daily?” Tim uttered, “He’s not staying here.  We already have his doppelgänger in limbo.”
You looked up at your partner and waited for him to connect the dots.  “This case is getting worse by the minute,” Tim complained.  “I don’t like it.”
“Everyone here knows that he wouldn’t be safe on base and he wouldn’t be cooperative at all.  If he was returned to prison, he’d definitely be uncooperative and there are some places that I would prefer to stay away from, for security reasons.”
“Speaking of Barba, where is he?”
You shrugged, “Walked past him to leave the interrogation room.  I haven’t seen him since then.”
“Look up,” Tony instructed humourlessly.
Following the special agent’s instruction, you turned and looked up at the stairs that led to the MTAC room.  Barba stood on the lowest step with his arm resting on the railing and Gibbs and Director Vance stood several steps higher wearing nearly identical scowls.
“It’s settled then.”  Director Vance announced.
Director Vance focused on you, “Rafael Barba will be released into your custody.  During this time, I expect you to decode the message he had you record.”
“Yes, Director.”  You conceded.  You couldn’t do anything else but agree to Barba’s terms.
Then the other part of Tim’s sentence sunk in and you pivoted to face your teammate, “What did you mean earlier when you said, ‘we already have his doppelgänger in limbo?’  What happened when I was with Barba?”
“Today must be a day for manipulation.”  Your partner answered unhappily, “Sterling has cancelled Chilton’s accommodation and now he has nowhere to stay because he can’t get a flight out.”
“I just know that I am going to regret this.”  You thought as sympathy and outrage welled up inside of you.  You knew that Sterling could be mean and ambitious when he was focused on a goal but this was downright horrible of the man.
“Doctor Chilton?  There is a spare room in my house if you would lik-”
“I don’t need your charity.”  The doctor spat, cutting you off and turning away.
You closed your eyes and counted to ten, “It’s not charity.  It’s an offer and before you get any ideas, it’s not done out of pity either.”
“Thank you.”  The doctor breathed in a whisper, still facing away from you.  You were struck with the realisation the reason behind his façade was because he didn’t experience kindness from others very often.
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dwaynepride · 3 years
toxic things ncis characters say during an argument:
warnings: general toxic behavior a/n: i was inspired by a tiktok so my pain is now yours
gibbs: baits you into leaving - "well, if you hate me so much, maybe you should just leave." - "i'd get it if you decided you want to break things off." - "don't let me stop you from leaving."
tony: compares you to his exes - "none of my other partners worried as much as you do. it's exhausting." - "i've never had to explain myself in other relationships. only with you." - "sorry. i'm not used to having a super clingy partner. my exes let me have my space."
mcgee: plays the victim - "did you ever stop to think about how much this hurts me?" - "you never even considered how i might feel about this. it's like you don't even care about my feelings." - "i tried talking to you but you never want to hear what i have to say."
ziva: emotionally unavailable - "yeah, and?" - "i'm sorry, alright?" - "i think you might be overreacting."
ellie: makes you feel stupid - "you have no idea what you're talking about." - "okay, i'm going to explain this one more time." - "do you even hear yourself?"
nick: claims you don't understand him - "you don't even know me." - "stop acting like you get me." - "you always act like understand how i feel but you don't."
abby: makes you feel like you're not good enough - "no, i deserve someone who treats me better than you do." - "sometimes i wish you would at least try to pretend you care about me." - "i don't want to hear your excuses."
vance: can't relate emotionally - "it's nothing personal, i just think you're making a big deal out of nothing." - *says he understands how you feel but just says that to placate you* - "no, now you're just putting words in my mouth."
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quanticowrites · 3 years
Rule 14 (Leon Vance x Reader)
•• Yaaaaaay I got another Gibbs rule one shot done! This time it's Rule 14, and it's for @nerdyfangirl67 🥰 I hope you all enjoy! ••
Entering the office that morning, you did not expect the first words out of Ellie's mouth to be that Vance wanted to see you. She looked concerned, which in turn made you wonder what you’d done. Everything seemed to be alright the night before at dinner. Leon had taken you to his favorite restaurant just outside the city. The man was nuts for Thai food. You'd talked about making vacation plans for summer. Jackie had a cabin up in the Catskills mountains and he and the kids went up for a week or two every summer, and he wanted to invite you along. All those thoughts ran rampant through your head as you made your way up the stairs. It took everything you had to keep from looking back at the others. You could feel Gibbs's stare burning through the back of your skull most predominantly. You'd never been so glad to round a corner in your life. Pamela greeted you as you entered her little cubby.
“(Y/n),” She started with a sigh, glancing toward Leon's door. “I don't know what to tell you other than he's been in a bitter mood most of the morning.” You nodded in appreciation.
“Thanks, Pamela.” You took a deep breath and took those last few steps to the door and pushed your way through. Leon was standing at his window, staring out at the Navy yard like he always did when he was stressed about something.
“Close the door.” Leon turned around and motioned for you to sit. He sat in his chair and fiddled with an envelope in his hands. You saw how fancy it looked from your seat. That was a government seal, and Leon had rubbed his thumb across it so much it was starting to peel off. You sat up straighter. It was time to figure out what this was all about.
“Did I do something wrong, Leon?” He blinked, his thumb stopped mid-crease.
“No, of course not! Why would you think that?” A little bit of relief made its way into your face. There was the Leon you knew. You shrugged.
“Well, I've never been called into your office for good news.” He chuckled, but it quickly disappeared and was replaced with a somber look. His eyes lay on his desk. If you hadn't done anything wrong, why on earth were you here, and why the hell did Leon look like a kicked puppy? He took a deep breath through his nose.
“(Y/n),” He started, managing to finally meet your eyes. “I need you to know this is coming from SecNav herself. I had no say in this.” SecNav? What had grabbed her attention? “You're being transferred to the New Orleans office. Effective immediately.” You put a hand to your stomach, because you were just shot in the gut.
“FOR WHAT!” You screamed, standing up and slamming your hands on his desk. “I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!” Leon jumped at your outburst, but he didn't seem at all surprised by your reaction. No wonder he'd been bitter, you were being forced to leave. Leon walked around his desk and wrapped you in his arms. You began to cry. You'd found Leon and the D.C team during a very vulnerable time in your life. They'd brought you back from the brink of disaster. You wouldn't know where you'd be without them. Leon rubbed that special spot on your lower back, you could hear the emotion in his voice as he spoke up again, letting you get your own emotions out first.
“Sec Nav believes I won't be able to run this agency effectively if I'm in a relationship with one of my agents.” You pushed back a little and he shook his head, tears were in both of your eyes now. “I don't know how she found out, but that's what I'm being ordered to do.”
“When-” You tried to speak but it came out in a high crack. You cleared your throat. “When am I being transferred?” Leon sighed.
“She said effective immediately. She never gave an exact date.” You nodded. “(Y/n), you have to know, I haven't felt this type of love since Jackie died. You mean so much to me.” You smiled.
“I know, Leon. You mean so much to me too. So, if that means if I stay at NCIS I have to go to New Orleans then….” You reached down with one hand and I clipped your badge from your belt. “I resign.” You placed it in his hand and closed his fingers around it.
“Your career-” You cut him off with a laugh.
“A seasoned agent like me? I think I'll be able to find a job at the F.B.I or ATF.” You leaned in and planted a kiss on his lips. “I care about you more than I do the job, Leon.” You smiled at how quickly his face flushed.
“You don't have to do this for me.”
“I know that.”
“Then why do it.” He questioned. “What if you can't find an opening at the FBI or ATF? You would have given up your badge for nothing.”
“I wouldn't have nothing,” You couldn't help the butterflies that entered your stomach. “I'd have you.” Leon's shoulders relaxed and he gave a defeated sigh, smiling. He knew he couldn't argue with you. Even if you weren't going to be one of his best agents anymore, he sure as hell wasn't letting you go.
Tag list: @stanathanxoox , @nikkiwierden , @malindacath , @havlindzk , @countrygal17a , @memyselfandmaddox , @octobersmog , @mizzezm , @diaryofafan17 , @emmitheacefangirl , @smolpersonbigworld, @a-sad-excuse-of-everything
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When I Look at You
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Request: Hi! Could I get a Gibbs x reader where the reader is kidnapped and held hostage for years. When she is finally rescued she goes to surprise Gibbs, who she was engaged to. It appears that he has moved on, but she's mistaken. Requested by: @intheendyouwillalwayskneel A/N: Sorry it took so long to get this to you! I hope you like it! It turned out way longer than I expected, so have a oneshot lol.
Your life had been a living hell for the last three years, never knowing if you were going to make it to the next day or not. When you weren’t being beaten, used, or sold out, you were shoved into a small dark basement with only bread and water, the occasional bone from a chicken with a little bit of meat on it. You tried keeping track of the number of meals he gave you, but you passed out so frequently from exhaustion and pain that you knew you slept for longer than a day at times. 
You heard him coming and you hid behind the water heater. You knew it was all for nothing, there wasn’t really anywhere else you could be. He always found you and always gave you a new reason to wish you were dead. The door busted open and you scrunched up tightly, waiting for what was coming. But it never did. The next thing you heard was a soft, gentle female voice.  “Y/n y/l/n? FBI. It’s okay, you’re safe now. We’ve got you.” she said, coaxing you out of your hiding spot. You peeked around, eyes full of tears. This had to be another dream. Or a trick...you paused. What if this was a trick? He’d done it before. You whimpered and went back behind the water heater. A man came downstairs, and this time you knew it wasn’t a trick. “T-Tobias?!” You stammered, eyes wide. “My God...y/n...” he said, grunting as you ran into his arms.  “Jethro...Jethro, is he...I...he’s...” you couldn’t get the words out, everything seemed blurry, suddenly you collapsed into Fornell’s arms. *************** You woke up in the hospital, Fornell sitting in the chair beside your bed. “Y/n. Good to see you awake finally.” “What...what happened...” “He doesn’t know.” He stated, knowing what you were really concerned about. You nodded quietly, waiting on him to continue. “He doesn’t even know I was still working the case. Better for him in case things...didn’t go well. I figure as soon as they let you go, I’ll drive you up to NCIS. You can surprise him.” “Didn’t think you were the thoughtful type, Tobias,” you said, chuckling a bit, teasing him. He shook his head with a smirk. “You haven’t changed one bit.” He said, walking to the nurses station. You grew quiet, thinking about everything that had happened over the last three years. You knew he was wrong about that. You had changed. You wondered if Jethro had. ***************
Your leg bounced in the passenger seat of Fornell’s car. You were in the Naval Yard, growing more and more worried about what would happen when you walked out of that elevator. You felt sick to your stomach on the ride up. You looked up upon hearing the ding of the elevator doors opening, you were greeted with the bright orange walls that you never thought you’d grow to miss. 
You stepped out of the elevator and your heart nearly stopped. You saw the silver hair from all the way across the room, his back to you. He was speaking to a woman, his hand on her shoulder. She said something and he laughed. That sound nearly had you on the floor. Had he...was she...
“Old friend. He’d die before going on a date with her,” Tobias said, making you feel a little bit better. “He never did get over you.” You felt your heart swell and you started toward him. You came within three feet of him, his back still to you, and you took a deep breath. “Jethro...” You saw him tense, he whipped around, those beautiful blue eyes trying to take in the sight of you before him. He blinked a couple times and spoke, his voice cracking in the process. “Y/n?” You barely had a chance to nod before you were in his arms. You gripped his shirt, tears forming in your eyes. Fornell came up and explained everything to him after you two had your moment.  “Thank you, Tobias,” Jethro said, never letting go of you. He was cradling the back of your head to his chest. “Gibbs,” you heard Vance coming toward him, but he stopped in his tracks. “Y/n?” He said, surprise in his voice. “Hi, Leon,” you said, not letting go of Jethro. “My God,” he stared, then turned to Fornell, “You found her.” “With the help of my team. But as much as I’d love to stay, I’ve got some things to take care of.” He left after bidding you all goodbye. “Gibbs. Go home.” Vance said, walking away. “Wasn’t gonna stay,” he said, taking you by the hand, leading you to the elevator, a look of surprise and confusion on his team’s face.  ************** The ride back to the house was fairly quiet, but it wasn’t a bad kind of quiet. He parked the truck and got you out. You went in and looked around. Nothing had changed. He hadn’t moved a thing that you had put out. Even the things he said he hated. Your eyes welled with tears. “Y/n? What is it?” He asked, taking your hands, sitting with you on the couch. “I was so afraid I’d never get back to you...or that if I did, you...you might have moved on...” you looked at him, eyes taking in every feature of his face. He just shook his head, holding you. “What happened to you...” he asked hesitantly. You paused, hesitating, but very slowly and quietly told him everything from when you were kidnapped up until you were rescued this morning. You looked up at him and saw a mix of anger, sadness, and relief in his eyes. He didn’t say anything, but he didn’t have to. The way he gently cupped your cheeks and pressed his lips against your own said it all. 
He pulled away after a bit and got up, going to the wooden box where he kept his rules. He pulled out the engagement ring that he’d given you. You had given it to him for safe keeping while you were on your undercover operation with the FBI a week before you were taken. He came over to you and slipped it back onto your finger. It was much looser now than it had been before from the malnutrition and starvation, but still as beautiful as ever.  “That’s back where it belongs now.” “You really...you really still want to marry me? After all this time?” You looked down, ashamed. “After everything he did to me?” He made you look at him, his voice soft and serious. “Nothing could ever make me stop loving you, y/n. When I look at you, I’m happy. When I look at you...” he shook his head, so gentle and soft with you, “I know I’ve found my reason for living.”  You hugged him around his neck tightly, and he took you both into the bedroom you shared, and you slept peacefully in his arms for the first time in three years. You were finally home.
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tragic-shadows · 2 years
gibbs: What time is it?
y/n: I don’t know; pass me that saxophone and we’ll find out
y/n: *Plays sax loudly and extremely out of tune*
y/n: It’s 2 am
(this is what happens when the time changes and i just want to go to sleep because school and exams but nooo i have a life):
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hopscotchandlemon · 3 years
Spinning Plates
Prompt number: 15– “I like that in you.”
Fandom: NCIS
Rating: General
Fictober 21 Masterlist
You held the phone tightly to your ear, praying she wasn’t busy and that she’d pick up.
Everything had held together right up until this point; your life was a precarious game of plate spinning and you were worried you were about to drop a rather precious one.
Today marked your 1-year anniversary since joining NCIS and your probationary period would soon be over. It had been quite a year that started with a bang when the Director put you on Gibbs team without consulting him. Those first months were hard, you had replaced an agent who died while on duty, so those first few months were fraught and the more you tried to impress your new colleagues, the more you had seemingly made things worse.
It was your determination that had got you this far, that and your friendship with Jack. She was the only person who could possibly help you catch this plate.
“Hey Y/N, what’s up?” she finally answered.
“Jack! I need you to do me a huge favour,” you pleaded.
Without taking breath, you explained about how your mom needed to take your dad to the ER after a fall. But they were taking care of Esme, your three-year-old daughter.
“If Mom drives to the Navy Yard, can you watch Esme until I get back?”
“Of course. But you know I’m not going to be able to lie to anyone if they ask me who she is.”
“Yeah, and I would never expect you to. Thanks Jack, I’ll be back as soon as I can.”
You quickly made a call to your mom and then re-joined McGee as you interviewed witnesses.
It was two hours before you returned to the office. The rest of the team appeared to have gone home, although you doubted Gibbs would have left at such a reasonable time. McGee grabbed his things and left while you went to find Jack. When you got to her office, you found her and Gibbs at on her couch with Esme fast asleep between them, her head resting on Gibbs’ lap. Jack leapt up when she saw you.
“I’m going to leave you two to chat.” She said, leaving the room and closing the door behind her.
Gibbs patted the empty seat. You took the hint and sat down next to him.
“Why didn’t ya tell me?” he asked calmly, eyes motioning to the sleeping child.
You exhaled loudly.
“Because no one exactly wanted to talk to me when I started here, and then when I started to get accepted as part of the team, I didn’t want anyone to think I was using her as an excuse. It just seemed easier to keep her out of it.”
Gibbs nodded, gently stroking the toddlers’ hair as she slept deeply. “It’s not that anyone didn’t want you here, it’s just that they didn’t want to replace the agent that died.”
“I know. I can’t imagine what it’s like to lose a colleague. I guess a lot of this comes down to me being stubborn.”
“Yeah, you are. But I like that in you,” he chuckled as the little girl started to stir, rubbing her face on your bosses’ leg and crawling over to you. “But you know, asking for help doesn’t make you any less of an agent. I’m impressed you managed your probationary year with this one to look after.  
“It’s thanks to my parents. They look after her when I can’t. Today just couldn’t be helped. I’m grateful Jack was able to help.”
Gibbs stood up and turned to you. “You know, we’d all help. You’re part of the team now. All you gotta do is ask. Take her home. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Standing up, your child handing from your neck like a limpet, you head back towards the bullpen where Jack was chatting with the Director.
“Agent Y/L/N, congratulations on passing your probationary year,” Vance offered with a wry smile. “I can see you have your hands full.”
“Thank you, Director. And I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
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toby-35 · 2 years
Should i just write for people who dont get written about?
Lmao theres a few people in mind
Leon vance barely gets anything written for him
I know for damn sure aint no one writing about colonel bell (yes he did try to kill gibbs but thats hot)
Hollis mann? Yeah probably for her x gibbs but like. What about her x reader. Shes hot and i want some.
Tobias Fornell, yeah he gets written for more than the rest but still
Basically im saying i should write for ny crushes that get little screen time / appear in one ep for 5 minutes
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angelkissiies · 3 years
Leroy Jethro Gibbs
DogTags ( fluff )
I’ll take care of you ( fluff )
Tony DiNozzo
It’s about time ( 16+ )
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What are we? - 2
I’m sorry it took me much time to post the second part, but with work and school, I had hard time to get free time to write! I really hope you’re going to enjoy!! Let me know!! and I’m so happy the first part was all received, I truly appreciate <3 
Warning : a bit of sex
Tag : @sammysgirl1997
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(From Tim) : You’ve been gone for almost three weeks. Planning on coming back? We miss you.
Right after Gibbs told you to clear your desk, you drove like a mad woman to the building to do what you were told. Thankfully, no matter how drunk you were, you drove safely and weren’t arrested. The thing you hadn’t plan was director Vance still being here. “Agent Y/L/N, what are you doing?” he asked while you were under the desk, getting together the papers you just dropped on the floor. His voice surprised you and you literally knocked yourself on the wood desk and fell on your butt, holding your head. “Night, director,” you simply answered. Vance never saw you drunk but he could tell you were at this very moment. “Y/N, what are you doing?” he repeated. “Just—cleaning my stuff,” you paused. “Gibbs fired me,” the only thing you heard was a small chuckle coming from your director. “Tell me about that,” he sat at the edge of your desk with his arms crossed and you were still sitting on the floor. “I guess it’s just not working anymore,” you sighed, “that’s better this way,” you continued to get the papers, avoiding his gaze. “This kind of decision has to go through me, Y/N. And I say you’re not fired,” “Director, with all due respect—you don’t know everything going on,”
Before saying anything more, Vance bend over to help you and offered his hand to help you get up. “You think I don’t know what you feel for Gibbs? And what he feels for you? You’re underestimating me, Agent Y/L/N. But I really don’t think you leaving NCIS is the solution,” “I don’t want to spend the next ten years like the last. I’m tired of waiting for him,” you started to cry. Vance felt really bad for you. He’s been the director for 7 years, and he saw how much you love Gibbs and everything you’ve done for him. You put your own life away for him. “How about you take some time off first? Give you—and him, some time to think,” he offered, “what do you think?” You nodded.
Almost three weeks later, you were in New Orleans, staying at Dwayne’s apartment. The day after your conversation with Vance, you told Dwayne all of it and he offered you to come to Louisiana with him. “Distance may help,” he said. When he offered it, he wasn’t thinking of what could happened between the two of you but obviously, living with him made you closer. This time you were not drunk and you had sex. It became regular, and yet nothing serious, something casual. It just feels really good to be with someone you really appreciated, to feel appreciated too and wanted. You have to admit, sex with Dwayne is amazing, better than anything you’ve witnessed before even though you didn’t have a big experience.
However, days were very long. Dwayne and his team had a lot of work to do, you would help them some times but mainly, you’re bored in his apartment. And you can’t stop thinking about Jethro. You miss him, a lot. You haven’t heard about him since he “fired” you. A part of you would love to talk with him but the other is just so mad at him for being this stubborn.
One of the hardest part of being in New Orleans was being that far away for Morgane and John. Babies change too fast and even though you facetime Delilah almost every day, you can tell they have changed a lot in three weeks. Usually, you’re the one to call her but today, your phone rang and her name popped up. You almost hang up when you saw Tim’s face on the screen. “Finally!” he simply exclaimed, “You are definitely avoiding my calls and texts,” “Hello Timmy, I’m okay, what about you?” you avoided what he just said. “Y/N, can you have a serious conversation, please?” he pleaded and you sighed. “What’s up?” “Why did you leave like this? When are you coming back? Are you actually coming back? Are you dating Pride?” he spoke too fast. “A question at the time, please.” You paused, “I needed time off, I don’t know when I’m coming back and I’m not dating Dwayne,” “Thanks for the last answer, I can make everyone shut up. But seriously, I’m going crazy without you—Well, we all are cause Gibbs is driving us nuts!” “There’s nothing I can do about that,” you simply said. “Yes, there is! Come back! He is like this because you left,” “He fired my ass, Tim. What else was I supposed to do?” “He—what? No way,” he paused, “Wait, was it because you flirted with Pride?” “Whatever it was, he just did. You guys are lucky enough Vance saw me cleaning my desk, I’m just on time off for now,” “Ok, I think there’s something that may convinced you—Gibbs and Ducky had a fight a few days ago. They are barely talking to each other since then, and no one knows what it was about,”
You stayed silent. How was it possible? Why the hell did they have a fight? Them? That’s not something you thought could happened. What could you do about it? They are adults, they can make up things all by themselves… actually, you can’t help but to feel concerned about this fight and you hate it. You can’t leave DC for a few weeks without the team falling a part? “I’ll see what I can do,” you spoke up, “Can I see my godchildren now?”
In DC, Dr Donald Mallard was working on a profile. It was late and everyone had left already. But no one is waiting for him at home, so he doesn’t mind staying late at work. His phone rang, taking him away from his own thoughts. Your name appeared and he smiled to himself before answering. “Hello milady,” he greeted you. “Hi my Ducky Duck. How are you?” you casually asked. “I’m fine, what about you? How’s New Orleans?” “Life here is so different from DC, I’m having a lot of fun actually,” it wasn’t totally true but not a lie either. “How’s the team?” “I have to admit—we miss you here,” he confessed. “I miss you too, all of you. Even Gibbs,” you said on purpose, hoping it would bring up the fight they had. “Mainly him, am I right?” he softly said. “Ducky, listen. I heard you two had a fight—can you talk to me about it, please?”
It took you a few arguments to convince Ducky to talk about the fight but he finally did. And like you were afraid of, it was about you.
“Talk to me, Duck,” Gibbs said like always as he entered the autopsy. The doctor told him everything he found during the autopsy of the corpse they got the day before. Jimmy quickly left to bring something to Abby, leaving the two men alone. Gibbs was about to leave but Ducky called him before he reached the door. “Obviously, something happened with Y/N—but is she coming back? I tried to call her but she’s not answering. To anyone actually, what about you?” “Haven’t heard of her either. I don’t know if she’s coming back,” “Jethro, what happened exactly between you two?” “Nothin’. Can I go now?” “I guess you avoided the conversation with her, just like you’re doing now,” “Excuse me?” “I’m just sayin’—it’s been ten years, don’t you think it’s time for you to accept the feelings you have for her?” “Are you seriously giving me advices about love, Ducky? You? The man that never got married?” Gibbs answered with a bitter ton and Donald frowned, he was just trying to help two people he really care about. “Nevermind, Jethro. Keep ruining her life, you’re doing a great job,” If it wasn’t Ducky saying this, in front of him, Jethro would have exploded. But he stayed silent and left.
After hanging up with Ducky, you couldn’t hold back your tears. You cried like a baby for several minutes, it was all the tears you haven’t let out for years now. You were giving up everything you kept inside all this time. Not only your feelings for Gibbs and how miserable they make you but also how hard this job can be. Losing all of those people you loved, those missions in Middle East, the cases, the destroyed families, the time you were hostage in Paraguay with Gibbs for two months… How did you manage to still be standing after all of this? You’re seriously wondering. But one thing is sure, you can’t take anything more right now.
You didn’t hear Dwayne getting in the apartment. Before he could say anything, he heard you sobbing on the couch so he directly walked to you, sat and held you without saying anything. He just held you close to him while you calmed down a little. He stroked your hair and kissed it gently. “Wanna talk?” he finally asked when you weren’t crying anymore but you shook your head. “Just stay here,” you said.
After a few minutes, you raised your head from his chest to kiss him. You were craving for his kisses, his touch, his comfort, his tenderness. You wanted to feel secure and loved. Dwayne can give you that. He lost himself in your kisses for a moment but he knew he had to stop it. “Y/N…” he whispered, slowly breaking the kiss. You ignored him and tried to kiss him again but he turned his face. You gave him a questioning look. “Whatever’s going on, you have to fix it. You have to fix yourself, to get your life together instead of throwing yourself in my arms. I mean—I love being with you and maybe I have feelings for you but I know how you feel for Gibbs and whether it’s with me or someone else, you can’t get in a relationship without making things clear with him,” “It’s never going to work,” “Maybe not but you can’t live with a doubt, right?”
You hated to admit it but Dwayne was right. Things need to be clear, once and for all. Even if it can hurt really bad, that’s the only way you can move on. Whether it’s with or without Gibbs. The next morning, you were on a plane back to DC. When you arrived, you took a cab and gave Jethro’s address. He’s already at work, but you stayed there, on his couch the entire day. You were determined to get answers, and you won’t live his house without them. When the sun went down, you moved in the basement. Gibbs was working on a new boat, you walked around it and noticed how he named it. Your nickname. The nickname only him calls you by. A few tears got away from your eyes. You sat on his small bench and pressed play on his old floppy disk drive. It was Kelly’s playing the piano and talking to her father. Listening to this made you sadder. A part of you understands how broken and scared the man is. But you just want to make him happy. You turned on your own music, a song you’ve been listening for days cause it perfectly reflects how you feel.
See the stone set in your eyes See the thorn twist in your side I'll wait for you Sleight of hand and twist of fate On a bed of nails she makes me wait And I wait, without you With or without you With or without you
Through the storm we reach the shore You give it all but I want more And I'm waiting for you
With or without you With or without you I can't live With or without you
Softly singing over Bono’s voice, you didn’t hear Gibbs walking downstairs. Seeing and hearing you, he stopped himself in the middle of the stairs and sat there until the song was over. He heard you sobbing and his heart broke a little more. You considered listening to it again, but his voice got your attention. “That’s exactly how it is. With or without you, I can’t live,” he simply said. You walked where he was and sat on the stair, next to his feet. “Then--what should we do?”
You waited for his answer but he stayed silent. For a very long moment. But you waited, and waited, once again. A few times, he opened his mouth to talk but he stopped himself and didn’t speak. “Y/N/N,” he finally whispered. You looked at him, hopefully. His iced blue eyes were watered. He stared deep in your eyes for another moment and he finally moved. His face got closer to yours, determined but slow enough to give you the opportunity to object. But you didn’t and his lips reached yours. His kiss was soft but firm, shy and intense at the same time. His tongue searched from permission to get inside your mouth and you happily opened it. He picked you up easily to make you sit on his lap, his all over your body and yours in his hair and neck while you never stopped kissing. Shortly after, clothes began to fly in the basement. Feeling your bare skin against his, drove Gibbs crazy. He stood up with you in his arms and pinned you against the wall. The cold made you whined between moaning. You were so small in his arms, you both were loving it, your long hair sometimes got in the way of your mouths but Gibbs didn’t mind, he loved every part of you, from head to toes. He carried you to the living room and laid you on the couch. You whined again when he stopped kissing and touching you. You felt cold and empty, “J?” you asked. He quickly kissed your hair, “Just starting a fire,” You watched him setting the fire in his fireplace. This was better then you imagine. His body was amazing, his kisses were mind-blowing, just like his touch. Once he was done, he covered your body with his and kissed you again.
That night, you and Gibbs made love twice. It was slow, passionate and intense. You could easily described that night as the best of your life. The two of you fell asleep on the couch, naked bodies pressed to each other, with the fire next to you. You slept before him and you didn’t hear him saying how much he loves you.
It was the first time in some many years that Gibbs could have sleep in. But unfortunately, it was Thursday, the team was working on a case and Ellie Bishop showed up very early. To her defense, her boss is already awake or at work at 7. When she walked in his home, she didn’t expect to find the two of you sleeping, naked. The blanket has been kicked away in the middle of the night and the first thing Ellie saw was Gibbs’ naked ass. Then your breasts. She uncontrollably screamed, covered her eyes and turned around. “Bishop? What the—” Gibbs said, before realizing what she must have seen. “Boss, I-I’m sorry, I—” she paused, “I’m just going to leave,” and she did. “What do you think traumatized her? My breasts or your ass?” you joked. “My ass is perfect, she’ll never forget what she saw,” he smiled.
Jethro softly kissed you, “Morning,” he said in your mouth. “Good morning, handsome,” you smiled. “Screw rule 6—I’m sorry, Y/N. For being a fucking idiot. I’m sorry it took me ten years, I’m sorry I—” you kissed him to make him stop. “Just tell me “Screw rule 12” and that’s enough. And promise me we’ll wake up like this, every single day,”
He nodded, “I love you, Y/N. More than you can imagine,”
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withlove-amber · 3 months
Baby Box (pt. 2)
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alden parker x reader
I don’t have kids, so I hope this works
(Y/N) had told Alden they’re expecting last week. They were on the fence about telling the team so soon, but the two of them were just so excited they couldn’t keep it to themselves any longer. Alden tried to not be noticeably even more affectionate than normal. There are times when all he wanted to do was keep a hand on her stomach, but it would completely give it away. There are times when all (Y/N) wanted to do was blurt out at random that they’re expecting. They weren’t sure how to tell the team (which is more like a family) for a few days, but (Y/N) came up with the idea of gathering everyone in the bullpen, and telling them then. 
The day came to tell the team. When they got to the bullpen, (Y/N) texted Director Vance, asking if he could come to the bullpen for a minute. Alden texted Jimmy and Ducky, asking the same thing. When everyone was gathered around, Alden started off by saying, “Thank you all for coming. You’re probably wondering why we asked you all here. Um, (Y/N) and I found out some news recently and we wanted to tell you as soon as possible.” (Y/N) and Alden kept their expressions as neutral as they could, even fooling Jessica into thinking they had received bad news. (Y/N) took over by saying, “The news we found out recently is that I’m pregnant!” Alden’s hand immediately flew to her stomach out of habit.
Cheers erupted from everyone in the office, and they were just about tackled by Kasie with hugs. In the crowd, they could hear questions like, “How long have you known?” “What are you going to name it?” “Do you know if it’s a boy or a girl yet?” “Okay, okay, one at a time!” (Y/N) said, with a smile that could rival the sun. Torres spoke first, “How long have you known?!” “We found out last week.” Alden said, with a smile of his own, his hand still on her stomach. Kasie piped up next, “What do you have for names yet?!” “We’re not sure yet, but I’m sure we’ll think of some soon.” (Y/N) replied, now softly drawing circles on Alden’s hand that was on her stomach. “Are you hoping for a boy or a girl?” Tim asked before anyone else. “Either one, honestly. We’re going to love it no matter what.” (Y/N) and Alden just about replied in unison. 
They then spent the next several minutes receiving hugs from Ducky (who was excited that he would be a Grandducky again), Jimmy (who was already recommending various things), Tim (who was excited he’d be an uncle again), Jessica (who was already volunteering to buy all the snacks (Y/N) could ever want), Kasie (who was already calling herself “Aunt Kasie”), Torres (who was already volunteering for babysitting duties), and Director Vance (who was congratulating them both). Alden has always loved (Y/N), and now he loves their baby even more. Yes, he was nervous about being a father in his 50s, but he knew he could do it with (Y/N) by his side.
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specialagentlokitty · 5 years
Abby x reader - Calm
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can you please write an abby sciuto x gibbs daughter reader where the reader is autistic? maybe one where abby comforts them after they had a meltdown in the precinct? - Anon❤️ 
Abby came running out of the elevator and she could hear it. The screams and cries of protest, confusion. It broke her heart. She ran over to where Gibbs, Ellie, Reeves, Nick, McGee and Vance where trying to calm down the frantic woman.
Everyone seemed a bit lost as to what they should do.
“(Y/N)?” Abby called.
You didn’t respond, Gibbs held you against his chest and you hit him and screamed with tears streaming down your face. He held you tightly to stop you from hurting yourself in anyway while you thrashed.
Abby got closer and knelt down, not to close but close enough if you wanted to see her. She knew all she had to do was bring your attention towards her.
“(Y/N)? Hey... look at me.” She called softly.
Your teary eyes met hers, and your screaming instantly quietened. Watching Abby, she gave you a smile and shuffled closer. When you felt Gibbs loosen his grip you lunged at you, wrapping your arms tightly around her as you cried into her neck.
“What happened?” She asked.
Shaking your head, she turned to Gibbs hoping that he could shed some light onto the situation.
“I left her at my desk for not even two minutes, next thing I know she’s screaming and crying and another Agent is running away.”
Gibbs seemed pissed, and Abby couldn’t blame him. She was pissed as well. Everyone at the Naval yard were strictly forbidden to do anything that might work you up and it seems this agent did just that.
You had somewhat calmed down, you had stopped crying and were now resting against her chest as you messed with one of the rings on her finger. Abby hummed a small tune under her breath as the others slowly went back to their own tasks.
Another few moments passed and Abby felt you almost completely relax in her arms.
“Feeling better?” She mumbled.
Nodding you pressed yourself further into her, Abby had that effect on you. She could calm you in an instant. It was why you two worked so well.
When your eyes connected with Gibbs’ he was smiling kindly. You smiled a little at him.
“Wanna go for a walk?” Abby asked.
You shook your head, clutching tighter onto her, showing your dislike in the thought of her moving away. She wrapped her arms around you and kissed your cheek.
“Alright, we’ll just sit here.”
Glancing up, Abby wore a smile. You offered one back for resting your head back on her shoulder and closing your eyes. Exhaustion from the previous events taking over as you drifted to sleep
NCIS: @captainmarvel16 @darth-dorle @aspiringtranslator
All: @sitkafay @havlindzk @drakelover78 @sammysgirl1997 @mp0625
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theagenttagteam · 6 years
NCIS x Reader - Lover and a fighter
Part two
You sat on the plane, half dressed in your uniform a vest shirt was the only one you wore. You tapped your foot, running a hand through your hair.
“Is it true you were one of the best?”
You winked at the new soldier, “you know it.”
He grinned and laughed.
“Gibbs!” Vance called
“You need to sign these.”
Gibbs raised an eyebrow. Taking the file from his friend.
“Resignation paper?”
“(Y/N) (L/N) called me yesterday. She said personal. Her badge and gun are on her table and the key is under the mat.”
Leon walked away, leaving Gibbs to stare blankly at the file, he threw it down and rushed to your appartment.
Grabbing the key and unlocking the door Gibbs called your name. Getting no response he could see the gun and badge. He grabbed them with a heavy sigh looking around before locking up and taking the key for safe keeping.
After many hours the plane landed, you walked out getting many cheers from surrounding soldiers.
“Sergeant (Y/N) (L/B), welcome back.”
You smiled. Clasping hands with your old friend.
“Thank you James.” You smiled.
James black hair gleamed in the sun his brown eyes were soft and he’d gained a good tan.
“This will be a few years.”
“You know I’m happy to stay.”
The pair of you walked away...
*2 years later*
“Ryan..?” You whispered.
Gun shots rained from above, blood trickled down your head from a small cut.
You looked over seeing Ryan holding his shoulder. Three of your other team were injured.
“Son of a ...”
You jumped up and started shooting, aware of the now burning into your leg you stood your ground.
Gun shots fell silent and you fell to the ground, smiling.
You did it. You wiggled over, “Ryan call back up, we can go home.”
You smiled, getting picked up by the medics heading back to base. You gained many cheers and cries of joys. You smiled letting out a victorious cry.
“Well serg looks like you got shot.”
“You bet ya.” You grinned and James.
“How bout we patch your up and go home?”
“Sounds like a plan.”
You limped to the medic happy to have served again...
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dwaynepride · 3 years
💖💖 valentine's day love prompts 💖💖
DAY 3: leon vance - asking someone out
words: 735
tags: @dressed-up-just-like-z1ggy​​ @ms-allenbrown​​ @ikbenplant​ @dylpickles1267​​ @diaryofafan17​​ @specialagentlokitty​​ @stanathanxoox​ @pageofultron​
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Leon knows there has to be something seriously wrong with him. Because why else would he be feeling so damn anxious walking down a highschool hallway?
This type of anxiety - it’s unusual for him. Of course, being Director of NCIS, there’s moments of high stress that get him antsy. Adrenaline pumping through his veins. His body pushing him to do something like run or fight. But this feeling is so different. And in some ways, it’s so much worse.
Leon’s hands curl into fists, hoping to ease the light tremble as he walks down the quiet hall. The walls are covered with paper and posters and other things he doesn’t know about because, frankly, he’s been doing a poor job of keeping up with Kayla’s school activities.
And that neglect is what brought him here - walking down a quiet hall for a parent-teacher conference.
He stops at your door, familiar from the open house he attended at the beginning of the year. Carefully, Leon peeks in and finds you alone on the computer. 
Clearing his throat, Leon takes a moment to stand up straight and fix his tie before pulling the door open. 
Immediately, you look up at him, and any semblance of control he had over his anxiety flies out the window.
“Mr. Vance! Welcome,” you greet him in a light tone. Though, eyeing the pile of papers sitting on your desk and the general state of your classroom, he figures you must be exhausted. It only makes Leon that much more guilty - surely you have better things to do with your time.
But then you stand up, smile at him, and he can’t help but give a tiny smile back. “Or should I say Director Vance,” you add on, reaching your hand out for a handshake.
He takes it easily. “Or you can call me Leon. I don’t mind,” he replies. The words came out so naturally, it shocks him. Was that okay to say, or should he be putting up some more professional walls? You’re uncharted territory.
“Leon,” you say. And he quickly decides against the strict professionalism. “It’s been some time since I’ve seen you. I hope you’re doing well.”
“I am doing well. Thank you,” Leon says, voice carefully steady. “And you?”
“Other than having fifty-two tests to grade tonight,” your hand motions to the pile of papers from earlier, “I’m good.”
You’re still smiling, no sign of any real annoyance from the tests and Leon has to remind himself to stay focused. It’s a meeting. Don’t get too lost in small talk. So he nods and sits down in the chair opposite your desk. “Well, I’ll try not to take up much of your time,” he promises.
And he really tries to pay attention. You’re telling him about Kayla’s recent test scores - nothing too terrible, but definitely not up to her usual standards. As you tell him this, Leon can tell you’re really concerned about it. He has a pretty good bullshit-detector and it hasn’t gone off once with you, as it might have with other teachers who don’t care as much. 
It softens him, your worry for his daughter. 
That’s what keeps distracting him. That, and how you manage to look so pretty under the stale white lights overhead.
“I’d suggest finding her a tutor,” you finish off. “Some extra practice may go a long way. She’s a smart girl, I think she just needs some more help.”
Leon finally nods once, putting on a serious expression. “I’ll talk to her about it. I’m glad you brought this to my attention.” Does that sound too cold? Too stoic? He hopes he doesn’t sound like the other parents - other politicians or military personnel too busy to put much thought into their kid’s education.
Still, you offer a smile as you stand. He quickly follows with a lurch of his stomach. Is the meeting over already? “I’ll be happy to suggest some tutors for you, if you’d like. I can send a list in an email.”
“I’d appreciate that,” Leon quickly says. 
“Consider it done,” you reply. 
It’s done. It’s over. Vance gives another nod of his head as he backs away toward the door. “Have a nice evening,” he tells you before turning. Leon prepares himself for another silent walk through the hall, likely looking back to your door and wondering if there’s more he should have said.
But you say his name. Professional, but soft in a way that makes him freeze and turn back. Your weight shifts immediately, eyes darting away - sometimes, Leon wishes he wasn’t so astute to the nervous habits of other people. “I don’t know if Kayla told you, but we’re planning a field trip in February. Parents are encouraged to attend.” Your voice trails off a bit, hands coming to clasp together.
Leon holds his breath. Watches you silently. Doesn’t dare get his hopes up.
“I hope you can come. Help me chaperone the class,” you continue, then shrug sheepishly. “It’ll be fun.”
“I’ll be there,” he immediately replies. “Put the date in the email.”
You nod almost too-excitedly before sitting back down. And as Leon exits the classroom, he starts thinking of ways he can take that day off without Gibbs catching wind of it.
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quanticowrites · 4 years
What if I showed up on your doorstep (Leon Vance x Reader)
•• I found a prompt and rolled with it! ❤️ I hope you all enjoy! ••
Standing in front of that doorway was staggering. Or was it you that was staggering?
“Shit.” You stated as you leaned up against the door and slid to the ground. You fumbled for your phone in your pocket. You scrolled through your contacts until your thumb hovered over Leon’s name. It was his front door you were sitting at after all. Your eyes slowly moved to the clock at the top of the screen. You hesitated at pressing his name. It was 2:00 am? You hadn't realized it was that late. You'd been drinking a few blocks away with some friends from college that were in town and thought it best to not drive back to your apartment. You'd remembered Leon lives close by and ended up walking there. Now…you kinda regretted not simply just sleeping in the back seat of your car. You huffed and watched your breath fog up in the air. Too late to turn back now. You certainly weren't going to sleep on his doorstep all night. You swallowed whatever once of pride you had left and called him.
“Vance.” His voice was the raspiest you'd ever heard it. You must've really woken him up from a deep sleep.
“Hey, Leon.” You started. “I'm uh...I'm at your front door.” He chuckled.
“You've been drinking tonight, haven't you?”
“Can you please just let me crash on your couch?”
“I'll be right there.” You shoved your phone back in your pocket and fell back into Leon's house as he opened the door. You smiled up at him.
“Hi.” He crossed his arms. “You need a little help?” You laughed.
“I'm not that drunk, Leon.” You sat up and grabbed onto the door frame as the street lights outside danced across the sky. “Hey! Can you see that?” You pointed towards the lights. “They look so pretty!”
“Alright,” Leon leaned down and wrapped his arms around your shoulders and heaved you up. You shut your eyes and the world blurred around you.
“Jesus, a little warning would have been nice.” He kicked his door shut and slowly helped you over to his couch. You leaned back into it and laughed. He smiled.
“Whoever thought this would happen?”
“I may have thought about it once or twice.” You beamed up at him. Oblivious to what he was practically confessing.
“What? No way.” He sat down beside you and set his hand on top of yours. You blinked. His hand. On yours. “Leon-”
“(Y/n).” He blurted. “Just let me get this off my chest.” You curled up further into the couch and blinked up at him. “I'll always love Jackie. I don't know how I couldn't, but it's been seven long years, and I've had time to think.” He put his hand over his mouth, he always did that when he was thinking. Gibbs has his bat, Leon has his hands. “She'd want me to be happy. And (y/n), you make me happy.”
“I do?” He yawned before smiling again.
“Yes, you do.” His gaze dropped to the floor. “I'm telling you this in hopes you'll forget it by the morning. So that I can tell you properly over dinner some night.” You nodded, not really processing what he was saying. Your eyes were practically shut, you were tired and drunk. A sleepy combination. He reached over the top of the couch and pulled a wool blanket over you. He got up and grabbed a throw pillow and stuck it under your head.
“Thank you.” You mumbled out. You shut your eyes, and you had thought you heard Leon walk away. When a hand brushed its way down your face and through your hair you sighed. If Leon was right, and you didn't remember this in the morning, you looked forward to the day he'd ask you out for real.
Tag list: @stanathanxoox , @nikkiwierden , @malindacath , @havlindzk , @countrygal17a , @memyselfandmaddox , @octobersmog , @mizzezm , @diaryofafan17 , @emmitheacefangirl , @smolpersonbigworld , @a-sad-excuse-of-everything
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