naiad-princess · 5 years
Percy, buried up to his neck: I AM THE SAND GUARDIAN, GUARDIAN OF THE SAND.
Nico: Hey, can I get some napkins.
Clerk: Sir, this a McDonald's, we don't sell napkins.
Nico: Sorry, can I get some McNapkins?
Clerk: Of course!
Percy: //sees something stupid in a second-hand store//
Percy, bursting into his apartment: LOOK WHAT I BOUGHT!
Kronos: Don't tell your mother?
Luke: Kiss one another?
Luke: //scrambling away//
Leo, holding an empty can: Hey Pipes, you want some?
Piper: THIS BITCH EMPTY, Y E E T //throws can//
Annabeth: It's finals week, you know what that means!
Percy: help, help, help, help
Hazel: It's Wednesday, my dudes
Reporter: Is there anything else you wanna say to people tonight?
Nico, in a rainbow shirt: My favorite color is black.
Reporter: Ohhh-kayyy
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headersandiconz · 4 years
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— se pegar curte
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princeicarus · 6 years
Leo Valdez
Can we just talk about Leo Valdez? He’s gone through so much in his young life. He’s been abused, physically, mentally, and emotionally. He killed his own mom (not on purpose of course), and then had no where to go. He was in and out of foster homes that abused him. He was forced to develop a sense of humor because (there’s a passage in HOO where it describes this) that way people wouldn’t beat him up, because they liked how he was funny. DIRECT QUOTE: “Besides, humor was a good way to hide the pain.” What agonizes me even MORE is that to the others, Leo is seen just as a dumb repair boy. “Leo, shouldn’t you be working on the Argo 2 right now?” “Go steer the Argo 2, Leo.” “Wow, I can’t believe he didn't even give us (insert cool thing) on the Argo 2, like seriously, he’s so lazy.” UHM EXCUSE ME?!?! I’d like to see you build a flying warship, Percy. It seems as if everyone’s problems are solved no, at least ACKNOWLEDGED in HOO, but with Leo, nope. We can’t forget that this kid was the only person to solve A FREAKING ANCIENT GREEK MATHEMATICAL SPHERE AND OTHER THINGS WHEN HE WAS A TEENAGER. AND WHILE HIS FRIENDS WERE ABOUT TO DIE. HE IS SO FREAKING SMART. All these “incorrect hoo things” where Leo is depicted as dumb is so aggravating to me. This kid deserves so much love. Also, in the first book, we see Piper describing her dad. She describes him with eyes that look in pain, like his soul is in pain, and women are attracted to him because they want to heal him. And in the second or third book, LEO IS DESCRIBED WITH THAT PAIN IN HIS SOUL THE SAME WAY. Leo and Piper are best friends, right? So naturally, you’d be thinking, ‘oh, if Piper’s dad went through the same thing, shouldn’t she know the same thing was happening to Leo and try to help him?’ right? right? NO. WRONG. SUCH A THING NEVER HAPPENS. And Leo deserves actual love, the whole Caleo thing is bs. I was rereading the books, and Leo x Echo is AN AMAZING SHIP!!! They have so much chemistry together, and he actually cares about her, and she cares about him. Anyway. That’s my rant. Go make fanart of Leo and share the love. <3 Bye.
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best 🔥 and I also dreamt I got like 60 likes on the last post and I was all happy and then I realized - -- - credits to @pjoandco ~ 👀 ~ ~ tags #leo #leovaldez #leovaldezmeme #percyjackson #pjo #hoo #heroesofolympus #sad #loveleo #leonidas #leonidasvaldez #percabeth #love #leo #with #tears #in #his #eyes #time #to #make #a #joke https://www.instagram.com/p/CCai713J5CN/?igshid=9gchx4w4hfid
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reverieverse · 7 years
12.00 AM Thought
Why I keep thinking that Bruno Mars = Leo Valdez = That lil kid with frickn eyebrow in Moana’s Dance Class ? ? ?
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bunkernine · 4 years
i have the url leonidasvaldez if you want it lmao
why... why do you have that 💀
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naiad-princess · 5 years
Nico, putting his hand on Hazel's shoulder: Sis, I think we need to talk about your Poké-party. It's just...you have too many Eevees!
Hazel, hugging her Nintendo: Don't talk to me or my six Eevees ever again.
Nico: Hazel-
Leo: No, no. Let her talk, I'm interested.
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naiad-princess · 5 years
Woman, to Percy: Aww~ what's his name?
Nico: His name is Percy.
Percy: Hi, I'm Percy.
Percy: Who parked their car on my sandwich?!
Leo, on Festus, who is on top of Percy's sandwich: I did!
Piper: //singing//
Drew: SHUT UP!
Piper: Yes.
Annabeth: //puts on glasses//
Lacy: //shrieks//
Annabeth: //puts on glasses//
Percy: yesssssss~
Jason: Leo and Annabeth got lost!
Piper: Annabeth and Leo are lost?!
Percy: Annabeth's lost?!?
Alex: //pushes every drink dispenser//
Alex: //takes a sip//
Alex: fuck you
Athena: //calls Annabeth a failure//
Annabeth: When they ask you how you and how you have to say that you're fine, and you're not really fine, but you could never get into it because they would never understand-
[Percy and Piper are reenacting HP]
Piper: Can you pass the bread?
Percy, trying not to laugh: Fifty points to Gryffindor-
Piper: And the butter?
Percy: //laughing// TEN THOUSAND POINTS TO GRYFFINDOR- //falls over//
Annabeth, curled up on the ground: //crying//
Piper: Are you okay?! Cramps?
Leo: Are you hurt?
Jason: Do you need help?
Percy: We just finished The Deathly Hallows.
Piper: A bisexual pop group called both directions!
Magnus: A pansexual pop group called all directions.
Sadie: A questioning pop group called which direction?
Leo: A lost pop group called cAn I hAve diRectIonS?
Calypso: A helpful pop group called that direction.
Annabeth: A married pop group called DAMNIT, WHY WON'T YOU JUST ASK FOR DIRECTIONS?!
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naiad-princess · 5 years
Leo: How do you ask the ocean what it's doing?
Annabeth: the ocean is an intimate object, is incapable of a thought process, and cannot understand languages.
Percy: "Water" you doing?
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naiad-princess · 5 years
Percy: //violently clicks his pen in frustration//
Leo, to Annabeth: Why did Percy just tell me he's going to kill me with a bar of soap?
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naiad-princess · 5 years
TV: Who's that Pokémon?!
TV: It's Clefairy!
Leo: FUCK.
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naiad-princess · 5 years
Me: If I were a drink, I'd be a strawberry milkshake because I'm so sweet! What drink would you be?
Nico, quietly: Bleach.
Leo, monotone: Sewage.
Me: Calm down edgelords.
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naiad-princess · 5 years
LeoBeth - Leo x Annabeth
"Valdez?" Annabeth asked, tracing and not looking up. Leo glanced sideways at her. "Hm?" "Blueprints." Her stormy gray eyes were distressed, wondering how this would ever work. As Leo turned away, she let out a small huff and her distress melted into tears that tracked down her cheeks and onto her paper.
She couldn't believe it. Percy was gone. He was just gone. There was a note on his bed one morning, saying he had to leave, and that he would never return and for her to move on because she'd be safer that way. He signed it, so she knew that it was genuine.
Leo could hear her weeping behind him, and his eyes welled up with tears for what seemed like the millionth time this week. He'd barely known Percy and yet, he missed him as if he'd known him his entire life. Here he was, with Annabeth, trying to create a machine to find him, wherever he'd gone because they weren't safe. "B-blueprints, Leo." She hiccuped.
He took the blueprints from the shelf and walked back to her as she wiped her eyes. "Annabeth...I'm so sorry." He apologized for the third time that day. She looked up at him, and noticed something she'd never noticed before. He looked terrible.
His brown eyes were lined with busted blood vessels from staying up so late, from crying, from staring at his welding tools, and dark bags held heavily under his eyes.
"Leo?" She asked. "Hm?" She looked at him, her stormy gray eyes full of concern. "How much sleep have you been getting?" He mumbled a reply, but she did not hear him as he avoided her gaze. "How much?" She drummed her fingertips against the table in a passive aggressive tone. "Not much."
"And why not?" She slammed her hands on the table and Leo flinched. "I've been working all night on our machine." He replied, fiddling in his toolbelt. "Leonidas Valdez, you get your scrawny *ss back to Cabin Nine and do not come back until you've slept." She said loudly, pointing at the door. "No." He mumbled. "What did you say?" Annabeth asked, surprised at his objection.
"I said no! I am not leaving you alone in here, because I know the minute I leave, you're going to start crying again, and I can not stand seeing you cry!" Leo's brown eyes began to spill over with tears. "And I know you miss Percy, don't remind me, we all do. I miss seeing you smile whenever he'd do something weird or stupid, and laugh when he tripped or made a dumb joke and tell you a cheesy pick-up line. God, please don't cry anymore Annabeth."
He found the floor, blurry under him as he shook with sobs and tears dripped onto the concrete floor. His arms wrapped around his torso, assuring himself that he was not slipping away, but he soon found another pair of comforting arms: Annabeth's.
"Leo...I'm so sorry..." She hiccuped and he shook his head, burying his face into her shirt. Her now damp camp shirt was already salty with her own tears. "D-don't be Annabeth." He muttered into her shirt.
"Please...Leo. Get some sleep." She pleaded, and he nodded. "Okay." Leo replied. Annabeth petted his curly brown hair. "I'll be waiting when you get back." "Alright." He said, pulling a white handkerchief from his toolbelt and pressing it into her hand. "Please... don't cry too much."
They shared a weak smile before Leo left and Annabeth returned to work on their machine.
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