#leon x hiro
nerd-cat-rambles · 4 months
Danganronpa Opinions
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(I mean none of this with offense and I'm not targetting in any way shape or form btw-)
. Chihiro is VERY overrated.
. Off topic but it's canon Taka can sing, he wants Sayaka to teach him to sing so he can project his voice, and his Japanese VA is amazing at singing, and his English VA is Kinger in TADC (which I don't know much about but heard a song and imagined Taka singing it - which made me laugh -)
. Sayaka is underrated and over hated.
. Some of the executions aren't that good, and Celeste's was good and theatrical, but she (technically) killed 2 people and deserved to suffer a bit more.
. Toko is bad in THH and highly overrated if people like her and haven't seen her in UDG.
. Kiyotaka is annoying and loud even in his FTEs (He's like... my favourite character but I HAVE TO BE HONEST I WOULDN'T BE FRIENDS WITH HIM IRL-)
. Byakuya and Kyoko are EXTREMELY OVERRATED!!!! (If Byakuya has no haters I'm dead-)
. The survivors were so uninteresting, Hiro did almost nothing the whole time, and after Chapter 4 Aoi seemed to outlive her usefulness. She's still cool though, but also overrated.
. 11037 is still kind of funny, but only in context and not for making fun of Leon as a character.
. Sayaka haters are just mad for no reason... leave her alone gang-
. Junko was a terrible choice for a master-mind, they should've given fake Junko more development before killing her off. I forgot about her after Chapter Two.
. Byakuya x Anybody is a terrible ship, especially Makoto x Byakuya.
. Celesgiri have chemistry, but no interactions that make us ship them.
. Nagito is actually kind of annoying... he was better in Chapter One, but he did make the game 10x more interesting.
. Nekomaru > Ibuki
. Peko is a cool character but not as loveable as the fans see her to be.
. Hinanami is ONLY platonic, nothing else.
. This may be exclusive to me but Trial 4 was stupidly difficult (I knew who the killer was and didn't get it because I'm a fucking moron.)
. Mikan and Hiyoko are both equally as annoying as eachother, but Hiyoko is much more upfront about it.
. Souda x Gundham is a bad ship... even the Voice Actor of Tanaka says so.
. Chiaki is slightly overrated.
. AI Junko is mid.
. Kamakura should have gotten more development, and is overrated.(I haven't seen the anime)
V3: (Updated version btw)
. I love V3, it's the best game
. Maki>Kyoko
. They shouldn't have killed Kaede off early, for her development as a character, but it was necessary to do so.
. Rantaro's overrated and him and Ryoma NEEDED MORE DEVELOPMENT.
.Tsumugi best mm real???
. Gonta is overrated.
. The Motive-Video for chapter two is a reused from chapter one THH, did they run out of ideas? If so, how did they recreate Danganronpa 53 times without the audience getting bored?
. Traffic Light (HimokoxAngiexTenko) is a bad ship because though Himiko cares for them both, Tenko doesn't like Angie much. (from what I've seen)
. They should've gotten in some new VAs for V3, I love Shuichi but I can only hear Leon in his voice...
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imaginehappyhavoc · 10 days
Hi could i requesst ssome headcanonss of the thh boyss with a sselectively mute reader? Thankss!
A/N: Our first official ask! As a person who also struggles with selective mutism, this ask made me smile ˶ᵔᴗᵔ˶
Pairing: Thh boys x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: N/A
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Makoto Naegi:
♡ Makoto is a very understanding and patient person by nature, so it didn’t take him long to adjust to your selective mutism.
♡ He didn’t know what it was at first, and he was confused as to why you would suddenly stop talking for hours or even days at a time. Not angry, mind you, just confused.
♡ He tentatively asked you about it when he was sure you were feeling up to responding, and he was so very respectful about it.
♡ After you took the time to patiently explain selective mutism to him, the two of you were immediately on the same page.
♡ He finds himself on the internet often, idly looking through posts made by people with the same problem, hoping to understand better.
♡ Now, once he realizes you’re not responding, he just switches casually to yes or no questions.
♡ He also offers more physical contact in these moments. He’ll squeeze your shoulder or tug gently on your sleeve as a nonverbal way of showing his support.
♡ It’s a barely noticeable change, but you can tell how much he cares for you in every small gesture.
Byakuya Togami (Platonic):
♡ To be completely honest, Byakuya thought you were being petty at first.
♡ He’s aware that he can be tactless at times, and he has a tendency to say things that come across as insensitive, but he really thought the “silent treatment” was a bit childish.
♡ His annoyance started to waver when he noticed you would still smile at him, even when you wouldn’t speak.
♡ Then, he noticed that it was everyone that was getting this treatment, and not just him.
♡ He came to the conclusion that you weren’t attempting some sort of petty revenge, but just didn’t like to talk sometimes.
♡ He supposed he could understand that. He himself found talking to others to be exhausting, at times.
♡ He immediately relaxed around you, a barely noticeable drop in his shoulders telling you that he was no longer tense.
♡ He hasn’t exactly changed any of his behavior regarding your nonverbal bouts, aside from the fact that he no longer scoffs and rolls his eyes when you don’t respond to him.
♡ Still, the air around you two seemed to be rid of tension all at once, and you settled into a peaceful rhythm with one another.
Yasuhiro Hagakure:
♡ If we’re being completely honest, Yasuhiro didn’t notice.
♡ He kinda just thought you liked to spend quality time fully chilled out. He could get behind that.
♡ So when you went quiet when hanging out with him, he went quiet too. Just vibing.
♡ You, however, misread this. You thought he was angry with you for “not trying” to be social, and that was why he stopped talking when you did.
♡ When you finally worked up the courage to apologize, and explain yourself, Hiro just blinked at you.
♡ He just sort of goes: “… oh! Dude, I thought you were just chilling! Like, thanks for telling me, but I was having a good time. You don’t gotta apologize for that!”
♡ And, honestly, nothing actually changes after that.
♡ Now that you knew he was perfectly fine with hanging out in silence with you, the only thing that really changed was that you weren’t stressed about it anymore.
♡ The two of you simply lounge in his comfy dorm room, sometimes cuddling, sometimes not. Hiro appreciates the vibe either way.
Leon Kuwata:
♡ The first time you ever went nonverbal around him, he thought you were being funny.
♡ He would poke at you, put his face really close to yours, and try to pry hard enough to get you to “break.”
♡ You cracked a smile at his antics, and he thought he’d won, but then he noticed that you still weren’t talking.
♡ The longer you were silent, the more his smile dropped. He was getting genuinely worried that something was wrong.
♡ He eventually asked you, in an uncharacteristically gentle tone, if you were alright. All you could do was squeeze his hand, and smile reassuringly.
♡ He stayed tense until you finally felt up to speaking again, and explained your selective mutism.
♡ It took him a minute to process, but once he understood, he was committed to being as supportive as humanly possible.
♡ When you two were out with friends, and he noticed that you were retreating in on yourself, he would redirect the conversation to himself. He’d answer questions for you, butt into side conversations that were meant for you, all so you wouldn’t feel nervous about speaking to other people.
♡ He does his absolute best to make you feel comfortable when you’re muted. He doesn’t even care that friends start to think he’s a bit too eager to talk to them. Just as long as you know he’s there for you.
Chihiro Fujisaki:
(Chihiro will be included in both thh boys and girls groups for headcanons, unless specified otherwise)
♡ Chihiro was fully convinced you were mad at them.
♡ It took them maybe two minutes to start tearfully apologizing for whatever they did to upset you, and you panicked.
♡ As much as you wanted to verbally reassure them, you knew you just couldn’t. So, instead, you gestured wildly, shaking your head with wide eyes.
♡ Despite their nerves, Chihiro managed to get the gist of what you were trying to say: They’re good, talking is bad.
♡ After apologizing for apologizing, Chihiro just stayed close to you for a long time. They wrapped their arms around one of yours, and leaned on you to provide some sort of comfort, though they didn’t know if it was more for you or for them.
♡ It wasn’t until everything clicked in their head, that you were simply nonverbal, that they relaxed entirely.
♡ They dutifully took on the role of caretaker, even if you didn’t necessarily need one. They’re always so eager to care for you, protect you, so you just sit back and allow yourself to be pampered.
♡ They make extra sure that you eat, and that you’re drinking enough water. They’ll pool all of their stuffed animals- and yours, if you have any- into one room, and make you a lovely little cuddle pile to let you rest your mind for a while.
♡ Their support is, for all intents and purposes, aggressive. It’s surprising, but not unwelcome.
Mondo Owada:
♡ Like Chihiro, Mondo totally thought you were mad, and he’d done something wrong.
♡ Unlike Chihiro, he sorta shouts his apology at you. His damned nerves always made him too loud and jumpy, after all.
♡ When you’re able to explain, it takes him a while to wrap his head around. It’s not something he’d ever heard about before, but it was you, so it had to be important.
♡ It takes a lot of patience, but he eventually gets it. After that, he’s stuck to you like glue every time you go mute.
♡ He’ll wrap his arm around your shoulders if you’re in public, and give withering stares to anyone who tries to press you to speak.
♡ It’s genuinely impressive, how intense he gets when he’s defending you.
♡ In private, however, he’s much softer. Tactile as he is, he loves to hold you tightly, encouraging you to rest and take it easy.
♡ When he speaks, he does so in such a soft voice it nearly makes you cry. Adoration is poured into every syllable, and it’s almost too much to bear.
Kiyotaka Ishimaru:
♡ Unlike everyone else, Taka knew about your selective mutism the moment the relationship started.
♡ He’s a firm believer in bold simplicity, so the moment you expressed that you wanted to be his partner, he told you everything.
♡ Naturally, he encouraged you to tell him everything as well, as transparency is one of the most important things to him.
♡ When you got to your selective mutism, Taka didn’t know what it meant. But what does he do when he doesn’t know something? He researches!
♡ Hundreds of questions followed. “How often would you say this happens? Are you able to type or write during these episodes? What are some things I could do to ease your mind when you’re nonverbal?” It was like talking to a doctor.
♡ Even after his conversation with you, he wasn’t satisfied with his own knowledge, and he turned to the internet.
♡ He researched and researched, and came out two days later with an arsenal of information and tools at his disposal. It’s… actually a little intimidating.
♡ He even went so far as to make flash cards for you! Little cards with basic sentences and questions on them that you could use to communicate.
♡ No matter what it is you may need or want, Taka gets it for you so fast it’s impressive. If you need something that isn’t on one of your cards, he wastes no time in making a new one for you.
♡ His tendency to bury himself in research and practice is a bit hard to be annoyed by, especially when it’s for you.
Hifumi Yamada (Platonic):
♡ Hifumi put two and two together remarkably fast.
♡ You simply didn’t want to talk. That was fine. After all, you were one of his first friends. Who was he to complain?
♡ He doesn’t ask questions or press you for conversation. He only ever asks if you’re feeling alright, before moving on.
♡ If you’re the type that likes to be talked to when you’re nonverbal, he’ll talk your ear off.
♡ He just has so many ideas running around in his head! He could keep you entertained and engaged for days.
♡ If not, he’s more than happy to sit in silence with you as he works on a project. You make a fantastic body double, he quickly discovers.
♡ Overall, he’s incredibly relaxed about your selective mutism. Unexpectedly, he’s the type to just go with the flow. When it comes to you, at least.
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crackedpumpkin · 2 years
Requests: Temporarily Closed
Ask Box: Always open!
Find me on AO3: CrackedPumpkinSZN
For Milestone fics, click here!
Drabbles: Under the tag #CPDrabbles
Random Asks and Rambles: Under the tag #CPRambles (Get it? Cause CPR? haha)
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|| ᴄʜᴇʀʀʏ ʙʟᴏꜱꜱᴏᴍꜱ ɪɴ ᴀ ᴅɪꜰꜰᴇʀᴇɴᴛ ᴅɪᴍᴇɴꜱɪᴏɴ ||
status: being rewritten
2012 Leonardo x Waterbender! Reader
tw: mature language, graphic mentions of blood and violence
Can be found under the tag: #CBIDD 
When a conservative, spirited Waterbender meets four ninja turtles and falls for the leader in blue.
𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨   𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐢𝐱  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧   𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭   𝐩𝐚𝐫�� 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐞𝐧  
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐥𝐯𝐞  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐢𝐱𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧   𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧   𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧
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Hiro Hamada
|| ʙᴀᴅ ɴᴇᴡꜱ ||
Hiro Hamada x Reader
Series status: ongoing, (very) slow updates
tw: Mentions of death, deals with an actual huge amount of grief
An eager young journalist with a thirst and penchant for sniffing out potential headlines gets fired from her job. Fortunately, her newfound friend Tadashi Hamada sets her up with a new one. Oh, and his cute younger brother who lingers around and compliments her? That’s a bonus.
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞   𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨   𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐢𝐱 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧
You just want to take a break from all your acting gigs, and decide to stop by cute cafe, when you happen to run into the cute boy working there.
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|| ʙʟᴀɴᴋ ᴄᴀɴᴠᴀꜱ ||
Miles Morales x Reader
Series Status: Ongoing. Can also be found on AO3!
tw: None, just pure fluff and mild angst. 
He fell first. She fell harder.
“Be my model, Miles Morales.”
In other words, sometimes the best way to get past an art block is to rizz up your muse.
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞   𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨   𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐯𝐞  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐢𝐱  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐬𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧   
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐞
In Every Universe
“In every other universe, Gwen Stacy falls for Spiderman.”
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ᴛʜᴇ ʀᴇᴅ ꜱᴛʀɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇᴏʀʏ
Sokka x Reader
Can be found on AO3!
Status: Ongoing
tw: S/A (nothing too graphic), violence
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New Manager
A second year gets roped into the Karasuno’s volleyball team as their new assistant manager, courtesy of Tanaka. However, her shy nature is quickly bulldozed over once she meets an energetic libero whom brings about change in her routine. 
But then again, change isn’t so bad, is it?
tw: none, SFW
Dating Nishinoya Would Include...
A few headcanons for our short king <3
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The Mad Dogs
Spiderman Reader Leaving Gifts Headcanon!
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It’s a common hobby, and it’s helped you get out of small situations before. But when you’re stuck in a really dangerous one, who else is there to save you but an unexpected knight in shining armor?
Somehow though, you keep showing up over and over again around him, always in danger. He puts up with it, but the constant saving creates a small friendship between you two and along the way, you’ve somehow wormed your way into his heart.
tw: mentions of kidnapping, SFW
Neon Leon
101 Ways to Live
"Look, here's the deal. I'll protect you in exchange for your cooking. No room and board included." He holds out his green three-fingered hand to you, a lazy smile on his lips while he waits for your response to his final bargain.
You hesitate momentarily, mulling over the options in your head. You lift your hand, grabbing his in a firm handshake. "Looks like we've reached an agreement."
tw: Zombie Apocalypse AU, vivid descriptions of blood and gore, violence, eventual smut.
𝐅𝐚𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐭   𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞   𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨
Happy Smurfin’
A shitpost I’m unironically proud of. FanArt by @highoffshrooms​ -> HERE!
Under the Streetlights
All you wanted was to take a walk, in the dark, alone. That’s a lie. You’re scared and afraid of the dark, so when your turtle in blue shows up, you’re relieved that you’ll be safe. However, his brothers have something slightly different for the both of you in mind.
tw: none, SFW
Pregnancy Jitters
Morning nausea isn’t a regular routine you want incorporated in your everyday life. But when you you find out its cause, it might not be such a bad thing to deal with after all.
tw: none, slight(very slight!) NSFW
He wasn’t going to show up. He was never going to show up.
tw: angst, SFW 
part two
Leo just wants to bite you
Unwelcome Interruption
He just wants to rest with you, but his brothers keep preventing him from doing so. His solution? To not let you out of his arms.
Undercover Crush
When going undercover at April’s highschool to figure out what the Purple Dragons are up to, the last thing he expects is for their newest member to be this cute.
Favourite Things
Caught Red Handed
The Sun Festival, a celebration for the many. People flock to the busy streets for wares and game stalls alike, for the seven days it takes place - once every two years.
You're just a humble store owner trying to sell her freshly made pastries, though a troublesome(and very sneaky) thief manages to elude your sight every time, making away with four to five of them during each day of the celebration.
But not this year.
Oh, this year you would catch that thief red-handed.  
2k12 Raphael Hamato
He’s only a softie around you.
tw: none, fluff, SFW
2k12 Donatello Hamato
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞   𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫
When you’ve finally had enough, and a sudden confession changes everything.
2k12 Casey Jones
A careless bet turned serious, but there’s no way that he’s going to lose.
Just A Bet
When a bet with Raph turns far more serious than he expected.
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When he realises he likes you
tw: none, SFW
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞  𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨
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Cole Brookstone
Infuriating Melodies
Being able to hear the songs your soulmates listen to is reassuring for most, especially with the distance signifying how far away they are.  Unfortunately for you, it seems that your soulmate’s taste in music is excruciating to the point of disdain.
tw: none, SFW.
Infuriating Melodies (The Series)
𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐰𝐨 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐭𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫
Soft Dances and Soft Tunes
Reminiscing can lead to unexpected outcomes.
Flower Crowns
Gift-giving is how you show affection, but nothing is good enough in your eyes for the Earth Ninja. 
But flower crowns do look good on him though.
Familial Ties
Platonic Dad! Cole x Adopted Baby! Reader
Drummer Boy
A cute store assistant gives you drum lessons.
Holy Ground
Imagine a night when the famed ninja show up at your temple’s doorstep heavily injured. Of course, healing them comes first, but it’s what develops between you and the Earth Ninja that really matters.
Jay Walker
Lighting McQueen
You and Jay now have a running joke. Kachow.
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Danny Phantom
It Started with a Kiss
When a simple dare becomes all too real for you. It’s just a kiss. That’s all.
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local-pr1nter · 7 months
Kiyotaka Ishimaru Ship Dynamics!
These are my personal opinions and headcanons! If you do not like them then please move on!
Assume these are all based in a Non-Despair AU!
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I've mentioned them before multiple times, but they're just that good and I adore them.
Real sweethearts and adore each other.
I've spoken about them multiple times now though so I'll just add some small things.
Daiya teases the two of them relentlessly. He refers to Taka as his brother-in-law and it always makes Mondo turn red- either with rage or embarrassment, who knows.
Takaaki was not a fan of the relationship at first, but eventually warmed up to Mondo after seeing how happy he made Taka- and not to mention how Mondo's changed immensely since they first met.
Daiya was the one to fully encourage Takaaki to just support them. He invited the Ishimarus over for dinner one night and it went lovely- after Mondo and Takaaki bickered for a while of course. Overall, it was a nice moment between all of them.
Takaaki eventually warms up to Mondo so much that he reveals that he also used to ride back when he was younger (I think it would be funny AND would shock everyone- not even Taka would know, shocking him the most.)
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I love the concept of two people learning how to be in a relationship when they don't get social cues or haven't had anything similar to a romantic relationship before.
I think they have a lot of potential as a couple.
Outspoken hall monitor x stoic soldier lets fucking go.
Either of them could've fallen first, but neither of them would've realized it at first. Mukuro would acknowledge it, but not have any clue of how to go about it, so would bury the feelings down deep inside and just try to ignore it. Kiyotaka would slowly realize it, only to freak out and panic because AHHHHHHH NEW FEELINGS ARE SCARY-
But once he calms down and accepts his feelings he'd probably bring it up with his friends. Leon would freak out about it but Chihiro, Hiro, and Mondo would be fully supportive about it. They'd help him ask her out before following them on their date to make sure nothing goes wrong (cough Junko cough)
Which speaking of-
Junko would NOT be happy with Mukuros crush. Mostly because she's not a fan of Kiyotaka, doesn't wanna lose Mukuros attention, and is jealous that someone actually chose her out of the two of them.
She'd probably try to sabotage their first date in any way she can, but of course Mondo, Chihiro, Leon, and Hiro are bros™ and won't let her ruin it.
And would you look at that! The date goes well!
Taka and Mukuro are very low-key and slow with their relationship- their first kiss had them bright red within minutes and neither of them could speak.
Like they had a system reset or some shit.
Against PDA, Taka wouldn't be very touchy with her in public. Even then, as they're still getting used to a romantic relationship, they aren't very touchy with each other. The most they'll do is cuddle in bed, either after Mukuro wakes up from a nightmare or Kiyotaka gets overwhelmed and shuts down.
In public, the most they would do is hold hands. It makes them both very happy.
They both just wanna take things slow and not ruin anything.
Mukuro is definitely a follower in this relationship, but Taka always encourages her to speak up or let him know if she's uncomfortable or if they wanna do something else together. She always appreciates being treated as an equal in the relationship.
After a while I think Mukuro is the one who likes to touch the most. Mostly holding his hand, arm, pinkie, or the strap of his bag whenever they walk. Almost like she wants everyone to know that she cares about this dork and if anyone touches him she will beat them up.
Both very protective of one another, Mukuro more than Taka but still both of them are very protective.
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My favorite Danganronpa ships for each character
The format goes as follows: I list a character and my favorite ship for them, and said ship cannot be repeated. As such, once I get to the second character in the pairing, I move on to my second/third favorite ship for them. Singular pairings only for this post, but just know I also have a loooot of poly ships I enjoy as well (some of which are pretty obvious here). If you’ve browsed my blog before, you can probably already guess quite a few of these, or at the very least know I am a very passionate multishipper <3
Makoto Naegi: Naegiri (Makoto X Kyoko)
Kyoko Kirigiri: Kirihina (Kyoko X Hina)
Byakuya Togami: Celesgami (Byakuya X Celeste)
Sayaka Maizono: Naezono (Sayaka X Makoto)
Mukuro Ikusaba: Ikuzono (Mukuro X Sayaka)
Leon Kuwata: Bubblegum Rock (Leon X Kazuichi)
Chihiro Fujisaki: Chogami (Chihiro X Sakura)
Mondo Owada: Ishimondo (Mondo X Kiyotaka)
Kiyotaka Ishimaru: Naeshi (Kiyotaka X Makoto)
Hifumi Yamada: Shiromada (Hifumi X Tsumugi) (queerplatonic)
Celestia Ludenburg: Celeschi (Celeste X Chihiro)
Sakura Ogami: Sakuraoi (Sakura X Hina)
Aoi Asahina: Chihina (Hina X Chihiro)
Toko Fukawa: Tokokuro (Toko X Mukuro)
Genocider Syo: Syomaru (Syo X Komaru)
Yasuhiro Hagakure: Daiyakure (Hiro X Daiya)
Junko Enoshima: Junmugi (Junko X Tsumugi)
+ Komaru Naegi: Tokomaru (Komaru X Toko)
Hajime Hinata: Kuzuhina (Hajime X Fuyuhiko)
Chiaki Nanami: Hinanami (Chiaki X Hajime)
Nagito Komaeda: Komanami (Nagito X Chiaki)
Ultimate Imposter: Twohina (Imposter X Hajime) (queerplatonic)
Teruteru Hanamura: Terunidai (Teruteru X Nekomaru)
Mahiru Koizumi: Mahisato (Mahiru X Sato)
Peko Pekoyama: Fuyupeko (Peko X Fuyuhiko)
Ibuki Mioda: Pekobuki (Ibuki X Peko)
Hiyoko Saionji: Hiyobuki (Hiyoko X Ibuki)
Mikan Tsumiki: Tsumioda (Mikan X Ibuki)
Nekomaru Nidai: Soudanidai (Nekomaru X Kazuichi)
Gundham Tanaka: Soudam (Gundham X Kazuichi)
Kazuichi Souda: Soudabuki (Kazuichi X Ibuki) (queerplatonic)
Sonia Nevermind: Sondam (Sonia X Gundham)
Akane Owari: Akanidai (Akane X Nekomaru)
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryu: Kuzusouda (Fuyuhiko X Kazuichi)
+ Ryota Mitari: Mitwori (Ryota X Imposter) (queerplatonic)
Kaede Akamatsu: Saimatsu (Kaede X Shuichi)
Shuichi Saihara: Saimota (Shuichi X Kaito)
Kaito Momota: Momoharu (Kaito X Maki)
Maki Harukawa: Saimaki (Maki X Shuichi)
Kokichi Ouma: Oumami (Kokichi X Rantaro)
Rantaro Amami: Amamatsu (Rantaro X Kaede)
Ryoma Hoshi: Saihoshi (Shuichi X Ryoma)
Kirumi Tojo: Kirukiyo (Kirumi X Korekiyo)
Angie Yonaga: Yonmeno (Angie X Himiko)
Tenko Chabashira: Tenkangie (Tenko X Angie)
Korekiyo Shinguji: Shinnaga (Korekiyo X Angie)
Miu Iruma: Kazumiu (Miu X Kazuichi)
Gonta Gokuhara: Goshi (Gonta X Ryoma)
Kiibo: Saiibo (Kiibo X Shuichi)
Tsumugi Shirogane: Shironaga (Tsumugi X Angie)
Himiko Yumeno: Tenmiko (Himiko X Tenko)
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harmonytre · 12 days
These are in order of how likely I am to draw something for requests! You can check HERE to see what's open!
You can of course ask about fandoms/AUs/Ships that aren’t on here, because it’s likely I’ve missed things or have them on my to-watch/read list!
[Ones I will likely never draw are: Cu1t of the Lamb, V1vzipop, S0uth Park, H0mestuck, and most adult animation] (censored so they don’t show up in search, this isn’t a DNI list, it’s just I personally wouldn’t be comfortable drawing them.)
*: Favorites
(acronym or notes) [fav characters] {ships I can draw}
My Own:
*Pulo (Original) [The Guardian, Banjo] {Sizzle/Kixz, Cypress/Ripple, Frost/Petra}
*Sweet Voice Cafe (HLVRAI AU) [Joshua, Benny] {Boomer}
AbsUrd (Among Us) [Velvet, Quinn] {Orchid/Ruby, Zander/Hazel, Dan/Jasper, Velvet/Colby}
Indulgence (Pokemon AU) [Phanthop] {Jessikyu/Jowlithe}
Flicker-of-a-Neon-Soul (Undertale AU) [Deja] {Deja/Flicker}
Prismtale (Undertale AU) [Sammy] 
Skeleflock (Undertale AU) [Casey]
Savepoint (Undertale AU) [Spark]
Outerpink (Undertale AU) [Messier]
Cozyrune (Deltarune AU) [Hershey]
Taffy and Steven Universe (Steven Universe AU) [Taffy]
Mistbreak (Steven Universe AU) [Pazelle]
(Pretty much just check my Toyhouse!)
Current Favorites:
Pokemon [James, Hop, Leon] {Rocketshipping, Neoshipping, Geekchicshipping}
Team Rocket
Half-Life VR but the AI is Self-Aware (HLVRAI) [literally all of them but if I had to pick then Bubby] {favs are Boomer and Freelatta, but I’m okay with drawing nearly any pairing!}
Y2KVR and BMFBE by (year2000electronics) [still reading the other series, sorry!]
The One True Streamman by (HeelysonFeelys)
Stuck Together (Dimonds456)
Human Resources Violations (kogo-dogo)
Augmented Reality (egelskop)
Ghost AU, Swap AU, Benrey Fam, CMY Siblings, Aubrey Calhoun, and Infection AU (pistachi0art)
Catmer (mr-web)
Metamorphosis AU (anons-has-hlvrai-aus)
HLVREM (py6oto
Barnrey (alieryn-art)
Simulation Reality (HLVR-SR)
Deep Sea AU (brainthreeze)
Hi-C (transforzen)
Toontown but the AI is Self-Aware (transforzen, green-2-blue)
My Little AI: Science is Magic (thomascoolatta)
(Un)Forgettable (dilfgmancoolatta)
*Mob Psycho 100 (MP100) [Mob, Reigen] {Ekurei, Takemob}
*Esper Kids (Mob, Saiki K, and Anya Forger as friends <3)
Infinity Train [Lake, Alan Dracula, Jesse]
Indigo Park [Rambley]
*Five Nights at Freddy's (FNAF) [Helpie, Roxie, Oz]
*How to Train Your Dragon (HTTYD) [Toothless] {Hiccstrid}
*Miraculous: The Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir [Alya, Luka] {Love Square, DJWiFi, Myvan, Julerose}
*My Little Pony (MLP, mostly G4) [Fluttershy, Thorax, Discord] {Fluttercord, Cheesepie}
*Trolls [Branch] {Broppy}
Lilo and Stitch
Phineas and Ferb
*Anything by Blackie Sootfur (but especially Demons, Uprooted, and Secret)
*Dino Squad [Buzz]
*Glitch Techs [Miko]
*Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts [Kipo, Wolf]
*Star vs. the Forces of Evil [Janet, Marco] {Jantom, Starco}
*Steven Universe [Peridot]
*Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (TMNT, specifically 2012 but any works) [Donatello, Mona Lisa] {Apritello}
*The Ghost and Molly McGee [Libby]
*Voltron: Legendary Defender [Pidge, Lance, Hunk] {Plance}
*Wild Kratts [Chris, Aviva]
Angel Hare (TheEastPatch)
Avatar: The Last Airbender (ATLA)
Chickn Nuggit
Danny Phantom
Gravity Falls
Murder Drones
Mystery Skulls Animated (MSA)
Natural Habitat Shorts
Pound Puppies
ROT (TheEastPatch)
She-ra and the Princesses of Power (SPoP)
The Amazing Digital Circus (TADC)
The Backrooms
The Dragon Prince
The Owl House (TOH)
Twelve (PetPyves)
*Brand New Animal (BNA) [Mishiru Kagemori]
*Monthly Girls Nozaki-Kun [Chiyo Sakura, Hirotaka Wakamatsu]
A Silent Voice
Anohana: The Flower We Saw That Day
Fruits Basket
My Hero Academia (MHA)
Saiki K
Spy x Family
Your Name (Kimi no na Wa)
*Astro Boy (2009) [Astro Boy]
*Big Hero 6 [Hiro]
*Bolt [Bolt]
*Epic [Nod]
*Inside Out [Anger, Joy, Anxiety]
*Megamind [Megamind]
*Nimona [Nimona]
*Rise of the Guardians [Tooth Fairy, Jack Frost]
*Wreck-it-Ralph [Fix-it Felix] {Hero’s Cuties}
*Zootopia [Nick Wilde]
Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs (and 2)
Gnome Alone
Home (Dreamworks)
Horton Hears a Who
Hotel Transylvania
Kung Fu Panda
Lady and the Tramp
Leap! (Ballerina)
Lego Movie (and 2nd)
Mars Needs Moms
Mr. Peabody and Sherman
Oliver and Company
Puss in Boots
Raya and the Last Dragon
Ready Player One
Sky High
Smurfs: The Lost Village
Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse
Spies in Disguise
The Adventures of TinTin
The Boxtrolls
The Land Before Time
The Lorax
Tinker Bell movies (especially Legend of the Neverbeast)
Treasure Planet
Turning Red
*Among Us
*Content Warning
*Half-Life (currently just HL1) [Snarks, Headcrabs, Barney Calhoun] {Freehoun}
*Lethal Company
*Undertale [Scarf Mouse, Nice Cream Guy, Papyrus] {Alphyne, Soriel, NicePants}
A Hat in Time
At Dead of Night
Detroit: Become Human
Henry Stickmin
Kingdom Hearts
Little Nightmares series
Lost Ember
No Straight Roads
Pico Park
Poppy Playtime
Rhythm Doctor
Riddle School
Kaiju Paradise
Rainbow Friends
Color or Die
Super Smash Bros.
Team Fortress 2 (TF2)
The Bunny Graveyard
Omori (currently playing, NO SPOILERS) [Basil]
Untitled Goose Game
*EL Comics
*Follychromatic [Fauna]
*Magical Boy (TheK40)
*Pipe Up (Salt & Pepper Bunny, Tinysweetbunny, TheTRUEegge)
*Sanity Circus [Attley Grimshaw, Fletch Gray]
*The Skybox (lynxgriffin)
*Urban Animal
A Flightless Bird (SongDog)
Are you Afraid of Monsters (tratserenoyreve)
Artist Cat (sapphireluna)
Children of the Light (Salt & Pepper Bunny)
Daisy: Black Fire (wintertundra-art)
Death and the Maiden (ladybeug)
Fisheye Placebo (yuumei)
Gamer Cat
Golden Shrike (doeprince)
I Didn’t Know (SongDog)
Kid the Adult
Knite (yuumei)
Liv in the Future
No North (Skailla)
Repeat (SongDog)
Roar Howl Run (SongDog)
Spliced @/cynthi-arts
The Things We Have (Salt & Pepper Bunny)
The Touch of Sunlight by Sandflake on Webtoons
To Catch a Star (SleepySundae)
Untitled by @/that-house
Vote Mr. Cat (sapphireluna)
Whisper Court (HershelChocolate)
White Tail (SleepySundae)
Fandom Webcomics:
*Jet’s Black Nuzlocke (Zerochan923600)
*Twin Runes (akanemnon)
AngelsGame-AU (Deltarune)
Bakery Enemies AU @/buggachat
Buggy Situation (Ipku)
Chiaki’s Nuzlocke Comic (Chiakiro)
Copper and Dart (absolutedream-art)
Delta-Experiment (Deltarune)
Finding Your Roots (Salt & Pepper Bunny)
Furry Situation (Ipku)
Little Lapses (Salt & Pepper Bunny)
Loving Reaper (Jenny Jinya)
Mew and Mewtwo (xxtc-96xx)
Moringmark comics
Pokemon 25 Years Later (maimai97)
Thrill of the Hunt (Ipku)
Undertale AUs:
*Alivetale @/tatatale
*Fallen Flowers @/Tarableart
*Littletale @/mudkipful
*Sans The Seraphim (The Thought)
Bonely Hearts Club
Chutsu AU @/Emositecc
Damagedtale (Rain) @/6nimus9
Dogs of Future Past @/lynxgriffin
Dragontale, Heartache, and more @/squarefriend
Endertale @/xxtc-96xx
Escort Mission (Yoki-Doki)
Faded Timeline (ClassyEyeballs)
Gaster Bros @/leafaske
Gaster’s Great Escape @/moldy-junk (Deltarune)
Ghost Switch (CleverCatchphrase)
Handplates @/zarla-s
Ink Sans @/comyet
Insomnia @/wily-art
Mermaid Pirate AU by @/kiokodoodles
Over the Void @/Undertale-over-the-void
Paper Crane @/little-noko
Paper Trail @/lynxgriffin
Pink Swapfell @/whyiswingdingsafont
Pink Underswap @/scarew0lves
Pinktale by @/save-star
Project: JUSTICE @/RoyalElemental
Sixbones @/zarla-s
Skelechara (insanelyadd)
Slumbertale @/rainingskeletons
SwapOut @/cats-artbag
The rest of the Pinkverse by various creators XD
Underdecay @/little-noko
Underfell @/underfell
Underswap @/underswapped3
Undertale Green (FlamingReaperComic)
Unexpected Guests @/undertalethingems
Various AUs by @/blaiddsumu
Various AUs by @/Satellite-Starss
Willow (cottagegore OC) @/smol-spoopy
Other media (short films/characters/books/creators/etc):
*Birds (Imagine Dragons Animation)
*Epic: The Musical [Polites]
Hank the Cowdog
Mystery Flesh Pit
Table by @/focshi
The Hunger Games
*MandJTV (and all series)
*Trevor Henderson
Dead Sound
GTLive (MatPat)
Ice Cream Sandwich
Radiotvsolutions (RTVS)
Trails Pokemon
Unus Annus
Live Action:
*Free Guy
*Ghosts (2021 series)
*Jurassic Park/World series
*Resident Alien
*The Librarians (tv series) [Ezekiel Jones]
*The Secret Life of Walter Mitty
A Series of Unfortunate Events
Airbud (and Air Buddies)
Alex Inc.
Doctor Who
Drop Dead Diva
Locke and Key
Once Upon a Time
The Flash
The Goldbergs
The Good Doctor
The Greatest Showman
The Office
The Shaggy Dog
The Space Between Us
The Umbrella Academy
Zoey’s Extraordinary Playlist
Childhood Shows:
*Dinosaur Train
*Dog with a Blog
*Dragon Tales
*Martha Speaks
*Wonder Pets
3-2-1 Penguins
Adventures from the Book of Virtues
Austin and Ally
Baby Mozart
Bear in the Big Blue House
Between the Lions
Blue’s Clues
Curious George
Dora the Explorer
Fetch! With Ruff Ruffman
Go Diego Go
Good Luck Charlie
Jane and the Dragon
Kim Possible
Liberty Kids
Little Bear
Little Einsteins
Max and Ruby
Maya & Miguel
Mighty Med
Miss Spider’s Sunny Patch Friends
Mr. Roger’s Neighborhood
Peep and the Big Wide World
Rollie Pollie Ollie
Sid the Science Kid
Super Why!
The Berenstain Bears
The Electric Company
The Magic School Bus
The Suite Life of Zack and Cody
The Wiggles
Word Girl
Word World
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le-agent-egg · 4 months
I’m not one to be all “grr shipping is bad” and stuff and i don’t mean to come off as rude in any way but. I don’t understand Leon x Yasuhiro. Isn’t Hiro like 20 something? Leon’s like. 17. An infant. Idk I don’t get it.
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danizmomota · 1 year
kicking my feet and twirling my hair could you tell us about ROD Leon? literally anything that comes to mind would be great I’m so curious he’s my boy ❤️💕
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When Given his weapon, Junko wanted to go based off his talent, but since Leon hates (still) baseball, he decided to turn into a Spiked Bat. making it “Cooler” and add a “Non-Baseball Vibe” to his Weapon. plus, bashing heads in^^
In THH, Leon stated how he will never shave his head again, and so I took that in consideration when designing him :]
Leon’s goatee is actually one of his weaknesses. Why? Because Leon likes to (well more like attempt to) flirt with some of the ROD girls. And I usually ends with his haired being pulled. It’s pretty sore where his chin is.
Yasuhiro and Leon do missions together very frequently! (Mainly since Leon is Yasuhiro’s Only friend… Plus Yasuhiro actually is a lot more expressive towards Leon too!)
More on that last one, Yasuhiro’s nickname for Leon is “Lee.” (Or Yasuhiro calls Leon a Lion every-now-and-then)
^^Leon wants to call Yasuhiro something else besides Hiro, but he can’t come up with anything.
Even though I made the KazuxLeon comic, they actually dislike each other in ROD AU. Unless the topic is about girls… perhaps they can kickstart a conversation.
Leon and Leokuma get along really well, After missions they sing songs together! (Even though they both kinda.. suck. Not too bad but still are pretty amateur at singing)
Leon is a HUGE hardcore fan of Ibuki! He absolutely loves her music and her concerts! His earrings are even based off of Ibuki’s!! (I’m even considering if I should make Leon have a crush on her in this AU… ROD Ibuki x ROD Leon canon???)
Just some ROD stuff
Leon actually wears a quite a bit of makeup, and will never be caught dead without it (the only exception being when he’s sleeping and being around Yasuhiro)
Leon would make his own Piercings for other Remnants, he tends to ignore how many Ear infection complaints he’s getting from people though…
^^Speaking of Ear Infections, Leon had one and had to visit Mikan once. and in his opinion, was probably the best-but-scariest visit to the nurse he’s been to…
Anything you wanna know more of? Inbox me! :]
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theamityelf · 4 months
Honestly, i'm OBSESSED with your Danganronpa x Percy Jackson AU and i wanted to know some stuff (you can make separated if you prefer !)
- What are the team in capture the flag ?
- Do you think Aoi and Kiyotaka say weird stuff about nature that freak out people ? (Ex : Kiyotaka : Yeah i can tell that one of those flowers is slightly hungry, let me get her some soil)
- Do the Greek and the Romans know about eachother ?
(Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoy it. 😁)
First of all, I like to imagine that Makoto's kind of treated as, for lack of a better word, a mascot to the campers; just this mortal guy who is cool and friends with everyone. Less off-putting than the Oracle. So maybe he gets to blow the conch shell before and after the game, just because they like involving him. For Capture the Flag, I'm going to say Apollo, Ares, and Aphrodite vs. Hermes, Athena, and everyone else. So, side 1: Sayaka, Leon, Mukuro, Junko, Hifumi, Toko, and Hiro. Side 2: Chihiro, Mondo, Taka, Celeste, Sakura, Aoi, Byakuya, Kyoko. (I think the initial status quo is that the V3 cast isn't in either camp.)
Absolutely. I think Taka would be more frequent and casual about it, like, talking about the "infighting" of plants and weeds vying for nutrients. He's just taking a walk and then he suddenly stops and says, "Uh-oh. They're fighting." And he crouches down and takes some time guiding plants' root systems so that they'll both survive. "There. You almost choked the life out of each other!" Whereas Aoi is usually pretty lowkey about her heightened awareness of the sea, unless something particularly excites her. She'll just be dancing in place with pent up energy, and if someone asks what she's so hyper about, she'll answer that there's a great riptide off the coast of Brazil right now and she really wishes she were swimming there. Other than that, she will hold full conversations with fish in front of people.
I'm going to say the camps do know about each other, but they try not to interact much. There are rules about staying separate except during sanctioned meetings, though some characters break those rules. (Hajime in particular probably can argue, and has argued, that he isn't a demigod and so the rule doesn't apply to him.) Maybe they have occasional camp vs. camp competitions, for the gods' entertainment or glory.
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bubblyqueer000 · 2 years
HI!!! I absolutely LOVE your work (especially your hiro headcanons TT) and I was wondering if I can request a hiro x shy but sort of bond fem who confesses her feelings for him ^^ and how would he handle it if he likes her back(•◡•) thank you!!! Take ur time <3
Yasuhiro Hagakure x Shy!Fem!Reader Confession Headcanons
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What a cute request!! Thank you anon!
If you would like to commission a one-shot please support me on my Ko-fi! I'm now writing commissions for V3 characters and OC x canon! Link in my pinned post!
Okay, Enjoy!!
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♡Surprised to find out that you liked him, honestly. Leon loves to make jokes about how Hiro gets no bitches. RUDE! -`д´-
♡But it didn’t matter anymore because you were proof that he was wrong. A cute girl just came up to him and told him that she liked him!! 
♡Rewind!! You asked him to meet you behind the school by the means of an anonymous note in his locker. 
♡Hiro’s locker was so unorganized that he almost didn’t see it, but he immediately found himself curious when an envelope he didn’t recognize fell out when he was just trying to find his tarot cards. 
♡‘Dear Hiro,
♡I’m sorry I was too scared to ask you to meet me in person but just sending this note takes a lot of courage. Please meet me behind the school after cleaning time is over. 
♡PS! Don’t try to spoil it by looking into the future!’
♡Hiro read the note and realized that cleaning time was almost already over so he jumped and quickly dashed down to the first level and out to the back of the school. 
♡Not seeing anything, he starts to second-guess himself. 
♡“Jeez, what a cruel joke.” He said to himself, about to turn around but stopping when he heard your voice. 
♡“Wait!” You shouted while jumping out from behind the corner of the school “I um… I…” 
♡“Huh? Y/N? You wanted to meet me here?” He asked, to which you nodded slowly. “Well, what did you want to talk to me about?” 
♡“Um well…” You whimpered. 
♡“Uh… Everything okay there-“ 
♡“I LIKE YOU!” You interrupted. 
♡Hiro was at a loss for words. He honestly didn’t believe that someone as cute as you liked someone like him, but with a shaking voice, you assured him that you meant what you said. 
♡“I- I guess I like you too.” He told you. “I mean not I guess. I really like you too, Y/N."
♡You looked up at him, eyes twinkling and face with a deep blush. 
♡“Hey! Cleaning time is over! What are you two still doing here!?” And then Juzo chased you both back to the dorms. :C
♡Both of you rushed into Hiro’s room and slammed the door behind you. 
♡“Maybe it’d be best if you… Stay in here tonight.” 
♡He’d say, trying to sound as innocent as possible, knowing your shy nature and not wanting you to think he was trying to take advantage of you because Hiro would never!! 
♡You just shyly nodded, which the fortune teller became overjoyed about. 
♡Hiro gives you some of his clothes so you don’t have to sleep in your school uniform!! 
♡You love it because they smell like him (they’re stinky (⁠๑⁠♡⁠⌓⁠♡⁠๑⁠))
♡You get changed and lay in bed together… on completely different sides of the bed because you're too scared to get any closer and Hiro doesn't want to ask to cuddle because he's afraid to scare you (⁠╥⁠﹏⁠╥⁠)
♡In the morning though, you wake up to the feeling of Hiro's big arms wrapped around you. At first, you blushed, not quite sure of what to do but then smiled and hugged him back.
♡You look up at him and see him smiling down at you. 
♡"Good morning, beautiful." And he pulls you in tighter. 
♡Hehehehe hope you guys missed my tooth rotting fluff!!! (⁠┛⁠❍⁠ᴥ⁠❍⁠)⁠┛⁠彡⁠┻⁠━⁠┻
♡♡He gives you lots of cuddles all the time because he loves how cutely it makes you blush!! 
♡Dating Hiro gets you free readings whenever you want! They're not always right but they're nice because everyone else has to pay for them.
♡He tells you about his debt to the mob and you begin to worry, offering to help in any way you can. 
♡If it were anyone else he would agree but you're his girlfriend who he loves more than anyone in the world so he tells you not to worry. 
♡"I'll be okay, crystal ball. I don't know what I'd do if I couldn't spend the rest of my life with you." Hiro hugs you tightly and nuzzles his face into yours. 
♡"If nothing else I'll just ask Makoto to sell me his organs again tomorrow!"
♡"Hiro no!"
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catgirl-catboy · 1 year
Okay now lets see your insanity /affectionate with that ask
*Maniacal Mikado grin*
Kiyotaka Ishimaru for the ask so nobody can ask this before I can-
Dude, I was so temped to just ask myself for it, thanks for saving my ego and letting me do it while looking cool.
My NOTP for them
Leon. Sorry, I cannot see it. No reason why not other than the vibes not being right.
I don't even think they share a friendgroup, unlike the rest of canon. (Taka hangs out with Chihiro and Mondo, while Leon hangs out with Makoto Togami Kirigiri and Sayaka. The only close friend they share is Mukuro.)
Also not a fan of him and Hiro unless it's aged up.
My BROTP for them
Would it be weird to to put Ishimondo here as well, or would it be weird NOT to put them here. Them.
If not, than Taka and Mukuro.
My OTP for them
ISHIMONDO. My OTP period. Not even a question. Love those guys. They've got range.
My second choice pairing for them
Tie between Taka x Akane and Taka x Mukuro. If Taka is only meant to be shipped with dudes, why give him so much unexplored thematic potential with half the female cast?
My Fluffy pairing for them
Fluff. For him? Well, I guess Ishimondo as well, since 99% of fic is fluffy and doesn't talk about the sweet sweet codependancy.
My angsty pairing for them
I cannot put the same ship for 4 of the options, even if they've got DAMN good range.
I'll say Taka x Celeste take a distant second for Angsty.
My favorite poly ship for them
All of my Taka ships are in separate universes, so I can't imagine two happening at once.
My weirdest pairing for them
Most people are not ready for Taka x Hiyoko. They just don't understand the thematic implications. (or just have different HCs than me, which is fine!)
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dragbunart · 1 year
kyoko x chihiro, chihiro likes to make little puzzles and mysteries for kyoko to solve, since he knows she enjoys testing her brain, one time he was allowed by some of the staff and other students to turn one of the classrooms into a murder mystery, the other students who were in the room as suspects volunteered to join in and play a character, it was a fun little event he thought would be fun for her.
This is adorable
Chihiro had been planning this and the 'crime' for nearly a month. He was sure it was nearly impossible, but he had faith in Kyoko would be able to do it.
She had been complaining about work not being challenging enough.
Upon leading Kyoko into the room and letting her stare at Hiro's fake dead body.
"... Yeah that track, I can guarantee it's not TOko or Syo-"
"Hey! You saying I'm not a cute boy!" Hiro broke character.
"Dude, lay back down, you're supposed to be dead!" Leon yelled from the corner of the room with Sayaka.
"Oh yeah." Hiro laid back down. "Easiest job ever. Have fun finding out who did it, they wouldn't even tell me!"
Kyoko laughed at the forethought Chihiro put into this little gift.
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Soooo I can think of alot of danganronpa aus and i want to tell you all about them ask questions if you want....
Danganronpa x changed who talking (note: if you what to ask questions to the danganronpa x changed characters you can use the chat text if you want just make sure you add DXC)
[dr eoe]
¿Chihiro ¿
§ humifi§
} kotomi{
# aoi #
;kirigiri ;
@ unknown @
×imposter ×
~ reporter/saim ~
, nagisa,
(narrative) ill do the sudent council later
0 notes
gqanime · 3 years
Random but if my fan kids did picrews of themself cuz im bored(they are different picrews for the ones I thought fit then
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Itsu kuwata
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Nao fujisaki
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Emiko ishimaru
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Mai kuwata
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Tomi neagi
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Hisoka togami-neagi
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Sumi neagi
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screaming-cricket · 4 years
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Hagakureon moodboard
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mythgirlimagines · 5 years
Leon x Hagakure headcanons?
Another I’m surprised I haven’t done before
Leon knows firsthand that Hiro’s predictions can be accurate, and speaks up when the others say that he’s never right. Hiro loves the vote of confidence, especially when he knows he’s right.
He’ll actively help Leon skip practice so they can do something else, like find more people whose fortunes Hiro can read, or just hanging out and chilling with each other.
They’re very okay with holding hands in front of their classmates or in public, but only if they aren’t doing anything else so it becomes a hassle to do. This way, it’s purely enjoyable.
Hiro radiates heat like a space heater, which means that he’ll get a lot more hugs from a partially frozen Leon during the winter. This, of course, works well for both of them.
They like watching paranormal documentaries together on weekends, just to cuddle up and discuss what’s happening. Buzzfeed Unsolved is also really big with them.
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