trashyswitch · 11 months
Luigi's Secret
Chapter 20: Old Childhood Memories
Mario and Luigi pull up to their parents house, and end up spending lots of time reminiscing about the childhood memories and precious moments they had as a family...and Luigi reunites with a long-time friend from his toddler years.
On Wednesday after work, Mario and Luigi drove up to their parents’ house in their usual van. They got out of the car, locked the van, and started to walk up to the door. “So you’re telling me…that there are designated flags for the tickle community?” Mario asked. 
Luigi smiled and nodded his head. “Yup. 3 flags. The first one is the ticklee flag, which has dark blue and light blue stripes, with a yellow stripe in the middle.” Luigi explained, pulling it up on his phone and showing him. 
Hearing someone coming to the door, Mario quickly locked Luigi’s screen and smiled right as the door opened. 
“My ragazzi speciali!” She reacted, opening her arms happily.  
Mario and Luigi brought their mom into a big hug this time. “Hi Mamma.” Luigi told her. 
“Hi Mamma.” Mario said at the same time. 
“Awww, How are my special boys doing?” She scratched behind Luigi’s left ear, and tickled under the right side of Mario’s jawline, earning her a few giggles from both boys and a snort from Luigi. Mario gently removed his Mom’s fingers from his jawline. “Wehehe’re fihihine. Ihi’m fihine.” Mario told her. “How was your day?” Mario asked. 
She smiled and brought the boys into the house, before heading into the living room. “Dinner is hot and ready. But knowing Papa, it’ll be another 30 minutes.” She told them. 
“30 minutes?” Luigi asked, looking at his clock. 
“Okay.” Luigi replied. “What’s…” Mario stopped his words and widened his eyes as he saw the family crowded around their Papa on the floor, who was looking at scrapbooks and photo albums.
“Mario! Luigi!” Their Papa reacted, waving for them to come over. “Remember these pictures?” Papa asked, pointing to the scrapbook. 
Mario and Luigi both looked at the scrapbook. 
While Luigi laughed and elbowed his brother teasily, Mario was visibly red in the face. “Oho…” Mario muttered, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. 
The picture was of Mario and Luigi in their bathtub, covered in bubbles. Mario had made a bubbly beard on himself, while Luigi had a pile of bubbles on his hair. 
Their Uncle Arthur was laughing and pointing to baby Luigi. “You gotta admit, he looks good in an afro.” Tony teased. 
Tony laughed and fluffed up Luigi’s hair. “Keep growing it out, and you might look a bit like me!” Arthur teased. 
The rest of the family laughed at this, while Luigi shook his head with a smile as he flattened his hair back down. Of course they’re whipping out the baby pictures. What else could they be doing on a night like this? 
Papa Mario flipped the page and chuckled when he saw they were birthday pictures. Little Mario was showing off his Tickle-Me-Elmo to the camera, while little Luigi was hugging a care bear stuffed animal that was roughly the same size as him. 
“Your Mamma kept telling me ‘If you’re going to buy noisy toys, make sure you can handle the sounds it makes before buying it’.” Papa told them. 
Arthur rolled his eyes. “Only to get the boy a Tickle-Me-Elmo.” he muttered. 
“Well unlike you, I actually didn’t mind Elmo’s laughter.” Papa added. “Plus, seeing Mario doubling over, laughing his head off at the thing, made every moment worth it.” Papa added. 
Mario rolled his eyes and shook his head. “I still can’t believe I was in love with a toy like that…” Mario muttered. 
Papa guffawed. “In love with it?! You would’ve been happy MARRYING the thing!” Papa laughed. “I remember sometimes, Mario would go on an endless loop of clicking the button on its belly, and laughing his head off…to the point where Mario was just as red in the face as Elmo was! You couldn’t tell them apart!” Papa added. 
Mario groaned and covered his face with his hat. He was going red in the face just hearing his Dad recount those memories. “Daaaad…” Mario mumbled. 
“And then you’d look over and see Luigi giggling and laughing into his little hand while watching Mario lose his mind.” Papa added. 
Luigi looked down, smiling as a small blush showed up on his own face. “Yeah…” 
“What sorta things made Luigi really happy?” Mary asked. 
Papa chuckled and looked at Luigi before winking. 
Luigi tilted his head. “Uhhh…” 
“Back when Mario and Luigi were about 5 years old, Mario wanted to dress up as a knight in shining armor. But he insisted he needed a Princess to go along with the knight. So...he pleaded for Luigi to be his princess! And despite Mamma's worries about what the other kids would think, Luigi agreed to dress as Mario’s princess.” Papa explained. 
“Oh yeah! I remember that!” Arthur reacted. 
Tony gently nudged Luigi. “Luigi was the belle of the ball in that little white princess dress.” Tony teased. 
Mario looked down, feeling a sense of guilt. “The other kids were awful to you that day…” Mario remembered. “I couldn’t even save Luigi from the laughter and ridicule, even if I tried.” Mario looked up at Luigi. 
Luigi smiled a bit and gave his brother a side hug. “It was my choice to be the princess. And by that night, I grew really excited.” Luigi admitted. 
“Thankfully though, Princess Luigi wasn’t left to fend for herself. There was another super hero that got to be the princess’s savior:” He ran to his room and quickly got himself ready. 
Luigi widened his eyes and covered his mouth. “No…” Luigi mumbled, showing pure shock on his face. “There’s no way…” Luigi reacted as he looked at his Mamma. She giggled and nodded her head. “He’s kept the costume all these years.” She told him. 
Luigi looked over at the door as it swung open, revealing the most out-of-character, flamboyant costume the family had ever seen. Their Papa of all people…was dressed in a rainbow tutu with a white blanket cape around his neck. And to top the whole thing off…bright pink lipstick on his lips. 
Luigi gasped and bit his lip, trying to hold his breath as laughter quickly filled his lungs. Meanwhile Mario had guffawed, before doubling over and laughing like his life depended on it. Tony and Arthur had completely lost it, taking the time to make fun of him in between their laughter. Even Mamma was giggling and shaking her head with a big smile on her face. 
“I’m glad that my little entrance can amuse you boys, but I’m not here to impress anyone.” Their Papa said in a slightly higher-pitched, more sassy version of his voice. Luigi raised his eyebrows. Gosh, even the voice his Papa had put on for the character, was still top notch. 15 years later, and his Papa was still nailing the classic character. 
“S-Scintillio…Ihit’s-” Luigi started to say. 
“SCIHINTIHIHILLIO?! THAHAT’S THE GIHIRL’S NAHAHAME?!” Arthur shouted, falling onto the couch with more laughter. 
“Oh, don’t even get me started! It’s been FAR too long!” She reacted. “15 years?! That’s like-” She started to count on her fingers. “That’s like- 60 bottles of mascara!” She reacted. “And don’t even get me started on the lipsticks I bought in that time.” She added, pulling out a pink lipstick. “Oh! Speaking of lipsticks, I found this one recently! It’s called ‘electric orchid’!” She added, opening it up and testing it on her wrist. “Isn’t it pretty?” She asked. 
“Hey! That’s my lipstick!” Mamma reacted, pointing to the lipstick. 
“Nuh uh!” She held the lipstick away from Mamma. “It’s MY lipstick! We talked about this! Red is more your color! Pink is my color.” She told her proudly. 
Luigi wheezed and finally bursted out laughing. Seeing Scintillio all over again was awesome. But she had completely forgotten how flamboyantly sassy she is! And fighting over lipstick?! Luigi couldn’t hold it in anymore! He had to let it out! 
Mamma and Scintillio stopped talking, and looked over at Luigi. Mario had stopped laughing as well, just so he could hear his brother laugh so gleefully. Even Arthur and Tony lessened their laughter dramatically so Luigi’s laughter could take over the room more. It was beautiful, just hearing his laughter on display for all to hear and bear witness. 
Scintillio looked at herself, double checking herself. “What are you laughing at?” She asked, looking at the tutu. “Is there marker on my face?” She asked, wiping her face, and smearing her lipstick in the process. “Is there a wardrobe malfunction?” She asked, checking the back of the tutu. “Is my bra showing? Am I showing too much cleavage?!” She asked, covering up her chest as she suddenly began to panic. 
Luigi doubled over as his joyous laughter went up an octave. “OHOHO MY GOHOD! *snort* HAHAHAHA!” Luigi reacted, his laughter starting to fill with snorts. 
And just for a split second, Papa started to shine through the costume. This is exactly why he loved doing this…because he knew it never failed to cheer up Luigi. And 15 years later, it was STILL working! 
Luigi finally started to calm himself down. “Yohohou’re fihine! Ihi just missed you, Scintillio.” Luigi admitted. “A lot.” 
She looked up at Luigi with a smile on her face. “Aww…I missed you too, my little princess.” She told him, cupping his cheeks. “And remember what I always told you?” She added, booping his nose. 
Luigi giggled. “Yeheah. Anyone who laughs at a boy in a dress, is just jealous that the boy can rock a dress better than they can.” Luigi replied. 
Scintillio smiled and poked Luigi’s belly playfully a few times, earning some giggles and laughter from Luigi. Then, she took off the blanket and the tutu, before removing the lipstick with a damp kleenex. “When in doubt…Comically large tutu.” Papa told him in his normal voice, waving the tutu in the air. 
Luigi smiled and picked up the Tutu. “So…you never let go of her?” Luigi asked. 
“No way.” Papa replied, putting a hand on Luigi’s shoulder. “Scintillio never went away, Luigi. She’s been in my heart all this time.” Papa told him. “She will always be here. With and without the costume.” He added. 
Mario smirked. “So I guess this was why you became so eager to be my princess?” Mario asked. 
Luigi nodded his head. “Yeah.” Luigi replied. “And I never regretted it.” 
Mario smiled and poked Luigi’s side. “Coolest princess I know.” Mario teased. 
Luigi squeaked and giggled, holding out his hands in defense. “Dohon’t.” Luigi warned with a giggle. “Don’t what?” Mario asked innocently, poking his sides and belly. 
Luigi giggled and attempted to bat his hands away. But it was already proving to be a fruitless effort. “Dohohon’t tihickle mehehe!” Luigi reacted. 
“And what if I want to? What are you gonna do then?” Mario asked. 
Arthur and Tony elbowed each other and started cheering. “Tickle fight! Tickle fight! Tickle fight!” Tony and Arthur yelled at the same time. 
Mario wrapped his arms around Luigi’s middle, and pulled Luigi into a hug. But he did this for a legitimate reason…So he could talk to him privately. 
“You okay with this?” Mario whispered in his ear. 
Luigi smiled. “Yup. Go for it.” Luigi whispered back. 
Mario smirked and started skittering his fingers all over Luigi’s belly and sides while still in the hug. Luigi squeaked and hid his face in Mario’s shoulder, immediately growing embarrassed. 
Mario smirked and poked into Luigi’s belly button right away. “Remember the rules, Lu~” Mario teased. 
Luigi wheezed and dropped to his knees, holding his belly as he quickly fell to the ground. “Whahahat ruhuhules?!” Luigi reacted. 
“Tickle fight only stops if one of us says ‘Uncle’.” Mario told him.
“Oh! But if you say ‘Uncle’, then the tickler automatically wins.” Tony added. 
Mario rolled his eyes. “Fine. That too.” Mario replied. 
“Cahahan wehehe rehestahahart?!” Luigi asked. 
Papa raised an eyebrow. “Restart?! No! No one ever restarts tickle fights.” Papa reacted. 
Mario shrugged his shoulders. “He has a point.” Mario added. “Just…do your best.” Mario told him before tickling up and down his ribs. 
Luigi squeaked and bursted out laughing before quickly trying to get the upper hand. He first tried skittering his fingers on Mario’s ribs. “Twohoho cahan plahahay thahat gahame!” Luigi told him. 
Mario yelped and covered up his ribs before trying to tickle Luigi one-handed. “Yohou think you can get me that easily? I can tickle you one-handed, and STILL drive you crazy!” Mario teased. 
Luigi grabbed his tickling hand and pulled him to the ground, before lifting up Mario’s left arm and tickling his exposed armpit. “Funny you say that, I can do the same thing!” Luigi reacted. 
Mario squealed and laughed helplessly, struggling to get free from Luigi’s rather genius positioning. Luigi was kneeling down on Mario’s upper left side, making it rather difficult for Mario to get the upper hand again without several cackles along the way. 
“Hey, not bad kid!” Tony reacted. 
Luigi smirked somewhat proudly and scooted himself over before tickling down the ribs to the bottom of his brother’s ribcage. This made Mario’s laughter go up an octave as he tried and failed to cover up his ribs, while tugging helplessly on his trapped arm. 
“WOOO! Go Luigi!” Arthur cheered. 
Mario took advantage of the scoot down and moved his stuck arm over a slight bit. When he reached the outer sides of Luigi’s knee, Mario squeezed it. This caused Luigi to jump and freeze in place, giving Mario the opportunity to get back up and fight for the upper hand. He got up onto his knees and grabbed Luigi’s hips, before squeezing them and drilling into them playfully. Luigi screeched and threw his head back as he wiggled absolutely all over the place while loud, cackly laughter left his mouth. Mario smiled brightly and rested his head on Luigi’s shaking shoulder. “How long can the princess survive?” Mario teased. 
Arthur smirked. “You tell ‘em, Luigi!” 
“Oh really~?” Mario reacted. 
“YEHEHEHESS!” Luigi yelled back, covering his mouth. 
Mario’s mouth grew a shit-eating grin as he poked his finger into Luigi’s belly button. “No covering your mouth, Elmo.” Mario teased. 
Luigi gasped and squeezed his eyes shut before wheezing and silently laughing. 
“M-Mario, be careful.” Mamma warned, growing slightly worried for his son. 
“I know.” Mario said back with a wink. “Ready?” Mario dipped his finger in slightly harder. “1…” 
Luigi shook his head rapidly. 
Mario spun the finger slightly. “2…” Mario said, twirling his finger around in his belly button. “3…” Mario declared as he removed his finger from his brother’s belly button. 
Luigi snorted and completely lost himself in loud fits of cackles. “UNCLE! UHUHUHUNCLE! UHUNCLEHAHAHAHAHAAA!” Luigi shouted. 
Mario chuckled and clicked his tongue, gesturing with his hand. “I’m not even touching his belly button anymore.” Mario said. “And he’s still dying.” He added. 
The rest of the family just laughed at Mario’s words as they heard Luigi slowly calming down. 
“That’s a funny coincidence.” Someone said nearby. 
Mario, Luigi, and the others turned to look at the rocking chair in the living room, which sat another person in their family: Their Grandfather. Aka, the oldest and wisest family member in the house. 
Mamma smirked. “What’s that?” She asked, tapping her father-in-law’s shoulder lightly. 
“Your Papa used to react the exact same way when he was little.” He started telling him. “He had such a ticklish navel, one poke would put him in his place in seconds.” Their Grandfather told the boys. 
Papa widened his eyes and looked at his father. “Hey!” He yelled, showing slight embarrassment. 
Their Grandfather laughed upon hearing his son’s reaction. “Yyyup.” He added. “A wonderful little gift he got from his madre.” Their Grandfather declared. “Tony got it too.” he added.
Tony raised his eyebrows, before looking at his father as well. “Don’t bring me into this!” Tony warned. 
“Well unlike you two, I was the lucky one~.” Uncle Arthur declared proudly. 
Mary smirked and poked his ribs, earning a jump and a yelp from her husband. “Ribs are the next best thing.” Mary teased. 
Arthur waved his index finger at her. “Don’t even try it.” He warned with a small smile. 
Mary shrugged her shoulders. “Okay.” She replied, winking at Mario and Luigi. 
Mario brought Luigi up to his feet before sitting down on the couch. “What other stories do you have from when Papa, Tony, and Arthur were little?” Mario asked. 
“Oh no…” Papa muttered, rubbing the bridge of his nose. “You just broke the dam right open.” 
“I would love to tell you, but I am starving. We should eat.” Their grandfather told him. 
The whole family all agreed to that statement right away. It was close to 7pm, and none of them had even started to eat their dinner! They all gathered around the table, and started to serve themselves. While they did that, Their grandfather started recalling many memories of the boys when they were babies, up to when they were kids. He even included some memories of when they were teenagers! And while poor Papa was red in the face from all the embarrassing memories, Tony and Arthur kept poking and teasing their older brother. And it was in this moment that Luigi and Mario realized something: Their family were funny, teasy, ticklish, weird goofballs too. All of them were! And this night only confirmed that fact! 
When Mario and Luigi got into the car, Mario made sure to send Luigi the video of their Papa getting utterly destroyed by their Uncles! Aka, Papa’s younger brothers. Knowing their Papa well, that video would be the only known evidence of Papa Mario getting his comeuppance. 
So I'm gonna be completely honest here...I was very hesitant about adding Scintillio into this story...The story was a late-night stupid joke I had come up with alongside a friend of mine (Legit forgot who helped me come up with this character), and I playfully added it to the story...I have a love-hate relationship with Scintillio, because it was a funny idea...but it was so out-of-character compared to Papa Mario. But...I added it anyway and reluctantly decided to keep it.
So...What do you think of Scintillio? Was it funny? Or was it a little too much? Let me know!
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sunsetsandsunshine · 2 months
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So proud of you for powering through your requests and wips of your own!!! You did SUCH A FANTASTIC JOB AT BY THE WAY!!!! oh my gosh!! Your creativity inspires me A HECK OF A LOT EMERY! 🫶🫶💙💙💙💙
I thought I'd might as well send you a request! (No pressure, and absolutely no need for a rush!)
Maybe something that is Halloween themed for rottmnt? Maybe they're decorating for Halloween and Mikey or Leo seems to have a disagreement with certain decorations that the rest of the Hamato brothers seem to have no problems with? Resulting in normal brother banter, but it soon turns into one of them declaring a "tickle fight"?
One of them could be like "how about we settle this with a tickle fight!" and since Mikey or Leo is the only one who has a disagreement with the decor, one of them just get ganged up on, and eventually it rules out to them loosing since it's literally a 1v3? 😭😭
I don't know! I just thought of it, but of course no pressure in writing it if it's too confusing! 🙏🙏
~ 𝙲𝚘𝚛𝚊𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚊 𝚙𝚞𝚖𝚙𝚔𝚒𝚗 ~
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❤️💜🐢💙🧡 𝙵𝚒𝚌 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢: @saturnzskyzz ❤️💜🐢💙🧡
·̩̩̥͙**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚𝙰𝚆𝙴 𝚂𝙰𝚃𝚄𝚁𝙽 🥹💗💕💗💕💗!!! 𝚄𝚁 𝙲𝙾𝙼𝙿𝙻𝙸𝙼𝙴𝙽𝚃𝚂 𝙰𝙻𝚆𝙰𝚈𝚂 𝙼𝙰𝙺𝙴 𝙼𝙴 𝚂𝙾 𝚂𝙾 𝙷𝙰𝙿𝙿𝚈 𝚃𝙷𝙰𝙽𝙺 𝚈𝙾𝚄??? 𝙸𝚝’𝚜 𝚜𝚘 𝚏𝚕𝚞𝚜𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚞𝚛𝚙𝚛𝚒𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚘 𝚑𝚎𝚊𝚛 𝚖𝚢 𝚜𝚒𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝚠𝚛𝚒𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚒𝚗𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚎𝚜 𝚙𝚎𝚘𝚙𝚕𝚎 𝚠𝚑𝚎𝚗 𝙸’𝚖 𝚘𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝚗𝚘𝚠 𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊 𝚜𝚘𝚙𝚑𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚒𝚗 𝙷𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚜𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚘𝚕 😵‍💫🫶🏾…! 𝙰𝚗𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚛𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚖𝚎𝚍 𝚍𝚞𝚛𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚕𝚎𝚐𝚒𝚝 𝚖𝚒𝚍-𝙹𝚞𝚕𝚢 𝚒𝚜 𝚓𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝚜𝚘…𝚢𝚘𝚞 😭👍🏾— 𝚊𝚕𝚜𝚘 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝙿𝙷𝙾𝚃𝙾 𝙱𝚁𝙾 𝙻𝙼𝙰𝙾?! 𝚂𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚂𝙰𝚅𝙴𝙳˚*• ̩̩͙•̩̩͙*✩*·̩̩̥͙
𝙶𝚎𝚗𝚛𝚎: 𝙵𝚕𝚞𝚏𝚏
𝚆𝚘𝚛𝚍𝚜: 𝟸,𝟸𝟸𝟾
𝙻𝚎𝚎: 𝙻𝚎𝚘 🐢💙 
𝙻𝚎𝚛: 𝚁𝚊𝚙𝚑 🐢❤️, 𝙳𝚘𝚗𝚗𝚒𝚎 🐢💜 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙼𝚒𝚔𝚎𝚢 🐢🧡
𝚂𝚞𝚖𝚖𝚊𝚛𝚢: 𝚃𝚑𝚎 𝙷𝚊𝚖𝚊𝚝𝚘 𝚋𝚛𝚘𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚛’𝚜 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚜𝚎𝚝𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚞𝚙 𝚏𝚘𝚛 𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚒𝚛 𝚗𝚎𝚠 𝙷𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚑𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚊𝚎𝚜𝚝𝚑𝚎𝚝𝚒𝚌 (𝚋𝚎𝚌𝚊𝚞𝚜𝚎 𝚒𝚝’𝚜 𝚝𝚘𝚝𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚢 𝙾𝚌𝚝𝚘𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝚛𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚗𝚘𝚠), 𝚋𝚞𝚝 𝙻𝚎𝚘 𝚒𝚜𝚗’𝚝 𝚝𝚘𝚘 𝚏𝚘𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚌𝚑𝚘𝚒𝚌𝚎 𝚘𝚏 𝚍𝚎𝚌𝚘𝚛.
(𝙰/𝙽: 𝙳𝚘𝚗’𝚝 𝚋𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚐𝚞𝚢! 𝚃*𝚌𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝙺𝚒𝚗𝚔/𝙽𝚂𝙵𝚆 𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐𝚜 𝙳𝙽𝙸!!!)
T𝚊𝚐𝚐𝚐𝚜𝚜𝚜𝚜: @shut-up-jo @someone1348  @itzsana-kiddingmenow 
@giggly-cloud  @savemeafruitjuice  @rice-cake-teen10
@titters-and-tingles @veryblushyswitch @tmntalways  @mistyandsnow
𝚆𝚊𝚛𝚗𝚒𝚗𝚐𝚜: 𝚃𝚒𝚌𝚔𝚕𝚒𝚗𝚐, 𝚌𝚞𝚜𝚜𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚖𝚎𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚘𝚏 𝙷𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚎𝚗 𝚖𝚘𝚟𝚒𝚎𝚜 𝚕𝚘𝚕. 𝙸𝚏 𝚗𝚘𝚗𝚎 𝚊𝚛𝚎 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚎, 𝚐𝚘 𝚏𝚒𝚗𝚍 𝚜𝚘𝚖𝚎𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚝𝚑𝚊𝚝 𝚒𝚜 🕺🏾✨
**•̩̩͙✩•̩̩͙*˚𝚂𝚙𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚢 𝚜𝚌𝚊𝚛𝚢 𝚜𝚔𝚎𝚕𝚎𝚝𝚘𝚗𝚜 𝚜𝚙𝚘𝚘𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝚞𝚙 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚜𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚎 𝚘𝚛 𝚑𝚘𝚠𝚎𝚟𝚎𝚛 𝚒𝚝 𝚐𝚘𝚎𝚜 𝚓𝚜𝚓𝚜𝚖𝚜𝚓𝚍𝚑𝚑 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢!!!˚*•✩•̩̩͙*˚*·̩̩̥͙
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“Move it to the left! No…your other left! …Donnie, I just said your other left!!!” Raph yelled. 
“I don’t have 'an other left!' Are you trying to tell me that you want me to use my right hand?!” Donnie asked, irritation abundantly clear in his tone. 
“NO! I KNOW WHAT I SAID!!! WHAT I WANT YOU TO DO IS USE YOUR OTHER LEFT!!” Raphael basically screamed.
“I. DON’T. KNOW. WHAT. THAT. MEANS!!!” Donatello screeched back. 
“Oh for crying out—“ The eldest sighed, “Give it here.” The taller turtle snatched the Coraline themed paper cut out’s from his younger brother, getting tape and sticking them to the wall. 
Raph stepped out a bit, looking at where he had placed the paper cut out’s before letting out a huff of satisfation, putting his hands on his hips, “See? Now was that so hard?” 
The purple banded turtle’s eye twitched slightly, turning to his older brother and giving him a quickly glare as he put the excess decorations away, “You used your right hand to place that decoration, dumbass.” 
The eldest blinked in confusion at his brother’s statement, doing an L-shape with both of his fingers as a small embarrassed blush appeared on his cheeks, “I see...” 
The young scientist rolled his eyes fondly, shaking his head as he threw away the remainder of the paper, “You see—”
“I aham stopping you right there. Please dohon’t Dhar Man lihife lesson me right now…”
“You see…” The softshell continued, his grin widening as he heard a loud groan come from his older brother, “You should always listen to your immediate younger brother because he is just so intelligent and just so far beyond the usual intellect of the average fifteen year old.” 
The red banded turtle nodded his head, trying his best not to laugh at his brother’s silly antic’s. 
It was currently October and there was lots of spookiness in the air. Although it was literally just the 1st day of October, there was still freshly new spookiness in the atmosphere.
More or less, anyway...
The turtle teen’s were setting their lair to be a…sort of Halloween themed aesthetic. 
Did their Dad know they were basically re-decorating the whole lair? No. But he’ll just have to deal with it. 
Last year they did The Nightmare before Christmas.
The year before that they did the Corpse Bride…
…And, well…you get the idea. The rat man should be used to this routine by now.
The two eldest turtle’s looked at each other for a minute before bursting out into small laughs, chuckling at each other’s ridiculousness, “Okahay…remind me toho never doho ahanother Dhar Mann impression.” Donnie giggled out. 
“Ahalright, Dhahar Mann fam.” The eldest snickered as the two youngest turtle’s entered the living room. 
“Ew. Why did we choose Coraline as this year’s Halloween theme again?” Leo muttered, squinting at the choice of decorations in a disgusted manner, “I mean…the blue hair and pronouns girl? Love that. But can’t we just save that one for Pride month or something?” 
Raphael put a hand over his mouth, turning around and trying not to laugh as Donnie and Mikey looked at the red eared slider in confusion. 
“That’s Coraline, you idiot.” The box turtle muttered out.
“Wait…THAT’S Coraline?! What about the lady with the spider arms and looks like Jim Carrey from The Mask?”
Raphael loudly wheezed in the background at his brother’s genuine confusion, clutching his side and holding onto the kitchen counter for dear life as he laughed.
“That’s…That’s her Mom, man.” Mikey said. 
The slider blinked in awe before letting out a long sigh, “Whatever…”
The blue banded turtle went to the wall, taking off some of the Coraline cut out’s that Mikey put up and replaced them with Charlie Brown ones. 
“Charlie Brown? Really?” Donnie deadpanned as he crossed his arms.
“Yes!” Leo said, “It’s the Great Pumpkin! He rises out of the pumpkin patch—“
“We’re familiar with the tale, Nardo.” The second oldest interrupted, “But…just why? You seriously want to put up an imaginary pumpkin over Coraline…?”
“Yes. Yes I do.” 
The scientist just rolled his eyes, going over to help Raph who was currently dying of laughter on the floor, “You do you brother of mine.”
“Oho I beg to differ.” Michelangelo seethed, going up to his immediate older brother, “I worked hard on those Coraline paper cut outs! You can’t just…replace them with some pumpkin from the 1960’s!”
Leonardo looked at his youngest brother up and down, “…You bought these from the dollar store and just dumped glitter on it.” 
Leo hummed in acknowledgment, trying to take off more of the decorations but was basically jumped by Mikey to the floor. The two youngest playfully fought with each other’s arms, both of them trying to get the upper hand in the play-fight. “Hehey heHEY! Gehehet ohoff of me yohou overgrown frog!” Leo giggled out. 
“Oh dohon’t even, Leheheon. When yohou wear glahasses yohou look lihike that oddly proportioned 'brohother' of ours thahat’s aha disgrace to ahall turtle-kind.” The box turtle said smugly. 
“Oho you’re done. Done.” Leo growled, trying to get the upper hand but was pinned down by the youngest pretty quickly on the ground. The orange banded turtle grinned in triumph, brutally attacking the other by tickling his underarms.
Leo let out a loud squawk in surprise, pushing at his brother’s wrists as he clamped his mouth shut. He shook his head back and forth, trying his absolute best not to satisfy the youngest in his attack. 
Don’t laugh. Don’t laugh. Don’t laugh. Don’t laugh. Don’t. fucking. laugh. 
“Woah. We left for, like, 5 minutes tops. What happened?” The purple banded turtle asked as him and the eldest walked into the scene up-roaring in front of them. 
“Leo said my Coraline paper cut outs were cheap and ugly!” The youngest dramatically whined, wiping away a tear before skittering his fingers along the slider’s ribs. 
Okay, well first of all: Leo never said that. Did they look cheap? Yes. Did he think that the DIY decorations looked cheap? Oho absolutely. 
But the fact of the matter was he never said it out loud! He thought it but he never said it.
“Damn…he hasn’t started laughing yet? He would usually be squirming like a drunk mermaid right about now.” Raphael mused, poking Leo in the side repeatedly as the second youngest closed his eyes shut. “We know you wanna laugh, Leo~!” The eldest sing-songed. 
The second youngest let out a soft snort, continuing to shake his head as his legs kicked behind Mikey. Donatello raised an unamused brow, sitting down and lightly grabbing the slider’s right ankle as he tickled his heel.
“PFFTAHAH— *snort* dahAHAMMIT!” Leo screeched as he finally let out a laugh whilst stomping his free foot on the floor. The three teens tormenting their brother smiled at the long overdue flood of giggles and snorts that was escaping the slider’s mouth.
“There it is~!” Raph cooed softly, tickling under Leo’s chin as the second youngest blushed slightly at the tease. “GOHO *snort* AWAHAHAY YOHOU AHASS— *snort*!!” 
“GASP! Oh no you did not. Cussing us out now? C'mon, Nardo…you know better than that~!” The second oldest mused, using his spider arms to hold the blue banded turtle’s ankles in place as he tickled all over his feet. Leonardo laugh raised an octave at the sudden action, squirming underneath the youngest more frantically. 
The blue banded teen snorted loudly, his hands flapping on the floor which absolutley melted the other’s hearts, “GUHUHUYS S-STAHAP! IHIHIT— *snort* EHEHEHAH!!! IHIT TIHI— *snort*!!” 
“Awe…it tickles? Is that what you’re trying to say~?” Mikey asked mischeivously, pinching Leo’s hips mercilessly. Raphael grinned, holding the slider’s arms up as he tickled his stomach and sides. “Does iiiiit…tickle here? Orrrr…what about here? Here? And heeeere~?” The eldest asked as he unpredictably switched from tickling the blue banded teen’s stomach to his sides, definitely making sure to leave the leader in blue in stitches.
“Y'know, Lee…you could get out of this situation more easily if you just apologized.” The young scientist commented.
“FAHAH— *snort* FOHOR WHAHA— *snort* WHAHAT?!” Leonardo asked through his laughs.
“What do you mean 'fohor whahat?' For insulting Mikey’s precious art and calling it cheap!” Donatello said as if the answer should’ve been obvious. 
All the other turtle’s gasped dramatically, ceasing their attack momentarily as the box turtle glared at his brother playfully, “Oho I’m sorry…I didn’t quite hear you. What did you just call me?”
The lime-green eyed teen’s heart dropped at the fake sweet tone his younger brother was speaking in, he hugged his middles as more frantic giggles poured from out of his mouth, “N-Noho— *snort* NOHO! Ihi— *snort* I-Ihi dihidn’t meeheean IHIT! M-MIHIKEY WAHAHAIT!”
“And now you’re laughing at me. You must think this is funny, huh?” The orange banded turtle asked as he effortlessly pushed Leo’s hands aside as Raph casually held them up again. The eldest used one hand to hold Leo’s wrists together but wiggled his free hand near the second youngest’s neck. 
The blue cladded teen’s eyed widened, silently praying to God that he wouldn’t go to the golden gates early because of what was about to happen to him. 
Donnie hovered his hands over Leo’s knees as Mikey’s hands innocently and gently traced over his immediate older brother’s sides. The lime-green eyed mutant gulped, glaring at Mikey as the youngest happily glared back. 
“Anything you wanna say to me, Leon? Anything in particular?” The box turtle asked. 
“F-Fuhuhuck. yohou.” Leo giggled through gritted teeth.
After that extremely rude remark, the brother’s wasted no time tickling the second youngest into oblivion. Donnie tickled underneath his knees, Mikey scribbled his nails against the slider’s sides as he blew raspberries on his stomach, and finally, Raph tickled his neck as he held up his arms.
A pretty smart tactic if you ask me. A mean one? Oh 100%, but at least it was effective. 
Leonardo let out a screechy vulture-like scream before falling into loud bubbly cackles. The slider shook his head back and forth once more, squirming as best he could in the position he was in. 
“Awe…” Raphael chuckled out, letting go of his brother’s wrists to let him flap his hands happily on Michelangelo’s arms. 
“Buhut Ihi want my apology!” Mikey giggled. 
“Don’t you dare disobey me, Coraline~!” Raph snickered, using both of his hands to tickle the crooks of the second youngest’s neck. Leo’s adorable laughter became wheezy as happy tears slowly started appearing in his eyes, “DAHAHAH— *snort* RAHAH— *snort* PLAHAHA *snort* EEEEEE!!!”
“IHIHI’M SAHARRY! IHI’M SAHA— *snort*! GUHUHUYS!!!” The slider snorted as he scrunched up his shoulders. 
Mikey hummed in thought, blowing a raspberry on his immediate older brother’s ribs, “Are you apologizing for insulting my crafts or are you apologizing for cussing us out?”
“BAHAH— *snort* BOHOTH! BOHOHOTH!!! PLAHA— *snort* GUHUYS!!”
“Okahay okay…” Michelangelo giggled, gesturing for his older brother’s to stop. The red eared slider mutant layed limp on the floor, curling in on himself as his brother’s sat next to him. The art loving turtle wrapped his brother in a tight hug which the second youngest couldn’t help but melt in through his tired giggles.
“Are you guys alright?! I heard screaming.” April quickly said as she walked into the lair, carrying a grocery bag full of candies and treats. The mutants almost immediately perked up at the sound of their sister’s arrival, going over and attacking her in huge bear hug.
The small human giggled at the gesture, hugging her brother’s back. “I’ll take that as a 'we’re fine and not dying a gruesome death.'” She concluded as she got out of the hug to put the candy bag down on the kitchen counter. “I mean…why was there screaming, though? I honestly thought you all were getting brutally murdered…”
Donnie raised a brow, looking over at his twin, “Wanna give April the inside scoop of what went down, Nardo?”
“I’m good.” The red eared slider said as he stuck a tongue out at his older twin, which the purple banded turtle had no problem copying back.
“Leo said my decorations were cheap and ugly.” The youngest said with dramatic flair, pointing at his Coraline cut-out’s. April’s eyed widened in shock, biting down her lip as he nodded, looking away from her youngest brother’s creation. “It looks great, Mike.” She giggled out, going to the kitchen counter to take out the candy as she was happily followed by Raphael.
“Woah woah!!! Get back here! I heard that laugh, Riri!” The orange banded turtle screeched, following along the elder siblings to the kitchen as he was followed by the middle siblings.
In all honesty…perhaps the Coraline themed Halloween decor wasn’t the worst idea’s Leo’s brother’s have had. 
Leonardo could always make a Great Pumpkin Halloween theme next year.
But that did not stop the leader in blue from sticking the pumpkin sticker he had on his pouch on the youngest’s shell without anyone noticing.
Well, besides Donnie— who chuckled lighlty at the gesture as the two twins made their way to the kitchen.
(𝙿.𝚂.: 𝙸𝚏 𝚢𝚘𝚞 𝚎𝚗𝚓𝚘𝚢𝚎𝚍 𝚝𝚑𝚒𝚜 𝚏𝚒𝚌, 𝚙𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝚛𝚎𝚋𝚕𝚘𝚐!!!)
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Trying Out Tickles
Summary: When Merlin chooses to sass him, Arthur decides to test some interesting information he learned about his manservant.
(Merry Christmas @cantsaythetword ! ❤️ :) I was your squealing Santa this year! ❤️ :) I loved the TV show the first time I saw it and instantly knew Merlin had to be ticklish ❤️ :) I hope you have a Happy Holiday however you celebrate, and a great New Year ❤️ :))
"Merlin, you idiot! You'll dent it!"
The dark haired boy cringed as he pulled himself up from the floor. "It's armor Arthur."
"Still. A future king shouldn't appear before his people with dented armor."
"Stop having battles and you'll have nothing to worry about your royal pratness."
As Merlin picked up the dropped armor pieces, Arthur scowled. "I'd advise you not to speak to me like that."
"Yeah well when have I ever listened to your advice."
While Merlin muttered insults and picked up the pieces, a small smile pulled at the corner of the future king's mouth. He knew Merlin never meant any harm. He just did it to get under Arthur's skin. Then, as Merlin gathered the last of the pieces, Arthur took a step toward him. "I want to be able to see myself in the reflection before practice tomorrow."
"Thought you didn't want to dent it?"
"One look at your face and the whole piece will bend."
Arthur reached to smack the back of Merlin's head. However, the younger boy managed to duck and gave Arthur a playful bump with his hip.
Merlin smirked. "What about those reflexes your majesty?"
"You know, you're getting on my nerves."
The younger boy dodged another attack from Arthur. "Just have that affect on people."
As the last insult left his mouth, Arthur reached forward to poke the younger boy's chest. However, at the sight of Arthur's hand moving, Merlin had reactively turned. So instead of poking his chest, Arthur's finger poked his ribs.
A surprised squeak left Merlin's mouth as he jumped away.
"What is wrong with you?"
"Y-your finger hit a bruise."
Arthur tried to cover up his concern with sarcasm. "Don't be such a girl Merlin."
The younger boy glared at the future king of Camelot. "Then don't be such a dunce!"
Arthur reached forward and poked Merlin's ribs again.
And once again, Merlin squeaked and jumped, but he couldn't quite hide the nervous giggles that followed. "Aharthur!"
Arthur's brow furrowed as he studied the thinner boy. The response did not equal a bruise on the ribs. "Are you sure it's a bruise?"
Merlin immediately backed away. "Yes, and don't gehet any ideheas!"
"Any ideas about what?"
"What's gotten into you Merlin?"
Arthur watched with a slight twinge in his heart as the younger man scurried away. How had he gone from cocky to cowering in the blink of an eye? Had he really been that injured? Had someone done something to his ribs? Had Arthur done something? He had seemed fine all day today.
For another moment, the future king mulled over the clues. A memory from an interaction he had accidentally seen between Merlin and his mother Hunith had caused a similar response. He had completely forgotten about it until now. And, if memory served correct, Hunith had used a certain technique that had her son squealing and squirming as he apologized.
What was it she had called it? Something with a T? Arthur thought to himself.
Finally, a light clicked on. It was tickling.
Growing up in the castle, Arthur had never really been tickled before. He had occasionally been tazered on the side or ribs by Morgana, and he had a few memories from his younger days of Gaius spidering some fingers under his chin or behind his ears to distract him from things. However, he had never been properly tickled before and he for sure had never tickled anyone else.
Guess that's about to change.
With a smirk on his face, Arthur followed Merlin. The stables were quiet at this hour and Merlin had been rude to him. So it seemed like the perfect opportunity for Arthur to practice.
Inside the small room, the younger man was busy distracting himself by cleaning the armor pieces he had brought with him. With a grin, Arthur quietly locked the door before stepping closer to his manservant.
Once he was close, he clapped Merlin's shoulders. "Merlin!"
The younger man jumped, sending the pieces clattering to the floor once again. Merlin immediately punched Arthur's arm. "Do you normally annoy people this much or am I just the exception?"
"What has gotten into you Merlin?" The future king firmly grabbed his manservant's wrist. "You've dropped my armor twice, talked to me in a manner not fit to address a future king, and now you're attacking me?"
Merlin growled and tried to free his wrist from the hold. It didn't hurt, but he didn't like the fact that Arthur clearly had more strength than him.
As if to prove that thought, Arthur gently tugged Merlin toward him before quickly turning him around. Two arms then held him in place as he tried to squirm away.
"Maybe it's time someone taught you a lesson."
"Go for it! I'm used to the stocks."
"Who said I was putting you in the stocks?"
"What then?" Merlin stiffened. "Are you going to hit me instead?"
"Of course not. That's reserved for people who have done something horrid." The future king lowered them both to the floor. "Not for sassy manservants who are rude to their king."
Merlin raised an eyebrow at the change.
"Just to make sure you don't hurt yourself."
"What are you doing?"
"Something new." Arthur wrapped him in a hug and placed his hands around Merlin's thin sides. "Hunith gave me the idea."
Something about the situation clicked, making the younger man's eyes widen. "Dohon't you dare!"
"Don't do what Merlin?"
Merlin's mouth clamped his mouth shut.
"What Merlin?"
A head shake was his only response.
Arthur tried to bite back a smile as his manservant's squirming picked up again. "I can't stop if you don't tell me what it is I need to stop."
A squeak slipped out when Arthur's hands lightly squeezed. "Arthur!"
"Again, what's wrong Merlin?" The future king squeezed again with a little more force. "Ticklish?"
"Ah! Noho!"
Arthur couldn't hold back the grin on his face as he added in more and more squeezes.
"No! Ah! Clohotpohole!"
"You insulting me does not make me want to stop."
The future king's hands slowly squeezed upwards. "What was that?"
Merlin's laughter suddenly broke out when Arthur's hands made contact with his ribs. It didn't help that his thinner frame made it easier to grab and squeeze.
However, for all his squirming and insulting, Merlin never told Arthur to stop, nor did he try to pull away. He stayed squirming in the same place in Arthur's arms.
The future king smirked as he latched on to the spaces between Merlin's ribs. He was going slow and cautiously so he wouldn't hurt his manservant. But it was fun to make him laugh and squirm like a girl.
Why hadn't he done this sooner?
Suddenly a random idea popped in to his mind. "Merlin? How many ribs does the human body have?"
"Well why don't we see?"
After placing his hands on Merlin's bottom most ribs, Arthur squeezed. "One."
Then his hands moved to the next two. "Two."
The next rib was squeezed. "Three."
"Quiet Merlin. Now look what you've done. I've lost count and have to start all over again."
"No yohou dOHONT!"
Over and over went Arthur's hands, turning Merlin into a cackling, snorting mess.
"Ugh, I'm bored now." The future kings hands dug into Merlin's stomach. "What's hiding down here?"
The younger man squeaked as he curled into a ball.
"Ah, so it's a curling spot I see."
"Shut uhup!"
"Interesting, but not very entertaining." Arthur experimentally squeezed Merlin's hip. "What about here?"
Merlin jumped! His laughter shot up in volume and he let out a wheeze.
"Oo, that's more like it."
The younger man shoved Arthur's chest and tried to worm away but he was quickly pulled back.
"Let's see if we can find another one."
"Lehet's nohot!"
"Come now Merlin." This time Arthur's hand wormed its way into the younger man's armpit. "Didn't Hunith teach you to share?"
While not as ticklish as his hips, Merlin's armpits still produced a ton of laughter and squirms. Arthur would be lying if he said he wasn't enjoying this atleast a little bit. Merlin looked absolutely adorable and his contagious smile brought one to the future king's face too.
He decided to try one more thing before releasing the breathless younger man. Arthur leaned forward and pressed his lips against Merlin's neck before blowing hard. In response, Merlin squealed and kicked his legs just as he had for Hunith.
Once he was through, Arthur held Merlin close a little longer. "Now, if you get sassy again, I'll be forced to use same technique again."
The younger man kicked the future king's leg. "Dohont you dahare!"
"Ticklish idiot."
"Thihich headed Prahat!"
Arthur squeezed his knee. "Try that again?"
"AH! Yohou're royal prahatness!"
"That's more like it." The future king teased before playfully shoving him away. "Now come on, my armor still needs cleaning."
Merlin muttered, "Clean it yourself."
Arthur raised one eyebrow.
Merlin scurried to his feet and re-prepped the armor pieces for cleaning.
Arthur chuckled before heading out of the room. He trusted Merlin's work, but if he pushed the future king again, he may just have to use Hunith's tickle tactics all over again.
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Round 1: Brason (Jason Grace x A Brick) vs Bir-cler (Arthur Birling x Once-ler)
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No photo for Bir-cler sadly if you have one please send it via asks
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amazingmsme · 1 year
Hey Cash! I have and idea for day 4 of tickletober…
How about Lee!Tommy Shelby where someone (maybe Arthur or John) outs Tommy’s weak spots (I hc that his neck/ears and hips are his worst spots) to Alfie and Alfie just goes feral with the information. Greeting Tommy by grabbing him by the nape of his neck, squeezing his hips whenever he gets cheeky or difficult, and absolutely wrecking him when he’s in a bad mood. His brothers find this absolutely hilarious and Alfie notices that Tommy is happier and more relaxed and figures out that Tommy loves his tiggles and never lets him live it down.
It’s okay if you don’t wanna write this I just thought I’d throw it out there 🖤
We’re FINALLY gonna be getting the peaky blinders fics we deserve! Apparently we’ve all been craving some lee!thomas shelby, this’ll be my third request, but funny enough it’ll be the first one of the month! No one needs to be utterly wrecked more than him, & I think we’ve all come to the same conclusion lol
But I absolutely love Alfie, he has such a fun dynamic with the shelby brothers. I think once Arthur is finally loosening up & showing his softer side he & Alfie just really hit it off & bond over annoying Thomas, because hey, it’s really easy & it’s so much fun! & so Arthur very freely gives up the information, wearing a shit eating grin the whole time
I’m really excited for this fic, can y’all tell?
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sophiaforevs · 1 year
I am very disappointed in this website right now.
Specifically anyone who was around or participated in The Once-ler nonsense whenever it happened. For years, I have listened to y'all speak of the dark times that involved lusting after a cartoon capitalist. You go on and on about the rise and fall of this trend and how it was so big and there were so many fics written about him.
And today I realized that "The Once and Future-ler" would be a fantastic title for a Once-ler/King Arthur crossover where The Once-ler comes for Britain's trees and who should appear? Not Danny Devito with speeches. King Arthur with Excalibur being a little more demanding. But did a single one of you made that pun? No. There's not a single fic on ao3 with that title, even Googling it in quotes doesn't get me it.
The opportunity was ripe and you let it slip through your fingers.
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captainreecejames · 6 months
Wrong City - CL16 smau
in which you commit to the bit on Instagram
authors note : I hope you guys like this one! Originally it was going to be a different post every city and driver, but I didn't think that would really be enough so it became a short story on charles. Let me know if you want one on a different driver as I still have a few captions in the notes.
pairing : Charles Leclerc x FEM!reader
warnings : none
ynusername posted --------
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liked by bsfinstagram, yourmominsta and others
ynusername as the french say "soo la voo" or whatever
joris_trouche and who ate that second gelato? ↳ ynusername I had both duh 🙄🙄🙄 ↳ joris_trouche and that isn't Charles favorite flavor ↳ ynusername it's obviously my second favorite
pierregasly what??? ↳ ynusername isn't that what you say? I'm confused ↳ francisca.cgomes looks right to me ↳ ynusername thank you!
username22 quick flex in italy
username14 oh to kiss Charles leclerc in front of the trevi fountain in Rome, Italy
carlossainz55 I'm telling!!! ↳ charles_leclerc booo you whore ↳ charles_leclerc yn made me type that ↳ charles_leclerc but please don't tell
yourfriend1 did you try those gelato places I sent? ↳ ynusername yes, we agree they were so good! ↳ joris_trouche we??
username12 a woman in a white dress in italy will always have me going 🤨 ↳ username36 miss yn do you have anything you want to share with the class
username29 she's chronically on tiktok like me
landonorris get this off the tl ↳ charles_leclerc just cause youre chronically single doesn't mean we need to cater to your needs ↳ ynusername get him babe!
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liked by georgerussell63, lewishamilton and others
ynusername when in rome 🇮🇹🤪
pierregasly don't fucking piss me off ↳ ynusername oooh someone's even more sensitive than the monagasque
francisca.cgomes you are so pretty it actually hurts me ↳ ynusername babe look in a mirror ↳ francisca.cgomes our spot in 15 ↳ ynusername see you then babe
username27 oh she's committing to the bit huh ↳ charles_leclerc you have no idea ↳ username27 CHARLES HI
username83 when will it be my turn?? 😭😭
joris_trouche was the croissant good ↳ ynusername yep and I didn't share it ↳ charles_leclerc she tripped running away from me when I asked for some ↳ ynusername i thought we weren't sharing that info ↳ charles_leclerc sorry ma cherie
oscarpiastri you let that croissant touch the wall? ↳ ysusername of course not, what do you take me for? a loser
lorenzotl hope you had a good time ↳ ynusername we did <3
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liked by yukitsunoda0511, pierregasly and others
ynusername what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas
username71 can't wait for the Vegas post now
username26 okay now she's teasing us about Vegas '19 ↳ username38 LER US KNOWWWWW
arthurleclerc bestie!!! ↳ ynusername little bro!!! ↳ arthurleclerc 😑🤧
username45 she really is feeding us with boyfriend charles content ↳ username28 I know, thank you yn. 🙏🏼🙏🏼
bsfinstagram she's everything, he's just there ↳ charles_leclerc accepting my role as trophy husband ↳ bsfinstagram husband 🤨🤨 ↳ charles_leclerc you know what I mean 😑
username74 now why are Arthur and BSF being weird ↳ username90 asking the right questions cause why are they being weird 🤨
alex_albon stop kissing on the tl, there are kids here ↳ ynusername weird to use third person but to each their own ↳ alex_albon im talking about logan
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liked by scuderiaferrari, lilymhe and others
ynusername you know I love a monaco boy 🇲🇨
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username63 Ma'am, you simply cannot post this then disappear
charles_leclerc ma cherie 🤍 ↳ ynusername you called?
lewishamilton congrats! ↳ ynusername thank you sir lewis. ❤️❤️
sebastianvettel wishing you two all the best ↳ ynusername thanks seb, from both of us
scuderiaferrari can't wait to welcome mrs. leclerc to the paddock!
username20 that post race glow hit so hard they got married
username30 yn please tell us he didn't wear that to the chapel ↳ ynusername he looked very handsome at the chapel, don't worry ↳ username30 that somehow doesn't make me feel better. was he wearing a costume?
tomholland2013 congrats you two! ↳ zendaya i guess our invites got lost in the mail? ↳ ynusername reception soon!!
yourmominsta my beautiful girl and handsome son-in-law ↳ ynusername love you mama ↳ charles_leclerc love you maman
username93 when she goes from the g in wag to the w >>
olliebearman you look amazing yn! congrats ❤️ ↳ ynusername awww thank you ollie ❤️
maxverstappen1 congratulations, no inchidents hopefully? ↳ ynusername you just can't let it go, huh? 😭 ↳ maxverstappen1 nope, little leclercs will know this story from my point of view ↳ ysusername please slow down 😐
lilymhe party soon? ↳ ynusername yes! I need a proper bachelorette party
username29 wait this wasn't planned?? ↳ username22 girl, vegas weddings are not really ever planned ↳ username29 yeah but when did he propose to her? if they didn't even have time for the bach parties, then i don't think they thought about this at all, makes me sad. you don't get married on a whim ↳ username22 take a breath. this is not your relationship ↳ username94 also they've been together for years, so this really isn't something out of the blue. plus they've joked about getting married on twitter and insta before, so it's something they both wanted. not that any of this is really our business
bonus post
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liked by ynusername, andferrari007 and others
charles_leclerc and ynusername forever
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kazsas · 21 days
seventeen universitário
oii👋 aqui é kaz!
desculpa pelo sumiço, minha rotina tá uma bagunça que mal tenho tempo de entrar aquiKKKKK vou tentar ser mais ativa e responder as asks que me mandaram!
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fez um tecnólogo em Empreendedorismo e focou entrar na área de Administração Empresarial; fez o curso quase que a pulso; trader de dia e boyzinho de choppada de noite; o típico cara que fica no canto do bar com os amigos fumando um cigarro caçando alguém pra dar uns beijinhos.
estudante de Direito que sempre ganha nos debates por ter MUITA lábia; entrou no curso já sabendo que ia se tornar advogado criminalista; todas as meninas do curso já tiveram/tem um crush nele (às vezes até as docentes); aquele colega de grupo que vai te mandar mensagens às 04 da manhã com link de artigo sobre o trabalho.
está no 5 semestre de Pedagogia; o queridinho dos professores orientadores e crush de vários alunos do departamento; é focado em se tornar educador infantil, mas às vezes o cargo de supervisor de ensino lhe chama.
formado em Odontologia com especialização em Radiologia Odontológica e Imaginologia; trabalha na clínica do pai e o mesmo sempre o exibe pra todos os clientes; nunca mais conseguiu ir em um date sem reparar na arcada dentária da pessoa; as crianças adoram tirar raio x com ele.
quinto semestre de Dança; o maior hater da matéria de Comportamento Motor já visto (quase pegou DP); vai tentar ensinar uma coreografia aleatória no meio do rolê só pra fazer todo mundo rir; tá sempre indo na sala de Fisioterapia pra ganhar massagem de graça usando a desculpa que tá ajudando os colegas.
no 4 semestre de Tecnologia em Jogos Digitais; senta-se na frente porque não enxerga um palmo a sua frente; o estereótipo de nerd tímido; nunca esquece a data de entrega dos trabalhos por conta do hiperfoco que cria neles.
bacharel em Música e faz especialização em Engenharia de Áudio e Produção Musical; aluno destaque do departamento pela sua dedicação; quase não conversa com a galera do curso mas tem uma boa relação com todo mundo; vira e mexe faz uns freela como produtor.
no 3 semestre do bacharelado em Teatro e AMA a formação; sempre é visto andando pelo campus a galera do departamento de música e dança; só faltou ter explodido de felicidade quando foi escalado para ser o Rei Arthur no quinto título de Lancelote-Graal; vive de rolinho com as meninas do curso de Cinema.
o estudante de Educação Física que só entrou no curso pra ter mais um motivo pra ir para a academia; faz parte da atlética e todo semestre tenta puxar uns calouros pra participar também; o único universitário do planeta que gosta do estágio (natação infantil).
graduando de Fotografia, acabou de entregar o seu belíssimo TCC sobre "Fotografia publicitária e Moda"; era o terror dos colegas na apresentação de trabalho por sempre entregar fotos magníficas; pensava em trancar a faculdade pelo menos umas 15 vezes por semestre.
no 6 semestre de Jornalismo; toda semana ele diz para os colegas que vai trancar o curso e não aguenta mais (nunca trancou); fez umas aulas experimentais de fotografia e se apaixonou; inimigo da timidez e realiza TODOS os trabalhos de pesquisa de campo entrevistando estranhos na rua; estagia como cinegrafista pra filial de uma rede de TV.
o aluno mais são do curso do Marketing; ninguém sabe como ele passa os semestres sendo que toda aula ele tá no barzinho na frente da faculdade; o maior hater da matéria de economia; quer fazer marketing de influência, mas sempre acaba indo pro lado de mídia social.
toda vez que ele fala que tá no último semestre de Moda as pessoas não acreditam; a pessoa que você deve procurar caso precise de uma agulha (sempre tem uma perdida na bolsa, já furou os dedos mil vezes por causa disso); trabalha com consultoria de moda e quase infartou com os uniformes das Olimpíadas; discípulo de Vivienne Westwood.
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muito muito muito obrigada por ler até aqui!
lembrando que sugestões, elogios, críticas, ameaças, etc podem ser postadas nos comentários!
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I have decided to go back to my TumblrClan version. I have gathered my notes and compiled my ideas here. Next I'll work on the character refs
I do not have names for all the characters yet, so suggestions would be appreciated. Same goes for titles (to make them more tumblr-esque) :
Leader : Evilmariostar (a male cat who looks like Mario, but evil) (based on Evilmario666)
Deputy : Blogclaw (a dark blue female cat with a "t" shaped spot on her forehead)
Medicine cat : Blorboheart (calico female cat with heart-shaped spots)
Girlbloggers (Hunters) : Since Tumblrclan is such a large clan, girlbloggers are often put together in factions called "fandoms" (short for "faction of the kingdom"). These fandoms are composed of a minimum of two girlbloggers. However, there is no limit as of a fandom size, which means that some fandoms, such as the Homestuck fandom, can grow quite large. There is a special fandom called the Sexymen fandom. They are the elite of Tumblrclan, and only few of them are accepted in.
Girlbloggers of the Internet fandom :
- Horsefall : a clumsy brown male cat (based on plinko horse)
- Mouseface an invasive yellow male cat with red cheeks (based on the pikaman)
- Shoelacetail : a black and white cat with green eyes. His tail looks like a shoelace (tumblrclansona)
- Skypelt : a female cat with the fur the color of the sky
- Leeksong : A popular turquoise female cat with a beautiful singing voice (based on Hatsune Miku)
Girlbloggers of the Sexymen fandom :
- Oncewhisker : a black and white cat, wearing green sunglasses and a top hat (based on the Once-Ler/Greed-Ler)
- Radiohost : A strange purple male cat (based on Cecil Palmer)
- (other Tumblr sexymen)
Girlbloggers of the SuperWhoLock fandom :
- Ghosthunter (a dark brown cat) (based on Dean)
- Moosepelt (a light brown cat with moose antlers) (based on Sam)
- Angelfeather (a black cat with white sports that look like wings on his back) (based on Castiel)
- Timeywimey (a brown cat wearing a fez, a bowtie, 3d glasses and a long scarf) (based on the Doctor)
- (Rose)
- (Sherlock)
- (John)
Girlbloggers of the Homestuck fandom :
- (Homestuck characters)
Girlbloggers of the Hetalia fandom :
- (Hetalia characters)
Girlbloggers of the Hannibal fandom :
- (Hannibal)
- (Will)
Girlbloggers of the Merlin fandom :
- (Merlin)
- (Arthur)
- (Gwen)
- (Morgana)
Girlbloggers of the Colors fandom :
- (Purple)
- (Turquoise)
- (Magenta)
- (Aquamarine)
- (Black)
- (White)
Smol beans (apprentices) :
- Blazepaw (a ginger male cat with a loud voice and white fire markings)
- Bluepaw (a light blue female cat with black markings)
- Crabpaw (a ginger male cat with sharp claws)
Queens : Dashpelt (sister of Blogclaw, mother of the three smol beans) (light blue female cat with a "t" shaped spot over her eye)
Elders : Fandomheart (grandfather of the 3 smol beans, father of Blogclaw and Dashpelt) (a dark brown, white and grey cat with a "t" shaped spot on his forehead)
Others : Tweetsong (Twittypet) (a small, light blue female cat with white markings)
"Hunting" is called "posting"
A "warrior's name" is called an "url"
"StarClan" is called "FandomClan"
"Cats" are called "tumblrinas"
"Kittens" are called "little meow meows"
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* 𝐎𝐍𝐂𝐄 𝐔𝐏𝐎𝐍 𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐓 𝐎𝐍𝐄𝐒. aperte os cintos, levaremos você a um mundo novo em 29/03.
(Limpa a garganta) Era uma vez... É difícil dizer exatamente como o Mundo das Histórias surgiu (embora vocês possam, sim, acessar a nossa Biblioteca Virtual e lerem sobre a versão mais conhecida que saiu da boca do próprio Merlin... que eu não acredito tanto assim, mas tudo bem! Sou só eu!). Para os seus habitantes — aquela gente que vocês devem conhecer como "personagens", mas em breve vocês vão aprender que esse termo é bastante pejorativo por aqui! — ele sempre existiu com as suas próprias regras que nenhum deles ousava descumprir, nem o mais destemperado — digo, vilanesco, deles. Eram regras simples, na verdade. Ou talvez nem tanto assim, mas eu vou simplificar para vocês. O Mundo das Histórias é dividido em centenas de reinos repletos de habitantes das mais diversas espécies, com suas culturas próprias. Cada reino é responsável por um livro, o livro das histórias que deram vida ao seu reino. E todos os livros são extremamente sagrados, guardados pela magia mais poderosa conhecida até hoje que os protege de todo e qualquer mal. Ou melhor, de toda e qualquer alteração.
Muitos já tentaram roubar os livros, é claro! Imagine você descobrir que o motivo de estar debaixo da ponte, morando de aluguel, é por causa de um livro que definiu que Fulaninha seria a mocinha boazinha (e você nem sabe porquê, já que ela é meio sem sal), Ciclaninho Encantado seria o príncipe charmoso (que nem é tão bonito assim) que salvaria a Fulaninha da inveja de Beltrana, a bruxa cheia de poderes (e problemas psicológicos também), e eles viveriam felizes para sempre (ok, a Beltrana nem tão feliz assim...) enquanto você, o Ninguém-De-Tal, só existe para... Para nada! Você só está ali porque um reino não é um reino sem pessoas morando nele, assim como um "filme" não é um "filme" sem seus "figurantes" ("desculpem" o uso de aspas, eu não "acredito" nesse tal de "mundo real", mas quis falar a "língua" de "vocês"). Então, basicamente, você é um "figurante" na história dessas pessoas... E tudo bem, porque você tem a sua casa cottagecore, a sua ovelha de estimação e o seu casamento arranjado com o seu vizinho, mas se você conseguisse colocar as mãos naquele livro e riscasse o nome de Fulaninha para colocar o seu no lugar... Tudo mudaria.
Então, sim! Entre figurantes e vilões infelizes para sempre, muitos tentaram colocar as mãos nos livros de seus reinos e alterar o percurso da vida de todo mundo. Eles não conseguiram, é claro, porque como eu disse um pouco antes: os livros são protegidos por uma magia impenetrável, criada por Merlin (caso estejam se perguntando: "quem é esse cara?!", é só ler na Biblioteca Virtual). Além disso, a primeiríssima lei da Constituição Mágica declara ser proibido alterar qualquer livro das histórias, não podendo mudar nem mesmo uma vírgula de lugar.
Acontece que, um dia, as histórias mudaram sem uma explicação. Posso garantir que foi da noite para o dia. Nós fomos dormir e acordamos com dezenas de habitantes novos em nossos reinos... Alguns estavam até pelados e ensaboados! Foi um horror. Eles não sabiam o que estavam fazendo aqui e nós não entendíamos o porquê de estarem aqui... Ao mesmo tempo, nós sabíamos quem eles deveriam ser. O cara peladão ensaboado? Ele deveria ser o novo Rei Legítimo! Bem na frente da salada do Arthur! A garota ali no canto? Ela é uma tal de irmã da Branca de Neve... que não existia até duas horas atrás! O caos foi tão grande que até os vilões subiram lá de MalvaTopia para protestarem as mudanças nas suas próprias histórias (fala sério, os coitados já eram até aposentados do IMSS!) e no final do dia, Branca de Neve e a Rainha Má estavam dando as mãos e exigindo uma explicação em frente ao Palácio da Magia.
Os ânimos não acalmaram nem um pouco quando Merlin apareceu para dizer que ele, Ele mesmo, o Grande Poderoso e Grande Sabe Tudo, também não sabia o que estava acontecendo. Não houve nenhum roubo e nenhum ataque mágico. A Defesa Mágica investigou cada um dos livros e descobriu que eles permaneciam fisicamente intocados apesar de todas as alterações internas. Ao que tudo indicava, ninguém dentro daquele mundo havia alterado os livros.
Mas alguém havia os alterado. Alguém lá de fora... Do mundo de onde todas essas pessoas vieram. Merlin precisaria descobrir o culpado e dar um jeito de restaurar o equilíbrio das histórias antes que consequências graves se espalhassem pelos dois mundos. Mas enquanto isso, habitantes clássicos do Mundo das Histórias e habitantes novos, agora conhecidos como perdidos, precisariam aprender a conviver em harmonia uns com os outros, adaptando-se às suas novas vidas e novas histórias porque talvez, só taaaalvez, todo esse problema não tivesse solução.
Portanto, assim como o Deus cristão criou o mundo em sete dias, Merlin criou o Reino dos Perdidos em sete segundos e prendeu todo mundo lá! Quero dizer, pediu carinhosamente para que todos ficassem por lá até que tudo se resolvesse... E, bom, é aqui, nesse reino, que a nossa história começa.
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fickle-tiction · 1 year
Lee: Bruce
Ler: Clark
Spot: Knees
I am incapable of writing only 3 sentences. Enjoy a tiny drabble with no real ending:
If anyone else’s chair was pressed up against Bruce’s he would have separated them, but he knew Clark would just scoot back over to him. Loudly. Drawing everyone’s attention. So Bruce mentally shrugged it off and took his seat, resigning himself to the fact that they would be knocking knees under the table for the next hour.
Three minutes into the meeting Bruce felt a weight settle onto his left knee. If he were anyone else he would have turned in his seat to stare at Clark, but instead he ignored it in favor of chiming in with his thoughts on their lack of focus in the field.
“Barry, yesterday you almost knocked Arthur off his feet because you weren’t aware of your surroundings.”
“How did you see that?” Barry asked, eyes wide even as he shrank in his seat at the unimpressed look Bruce was shooting his way.
“What is the point in forming this team if we aren’t working together?”
At least Clark was kind enough to let Bruce finish his spiel before he began squeezing the muscle above his knee. Bruce’s breath stuttered as every muscle in his body locked up, spine ramrod straight as he stared at the papers on the table in front of him.
“I agree.” It was as if Clark wasn’t slowly tickling the muscle above Bruce’s knee as he spoke. “Bruce-” A particularly hard squeeze that would have sent anyone else jolting out of their seat. Bruce’s heartrate picked up, but he didn’t acknowledge it beyond that. “-is right. We need to train more.”
57 minutes.
The meeting went on for 57 minutes.
It was the longest Bruce had ever gone without voicing his opinion. If that wasn’t enough to draw everyone’s attention, the dark red flush steadily climbing it’s way up his throat and into his cheeks did the trick.
“That’s all for today.” Diana concluded. “Unless anyone has anything they would like to add?” It was clearly directed at Bruce, but he didn’t look up from trying to glare a hole through the table. “Meeting adjourned.”
Clark flew out of the room fast enough to send the papers on the table flying into the air in his wake. Bruce’s entire body slumped and he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“What the hell was he doing under the table?” Arthur didn’t even try to keep his voice down. Nor did Barry try to pass off the gagging sound he made in response as anything but disgust.
“He’s a fucking dead man.” Bruce’s eyes met Diana’s, and a smirk slowly stole it’s way across her face. Oh. Oh. That explained the tension in Bruce’s body, and the blush still staining his cheeks. It also explained why Clark flew out of there, knowing Bruce would try and take him out as soon as the opportunity presented itself.
“It would be my honor to assist you.”
“OhMyGod Please stop talking.” Barry groaned, cheeks flushed a healthy pink color.
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itacoisa · 3 months
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23 de junho de 2024. Domingo.
Quando decidi compartilhar minhas leituras neste fracassado perfil desta vazia rede social, não imaginava que também serviria como um incentivo para ler. Por isso, decidi voltar. Estou precisando de um gás após uma leitura pra lá de decepcionante...
Então, para botar em dia o assunto acumulado nestes 6 meses que fiquei off, vou comentar as poucas leituras que fiz esse ano:
1. Palavras de Radiância de Brandon Sanderson: Por enquanto, o livro do ano. Amei que foi mais focado na minha personagem preferida (Sharlan Davar) e me deixou muito empolgado para o terceiro livro. No começo deste ano fiz uns posts (bem mais ou menos) comentando a leitura, por isso não vou me estender.
2. O Problema dos Três Corpos de Cixin Liu: Quando terminei a leitura, dei 4 estrelas. Só que, desde então, eu penso tanto nesse livro, que acho que ele merecia as 5! Em resumo, a história narra as consequências do contato da raça humana com uma civilização alienígena. Tem uma vibe bem Arthur C. Clarke, só que melhor! O começo você fica bem perdido, mas mesmo não entendendo nada, não conseguia deixar o livro de lado, queria muito saber o que aconteceria. E o que falar daquele final? Desesperador. Esse livro já nasceu como um clássico e é melhor do que qualquer clássico de sci-fi perdido por aí.
3. Death Note #5: Olha... Nesse momento em que tenho que escrever sobre esse volume, percebi que ele não foi muito marcante, já que nem lembro o que aconteceu, haha. É mais do mesmo, mas sem prejudicar a série do mangá. Falta apenas um volume para terminar a saga e... não sei o que achar. Sinceramente, acho que superestimei um pouco esses mangás... Mais tarde, quando concluir a série, eu penso mais sobre isso.
4. Moby Dick de Herman Melville: A meta de leituras que estipulei esse ano foi de apenas 12 livros lidos, já que a intenção era ler alguns calhamaços que estavam empacados na estante... Mas já mudei de ideia. Eu demorei uns 3 meses para terminar Moby Dick e nem gostei tanto assim... Para cada capítulo MUITO BOM, existem dois tediosos. Assim, considerando que esse livro tem umas 700 páginas, conclui-se que a leitura não foi tão prazerosa assim... Talvez a tradução tenha uma parcela de culpa e até mesmo a minha falta de tempo, mas, de qualquer forma, ele foi bem decepcionante.
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Por causa do impacto de Moby Dick, decidi mudar de rota e evitar as leituras dos calhamaços em 2024. O foco agora é ler o que estou a fim mesmo (e sem gastar nada). Inclusive, esse ano estou bem controlado nas minhas compras, só comprei as continuações de Os problemas dos três corpos e Death Note.
Para finalizar, já que falei sobre metas, esse ano ainda pretendo ler O Processo do Kafka, além de iniciar o #embuscadosuspensedoano2024. E é isso, beijos.
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booklovershouse · 1 month
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Oi oi oi, booklovers!
Um post um tiquinho "diferentão", já que nunca falamos dos meus autores preferidos em específico :)
Não são muuuuuitos não, mas ainda assim, vale a pena falar sobre eles, afinal, quem foi que teve o trabalho de escrever os livrinhos que tanto amamos?
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A Paulinha virou minha autora preferida lá em 2019 e foi a primeira a ocupar o posto, permanecendo em primeiro lugar até meados de 2023 - desanimei um pouco depois do filme de FMF, confesso.
Eu li quase tudo dela na biblioteca do colégio (ou seja, os dois primeiros de MVFS, todos de FMF, Um Ano Inesquecível e dois da trilogia das princesas), então só comprei FMF lado B e os quadrinhos, fora Princesa das Águas e MVFS3.
Em resumo, ainda faltam os livros de crônicas e os dois últimos de Minha Vida Fora de Série - que eu não pretendo ler nem tão cedo kkkkkk sorry Pri 🥲
Meu queridinho da Paula é Minha Vida Fora de Série, mas Princesa Adormecida também está favoritado em consideração à minha eu de 12 anos.
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Marissa Meyer é uma das minhas novas autoras favoritas. Em 2023 li quase todos os livros dela, exceto a duologia Áureo/Maldição e, é claro, os que não foram traduzidos, pois além de não ser 100% bilíngue, sou pobre kkkkkkkkrying
Favoritei quatro livros dela. E o pior é que eles são enormes, com umas 500 páginas e eu li em uns 2-3 dias kkkkkkk muito eficiente.
Fiquei super feliz quando minha reserva de Renegados caiu justamente no meu aniversário no ano passado! Quase morri de alegria, não poderia ser melhor. A felicidade está nas pequenas coisas gente, a felicidade está nas pequenas coisas :)
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Conheci a Kézia recentemente, apesar de ter uns livros dela juntando poeira online há algum tempo. Acho que meu primeiro lido foi Cecília Vargas que é um cozy mistery bem legal e, além disso, estou super ansiosa para ler a nova versão 🙃
Meu favorito dela é Brilhante como Ouro, mesmo que meu interesse por Eldorado seja igual ao meu interesse por Atlântida (ou seja, nulo), amei a história e a ideia da cidade do ouro estar escondida no Brasil. Isso sem contar meu novo crush literário.
Podem ter certeza que vou ler toda e qualquer coisa que ela publicar, inclusive o livro que ela está escrevendo atualmente.
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Eu sou apaixonada pelo Sherlock Holmes e demorei meio século pra decidir ler, pq só vim sair da minha zona de conforto literária (romance teen) em 2022.
Mas enfim, a saga do Sherlock tem 4 livros (Um Estudo em Vermelho, O Cão dos Baskerville, O Vale do Medo e O Signo dos Quatro) e 56 contos - li todos 🫠 meu preferido é O Cão dos Baskerville, amei o Watson tendo seu momento de brilhar kkkkk
Porém, nem só de Sherlock Holmes viveu o caro Arthur Conan Doyle. Outros livros dele são O Mundo Perdido e alguns contos de mistério/terror, mas eu parei no Sherlock mesmo. Mesmo assim, o autor está aqui porque a escrita dele é ✨genial✨
Bom, é isso, caros booklovers! Post curtinho pra vcs hj, pra quem tá cansado dos quilométricos kkkkkk
👒| Mas me conta aí, quais são seus autores preferidos?
Bjs e boas leiturassss <33333
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trashyswitch · 10 months
Chapter 21: The Tickle Community Flags
Luigi and Mario head home from their dinner with their family. Mario learns about the tickle community flags, while Luigi learns how to be honest about what tickles he desires.
They are back! This fanfic will talk a slight bit about the fetish community, but only about the flags. And I promise that this time, Luigi doesn't have an opinion on the whole thing. He's just neutral, and that's how it'll stay. I hope you enjoy.
After they got home, Mario and Luigi plopped themselves onto the couch for a few moments. “Gosh…What a night…” Mario muttered breathlessly. 
Strangely enough, Luigi didn’t respond to his brother. In fact, the only answer Mario got from his brother was pre-recorded laughter coming from Luigi’s phone. 
Mario turned to look at Luigi, immediately recognizing the laughter. He leaned in to look at the video, and started laughing softly as he watched the funny video of Uncle Arthur and Uncle Tony tickling the hell out of their Papa. “I always knew Papa was ticklish, but…not this ticklish.” Mario added. 
Luigi giggled. “I know, right?! Makes me wanna get him back for all those years of him playing the tickle monster.” Luigi admitted. 
Mario chuckled. “I might just offer to help you.” Mario added. 
Luigi looked at Mario with surprise. “Wait, really?!” Luigi reacted. 
“Well, yeah. Revenge was bound to happen eventually, right?” Mario added. 
Luigi chuckled. “True…” 
Mario turned to look at Luigi. “You said you had flags to show me?” Mario asked. 
Luigi nodded and hummed, pulling up the picture for the ticklee flag. “This was the flag I was gonna show you first.” Luigi admitted as he showed his phone to Mario. 
Mario looked at the picture and smiled. “Usually the colors mean something. What do they mean?” Mario asked. 
Luigi chuckled and looked at Mario. “The dark blue and turquoise colors are supposed to represent trust and security.” He said. “I don’t know which represents which, but I do know for sure that the yellow line in the middle represents laughter.” Luigi added, pointing to the yellow stripe in the middle. 
Mario nodded and smiled as he scrolled down. “What about red and pink?” Mario asked. 
“The red and pink and yellow flag is the tickler flag. I think the red represents excitement, and the pink represents playfulness.” Luigi admitted. 
And the blue, turquoise, yellow, pink and red flag represents switches?” Mario asked with a smirk. 
“Y-Yes.” Luigi replied. 
Mario smiled and pointed to the Tumblr. “Who’s @your-fav-loves-tickles?” Mario asked. 
“Oh! They came up with the flags. They also used to upload these pictures of characters with their respective flags on it, stating that ‘this character is a [blank]’.” Luigi explained. “For example: “Freddy Fazbear is a lee.” Luigi explained. 
“Is that confirmed?” Mario asked. 
Luigi shrugged his shoulders. “I think Tumblr deleted their account, sadly…” Luigi admitted. 
Mario clicked his tongue. “That sucks…” Mario muttered. 
“But the flag post has been reblogged so much through the community, that…no one has forgotten the creator.” Luigi added. “We can’t open their Tumblr anymore, but we know their name.” Luigi mentioned. 
Mario smiled and clicked the back button on Google, and tilted his head when he saw them. “Is this…” Mario turned Luigi’s phone to show him the light purple and dark purple striped flag with feathers on it. And beside it, was a dark blue and black striped flag with red feathers on it. 
Luigi hummed. “Right, that’s the tickle fetish flag.” Luigi replied. 
Mario hummed. “Fetish flag?” Mario asked. Luigi nodded his head. “Yup. Some people like tickling for different reasons. Some people like it for innocent reasons, some people like it for sexual reasons.” Luigi explained. “And some people like it for both.” Luigi explained. 
Mario looked at the flags. “So these lee, ler and switch flags don’t represent both sides?” Mario asked. 
“Nope. The NSFW side has its own set of flags.” Luigi told him. 
Mario nodded his head and looked up [tickle flag] on his own phone. “Which flag do you go by?” Mario asked. 
“The switch flag.” Luigi replied. “What about you?” Luigi asked with a smile. 
Mario looked up at Luigi. “I’m not really part of the community.” Mario admitted. 
“But you’re an ally.” Luigi added. 
Mario chuckled. “I guess…but…” Mario muttered. 
Luigi smiled. “That counts, Mario. Just like with the LGBTQ+ community, we need ally’s just as much as we need members.” Luigi told him. “In fact, in this community, we’re in dire need of ally’s.” Luigi added. 
Mario smiled and clicked something on his screen. “Switch flag: printed.” Mario said as he got up. 
Luigi watched as Mario got up off the couch. “Printed?? For what?” Luigi asked. 
Mario smiled. “For representation.” Mario told him. “You deserve a tickle pride flag on your wall.” Mario told him. 
Luigi smiled brightly and got up off the couch. He ran to the kitchen, grabbed the scissors and removed some pieces of tape while Mario took the paper off the printer and cut out the switch pride flag. Placing it upside down in front of his brother, Luigi rolled the tape pieces up and placed the tape pieces onto the back of the paper, before putting the paper flag up onto the wall. “There.” Luigi said, smiling as he looked at the wall. 
“It’s perfect.” Mario said with a smile. “But…One more thing:” Mario taped something else up on the wall. “There. Now it’s perfect.” Mario said before crossing his arms. 
Luigi looked at the wall and blushed deeply upon seeing it…It was the purple feather from back when they were at the daycare. Luigi sighed and rubbed his arm as a wobbly smile grew onto his face. 
Mario giggled. “Did I put you in a lee mood?” Mario asked. 
Luigi whined and covered his mouth. “Noooo.” Luigi muttered. 
Mario smirked and leaned in. “You wouldn’t happen to be lying now…would you?” Mario asked. 
Luigi uncovered his right eye using his fingers, and looked down. “.....Maaaybe…” Luigi muttered next. 
Mario giggled and wiggled his fingers at him. “Tickle tickle~” he teased. 
Luigi squeaked and covered his eyes again, shaking his head. “Nooohohohooo.” Luigi whimpered. 
“Tickle tickle tickle~” Mario teased again, bringing his fingers closer to Luigi while wiggling his fingers slightly faster. 
Luigi let out a few squeaky giggles and doubled over slightly, bending his knees while he slightly curled himself up like an adorable hedgehog. 
“What’s another tease…Oh! Coochy coochy coo~!” Mario teased, poking Luigi��s right side. 
Luigi squeaked and uncovered his face, curling away from the finger before giggling from pure bashfulness. “EEEheheheeee! Mahario nooo!” Luigi begged. 
“Okay.” Mario replied, stopping. “But what about the ears?” He asked, bringing his hand up to Luigi’s left ear. 
Despite the visible need to move away, Luigi pushed through and let Mario’s finger tickle against his ear. “Swirly-swirly-swirly-swirrrrl~” Mario teased. 
Luigi let out many squeaky giggles, snorting occasionally. “Heeheeheeheehee! *snort* Nuhuhuhuuuu!” Luigi giggled. 
“Ooohoho, but yes!!” Mario then did the unthinkable: He started scratching on the back part of Luigi’s ear…
And Luigi squealed super loudly and curled his neck, before giggling all hysterically. “HAHAHAhahahahaha! Whyhyhy thehehehere?!” Luigi asked, skittering away and holding the back of his ear. 
Mario chuckled. “Because someone mentioned they liked being tickled there.” Mario reminded him. “Someone I happen to know very, very well…” he added. 
Luigi bit his lip and looked down. The difficult part was…he had a point. He had a big point. He had told Mario on Monday night that he loved ear tickles. And…he was going to either regret saying it, or be thankful for saying it. Or maybe a mix of both…who knows. 
Luigi let out a breath. “Okahahahay.” Luigi replied. 
Mario stopped tickling. “Okay what? Okay ‘that’s enough’? Or ‘okay I want more’?” Mario asked next. 
“The…the second option.” Luigi admitted. 
“What was the second option again?” Mario asked, acting completely oblivious. 
Luigi whined and audibly groaned. “Mario, Stoooop!” Luigi whined. 
“I’m not doing anything! I’m just asking you to clarify what you mean by ‘the second option’.” Mario told him. 
Luigi grunted and covered his face. “You suck.” Luigi muttered. 
“Like a vacuum?” Mario teased. 
Luigi couldn’t stop the laugh that left his mouth. “No, like a leaf blower.” Luigi replied. 
Mario laughed a bit at that. “Well, I don’t know how else to explain this: Tell me what you want, and where you want it.” Mario told him. 
“Ihi wahahant more tickles…on my ears.” Luigi told him. 
“Very well!” Mario walked up and started tickling his right ear gently with his fingers. “Ear tickles coming right up.” 
Luigi snorted right away and tilted his head towards the fingers, giggling and showing off his dorky, toothy smile right away. “Ohohoho gohohohosh! Hahahahahaha!” Luigi laughed. 
Mario smiled and tickled around the crevices and folds of Luigi’s ears. “Coochy coochy coochy coo, Luigi~!” Mario teased. “Listen to that perfect little Lee-uigi laugh!” Mario teased. 
Luigi could feel the warm blush on his face heating up upon hearing that. Baby teases?! AND nicknames?! Why must he do this to him?! What part made him start teasing in this fashion?! Was it the fact that he lied before?! Is his brother looking for an apology from him for lying to him?! 
“Yohohohou’re beheheing uhuhunfahahair!” Luigi reacted. 
Mario smirked. “Oh I am, am I?” Mario teased. 
“Yeheah!” Luigi replied rather confidently considering the circumstances. 
Mario shook his head. “If this is unfair…” Mario then laid Luigi down onto the floor and gently placed his hand onto Luigi’s cheek to keep his head turned to the side. With his head effectively immobilized, Mario started dragging his finger very slowly around the folds of his ear. “Then THIS must be SUPER unfair.” Mario added in actuality.
Luigi started wiggling his limbs around and giggling in short spurts as he struggled to cope with such slow, overwhelmingly evil tickles. To make matters worse (or better), Luigi’s head was being held down in a position that limited his movements from the shoulders up. So even if he wanted to shake his head, he just couldn’t. The fact that Mario had the palm of his hand flat against the cheek with his fingers on the facial muscles surrounding the ear…it was something only a skilled tickle community member could possibly come up with. There had to be something he wasn’t telling him. Because no person ever masters a skill in a week! How can someone outside of the community know so many tickle strategies in so little time?! 
“Ihihihi’m sohohorryhyhy.” Luigi admitted. 
“For what? You didn’t do anything.” Mario asked next. 
Luigi looked at him. “Yohou’re not-” Luigi moved Mario’s hand away from his ear. He tried his best to keep talking despite his face being pushed down somewhat. “You’re not mad that I lied to you earlier?” Luigi asked. 
Mario tilted his head. “You lied to me? When?” Mario asked, genuinely forgetting. He removed his hand from Luigi’s cheek, letting Luigi turn his head back forward. 
“Wh-…” Luigi looked up and bit his lip. “When I said I wasn’t in a lee mood…and then you said ‘are you lying to me’.” Luigi admitted. 
Mario chuckled. “No. I’m not mad about that at all.” Mario admitted. “I know that you lie when you want to be tickled.” Mario said. “You…You seriously thought I was gonna be mad at you for that?” Mario asked. 
Luigi bit his lip and nodded his head. “If you were mad…then I might get tickled more…” Luigi admitted. 
Mario chuckled and closed his eyes as he shook his head with a smile. “Luigi…you wanted ear tickles, right? That’s what I was giving you. Do you want me to continue? Or do you wanna go to bed?” Mario asked him. 
Luigi smiled and turned his head to the left side again. “A couple more minutes…then I can go to bed.” Luigi told him. 
“Hear you loud and clear!” Mario placed his right hand on Luigi’s right ear. But then, Mario moved Luigi’s head forward so his head was straight. With the head straightened out, Mario placed the left fingers on his left ear and started to skitter. “How about I do both ears this time?” Mario asked. 
Luigi jumped and started letting out squeaky giggles with snorts in between. “EEEheeehee! *snort* Ohoho- *snort* Ohohoho gohosh! *snort* Heeheehehehe!” Luigi giggled. 
“Which ear tickles more? The right?” Mario tickled the right ear only.
Luigi snorted and covered his mouth instinctively, not wanting Mario to hear his snort. “MMMHMHMHMHmhmhmhmmm!” Luigi let out a muffled whine. 
“Hey!” Mario tickled his fingers onto the skin right behind the ear. “No covering up your laugh. You know this.” Mario ordered as he booped his nose. 
Luigi squeezed his eyes shut as he uncovered his mouth. “NAHAHAHA!” Luigi cackled. When Mario moved his right fingers back onto the right ear, He went back to calmer laughter. “Hahahahaha! HEheheheheheee!” Luigi giggled. 
“Alright, good. What about the left?” Mario asked, tickling his left ear alone with his left hand. “Does the left tickle more?” He asked. 
Luigi snorted yet again. “HAhahahahaha! Kihihindahaha? Ihihi thihihink?” Luigi replied. 
“I see.” Mario replied. 
Luigi did all he could to not cover up his mouth. He didn’t want the secret spot to be tickled again. Not yet, anyway. But when I say it was hard, it was REALLY hard. To the point that Luigi’s laughter sounded slightly strained, and not entirely freeing. And it didn’t take long for Mario to notice this. He stopped his hands. “You look like you’re struggling. Do you want me to keep your hands out of the way for you? Or do you want to be allowed to cover your mouth?” Mario asked. 
Luigi looked up at Mario and thought for a moment. “Just…I think I want to cover my mouth.” Luigi admitted. 
Mario nodded his head and straightened Luigi’s head. “Let’s give this a try.” Mario told him as he started to flutter his fingers on the ear. 
Luigi giggled and started snorting almost right away. “HEhehehehehe- *snort* HAHAhahahaha! *snort* Gahahahahaha-” Luigi finally covered his mouth and continued giggling while muffling them with his hand. 
“So cute…” Mario teased. “I can’t wait to tell Peach about this tomorrow.” Mario teased. 
Luigi uncovered his mouth. “Wahahahait- Ahahabout whahahahat?” Luigi asked. 
“About how adorable you are!” Mario replied. “Buhuhut- shehehe knohows thahahat.” Luigi replied. 
“So you admit it?” Mario asked with a chuckle. “You admit that you’re cute?” Mario clarified. 
Luigi whined and covered his face, growing more and more embarrassed. “Mmmhmhmhmhmhmm.” Luigi muffled. 
Mario smirked and poked his belly button. “You didn’t answer me.” He told him. Luigi screeched and covered his belly, doubling over and laughing. “You admit that you’re adorable?” Mario asked again, grabbing his shoulder and poking his side repeatedly. 
“Nohohoho!” Luigi replied, pushing Mario with his one hand as best he could. “Ihihi’m nohohohot!” Luigi told him. 
Mario chuckled and poked Luigi a few more times before stopping. “There. You got your fill for the night?” Mario asked. 
Luigi chuckled and nodded his head almost like a shy puppy. “Yeah…” he replied awkwardly. 
“Alright. I’m gonna shower and head to bed.” Mario told him. 
Luigi nodded and got himself into his PJ’s. “Sounds good.” 
While Mario went to get ready for bed, Luigi hopped onto his phone and decided to do some fanfic reading while he waited. He checked up on any fanfictions from his online friends, and began to reply to new DM’s from his online friends. A lot of the posts he was seeing were posts about dealing with lee moods on their own…and how lonely that can get. And while he understood that…he felt really lucky in that regard. Lucky that he could just tell Mario about the tickle community. Lucky to have someone who can tickle him when he’s in a lee mood, and let Luigi tickle him when he’s in a ler mood. It felt…comforting for him…but almost unfair in that aspect. Because not everybody has a twin sibling that’s a member or an ally of the community. 
Speaking of ler moods…reading all these stories had ended up stirring up a ler mood inside him. But…even if he wanted to act on it…he would have to wait till morning to do such a thing. Mario had to sleep. And frankly, Luigi should be asleep too. But he still couldn’t let go of the daydreams of tickle fights with his brother at 12am. 
One hour turned to two hours. Two hours turned to three hours. And Luigi was still awake due to the overwhelming tickler mood. He could imagine himself making Mario laugh and cackle with just a few pokes to the ribs, or cackle thanks to a few skittering fingers in his armpits. Gosh, even the idea of poking in Mario’s belly button made him want to smile. 
His imagination was going haywire, and he was struggling to stop it. The thoughts were driving him crazy…and the idea of waiting for morning was making time go way too slow. He could feel himself getting unbelievably antsy. He couldn’t sit still. The silence of the room was killing him…
Not able to take much more of this, Luigi quickly pulled out his phone. He pulled up a certain profile on Tumblr, and clicked the anonymous asking area. He started to type something into the message area, and checked it over. Then, he added his usual trademark hat emoji, before sending the message. Maybe someone in the tickle community would be able to help him out during this overwhelming, desperate ler mood.
Only one way to find out. 
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giggly-squiggily · 3 months
Headcanons To Dabbles Masterlist (D-G)
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Here are all the dabbles from the Headcanons to Dabble Event from D-F! :D (Previous Masterlist was too big- had to break it up)
Full Masterlist
Last updated: 7/4/24
Do The Thing? (Lee!Maki, Ler!Kaede)
Check-In! (Lee!Taka, Lers!Mondo, Leon, Chihiro)
Cheer Up, Kiyo! (Lee!Korekiyo, Ler!Gonta)
Company (Lee!Shuichi, Ler!Kokichi)
Foot Rest (Lee!Yasuhiro, Ler!Mondo)
Nails (Korekiyo x Reader)
Sibling Check (Switches!Ibuki, Hajime)
Sweet Talk (Nagito x Reader)
Death Note
Self Preservation (Lee!L, Ler!Light)
Demon Slayer
Air Tickles (Lee!Akaza, Ler!Hantengu Clones)
All Ears (Lee!Douma, Ler!Akaza)
Bed Time (Douma x Reader)
Challenge Accepted (Lee!Douma, Ler!Kokushibou)
Crybaby (Lee!Douma, Ler!Kokushibou)
Cupid (Lee!Sanemi, Ler!Tengen)
Douma's Army (Lee!Daki, Gyutaro, Kaigaku, Ler!Gyokko)
Drummer Boy and The Pesky Spider (Lee!Kyogai, Ler!Rui)
Eye Contact (Lee!Tengen, Ler!Sanemi)
Elevator (Lee!Kokushibou, Ler!Douma)
Eyes On Me (Lee!Koku, Ler!Douma)
Feathered Touch (Lee!Giyu, Ler!Crow)
Fluster (Lee!Douma, Ler!Kokushibou)
First Aid (Lee!Tanjiro, Ler!Genya)
Five Seconds (Lee!Akaza, Ler!Douma)
Frustration Cure (Lee!Tanjiro, Lers!Rengoku, Mitsuri)
Future Sightings (Lee!Kokushibou, Ler!Douma)
Gone In The Wind (Lee!Gyomei, Ler!Sanemi)
Heat Of The Moment (Lee!Douma, Ler!Akaza)
Keen Sense Of Hearing (Lee!Tanjiro, Inosuke, Ler!Zenitsu)
Lavender Fly (Lee!Giyu, Ler!Shinobu)
Little hands, my only weakness (Switches!Gyomei, Nezuko)
The Look (Lee!Douma, Ler!Kokushibou)
Medicine (Lee!Gyomei, Ler!Shinobu)
Mending (Lee!Genya, Ler!Sanemi)
Messed With The Wrong Demon (Lee!Douma, Ler!Koku)
Mirrored Memories (Lee!Muichiro, Lers!Kagaya, Amane) 
Mirror (Lee!Nezuko, Ler!Tengen)
Munch (Lee!Gyomei, Ler!Reader)
Off Button (Lee!Akaza, Lers!Daki, Gyutaro)
Ribs (Lee!Gyutaro, Ler!Rui)
Run (Lee!Rui, Ler!Douma)
Sit With Me (Lee!Gyomei, Ler!Kagaya)
Smile (Lee!Giyu, Ler!Sanemi)
Snowflakes (Lee!Douma, Ler!Akaza)
Spell It For Me (Lee!Sanemi, Ler!Tengen)
Stripes (Lee!Akaza, Ler!Douma)
Taisho Era Tickle Monster (Switch!Tanjiro, Lees!Zenitsu, Nezuko)
(Tickle) Fight Me! (Lee!Inosuke, Ler!Tanjiiro)
Team Work Makes The Dream Work (Lee!Tengen, Lers!Sanemi, Giyu)
Teenage Dream (Muichiro x Reader) 
Thick Skin (Lee!Douma, Lers!Daki, Rui)
Tickle Yourself (Lee!Aizetsu, Ler!Urogi)
Unexpected (Switches!Sabito, Giyu) 
Unshakable (Lee!Kokushibou, Ler!Douma) 
What I Like About You (Lee!Douma, Ler!Kokushibou)
Who’s Better? (Lees!Sanemi, Muichiro, Lers!Tengen, Rengoku)
Dr Stone
Chair Sized (Lee!Ryusui, Ler!Tsukasa) 
Ballet (Lee!Gen, Ler!Senku)
Dad Mode (Lee!Senku, Ler!Byakuya)
Flower Language (Lee!Gen, Ler!Senku)
Heartbeat (Ukyo x Romantic!Reader) 
I Smell A Storm (Lee!Tsukasa, Ler!Ryusui)
Returning Hug (Lee!Ryusui, Ler!Tsukasa)
Talk to me (Lee!Gen, Ler!Senku) 
Traitor (Lee!Ryusui, Ler!Tsukasa)
Fire Emblem
Retainer's Contribution (Lee!Sylvain, Lers!Dimitri, Dedue)
Splitting Sides (Lee!Claude, Ler!Hilda)
Fire Force
Begone, Devil! (Lee!Shinra, Ler!Arthur)
Free! Iwatobi Swim Club
Ants (Lee!Ikuya, Ler!Natsuya) 
Foot Rest (Lee!Rin, Ler!Sousuke)
Liar Liar (Lee!Rin, Ler!Sousuke)
Jog Your Memory (Lee!Rin, Ler!Nagisa)
Resting Bitch Face (Lee!Haru, Ler!Makoto) 
Temper Tantrum (Lee!Rin, Ler!Nitori)
Fruits Basket
Rival (Lee!Nao, Ler!Yuki)
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agronzky · 1 year
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⠀⠀⠀Oi, tag. Como vocês estão? Alguns podem não me conhecer, mas eu sou a Eden. Além de ser a moderadora desse blog, eu fui a moderadora do @kingdomofonehq, um rp no universo de Uma Canção de Gelo e Fogo | Game of Thrones. 
⠀⠀⠀Por sentir falta de jogar nesse tipo de ambientação, resolvi criar um pequeno guia iniciante para quem quer entender mais da ambientação de personagens medievais para espalhar a palavra dos grandes reis, rainhas, cavaleiros, feiticeiras e bardos para vocês. Sei que a tag br não tem tantos rps com esse tipo de ambientação, porém por ser algo que eu gosto muito e saber que muitas pessoas não jogam por medo de não serem aptas, resolvi trazer esse conteúdo.
⠀⠀⠀Além disso, fica para a posteridade caso comunidades medievais se tornem mais populares e frequentes por aqui, os jogadores de 1×1 resolvam se aventurar por esse tipo de universo ou aspirantes a escritores, como eu, queiram contar alguma história em um mundo antigo.
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Mas antes de tudo… 
⠀⠀⠀Sei que muitos jogadores se sentem apreensivos com esse tipo de plataforma de jogos por acharem que o universo medieval é muito complexo. Para ser sincera, existem mídias que são complexas mesmo seja por conta da ambientação ou do enredo; tal qual Uma Canção de Gelo e Fogo ou Senhor dos Anéis, por exemplo. Porém, só porque alguns autores trazem muita complexidade para suas histórias não significa que criar personagens nesse tipo de ambientação é um processo complicado por natureza. Conhecendo as peculiaridades e se habituando a tais narrativas, se torna algo quase natural. Antes de começar a ler esse guia, livre sua mente de algumas travas e preconceito, tudo bem?
⠀⠀⠀Também acho importante ressaltar que esse guia é bem inicial, passando pelos pontos mais essenciais e que causam mais dúvidas em jogadores que nunca se aventuraram nesse universo. Além disso, muito é baseado na minha própria experiência e pode não funcionar pra todo mundo. O objetivo geral é desmistificar os enredos para quem nunca jogou por ser um tipo de trama que eu sou apaixonada.
⠀⠀⠀E, sem mais delongas, vamos começar nossa aventura!
Afinal de contas, o que é medieval?
⠀⠀⠀Na história, medieval está relacionado a Idade Média, que nada mais é do que um período da histórico da Europa entre os séculos V e XV. Inicia-se com a Queda do Império Romano do Ocidente e termina durante a transição para a Idade Moderna. Quando falamos de rp, na minha concepção, medieval é um termo guarda-chuva para uma série de temáticas que envolvem um ponto em comum: se passar muitos anos atrás, em diversos enredos, apesar da Idade Média ser a mais popular. 
⠀⠀⠀Dito isso, o rp medieval pode ser divido em algumas classes, sendo elas:
Medieval fantasioso: O mais conhecido de todos onde a história se passa numa época de reis e cavaleiros, com o elemento de magia e criaturas mágicas. Geralmente, muitas dessas histórias se inspiram nas lendas do Rei Arthur, por exemplo, ou nos vikings.
Medieval histórico: Digamos que é o slice of life daqueles que amam história, tendo como cenário momentos históricos totalmente reais. Por exemplo, histórias durante a Guerra das Rosas ou, até mesmo, Bridgerton — considerando que se passa na era pré-vitoriana —.
⠀⠀⠀Obviamente, essas divisões não são algo imutável, mas uma forma de separar as temáticas que podem haver dentro do medieval e exemplificar de forma mais clara para aqueles que estão tendo contato pela primeira vez. Além disso, podemos ver que muitos podem dizer que nunca jogaram algo assim, porém se fizeram parte de tramas mais históricas podem se considerar jogadores de medieval. No entanto, nesse guia vamos focar no medieval fantasioso que é o mais assustador para quem nunca jogou e é aquele que quando você entende como funciona, outros se tornam bem mais simples.
Ambientação do medieval fantasioso.
⠀⠀⠀Como eu expliquei ali acima, tramas e enredos se passam na época dos reis e cavaleiros, podendo ser comparado e/ou ambientado na Idade Média. Nessa ambientação, o mundo é dividido em reinos e impérios, geralmente governados por uma monarquia absolutista e tem como principal forma de segurança seus cavaleiros e soldados com armaduras e espadas. Como é de se esperar, nessa época a organização das classes era um pouco diferente do que conhecemos hoje, com outras profissões — algumas apenas tinham outras nomenclaturas —, e outro contexto.
⠀⠀⠀No mundo medieval, muito da governança vem dos nobres. O maior deles é o rei ou a rainha, a quem tem o poder completo para cuidar e zelar pelo seu povo; seus filhos e herdeiros do trono são príncipes ou princesas. Mas não são apenas esses os títulos, existem grão-duques, duques, condes, marqueses, lordes, entre outros, variando pela cultura.
⠀⠀⠀Outro ponto importante no medieval é a falta de tecnologia como conhecemos hoje. É uma época onde os sistemas são arcaicos e simplórios, manuais ou baseados no fogo. Salvo caso de magia, muitas das tarefas mais simples que conhecemos podem ser mais complexas. Por exemplo, as viagens são feitas através de carroças, cavalos ou navios, demorando de dias até meses para serem completadas.
⠀⠀⠀Provavelmente, o maior equívoco comum no contexto medieval é acreditar que se requer uma linguagem elaborada e rebuscada para capturar a essência da época. Para não enrolar já adianto que isso não é verdade. Apesar de precisarmos ter certo cuidado na hora de escrever enredos medievais, não é nada que peça um nível Machado de Assis ou Camões de escrita. A grande verdade é que quanto mais simples deixarmos nossos textos, mais fácil é de evitarmos colocarmos algo que não combine com a época. Você não precisa encher o texto de palavras antiquadas para que ele fique próximo da forma que as pessoas falavam antigamente. 
⠀⠀⠀Abaixo listei algumas dicas que me ajudaram muito quando comecei a jogar nessas tramas:
Escreva normalmente, mas evite gírias, contrações de palavras e termos muito modernos.
Na hora de revisar um texto, observe se não usou algum termo tecnológico.
Seja o mais sucinto possível, isso ajudará a evitar termos que sejam mais modernos.
Ao conversar com outro personagem, tenha em mente se ele é alguém íntimo do seu personagem ou não. Se for, é possível ter mais liberdade na forma de falar e não é necessário ter tantas regrinhas.
Caso esteja falando com um personagem nobre a qual o seu personagem não tem intimidade, adicione um pronome de tratamento nas falas para demonstrar respeito. Por exemplo, Vossa Majestade ao falar com um rei ou rainha. Aqui você tem acesso a uma lista de estilos reais para usar.
⠀⠀⠀Apesar das dicas, tudo vai do contexto e enredo do personagem. Por exemplo, um personagem que não tem respeito pelos nobres e os abomina não usaria pronomes de tratamento que mostram total respeito. Além disso, personagens de origens mais simples também terão um linguajar mais simples, ainda mais pensando que nessa época a educação formal era reservada para os membros das famílias mais nobres. Tudo depende do seu personagem, como em qualquer trama.
⠀⠀⠀O traje básico das mulheres consistia em roupas íntimas, saia ou vestido longo, avental e mantos. Geralmente essas peças tinham mangas longas e bufantes. Além disso, destacavam-se os chapéus, com formas variadas. Nesse período, o cabelo preso era uma marca das mulheres casadas, enquanto as solteiras mantinham os cabelos soltos. As cores mais populares entre as mulheres eram o azul real, o bordô e o verde escuro, sendo a última uma cor que apenas as pessoas ricas podiam comprar. As mulheres mais ricas complementavam suas vestimentas com acessórios como joias
⠀⠀⠀Os homens, por outro lado, usavam meias longas, calças, gibão — uma espécie de jaqueta curta —, chapéus de diversos tamanhos e sapatos de pontas longas. As cores eram as mesmas das mulheres. Os tecidos variavam com a classe social dos cavaleiros, o clima, a ocasião e o local. Alguns usavam grandes casacos de pele dependendo da ocasião.
⠀⠀⠀Apesar de serem vestimentas mais específicas e que revelavam a classe social, podendo ser usadas na construção mais profunda de um personagem, é possível notar que não deixam de ser vestidos, calças e jaquetas. Uma dica que sempre me ajudou a descrever vestimentas quando necessário era pegar imagens reais ou de séries e filmes de época para me basear e conseguir descrever com mais fidelidade. Porém, como em qualquer enredo, muitas vezes a vestimenta não é um fator importante na hora de construir seu turno, podendo ser deixado de lado. 
⠀⠀⠀Para ajudar com o visual, aqui nessa pasta existem várias imagens de peças de roupas medievais para você se inspirar na hora de escrever.
Lutas e armas.
⠀⠀⠀Como sabemos, as armas brancas são as mais usadas nesse período, contudo isso não significa que um personagem precisa ter apenas um espada e um escudo. Existem outros tipos de armas como lanças, machados, porretes, arco e flecha e etc. Caso a trama tenha magia, ainda é possível ter outros itens que sejam usados como armas. Aqui você tem acesso a vários tipos de armas, sejam brancas ou se fogo, que eram usadas.
⠀⠀⠀Já as lutas sempre foram a parte mais complexa para mim porque é necessário descrever movimentos corporais que, por vezes, nós não estamos acostumados, porém para isso também a solução. Na hora de narrar uma luta, é possível nos inspirarmos em cenas de filmes, séries e animes para replicá-las. Por exemplo, eu usava cenas de animes para descrever movimentos até eu ter uma base suficiente para conseguir mesclá-los do meu próprio repertório. Outro ponto importante é que a descrição pode ser simples como descrever que o personagem jogou seu espada contra o ombro direito do adversário ou tentou perfurar sua barriga com a ponta da espada; não existe necessidade de dar nome para os golpes ou fazê-los rebuscados.
⠀⠀⠀Além de ocupações nobres como rei, rainha, príncipe, duque e etc, dentro desse universo existem outras ocupações que um personagem pode ocupar. Isso pode depender do enredo do rp, mas dentre as ocupações mais populares estão: Aprendiz, Assassino, Bardo, Caçador, Campeão, Cavaleiro, Clérigo, Comerciante, Druida, Espião, Feiticeiro, Ferreiro, Governante, Ladino, Mago, Marujo, Mercenário, Paladino, Pirata, Ranger, Saltimbanco, Selvagem, Servo, Soldado, Taverneiro e Tecelão.
⠀⠀⠀O interessante é que em enredos medievais é possível abordar diversas visões com uma única trama simplesmente pela ocupação é classe social de um personagem. Apesar da maioria gostar da nobreza, existe uma variedade tremenda de vertentes que se pode usar para criar personagens extremamente originais.
Alguns resources medievais.
⠀⠀⠀Além de alguns links que coloquei durante a escrita deste guia, abaixo segue uma lista com outros resources que eu acho que serão interessantes para você e podem ajudar a desmistificar todo o universo medieval.
echodplaines: Provavelmente o faceclaim directory medieval mais completo de todos, onde você tem acesso à inúmeros faceclaims com direito a listagem de quais conteúdos eles fizeram e alguns com acesso à icons, gifs e avatares. Na barra lateral ainda é possível escolher, dentre outras categorias, a época que você deseja.
torahana: Outro faceclaim directory medieval bem diverso.
you're a celt dancing in the woods | a playlist: Uma playlist com uma seleção de músicas que lembram a cultura celta e funciona muito para se inspirar na hora de escrever.
Classes de rpg medieval: Artigo explicando as doze principais classes de rpg medieval, principalmente levando em conta rpgs de fantasia como D&D, responsável por pavimentar a popularidade do jogo.
Guia de Armas Medievais | Biblioteca Élfica: Um complicado com mais de cem páginas sobre armas medievais.
Fantasy Generator: Um gerador completo onde você pode escolher todos os tipos de nomes possíveis e imagináveis, desde personagens até reinos.
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Isso é tudo pessoal!
⠀⠀⠀Espero que isso tenha ajudado um pouquinho. Caso tenham qualquer dúvida ou feedback, minha ask e dm estão abertas. Obrigadinha. ♡
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